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The Essential Pregnancy Stretch Manual

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The Essential Pregnancy Stretch Manual is a short, yet in-depth manual that guides women in stretch and yoga exercises that will help alleviate some of the physical discomforts associated with pregnancy.
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Be A Fit Mama

The Essential Pregnancy Stretch Manual

By Kenya Moses, CPT.

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The information provided in Be A Fit Mama™: Essential Pregnancy Stretch Manual is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the attention of a qualified health-care professional. Any use of the information in this book is at the reader’s discretion. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained in this book. For diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications, please consult with your physician. © 2010 by Aardvark Global Publishing Photographs © 2009 Be A Fit Mama Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written consent of the publisher. ISBN 978-1-4276-4537-1 Printed in the United States of America

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Introduction PART ONE Back Exercises 2 Cat Stretch 3 QL Stretch 5 Back & Shoulder Stretch 6 Mermaid Stretch 7 Upper Back Stretch 8 Child’s Pose 9 PART TWO Hips, Thighs and Legs Exercises

Half Butterfly Stretch 11 Full Butterfly Stretch 12 Cross Legged Hip Stretch 13 Knee Rock Stretch 14

Side Lying Overhead Stretch 15 Pigeon Stretch 16 Quadriceps Stretch 17 Standing Hamstring Stretch 18 Squat Stretch 19 Piriformis Stretch 20 Hip Flexor Stretch 21 Calf Stretch 22 PART THREE Neck & Shoulders Exercises 23 Neck Stretch 24 Shoulder Shrug 25 Bicep & Shoulder Stretch 26 Triceps Stretch 27 Across the Torso Shoulder Stretch 28 Relaxation

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Be A Fit Mama: The Essential Pregnancy Stretch Manual is a simple, easy to understand guide created with you in mind. Whether you are experienced in stretching or fairly new, this manual is designed to guide you safely through body movements designed to help alleviate common discomforts associated with pregnancy while relaxing the body. By having a regular stretch practice, you can:

• Prevent pain throughout the body • Release body tension • Increase flexibility • Help prepare body for labor

The Be A Fit Mama: The Essential Pregnancy Stretch Manual includes stretches for the upper, mid and lower back, neck, shoulder chest and arms, hips, legs and thighs. With each stretch you will be given detailed instruction on how to perform the stretch along with photos to guide you. Stretching can be a fun and rewarding experience and prepare you for the wonderful gift of creating life. Congratulations on becoming a fit mama! Sincerely, Kenya Moses Founder, Be A Fit Mama™ WWW.BEAFITMAMA.COM

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This book was designed to be referenced at your leisure. When you need to relieve stress from a specific area of the body, just find the section that addresses your needs and perform the stretch. Here are some tips to a successful stretching practice:

1) Warm-up the muscles before beginning your practice 2) Breathe deeply through the stretch 3) Never bounce 4) Stretch slowly 5) Stretch only to the point of mild tension 6) Stop and consult a doctor if there is any pain

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Part ONE

BACK EXERCISES There are many areas of the back that are often affected while pregnant. From the upper, mid to lower back; these stretches will help you to alleviate pain and continue your active lifestyle.

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Begin on your hands and knees. Place your knees directly below your hips, hands directly under your shoulders, head and spine in a neutral position. Tuck your chin into your chest, drawing your lower abdomen in towards the spine as you round your back. Hold for 3 – 5 breaths.

Cat Stretch │ Increases spinal flexibility and increases abdominal strength.


When performing the cat stretch, be sure to engage the abdominal muscles; keeping baby lifted up towards the spine.

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Slowly reverse your position and look up towards the ceiling. Hold for 3 – 5 breaths.

Return to starting position. Repeat 5 times.

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Begin by sitting on a chair with your back straight, feet planted flat on the floor. Head is neutral, shoulders relaxed. Inhale and Exhale deeply.

Place your right elbow across your right knee. Keeping your back straight and your shoulders relaxed, raise your left arm to the side and up. Gaze towards your left hand.

Hold for 3–5 breaths. Return to starting position. Repeat to other side.

QL Stretch (Quadratus lumborum )│ Lengthens the muscles and alleviates side and lower back pain.

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Start by kneeling on your knees facing a chair. The chair should be within arm’s reach, at least 1-2 feet away from your knees.

Reach for the chair with your arms, resting them on the seat. Bend from the waist to create a long, flat back, extending through your arms. Lower your chest toward the ground until you feel a stretch across your chest. Hold for 15-30 seconds. Relax and return to starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

Back and Shoulder Stretch │ Releases tightness and increases range of motion.

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Begin seated with knees bent and feet flat on the ground in front of you. Keeping your foot close to the pelvis, drop the left knee to the floor.

Release the right leg and allow the knee to touch the floor. Sit tall through the spine and relax the buttocks and hips into the floor.

Place your left hand by your side and extend your right arm overhead, palm facing inward.

Lean from the hips over to your left side, rounding your right arm over your head. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then repeat the sequence with right leg front. Repeat 2-3 times.

Mermaid Stretch │ Lengthens and

opens up the side of the body and lower to mid back.

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Sit in a cross legged position (or any other comfortable position) with your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Place the hands on the knees.

Inhale, and on the next exhalation extend your arms to the front of your body, parallel to the floor. Bring your shoulders upward to the ears, while rotating the palms to face outward. Bring your chin to your chest. Hold this position 5-10 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat.

(Side view)

Upper Back Stretch │ Releases tension in the upper back and side.

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Begin on hands and knees with hands placed directly below the shoulders; palms flat, and knees directly below hips.

Slowly extend your arms out in front of you as you lower your buttocks towards the heels. Allow your head and arms to settle toward the mat, keeping shoulders pulled down away from your ears. Lengthen through the spine as you push your torso back. Hold for 3 deep breaths. Relax, return to starting position, then repeat 2-3 times

Child’s Pose │ Stretches the lower back and hip muscles to alleviate pain.

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Part TWO

HIPS, THIGHS & LEG EXERCISES The hip, thigh and leg areas are likely the most neglected parts of the body. These muscles are constantly being used, but less often being stretched. Stretching these muscles during pregnancy will allow the muscles to relax and prepare for labor.

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Sit with legs outstretched to the sides, back straight and knees facing the ceiling.

Bend the left leg and place the foot as far up on the left thigh as possible.

While breathing in, slide the right hand down the leg, while reaching up and over with the left. Keep the left hip down. Hold for 10-20 seconds. Repeat with left leg.

Half Butterfly Stretch │ Opens up knee and hip joints.

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Begin by sitting tall with the soles of your feet together. Hands grasping the ankles. Breathe in, and as you exhale, press the elbows into the knees. Gently open the hips and allow the knees to fall towards the floor. Remain here for 10-20 seconds. Return to neutral position. Repeat the sequence 2-3 more times.

Full Butterfly Stretch │ Relaxes the inner thigh muscles and relieves tired legs.

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Begin seated with your legs extended, back straight and knees facing towards the ceiling.

Bend your left knee, bringing your left foot towards your right hip, and underneath your right leg. The outer portion of your left leg should be flat on the ground, as your balance your weight between that and your sit bones.

Next, lift your right leg and cross it over your left so that the right knee is bent and above the left knee. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, switch sides and repeat. Repeat 2 more times.

Cross Legged Hip Stretch │ Stretches hamstrings and back, while improving hip flexibility and pelvic area.

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Begin seated with your legs extended, back straight and knees facing towards the ceiling.

Bend your right knee, bringing your right foot towards your left hip, and underneath your left leg. The outer portion of your right leg should be flat on the ground, as your balance your weight between that and your sit bones.

Cradle the left leg in the arms, bringing the knee near the armpit and the leg close to the chest. Gently rock the leg side to side, while keeping the back straight and buttocks on the floor. Breathe. Repeat to the other side.

Knee Rock Stretch │ Stretches the outer hip and lower back.

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Begin by lying on your left side with your head resting on the left hand. Keep your body in a straight line, with the hips stacked. Grab your right foot (ankle, or shin) and bring your knee in towards the armpit.

Extend the right leg up to the ceiling, and slowly pull the leg towards the head. Keep the legs straight and the hips stacked. Stop once you feel a stretch in the hamstring. Release the leg. Repeat the other side. Then once more each side.

Side Lying Overhead Stretch │ Lengthens the inner thigh muscles.

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Begin on hands and knee with your hands directly below the shoulders; abdominals lifted. Supporting your weight with your hands, slowly bend your left leg, bringing it forward of your body. Simultaneously, extend your right leg straight behind you, toes down. Your weight should be evenly balanced between both sides of the body. Lower your hips towards the ground, keeping the back straight and the hips relaxed.

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Change sides.

Repeat 2-3 more times.

Pigeon Stretch │ Releases the tension in the outer hip and groin areas.

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Begin by lying on your left side with your head resting on the left hand. Keep your body in a straight line, with the hips stacked.

Keeping your thighs together and knees in line, slowly bend your right knee, gently pulling your heel toward the buttocks. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat to the other Side.

Quadriceps Stretch │ Designed to lengthen the outer thigh muscles and front of the hip.


Should it not feel comfortable to lay on your side; this stretch can also be performed standing while holding a chair or wall.

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Stand tall in front of a chair, approximately 2 feet away. Relax the shoulders. While standing, place one foot on a chair’s seat. Keep your back straight and point the propped foot’s toes to the ceiling, While focusing forward, bend with a straight back until your hands rest onto the knee. Keep the hips squared. Breathe until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Standing Hamstring Stretch │ Perfect stretch to release tension in the hamstring and lower back.

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Begin by standing with feet slightly wider than hip width distance apart. Turn the toes outward slightly. Keeping feet flat on the floor with the back straight, squat straight down, holding onto a wall or sturdy chair for balance, (see example below) if necessary.

Bring the palms of your hands together and place the elbows on the inner thighs or knees. Relax the shoulders (away from the ears). Breathe deeply for 15-30 seconds.

To come up, engage the abdomen and inner thighs while keeping the back straight. Use the support of a chair if necessary. Relax; repeat one more time.

Squat Stretch │ Opens the inner thigh and groin areas, while strengthening the legs.


If this version of the Squat Stretch is difficult, a modified version can performed with the aid of a chair.

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Sit on a chair with your back straight and feet planted firmly on the floor. Relax the shoulders and rest the hands on the knees. Next, place your left ankle on your right knee. Drop the knee and the hip downward.

Keeping your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed, bend the torso forward. Slowly come back to neutral position and repeat on the opposite side.

(Side View)

Piriformis Stretch │ Great stretch for outer hip pain.

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Begin with both knees on the floor, body upright.

Place your right foot in front of you, knee bent to form a 90 degree angle. Keep your spine straight and the hips squared.

Place your hands on your front thigh as you press the hip forward, deepening the stretch. Hold for 15-30 seconds then change sides. Repeat 2-3 times, each leg.

Hip Flexor Stretch │ Allows the inner thighs to open up, and the quadriceps to lengthen.

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Stand tall about arm’s length away from a chair or wall. Extend arms forward and grab hold of the chair (or wall). Feet should be slightly apart, knees soft (not shown). Step back with the left foot, straightening the right leg as you bend the front (left) knee toward the chair. Hold stretch for 15-30 seconds. Return to neutral position. Change sides. Repeat 1 more time, each side.

Calf Stretch │ Stretches the back of the calves.

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NECK & SHOULDER EXERCISES Pregnancy often comes with discomfort while sleeping, which can lead to strained neck and shoulder muscles. Stretching these areas on a regular basis can help alleviate these pains and help you rest more comfortably.

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Begin by sitting in a comfortable seated position. (cross-legged shown). Keep your torso upright, shoulders down and back, and spine neutral. With your left hand, gently grasp the left side of your head. Tilt your head down towards the shoulder until a gentle stretch is felt. Hold 15-30 seconds. Return to neutral position. Change sides, then repeat 2-3 more times on each side.

Neck Stretch │ Releases the tightness in the neck, shoulders and upper back.

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Sit or stand with your arms hanging loosely at your sides. Shrug shoulders up to the ears. Hold for 5 seconds; then relax your shoulders downward. Release. Repeat 3-5 more times.

Shoulder Shrug │ Relaxes the neck and shoulder when tension is present.

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Begin sitting (or standing) in a comfortable position. Clasp your hands together behind your back. Press your chest forward and raise your arms up towards the ceiling. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax. Return to neutral position. Repeat 2 more times.

Bicep & Shoulder Stretch│ Stretches the bicep and shoulder muscles.

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Begin by sitting in a comfortable position. Extend one arm above your head.

Bend the extended arm so that you are reaching down the center of your back. With your opposite hand, grab the elbow. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat to the other side.

(Front view)

Triceps Stretch│ Stretches the triceps, shoulder and neck.

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Sit or stand in a comfortable position; shoulders relaxed.

Place your right hand on your left shoulder. With your left hand, pull your right elbow across your chest toward your left shoulder. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds; then relax. Repeat on the other side.

Across the Torso Shoulder Stretch│ A great stretch to release tension in the upper back, shoulder and

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Sit on a mat, cushion or folded blanket with crossed legs. Align the upper body and shoulders directly over the spine and rest the hands on your belly. Let your eyes close.

Become aware of your breathing, feeling the breath flow in and out of the body. Feel the connection between yourself and your baby. Calm the mind. Stay in this meditative position for as long as needed.

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Kenya Moses is the founder of Be A Fit Mama, Inc. and Body Works Dance & Fitness LLC. She is a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Consultant, Sports Nutritionist, Professional Dancer, Expert on Women's Fitness Issues, and Author.

Kenya has been sharing her expertise in the fitness industry for over 10 years and continues to educate on women's fitness and nutrition.

Kenya believes that health and fitness is within every person's grasp. She takes great pride in the work she has done with women throughout the world, and hopes to continue for years to come.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my husband Oliver for all of his love and support during the process of creating this book. I would also like to thank my two little boys, Nicholai and Sebastian; for without them I would not be able to share my experience and knowledge as mother with all the other mamas out there. Lastly, I would like to thank you for trusting in me and Be A Fit Mama™ to help guide you towards fitness, and for purchasing this book. With whole-hearted gratitude, Kenya Moses Founder, Be A Fit Mama™ Inc

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Be A Fit Mama™ TITLES

Be A Fit Mama™: The Essential Pregnancy Stretch Manual

Be A Fit Mama™: 12 Week Post Pregnancy Shape Up (Available February 2010)

Be A Fit Mama™: Pilates Workout

(Available February 2010)

Be A Fit Mama™: Myofascial Release (Available February 2010)

Be A Fit Mama™: Achieve the Dancer’s Body

(Available March 2010)


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