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The Eukaryotic Genome And

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  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    The Eukaryotic Genome andIts Expression

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    The Eukaryotic Genome and Its Expression

    The Eukaryotic Genome

    Repetitive Sequences in the Eukaryotic Genome

    The Structures of Protein-Coding Genes

    RNA Processing

    Posttranscriptional Regulation

    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    The Eukaryotic Genome

    Eukaryotic genomes are larger than those of


    Eukaryotic genomes have more regulatory

    sequences and more regulatory proteins that bind

    to them.

    Much of eukaryotic DNA is noncoding.

    Eukaryotes have multiple chromosomes.

    In eukaryotes, transcription and translation arephysically separated.

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    The Eukaryotic Genome

    The genome of the yeast Saccharomyces

    cerevisiae has has been sequenced and 5,600genes found.

    By means of gene annotation, around 70 percent

    have been assigned probable roles.

    Yeast has become an important model for

    eukaryotic cells.

    The proportions of the yeast genome coding for

    specific metabolic roles have been determined.

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    The Eukaryotic Genome

    Both E. coli(a prokaryote) and yeast (a

    eukaryote) use about the same number of genesfor cell survival.

    Yeast has many more genes for protein targeting.

    Eukaryotes require a greater number of genesbecause of the compartmentalization of the cells,

    confirming that eukaryote cells are structurally

    more complex than prokaryote cells.

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    The Eukaryotic Genome

    Genes for other types of proteins that are present in

    eukaryotes but have no homologs in prokaryotesinclude:

    Genes encoding histones

    Genes encoding cytoskeletal and motor proteinssuch as actin and tubulin

    Genes encoding cyclin-dependent kinases that

    control cell division

    Genes encoding proteins involved in the

    processing of RNA

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    The Eukaryotic Genome

    Caenorhabditis elegans, a small nematode, has

    become a model for multicellular organisms.

    The genome ofC. elegans has been sequenced

    and contains about 19,000 protein-coding genes.

    About 3,000 genes in the worm have homologs inyeast. These genes are the ones considered

    essential to all eukaryotes.

    Many of the remaining 16,000 genes perform

    roles related to multicellularity.

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    Table 14.3 C. elegans Genes Essential to Multicellularity

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    The Eukaryotic Genome

    Drosophila melanogasteris much larger than C.

    elegans, having 10 times more cells, but the genomehas fewer protein-coding genes than C. elegans.

    C. elegans has more copies of related genes than

    Drosophila does.

    About half of the fly genes have mammalian homologs.

    The fly genome contains 177 genes whose sequences

    are known to be directly involved in human diseases,

    such as cancer.

    The roles of such genes are often more easily studied

    in the fly than in humans.

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    The Eukaryotic Genome

    The puffer fish, Fugu rubripes, has a very

    compact genome consisting of about 30,000genes.

    The human genome has about the same number

    of genes in eight times the amount of DNA.

    The human and puffer fish genomes have many

    similar genes; the puffer fish genome is an

    abridged version of the human genome.

    Repetitive DNA sequences, which make up 40

    percent of the human genome, are present in

    much smaller proportions in the puffer fish


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    The Eukaryotic Genome

    The thale cress,Arabidopsis thaliana, has a small

    genome and is a model organism for study byplant biologists.

    The DNA sequence contains about 26,000

    protein-coding genes, many of which are

    duplicates of other genes.

    Many of these genes have homologs in the fruit

    fly and roundworm, suggesting that plants and

    animals have a common ancestor.

    Arabidopsis also has genes unique to plants, such

    as those for cell walls and photosynthesis.

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    The Eukaryotic Genome

    Rice, Oryza sativa, has many genes similar to


    The genomes of different subspecies of rice have

    been sequenced, and each has particular genes

    that make it unique.

    Analyses of these genes will lead to

    improvements in this and other grain crops.

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    Repetitive Sequences in the Eukaryotic Genome

    Three types ofhighly repetitive sequences are

    found in eukaryotes:

    Satellites are 5 to 50 bp long, repeated side by

    side up to a million times.

    Minisatellites are 12 to 100 bp long and repeatedseveral thousand times. Individuals in a

    population can vary in the number of copies.

    Microsatellites are 1 to 5 bp and present in 10 to

    50 copies per cluster. They are scattered all over

    the genome.

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    Repetitive Sequences in the Eukaryotic Genome

    Telomeres are moderately repetitive sequences

    at the end of the chromosomes. They are nottranscribed into RNA.

    However, some moderately repetitive DNA

    sequences code for tRNAs and rRNAs.

    The genome has multiple copies of these coding

    regions so that tRNAs and mRNAs can be

    produced in amounts needed by most cells.

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    Repetitive Sequences in the Eukaryotic Genome

    In mammals there are four different rRNA

    molecules that make up the ribosome: 18S, 5.8S,28S, and 5S.

    The 18S, 5.8S, and 28S rRNAs are transcribed as

    a single precursor RNA, which is twice the size of

    all three ultimate products.

    There are 280 copies of sequences coding for the

    transcript located in clusters on five different


    Figure 14 2 A Moderately Repetitive Sequence Codes for rRNA

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    Figure 14.2 A Moderately Repetitive Sequence Codes for rRNA

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    Repetitive Sequences in the Eukaryotic Genome

    Some moderately repetitive DNA sequences are

    transposons of which there are four main types.

    SINEs are short interspersed elements up to 500 bp

    long. They are transcribed but not translated.

    LINEs are long interspersed elements up to 7,000bp long. Some are transcribed and translated into


    Retrotransposons, constituting about 17 percent of

    the human genome, also make an RNA copy when

    they move.

    DNA transposons do not use an RNA intermediate,

    but actually move to a new spot without replicating.

    Figure 14 3 DNA Transposons and Transposition

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    Figure 14.3 DNA Transposons and Transposition

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    Repetitive Sequences in the Eukaryotic Genome

    Beneficial roles for transposons are unknown.

    They may be cellular parasites that simplyreplicate themselves.

    Insertion of a transposon into a functional genecan disable it or alter its transcription rate.

    Insertions in a germ cell line can result in newmutations.

    If insertion occurs in a somatic cell, cancer mayresult.

    Transposition increases genetic variation byshuffling genetic material and creating new genes.

    Transposons may have played a role in the

    evolution of cell organelles.

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    The Structures of Protein-Coding Genes

    Many protein-coding genes in eukaryotes are

    single-copy DNA sequences.

    Unlike most prokaryotes, however, eukaryotes

    have genes with noncoding internal sequences.

    Eukaryotes also form gene families withstructurally and functionally related cousins in

    the genome.

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    The Structures of Protein-Coding Genes

    Genes have three types ofnoncoding sequences:

    The promoteroccurs at the beginning of the gene

    and is the site where RNA polymerase begins


    The terminatoroccurs at the end of the gene andsignals the end of transcription.

    Noncoding sequences called introns are

    interspersed with the coding regions, called


    Figure 14 4 The Structure and Transcription of a Eukaryotic Gene

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    Figure 14.4 The Structure and Transcription of a Eukaryotic Gene

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    The Structures of Protein-Coding Genes

    The entire sequence, including introns, is

    transcribed. The resulting RNA is the primarytranscript, orpre-mRNA.

    The transcripts of the introns are removed from

    the pre-RNA and the transcripts of the exons are

    spliced together, resulting in mature mRNA.

    Nucleic acid hybridization can be used to

    determine the location of introns in DNA. This

    method was also used in the initial discovery ofintrons.

    Figure 14 5 Nucleic Acid Hybridization

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    Figure 14.5 Nucleic Acid Hybridization

    Figure 14.6 Nucleic Acid Hybridization Revealed Noncoding DNA (Part 1)

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    Figure 14.6 Nucleic Acid Hybridization Revealed Noncoding DNA (Part 1)

    Figure 14.6 Nucleic Acid Hybridization Revealed Noncoding DNA (Part 2)

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    Figure 14.6 Nucleic Acid Hybridization Revealed Noncoding DNA (Part 2)

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    The Structures of Protein-Coding Genes

    About half of all eukaryotic protein-coding genes

    have a single copy in the haploid genome. Therest have multiple copies.

    Pseudogenes () are inexact, nonfunctional

    copies of genes, often found near the functional


  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    The Structures of Protein-Coding Genes

    Sometimes copies of genes are functional, but

    slightly different. A set of duplicated or relatedgenes is called a gene family.

    DNA sequences in gene families vary, but as long

    as one member retains the original DNA sequence,

    the other members can mutate without negative


    These extra genes provide material for evolution. If

    the mutated gene is useful, it will be selected for insucceeding generations.

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    The Structures of Protein-Coding Genes

    The gene family encoding the globins is an


    Humans have three -globins and five -globins.

    During development, different members of the -

    globin gene family are expressed at differenttimes and in different tissues.

    Figure 14.8 Differential Expression in the Globin Gene Family

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    g p y

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    The Structures of Protein-Coding Genes

    The globin gene family also includes nonfunctional


    These black sheep family members result from

    mutations that cause loss of function.

    As long as some members of a gene family arefunctional and pseudogenes are not actively

    detrimental, there appears to be little selective

    pressure to eliminate the pseudogenes.

    Figure 14.7 The Globin Gene Family

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    RNA Processing

    The first two steps of processing pre-mRNA take

    place in the nucleus:

    The G cap, a modified GTP, is added to the 5

    end. It facilitates the binding of mRNA to the

    ribosome and protects the mRNA from being

    digested by ribonucleases.

    A poly A tail is added to the 3 end. It is 100 to

    300 residues of adenine (poly A) in length.

    Figure 14.9 Processing the Ends of Eukaryotic Pre-mRNA

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    RNA Processing

    RNA splicing removes the introns and splices the

    exons together:

    At the boundaries between introns and exons areconsensus sequences.

    A small ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) binds tothe consensus sequence at the 5 exonintronboundary.

    Another snRNP binds near the 3 exonintron

    boundary. Then other proteins bind, forming a large RNA

    protein complex called a spliceosome. Thiscomplex cuts the RNA, releases the introns, andjoins the ends of the exons.

    Figure 14.10 The Spliceosome, an RNA Splicing Machine (Part 1)

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    Figure 14.10 The Spliceosome, an RNA Splicing Machine (Part 2)

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Each cell in a multicellular organism contains all

    the genes of the organisms genome.

    For normal development, the expression of genes

    must be regulated.

    Regulation of gene expression can occur at manypoints during development.

    Some mechanisms result in the selective

    transcription of specific genes.

    Figure 14.11 Potential Points for the Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes (Part 1)

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    Figure 14.11 Potential Points for the Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes (Part 2)

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  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    With few exceptions, all cells in an organism have

    the same genes, but they express them differently.

    For example, both brain and liver cells transcribe

    housekeeping genes that code for enzymes and

    other molecules essential to the survival of all cells.

    However, liver cells transcribe some genes for liver-

    specific proteins, and brain cells transcribe some

    genes for brain-specific proteins.

    The difference in the production of proteins is dueto differential transcription.

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Unlike prokaryotes, in which related genes are

    transcribed in units called operons, eukaryotes tendto have solitary genes.

    Eukaryotes have three different RNA polymerases:

    RNA polymerase II transcribes protein-codinggenes to mRNA.

    RNA polymerase I transcribes rRNA coding


    RNA polymerase III transcribes tRNA and small

    nuclear RNAs.

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Most eukaryotic genes have other DNA

    sequences that regulate transcription.

    In prokaryotes, a single peptide subunit can cause

    RNA polymerase to recognize the promoter; in

    eukaryotes many different proteins are involved in

    initiating transcription.

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Transcription factors are regulatory proteins

    required for transcription in eukaryotes.

    RNA polymerase II does not bind until several

    other proteins, such as TFIID, have already bound

    the proteinDNA complex.

    Some DNA sequences, such as the TATA box,

    are common to most promoters; others are unique

    to only a few genes.

    Transcription factors play an important role in celldifferentiation during development.

    Figure 14.12 The Initiation of Transcription in Eukaryotes (Part 1)

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    Figure 14.12 The Initiation of Transcription in Eukaryotes (Part 2)

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    In addition to the promoter, nearby regulator

    sequences also affect transcription by bindingregulator proteins that activate RNA polymerase.

    Much farther away are enhancer regions, which

    bind activator proteins and strongly stimulate the

    transcription complex.

    Negative regulatory regions of DNA called

    silencers bind proteins called repressors and turn

    off transcription. Thus they have the oppositeeffect of enhancers.

    Figure 14.13 The Roles of Transcription Factors, Regulators, and Activators (Part 1)

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    Figure 14.13 The Roles of Transcription Factors, Regulators, and Activators (Part 2)

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    In eukaryotes, genes on different chromosomes

    may require coordination.

    Regulation of various genes can be coordinated if all

    have the same regulatory sequences that bind to

    the same activators and regulators.

    One example is the stress response element in


    Stress response elements near each of the

    scattered genes stimulate RNA synthesis.

    RNA then codes for proteins needed for water


    Figure 14.14 Coordinating Gene Expression

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Key to transcription regulation in eukaryotes is the

    binding of protein to specific DNA sequences.

    Proteins need to recognize and bind appropriate


    There are four different structural themes ormotifs for proteinDNA interactions:


    Zinc finger

    Leucine zipper


    Figure 14.15 Protein-DNA Interactions (Part 1)

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    Figure 14.15 Protein-DNA Interactions (Part 2)

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    T i ti l R l ti f G E i

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Other mechanisms that regulate transcription act

    on the structure of chromatin and chromosomes.

    The packaging of DNA by the nuclear proteins in

    chromatin can make DNA physically inaccessible

    to RNA polymerase and associated components.

    T i ti l R l ti f G E i

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Nucleosomes inhibit initiation and elongation of


    Nucleosomes are inactivated by two protein

    complexes in a process called chromatin


    Nucleosome disaggregation occurs by acetylation of

    amino groups on the histones, and is associated

    with the activation of genes.

    Nucleosomes reform by deacetylation of the aminogroups, and is associated with gene deactivation.

    Figure 14.16 Local Remodeling of Chromatin for Transcription

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    T i ti l R l ti f G E i

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Two different kinds of chromatin can be

    distinguished by staining the interphase nucleus.

    Euchromatin stains lightly. It contains DNA that is

    transcribed into mRNA.

    Heterochromatin stains densely and is generallynot transcribed. Any genes in heterochromatin are

    thus inactivated.

    T i ti l R l ti f G E i

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Heterochromatin is in found in the inactive X

    chromosome of mammals.

    One of the X chromosomes in each cell of a

    female is inactivated early in development.

    The chromosome remains condensed andappears as a Barr body under the microscope.

    Condensation physically prevents DNA from being


    Methylation of cytosine on DNA may be involvedwith the inactivation.

    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    The inactive X has one gene that is only lightly

    methylated and transcriptionally active, calledXist.

    The RNA transcribed fromXistis not an mRNA and

    remains in the nucleus.

    It binds the X chromosome that transcribes it andtriggers inactivation.

    This RNA transcript is called interference RNA


    Figure 14.18 A Model for X Chromosome Inactivation

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    Some gene expression is regulated by DNA


    Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two mating types,

    a and . All cells have alleles for both types, but

    only one is expressed at at time.

    The alleles have separate locations on the

    chromosomes, and are separate from the MAT


    The mating type of a given yeast cell depends onwhich copy, a or, exists at the MAT site. Alleles

    at the MAT site can be moved in and out.

    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

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    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

    One cell can make more proteins than another

    cell by making more copies of a gene, a processcalled gene amplification.

    Mature frog and fish eggs have up to a trillionribosomes, which are used for massive protein

    synthesis following fertilization. To make this number, ribosomal rRNA gene

    clusters are selectively amplified and copied untilthere are a million copies in just one cell.

    Later, after cell division begins, the number ofcopies returns to normal.

    The mechanism for this selective amplification ofa single gene is not clearly understood.

    Figure 14.19 Transcription from Multiple Genes for rRNA

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    Posttranscriptional Regulation

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    Posttranscriptional Regulation

    There are many ways in which gene expression

    can be regulated after transcription.

    Pre-mRNA can be processed in the nucleus by

    cutting and splicing.

    The longevity of mRNA in the cytoplasm can alsobe regulated.

    Posttranscriptional Regulation

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    Posttranscriptional Regulation

    Alternative splicing of a specific pre-mRNA can

    generate different proteins from a single gene.

    For example, cells in five different tissues splice

    the pre-mRNA for the structural protein

    tropomyosin into five different mRNAs.

    As a result, each of the five tissues in mammals

    (skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, fibroblast, liver,

    and brain) has a different form of tropomyosin.

    Figure 14.20 Alternative Splicing Results in Different mRNAs and Proteins

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    Posttranscriptional Regulation

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    Posttranscriptional Regulation

    RNA has no repair mechanisms.

    Different mRNAs have different life spans, and the

    less time an mRNA spends in the cytoplasm, the

    less of its protein can be translated.

    Specific AU-rich nucleotide sequences withinsome mRNAs mark them for rapid breakdown by

    a ribonuclease complex called the exosome.

    Signaling molecules, such as growth factors, are

    made only when needed and then break downrapidly.

    Posttranscriptional Regulation

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    Posttranscriptional Regulation

    RNA editing can be used to change the

    sequence of mRNA after transcription.

    This editing can take place by either the insertion

    of nucleotides to the mRNA sequence or the

    alteration of nucleotides in the mRNA.

    Figure 14.21 RNA Editing

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    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

    Proteins can regulate translation by binding to

    mRNA in the cytoplasm.

    This is important for long-lived mRNAs. It

    prevents the production of unnecessary proteins.

    For example, cyclin, which stimulates the cellcycle, must be shut off after it has done its job. If

    not, inappropriate cell division may lead to a


    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

  • 8/2/2019 The Eukaryotic Genome And


    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

    The translation of mRNA can be regulated to

    control levels of certain proteins.

    1. Regulation by the G cap: An mRNA capped

    with an unmodified GTP is not translated. These

    mRNAs can be stored and modified later when

    the proteins are needed.

    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

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    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

    2. Regulation of ferritin, an iron storage protein:

    When excess iron is present, ferritin synthesisincreases, but the amount of ferritin mRNA

    remains constant.

    When iron is low, a translational repressor

    protein binds to ferritin mRNA and preventstranslation.

    When iron levels rise, excess iron binds to the

    repressor and alters its structure, causing it to

    detach from the mRNA. Translation thenproceeds.

    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

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    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

    3. Regulation of hemoglobin:

    Hemoglobin consists of four globin units andfour heme pigments.

    If globin synthesis does not equal heme

    synthesis, some heme stays free in the cell.

    Excess heme in the cell increases the rate oftranslation of globin mRNA by removing a

    block to initiation of translation at the


    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

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    Translational and Posttranslational Regulation

    Regulating the lifetime of a protein is a way to

    control its actions.

    Proteins identified for breakdown are often linked

    to the protein ubiquitin.

    The proteinubiquitin complex then binds to acomplex called a proteasome, nicknamed the

    molecular chamber of doom.

    The protein is cleaved from the ubiquitin and three

    different proteases digest it.

    Overall, concentrations of proteins depend on

    rates of synthesis and rates of digestion.

    Figure 14.22 The Proteasome Breaks Down Proteins

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