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The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1905-06-10 [p...

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WANTED.AGENTS. WANTED COLLECTORS, CANVASSERS AND sgents can materially add to their Incomcs by .oiling weekly Arc Insurance for an old. reliable company; g<h.kI commissions paid. Address Box 114, Star office. Je4-7t* WANTED-BIG PROFITS FOtt ACTIVE MEN; $1* outfit; exclusive territory; selling business men. THE PHELPS CO., State at.. I»etrolt, Mich. iby31-nfts-lt WANTED.HELP. MA I.E. WANTED.YOl'NO MAN TO WAIT ON TABLE nights mid morning or work all day. Tall be¬ fore in o'clock or after 7 p.ui. 1V40 13th n.w. JelO-S.m 2t _____ j WANTED-TEN RED ItKICKLAYERS ON BUILD- ing cor. 18th aud 11 sts. n.w. Monday morning, Jnov 12. JeMKSt* WANTED.BANK MEASENiiEM.10,000 MEN TO Riuoki' the liatik Mcwngvf 6c. cigar. Ask your dvalt-r.JelO,s,m,w-tf WANTKlS'lRSTC 1.ASS CABINET MAKERS. AP- plyWOODHl'FK MKG. CO., 1222 G »t. n.w. It* WANTED ENEhTjETII" WORKERS EVERY- wb«-r«' to distribute rlrpnlam, samples ami ad- TfrttsinK matter: piM-d par; no ranvaMsinR. CO¬ -OPERATIVE ADVERTISING CO.. New Y.irk. It* WANTED lirSTI.EUS. V.\ ERVWHERE, TO Dis¬ tribute rfrvnlarn, maniple* mid tack w.gus. AMEIt- 1CAN DISTRI111'TING AGENCY, Milwaukee, Wis. _ii! I WANTH) DETECTIVES YOl'NO MEN DESIR- Ing to become detectives write "MANAGER/* INTERNATIONAL SECRET SERVICE COMPANY, Milwaukee. Wis. It* WAN TED-MENEVERYWHERE. GOOI) PAY, TO distribute circulars, ndv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. NATIONAL ADV. BUREAU, Chicago. It* WANTED MEN TO DISTRIBUTE SAMPLES, tack slgiis; $3 dally; no canvassing. CONTI¬ NENTAL DISTRIBUTING SERVICE, Chicago. It* WANTED LEARN TO WRITE" ADVERTISE~- ments; earn $2o to $100 per week; information fnPAGE-DAVIS CO., 1)3 Wabash nve., Cbl- cago. It® WANTED.A MILLWORK ESTIMATOR. ('OMPE- tent to take off lists from plans aud prepare lists for factory. To the right man a permanent ItoKltlon at a good salary is offered. Address GEO. M. BARKER. 040 N. V. ave. Jcl0-3t* W A N TEI». A WIIITE MANS SERVICESPART of day. for use of basement room and one meal. Box 241). Star office. It* WANTED-GOOD POSITIONS FOR THE RIGHT] parties; the work is both pleasant and profitable; the Modern Protective Association want fifty rep¬ resentatives to take charge of territory in dif¬ ferent parts of the state of Va. and act In the capacity as district managers and organizers; call at once on the state supt.. S. E. Atherton. and tret itartirulars and select your territory. S. £. ATHERTON, state supt., 723 King St.. Alex¬ andria. Va. It* WANTED A~ YOCNG M AN~iVTtTi EXrKUIE.VCE for general office work. Applv with rcf. STAND¬ ARD DAIRY AND ICE CO.. 1333 14tl» st. n.w. It WANTif:D YOl'NO MAN WITH KNOWLEDGE of tire insurance; applicants must have some cx- periem e and <-ommuui<ate In own handwriting; one who can operate typewriter preferred. Ad- dress Box 17. Star office. JelO-3t,eSu WANTED -GOOD ELEVATOR MAN. APPLY*,' with refs., ottioe Stoneleigh Court, Conn, and L st. n.w. It WANTED.A SHORT DISTANCE IN THE COU>T try, near a car line, a single colored man, cot over £5 years of age. who can drive, take care of a horse and work around the house. Address, with references. Box 230, Star office. Jc9-2t* WANTED ORGANIST TO ASSIST IN THE work in three Washington parishes, under direc¬ tion of Ernest T. Winchester; fine opening for young man who will study organ playing and methods of boy choir training. ERNEST T. WINCHESTER, 021 23d st. n.w. (St. Paul's Cbur<v). Je9-2t* WANTED.l.r> BRICKLAYERS AT ONCE. AP- ply at 20th and Florida ave. n.w. (loug Job). Je9-3t# WANTED YOUTH TO LEARN PATENT BUSI- ness; reasonable salary, increasing with pro¬ ficiency. Room 13, 1006 F. Je»-2t* W ANTE I) N I< JI IT ENGINEER FOR APARTMENT house; must be strictly softer and furnish good reference. Address Box 231*. Star office. Je9-3t WANTED.A MASSACHl SETTS LIFE INSUR- ance Co. of highest standing wishes a District agent; state present connections; communications strictly confidential. Address Box 243, Star office. Jep 3t WANTED 15 ACTIVE WHITE MEN TO CLEAN windows; good salary. Room 210, Stewart bldg., Gth and 1> sts. n.w. Je9-2t* WANTED.RELIABLE MEN FOR NATIONAL Guard Company; men w th service In guard or regular army preferred; fine opportunity for pro¬ motion. Apply Saturday or Wednesday evening ar Room 19. National Guard Armory. Je8-3t* WANTED CIGAtt SALESMAN; EXPERIENCE unnecessary; g»*Ki pay. EMANUEL & COM¬ PANY. Station J. New York. Je3-s.4t* WANTED EVERYWHERE. HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samplrs. etc.; no ci.nvassing; good pay. SUN ADVERTISING BU¬ REAU. Chicago. my27-s,4t* WANTED.GENTLEMEN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO sell Wedderburn Rye. Purest atid best whiskey on the American market. Address the JOHN WEDDERBURN COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. my!7 tf WANTED.B\NK MESSENGER-W.OOO MEN TO smoke the Bank Messenger 5c. cigar. Ask your dealer myo-tf MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED -A SOLICITOR TO SECURE ADVER- tisements for a program. Apply, after 5 p.m. Monday. June 12. 520 10th at. southeast. jv,10-2tt FEMALE. W AN TED. WHITE WOMAN; MUST BE GOOD cook. Call before 12 o'clock or after 7 p.m.; city ref. required. 1940 15th n.w. JelO-s.m.-2t WANTED.BY ELDERLY U\DY, A YOUNG WO- man as useful eompanion for good home and small salary. Answer, with addressed envelope ftylosed. Box 248. Star office. It* WANTED A WHITE WOMAN AS HOUSEKEKT er for family; German preferred. Address Box 2T/4. Star office. Jelo-2t* WANTED.ONE GOOD PARLOR AND DINING room maid; one good chamlr-rmaid; both must b-» g<H»d waitresses. Apply 001 10th st. n.w. be¬ tween 12 and 2 o'clock. It* WANTED.A WOMAN COOK I WHITE). APPLY ttH 13th st. n.w. It* WANTED-BEFORE JUNE 1GTH, ENERGETIC uoinan desiring letter and permanent position; advancement to capable person; established firm; references. Oddress Box 2G2. Star office. Jelo-2t* WANTED BRIGHT. ENERGETIC WOMAN PAST 25 for trustworthy position with reliable firm; good chance for advancement; references. Ad- x Star office. It* W fcNTED GENERaIl HOUSEWORKER AND girl as nurse: Cleveland Park. Address, stating experience and wages desired, "LAWYER," Star It* W ANT 1 I > EX PER I EN« El f~ M U SLIN UNDER- wear hand to take charge of department. Apply to S HART. Supt. LANSBURGH A BRO.. 420 to 420 7th st. jclO-s.m 2t WANTED \ MIDDLE-AGED LADY, POSSESSING sympathetic disposition and pleasing personality: permanent engagement on exceptionally gtMxl terms to proper party. Address Box 253, Star office. It* | wanted is an Office for copying work, a young lady typewriter. Address Box 3, Star office. it* WANTED A COLORED WOMAN TO OOOlT wash and iron for fa mil v of two; must stay nights; firing references. 1418 20th st. n.w. it* WANTED A GOOD WOMAN TO COOK. WASH and iron: stay nights. At 1735 Rlsgs pi. jelo-s.in.-2t WANTED- GIRL TO WORK FOR LADY IN FLAT; go*h cook: stav nights; furnish reference; no WMfetBg. Flat 68, 1723 (J st n.w. It WANTED WHITE WOMAN To OOOK AND clean for a family of two. Apply 025 S st. n.w. Jel0-2t.eSu WANTED RESPECTABLE YOUNG WHITE nurse; go away for the summer, references re¬ quired. Apply to 1311 2oth st. n.w. It* WANTED A GOOD CHA MBERMAID AND waiters. Address SUBURBS. Walsh's, Bet head a. Ml. It* WANTED A WOMAN TO COOK AND DO GEN- eral housework; white or colore 1. 1S3G bth st. n.w. It WANTED.IMMEDIATELY, RELIABLE GIRL for general housework; no waahtng. 1220 N st. It WANTED.SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES TO AD dresu* etiveloj»eH; will pay $1 per day; must be rapid aud write neat hand; be prepared to re- I»ort Mouday. Adiiresa Boi 13, Star office. It* W A NTED.GERMAN TRANSLATOR; ONE COM- petent to translate English Into German, as well as German into English; must be able to make accurate translations; position permanent. Ad- dress Box 12. Star office. It* | WANTED-A COMPETENT WOMAN FOR GEN- eral housework; go home nights; good wages; city reference required. R. I. ave. n.w. It* WANTEDrWHITE GIRL AS*CHILD'S NURSE. Call at UtOl Roanoke St., Columbia Heights. Jel0-2t# WANTED SETTLED COLORS) WOMAN TO cook, wash and Iron for small family. Apply 1712 15th st. n.w. * It* WANTED.COM>5ED WOMAN TO COOK. WA*!I an<l Iron, family of 3. Applv with references, 1333 15th n.w. It WANTED.EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE Op¬ erator: wages $25 |»er month and board. Ad¬ dress. stating experience and refs.. Box Id. Star office. It WANTED.EX PERI EN<'ED WAIST AND SHIRT hands; also an apprentice. Apply 23 Brunswick flat. It* WANTED -A RELIABLE COUjRFD WOMAN TO care for an elderly lady. Apply 1445 Mass. a*e. * WANTED SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES EXPER1- encad In addressing envelopes; mltrj, |3 per week; hours. 9 to 5. In answering, state ex- perleice, how many envelopes you cso address per day, age. etc. Box 226. Star office. Je9-£t WANTED CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family; must be good cook; wages, $16 a month. Call in afternoon. 3415 Mount Pleaaswt st. n.w. Jc9-2t* WANTED-.A LADY BOOKKEEPER. ONE THOB- oughly experienced In double-entry bookkeeping. Address, with reference and salary expected. 8. B. L., Star offic. WANTED.HELP. FEMALE. WANTED.EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENEH.VL housework at 910 12th at. n.w. Je9-3t WANTKI> FIRST CLASS WAIST HAND; steady work all sutnnier. 1319 11th st. n.w. j.9-2t* WANTED-YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER AND tyi»ewrlter; hours. 8 to 6; give referent** and wsgis expected. Address Box 246, Star office. Je9-2t* WANTED.YOUNG WHITE WOMAN Oil LIGHT colored girl as nurse. Address Box 202. Star office. je8-3t . WANTED-8KIRT HANDS. APPLY 1817 K ST. n.w. JeS-3t* WANTED.GOOD COOK TOR BOARDING HOU«E to go to Colonial Beach. Apply 131 6th s.e. je8-3t* WANTED WAIST HANDS. HELPERS AND neat errand gfrl. lllf> 11th st. n.w. JeS^-Ht WANTE1>.A CAPABLE~WHItITOIRL FOR~SEN- eral hounework, German preferred; good horae; wages $15. 3211 13th St. n.w. Je7,8,10-3t WANTED.Y'OUNG LADY TO DO TYPEWRIT^ irvg evenings at home fron* dictation; machine furnished; state age and experience. Box 151, Star office. Je6-eod,3t* WANTED-BY A YOUNG LADIES* SCHOOL IS the suburbs of Washington. several general house¬ work girla who can do waitress and ehainber- work; also one experienced Ir.dy's ma!/!, good .ewer. Address, stating ^rages and Inclosing refer- ernces. IN ST I ri'TlON. Star office. *«'24-Sa.tu,th-tf WANTED.SITUATIONS. MALE. WANTED.GAS ENGINE OPERATOR'S POS1- tion; launch or car; moderate ealary; disinterest¬ ed advice to prospective purchaser. Address Box 257. Star office. It* W ANTED. BY MAN OF B ISIN ESS ABILITY. A position where attention to employ**.' Interests and energy will earn him a living: good penman; A-l refer ewes. Address Box 251, Star office. jel0,12-2t* WANTED.BY YOUNG MAN, WORK OF ANY kind; good references. 1«35 11th st. n.w. It* WANTED.AN A-l PROPOSITION FOR SOLICITOR .hustler and of good appearance; best of ref¬ erences; com mist-'Ion basis preferred; what have you got? Address Box 7, Star office. jel0-3t* WANTED.PLACE AS JANITOR OR PORTER. 1521 lit!) st. n.w. It* WANTED-BY HOUSE CARPENTER, JOB WORK and painting. 82 Deprees st. n.w. It* WANTED.BY A MAN, HOUSECLEANING TO DO. Call or write, I). W., 1218 M n.w. It* WANTED--SITUATION BT YOUNG MAN .jr^r from Italy; printer by trade; understands pho¬ tography; also good telegraph operator; sp?.tks Italian only; government references. 239 1st st. s.w JeO-Tt* WANTED.BY A COLORED BOY. A PLACE TO work after June, 1905. Address Box 230. Star office. j*9-2t* WANTED BY A YOUNG COLORED MAnTPLACE as butler or drive doctor; will leave "city. Call or address A. J. I'., 1123 New Hampshire ave. n.w. je9-2t* WANTED PLACE BY COLORED MAN. SKILLED or unskilled labor either; all-around man; good references. 1739 T st. n.w. jc9-3t* W ANTED.EMPLOYM ENT AS INVALID AT- tendant, companion, valet, to travel; superior qualifications. Address J. K. K.f Star office. je9-3t* WANTED.AftTIII'R T. ROBINSON. MI'S. BAC., Oxon., organist St. Margaret's Church, Is open to deputize during August, also accept engage¬ ments for organ recitals, etc. 2017 19th st. n.w. je8-4t* MALE OR FEMALE* WANTED.SITUATIONS BY FIRST-CLASS WOM- an cook, men cooks, two white nurses, white general houseworker; city references; all kinds of reliable help furnished on short notice. 'Phone Main 3147. CENTRAL EMP. BUREAU, 806 E st. n.w. It* WANTED.ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC EMPLOY- MENT BUREAU, cor. 10th and I sts. n.w.. lias on hand demons! Tutors, operators, cashiers, clerks, housekeeuers, drivers, nurses and cooks. 'Phone Main 3663. It* W A NTEI»- Pi >SITI< )NS.NEAT COLOR ED MAN and wife; also white watchman, caretaker, jani¬ tor and elevator man. 1011 N. Y. ave. It WA NTED -1 'OS ITI ON S.- RK('« >M MEND ED NURSE", waitress, housemaid, laundress, chef cook and waiter; resorts preferred. Address Box 247. Star offl<*e. je9-7t WANTED TELEPHONE EUREKA EMPLOY- r^ent Exchange. Main 2S08. 1013 N. Y. ave. Trained hefp: city, resort. mh25-s.S.m.tf FEMALE. WANTED.POSITION; STENOGRAPHER. TYPE- writer; knowledge bookkeeping; experienced; pat¬ ent, commercial, insjrance and legal; references. 231 R st. n.e. It* WANTED.BY RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN, cleaning or laundry by the day; reference. 1633 11th st. It* WANTED.ENGAGEMENTS BY EXPERIENCED nurse; prices moderate. Call or write. 1105 5th n.w. Jel0-2t* WANTED-SITUATION AS HOUSEWORKER OR cook's place In small family. 910 6th st. n.w.It* WANTED.PI.ACE BY COI-OItfcD RESPECTFUL ladles' maid to travel. 1812 20th st. n.w. It* WANTED-IJY COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, position, temporary or perma¬ nent. Address Box 2*10. Star officii J?10-2t* WANTED.BY COLORED WOMAN LAUNDRESS, by day, washing home or day's work. 1535 M st. n.w. It* WANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS, family laundry to take home. Call or drop pos¬ tal. 1144 8th st. n.w. It* WANTED BY NEAT WAITRESS-SEAMSTRESS; also cook; leave city; best references. 1635 lltii st. n.w. It* WANTED. PLACE BY NEAT COLORED GIRL AS good nurse. 2604 P st. It* WANTED SITUATIONS.EXCELLENT CHAM- bermald and waitress; also first-class cooks; best references. LADIES' EXCHANGE BUREAU, _1H5 F. It* WANTED . SITUATIONS RECOMMENDED cooks, chambermaid, nurse, geueral worker, laun¬ dress. 1211 10th M. n.w. It* WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST-CLASS PLAIN cooks, general worker, chambermaid, nurse. 1211 10th st.; 'phone North 715. It* WANTED BY TWO RELIABLE GIRLS. PLACES cook and ehamt>ermaid; no waiting; leave town. Call 1722 Hayes court n.w. It* WA vFED.CH AMBERW<>RK AND SEWING. OR sewing bv dav: would leave city later. Call or address MAID. 240 14th n.e. It WANTED- BY WOMAN. WASHING TO TAKE home. Address 5n4'*j R ft. n.w. je!0-2t WANTED FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WISHES work to do home or by the day. 024 W st. n.w.l WANTED BY COMPETENT COLORED LAIN dre^s, dav's work; ref. Address 1617 12th st. n.w H WANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED SEAM- Ktress. sewing in families; experienced cutter, fitter and neat sewer. Call 2212 6th st. n.w. It WANTED BY FIRST CLXSS LAUNDRY-"*. FINE washing of any kind to take home. 14»">2 Q st. 1 W A NTED. REF IN E*l7. MIDDLE-AGED LADY will for slight remuneration assist in home du¬ ties or take charge of children and sewing. Call or address 1719 13th st. n.w. It WANTED DRESSMAKING AT SHORT NOTICE; shirt waist suits. $2.50; will call for and deliver. MODISTE. Star office. It WANTED. WA SHING TO TAKE HOME OR day'* work out. 2015 12th st. It WANTED- BY RESPEl'TABLE COIjORED GIRL, place to work morning or evening. 1405 P st. It WANTEDDA^S WORK OR WASHING TO take home. Please call 1707 Seaton st. n.w. It* W A NTEI*- BY A RELIABLE COLORED GIRL AS 'chamberiuuld or light housework. 1119 4th st. n.w. Jel0-2t* WANTED-A PLACE AS CHAMBERMAID TO GO away; seashore preferred. 439 Del. av?. s.w. It WANTED- SITUATIONS-GO WEST OR NORTH .3 good colored cooks; general workers, nurse, housemaid. 1011 N. Y". are. n.w. It WANTED-BY A COLORED GIRL, POSITION AS waitress, chambermaid or nurse; go away; refer¬ ences. Call or address 219 F st. s.w. Jel0-3t* WANTED-A GRADUATED NURSE WOULD take good care of an invalid lady or gentleman for the summer, in the country; best reference. Address Box 237. Star office. jef>-2t* WANTED-.PLACE AS GENERAL HOUSEWORK er or cook. Call 1940 N. H. ave. je9-2t* WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY STENOG- rapher desires position at once. Box 203. Star office. je8-3t* WANTED.SEWING AT HOME; UNDERSTAND cutting and fitting. Mrs. DUNN, 401 H st. n.w. Je8-3t* WANTED.BY YOI'NG LADY TEACHER, POSI- tlon as Instructor for child, or companion to adult; will go away. Box 108, Star office. Je4,10,11* W A NTED TO CHAPERON AND SPEAK French to children or Invalid going away. Ad- dies* PARISIENNE, 2108 F. my27-a,Su-th-12t* WANTED.ROOMS. .. ? WANTED.UNFURNISHED ROOM ON CAPITOL Hill: state prli-e. Box 16.1, Star ofloe. It* WANTED BY A YOUNO MARRIED COUPLE, furnished rooms for light housekeeping; willing to take charge of ¦ houae (or the summer. Ad- dtv« E. L. Z.. Star office. Jel0-9t* WANTED.-BOARD. WANTED.GOOD BOARD AT CHEVY CHASE for gentleman and wife; atate particulars; refer¬ ences exchanged. Address Box 234, Star office. Je9-3t* WANTED.APARTMENTS. W ANTED.TO ASSUME UNEXPIRED I .EASE IN 3 or 0 room unfurnished apartment; Columbia or Washington Heights; reduced rental. Address Box 4, Star office. It* WANTED UNFURNISHED. S-BOQM HOU8E- keeping apartment nerlhweat; atate rent.' Ad- dreaa ..PLEASANT," Star o«ce. J«8-3t* WANTED.BOOMS AND BOARD. WANTED-BOARD AND ONE ROOM FOR TWO ladles; state lowest terms for seaaoa. Addresa Box 10. Star oflhe. JelO-Zt WANTED BY GENTLEMAN, ROOM AND boaril; private famll)-; s.e. Address Bo* 259. Star offl.-e. Jel0-3t* WANTED.GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM. WITH board, near filtration plant. Box 231, Star office. WANTED.OFFICES. WANTED-DESK ROOM IN GOOD OFFICE IN vicinity of Hth and G sts. AddRM, giving fall particulars, Box SIM, Star offico. Jel0-3t WANTED.MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED.HIGHEST CASH I'RICES PAID FOR WORN GARMENTS. LADIES', UE.NTL.EMK.N Sit CHILDREN'S SHOES & HATS. ANY AMOUNT. ADDRESS POSTAL I WILL CALL ANY HO til. J. TARSHES. 1308 TTH N.W. Phone North 490. Jeio-lot* WANTED.TO BUY OLD l'EATIlER BEDS. When selling, why not drop a p<«tal to an old. reliable drin: H. MARKS, 307 7th at.. opposite _SuksV ' Jel0-28t» WANTED.CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. CAtt- pets. otticc and store fixtures of all kinds. Furni¬ ture stored, packed and shipped. Address BAUM, 1)1- I'a. ave. n.w. 'Phone Main 1254. JelO-tf WAXTED.FURNITURE"FOR CASH. SELL YOUR goods lo the man who gives you the most money. HOPWOOD. JelO-tf -fth and K sta. n.w. W ANT KI >. 8 ETON D H A M»*R EG1N A~M USICBOX, In good condition. Addresa H. X. COPP, 822 Hib at. n.w. JelO-2t WANTED.WHO HAS A GOOD DOG OR PUPPY to (rive an invalid? Address, with particulars, Box 221, Star office. It* WANTED.MUSIC AND SPECIALTIES FOR Berwyn country fair. Jnly 17 to 22. 7 to 11 each eve'uing. Address, with particulars, WM. M. DWYER. S20H 3'tli st. It* WANTED.MAN'S BICYCLE, HIGH GRADE, SEC- ond hand. If great bargain. Kll G at. Jelo-2t WANTED.CHEAP TICKET TO CHICAGO AND return. Address Iiox t>. Star office. It* WANTED.MAN'S BICYCLE HIGH GRADE, second-hand; if great bargain, hi 1 G at. Jel0-2c WANTED.OLD CLOTHES FOR CASH. ISRAEL DUN. 433 Wi st. s.w.; telephone. Maine 5625. Je'J-.lt* WANTED.HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTHES. LADIES' Olt GENTLE¬ MEN S. ADDRESS POSTAL. I WILL CALL. ¦Pyme North 1755. W. RICE, 1332 7th St. n.w. Jtl'.lf WANTED-A. KEBESKY, I30U TTI1 ST. N.W., will pay the highest cash prices for ladies', gents' and children's c-ast-ofT clothing, shoes anil hats. Address postal or 'phone North 32C0. Will call. Je8-21t* WANTED.20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON Pic¬ ture frames during the summer mouths. TYLES, 710 I>th li.w. JeS-Tt HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CAST-OFF GAR- nients, ladies' aiul gent's clothing; also tools. &c. 304 4',<j St. s.w. S. SHAFFER D.op a postal and I will call. uiy29-30t* WANTED- NEW YORK WAR 1812 CERTIfT- cates. Ad;lress 402 Corcoran bids., Washington, D. C. Je5-7t* WANTED EASTERN FEATHER COMPANY, this month.50,000. lbs. old feathers; highest cash price. Also furniture, ladies' and gents' clothes. Send postal; will call at once. 213 7th at. n.w. my29-30t* WANTED Al.I. THE OLD, USELESS GOLD and silver lying Idle.about the house. Corals, diamonds, cameos. Jewelry and silverware bought. C. F. KAKK. Jeweler. U1S 13th. bet. F and G ata. ni.vl2-tf WATKD SEWING MACHINES OF ANY MAKE repaired and renovated. f 1: machines rented, 50c. per week; good machines that have been rented, $5, at Ol'PEN 11 ELMER'S. 514 tltli u.w. inyO-tf WANTED .PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, pearls; cash paid for all gold, sliver, dentists' gold and platluuui. at LOUIS ABRAHAMS'. 433 9th st. n.w. nih3-tf.»Su WANTED.ARE YOU GOING TO MOVE? Get COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO.. 503 lltb st. n.w. Wagons or padded vans. 'I'bone Main 4192. myfi-tf WANTED.H1GIIEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTHES. LADIES' OR GENTLE¬ MEN'S SHOES, tic. ADDRESS POSTAL. I WILL CALL. H. BURNSTEIN, 1314 7th at. n.w. ap29-tf WANTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY KIND OF FUR- niture you want to buy or sell It will pay you to consult II. ROSENBERG, 712 K at. n.w. -Telephone Main 2174. oclT-tf WANTED.WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR GOOD second hand upright pianos. DE MOLL'S MUSIC HOUSE. 1231 G st. n.w. Jy3-tf LOST AND FOUND. lost.GORDON SETTER DOG; BROWN EARS, white an<l brown ni>otted body; name Fiske on brass and leather collar. Reward. 610 i'a. ave., Washington, or 12 Sibley ave., Hyattsville. Jel0-3t» LOST.BVLL TERRlfcR PUP, WHITE, LONG nose; ears cut to point; answers to name of "Billy." Return to 1817 19th st. u.w. and re¬ ceive reward. jelO-l!t* LOST.BKTWKEN CHEVY CHASE AND MT. Pleasant Friday evening, tan top coat. Reward on return to 11. B. DAVIDSON. 1413 G. it* LOST.IN HERDIC. FRIDAY, 9 A.M.. SMALL black card case. Finder please notify owner. Room 432, War Department. lt# LOST.FROM CAR ON COLUMBIA ROAD, NEAR Mt. Pleasant St., black silk umbrella, with gold bar on end, Friday, June 8. Reward if left at 1030 Park st. It* LOST.LEFT ON SEAT IN* IOWA PARK, ALLIGA- tor bag; money, gold glasses, handkerchief, etc. Reward If returned to 1221 O st, u.w. Jel0-3t LOST-THURSDAY AFTERNOON. BLACK PER- slan cape, brown fur trimmings, 32d and M to Aqueduct bridge. Reward; return lt>12 I st. n.w. je9-3t* LOST IN COLUMBIA THEATER THURSDAY afternoon, tsnake ring with two diamonds. Please return to 803 K st. and receive reward. je9-3t* LOST A SQUAH£ CAMEO* BROOCH ON THE Chevy Chase cars or In vicinity of 7th St.; valued because of family associations. Reward If left with Mrs. E. B. .SHERWOOD, "The Olympia." Je9-3t* LOST.AT MARSHALL HALL THE EVENING OF June 8. gold medal on ribbon, marked Y. M. C. A. one side; F. E. Burke, one mile relay, other side. Reward if returned to 1212 Eye st. n.w. Je9-3t* LOST ROUND PEARL PIN ON TUESDAY MORN- ing on F st. car or in Boston House. Reward if returned 3018 Dumbarton ave. je9-3t* LOST-POCKET BOOK. WITH PAPERS, BE longing to Jesse L. Carmlchael. Return to the Boston Herald otiices. 1406 G st. n.w. Je9-3t* LOST.GOING F1tOM HERBERT'S LUNCH ROOM to Kami's, or in Kami's store, lady's hunt Ing¬ ram gold watch, black fob chain. Reward Tf left with F. P. DEWEY, Jr., Ograni's, 13th and Pa. ave. Jei>-3t* LOST BLACK MOR<K'CO POCKETBOOK, CON- taining Southern Hv. annual pass, in favor L. F. Wynne; also money a id bank certificates. Jf ftund return to National Hotel. Liberal reward, Je8-3t* L( ST-BADGE, AMERICAN SOCIETY CIVIL F.N- giLetrp. Liberal reward at Star office. Je8-3t* PERSONAL. ..I WILL NEVER WED THE MAN THAT DIES for me!" she exclaimed, and wanted to know why be hadn't sent for us and accepted our full cash value for his men's worn garments. We, are prompt. JI.'STH'S OLD STAND, Oil) D. Jel0-tf.5 CLERK. WAR DEPARTMENT. $1,200. WILL Ex¬ change with clerk in other department in thIs city. Addresa "A. X. I).," Star office. It* TU~ THE PUBLIC.YOD ARE ONE AND ALL CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND AN IN¬ FORMAL OPENING OF THE BURTON HOTEL 226 NORTH CAPITOL ST., SATURDAY. JUNE 10. 1605. FROM 8 TO II P.M. Je8-3t* NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. SUITE~~224 Colorado bitlldinjt. Hth and G; never closed; ab- solutelv reliable; atrlctly confidential; any cause; all sections. M. BRADFORD. * Superintendent. Je3-30t'.4 SANITARY CARPET CLEANING ~ TO HAVE CARPETS TAKEN CP, CLEANED, STEAMED AND RELAID In up-to-date thorough manner at lowest prices send postal or 'phone Main 1213. FRANK H. YOUNGS, 1)19 H at. n w my24-90t,3 MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP Has been uaed for over SIXTY YEARS by MIL¬ LIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING WITH PERFECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. AL¬ LAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is tke best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Bold by drugglata in every oart of the world. Be sure aod aak for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. apR-Sa.tu.th.312t,10 rTlAVE $5,000 TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianoa. Addresa Box 2343, Station G. I will call- mh24-tf MORPHINE. OPIUM, LAUDANUM, COCAINE biblt; myaelf cured; will Inform you of barmleaa, permanent borne cure. Mrs. BALDWIN, mh24-Sa-tf Box 1212. Chicago. LEGAL NOTICES. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Co¬ lumbia, holding a Probate Court..No. 12937, ad¬ ministration..Tbls la to five notice: That tbe subscribers, of tbe District ot Columbia, have ob¬ tained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Magdalena Fugltt, late of the Diatrlct of Colum¬ bia, deceased. All persona having claims agalnat the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers therof, legally authenti¬ cated, to tbe subscribers, on or before the 8th day of June, A. D. 1900; otberwiae they may by law be excluded from all benefit of aaid eatate Given under our bands this 8th day of Jane, 1900 JOHN P. H1NKEL, 119 O at. a.e ; HENRY STtripp 410 A st. a.e. Attest: JAMES TANNER, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of tbe Probate Court. GEO. C. GBRTMAN, Attorney. J«10-law8t ' ELECTRIC FANS. ELECTRIC FANS FOR RENT FOR THE SEA- aon; all klada of fans for aale; prices to salt; 01723301.4 ROOMS AND BOARD. NICK FBONT ROOMS AND BOABD. 'PHONE .North 3078. 1319 Vt- are. JelO-»t« LARGE. DESIRABLE ROOMS; SOUTHERN EX- posnre; special summer rates. 936 K it. JelO-Bt* LARGE, AIRY ROOMS. $20 TO $25; EXCELLENT table; plami; phone. THE ESTEP, 1018 Mass. sve. n.w. Jel0-3t* FOR BEXT.ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, WITH or without board, nlcrly furnished room; geotle- men preferred; private family. 1225 Princeton.. BRIGHT. CHEERFUL ROOMS. WITH GOOD TA- 1)1? hoard; reasonable rates. 1232 lOlh st. n.w. * ROOM FOR TWO GIRLS OK MAN AND WIFE. In private family. Call 3<>2 4th st. *.e. JelO-2t* m KENT.PLEASANT ROOM; EXUMT81VE USE of bnth; Washington Heights; $10 a month; with board. $2.~i. Add.-css llo* 25, SUr o.Bce. It* 14«".» RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W..QUIET KOOMS with or without board. Jel0,17* 1439 RHODE- ISLAND AVE. N.W.-XOMKOKT- able roomx; excellent beard, with or without n»oms; 'phone. ^t-10,17* NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; SUMMER KATES, $6.00 up; to gentleman only; boarjl can be had at ream uable prices. 1710 l'a. ate. li.w. near State and War Dept. jeMMt* COOlT"DEiHgHTFUL ROOMS vnTli BOAKdT transients taken; summer prices; telephone North 1328 .Mass. nve. Jclo-gt 1905 ~~II ST N.W..LARGE SECOND-STORY south front room, with board; table boarders. JeUI-7t* 1708 F ST. N.W.-I.AKgF AIKY KOOMS AT lowest summer rates; with board. (20 and $26 per month: telephone and piano. Jel0-5t* uTl RHODE LSLAND AVE..DELIGHTFUL SE(> ond-floor .rooms, with or without board: private famiiy; 'phone 444-K. Jel0-2t BRI(!HT HiEERFUL SSCOND-FLOOR ROOM IN private family; pod home table. 2811 14th st. JeHK't* ROOM!S.FlitNISHED OK UNTUKNISHED, WITH or without beard, and prirate bath; all new, neat and beautiful. The Wieoinieo, 225 N. J. ave. n.w. It* BEAUTIFUL SECOND-STORY KOOMS; THREE south windows. v.ith cr without bonrd. 913 H n.w.; also cheap hall room and hoard. It* MT. PLEASANT.SE<*0\D-STORY FRONT, FAC- iug south and east: verandas: lawn; own vege¬ tables; private family. Address Box 14. Star'ol- floe. jel0-2l« FOR RENT.TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, suitable for two; excellent huine table; summer prices. 9 !)ih n.e. Jolo-2t 1101 K ST. N.W..TWO COMFORTABLE ROOMS, suitable for four young men; flrst-class board. jelo-Qt* s Hi5 MASS. A V E. .SECOND STORY FRONT room; also rouni with private l>;ith; larj^ closets; New England table. Jolo-3t* CAN" ACCOMMODATE TWO GENTLEMEN WITH room and (Irst-elass board; private family. 3576 13th st. Reasonable terms. Je9-3t DESIRABLE, PLEASANT, 2D-FLOOR, SOUTH- front rooms; good hoard. 1015 L st. n.w. Je9-3t* ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; PRIVATE family. 408 Tea st. n.w. Je9-2t* BEAUTIFULSUM"mer"~I,0CAT10N. ELEVATED" faring Franklin Park.Choice front ro.«m; sur¬ passing outlook; choice family table; $6 to $8. 1307 K. je9-3t* LARGE~H)-FLOOR furnished front room, with hoard; delightful for summer. 1358 Yale St., Columbia Heights. je9-3t* COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, 2907 14TH ST..LARGE 2d-story front room. jeS 3t* NICELY FURNISHED FRONT AND BACK rooms, with board; tiled baths; telephone. 1741 G St. Je8-3t* LARGE, COOL ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board: summer prices. THE RHODE ISLAND, 1437 II. I. ave. Je8-6t* LARGE ALCOVE ROOM] SECOND FLO*HI; southern exposure; bath adjacent; also single room; excellent table and service. 1740 P st. n.w. Je8-4t* 1108 F ST. N.W.-LARGE, AIRY ROOMS AT lowest summer rates; with board; $20 and $25 per mouth; telephone and piano. Jeb-3t* 1C02 K.COOL ROOMS: FIRST-CLASS TABLE: references: table board. Je8-4t THE LOGAN, IOWA CIRCLE (AMERICAN PLAN) Delightful location; 1, 2 and 3 rooms, with bath; low summer rates. Je8-5t* 1242 11TH ST. N.W..LARGE 2D-FLOOR FRONT; modem bouse: good table; transient or perma¬ nent. 'Phone N. 3022. jcS 7t* PRIVATE FAMILY WILL TAKE ONE OR TWO boarders; well ventilated room; private toilet room; porcelain bath; good table; moderate price; convenient to bureau of engraving and cars. 412 10th st. s.w. JeT-ftt* THE LITCHFIELD.904-910 14TH ST. N.W., Op¬ posite Franklin l'a^rk: rooms at summer rates; table special attention; transients accommodated. Jett-St* DESIRABLE ROOMS; FOR TWO IN ROOM. $45, with good board. 1133 Providence St., Brookland. References. Je5-7t L\RGE, COOL ROOMS; TABLE BOARD A SPK clalty; near two cars. 1326 Whitney ave. n.w. Je3.7.10» DELIGHTFUL SIMMER QUARTERS. 1322 L st. n.w.; 2 beautiful suites of rooms; also single rooms, with Itoanl: prices moderate. Je3-tf BOARDING. WANTED.A FEW GENTLEMEN TO BOARD at plain, quiet country home; fl6 per month. 4'-all 1763 Wallach st. It COME TO r.LEN MANOR." FORKST GLEN. Md.. and enjoy nature at its full beauty; some cool rooms left; plenty of porches; near cars. Je6-5t* FOR RENT.OFFICES. FOR KENT.1303 F ST. N.W., SECOND FLOOR, HANDSOME OFFICE ROOMS. ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR DENTIST OR ARCHITECT. ETC. In excellent repair, modern conveniences: heated. J -lll-3t LIEBERMANN A. HAWN. 1303 F st. FOR RENT TO SUBLET OFFICE ROOM IN COL. orado bldg. Inquire Room 821. Jel>-3t* FOR RENT.THREE OF THE HANDSOMEST front office rooms in Washington; single or en suite. 900 14th st. n.w.; cor. bouse. Je6-tf FOR RENT.OPPOSITE STAR BUILDING, 405 11th st. n.w.: very desirable rooms; newly pa¬ pered and painted; rents very reasonable to good tenants. jeC-5t MOORE & HILL (1 ncj^717 14lh st. FOR RENT. 1328 N. Y. ave., entire 2d floor; 3 large rooms; steam heat: electric lights $65.00 1328 N. V. ave., large room. 1st floor 20.50 1411 G St.. nice sized room, tirst floor 15.00 ATKINSON & BALLARD CO. (Inc.). Real Estate, Loans A: Insurance, Je.Vtf 1328 N. Y. ave. n.w. FOR KENT-HANDSOME OFFICE KOOMS IN THE Star Building, single or en suite. All appoint¬ ments first-class. Apply BUSINESS MANAGER, Star office. mj'3-tf For "rent warder building, nth"andf n.w..Fine office rooms, splendid elevator serv¬ ice and modern conveniences; good location for business. Apply to WILLIAM K. ELLIS. 525 11th st. n.w. my25-30t BLISS BLDG.. 38 B ST. N.W..DESIRABLE OK- flces facing Capitol Park; elevator, light and Janitor servlco: >8 up Apply Room 21. apltt-tf FOR KENT-801 19TH N.W..FINE. LARGE rooms, for stud'os or offices; with or without bath. Rent reasonable. GEO. W. L1NK1NS, 800 19th st. n.w. oc27-tf FOR RENT.STORES. FOR RENT.STORES. F. H. SMITH CO. 1408 N. Y. AVE N.W. RENTAL AGENTS. BOND BI.DG. 1000 H st. n.w., large store room, with dwell¬ ing of 8 rooms and bath; $50. Jel0-3t FOR RENT-STORE LARGE STORE ROOM AND cellar: cor. 5th and O sts. n.w.; suitable for drug or grocery store; excellent opportunity for right man; rent, $20 per mo; fixtures for sale. CAY- WOOD A GARRETT, 1231 N. Y. live, n.w. JelO-3* FOR RENT OR LEASE.THE STORK AT 7TH anil I sts. northwest; the most desirable busi¬ ness corner In Washington; reasonable rent to re¬ sponsible parties. Apply to GOLDEN'BERG'S offices, 2d floor. 7th and K sts. n.w. Jelo .'tt FOR RENT-IN BESST BUSINESS SECTION OF Washington, store about 18x40, and one floor above 60x100, with steam beat; location and building unsurpassed. Address Box 23. Star of- flce. my30-lm,d&a FOR RENT.LARGE STORE. WITH TWO LARGB rooms In rear, $100 per month. fe20-tf GASCH A B1RGE. 1320 N. Y. an. FOR RENT.1915 PA.AVE. N.W.-FINE ROOM for store or office; $20. GEO. W. LINK INS. GOO 29th st. n.w. ocS-tf . FOR RENT.HALLS. FOR RENT. 648 LpnUlana sve. «.w., Third floor. $15 per month. «p!3-tf JAMES F. SHEA, «43 La. ave. m.w. FOR RENT - CARROLL 1NSTITTTTR 10th and K sts. n.w. The moat complete and thoroughly equipped balls In the city for socis- tlea. banquets, entertainments and reception*. Terms reasonable. Apply at halL selS-tf FOR RENT.STABLES~ FOR BENT-LARGE STABLE. REAR 1628 14TH ST. N.W. Accommodstlons for 3 horses, carriage roots and coachman's quarters. RENT. $15 PER MO. )el0-3t LIEBERM ANN * HAWN, 1308 F St. FOR RENT.REAR 215 3D ST. N.W., LARGE stable, will accommodate 4 or 5 horses and ve¬ hicles; wide alley; price $15 per month. Apply to WILLIAM K. ELLIS, 525 11th at. n.w. jel0-3t FOR RENT.BRICK STABLE. WITH WATER; IN riar 823 22d at. n.w. Key at 837 22d; rent, $4- * ACCOUNTANTS. 1. E. BATES. PoMIc Accountant and Auditor, Offices, 707 and-70S. ».h Y5hl9Sn>tyB 404 MereM^e^Corporstloo and Legal Acoountlng. FOR REST.ROOMS. furnished. ¦two VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS ob Colombia Heights; northern or southern ex¬ posure. Apply to 1331 Colombia road. JelO-St* TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; AIX MOD- eni improvements; In private family. HU8 15th sLjQ.Tr, jt« NICELY FUHXISHKD ROOMS; LARGE, AIRY .ad In Rood locality; with or without toinl; terms reasonable. 810 H st. n.w. It* FOR RENT-LARGE. COOL FROST ROOM; next to bath. 701 6th st. n.w. JelO-*t* ATTRACTIVE. CI£A.\', AIRY ROOM WITH bath; desirable location; convenient froui d:»- iwrtnieuts. Gentlemen. Apply Saturday even¬ ing and Sunday. Flat 403. The Virginia, 2120 » Jelrt-St* FOR RENT.TWO LARGE ROOMS. NEWLY PA- liered arid furnished; ftoutii frout; other rooms. $3 month up; board If desired. 1111 H n.w. Jel0-.1t* FOR REST.TWO FRONT ROOMS; FURNISHED. 1*21 Yon ft. Jel0-2t* GO TO ROOM BB. JSKTZKROTT BUILDING. F St., for flats, boarding houses, fur. rooms. Washington Rental Bureau. JOHN BAUSKETT, Mgr. Jel0-Sa,Su,w-3t* TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY. 3 LARGE SEC ond-floor rooms. 1.128 11 st.; board If desired; summer rates. it* FOJR RENT-FURNISHED.141.1 K ST. N.W.. Pleasant large and small rooms; southern ex- I*>*ure. Jel'O-it COLUMBIA HEIGHTS.FRONT R(K)M. SECOND floor: private family. 2554 University place. Jel<l-2t* FOR RENT.LARGE. BRIGHT. WELL-FUR- nlslied second-story front room; southern expos lire. f>21 Eye «t. n.w. Jel0-3t* FOR RENT.FURNISHED.A LARGE FRONT room; southern exposure; second floor; in Mt. Pleasant; between two car lines; privilege of getting breakfast. 1441 Sheridan ave. It* FOR RENT.VERY REASONABLE. 3 ROOMS for housekeeping; corner house; 1st floor; large yard. Address R. J. F.. Star office. It* LARGE 2D-FLOOR COM. ROOMS; 3 LARGE windows; good closets; same floor with bath; with or without board; transients, $1 per day. 917 H n.w. ^ It* FOR RENT.1401 H ~ST. N.W.. 3 OR 4 Fur¬ nished rooms; housekeeping for summer. Jel0-4t* 306 M N.W..NEATLY FURNISHED 2D-FLOOB front room; southern exposure; porcelnln bath; also smaller rooms. Jel©-2t* ON 2D FLOOR OF MODERN HOUSE, COM- fortable room; porcelain bath adjoining: $0 per month. Owner, 811 Que st. n.w. Jel0-2t* FOR RENT.WANTED.YOUNG WOMAN WOULD like lady to share a nice flat with her situated Just south of Mt. Pleasant; prefer.ihly n young lady who understands dressmaking; rent of flat. $15. Address Box 8, Star office. It* FOR RENT.LARGE FRONT OR BACK ROOM, furnished: hath on same floor. OOfi 22d st. n.w. It FOR RENT.ONE OR TWO ROOMS, Fl'RNISH- ed. 2d floor. 1234 Harvard st., Columbia Heights. A SEOOND-STORY FRONT ROOM: SOUTHERN exjKwure: bath on ssme floor: suitable for one or two gentleman; small private familv: terras reasonable; references exchanged. 1341 Corcoran Jel0-s,n].2t* FOR RENT.ROOMS FOR TRAINED NURSE phone and home comforts. 68 Tea Jt n w Jel0-2t FOR RENT.1300 1.3TH ST. N.W..FRONT AND back, communicating rooms; private family; summer rates. Jel0-2t FOR RENT-TO GENTLEMEN. AN^iIaBORATE- ly furnished front room and bath; references. 1371 Kenesaw. Jel0-2t FOR RENT.ONE NICE FURNISHED ROOM with large porch; $10. 1439 Huntington pi. Jel0-2t* 3 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS CHE\P to permanent tenant. Apply to HOUSEKEEPER. (123 13th n.w. . Jel0-2t* 1010 EYE N.W.; NICE. COOL ROOMS; NEAT and clean: summer rates. It* FOR RENT . OVERLOOKING IOWA CIRCLE. pleaRant second-fVn/r r^tom: also large hall room with closet. 1511 13th st telephone. 11 FOR RENT.1531 EYE ST. N.W.. TWO COM- munli-atlmr second-floor rooms with private tiath; southern exposure: en suite or single; very rea¬ sonable terms. it FOR GENTLEMEN -1212 .2TU N.W., TWO pleasant rooms; $10 and $7; private house; mud- em bath. jt. NEWLY FURNISHED, COOL, SOI*T11 FRONT alcove roi>m; suitable for two gentlemen; also furnished hall room; with bath; special summer rate. Oil Eye st. n.w. Jel0-2t* VERY PLEASANT. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, 2d and 3d floors; $3, $7, $8. 1409 Cor- coran st. je9-2t* COOL. FURNISHED TtOOM FOR RENT; 12iKi 18th st.; summer rates. Je9-7t NO 1418 y ST. N.W..NICELY FURNISHED rooms; terms reasonable. Je9-3t* BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOM WITH FXCEI.- lent. meals and private tiled bath to be had at C23 N C. ave. s.e. Je9-3t FOR RENT-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 2 OR 3-room suites for housekeeping; private tiled . Mc.; excellent location; delightfully cool; everything first-class; summer rates. 1334 Yale st. Je9-3t* F?R,. RENT-FURNISHED ROOM, 2D FLOOR; bath adjoining; $10 per month. 1314% 9th st n-w- Je9-3t ' F<'R RENT . FURNISHED, ONE 2D-STORY* furnished room; one small room. 1008 K st. JeS-3t* FOR RENT.FURNISHED ROOM, 1ST FLOOR for lacy: bath: $10 per month. Owner lives in house. 1329 8th n.w. Je8-3t* LARGE, BRIGHT, COOL ROOMS, CHEAP FOR light housekeeping. 1120 Uth st. n.w. Je8-3t* THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE or en suite, fronting on Judiciary Square. 510 5th *'¦ Je84t* FOR RENT. LARGE CORNER ROOM OF 2D floor flat, handsomely furnished as parlor bed room: use of porcelain bath: south and west ex¬ posure: references; dlulug room In building Ad- dress Box 200. Star office. JeS 3t* FOR RENT. LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHe/Hid story hack room. 723 lltli n.w. Je8-3t* FOR RENT.LARGE ROOM. FURNISHED. $5 month. 421 Oth st. n.w. JeS-3t* FOR RENT.TO A~i)ULTS ONLY.TlHrBEST <4) rooms In West Washington (furnished); all mud ern conveniences; summer tales. Part culars see Je8-3t* 1IOLUHTON' rare W- ". M'»es & S?ns LARGE AND SMALL ROOM; CONVENIENT TO bath; for genili-men. 1231 11th st. n.w. Je8-3t* A DESIRABLE THIRD-FLOOR FRONT ROOM- very reasonable. 1707 I' st. n.w. JeS-3t* 728 12TH N.W.DESIRABLE ROOMS; COOL; one single, $8 pir month; 2d door, front gen'le- m''n- je8-3t* FOR REN 1 .TO GKNTLK.M AN. WEI.L-FUR- nished room in Cleveland Park; convenient to cars and board; - ivate family. Address Box Mar office. Je7-5t* TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT;-COOL and pleasant; convenient to three lines of cars uol) S st. n.w. je7-7a* ' FOR RENT.FURNISHED.ONE FRONT ROOM for 2 gentlemen. $3.50 per week: one hall room, $1..>0 per week. 927 New York ave. Je7-tit* FURNISHED SIX-ROOM FLAT. REASONAbFe Apply The Reglna. 1214 I st. n.w. Je7-w,th,Sa,3* FURNISHED LARGE SECOND-STORY-ROOMS- southern exposure; house newly furnished. 1219 M St. n.w. Je0-tu,th,sat.3t* FOR RENT.BY MAY IB, COMFORTABLY FI.'R- ? e<!', co°1- l^otsaut Led room in private house. IQU M st j.w. my6 th&Sa.tf NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT- $8 per month; in privnte family; for gentlemen only. 943 O st. n.w. jeg -jt. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; DELIGHTFULLY cool location; home comfurts. 1372 Harvard st n.w. Near 14th st. cars. j«-6-6t* FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, NO. 4, THE DESOT 4 $35; roomer at $10 If desired. Je5.7.10* ' FOR RENT.WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, NORTH west corner, single room for lady or gentleman In office. 2001 Kalornma ave. myl4-Sa,tf RE,NT.TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bath; either single or er suite. Apply to the of¬ fice of the Portner. 15th and You sts. n if, »r27-tf UNFURNISHED. FOUR-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING FLAT; ENTIRE floor; pleasant summer location with private fam- lly;_ no ^children. 1020 Mass. ave. n.e. Jel0-2t* lCFtS 10TH N.W..THREE LARGE, COOL~ 2D- light bousekeeplnf.lt FOE REUT.BOOMS. UNFURNISHED. FOR KENT.THUEE (OK TWO) LARGE. BEAl - ttful moms; nicely papered: second floor; . story <1 noil Int. southern exposure; 1<>r light housekeeping gas for rooking: cool In sum¬ mer; well heated in winter; porcelain bath; pri¬ vate family; near (longrwlona 1 IJbjary and niree lines cars; Amt-class neighborhood; $1S; _referen<es. 12tt C ot. s.e. 11 FOR BENT.THREE BOOMS: 2D FLOOR; LIGHT ami ea» gas for rooking. 2S4 N st. *' FOR KENT.LA HOE, SECOND FLOOR A WOVE, front kmihi: also hall room; summer rat<*. lT3U lMh at. n.w. jelO-^t TWO ill! THREE KEiX.iND FlAHtR ROOMS FOB light housekeeping: gas: renfoaiMf. I"' ° 8t- Jcio-at THREE LABOR UNFUB. ROOMS; PRIVATE family: rent reasonably. 1336 R st. J»9-3t ENTIRE 2D FLOOB-3 ROOMS AND HATH. heat and gas. 1 >19 New Jersey ave. jc'J-3t THREE LARUE. COOL ROOMS ON 2D FLOOR, gas ami bath. $18. 1402 6tli »t. n.w. JeP-^t* FOB BENT.TWO ROOMS FOR L. II. K.. $12: one room. $7. 638 C at. n.r. Call after 4. )e0-3t FOB BENT.2DFLOOR FRONT ROOMS: L. II. K.: adults. 041 N. V. are, n.w. jcfl-f.s&m^U* ENTIRE THIRD FIvOOR OK 4 UNFUB. ROOMS for light housekeeping; heat ami gaa; $20 150S Vt. ate. JeS-3t» THREE ROOMS AND BATH. IN PRIVATE house, for couple, for light housekeeping; |17, with gas included; delightful location. OWN Kit, 1ST "Yon n.w. jefl,10 2t lffl 6TII ST. N. E..TWO COMMUNICATING rooms: one front with alcove: pleasing local*on; 2 car lines; near Capitol and Library. lumwr ra. -s. JeS-9f FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. AT SUMMER RATES-ATTRACTIVE. COOL, newly papered rooms, single, en suite; quiet, re¬ fined home: near War Dept., facing large park, south. Call 4:45-5:45 at 1705 New York ave. It* ONE LARGE FRONT 2D-STORY ROOM. KI R. or unfnr.; summer rates. 1226 Mass. ave. n.w. * ROOMS EN SUITE OR SINGLE. AT SUMMER rates. 1133 14th St. n.w. JelU-21* PLEASANT LADY WISHES ANOTHER LADY TO share attractive, light, cool, newly-papered room (separate bedst; cheaj). Refined home, facing park, near War Dept. Gentleman. In same house, has similar room; wishes geutlemsa to share; finest references. Address "TEACHERS, Star office. l* LARGE SECOND-FLOOR FRONT ROOM. WITH alcove; other rooms adjoining. 1415 Howard ave., Mt. Pleasant. H FOR RENT-CHEAP DURING SUMMER. FUR- nlshed or unfurnished, single or en suite. 1035 P st. n.w. THUEE ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR. FURNISHED or unfurnished, facing on two streets: very cool and desirable; reasonable rates; references. 5 Iowa circle. Jelo-:it VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nlshed rooms; references exchanged. 100*1 N st. n.w. JelOA12-2t« 122S N ST. N.W. FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nlshed rooms, second floor; snmmer rates. It TWO BRIGHT ROOMS. SOITHERN' EXPOSUlfff; porcelain bath adjoining; l.h.k. i»ermltted. 1124 loth st. n.w. Jel0-2t* FOR RENT-COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. SINGLE OR en suite. 3 communicating, cool rooms on floor with tiled bath; one square from 14tli st. car line. 1304 Whitney ave. Je!»-2t» 2004 F ST.-DESIRABLE 2D-FLOOH. WITH OR without board; bath on same floor. Jeil-r.t* TO REFINED COUPLE WILL RENT THREE partly furnished rooms; 1. h. k.: screens, awn¬ ings; fine neighborhood: no children. Owner. Address Box 224, Star office. Jei)-2t* 1823 II ST. N.W..TWO FIRST AND TWO SEC- ond-story rooms: southern exposure. Je6-7t* WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. ON HEIGHTS SECOND STORY, SOUTH FRONT; shady lawn, porches; $10 monthly. Address CHAPIN ST.. Star office. H HORSES AND VEHICLES. LEFT TO SELL.DAYTON DELIVERY, l'LUMit¬ ers' and other wagons, buggies and harness; noth¬ ing in reason refused. HARNESS SHOP, 10th and H sts. n.w. je!0-3t* l'OP- SALE.A FINE THOROUGHBRED SHE In¬ land pony, harness and carriage. Can be se»:n at GHEEN'S STABLE, rear 3118 14th st. n.w. JelO-at* FOR SALE.NICE TRAP. ALMOST NEW: TWO- seated. Apply 1908 14th St. Jcl0-3t* FOR SALE-LEATHER TOP SURREY. $35. 401 F st. s.w. It FOR SALE.STYLISH TURNOUT. ESPECIALLY lor lady; horse, buggy and harness. Inquire at 4,'IC 7tli st. n.w. Je!>-'!t* TOR ALE.STYLISH CUT-UNDER TRAP; 3 folding; cheap. 924 9th n.w. jo9-3t* FOR 8AIJ5-2 HORSES. JUST FROM MONT- gomery county; 5 and 6 years old; one bay and on hi-own; each weighs about 1.100: very gen¬ tle and thoronghlv brokeu; can lie driven by lady: will sell separately. THOS. E. TIlAZZARK. 456 Pa. ave. m.w. )e9-3t* $2.~50 PER MONTH AND BEST CARE AND KEEP for use of gentle liorae for lady to drive in the country: will buy if suitable. Address Itnmedl- ately. Box 241, Star office. Je9-3t* BARGAIN.HORSE FOR COUNTRY WORK; 1.200 lbs.; 8 yrs. A. C. PROtTTOlt, 1700 1st n.w. JeS-3t* FOR SALE.TWO GOOD WORK HORSES, cheap: you can see tbem working by applying to Mr. DAVIS, foreman, on Conn. ave. nest to Cleveland Park. Je5-6t FOR SALE.VICTORIA, GOOD CONDITION; A bargain. Apply MT. VERNON STABLES. 12th st. n.w. Je5-flf ATTENTION, CONTRACTORS AND TEAMSTERS! We have juet received a carload of heavy con¬ tractors' wagons.. The Blrdsell Is the name of them, and they are the highest-grade wagoul made. Get our prices before you place your order. S. D. WATERS & SON, 310 Pa. ave. n.w. Je3-3t>t WE ARE NOW OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK of high-grade vehicles at greatly reduced prices. $80 rubber-tire runabouts. $47; $125 rubber-tire Stanhopes. $K5: $175 rubl>er-tlre cut-under sur- rles $125: $125 steel-tire surries. $85: $115 panel top platform delivery wagons, $75. Our stock la the largest and most complete In the city. Give us a call. . S. D. WATERS & SON. 310 Pa. ave. n.w. mhl5-90t _ " RUNABOUT SALE. We are now offering the best values of the vear In new runabouts. They include all the best makes, such as the Columbus, Bailey. Star¬ ling. etc. New Rubber-tire Runabout $4. PRO BEY CARRIAGE CO.. my27-tf 1230 32d st. n.w. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT For S It. Bailey & Co. Wahlebone Runabouts. PROBEY CARRIAGE CO.. mv25-tf 1230 32d st. n.w. NOTICE" CALL AND SEE THE LATEST MOD- el S II. Bailey & Co.. Amesbury, Mass.. whale- bone runabout: sold under guarantee. The price U interesting. S. J. MEEKS' SONS. (122 G st. u.w. m>23-tf OCT OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY' A CAR- riage of any kind; high grade only and our own make. 11. H. BABCOCK CO., Baltimore. Md. myl9-30t WHY NOT~SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE AND get posted on tb« latest styles? It will pay you, whether you buy from us or not. We have them all in stock, about four hundred finished vehicles on the floor. High grade only, and opr own make. Basket surreys and novelties: victorias, for *!n- gle horse or pair; natural wood outing wagons. In curlv maple, mahogany and quartered oak; runabouts, buggies, buckboards. wagonette!, phaetons, spiders; fifty pony wagons and carta. II. H. BABCOCK CO.. 101*109-111 W. Fayette *t.. E. W. HALL, Mausger. Baltimore, Md- myl9-30t HIE LATEST DESIGNS IN HIGH-GRADE RUN- ¦bouts, station wagons, Stanhope* and basket- seat novelties can be found here, with consistent price* prevailing. A FEW LEADERS. Rubber-tiro runr bouts $48 00 Top btiggle* $52 00 Rubber-tire Stanbope* $85.00 Cusbloo-tlre runabout* (10 «rylc«) $70.00 Cu*nion-tire runabouts, with top $81.00 S. J. MEEKS' SONS, Ko. 622 Q ST. N.W. my23-tf GO TO COGSWELL'S, 209 IITH ST. N.W.. FOR new and second-band vehicles and harness. Rub¬ ber tire run ibout*. *20 op; surreys, $30 up; new top buggies, $32.60; Stanhopes, $60 up; tiaps, $35 up. Large_as*ortnient. AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE.SECOND-HAND CADILLAC.IN FINE running order: bargain at $500. Inquire HAYNES AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1310 Stanton court, bet. K and and 13th and 14tb. JelO-St FOB SALE.VERY CHEAP.GASOLINE AUTO- tnoblle, in excellent condition; will give demon- stratlon. Box 244. Star office. Je0-3t« FOB 8ALE-SEOOND-HAN1) OLDSMOBILE WITH leather top, three lamps-and born; cheap to qnlck purchaser. Address Box 212. Star office. J«-8-3t OFFICIAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR, D. C., WASH- lngton, D. 0., June S. 1908..Notice la hereby given that on the thirtieth day of June, 1906, will expire all license* granted by the a**e*»or of the DUtrlct of Columbia to the proprietor* vt automobile*, autovehlcle*, electrovehicle*. backs, cabs and vehlclea of all kinds uwd for the trans¬ portation of passenger*, for hire; alao private bank* and banker* (not Incorporated), broker*, note broker* and the Waabington Stock Exchange. Said licences must be promptly renewed by all person* desiring to continue business after the date. H. H. DARNEILLK. Assessor. D. C. _le»0t.eSu PIAHOS STORED. PIANOS STORED. $1 MONTHLY. SAME CAKE given aa with our own handling by our own experienced draymen. F. u. SMITH PIANO CO.. 1288'"Ba- ave. Htyg-tf ATTORNEYS. ADVICE FREE; ESTJ lord, --V -el COUNTRY BOARD. WANTED.BO ARDRH8 AT A COUNTRY PLACK In the mountains; chickens. fretto milk ami rff#- table*; adult*. $5 week; cbiMren half price. Addresa HOSE DALE. Knoirllh, Md. Jel0-3t* MIDYL»WIIJ>E** BEAUTIFVLLY SITCATEn, hljch, breezy country home; larjre, Shady lawn, desirable room!*, pure water* food table, fiahinjr, boating; near station; adults preferred; terms moderate. LILLY J10FFRIES, OalnesrllW, Va. JelO-3t* COUNTRY HOMB, N'KAR BLTK RIDGE MOCN- talns; healthful; restful; large lawn; fine tree*; beautiful country; k»kk1 faie. The MISSES PENDLETON. Dr la plane, Fauquier county, Va. WAPPING.BEAl!TIKtTL» SI" MM F.R IIOMF. OPEN far truest*. Grassy, shady ln«ra; cu»l, airy rooms; «*x<ellent table; fruits, chl< k«-n. de>s«rt*; near rirer, otttoe. churches. town. Reasonable rates (Mrs > J F GRANT, LHrien Va. If BLACK OAK RIDGE FRUIT FARM WOTIJ) like a few Itoarders; tine watet and mod table; riding and driving. E. H. PURCELL, PurcellTlUe, Va. K. F. 1». . jelo 3t . ON BLADENSBIRG PI KB, ELECTRIC AND steam roads; write or visit. Miss WHITE, 26tli and Franklin sts. n e. < tldcrman ilarton ts* rruda mansion*, Langdon. I>. C. JelO-Si* TWO LAK(JK FRONT ROOMS. SOlTtlERN EX posnre; shade; all city improvements; artesian well water; table excellent, near cars Box 48. Hyatrsvllic, Md. It* LINGANORE HILLS INN-NEAR THE MOUX- talns. Sttnated on a larre farm, which fap¬ plies the table with vegetables, milk, cream, etc. Artesian water, boating, bathing. Ashing, ball room. All modern couveniences; references e*- changed. Send for booklet. Miss E. M. BROWN. Frederick. Md. my 11 OOt.6 CLAIBORNE HALL OPENS FOR SEASON June 15. Good table; rtne rooms: large porches; .nice thadc; bathing and boating terms moderate. Mrs. C. C. Sl^lRH. MeOanlel. Md Jeft 3t* WANTED COUNTRY BOARD BY COUPLE with infant; 6tate terms. Ac. Addresa Box 227, Star office. JelV 2t . WANTED.BY A REFINED FAMILY, A FEW nice boarders In a beautiful, healthy country home. Address je»-3t* P. O. Box 03, Louisa. Va. WANTED TOR aim i ts ASV little girl, two rooms and board iu refined private famljy, on farm or country house; 7th st. pike preferred. Box 242. Star office. jeO .If WANTED .SIMMER BOARDERS ON FARM; good board: old-fashbmed country house; high, healthy; plenty shade, terms moderate. Address Mrs. S. M. WOODS. Floris, Va.; depot. Ilenidon, Va. Jett-tt* "MAYNADIER," NEAR GAINESVILLE. SOUTH- ern road; l1^ hours from Washington, near moun¬ tains: best water: 4 daily mails; table ami rooms first class; references exchanged. Address Mrs. MASON. jeh 3t* BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME; LARGE LAWN; eggs, milk, Ice and vegetables: piano and organ; terms reasonable. Mrs. W. C. CLIPP, Shenan¬ doah Junction. Jefferson Co.. W. Va. Jeh St ANY ONB WISHING BOARD IN TUB Moun¬ tains should apply to M. C. DORSEY, Grants vllle. Garrett Co.. Md. JeS-Ot* DKLTA- SITUATED ON AN UP-TO-DATE FARM: larg»\ new house; pleuty shade, porches, good water and good table; bass fishing and huntlug; 'phone connection*. Addresa Mr*. W. B. KI CKER, R. F. D. No. 1, Middleburg. Va. Je7-w&s-4t FAUQUIER CO.. VA.. TWO MILKS NORTH OF Remington, healthy locality; ti:-" water; Ice; g(KHl board; rooms and bath; delightful large piazzas; shady lawn and outdoor games; (ft jler week; open July 1. Apply to WM. G. MARTIN, 010 Mb sr. ii.e. Je4-eod,15t* MONTROSE SCHOOL; SUMMER HOME IN THE country for girl*., and small boys; delightfully situated In the most healthful part of Md.; no lessons after June 15 until September 15; terms very moderate. MISS HARDY, Cl&rksvillc, Md. Je2-14t.5 SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED AT PRETTY country home In mountains, large, shudy yard; comfortable rooms and good table; term*. $.0 per month. Mrs. M. B. GOLD, j-3 s.S^w.s 4t Fauquier Co., Delap.aue, Va. JESSFIELD BEAUTIFULLY SITU ATED ON salt water, three miles frotu Eastou; also cot- tage on lawn in connection with bouse. MISS M. F. ROBINSON, "Jessfleld," Easton, Md. Je2-20t* LOFDOl'N HEIGHTS- delightful LOCAHON" tine scenery. g«K)d bass fishing, pure s]»riug water, plenty shade, fresh vegetables, milk and butter. Address L. COMPI1ER, Harper's Ferry, W. Va. my.'ll-w.s-Of SILCOTT SPRINGS, nr. Blue Ridge Mts.; excellent table; good shade and water; comfortable rooms; terms moderate. Mis. EDWIN SHOEMAKER. Silcott Springs. Va my30-26t* THE A V AI/ON WILL OPEN FOR BOARDERS June 12. All modern improvements. For toruis and particulars apply to Mrs. THOS. H. MYERS, Braddoek Heights, Frederick Co., Md. R. F. D. No. 26. my301 PHILOMONT, LOUDOUN CO., VA.. NEAR THE Blue Ridge. 50 ml. from Wash.; high, healthful, beautiful scenery; excellent table and water; dancing; large grounds. Add. D. J. TAVENXEK. my25-tb,s-8t MOUNTAIN GLEN. A beautiful brick mansion, aud surroundings will l»e open June 1, 1905. Apply to J. W. COLE, Purcellrllle. Va. mj 10-301* THE "INGLESIDE." OPEN JUNE 1; BATH; hot and cold water; Rockville electric cars pass the lawn. Address FRANK REPP. Randolph, Maryland. myl S-30t, 4 BLUE RIDGE MTS . MD.. 50 MILES WEST OF Washington, on the B. 3c O.. flue bath room; complete; convenient to depot, post office, 'phout and fishing; circulars. Graud View. Kuoxvllle. lid. my3-00t THE WASHINGTON COLLEGE.3D AND T STS. n e.. opens tj summer l>osrders June 15. Rate* from $30 to $00 per month. Bowling, billiards and tennis court free to guests. ap28 tf-4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE.OHOCKRY A XT) PROVISION* STORK, in flue location, doing good business for twenty years. For particulars address B. M. M UN- DELL. Anaeostia. Jel0-3f WANTED.ATTORNEY INCORPORATE CORPOR- atlou; state lowest cost. Box 30, Atlantic City. It* FOR SALE.INDIVIDUAL OR CONTROLLING IN- terest In new and |*»pular Invention. Address .BUSINESS X," Star office. Jel0-3t* FOR SALE-BUSINESS AND LICENSE OF OLD aud well established Intelligence orflce: receipts $s daily; lK>oks open to Inspection; lease se¬ cured: good reasons given for selling. Address . INTELLIGENCE.'' Star offlce. Jel0-3t* FOR REVT-ON PERCENTAGE BASIS, LUNril department In one of the most prominent depart ment stores. Address Box 5. Star otfiee. jel0-3t A BIG SNAP.DAIRY LUNCH A ND I >1N1NG room; must l>e sold at once; fine location; rent cheap. Cheap for cash, or will 11 for terms to responsible party. I'.ox 2. Star ofllee. jel0-3t* LUNCH AND DINING ROOM. RUS1N K8S CEN- ter; a money maker: owner leaving city, will sac¬ rifice: investigate at once aud got a snap. jel0-3t THE SOULE CO. «Inc.», 630 La. ave. WHO HAS f 10,000 TO IN VEST IN MANUFAC- t tiring new vending machine making change-- selling 12 to '2f> different articles; a wonder; $10u.000 per year to investor: safe; worth your attention. To see machine and interview address A. K. S., Patentee, 30 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Je0-3t* WANTED.BY MISS LILLIAN SPOOR. GRADU- ate of the Philadelphia Musical Academy, pupi's for piano instruction; teruis reasonable. Call or address 1506 1st st. s.e. JeU-3f FOR SALE-BEST"LOCATED LUNCH ROOM IN city. Address Box 24<». Star office. je#-3f FOU RENT.FIKST-FLOOK FLAT. "suitable for dining room, in corner building in resident portion northwest; good location for surh busi¬ ness; furnished, except dishes, etc.; will accept board for one. attention to tires, etc.. in pay¬ ment. or $30; only first-class business person need answer. Addiess Box 2u7. Star otflee. je8-.lt* 50 ROOM HOT EL. "INCLUDING FINEST BAR IN Washington, clearing $14.<smi year; price. |1S,«HH>. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. Oil F. JeS-3t* CONFECTIONERY; DAILY SALES. $2^; < HE.\P rent; living rooms; owuer leaving city; only $750. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 611 F. Je8-3t* GROCERY. CLEARING $200 MONTH;' STOCK invoice. $1,000; price. $1.20U. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 611 F. Je8-.it* FOR SALE.DAIRY LUNCH AND SHORT OR- ders cooking, other business, raesoo for selling. 32^8 M at. n.w. JeS 3t FOR QUICK SALE, SENI» BONDS. S TOCK8 AND mortgages to me. through the Drovers and Me chanlcs' National Bank of Baltimore. Md. To buy, send money same way. Send Instructions direct to me. A. MORGAN, 216 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. jc8-3t I WANT $1,200; WILL GIVE AND "f7~RST Hen on real estate valued at $5,000; no com¬ mission. Addresa Box 213, Star office. Je8-3t* 1915 PA. AVE. A FINE LOCA/nON~tt)R~A ~SMALL business. Rent low. GEO. W. LIN KINS. SOQ 10th n.w. »p8 tf AT RAMSAY'S, f YOUR WATCH CLEANED $1.00 WATCH MAINSPRING $1.00 ALL WORK WARRANTED ONE YEAR. mh3-5d 1221 V ST. N.W. FOE KENT.OUT OF CITY. FOR KKNT. 67th «t. near 5th arena?; to »ul>let for tb* ¦amaier mouth*. Klfgnnt elevator apartment of nine la rgr at -y ruouia lieautlfull; furnlahed; i.wthern and eastern exposure. DAVIOSON. 83 W 56th at.. New York clt*. mh22rW&Sa-tr-« FOU UENT-XKAK FOUTRESS MONROE. VA.. . fine tbree-.iory frame building, fronting on Bawptoo Koada between Ft. Monroe and X«»- Crt ,N«rt; contain* about its room*; bcated by t water and partly furnlabed: ha* barn and .table and a spring on the ground*; property em¬ brace# about tea acres, and has about ¦ thou¬ sand feet of water front, with flue flailing, bath¬ ing and boating; electric cars pass nrar the property; excellent location for a summer and winter health resort. Apply to JAMR3 F. SHEA, 043 LooMina arm. n.w. JsSM.tf PASTURING. WANTED. UOIt-SES TO PA»Tt/UE AT IJiY nill. Montg. C'o.. Md.: tS pet mo.; good meadow gnus. w*S plevtr of wstrr and *Uade: Uor*i-t called f* and delivered. C. U. PABKRK. 43) st. s.w.. 'ohoM M. 30M. myM-aOt

WANTED.AGENTS.WANTED COLLECTORS, CANVASSERS ANDsgents can materially add to their Incomcs by.oiling weekly Arc Insurance for an old. reliablecompany; g<h.kI commissions paid. Address Box114, Star office. Je4-7t*

WANTED-BIG PROFITS FOtt ACTIVE MEN; $1*outfit; exclusive territory; selling business men.THE PHELPS CO., State at.. I»etrolt, Mich.iby31-nfts-lt


WANTED.YOl'NO MAN TO WAIT ON TABLEnights mid morning or work all day. Tall be¬fore in o'clock or after 7 p.ui. 1V40 13th n.w.JelO-S.m 2t

_____ jWANTED-TEN RED ItKICKLAYERS ON BUILD-ing cor. 18th aud 11 sts. n.w. Monday morning,Jnov12. JeMKSt*

WANTED.BANK MEASENiiEM.10,000 MEN TORiuoki' the liatik Mcwngvf 6c. cigar. Ask your

dvalt-r.JelO,s,m,w-tfWANTKlS'lRSTC 1.ASS CABINET MAKERS. AP-plyWOODHl'FK MKG. CO., 1222 G »t. n.w. It*

WANTED ENEhTjETII" WORKERS EVERY-wb«-r«' to distribute rlrpnlam, samples ami ad-TfrttsinK matter: piM-d par; no ranvaMsinR. CO¬


WANTED lirSTI.EUS. V.\ ERVWHERE, TO Dis¬tribute rfrvnlarn, maniple* mid tack w.gus. AMEIt-1CAN DISTRI111'TING AGENCY, Milwaukee, Wis.


WANTED-MENEVERYWHERE. GOOI) PAY, TOdistribute circulars, ndv. matter, tack signs, etc.No canvassing. NATIONAL ADV. BUREAU,Chicago. It*


WANTED LEARN TO WRITE" ADVERTISE~-ments; earn $2o to $100 per week; informationfnPAGE-DAVIS CO., 1)3 Wabash nve., Cbl-cago. It®

WANTED.A MILLWORK ESTIMATOR. ('OMPE-tent to take off lists from plans aud preparelists for factory. To the right man a permanentItoKltlon at a good salary is offered. AddressGEO. M. BARKER. 040 N. V. ave. Jcl0-3t*W A NTEI».A WIIITE MANS SERVICESPARTof day. for use of basement room and one meal.Box 241). Star office. It*

WANTED-GOOD POSITIONS FOR THE RIGHT]parties; the work is both pleasant and profitable;the Modern Protective Association want fifty rep¬resentatives to take charge of territory in dif¬ferent parts of the state of Va. and act In thecapacity as district managers and organizers;call at once on the state supt.. S. E. Atherton.and tret itartirulars and select your territory. S.£. ATHERTON, state supt., 723 King St.. Alex¬andria. Va. It*

WANTED A~ YOCNG M AN~iVTtTi EXrKUIE.VCEfor general office work. Applv with rcf. STAND¬ARD DAIRY AND ICE CO.. 1333 14tl» st. n.w. It

WANTif:D YOl'NO MAN WITH KNOWLEDGEof tire insurance; applicants must have some cx-periem e and <-ommuui<ate In own handwriting;one who can operate typewriter preferred. Ad-dress Box 17. Star office. JelO-3t,eSu

WANTED -GOOD ELEVATOR MAN. APPLY*,'with refs., ottioe Stoneleigh Court, Conn, and Lst. n.w. It

WANTED.A SHORT DISTANCE IN THE COU>Ttry, near a car line, a single colored man, cotover £5 years of age. who can drive, take careof a horse and work around the house. Address,with references. Box 230, Star office. Jc9-2t*

WANTED ORGANIST TO ASSIST IN THEwork in three Washington parishes, under direc¬tion of Ernest T. Winchester; fine opening foryoung man who will study organ playing andmethods of boy choir training. ERNEST T.WINCHESTER, 021 23d st. n.w. (St. Paul'sCbur<v). Je9-2t*

WANTED.l.r> BRICKLAYERS AT ONCE. AP-ply at 20th and Florida ave. n.w. (loug Job).Je9-3t#WANTED YOUTH TO LEARN PATENT BUSI-ness; reasonable salary, increasing with pro¬ficiency. Room 13, 1006 F. Je»-2t*WANTE I) N I< JI IT ENGINEER FOR APARTMENThouse; must be strictly softer and furnish goodreference. Address Box 231*. Star office. Je9-3t

WANTED.A MASSACHl SETTS LIFE INSUR-ance Co. of highest standing wishes a Districtagent; state present connections; communicationsstrictly confidential. Address Box 243, Star office.Jep 3t

WANTED 15 ACTIVE WHITE MEN TO CLEANwindows; good salary. Room 210, Stewart bldg.,Gth and 1> sts. n.w. Je9-2t*WANTED.RELIABLE MEN FOR NATIONALGuard Company; men w th service In guard orregular army preferred; fine opportunity for pro¬motion. Apply Saturday or Wednesday eveningar Room 19. National Guard Armory. Je8-3t*

WANTED CIGAtt SALESMAN; EXPERIENCEunnecessary; g»*Ki pay. EMANUEL & COM¬PANY. Station J. New York. Je3-s.4t*WANTED EVERYWHERE. HUSTLERS TOtack signs, distribute circulars, samplrs. etc.; noci.nvassing; good pay. SUN ADVERTISING BU¬REAU. Chicago. my27-s,4t*

WANTED.GENTLEMEN OF GOOD ADDRESS TOsell Wedderburn Rye. Purest atid best whiskeyon the American market. Address the JOHNWEDDERBURN COMPANY, Baltimore, Md.my!7 tfWANTED.B\NK MESSENGER-W.OOO MEN TOsmoke the Bank Messenger 5c. cigar. Ask yourdealer myo-tf

MALE OR FEMALE.WANTED -A SOLICITOR TO SECURE ADVER-tisements for a program. Apply, after 5 p.m.Monday. June 12. 520 10th at. southeast. jv,10-2tt

FEMALE.WANTED.WHITE WOMAN; MUST BE GOODcook. Call before 12 o'clock or after 7 p.m.;city ref. required. 1940 15th n.w. JelO-s.m.-2t

WANTED.BY ELDERLY U\DY, A YOUNG WO-man as useful eompanion for good home andsmall salary. Answer, with addressed envelopeftylosed. Box 248. Star office. It*

WANTED A WHITE WOMAN AS HOUSEKEKTer for family; German preferred. Address Box2T/4. Star office. Jelo-2t*

WANTED.ONE GOOD PARLOR AND DININGroom maid; one good chamlr-rmaid; both must b-»g<H»d waitresses. Apply 001 10th st. n.w. be¬tween 12 and 2 o'clock. It*

WANTED.A WOMAN COOK IWHITE). APPLYttH 13th st. n.w. It*WANTED-BEFORE JUNE 1GTH, ENERGETICuoinan desiring letter and permanent position;advancement to capable person; established firm;references. Oddress Box 2G2. Star office. Jelo-2t*

WANTED BRIGHT. ENERGETIC WOMAN PAST25 for trustworthy position with reliable firm;good chance for advancement; references. Ad-x Star office. It*

W fcNTED GENERaIl HOUSEWORKER ANDgirl as nurse: Cleveland Park. Address, statingexperience and wages desired, "LAWYER," StarIt*

WANT 1 I > EXPER I EN« El f~ M U SLIN UNDER-wear hand to take charge of department. Applyto S HART. Supt. LANSBURGH A BRO.. 420to 420 7th st. jclO-s.m 2t

WANTED \ MIDDLE-AGED LADY, POSSESSINGsympathetic disposition and pleasing personality:permanent engagement on exceptionally gtMxlterms to proper party. Address Box 253, Staroffice. It* |wanted is an Office for copyingwork, a young lady typewriter. Address Box 3,Star office. it*WANTED A COLORED WOMAN TO OOOlTwash and iron for fa mil v of two; must staynights; firing references. 1418 20th st. n.w. it*WANTED A GOOD WOMAN TO COOK. WASHand iron: stay nights. At 1735 Rlsgs pi.jelo-s.in.-2tWANTED- GIRL TO WORK FOR LADY IN FLAT;go*h cook: stav nights; furnish reference; noWMfetBg. Flat 68, 1723 (J st n.w. It

WANTED WHITE WOMAN To OOOK ANDclean for a family of two. Apply 025 S st. n.w.Jel0-2t.eSu

WANTED RESPECTABLE YOUNG WHITEnurse; go away for the summer, references re¬quired. Apply to 1311 2oth st. n.w. It*

WANTED A GOOD CHAMBERMAID ANDwaiters. Address SUBURBS. Walsh's, Bet heada.Ml. It*

WANTED A WOMAN TO COOK AND DO GEN-eral housework; white or colore 1. 1S3G bth st.n.w. It


dresu* etiveloj»eH; will pay $1 per day; must berapid aud write neat hand; be prepared to re-I»ort Mouday. Adiiresa Boi 13, Star office. It*

W ANTED.GERMAN TRANSLATOR; ONE COM-petent to translate English Into German, as wellas German into English; must be able to makeaccurate translations; position permanent. Ad-dress Box 12. Star office. It* |

WANTED-A COMPETENT WOMAN FOR GEN-eral housework; go home nights; good wages;city reference required. W» R. I. ave. n.w. It*WANTEDrWHITE GIRL AS*CHILD'S NURSE.Call at UtOl Roanoke St., Columbia Heights.Jel0-2t#WANTED SETTLED COLORS) WOMAN TOcook, wash and Iron for small family. Apply1712 15th st. n.w.



an<l Iron, family of 3. Applv with references,1333 15th n.w. ItWANTED.EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE Op¬

erator: wages $25 |»er month and board. Ad¬dress. stating experience and refs.. Box Id. Staroffice. It

WANTED.EX PERIEN<'ED WAIST AND SHIRThands; also an apprentice. Apply 23 Brunswickflat. It*

WANTED -A RELIABLE COUjRFD WOMAN TOcare for an elderly lady. Apply 1445 Mass. a*e. *

WANTED SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES EXPER1-encad In addressing envelopes; mltrj, |3 perweek; hours. 9 to 5. In answering, state ex-perleice, how many envelopes you cso addressper day, age. etc. Box 226. Star office. Je9-£t

WANTED CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERALhousework; small family; must be good cook;wages, $16 a month. Call in afternoon. 3415Mount Pleaaswt st. n.w. Jc9-2t*

WANTED-.A LADY BOOKKEEPER. ONE THOB-oughly experienced In double-entry bookkeeping.Address, with reference and salary expected. 8.B. L., Star offic.


WANTED.EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENEH.VLhousework at 910 12th at. n.w. Je9-3t

WANTKI> FIRST CLASS WAIST HAND;steady work all sutnnier. 1319 11th st. n.w.j.9-2t*WANTED-YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER ANDtyi»ewrlter; hours. 8 to 6; give referent** andwsgis expected. Address Box 246, Star office.Je9-2t*WANTED.YOUNG WHITE WOMAN Oil LIGHTcolored girl as nurse. Address Box 202. Staroffice. je8-3t .


WANTED.GOOD COOK TOR BOARDING HOU«Eto go to Colonial Beach. Apply 131 6th s.e.je8-3t*

WANTED WAIST HANDS. HELPERS ANDneat errand gfrl. lllf> 11th st. n.w. JeS^-Ht

WANTE1>.A CAPABLE~WHItITOIRL FOR~SEN-eral hounework, German preferred; good horae;wages $15. 3211 13th St. n.w. Je7,8,10-3t

WANTED.Y'OUNG LADY TO DO TYPEWRIT^irvg evenings at home fron* dictation; machinefurnished; state age and experience. Box 151,Star office. Je6-eod,3t*WANTED-BY A YOUNG LADIES* SCHOOL ISthe suburbs of Washington. several general house¬work girla who can do waitress and ehainber-work; also one experienced Ir.dy's ma!/!, good.ewer. Address, stating ^rages and Inclosing refer-ernces. INST I ri'TlON. Star office.*«'24-Sa.tu,th-tf


WANTED.GAS ENGINE OPERATOR'S POS1-tion; launch or car; moderate ealary; disinterest¬ed advice to prospective purchaser. Address Box257. Star office. It*WANTED.BY MAN OF BISINESS ABILITY. Aposition where attention to employ**.' Interestsand energy will earn him a living: good penman;A-l refer ewes. Address Box 251, Star office.jel0,12-2t*

WANTED.BY YOUNG MAN, WORK OF ANYkind; good references. 1«35 11th st. n.w. It*

WANTED.AN A-l PROPOSITION FOR SOLICITOR.hustler and of good appearance; best of ref¬erences; commist-'Ion basis preferred; what haveyou got? Address Box 7, Star office. jel0-3t*WANTED.PLACE AS JANITOR OR PORTER.1521 lit!) st. n.w. It*WANTED-BY HOUSE CARPENTER, JOB WORKand painting. 82 Deprees st. n.w. It*

WANTED.BY A MAN, HOUSECLEANING TO DO.Call or write, I). W., 1218 M n.w. It*

WANTED--SITUATION BT YOUNG MAN .jr^rfrom Italy; printer by trade; understands pho¬tography; also good telegraph operator; sp?.tksItalian only; government references. 239 1stst. s.w JeO-Tt*

WANTED.BY A COLORED BOY. A PLACE TOwork after June, 1905. Address Box 230. Staroffice. j*9-2t*

WANTED BY A YOUNG COLORED MAnTPLACEas butler or drive doctor; will leave "city. Callor address A. J. I'., 1123 New Hampshire ave.

n.w. je9-2t*WANTED PLACE BY COLORED MAN. SKILLEDor unskilled labor either; all-around man; goodreferences. 1739 T st. n.w. jc9-3t*WANTED.EMPLOYMENT AS INVALID AT-tendant, companion, valet, to travel; superiorqualifications. Address J. K. K.f Star office.je9-3t*

WANTED.AftTIII'R T. ROBINSON. MI'S. BAC.,Oxon., organist St. Margaret's Church, Is opento deputize during August, also accept engage¬ments for organ recitals, etc. 2017 19th st.

n.w. je8-4t*MALE OR FEMALE*

WANTED.SITUATIONS BY FIRST-CLASS WOM-an cook, men cooks, two white nurses, whitegeneral houseworker; city references; all kindsof reliable help furnished on short notice. 'PhoneMain 3147. CENTRAL EMP. BUREAU, 806 Est. n.w. It*

WANTED.ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC EMPLOY-MENT BUREAU, cor. 10th and I sts. n.w.. liason hand demons! Tutors, operators, cashiers, clerks,housekeeuers, drivers, nurses and cooks. 'PhoneMain 3663. It*

WANTEI»- Pi>SITI<)NS.NEAT COLORED MANand wife; also white watchman, caretaker, jani¬tor and elevator man. 1011 N. Y. ave. ItWANTED -1'OSITIONS.-RK('« >M MENDED NURSE",waitress, housemaid, laundress, chef cook andwaiter; resorts preferred. Address Box 247. Staroffl<*e. je9-7tWANTED TELEPHONE EUREKA EMPLOY-r^ent Exchange. Main 2S08. 1013 N. Y. ave.Trained hefp: city, resort. mh25-s.S.m.tf

FEMALE.WANTED.POSITION; STENOGRAPHER. TYPE-writer; knowledge bookkeeping; experienced; pat¬ent, commercial, insjrance and legal; references.231 R st. n.e. It*

WANTED.BY RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN,cleaning or laundry by the day; reference. 163311th st. It*

WANTED.ENGAGEMENTS BY EXPERIENCEDnurse; prices moderate. Call or write. 1105

5th n.w. Jel0-2t*WANTED-SITUATION AS HOUSEWORKER ORcook's place In small family. 910 6th st. n.w.It*

WANTED.PI.ACE BY COI-OItfcD RESPECTFULladles' maid to travel. 1812 20th st. n.w. It*

WANTED-IJY COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERand typewriter, position, temporary or perma¬nent. Address Box 2*10. Star officii J?10-2t*

WANTED.BY COLORED WOMAN LAUNDRESS,by day, washing home or day's work. 1535 Mst. n.w. It*

WANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS,family laundry to take home. Call or drop pos¬tal. 1144 8th st. n.w. It*

WANTED BY NEAT WAITRESS-SEAMSTRESS;also cook; leave city; best references. 1635 lltiist. n.w. It*


WANTED SITUATIONS.EXCELLENT CHAM-bermald and waitress; also first-class cooks; bestreferences. LADIES' EXCHANGE BUREAU,

_1H5 F. It*WANTED . SITUATIONS RECOMMENDEDcooks, chambermaid, nurse, geueral worker, laun¬dress. 1211 10th M. n.w. It*

WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST-CLASS PLAINcooks, general worker, chambermaid, nurse.1211 10th st.; 'phone North 715. It*

WANTED BY TWO RELIABLE GIRLS. PLACEScook and ehamt>ermaid; no waiting; leave town.Call 1722 Hayes court n.w. It*

WA vFED.CH AMBERW<>RK AND SEWING. ORsewing bv dav: would leave city later. Call oraddress MAID. 240 14th n.e. It

WANTED- BY WOMAN. WASHING TO TAKEhome. Address 5n4'*j R ft. n.w. je!0-2t

WANTED FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WISHESwork to do home or by the day. 024 W st. n.w.l

WANTED BY COMPETENT COLORED LAINdre^s, dav's work; ref. Address 1617 12th st.n.w H

WANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED SEAM-Ktress. sewing in families; experienced cutter,fitter and neat sewer. Call 2212 6th st. n.w. It

WANTED BY FIRST CLXSS LAUNDRY-"*. FINEwashing of any kind to take home. 14»">2 Q st. 1

WANTED. REFIN E*l7. MIDDLE-AGED LADYwill for slight remuneration assist in home du¬ties or take charge of children and sewing. Callor address 1719 13th st. n.w. It

WANTED DRESSMAKING AT SHORT NOTICE;shirt waist suits. $2.50; will call for and deliver.MODISTE. Star office. It

WANTED.WASHING TO TAKE HOME ORday'* work out. 2015 12th st. It

WANTED- BY RESPEl'TABLE COIjORED GIRL,place to work morning or evening. 1405 P st. ItWANTEDDA^S WORK OR WASHING TOtake home. Please call 1707 Seaton st. n.w. It*

WANTEI*- BY A RELIABLE COLORED GIRL AS'chamberiuuld or light housework. 1119 4th st.

n.w. Jel0-2t*WANTED-A PLACE AS CHAMBERMAID TO GOaway; seashore preferred. 439 Del. av?. s.w. It

WANTED- SITUATIONS-GO WEST OR NORTH.3 good colored cooks; general workers, nurse,housemaid. 1011 N. Y". are. n.w. It

WANTED-BY A COLORED GIRL, POSITION ASwaitress, chambermaid or nurse; go away; refer¬ences. Call or address 219 F st. s.w. Jel0-3t*

WANTED-A GRADUATED NURSE WOULDtake good care of an invalid lady or gentlemanfor the summer, in the country; best reference.Address Box 237. Star office. jef>-2t*

WANTED-.PLACE AS GENERAL HOUSEWORKer or cook. Call 1940 N. H. ave. je9-2t*WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY STENOG-rapher desires position at once. Box 203. Staroffice. je8-3t*

WANTED.SEWING AT HOME; UNDERSTANDcutting and fitting. Mrs. DUNN, 401 H st.


tlon as Instructor for child, or companion toadult; will go away. Box 108, Star office.Je4,10,11*WANTED TO CHAPERON AND SPEAKFrench to children or Invalid going away. Ad-dies* PARISIENNE, 2108 F. my27-a,Su-th-12t*


WANTED.UNFURNISHED ROOM ON CAPITOLHill: state prli-e. Box 16.1, Star ofloe. It*

WANTED BY A YOUNO MARRIED COUPLE,furnished rooms for light housekeeping; willingto take charge of ¦ houae (or the summer. Ad-dtv« E. L. Z.. Star office. Jel0-9t*

WANTED.-BOARD.WANTED.GOOD BOARD AT CHEVY CHASEfor gentleman and wife; atate particulars; refer¬ences exchanged. Address Box 234, Star office.Je9-3t*

WANTED.APARTMENTS.WANTED.TO ASSUME UNEXPIRED I.EASE IN3 or 0 room unfurnished apartment; Columbia orWashington Heights; reduced rental. AddressBox 4, Star office. It*WANTED UNFURNISHED. S-BOQM HOU8E-keeping apartment nerlhweat; atate rent.' Ad-dreaa ..PLEASANT," Star o«ce. J«8-3t*

WANTED.BOOMS AND BOARD.WANTED-BOARD AND ONE ROOM FOR TWOladles; state lowest terms for seaaoa. AddresaBox 10. Star oflhe. JelO-ZtWANTED BY GENTLEMAN, ROOM AND

boaril; private famll)-; s.e. Address Bo* 259.Star offl.-e. Jel0-3t*

WANTED.GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM. WITHboard, near filtration plant. Box 231, Star office.

WANTED.OFFICES.WANTED-DESK ROOM IN GOOD OFFICE INvicinity of Hth and G sts. AddRM, giving fallparticulars, Box SIM, Star offico. Jel0-3t


WANTED.TO BUY OLD l'EATIlER BEDS.When selling, why not drop a p<«tal to an old.reliable drin: H. MARKS, 307 7th at.. opposite

_SuksV' Jel0-28t»

WANTED.CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. CAtt-pets. otticc and store fixtures of all kinds. Furni¬ture stored, packed and shipped. Address BAUM,1)1- I'a. ave. n.w. 'Phone Main 1254. JelO-tf

WAXTED.FURNITURE"FOR CASH. SELL YOURgoods lo the man who gives you the most money.

HOPWOOD.JelO-tf -fth and K sta. n.w.

WANTKI>.8ETOND HAM»*REG1NA~MUSICBOX,In good condition. Addresa H. X. COPP, 822 Hibat. n.w. JelO-2tWANTED.WHO HAS A GOOD DOG OR PUPPYto (rive an invalid? Address, with particulars,Box 221, Star office. It*

WANTED.MUSIC AND SPECIALTIES FORBerwyn country fair. Jnly 17 to 22. 7 to 11 eacheve'uing. Address, with particulars, WM. M.DWYER. S20H 3'tli st. It*

WANTED.MAN'S BICYCLE, HIGH GRADE, SEC-ond hand. If great bargain. Kll G at. Jelo-2t

WANTED.CHEAP TICKET TO CHICAGO ANDreturn. Address Iiox t>. Star office. It*

WANTED.MAN'S BICYCLE HIGH GRADE,second-hand; if great bargain, hi 1 G at. Jel0-2c

WANTED.OLD CLOTHES FOR CASH. ISRAELDUN. 433 Wi st. s.w.; telephone. Maine 5625.Je'J-.lt*


Jtl'.lfWANTED-A. KEBESKY, I30U TTI1 ST. N.W.,will pay the highest cash prices for ladies', gents'and children's c-ast-ofT clothing, shoes anil hats.Address postal or 'phone North 32C0. Will call.Je8-21t*

WANTED.20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON Pic¬ture frames during the summer mouths. TYLES,710 I>th li.w. JeS-Tt

HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CAST-OFF GAR-nients, ladies' aiul gent's clothing; also tools. &c.304 4',<j St. s.w. S. SHAFFER D.op a postal andI will call. uiy29-30t*

WANTED- NEW YORK WAR 1812 CERTIfT-cates. Ad;lress 402 Corcoran bids., Washington,

D. C. Je5-7t*WANTED EASTERN FEATHER COMPANY,this month.50,000. lbs. old feathers; highest cashprice. Also furniture, ladies' and gents' clothes.Send postal; will call at once. 213 7th at. n.w.

my29-30t*WANTED Al.I. THE OLD, USELESS GOLDand silver lying Idle.about the house. Corals,diamonds, cameos. Jewelry and silverware bought.C. F. KAKK. Jeweler. U1S 13th. bet. F and G ata.ni.vl2-tfWATKD SEWING MACHINES OF ANY MAKErepaired and renovated. f1: machines rented, 50c.per week; good machines that have been rented,$5, at Ol'PEN 11 ELMER'S. 514 tltli u.w. inyO-tfWANTED .PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS,rubies, emeralds, sapphires, pearls; cash paid forall gold, sliver, dentists' gold and platluuui. atLOUIS ABRAHAMS'. 433 9th st. n.w. nih3-tf.»SuWANTED.ARE YOU GOING TO MOVE?

Get COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO.. 503 lltbst. n.w. Wagons or padded vans.'I'bone Main 4192. myfi-tf


WANTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY KIND OF FUR-niture you want to buy or sell It will pay youto consult II. ROSENBERG, 712 K at. n.w.

-Telephone Main 2174. oclT-tfWANTED.WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR GOODsecond hand upright pianos. DE MOLL'S MUSICHOUSE. 1231 G st. n.w. Jy3-tf

LOST AND FOUND.lost.GORDON SETTER DOG; BROWN EARS,white an<l brown ni>otted body; name Fiske onbrass and leather collar. Reward. 610 i'a. ave.,Washington, or 12 Sibley ave., Hyattsville.Jel0-3t»

LOST.BVLL TERRlfcR PUP, WHITE, LONGnose; ears cut to point; answers to name of"Billy." Return to 1817 19th st. u.w. and re¬ceive reward. jelO-l!t*

LOST.BKTWKEN CHEVY CHASE AND MT.Pleasant Friday evening, tan top coat. Rewardon return to 11. B. DAVIDSON. 1413 G. it*

LOST.IN HERDIC. FRIDAY, 9 A.M.. SMALLblack card case. Finder please notify owner.Room 432, War Department. lt#

LOST.FROM CAR ON COLUMBIA ROAD, NEARMt. Pleasant St., black silk umbrella, with goldbar on end, Friday, June 8. Reward if left at1030 Park st. It*

LOST.LEFT ON SEAT IN* IOWA PARK, ALLIGA-tor bag; money, gold glasses, handkerchief, etc.Reward If returned to 1221 O st, u.w. Jel0-3t

LOST-THURSDAY AFTERNOON. BLACK PER-slan cape, brown fur trimmings, 32d and M toAqueduct bridge. Reward; return lt>12 I st. n.w.je9-3t*

LOST IN COLUMBIA THEATER THURSDAYafternoon, tsnake ring with two diamonds. Pleasereturn to 803 K st. and receive reward. je9-3t*

LOST A SQUAH£ CAMEO* BROOCH ON THEChevy Chase cars or In vicinity of 7th St.; valuedbecause of family associations. Reward If leftwith Mrs. E. B. .SHERWOOD, "The Olympia."Je9-3t*

LOST.AT MARSHALL HALL THE EVENING OFJune 8. gold medal on ribbon, marked Y. M. C.A. one side; F. E. Burke, one mile relay, otherside. Reward if returned to 1212 Eye st. n.w.Je9-3t*

LOST ROUND PEARL PIN ON TUESDAY MORN-ing on F st. car or in Boston House. Reward ifreturned 3018 Dumbarton ave. je9-3t*

LOST-POCKET BOOK. WITH PAPERS, BElonging to Jesse L. Carmlchael. Return to theBoston Herald otiices. 1406 G st. n.w. Je9-3t*

LOST.GOING F1tOM HERBERT'S LUNCH ROOMto Kami's, or in Kami's store, lady's hunt Ing¬ram gold watch, black fob chain. Reward Tfleft with F. P. DEWEY, Jr., Ograni's, 13th and

Pa. ave. Jei>-3t*LOST BLACK MOR<K'CO POCKETBOOK, CON-taining Southern Hv. annual pass, in favor L.F. Wynne; also money a id bank certificates. Jfftund return to National Hotel. Liberal reward,Je8-3t*

L( ST-BADGE, AMERICAN SOCIETY CIVIL F.N-giLetrp. Liberal reward at Star office. Je8-3t*

PERSONAL...I WILL NEVER WED THE MAN THAT DIESfor me!" she exclaimed, and wanted to know whybe hadn't sent for us and accepted our full cashvalue for his men's worn garments. We, areprompt. JI.'STH'S OLD STAND, Oil) D. Jel0-tf.5

CLERK. WAR DEPARTMENT. $1,200. WILL Ex¬change with clerk in other department in thIscity. Addresa "A. X. I).," Star office. It*


NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. SUITE~~224Colorado bitlldinjt. Hth and G; never closed; ab-solutelv reliable; atrlctly confidential; any cause;all sections. M. BRADFORD. * Superintendent.Je3-30t'.4


TO HAVE CARPETS TAKEN CP, CLEANED,STEAMED AND RELAID In up-to-date thoroughmanner at lowest prices send postal or 'phoneMain 1213. FRANK H. YOUNGS, 1)19 H at. n wmy24-90t,3

MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUPHas been uaed for over SIXTY YEARS by MIL¬LIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILETEETHING WITH PERFECT SUCCESS. ITSOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. AL¬LAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is tkebest remedy for DIARRHOEA. Bold by drugglatain every oart of the world. Be sure aod aak for


rTlAVE $5,000 TO LOAN ON FURNITURE ANDpianoa. Addresa Box 2343, Station G. I will

call- mh24-tfMORPHINE. OPIUM, LAUDANUM, COCAINEbiblt; myaelf cured; will Inform you of barmleaa,permanent borne cure. Mrs. BALDWIN,mh24-Sa-tf Box 1212. Chicago.


lumbia, holding a Probate Court..No. 12937, ad¬ministration..Tbls la to five notice: That tbesubscribers, of tbe District ot Columbia, have ob¬tained from the Probate Court of the District ofColumbia letters testamentary on the estate ofMagdalena Fugltt, late of the Diatrlct of Colum¬bia, deceased. All persona having claims agalnatthe deceased are hereby warned to exhibit thesame, with the vouchers therof, legally authenti¬cated, to tbe subscribers, on or before the 8th dayof June, A. D. 1900; otberwiae they may by lawbe excluded from all benefit of aaid eatate Givenunder our bands this 8th day of Jane, 1900 JOHNP. H1NKEL, 119 O at. a.e ; HENRY STtripp410 A st. a.e. Attest: JAMES TANNER, Registerof Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of tbeProbate Court. GEO. C. GBRTMAN, Attorney.J«10-law8t'

ELECTRIC FANS.ELECTRIC FANS FOR RENT FOR THE SEA-aon; all klada of fans for aale; prices to salt;



LARGE. DESIRABLE ROOMS; SOUTHERN EX-posnre; special summer rates. 936 K it. JelO-Bt*

LARGE, AIRY ROOMS. $20 TO $25; EXCELLENTtable; plami; phone. THE ESTEP, 1018 Mass.sve. n.w. Jel0-3t*FOR BEXT.ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, WITHor without board, nlcrly furnished room; geotle-men preferred; private family. 1225 Princeton..

BRIGHT. CHEERFUL ROOMS. WITH GOOD TA-1)1? hoard; reasonable rates. 1232 lOlh st. n.w. *

ROOM FOR TWO GIRLS OK MAN AND WIFE.In private family. Call 3<>2 4th st. *.e. JelO-2t*m KENT.PLEASANT ROOM; EXUMT81VE USE

of bnth; Washington Heights; $10 a month; withboard. $2.~i. Add.-css llo* 25, SUr o.Bce. It*

14«".» RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W..QUIET KOOMSwith or without board. Jel0,17*

1439 RHODE- ISLAND AVE. N.W.-XOMKOKT-able roomx; excellent beard, with or withoutn»oms; 'phone. ^t-10,17*

NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; SUMMER KATES,$6.00 up; to gentleman only; boarjl can be hadat ream uable prices. 1710 l'a. ate. li.w. nearState and War Dept. jeMMt*

COOlT"DEiHgHTFUL ROOMS vnTli BOAKdTtransients taken; summer prices; telephoneNorth 1328 .Mass. nve. Jclo-gt

1905 ~~II ST N.W..LARGE SECOND-STORYsouth front room, with board; table boarders.JeUI-7t*

1708 F ST. N.W.-I.AKgF AIKY KOOMS ATlowest summer rates; with board. (20 and $26per month: telephone and piano. Jel0-5t*

uTl RHODE LSLAND AVE..DELIGHTFUL SE(>ond-floor .rooms, with or without board: privatefamiiy; 'phone 444-K. Jel0-2t

BRI(!HT HiEERFUL SSCOND-FLOOR ROOM INprivate family; pod home table. 2811 14th st.JeHK't*

ROOM!S.FlitNISHED OK UNTUKNISHED, WITHor without beard, and prirate bath; all new, neatand beautiful. The Wieoinieo, 225 N. J. ave. n.w.It*

BEAUTIFUL SECOND-STORY KOOMS; THREEsouth windows. v.ith cr without bonrd. 913 Hn.w.; also cheap hall room and hoard. It*

MT. PLEASANT.SE<*0\D-STORY FRONT, FAC-iug south and east: verandas: lawn; own vege¬tables; private family. Address Box 14. Star'ol-floe. jel0-2l«

FOR RENT.TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS,suitable for two; excellent huine table; summerprices. 9 !)ih n.e. Jolo-2t

1101 K ST. N.W..TWO COMFORTABLE ROOMS,suitable for four young men; flrst-class board.jelo-Qt* s

Hi5 MASS. AV E. .SECOND STORY FRONTroom; also rouni with private l>;ith; larj^ closets;New England table. Jolo-3t*

CAN" ACCOMMODATE TWO GENTLEMEN WITHroom and (Irst-elass board; private family. 357613th st. Reasonable terms. Je9-3t

DESIRABLE, PLEASANT, 2D-FLOOR, SOUTH-front rooms; good hoard. 1015 L st. n.w. Je9-3t*

ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; PRIVATEfamily. 408 Tea st. n.w. Je9-2t*

BEAUTIFULSUM"mer"~I,0CAT10N. ELEVATED"faring Franklin Park.Choice front ro.«m; sur¬passing outlook; choice family table; $6 to $8.

1307 K. je9-3t*LARGE~H)-FLOOR furnished front room,with hoard; delightful for summer. 1358 YaleSt., Columbia Heights. je9-3t*

COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, 2907 14TH ST..LARGE2d-story front room. jeS 3t*

NICELY FURNISHED FRONT AND BACKrooms, with board; tiled baths; telephone. 1741

G St. Je8-3t*LARGE, COOL ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUTboard: summer prices. THE RHODE ISLAND,1437 II. I. ave. Je8-6t*

LARGE ALCOVE ROOM] SECOND FLO*HI;southern exposure; bath adjacent; also singleroom; excellent table and service. 1740 P st.

n.w. Je8-4t*1108 F ST. N.W.-LARGE, AIRY ROOMS ATlowest summer rates; with board; $20 and $25per mouth; telephone and piano. Jeb-3t*

1C02 K.COOL ROOMS: FIRST-CLASS TABLE:references: table board. Je8-4t

THE LOGAN, IOWA CIRCLE (AMERICAN PLAN)Delightful location; 1, 2 and 3 rooms, with

bath; low summer rates. Je8-5t*1242 11TH ST. N.W..LARGE 2D-FLOOR FRONT;modem bouse: good table; transient or perma¬nent. 'Phone N. 3022. jcS 7t*

PRIVATE FAMILY WILL TAKE ONE OR TWOboarders; well ventilated room; private toiletroom; porcelain bath; good table; moderate price;convenient to bureau of engraving and cars. 41210th st. s.w. JeT-ftt*

THE LITCHFIELD.904-910 14TH ST. N.W., Op¬posite Franklin l'a^rk: rooms at summer rates;table special attention; transients accommodated.Jett-St*

DESIRABLE ROOMS; FOR TWO IN ROOM. $45,with good board. 1133 Providence St., Brookland.References. Je5-7t

L\RGE, COOL ROOMS; TABLE BOARD A SPKclalty; near two cars. 1326 Whitney ave. n.w.Je3.7.10»

DELIGHTFUL SIMMER QUARTERS. 1322 Lst. n.w.; 2 beautiful suites of rooms; also singlerooms, with Itoanl: prices moderate. Je3-tf

BOARDING.WANTED.A FEW GENTLEMEN TO BOARDat plain, quiet country home; fl6 per month.4'-all 1763 Wallach st. ItCOME TO r.LEN MANOR." FORKST GLEN.Md.. and enjoy nature at its full beauty; somecool rooms left; plenty of porches; near cars.Je6-5t*



FOR DENTIST OR ARCHITECT. ETC.In excellent repair, modern conveniences: heated.J -lll-3t LIEBERMANN A. HAWN. 1303 F st.

FOR RENT TO SUBLET OFFICE ROOM IN COL.orado bldg. Inquire Room 821. Jel>-3t*

FOR RENT.THREE OF THE HANDSOMESTfront office rooms in Washington; single or ensuite. 900 14th st. n.w.; cor. bouse. Je6-tf

FOR RENT.OPPOSITE STAR BUILDING, 40511th st. n.w.: very desirable rooms; newly pa¬pered and painted; rents very reasonable to goodtenants.jeC-5t MOORE & HILL (1 ncj^717 14lh st.

FOR RENT.1328 N. Y. ave., entire 2d floor; 3 large rooms;steam heat: electric lights $65.00

1328 N. V. ave., large room. 1st floor 20.501411 G St.. nice sized room, tirst floor 15.00

ATKINSON & BALLARD CO. (Inc.).Real Estate, Loans A: Insurance,

Je.Vtf 1328 N. Y. ave. n.w.

FOR KENT-HANDSOME OFFICE KOOMS IN THEStar Building, single or en suite. All appoint¬ments first-class. Apply BUSINESS MANAGER,Star office. mj'3-tf

For "rent warder building, nth"andfn.w..Fine office rooms, splendid elevator serv¬ice and modern conveniences; good location forbusiness. Apply to WILLIAM K. ELLIS. 52511th st. n.w. my25-30t

BLISS BLDG.. 38 B ST. N.W..DESIRABLE OK-flces facing Capitol Park; elevator, light andJanitor servlco: >8 up Apply Room 21. apltt-tf

FOR KENT-801 19TH N.W..FINE. LARGErooms, for stud'os or offices; with or withoutbath. Rent reasonable. GEO. W. L1NK1NS, 80019th st. n.w. oc27-tf

FOR RENT.STORES.FOR RENT.STORES.F. H. SMITH CO. 1408 N. Y. AVE N.W.RENTAL AGENTS. BOND BI.DG.1000 H st. n.w., large store room, with dwell¬

ing of 8 rooms and bath; $50. Jel0-3tFOR RENT-STORE LARGE STORE ROOM ANDcellar: cor. 5th and O sts. n.w.; suitable for drugor grocery store; excellent opportunity for rightman; rent, $20 per mo; fixtures for sale. CAY-WOOD A GARRETT, 1231 N. Y. live, n.w. JelO-3*

FOR RENT OR LEASE.THE STORK AT 7THanil I sts. northwest; the most desirable busi¬ness corner In Washington; reasonable rent to re¬sponsible parties. Apply to GOLDEN'BERG'Soffices, 2d floor. 7th and K sts. n.w. Jelo .'tt

FOR RENT-IN BESST BUSINESS SECTION OFWashington, store about 18x40, and one floorabove 60x100, with steam beat; location andbuilding unsurpassed. Address Box 23. Star of-

flce. my30-lm,d&aFOR RENT.LARGE STORE. WITH TWO LARGBrooms In rear, $100 per month.fe20-tf GASCH A B1RGE. 1320 N. Y. an.

FOR RENT.1915 PA.AVE. N.W.-FINE ROOMfor store or office; $20. GEO. W. LINK INS. GOO29th st. n.w. ocS-tf


648 LpnUlana sve. «.w.,Third floor. $15 per month.«p!3-tf JAMES F. SHEA, «43 La. ave. m.w.

FOR RENT - CARROLL 1NSTITTTTR10th and K sts. n.w. The moat complete andthoroughly equipped balls In the city for socis-tlea. banquets, entertainments and reception*.Terms reasonable. Apply at halL selS-tf


REAR 1628 14TH ST. N.W.Accommodstlons for 3 horses, carriage roots

and coachman's quarters.RENT. $15 PER MO.

)el0-3t LIEBERMANN * HAWN, 1308 F St.FOR RENT.REAR 215 3D ST. N.W., LARGEstable, will accommodate 4 or 5 horses and ve¬hicles; wide alley; price $15 per month. Applyto WILLIAM K. ELLIS, 525 11th at. n.w.jel0-3t

FOR RENT.BRICK STABLE. WITH WATER; INriar 823 22d at. n.w. Key at 837 22d; rent, $4- *

ACCOUNTANTS.1. E. BATES.PoMIc Accountant and Auditor,Offices, 707 and-70S.

».h Y5hl9Sn>tyB 404

MereM^e^Corporstloo and Legal Acoountlng.

FOR REST.ROOMS.furnished.

¦two VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMSob Colombia Heights; northern or southern ex¬posure. Apply to 1331 Colombia road. JelO-St*

TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; AIX MOD-eni improvements; In private family. HU8 15thsLjQ.Tr, jt«

NICELY FUHXISHKD ROOMS; LARGE, AIRY.ad In Rood locality; with or without toinl;terms reasonable. 810 H st. n.w. It*

FOR RENT-LARGE. COOL FROST ROOM;next to bath. 701 6th st. n.w. JelO-*t*

ATTRACTIVE. CI£A.\', AIRY ROOM WITHbath; desirable location; convenient froui d:»-iwrtnieuts. Gentlemen. Apply Saturday even¬ing and Sunday. Flat 403. The Virginia, 2120


liered arid furnished; ftoutii frout; other rooms. $3month up; board If desired. 1111 H n.w.Jel0-.1t*


GO TO ROOM BB. JSKTZKROTT BUILDING. FSt., for flats, boarding houses, fur. rooms.Washington Rental Bureau. JOHN BAUSKETT,

Mgr. Jel0-Sa,Su,w-3t*TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY. 3 LARGE SECond-floor rooms. 1.128 11 st.; board If desired;summer rates. it*

FOJR RENT-FURNISHED.141.1 K ST. N.W..Pleasant large and small rooms; southern ex-I*>*ure. Jel'O-it

COLUMBIA HEIGHTS.FRONT R(K)M. SECONDfloor: private family. 2554 University place.Jel<l-2t*

FOR RENT.LARGE. BRIGHT. WELL-FUR-nlslied second-story front room; southern exposlire. f>21 Eye «t. n.w. Jel0-3t*

FOR RENT.FURNISHED.A LARGE FRONTroom; southern exposure; second floor; in Mt.Pleasant; between two car lines; privilege ofgetting breakfast. 1441 Sheridan ave. It*

FOR RENT.VERY REASONABLE. 3 ROOMSfor housekeeping; corner house; 1st floor; largeyard. Address R. J. F.. Star office. It*

LARGE 2D-FLOOR COM. ROOMS; 3 LARGEwindows; good closets; same floor with bath;with or without board; transients, $1 per day.917 H n.w. It*

FOR RENT.1401 H ~ST. N.W.. 3 OR 4 Fur¬nished rooms; housekeeping for summer. Jel0-4t*

306 M N.W..NEATLY FURNISHED 2D-FLOOBfront room; southern exposure; porcelnln bath;also smaller rooms. Jel©-2t*

ON 2D FLOOR OF MODERN HOUSE, COM-fortable room; porcelain bath adjoining: $0 permonth. Owner, 811 Que st. n.w. Jel0-2t*

FOR RENT.WANTED.YOUNG WOMAN WOULDlike lady to share a nice flat with her situatedJust south of Mt. Pleasant; prefer.ihly n younglady who understands dressmaking; rent offlat. $15. Address Box 8, Star office. It*

FOR RENT.LARGE FRONT OR BACK ROOM,furnished: hath on same floor. OOfi 22d st. n.w. It

FOR RENT.ONE OR TWO ROOMS, Fl'RNISH-ed. 2d floor. 1234 Harvard st., Columbia Heights.

A SEOOND-STORY FRONT ROOM: SOUTHERNexjKwure: bath on ssme floor: suitable for one ortwo gentleman; small private familv: terrasreasonable; references exchanged. 1341 Corcoran


phone and home comforts. 68 Tea Jt n wJel0-2t

FOR RENT.1300 1.3TH ST. N.W..FRONT ANDback, communicating rooms; private family;summer rates. Jel0-2t

FOR RENT-TO GENTLEMEN. AN^iIaBORATE-ly furnished front room and bath; references.1371 Kenesaw. Jel0-2t

FOR RENT.ONE NICE FURNISHED ROOMwith large porch; $10. 1439 Huntington pi.Jel0-2t*

3 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS CHE\Pto permanent tenant. Apply to HOUSEKEEPER.(123 13th n.w. . Jel0-2t*

1010 EYE N.W.; NICE. COOL ROOMS; NEATand clean: summer rates. It*

FOR RENT . OVERLOOKING IOWA CIRCLE.pleaRant second-fVn/r r^tom: also large hall roomwith closet. 1511 13th st telephone. 11

FOR RENT.1531 EYE ST. N.W.. TWO COM-munli-atlmr second-floor rooms with private tiath;southern exposure: en suite or single; very rea¬sonable terms. it

FOR GENTLEMEN -1212 .2TU N.W., TWOpleasant rooms; $10 and $7; private house; mud-em bath. jt.

NEWLY FURNISHED, COOL, SOI*T11 FRONTalcove roi>m; suitable for two gentlemen; alsofurnished hall room; with bath; special summerrate. Oil Eye st. n.w. Jel0-2t*

VERY PLEASANT. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONTrooms, 2d and 3d floors; $3, $7, $8. 1409 Cor-coran st. je9-2t*

COOL. FURNISHED TtOOM FOR RENT;12iKi 18th st.; summer rates. Je9-7t

NO 1418 y ST. N.W..NICELY FURNISHEDrooms; terms reasonable. Je9-3t*

BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOM WITH FXCEI.-lent. meals and private tiled bath to be had atC23 N C. ave. s.e. Je9-3t

FOR RENT-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 2 OR3-room suites for housekeeping; private tiled

.Mc.; excellent location;

delightfully cool; everything first-class; summerrates. 1334 Yale st. Je9-3t*

F?R,. RENT-FURNISHED ROOM, 2D FLOOR;bath adjoining; $10 per month. 1314% 9th st

n-w- Je9-3t'

F<'R RENT . FURNISHED, ONE 2D-STORY*furnished room; one small room. 1008 K st.

JeS-3t*FOR RENT.FURNISHED ROOM, 1ST FLOORfor lacy: bath: $10 per month. Owner lives inhouse. 1329 8th n.w. Je8-3t*

LARGE, BRIGHT, COOL ROOMS, CHEAP FORlight housekeeping. 1120 Uth st. n.w. Je8-3t*

THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLEor en suite, fronting on Judiciary Square. 510 5th


floor flat, handsomely furnished as parlor bedroom: use of porcelain bath: south and west ex¬posure: references; dlulug room In building Ad-dress Box 200. Star office. JeS 3t*

FOR RENT.LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHe/Hidstory hack room. 723 lltli n.w. Je8-3t*

FOR RENT.LARGE ROOM. FURNISHED. $5month. 421 Oth st. n.w. JeS-3t*

FOR RENT.TO A~i)ULTS ONLY.TlHrBEST <4)rooms In West Washington (furnished); all mudern conveniences; summer tales. Part culars see

Je8-3t*1IOLUHTON' rare W- ". M'»es & S?ns

LARGE AND SMALL ROOM; CONVENIENT TObath; for genili-men. 1231 11th st. n.w. Je8-3t*

A DESIRABLE THIRD-FLOOR FRONT ROOM-very reasonable. 1707 I' st. n.w. JeS-3t*

728 12TH N.W.DESIRABLE ROOMS; COOL;one single, $8 pir month; 2d door, front gen'le-m''n- je8-3t*

FOR REN 1.TO GKNTLK.M AN. WEI.L-FUR-nished room in Cleveland Park; convenient tocars and board; - ivate family. Address Box

Mar office. Je7-5t*TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT;-COOLand pleasant; convenient to three lines of carsuol) S st. n.w. je7-7a*


FOR RENT.FURNISHED.ONE FRONT ROOMfor 2 gentlemen. $3.50 per week: one hall room,$1..>0 per week. 927 New York ave. Je7-tit*FURNISHED SIX-ROOM FLAT. REASONAbFeApply The Reglna. 1214 I st. n.w. Je7-w,th,Sa,3*

FURNISHED LARGE SECOND-STORY-ROOMS-southern exposure; house newly furnished. 1219

M St. n.w. Je0-tu,th,sat.3t*FOR RENT.BY MAY IB, COMFORTABLY FI.'R-? e<!', co°1- l^otsaut Led room in private house.IQU M st j.w. my6 th&Sa.tf

NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT- $8per month; in privnte family; for gentlemenonly. 943 O st. n.w. jeg -jt.

NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; DELIGHTFULLYcool location; home comfurts. 1372 Harvard stn.w. Near 14th st. cars. j«-6-6t*

FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, NO. 4, THE DESOT 4$35; roomer at $10 If desired. Je5.7.10*


FOR RENT.WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, NORTHwest corner, single room for lady or gentleman Inoffice. 2001 Kalornma ave. myl4-Sa,tf

RE,NT.TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITHbath; either single or er suite. Apply to the of¬fice of the Portner. 15th and You sts. n if,»r27-tf

UNFURNISHED.FOUR-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING FLAT; ENTIREfloor; pleasant summer location with private fam-lly;_ no ^children. 1020 Mass. ave. n.e. Jel0-2t*

lCFtS 10TH N.W..THREE LARGE, COOL~ 2D-light bousekeeplnf.lt



ttful moms; nicely papered: second floor;.story <1noil Int. southern exposure; 1<>r

light housekeeping gas for rooking: cool In sum¬mer; well heated in winter; porcelain bath; pri¬vate family; near (longrwlona 1 IJbjary and nireelines cars; Amt-class neighborhood; $1S;

_referen<es. 12tt C ot. s.e. 11FOR BENT.THREE BOOMS: 2D FLOOR; LIGHTami ea» gas for rooking. 2S4 N st. *'

FOR KENT.LAHOE, SECOND FLOOR AWOVE,front kmihi: also hall room; summer rat<*. lT3UlMh at. n.w. jelO-^t

TWO ill! THREE KEiX.iND FlAHtR ROOMS FOBlight housekeeping: gas: renfoaiMf. I"' ° 8t-Jcio-at

THREE LABOR UNFUB. ROOMS; PRIVATEfamily: rent reasonably. 1336 R st. J»9-3t

ENTIRE 2D FLOOB-3 ROOMS AND HATH.heat and gas. 1 >19 New Jersey ave. jc'J-3t

THREE LARUE. COOL ROOMS ON 2D FLOOR,gas ami bath. $18. 1402 6tli »t. n.w. JeP-^t*

FOB BENT.TWO ROOMS FOR L. II. K.. $12:one room. $7. 638 C at. n.r. Call after 4. )e0-3t

FOB BENT.2DFLOOR FRONT ROOMS: L. II.K.: adults. 041 N. V. are, n.w. jcfl-f.s&m^U*

ENTIRE THIRD FIvOOR OK 4 UNFUB. ROOMSfor light housekeeping; heat ami gaa; $20 150SVt. ate. JeS-3t»

THREE ROOMS AND BATH. IN PRIVATEhouse, for couple, for light housekeeping; |17,with gas included; delightful location. OWN Kit,1ST "Yon n.w. jefl,10 2t

lffl 6TII ST. N. E..TWO COMMUNICATINGrooms: one front with alcove: pleasing local*on;2 car lines; near Capitol and Library. lumwrra.-s. JeS-9fFURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED.

AT SUMMER RATES-ATTRACTIVE. COOL,newly papered rooms, single, en suite; quiet, re¬fined home: near War Dept., facing large park,south. Call 4:45-5:45 at 1705 New York ave. It*

ONE LARGE FRONT 2D-STORY ROOM. KI R.or unfnr.; summer rates. 1226 Mass. ave. n.w. *

ROOMS EN SUITE OR SINGLE. AT SUMMERrates. 1133 14th St. n.w. JelU-21*

PLEASANT LADY WISHES ANOTHER LADY TOshare attractive, light, cool, newly-papered room(separate bedst; cheaj). Refined home, facingpark, near War Dept. Gentleman. In samehouse, has similar room; wishes geutlemsa toshare; finest references. Address "TEACHERS,Star office. l*

LARGE SECOND-FLOOR FRONT ROOM. WITHalcove; other rooms adjoining. 1415 Howard ave.,Mt. Pleasant. H

FOR RENT-CHEAP DURING SUMMER. FUR-nlshed or unfurnished, single or en suite. 1035P st. n.w.

THUEE ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR. FURNISHEDor unfurnished, facing on two streets: very cooland desirable; reasonable rates; references. 5Iowa circle. Jelo-:it

VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED OR UNFUR-nlshed rooms; references exchanged. 100*1 N st.

n.w. JelOA12-2t«122S N ST. N.W. FURNISHED OR UNFUR-nlshed rooms, second floor; snmmer rates. It

TWO BRIGHT ROOMS. SOITHERN' EXPOSUlfff;porcelain bath adjoining; l.h.k. i»ermltted. 1124loth st. n.w. Jel0-2t*

FOR RENT-COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. SINGLE ORen suite. 3 communicating, cool rooms on floorwith tiled bath; one square from 14tli st. carline. 1304 Whitney ave. Je!»-2t»

2004 F ST.-DESIRABLE 2D-FLOOH. WITH ORwithout board; bath on same floor. Jeil-r.t*

TO REFINED COUPLE WILL RENT THREEpartly furnished rooms; 1. h. k.: screens, awn¬ings; fine neighborhood: no children. Owner.Address Box 224, Star office. Jei)-2t*

1823 II ST. N.W..TWO FIRST AND TWO SEC-ond-story rooms: southern exposure. Je6-7t*

WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD.ON HEIGHTS SECOND STORY, SOUTH FRONT;shady lawn, porches; $10 monthly. AddressCHAPIN ST.. Star office. H


ers' and other wagons, buggies and harness; noth¬ing in reason refused. HARNESS SHOP, 10th andH sts. n.w. je!0-3t*

l'OP- SALE.A FINE THOROUGHBRED SHE In¬land pony, harness and carriage. Can be se»:nat GHEEN'S STABLE, rear 3118 14th st. n.w.JelO-at*

FOR SALE.NICE TRAP. ALMOST NEW: TWO-seated. Apply 1908 14th St. Jcl0-3t*

FOR SALE-LEATHER TOP SURREY. $35. 401F st. s.w. It

FOR SALE.STYLISH TURNOUT. ESPECIALLYlor lady; horse, buggy and harness. Inquire at4,'IC 7tli st. n.w.Je!>-'!t*

TOR ALE.STYLISH CUT-UNDER TRAP; 3folding; cheap. 924 9th n.w. jo9-3t*

FOR 8AIJ5-2 HORSES. JUST FROM MONT-gomery county; 5 and 6 years old; one bay andon hi-own; each weighs about 1.100: very gen¬tle and thoronghlv brokeu; can lie driven by lady:will sell separately. THOS. E. TIlAZZARK. 456Pa. ave. m.w. )e9-3t*

$2.~50 PER MONTH AND BEST CARE AND KEEPfor use of gentle liorae for lady to drive in thecountry: will buy if suitable. Address Itnmedl-ately. Box 241, Star office. Je9-3t*

BARGAIN.HORSE FOR COUNTRY WORK; 1.200lbs.; 8 yrs. A. C. PROtTTOlt, 1700 1st n.w.JeS-3t*

FOR SALE.TWO GOOD WORK HORSES,cheap: you can see tbem working by applying toMr. DAVIS, foreman, on Conn. ave. nest toCleveland Park. Je5-6t


ATTENTION, CONTRACTORS AND TEAMSTERS!We have juet received a carload of heavy con¬

tractors' wagons.. The Blrdsell Is the name ofthem, and they are the highest-grade wagoulmade. Get our prices before you place yourorder. S. D. WATERS & SON, 310 Pa. ave. n.w.Je3-3t>tWE ARE NOW OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCKof high-grade vehicles at greatly reduced prices.$80 rubber-tire runabouts. $47; $125 rubber-tireStanhopes. $K5: $175 rubl>er-tlre cut-under sur-rles $125: $125 steel-tire surries. $85: $115 paneltop platform delivery wagons, $75. Our stock lathe largest and most complete In the city. Giveus a call.

.S. D. WATERS & SON. 310 Pa. ave. n.w.mhl5-90t


RUNABOUT SALE.We are now offering the best values of the

vear In new runabouts. They include all thebest makes, such as the Columbus, Bailey. Star¬ling. etc.New Rubber-tire Runabout $4.

PROBEY CARRIAGE CO..my27-tf 1230 32d st. n.w.

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTFor S It. Bailey & Co. Wahlebone Runabouts.

PROBEY CARRIAGE CO..mv25-tf 1230 32d st. n.w.

NOTICE" CALL AND SEE THE LATEST MOD-el S II. Bailey & Co.. Amesbury, Mass.. whale-bone runabout: sold under guarantee. The priceU interesting. S. J. MEEKS' SONS. (122 G st.

u.w. m>23-tfOCT OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY' A CAR-riage of any kind; high grade only and our ownmake. 11. H. BABCOCK CO., Baltimore. Md.myl9-30tWHY NOT~SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE ANDget posted on tb« latest styles? It will pay you,whether you buy from us or not.We have them all in stock, about four hundred

finished vehicles on the floor. High grade only,and opr own make.Basket surreys and novelties: victorias, for *!n-

gle horse or pair; natural wood outing wagons.In curlv maple, mahogany and quartered oak;runabouts, buggies, buckboards. wagonette!,phaetons, spiders; fifty pony wagons and carta.

II. H. BABCOCK CO..101*109-111 W. Fayette *t..

E. W. HALL, Mausger. Baltimore, Md-myl9-30t

HIE LATEST DESIGNS IN HIGH-GRADE RUN-¦bouts, station wagons, Stanhope* and basket-seat novelties can be found here, with consistentprice* prevailing.

A FEW LEADERS.Rubber-tiro runr bouts $48 00Top btiggle* $52 00Rubber-tire Stanbope* $85.00Cusbloo-tlre runabout* (10 «rylc«) $70.00Cu*nion-tire runabouts, with top $81.00

S. J. MEEKS' SONS, Ko. 622 Q ST. N.W.my23-tf

GO TO COGSWELL'S, 209 IITH ST. N.W.. FORnew and second-band vehicles and harness. Rub¬ber tire run ibout*. *20 op; surreys, $30 up; newtop buggies, $32.60; Stanhopes, $60 up; tiaps,$35 up. Large_as*ortnient.

AUTOMOBILES.FOR SALE.SECOND-HAND CADILLAC.IN FINErunning order: bargain at $500. Inquire HAYNESAUTOMOBILE CO.. 1310 Stanton court, bet. Kand 1» and 13th and 14tb. JelO-St

FOB SALE.VERY CHEAP.GASOLINE AUTO-tnoblle, in excellent condition; will give demon-stratlon. Box 244. Star office. Je0-3t«

FOB 8ALE-SEOOND-HAN1) OLDSMOBILE WITHleather top, three lamps-and born; cheap to qnlckpurchaser. Address Box 212. Star office. J«-8-3t


lngton, D. 0., June S. 1908..Notice la herebygiven that on the thirtieth day of June, 1906,will expire all license* granted by the a**e*»orof the DUtrlct of Columbia to the proprietor* vtautomobile*, autovehlcle*, electrovehicle*. backs,cabs and vehlclea of all kinds uwd for the trans¬portation of passenger*, for hire; alao privatebank* and banker* (not Incorporated), broker*,note broker* and the Waabington Stock Exchange.Said licences must be promptly renewed by allperson* desiring to continue business after thedate. H. H. DARNEILLK. Assessor. D. C._le»0t.eSu

PIAHOS STORED.PIANOS STORED. $1 MONTHLY. SAME CAKEgiven aa with our ownhandling by our own experienced draymen. F. u.SMITH PIANO CO.. 1288'"Ba- ave. Htyg-tf


--V -el


In the mountains; chickens. fretto milk ami rff#-table*; adult*. $5 week; cbiMren half price.Addresa HOSEDALE. Knoirllh, Md. Jel0-3t*

MIDYL»WIIJ>E** BEAUTIFVLLY SITCATEn,hljch, breezy country home; larjre, Shady lawn,desirable room!*, pure water* food table, fiahinjr,boating; near station; adults preferred; termsmoderate. LILLY J10FFRIES, OalnesrllW, Va.JelO-3t*

COUNTRY HOMB, N'KAR BLTK RIDGE MOCN-talns; healthful; restful; large lawn; fine tree*;beautiful country; k»kk1 faie. The MISSESPENDLETON. Drlaplane, Fauquier county, Va.

WAPPING.BEAl!TIKtTL» SI"M M F.R IIOMF. OPENfar truest*. Grassy, shady ln«ra; cu»l, airyrooms; «*x<ellent table; fruits, chl< k«-n. de>s«rt*;near rirer, otttoe. churches. town. Reasonablerates (Mrs > J F GRANT, LHrien Va. If

BLACK OAK RIDGE FRUIT FARM WOTIJ)like a few Itoarders; tine watet and mod table;riding and driving. E. H. PURCELL, PurcellTlUe,Va. K. F. 1». . jelo 3t .

ON BLADENSBIRG PIKB, ELECTRIC ANDsteam roads; write or visit. Miss WHITE, 26tliand Franklin sts. n e. < tldcrman ilarton ts*rruda mansion*, Langdon. I>. C. JelO-Si*

TWO LAK(JK FRONT ROOMS. SOlTtlERN EXposnre; shade; all city improvements; artesianwell water; table excellent, near cars Box 48.Hyatrsvllic, Md. It*

LINGANORE HILLS INN-NEAR THE MOUX-talns. Sttnated on a larre farm, which fap¬plies the table with vegetables, milk, cream, etc.Artesian water, boating, bathing. Ashing, ballroom. All modern couveniences; references e*-changed. Send for booklet. Miss E. M. BROWN.Frederick. Md. my 11 OOt.6

CLAIBORNE HALL OPENS FOR SEASONJune 15. Good table; rtne rooms: large porches;.nice thadc; bathing and boating terms moderate.Mrs. C. C. Sl^lRH. MeOanlel. Md Jeft 3t*

WANTED COUNTRY BOARD BY COUPLEwith infant; 6tate terms. Ac. Addresa Box 227,Star office. JelV 2t .

WANTED.BY A REFINED FAMILY, A FEWnice boarders In a beautiful, healthy countryhome. Addressje»-3t* P. O. Box 03, Louisa. Va.

WANTED TOR aim i ts ASV little girl,two rooms and board iu refined private famljy,on farm or country house; 7th st. pike preferred.Box 242. Star office. jeO .If

WANTED .SIMMER BOARDERS ON FARM;good board: old-fashbmed country house; high,healthy; plenty shade, terms moderate. AddressMrs. S. M. WOODS. Floris, Va.; depot. Ilenidon,

Va. Jett-tt*"MAYNADIER," NEAR GAINESVILLE. SOUTH-ern road; l1^ hours from Washington, near moun¬tains: best water: 4 daily mails; table ami roomsfirst class; references exchanged. Address Mrs.MASON. jeh 3t*

BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME; LARGE LAWN;eggs, milk, Ice and vegetables: piano and organ;terms reasonable. Mrs. W. C. CLIPP, Shenan¬doah Junction. Jefferson Co.. W. Va. Jeh St

ANY ONB WISHING BOARD IN TUB Moun¬tains should apply to M. C. DORSEY, Grantsvllle. Garrett Co.. Md. JeS-Ot*

DKLTA- SITUATED ON AN UP-TO-DATE FARM:larg»\ new house; pleuty shade, porches, goodwater and good table; bass fishing and huntlug;'phone connection*. Addresa Mr*. W. B. KI CKER,R. F. D. No. 1, Middleburg. Va. Je7-w&s-4t

FAUQUIER CO.. VA.. TWO MILKS NORTH OFRemington, healthy locality; ti:-" water; Ice;g(KHl board; rooms and bath; delightful largepiazzas; shady lawn and outdoor games; (ft jlerweek; open July 1. Apply to WM. G. MARTIN,010 Mb sr. ii.e. Je4-eod,15t*

MONTROSE SCHOOL; SUMMER HOME IN THEcountry for girl*., and small boys; delightfullysituated In the most healthful part of Md.; nolessons after June 15 until September 15; termsvery moderate. MISS HARDY, Cl&rksvillc, Md.Je2-14t.5

SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED AT PRETTYcountry home In mountains, large, shudy yard;comfortable rooms and good table; term*. $.0per month. Mrs. M. B. GOLD,j-3 s.S^w.s 4t Fauquier Co., Delap.aue, Va.

JESSFIELD BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED ONsalt water, three miles frotu Eastou; also cot-tage on lawn in connection with bouse. MISSM. F. ROBINSON, "Jessfleld," Easton, Md.Je2-20t*

LOFDOl'N HEIGHTS- delightful LOCAHON"tine scenery. g«K)d bass fishing, pure s]»riug water,plenty shade, fresh vegetables, milk and butter.Address L. COMPI1ER, Harper's Ferry, W. Va.my.'ll-w.s-Of

SILCOTT SPRINGS, nr. Blue Ridge Mts.; excellenttable; good shade and water; comfortable rooms;terms moderate. Mis. EDWIN SHOEMAKER.Silcott Springs. Va my30-26t*

THE AV AI/ON WILL OPEN FOR BOARDERSJune 12. All modern improvements. For toruisand particulars apply to Mrs. THOS. H. MYERS,Braddoek Heights, Frederick Co., Md. R. F. D.No. 26. my301

PHILOMONT, LOUDOUN CO., VA.. NEAR THEBlue Ridge. 50 ml. from Wash.; high, healthful,beautiful scenery; excellent table and water;dancing; large grounds. Add. D. J. TAVENXEK.my25-tb,s-8t

MOUNTAIN GLEN.A beautiful brick mansion, aud surroundings willl»e open June 1, 1905. Apply to J. W. COLE,Purcellrllle. Va. mj 10-301*

THE "INGLESIDE." OPEN JUNE 1; BATH;hot and cold water; Rockville electric cars passthe lawn. Address FRANK REPP. Randolph,Maryland. myl S-30t,4

BLUE RIDGE MTS . MD.. 50 MILES WEST OFWashington, on the B. 3c O.. flue bath room;complete; convenient to depot, post office, 'phoutand fishing; circulars. Graud View. Kuoxvllle. lid.my3-00t

THE WASHINGTON COLLEGE.3D AND T STS.n e.. opens tj summer l>osrders June 15. Rate*from $30 to $00 per month. Bowling, billiardsand tennis court free to guests. ap28 tf-4


in flue location, doing good business for twentyyears. For particulars address B. M. M UN-DELL. Anaeostia. Jel0-3f

WANTED.ATTORNEY INCORPORATE CORPOR-atlou; state lowest cost. Box 30, Atlantic City.It*

FOR SALE.INDIVIDUAL OR CONTROLLING IN-terest In new and |*»pular Invention. Address.BUSINESS X," Star office. Jel0-3t*

FOR SALE-BUSINESS AND LICENSE OF OLDaud well established Intelligence orflce: receipts$s daily; lK>oks open to Inspection; lease se¬cured: good reasons given for selling. Address. INTELLIGENCE.'' Star offlce. Jel0-3t*

FOR REVT-ON PERCENTAGE BASIS, LUNrildepartment In one of the most prominent department stores. Address Box 5. Star otfiee. jel0-3t

A BIG SNAP.DAIRY LUNCH A ND I>1N1NGroom; must l>e sold at once; fine location; rentcheap. Cheap for cash, or will 11 for terms toresponsible party. I'.ox 2. Star ofllee. jel0-3t*

LUNCH AND DINING ROOM. RUS1N K8S CEN-ter; a money maker: owner leaving city, will sac¬rifice: investigate at once aud got a snap.jel0-3t THE SOULE CO. «Inc.», 630 La. ave.

WHO HAS f 10,000 TO IN VEST IN MANUFAC-t tiring new vending machine making change--selling 12 to '2f> different articles; a wonder;$10u.000 per year to investor: safe; worth yourattention. To see machine and interview addressA. K. S., Patentee, 30 Rhode Island ave. n.w.Je0-3t*

WANTED.BY MISS LILLIAN SPOOR. GRADU-ate of the Philadelphia Musical Academy, pupi'sfor piano instruction; teruis reasonable. Call oraddress 1506 1st st. s.e. JeU-3f

FOR SALE-BEST"LOCATED LUNCH ROOM INcity. Address Box 24<». Star office. je#-3f

FOU RENT.FIKST-FLOOK FLAT. "suitablefor dining room, in corner building in residentportion northwest; good location for surh busi¬ness; furnished, except dishes, etc.; will acceptboard for one. attention to tires, etc.. in pay¬ment. or $30; only first-class business person needanswer. Addiess Box 2u7. Star otflee. je8-.lt*

50 ROOM HOT EL."INCLUDING FINEST BAR INWashington, clearing $14.<smi year; price. |1S,«HH>.NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. Oil F.JeS-3t*

CONFECTIONERY; DAILY SALES. $2^; < HE.\Prent; living rooms; owuer leaving city; only$750. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 611 F.Je8-3t*

GROCERY. CLEARING $200 MONTH;' STOCKinvoice. $1,000; price. $1.20U. NEW YORKBUSINESS BROKERS, 611 F. Je8-.it*

FOR SALE.DAIRY LUNCH AND SHORT OR-ders cooking, other business, raesoo for selling.32^8 M at. n.w. JeS 3t

FOR QUICK SALE, SENI» BONDS. S TOCK8 ANDmortgages to me. through the Drovers and Mechanlcs' National Bank of Baltimore. Md. Tobuy, send money same way. Send Instructionsdirect to me. A. MORGAN, 216 N. Eutaw St.,Baltimore, Md. jc8-3t

I WANT $1,200; WILL GIVE AND "f7~RSTHen on real estate valued at $5,000; no com¬mission. Addresa Box 213, Star office. Je8-3t*

1915 PA. AVE. A FINE LOCA/nON~tt)R~A ~SMALLbusiness. Rent low. GEO. W. LIN KINS. SOQ10th n.w. »p8 tf



67th «t. near 5th arena?; to »ul>let for tb*¦amaier mouth*. Klfgnnt elevator apartment ofnine la rgr at-y ruouia lieautlfull; furnlahed;i.wthern and eastern exposure.DAVIOSON. 83 W 56th at.. New York clt*.

mh22rW&Sa-tr-«FOU UENT-XKAK FOUTRESS MONROE. VA... fine tbree-.iory frame building, fronting onBawptoo Koada between Ft. Monroe and X«»-

Crt ,N«rt; contain* about its room*; bcated byt water and partly furnlabed: ha* barn and

.table and a spring on the ground*; property em¬brace# about tea acres, and has about ¦ thou¬sand feet of water front, with flue flailing, bath¬ing and boating; electric cars pass nrar theproperty; excellent location for a summer andwinter health resort. Apply to JAMR3 F. SHEA,043 LooMina arm. n.w. JsSM.tf


nill. Montg. C'o.. Md.: tS pet mo.; good meadowgnus. w*S plevtr of wstrr and *Uade: Uor*i-tcalled f* and delivered. C. U. PABKRK. 43)

st. s.w.. 'ohoM M. 30M. myM-aOt
