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4iV if i' i , 8 r ? i s Vol. XrV. No. 2276. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING-- , JUNE 15, 1889. BUBaortiPTiON" 00 OENTP(P5fljMOrTH THJ3 DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho offlcc, Quooa Streot, Honolulu, II. every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 50 cintt par Month. Address all .Communications- - Daily Advertisements, tc oruuro insertion, should be handed boforo One o'clock P.M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing- - Offloo. Nowspaper, Book and JobjPrlnting of all kinds donb on the most favorablo terms. Doll Telophono No. 250 Mutual.Tclophnnc ...No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and coraprehensivo publication, contains 33 columns of reading-matte- r, on local topics, and a complctu resume of Honolulu und Island Nows. It is the best paper oublislicd in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription: Island : . : : $4 00 year Forulun : : : 5 00' " Commission - Meronants. IliVOi-irJ2I- l Sa Co. H. Qenoral Commission Agents. HONOLULU G. W. HLAGFARLANB-- Co. IMPORTERS. '.AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, . Honolulu: H. I. ,1048 GONSAEVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. CBBEWEB (Limited) & COMPANY, G&NKBAL MeBCANTILK AMD Commission Agents. LIST Or OFFIGEBS: P. C. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Caiitkii. . . ..Treasurer Ss Secretary uibectobs: Hon. O. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H.WATBBn0U8K. 3Sdly T. WATBBHOUSB, JOHN Importer ami'Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castlc.J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle CASXIiB & OOpKB, , Shipping and Commiaslon Merchant!. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise", No." tiO King at., Honolulu. 1 CUns aprecjteli. Wm. O. Irwin. W' Cr. IRWIN Ss COMPANY,, Sugar .Factors, and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 i CO., WILDER. Dealers iii Lnmber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and. Building Materials of eyory-vklnd- , cor. Fort and Queen ats., Honolulu. 1 M'" 3. QRINBAOM St CO., Importers of Qenoral Mer- - clinudlae and Commission Morchauta, . Honolulu, and ' 1524 Callfoiniu1 street, v ' , San Francisco, Cal. U. Lewora, r.J.towrey CM, Cooke. f kwersj gooup, , Jj (successors fo Levers & Dickson,) Importera'and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, - Honnlulni '," " tH. G. CEABBE, DEALER Wm and GRAIN, i1 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station House. Actual 'PolepUpno JXo, 4.. 87 tf VETERINARY. RQWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, AK, and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hoitd Stables, corner Hotel and Richard streets. Scleniillc treatment in all dW-cu- of domestic anlmala. Orders for plantation und ranch stock promptly " utte'udud to. Mutual Telephone S151, 1', O Box 320, J O LUaO HAWAIIANO. persons who want to commuol ALL with the Poituguese, olthor for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any- - other helps, will und It ihomost proutabTo-wityt- advertise In the L'hso UfwatipHO, the new .organ of the Portuguese colony, which is pub-luhe- d ju Hotel itreoj, and only cuargoa rtuocabla raws for advertisements. Professionals. t rrr; ' s Fr JUL MONSAURAT, at Law & Notary Public 149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf ..til. . T ABT.HUH ;Maooon, O Attorney at Law & Notary Public 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will prncticoin tho lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend' to collect- ing in all its branches, renting of houses and any other'buslndss'cntnistcu' to him." Offlcc 01 King Slrect Upstairs. Feb 0 PIONEER STEMAM FACTOR! ANI? ijAJCEllY. F.'HORNtvFra'ctical Cohtectioncf, . ristry Cook and1 Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- WiST Tel cphone 74 . Mrs. L. G. Pray, GenoineMassage iRomauBatlis 150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard. dec7-t- 8 HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : William's Block, 216 Honolulu, H. I. n. M. 11KNS0W. 0. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing . Pharmacists, 118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot 'for Bocrioke & Scechlk's MOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rick seeker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites,. i2y WINNER & GO. Jlnnumcturlne Jewellers, NO. 3 FOBT 8TBEET. Constantly pn.hand a.largc'assortmcn of every description of "Jewelry, Watches Qoldiand'SilverPlated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jowelry a Specialty. iKiug Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to .the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Office. X3T Particular attention poid to all kinds of repairs. jan-19-8- 0 Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, proprietor. Office, 84. King street,' Telephone No. 80. Residence I clepbone No. 203. Goii'l JESscpresslnix & Jra,-ylnB- : Piano and'Furrlituro moving a specially. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. 1uly25 ly Hustace& Robertson, DBAYMKN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at XX tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In tranilt to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest, prices. Office, next door to Jas., F. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Richard Cayford, VETERINARY Shoeing JEore, 70 A. 81 Ulnst Htreet. Shoeing, from $1.50. Horsos and Cattle Treated foi all DiBoaaos, Residence: Chamberlain House, next Kawalshao Church. P. O. BOX 4.0B. B.nTelephoaeja(8W, Siil Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea ahu Coffee at 111 Hours , Tho F.lnest Brand of Cliarsli Touacco Always on Jllniia. 11. ,T. NOJLTE, Proprietor. TX133 ffv&ss$r Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Eotail Batchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, ITiBli, Vegetables, Szc, &zc. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlcss), No. Otluccn Ht., : : FIhIi Market, Honolulu, II. I. tarFamily and Shipping Oiderscarc fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to 'vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TBR5KER, BVTVIIEK. City Market, Nuuanu Street. Beef, H Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. tgyHis noted Sausages aro made by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will be delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as unywhero in tho city. C3T Try his Bologna Sausages." oct.5-8- PASTURE for HORSE AT Halckou, Kancohc, Kooldupbko;'' b53 acres of good pasture land, all enclosed plenty of water. App'y to Charles I. iliram, at tho King's Stablcb, Honolulu, or at Halckou. feb-2- 89.1y i. Anderson &Lundy, Dentists. Artificial Teeth, from one to an entire set inserted' on gold, silver, allumlrium and ruhber bases. Crownnd. Bridge Work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which nro a constant source of irritation to ',he mouth 'and throat, we would . recomm ad our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed In accordance wlih the latest improvements In dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho uso of, JNitrous uxiuo uus. igy-Offi- ce at Old Tregloan Residence Hotel Btrcct. Feb-20-- 8 ittca-noid-. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 30 Euo'do Dunkorque, - . - Paris. Executes Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swis, German, and English Goods, at the best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, Two-urid-t- Half per cent. All Trade nnd Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Originul Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho manager, The Agency Renrcsonts, Buys, and Sells, for Home and Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cushinercs, Cambrics, Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Flanncle, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, QlsbS, and Ohlna.waro, Clocks, Watches, Jowellry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &b., Oilman's (Stores,' Hpoks Artistic Furnlturo, Statlon'eryj Chromos. Machinery. &o &c. 1B0 lr SJ Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, o BIG BARGAINS IN JERSEYS AT THE POPULAR MILLINERY - - HOUSE, 104 Fort Street. Honolulu. 1ST- - S. S.OH, - - Proprietor. COME AND SEE THE Latest and Newest in Jersey lists ! In Plain and Combination Colors, which wc will offer A.T VERY LOW PRICES ALSO Cashmere Square Shawls ! - AND - EmljroiflBrefl CasMere Scarf Shawls ! In Cream, Light Blue, Pink and Black; THE DAILY Will' be 92 ot Nawi; BULLETIN " H f T..- - Weekly Summaru," on Jutie 18th. The Best Paper to Send Abroad. BOOK and JOB PRINTING -- Oir-inioEj. Every Description of Book and General Printing Executed with Neatness and Dispatch. The "Dai." Bulletin laaued Column! Interesting ' Soyal" iusurauce Compyk ' Accumulation ol Funds, - $28,602,205.00 Flrerlsks taken' at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. July 20.88. ly - ".... Unlort KIro &. 3(nrlnc Insurance Company of N, Z, Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire and Marino risks, taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july2088-l-y STJN Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Uull9, Cargoes, Freights, and Commissions at current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July S0.88.ly 2i;EGI133ITJItG General Insurance Company. Marine risks oHulls, Cargoes, freight and Commission's at current rates. JOHN. S. WAJJKER, Agent July A. H. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant .street. Up stairs. ;;terr?HONOLuiitr iron Works, ritiaasoiStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-er- coolers; iron, brass' and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order.- - Particular attention paid to ship's black' smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Alex. M Elohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Next dpor to Hoffschlaccor & Co., uamon tiiocit, ueinei street. All kinds of Safes & Soales repaired., Also, Scwlnc llachlncs at reason-oblo'rate- Bell Tel. 42-1- . P. O. Bi 40C. WAlKEa & EEDWAED, Contractors & Bixliaors. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es. tiroatcs given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King' street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 428. apJ5.1y GEORGE LUCAS, and Bullder'J Honolulu Steam Planlng'MillBsphv uuuu, xionoiuiu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window FramcsBlinds, Sashes, Doors, audall kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and 'Band' Sawing. All klndB'of Sawlng'anU Plan-ln- g, Morticing andj Tenanting. Orders promptly alt'ended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho othor solicited NTERPR IS I PLANING MILL- - ' AI alien, ncar'Qaeen'St. Telephone 55. SUGAR PLANT! FOR SALE Tho Entire Plant ot the Ininninni wiuijiuujrj Is offered For Sale. The Machinery is in perfect working order and consist of One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrlo- r, Etc.. complete, 1 Pair ol Boilers. Gx20, ,, 1 Double Effect C and 7 feet Pant, 1 Vacuum Pan 6 feet with Blake Pump, 3 Wetton Centrifugals and Engine, Together with the usual assortment of Glariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers And other Machinery usually found In a well appointed mill. Also, a number of Caliraia & Mail Mules, Cane Carfs & Gen'l Plantation Implements. Delivery will be given after noxt crop has been harvostcd, say about July 1. 18S9. tW For furthor particulars apply to JOHN HIND, Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii. rasr-91-8- 8 ; . IRE; .; LIFE, and t-Kl'- J Il . . , TStbU I' Hartford Fire Insurance Co. .Assets; $C,S08,O0O Commercial Insurance Co. (Fird and'Morlhe) iots, 450.000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance .Corporation (Fire and Merino), j j(10, . CapituVpaidup; $2,000,000. Bouth British Fire and 3sinp,fnt.,Co cap,itai;,iiaorf)'(i;ooo New York Life Insurance. ts, $85,000,000 G.O.BEKeER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1653 ly - - . the: EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society -- BOE8 Ar LARGER BUSINESS -- HOLDS Kr Larger Surplus, -- OIVES kf BEHER CONTRACT -- AWD--. Pays It's Losses more PrompUy" - thak 'ant oniiki I . Life Assurance Company -- IN THE W01ll- D- A. J. CARIWRIGUT, OenertU Aseaf'ror' JafaWftUen . ilimflB, juno.Jly - CASTLE & COOKE, . Life, Fire & Marlhe'lneur'oo Aae'nfe. AOUHTS1POB. , MtiTUAl" LIFE-INSrCO- of Boston. 'The iEtna Fire jiBuranoVOM of Hartford, Conn." , The Dalon.JKIre bh4 Marine Bnsurahce Co., of San Francisco, Cala. - 101 ly PriiisTcTri Matldna! .Insurance "Koblu; j asTAnusHEp 1645, i ' . Capital,. .,.,... . . 8,000,OpO,.rlelB)(iia pointsd acel of .he above for tho Hawaiian IslaridBJifSftKi5TJ . . .. annnnl -- lei.- i., i T.f 1 uvv.jj ,uj JVD, (Ji J US d X UIUUUIU Mills etc., Lowes Promptly Wju4d and TaraWe Hopolulu, Pioneer Shin Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St Art TJie untisrsignsd bega to Jnfomv.the public of theseislandsthat heli taafcrig Bli 1 rt ltir ranmiHAoixt ' J Dircc'JionhfofselfJm'suYemeTOll be given ouappllcatloQ v While SMris, ftefiuirtia-Ilt'G&iif- A fit guarantee by maklngT'SopW Bhlrt to every-urde- r. 'and ertftr olleltl-B- tli TsWiHt'sHtV wy A. M. W&jus.' V;- r. VKu, '.'i;- .Vi, ,aJ. st iisb . .. . imHmU tirf .9V'' -- Jk4 -. .mw!w)l .x&m ; Cj . l .w. Swft. Liddti "t .A-- ' Iifif. it.










Vol. XrV. No. 2276. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING-- , JUNE 15, 1889. BUBaortiPTiON"00 OENTP(P5fljMOrTH


Is printed and published at tho offlcc,Quooa Streot, Honolulu, II. everyafternoon (Sundays excepted).Subscription, - 50 cintt par Month.

Address all .Communications- - Daily

Advertisements, tc oruuro insertion,should be handed boforo One o'clockP.M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing- - Offloo.Nowspaper, Book and JobjPrlnting ofall kinds donb on the most favorabloterms.Doll Telophono No. 250

Mutual.Tclophnnc ...No. 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and coraprehensivo

publication, contains 33 columns ofreading-matte- r, on local topics, and acomplctu resume of Honolulu und IslandNows. It is the best paper oublislicdin tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island : . : : $4 00 yearForulun : : : 5 00' "

Commission - Meronants.

IliVOi-irJ2I- l Sa Co.H.Qenoral Commission Agents.




Queen street, . Honolulu: H. I.,1048


Wholesale Grocers & Wine MerchantsBeaver Block, Honolulu.



Commission Agents.


P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Caiitkii. . . ..Treasurer Ss Secretary

uibectobs:Hon. O. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,


T. WATBBHOUSB,JOHN Importer ami'Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castlc.J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle

CASXIiB & OOpKB, ,Shipping and Commiaslon

Merchant!. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise", No." tiO King at.,Honolulu. 1

CUns aprecjteli. Wm. O. Irwin.

W' Cr. IRWIN Ss COMPANY,,Sugar .Factors, and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

i CO.,WILDER.Dealers iii Lnmber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and. Building Materialsof eyory-vklnd-

, cor. Fort and Queen ats.,Honolulu. 1

M'" 3. QRINBAOM St CO.,Importers of Qenoral Mer- -

clinudlae and Commission Morchauta,. Honolulu, and

' 1524 Callfoiniu1 street,v' , San Francisco, Cal.

U. Lewora, r.J.towrey CM, Cooke.

f kwersj gooup, ,Jj (successors fo Levers & Dickson,)Importera'and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,

-Honnlulni '," "



81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Actual 'PolepUpno JXo, 4..87 tf

VETERINARY.RQWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,AK, and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hoitd Stables, corner Hotel and Richardstreets. Scleniillc treatment in all dW-cu-

of domestic anlmala. Orders forplantation und ranch stock promptly


utte'udud to. Mutual Telephone S151,

1', O Box 320, J

O LUaO HAWAIIANO.persons who want to commuolALL with the Poituguese, olthor

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any- - other helps, will und Itihomost proutabTo-wityt- advertise Inthe L'hso UfwatipHO, the new .organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which is pub-luhe- d

ju Hotel itreoj, and only cuargoartuocabla raws for advertisements.


t rrr; ' s Fr

JUL MONSAURAT,at Law & Notary Public

149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf..til. .

T ABT.HUH ;Maooon,O Attorney at Law & Notary Public173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill prncticoin tho lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend' to collect-ing in all its branches, renting of housesand any other'buslndss'cntnistcu' to him."

Offlcc 01 King Slrect Upstairs.Feb 0


ANI? ijAJCEllY.F.'HORNtvFra'ctical Cohtectioncf, .

ristry Cook and1 Baker.71 Hotel St. --WiST Tel cphone 74 .

Mrs. L. G. Pray,

GenoineMassage iRomauBatlis

150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard.dec7-t- 8


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, : William's Block,216 Honolulu, H. I.

n. M. 11KNS0W. 0. W. SMITH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing. Pharmacists,

118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot 'for Bocrioke & Scechlk's

MOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rick seeker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites,. i2y

WINNER & GO.Jlnnumcturlne Jewellers,

NO. 3 FOBT 8TBEET.Constantly pn.hand a.largc'assortmcn

ofevery description of "Jewelry, WatchesQoldiand'SilverPlated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jowelry a Specialty.

iKiug Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to .the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Office.

X3T Particular attention poid to allkinds of repairs. jan-19-8- 0

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, proprietor.Office, 84. King street,' Telephone No. 80.

Residence I clepbone No. 203.Goii'l JESscpresslnix & Jra,-ylnB- :

Piano and'Furrlituro moving a specially.Wagons meet all incoming steamers.

1uly25 ly

Hustace& Robertson,

DBAYMKN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at

XX tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In tranilt to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest, prices.

Office, next door to Jas., F. Morgan'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing JEore,70 A. 81 Ulnst Htreet.

Shoeing, from $1.50.

Horsos and Cattle Treated foiall DiBoaaos,

Residence: Chamberlain House, nextKawalshao Church.

P. O. BOX 4.0B.


SiilTho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea ahu Coffee at 111 Hours

, Tho F.lnest Brand of

Cliarsli Touacco

Always on Jllniia.11. ,T. NOJLTE, Proprietor.



Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Eotail Batchers



Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,ITiBli, Vegetables, Szc, &zc.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlcss),

No. Otluccn Ht., : : FIhIi Market,Honolulu, II. I.

tarFamily and Shipping Oiderscarcfully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto 'vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8


City Market,Nuuanu Street.

Beef, H Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

tgyHis noted Sausages aro made bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will be deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as unywhero in thocity.

C3T Try his Bologna Sausages."oct.5-8-


AT Halckou, Kancohc, Kooldupbko;''b53 acres of good pasture land, all

enclosed plenty of water. App'y toCharles I. iliram, at tho King's Stablcb,Honolulu, or at Halckou. feb-2- 89.1y


Anderson &Lundy,Dentists.

Artificial Teeth, from one to an entireset inserted' on gold, silver, allumlriumand ruhber bases. Crownnd. BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which nro a constantsource of irritation to ',he mouth 'andthroat, we would . recomm ad our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed In accordance wlih the latestimprovements In dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by tho uso of,JNitrous uxiuo uus.

igy-Offi-ce at Old Tregloan Residence

Hotel Btrcct. Feb-20-- 8


Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

30 Euo'do Dunkorque, - . - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis, German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two-urid-t- Half per cent.All Trade nnd Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Originul Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomanager,

The Agency Renrcsonts, Buys, andSells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cushinercs, Cambrics,Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flanncle, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, QlsbS, andOhlna.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jowellry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &b.,Oilman's (Stores,' Hpoks ArtisticFurnlturo, Statlon'eryjChromos. Machinery. &o &c.

1B0 lr SJ

Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys,o


POPULAR MILLINERY- - HOUSE,104 Fort Street. Honolulu.

1ST- - S. S.OH, - - Proprietor.


Latest and Newest in Jersey lists !

In Plain and Combination Colors, which wc will offer


Cashmere Square Shawls !


EmljroiflBrefl CasMere Scarf Shawls !

In Cream, Light Blue, Pink and Black;


Will' be

92 ot Nawi;





Weekly Summaru,"

on Jutie 18th.

The Best Paper to Send Abroad.


-- Oir-inioEj.

Every Description of

Book and General PrintingExecuted with Neatness and Dispatch.

The "Dai." Bulletin


Column! Interesting


Soyal" iusurauce Compyk'

Accumulation ol Funds, - $28,602,205.00

Flrerlsks taken' at current rates andsettlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.July 20.88. ly

- "....Unlort KIro &. 3(nrlnc

Insurance Company of N, Z,

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire and Marino risks, taken at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july2088-l-y

STJNInsurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Uull9, Cargoes, Freights,and Commissions at current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July S0.88.ly

2i;EGI133ITJItGGeneral Insurance Company.

Marine risks oHulls, Cargoes, freightand Commission's at current rates.


A. H. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant .street. Up stairs.

;;terr?HONOLuiitr iron Works,ritiaasoiStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-er-

coolers; iron, brass' and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order.- - Particular attention paidto ship's black' smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Alex. M Elohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Next dpor to Hoffschlaccor & Co.,uamon tiiocit, ueinei street.

All kinds of Safes & Soales repaired.,Also, Scwlnc llachlncs at reason-oblo'rate-

Bell Tel. 42-1- . P. O. Bi 40C.


Contractors & Bixliaors.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es.tiroatcs given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King' street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 428. apJ5.1y


and Bullder'J

Honolulu Steam Planlng'MillBsphvuuuu, xionoiuiu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window FramcsBlinds,

Sashes, Doors, audall kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and 'Band'Sawing. All klndB'of Sawlng'anU Plan-ln- g,

Morticing andj Tenanting.Orders promptly alt'ended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho othorsolicited

NTERPR ISI PLANING MILL- - 'AI alien, ncar'Qaeen'St.

Telephone 55.


Tho Entire Plant ot the


Is offered For Sale. The Machineryis in perfect working order

and consist of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrlo- r, Etc.. complete,1 Pair ol Boilers. Gx20, ,,1 Double Effect C and 7 feet Pant,1 Vacuum Pan 6 feet with Blake Pump,3 Wetton Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with the usual assortment of

Glariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundIn a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of

Caliraia & Mail Mules,Cane Carfs & Gen'l Plantation


Delivery will be given after noxt crophas been harvostcd, say about July 1.18S9.

tWFor furthor particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.

rasr-91-8- 8

; .

IRE; .;

LIFE, and

t-Kl'- J

Il . . , TStbU I'

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

.Assets; $C,S08,O0O

Commercial Insurance Co.(Fird and'Morlhe)

iots, 450.000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance .Corporation

(Fire and Merino), j j(10, .CapituVpaidup; $2,000,000.

Bouth British Fire and 3sinp,fnt.,Cocap,itai;,iiaorf)'(i;ooo

New York Life Insurance. ts,



General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1653 ly - - .


Life Assurance Society

-- BOE8 Ar


Larger Surplus,-- OIVES kf


Pays It's Losses more PrompUy"

- thak 'ant oniikiI .

Life Assurance Company-- IN THE W01ll- D-

A. J. CARIWRIGUT,OenertU Aseaf'ror' JafaWftUen

. ilimflB,juno.Jly -


Life, Fire & Marlhe'lneur'oo Aae'nfe.



of Boston.

'The iEtna Fire jiBuranoVOMof Hartford, Conn."

, The Dalon.JKIre bh4Marine Bnsurahce Co.,

of San Francisco, Cala.- 101 ly

PriiisTcTri Matldna!.Insurance "Koblu;jasTAnusHEp 1645, i


Capital,. .,.,... . . 8,000,OpO,.rlelB)(iia

pointsd acel of .he abovefor tho Hawaiian IslaridBJifSftKi5TJ

. . ..annnnl -- lei.- i., i T.f 1uvv.jj ,uj JVD, (Ji J US dX UIUUUIUMills etc.,

Lowes Promptly Wju4d and TaraWeHopolulu,

Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St

ArtTJie untisrsignsd bega to Jnfomv.thepublic of theseislandsthat heli taafcrig

Bli 1 rt ltir ranmiHAoixt ' JDircc'JionhfofselfJm'suYemeTOll

be given ouappllcatloQ v

While SMris, ftefiuirtia-Ilt'G&iif-

A fit guarantee by maklngT'SopWBhlrt to every-urde-


'and ertftr olleltl-B- tli TsWiHt'sHtV

wy A. M. W&jus.'


r. VKu, '.'i;- .Vi,,aJ. st iisb . . . . imHmU tirf .9V''--Jk4 -. .mw!w)l .x&m ; Cj . l .w. Swft. Liddti "t .A-- ' Iifif. it.

Pr" ffmm

tt, bi l vffiP. '.'M-- . !;. Vv - rifc; ... ..nw.1 riW.nas..r,y .! i





l'ubllo ilohool Kxniulnntlous andItOYlCWB.

The regular annual public exanii-nation- s,

and reviews of class of theGovernment day schools in the db-trkt-?-

Honolulu, will bo held asfollows :


On Monday, July 22d, at Moana-lu- a,

and Kiilihi'uka Schools.On Tuesday, July 23d, at Kalihi-waen- a;

and Kuuluvfela Schools.On Wednesday, July 24th, at Point-kain- a

Girls' School, and at Marques-vill- e

School.On Thursday, July 25th, at tho

Hoyal School, Kahchuna, and at Ka-moili-

Schools.On Friday, July 26th, at the Fort

Street School, and at Manoa, andWaikikikai Schools.SCHOOLS IN THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE.

On Monday, July 22d, at the Gov-

ernment School house at Kawaiahao,the common Schools of Kaumaka-pili- ,

Kawaiahao, Fuuoa, and Romaw.AND AT EWA, 1YAIANAE, AND KOOLAU-TOK-

on this island as follows :


At Makua, Waianae, on Wednes-day, July 24th.

At Tokai, Waianae, on Thursday,July 25th.

At Waiawa, Ewa, on Friday, July2Gth.

At Waiahole, Koolaupoko, onThursday, July 25th.

AtKaneohe, Koolaupoko, on Fri-day,' July 26lh.

"native schools.At Hakipuu, Koolaupoko, on

Thursday, July 25th.At Kailua, Koolaupoko, on Friday

July 26th.The exercises will begin at 0 o'clock

a. m., on each of the days named.The summer vacation of all Gov-

ernment Schools in the Kingdom,will extend from Friday, July 26th,to Monday, the lfith of Septembernext, on which date a new term willbegin.

W. JAS. SMITH,Secretary.

Education Office, June 14, 1889.

. 276 3t

Notice to Personal Tax-paye- rs

The undersigned Assessors andCollectors of Taxes for the GeneralTaxation Divisions of the Kingdomwould respectfully call the attentionof the tax-paye- to the New Law inregard to the payment of personaltaxes, Section 58a, Chapter 68 of theSession Laws of A. D. 1888.

"All personal taxes shall be dueand payable on and after the 1st dayof July of each year, and may becollected by the proper officers atany time after such date."

C. A. BROWN, Assessor & Col-

lector of Taxes, 1st Division.11. G. TREADWAY, Assessor &

Collector of Taxes, 2nd Division.H. C. AUSTIN, Assessor & Col-

lector of Taxes, 3rd Division.J.' K. FARLEY, Assessor & Col-

lector of Taxes, 4th Division.271 4w


g)atls iuHnfinPledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1889.


By Galileo II.lletting on baseball matches is in-

creasing, and it is calculated to in-

juriously affect the game. Besidespromoting the deadly gambling ma-

nia, it detracts seriously from en-

joyment of the playing, it divorcesthe sympathy of large numbers ofpeople,-an- it is liable to be an em-

barrassment to the players. Insteadof yielding generous applause forfeats of skill on the diamond, thebettor is silent if the play is againsthis wager, or emits frenzied yello ofdelight if it is favorable.thercto. Oneside must win, except in tho unusualcase oPa draw, but woe betide thenineVho have heavy money backingand lose. Their hard work in amus-

ing the public without pay is notthought of by the foolish crowd whocannot relish sport except at eachother's xpense.

The editor has been instructed toinform tie that the "missionaries'

--JkfrrmtiSmtid&i SF

' ' "- . . - . . . ...W5 nvui t r - . ' " n- - . t K.'-- ..

vra,rr(CTaratgg3irggjiBg3cs.are the Fort street Chtirou peopleThey certainly are missionaries ac-

cording to tho principles of tbeirdenomination, but does that factconstitute them- - a concrete factor In

'politics? Were they side by stdo,shoulder to shoulder, with otherpeople in 1887, in the summaryproceedings to obtain hotter govern-

ment, because of any formal actioniu congregatiou assembled? If not,they must have simply been movedby the pretty geueral impulse ofthat occasion. If, however, theyprove n disposition to take full con-

trol and have affairs run exclusivelyto suit the Ideas peculiar to them,it will be the duty of all who regardthat as n dangerous policy for thecommon weal to deter them in theircourse. At the same time the wayto resist such a factionist movementis not to call nicknames nor to setup banners inscribed with mottoes

of an opposite extreme. The coun-

try needs something else than citherreligious or auti-rcltgio- legislation.No radical measures in one direc-

tion or the other would be aught butegregious failures, as to their in-

tended objects and not as to theirmerits do I mean, until the bodypolitic deelops into a far morehomogeneous composition than itcan have for a remote period.

Mr. John E. Bush, editor of KaOiaio (the name has fortunatelybeen recalled to memory), shows ina letter to the P. C. A. that he issmarting under the exposure of hisrascally attempt to inflame the na-

tive mind. What superior claim hehas to be an adviser of the Ha-waiia-

over those whose presencein the country he decries in his pa-

per would be hard to establish.Himself partially an accident ofimmigration, his references to'spawn" in "Oiaio" are rathercool. I found no fault with theMinister Plenipotentiary retired foraay element of independence assuch in his writings. I denouncehim, however, for the impudent as-

sumption, at least implied, that thenatives iu general l egret the extin-

guishment of himself and the tribeof which he was an appendage.Only the coolness and influence ofan inveterate opponent of the lastregime, under whose shelter Mr.Bush took fresh root, on the occa-

sion of the election in Kona in 1886

prevented a band of patriotic Ha-waiia-

in that district from start-

ling the woild with a more thoroughrevolution than goes by that nameof 1887. That the Hawaiians donot relish such counsel as Mr. Bushis giving them is apparent, from thefact that his predecessors, Herodswhom he out-Hero- in emulatingregardless of the warning examples,have had their newspaper enter-

prises miserably fail, leaving theliberal and progressive journals inthe Hawaiian language in full pos-

session of the field, with subscription lists ten times as large as thelargest ever obtained by the incen-

diary press. Mr. Bush is, more-over, drawing a herring across thescent, when he charges me withmaligning the dead. The avowedauthor of the Kaimiloa is still alive,or was at latest accounts from hispresent habitation, and 1 have atmy elbow a favor received from himas a parting fiicndly gift. And heknew and knows what my senti-ments were regarding that navalmonstrosity. The remark of the ex-

tinguished statesman regarding thevalue that would be put upon mywritings at home there is no objectto be served in answering. It isonly the product of a convulsivespasm of impotent acrimony.

Now "Tohn E. Bush, late ofSamoa," editor of the I. O. U., justkeep your shirt on and I will giveyou a few points and a little freegratis advice, for which there willbo no extra charge. In the firstplace, firstly, John, if I was occu-

pying the editorial breeches of theI. O. U., I shouldn't in every issuedraw attention to that little Samoanincident in which you and CaptainJackson and tho Kaimiloa and vari-

ous brands of convivial liquids wereso mixed up that nobody but across-eye- d man could tell t'otherfrom which. It excites the envyof small-minde- d men, you know,at the great honor and credit whichyou achieved by your masterlyhandling of the duties entrusted toyou on that occasion. So, John,just let Samoa relapse into "inno-cuous desuetude," as it were, andplay Pharisee to it and pass it byon the other side j or if things gettoo hot and the occasion seems tonecessitate it, come Saint Peter onit, and deny that you were ever at

$ miXfJ?:-

n.vii mrtT.i.snmrta.. w,.wvvfi.M,T! x t nr... .. MMM? .lrN".'I '

Samoa, and if you find that re-

miniscences crowd you too hard, Ithink the circumstances tiro so

that you could oven main-

tain that thcro is no such place asSamoa.


Another point, ' John to which Iwolilcl gcntlyVill your attention isthis: Don't you waste any time in

fooling around the Advertiser man,aud imagining that be is going toback you up in your seventeenthcentury 1. O. U. ideas. The onlyreason he gave you a sendoff theother day was because he couldn'tread the kanaka lingo, and he hadthe .childlike simplicity to supposeHint at least the first edition of theI. 0. U. would be reasonably de-

cent enough to stand a little non-

committal introduction; but sincehe has found out what your senti-

ments are he has been chewing histongue with a faraway look in hislcfteyc. Look out for him, John;if you've got two shints and an ex-

tra pair of pants put them on, forho's a bad man.

Another thing, John, to which Iwould like to call your attention, Isthat your platform and principlesare just auout three years behiudthe swim. When you shriek andtear your hair aud froth at themouth about the and hisgeneral cussedness, and try

our level best to make bad bloodand let good blood, so far as talkwill go, by leferring to the Samoanmethod of dealing with lmoles, andsnceiing at Hawaiians because theydo not adopt the same method, youarc working a claim that has all beenwashed out clean several years agoby men who knew how to work thatracket better than you do, John.And let me tell 3011, further, thatthe plank in your platform whichpromises a restoration of the oldConstitution at the next election,became so badly worm-eate- n at thelast election that it let everybodythrough who tried to sit on it lastyear, and if you don't get rightsquare all off of it, it will break

3'our back as sure as fate, and you'llcome down with such a thump thatyou'll lose another day and thinkthat Sunday comes on Riiday in-

stead of Saturday. And then,John, that card of3'ours, that royalty slobber, is aremnant of the dark ages when youand Dan Lyons were stumping forthe absolute monarchy oflice hold-

ers' legislature in 1886. The worldhas turned round several timessince then, and Daniel has floppedand is now a legular radical is go-

ing to elect everybody who drawsGovernment pap, from Kingto Station House bootblack.Should that policy prevail

3'ou will have to straddle thefence until you decide whetherto be king or bootblack, knowingthat have eminent abilities-t- fityou for one or the other. But,John, as a friend I advise you tojoin Dan's party, and let up on thoprinces. la, ta, John. Comeagain when 'ou can't stay so long.

Hew Departure !

of all the shares orS

stock of the Hawaiian CarriageManufacturing '. h ive been purchasedand consolidated in tho hands of oneman, Mr. Schuraan George Dillinghamwill conduct the busimsfl 011 u businessbasis, uud respectfu.ly solicit tho patio,nago of id I. 'lhe charges will lie rut.tonablu and tlm work done with neat.vtd3 and ilippitrb.



MEETING of the Hawaiian Yacht-Int- ;A & Hon ine nill boheld ut the Iolinl Club House on 1UES.D.VY, lilt. 18th int--t , ut 7:90 o'clock 1: m.A full attendance- is pirticulatly re-quest d. Uy oider of tho Pn sident.

W. M. GIFFA1U),370 2t Secretary 11. Y. &, H. A.


A MEETING of the properly ownersof Itcrctunia utreet wi'l be held on

MONDAY, June 17 h, at 11 o'clock a.m ,ut hu Chamber of Commerce, to con.Milvr the question of widening Baldstreets between Punchbowl und Puna,hou street, and to take action thereon.Every owner is rrqnomcd 10 bo present.275 2t THE COMMITTEE.


THE timUrsigntd herewith returnsincere thanks to the resi-

dents ot IIonoluHi for their kind agiist-auo- u

anil cnntii tuition inwards a fundraised for the sutfuri-r- s in 1 hinn, causedby famine there, in several districts.Amount contributed by Fnrtdpneru &

Natives $1 850 00Amount contributed by Chine ....,.

$1,901 00

Total .....$?,7M 00Which were forwarded by the laststeumer to China.


Commercial Agents.Honolulu, Juno li, 1889, 270 2t

Nj'aat mtJk.

- Wri llSU.Mtfl.Utfl.U ht At' - ; '"" ' J " 1 VI' 1 r&m .t .1.l.Ia ja.. . ... . - .

Auction Sales by James F, Morgan,

Auction Sale

By order of EGA.N & CO., I will sell atPublic Auction, at t olr Store,

Fort street, this

Saturday Evening, June lOth,

At 7 o'clock, a large assortment of

Ladies' Underwear,Hosiery, Lucca,

Fancy Scarfs & (Tics,

DRESS GOODS,8ks, Velvets,

Gent's Furnishing Goods,


JtSrUcmcmliir the Entire Stock mustbe bold. No reserves

JAS. F. 310KGAN,275 2t Auctioneer.

Ants, Mice, Moths & Roaches

In IMaiios !

IN this country, especially where Ants,Mice, Mo lis and Hoaches infest

jiur Pianos to the destruction of thosaino, mid the annoyance of all calledupon to use them, it would be well toplace our hibtiumcnls in "Mil J. W.YARtfDLEY'3 care, who will eireclunlly clear them ot all destructive insects, etc, and cleanse the strings andtuning pins from rust. See to thisbeforu it is too late I

Let Mn YAllNDLEY tuno yourPianos nnthkojp them in tuno ManyPiano butler greatly and become worthless for ucid ot intelligent and morefrequent attention in regard to thea hove.

ers received at the oflice ofthe Hawaiian Nkwb Co, Merchantstreet, will be promptly attended to.

273 2w


TVT0M1NATI0NB will be received byJJN the Secretary of tho HawaiianJockey Club up to June SO, 1880, asfollow b:

FUTURITY STAKES of 1891 For 2year olds llAwniiun Bred Horses;Hweep'-take- s of $C0, added. FirstluBMiltncnt on naming r cucli.

HAWAIIAN DblibY of 1882 For 3year olds Hnwuinn bred lloises;sweepstakes of $100, Hawaiian JockeyCln'i Cum added. First installment onmiming $ each.

The following installments are alsodue on June 80, 1889:

Futurity Stakes of 1PD0. 2nd install.merit 00

Huwiiiiun Derby of ltOO, 2nd in-ta- ll

ment $ir 00Hawaiian Derby of 1891, 2nd install.

ment $15 00C. O. BERGER,

275 14t Secretary ii. J.C.

NOTICE.W. SCHMIDT has retired as

LVJL a partner from mtr (I'm.H. UAVK.VBW & UU.

Honolulu, May 13, l"ty 24 81


Resilience and PastureTHE Mrs. A. Long iu PauoaInquire No. 45 1 unchlmwl

street. Mas. A. LONG.200 lw


NEW Wilcox & White ParlorA Orean with elehtstotm. Suitablefor school or church A fine instrument. Apply at 07 Punchbowl HtreU,opposite N P. Mission Institute. 273 tl


MRS. MONROE, ladies' nurse, hasto No 3. Kukui lane.

Feb. 14-8- 9


WE take Photos for 55 per dozen,and are lino island views

for $2 00 pei doze.i, wltli tlm very Itiun. J. A. GONSALVES,2C0 lm 12U Fort street.

Lob! or Mislaid.

CEUTIFIOATB No 241 for 20 sharesbtock standing

in the name of U. IC. SUlltmin, on whichtiansfcr has been stopped. Finder pleaserot urn to Mr. O. h. Btillinau or to theBiru,KTiN 0111 e. S7ldO3w.tf

A Step Ahead !

HAVING always been an advocatehalMioliilay syHem on

Nittirdnys, I am cUd to announce myability to pritclii ally adopt it now, andwill cease work from and after Juno15th, on every Saturday, at 12 o'clocknoon. Excepting in very urgent cases.


273 lw Contractor & Builder.



-- HHOM-

Kanaku Hanch, "VVaialua,

-- VOll BALE B- Y-


npHE DAILY BULLETIN-T- heX most popular paper published,;

ph .

nwv ,spigEf!'jW"W'r$!Wt' H;

" '

s.v" - - ".,ir'?f!"v

mm Wis&s&i?






Come out and take

An Exhilarating Rido !

A Glorious Plungo !

-- AND A--

Bealtlrful 33at:li I



CQTGood accommodations and promptattention.

C. J. SIIKIUVOOf),208 tf Proprietor.

Just Arrived !




Imported Direct from Havana.

i70 lm


NOTICE la hereby given to allhaving claims against the

estate of A. Kaumii, dtcedBcd, to presentthe same to the undersigned executors,within six months from the date of

or they will be fnncr hsr'ed.E II BAILEY,EMILY BAILEY.

Wnlluku, Maui, June 1, that). 272 lm


MR. E. C. HOWE, Tainter, hasmoved his pliac of lm iness into

the building lately occupied by thePacific Hose Co., Kinp street, near Fort.

U71 1m


JOHN NOIT has removed hl Stove.Airate nnd Tlnwaic Depart,

ment to k'o. ICi and 97 King street, nearFort street. The Work Minp will beatthe old btiind for the prc-cn- t

2'i8 lw JOHN NOIT.

BOARD.i. ,..-- :. ,

I luuu rnmuy uoani ior a nmiienVJT numlicr of genili men not exceeding 0 persons. Kor partieiilars anply to

W. F. REYNOLDS,254 tf At T. U. I brum's

European Billiard Parlors.Handsomeht Billiard Parlors inTHE city, aud fitted up in the most

approved style Four tables with all thelatest improvement.

J. P. BOWEN & CO.,270 tf 1'roprietors.


THE undersigned hereby gives noticebeing about to leave tkU

Kingdom he has, as provided by the copartnership agreement of his firm ofSing Uhong & Co., appointed longQnon as managing partner of said firmof Sing Chong tic Co. during his saidabsence.

A. II. LOO NGAWK.Honolulu, Juno 8, 83i. 270 lw

Chinese Employment Office

THE undersigned begs to notify lhethat he has opened a Chi-

nese Employment Oflice, at No. 87 Kingstreet, w ill iiiko contracts for carpenterwork, painting, etc. Messages deliveredto the Chlncbu. Mutual Telephone 385.Nochariro tor letting terviiiitn. OfficeIn Link Lung Chung's curpf-nte- r 'hop.2571m LEE CHU.


Paachao Plantation )

Hawaii. March 0, 188 I

Il!don Iron A Iincomotlve Works,Hun Fruuclsco.

GENTI.KMKN: Wo havo used two ofyour 3d. chambered Filler Pretsci thisseason. They aro convenient, easilyhandled and aro working entirely tonur satisfaction. I can recommend noimprovement on them.

Very rospcci fully yours,(Signed) A. MOORP,Managei Paauhau Plantation.

These I'ressos nre made extra heavyfor hleh presm es, occupies a floorspur-ril- l feel by f feet, and presents afiltering buri'uee of 240 square leet.

A limited number in stock In Hono.lulu and aro sold at very low price.

IUsdon Iron & Looo. Works.Ban Francisco.

tSTTor nnrtlcu'nrH enquire ofJOHN DYEH, Honolulu,

Room No. 3 epreckils' lllock,8250 tf W.O.Irwia4Co.,AewiU.

SaBroglBBWaliMretffitfKBllfallHHHOHRIBI ,., ;, .,. 'RKn


--KS SAFES ! --SS-MeriMts', JGwelBrs', Plantations SKeletou & Wall Safes,

DWELLING HOUSE SAFES,With Marblotop and Back Grainoil, imitation of any wood.

2f)0 lm


T. H.C6 Fort street, Honolulu, Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

The Finest Line of Millinery Goods !


Untrimrned Hats for Misses' and Children,Flowora, Tips, Hat Trimmings, Fancy Ribbons, Etc.,

Wire Hat Frames, Wire Bonnet Frames,In all tho New Shades ;

Silk Laces, Silk Nettings, Gauzes, All-ov- Silk Laces, New Wash Mate-rials, in white, plain and ligured ; Boy's Shirt Waists,

Fine Lamb's Wool Underwear, Flminol Conta and TestisAll-wo- CTershirts, Etc., Etc., just received bytho "Umatilla" by

CHAS. J. F8SHEP.,The Leading Millinery House, cor. Fort A Hotel pts.iiiThe Manufacturers' Shoe Go.

86 Si, 30

Wholesale & RetailCorrect Styles Latest



-- OF-



g)g N. B. On and after Mayof our Dressmaking Rooms.



California Hay, Oats, Bran,

Telephones, No. 175.

New Zealand Jams !

received a consignment of NewJhiiis. assorted cases. For

Bftln lit Inw nrtni.a hv '

J. E. BROWN & CO,,227 tf 28 Merchant street.

Mrs. H. MACMILLANDressmaking, Cut-tin- g

und Fitting, at herNo 134 Niniiino Avenue, next to RagleHouse, Bell Telephone 180 218 lm


A Mare,Saddle

animal for a boy), andColt. Saddle, biidle,etc . thrown in to make

a Apply at this office 251 tf


lately occupiedO. Rowe, Way's

Block, Kinc strei t, at reason- -

aide rental. given at once.Applv to158 tf J, G. ROTIIWELL.


Rooms to let,J7UHNISHED corner ofand Beretania

streets, would be yery for aemail 255 Cm

iO LETA HOUSE. with 8 large and

iwiffi il 2 small roi ma with kit.chen and bathroom attached,

on Alakca street, i nnosito Dr. Mc.Wayne's. Apply to John Cook, on nre.mises, or at this office. 210 tf

Carriage For SaleCiitunUtr Car.1N.KW just finished

und trimmedin flrsi class style must be iniinediatelysold to close au can bu seeuat W. II. Page's crriago manufactury,No. 128 Fort .street.

Feb-4- 9

- "'-li- t " VtTtitK3&&i



'm&&x-z&&(&- t



& LOGIC 00.


t in mn

Hotel Ht.

Boots & Shoes.Designs All Prices.

E. B. SMITH, Asrent.


15th, MISS CLARK will have charge1751 y


- j IB(J

Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.


THE 'Emerson Homestead,'situated Jn

Walalua, Oahu, H. I., com- -pric-in- a largo houso with 10 rooms,kitchen, pautry, barn, etc., 11 acres ofchoice land now partly in taro and otherVegetables, and a rich pasture of 6iaens within half a mile. Pure water isbrought to the house and grounds fromnever failing springs, tho supply ofwhich can bo indefinitely increased inquantity. There is a good carriage roadto Honolulu, 28 miles distant, also tp thesteam boat lanrling, less than half amile distant, where steamers from thocity touch three times u week. '1 he pic.turesque fine climate and

water make this amost placa for a country re-tre-

and sanitarium. Terms moderate.For further information apnly to

J. A. MAGOON,257 tf

Desirable Cottage To Let

COTTAGE, corner King andvQuSl less-tba- n

10 minutes walk from PostOlflco. Lofty looms, all conveniencesRent reasonable. A

J. E. BROWN d; CO.,265 tf 28 Merchant street.

& Pasturage To Let

Mtfi ft, "EXCELLENT Stables confliSaffl J talning'13 Stalls, CottageWSfejHI and 7 acres Pasturo Land, onbouth street, near King, occu.pied by Mr. White, proprietor of thoPiilama Bus. To let on viry moderateterms. Apply to

J. E. BROWN & CO.,25Ijtf 28 Merchant street,. .


WE havo on hand one 22.foot Whaleboat, with

Iron center.boa'rd, roast, sail,oars. etc.. comnlete; millahlB

for fhbing. Also, ono 75.1b. ClinkerPleasure copper fattened, withpars and rowlocks; will be sold cheapfor cash. Both new. Apply at

DOWEIi SON'S,2Wliu Shop near tho Fish

' iiMilfrhinMiirtir

Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,Baxley, Rolled Barley,

Middling: Ground Barley,Wheat and Corn Flour.

FLOUR --Alta, Gate & Salinas- - FLOUR


HAS commencedroiidenco













un-rivalled privilege













ssgggagggKm? ""?$"? is Tw,$wm 5jr-- r --rpf 'BrSTOvpg?i'WSP





Bs p



SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1889.


Slmr Kilatira Hon from TTamakuaSchr Mary Foster fiom WalmcaSchr Ko An lloit from KwaKclir Iliilulinxv from KoolnuSchr Walmalii from Hawaii


11V Ceylon for Sun Fianclsco

SHIPPIKC.NDTES.X& Ellaueh'ou brought this morn-lrig.r- ao

bgs SJrtgur trom Hawaii.The tteameiil Ljkellbe, Mikahnla, Mo.

kqlll. WalaleaW and Jamfes Makee willbe due Sunday.

The bark Ceylon, Capt Calhoun, car-ried to Mui KranclSco to-d- ay 1C.3US bgssugar, weighing 044 tons nnd valued at9111,803.71.


There was n good attendance ofboth lady and gentlcninn membersat the meeting of the Hawaiian Ca-mera Club yesterday evening. Theymet for the first time in their newquarters on this occasion, havingtaken a commodious two-stor- y

house in rear of tho Centrnl House,Alakea street. One active nndthree honorary members wore elect-ed, the Inttcr paying a fee of $23each. Reports were submitted re-specting plans' and cost of fitting upthe quartars. Mr. C. Hedeinann,president, .called attention to ahungry looking bookcase in the ball,and tioped members would contri-bute surplus books from their photo-graphic libraries to its shelves. Mr.A. V. Richardson, secretary, sub-mitted a blank subscription list inbehalf of the expense of fitting upthe house, and at the close of themeeting several generous contribu-tions were subscribed.

Dr. Martip, after routine businesshad been despatched, delivered anable lecture on "The Chemistry ofJflicaograpJiy. ' lie remarked inthe introduction that photographyheld a higher position than themere taking of portraits or land-scapes, or furnishing a livelihood toa few persons who were neitherartists nor scientists. He gave ahistorical resume of the chemicaldiscoveries that marked the originand progress of the science of pho-tography. Then with blackboardillustrations the doctor explainedthe nature of dements and com-pounds entering into tho art, cau-tidni- ng

liis hearers against certaincombinations that made dangerousexplosives. A print of the Newtonspectrum was employed in illustra-tion, the lecturer giving a minuteexplanation of what has come to beknown regarding the properties ofboth the visible and the invisiblerays, with especial reference to tVephotographic art. A vote of thanks,moved by Mr. W. M. Giffard, se-

conded by Mr. J. P. Brown, wasunanimously tendered to Dr. Mar-tin for his interesting lecture.

When the meeting finally ad-

journed Mr, John A. Hassingerconducted the members through thehouse, explaining the plans for itscompletion to serve club purposes.Attorney-Gener- al Ashford accom-panied him, making pun-ge- nt re-

flections upon the guide's discourse.Upstairs are a large ball, ladies'dressing room and other apart-ments. Downstairs two dark roomswill be provided, with an ante-roo- m

having ,an automatic-closin- g door,also' printing and other rooms.There are about & dozen apartmentsaltogether in the house, and it willwhen finished and furnished be con-

venient, comfoi table and commodi-ous in evey respect.

SPECIAL TERM.Following is the calendar of cases

for trial at the Special Term, com-

mencing on M.onday, June 17th",

1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., Mr. Jus-

tice Preston presiding:jcou'eion juuv,

J. 33dward Barry vs. L, Mc-Cull- y.

Assumpsit. Rosa for plain-

tiff,' Peterson for defendant.'2. G. V. Macfarlane Co. vs.

J. S. McCaudless et nl. Assump-sit. Ashford & Ashford for defend-

ants.'3. "W. C. Peacock & Co. vs.

BChts d' Aubien. Assumpsit. Whit-ingf- or

plaintiffs, Ashford & Ash-

ford for defendants.1. Assignee Bankrupt Estate A.

K. Palekalubi vs. W, C. Peacock.Trover. Brown for plaintiff, 'Whit-

ing for .defendant. .5. J. F. Bowler vs, Hawaiian

Government. ' J Assumpsit. Hart-we- ll

and Whiting for plaintiff, Attor-

ney-General for defendant.6. Assigneo Bankrupt Estate W.

H. praenhajgU vs. L. J,. Levey,Replevin. Ashford & Ashford andCreighton for plaintiff; Neumannfor defendant,

7. L. Ahlo vs. Antu ct al. As-

sumpsit. Castle for plaintiff, V.V. Ashford for defendants.

8. F. J. Hills vs. J. E. Brown.Assumpsit. Brown for plaintiff,Neumann for defendant.

9. Gaspar Sylva vs. W. P. Smith,administrator with will annexed,Estate Z. Y. Squires. Assumpsit.Haitwell for plaintiff, defendant inperson.

10. J. F. "Bowler ys. HawaiianpoVermneijt. Assumpsit. Ityrtw'ellapd Wliitiue for plaintiff, Attorney-Gener- al

for defendant,11. W, II. Cornwell vs. J. Fer-

nandez. Trespass, Neumann forplaintiff, Ashford & Ashford for

innai tf neiicm! uciUamuni ej McnnnriL nnnaiA OOTTAOB on Morohant street noar

Alakea is to lef..

Tiikuk is somo talk around townof a now ice cdmpatiy being formed.

i -

The Coylon carried a mail y

consisting of four loltors nnd onopaper.

. .-

A card of thanks from the ChinosoCommercial Agents appears else-where.

Tiik band will play at tho baseballgrounds this afternoon instead ofEmma Square.

Any bills against Mrs. C. V.Bruce should t in to Mr; DavidDayton at once.

There will be union service atKaumakapili Church Sunday even-ing, at 7 illO o'clock.

Residknts of Kona, Hawaii, reportan earthquake shake-u- p last Sundaynight, about 0 o'clock.


A notice to tho creditors of A. F.Cooke who liavo proved their claimswill bo found in anotlioi culiunn.

The baseball match this afternoonbetween tho Kaniehamohna aud Ha-wai- is

commences at 3:30 o'clock.

At the Beaver saloon may be seena magnificent bunch of grapcB grownby Mr. Nolle at his residence, Kapio-lau- i


In our By Authority column is anotice from the Board of Educationrespecting the public school exam-inations and reviews on tho island ofOahu.

The adjourned annual meeting ofthe Hawaiian Mission Society will beheld this evening, at tho residence ofHon. Henry Watcihouse, at 7:30o'clock.

A large number of young menpaused and examined the beautifulstock of fashionable neckwear in M.Goldbeig's Merchant sheet windowyesterday.

The Kev. E. G. Porter of Lexing-ton, Mass., will deliver a lecture on"Java" Monday evening, "the 17thinst.,at the Y. M. C. A. ball. The ad-

mission is free.

Tun St. Louis College band tendertheir sincere thanks to Mr. J. Steinerof tho Elite Parlors for tlfo fine treathe sent them on tho occasion of thecombined concert.

A very pleasant informal dancetook place at tho Myrtle Boat Clublust evening. About twenty-fiv-e

couples were present and dancingwas kept up with much spirit to thestrains of a string band.

Next Tuesday evening, the 18tbhist., a meeting of the HawaiianYachting and Rowing Associationwill be held at the Iolani Club Houseat 7 :30 o'clock. A full attendanceof members is requested.

,A Chinaman fell from his horse on

the Nuuanu "Valley road Tuesdayafternoon, and was rather badly cutabout the face. His wounds weredressed by Mrs. A. Kosa anddaughters who saw the man fall.

Thieves were around Mr. Kraft'spremises on tho plains yesterday,during his absence in town. Theygot into a small room leading fromthe back veranda and carried off anew pair of pants and also a coat.

On account of tho graduating ex-

ercises of Oahu College next Thurs-day evening, the 20th, the meetingof American citizens in refuicnce tothe observance of the Fourth of Julywill be held Friday evening, the 21st.


Adjourned annual meeting Hawai-ian Mission Children's Society, at7:30'.

Auction sale at store of Egan'&Co., Fort street, by J. F. Morgan.

Blue Ribbon entertainment at Y.M. C. A. hall at 7:30(p. m. ,

EVENTS ON MONDAY. ,Opening 'of special term of Su-

preme Court at 10 a. m.Jleptipg of Boretam'a street, pro-

perty owners at Chamber of Com-

merce room at 11 a. m.Lecture at Y. M. C. A. hall at

7:30 p. hi. by Rev. 15. G. Porter.


Deputy Sheriff Hopkins of Ewavisited the railroad oamp in that dis-

trict this morning and arrested twoChinese while smoking opium. Theyhad a tin and a half of opium inpossession. The two men Werebrought to town and tried beforePolice Justice Foster, who sentencedthem each to pay a fine of 850 andbe imprisoned at hard labor for 48hours.


One pf tbe most important salesannounced in a long while is thatthis evening, at the store of Egau &Co., Fort street, commencing at 7o'clock. It is important from thefact that these who attend will besure to obtain a superior stock ofgoods at ridiculously low prices, aseverything must be sold and therewill bo no reserves. It is a chancothat rarely offers itself in this com-

munity, Mr. J. F. Morgan is thoauctioneer and ho will offer on thisoccasion ladies' underwear, h'pslery,"lace's, fancy scarfs and ties, dressgoods, silks, velvets', geut's furnish'ing goods, clothing, bats, shoos, oto,

Mrs. Slimdiet (boarding-hous- o

keeper)-Isn- 't this coffeo just a, leetlethin? Cook I ain't made the cof-

fee yet, mum ; that's wator,

HBMMMMMv"'' WpnwMywp' X'5.1" 'rrn,'lf .t f in iiimiimmfmfKMttmmmyrlmajftrmmrmmmtir iyj 'J'''y ii'"J?jWBMBBMMjWMBWMMMMWBBBMBH"'

wwfet mwwm i oo.yutt n ImVi??Mpbl


A Tcaui Uauu ,VM-nj-..-

Olilnnmnu Killed.Between four nnd live o'clock

yesterday afternoon, a Chinamannamed Kltin Wa Pan, who owned atenm of large horses and a heavydray, had been delivering a load ofold lumber near the store of QuongHip Luon on King street beyond thoChlncso Theatre. He got up In thedriver's seat and was turning thehorses around to go away when theyshied at two barrels of flour stand-ing on the sidewalk and clashed offtowards town at a lively rate. Theyhad only gone a few yards when tbedriver was thrown out of his" scat tothe reins. He managed to get onthe dray again, but in passing theChinese Theatre was again thrownto the ground aud having tho reinsin his hand was dragged a consider-able distance. Finally the reins gotout of the Chinaman's hand anil oneof the hind wheels of the dray wentover his bead. He tried to raise himselfup but fell back and lay on the groundmoaning until assistance came. Howas taken to his home but diedabout half-pa-st eight o'clock in theevening. The team kept on untilthe biidgc was reached when thedray struck a telephone ppst withconsiderable force. The concussioncaused it to swing round, and in do-

ing so it struck one of the horses,breaking one of its hind logs. Itwas soon afterwards shot by Capt.Staples.

An inquest was held this morningon the body of Klim Wa Pan by Co-

roner Hopkins before the followingjury: A. II. Raseuiann, F. 15.

Nicholls, M. Davis, S. M. u,

Waakakuli and Kahuakai,who returned a verdict that Wa Paucame to his death by purely acci-

dental injuries by being run over byhis two horse dray, the wheel of saiddray passing over the back part ofdeceased's head. The jury think saidWa Pau's companions and relativeswho were with him at the time of hisdeath should be severely censuredfor neglect of summoning a physi-cian to attend to said Wa Pau's in-



The usual entertainment by theBlue Ribbon League will be giventhis evening at the Y. M. U. A.Hall, commencing at 7:30 o'clock.Everybody is cordially invited toattend. Following is the pro-gramme;Pinuo Solo Miss Lottie PaimilecReading Hon. S. 1$. DoleSong Miss Millie BuekwlthHeading Mis Sm.ili I)ailii)tonSons: Mis. J. F. ltiowtiAddress Rev. E. G. Bcckwlth


Rev. E. G. Porter of Lexington,Mass., will speak upon Gospel Woikin India, at the morning scrvioe to-

morrow. At the evening servicePresident W. C. Men itt w ill deliverthe anniversarj' discourse beforethe students of Oahu College.


Saturday, June 15th.Kane (k) and Becky loana,

charged with adultery, pleadedguilty. Tbe former was fined $30,the latter $15. Costs SI. 50 each.


Last week we announced that wewere going on the trail of J. B. Da-Yi- s,

tbe Apache avenue grocer, audthat this week's issue would containan expose calculated to startle thecommunity. AVe had over a columnof it in type when Mr. Davis calledat the Kicker office and subscribedfor the paper and gave us a column'l'ad" for a year. Mr. Davis is notonly a genial, whole-soule- d gentle-man, worthy of a place in our bestsociety, but an enterprising, go-ahe- ad

citizen who is a credit to thowhole State. Arizona Kicker.


bills againt tho undersignedslioidd Ijo sent in at once to Duvhl

Dayton, King street.27Q 2t Mrs. C. W. BRUCE.


ANB.VT Cotlaco onstreet, near Aln

koa. Apply to27U tt W. McOANDLESS.

Supreme Court of the Hawaiian

Islands At Chambers.


IN tho matter of tho Hankruptcy ofA. P. Cooko. Ordi-- r on petition of

Bankrupt for dlsohargo from his debts.Upon-reailliiL- ' and (Mine tho petition

of AMOS FRANCIS COOKE, of Hono.lulu, Ouliu, allowing Unit more than sixmonths have elapsed since ho was itdju.dlcnted a bankrupt and praying for adUchargo from.nil his debts.

ll Is ordered that TUESDAY, the 2ndday of July, A. D 1880, at 10 a. m. oftlmt day, at tho Court Boom in AlllolnnlHale, Honolulu, bq and Is heroby np.pointed tho tiroo and place for hearingof mid petition when and where all cre-ditors who have proved their claimsivcaliibt ! id Uunkrupt may upnear andshow cause it any they have why tu,oprayer of said Bankrupt should not bogrunted.

And it is further ordered that noticebo given by advertisement In the DailyBullkiin, published in said Honolulu,for two vrccka, of tho mo utd place ofsuch hearing and that tho Clerk of theSupremo Court mull notices of tho timeand place of such hearing to all eredltors of said Uunkrupt who have provedtheir debts.

EDWAUD PBESTOX,JtiBticu Supi eme Court.

Attest: Au'iiEi) W. Oaiitiui,Second Deputy CIcjIc.

Dated Honolulu, June W, 1839, 270 td

euBiHsea items,

ONLY $2 Per Gallon. Rich, finestand positively miro Ico

Cream at F. Horn's Pioneer Steam CandyFactory and Bakery, Established 18f3.Both Telephones No. 74. 272 lw

MT H CM PSO N , Attornoy& Conn.sclor at Law, comer Fort and

Mcichnnt streets, Honolulu, alvcs writ-ten statements of law and judicial deci-sions appllcablo to tho facti of the casestatrd lo him, and also opinion as to tho

piobablo result of legal proceedings.253 Im


New Books 1 Hew Books 1


JUST RECEIVEDA largo consignment of the

Best Selections





All the Standard Works

POETRY and PROSE.These BOOKS are ottered at

Very Low Prices !And Descriptive Catalogues will ho

furnished to those desir-ing them.

SST Country Orders Solicited"

HAffAIMlTWS COfflB'F250 lm


-- IN all--

2oG tf

WALL PAPER,Borders & Decorations,

A. Lnrfifo 3L,ot

Xiatoat Stylos !

JiBt llcoolvcd !

And for sale at reduced prices.

WILDER &QO.280 am

Claippe Cider !

A Delicious Bummer Drink t

Delivered at 60 and 75 cts per dozen.

Tahiti Lemonade Works

J. E. BROWN & Co.,207 29 Merchant Street. lm

Frank B, Auerbach,

Accountant, Book-keep- er and

CuHtouilioiiHO JLJroUci.

Purchasing Agent & Collector.

Sronice at J. E. Brown & Co., Mur.chant street. P. O. Box No. 409. BellTelephone No. 172 Mutual TelephonoNo. 800. y53 lm-8- 4t

JUST RECEIVEDA. line assortment of


Also, a fiesh lot ot

MANILA CIGARSLargo and Small.

For Sale in Bond or Duty Paid.

M. 8..Crinbtaum & Co.,354 queen Street. lm

JUttS II. lift.WM1!uJlti.lJ8(l!2!fP5S5S5


Per "Royal Alice"135 days from Liverpool.

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Cases,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full line.

Men nil Glassware !

A large assortment.



Carrinjrc LumpM,

Sugar &




Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.







Uock,Liverpool nnd

Higgin's Dairy.

Oils ! Oils !

IBollcd fc Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



frypans, Etc., Etc.


Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !

Annealed,Galvanlcd Barbed,

Patent Btcel liarbsdj

Bedsteads of Iron,CUTLERY,



Can Groceries

Of all varieties, always in stock.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour

Theo.H.Davies&Co.May 7 1 HONOLULU. 1889 '

mmMmm&Mm&$iimmm" TEMPLE OF FASHION;



Over 1,000 Pieces of Wliitc & F

Torchong Laoes, Oriental Laees." "j.

Also, Large Lines of Lace TnffliBiDS !



63? Immense JEed.iotio:ix "531i

Great Bargains can be obtained by calling at tho Tcraplo of Fashion forittwsabove Goods.

The Sale will Commence Monday, June 17.

S. EHRLICH,Dec-1-8- 8 Corner Hotel & Fort Street.

THE " ARCADE,75 & 77 Fort St EGAN


Great Inducements Offered to the PublicThe Balance of Our Splendid Stock will he

Sold during the Month of JuneAT -2- 5-PER -- CENT-BELOW -- POSTBoll Telephone, SO -- a 8QT Mutual Tolopliono, 371


Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Hear Fort Street.


--Have on hand and For Sale a Full Assortment ol--

will sold





& Honolulu, H.I.





-24 -87

All Brands of American Whiskie'si,BOTOBON, EYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;

SCOTCH ana XECISJBL WHISKY,In Qlass and Stone Jars;

Very Fine & Very Cheap Qualities, as are wanUd ;

GINS', in Large & Small Bottl;J(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS;

Old Tom Giii, Best Brand In tho MarLcot;

EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT.!,In Bulk and Case. All Brands of .. .i X

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc,,' '

In Pints and Quarts ; ;' fy

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Pints and Quarts. "Q

Bitters, Xiiquers AlishitUe, y,ym

Apollinuri Wator, Kummetaf


Zinfuudol, Malugu, Tokay, Madeira,Port, Sherry, Riesling, Hocks, Etc., Ete,

o "7All of which bo








American & European Drugs oVGhemicalsIliotoarnililo Material,

Perfumery and Toilet Articles !o. .

Agonti for P. Lorillard A Co.'i Tobaccos, &, W. S. Kimball & Co, '

Tobacoo and Cigarette!. .Aerated Water Work - 78 Hotel &tret




IBwf r,rTWpWPZitJifc ir!. wa j. - - 'r - t -K: i. ,. wqebt- -

I k



I 5 J '



j:pKj.f V"'"




J?'!5KrwSF'i,t,,5!i5WIi'' TSP'fFT,ipS?s's'


JV I O -- n

By each Btcamor of tho O. 8. Co. California

Fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala. Fruits,ITiHli, Gumo, VotytritloH, late., 121e.

A complete line of Grosso & BlackweH's & J, T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, jus received n fresh line of

German Paten Jit UuiUh &. Itottlcd Preserved Vrults,Lvri St 0.' Maltese Brand Sugar Cured lltms & Ukcoii,

, , Molt Breakfast Oereals, Orim O l Flukes A roam Vbot Flakes,, Slelly Xemons i,0 Hi R yeMderinrinijes,.,'1

J VRio,Ep,Etc.,jBtc.ap-1- 6 Satisfaction Guarnnteed. 87




Groceries, Provisions and Feed,east c6rner f6rt and king STREETS.

NewGoods rccoived every Packetyaiiornia i'rouuco Dy overy steamer, am oruors lauaiuuy aucnucu ic

ana uooils delivered to any part or tbecited Satisfaction euanwtecn PnstOtlW







JELA8 JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes,. Smoked Herring, Tins Norwegian Salt Herring,Mild..Cal.lClieese,Atmores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Date3, Honey, Cereolino Flakes,

CAXJE2 CODTomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes', Ruta Bagas'Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,

kinds Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc. etc., etc.

And a General Assortment Canned Meats, fruits and Other Groceries.

mh--9 ,W&"rl,ea.ve your orders, or ring 119. -- a

Pacific Hardware Go., Ld,



Irejbu Ignorant of thou so ol

SABapolto Is tfaoUi cftke of Scouring Soap Try1

your .cleaning.aro Judged bjr your uit asmueUaiby your Keen it and

wliloblne.fpod will sudor. Do

not too trouble,oraeilf. Is worth all It Itrouredoc tbeoutley oftlmo

byuaJjjjtBollo. "?"0 N,, (Oopjrrljht, 1MT,


--ywffjti pTr """"J95sifpfgJif"RTITr T" V-- " "Hf"S - ft"- - -



. 0!li,BuInk




up 86' v






jpftifsasriM- - W

Ill Fort. Street,H. I.,





from the Eastern States and EuropeI

citv free of charce. Island orders poll.Mn HI. To'onhom' N'n. f2 nov48








and Tin Ware

Honolulu Library,AMB

Reading Room Association,

Cor. Hotel & AlnliCR Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consist nt the preeentime of oer Phe Thousand Volumes.

The Jteadiuj; Itoom Is supplied wlttabout fifty of he )eadiug uespupersand periodic ds,

A i'urlpr Is proyided for convcraatiouund games.

Terms of membership, fifty cenU aJjonth, payable (jt.arterly In advance.No formality required In joining exceptslgaltiK the roll.

titraiiKeis from foreign countries andvisitors from the other Islands are wel-come to the rooms at nil times as guests.

This having no "regularmeaus of suppojt except the dnca'dfUiembers, It Is expected thaf rcsideutsof Honplulu who desire to avail them-selves of its prl lieges, and all ho feelan interest in maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand becomo regular contributors.

A. J. CAKTtVRIGHT, Prei.,.11. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II A. PAItMELEK, Secretary,A. L. BM Treasurer,O.T.'RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Commlttft.

t&-- BARGAINS "W New Line of t&-- BARGAINS

Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At Lower Prices than ever before. New invoice of


NovoltloK and Fancy Goofls, In Largo Variety.auer-S(8- 8

JOHH ITT, lo. 8 Knfinun Street;

ssE595M?15'?i3iww' ' lr,im"rTrr--ifi--,-- n

Granite, IronChandeliers,, Lamps, and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,




lioueodreudeanandyour reputation

leotltapdjrourtblukluarrboaae-eleanlnsl- s

ooutt, especially



" "t








daiw wjmotwm itmvjfwi m. m' IHUKE8TIH0 UTTER mOM A


this h Jubilee year it tends toAS "make ono look back nnd thinkthe flight of time, nnd in this way

am reminded that I nm ono of theveterans in the salo of your valua-

ble nnd successful medicine. Ilinvc sold it from the very first, nnd

have sent it into ctery country in

Knulnnd and many parts of Scot-

land. Well do I remember thefirst ciicular you sent out some nine

ten years ago. Ion una come to

England ftom America to introduceMother SeigePs Curative byrup,nnd 1 was struck by a paragraph in

which? you Used' these .words:"being a'strnnger in a strjige. laud,

do not wish the people to feel thatwnnt to take the least advantage

over them. I feel that I have a

remedy that will cure disease, andhave so much confidence in it thatauthorise my agents to refund the

money if people should say thatthey have not benefitted by its use."

felt at once that you would neversay that unless the medicine hadmerit, and I applied for the agency,

step which I now look back uponwith pride nnd satisfaction.

Ever since that time I have foundby far the best remedy for Indi

gestion and Dyspepsia I havemetith, and I have sold thousands of

bottles. It has never failed in anycase where there were any of thefollowing symptoms: Nervous orsick headache, sourness of the. sto-

mach, rising of the food ater eat-

ing, a sense of fulness and heaviness, dizziness, bad breath, slimennd mucus on the gums and teeth,constipation, and yellowness of theeyes and skin, dull and sleepy sen-

sations, ringing in the enrs, heart-burn, loss of appetite, and, in short,wherever' there are signs that thesystems is clogged, and the blood isout of order. Upon repeated v in-

quires, coveiing a great variety ofailments, tuy customers have alwaysanswered, "I am better," or "I amperfectly well." What I have sel-

dom or never seen before in thecase of any medicine is that peopletell each other of its virtues, andthose who havo been cured say tothe suffering: "Go and get MotherSeigel's Curative Syrup, it willmake jou well." Out of the hun-dreds of cures I will name one ortwo that happen to come into mymind.

Two old gentlemen, whose namesthe' would not like me to give you,bad been martyrs to Indigestionand Dyspepsia for many years.They had tried alt kinds of medi-cine without relief. One of themwas so bad he could not bear ,a- -

glassotale. Both weie advised touse the byrup and both recovered,and were as hale and hearty as menm the prune of life.

A remarkable case is that of ahouse painter named Jeffries, wholived at Penshurst, in Kent. Hisbusiness obliged him to expose him-

self a great ileal to wind and weath-er, and he was seized with rheuma-tism, and his joints soon swelled upwnh dropsy, and were very stiffand painful. Nothing that the doc-

tors could do seemed to reach theseat of the. trouble. It sq crippledhim that he could do hardly a 113'


woik, and for the whole of the win-ter of 1878 and '79, he had to giveup and take to his bed. lie , hadbeen.aflh.eted in this sorry jway lorthree years, and was getting worn"1

out and discouraged. Besides, hehad spent pVer 1,3 forlwjhat hecalled "doctor's stuff" without thelens benefit. In fthe fSpringheard ipfrwhat Mother Seigel's Cura-tive Syi up has dono for others andbought a 2s. Gd. bottloof me. Ina few days he sent mo word he wasmuch better before he had finishedthe bottle. He then sent to me fora 4b. Gd. bottle, and as I was goingthat way I carried it down to himmyself. On getting ,to his housewhatwas jny ' astonishment and sur.prise to find him out in the gardenweeding an onion bed. I couldhardly believe my own eyes, andsaid:

"Yoh ought not to bo out here,man, it may bo the death of you,after being laid up all winter withrheumatism and dropsy."

His reply was: "There is nodanger. The weather is fine, nndMother Seigel's Curative Syrup hasdone for me in a few days what thedoctors could not do in three yeuis.I think I shall get well now."

He kept on wilh the Syrup, andin three weeks he was at work again,and ha hud "no return of the trou-ble for now neaily ten years. Anymedicine that can do this should beknown all over the world-Your- s

faithfully,(Signed) Rupkut Ghaiiam,

Of Graham &. Son.Holloway Houso, Sunbury,

Middlesex, . 'June 25th, 1887.

The above wonderful cure ofRheumatism was the result of theremarkable power of Mother Seigel'sCurative Syrup to cleanse tie bloodof the. poisonous humours tjjat arisefrom Indigestion 'and .Dyspepsia.'

Mother Seigel's Curative Syrupis for salo by all chemists and me-dicine vendors, and by the proprie-tors, A. J. White, Limited, 85,Farringdon Road, London, Eug.

Jan, 19-88-




M99 W





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o CO


? a




TO LEASE!Tho Beautiful Sonsldo Roiort at "Wal.

klkl (formerly tlio residence of Col,Q. V. Mncfnrlanc), known as


Park Beach Hotel

The Prcmlsts consht of

A Main Building,.. Containing a

Lanal 40x40, Dining Room, Pantry;,uo,'Kitoiipn& a Bedrooms,

All partially furnished.

One XSuilcUng,,


Bowling Alley, Billiard Room and. 3

Larso Bedrooms.

One Cottage,With

2 Large Bedrooms & Dressing Rooms.

One Building on beach,Containing

Bath Houses, Wash Rooms, Etc

Large nud Commodious

Stables with Carriage House,

Uppnr Flror tilted with Lnrge AiryKoonls. suitable for servants,

etc., etc There ate

Large & Well-laid-o- ut Grounds,

Connected with the Premises on whichcould be creeled cottages for visitors,should the place be converted into nhotel, for which it is admirably adaptPd.The Bathing fncilitio- - equal thebtstulong the line of beach.

Js"Thee Premises will be leaed fora Urrm1 of years to responsible parties.

' For further particularsiapply to


t&" A Springfield Gas Marh no ison tile rremiiei mi l the pipev ad intoall the above Buildings. npr.SoJ'l)

Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tilt.: Bell 180.

Depot, 28 Morchanl Street.

Tolo.: Boll 172, Mutual 360.


Modern Machinery.

Patent Glass Valve BottleH'


The only apparatus using Purified Car.boniCiArid Gas, making

high class

Tahiti Lemonade,

Apollinaris Water,

Croam Soda,

Ginger Ale,

Hop Ale,

Grenadine, Eto ,


And Pure, Strong Effervescing


SODA WATER.Note "Empty Bottles to be returned

prior to new orders being executed.

ifirOrders delivrred lo ay part ofthe city. Island orders solloltsd, 89 tf

OcBilQ Stoamslilo Goi'y,


Arrivo at Honolulu:

Austtalia June 28Zealandia July 6Australia July 2GAlameda Aucust 3Australia, August 23Mariposa August 31Australia September 20Zealundia , September 28Australia. . . . , . October 18

. ,ftc obej 2.Hilumeda November J15

Lcavo Honolulu:

Jklumcda June 21)

'Australia July 5Mariposa July 27Australia AutrUBt" 2

'Zealandia , August 24Australia .August MAlameda September 21Australia September 27Mariposa October 19Australia r. October 25Zealandia November 10Australia November 22Alameda December Id.

218 tf

K.W. WILCOX,Civil Engineer and Surveyor.

Also sole agent for the Magic window,Screens Combined Bevel Squares," Stan.dttru, Ooourich. etc, bewing'wneninefi,

Ofllc, corner of Bethel and King sis,upstair. Apr-1- 7 8!-l- y

Kvfong1 Sang,Manufacturer of

Ladies' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes,

No. 8p .Nunanu 8t.,All work guaranteed. Lowest prices.The very boat leather kept On hand.

288 am

J. E. BROWN & CO.,

XH aierchant St., Honolulu, II.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents



Sole Agents for the Burlington ItoutiAcross America, and to the Azores.

Sole Ai-eut- a for Pitt & Scutt's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency

Bole Agents for Bunny South Aeratedati rs. '

Sole Agents for Masefleld Bros, NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents, for Leading New Zealanu und Aus rulmn Mercantile Firms

Special Agents for the California LandAtocintinn.

Special Agents forthe Honolulu Busincss Directory.

Also, Othor Special Aijcnclcs.

Sffir Customs' Entries Passed. FropertieH1 Managed. ' Assignees and Audi-tors' Work done "promptly. HousesLeased and Bents Collected.

Mew Business SolicitedBell Telo, No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Bec-- 5 Post Office Box 469. 88-l- y

B. O, Box 351. --C8W Bell Tele. S74.

Corner Fort & MerchanStreeta,

GENERAL. AGMS.Accountuqts & Collectors ,


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Col.

Manager of Advertising 'DepartmentFORTUE

"fupepa Kuokoa.7'DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive, special atten.lion and returns prpmptjy made.

Real Estate bought, told audjeased,Taxes Pald'ond-propefty'Bfiftl- tnatiredHouses, Cottages, Rooms- - and Offices,

Itaicd and rtnKd, and rents collected.Fre and Lift Injurance effected in first

class Compa'nlcs.Conveyancing a Itccords

seuichi'd and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnlflictl

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn aod hand,som elyJ engrossed

Copying and, Translating in all languagesin itfiierul uco In thi lingdpm.

Cust9m llouse Business transacted withacturacy'and,dlipuw h.

Loans negotiated at fnornble rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

FOll.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli,

oiled for ptildlshem.Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.Any Article piirclmixd ors-l- ilInter-tslan- d Orders will receive parti,

cular intentionTo Let. Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages In desirable localities at reasonable' 'reniulB. -

Several Valuable Properties in andaround the city uow for sale and leaseon easy terms.

tjpAll business entrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful atten.tioa at moderate charge Kob-i-8- 9

Australian Jill m.FOB SAN FBANCISCO,

The how and flno Al steel etcnmihip

"Alameda,Of tho Oceanic Btcamshlp Company, wll 1

bo duo at Honolulu frdm Sydneyand Auckland on or about

June 29, 1889.And will leave for tho abovo port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdale.

Fr frolcht or passage, having SU.PElilOn ACCOMMODATION B, apply

j P"4Wm&iQQ, Agent.

For Sydney and "Auckland, --?,

The new and flno Al steel atciujjohl

"ZeaJahdia."Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wll

do aue at tionouiu iram HanFrancisco 'on or about

July 6, 1889.And will have prompt dhpatch withmalls and natsengors for tlftisil,oVe ports

For freight or passage, having SUPEIUOB ACCOMMODAT10NB, applyto'37 M O. IRWIN, & CO., Acenta

THE0. P.. 5EVERIN,Pliotograplier,


JPritttlotc Done lor,Amnt,eiirs,Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work. Guaranteed.

j I t 11 1U d IJOT Entrance on Fortrtreettea"'"

122 tf

dl) House Dinins Room

Lincoln Block, King Street.siiai&s

Having secured the Ber,vices of a

First Clnss CookAnd made many other changes, in the.

manngenieut'we are now pre-pared to put up the

Best Bill of fare Honolulu,Ifl8 3m

WRIGHT EK0S.,Fort Street, next Lucas Mill,


Carriage Builders.Ship's Blacktml hlng, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specialty.

Every description of work In theabove HneBr"pcrformed Itf a first classmanner and executcd'ntfehort 'notice.


t3T Orders from tho. other Islandssolicited. Will bo pleased ito see; oilour old customers as well as new ones.

' apr".19 80

IHopp&Co.,,MKlngit-SBJ,Tii;pg- iL

Importors "of--

Rattan AReed W rijiture.

Pianos & Furnituref iMoved rith'Care.

Matting and .Carpets -- Laid.


A 8pec)aIJty.

CHAIRS TO RENT. ,'apr-10- 8 I i

The Best Company


Life Insurance Co.

Richard L- - McCurdy, President.

The Largest Company In th$,World

The Oldest Company in the U. 8.

It Gives the Mest Liberal Policies

Pty the Lamest Dividend.

Claims paid to policy holders In thoHawaiian Islands, during thepast ten years,

Over t &100.000 QO.

aSF for rates, apply to

8. B. MME,General Agent, Honolulu, HawaTtim

lalandi. oct.fi M-l- y

. 'taii.'Lidw. HW. ' -

4 5


v- -


