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THE YEAR IN COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2009 The Evolution of Language Michael C. Corballis Department of Psychology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Language, whether spoken or signed, can be viewed as a gestural system, evolving from the so-called mirror system in the primate brain. In nonhuman primates the gestural system is well developed for the productions and perception of manual action, especially transitive acts involving the grasping of objects. The emergence of bipedalism in the hominins freed the hands for the adaptation of the mirror system for intransitive acts for communication, initially through the miming of events. With the emergence of the genus Homo from some 2 million years ago, pressures for more complex communication and increased vocabulary size led to the conventionalization of gestures, the loss of iconic representation, and a gradual shift to vocal gestures replacing manual ones— although signed languages are still composed of manual and facial gestures. In parallel with the conventionalization of symbols, languages gained grammatical complexity, perhaps driven by the evolution of episodic memory and mental time travel, which involve combinations of familiar elements—Who did what to whom, when, where, and why? Language is thus adapted to allow us to share episodic structures, whether past, planned, or fictional, and so increase survival fitness. Key words: language; evolution; gesture; FOXP2; mirror neurons Introduction Is language evolution “the hardest problem in science,” as recently suggested (Christiansen & Kirby 2003, p. 1)? Certainly, it has had an extraordinarily difficult and contentious his- tory. In early times, at least, part of the diffi- culty has been religious, but that in turn might relate to the seemingly miraculous flexibility and open-endedness of language. In Christian thought it was proclaimed that language must be a gift from God: “In the beginning,” says St. John in the Bible, “was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This view constrained philosophical thinking well into the second millennium AD. In the 17th century, R´ en´ e Descartes (1985/1647) con- sidered that language allowed such freedom of expression that it could not be reduced to Address for correspondence: Michael C. Corballis, Department of Psychology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. [email protected] mechanical principles, confirming for him, at least, that it must indeed be God-given. Non- human animals, on the other hand, were mere automata, and therefore incapable of human- like language. Descartes has been called the founder of modern philosophy, but his views on language clearly left little scope for an evo- lutionary account. The publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1859 should have encouraged a more evo- lutionary approach but was quickly followed in 1866 by the famous ban on all discussion of the origin of language by the Linguistic Society of Paris. The ban was reiterated in 1872 by the Philological Society of London. These suppres- sive moves may well have been influenced by the religious opposition to Darwin’s theory of natural selection but may have also been mo- tivated by the apparent uniqueness of human language, the absence of material evidence as to how it evolved, and the speculative nature of any discussion. In more recent times, discussion of language evolution was further stifled by the views of The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2009: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1156: 19–43 (2009). doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04423.x C 2009 New York Academy of Sciences. 19
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The Evolution of LanguageMichael C. Corballis

Department of Psychology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Language, whether spoken or signed, can be viewed as a gestural system, evolving fromthe so-called mirror system in the primate brain. In nonhuman primates the gesturalsystem is well developed for the productions and perception of manual action, especiallytransitive acts involving the grasping of objects. The emergence of bipedalism in thehominins freed the hands for the adaptation of the mirror system for intransitive actsfor communication, initially through the miming of events. With the emergence of thegenus Homo from some 2 million years ago, pressures for more complex communicationand increased vocabulary size led to the conventionalization of gestures, the loss oficonic representation, and a gradual shift to vocal gestures replacing manual ones—although signed languages are still composed of manual and facial gestures. In parallelwith the conventionalization of symbols, languages gained grammatical complexity,perhaps driven by the evolution of episodic memory and mental time travel, whichinvolve combinations of familiar elements—Who did what to whom, when, where, andwhy? Language is thus adapted to allow us to share episodic structures, whether past,planned, or fictional, and so increase survival fitness.

Key words: language; evolution; gesture; FOXP2; mirror neurons


Is language evolution “the hardest problemin science,” as recently suggested (Christiansen& Kirby 2003, p. 1)? Certainly, it has had anextraordinarily difficult and contentious his-tory. In early times, at least, part of the diffi-culty has been religious, but that in turn mightrelate to the seemingly miraculous flexibilityand open-endedness of language. In Christianthought it was proclaimed that language mustbe a gift from God: “In the beginning,” saysSt. John in the Bible, “was the Word, and theWord was with God, and the Word was God.”This view constrained philosophical thinkingwell into the second millennium AD. In the17th century, Rene Descartes (1985/1647) con-sidered that language allowed such freedomof expression that it could not be reduced to

Address for correspondence: Michael C. Corballis, Departmentof Psychology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New [email protected]

mechanical principles, confirming for him, atleast, that it must indeed be God-given. Non-human animals, on the other hand, were mereautomata, and therefore incapable of human-like language. Descartes has been called thefounder of modern philosophy, but his viewson language clearly left little scope for an evo-lutionary account.

The publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species

in 1859 should have encouraged a more evo-lutionary approach but was quickly followed in1866 by the famous ban on all discussion ofthe origin of language by the Linguistic Societyof Paris. The ban was reiterated in 1872 by thePhilological Society of London. These suppres-sive moves may well have been influenced bythe religious opposition to Darwin’s theory ofnatural selection but may have also been mo-tivated by the apparent uniqueness of humanlanguage, the absence of material evidence asto how it evolved, and the speculative nature ofany discussion.

In more recent times, discussion of languageevolution was further stifled by the views of

The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2009: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1156: 19–43 (2009).doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04423.x C© 2009 New York Academy of Sciences.


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20 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Noam Chomsky, the most influential linguist ofthe late 20th century. In 1975, he wrote:

We know very little about what happens when 1010

neurons are crammed into something the size of abasketball, with further conditions imposed by thespecific manner in which this system developedover time. It would be a serious error to supposethat all properties, or the interesting structures thatevolved, can be ‘explained’ in terms of natural se-lection. (p. 59)

As an avowed Cartesian, Chomsky’s viewswere based on the firm opinion that languageis based on “an entirely different principle”(1966, p. 77) from animal communication. Un-like Descartes, though, he did not appeal todivine intervention.

The tide turned, though, with the publi-cation of an influential paper by Pinker andBloom in 1990. They took special issue withChomsky’s view that language could not haveevolved through natural selection. Their argu-ment rested primarily on the simple fact thatlanguage is complex, designed for the commu-nication of propositional structures, and thatthe only rational explanation for complex struc-tures lies in natural selection. Even Chomskyappears to have been somewhat influenced,since he was coauthor of an article acceptingsome degree of continuity between human andanimal communication, but still insisting on acritical component unique to humans (Hauseret al. 2002). Pinker and Bloom’s article spurreda flurry of books, articles and conferences onthe evolution of language, offering such a diver-sity of opinion that one might begin to wonderwhether the ban should be restored. In pre-senting my own views, then, it may be helpfulto establish some preliminary assumptions.

First, pace Chomsky, I assume that languagedid indeed evolve through natural selection.This makes it at least reasonable to seek pre-cursors to language in our primate forebears.Second, I assume that language did not ap-pear abruptly in hominin evolution, as sug-gested by authors such as Bickerton (1995), whowrote that “true language, via the emergenceof syntax, was a catastrophic event, occurring

within the first few generations of Homo sapi-

ens sapiens” (p. 69). The idea that grammaticallanguage evolved gradually is more consistentwith the notion of grammaticalization (e.g., Heine& Kuteva 2007; Hopper & Traugott 1993),whereby grammar emerges in an incrementalmanner, than with Chomsky’s (1975) view thatall humans are equipped with an innate uni-

versal grammar. In this respect, this article is inaccord with growing skepticism about univer-sal grammar as a useful or viable concept (e.g.,Christiansen & Chater 2008; Everett 2005,2007; Tomasello 2003, 2008; Wray 2002). Fi-nally, I assume that language is fundamentallya gestural system, and evolved from manualgestures rather than animal calls, and indeed itpersists in this form in signed languages. Thisassumption is in accord with the notion thatlanguage is an embodied system (e.g., Barsalou2008), rather than a system based on amodalabstract symbols.

These assumptions will not find universal fa-vor. They are chosen to support what I see as themost plausible account of how language mighthave evolved. But if we heed Dobzhansky’s(1973, p. 125) famous statement that “[n]othingin biology makes sense except in the light of evo-lution,” then a coherent evolutionary accountshould itself support the assumptions underly-ing it.

It is convenient, then, to begin with the con-troversial theory that language evolved frommanual gestures.

The Gestural Theory


Despite religious objection to evolution-ary accounts, the idea that language mayhave originated in manual gestures did sur-face in early writings. In 1644, Bulwer wroteon “the natural language of the hand,” andCordemoy (1668/1972) called gestures “thefirst of all languages,” noting that they wereuniversal and understood everywhere. These

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observations were based partly on the experi-ences of European traders, who discovered thatthey could communicate in foreign lands by us-ing only bodily gestures.

Some authors found ways to avoid re-ligious opprobrium through gestural theory.The Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico(1953/1744) accepted the Biblical story of thedivine origin of speech but proposed that af-ter the Flood humans reverted to savagery, andlanguage emerged afresh. He suggested thatone of the post-Deluge languages made useof gestures and physical objects, but later be-came vocal through onomatopoeia and inter-jections. Two years later the Abbe de Condil-lac (1971/1746) also proposed that languageevolved from manual gestures but, as an or-dained priest, he, too, was constrained by reli-gious doctrine and presented his theory in theform of a fable about two children wander-ing about in the desert after the Flood. Theybegan by communicating in manual and bod-ily gestures, which were eventually supplantedby vocalizations. Condillac’s compatriot Jean-Jacques Rousseau endorsed the gestural theorymore openly in an essay published in 1782.

In the following century, Charles Darwinmade reference to the role of gestures in hisbook The Descent of Man: “I cannot doubt thatlanguage owes its origins to the imitation andmodification of various natural sounds, andman’s own distinctive cries, aided by signs and

gestures” (1871/1896, p. 86, emphasis added).Shortly afterwards, the philosopher FriedrichNietzsche chimed in with the following extractfrom his 1878 book Human, All too Human:

Imitation of gesture is older than language, andgoes on involuntarily even now, when the languageof gesture is universally suppressed, and the edu-cated are taught to control their muscles. The imi-tation of gesture is so strong that we cannot watcha face in movement without the innervation of ourown face (one can observe that feigned yawningwill evoke natural yawning in the man who ob-serves it). The imitated gesture led the imitatorback to the sensation expressed by the gesture inthe body or face of the one being imitated. This ishow we learned to understand one another; this is

how the child still learns to understand its mother.In general, painful sensations were probably alsoexpressed by a gesture that in its turn caused pain(for example, tearing the hair, beating the breast,violent distortion and tensing of the facial mus-cles). Conversely, gestures of pleasure were them-selves pleasurable and were therefore easily suitedto the communication of understanding (laughingas a sign of being tickled, which is pleasurable, thenserved to express other pleasurable sensations).

As soon as men understood each other in gesture,a symbolism of gesture could evolve. I mean, onecould agree on a language of tonal signs, in such away that at first both tone and gesture (which werejoined by tone symbolically) were produced, andlater only the tone. (1986/1878, p. 129)

This extract also anticipates the later dis-covery of the mirror system. In 1900, WilhelmWundt, the founder of the first laboratory ofexperimental psychology at Leipzig in 1879,wrote a two-volume work on speech and ar-gued that a universal sign language was the ori-gin of all languages. He wrote, though, underthe misapprehension that all deaf communitiesuse the same system of signing, and that signedlanguages are useful only for basic communi-cation, and are incapable of communicatingabstract ideas. We now know that signed lan-guages vary widely from community to com-munity and can have all of the communicativesophistication of speech (e.g., Emmorey 2002;Neidle et al. 2000).

Modern Developments

In 1973, the anthropologist Gordon W.Hewes presented the gestural theory in moremodern dress. He too drew on evidence fromsigned languages but made no claim for a uni-versal signed language. He also referred to con-temporary work showing that great apes wereunable to learn to speak but could use man-ual gestures in a language-like way, with atleast moderate success. Gestural theory lan-guished, though, until the 1990s. The influ-ential article by Pinker and Bloom (1990) hadmade no mention of Hewes’ work but was fol-lowed by an increasing number of publications

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22 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

that picked up the gestural theme (e.g., Arbib2005; Armstrong 1999; Armstrong et al. 1995;Armstrong & Wilcox 2007; Corballis 1991;1992, 2002, 2003; Givon 1995; Place 2000;Pollick & de Waal 2007; Rizzolatti & Arbib1998; Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia 2008; Ruben2005; Skoyles 2000; Tomasello 2008).

A major impetus has been the growing ev-idence that the signed languages of the deafhave all of the grammatical and semantic so-phistication of spoken languages, as exempli-fied by the fact that university-level instructionat Gallaudet University in Washington, DC,is conducted entirely in American Sign Lan-guage (ASL). Children exposed to signed lan-guages from infancy learn them as easily andnaturally as those exposed to speech learn tospeak, even going through a stage of manual“babbling” (Petitto & Marentette 1991). Al-though it has been argued that manual andvocal babbling are evidence for language asa fundamentally amodal system (Petitto et al.2004), others have used evidence from sign lan-guage to argue that language, whether manualor vocal, is fundamentally gestural rather thanamodal, with manual gestures taking prece-dence in human evolution (Armstrong et al.1995; Armstrong & Wilcox 2007). At least inprinciple, language could have existed in a formconsisting entirely of manual and facial ges-tures, comparable to present-day signed lan-guages. It is perhaps more likely, though, that avocal component was blended in gradually, andeven today speech is normally accompanied bymanual gestures (Goldin-Meadow & McNeill1999, McNeill 1985, 1992).

Evidence has also come from the study ofcommunication in nonhuman primates, andin particular our closest nonhuman relatives,chimpanzees and bonobos. Such evidence is ofcourse indirect, since present-day chimpanzeesand bonobos have themselves evolved sincethe last common human–chimpanzee ancestorsome 6 or 7 million years ago. Given the gen-eral consensus that chimpanzees and bonobosare incapable of true language (or have yet todemonstrate it), there is the added problem that

language must have appeared de novo at somepoint in hominin evolution, and intermediateforms are not available. Nevertheless, the chim-panzee and bonobo probably provide the bestavailable proxies for the communicative abili-ties of the earliest hominins and a starting pointfor the construction of evolutionary scenarios.

Consideration of communication capabili-ties in primates indeed supports the idea thatlanguage evolved from manual gestures. Forone thing, nonhuman primates have little ifany cortical control over vocalization, but ex-cellent cortical control over the hands andarms (Ploog 2002). This is illustrated by thefact that attempts over the past half-century toteach our closest nonhuman relatives, the greatapes, to speak have been strikingly unsuccess-ful, but relatively good progress has been madetoward teaching them to communicate by aform of manual sign language, as in the caseof the chimpanzee Washoe (Gardner & Gard-ner 1969), or by pointing to visual symbols ona keyboard, as in the bonobo Kanzi (Savage-Rumbaugh et al. 1998). These visual formsof communication scarcely match the gram-matical sophistication of modern humans, butthey are a considerable advance over the re-stricted nature of the speech sounds that theseanimals make. The human equivalents of pri-mate vocalizations are probably emotionally-based sounds like laughing, crying, grunting,or shrieking, rather than words.

Although vocal communication is wide-spread in the animal kingdom, surprisingly fewspecies are capable of vocal learning, which is ofcourse critical to speech. These species includeelephants, seals, killer whales, and some birds(Jarvis 2006). Among the primates, according toJarvis, only humans are vocal learners. Studiesnevertheless suggest that primate calls do showlimited modifiability, but its basis remains un-clear, and it is apparent in subtle changes withincall types rather than the generation of new calltypes (Egnor & Hauser 2004). Where languageis flexible and conveys propositional informa-tion about variable features of the world, ani-mal calls are typically stereotyped and convey

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information in circumscribed contexts. For ex-ample, a study by Pollick and de Waal (2007)showed that both chimpanzees and bonoboscommunicate more often and more flexibly us-ing bodily gestures than vocalizations. Theyrecorded the incidence of 31 manual gesturesand 18 facial/vocal gestures over six differentcontexts (affiliative, agonistic, food, grooming,play, and sex) and found that the facial/vocalgestures were much more tied to specific con-texts than the manual gestures. Other studieshave shown that the communicative bodily ges-tures of gorillas (Pika et al. 2003), chimpanzees(Liebal et al. 2004), and bonobos (Pika et al.2005) are subject to social learning and are sen-sitive to the attentional state of the recipient—both prerequisites for language.

Tomasello (2008) nevertheless notes that sen-sitivity to the attentional state of the recipi-ent is not sufficient for true language, at leastin the Gricean sense of language as a co-operative enterprise directed at a joint goal(Grice 1975). The chimpanzee gestural reper-toire seems largely confined to making requeststhat are essentially self-serving; for example, achimp may point to a desirable object that is justout of reach, with the aim of getting a watchinghuman to help. According to Tomasello, truelanguage requires the further step of shared at-tention, so that the communicator knows notonly what the recipient knows or is attendingto, but knows also that the recipient knows thatthe communicator knows this! This kind of re-cursive mind-reading enables communicationbeyond the making of simple requests to thesharing of knowledge, which is one of the dis-tinctive properties of language.

Tomasello (2008) goes on to summarize hisand his colleagues’ work on pointing behaviorin human infants, suggesting that shared at-tention and cooperative interchange begins toemerge from about one year of age. For exam-ple, 1-year-old infants not only point to objectsin order to request them, but sometimes pointto things that an adult is already looking at, in-dicating the understanding that attention to theobject is shared. During the second year of life,

infants seem already to understand sharing andshared communication before language itself,at least as manifest as speech, has appeared.In this, they have already moved beyond thecommunicative capacity of the chimpanzee.

Chimpanzees, along with bonobos, are ourclosest living nonhuman relatives and providethe best estimate of what communication waslike prior to the emergence of true language.Tomasello’s work therefore provides strong ev-idence that language evolved from manualgestures. Intermediate forms can be seen in ges-tural requests made by chimpanzees and bono-bos, and in the progression to more collabora-tive forms of gesture in human infants.

The Mirror System

The gestural theory was boosted in the 1990sby the discovery of mirror neurons, and later ofa more general mirror system, in the primatebrain (Arbib 2005; Rizzolatti & Arbib 1998;Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia 2008). Mirror neurons,first recorded in area F5 in the ventral premo-tor cortex of the monkey, are activated bothwhen the animal makes grasping movementsand when it observes another individual mak-ing the same movements (Rizzolatti et al. 1996).Although these neurons responded to manualactions, area F5 is considered the homologueof Broca’s area in humans (Rizzolatti & Arbib1998), an area long associated with the produc-tion of speech (Broca 1861). More precisely,Broca’s area in humans can be divided intoBrodman areas 44 and 45, with area 44 con-sidered the true analogue of area F5. In hu-mans, it is now evident that area 44 is involvednot only in speech, but also in motor functionsunrelated to speech, including complex handmovements, and sensorimotor learning and in-tegration (Binkofski & Buccino 2004). Indeed ithas been proposed that “Broca’s area” shouldnow be regarded as a collective term, involvingmany different functions, and no clearly demar-cated subdivisions (Lindenberg et al. 2007).

It has also become apparent that mirrorneurons are part of a more general “mirror

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system” involving other regions of the brain aswell as F5. In monkeys, the superior temporalsulcus (STS) also contains cells that respond toobserved biological actions, including graspingactions (Perrett et al. 1989), although few if anyrespond when the animal itself performs an ac-tion. F5 and STS are connected to area PF inthe inferior parietal lobule, where there are alsoneurons that respond to both the execution andperception of actions. These neurons are nowknown as “PF mirror neurons” (Rizzolatti et al.2001). Other areas, such as the amygdala andorbito-frontal cortex, may also be part of themirror system. Moreover, the extended mirrorsystem in monkeys largely overlaps with the ho-mologues of the cortical circuits in humans thatare involved in language, leading to the notionthat language is just part of the mirror system it-self (Fogassi & Ferrari 2007; but see Grodzinsky2006, for some caveats).

From Hand to Mouth

The primate mirror system has to do mainlywith manual gestures, and the signed languagesof the deaf are also predominantly manual, al-though facial movements also play a promi-nent role. But of course the dominant mode ofpresent-day language is speech, although move-ments of the hand and face play a secondaryrole in normal conversation (Goldin-Meadow& McNeill 1999; McNeill 1985, 1992). If lan-guage evolved from manual gestures, then,there must have been a switch from hand tomouth during the course of hominin evolution.Some have regarded this as a critical weak-ness of the gestural theory. The linguist RobbinsBurling, for example, wrote that “the gesturaltheory has one nearly fatal flaw. Its stickingpoint has always been the switch that wouldhave been needed to move from a visual lan-guage to an audible one” (2005, p. 123).

Part of the answer to this lies in the grow-ing realization that speech itself is a gesturalsystem, so that the switch is not so much fromvision to audition as from one kind of gestureto another. The notion of speech as gesture

underlies the so-called motor theory of speechperception, which holds that speech sounds areperceived in terms of how they are produced,rather than on the basis of acoustic analysis(Liberman et al. 1967). The issue leading tothe motor theory was not the lack of informa-tion in the acoustic signal, but rather the factthat individual phonemes are perceived as in-variant despite extreme variability in the acous-tic signal. Liberman and colleagues proposedthat invariance lay instead in the articulatorygestures; as Galantucci et al. (2006) put it in arecent review, “perceiving speech is perceivinggestures” (p. 361). If this theory is correct, theperception of speech might therefore be con-sidered a natural function of the mirror system.

The idea of speech as a gestural system hasled to the concept of articulatory phonology(Browman & Goldstein 1995; Goldstein et al.2006). Speech gestures comprise movements ofsix articulatory organs, the lips, the velum, thelarynx, and the blade, body, and root of thetongue. Each is controlled separately, so thatindividual speech units are comprised of dif-ferent combinations of movements. The distri-bution of action over these articulators meansthat the elements overlap in time, which makespossible the high rates of production and per-ception. As support for the motor theory ofspeech perception, the speech signal cannot bedecoded by means of visual representations ofthe sound patterns, such as that provided ina sound spectrograph, but can be discernedin mechanical representations of the gesturesthemselves, through X-rays, magnetic reso-nance imaging, and palatography (Studdert-Kennedy 2005). The transition from manualgesture to speech, then, can be regarded asone occurring within the gestural domain, withmanual gestures gradually replaced by gesturesof the articulatory organs, but with likely over-lap at all stages.

Although the mirror system in nonhumanprimates seems not to incorporate vocalization(Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia 2008), it is receptive toacoustic as well as visual input. Kohler et al.(2002) recorded neurons in area F5 of the

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monkey that responded to the sounds of man-ual actions, such as tearing paper or breakingpeanuts. Significantly, there was no response tomonkey calls. This is consistent with evidencethat vocalizations in nonhuman primates arecontrolled by the limbic system, rather than byneocortex (Ploog 2002), and are therefore notpart of the mirror system. Even in the chim-panzee, voluntary control of vocalization ap-pears to be limited, at best (Goodall 1986). Theincorporation of vocalization into the mirrorsystem was therefore a critical development inthe evolution of speech—which is not to saythat it was critical to the development of lan-guage itself.

Other properties of the primate mirror sys-tem indicate the close links between hand andmouth. Some neurons in area F5 in the mon-key fire when the animal makes movements tograsp an object with either the hand or themouth (Rizzolatti et al. 1988). Petrides et al.(2005) have identified an area in the monkeybrain just rostral to premotor area 6 that is in-volved in control of the orofacial musculature.This area is also considered a homologue ofpart of Broca’s area. The close neural associa-tions between hand and mouth may be relatedto eating rather than communication, but laterexapted for gestural and finally vocal language.The connection between hand and mouth canalso be demonstrated behaviorally in humans.In one study, people were instructed to opentheir mouths while grasping objects, and thesize of the mouth opening increased with thesize of the grasped object; conversely, when theyopened their hands while grasping objects withtheir mouths, the size of the hand opening alsoincreased with the size of the object (Gentilucciet al. 2001).

Grasping with the hand also affect the kine-matics of speech itself. Grasping larger objectsinduces selective increases in parameters of lipkinematics and voice spectra of syllables pro-nounced simultaneously with action execution(Gentilucci et al. 2004). Even observing anotherindividual grasping or bringing to the mouthlarger objects affects the lip kinematics and the

voice spectra of syllables simultaneously pro-nounced by the viewer (Gentilucci 2003). Inthe course of evolution, this mechanism of jointcontrol of hand and mouth could have been in-strumental in the transfer of a communicationsystem, based on the mirror system, from move-ments of the hand to movements of the mouth(Gentilucci & Corballis 2006).

The relationship between representations ofactions and spoken language is further sup-ported by neuroimaging studies, which showactivation of Broca’s area when people makemeaningful arm gestures (Buccino et al. 2001;Decety et al. 1997; Gallagher & Frith 2004;Grezes et al. 1998), or even imagine them(Gerardin et al. 2000; Grafton et al. 1996;Hanakawa et al. 2003; Kuhtz-Buschbeck et al.2003; Parsons et al. 1995).

In evolutionary terms, a gradual shift fromhand to mouth for purposes of intentional com-munication might well have begun with the in-creasing involvement of the hands in manufac-ture, and perhaps in transporting belongingsor booty from one location to another. Man-ufactured stone tools, often considered to bea conceptual advance beyond the opportunis-tic use of sticks or rocks as tools, appear inthe fossil record from some 2.5 million yearsago, perhaps in Homo rudolfensis, a likely precur-sor to Homo erectus (Semaw et al. 1997). Fromsome 1.8 million years, erectus began to migrateout of Africa into Asia and later into Europe(Tattersall 2003), and the Acheulian industryemerged, with large bifacial tools and handaxesthat seemed to mark a significant advance overthe simple flaked tools of the earlier Oldowanindustry (Gowlett 1992).

With the hands increasingly involved in suchactivities, the burden of communication mayhave shifted to the face, which provides suf-ficient diversity of movement and expressionto act as a signaling device. It also naturallyconveys emotion and can serve to direct at-tention. Signed languages involve communica-tive movements of the face as well as of thehands (Sutton-Spence & Boyes-Braem 2001),and Muir and Richardson (2005) found that

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native signers watching discourse in BritishSign Language focused mostly on the face andmouth, and relatively little on the hands or up-per body. Facial expressions and head move-ments can turn an affirmative sentence into anegation, or a question. Facial gestures serve todisambiguate hand gestures and provide the vi-sual equivalent of prosody in speech (Emmorey2002). The face may play a much more promi-nent role in signed languages than has beenhitherto recognized and may have been criticalin the transition from manual gesture to speech.

The face also plays a role in the perceptionof normal speech. Although we can understandthe radio announcer or the voice on the cellphone, there is abundant evidence that watch-ing people speak can aid understanding of whatthey are saying. It can even distort it, as in theMcGurk effect, in which dubbing sounds ontoa mouth that is saying something different al-ters what the hearer actually hears (McGurk& MacDonald 1976). Evidence from an fMRIstudy shows that the mirror system is activatedwhen people watch mouth actions, such as bit-ing, lip-smacking, oral movements involved invocalization, when these are performed by peo-ple, but not when they are performed by amonkey or a dog (Buccino et al. 2004). Actionsbelonging to the observer’s own motor reper-toire are mapped onto the observer’s motor sys-tem, while those that do not belong are not—instead, they are perceived in terms of their vi-sual properties. Watching speech movements,and even stills of a mouth making a speechsound, also activates the mirror system, includ-ing Broca’s area (Calvert & Campbell 2003).

These observations are consistent with theidea that speech may have evolved from visualdisplays that included movements of the face.

Adding Sound

Despite the close association between handand mouth in primates, the one missing ingre-dient is vocalization. The incorporation of vo-calization into the mirror system may have nat-urally followed involvement of the face. Many

facial gestures, especially those of the tongue,are internal to the mouth and largely hiddenfrom sight. With the addition of sound throughvibrations of the vocal folds, these hidden ges-tures are potentially recoverable through themirror system, in much the same way as theprimate mirror system responds to the soundsof actions such as tearing paper or cracking nuts(Kohler et al. 2002). Speech, then, is facial ges-ture half swallowed, and rendered partly invisi-ble. Once sound was introduced, though, thesegestures became accessible through audition,not vision. The problem, though, is that vo-calization in nonhuman primates is controlledsubcortically and appears not to be part of themirror system, so its incorporation must haveoccurred at some point in hominin evolution.

One clue as when this might have occurredcomes from genetics. A mutation of the fork-head box transcription factor, FOXP2, in somemembers of an English family known as the KEfamily has resulted in a severe deficit in vocal ar-ticulation (Watkins et al. 2002). Moreover, themembers of the family affected by the muta-tion, unlike their unaffected relatives, show noactivation in Broca’s area while covertly gener-ating verbs (Liegeois et al. 2003). This might betaken to mean that the FOXP2 gene in humansis involved in the cooption of vocal control byBroca’s area (Corballis 2004a). In songbirds,knockdown of the FOXP2 gene impairs the im-itation of song (Haesler et al. 2007), and in-sertion of the FOXP2 point mutation found inthe KE family into the mouse critically impairssynaptic plasticity and motor learning (Groszeret al. 2008).

Although highly conserved in mammals, theFOXP2 gene underwent two mutations sincethe split between hominin and chimpanzeelines. According to one theoretical estimate,the more recent of these occurred “not lessthan” 100,000 years ago (Enard et al. 2002),although the error associated with this estimatemakes it not unreasonable to suppose that itcoincided with the emergence of Homo sapiens

around 170,000 years ago. Contrary evidence,though, comes from a report that the mutation

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is also present in the DNA of a 45,000-year-oldNeandertal fossil (Krause et al. 2007), suggest-ing that it goes back as much as 700,000 yearsago to the common ancestor of humans andNeandertals (Noonan et al. 2006). But this ischallenged in turn by Coop et al. (2008), whoused phylogenetic dating of the haplotype toreestimate the time of the most recent com-mon ancestor carrying the FOXP2 mutation.Their answer was 42,000 years ago, with an es-timated 95% confidence interval from 38,000to 45,500 years ago. Even allowing for distor-tions in their assumptions, this is much moreconsistent with the estimate reported by Enardet al. (2002) than with the estimate implied byKrause et al. (2007).

Coop et al. argue that the presence of themutation in Neandertal was more likely due tocontamination of the Neandertal DNA, or tolow rates of gene flow between human and Ne-andertal, on the assumption that the allele wasglobally beneficial. Recent evidence suggeststhat microcephalin, a gene involved in regu-lating brain size, may have entered the humangene pool through interbreeding with Neander-tals (Evans et al. 2006), so the reverse possibil-ity of FOXP2 entering the late Neandertal genepool from Homo sapiens is not completely ruledout. Our forebears might have been slightlyfriendlier toward the Neandertals than is gen-erally thought.

Of course, mutation of the FOXP2 gene neednot have been the only factor in the switch frommanual gesture to speech. Fossil evidence sug-gests that the anatomical requirements for fullyarticulate speech were probably not completeuntil the emergence of Homo sapiens. For exam-ple, the hypoglossal canal is much larger in hu-mans than in great apes, suggesting that the hy-poglossal nerve, which innervates the tongue, isalso much larger in humans, perhaps reflectingthe importance of tongued gestures in speech.The evidence suggests that the size of the hy-poglossal canal in early australopithecines, andperhaps in Homo habilis, was within the rangeof that in modern great apes, while that of theNeandertal and early H. sapiens skulls was con-

tained well within the modern human range(Kay et al. 1998), although this has been dis-puted (DeGusta et al. 1999). A further cluecomes from the finding that the thoracic re-gion of the spinal cord is relatively larger inhumans than in nonhuman primates, probablybecause breathing during speech involves extramuscles of the thorax and abdomen. Fossil ev-idence indicates that this enlargement was notpresent in the early hominins or even in Homo

ergaster, dating from about 1.6 million years agobut was present in several Neandertal fossils(MacLarnon & Hewitt 2004).

The Neandertals would have been incapableof fully articulate speech, based on reconstruc-tions of their vocal tract (D.E. Lieberman 1998;P. Lieberman et al. 1972). Robert McCarthy ofFlorida Atlantic University has recently simu-lated how the Neanderthal would have soundedwhen articulating the syllable /i/ (or ee), basedon the shape of the vocal tract.a One observerdescribed it as sounding more like a sheep or agoat than a human. P. Lieberman’s claims havenevertheless been controversial (e.g., Gibson &Jessee 1999), but there is other evidence thatthe cranial structure underwent changes subse-quent to the split between anatomically modernand earlier “archaic” Homo, such as the Nean-dertals, Homo heidelbergensis, and Homo rhodesien-

sis, and that these changes bear on the abilityto speak.

One such change is the shortening of thesphenoid, the central bone of the cranial basefrom which the face grows forward, result-ing in a flattened face (P. Lieberman 1998).D. E. Lieberman et al. (2002) speculate thatthis is an adaptation for speech, contributingto the unique proportions of the human vo-cal tract, in which the horizontal and verti-cal components are roughly equal in length.This configuration, they argue, improves theability to produce acoustically distinct speechsounds, such as the vowel [i]. It is not seen

a It can be found on http://anthropology.net/2008/04/16/reconstructing-Neanderthal-vocalizations/.

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in Neandertal skeletal structure (see also Vleck1970). Another adaptation unique to H. sapi-

ens is neurocranial globularity, defined as theroundness of the cranial vault in the sagittal,coronal, and transverse planes, which is likelyto have increased the relative size of the tempo-ral and/or frontal lobes relative to other parts ofthe brain (D.E. Lieberman et al. 2002). Thesechanges may reflect more refined control of ar-ticulation and also, perhaps, more accurate per-ceptual discrimination of articulated sounds.

Indirect support for the late emergence ofspeech comes from African click languages,which may be residues of prevocal language.Click sounds are made entirely in the mouth,and some languages have as many as 48 clicksounds (Crystal 1997). Clicks could thereforehave provided sufficient variety to carry a formof language prior to the incorporation of vocal-ization. Two of the many groups that make ex-tensive use of click sounds are the Hadzabe andSan, who are separated geographically by some2000 kilometers, and genetic evidence suggeststhat the most recent common ancestor of thesegroups goes back to the root of present-day mi-tochondrial DNA lineages, perhaps as early as100,000 years ago (Knight et al. 2003), priorto the migration of anatomically modern hu-mans out of Africa. The date of this migrationis still uncertain. Mellars (2006) suggests thatmodern humans may have reached Malaysiaand the Andaman Islands as early as 60,000to 65,000 years ago, with migration to Europeand the Near East occurring from western orsouthern Asia, rather than from Africa as previ-ously thought. Those who migrated may havealready developed vocal speech, leaving behindAfrican speakers who retained click sounds.The only known non-African click languageis Damin, an extinct Australian aboriginal lan-guage. Homo sapiens may have arrived in Aus-tralia as early as 60,000 years ago (Thorneet al. 1999), not long after they migrated outof Africa. This is not to say that the early Aus-tralians and Africans did not have full vocalcontrol; rather, click languages may be simplya vestige of earlier languages in which sound

production through the vocal folds had not yetbeen incorporated.

The most persistent advocate of the lateemergence of speech is P. Lieberman, and asrecently as 2007 he summarized a review ofthe evidence as follows:

fully human speech anatomy first appears inthe fossil record in the Upper Paleolithic (about50,000 years ago) and is absent in both Nean-derthals and earlier humans (p. 39).

This statement is not inconsistent with thedating of the most recent FOXP2 mutation, dis-cussed earlier and is later than the estimateof the origin of click languages, discussed inthe preceding paragraph. It suggests that ar-ticulate speech arose even later than the emer-gence of our species, Homo sapiens, thought tohave originated in East Africa not later thanaround 120,000 years ago (e.g., Ray et al.2005). The question of precisely when artic-ulate speech emerged is by no means resolved,and P. and D.E. Lieberman’s provocative claimsheighten the challenge to discover unequivocaldata.

Why the Switch?

Given the fairly extensive anatomical andneurophysiological changes required, alongwith the heightened risk choking due to the low-ering of the larynx, evolutionary pressure forthe switch must have been strong. Since signedlanguages are as sophisticated linguistically asspoken ones (Armstrong et al. 1995; Emmorey2002, Neidle et al. 2000), the pressure was al-most certainly based on practical rather thanlinguistic considerations. One advantage ofspeech is that it can be carried on at night,or when the line of sight between sender andreceiver is blocked. Communication at nightmay have been critical to survival in a hunter-gatherer society. The San, a modern hunter-gatherer society, are known to talk late at night,sometimes all through the night, to resolve con-flict and share knowledge (Konner 1982).

Speech is much less energy-consuming thanmanual gesture. Anecdotal evidence from

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courses in sign language suggests that the in-structors require regular massages in orderto meet the sheer physical demands of sign-language expression. In contrast, the physio-logical costs of speech are so low as to be nearlyunmeasurable (Russell et al. 1998). In terms ofexpenditure of energy, speech adds little to thecost of breathing, which we must do anyway tosustain life.

But it was perhaps the freeing of the handsfor other adaptive functions, such as carryingthings, and the manufacture of tools, that wasprobably the most critical. Vocal language al-lows people to use tools and at the same timeexplain verbally what they are doing, leadingperhaps to pedagogy (Corballis 2002). Indeed,this may explain the dramatic rise of moresophisticated tools, bodily ornamentation, art,and perhaps music, in our own species. Thesedevelopments have been dubbed a “humanrevolution” (Mellars & Stringer 1989), datingfrom some 40,000 years ago in Europe, butmore recent evidence suggests that the risetoward technological and behavioral moder-nity originated in Africa. Two phases of tech-nological innovation in southern Africa havebeen dated at around 70,000 to 75,000 yearsago and 60 to 65,000 years ago, respectively(Jacobs et al. 2008), just preceding the esti-mated date of human dispersal from Africa ataround 55,000 to 60,000 years ago (Mellars2006). These developments, associated withHomo sapiens, are often attributed to the emer-gence of language itself, but I have proposedelsewhere, and suggest here, that the criti-cal innovation was not language, but speech(Corballis 2004b).

In summary, the view adopted here is thatlanguage is a gestural system, based on the pri-mate mirror system. In the course of time, itshifted from a general bodily system to one oc-cupying a small region of the body, namely thearticulatory organs of the vocal tract, and toa system requiring minimal energy. This freedthe rest of the body from obligatory involve-ment in communication, allowing the handsto be used for other manipulative activities.

This account, though, does not explain the ex-traordinary complexity and flexibility of hu-man language relative to other forms of animalcommunication.


In parallel with the gradual switch from man-ual to vocal mode, language must have ac-quired the distinctive grammatical propertiesthat allow us the unlimited freedom of ex-pression. Following Chomsky (1975), this hascommonly been attributed to universal gram-mar, considered to be an innate endowmentunique to humans. More recent developmentssuggest, though, that grammar arises frommore general cognitive capacities (Christiansen& Chater 2008, Tomasello 2003, 2008;Wray 2002).

Mental Time Travel

One such capacity may be the ability to travelmentally in time. The concept of mental timetravel was based initially on a distinction, drawnby Tulving (1972), between two forms of mem-ory. Semantic memory is our vast storehouse offacts about the world, the combined dictionaryand encyclopedia of the mind, whereas episodicmemory is the memory for events, the mind’spersonal diary. Both are regarded as forms ofwhat has been called declarative memory—ormemory that can be declared—which alreadysuggests a connection with language. Episodicmemory, unlike semantic memory, implies amental journey into the past, as when one men-tally relives or imagines some past episode. Tul-ving (1972, 1985) proposed that episodic mem-ory is unique to humans.

To some extent, these two forms of memorymust be related. Tulving (2002) has argued, forinstance, that the storage of episodic memo-ries must depend on semantic memories thatare already in place, but are then related tothe self in subjectively-sensed time. This allowsthe experience of an event to be stored sepa-rately from the semantic system. Yet there is

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also evidence that semantic and episodic mem-ory can be doubly dissociated. In most cases ofamnesia, episodic memory is lost while seman-tic memory remains largely intact (e.g., Tulvinget al. 1988). Conversely, people with semanticdementia, a degenerative neurological disorderthat afflicts some people in late adulthood, showsevere decline in semantic memory, but theirepisodic memories remain remarkably and sur-prisingly intact (Hodges & Graham 2001).

The idea that episodic memory involves re-enactment of past episodes can be extrapolatedto the more general idea of mental time travel,the human capacity to travel mentally bothforward and backward in time (Suddendorf& Corballis 1997, 2007). Evidence frombrain imaging that remembering the pastand imagining the future activate a common“core” network (e.g., Addis et al. 2007), andpatients with amnesia typically have as muchdifficulty imagining future episodes as inrecalling past ones (e.g., Hassabis et al. 2007).Mental time travel into the future does not ofcourse imply precognition but rather refers tothe ability to imagine possible future episodes,whether for the purpose of planning detailedactivities or for comparing and evaluatingdifferent strategies. Episodic memory providesthe vocabulary of scenarios that enable us toenvisage particular future scenarios, its survivalvalue must lie, not in the memory componentper se, but rather in what it contributes topresent and future survival.

Just as Tulving proposed episodic memoryto be uniquely human, so it has been pro-posed that only humans have the capacity formental time travel (Suddendorf & Corballis1997, 2007). This has been challenged (e.g.,Clayton et al. 2003, and see commentaries onSuddendorf & Corballis 2007), but whether ornot genuine counter-examples can be found innonhuman animals there seems little doubt thatthe human ability to conjure past and futureepisodes, and indeed purely imaginary ones,exceeds any capacity so far demonstrated innonhuman animals. Even if nonhuman ani-mals can be shown to travel mentally in time,

the remarkable feature of mental time travelin humans may not be its existence but ratherits flexibility and combinatorial structure. Ourpast and future imaginings are typically madeup of different combinations of elements thatare otherwise familiar, such as people, objects,actions, situations, and emotions.

Human language is exquisitely designedto transmit exactly this kind of information(Corballis & Suddendorf 2007). As Pinker(2003, p. 27) put it, language seems to haveevolved to express “who did what to whom,when, where, and why,” thus allowing personalexperiences to be shared, with consequent ben-efits in social bonding and social and practicalunderstanding. The sharing of past, future, andindeed imaginary experiences places a muchgreater burden on the communication chan-nel than if events are experienced only in thepresent. Events in the present are shared by mu-tual experience, and it may take only a few sig-nals to direct attention, or to convey the impor-tance of some components rather than others.Animals will sometimes use simple signals todraw attention to events that their conspecificsmay not be able to see, as when chimpanzeesuse pant hoot calls to signal the discovery offood (Goodall 1986), or vervet monkeys usedifferent calls to warn of different predators(Cheney & Seyfarth 1990), but no syntax orcombinatorial structure is necessary.

The time dimension vastly increases themental canvas, since reference to different timesgenerally involves different places, different ac-tions, different actors, and so on. In order torepresent or refer to episodic elements that arenot available in the present, we need very largevocabularies of concepts, as well as of wordsto represent them. And we need rules to rep-resent the way in which the elements of anevent are combined, and corresponding rulesto convey these combinations to others in theform of language. If there is adaptive advantageto be gained from mental time travel throughone’s own personal experiences, that advan-tage can be multiplied by adding the experi-ences of others. It provides information about

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possible scenarios, about how individuals be-have in different circumstances, about how thesocial world works. This perhaps explains thehuman predilection for gossip, and also for fic-tion, as in stories, novels, plays, TV soaps, andthe like. Language, then, was born of the valueof sharing, and indeed inventing, scenarios in-volving the interactions of humans with eachother and with the world.

It is likely that the distinctive features of bothlanguage and mental time travel evolved duringthe Pleistocene. This era is usually dated fromabout 1.8 million years to about 10,000 yearsago (e.g., Janis 1993)—although it has been ar-gued that it should be dated from as early as2.58 million years ago (Suc et al. 1997), whichcorresponds more closely to the emergence ofthe genus Homo. With the global shift to coolerclimate after 2.5 million years ago, much ofsouthern and eastern Africa probably becamemore open and sparsely wooded (Foley 1987).This left the hominins not only more exposed toattack from dangerous predators, such as saber-tooth cats, lions, and hyenas, but also obliged tocompete with them as carnivores. The solutionwas not to compete on the same terms, but toestablish what Tooby and DeVore (1987) calledthe “cognitive niche,” relying on social coop-eration and intelligent planning for survival.The problem is that the number of combina-tions of actions, actors, locations, time periods,implements, and so forth that define episodesbecomes very large, and a system of holisticcalls to describe those episodes rapidly taxes theperceptual and memory systems. Syntax maythen have emerged as a series of rules wherebyepisodic elements could be combined.

Further evidence that mental time travelevolved during the Pleistocene comes fromstone tools, which appear to have been trans-ported for repeated use. As we have seen,the relatively primitive Oldowan industry goesback some 2.5 million years (Semaw et al.1997), but more direct evidence that mentaltime travel was involved comes from the recon-struction of knapping routines suggesting that,by the Middle Pleistocene at least, our hominin

ancestors produced tools at one site for use atanother (Hallos 2005). Tool manufacture re-mained fairly static, though, for most of thePleistocene until the dramatic surge in tech-nological innovation associated with our ownspecies from around 60,000 to 75,000 yearsago, discussed earlier.

The increased memory demands due to bothmental time travel and language may well havedriven the dramatic increase in brain size as-sociated with the Pleistocene. The brain sizeof the early hominins was about the same, rel-ative to body size, as that of the present-daygreat apes, but from the emergence of the genusHomo some 2 to 2.5 million years ago it in-creased, and had doubled by about 1.2 millionyears ago. It reached a peak, not with Homo

sapiens, but with the Neandertals, who shared acommon ancestry with modern humans untilabout 700,000 years ago (Noonan et al. 2006).In some individual Neandertals, brain capacityseems to have been as high as 1800 cc, withan average of around 1450 cc. Brain size in ourown species, Homo sapiens, is a little lower, with apresent-day average of about 1350 cc (Wood &Collard 1999). This is about three times the sizeexpected for a great ape of the same body size.Of course brain size depends on factors otherthan cognitive demands, such as body size. Fos-sil evidence suggests that the absolute size ofthe human brain has decreased from around35,000 years ago, but this was paralleled by adecrease in body size (Ruff et al. 1997).

Let’s consider in more detail, then, some ofthe ways in which mental time travel has shapedlanguage.

Symbols and Mime

In order to communicate about events atpoints in time other than the present, werequire ways of referring to them in absentia.Here, the use of manual gesture has some-thing of an advantage over speech, especiallyas bipedalism emerged, freeing the hands forother purposes, including communication. Afeature of the hands and arms, once freed from

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locomotory and postural duties, is that they canmove in four dimensions (three of space andone of time), and so mimic real-world events.The early hominins, though, were facultativebipeds, retaining some adaptive features ofarboreal life, and there is little evidence thatthey were different in cognitive or behavioralterms from the other great apes. Obligatebipedalism emerged later, with the genus Homo,and Donald (1991) suggested that this markedthe beginning of what he called “mimetic cul-ture,” in which events were related throughmimed movements of the body, with the handsassuming special importance. Communicationof this sort persists in dance, ballet, and mime,and we all resort to mime when trying to com-municate with people who speak a languagedifferent from our own.

The modern sign languages of the deaf arealso partially dependent on mime, or on di-rect copying of real-world actions. It has beenestimated, for example, that in Italian SignLanguage some 50% of the hand signs and67% of the bodily locations of signs stemfrom iconic representations, in which thereis a degree of spatiotemporal mapping be-tween the sign and its meaning (Pietrandea2002). Emmorey (2002) notes that in ASL somesigns are purely arbitrary, but many more areiconic. For example, the sign for “erase” re-sembles the action of erasing a blackboard,and the sign for “play piano” mimics the ac-tion of actually playing a piano. But signs canbe iconic without being transparently so, andthey often cannot be guessed by naıve observers(Pizzuto & Volterra 2000). They also tend tobecome less iconic and more arbitrary overtime, in the interests of speed, efficiency, andthe constraints of the communication medium.This process is known as conventionalization

(Burling 1999).Once the principle of conventionalization is

established, there is no need for communica-tion to retain an iconic component, or even todepend on visual signals. We are quick to learnarbitrary labels, whether for objects, actions,emotions, or abstract concepts. Manual ges-

ture may still be necessary to establish links inthe first place—the child can scarcely learn themeaning of the word dog unless someone drawsher attention to the animal itself—but there isotherwise no reason why the labels themselvesneed not be based on patterns of sound. Ofcourse some concepts, such as the moo of acow or miaow of a cat, depend on sound ratherthan sight, and it is not surprising that the wordsfor these sounds tend to be onomatopoeic. An-other example is zanzara, the evocative Italianword for mosquito, and Pinker (2007) notes anumber of newly minted examples: oink, tin-

kle, barf , conk, woofer, tweeter. But most spokenwords bear no physical relation to what theyrepresent.

The Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure(1977/1916) wrote of the “arbitrariness of thesign” as a defining property of language, andon this basis it is sometimes supposed thatsigned languages, with their strong founda-tion in iconic representations, are not true lan-guages. The arbitrariness of words (or mor-phemes) is not so much a necessary propertyof language, though, as a matter of expedience,and of the constraints imposed by the languagemedium. Speech, for example, requires that theinformation be linearized, squeezed into a se-quence of sounds that are necessarily limitedin terms of how they can capture the physi-cal nature of what they represent. The linguistCharles Hockett (1978) put it this way:

when a representation of some four-dimen-sional hunk of life has to be compressed into the sin-gle dimension of speech, most iconicity is necessar-ily squeezed out. In one-dimensional projections,an elephant is indistinguishable from a woodshed.Speech perforce is largely arbitrary, if we speakerstake pride in that, it is because in 50,000 years orso of talking we have learned to make a virtue ofnecessity (pp. 274–275).

The symbols of signed languages are notso constrained. The hands and arms canmimic the shapes of real-world objects and ac-tions, and to some extent lexical informationcan be delivered in parallel instead of beingforced into rigid temporal sequence. Even so,

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conventionalization allows signs to be simpli-fied and speeded up, to the point that many ofthem lose most or all of their iconic aspect. Forexample, the ASL sign for home was once a com-bination of the sign for eat, which is a bunchedhand touching the mouth, and the sign for sleep,which is a flat hand on the cheek. Now it consistsof two quick touches on the cheek, both witha bunched handshape, so the original iconiccomponents are effectively lost (Frishberg1975).

The increasing complexity of human cultureas it developed during the Pleistocene and be-yond no doubt accelerated the drive towardconventionalization and increased efficiency. Ithas been estimated that the average literate per-son today knows some 50,000 concepts (Pinker2007), and even with the degrees of freedomafforded by hand and arm movements it wouldbe slow and cumbersome in the extreme torepresent even the spatial concepts manually—although we often point or incline the head toindicate direction (“He went that way”). Con-ventionalization can be regarded simply as adevice, dependent on associative learning, tostreamline the representational system for max-imum efficiency. Just as signs become morecompact, so words tend to become shorter withmore frequent use. This is captured by Zipf’slaw, which states that the length of a word isinversely proportional to its rank in frequency.The reason for this is evident from the title ofZipf’s 1949 book, Human Behavior and the Principle

of Least-Effort. Hence we have the progressionfrom television to telly to TV , or in my own coun-try from university to varsity to uni.

Marking Time

If it is to convey information about episodes,language must include some mechanism forconveying when in time they occurred, or willoccur. In many languages this is accomplishedby tense markers. In English, for example, verbsdescribing actions and states are endowed withtense to indicate different points in time, as wellas distinctions between conditional and uncon-

ditional, continuous and non-continuous, andso on. Thus the words walk, walked, and walking,along with auxiliaries (e.g., will walk, might have

been walking), refer to different times or timingconditions to do with a perambulatory event.Some languages have no tenses as such, buthave other ways of indicating time. Chinese,for example, has no tenses, but the time of anevent can be indicated by adverbs, such as to-

morrow, and what are called aspectual markers,as in a sentence that might be roughly renderedas He break his leg before (Lin 2005).

The variety of ways in which time is markedin different languages suggests cultural influ-ences rather than the operation of universalgrammar. A revealing example comes from thelanguage spoken by the Piraha, a tribe of some200 people in Brazil, which has only a very re-stricted way of talking about relative time. Thistakes the form of two tense-like morphemeswhich indicate simply whether an event is in thepresent or not. Piraha also includes a few wordsserving as temporal markers, such as night, day,full moon, and so on. The Piraha are said to livelargely in the present, with no creation myths,no art or drawing, no individual or collectivememory for more than two generations past(Everett 2005).

One might suppose that the apparentpaucity of mental time travel in Piraha life re-sults from the lack of ways to express time, assuggested by the Whorfian hypothesis. But thereverse is more likely true—that is, the languageof the Piraha adapted to their lack of concernfor time (cf. Christiansen & Chater 2008). ThePiraha language is limited in other ways besidesthe dearth of time markers. It has no numbersor system of counting, no color terms, and mayeven be said to lack verbs, in the sense of a verbas a linguistic class, the Piraha learn verbs oneby one as individual entities. There is no recur-sive embedding of clauses (Everett 2005). Onemight be tempted to believe that the Pirahasuffer from some genetic defect, but this ideais rejected by Everett, who describes them as“some of the brightest, pleasantest, and mostfun-loving people that I know” (p. 621).

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Everett suggests that even these additionalfeatures derive fundamentally from their verylimited sense of time, supporting the idea thatthe characteristics of language derive frommental time travel. He writes:

[the] apparently disjointed facts about the Pirahalanguage—gaps that are very surprising from justabout any grammarian’s perspective—ultimatelyderive from a single cultural constraint in Piraha,namely, the restriction of communication to the immediate

experience of the interlocutors. (p. 622).

Everett’s work on the Piraha is understand-ably controversial (see the critique by Nevinset al. 2007 and the response by Everett 2007).Despite its seeming simplicity, though, Pirahalanguage is rich in morphology and prosody.Everett insists that it should not be regardedas in any way “primitive” and suggests that itis probably not especially unusual. Other lan-guages of nonliterate peoples may have similarcharacteristics. For example, the Iatmul lan-guage of New Guinea is also said to have norecursion (Karlsson 2007). Tomasello (2003)suggests that theories of language have beenunduly influenced by the characteristics of writ-ten language, and remarks that “there are veryfew if any specific grammatical constructionsor markers that are universally present in alllanguages” (p. 5).


The most distinctive property of language isthat it is generative (Chomsky 1966). We canboth construct and understand sentences thatwe have never used or heard before. A classicexample comes from the British philosopherAlfred North Whitehead. In 1934 he had beenseated at dinner next to B.F. Skinner, who wastrying to explain how the principles of behav-iorism would change the face of psychology.Obliged to challenge this view, Whitehead ut-tered the sentence “No black scorpion is fallingupon this table,” and asked Skinner to explainthe behavioral principles that might have ledhim to say that. It was not until the publicationof Verbal Behavior 23 years later that Skinner

(1957) attempted an answer. In an appendix tothat book, Skinner proposed that Whiteheadwas unconsciously expressing the fear that be-haviorism might indeed take over, likening itto a black scorpion that he would not allow totarnish his philosophy. Skinner’s explanation isironic, because it seems to owe more to psycho-analysis than to behaviorism, and Skinner waswell known for anti-Freudian views.

We now know, largely through the efforts ofChomsky (1957 1959), that language cannotbe explained in terms of learned sequences. In-stead, it depends on rules. These rules combinewords in precise ways to enable us to create andextract an essentially unlimited number of dif-ferent meanings. As the German philosopherGottlob Frege (1980/1914, p. 79) put it:

The possibility of our understanding sentences thatwe have never heard before rests evidently on this,that we can construct the sense of a sentence outof parts that correspond to words.

The combinatorial structure of sentences, Isuggest, derives in large part from the combi-natorial structure of episodes, and words pro-vide the access to the components of episodes.Most of the episodes we witness, remember, orconstruct in our minds are combinations of thefamiliar. Indeed it is generally the combinationsthat count, rather than the individual elements.In Whitehead’s sentence, the notions of a blackscorpion, falling, and a table are of themselvesof less interest than the unusual combination ofa scorpion in downward motion above the verytable at which the two savants sat—and theremay have been relief that this unusual event wasnot occurring. The manner in which the wordsdescribing such episodes are arranged dependson the conventions that make up grammar.

One such convention has to do with the or-der in which words are uttered or signed. Themost basic episodes are those involving objectsand actions, so the first “words” were probablynouns and verbs—an idea that goes back to the19th-century English philologist John HorneTooke (1857), who regarded nouns and verbsas “necessary words.” The prototypical episode

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of someone doing something to someone orsomething else, then, requires one noun to bethe subject, another to be a verb describing theaction, and another noun to be the object ofthe action. How these are ordered is simply amatter of convention. In English, the conven-tion is to place them in the order subject verb object

(SVO). To use a well-chewed example, the sen-tence “dog bites man” means something verydifferent from “man bites dog,” the latter isnews, the former simply a personal misfortune.Among the world’s languages, the most com-mon word order is SOV, with the verb at theend, but all possible combinations exist amongthe world’s languages.

In speaking, we can only utter one word at atime, so word order can be critical. Some lan-guages, though, mark the roles played by dif-ferent words with changes to the words them-selves. In Latin, for example, the subject andobject of a sentence are signaled by differentinflections—changes to the end of the word—and the words can be reordered without losingthe meaning. So canis virum mordet means “dogbites man,” while canem vir mordet means “manbites dog,” although it would be normal stillto place the subject first. The Australian abo-riginal language Walpiri is a more extreme ex-ample of an inflected language in which wordorder makes essentially no difference. Such lan-guages are sometimes called scrambling languages.Chinese, by contrast, is an example of an iso-

lating language, in which words are not inflectedand different meanings are created by addingwords or altering word order. English is closerto being an isolating language than a scram-bling one.

Unlike spoken languages, signed languagesare less constrained to present words in se-quence, since they make use of spatial infor-mation as well as sequential information, anddifferent words can be signed simultaneously.For example, the hand can take the shape of anobject while its movement indicates the action.Even so, the order in which signs are displayedcan be critical. In ASL the basic order is SVO,while the newly emerged Al-Sayyid Bedouin

Sign Language (ABSL) is an SOV language(Aronoff et al. 2007). In any event, episodesthemselves are typically sequential, and it is nat-ural for the sequence of events to be copied intothe language that expresses them.


Grammar can be regarded as a devicefor making communication more efficient andstreamlined. For example, many of the wordswe use do not refer to actual content, but servefunctions that are purely grammatical. Theseare called function words, and include articles,such as a and the, prepositions such as at, on,or about, and auxiliaries such will in “They willcome.” Function words nevertheless almost cer-tainly have their origins in content words, andthe process by which content words are strippedof meaning to serve purely grammatical func-tions is known as grammaticalization (Heine &Kuteva 2007; Hopper & Traugott 1993). Aclassic example is the word have, which pro-gressed from a verb meaning to “seize” or“grasp” (Latin capere), to one expressing posses-sion (as in I have a pet porcupine, Latin habere), to amarker of the perfect tense (“I have gone”) anda marker of obligation (“I have to go”). Simi-larly, the word will probably progressed from averb (as in “Do what you will”) to a marker ofthe future tense (“They will laugh”).

Another example comes from the word go.It still carries the meaning of travel, or makinga move from one location from to another, butin sentences like “We’re going to have lunch”it has been bleached of content and simply in-dicates the future. The phrase going to has beencompressed into the form gonna, as in “We’regonna have lunch,” or even “I’m gonna go.”In the US, people make an additional com-pression when they say “Let’s go eat,” wherewe less hungry Kiwis say “Let’s go and eat.”I’m waiting to hear someone to say “Let’s gogo-go.”b

b I have since learned that “Let’s go go-go” is the battle song of theChicago White Sox.

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There are other ways in which grammatical-ization operates to make communication morestreamlined. One has to do with the embed-ding and concatenization of phrases. For ex-ample, the statements “He pushed the door”and “The door opened” can be concatenatedinto “He pushed the door open.” Statementslike “My uncle is generous with money” and“My uncle helped my sister out” can be con-catenated by embedding the first in the second:“My uncle, who is generous with money, helpedmy sister out.” One can also alter the priorityof the two statements by reversing the embed-ding: “My uncle, who helped my sister out, isgenerous with money.”

Efficiency can also be improved by breakingdown concepts into component parts, whichcan then be recombined to form new concepts.An interesting example comes from a signedlanguage. In Nicaragua deaf people were iso-lated from one another until the Sandinistagovernment assumed power in 1979 and cre-ated the first schools for the deaf. Since thattime, the children in these schools inventedtheir own sign language, which has blendedinto the system now called Lenguaje de Sig-nos Nicaraguense (LSN). In the course of time,LSN has changed from a system of holistic signsto a more combinatorial format. For example,one generation of children were told a story ofa cat that swallowed a bowling ball, and thenrolled down a steep street in a “waving, wob-bling manner.” The children were then askedto sign the motion. Some indicated the motionholistically, moving the hand downward in awaving motion. Others, however, segmentedthe motion into two signs, one representingdownward motion and the other representingthe waving motion, and this version increasedafter the first cohort of children had movedthrough the school (Senghas et al. 2004).

One need not appeal to universal gram-mar to explain how this kind of segmenta-tion occurs. Computer simulations have shownthat cultural transmission can change a lan-guage that begins with holistic units into onein which sequences of forms are combined to

produce meanings that were earlier expressedholistically (see Kirby & Hurford 2002, fora review).

Putting It Together

In this article, I have suggested two ways inwhich language evolved. First, I have arguedthat language evolved from intentional manualgestures, with vocal gestures gradually assum-ing dominance, perhaps with the emergence ofHomo sapiens within the last 200,000 years. Inthis sense, language is an extension of the so-called mirror system, whereby primates under-stand the actions of others. Second, I have pro-posed that the evolution of mental time traveland the awareness of time led to a more com-plex form of language for the communication ofepisodes that take place at times other than thepresent. The demands of referring to episodesthat are not immediately accessible to the sensesled to the construction of grammar, or gram-mars, which probably took place over the past2 million or so years from the emergence of thelarge-brained genus Homo.

Although mental time travel may have setthe initial stage for language, the two mustalso have co-evolved. Thus Gardenfors (2004)writes that, in his view, “there has been a co-evolution of cooperation about future goalsand symbolic communication” (p. 243). Lan-guage itself adds to the capacity for mentaltime travel, since it provides a means by whichpeople can create the equivalent of episodicmemories in others, and therefore contributesto their episodic thinking. By telling you whathappened to me, I can effectively create animagined episode in your mind, and this addedinformation might help you adapt more effec-tively to future conditions. And by telling youwhat I am about to do, you may form an imagein your own mind, and work out a plan to helpme, or perhaps thwart me.

Just when language became grammatical inrelation to when speech became the dominantmode has been a matter of conjecture. Arbib

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(2005) proposed that language evolved frommanual gestures, but suggested that manualcommunication did not progress beyond whathe called protosign. This is the signed equivalentof what Bickerton (1995) called protolanguage,which is effectively language without gram-mar, as exemplified by forms of communica-tion acquired by captive great apes such asWashoe and Kanzi, or by the 2-year-old child.It is roughly equivalent to the mimetic stageproposed by Donald (1991). In Arbib’s view,the transition was then from protosign to pro-tospeech, and grammatical language evolvedfrom there.

Since the signed languages of the deaf arefully grammatical, there seems no reason inprinciple why gestural language should nothave achieved the status of full language priorto the emergence of speech as the dominantmode. It is perhaps more likely, though, thatthe switch from protolanguage to language wasitself gradual and occurred in parallel with theswitch from a primarily manual form of com-munication to a primarily vocal one, with vary-ing degrees of admixture. The distinction be-tween protolanguage and language is generallydepicted as all-or-none, perhaps encouraged bythe notion that grammatical language dependson the innate, uniquely human endowmentknown as universal grammar (e.g., Chomsky1975). But if grammar emerges gradually, assuggested earlier, and is culturally rather thanbiologically tuned, then the evolution of gram-mar and the switch from manual to vocal modesmay have been contemporaneous and largelyindependent.

Just as grammars vary considerably betweencultures, so different cultures may vary in theextent to which speech dominates. At one ex-treme, of course, are the signed languages de-veloped in deaf communities. Less extremeare signed languages developed by some na-tive Australian tribes (Kendon 1988), and inthe so-called Plains Sign Talk of Native NorthAmerican tribes (Mithun 1999), in both cases,theses tribes also speak, but use signed languagefor special purposes. Signing may also have

been more prominent among African tribesthan among those of the industrialized West, assuggested by the following provocative quotefrom the 19th-century British explorer, MaryKingsley (1965/1897):

[African languages are not elaborate enough] toenable a native to state his exact thought. Someof them are very dependent upon gesture. WhenI was with the Fans they frequently said “We willgo to the fire so that we can see what they say”,when any question had to be decided after dark,and the inhabitants of Fernando Po, the Bubis, arequite unable to converse with each other unlessthey have sufficient light to see the accompanyinggestures of the conversation (p. 504).

While this may seem condescending, it maywell be the case that some cultures maymake more use of manual gesture than others,through cultural rather than biological neces-sity. In suggesting that the African languagesshe observed were not elaborate, Kingsley alsooverlooked her own observation that elabora-tion was provided by manual gestures, not byspoken words.

I suggested above that grammar and speechevolved independently, but this may not becompletely true. As suggested earlier, speechmay have freed the hands for manufacture,vastly increasing the number of objects to benamed. This may have increased the pressurefor language to grammaticalize and becomemore efficient and sophisticated. We saw ear-lier that the languages of nonliterate societiesmay be simpler in terms of such features asthe recursive embedding of clauses. The riseof technology may also have increased the de-mand for language to function as a pedagog-ical device. To that extent, then, Arbib (2005)may be correct in suggesting that grammati-calization accelerated after speech became thedominant mode.

Summary and Conclusions

I have argued that language evolved fromthe mirror system in primates, which provides

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a platform for both the production and per-ception of intentional bodily acts. This systemwas adapted for communication in hominins inpart as a result of bipedalism, which freed thehands for more varied and elaborate gestures.But the climb to true language probably beganwith the emergence of the genus Homo, and thepressure to more cooperative behavior duringthe Pleistocene, when our forebears were forcedfrom the forest canopy onto the more open anddangerous environment of the savanna. Mem-ory systems evolved from simple learning andpattern recognition to the storage and retrievalof particular episodes, enabling more preciseplanning and prediction of the future. Mentaltime travel into past and future also gave riseto a sense of the self through time. One con-sequence may have been an understanding ofmortality, leading to the emergence of religionspromising a life after death.

Language was adapted to the sharing ofepisodic information, whether based on mem-ory, future plans, or on fiction. Grammaticallanguage, whether signed or spoken, seemsuniquely adapted for the sharing of this in-formation in an efficient, streamlined manner.Along with the development of grammar, vocalelements were increasingly introduced, so thatwith the emergence of our own species, Homo

sapiens, speech became the dominant mode.This freed the hands for the development ofmore sophisticated manufacture and use oftools, as well as other artifacts such as bodilyornamentation, clothing, and perhaps musicalinstruments. This may have given further impe-tus to the development of sophisticated gram-mar and the use of language for more exten-sive and varied activities, such as pedagogy orargument.

A recurrent theme of this article has been thecultural shaping of language. The sheer varietyof different language structures argues againstChomsky’s (1975) notion of an innate univer-sal grammar, or what Pinker (1994) called the“language instinct.” This point has been elab-orated in the recent article by Christiansen andChater (2008). At some level, though, there

must be an innate component, since grammat-ical language is universally and uniquely hu-man. The critical question is whether the con-cept of universal grammar is useful in helping usunderstand the different forms that languagescan take, from manual to vocal, from Pirahato standard English. It may be more useful toview the constructive nature of language as theproduct of what Locke and Bogin (2006), afterMarler (1991), called an “instinct for inventive-ness” that goes beyond language per se. Thisinstinct may well be uniquely human but is ev-ident in many activities other than language,including mental time travel, manufacture, art,music, and other modes of storytelling, such asdance, drama, movies, and television. We areat once the most articulate and time-consciousof all species, and I dare any other species tocontradict me.


I thank Thomas Suddendorf and an anony-mous referee for their constructive commentson an earlier draft. Others who have con-tributed significantly to my thinking on lan-guage evolution include Nicola Clayton, KarenEmmorey, Tecumseh Fitch, Maurizio Gen-tilucci, Russell Gray, Nicholas Humphrey, JimHurford, Giacomo Rizzolatti, and MichaelStuddert-Kennedy—but not all of them agreewith me.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


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