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THE FACES OF ANTHROPOLOGIE Documented by: Nathania Fuad Summer 2016


Documented by:Nathania FuadSummer 2016


Documented by:Nathania Fuad

Summer 2016


First off, thanks so much for taking the time to fip through this book. My

name is Nathania Fuad and I'm a Summer Intern with Anthropologie's Soft

Wovens Product Development and Production Teams. In thinking through

what have been the most memorable moments in my time here, it's the

conversations and relationships I have been able to develop that have really

taught me so much. I knew for my intern project I wanted to feature and

unveil beautiful stories behind the people that I've gotten to work with.

Some of you may know most of the people I featured while others may have

not met a single person. My hope is that regardless of who you know, this

book would help you gain a deeper understanding of Anthropologie as a

brand. Perhaps you'll discover sometthing new about someone you work

with that you never knew! I hope this book opens your eyes to the diverse

blend of backgrounds that are crucial to shaping this unique, but dearly loved


I've only spent nine weeks at Anthropologie's Home Office, and to be honest,

I came in feeling like I knew so little! I was fascinated by this brand, and this

project has inspired me and taught me so many lessons about the brand and

life in general. Getting to interact and learn from so many individuals across

all teams here has ignited such a gratitude for this opportunity.


"I never knew you could go into fashion.I had these little barbie dolls

that I would preforate cut out clothing for! Later in high school when I

new I wanted to pursue fashion, my mom encouraged me to to take a

sewing class during my high school senior year. I took it as a joke, but it

actually really prepared me for college as a fashion design major!

I finally feel like I'm in a really good place. I had been working like crazy

in New York City for six years before coming back home to Philly. It is

definitely not a one man show here. Because my team and I see things

very differently, it makes us so much more well rounded and supportive

of one another.

I love when I'm fitting something and when I see the problem, I know

exactly how I'm supposed to fix it. It is so rewarding to make sense of

what is wrong."

- Hilary Armstrong

Associate Technical Designer

"In grade school I thought that I wanted to work for a fashion magazine,

or perhaps become an architect. I had never planned on doing

recruiting. But I have been here witth URBN for thirteen years. I love the

brand and what we stand for. There is something so unique and

different here. I own what I'm doing and I want to do my best. I love the

people I am working with. You quickly become become very close with

people you're interacting with every single day!

My advice for interns would be to always be willing to try. It is always

the interns who are self-aware, knowing their strengths and

weaknesses, who will succeed. It is cool seeing people who are eager

and positive, being proactive and focusing on what they know they

want to do with their time here. The highlight for me is when I know I've

found someone that is joining us who I know will be doing great things

for the company!"

- Robin McCann

Anthropologie Senior Recruiter

"I worked for The Gap for 15 years, starting as a seasonal part-time

sales associate in school. I never thought I'd go into retail...I was going

to be a doctor! But I've been here since 2005. My parents are my

biggest role models. They both immigrated here from Greece. They are

such hard workers and motivated me to do well. Their hard work ethic

has always stuck in there and it drives me to succeed. One pieces of

advice m mom says all the time is, "You should never say no to an

opportunity, but you can say no to an offer."

Just marry your passion with your job and it will never feel like work.

I'm a full believer in that. My passion is seeing processes succeed; my

job is to clear the path for my teams. It doesn't ever feel like"work" to

me though. I love the technological pieces and breaking them down to

see how our customer can benefit from it."

- Demo Lymberopoulos

Executive Director of E-Commerce and Omnichannel Platforms

"My first job was designing military uniforms for chemical warfare, and

I was also a buyer for an outdoor clothing company.

Growing up, I had a lot of personal sewing projects! I made my own

prom dress, graduation dress and homecoming dress! I taught myself

how to sew, and it was up to me to figure out all the Vogue patterns I

bought them from the store. I love getting into the details; it's like

engineering for clothing. You're constantly asking yourself how to make

a piece work, and that is not always an easy feat.

Anthropologie does an amazing job at building a lifestyle; you can't

always get that all encompassing type of experience. It's exciting when

there's a piece that you struggle with, and it is now a successfully

selling style. The company is very creative driven and outside the box.

Nothing is off limits here. If anyone could make pizza and retail work, it

would definiteley be URBN.

- Kristen Hultzapple

Associate Technical Designer

"I started with Anthropologie in the downtown office for three years, but

I moved to Kohl's and Victoria's Secret for some time before coming

back. I really liked Philadelphia as a city, and I missed the culture and

environment at Anthropologie. It's so fast paced here and there is a

special camraderie between the teams here. I like negotiating and

really seeing the product through to the end of the lifecycle.

I used to run my own pageants, but after moving here is when I

stopped. I was featured on Oprah Winfrey's OWN network in 2012,

where they featured my own pageant! It is mainly my daughter who

does them now, but I did win Miss Congeniality in a pageant and win

first runner up in another! I don't consider myself extremely creative,

but this is a little bit of creativity that I get to do with my daughter!

Don't ever be afraid of hard work...be open minded and ready to learn.

Say yes to as many opportunities as you can. Be willing to talk to

different teams to get a better understanding of what other people do!"

- Satanna Warren

Production Manager Soft Wovens

"I grew up in a small town in North Carolina. I never thought about

moving to a city. Growing up, my grandma owned so many W

magazines. That's what I grew up reading. I fell in love with the fantasy

of what fashion could be. My grandma was a huge inspiration. She'd

sew everything from clothes to minature dolls. I wanted to be like her. I

had almost gone to school for dentistry, but I ended up studying fashion


As an Anthropologie stylist, I always want to challenge the customer

and give her something different. Even if it isn't a great day in the

studio, I still love the physical act of what I'm doing even if it's just

steaming a shirt. It's mundane, but also very thereuptic. I really do think

fashion goes over the top...it is being able to express yourself without


- Christy Michal

Senior Web Stylist

"Growing up, I always liked being different, I wanted to wear things

other people weren't wearing. I loved looking through magazines and

dreaming about different things I'd want to buy and wear. As a

teenager, my mom took me to our first Greenville store, and it became

the place where my mom and i could walk around for hours.

As our brand evolves, I find myself evolving as well. The best and worst

part of my day is that no day is ever the same. We always have

something new going on, and it makes me reinvent myself.

I like that I get to meet with so many people of all areas of expertise.

One minute I'm with a buyer, and the next minute I'm talking to an

allocator. No matter what part of the role you play, to say you had a part

in making this happening is a great feeling...not everyone in retail has

that strong of a connection to their store and I'm always amazed at

what every story here produces."

- Bari Fisher

Director of Business Operations

"Working at URBN cultivated my love for jewelry design and is what

encouraged me to pursue it in my personal life. So many people here

are also pursuing their creative passions outside of work. And this

company has a beautiful way of melding those two worlds together.

Being here has helped me develop my own creative aesthetic,

especially when meeting other people with distinct visions themselves.

I am so incredibly inspired by the people I work with.

The key to inspiration, especially for our Visual team, is that we must be

open to find it anywhere...art exhibits, Pinterest, blogs, in nature, even

just walking down the street... and to have an endless sense of

curiosity in all things.

I love that my days are never the same. One day I might be working on

budgets in Excel and another day I could be wire working or dyeing

fabric. I also love that I have ownership over what I do. I have always

felt that way here. I feel encouraged and empowered to continuously

push my contributions."

- Kelly DeMott Jones

Senior Manager of Visual Operations

"I've been doing sewing for a long time. As a kid, I made all my clothes.

My shorts and shirts were just replicated with the same patterns as I

grew older! My mom was a sewing teacher in grade school and high

school. Even my son knows how to crochet... But I love it. When my last

employer closed down for good, I called one of my old friends who was

working here at URBN. Now I get to work with,let me count...one, two,

three,four other sample makers I worked with seventeen years ago! I

have my own side business doing wedding alterations too!

I remember being in this beautiful Urban Outfitters store and there it

was...one of my beautiful dresses I patterned. There is something really

special about getting to see one of my dresses in catalog or store."

- Annette Gottsabend

Pattern Marker All Brands

"What makes this company so unique is that you're literally thrown into

everything! Youre able to dabble into a lot of things and take on a lot of

responsibility early on.

I still vividly rememer the specific moment I went to the Wayne store

with my mom. Just walking in there, it was something I had never

experienced at any other retailer, from their beautiful clothes to their

bedding. There was something so warm and welcoming. The store does

a great job of making someone really feel something as they walk in.

Not many retailers can get you to do that.

Make sure to dress for the job you want and not for the job you already

have. Keep your end goal in sight! Make yourself excited to get up and

go to work!"

- Annette O'Malley

Merchandising Assistant Blouses & Skirts

"I started my career going into real estate in Florida, but I wasn't really

into it and I wanted something more creative. I met a realtor magazine

photographer and asked if I could start assisting him. I got to travel all

around the world with him. I realized this is what I wanted to do with

my life and eventually, I really felt like I could go on my own.

The people here are my favorite...I like that the brand puts heavy

emphasis on the creative process, letting you explore creativity. You

really get to learn about the brand. You see how decisions you make

affect the brand. I even enjoy just going to Jharoka or the lunch room

and saying hi to people. I love the energy...I need that positive energy to

keep me going. Not a lot of companies allow this much freedom."

- Landon McCann

Director of Photo Studio

"My family is from Ghana; fashion wasn't a career. But my mom taught

me how to sew. In Ghana, you receive fabric for your school uniform

and you have to sew it yourself. I would stare and watch her sew

thinking she was making magic. I was an economics major, not

realizing I could do this with my life. It felt like I was marrying Prince

William when I realized I could. I didn't think this job was actually


We get all the customer reviews and feedback; it feels so rewarding if

our customer loved it. Anthropologie has a high design concept, but

what I love is that my customer could be a mom or a school teacher.

We really love our customer. The decisions we make aren't just for

money, but rather because we want to make pieces that she would

want and be excited about. It doesn't matter if the trend is flattering. If

it's not on trend, but it's stunning, beautiful and we know she'll be

excited to get it, then we go for it! Considering what we charge for our

product, the Anthropologie customer is getting incredible value for her

money. We treat each piece like a collection; that's what makes it fun!"

- Beverly Schley

Senior Technical Designer

"I came to America from China in 1996 when I was 32. I was a designer

and Vice President of Beijing Fashion Institute for fourteen years. In

1987, I had the opportunity to go to Japan to study fashion. Going to

Japan opened my eyes to fashion possibilities outside of China...that's

why I came to America!

I enjoy fashion, no matter what apparel it is. For four years, I worked for

couture companies like John Anthony in New York City. That season

gave me a lot of new experience.

All the people working with me here at URBN have experience and they

make my job so easy. They have a passion to work and when they want

to finish, they want the product to to be perfect. It helps make the

process so much more efficient."

- Susan Cai

Manager of the Pattern & Sample Room

"When I was young, I dreamed of following Anderson Cooper around

the world as a traveling journalist and had no intention of going into the

retail industry. I would always ogle at Anthrpologie's elaborate window

displays but I didn't realize the company was based in Philadelphia.

Once I graduated from college, I made a habit of consistently checking

their job postings page. I initally applied for a temp role and didn't get

it. Then as fate would have it, my current role became available a

couple months later.

Everyday I am faced with a spectrum of challenges. Anything from

dealing with crazy vendors to delivery obstacles, I get to help find the

solution. I also have the to opportunity to collaborate with mutiple

teams, shadow different departments and have access to a vibrant

corporate campus. The people here are amazing, URBN attracts the

best of the best. My manager is incredibly supportive and fosters my

growth. My teammates kick ass! It's never a dull moment in our pod. I

like to think we are the definition of work hard, play hard, laugh hard. At

the end of the day I am sincerely grateful for this entry level role and

the introduction it has provided me to the insane world of retail."

- Emily Plummer

Buying Operations Coordinator Blouses & Skirts

"Growing up, my parents renovated historic home and sold them. I have

never lived a house built past 1916! When I was 11, I started working

and helping them out. At 16, I worked at an interior designer firm as the

low man, processing inventory and all, but by the time I graduated hgh

school, I had assisted in design of full homes and had my own homes

and clients that I worked with."

"I love when historic pieces meet modern functionality; I love that

juxtiposition. It's very intimate. You have to study the home and time

period of the home. I'm learning that design is a process, not an end

goal. . It can always be evolved and made better. Behind every good

design is a great product. When you're the first man on the line, you

need to make sure you're giving them the right product to design their

home.That's why I've always admired Anthropologie's visual

standpoint. Their experience of making the stoore a magical thing for

customers is so cool."

- Hudson Moore

Home Buying Intern

"I was an English and American Literature major at Harvard, minoring

in Islamic Architecture. I intended to get my Masters or PhD and

become a professor, but after graduating I needed to take time to work.

Investment bankers were recruiting on campus, and I couldn't imagine

myself doing that. Bloomingdales was there as well; I applied for a

training program making just $18,000/year. I stuck with it and loved it.

This company is unapologetic regarding creativity. That alone is the

spinal column of what we're about. It is front and center here. You see

people painting at their desk, or even hanging things off their wall! Our

customer values a a beautiful life over a flawless face. We want to give

her products that are both beautiful and effective. When I started this

department, it was just me. Now, there's nine of us!

Know that it is never too late in your career to pivot. Everything they tell

you about following your passion... it's true. Figure out what you love,

and make time to do it. Trust your gut, and follow it. It has never failed


- Catherine Moellering

General Merchandising Manager Beauty

"Since I was a little kid, I would draw little designs in class and secretly

pass them to my friends. They would rate them and then pass it back to

me. I realized very quickly that designing wasn't for me! But as I got

older, I began to grow fond of certain subjects and gain more skillsets

which I've been able to encorporate into a job within this industry.

I love the energy and vibe down here. Everyone is low key and creative.

They just want to work with you...that's what I really appreciate about

this company. And being a stylist, I can literally send an email directly to

our customer- that one on one connection is so unique. Connecting

with her is what keeps me excited about the URBN brand. There's so

much contact here that opens the door for different conversations with

such unique people."

- Caroline Dilsheimer

BHLDN Senior Stylist

"My family has owned a dairy and egg farm in Lancaster for three

generations. But even at a young age, I loved playing dress-up and

sewing clothes for my Barbie dolls. I visited Savanna College of Art &

Design (SCAD) my junior year of high school and I decided to apply a

year early. Suddenly I found myself omitting my senior year of high

school. I'm a college drop out! Then I graduated from SCAD three years


I work with the same design team now that I worked with during my

internship here. I realized finding a team you love is half the battle. Our

team especially is so tight knit and everything is hands on. There's so

much opportunity for growth! A highlight of my weeks are receiving the

catalog samples and getting to tangibly see what we've designed!"

- Khalee Kreider

Blouses and Skirts Assistant Designer

"My father was in retail as a buyer in dresses, He told me not to do

retail, but I actually fell in love with it! I've been in retail for 30 years

and it never gets boring. It's worth the hard work and everything we put

into it. It all goes back to creative and artistic element and the way you

create the product-making sure its rooted in art and never forgetting

what we stand for. This brand always pushes for that element of


Something I've learned is to never lose sight. It's the little things that

mean more than the big. It's the simple things in your day-to-day that

create and shape the beautiful product and really bring more to life

around here. You don't want to lose sight of that. Be hard working,

curious and that is what will make you successful. "

- Denise Albright

Chief Operating Officer

"I worked in bridal for a while after interning with Anthropologie, but I

quickly realized that I wanted to come back here . I love the product

here, who our customer is and even their values. I honestly didn't know

much at all about Anthropologie until I started!

I never thought I'd be here, but I did know I wanted to do something in

fashion! I was so happy when I got accepted for my internship here that

I was crying. And when I got to come back, I cried again! My sister even

has a picture of me in tears with my hands up to my face!"

- Melissa McFadden

Product Development Assistant Dresses and Skirts

"I started life as a psychology major. I practiced law, but there was a

creative side of me that hadn't fully been given a voice. I'm very

analytical, but my creative side wasn't being honored. I found I needed

that on a daily basis--bringing beauty to people as a part of my job. I'd

always been doing it on the side, so I decided to open my own store,

selling home crafted jewelry and artisanal accessories. I later closed

that store and went back to school for interior design.

Anthropologie has always provided great product and understood the

integrity of branding and customer experience in terms of it being a

lifestyle brand. I was longing for a place that inspires me as a company.

Anthropologie honors the artist, and not just the fine visual artist. They

bring creativity out of everyone and it helps people express themselves,

whether its personally or in home fashion specifically. We have such a

unique brand and voice. It's special seeing our customers feel so


- Abby Birk

Home Personal Stylist King of Prussia

"When I was looking for schools, I assumed fashion would only be "just

for fun" on the side of my career, but I found myself gravitating toward

art school. Then I began to realize, 'Wait! I really can do this as a real


Some of what I've gotten to work on this summer is fabric selection,

illustration sketches, color and production meetings,and indigo dye

different pieces. But the team dynamic has been really important and

my team has just been super supportive. If someone's having a bad

day, there's always somebody who is willing to be their personal

cheerleader at work. These are people who really do care about one

another and hang out together on weekends! And I really like working

with the other teams like product development, print and color. You get

to see all the different parts come together here at home office."

- Alexis Giger

Structured Wovens Intern

"When I was really young, I wanted to be a fashion designer in New

York. More recently, I wanted to be a buyer, but now I'm seeing how

much I enjoy the operational side too. I have a entrepreneurial spirit. My

sister and I have this dream of opening our own boutique in the future...

I've realized how much Anthropologie really focuses on our customer.

The company makes decisions curated around who she is and what

she will want and value. You really see people constantly bringing it up

and discussing it together. Just in general, Anthropologie is so open to

new ideas and new direction for the brand. There's so much creativity!

Everyone has a voice and is listened to. It has been so cool for the

sample coordinators to create our role as leaders and make a voice for

ourselves here."

- Brittany Hirl

Samples Coordinator

"I always knew I wanted to be in design. My grandad used to design

ceramics. My dad gave me his portfolio and I used to draw those

designs. I knew I always wanted to do something creative. But in

London, you specialize so early in college. You literally don't study

anything else. All four years, I just did design.

The brand is special; it feels like you're walking into the flea market

and discovering pieces that are so unique..we surprise people in that


My manager helped me change my career and try something beyond

pure design. Switching roles opened my mind to the possibility of

changing careers and getting a bigger picture of how everything works

here. I communicate with so many different people now. It's opened my

eyes to how massive production is at Anthropologie."

- Sarah Ng

Senior Print Developer

"I was an English major in college, but I always knew I wanted to do

fashion. I think I knew early on that I wanted to. I mean, all my

internships were fashion related. Even now, my favorite part of the

process is finalization and seeing what the designers show back. It

feels like our own fashion show!

Growing up, my mom and I would go to Anthropologie. It was our

weekend thing for us, to go shopping there. I still feel the same way

entering the store now, it really is stepping into something special.

Anthropologie has an ability to continually evolve yet still remain the

core of who they are. This feels like the store I grew up in. It just has

such unique product that you really cannot find anywhere else."

- Nicole Kelly

Assistant Buyer Blouses & Skirts

"When I first started school, I was in graphic design. I changed my mind

and switched to business marketing. I had always been into art; I loved

to draw, paint and doodle. My parents said they were expecting this

decision already! I enjoy doing smaller creative projects on the side at

home. I love to experiment with polka dots, stripes and patterns. I think

I'm more into all that now because I have a daughter!

I like the support that production is able to provide. You really get to

witness how the style starts from beginning and where it eventually

ends up. We get to work with teams on all ends of the product lifecycle.

We really all have to work together, with all the different fits arriving. My

favorite part of the week is the Design Flow meeting. Whenever there's

a problem or an issue arises, everyone gets on the same page and puts

their heads together to make it all work out. "

- Ha Na Cha

Production Assistant Blouses and Skirts

"When I was young, I wanted to work at the dry cleaners! I loved how

the clothes came out. I think I've always loved clothes and the trends. I

remember each decade by how badly I wanted the trends like neon

sweaters or Guess jeans!

I had originally started off as an engineering major, but I ended up

graduating with an accounting degree. I was a manager at an

accounting firm for awhile! I was able to transition into buying at Henri

Bendel and then Barneys later. When I first applied here, I didn't realize

how big the brand was! I had always felt like I was shopping in a small

boutique. I was here for a year, but I left for awhile to design a

collection that I actually sold to Anthropologie while focusing on my kids

and family. When my schedule opened up seven years later, I knew I

wanted to come back. I've been back for a year! I love that it's never

boring here. I'm always inspired by something new, and my schedule is

never set in stone. We always ask ourselves, 'How is this going to be

different? How can we do bigger and better?' We try to maintain the

'only through Anthropologie' lense. "

- Melissa Thompson Charatz

Senior Buyer Blouses and Skirts

"I grew up in a small town in Michigan, so the closest Anthropologie

was two and a half hours away from me. I remember my first

Anthropologie store experience.I was just in awe of all the details, and I

felt like I was in a museum. I needed to see every single piece. A lot of

customers don't realize how handmade everything in store really is.

Each store is architecturually and aesthetically unique. We must always

be thinking about what can inspire her and make her feel beautiful.

I started working for Anthropologie straight out of college as an Atlanta

market store display coordinator. The trajectory was unknown at the

time for me, but I did know I wanted to be a part of the idea generation

at the company home office. Being a display artist in store is such an

amazing opportuunity that we offer; it allows individuals to hone in on

skill sets that they already love. I fell in love with a specific window

prototype; i quickly i fell in love with papercutting because of the

influence Anthropologie had on my personal work."

- Katherine Lundburg

Display Manager

"In high school, it was with my art teacher that I realized I wanted to do

something creative and artistic. I really wanted to live in the city and

build my design career. There were only a few computers available

then. They were all very traditional and manual, but by the time I

graduated, computers had taken off! I think it's simply pencil and paper

though, that really stretches your mind. That is why Anthropologie is

such an amazing place to work. Touch of hand is in our DNA. Ever detail

in our garments has an element of touch.

I was with the company when we had less than fifty stores. We worked

in Center Ciy on 17th and Locust in an old mansion. I shared an office

with my designer...it was a converted bathroom! But we're not a "slick"

company. Our customer is the type of woman who would write us a

thank you note and personally put it in her mailbox; an email simply

wouldn't do. There is a personal, authentic relationship with our

customer; she's our friend and genuinely looks to us to guide her. "

- Carolyn Keer

Senior Creative Director of Brand Voice

"My mom was a microbiologist, my dad a doctor and my sister a

physical therapist! It was cool seeing the personal love of my mom

become a profession and love for me. I've been here twelve years; I

started as an associate buyer for dresses and pants. Back when I

started, we used to throw a mini party every time a new store opened!

Buying is my favorite area; it works the left and right brain. There is

definitely a creativity and design to it. At the end of the day though, it's

about the financials and margin and making the business tick. It's

about using style and fashion to drive that business. And we don't

provide a single fashion perpective, but we touch on a handful of

different girls and mix it up, allowing her to interpret them for herself.

Something my dad said has always come back to me...that once I get

comfortable, it's time to move ahead. Never get too cozy, so to speak.

When I push myself and it's uncomfortable, that is when the new doors

begin to open."

- Nicole Sewall

General Merchandise Manager, Apparel and BHLDN
