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The Fairfield news and herald (Winnsboro, S.C.).(Winnsboro...

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V f ' ' I .. ^ '" ' '/ ' ^ .""' ..-^ r.,.|- .","n.r « = . : : . . r.;.r- 7 . ! 7 ~~~ . :>< VOT XI HI WIXXSBORO. S. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1886. . NO.15. -i '> 0 .:-iUU .«>' --ir " :J m mm wmaamagam aweapgnaweaege .o w a.aan I A POLITICAL GE3ltTER)V j i HOW TZiL fASUASTjBLittiST* A l'i ULK i .v\v» casser. I Tin' OiJ s:i'pji;n-.-:vn«* to ;;:i- l*rr»i<ivi«ey Turned a >ur<- gcZ-.ion --£.».'«»«!>!;.- SWiT » A - 'd I HI t>2 In BSightis; (Letter !o the.«"cw Votk.-v^n.) Washington*, November 2..From the j time of JohiKAt^ijas,. lUirii tiie . tralion of Amfr&iKfifes.£o:i,. tl/c sl??ne* j was the steppiug-»tonc.;io ihe PresiuenHr cv.-' -Jefferson, \Mauiscre,- Moflrcw and"} j. ^' John Quiucy Adams, had beta Secr*}ta-; ries of State. Van Buren, though he : had the j>ortfoIio of the StAio *Vp?.r»-1 < ment during Jackson's first term, sispped " . - from. the, Vic.e-PresiUeni's choir in the Senate chamber to the head of the tabic j in thc*V>*]::te House.J "With a single ex- j eeptiimofSadi^ar?, iid ;nau. sinc'j»Van ! Burets, iipie.hjis. bcea elects*! to .the.1, Prpsidfcn^ wici fcwl ^previously aserruH iii a Cabinet, though (General Grant had | j been in charge of the ;.Var Department, j, temporarily during Johnson's aumniis- i iration. A number of very able men ^ who had served as Cabinet officers were nominated fdr^the Presidency. Clay, .' Crawford, "^VVister, CaVi and J&uhe j l wei'e of Has iramber, ami ;.x:k: all do-,' feated. Indeed, for very many years it ij has seemed as much o: a barrier in the j' way to the White House to have been a :1 f Cabinet member as to have served m-tne iJ Senate. No manias ever oeen ciicseu ; President from among,the Senators, a: d<J since "Lincoln's time "nq one lias either .< been" nominated or elected Vvlio bad at 3 any previons time in hi* career .served in, * tke Senate. 2Iore and more the temlen-j< the people as pcssll^e m cnoosmg can- [ -tiidates for the executive cliice. The]] history of the career'of Cabinet1 .officers |' < for the last half century seems to indi-' 1 -7 eate not oni^ that the cSiee is alrapsi! fatal to 'any higher aspirations, but, {"^ v>ms* rtiHiazkabiv. has 'culminated the ; political careers ox nearly all those who j-3 j have acted.-asiadvisors for trie- PresKJehfe: .5 If tlie record of those wlio Lave been j: CVoijjfV^i%crs $iK^»3y&iaorg,.s$ itili-:1 eates that ar seat- ia the Cabinet- is the r i climax of tfce/p$lic life of who f< ^ hold it. Xol alfraya£ ,bn|" ins i^nfjy all i cases, this "can-l^-h^^ to-be' truef H The historian, George Bancoft, is tlie j * only living representative of an adaci^- t^ istration prior to 1850. Bancroft was Tin < original member of President Polk's j ' Cabins*. /«J&pg , sjtfj oiiiee /*>:«\v "i'prurv- * years^gii |t^4. tjpe ;«Ba$J 1 crofts ]$>iitje|i |career, ^Shuiigh he! < aft^TOrfi^tepreJ&iit&i the g'o^tniienf[( at one oi the .European Comis^aiU^iiitic^ which he was induced to accept mainly p' because of, * £uc it aiibrded 1 for Hstoricai research*. With an escop- j tion of one or two of the .. } Mr..Baehny.an.s.Cabinet^. who -espoused tiie Co'nfede&to side, there are iieiu?. ^ ) alive, and-^ of Mr. Lincoln's original: ( Cabinet only one is lefD-vith us. Thisisrl J k / General Cameron, wflby ihofc^L-. IS Ina;. m &th year, retains his keenness of Intel- i* H. lect, and his- accurate pcrw»r of <judging r1 nien and events. General Cameron c served in the Senate, is is tcnei - Id? two k terms after Le retired from Lincoln's! * Cabinet, but had been a Senator four- "1 ^HL^tccn years fofiqxplie. en^eu.. He. had j,-1 been a possi&je ^.uc£t£*t-e |o$ iyfe TfiSoi? ?< l^fcics^in 18l!ct ij ^Kvfib<^u toil.' to-Viiy. tt]i& tjoa^secj^ Hndy Johnsons CibhieL? E^ikvt©fcor« Sire, Iield the oiliee of Attorney-General: J Kr a sfccirt ihne, ancVEvarts has since \ H1'1- 85 Secretary of State under Mjayes, doubtless regards aconcat="ti Bftiation of events as possible in the 1 BSiture which will permit hie: to. ^deliver : Hi inaugural on the east step's* "of the 1 Hlipitol two and half years hence. But ! where are the^ others? 3IcC alio ugh has j 1 ^r>-»r>nr!>rv:Seeretarv of the Treasu- i J rv again, but. only to iUi au -emergency I that occurred during, ArJbur s/admkasr. Of General Grant's first Cablr^,! Washburn, who Las since dreamed oi"!1 being President, cultivates, a :Hfcr~o£^ elegant leisure;- iarHHnois. Hamilton L Fish is living in retirement in New York, f ' - George f3qutv>eM is law ! L. befor^tWtpairt of Liai^*,and ik the Treasfe$J ^fct-aytmcn^j c-y$r jyvJiiql -^o I H' used to preside. Ebenezer lu Soar js [ Bl practicing law in Boston. His career in pp. the Cabinet was such thall tlie v -ivould not cohlinn his nomination lor'j Thief Justice of the Supreme bench. Secor Robeson is $ political bankrupt | aid a petty lawyer in Camden. Colcm-1 V bus Delano is a farmer in Ohio, Bristc x a lawyer in 2s ew York, and the only one j of thrift all-who has now aplaceof- conr j HHN^°"&equenee and honor is Don Cameron, i now a United States Senator^ yOiQ for a few months was General-'Grinfs Secretary of War. Belkaap was dismissed in v disgrace. : £ What shall he said of -Hayes's bogus Cabinet? With the exception oi Evarts and Sherman, every one ci'theia .-Ijas g Jk lapsed * intc 'cbsccrityl Even Carl j ® 2£.-»~'o Tfliov<vi'hn'nfj?flre> unknown. Mc-i .gujKMHft O r* ,, . n Oreerv is a justice in onexJT ! Bfc tnitect states districts. JDevecs is a | B Sate judge in ^Tassaciiusetts. Key is a [ V H United States judge £» jqzjsj of t£e »fqu£f> f > 5n distncte/ 1§cfitas| filled nbws- [ K j*per odi^ryfiatted &s~4. lartgxratify^ahd I Wk <eturer, and is believed to be earning j H £i bumble living in some railway comH Pay's employ. Thompson is Relieved H to be earning a living as counsel for |& I^seps; little Gfoft, who succee&pd I Xfcmpsbn, i§. a liembei; 6i! tuo flower Btfc£&se, and a very'inconspicuous one. Wf Of Garfield's Cabinet, Six.- Blaine, of course, lias a possible future; but poor V old Kirkwood is forgotten, except l«v nis WF neighboring fanners in Iowa, and "they i pf are going tc-send'liim Lack to Congress. Y/ayne 3IcVeag'a is practicing law in H Fiiiiaddphia; .1 iGenewk! Barnes is-'i£ biuSfcer in'New York; Lincoln is a lawyer in wjv Chicago, and Windom is trying to make Wfc a^j^ure in New York. He suffered al> Wr s#£e political; banlxupt^ ..uri account of his short cure;. in the Cabinet. Hunt I General Arthur's Cabinet has only one representative now in public Hie. Teller' t was fortunate enough to, step .from the Interior Pcixirttcent info the Senate, but vithtdl the. supposed iniuence the Navy Department; Secretary Chandler| tnrec times failed.to secure election as 1 United States ^enaior. i' - > .r'li'Vi:::, > .Sfoacwall .Jak&son ne*er; pcstfetl. a letter Tvidjout^ <SiIeiilai -ug: ?vlic.iU4r it wo^iW MY^toUraMel oB^Sa^a^loMeaeii its place of destination^ and* i: so he H^^^voTild r^ot mail'it till- ^foaV.ay teeming. "^SES further did lie carry his ^Paritanica observance. - Unnumbered times he was Ichown to receive important letters so I . late on Saturday night that he would I not break his fixed resolution never to E use his eyes, wiueii were very aencate. B bv artitlcial liglit: Le would ©any the I .letters in his-pocket HH Moiiaay'morning, then rise with.the sun *> read thein: Ihe gcff«a»n u^ pays ;.r)ut ^7,1)00 in eyciy' ,; gjtf mmjuLMjjm ' wmurim rumpccar mm, hij.jl SYOIVEKS O.N STEAMSHIPS. rfaiaro of tin* Li\rs of ,»!en U lio Work J ijnrc to Goo«j i'lirpow. "How loug'uo stokers live?'' asked a | Tribune rf-]>orter. of an engineer of one j oi the swiftest ocean racers that ply be-1 twecn lUis countrj; and Eoglaiid. <;A« ]<»'iK».s*sttnvlxj(]v." was the uiiex-! pdGted reply. , ; "Eow do they like'their work?" "If they don't like their work, they get,out: Uic-i'c are^plenfcy willing to take t-ueir^iiaci'.-''' wafe^tae fcnsweftv' But it is hard to persuade the average landsman that the stoker's ;ftfe is not shortened by : constant espoShre'. fp the 'extremes "of j fe^ipeKi'iire. TrabVAllan tic passengers \< h6 Lave "braved fhe^intehse heat of the furnaces uml visited the fire room won- il-n Lo>'jagu can endure such a life even i'or^a. roViigo. The stokers work four hours at a stretch, hemmed in between two long linos'*# furnaces that1 keep the temperature ordinarily at 120 degrees* ;ODieti:ncs sending it as high as 1G0. The space between the furnaces is so narrow that when the men throw in coal thoy must tiki* caret, vxen. they" swing bofck th(ir Iho vols/-lekfc they should burn their arms on the furnaces behind them. The only n;eans of ventilation is one large, air pipe that reaches down into the L-entre oi tiic stoicers quarters, ami on x big steamer the men have to -take the | iir ii batches. On a great ocean steam- [ er like the Cmbria, the meii come on ii g;cags or eighteen stokers ami, twelve 2oai passers, and the "watch" lasts four hours. The Umbria has 72 furnaces, tviiieh require nearly 350 tons of coal a ilay, at a cost of almost 820,000 £>er voyige. "One hundred and four men are employed to man the furnaces, and they have enough, to do. They include the ;hief engineer, Lis three'assistants, and Liinety stoke rs and coal passers. The stoker comes on to work wearing ] ?nly a tain undershirt, liglit trousers uiiwooue? shees^Qnrtiie Umbria each H &&vr* tends lour furnaces. /"He first rakes open the furnaces, tosses in the joal, and then cleans the fire; that is,. ^ries the coal apart Tvith a heavy iron xix, in order' that' the fire may bum free- , y. He Wishes from one furnace to j mother,; spending perhaps two -or three ] iunutgs at each. Then he dashes to the : lir pipe, takes' his -turn at coolings oft md waits for another call to his furnace, : 5-hich conies speedily. t When the i'.gatch-. is. ovez, the men shuMe clt', j Iiipping^iths^-eatli-Q^ Ijcad-. to *oot, j ;iijcu$h Song,: cold gaiferies to |he fore- iastlo,< wliei-e'- they turn in 'for eight! i lours. Pour hours of scorching and |, :ight-hours' sleep make up the routine a;stokxirs*life on a voyage. . The reporter ran across a group of iJ ' * "r"tt ^' ' 1 3- *t jlJ m ai^t .Tiau-a jvaum fifei (H-e ofgl&ml \'f f#4$p $&jas a| i fc>&.p&sser.$'Seii I ifas fc&iteea jsirsl; )id, %^hc salcfr ffTlien *1 got to be "a! ,^jkpr.. j-i^g T am now twenty-eight." ( rhe speaker was about six feet in height, ind weighed Impounds or mojte. : /-His ace was ruddy with health, and his eyes .< xAined with goodnature.;. His robust ippearance.was in strong co ntrast to that! ( soike of Lis mates .who had just. land? id from a voyage, a pale, streaked < out, istless-iookiiig set of .men. i :${<)* do we stand the work'? YveU ' ?nough if we get plenty to eat. But the J ,tork-is£eixibrnhdi& all tl»e 'same:.ft- ;omes hardest, of course, on those "who lonli follow- it regularly. They are the fellows who get played out so badly. I imrd once of a young English doctor sho came over here on a visit,. He got! ;and; xnj& tiiat prbjjd that le wouldn't sejid home for soiue. ie-worked- hiswiy back'as a stoker, and 1'; rot a sickness that ;he c./uld never get | -1 id of. But if we get plenty to eat, and j; ;ake care of ourselves, we ar3 all right. Here's a mate of mine nearly seventy old, who has been a stoker all his ife, and can do as good work as I can. Stokers nevc-r have the consumption, .rf.l T^Vplv ^:siVh colfl." ''Why do you, appear more healthy :han the-other men -here?" asked the reporter. r""WeIL I have been on land now^about :\yo weeks, and these men just oaiue off :he shi;j. 1'uu see, when we finish cuy aatch at the furnaces, we are just coycr:-d with sweat, dirt and oil, and we have t-t>- wash- the stuff off with warm water. Washing so much with warm water gives ns that streaked out look that makes people thin,k *we .areTbe'ing killed^ with K>teumufi<aiJ j But after we have-been.' « >. : a iiLi n_ J-Ij-_-J "i on Jana tnrc£> or logxj^'^ajwis^+vioie uis-j; appears, "-^md "the men lock natural 1 again. We get more ventilation than fljgdjjjfl juaiers used to get. but we don't Have any too ranch. I tell 70*, vvhen I used to go down into the tropics I v/ante:d to_keep under the air' pipe'all I could! XoV 1 go to England and l>ac£v and have four furnaces to tend. Four hours is just iVuc-ut as xnudi as can stand before the fires. Ifcnses soxne of ike. men up so badly tuat when the watch is over they ean'iust orawl to the forecastle, and throw themselves on their bunks without washing a bit. But others of us don't mind it so much. We heat our water, take a wash, and then have a pipe or two before forming in/"' "What do v:o adt whd drinkt:! *!! ' We Have hash, all the oatmeal we want, cOilee other good things." "Sow about.the |gj:og2". _ - . 4 *Wett vthe ^ciis. that' tEe' grog was rtflF ahnnt. piprilt VP..1TS a«0 OU she English and American lines. The fcruth is the men got drunk too much, and grog did them much harm. "When I used to take my grog I'd work just like a lioh while the effects lasted. 14 throw in coal like a dant'oad' net-mind the heay'a hit j-"bat when it worked off, as'it did in a*very«. few. minutes, 'I was that weak that -a child could upset me. Take a n}an':clgad drank before the fires, and the be^^rdulcrsober hiip. off-in half ! an tour" or " a ctro*e ef apoplexy. CCLo 'i;.rencli lilies still' give their; nibu grog.. I have seen "big tanks \ on their ships tilled "with brandy, rum: and wine, jJI for tlie m. stokers." Tlie French are .great fellows for that. Their men look strong, but I think it muS$ Iiurt them. We: get g;-og occasionally' now whtis ws aixf" having a race, and Hicrt xr.a s-^-rc- it;.' T remember one race we had about a year ago with a Doming ion'ihail steamer- She. got ahead, our. captuiu was. mighty ar.^ious to", beat her. So he sent down grog to us, and 1 told us to fire up like mad. Well, we ! did until we learned that we were ahead, i Then-v.e took a rest. Down cornes the captain with another Jot of grog. Tire r her up, coys,' yells he, ahd we. , did fire her up like lions, until we were ahead ! aaruiu..* sWe.kaptthat tip for'three days, and got itii the grog we wanted. But Scully Vc* let her beat us, as the grog playeiTus out ioo much. But we don't often have s ich-rantis that'," stoker added, as he strolled aboard ship. A happy couple from the ruiai districts oecupiea.front seats at Heuck's in Cincinnati. and after the falling of the curtain on the second act the young fellow placed his -'arm around-the' neck "of the girl, and/ as .Hie end man "would sir; -kissed-her smack in the mouth." AE eyes were now on the pair, and they were loudly applauded; 1 >ut sefused .to respond to an^coier THE \0\ KWBKK EI.ECTIO.Y*. South Carolina All Solid. Democratic bws in Other States. Tlie election" on the 2nd instv resulted in a Democratic triumph in South Curo- una. mere was no oppusiuuii c in the counties of Berkeley and Chesterfield, where there was an Independent ticket, and in the Seventh Congressionr 1 District, where the contest was; between Col. Wm. Elliott, ^Democratic nominee, and Ivobert Smalls,. the nugro incumbent. The Democratic ticket won in Berkeley. as' also in Chesterfield. Latest returisjy the election of CoL Elliott over Bob Smalls. ..OIHEKSTAXiiS. Great interest all along centered on the city of- Xenv York, where there were three candidates for mayor. Henry George, the well known writer1 on political econ""" tt-oc r>/vrv>ivi.-ifn;! l\V t.llA TVvinor ITill] Democrats. The Tammany Democrats nominated Abram S. Hewitt, whose services'in the campaign of 1876, and for some terms in Congress, have made him prominent-in tiro- party. The Kopnblicans nominated Theo. Roosevelt-, a wealthy young man who distinguished himseif in his three years' service in the State Legislature by active efforts and great success in reforming Jong-standiug abuses: -in. the Government of New - York fiitv. Fow t>ersons seriouslv thought fcliafc Henry George -would be elected, but that lie miglit receive votes enough to make the contest elose between other candidates. It-was thought his votes would be drawn principally from the Democrats. Both Democrats and Republicans were confident uf success. The probabilities.' however appeared to be in favor of Hewitt's election. Of the Mugwump papers,-the Post has vigorously supported Roosevelt. Eighteen out Df twenty-four aldermen elected are Democrats. The city complete, with t!>e Deception of one election district, shows the. following vote: Roosevelt 00,392, Hlwift George 67,CD?;- ^ardwell 574. In other States the chief notable re- suits arc the changes .in the Virginia lelegation, -which will: stand six Republicans, three Democrats,, and one Labor man. In tiie eighteenth district of Illinois Morrison is defeated by Jehu Baker, Republican.owing, it is said, to Morrison's free-trade \iews. It .was at first thought that- Speaker -Carlisle' was defeated-by George H. Thoebe, a woodnnrl ITAifi'hfc At'- T.flKnr* 'hilt, tllA last returns -give Carlisle the victory bv i few hundred majority-.-' " ; ! * ' Further reports'are given in the dispatches published beloVv*1" ";:-: Wasimngtox, November 4..Edward Mc'Phersoiij -Secretary 'of the Republican Dongresaional. Committee, makes the fo! 'owing compilation-;from returns -rec&iv&l ap to 1) o'clock this evening of the political iompkxion at tlve .youse of Kepresenta,ives of the Fiftieth Congress: Returns so far as. received .indicate the ?lectio'n of 154 Republicans, 139 Democrats, live Labor and Independent. six ioubtful and one vacancy; tofail, 325'. Tlie "doubtful" are one in Illinois Landes), one in Kentucky (Carlisle). one in Ohio (Campbell), and three in Mississippi Tl.> T-Vlirvr ViiliUJf, UiV'VCi aau «:iUU>3Ui (. Jk , Mid Independents are one in Florida fPen-! lleton), one- in "Indian* (Marsh). one in [owaAnderson), one in Virginia (i Iopkins), \nd one .in. Wisconsin .(SmiUiV if uxc Democrats get four of the doubtful they will have 163, or a majority of the House, Mr. McPherson says the attitude of the Democracy toward ,tfcc yrusent administnr- j LiomS si mil; i r to that of the Republicans to-1 card the aiimijiistratian of Bresiiisnt Iiayc>>, md that many dissatisfied Democrats voted :he Labor ticket. Lul>or, he thinks, will be m organized Taction in the political contests 1 r 1 3 *' " ^ 1\A yi me iuiure. ami me iuuui > utt wu^ Laken into serious consideration. Phil. Thompson, Secretary of tfie Democratic Committee, says the Democrats will Siave a £00(1 working majority in the House. xevy yokk. New Yokk, November 4..Considerable imcertaiiily attends'the election in the Third Congressional District. "Deacon A". "While, Republican, haj been credited with the vie: tofV until-'to-day. "Bill. Democrat.: novf leads ."White 1U voteig, w^th two districts' tp hear frym. _ KfcW I!AMi'SIUUK. Coxcoiii), N. II., November 4..The election of McKehny, Democrat, to Congress in the First District over' Haynes. Republican,; is conceded toy a plurality of ^ibout 130. - Thi< is Vr ; iemo«-ratlc gam of one fflsmbc4-, and equally divldes'tlie New Hampshire delegation. "I)ARK PLACE*. i Kaleh:ii, 2s*ovcniV»r 4..rijie Second Cc^grc'isi^uai District carried', by the Republicans.Abbof (colore*!)-being electcd. S.taui't.ox; Ya.; November 4.-;TiiC Republican majority continues to grow in the Tenth E<i$inci. Yo§t, for- Congress,- now c&ima34*0^. Diajont\v *. Vnifs^Mawirig'-is$ rotuia*^ combed with tue Republicans. In Rhode Island V-l -l- i. 41.» L< 1 Ti:. inert.' wi;u tMCiruun »' iuc ocwuu i/wtrlct, tiicsAVGUiJjitioji ^pdidate potting enough vot&To pVbvQnt cuner Democratic or Republican candidates from obt-un:n£ a majority: " ' v U ' I / .Uiob0SS, <?ain. -. §ta4;X i>: ir. Alabama' 8 .. .. Arkansas 3 CaliforniaC;. -3. ''' »i ' 5 fCoip,3fadQ 1 .. i o;mecticut 3 l Delaware .,1 Florida Georgia .10 Illinois S 12 . 'J Indiana i (* * * t « 3; T/-»Tn<i 1 ' 'A k Kansas..'.....:.'...!) 7 Kentucky . .v....... 8 6 .. 2 Louisiana .v:..' 6 ... 1 Maine.0 Maryland .*... 3 1 ...... Massachusetts 4 -a 4 Michigan 3 6 .. 2 u; vj . fx }* * ~MlIlZlt2fttt<9.V-. t.*' Mississippi 7 0" Missouri.....,.'.. . 12 2 .. . ^ Nebraska. 1 2 "1 Xevada . .> / - f .vft f' ' I New Hampshire...., 1 i , A. New Jersey........T 2 3 .1 New York;.. 20 .. ' } North'Carolina.'...... 8. 1 , Ohio.G l-~, . ... w ii5; Oregon I,'- - it*r& 1 1 - Pennsylvania. %... 8 * 20 EJiodeIsland U l South Carolina -. 7 .. Tennessee . 8 2 I Texas.... .....11 'Vermont u 3 ; .. Virginia.-. 8" 7 .. 3 'West Virginia -J 1 .. . Wisconsin 3 (' .1 ..." 173 141) 14 24 The Jiew county rotary jail at Cuunou -Blujfis became locked Monday morning by some disarrangement of the machine- ry, and no prisoners could be taken out nor any admitted. A'large force of men were at work all day on the machinery, but the trouble was not removed until Tuesday morning. It happened to strike Mrs. Watkins oi Ironton; Mo., one day last week that he: husband hadn't been home for three day; *'and nights. She decided that a searcl I* ought to be made, and he was found a ; the bottom of ah old shaft at the base o: Pilot Knob, rather hungry, but still ii '.hopes that something would turn up. THE MIfKVJGJIT st X.^ V. L'rre P<ronk- Co to Ep.i1 in Broad. j **"" A t'otrf Fourth of.!a!v." ' Tve^-been across the ocean idore times! than I carp to. toll, anil I knov.^ London almost as "well as I do Philadelphia, Lat I have never been in Northern Europe be- i'ore this summer," said ex-Attorney General Brewster to a Philadelphia; Times reporter. "I left Here on tlie 12th oi' June and arrived in London on the 21st. I -went up to Hull on the 23rd, and on tlie 24th I joined the ship Angelo, and after a very smooth and pleasant passage arrived at Christian sand, in Xorway, on the following Sunday. It's a very interesting old place. I went to church there. It's a clean, nice style of Norwegian town. The people are very quiet, nicely behaved, plain and simple. Monday was passed in Christiania, a town of considerable importance. I siayed there one dav and went by rail up x :m j.1. . X' K> iJlfOIlllJCIU, LiiU Uili CUpitill Ui. way, which at one time was the largest and "wealthiest town in Norway. It had at one time. many monasteries and churches. I was there three days. In Throndjein is the cathedral in all Norway. It was founded in 1016 by St. Olaf, and on the ground where he ^was buried the present building was erected in 1151 and completed in 1210, and was enlarged m ioUU. 'i'lie catneurai is a very interesting work of gotliic arelii- tectare.. It was damaged three' or four centimes ago by lire, and in .rebuilding ft large walls' were erected, winch changed the architectural appearance of the structure.v It is now being restored with very much pains and care. There was an annual fair beirg held in Throndjem while I* was there, and it was filled with specimens of farmers and working people. It was held in an open street. It was quite crowded, and everything was orderly and quiet, and all of the people appeared to be comfortable, well dressed, sturdy, vigorous and simple in their ways, and a very lionest people. The fair was lield lyr business and friendly intercourse. All the time I was in Norway I saw no dirty poverty, no beggars, no tramps or idle, worthless people. The farms all appeared to be thoroughly taken care of. Everything around the house was kept in good order. Farms were in perfect condition. The houses -were clean and comfortable, and small and unpretending. All the women are plain looking but vers- vigor- pus, and they are quiet and clean and mild in their ways. They look as if they were exposed to hard work, and they have a healthy, comfortable, satisfied look. The men had a sturdy, manly-, look. They look like people who have no wealth and they appeared to be all on a social level. There seemed to be no ; distinction between them, but they wear au aii- of independence. I-saw no drunken people there and heard no noisy people. It-is a very peaceful place. Throndjem is "built of wooden houses, good broad streets, well paved, and has plenty of : good shops. > The suh reaches its uppermost point j on the-1st of June. I got in Throndjem at 7 o'clock in the morning on the 29th of June. There was no night. It was broad daylight at midnight. There was scarcely any darkness. The sun ; shone night and day. The people went , to bed regularly at an early hour, with ; the sun shining, and' closed their shut- ters and jralled down their curtains and \ slept, and tie town vqs as quiet as if tlie ^ night was totally dark. After leaving Throhdjein I took a ship named after 1 some ancient Norwegian king, and in [ company with fifty or sixty other tourists, all people of respectability and intelligence, and men from' different nations. There were twenty-two Ameri- cans, the rest were natives ox France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweeden and England. "V\*e went up the coast to Tromso and then to Hammer- fest," the most northern to^n in the world. I saw the high mountains and the whole coast ^11 the way" up to the North. car^, the extreme northern point of Europe, I arrived on the -1th of July. It \yas a cold, wet day. The climate is} harsh, cold and wet, rainy and fl*r,p. | Wlien it's not raining t-llCre is a lieav} mist. I'iie ^Orth cape or, a point of !ahu at least 1;£00 ieei above the level Cn ^hc When I was at the North capc the sun was obscured with clouds, At .12 o'clock at night the sun was visible .for a time. In "winter it is dark there ne?>xly all day, as well as all night. I returned by the same towns, but through different waterways. The whole of the navigation was protected by land, therefore the sea was mild, we were surrounded by immense mountains, covered with s*\qw. Cm my return to Throndjem $ went across Norway through a country iw^ ' ih was filled with lakes, high moun"Ufcinfl and green valleys^ cascades and falls, and farms well cared for. It all had a solitary and bleak appearance. People were making the most out of what t&.ej had. but their life was evidently a'hard one. The railway stations are »'11. ai rv 4" ni'/i SUppxieu NYiiiix uutii tvivclean and with 2,b.iUiuance of good and wholesome food and fruit and wines at reasonable pviQcs. The traveler is treated honestly. TliC women attend these eating houses generally. They are all quiet women, pleasant and prompt." * / , ; .. Xf»x=z^-r « Frrnrj^ 4iiUj,vay Alen-Alarrnrd. | According to the. J^ench press the French railway _<*)riipailie&are in alarm. iThp.v liava-lonff had the raono'Ddlv of English fou lists making for t-19 itfvifera, and. in c'daseotfenee, peiphaps, there is no Continentalniare. illiberally man-! aged tdaii H^-^oh; ;connect« Calais with- tii£. French capital. They hav^. had, too.-almost a monopoly of jfch& glish feaffie- -wifli Milan vi^^gouoaSahd the St. Gfothard, this has' developed unexpectedly fcot£ m goods'^d passengers.' They afe'mo'st ..att\ioas joQ^tin; both. couple pf'. days^p -4l^lwn£* of the Belgians arrived at Calais incogtiito, having crossed over" from. Dover' in the Victoria. TSp'passage." was made, with an adverse- tide, in. Co Minutes. .The King's object'tfas to judge for himself whether better beats might not; be put on The mail service between Ostend and Dover. Lf this could be done part a? tn.o tlivnno-li flint -now takes the route of Laon and Tergxde? might be deflected and the Aelgian lines divide it with the French. Competition is always healthy, and the press is already calling on the Government to push forward the work of deepening the port of Calais.. I'aii vrazeue. A c-idr was killed in ZionviUe, Pa., one morning, the skin was at tlie tannery by noon, was tanned and turned over to a shoe-maker that evening, and by the next morning was made into a pair of boots which were worn by the man who a-wa/I 4."I> /\ norl Ti*Ai«n flm clrin w ilt'U IIIV UiJH lliOiV axih»v n VAJU Uiv the day before. r .Men are being paid .$2 per day to circulate petitions for the pardon of the I convicted Chicago Anarchists, and they I are securing many names, t A brakeman on the Delaware and Hud[ son saluted an exclusion party with the i warning, ''Gents, take partners for th( tunnel.*' " FATHER. YOU Mi'ST MB.** The Fell Denunciation of a Son jijioh Hi.* father .The End of the I'arricide. Prank H. Walworth has just died at Saratoga, aged thirty-one. The young roan descended from a-distinguished ancestry, and might liave been very prominent himself had it not been for a cloud which overshadowed his life. His mother was a wonderfully ben/ati- ful woman at the time of her marriage, but her husband was a mam of. dissolute . habits, and was very cruel. The coming of the baby // Frai'k" did not work a re- formation in the father. At list a divorce was granted Mrs. Walworth, ani she * moved from Saratoga to Kentucky. In the course of time the divorced hus- -J *J<A±iUj »XXW »<VO XiW UtUW I.LXA1X .^Z.tt..LI.OJJLVXV4. J Tracy Walworth, began to maJxe fame 1 and fortune as a story writer. i j In 1873 Mrs. Walworth moved Lack j to Saratoga and established a girl's school. ' Then lier ex-husband began to pester her J with notes, making improper proposals. « He went farther, caused the poor woman 1 great annoyance, talked against the legit- ] imacy < of Frank's birth, and threatened 1 to kill both mother and son.. T-*1 - r< + U/\n -*-s Anmtwy* wvl ? * JL ict-LUV »«*o tilUU. wuii«vvm. He had looked upon iiis father^ -only , the tormentor of his mother, aud when ] by accident lie discovered tlie real bur- : deu which, was being heaped upon Lis motlier lie grew desperate.. j1 He went to New York, where liis father lived, sent him a note to call at the Stur- 1 tevant house and then waited in his room. That was in. June, 1873. . j Just before dark his father's card was { sent up. "Show the gentleman up," : said the son. ; The boy. returned with the;; answer, , and Mr. Walworth walked quickly up to his son's room, humming a tune as he c did so. When he. was admitted to the, T room, the young m;\n placed his back; £ against,the' d<!or, -and drawing his pistol, A presented it at' his. father's breast. -.. c "For Heaven's sake, what do you } mean ?" the father cried. " Do you mean 1 to murder me ? Think of what you are 1 doing!'' ® The son shuddered. *41 know you arc ? my father," he said; 4' but now you must £ die." * v. J "i^iesiineiiea tne latner.. -nave you called me here to murder*rae.your. r own father« "Yes.- May God have mercy on your c soul, father, but' I have none. "You have a threatened and insulted my mother." £ The father sank on his knees'and ap- .L pealed for- mercy and promised to leave ~ them alone and "never interfere with his r wife, again. ? '.'^ou have lied before and you would ; lie again.rl cannot believe you," was the r son's cold.answer. " Father you must die. ** 3ayyo\ir]ast prayer.'' An instant later there was u dash, an- 1: ->ther,;-&!id.the father staggered back a? if struck by lightning. "My son!1' lie 11 breathed, gave.a gasp, and as three more ^ shots finished the work, the pallor of j ^ icath overspread his features. ' fie had ? .lied at the hands of him .to whom he Il! iiad given life. j c The young man gave himsL-lf up, and j ^ tfss convictcd of murder in the second ^ .legree. ile was sentenced to nte im-1 ~ prisoninenfc in Slug Sing, but in 1877; ^ was pardoned out. About two years ago f1 ,ie married Miss Corinne Bramie tt, daugh :er of the late Governor Bramlett, of Kentycky, who, with one child survives ^ iim. fie wgs a grandson, of tiio late a 3hanceilor Reuben If. Walworth, bis s naternal grandfather having been Col- 5 Duel John J. Hardin, of Illinois, who c cv*aa kiliai at Buena Vista. ~j WAATFD »T UHMfcgLf. TKm VV<irif(f>pfnl Pnmilnpitv ill \V!iih»-HflIrf(l tl Joe Brown Down in Georgta. j (Carp in Cleveland Senator -Toe Brovra is strong in Georgia as ever an'cl'1 notice a Sim<lay 1 school'story going around press in which one oi 1&e pupiis, on being asked who. WW' ihojworld, replied "God." "Aud \yho~made GodV" was the next c question, r. | v "Joe Brown," was ike. -tf-P*.); att<& A ~ thought. . j 1 liiw same state admiration pro-'t \cm^u iu v.^rgia wnne .brown wis uov- <. ernor ol'the State. He Lad been Gov- i ernor for several terms and it was the I question in the minds of the people 1 whether he would accept a rcnomina- i tion. The other aspirants for the posi- t tion were especially anxious to know. If ( Brown desired to run they knew there i was no hope for them, and if not, the c man who got the knowledge of the fact ] ii(T,iTn irt t.ho start nrul wir> the " race. But Brown is a very ticklish man ] to handlev- His fur is like that of a cat. 1 It doesn't rub well the wrong -way, and : the candidates were afraid to ask hiru a J question, One of them, however, con-' 1 eluded to toy to worm it: out of Brown's .* wife, and, as the story goes, called upon 1 Mrs. Rrovn while "the Governor was away. After hemming and hawing about for some time, he finally said: "Mrs. Brown. I understand that the Governor does not intend to run again, and that tie is going to give the other boys a chance. Now,, "if he wants the office, of course we would not run against him, but if he don't, we think he ought to let us know." Mrs. Brown, who is a very charming old lady, and who has some of her husband's ability, replied: "I liaVen't heard Joseph say as to whether he is going to be a "candidate for Governor or not; in- 14CCII; i-LC IUM LIVb 0£SV/A-VJ-J. WiAj uajhq I«w WW it, but from -what 1 know of Joseph I rather think he -wants it himself." The Earthquake Ouiloo'x. 5 That the eastern shore of the United States is, and has been, gradually settling for the last one hundred and fifty .years, is 'well known. Buried forests and the. hooding of lands "once high and dry." attest this fact. That the seismic*focus should be at Charleston,' where the coast line is comparatively straight, seems somewhat strange. A more probable place would be in south "ielonriti era £ xunua, ux u»i m.c . before alluded to.the Greater ar.d Lesser Antilles. It is not unlikely * that shocks will continue till.a- destrnctivejearth<juake or the opening of a volcano will bo experienced at some point on or neat these islands.most likely on or near one where hot springs occur.similar to the case at Casaiulcciola, in Iscliia, July 28, 1884. A volcano may break forth in some of them, or in the sea, or at some other weak spot in the earth's , .t v.A/,1. Til*}71 nYim^TlQP crust luciu. i pressure and unrest beneath that unfortunate city will be removed, the shocks will cease, and it is highly probable that the portions of the earth near Charleston that have been subjected to the most severe shakings will settle to a lower level, and furnish another instance in proof that the earth is gradually growing more solid and consequently smaller..Chicago Inter-Ocean. A buck witli a while head and white spots on his body wa> killed on Waccamaw recently h}*'Mr. "John LaBrucc. The anii mal's liead resembled a goafs in shape and v -the horns, which were very short. mrved l>:K-kwards towards the neck. \ Fnll I'foushins. (From the Atlanta Cor-siituUon.) Is it better to break up land before Christmas, or wait until spring? Mr. David Dickson, of Hancock county, a wonderfully close observer, states as the i result of liis experience, that fall plough- J mg gave best results in about, one year out of seven. "When the "winter is dry and colli, fall plowed land grew better crops than spring plowed. ZNIrl Dickson tested the matter by leaving strips through, the middle 1'aii plowed fields, which strips yere not broken till spring. | Ma L>;eKsou r, experience was a xocai one; iviE it hold good for all climates and soils? fiie prime object of plowing land is to loosen up tlie soil, to make it friable, so :Hat gases may jjenetrate it, and roots ruay grow and ramify and spread through .t readily. Why docs land liavc to be broken every year?. Once loosened up by lie plow, why does it not stay loose? Becadse it is beaten down and ran toother by rains. Every rain drop hampers it down, and the earth, semi-iiuid .vhen wet, yields readily to this hammer- 1 jug. Moreover, th.;j rain water, as it < auks in the soil carries down with it the < iiiur particles (particularly clay)- ami ; .odges them between tlic coarser particlcs i >cIow. This also, tends to consolidate 1 lie soil. 1 Xow at the south our greatest rainfalls 1 ire iu winter and early spring. Hence 1 and plowed in the fall has unusual op- t jortunities of being compacted again jefore- planting time. But is this not s norc than compensated for by the up- t leaving, loosening effects of freezes? I Sear the surface it-may.-be, buthowsel- 1 I'.»i :.> ;< 4.T,.,+ fw, rrt^r\ 1 T ivaj. XI UJL CUiXC U1V/ UVliWU iU HJ. nehes id depth V. .Plow in autumn that e lie soil may bo pulverized by the frosts I >f winter is frequently urged by northern r niters. In their climate the advice is ^ food. With them the ground is often a rozen eight to twelve inches deep.the 2 ;entle falling snow settles down quietly 1 ipon the upt jrned furrow.does not-pelt r t like the falling rain, hence, land there, t >lowed in the fall, is almost in the same c ondition when sirring comes as it was t; rhen freshly plowed. The rain has not a ompacted and run it together, and the r reezes have made it, if anything, lighter i: ban it was left by the plow.1 Such is t' arely the case in our southern e>:pe- 11 Tn. twr nnM Trinfprs. flip 1! onditions approximate those at the north t.' nd the results' are.somewhat similar;-but e rdicarily land is none the better for 2 ieiug plowed in the fail. Breaking just d efore planting, if the ground is not too ti .ry and one has the team and time to do a t, is the best plan. An exception raaj ti e made in favoa: of sundy soil^ these are r ather too open and loose immediately r: fter- plowing, and it is well to -give time n Dr them to be settled by rain before ti 'lanting a crop on them. u But, it may be asked, if sandy lanos t; re too loose after they have .been plowed a rhy .plow them it; all.- Sometimes a g lu-iiov.' turning-is desn-abie to bury and lix with tlie .soil vegetable, matter which > on the surface. iiut,. inasmuch as de- f F omposition goes on more rapidly in an i pen soil than in a dense' (day) one, the Liruing in of vegetable matter on light mdy soils should never be don$ long in dvance of planting a oj-op. After the ^ jest of January worjd he ample time lor j fueling over sandy soils. Again it is , ometimes desirable to turn over a soil / eeply, to bring back to3 or near, the ariace fertilizing substances which have t ank down in the soil. There is a C9£f-oiSf Mn/lMicr fnv c'nVtnfv ' * ially in wet seasons; a,iia it is greater in 1 andy in clay soils. An occasional _ .cop^'tiiming of the former is, therefore, v ecidedly beneficial, provided it does not , ring some objectionable r?,v; aubsojll U>. lie surface, "W. L. Jt. .. .. u WOMEX A\D >IO\EV. t< lew Many an Old Maid i»oci> an 3iach Good a* ^ Tvvrnty Married Wamco. ' ^ 1 " T> ^ Every girl wl;a * m\ ontiiv^ J a_ 'J nfc 011 -tier iuLUo-r"'"' iiicL <-"*-' --xenons.a position c dueling all the ups and downs c n life, the sooner she gets out of the t .setter.ought by the time she is old l .-nougii to possess any money to know 1 ;xacttyhow much she has,, where it is n-i-iof if niirrh'-. vpfirlv to r ii. tfxuw j .j A jring in. Jiv this time also she should 1 lave acquired some knowledge of bus?- t less.bank business, referring to checks, J lividendsand so on.and as -much of t ordinary business as she can.- To her nformation oi a practical kind never < jomes amiss, especially to three golden : Lilies, which have very rare exceptions: i S"o investment of over live per cent, is really safe; trust no one with your money ;vithout security, which ought to be as < strict between the nearest and dearest ] friends as between strangers, and, lastly. < keep all your affairs from day to day in 1 is accurate order as if you had to die to-morrow/ The mention of dying suggests another necessity.as soon as you arc 21 years :o£ age make your will. You will not die a day the sooner; you can alter it. whenever you like, while the ease of mind it will be to you and the trouble-it may save to those that come after you are beyond telling.. It cannot be too strongly impressed upon every girl who has .or expects"that not undesirable thing, "a little income of her own," what a fortunate responsibility* this is and how useful she may make it' to others. Happier than the lot ot many married women is that of the ' 'unapin'opriated blessing,'" as 1 have heard an old maid called, who. has her money, less or 'more, in her own hands, and can use it as ,she chooses, generously as. wisely, without asking anybody's leave and being accountable for it .to no one. But then she must have learned from her youth; upward Llow to use it; she must not spare any amount of trouble in the using of .it and she must console herself for. many a lonely regret.we are but human, all of us.with the thought that she has beeii trusted to be a steward of tilG vTl'CivX JilUjUir* ouv^u. <aix v/im uiui« often docs as much good in her generation lis 'twenty married women. F«H fcrom the Wrrat Pyramid. - Tiie accident which recently occurred at tiie Pyramids was very shocking. A corporal.in the Army Hospital Corps, who, i>Oi>r fellow, was just going home, having served his time, had a picnic to the Evmaiids with some oi hiscomrades. " » ' 1 x T-i He ascended to tue top 01 tue vreai ry tumid, and was seen to pause when about a quarter ui' the way down, and make a signal us if for help. Suddenly he was seen to slip back against the step or block below him, and then to rebound from each successive .step. The peculiarity of the accident is that the body did not roll or tumble from each irregularity, but bounded into the air as it struck tiiese in succession asix auraew:u tneretu, in fact, a series of parabola were performed. The corpse when it reached the base was a shapeless mass..London Daily News. A citizen of Minneapolis is building a genuine log house right in the city. It will Be a hig, rambling dwelling, with queer corners and quaint windows, but; it will have all the modem improvements and will r-<M **20,00<>. WITH A \EEDLE. lion it Fosflibje. With Practtcc, to Foretell Weather Probabilities. (From the Rochester Democrat.) rrlnlunmoflV TIAAflle is (init/k ftX snrfi an indicator of the condition of the sun as storms or telescopic observations. There should be observers throughout the country. Tnev will appear in time, They will 'find it the most interesting j. study they ever entered upon. We j would advise all to provide themselves j with a large magnetic needle. If observers do not care to obtain anything elaborate,' an old file that is not too heavy, say fourteen inches long, may be employed. The cutting portion may be ground off if it can be done conveniently. The pointed end for attaching to fclic handle may be broken off up to the point -where the cutting portion begins, Pi--- 111 i rt 1. xi 1 L xms me siioutu ue moruuguiy ized and suspended in a box turned on its side, tlie open side being covered svitli a glass, although this is not necessary. A tube of brass or a long wooden x>x, say twelve or. fourteen inches long, ^in be fastened on the top of the box )ver the centre of motion of the needle md through this the thread for suspending or Ijjilaicing the needle should run. Loosely twisted silk is best, as there is ittle torsion. The string is made quite ong to avoid torsion. Ihe point of sus- )ension should nearly correspond with ; he middle of the file. j TIia hr>\- with flip innlospfl- should be placed where it is not subject < o jarring. If an iron rod is placed in a )erpendicular position to the right or 1 eft of one of the poles of the needle the £ leedle may respond more readily to the ;arth currents. The rod. of soft iron has { jolarity, acted upon by the earth cur- ( ents, and becomes an electric magnet. IVlien the earth currents are strong it ] ttracts the pole of the needle strongly, i .nd when the current falls releases it. rhe rod is not necessary, but its ordina- i y attraction is a constant force, so only c he changes in the earth currents can I hange its attraction. Iron in the vicini- 1 v of the needle should not be disturbed, i " n - # 1 i n ; _n na iron articles snotua not oe cameu i tear it. A small glass mirror, say a half 1 nch in diameter, may be cemented upon s lie centre of the flat needle so motion a lay be detected by the shifting of the x mage of a distant object reflected from £ [ie mirror to the eye. It Trill be inter- C sting to watch the" behavior of a heavy e cedle as above described before sjad ^ aring an advancing storm. Great dis- i Lirban'ce mav be seen in the needle for a everal dayalieiore-a storm approaches' t l\e jJace oi observation. : There will be * egoiar .motions ol the needles at sun- .2 iso, as me time me sun crosses iJio i~ag-.. » etic meridian and at subset. Observa- 'c ion -frill show wh?£ are usual and un- -j sual motions if proper precautions are .a iken. Until the "habits'' of the needle t re observed for some time there iz dan- t er of false alarms. 1 . * C V-\ptlrw6 THE C*>O\VU. |r ihyin iiootli Improves oa. SJwKcapcarc Co the Delight of a, Virginia Audience. (Ifrom tie Buffalo Tim^) Or>,ce, daring the days of kio early ; Iruggles, Booth was "barn-storming" . own in Virginia. at a called T *tV.%s ,anding. Tiie improvised theatre was a ! j 3bacco warehouse, and it was crowded .L y the planters, fo.r rajJ.es around. Booth r nd his ^mparuons had arranged to take j b.e ^'eelily steamer, expected to call late j ' i night, and between the acts were busy jL ackuig up. The play was " The. Mex- ; hant of Venice," and they were just | oicg on for tho tsiel secno wnen tlic/ icard a whistle and the manager came Mining in to say that the steamer had j rrivod and would leave again in ten, min- [. * xi. _* i__ t res. as tiiat was iiimr ui^r euauce ior ; week of getting they were in a < jrrible (piand#^ * ] '' If Y\Q. explaiii mat cers, said the niana- ; y\) ^ " mev tliink tliey are being ^tedT" and we shall have a free light. ;iae only thing is for you fellows to get ; ip some" sort of natural-like impromptu nding for the piece and ring down the ; urtain. Go right ahead, ladies and genlcmen. and take your cue from 2s od j, icre." and lie hurried away ix> get the uggage aboard. i Med. of course, was Bassanio, and lie esolved to rely on the ignorance of tlie Virginians of tliose days to pull him lirough all right. So when old George Juggles, who was doing Shylock, began o sharpen bis knife on his boot Booth valked straight up to him and solemnly aid: "You are bound to liave tlie flesh, are Fen?" "You bet your life!" said Kuggles. '-'Now, I'll make you one more offer/' continued Booth : "In addition to tins oig bag of ducats I'll throw in two kegs Df niggerhead terback, a sliotgun ana two of the best coon dogs in the State." ,;rm blamed if I don't do it!" responded Shylock, much to the approbation of the audience, who were tobacco raisers and coon hunters to a man. v And to show that there's no ill-feeling," put in Portia, We'll wind up with a Virginny reel." When thev crot on board the steamer tlie captain, -who had -witnessed the conclusion of the play, remarked: 1' I'd like to see the whole of that play, gentlemen. I'm blamed if 1 thougiit that fellow Shakespeare had so much snap in him." Beauregard at the Grave of Grant. A gray-moustached man of medium height, dressed in dark and genteel . ' .p. x ~e ciotnes, was sia-noing m irum ui wuc Grant's tomb at Riverside Park to-day. Ee looked for several moments at the plain brick tomb, the only monument New York can afford for the great dead. The visitor carried a small bunch oi' violets in his hand and wore a small rosebud in the lappel of his coat. The policeman granted him the privilege to walk up to the tomb and the stranger tenderly placed his violets on the grave. .He turned to walk away, but stopped, and removing .the rosebud, bent his head over it and placed it with the violets. The stranger was General G. T. Beauregard. of Louisiana..New York Special to the Boston Herald. 7VIIIC VWU ,*u»ivv» Tramp.Please give me ten cents, sir V Gentleman.Why, I gave yon ten cents not an hour ago. Tramp.I'll bet you five dollars you didn't. Gentleman.I liaven't that much money with me. Tramp (with some disgust).Well don't make statements unless you've got money to back "em up. Early Thursday morning a mule was stolen in the upper pan 01 vjrceuvme county. A party -was organized and set out to catch the thief. They overtook, a v.-hite man riding the stolen mule, and ordered him to halt. He answered that he would kill or be killed before he would give up the mule, and made a motion as if to draw a weapon, whereupon he was shot down with a shot gun and died instantly. The parties were arrested. A Chinaman and a white girl were married in carriage at Council Bluffs, lmv:t, escape the gaze of a large crowd. A RICH MAVts RICH WIDOW; : L Soino Fnci* and Rocollections of Mrx.' Alexander T. Stewart. ' J'-' Mrs. Stewart always called her lmsband "Honey", and lie always called her "My dear."' ... Now that the millionaire and his widow have passTed from earth it is .said they never spoke harshly to each other, but" always lived a devoted and happy pair. Mrs. Stewart survived her "husband ten vears and six months. Her death ! was comparatively painless. The funeral took place Thursday. At one o'clock there was a private service at the beautiful marble palacc. The remains were taken to Garden City and the services were held in the Cathedral of the Incarnation which was erected through Mrs. Stfitrnrf's After «/» > _ vices the remains were deposited in the crypt under the altar and elaborate precautions will :bc taken to guard against a desecration of the grave. : The death of Mrs. Stewart arouses a fresh interest in the husband. One of the remarkable things about Alexander X. Stewart was the brevity of his will, * It would occupy, only four or li /e inches and ho disposed of fifty or sixty million dollars in less than five lines. Said he: 1 i.^Hrst.All my proj^erty and estate, j! any and every kind of description, xnd wherever situated, I &ive and devise ind bequeath to my dear wife, Cornelia M. Stewart, her heirs and assigns forsver." Aftfvr ft-ivnr>rnfin<r .Tn<-l<n> TTpiit-p- TTilfc.n. 2is cxucutor and directing him briefly iboiit the affairs of the estate he added: "For Tvhich service, as a mark of my regard, I give to said Henry Hilton SI;- )00,000.'; . Tkerc Trere a number of legacies.-to. rarious friends, employes and servants n the household. When the death of Mr. Stewart was' nade public Mrs. Stewart was consid- ^red t.he richest woman in the United * state's. When the bequest of all lier, . lusband's property to lier was published n the daily papers the enormous burden - rat on her aged shoulders was universaly believed to be greater than she could iustain. Fortune favored her,'however, ind she sold to -Henry Hilton all her ncTrf n.rin Hf.lo in +Tia ImcririAca nf A T Stewart and Co.; for the sum of $1,000,-. )Q0 cask, which -sum: had been bequeath-: id to Henry Hilton by" her husband.: rv hether this was. in accordance with a >re-uhderstahding of'Mr. Stewart's deiire was never publicly explained, hough it was an open secret; that such ' vas the fact. But tliat fact iii 'nowise utered the legal aspect of the ease. She > vas the absolute legatee and could have:, lone with the property precisely as she )leased. That- her action in parting with i business believed to be worth from Twenty .to thirty millions of dollars: for ne compareave tmuiig sum ox one.mnion, and that a gift, was the sensation )f the day and excited widespread comnent,;. The theft of Stewart's body is still a nystery! Since tlie theft various expla- . iations have at different times been asserted, the most frequent statement "being hat the body had been privately recov- .1* >x k>\ v uu^e ju~lLiAJU zuiu. .lb. i/iio nausoleum at Garden City, Dut no statement has been authorized and' supported )j any show of proof, and the wheretboufc* of the body is still a secret, which - he d::ath of JIk. Stewart may -finally wen the door to disclosing.. - « ARTIFICIAL UlIXiXE. V l.vn>iDii i'hjjirian DiscovcifS a JPrOCCSD TOT Making thai licncilcent Drug. /Itlinino irn nn»nm in v-irrniic fr»rTT!<l inil under various names are used by phvsi ians more than any other drugs," said jbr. 3. >1. Wlielpiey, editor of the National Uragfjixt, in a conversation with a reporter. "Chemists have for several years said it-r ft'as possible to make quinine chemically, ;nd tlie world of those interested has been waiting for some one to do it. In 1S82 a frenchman announced lie liao. aiscoverea [be process, and deposited a sample of; Ms. 'quinine' with the Frencli Institute. On j.vuniualion it proved to bo sulphate of ammonia instead of sulphate of quinine. Most of the experiment has been directed toward making quinine of cinehonidine, which is made from the same hark, but "is of lesser value and is cheaper than quinine. 'Chemically there is little difference between them. Cinehonidine consists of 19 parts carbon, 22 parts Jiydrogen, Sports nitrogen and 1"^ part oxygen: quinine contains 20 parts of carbon, 24 parts hydrogen, 2 parts nitrogen and parts oxygen. Ji ue pro mem uas been with chemists to add 1 pari carbon, 2 f purts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. They > have not been successful in this endeavor, There is nothing wonderful in the claim that quinine could be made from other things than the bark. "Fruit essences are now made without fruits, and other items of chemical stock are made chemically without the interven- ! lion of the usual natural product. Yet the medical world was disturbed last Semtem-'' her when Dr. Cresswell Hewitt, of London, announced that he had discovered a process to make quinine. He made no effort to r>sf.ih1isli this claim or submit his oroduct tc test; but 1 have just received a letter from. $ London telling of tlie formation of a com-") pany to manufacture the drug on Dr. Hewitt's process. Hejstill keeps all particulars : to himself, audit is not known whether the cinchona bark is the basis.of his process, or . from what he manufactures the drug. The company is called the Atlas Quinine Company, and I am informed has large capital, if Hewitt has discovered what he claims he will have made us independent;of the '* irregular supply from the countries where the trees grow that produce the bark,.and ' while the price of the drug may not be1 ma-1 teriallv reduced it will not rise in time of war in those countries. Then, too, his success will stimulate other chemists to exper- I imcnts looking to the manufacture of other drugs without reliance on the natural product. Morphine may be made .from something other thanopjum^etc. It, however. remains to be seen what Br. -Hewitt has really accomplished."' :5S.i The Editorial of the Future.-. : The days ot editorial essays m a daily ' paper have passed, and what is now wanted } are short, snappy expressions, of opinion, sharp and directly*to the point, without-.~ proloxity. It is a great thing for a youDgiA;* writer to learn to stop when he gets through, J a lesson which some older writers .who have been fairly successful have never , learned. Long editorials are more fre- " quentJv a ?-ign of laziness than of ability. ' Ox course tllere are some subjects which. require exhaus' /e treatment, but under ordin&'rv circumstances lona: editorials are written because the editor has neither the : time nor the brains to write short ones. Thf >hort editorial, the concise clearly ,x written article, will go to make up the moJel paper of the future. Punctured "by paragraph is more than an alliterative conceit. The paragraph is the most £orm- * Ktaoie weapon m me cauors arsenal, ana liie long editorial is the least effective. Old. fogies may speak with admiration of die "thoughtful"' writer who turns the long newspaper columns, but the man who will weild real inliucnee is he who can put his "thmisrht" in :i few oithv -entenees. Ver- biatre has had its day, and in the best papers ? brains are slowly taking its place..Tlt& Journalist. A German waiter at the Astor House, Mew York, last night, shot tlioc-hicf cook ami then committed suicide.

Vf '

' I


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m mm wmaamagamaweapgnaweaege .o w a.aan


HOW TZiL fASUASTjBLittiST* A l'i ULK i.v\v» casser.

ITin' OiJ s:i'pji;n-.-:vn«* to ;;:i- l*rr»i<ivi«eyTurned :« a >ur<- gcZ-.ion --£.».'«»«!>!;.-

SWiT » A - 'd I

HI t>2 In BSightis;(Letter !o the.«"cw Votk.-v^n.)

Washington*, November 2..From the jtime of JohiKAt^ijas,. lUirii tiie

. tralion of Amfr&iKfifes.£o:i,. tl/c sl??ne* jwas the steppiug-»tonc.;io ihe PresiuenHrcv.-' -Jefferson, \Mauiscre,- Moflrcw and"}j.

^' John Quiucy Adams, had beta Secr*}ta-;ries of State. Van Buren, though he


had the j>ortfoIio of the StAio *Vp?.r»-1 <

ment during Jackson's first term, sispped "


- from.the,Vic.e-PresiUeni's choir in theSenate chamber to the head of the tabic jin thc*V>*]::te House.J "With a single ex- jeeptiimofSadi^ar?, iid ;nau. sinc'j»Van !

Burets, iipie.hjis. bcea elects*! to .the.1,Prpsidfcn^ wici fcwl ^previously aserruHiii a Cabinet, though (General Grant had | jbeen in charge of the ;.Var Department, j,temporarily during Johnson's aumniis- iiration. A number of very able men

^ who had served as Cabinet officers were

nominated fdr^the Presidency. Clay, .'Crawford, "^VVister, CaVi and J&uhe j l

wei'e of Has iramber, ami ;.x:k: all do-,'feated. Indeed, for very many years it ijhas seemed as much o: a barrier in the j'way to the White House to have been a :1

f Cabinet member as to have served m-tne iJSenate. No manias ever oeen ciicseu ;President from among,the Senators, a: d<Jsince "Lincoln's time "nq one lias either .<been"nominated or elected Vvlio bad at 3

any previons time in hi* career .served in,* tke Senate. 2Iore and more the temlen-j<

the people as pcssll^e m cnoosmg can- [-tiidatesfor the executive cliice. The]]

history of the career'of Cabinet1 .officers |' <

for the last half century seems to indi-' 1-7 eate not oni^ that the cSiee is alrapsi!

fatal to 'any higher aspirations, but, {"^v>ms* rtiHiazkabiv. has 'culminated the ;

political careers ox nearly all those who j-3j have acted.-asiadvisors for trie- PresKJehfe: .5

If tlie record of those wlio Lave been j:CVoijjfV^i%crs $iK^»3y&iaorg,.s$ itili-:1eates that ar seat- ia the Cabinet- is the r

iclimax of tfce/p$lic life of who f<^ hold it. Xol alfraya£ ,bn|" ins i^nfjy all i

cases, this "can-l^-h^^ to-be' truef HThe historian, George Bancoft, is tlie j *

only living representative of an adaci^- t^istration prior to 1850. Bancroft was Tin <

original member of President Polk's j' Cabins*. /«J&pg , sjtfj oiiiee /*>:«\v "i'prurv- *

years^gii |t^4. tjpe ;«Ba$J 1

crofts ]$>iitje|i |career, ^Shuiigh he! <

aft^TOrfi^tepreJ&iit&i the g'o^tniienf[(at one oi the .European Comis^aiU^iiitic^which he was induced to accept mainly p'because of, * £uc it aiibrded 1

for Hstoricai research*. With an escop- jtion of one or two of the .. }Mr..Baehny.an.s.Cabinet^. who -espousedtiie Co'nfede&to side, there are iieiu?. ^

) alive, and-^ of Mr. Lincoln's original: (

Cabinet only one is lefD-vith us. Thisisrl Jk / General Cameron, wflby ihofc^L-. IS Ina;.

m &th year, retains his keenness of Intel- i*H. lect, and his- accurate pcrw»r of <judging r1

nien and events. General Cameron c

k served in the Senate, is is tcnei - Id? two

k terms after Le retired from Lincoln's! *

Cabinet, but had been a Senator four- "1

^HL^tccn years fofiqxplie. en^eu.. He. had j,-1been a possi&je ^.uc£t£*t-e |o$ iyfe TfiSoi? ?<l^fcics^in 18l!ct ij^Kvfib<^u toil.' to-Viiy. tt]i& tjoa^secj^Hndy Johnsons CibhieL? E^ikvt©fcor«Sire, Iield the oiliee of Attorney-General: J

Kr a sfccirt ihne, ancVEvarts has since \H1'1- 85 Secretary of State underMjayes, doubtless regards aconcat="tiBftiation of events as possible in the 1

BSiture which will permit hie: to. ^deliver :Hi inaugural on the east step's* "of the 1

Hlipitol two and half years hence. But !where are the^ others? 3IcCaliough has j 1

^r>-»r>nr!>rv:Seeretarv of the Treasu- i Jrv again, but.only to iUi au -emergency Ithat occurred during, ArJbur s/admkasr.

Of General Grant's first Cablr^,!Washburn, who Las since dreamed oi"!1being President, cultivates, a :Hfcr~o£^elegant leisure;- iarHHnois. Hamilton

L Fish is living in retirement inNew York,

f '- George f3qutv>eM is law !

L. befor^tWtpairt of Liai^*,and ik theTreasfe$J ^fct-aytmcn^j c-y$r jyvJiiql -^o I

H' used to preside. Ebenezer lu Soar js [Bl practicing law in Boston. His career in

pp. the Cabinet was such thall tliev -ivould not cohlinn his nomination lor'j

Thief Justice of the Supreme bench.Secor Robeson is $ political bankrupt |

i aid a petty lawyer in Camden. Colcm-1V bus Delano is a farmer in Ohio, Bristc x

a lawyer in 2sew York, and the only one jof thrift all-who has now aplaceof- conr j

HHN^°"&equenee and honor is Don Cameron, inow a United States Senator^ yOiQ for a

few months was General-'Grinfs Secretaryof War. Belkaap was dismissed in

g v disgrace.:: £ What shall he said of -Hayes's bogus

Cabinet? With the exception oi Evartsand Sherman, every one ci'theia .-Ijas

g Jk lapsed * intc 'cbsccrityl Even Carl j® 2£.-»~'o Tfliov<vi'hn'nfj?flre> unknown. Mc-i

.gujKMHft O r*,, .

n Oreerv is a justice in onexJT !

Bfc tnitect states districts. JDevecs is a |B Sate judge in ^Tassaciiusetts. Key is a [

V H United States judge £» jqzjsj of t£e »fqu£f> f> 5n distncte/ 1§cfitas| filled a£ nbws- [K j*per odi^ryfiatted &s~4. lartgxratify^ahd I

Wk <eturer, and is believed to be earning jH £i bumble living in some railway comHPay's employ. Thompson is RelievedH tobe earning a living as counsel for

|& I^seps; little Gfoft, who succee&pdI Xfcmpsbn, i§. a liembei; 6i! tuo flower

Btfc£&se, and a very'inconspicuous one.

Wf Of Garfield's Cabinet, Six.- Blaine, ofcourse, lias a possible future; but poor

V old Kirkwood is forgotten, except l«v nis

WF neighboring fanners in Iowa, and "they iSpf are going tc-send'liim Lack to Congress.

Y/ayne 3IcVeag'a is practicing law in

H Fiiiiaddphia; .1 iGenewk!Barnes is-'i£biuSfcerin'New York; Lincoln is a lawyer in

wjv Chicago, and Windom is trying to makeWfc a^j^ure in New York. He suffered al>Wr s#£e political; banlxupt^ ..uri account

of his short cure;. in the Cabinet. Hunt

I General Arthur's Cabinet has only oneI representative now in public Hie. Teller't was fortunate enough to, step .from the

Interior Pcixirttcent info the Senate, butvithtdl the. supposed iniuence o£ theNavy Department; Secretary Chandler|tnrec times failed.to secure election as

1 United States ^enaior.i' - > .r'li'Vi:::, >

.Sfoacwall .Jak&son ne*er; pcstfetl. aletter Tvidjout^ <SiIeiilai -ug: ?vlic.iU4r itwo^iW MY^toUraMel oB^Sa^a^loMeaeiiits place of destination^ and* i: so he

H^^^voTild r^ot mail'it till- ^foaV.ay teeming."^SES further did lie carry his ^Paritanica

observance. -Unnumbered times he was

Ichown to receive important letters so

I . late on Saturday night that he wouldI not break his fixed resolution never toE use his eyes, wiueii were very aencate.B bv artitlcial liglit: Le would ©any theI .letters in his-pocket HH Moiiaay'morning,then rise with.the sun *> read thein:

Ihe gcff«a»n u^ pays ;.r)ut ^7,1)00 ineyciy' ,;

gjtf mmjuLMjjm ' wmurim rumpccar mm, hij.jl


rfaiaro of tin* Li\rs of ,»!en U lio Work Jijnrc to Goo«j i'lirpow.

"How loug'uo stokers live?'' asked a |Tribune rf-]>orter. of an engineer of one joi the swiftest ocean racers that ply be-1twecn lUis countrj; and Eoglaiid.

<;A« ]<»'iK».s*sttnvlxj(]v." was the uiiex-!pdGted reply. , ;"Eow do they like'their work?""If they don't like their work, they

get,out: Uic-i'c are^plenfcy willing to taket-ueir^iiaci'.-''' wafe^tae fcnsweftv' But it ishard to persuade the average landsmanthat the stoker's ;ftfe is not shortened by :

constant espoShre'. fp the 'extremes "of jfe^ipeKi'iire. TrabVAllan tic passengers\<h6 Lave "braved fhe^intehse heat of thefurnaces uml visited the fire room won-

il-n Lo>'jagu can endure such a life eveni'or^a. roViigo. The stokers work fourhours at a stretch, hemmed in betweentwo long linos'*# furnaces that1 keep thetemperature ordinarily at 120 degrees*;ODieti:ncs sending it as high as 1G0.The space between the furnaces is sonarrow that when the men throw in coalthoy must tiki* caret, vxen. they" swingbofck th(ir Ihovols/-lekfcthey should burntheir arms on the furnaces behind them.The only n;eans of ventilation is one

large, air pipe that reaches down into theL-entre oi tiic stoicers quarters, ami on

x big steamer the men have to -take the |iir ii batches. On a great ocean steam- [er like the Cmbria, the meii come on iig;cags or eighteen stokers ami, twelve2oai passers, and the "watch" lasts fourhours. The Umbria has 72 furnaces,tviiieh require nearly 350 tons of coal a

ilay, at a cost of almost 820,000 £>er voyige."One hundred and four men are

employed to man the furnaces, and theyhave enough, to do. They include the;hief engineer, Lis three'assistants, andLiinety stoke rs and coal passers.The stoker comes on to work wearing ]

?nly a tain undershirt, liglit trousersuiiwooue? shees^Qnrtiie Umbria each H

&&vr* tends lour furnaces. /"He firstrakes open the furnaces, tosses in thejoal, and then cleans the fire; that is,.^ries the coal apart Tvith a heavy ironxix, in order' that' the fire may bum free- ,

y. He Wishes from one furnace to jmother,; spending perhaps two -or three ]iunutgs at each. Then he dashes to the :

lir pipe, takes' his -turn at coolingsoftmd waits for another call to his furnace, :

5-hich conies speedily. tWhen the

i'.gatch-. is. ovez, the men shuMe clt', jIiipping^iths^-eatli-Q^ Ijcad-. to *oot, j;iijcu$h Song,: cold gaiferies to |he fore-iastlo,< wliei-e'- they turn in 'for eight! i

lours. Pour hours of scorching and |,:ight-hours' sleep make up the routine

a;stokxirs*life on a voyage. .

The reporter ran across a group of iJ'* "r"tt ^' ' 1 3- *t jlJ

m ai^t .Tiau-a jvaumfifei (H-e ofgl&ml \'f f#4$p $&jas a| ifc>&.p&sser.$'Seii I ifas fc&iteea jsirsl;)id,%^hc salcfr ffTlien *1 got to be "a!,^jkpr.. j-i^g T am now twenty-eight." (

rhe speaker was about six feet in height,ind weighed Impounds or mojte. : /-Hisace was ruddy with health, and his eyes .<xAined with goodnature.;. His robustippearance.was in strong co ntrast to that! (

>£ soike of Lismates .who had just. land? ,»

id from a voyage, a pale, streaked < out,istless-iookiiig set of .men.i :${<)* do we stand the work'? YveU


?nough if we get plenty to eat. But the J,tork-is£eixibrnhdi& all tl»e 'same:.ft-;omes hardest, of course, on those "wholonli follow- it regularly. They are thefellows who get played out so badly. Iimrd once of a young English doctorsho came over here on a visit,. He got!

;and; xnj& tiiat prbjjd thatle wouldn't sejid home for soiue.ie-worked- hiswiy back'as a stoker, and 1';rot a sickness that ;he c./uld never get | -1

id of. But if we get plenty to eat, and j;;ake care of ourselves, we ar3 all right.Here's a mate of mine nearly seventy

old, who has been a stoker all hisife, and can do as good work as I can.Stokers nevc-r have the consumption,.rf.l T^Vplv ^:siVh colfl."''Why do you, appear more healthy

:han the-other men -here?" asked the reporter.r""WeIL I have been on land now^about

:\yo weeks, and these men just oaiue off:he shi;j. 1'uu see, when we finish cuyaatch at the furnaces, we are just coycr:-dwith sweat, dirt and oil, and we havet-t>- wash-the stuff off with warm water.Washing so much with warm watergivesns that streaked out look that makespeople thin,k *we .areTbe'ing killed^ withK>teumufi<aiJ j But after we have-been.'

« >. : a iiLi n_ J-Ij-_-J "ion Jana tnrc£> or logxj^'^ajwis^+vioie uis-j;

appears, "-^md "the men lock natural 1again. We get more ventilation thanfljgdjjjfl juaiers used to get. but we don'tHave any too ranch. I tell 70*, vvhen Iused to go down into the tropics Iv/ante:d to_keep under the air' pipe'all Icould! XoV 1 go to England and l>ac£vand have four furnaces to tend. Fourhours is just iVuc-ut as xnudi as canstand before the fires. Ifcnses soxne ofike. men up so badly tuat when thewatch is over they ean'iust orawl to theforecastle, and throw themselves on theirbunks without washing a bit. But othersof us don't mind it so much. Weheat our water, take a wash, and thenhave a pipe or two before forming in/"'"What do v:o adt whd drinkt:! *!!' We Have hash, all the oatmeal we

want, cOilee other good things.""Sow about.the|gj:og2". _ -


4*Wett vthe ^ciis. that' tEe' grog wasrtflF ahnnt. piprilt VP..1TS a«0 OU

she English and American lines. Thefcruth is the men got drunk too much,and grog did them much harm. "WhenI used to take my grog I'd work justlike a lioh while the effects lasted. 14throw in coal likea dant'oad' net-mindthe heay'a hit j-"bat when it worked off,as'it did in a*very«. few. minutes, 'I wasthat weak that -a child could upset me.Take a n}an':clgaddrank before the fires,and the be^^rdulcrsober hiip. off-in half !an tour" or


a ctro*e efapoplexy. CCLo 'i;.rencli lilies still' givetheir;nibu grog.. I have seen "big tanks

\ on their ships tilled "with brandy, rum:and wine, jJI for tlie

m.stokers." Tlie

French are .great fellows for that. Theirmen look strong, but I think it muS$Iiurt them. We: get g;-og occasionally'now whtis ws aixf" having a race, andHicrt xr.a s-^-rc- it;.' T remember one race

we had about a year ago with a Domingion'ihail steamer- She. got ahead,our. captuiu was. mighty ar.^ious to", beather. So he sent down grog to us, and

1 told us to fire up like mad. Well, we

! did until we learned that we were ahead,i Then-v.e took a rest. Down cornes thecaptain with another Jot of grog. Tire

rher up, coys,' yells he, ahd we. , did fireher up like lions, until we were ahead

! aaruiu..* sWe.kaptthat tip for'three days,and got itii the grog we wanted. ButScullyVc* let her beat us, as the grogplayeiTus out ioo much. But we don'toften have s ich-rantis that'," stokeradded, as he strolled aboard ship.

A happy couple from the ruiai districtsoecupiea.front seats at Heuck's in Cincinnati.and after the falling of the curtainon the second act the young fellowplaced his -'arm around-the' neck "of thegirl, and/ as .Hie end man "would sir;-kissed-her smack in the mouth." AEeyes were now on the pair, and they were

loudly applauded; 1 >ut sefused .to respondto an^coier


South Carolina All Solid. Democratic bwsin Other States.

Tlie election" on the 2nd instv resultedin a Democratic triumph in South Curo-una. mere was no oppusiuuii c

in the counties of Berkeley and Chesterfield,where there was an Independentticket, and in the Seventh Congressionr 1District, where the contest was; betweenCol. Wm. Elliott, ^Democratic nominee,and Ivobert Smalls,. the nugro incumbent.The Democratic ticket won in Berkeley.as' also in Chesterfield. Latest returisjythe election of CoL Elliott

over Bob Smalls...OIHEKSTAXiiS.

Great interest all along centered on thecity of- Xenv York, where there were threecandidates for mayor. Henry George,the well known writer1 on political econ"""tt-oc r>/vrv>ivi.-ifn;! l\V t.llA TVvinor ITill]Democrats. The Tammany Democratsnominated Abram S. Hewitt, whose services'inthe campaign of 1876, and forsome terms in Congress, have made himprominent-in tiro- party. The Kopnblicansnominated Theo. Roosevelt-, a wealthyyoung man who distinguished himseifin his three years' service in the StateLegislature by active efforts and greatsuccess in reforming Jong-standiug abuses:-in. the Government of New -Yorkfiitv. Fow t>ersons seriouslv thoughtfcliafc Henry George -would be elected, butthat lie miglit receive votes enough tomake the contest elose between othercandidates. It-was thought his voteswould be drawn principally from theDemocrats. Both Democrats and Republicanswere confident uf success.The probabilities.' however appeared tobe in favor of Hewitt's election. Of theMugwump papers,-the Post hasvigorouslysupported Roosevelt. Eighteen outDf twenty-four aldermen elected are

Democrats. The city complete, with t!>eDeception of one election district, showsthe. following vote: Roosevelt 00,392,Hlwift George 67,CD?;-^ardwell574.In other States the chief notable re-

suits arc the changes .in the Virginialelegation, -which will: stand six Republicans,three Democrats,, and one Laborman. In tiie eighteenth district of IllinoisMorrison is defeated by JehuBaker, Republican.owing, it is said, toMorrison's free-trade \iews. It .was atfirst thought that- Speaker -Carlisle' was

defeated-by George H. Thoebe, a woodnnrlITAifi'hfc At'- T.flKnr* 'hilt, tllAlast returns -give Carlisle the victory bvi few hundred majority-.-' " ; ! * '

Further reports'are given in the dispatchespublished beloVv*1" ";:-:

Wasimngtox, November 4..EdwardMc'Phersoiij -Secretary 'of the RepublicanDongresaional. Committee, makes the fo!'owing compilation-;from returns -rec&iv&lap to 1) o'clock this evening of the politicaliompkxion at tlve .youse of Kepresenta,ivesof the Fiftieth Congress:Returns so far as. received .indicate the

?lectio'n of 154 Republicans, 139 Democrats,live Labor and Independent. sixioubtful and one vacancy; tofail, 325'.

Tlie "doubtful" are one in IllinoisLandes), one in Kentucky (Carlisle). one

in Ohio (Campbell), and three in MississippiTl.> T-Vlirvr

ViiliUJf, UiV'VCi aau «:iUU>3Ui (. Jk ,

Mid Independents are one in Florida fPen-!lleton), one- in "Indian* (Marsh). one in[owaAnderson), one in Virginia (i Iopkins),\nd one .in. Wisconsin .(SmiUiV if uxcDemocrats get four of the doubtful theywill have 163, or a majority of the House,Mr. McPherson says the attitude of the

Democracy toward ,tfcc yrusent administnr- jLiomS simil; ir to that of the Republicans to-1card the aiimijiistratian of Bresiiisnt Iiayc>>,md that many dissatisfied Democrats voted:he Labor ticket. Lul>or, he thinks, will bem organized Taction in the political contests

1 r 1 3 *' " ^ 1\Ayi me iuiure. ami me iuuui > utt wu^

Laken into serious consideration.Phil. Thompson, Secretary of tfie DemocraticCommittee, says the Democrats will

Siave a £00(1 working majority in the House.xevy yokk.

New Yokk, November 4..Considerableimcertaiiily attends'the election in the ThirdCongressional District. "Deacon A". "While,Republican, haj been credited with the vie:tofV until-'to-day. "Bill. Democrat.: novfleads ."White 1U voteig, w^th two districts' tphear frym. _


Coxcoiii), N. II., November 4..Theelection of McKehny, Democrat, to Congressin the First District over' Haynes.Republican,; is conceded toy a plurality of^ibout 130. - Thi< is Vr ; iemo«-ratlc gam ofone fflsmbc4-, and equally divldes'tlie NewHampshire delegation.

"I)ARK PLACE*. iKaleh:ii, 2s*ovcniV»r 4..rijie Second

Cc^grc'isi^uai District carried',by the Republicans.Abbof(colore*!)-being electcd.S.taui't.ox; Ya.; November 4.-;TiiC Republicanmajority continues to grow in the

Tenth E<i$inci. Yo§t, for- Congress,- nowc&ima34*0^. Diajont\v *.Vnifs^Mawirig'-is$

rotuia*^ combedwith tue Republicans. In Rhode IslandV-l-l- i. 41.» L< 1 Ti:.

inert.' wi;u tMCiruun »' iuc ocwuu i/wtrlct,tiicsAVGUiJjitioji ^pdidate pottingenough vot&To pVbvQnt cuner Democraticor Republican candidates from obt-un:n£ a

majority: " 'v

U ' I / .Uiob0SS, <?ain.-. §ta4;Xi>: ir.Alabama' 8 .. ..

Arkansas 3CaliforniaC;. -3. ''' »i ' 5fCoip,3fadQ 1 ..i

o;mecticut 3lDelaware .,1FloridaGeorgia .10Illinois S 12 .'JIndiana i (* * *

t « 3;T/-»Tn<i 1 ' 'A kKansas..'.....:.'...!) 7Kentucky . .v....... 8 6 .. 2Louisiana .v:..' 6 ... 1Maine.0Maryland .*... 3 1 ......

Massachusetts 4 -a4Michigan 3 6 .. 2

u; vj . fx }**

~MlIlZlt2fttt<9.V-. t.*'

Mississippi 7 0"Missouri.....,.'.. . 12 2 .. .^Nebraska. 1 2 "1Xevada . .>/ - f .vft f' ' INew Hampshire...., 1 i , A.New Jersey........T 2 3 .1New York;.. 20 ..

'}North'Carolina.'...... 8. 1 ,

Ohio.G l-~, . ... w ii5;Oregon I,'- - it*r& 1 1 -

Pennsylvania. %... 8 * 20EJiodeIsland U lSouth Carolina -. 7 ..

Tennessee . 8 2 ITexas.... .....11'Vermont u 3 ;


Virginia.-. 8" 7 .. 3'West Virginia -J 1 .. .

Wisconsin 3 (' .1 ..."173 141) 14 24

The Jiew county rotary jail at Cuunou-Blujfis became locked Monday morningby some disarrangement of the machine-ry, and no prisoners could be taken outnor any admitted. A'large force of menwere at work all day on the machinery,but the trouble was not removed untilTuesday morning.

It happened to strike Mrs. Watkins oiIronton; Mo., one day last week that he:husband hadn'tbeen home for three day;

*'and nights. She decided that a searclI* ought to be made, and he was found a

; the bottom of ah old shaft at the base o:

Pilot Knob, rather hungry, but still ii'.hopes that something would turn up.

THE MIfKVJGJIT st X.^V. L'rre P<ronk- Co to Ep.i1 in Broad. j**"" A t'otrf Fourth of.!a!v."

' Tve^-been across the ocean idore times!than I carp to. toll, anil I knov.^ Londonalmost as "well as I do Philadelphia, Lat Ihave never been in Northern Europe be-i'ore this summer," said ex-AttorneyGeneral Brewster to a Philadelphia;Times reporter. "I left Here on tlie 12thoi' June and arrived in London on the21st. I -went up to Hull on the 23rd,and on tlie 24th I joined the ship Angelo,and after a very smooth and pleasantpassage arrived at Christian sand, inXorway, on the following Sunday. It'sa very interesting old place. I went tochurch there. It's a clean, nice style ofNorwegiantown. The people are veryquiet, nicely behaved, plain and simple.Monday was passed in Christiania, atown of considerable importance. Isiayed there one dav and went by rail up

x :m j.1. . X'K> iJlfOIlllJCIU, LiiU Uili CUpitill Ui.

way, which at one time was the largestand "wealthiest town in Norway. It hadat one time. many monasteries andchurches. I was there three days.In Throndjein is the cathedral in all

Norway. It was founded in 1016 by St.Olaf, and on the ground where he ^wasburied the present building was erectedin 1151 and completed in 1210, and was

enlarged m ioUU. 'i'lie catneurai is a

very interesting work of gotliic arelii-tectare.. It was damaged three' or fourcentimes ago by lire, and in .rebuildingft large walls' were erected, winchchanged the architectural appearance ofthe structure.v It is now being restoredwith very much pains and care. Therewas an annual fair beirg held in Throndjemwhile I* was there, and it was filledwith specimens of farmers and workingpeople. It was held in an open street.It was quite crowded, and everythingwas orderly and quiet, and all of thepeople appeared to be comfortable, welldressed, sturdy, vigorous and simple intheir ways, and a very lionest people.The fair was lield lyr business andfriendly intercourse. All the time I wasin Norway I saw no dirty poverty, no

beggars, no tramps or idle, worthlesspeople. The farms all appeared to bethoroughly taken care of. Everythingaround the house was kept in good order.Farms were in perfect condition.The houses -were clean and comfortable,and small and unpretending. All thewomen are plain looking but vers- vigor-pus, and they are quiet and clean andmild in their ways. They look as if theywere exposed to hard work, and theyhave a healthy, comfortable, satisfiedlook. The men had a sturdy, manly-,look. They look like people who haveno wealth and they appeared to be all ona social level. There seemed to be no ;distinction between them, but they wearau aii- of independence. I-saw no drunkenpeople there and heard no noisy people.It-is a very peaceful place. Throndjemis "built of wooden houses, good broadstreets, well paved, and has plenty of :

good shops. >The suh reaches its uppermost point j

on the-1st of June. I got in Throndjemat 7 o'clock in the morning on the29th of June. There was no night. Itwas broad daylight at midnight. Therewas scarcely any darkness. The sun ;shone night and day. The people went ,

to bed regularly at an early hour, with ;the sun shining, and' closed their shut-ters and jralled down their curtains and \slept, and tie town vqs as quiet as if tlie ^night was totally dark. After leavingThrohdjein I took a ship named after 1

some ancient Norwegian king, and in [company with fifty or sixty other tourists,all people of respectability and intelligence,and men from' different nations.There were twenty-two Ameri-cans, the rest were natives ox France,Spain, Germany, Denmark, Norway,Sweeden and England. "V\*e went up thecoast to Tromso and then to Hammer-fest," the most northern to^n in theworld. I saw the high mountains andthe whole coast ^11 the way" up to theNorth. car^, the extreme northern pointof Europe,

I arrived on the -1th of July. It\yas a cold, wet day. The climate is}harsh, cold and wet, rainy and fl*r,p. |Wlien it's not raining t-llCre is a lieav}mist. I'iie ^Orth cape or, a point of!ahu at least 1;£00 ieei above the level Cn^hc When I was at the North capcthe sun was obscured with clouds, At.12 o'clock at night the sun was visible.for a time. In "winter it is dark therene?>xly all day, as well as all night. Ireturned by the same towns, but throughdifferent waterways. The whole of thenavigation was protected by land, thereforethe sea was mild, we were surroundedby immense mountains, coveredwith s*\qw. Cm my return to Throndjem$ went across Norway through a countryiw^ ' ih was filled with lakes, high moun"Ufcinfland green valleys^ cascades andfalls, and farms well cared for. It allhad a solitary and bleak appearance.People were making the most out ofwhat t&.ej had. but their life wasevidentlya'hard one. The railway stations are

»' 11.ai rv 4" ni'/i

SUppxieu NYiiiix uutii tvivcleanand with 2,b.iUiuance of good andwholesome food and fruit and wines atreasonable pviQcs. The traveler is treatedhonestly. TliC women attend these eatinghouses generally. They are all quietwomen, pleasant and prompt."* /

, ; .. Xf»x=z^-r «

Frrnrj^ 4iiUj,vay Alen-Alarrnrd.

| According to the.J^ench press theFrench railway _<*)riipailie&are in alarm.iThp.v liava-lonff had the raono'Ddlv ofEnglish foulists making for t-19 itfvifera,and. in c'daseotfenee, peiphaps, there is noContinentalniare. illiberally man-!aged tdaii H^-^oh; ;connect« Calaiswith- tii£. French capital. They hav^.had, too.-almost a monopoly of jfch&glish feaffie- -wifli Milan vi^^gouoaSahdthe St. Gfothard, this has' developedunexpectedlyfcot£ m goods'^d passengers.'They afe'mo'st ..att\ioas joQ^tin;both. couple pf'. days^p -4l^lwn£*of the Belgians arrived at Calais incogtiito,having crossed over" from. Dover' inthe Victoria. TSp'passage."was made,with an adverse- tide, in. Co Minutes..The King's object'tfas to judge for himselfwhether better beats might not;beput on The mail service between Ostendand Dover. Lf this could be done parta? tn.o tlivnno-li flint -now takes theroute of Laon and Tergxde? might bedeflected and the Aelgian lines divide itwith the French. Competition is alwayshealthy, and the press is already callingon the Government to push forward thework of deepening the port of Calais..I'aii vrazeue.

A c-idr was killed in ZionviUe, Pa., one

morning, the skin was at tlie tannery bynoon, was tanned and turned over to a

shoe-maker that evening, and by thenext morning was made into a pair ofboots which were worn by the man whoa-wa/I 4."I>/\ norl Ti*Ai«n flm clrin

w U» ilt'U IIIV UiJH lliOiV axih»v n VAJU Uiv

the day before.r .Men are being paid .$2 per day to

circulate petitions for the pardon of theI convicted Chicago Anarchists, and theyI are securing many names,

t A brakeman on the Delaware and Hud[son saluted an exclusion party with thei warning, ''Gents, take partners for th(



The Fell Denunciation of a Son jijioh Hi.* father.The End of the I'arricide.

Prank H. Walworth has just died atSaratoga, aged thirty-one.The young roan descended from a-distinguishedancestry, and might liave been

very prominent himself had it not beenfor a cloud which overshadowed his life.His mother was a wonderfully ben/ati-

ful woman at the time of her marriage,but her husband was a mam of. dissolute .

habits, and was very cruel. The comingof the baby // Frai'k" did not work a re-formation in the father. At lista divorcewas granted Mrs. Walworth, ani she *

moved from Saratoga to Kentucky.In the course of time the divorced hus- -J

*J<A±iUj »XXW »<VO XiW UtUW I.LXA1X .^Z.tt..LI.OJJLVXV4. J

Tracy Walworth, began to maJxe fame 1

and fortune as a story writer. i jIn 1873 Mrs. Walworth moved Lack jto Saratoga and established a girl's school. '

Then lier ex-husband began to pester her J

with notes, making improper proposals. «

He went farther, caused the poor woman 1

great annoyance, talked against the legit- ]imacy < of Frank's birth, and threatened 1

to kill both mother and son..T-*1- r< +U/\n -*-sAnmtwy*wvl ? *

JL ict-LUV »«*o tilUU. wuii«vvm.

He had looked upon iiis father^ -only ,

the tormentor of his mother, aud when ]by accident lie discovered tlie real bur- :

deu which, was being heaped upon Lismotlier lie grew desperate.. j1He went to New York, where liis father lived,sent him a note to call at the Stur- 1tevant house and then waited in his room.That was in. June, 1873. . jJust before dark his father's card was {sent up. "Show the gentleman up," :

said the son. ;

The boy. returned with the;; answer, ,

and Mr. Walworth walked quickly up tohis son's room, humming a tune as he c

did so. When he. was admitted to the, T

room, the young m;\n placed his back; £against,the' d<!or, -and drawing his pistol, A

presented it at' his.father's breast. -.. c

"For Heaven's sake, what do you }mean ?" the father cried. "Do you mean 1

to murder me ? Think of what you are 1doing!'' ®

The son shuddered. *41 know you arc ?

my father," he said; 4' but now you must £die." * v. J"i^iesiineiiea tne latner.. -nave

youcalled me here to murder*rae.your. r

own father«"Yes.- May God have mercy on your c

soul, father, but'I have none. "You have a

threatened and insulted my mother." £The father sank on his knees'and ap- .Lpealed for- mercy and promised to leave ~

them alone and"never interfere with his rwife, again. ?

'.'^ou have lied before and you would ;lie again.rl cannot believe you," was the r

son's cold.answer. " Father you must die. **

3ayyo\ir]ast prayer.''An instant later there was u dash, an- 1:

->ther,;-&!id.the father staggered back a?if struck by lightning. "My son!1' lie 11

breathed, gave.a gasp, and as three more ^shots finished the work, the pallor of j ^icath overspread his features. ' fie had ?.lied at the hands of him .to whom he Il!iiad given life. j c

The young man gave himsL-lf up, and j ^tfss convictcd of murder in the second ^.legree. ile was sentenced to nte im-1 ~

prisoninenfc in Slug Sing, but in 1877; ^was pardoned out. About two years ago f1,ie married Miss CorinneBramiett, daugh:er of the late Governor Bramlett, ofKentycky, who, with one child survives ^iim. fie wgs a grandson, of tiio late a

3hanceilor Reuben If. Walworth, bis s

naternal grandfather having been Col- 5

Duel John J. Hardin, of Illinois, who c

cv*aa kiliai at Buena Vista. ~jWAATFD »T UHMfcgLf.

TKm VV<irif(f>pfnl Pnmilnpitv ill \V!iih»-HflIrf(l tlJoe Brown Down in Georgta. j(Carp in Cleveland

Senator -Toe Brovra is u« strong inGeorgia as ever an'cl'1 notice a Sim<lay 1

school'story going around press inwhich one oi 1&e pupiis, on being askedwho. WW' ihojworld, replied "God.""Aud \yho~made GodV" was the next c

question, r. | v"Joe Brown," was ike. -tf-P*.); att<& A ~

thought. . j 1liiw same state admiration pro-'t

\cm^u iu v.^rgia wnne .brown wis uov- <.

ernor ol'the State. He Lad been Gov- iernor for several terms and it was the Iquestion in the minds of the people 1whether he would accept a rcnomina- ition. The other aspirants for the posi- t

tion were especially anxious to know. If (Brown desired to run they knew there iwas no hope for them, and if not, the cman who got the knowledge of the fact ]

ii(T,iTn irt t.ho start nrul wir> the "

race. But Brown is a very ticklish man ]to handlev- His fur is like that of a cat. 1

It doesn't rub well the wrong -way, and :

the candidates were afraid to ask hiru a Jquestion, One of them, however, con-' 1eluded to toy to worm it: out of Brown's .*

wife, and, as the story goes, called upon 1

Mrs. Rrovn while "the Governor was

away. After hemming and hawing aboutfor some time, he finally said:

"Mrs. Brown. I understand that theGovernor does not intend to run again,and that tie is going to give the otherboys a chance. Now,, "if he wants theoffice, of course we would not run againsthim, but if he don't, we think he oughtto let us know."

Mrs. Brown, who is a very charmingold lady, and who has some of her husband'sability, replied: "I liaVen't heardJoseph say as to whether he is going tobe a"candidate for Governor or not; in-14CCII; i-LC IUM LIVb 0£SV/A-VJ-J. WiAj uajhq I«w WW

it, but from -what 1 know of Joseph Irather think he -wants it himself."

The Earthquake Ouiloo'x.

5 That the eastern shore of the UnitedStates is, and has been, gradually settlingfor the last one hundred and fifty.years, is 'well known. Buried forestsand the. hooding of lands "once highand dry." attest this fact. That theseismic*focus should be at Charleston,'where the coast line is comparativelystraight, seems somewhat strange. Amore probable place would be in south

"ielonritiera £ xunua, ux u»i m.c .

before alluded to.the Greater ar.d LesserAntilles. It is not unlikely * thatshocks will continue till.a- destrnctivejearth<juakeor the opening of a volcanowill bo experienced at some point on or

neat these islands.most likely on or

near one where hot springs occur.similarto the case at Casaiulcciola, in Iscliia,July 28, 1884. A volcano may breakforth in some of them, or in the sea, or

at some other weak spot in the earth's, .t v.A/,1. Til*}71 nYim^TlQP

crust luciu. i

pressure and unrest beneath that unfortunatecity will be removed, theshocks will cease, and it is highly probablethat the portions of the earth near

Charleston that have been subjected tothe most severe shakings will settle to a

lower level, and furnish another instancein proof that the earth is graduallygrowing more solid and consequentlysmaller..Chicago Inter-Ocean.

A buck witli a while head and whitespots on his body wa> killed on Waccamawrecently h}*'Mr. "John LaBrucc. The aniimal's liead resembled a goafs in shape and

v -the horns, which were very short. mrvedl>:K-kwards towards the neck.


Fnll I'foushins.

(From the Atlanta Cor-siituUon.)Is it better to break up land before

Christmas, or wait until spring? Mr.David Dickson, of Hancock county, a

wonderfully close observer, states as the iresult of liis experience, that fall plough- Jmg gave best results in about, one yearout of seven. "When the "winter is dryand colli, fall plowed land grew bettercrops than spring plowed. ZNIrl Dicksontested the matter by leaving stripsthrough, the middle o£ 1'aii plowed fields,which strips yere not broken till spring. |Ma L>;eKsou r, experience was a xocai one;iviE it hold good for all climates and soils?fiie prime object of plowing land is toloosen up tlie soil, to make it friable, so:Hat gases may jjenetrate it, and rootsruay grow and ramify and spread through.t readily. Why docs land liavc to bebroken every year?. Once loosened up bylie plow, why does it not stay loose?Becadse it is beaten down and ran tootherby rains. Every rain drop hampersit down, and the earth, semi-iiuid.vhen wet, yields readily to this hammer- 1

jug. Moreover, th.;j rain water, as it <

auks in the soil carries down with it the <

iiiur particles (particularly clay)- ami ;

.odges them between tlic coarser particlcs i>cIow. This also, tends to consolidate 1lie soil. 1Xow at the south our greatest rainfalls 1

ire iu winter and early spring. Hence 1and plowed in the fall has unusual op- tjortunities of being compacted againjefore- planting time. But is this not s

norc than compensated for by the up- tleaving, loosening effects of freezes? ISear the surface it-may.-be, buthowsel- 1I'.»i :.> ;< 4.T,.,+ fw, rrt^r\1Tivaj. XI UJL CUiXC U1V/ UVliWU iU HJ.

nehesid depth V. .Plow in autumn that elie soil may bo pulverized by the frosts I>f winter is frequently urged by northern r

niters. In their climate the advice is ^food. With them the ground is often a

rozen eight to twelve inches deep.the 2

;entle falling snow settles down quietly 1ipon the upt jrned furrow.does not-pelt rt like the falling rain, hence, land there, t>lowed in the fall, is almost in the same condition when sirring comes as it was t;rhen freshly plowed. The rain has not a

ompacted and run it together, and the rreezes have made it, if anything, lighter i:ban it was left by the plow.1 Such is t'arely the case in our southern e>:pe- 11

Tn. twr nnM Trinfprs. flip 1!

onditionsapproximate those at the north t.'nd the results'are.somewhat similar;-but e

rdicarily land is none the better for 2

ieiug plowed in the fail. Breaking just defore planting, if the ground is not too ti.ry and one has the team and time to do a

t, is the best plan. An exception raaj tie made in favoa: of sundy soil^ these are r

ather too open and loose immediately r:

fter- plowing, and it is well to -give time n

Dr them to be settled by rain before ti'lanting a crop on them. u

But, it may be asked, if sandy lanos t;re too loose after theyhave .been plowed a

rhy .plow them it; all.- Sometimes a glu-iiov.' turning-is desn-abie to bury andlix with tlie .soil vegetable,matter which> on the surface. iiut,. inasmuch as de- f Fomposition goes on more rapidly in an ipen soil than in a dense' (day) one, theLiruing in of vegetable matter on lightmdy soils should never be don$ long indvance of planting a oj-op. After the ^jest of January worjd he ample time lor jfueling over sandy soils. Again it is ,

ometimes desirable to turn over a soil /eeply, to bring back to3 or near, theariace fertilizing substances which have tank down in the soil. There is a C9£f-oiSfMn/lMicr fnv c'nVtnfv ' *

ially in wet seasons; a,iia it is greater in 1

andy in clay soils. An occasional _

.cop^'tiiming of the former is, therefore, v

ecidedly beneficial, provided it does not ,

ring some objectionable r?,v; aubsojll U>.lie surface, "W. L. Jt.

.. .. u


lew Many an Old Maid i»oci> an 3iach Good a* ^

Tvvrnty Married Wamco. ' ^1 " T> ^

Every girl wl;a * m\ ontiiv^ J a_'J

nfc 011 -tier iuLUo-r"'"'iiicL <-"*-' --xenons.a position c

dueling all the ups and downs cn life, the sooner she gets out of the t.setter.ought by the time she is old l.-nougii to possess any money to know 1;xacttyhow much she has,, where it is

n-i-iof if niirrh'-. vpfirlv to rii. tfxuw j .jA

jring in. Jiv this time also she should 1

lave acquired some knowledge of bus?- tless.bank business, referring to checks, Jlividendsand so on.and as -much of tordinary business as she can.- To hernformation oi a practical kind never <

jomes amiss, especially to three golden :

Lilies, which have very rare exceptions: i

S"o investment of over live per cent, isreally safe; trust no one with yourmoney;vithout security, which ought to be as <

strict between the nearest and dearest ]friends as between strangers, and, lastly. <

keep all your affairs from day to day in 1is accurate order as if you had to dieto-morrow/ The mention of dying suggestsanother necessity.as soon as youarc 21 years :o£ age make your will. Youwill not die a day the sooner; you can

alter it. whenever you like, while theease of mind it will be to you and thetrouble-it may save to those that comeafter you are beyond telling.. It cannotbe too strongly impressed upon everygirl who has .or expects"that not undesirablething, "a little income of her own,"what a fortunate responsibility* this isand how useful she may make it' to others.Happier than the lot ot many marriedwomen is that of the ' 'unapin'opriatedblessing,'" as 1 have heard an oldmaid called, who. has her money, less or

'more, in her own hands, and can use itas ,she chooses, generously as. wisely,without asking anybody's leave and beingaccountable for it .to no one. Butthen she must have learned from heryouth;upward Llow to use it; she mustnot spare any amount of trouble in theusing of .it and she must console herselffor. many a lonely regret.we are buthuman, all of us.with the thought thatshe has beeii trusted to be a steward oftilG vTl'CivX JilUjUir* ouv^u. <aix v/im uiui«

often docs as much good in her generationlis 'twenty married women.

F«H fcrom the Wrrat Pyramid.

- Tiie accident which recently occurredat tiie Pyramids was very shocking. Acorporal.in the Army Hospital Corps,who, i>Oi>r fellow, was just going home,having served his time, had a picnic tothe Evmaiids with some oi hiscomrades.

" » ' 1 x T-i

He ascended to tue top 01 tue vreai rytumid,and was seen to pause when abouta quarter ui' the way down, and make a

signal us if for help. Suddenly he was

seen to slip back against the step or

block below him, and then to reboundfrom each successive .step. The peculiarityof the accident is that the body didnot roll or tumblefrom each irregularity,but bounded into the air as it strucktiiese in succession asix auraew:u tneretu,in fact, a series of parabola were performed.The corpse when it reachedthe base was a shapeless mass..LondonDaily News.

A citizen of Minneapolis is building a

genuine log house right in the city. It willBe a hig, rambling dwelling, with queercorners and quaint windows, but; it willhave all themodem improvements and willr-<M **20,00<>.


lion it i« Fosflibje. With Practtcc, to ForetellWeather Probabilities.

(From the Rochester Democrat.)rrlnlunmoflV TIAAflle is (init/k ftX snrfi

an indicator of the condition of the sunas storms or telescopic observations.There should be observers throughoutthe country. Tnev will appear in time,They will 'find it the most interesting j.study they ever entered upon. We jwould advise all to provide themselves jwith a large magnetic needle. If observersdo not care to obtain anything elaborate,'an old file that is not too heavy,say fourteen inches long, may be employed.The cutting portion may beground off if it can be done conveniently.The pointed end for attaching tofclic handle may be broken off up to thepoint -where the cutting portion begins,Pi--- 111 i rt 1. xi T» 1Lxms me siioutu ue moruuguiyized and suspended in a box turned onits side, tlie open side being coveredsvitli a glass, although this is not necessary.A tube of brass or a long woodenx>x, say twelve or. fourteen inches long,^in be fastened on the top of the box)ver the centre of motion of the needlemd through this the thread for suspendingor Ijjilaicing the needle should run.

Loosely twisted silk is best, as there isittle torsion. The string is made quiteong to avoid torsion. Ihe point of sus-)ension should nearly correspond with ;

he middle of the file. jTIia hr>\- with flip innlospfl-

should be placed where it is not subject <

o jarring. If an iron rod is placed in a

)erpendicularposition to the right or 1eft of one of the poles of the needle the £leedle may respond more readily to the;arth currents. The rod. of soft iron has {jolarity, acted upon by the earth cur- (ents, and becomes an electric magnet.IVlien the earth currents are strong it ]ttracts the pole of the needle strongly, i.nd when the current falls releases it.rhe rod is not necessary, but its ordina- i

y attraction is a constant force, so only che changes in the earth currents can Ihange its attraction. Iron in the vicini- 1v of the needle should not be disturbed, i"

n - # *» 1 i n ; _nna iron articles snotua not oe cameu i

tear it. A small glass mirror, say a half 1nch in diameter, may be cemented upon slie centre of the flat needle so motion a

lay be detected by the shifting of the x

mage of a distant object reflected from £[ie mirror to the eye. It Trill be inter- Csting to watch the"behavior of a heavy ecedle as above described before sjad ^

aring an advancing storm. Great dis- iLirban'ce mav be seen in the needle for aeveral dayalieiore-a storm approaches' tl\e jJace oi observation. : There will be *

egoiar .motions ol the needles at sun- .2iso, as me time me sun crosses iJio i~ag-.. »

etic meridian and at subset. Observa- 'cion -frill show wh?£ are usual and un- -jsual motions if proper precautions are .aiken. Until the "habits'' of the needle tre observed for some time there iz dan- ter of false alarms. 1

. * CV-\ptlrw6 THE C*>O\VU. |r

ihyin iiootli Improves oa. SJwKcapcarc Co theDelight of a, Virginia Audience.

(Ifromtie Buffalo Tim^)Or>,ce,daring the days of kio early ;Iruggles, Booth was "barn-storming" .

own in Virginia. at a called T *tV.%s,anding. Tiie improvised theatre was a ! j3bacco warehouse, and it was crowded .Ly the planters, fo.r rajJ.es around. Booth r

nd his ^mparuons had arranged to take jb.e ^'eelily steamer, expected to call late j '

i night, and between the acts were busy jLackuig up. The play was " The. Mex- ;hant of Venice," and they were just |oicg on for tho tsiel secno wnen tlic/icard a whistle and the manager came

Mining in to say that the steamer had jrrivod and would leave again in ten, min- [.* xi. _* i__ tres. as tiiat was iiimr ui^r euauce ior ;

week of getting they were in a <

jrrible (piand#^* ]'' If Y\Q. explaiii matcers, said the niana- ;


" mev tliink tliey are being^tedT" and we shall have a free light.;iae only thing is for you fellows to get ;ip some" sort of natural-like impromptunding for the piece and ring down the ;urtain. Go right ahead, ladies and genlcmen.and take your cue from 2s od j,icre." and lie hurried away ix> get the

uggage aboard. iMed. of course, was Bassanio, and lie

esolved to rely on the ignorance of tlieVirginians of tliose days to pull himlirough all right. So when old GeorgeJuggles, who was doing Shylock, begano sharpen bis knife on his boot Boothvalked straight up to him and solemnlyaid:"You are bound to liave tlie flesh, are

Fen?""You bet your life!" said Kuggles.'-'Now, I'll make you one more offer/'

continued Booth : "In addition to tinsoig bag of ducats I'll throw in two kegsDf niggerhead terback, a sliotgun anatwo of the best coon dogs in the State.",;rm blamed if I don't do it!" respondedShylock, much to the approbationof the audience, who were tobacco

raisers and coon hunters to a man.v And to show that there's no ill-feeling,"put in Portia, We'll wind up with

a Virginny reel."When thev crot on board the steamer

tlie captain, -who had -witnessed the conclusionof the play, remarked:1' I'd like to see the whole of that play,

gentlemen. I'm blamed if 1 thougiitthat fellow Shakespeare had so muchsnap in him."

Beauregard at the Grave of Grant.

A gray-moustached man of mediumheight, dressed in dark and genteel

.' .p. x ~eciotnes, was sia-noing m irum ui wuc

Grant's tomb at Riverside Park to-day.Ee looked for several moments at theplain brick tomb, the only monumentNew York can afford for the great dead.The visitor carried a small bunch oi'violets in his hand and wore a small rosebudin the lappel of his coat. The policemangranted him the privilege towalk up to the tomb and the strangertenderly placed his violets on the grave..He turned to walk away, but stopped,and removing .the rosebud, bent his headover it and placed it with the violets.The stranger was General G. T. Beauregard.of Louisiana..New York Specialto the Boston Herald.

7VIIIC VWU ,*u»ivv»

Tramp.Please give me ten cents, sir VGentleman.Why, I gaveyon ten cents

not an hour ago.Tramp.I'll bet you five dollars you

didn't.Gentleman.I liaven't that much

money with me.Tramp (with some disgust).Well don't

make statements unless you've got moneyto back "em up.

Early Thursday morning a mule wasstolen in the upper pan 01 vjrceuvmecounty. A party -was organized and setout to catch the thief. They overtook, av.-hite man riding the stolen mule, and orderedhim to halt. He answered that hewould kill or be killed before he wouldgive up the mule, and made a motion as ifto draw a weapon, whereupon he was shotdown with a shot gun and died instantly.The parties were arrested.A Chinaman and a white girl were marriedin carriage at Council Bluffs, lmv:t, 1°

escape the gaze of a large crowd.


Soino Fnci* and Rocollections of Mrx.' AlexanderT. Stewart. '» ' J'-'

Mrs. Stewart always called her lmsband"Honey", and lie always called her"My dear."' ...

Now that the millionaire and hiswidow have passTed from earth it is .saidthey never spoke harshly to each other,but"always lived a devoted and happypair.

Mrs. Stewart survived her "husbandten vears and six months. Her death!was comparatively painless. The funeraltook place Thursday. At one o'clockthere was a private service at the beautifulmarble palacc. The remains weretaken to Garden City and the serviceswere held in the Cathedral of the Incarnationwhich was erected through Mrs.Stfitrnrf's After«/»> _

vices the remains were deposited in thecrypt under the altar and elaborate precautionswill:bc taken to guard against adesecration of the grave. :

The death of Mrs. Stewart arouses afresh interest in the husband. One ofthe remarkable things about AlexanderX. Stewart was the brevity of his will, *

It would occupy, only four or li /e inchesand ho disposed of fifty or sixty milliondollars in less than five lines. Said he: 1

i.^Hrst.All my proj^erty and estate,j! any and every kind of description,xnd wherever situated, I &ive and deviseind bequeath to my dear wife, CorneliaM. Stewart, her heirs and assigns forsver."

Aftfvr ft-ivnr>rnfin<r .Tn<-l<n> TTpiit-p- TTilfc.n.2is cxucutor and directing him brieflyiboiit the affairs of the estate he added:"For Tvhich service, as a mark of my regard,I give to said Henry Hilton SI;-)00,000.'; .

Tkerc Trere a number of legacies.-to.rarious friends, employes and servantsn the household.When the death of Mr. Stewart was'

nade public Mrs. Stewart was consid-^red t.he richest woman in the United *

state's. When the bequest of all lier, .

lusband's property to lier was publishedn the daily papers the enormous burden -

raton her aged shoulders was universalybelieved to be greater than she couldiustain. Fortune favored her,'however,ind she sold to -Henry Hilton all herncTrf n.rin Hf.lo in +Tia ImcririAca nf A TStewart and Co.; for the sum of $1,000,-.)Q0 cask, which -sum: had been bequeath-:id to Henry Hilton by" her husband.:rv hether this was. in accordance with a

>re-uhderstahdingof'Mr. Stewart's deiirewas never publicly explained,hough it was an open secret; that such '

vas the fact. But tliat fact iii 'nowiseuteredthe legal aspect of the ease. She >

vas the absolute legatee and could have:,lone with the property precisely as she)leased. That- her action in parting withi business believed to be worth fromTwenty .to thirty millions of dollars: forne compareave tmuiig sum ox one.mnion,and that a gift, was the sensation)f the day and excited widespread comnent,;.:«

The theft of Stewart's body is still anystery!Since tlie theft various expla- .

iations have at different times been asserted,the mostfrequent statement"beinghat the body had been privately recov- .1*

>x k>\ v uu^e ju~lLiAJU zuiu. .lb. i/iio

nausoleum at Garden City, Dut no statementhas been authorized and' supported)j any show of proof, and the wheretboufc*of thebody is still a secret, which -

he d::ath of JIk. Stewart may -finallywenthe door to disclosing.. - «


V l.vn>iDii i'hjjirian DiscovcifS a JPrOCCSD TOT

Making thai licncilcent Drug./Itlinino irn nn»nm in v-irrniic fr»rTT!<l

inil under various names are used by phvsiiansmore than any other drugs," said jbr.

3. >1. Wlielpiey, editor of the NationalUragfjixt, in a conversation with a reporter."Chemists have for several years said it-rft'as possible to make quinine chemically,;nd tlie world of those interested has beenwaiting for some one to do it. In 1S82 afrenchman announced lie liao. aiscoverea[be process, and deposited a sample of; Ms.'quinine' with the Frencli Institute. Onj.vuniualion it proved to bo sulphate of ammoniainstead of sulphate of quinine. Mostof the experiment has been directed towardmaking quinine of cinehonidine, which ismade from the same hark, but "is of lesservalue and is cheaper than quinine. 'Chemicallythere is little difference between them.Cinehonidine consists of 19 parts carbon,22 parts Jiydrogen, Sports nitrogen and 1"^part oxygen: quinine contains 20 parts ofcarbon, 24 parts hydrogen, 2 parts nitrogenand '£ parts oxygen. Ji ue promem uas

been with chemists to add 1 pari carbon, 2 f

purts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. They >

have not been successful in this endeavor,There is nothing wonderful in the claimthat quinine could be made from otherthings than the bark.

"Fruit essences are now made withoutfruits, and other items of chemical stockare made chemically without the interven- !lion of the usual natural product. Yet themedical world was disturbed last Semtem-''her when Dr. Cresswell Hewitt, of London,announced that he had discovered a processto make quinine. He made no effort tor>sf.ih1isli this claim or submit his oroducttc test; but 1 have just received a letter from. $London telling of tlie formation of a com-")

pany to manufacture the drug on Dr. Hewitt'sprocess. Hejstill keeps all particulars :to himself, audit is not known whether thecinchona bark is the basis.of his process, or .

from what he manufactures the drug. Thecompany is called the Atlas Quinine Company,and I am informed has large capital,if Hewitt has discovered what he claimshe will have made us independent;ofthe '*

irregular supply from the countries wherethe trees grow that produce the bark,.and '

while the price of the drug may not be1ma-1teriallv reduced it will not rise in time ofwar in those countries. Then, too, his successwill stimulate other chemists to exper- Iimcnts looking to the manufacture of otherdrugs without reliance on the naturalproduct. Morphine may be made .fromsomething other thanopjum^etc. It, however.remains to be seen what Br. -Hewitthas really accomplished."'

:5S.iThe Editorial of the Future.-. :

The days ot editorial essays m a daily '

paper have passed, and what is now wanted }are short, snappy expressions, of opinion,sharp and directly*to the point, without-.~proloxity. It is a great thing for a youDgiA;*writer to learn to stop when he gets through, J

a lesson which some older writers .whohave been fairly successful have never ,

learned. Long editorials are more fre- "

quentJv a ?-ign of laziness than of ability. '

Ox course tllere are some subjects which.require exhaus' /e treatment, but underordin&'rv circumstances lona: editorials arewritten because the editor has neither the :

time nor the brains to write short ones.Thf >hort editorial, the concise clearly ,x

written article, will go to make up themoJel paper of the future. Punctured "by

paragraph is more than an alliterativeconceit. The paragraph is the most £orm- *

Ktaoie weapon m me cauors arsenal, analiie long editorial is the least effective. Old.fogies may speak with admiration of die"thoughtful"' writer who turns the longnewspaper columns, but the man who willweild real inliucnee is he who can put his"thmisrht" in :i few oithv -entenees. Ver-biatre has had its day, and in the best papers ?brains are slowly taking its place..Tlt&Journalist.

A German waiter at the Astor House,Mew York, last night, shot tlioc-hicf cookami then committed suicide.
