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The Family Portrait€¦ · enten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather...

Date post: 24-Jun-2020
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Just a few weeks ago, no one could have imagined how different our world would be in such a short period of time; life is anything but business as usual. When it came time to work on the April Family Portrait newsletter, I asked Pastor Paul for a little guidance on how, or even if, to proceed, since promoting the usual programs, events, and services that most likely will not be happening any time soon seemed futile. He suggested contacting several people who might be willing to share what they are learning about Jesus (or Rediscovering about Him) during this time of uncertainty. Where are they seeing Him at work? What are they learning about themselves and about God during this time? What is He doing in their lives? Since I’m always grateful when the monthly newsletter has a story with some heart, this seemed like a great idea. After sending out several emails requesting stories, I was blessed by the response. Then as I began to read and format them, three out of the first five submissions quoted the same verse from Matthew. I don’t think this was a coincidence… I think God wants us to remember His words in this time, and to realize our dependence on Him. I won’t tell you which verse; you will just have read the stories to find out for yourselves. I hope you will be blessed by the encouragement from members of your Family in Christ. I pray you are relying on our Lord and that you see Him at work in the midst of COVID-19. May we all lift one another up with phone calls, messages, and prayers until the time when we can once again come together in worship. Margie Bessler, newsletter editor Round Table Discussions Online We started a couple of round table discussions that we are hosting live online that can also be viewed afterward. The first one aired this past week where we invited three friends from our congregation with backgrounds in finances and business to talk about the effects we are going to feel from the Coronavirus and the hit to the financial sectors. From protecting what you've already earned to rebounding from job loss, we covered a lot of ground. You can check this out on our FaceBook page or on our YouTube channel. Join us for our second set of conversations on April 1st (no joke!) at 7:00 pm as we pick up the conversation with some others from our community to talk about how to "Conquer Covid 19 Emotionally." For many, there is a lot of additional fear, stress, and anxiety felt during this time. Our counselors and spiritual formation experts will guide us through some deep waters. Join us online! Regan Archer Discipleship and Deployment Pastor Lenten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online each Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 10 am for our weekly worship service. Connect via Facebook or YouTube… and even interact with others who are also watching. It just one way to keep the Sabbath and touch base with your Family in Christ. If you miss the live streaming, you can always access the service on our website. March 28/29 Prayer When We Have Questions April 4/5 (Palm Sunday) Prayer That Goes Unanswered Matthew 21 April 11/12 (Easter) Dramatic Monologue: Matthew The Family Portrait A PRIL 2020 Special Edition
Page 1: The Family Portrait€¦ · enten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online

Just a few weeks ago, no one could have imagined how different our world would be in such a short period of time; life is anything but business as usual. When it came time to work on the April Family Portrait newsletter, I asked Pastor Paul for a little guidance on how, or even if, to proceed, since promoting the usual programs, events, and services that most likely will not be happening any time soon seemed futile. He suggested contacting several people who might be willing to share what they are learning about Jesus (or Rediscovering about Him) during this time of uncertainty. Where are they seeing Him at work? What are they learning about themselves and about God during this time? What is He doing in their lives?

Since I’m always grateful when the monthly newsletter has a story with some heart, this seemed like a great idea. After sending out several emails requesting stories, I was blessed by the response. Then as I began to read and format them, three out of the first five submissions quoted the same verse from Matthew. I don’t think this was a coincidence… I think God wants us to remember His words in this time, and to realize our dependence on Him. I won’t tell you which verse; you will just have read the stories to find out for yourselves.

I hope you will be blessed by the encouragement from members of your Family in Christ. I pray you are relying on our Lord and that you see Him at work in the midst of COVID-19. May we all lift one another up with phone calls, messages, and prayers until the time when we can once again come together in worship.

Margie Bessler, newsletter editor

Round Table Discussions Online

We started a couple of round table discussions that we are hosting live online that can also be viewed afterward. The first one aired this past week where we invited three friends from our congregation with backgrounds in finances and business to talk about the effects we are going to feel from the Coronavirus and the hit to the financial sectors. From protecting what you've already earned to rebounding from job loss, we covered a lot of ground. You can check this out on our FaceBook page or on our YouTube channel.

Join us for our second set of conversations on April 1st (no joke!) at 7:00 pm as we pick up the conversation with some others from our community to talk about how to "Conquer Covid 19 Emotionally." For many, there is a lot of additional fear, stress, and anxiety felt during this time. Our counselors and spiritual formation experts will guide us through some deep waters. Join us online!

Regan Archer Discipleship and Deployment Pastor

Lenten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real

Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online each Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 10 am for our weekly worship service. Connect via Facebook or YouTube… and even interact with others who are also watching. It just one way to keep the Sabbath and touch base with your Family in Christ.

If you miss the live streaming, you can always access the service on our website.

March 28/29 Prayer When We Have Questions

April 4/5 (Palm Sunday) Prayer That Goes Unanswered Matthew 21

April 11/12 (Easter) Dramatic Monologue: Matthew

The Family Portrait APRIL 2020

Special Edition

Page 2: The Family Portrait€¦ · enten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online

Page 2 The Family Portrait

In this time when we suddenly have more time for reading, self-reflection, and observing how society is "handling" our Coronavirus crisis, I have been struggling with how God wants us to be in community and relationships with others, yet is

allowing such social distancing to be occurring. So, I have been pondering how God is using this to tweak/transform us. Each evening, as I have read the daily Rediscover Jesus passage, I have been underlining what strikes me as important for my spiritual walk. Here are a few of the ones that seem to be connecting for me.

"People often confuse simple for easy." The lesson that I think we are supposed to be learning is how do we spend the increased free time that we suddenly have with cancelled social gatherings, professional sports, meetings, and trips out of town? The simple answer is that we should be spending more time reading the Bible, pondering daily devotionals, and praying. But, it isn't easy. We have allowed so many things to take up our waking hours that we spend the time worrying, rather than looking to God for peace, hope, and purpose.

"Great lives belong to men and women who see life as a generosity contest." We are being bombarded by stories of how people are struggling with no or drastically reduced paychecks. I want to do something to help. I want to go to restaurants and buy a meal, just to help those businesses survive. I want to take more supplies up to The Refuge (they are still open, with limited hours). Margie is going to help Bethany, our nurse friend, sew some face masks, because they are in such short supply.

"Suffering is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn't have to be meaningless." The timing of this study with the social distancing speaks to me that God is making it possible for this time to be meaningful for the Kingdom, not just a cabin fever crisis, which focuses on us, rather than others. And "God's relationship with humanity has always displayed His preference for collaboration over intervention." We came together as a nation and community after 9/11, rising to be in relationship with each other in recovery from the horror. Now, the nation and community are united with the world, in the need to pray for each other, focus on our fellow brothers and sisters around the world, and look to God when we realize how helpless we are without Him. What if isolating us actually brings us closer to our neighbors and to Him?

In Christ, Pastor Terry Bessler

Our first week home for "remote learning" had a pretty steep learning curve! Not so much in regards to the curriculum because the kids' teachers were incredible with their digital instruction and the kids tackled their tasks well. It was more the challenge for our family to figure out how to allow everyone their own space, their own methods, their own expectations. As you can imagine for our family of six, there has been a great potential for tension, stress, frustration, and exasperation. Gratefully, God met us in the middle, gently pointing out the many opportunities to extend great grace to one another.

As we read through the Gospel of Matthew, we are reminded of His perfect, amazing grace poured out for us through His life and death and resurrection on the cross. He modeled for us how to talk to difficult people (the Pharisees and the fearful crowds), how to weather storms in life (on the Sea of Galilee and in the temple), and how to balance larger than life demands (feeding the 5,000 and early morning requests for His presence) -- all with grace and love. Having these examples is a blessing, but nearly impossible to follow. By inviting the Holy Spirit to intervene in my interactions with my family, it is possible for my responses to mirror His. Inevitably, I will also need to talk to difficult people (sometimes teens are difficult, ya know!), to weather this season's storm (both the blizzard and the unknowns due to Covid-19), and balance life's demands (feeding these 6 folks for days on end and constant requests for mom-help). Being yoked to Jesus is the key. With His guidance, I can love my family with more grace than grit.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

As we all continue to learn this month, whether it's 8th-grade math or "the unforced rhythms of grace", let's continue to reach out and encourage one another.

Morgan Kellum

Page 3: The Family Portrait€¦ · enten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online

Page 3 April 2020

Finding God’s Peace While Snowshoeing

The first day of Spring 2020 found us snowshoeing in His glorious creation. This is really not unusual for us;

however, with recent events on my mind, I used this time to pray and reflect on all my blessings including: good health, warm home, job, family, friends, and toilet paper. These are all necessary and important things, but temporary. Thankfully, my hope and salvation in Jesus is forever.

As I looked out on the pristine snow (we are early risers so no other tracks marred the landscape), I thought of how my life’s journey is so very similar. Often, I am enticed by the new and beautiful, and want to head out on my own and conquer the hurdles, the job, the trail…… and then I sink down into the beautiful snow and “break trail.” Breaking trail is rewarding and hard work and reduces the “workload” of those who follow. As my heart rate climbed to the cardio zone on my handy fit-bit, I paused to catch my breath and God whispered “Amy, Be Still and Know.” I am so very thankful that Jesus has walked ahead of me and made the way easier. When I go off the path, His grace and forgiveness renew and restore me.

My prayer for all of us during our “social-distancing” time is that we stop and draw near to the One who promises to give us rest.

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you it is light and I am humble in spirit. I will bring your souls rest.

Blessings and Peace to our Family In Christ Community.

Amy Nordon- Craft

Hello fellow believers,

During this time of uncertainty life seems to change daily. Some really simple tasks have turned into a mountain of should we, or should we not. Also we have been forced to accept the fact we are in the “at risk elderly group.” When did that happen?

Then we take a step away from all the stress & turmoil, and remember God. Yes He is with us always. He never grows weary, and He is delighted every time we talk to him. When we find ourselves sinking into that fearful, negative hole, we pray, His word, read & listen. We are His children. He will take care of us.

Here are 2 verses God gave us to stand on: 2 Timothy 1 :7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Proverbs 16 : 9 A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

Listening and waiting, Chuck & Jo Ann Hutchcraft

Hello my Family in Christ! The events of the past couple of weeks have certainly impacted our lives just as I am sure it has everyone's. With all the changed daily routines, cancelled activities and pastimes, and annoying lack of what used to be plentiful, the biggest thing I

miss is social interaction. You know, the real kind, where you share physical space. However, as my mom always used to quote, "When God closes a door, He opens a window," or more directly put, God meets our needs. With more time to devote to Bible study, prayer, and for me, journaling, it seems like that is the message I am receiving on all fronts. God is in control. He is our protector and provider. He is our strength and He is faithful.

Trusting in those messages, I felt like I needed to look for the "windows." There have definitely been more phone calls, texts, and emails on my part. Just checking in, and encouraging as well as being encouraged. Our Life Group got very brave, and we met on Zoom. It was a hoot as all of us less techy participants tried out technology we didn't think we could, and God blessed our efforts. We all got connected and seeing each other's faces and hearing familiar voices brought immense joy to me. With that small seed of success, we have agreed to continue meeting in this format until things can be different. God meets our needs although it may not be in the manner we thought He might. We just have to trust, day by day.

Kathy Larimore

Page 4: The Family Portrait€¦ · enten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online

Page 4 The Family Portrait

I think we’ve all been processing a bit more in this forced time of rest…. With this extra time at home, I have found myself doing more yoga than usual -- which I'm enjoying. Sometimes I follow an online video and sometimes I just start moving. Lately, I have found myself focusing on the tight spaces that I usually want to overlook. Maybe this is a picture of how God gently leads us, if we take time to be quiet and listen? Maybe He wants to sit with us and bring healing and wellness to some of our figurative "tight spaces", if we can only lean in to the discomfort and trust His leading knowing that "He works all things together for our good."

A favorite verse of mine from the Message version says this, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11: 28-30.

I’m praying you, Family in Christ! I can’t wait to be able to worship together with everyone again in person. I know and believe that He is working all things together for His good, and rest in Him.

Betsy Smith

What a difficult season this has been for so many! I believe that God is in control and that as in the "Footprints in the Sand" He will carry us through this pandemic, will move many of us to care better for each other and the earth, and give us strength to do things we never thought we would be capable of doing. My ladies’

Bible study members are strong, well versed in the scriptures, and have weathered many storms in their lives. We all pray for our community to stand firm in their faith, and to receive help where it is needed.

Betsy Lamb

I am so thankful the Women’s Ministry has come up with ways for our groups to stay connected.

Keeping in the Word is one way to keep ourselves from falling into the woe is me trap Satan may be tempting us all into. Keeping groups in the Word together is good, and keeping the Holy Spirit within our Christian families is an even stronger push back on Satan.

Kim Bishop

In times of crisis, as a Christian, we call upon the name of the Lord in prayer, seeking wisdom, strength, hope, healing, comfort, etc. And it is good and right to call upon the One who promises to never leave us or forsake

us no matter what our circumstances. Living in the uncertainty of the present is difficult for everyone. I hate uncertainty. Not only has it affected my family, but as a small business owner, I am walking through the anxiety with our employees and patients, as well.

However, this crisis has been a great blessing to me, too. God, in His mercy, has fixed my gaze upon Jesus, my Savior. He has drawn me into confession: that it is one thing to say God is sovereign over all, but do I actually believe it? Confessing that I have been living my life seeking comfort and security and not trusting Him in all things, confessing that I don’t examine my life and repent of those things that I know are sin and seeking to become more and more Christ-like. I thank God that He took me to confess the wrongs in my own life first, instead of allowing me to use Him like a vending machine and praying that He would fix this and do that, etc.

Another blessing is the sweet fellowship and worship my wife and I are having with our two daughters who are currently living with us. Recently in our devotional time together we looked at Matthew 6:25-34. It speaks to not being anxious for God knows our circumstances better than we. Jesus is saying that the greatest concern of our life is to place our relationship with God first, and everything else second. Oh, how I needed to read and take that in afresh, especially during this time. Thanks be to our God most high!

Our God can do more than we can ask or even imagine. One thing I have been praying for is that many will repent and call upon our Lord as the savior, leader and treasure of their life. O Lord, make it so, all to your glory!

All God’s peace to our sisters and brothers at Family in Christ,

Jon Lewis

Page 5: The Family Portrait€¦ · enten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online

Page 5 April 2020

When asked to write a testimony about how COVID-19 and all the changes it has recently brought to our state have affected me, and what God is teaching me through this, I was a bit hesitant. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to share with all of you some of the hard lessons I’ve learned. But here I am writing this because I feel the Holy Spirit saying that someone else needs to hear it.

First of all, I am a Family Child Care Provider. I take care of children in my home. This business has always been a bit of an uncertainty as far as income goes. Things can change at a moment’s notice, as parents sometimes pull their kids to go to centers or when they start school. I had already been going through a period of time when I was needing to fill some spots to make sure we could cover all our bills, then COVID-19 came along! Some of my families are sticking with me; two families have moved to drop in, one is paying me, one is not. My husband just found out Friday that his hours are being cut in April, as well. I was so afraid at first, but our Heavenly Father is so faithful when we approach Him with our fears!

As I prayed and cried out to Him, He reassured me that this is His business and always has been! He used a sermon that referenced 2 Chronicles 20:15-30 to remind me that this is His battle, not mine; and that praise, worship and thanksgiving are great weapons against the enemy and his fear and lies! He blessed me with Psalm 91, especially pertinent, verses 5-6: You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. He took me to Hebrews 10:35-39 to remind me that He is

The world events have turned our lives upside down. I cling to things that haven't changed and that's our connection with people. I've been reaching out to friends just to see how they're doing. Friends have

been reaching out to us to check on us and even more important, to say the words" I just wanted to hear your voice." Oh, how sweet those words are! That's what won't change. We're united in our love for Jesus and how important it is to connect with others, if not in person, then by "just hearing their voice."

Sheila Shea

The Rediscover Jesus readings has reinforced my understanding of Jesus’s life; the scriptures and parables in Matthew further define His love for the world and how to recognize evil. I am experiencing how I would feel in ancient time as Jesus taught, and how I feel and relate to current life today. I have a deeper appreciation for who Jesus was to the disciples and who He is to me. I am so thankful prayer has

become more meaningful as I reach out to family and friends for God’s mercy and His love to surround them and protect their health and finances in these troubling times. I find spending daily time in the Word gives me peace and insight into how I can prioritize my life.

Deborah Sedbrook

coming back, and that I am strong by the power of the Holy Spirit so that I will not “shrink back and be destroyed”! Finally, He brought me to my knees this week when He took me to Philippians 4:12-13: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do

everything through Him who gives me strength. He spoke so clearly to me when I read these verses that I was not content! I was placing money before Him, my blessed Lord and Savior! Even though I talked a good game, I was not believing in my heart that He COULD and WOULD provide for all of my needs! I am now, finally free from the chains that had me bound! I am no longer worried about what may happen. I know that no matter what happens, I am firmly and securely in my Savior’s hands! He is first and foremost!

So it is my prayer that each and every Christian, and those who do not know our loving understanding, mighty God, would learn everything that He has for us to learn during this time! That we would be able to be free of the strongholds that have plagued our lives unknowingly! That we would be able to celebrate that we are children of the King! That we would remember that He is truly our Refuge and our Strength! Stay in the Word, dear friends! Stay connected to those who encourage you! Reach out to neighbors and friends and share God’s love and hope! Lift up praise to our gracious God with your whole being! I love you all! He is faithful and He will bring us through this, stronger than ever before!

Kim Sanger

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Page 6 The Family Portrait

(was still scheduled at time of publication; please contact Vitalant to confirm)

Blood Drive: Sunday, April 26 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

To make an appointment or for questions regarding qualifications call Vitalant at 303-363-2300. You will need to bring some form of ID with you and wear something that allows a blood pressure cuff to not touch your clothing. Be sure to eat a good meal and drink plenty of water before your donation appointment. Allow about an hour for the entire donation process. Make a difference by giving lifesaving blood.

Got Questions? Contact Emily Gallagher ([email protected] or 970-203-5956)

The Family Portrait is a publication of Family in Christ Community Church. Articles, contributions, and suggestions are welcome; submit to [email protected]. A Word or Publisher document is preferred; editorial license may be invoked based on space or content.

May Newsletter deadline: April 23 Electronic Distribution by May 1 Hard copies in the Lobby May 2/3

Youth group is connecting virtually through zoom on Sundays from 4:00-6:00 and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00. Youth group is continuing on with normal routine, but we are just doing it virtually. Thursday is our Bible study on the Book of Revelation. We are using zoom and the you version bible app for the Bible study. Contact Wes for more information.

Operation Christmas Child During the remaining days of Lent, please be collecting bars of soap, combs, and tennis balls for Operation Christmas Child. Collection boxes will be available in the Children’s Wing

once we are able to return to the church building.

Wes Jones, Student Ministries Pastor [email protected]

303-466-7770 ext. 208

like us at Family in Christ - LIFT Student Ministries.

"Lift Students will Lift Him

who Lifts us to Lift others."

Student Ministries Grades 6 —12

Bigger or Better was a blast last month. Look at some of the cool stuff we got!

Page 7: The Family Portrait€¦ · enten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online

Page 7 April 2020

We are taking advantage of technology to make connecting with other women at FIC possible. Especially during this unprecedented time of social distancing, we want to close the gap between you and your new and old friends by providing opportunities to connect with each other and with God's truth. See what works best for you!

Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, Megan Miller is hosting a digital study of Gloria Furman's Raised Together -- a study of Colossians. Study starts April 14.

Contact Megan to sign up, [email protected]

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Kim Sanger is continuing Lisa Harper's study of Job, via the Zoom app. Log in to register at https://onlinestudy.smallgroup.com/v/JobOBS and you will have access to all the videos prior to the digital group discussion.

For more details or questions, contact Kim, [email protected].

Bunco: (if dates allow) April 17 - Let's pretend it's spring!

June 12 - Backyard Bunco! 6-8 pm at the Kellum's. Bring a snack to share and

friend to join us!

If you are a mother of a preschooler, stay connected via our MOPS Facebook page: FIC MOPS. Small groups are staying connected with virtual meetings. Especially during these long days, it's important to remember that you

are not alone. Connect with other moms for encouragement and tips to stay busy and sane. We also have an online MOPS Bible study hosted by Christi Krupinski. They are studying Finding God Faithful. Contact Christi for more details: [email protected]

As parents, we need all the support we can get and we're so grateful for our FIC Peak Children's Ministry. They are posting a weekly devotion for families including discussion questions, activity ideas and lots of support. Check out the Family In Christ - Peak Children's Ministry Facebook page for more info.

Vacation Bible School

June 1 – 5 9:00 am – 12:00pm

Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Every athlete loves to win! At MEGA Sports CAMP, Kids will discover how to become champions—both in sports and in their faith. They’ll enjoy action-packed sports training sessions mixed with fun rallies where you will introduce kids in your community to their true Champion—Jesus! MEGA VERSE: But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


We are looking for volunteers to lead or help with MEGA Sports Camp.

Sign up to help online or email PEAK Children’s Minister, Kelly Vath at

[email protected].

Women’s Ministry

Opportunities to connect virtually and fun events for when Social Distancing restrictions can safely be relaxed. (some events and dates are subject to change)

We have the same great seats as last year, in section U338, between home plate and 3rd base, directly overlooking where the stage will be set up, and most importantly, in the shade! Group rate of $18 includes game and post-game concert

Payment Deadline is July 10;

reserve by contacting Margie Bessler at [email protected].

You can pay with cash or by check (made out to Family in Christ; connect with Margie) or pay online:


16th Annual Faith Day at Coors Field

Sunday, August 2 1:10 pm

Rockies vs the Giants Musical Guest: Jeremy Camp

IF:Gathering 2020 to be

rescheduled—watch for details

"Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:2

Hear from a variety of speakers including: Jennie Allen, Jada

Edwards, Beth Moore, Sadie

Robertson, Bianca Olthoff, Ann

Voskamp and more!

Page 8: The Family Portrait€¦ · enten Sermon Series Prayer: Raw & Real Even though we cannot gather together physically at this time, we can still worship as a community. Join us online

Family in Christ Community Christian Reformed Church

11355 Sheridan Boulevard Westminster, CO 80020

www.familyinchrist.com 303-466-7770

Office hours: Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Worship Services: Saturday, 5:00 pm Sunday, 10:00 am

Nursery/Family Worship Room and Children’s Programs available

at all services

Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings Programs for

Children & Adults at 6:30 pm during the school year

Middle & Senior High Youth Sunday Morning, same as worship

Sunday Youth Group 3:30 to 6:00 pm

Todd Afflerbaugh (2021) 415-730-7157

[email protected]

David Anderson (2021) 720-550-1120

[email protected]

Ryan Gallagher (2021) 720-258-5315

[email protected]

Lisa Malick (2022) 941-224-1365

[email protected]

Travis Morgan (2020) 303-552-6432

[email protected]

Travis Nicholson (2020) 303-451-9223

[email protected]

Keith Osborn (2020) 303-465-6066

[email protected]

Sue Vencill-Johnson (2022) 303-808-5634

[email protected]

Paul Vestal (2022) 509-308-4596 or 720-420-0251

[email protected]

Student Ministries 303-466-7770, ext. 208

Wes Jones—Student Ministries Pastor [email protected]

Children’s Ministries 303-466-7770, ext. 209

Kelly Vath Children’s Ministry Director

303-562-7003 [email protected]

Asst. Children’s Ministry Director Sheila Shea

303-465-3634 [email protected]

PEAK Welcome Desk Coordinator Pam Cummings

WOW Coordinator Calla Alter

Kindergarten &1st Grade Coordinator Laura Griffy

2nd & 3rd Grade Coordinator Todd Afflerbaugh

4th & 5th Grade Coordinator Mary Boggs

Little Bear Nursery Director Deanna Vath

David Anderson—Men’s Ministry

[email protected]

Travis Morgan—Men’s Ministry [email protected]


Paul Jorden—Senior Pastor 303-466-7770, ext. 203 [email protected]

Carmen Braaksma—Office Manager 303-466-7770, ext. 201 [email protected]

Randy Borden—Facilities 303-466-7770, ext. 207 [email protected]

Regan Archer—Deployment Pastor 303-466-7770, ext. 204 [email protected]

Terry Bessler—Pastoral Care Pastor 720-837-9556 [email protected]

JoAnn Bjorem—Financials 303-466-7770, ext. 202 [email protected]

Worship, Music & Technology Jonn Dilley—Pastor

303-466-7770, ext. 213 [email protected]

Katie Barnhart—Website, App, Communications 303-466-7770, ext. 211 [email protected]

Margie Bessler—Newsletter Editor [email protected]

Regan Archer, Terry Bessler, Carmen Braaksma, Pastor Paul—Life Group Ministry Oversight

Char Campbell—Women’s Ministry 303-947-5608 [email protected]

Staff & Ministry Team

DEACONS Family in Christ Council ELDERS

Terry Bessler (2020) 720-837-9556

[email protected]

Will Boggs (2021) 303-438-9278

[email protected]

Susan Faltinson (2022) 720-371-3890

[email protected]

Pat LaPlante (2021) 303-913-2643

[email protected]

Ry Mittlestadt (2022) [email protected]

Russ Zigler (2022) [email protected]

Julie Walden Elder at Large

The Council of Family in Christ consists of lay people elected to serve as Elders or Deacons for a 3-year term. Along with Pastor Paul, the Council works together for the wel fare of the congregation and to foster community outreach.

The role of Elder is one of shepherding the flock and encouraging them to understand their calling to care for and support one another.

The role of Deacon is servant-oriented, to offer mercy, and oversee the benevolence ministry.

Photos to help put a face with a name of each Council member are available by the coat racks at the west end of the church.

Feel free to contact an Elder or Deacon; they are available to shepherd and encourage.


Our VISION: Changing the Spiritual

Terrain of our community by making and mobilizing more

followers of Jesus Christ.

Adult Ministries
