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The federal government is divided into separate branches to….? Keep any one branch from growing...

Date post: 17-Jan-2018
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On what grounds can a federal court strike down a state or federal law? If the law is unconstitutional. Lake St. Clair Public Beaches: No 8 th Graders No Women No Portuguese Lake St. Clair Public Beaches: No 8 th Graders No Women No Portuguese

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The federal government is divided into separate branches to.? Keep any one branch from growing too powerful. A govt in which citizens rule through elected representatives is called a.? Republic On what grounds can a federal court strike down a state or federal law? If the law is unconstitutional. Lake St. Clair Public Beaches: No 8 th Graders No Women No Portuguese Lake St. Clair Public Beaches: No 8 th Graders No Women No Portuguese The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed by the Federalist to.? Increase Govt power G o v t Which branch of govt has ultimate control over the other 2? None/Neither What branch of govt deals with the court system? The English Bill of Rights and the ____ ___ were 2 British documents that influenced the Framers of the U.S. Constitution. Magna Carta Most states established this 2 house legislature called.? Hump D-Ayee!! Sounds like What items do Americans call The Supreme Laws of the Land? The____ __ ____is a list of freedoms that the government promises to protect. Bill of Rights 1 st Amendment 2 nd Amendment 3 rd Amendment 4 th Amendment 5 th Amendment 6 th Amendment 7 th Amendment 8 th Amendment 9 th Amendment 10 th Amendment What determines how many members represent each state in the House of Representatives? The U.S. Census, a nationwide population count taken every ten years. What is the most distinctive feature of the U.S. govt.? The separation of powers The ??., divided lands West of the Ohio River into townships six miles long and six miles wide. Delegates to the Second Continental Congress decided to handle the.., by creating the Continental Army. British The main threat faced by Americans in the Northwest Territories was.....? Under the United States Constitution, the president and vice president are elected indirectly by a special group called the .? Delegates to the Second Continental Congress decide to handle the British by? Creating the Continental Army The national debt can best be defined as the amount of money owed.? By the nation to foreign countries and the nations citizens. What law helped stop the spread of slavery to the west? Northwest Ordinance Whether to seek a peaceful or violent solution was the main issue debated during which Continental Congress? The Second What were supporters of the new Constitution called? Federalist IF THE LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. On what grounds can a federal court strike down a state or federal law? Why do American men 18 years old or older have to register with selective service? so the federal government can contact them in case of a draft The presidential election of 1796 differed from prior American elections because there were? Multiple Candidates The president can check congress through? Vetoing a bill NO way In the pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine argued that laws should be made by ..? Citizens, ( a.k.a. We the people) The First Amendment protects Freedom of religion, expression, and assembly. Can congress propose new amendments to the Constitution? Which of these duties of a citizen is encouraged, but not required? voting in elections The goal of the First ________ ______, was to state the concerns of the colonists to the King. Continental Congress Whos pamphlet Common Sense, led many colonial leaders to challenge British authority? Thomas Paine Why was the idea of taxation without representation so important to the revolutionary cause? Colonist believed King George III had violated their rights by taxing them without their consent. How was Frances interest in the Revolution financially important? The French provided monetary aid once they believed the Patriots could win. What were colonists who chose to side with the British called? Loyalists Patriots What is a federal system of government designed to do? Divide powers between the states and the national government What determines how many members represent each state in the House of Representatives? The U. S. census, a nationwide population count taken every ten years. What is the function of Congress in the federal government? Congress is the legislative branch, which makes the nations laws. What role does the Constitution assign to the judicial branch? Interpreting laws Which branch of govt is headed by the president, (and his anger translator Luther) ...? According to the idea of majority rule, whose decisions make policy for everyone? The greatest number of people in a society. What were the two main goals of the Constitutions framers? Protect citizens rights and defend the country A protective tariff adds a tax to the price of imported goods to protect domestic products from foreign.? Competition The electoral college is a.? body of delegates from each state that casts the deciding votes for president. IN GEORGE WASHINGTONS FAREWELL ADDRESS, HE WARNED AGAINST..? Burdening future generations with debt. According to George Washington in his Farewell Address, what was the key to national success? Political unity. The United States Constitutions system of _________ensures that no one branch of the federal govt can become too powerful. Checks and balances The Declaration of Independences main author was? Thomas Jefferson Why was the idea of taxation without representation so important to the revolutionary cause? Colonists believed King George III had violated their rights by taxing them without their consent.
