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The Fetish Speaks

Date post: 09-Apr-2018
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  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    tllhe 0HTISiF{peffl,rKs

    'in uthtchMn faPita[/'/rs. Land.

    '/.o /h.rr qhos/ -o/Lina o,"o.io/ ,Aa.i."/er" or/ o(ileo-" (im. o, *"r. /1r'og".

    I t is anenchanted,

  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    L *Li. to.td, a a'^'nodi+I rsi{ ' in3, atonnd "3srb+'.+ies qhdq. verY ?uceF.ih rnetdPly slco-lSleo logico- nice*ies.

    S" Ta, o.i i{ i-\olu e in r.r3 , +1.*..is no*l^irr3 nys{eriol5o.ro6qi t, Nhflcr wetonsiler it {"on *ep.tnt of view ldtrily tt i ir-op*-ties itii clprtle o+sa+it-ivrg f'umor wnls,

    tr paihtflrat +loseqre +lepbJqct of

    f r - ," ^ . t . - . a" noon'daY.. lhat man'iy h," ,.d'"t.g ehaage.s.ltz,e \msUz,lr tt" ...t.i"ls /urn;s'e4,bv aa.ture 2.t ru'h a'ioy ot to zttake-

    '*""4, r"" ,n-i1"",", ,' a/lc"ed ly/mak/nc a lalle oul of it'

    /el, {atall lAa{lhe ta6le


  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    I t iB a a lef ln i te 6ocie1relatio! between Be4 thaaesudee, in their ey6In order to l ind

    t ro the ni6t-ehwelopreeion6 of therel , ie iou6 world

    the product iona oftbe hunan braina!!ea! a6 indepeadentbeih6 endo{ed { i th1i f6, end entel ineibto le lat ioh bothwith ole eothexsd the huBer race.

    I cal lt ie Iet ishismwnich attaches i t-se1f tc the lrod.f ,c ts o1aboI, 60 sooh a. lheyafe !! .oduc6d as conmodi-t ie6, dd whicb is

    f .om tLe product ioe of

    AUTI]CRthe indiv iduaa a6serts i tseai ss a part' ' ' rL 6 .e1-'he acr of xcl eeF s-tebt ls i a l : .pct l -! -odJcro, ard. o lre.r-J, lh .o.eh Ll-en,

  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    The noney forn of the woradof coenodit ieg actualay con-eeal6, iE6tead of discfos-inA, tbe socia l cbalacterof pr i la te ]"abor ad t} Ie

    Whea I s iate thatstdd in a refa-t ion to 1 ihen, be-cau6e l t 16 theuiYersa-l incada-t ion of abstracthuean labo., theabsuld i ty of thestatenent i6 seaf-

    Eociaa relat ions betweeni.d jv idue-1 rroduce!s.

    l ' lewer thele.s, when the l i fo-duc..6 oJ' co6ts @d bootson pal ,a those art ic les ^!r11 eold or 6iawer, asthe Biwersal- equi-valent, they ex-Press the le l-at ionbetweeb their ownthe coAlect ivein tl1e 6de absuld

  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    The cateeorie6 obourg6ot6 econonycon6i6t of sucb

    Tbey ale forns of thouehtexple6sins Fi th 6ocie1 val id i tythe condi t ions Md relat ion6 ofa def in i te ' hi6tor: ica.11Y de-tetniaed eode of product ioE,

    6;"."1y ,-- ' .. p-d*\\ t ion of connodit ie6.J--- ;-)_,/fbe vhole eyster t of connodi t iesa]-l tbe magic and neeronucYthal, su!!ou4d6 the Ploducts oflabo! as tohe as theY take theform of co@odit ies '

  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    es =-.j"':lr

    in genexa-1 e.tef, into\6ociaA lelat ioE6 wataone eothet bY treat-ine thei! t,roducts aEcoturoditiee and wa1ue6

    {hereby they reduce theirindiwiduar P?lwate l-ebotto tbe stedard of ho@o-geneous hw4 lebor--

    : - for sucb a 6ocietY,Chf lst id i ty wi th tt6cul tus ol eb6tract nan Bole e6pecie-aly in i tBbourseoi6 . ieweloloent6,hote6tant ism, !ei6n, etc.is tbe most f j . t t ing forD

  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    111'. f""l,,t." whicL bear 'Jst.-p.d tPon ll""- i^I*"-,'+,.t"ui. l"h... ll*til.r L"l".q t c sl't ': of Is."ilty i. -u,f,i.h+1""P"'."'',of p'od,r.-li"n ha' m"r+"'You.J -.n rnsle"J

    of bel"9

    Hen.e {o.-. o{ socio.lproducllon fhct- Preceded'l f 'e botngois +orm {r-r+..-+ea ti fl.e bo"rgeoisiein m'^ch the eome wuY as+l'. Foll"r: of +l^e clqEh

    -srh formaloe c-ppeor '10 +|- b"urgr..i: i;l.lbctto be a., ['111, L"11-rvideht he(ei ' ty imforedby n,rt "." o: pnJuttive

    This gcrson{i-\ cGtion of +hinlsGnd convcr.,iorrof produc ion

    \ fe lc i t6nstre.ted gte Cl'ri:hoin re into enliliesis q-rel iqion

    eve.ydcyI fc .

  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    Th" q.l"" l q.1.hr" or pbdu,l ,oh 1."1 c"mpl"t. ly ct- home rne.t . ,n3-d ""4 i ' -ho"" l | . ' *s

    fi *.' ." $G lTlNt-i'wh;.h is d.voiJ o{ -l linn.r c"r 'ntti"n, fhetrctuel onJ"ind.bitcblerof+y b.sis +"r its +41-j.row PornPoushess. ,)

  • 8/8/2019 The Fetish Speaks


    sl ru1t*eou61y cor-reElonds to tbelntereEts oI thef l I ing caasse6

    oJ bror-oia:r .6 t d onJslca- ' ece !r , e deternal justi f ication of t! 'e i t source6 otievenue &rd elevat ins then to a dog@.

    F i p, ntsa r llltck & Be.l tto 5, laflirv 1969Repr inte. ln 1973 yBl&k & FdBox 9546Derroil, M crroan48202
