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1 The Final Exam (1 Corinthians 3:14-4:5 April 7, 2019) Arguably the most famous trophy in world sport is the Ashes. It memoralised the ashes of England’s famous loss to Australia in 1882. Pasted onto the Ashes urn is a poem cut out from the Melbourne Punch magazine of February 1 st , 1883: It reads: When Ivo goes back with the urn, the urn; Studds, Steel, Read and Tylecote return, return; The welkin will ring loud, The great crowd will feel proud, Seeing Barlow and Bates with the urn, the urn; And the rest coming home with the urn. Not the most scintillating prose I grant you. But I want you to notice one name. Studds refers to CT Studd. Studd was born into an incredibly wealthy family. He came to Christ in his teens but said he lived for six years in “an unhappy backslidden state.” The Final Exam — 1 Corinthians 3:14-4:5 —
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The Final Exam (1 Corinthians 3:14-4:5 April 7, 2019)

Arguably the most famous trophy in world sport is the Ashes. It memoralised the ashes of England’s famous loss to Australia in 1882. Pasted onto the Ashes urn is a poem cut out from the Melbourne Punch magazine of February 1st, 1883: It reads:

When Ivo goes back with the urn, the urn; Studds, Steel, Read and Tylecote return, return; The welkin will ring loud, The great crowd will feel proud, Seeing Barlow and Bates with the urn, the urn; And the rest coming home with the urn.

Not the most scintillating prose I grant you. But I want you to notice one name. Studds refers to CT Studd. Studd was born into an incredibly wealthy family. He came to Christ in his teens but said he lived for six years in “an unhappy backslidden state.”

The Final Exam

— 1 Corinthians 3:14-4:5 —

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During this time he rose to become arguably the best or at least one of the best cricketers in England. (Richard and I differ as to how much of a point of pride that might be). However, in 1884 after his brother George was taken seriously ill, Studd was confronted by the question, “What is all the fame and flattery worth ... when a man comes to face eternity?” He decided to commit himself to Christ in every way. At the height of his fame – he gave up international cricket to become an evangelist. He then became one of the famous Cambridge Seven who journeyed to China with Hudson Taylor. Soon after he arrived in China his father died and he inherited an enormous sum of money. He was worried that the money would blunt his desire to serve as a missionary – so he set about giving it all away – to evangelists, orphanages and missionary work. Later his heart turned to Africa and he founded a mission agency that later became – WEC – the Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade. Much of the rest of his life he toiled in obscurity in Africa. I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if CT Studd – the fabulously wealthy, international cricketer came to Christ today? I suspect he would have been urged to stay in England, become a celebrity pastor and use his wealth to build a megachurch. But Studd was driven by a passion to use the stewardship of faith and the gospel entrusted to him. This man who is immortalised on a poem plastered to the Ashes – later wrote a poem himself. It includes some lines that sums up his passion:

Only one life ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.

In the light of eternity – wealth, fame – of no importance – the only thing that will truly matter are the works and ministry done for Christ.

Only what’s done for Christ will last. That perfectly sums up our passage this morning. The applause of men, the riches of men, the wisdom of men – will be burned off in the fire of judgment – only what is done for Christ will last.

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Remember that in the opening chapters of 1 Corinthians Paul is outlining one major problem going on in the church. Men were sideling the gospel and putting forward teachings and practices and attaching the name of a prominent church identity. They were making these men and these teachings their focus. The inevitable result was division. We have seen that Paul’s answer is:

Cross-centred wisdom for flawed saints. Paul’s answer was to preach Christ and the cross – not just as the foundation for a church – but what you build on that foundation. In the first two chapters Paul told us that the cross is the wisdom and power of God for salvation. Now he says – it is also the key to edification – building up a healthy church. In chapter 3 and 4 Paul is dealing with the role of leaders in building a church. What we will see in this morning’s passage is this: The only assessment of our ministry that ultimately matters – is God’s. There is so much comfort in this. If you raise your hand to be involved in the leadership of a church – the scrutiny of your ministry rises. You get plenty of assessment – mainly negative.

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This is not to say that leaders are above scrutiny. No we are accountable to the church. But much of the criticism that flows that is not related to our faithfulness to the gospel – but on more minor matters. When that happens – one way forward is to remember – The only assessment of our ministry that ultimately matters – is God’s. And it is not just leaders – all of us will face that same final exam – all of us must know – there is one assessment that truly matters. We have seen in this book that Paul’s ministry was derided as simplistic and unsuccessful. He was not as gifted or popular. Yet, the truth is that the man-centred boasting and adulation had resulted in factions and divisions that were fracturing the church in Corinth. In this morning’s passage, Paul makes it very clear that a day is coming when the ministries of all believers – but in particular – Christian leaders – in building up or tearing down the church and the motives behind those actions will face the blazing glory of God. The church is absolutely precious to God. It cost Him His Son. It is the focus of all history. There will be rewards for those who built up His precious church – but if you harm His church – beware. We begin this morning with our first point: 1. The reality of judgment of our ministries 14-17 Paul discusses this by looking at three possible judgments. First:

a. Build on the foundation with the gospel – receive reward 14 1 Corinthians 3:14:

If anyone’s work that he has built survives, he will receive a reward. Reward! For Protestant believers – those weaned on the Reformation truth of salvation based on grace alone – this idea of eternal rewards and punishments can be a hard one to grasp. The Catholic idea of works being necessary for salvation – caused Protestants to swing the pendulum and almost see works as having no significant place. Since God builds His church and He gifts us and uses us – if God is the true builder – then why would there be any reward for us?

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If my desires to do good and my gifts to do good are from God why should I receive any reward? And what reward could there be apart from heaven? I mean if I get eternal life and to enjoy Christ forever – what other reward is there worth having? Jesus is enough reward for me. Now, Paul doesn’t answer these questions for us – I really wish he had. He doesn’t tell us why there are rewards in heaven – or what those rewards are. He doesn’t say – share the gospel faithfully and you will get a huge beachside mansion on the main surf beach of heaven – and a huge crown to show everyone how godly you were. I think he gives us a hint of what the rewards might be a little later in this passage – but nowhere does he specifically lay it out. Paul just assumes that yes God is the real builder – God will get the glory – but God uses us – with our flaws and our imperfect motivations and our failings – and He does reward our efforts. Perhaps I can sum it up this way. The Bible clearly teaches two truths: We are saved by His grace – Eph. 2 BUT We are rewarded for our works – 1 Cor. 3 and 4 I know something about this grates for many of us. It also grates a bit for me. Works! The Protestant bogey word. But while grace is the only thing that can save you – our works do have significance – and God will reward us for them in eternity. Even though God prepared them for us beforehand and gives us the desires and ability to do them – somehow our desires and motives will be rewarded. Listen to this passage. Revelation 20:11–15:

Then I saw a great white throne and one seated on it. Earth and heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them. I also saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life, and the dead were judged according to their works by what was written in the books. … And anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.

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It seems that there are books opened that contain our works – and there is another book – the book of life. In the book of life – the only thing that matters is whether your name is recorded in it or not. Heaven and hell – eternal life and death. But, then in the books – our works are recorded and we are judged and rewarded based on them. Every true believer will have some works – some fruit. Some, like the thief on the cross will only have a few works in there. Others, like the Apostle Paul, will have many. many chapters. And based on these – there will be reward. And what is more – the Bible is clear – the reality of heavenly rewards is meant to be one of our motivations to love and good deeds. Store up rewards in heaven. I know all of this and yet a big part of me – shaped by my reformed views – says – but I don’t want to be motivated by rewards – that feels so crass – so unworthy. Surely my love for God and the cross should be my only genuine motivation. We should just serve God tirelessly and faithlessly because He alone is worthy – and if that isn’t enough then strive faithfully because of what He did on the cross – I shouldn’t find any extra motivation in eternal rewards. And yet … the Bible often speaks of rewards and tells us to seek them. Here is my understanding. Yes the glory of God and the cross are our prime motivation – but rewards are another motivation as well. In his book – The Hole in Our Holiness – Kevin DeYoung lists 40 motivations for godly living – he said he could have listed 100. He includes things like – Doing our duty, the fear of judgment, assurance of salvation and eternal rewards. At first something in me reacted against his list. Duty, fear, assurance, reward – those seem decidedly unworthy motivations. But they are all there in the Bible. God designed them as motivations. Grace alone saves us. But – we are rewarded for our works.

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Here, Paul spells it out – there are rewards for gospel faithfulness – and you will want them. Remember the context of our passage. Paul is talking about what a faithful builder uses to build on the foundation of Christ crucified. And in our passage last week we saw – that what a faithful builder builds on Christ crucified – is more Christ crucified. You build a healthy church by urging the saints to make Christ the centre of our passions and lives. Bring every passage back to Christ. Sing songs of Christ and the cross. Thank Him for the cross. Go out and shout about the cross to a lost world. You may not have a big church – you will get some persecution – but you will build a healthy church. And when the fire of judgment comes – and the wood, hay and straw is burned off – the gold, silver and costly stones will remain. And we will receive a reward from God. I don’t know what they are. Greater praise from God. Greater capacity to enjoy His glory. Great joy from those we led to Christ and maturity. Whatever they are – the point is they are something we should earnestly desire. Now we come to the second possible judgment:

b. Build on the foundation with man’s gifts – lose reward 15 Verse 15:

If anyone’s work is burned up, he will experience loss, but he himself will be saved—but only as through fire.

In the context – it seems this verse is the main one Paul wants to highlight to the Corinthians. Remember what we saw last week. This church had the right foundation – the gospel – Jesus and the cross.

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But some felt that the cross was not good enough to build on that foundation. To really build a church you need gifted men, powerful speech, teaching on things that interest people – spiritual gifts and end times. Paul was adamant – unless the teaching and focus is rooted in the cross and leads back to the cross – this is spiritual junk food – no spiritual nutritional value. Factions had formed in Corinth – around human gifts and teaching – and Paul is warning them. When the fire of judgment comes – everything you boast in – everything you laboured to build will be lost. You will be saved because you had the gospel right – but that is it. No reward. I have struggled with this verse for many years. These men and women are fracturing the church. It might even be destroyed. Paul is warning them here. But it didn’t sound like much of a warning to me. Hey – Apollos lovers – watch out – when God comes – all you get is heaven and Jesus – no reward for you. I have always pictured heaven as a place where we enjoy Jesus forever, where there are no tears or regrets or sorrows, where grace reaches its final conclusion. I struggle with how loss of reward is a penalty. To me it sounded like me saying to one of my children – you hit your sister, swore at your mother and disobeyed me – so brace yourself – tonight – you do get the entrée of prawn cocktail, you do get the main meal of roast and veges and you do get the dessert of chocolate cream pie – but – and this will teach you – hope you are listening – no after dinner mint for you. Sorry I had to be so rough. I used to view this as being flogged with a feather. But, clearly my view of reward is lacking. Paul understands the rewards of heaven – whatever they are – to be so substantial in the light of eternity – and so enduring throughout eternity – that to lose these rewards is a significant blow. Spending eternity rewardless is meant to be a real deterrent. Some have suggested that what Paul is speaking of is the loss of the enjoyment of seeing those who came to Christ and matured in Christ through your ministry.

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Something along the lines of 1 Thessalonians 2:19–20:

For who is our hope or joy or crown of boasting in the presence of our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? Indeed you are our glory and joy!

Seeing those brands plucked from the fire in part because of your ministry would be a great joy for all eternity. I think it is at least that but probably more. A lesser capacity to enjoy God’s glory. I don’t fully understand rewards. I can’t fully grasp them. But I am coming to accept them as important. There are huge churches with international ministries but – because Christ and the cross are sidelined – it is all fluff. It is not built on Christ and the gospel – but man’s wisdom, man’s gifts. It appeals to men rather than convicts them. And some who expected major reward will watch as the labour of a lifetime is burned up piece by piece. Only what is done for Christ will last. Then Paul moves to look at a third possible judgment. And this one is sobering:

c. Destroy the foundation – experience destruction 16-17 Verses 16–17:

Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s Temple and that the Spirit of God lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s Temple, God will destroy him; for God’s Temple is holy, and that is what you are.

The terms here are plural. This is not – you – Nat Fong – are God’s Temple. No – this is the church. We – together in this local gathering – are God’s Temple. In the days before Christ – the Spirit of God dwelt in the Holy of Holies in God’s Temple. Now the Spirit of God dwells in us – because Christ is in us. That makes us a Temple. Holy – set apart – belonging to God and precious to God. The word here is the word for the inner place in the Temple where the Spirit dwelt. That is what turns us from objects of wrath to precious possessions. God looks at us and sees Christ. So, woe behold anyone who touches God’s Temple – those filled with His Son and His Spirit – dedicated to glorifying His name.

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Here is the problem – whenever you depart from the gospel as what you build on the foundation – there is a risk that you then depart from the foundation. These dissenters and factious men and women in Corinth were harming the church. Arguing over theology and men – sidelining Christ. Paul wants them to know that they have a risk in moving from failing to build a healthy church to building a cult. And that is no minor thing. If they destroy the foundation – the gospel – Christ crucified – they destroy the church – and God will destroy them. There is a lot of debate if this means – God will destroy them now – like those who became sick and weak for partaking of the Lord’s Supper incorrectly – or if we are talking destroy eternally at the final judgment. I think that final judgment is more the idea – but Paul is not clear – so it may in fact be both. The point is that the church is God’s Temple – holy and set apart for Him – so you better believe that the judgment that will come on the last day for those who destroy God’s precious church will be terrible indeed. I am not a particularly angry, violent, reactive or vengeful person by nature. About the closest I have come is when someone turned on one of my kids. Bullying, physical violence, emotional isolation, unfair treatment – of my believed kids. I had to work hard to control myself. So imagine a divine holy Being – and someone claiming to serve Him – who not just damages but begins to destroy His church. The people He chose before the foundation of the universe. The ones His Son died for. The ones set aside as holy. I would not want to be in their shoes on the day of judgment for anything. Here is what I think Paul wants us to take away from these four verses. Sometimes it is hard even objectively to know if a leader or group of leaders is in category b or c. I mentioned a few well known Christian leaders to the guys this week and asked them – do you think they are saved and deceived and building nothing that will last – or do you think they are preaching a false gospel?

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Sometimes you can put them in one category or another – but usually it is really hard to tell. Ultimately, only God can judge. Paul’s point is – don’t risk it! Do everything in your power to build on the right foundation – with the right stuff and build a legacy that lasts for eternity. Now, how does this apply to you if you are not an Elder or Pastor? Well, you will also be judged. Revelation doesn’t say – and the books will be opened for Pastors. No! Every last one of us faces judgment. Even if you were never a leader in a church – you have a role in building whatever church you have joined. You have to hold us accountable to preaching Christ and Him crucified. At homegroups and grace groups and youth groups – in conversations – on Facebook – everywhere – speak much of Christ and the cross. Know the gospel – share the gospel – enjoy the glory of the gospel. If you want to talk to the Elders about something – don’t form a faction – just bring your Bible and come and talk to us – but make sure it is truly important enough. And while you may never be a faction leader – I guarantee if you hang around any church long enough you will hear of some faction forming. It is never the – I am of Fred faction – join us. No – its more subtle. An election is coming and we believe that the church should be much more vocal in politics – wouldn’t you agree. We are worried about where our country is heading and we want to get the leaders to promote Candidate Somewhat Christian – and Fred is heading up the delegation to the Elders – can we count on your support? You will be held accountable to your response. So don’t join it. Don’t just say – sorry – not for me. Ask them two questions. Precisely how will this promote the gospel and Christ? And what did the leaders say when you told them you were gathering a delegation?

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Oh they don’t know yet! Well here is the deal – either you come with me now and we talk to them – or I am talking to them – because this could foster division. You may not be a leader – but by joining a faction – or by passively letting a faction form – you can damage the church or even destroy the foundation. Let me paraphrase Edmund Burke:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of division in the church is for good men and women to do nothing.

Build up the church by focussing on Christ and the gospel and receive the reward. This brings us to our second point: 2. The basis of judgment of our ministries 3:18-4:5 And Paul makes what that basis is very clear. It is:

Faithful stewardship of the gospel When all is said and done – when the great day comes and leaders stand before our Lord – He is not going to ask us:

How big was your church? Big churches here – for great reward. Little ones over there – little reward. How many conferences did you speak at and how many books did you write?

It won’t even be a question like:

How many converts did you have? No – the final exam has one question:

Were you a faithful steward of the mysteries of the gospel I entrusted to you? And while the emphasis is on leaders – this is the same question for each one of us. Look at verses 18-23:

Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks he is wise in this age, let him become a fool so that he can become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, since it is written, He catches the wise in their craftiness; and again, The Lord knows that the reasonings of the wise are futile. So let no one boast in human leaders, for everything is yours—whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come—everything is yours, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.

Paul is picking up once again on this theme of wisdom we saw in chapters 1 and 2.

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Some of Corinthians thought they were wise – and their wisdom led them to place themselves under the leadership of those who they thought suited their wisdom. Here is how these Corinthians viewed the chain of importance in the Christian realm. The CHURCH belongs to its LEADERS. The LEADERS belong to CHRIST. And CHRIST belongs to GOD. Or putting names to it:

I belong to APOLLOS. APOLLOS belongs to CHRIST. And CHRIST belongs to GOD. In their eyes this is wisdom – find the men with the best way to do ministry – gifted speakers who can attract the lost and give the church the meat of theology. Build a church around gifted men. Paul cries – do not be deceived. That is the wisdom of the world. This looks like an organisational chart from BHP – or the government. The Church is different. The wisdom of the Christ seems foolish to the world.









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You want to be truly wise – accept the wisdom of Christ – that seems foolish. You can be wise in the eyes of the world or wise in the eyes of heaven – but not both. You have to decide whose applause and whose assessment matters. Then he adds two Old Testament quotations to show that God actually makes this worldly wisdom foolish. He uses what the world sees as weak to work His purposes. They think this will make the church strong – in reality it will damage it. 100,000 church splits show the absolute futility of going down this path. Line up behind men and you will have division. Then comes some of the most remarkable verses in Scripture. Let me read them again – verses 21-23:

So let no one boast in human leaders, for everything is yours—whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come—everything is yours, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.

At first you think Paul has lost it. Everything belongs to the church? I wish. If that were true I would have next week’s service in the Sydney Opera House. But that is not what Paul is saying. He is saying – in the divine plan of God – He plans to make the absolute highlight of human history to be: The Church. It was His plan before eternity past. He designed the church to be a wonder that the angels would gasp at. He was willing to pay the price of His beloved Son to purchase the church. The church is the wonder of eternity – because it shows the love and glory of God. You don’t boast in leaders – you boast in what Christ has done in the church. Why – because – everything belongs to the church. Really Paul – everything!

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Yes. Leaders God gave leaders – like Paul, Apollos, Cephas, Danny, Rhoi – to the church as a blessing – to build it up to maturity. They serve the church – the church does not serve them. The world God created this enormous universe – but created man on only one infinitesimal part – the world. Why – because that is where the drama of redemption that formed the church is played out. The universe – including our world was created mainly so the church could be formed. The ultimate triumph does not belong to the world – but to the church. Ultimately this world will be recreated as a place for the church to dwell. Life or death To live is Christ and to die is gain. Our lives and our deaths are given to serve the church. All the lives and deaths since Adam are part of God’s plan to build His church. Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia! Things present or things to come. The ultimate trajectory of all history is the triumph of the church. The mustard seed of a kingdom will cover the earth. The persecuted, ridiculed, downtrodden saints will be shown for what they are – the glory of the ages. The church will reign over the earth and judge the earth. It is the church who will triumph.

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And the church belongs to Christ, and Christ belongs to God. Paul will pick up on this in 1 Corinthians 15. Paul describes Jesus gathering those who belong to Him. Those formed by His plan including leaders, the world, life, death, history. And through His ministry. Destroying every worldly power. Subduing every enemy – including the final enemy – death. Then verse 28:

When everything is subject to Christ, then the Son himself will also be subject to the one who subjected everything to him, so that God may be all in all.

It is almost as if the climax of history is Jesus coming to the Father to present the church – pure, glorified, redeemed – as a gift. The world looks at the church and sees weakness, foolishness, irrelevance. The truth is that all creation exists to serve us in that it is the stage upon which the drama of our redemption plays out – and when that drama is complete – this world with its wisdom and power will be wiped from existence. Here is Paul’s point. What happens in Washington of Canberra is totally unimportant compared to what you and I are doing right now. The church is what is truly important. Yet, the Corinthians were making a big deal out of human leaders – as if they were the truly important part of this narrative.







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They were saying line up behind human leaders. No – look at this – the church lines up behind Christ and leaders are merely one of many things God uses to build His church. Paul says – you want to know the true place of leaders? Chapter 4 verse 1:

A person should think of us in this way: as servants of Christ and managers of the mysteries of God.

Leaders are nothing more than servants of Christ given to serve the church. This is not the usual word Paul uses for servant. That word is diakonos – or doulos – this is huperitas – and this is the only time Paul uses it. Literally it means an under rower. Originally it referred to the slaves on a galley who were the ones below deck – they saw no sun, got the worst food, the excrement from above dripped on them and they just rowed under the lash. This was the worst position in the Empire. By Paul’s day the word had evolved to a servant who managed a house – but the connotation of lowliness and service remained. What are these servants to do? They are to manage or steward the mysteries of God – which as we saw earlier refers to the gospel – the truth of Christ and the cross. Paul says – you want to elevate human leaders – no leaders merely serve the church – and our one task is not to show how gifted we are, how innovative we are, how important we are – our one task is to preserve and faithfully teach the gospel. I have asked many young men and women – what do you want to be when you grow up? I usually get – I want to play Cricket for Australia. I want to be a tech billionaire. I want to be a nurse. I have never, ever had anyone say – I want to be a servant. But, Paul says – that is exactly what Pastors and Elders – any leader in the church is. The world doesn’t get that – but you and I had better get it. And now Paul makes it clear that he is still talking about the final judgment. What will we be judged on? Verse 2:

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In this regard, it is required that managers be found faithful. Not successful, not innovative, not big – faithful. We have been given the gospel – Christ and Him crucified – did we preach it and teach it clearly, accurately, giving Him the glory from our salvation to our death? Verse 3:

It is of little importance to me that I should be judged by you or by any human court.

Some of the Corinthians had judged Paul. Unimpressive speaker. Not powerful. Not much of a ministry. Paul says – look if criticism is valid OK – but ultimately I don’t care what you or any human court think – because you evaluate ministries in terms of worldly standards – numbers, money, power, influence. I know what the true evaluation standard is – faithfulness. Verses 3 and 4:

In fact, I don’t even judge myself. For I am not conscious of anything against myself, but I am not justified by this. It is the Lord who judges me.

Paul knows – we aren’t even good judges of our own ministries. Paul says – I am not aware of any poor motives and actions on my part – but this doesn’t vindicate me. Our hearts are deceitful. Usually we tend to think too highly of ourselves. But some go the other way and are overly harsh on themselves. Whatever anyone else thinks of our ministries and in fact even what we think of our ministries is not what is truly important. There is only one true judge and His is the only judgment that matters. Verse 5:

So don’t judge anything prematurely, before the Lord comes, who will both bring to light what is hidden in darkness and reveal the intentions of the hearts.

Personally, I think Luther’s ministry or Spurgeon’s ministry was incredible. However, maybe I don’t know the full story. Eternity might show some motives and hidden vices that man missed.

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And I am certain that some names that toiled in obscurity – men and women I have never heard of – will be there receiving the large rewards because they were faithful. And everyone will ask – how is that? Paul says – don’t judge a ministry by its cover. If you want to assess it in this life – assess it on its faithfulness to preach Christ – but leave the final judgment to God. Now look again at this verse – God will both bring to light what is hidden in darkness and reveal the intentions of the hearts. I think about that and I quake. My life has sin – stuff hidden –stuff I want hidden – and maybe stuff even hidden from me. I believe my motives are mixed at best and at times pretty bad. So I fully expected to read:

And then condemnation will come to each one from God. My list of failures, poor motives laid out for everyone to see. But no:

And then praise will come to each one from God. This is not what I expected. When my sins and motives are brought to light – I get praise? Why? Because there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Somehow the cross purifies even our sinful deeds and selfish motives. This is absolute grace. I think at least part of the eternal rewards will be praise from God. If you are a Christian – your book will have some works in it. Christ in us has to produce some fruit. Because of Christ, there will be works done with good motives faithfully to the glory of God. And on that final day – God will make His assessment – and what we will hear is praise from God – well done good and faithful servant. Look brothers and sisters, ministry can be a thankless business. Over the years I have met with so many pastors who are struggling under a barrage of criticism.

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Two weeks ago, I went to a conference where they started by saying – I hope this time is an encouragement to you because frankly there is not much encouragement in ministry – and two hundred heads nodded in unison. By all means if we are failing to preach Christ enough or doing things wrong – let us know – but maybe before you get into critiquing us – say something positive – thank you for preaching Christ – thank you for training men and women – thank you for caring – then get to your issues. I say this because most of the emails, comments, letters I get are almost completely negative – and it is discouraging. But this passage has helped me over the years. The first book I preached in Australia was 1 Corinthians – and the criticism was flowing – and I came to this passage. One thing that I keep saying to myself is – the only assessment that ultimately matters is Christ’s. Look, I do try and take on board the assessments of others – and often much of it is valid. But ultimately I know my judge is Christ. And … that is true for all of us – in ministry or not. We all will all have a final exam. And regardless of our position in the church we will be assessed and the question will be asked – were you a faithful steward of the gospel? Did you sideline the gospel and focus on the minor and end up dividing or even destroying the church? Did you take the gospel – say thank you for saving me and bury it and not use it for the kingdom? Or – did you love Christ and share Christ? Did you encourage the leaders to preach Christ? Did you find your unity in Christ? Were you faithful to preserve the mysteries of the gospel? And if you did – then know this – you will receive praise from God Himself – you will hear well done good and faithful servant – and whatever the rewards of heaven are – God will bestow them on you.

Only one life ‘twill soon be past.

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Only what’s done for Christ will last.

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The Final Exam (1 Corinthians 3:14-4:5 April 7, 2019)

Main Point: The only assessment of our ministry that ultimately matters – is God’s. General Questions: 1. Why do you think leaders in a church come under so much scrutiny? 2. What are reasonable areas to assess and criticise church leaders for and what

areas are unreasonable? 3. Why do many Protestants struggle with the concept of reward?

4. Why do many Reformed Christians see them as an unworthy motivation?

5. How should we deal with Paul’s encouragement to be motivated by reward?

6. What types of things do you view as being eternal rewards?

7. Why is the church so precious to God?

8. In what ways can division destroy a church? In what ways will God destroy those

who destroy His church?

9. What does it mean to be a faithful steward of the gospel?

10. Why is it wrong for the church to line up behind gifted men?

11. Why is the church the centrepiece of God’s plan for creation?

12. In what way does everything belong to the church?

13. Instead of elevating human leaders – how should they be viewed?

14. What are the criteria the world would use to evaluate a church or a ministry?

15. What are the criteria God uses to evaluate a church or a ministry?

16. Why do we still receive praise even when our sins and motives are revealed? Application Questions: 1. If you believe you need to share concerns with a church leader – what are the ways

to do it?

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2. If you see a faction forming in a church – what is your responsibility? 3. How can you encourage a right view of eternal rewards in your life?

4. How can you encourage the leaders of the church to be faithful?

5. Why should you take care in evaluating a ministry?

6. How do you expect the day of judgment to go for you – what do you expect to hear

on that day?
