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The Financial System of Singapore

Date post: 02-Jun-2018
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  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    -BY GROUP 4

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    The Republic of Singapore is the only sovereigncity-state in the world which is also an islandcountry.

    It is one of the 5 founding members of ASEAN

    It is 4th largest Financial Centre

    Peoples Action Party (PAP) has been the rulingparty since 1959.

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore



    Continent Asia Asia

    Motto "Onward, Singapore" "Truth Alone Triumphs"

    Language English Hindi

    Currency Singapore Dollar Indian RupeeCapital city Singapore New Delhi

    Government Type Republic Constitutional, Fedral and


    GDP $315 Billion $4.76 Trillion

    GDP per Capita $59,700 $3.900

    GDP growth rat 1.3% 6.5%

    Unemployment Rate 1.9% 8.5%

    Inflation 4.6% 9.3%

    Literacy Rate 93% 62.8%

    Foreign Exchange Reserves $238 Billion $298 Billion

    External Debt $23,620,000,000 $376,300,000,000Public Debt (% of GDP) 118% 50%

    Domestic Credit to Private

    Sector (% of GDP)

    120.61% 51.49%

    Domestic Credit Provided by

    Banking Sector (% of GDP)

    99.54% 76.59%

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    Trade (2013-14) in US$ Billions



    Trade surplus / (deficit)

    Singapore 415 366 49

    India 298.4 500.4 (202)

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    As at 30 April 2012, there were 769 listed companies onSGX with a market capitalisation of SGD$861 billion

    This makes SGX nearly twice as big as the second largest

    stock exchange in ASEAN, i.e. The Malaysia

    Primary competitor - Hong Kong whose market is fourtimes as big as Singapore

    Regulatory bodies - MSA Monetary Authority ofSingapore), Securities and Futures Act SFA)and FinancialAdvisers Act FAA)

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    The outstanding volume of corporate debt increased

    year-on-year by 9%. SGD debt issuances dipped

    marginally by 4% y-o-y in 2011 while non-SGD debt

    issuances expanded by 110%

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    The Singapore Exchange (SGX) - a merger of the Stock Exchangeof Singapore (SES) and the Singapore International MonetaryExchange Limited (SIMEX)

    About 40% of SGXs listings are foreign, spanning regions such as

    Asia Pacific, particularly in South East Asia, and further afield inEurope and America

    By FY 2013, the total market capitalisation of listed equities on SGXis USD $765 billion, which comprise more than 1% of the worlds

    market capitalisation. This ranks SGX in 8th and 19th position inAsia Pacific and globally, respectively







    India (BSE)


    Market Cap USD bn)

    Market Cap (USD bn)

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    Money Market regulated by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)

    MAS does not control the monetary system by monitoring interest rates.Instead, it manages the Singapore dollar (SGD) exchange rate against a trade-weighted basket of currencies of Singapore's major trading partners and


    Singapore benchmark interest rate is 0.07% and has averaged 1.68% from1988-2014 while Indias current interest rate is 8%

    Monetary policy in Singapore is reviewed on semi-annual basis (April and Oct)while in India it is done quarterly

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    The primary objective of Singapores monetary policy is price

    stability for

    sustainable economic growth. Since 1981, Singapores

    monetary policy has been centered on the exchange rate

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore



    MAS maintainsa stock ofcurrency notesand coins and

    issues to orredeems fromthe banks asper the demandfrom customers

    Central ProvidentFund (CPF)


    pension fundscheme

    GovernmentFund Transfers

    MAS providesbanking andfinancialservices to the



    Theseoperations, mayincrease ordecrease the

    amount ofSingaporedollars in thebanking systemand affect theliquidity levels inthe system

    MAS does not target any level of interest rates; it aims merely to ensure

    that there in enough liquidity in the system

    Managing Liquidity Levels: Banks are required to maintain a MinimumCash Balance (MCB) of certain percentage of their lagged qualifyingliabilities on a two-week average basis (can be equated to CRR)

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    Intraday Liquidity Facility

    The facility is open from 9amto 5pm. It provides marketparticipants with liquidity forsettlement purposes andhelps to smooth out theirintraday funding needs

    Standing Facility

    A two-sided discount windowthat allows MEPS (MASElectronic Payment System)participants to depositSingapore dollar funds with orborrow Singapore dollarfunds against eligiblecollateral from MAS on anovernight basis

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    Highly developed banking system providing services ranging from consumer

    banking and asset management to foreign exchange, investment bankingand specialized insurance services

    Around 200 banks

    Assets of domestic banks $2trillion(Dec 2013)

    Emerging as one of the strongest in the world


    1.Liberalisation of the banking sector

    2.Local banks strengthening their regional presence with M&A

    3.Expansion of foreign banks

    4.Development of innovative products & competitive pricing models

    5.Strict Banking laws, Tax Friendly policies6.Sophisticated banking services

    Top 3 Banks are :DBS, Overseas- Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC)and United Overseas Bank (UOB)

    Ranked as one of the most open economies for international trade and

    investment and one of the most competitive countries in the world

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    Comply with Banking CG Regulations Comply on a comply-or-disclose basis with the MASs Guidelines on Corporate

    Governancefor Banks, Financial Holding Companies and Direct Insurers whichare incorporated in Singapore (CG Guidelines)

    Banks incorporated in Singapore that are also listed on the Singapore Exchangemay, as listed companies, also comply, on a comply-or-disclose basis, with therequirements of the Code of Corporate Governance 2012, in respect of theirannual reports for financial years commencing after 1 November 2012


    Adopted BASEL3 norms in 2013

    From 1 Jan 2013:-

    1. a minimum Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of4.5%

    2. a minimum Tier 1 CAR of 6%

    3. a minimum Total CAR of 10%

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


    Singapore serves as a base for insurance andreinsurance firms to write regional and international risks

    Industry matured in terms of product offerings

    Witnessed a growth of 28% in 2013

    Insurers may conduct insurance activities in Singapore

    as registered insurers, authorized reinsurers or foreigninsurers

  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore


  • 8/10/2019 The Financial System of Singapore

