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The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills, Excerpt

Date post: 08-Apr-2018
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872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks ds o rcspeksdhmc roklfcr wfe

sovcs o yeukn wegok ireg fokndkn ok`

hcndks te mct fcr dkte fds fcort ^fck sfc

hrdkns `okncr dkte tfc mdvcs ei fds iogdmy fc

icors tfot fcr post goy `cstrey fds iogdmy fdsroklf ok` fds iuturc

Mcork Gerc | Rek`crvok ek lrdh` | Rek`crvokleg

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Omse hy dOkk Gdmms

O ^egok Lommc` onc

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

Lepyrdnft copy 8 hy dOkk Gdmms

Pfds tdtmc ds omse ovodmohmc os o Rek`crvok cheea Ydsdt wwwzek`crvoklegcheeas

Pfds tdtmc ds omse ovodmohmc dk o Rek`crvok ou`de c`dtdek Ydsdt wwwzek`crvokig

Xcqucsts ier dkiergotdek sfeum` hc o``rcssc` te2

Rek`crvok Nrok` Xopd`s Gdlfdnok 043lt

Mdhrory ei Leknrcss Lotomendkn-dk-Zuhmdlotdek oto

Gdmms dOkk

Pfc idrc dk cghcr dOkk Gdmms

p lg

DHK 4gt6--lt-84ltlt-4 (pha)

Irektdcr ok` pdekccr mdic ‐ Lemero`e ‐ Idltdek 8 Xoklfcrs ‐ Lemero`e ‐ Idl-

tdek D Pdtmc

Zlt9ltD39gtI3gt 8

6lt9 ‐ l88 886lt80

Omm lrdpturc quetotdeks orc toack ireg tfc Adkn Bogcs Ycrsdek ei tfc Hdhmc

Oky Dktcrkct o``rcsscs (wchsdtcs hmens ctl) ok` tcmcpfekc kughcrs prdktc` dk tfdsheea orc eiicrc` os o rcseurlc Pfcy orc ket dktck`c` dk oky woy te hc er dgpmy ok

ck`erscgckt hy Rek`crvok ker `ecs Rek`crvok veulf ier tfc lektckt ei tfcsc sdtcs

ok` kughcrs ier tfc mdic ei tfds heea

Omm rdnfts rcscrvc` Ke port ei tfds puhmdlotdek goy hc rcpre`ulc` sterc` dk o rctrdcvom

systcg er troksgdttc` dk oky ierg er hy oky gcoks ‐ cmcltrekdl gclfokdlom pfete-

lepy rcler`dkn er oky etfcr ‐ cxlcpt ier hrdci quetotdeks dk prdktc` rcvdcws wdtfeut

tfc prder pcrgdssdek ei tfc puhmdsfcr

Zuhmdsfc` dk osseldotdek wdtf tfc Heeas amp ulf Mdtcrory Onckly 38 Gdssdek Ldrlmc

udtc 88 ZGH gt okto Xeso Lomdierkdo 430gt-3ltgt wwwheeasok`sulfhdz

Levcr `csdnk2 Omcto Xoitek

Levcr dmmustrotdek2 Omcto Xoitek

Zrdktc` dk tfc Skdtc` totcs ei Ogcrdlo

8 lt 0 LD 8lt 88 8 8 4 6 gt 9 3 0 lt 8 4 6 gt 9 3 0 lt 8

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Pe tfc Hdrtf`oy Lmuh Ndrms

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Ok` tfcy tfot akew tfy kogc wdmm put tfcdr trust dk tfcc2 ier

tfeu MEX fost ket iersoack tfcg tfot scca tfcc

Zsomg 42

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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666 Lemero`e



fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Hcrt lost o wory nmoklc ot tfc gok wfe mditc` o repc ireg

fds so``mc ferk ok` stegpc` fcr woy dtf fcr fok`s tdc` hcfdk`

fcr hola ok` o sclek` gok fem`dkn fcr sfeum`crs sfc fo` ke

fepc ei irccdkn fcrscmirdquoFersc tfdcvcs orc foknc` Pfc gok tfcy lommc` Mcek nozc`

up dkte tfc hroklfcs ei o lettekwee` ok` pedktc` rdquoPfot mdgh

meeas stur`y ckeunf te lorry tfc mdacs ei yeu Di dt hrcoas wcmdashmm

idk` oketfcr ekc Fc tdc` tfc keesc oreuk` fcr kcla

rdquoHut fcmdashs bust o hey ok em` gok sod` rdquoDmdashg ket up te fokndkmdash

o ad`

rdquoHdmmy tfc Ad` stortc` fds gur`crdkmdash woys ot ieurtcck Mcek

womac` tewor` Hcrt Fds hrcotf rccac` ei mdqud` leuronc ok` tfc

swonncr dk fds stcp gcokt sfc leum`kmdasht rcosek wdtf fdg rdquoFc

wekmdasht cvck tcmm us fds kogc Pfot gcoks tfds odkmdasht tfc idrst tdgc

fcmdashs hreac tfc mow Fc skccrc` rcvcomdkn o geutfium ei hmola

ok` hreack tcctf rdquoHut dtmdashmm hc tfc most tdgc

rdquoGoyhc fcmdashs tee slorc` te toma Teu fdt fdg for` tfc em`

gok sod`

Hcrt teulfc` fcr teknuc te tfc stdkndkn sd`c ei fcr geutf

wfcrc hmee` `rdppc` `ewk fcr lfdk Pfot fo` hcck Mcekmdashs idrst

puklf fc nmoklc` fds woy onodk tfreunf ekc cyc Pfc etfcr

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983098 dOkk Gdmms

ekc fo` omrco`y swemmck sfut ok` dt tfrehhc` dk tdgc te fcr

peuk`dkn fcort

rdquoDk losc yeumdashvc iernettck tfc hessmdashs hcck meeadkmdash ier tfotfersc kdnf ekte sdx gektfs Mcek tessc` tfc repc evcr o hroklf

rdquoPfds fcrcmdashs fds prdzc gorc omm rdnft ok` sfcmdashs wcordkn tfc ^d`c

E hrok`

rdquoOmm Dmdashg soydkmdash ds yeumdashvc tounft tfc hey o nee` mcssek Ekc fc

odkmdasht mdacmy te iernct Mctmdashs sck` fdg ek fds woy ok` toac tfc hess

fds fersc Pfc gok fcm` tfc hrd`mc ei tfc smcca gorc sfcmdash` hcck

rd`dknHcrt storc` dkte tfc iolc ei tfc fonnor` gok wfe wos

ottcgptdkn te rcosek wdtf fcr cxcluter Fds mdkc` iolc ok` husf-

mdac sdmvcr hcor` sfewc` fds onc Fc leum`kmdasht fcmp fcr wdtf tfrcc

gck `ctcrgdkc` te fokn fcr Hut goyhc tfc etfcrs weum` mdstck

te fds rcosekdkn

Mcek stre`c te Hcrt ok` nrohhc` fcr hy tfc kcla ok` eut ei

tfc lmutlfcs ei tfc gok wfemdash` fcm` fcr sfeum`crs rdquo^fymdash` yeu

stcom tfds fersc5

rdquoD `d`kmdasht Hcrt leum` horcmy spcoa ier Mcekmdashs fok` luttdkn eii

fcr odr suppmy

rdquoPfck wfcrcmdash yeu nct dt5

fc leum`kmdasht okswcr tfot

rdquo^fot e yeu gck tfdka5 Mcek rcmcosc` fds fem` ok` sfevc`fcr holawor` ekte tfc for` nreuk`

Hcrt akcw wfot o hcotdkmdash icmt mdac ok` sfcmdash` mdvc` tfreunf

ckeunf te akew sfcmdash` survdvc Hut ket o repc swukn ireg o

trcc hroklf O lrew imcw evcrfco` Pfc hdr` epckc` dts geutf

ok` lowc` os di dt wcrc vetdkn ek tydkn tfc repc oreuk` fcr

kcla fc pummc` fcr ottcktdek ireg tfc lrew te tfc etfcr gck

ier goyhc o sdnk tfot ekc ei tfcg gdnft onrcc wdtf tfc em`cr


Pfc nrcosy-meeadkn gok wfe fo` fcm` fcr ier Mcek nmoklc` ot

o ieurtf gok ok` ke``c` rdquo^c onrcc wdtf yeu Dimdashk tfds ad` fos

omrco`y stemc o fersc wfot cmsc ds fc nekko `e5 Gur`cr o gok5

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks ds o rcspeksdhmc roklfcr wfe

sovcs o yeukn wegok ireg fokndkn ok`

hcndks te mct fcr dkte fds fcort ^fck sfc

hrdkns `okncr dkte tfc mdvcs ei fds iogdmy fc

icors tfot fcr post goy `cstrey fds iogdmy fdsroklf ok` fds iuturc

Mcork Gerc | Rek`crvok ek lrdh` | Rek`crvokleg

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Omse hy dOkk Gdmms

O ^egok Lommc` onc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

Lepyrdnft copy 8 hy dOkk Gdmms

Pfds tdtmc ds omse ovodmohmc os o Rek`crvok cheea Ydsdt wwwzek`crvoklegcheeas

Pfds tdtmc ds omse ovodmohmc dk o Rek`crvok ou`de c`dtdek Ydsdt wwwzek`crvokig

Xcqucsts ier dkiergotdek sfeum` hc o``rcssc` te2

Rek`crvok Nrok` Xopd`s Gdlfdnok 043lt

Mdhrory ei Leknrcss Lotomendkn-dk-Zuhmdlotdek oto

Gdmms dOkk

Pfc idrc dk cghcr dOkk Gdmms

p lg

DHK 4gt6--lt-84ltlt-4 (pha)

Irektdcr ok` pdekccr mdic ‐ Lemero`e ‐ Idltdek 8 Xoklfcrs ‐ Lemero`e ‐ Idl-

tdek D Pdtmc

Zlt9ltD39gtI3gt 8

6lt9 ‐ l88 886lt80

Omm lrdpturc quetotdeks orc toack ireg tfc Adkn Bogcs Ycrsdek ei tfc Hdhmc

Oky Dktcrkct o``rcsscs (wchsdtcs hmens ctl) ok` tcmcpfekc kughcrs prdktc` dk tfdsheea orc eiicrc` os o rcseurlc Pfcy orc ket dktck`c` dk oky woy te hc er dgpmy ok

ck`erscgckt hy Rek`crvok ker `ecs Rek`crvok veulf ier tfc lektckt ei tfcsc sdtcs

ok` kughcrs ier tfc mdic ei tfds heea

Omm rdnfts rcscrvc` Ke port ei tfds puhmdlotdek goy hc rcpre`ulc` sterc` dk o rctrdcvom

systcg er troksgdttc` dk oky ierg er hy oky gcoks ‐ cmcltrekdl gclfokdlom pfete-

lepy rcler`dkn er oky etfcr ‐ cxlcpt ier hrdci quetotdeks dk prdktc` rcvdcws wdtfeut

tfc prder pcrgdssdek ei tfc puhmdsfcr

Zuhmdsfc` dk osseldotdek wdtf tfc Heeas amp ulf Mdtcrory Onckly 38 Gdssdek Ldrlmc

udtc 88 ZGH gt okto Xeso Lomdierkdo 430gt-3ltgt wwwheeasok`sulfhdz

Levcr `csdnk2 Omcto Xoitek

Levcr dmmustrotdek2 Omcto Xoitek

Zrdktc` dk tfc Skdtc` totcs ei Ogcrdlo

8 lt 0 LD 8lt 88 8 8 4 6 gt 9 3 0 lt 8 4 6 gt 9 3 0 lt 8

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Pe tfc Hdrtf`oy Lmuh Ndrms

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Ok` tfcy tfot akew tfy kogc wdmm put tfcdr trust dk tfcc2 ier

tfeu MEX fost ket iersoack tfcg tfot scca tfcc

Zsomg 42

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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666 Lemero`e



fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Hcrt lost o wory nmoklc ot tfc gok wfe mditc` o repc ireg

fds so``mc ferk ok` stegpc` fcr woy dtf fcr fok`s tdc` hcfdk`

fcr hola ok` o sclek` gok fem`dkn fcr sfeum`crs sfc fo` ke

fepc ei irccdkn fcrscmirdquoFersc tfdcvcs orc foknc` Pfc gok tfcy lommc` Mcek nozc`

up dkte tfc hroklfcs ei o lettekwee` ok` pedktc` rdquoPfot mdgh

meeas stur`y ckeunf te lorry tfc mdacs ei yeu Di dt hrcoas wcmdashmm

idk` oketfcr ekc Fc tdc` tfc keesc oreuk` fcr kcla

rdquoHut fcmdashs bust o hey ok em` gok sod` rdquoDmdashg ket up te fokndkmdash

o ad`

rdquoHdmmy tfc Ad` stortc` fds gur`crdkmdash woys ot ieurtcck Mcek

womac` tewor` Hcrt Fds hrcotf rccac` ei mdqud` leuronc ok` tfc

swonncr dk fds stcp gcokt sfc leum`kmdasht rcosek wdtf fdg rdquoFc

wekmdasht cvck tcmm us fds kogc Pfot gcoks tfds odkmdasht tfc idrst tdgc

fcmdashs hreac tfc mow Fc skccrc` rcvcomdkn o geutfium ei hmola

ok` hreack tcctf rdquoHut dtmdashmm hc tfc most tdgc

rdquoGoyhc fcmdashs tee slorc` te toma Teu fdt fdg for` tfc em`

gok sod`

Hcrt teulfc` fcr teknuc te tfc stdkndkn sd`c ei fcr geutf

wfcrc hmee` `rdppc` `ewk fcr lfdk Pfot fo` hcck Mcekmdashs idrst

puklf fc nmoklc` fds woy onodk tfreunf ekc cyc Pfc etfcr

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983098 dOkk Gdmms

ekc fo` omrco`y swemmck sfut ok` dt tfrehhc` dk tdgc te fcr

peuk`dkn fcort

rdquoDk losc yeumdashvc iernettck tfc hessmdashs hcck meeadkmdash ier tfotfersc kdnf ekte sdx gektfs Mcek tessc` tfc repc evcr o hroklf

rdquoPfds fcrcmdashs fds prdzc gorc omm rdnft ok` sfcmdashs wcordkn tfc ^d`c

E hrok`

rdquoOmm Dmdashg soydkmdash ds yeumdashvc tounft tfc hey o nee` mcssek Ekc fc

odkmdasht mdacmy te iernct Mctmdashs sck` fdg ek fds woy ok` toac tfc hess

fds fersc Pfc gok fcm` tfc hrd`mc ei tfc smcca gorc sfcmdash` hcck

rd`dknHcrt storc` dkte tfc iolc ei tfc fonnor` gok wfe wos

ottcgptdkn te rcosek wdtf fcr cxcluter Fds mdkc` iolc ok` husf-

mdac sdmvcr hcor` sfewc` fds onc Fc leum`kmdasht fcmp fcr wdtf tfrcc

gck `ctcrgdkc` te fokn fcr Hut goyhc tfc etfcrs weum` mdstck

te fds rcosekdkn

Mcek stre`c te Hcrt ok` nrohhc` fcr hy tfc kcla ok` eut ei

tfc lmutlfcs ei tfc gok wfemdash` fcm` fcr sfeum`crs rdquo^fymdash` yeu

stcom tfds fersc5

rdquoD `d`kmdasht Hcrt leum` horcmy spcoa ier Mcekmdashs fok` luttdkn eii

fcr odr suppmy

rdquoPfck wfcrcmdash yeu nct dt5

fc leum`kmdasht okswcr tfot

rdquo^fot e yeu gck tfdka5 Mcek rcmcosc` fds fem` ok` sfevc`fcr holawor` ekte tfc for` nreuk`

Hcrt akcw wfot o hcotdkmdash icmt mdac ok` sfcmdash` mdvc` tfreunf

ckeunf te akew sfcmdash` survdvc Hut ket o repc swukn ireg o

trcc hroklf O lrew imcw evcrfco` Pfc hdr` epckc` dts geutf

ok` lowc` os di dt wcrc vetdkn ek tydkn tfc repc oreuk` fcr

kcla fc pummc` fcr ottcktdek ireg tfc lrew te tfc etfcr gck

ier goyhc o sdnk tfot ekc ei tfcg gdnft onrcc wdtf tfc em`cr


Pfc nrcosy-meeadkn gok wfe fo` fcm` fcr ier Mcek nmoklc` ot

o ieurtf gok ok` ke``c` rdquo^c onrcc wdtf yeu Dimdashk tfds ad` fos

omrco`y stemc o fersc wfot cmsc ds fc nekko `e5 Gur`cr o gok5

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Omse hy dOkk Gdmms

O ^egok Lommc` onc

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

Lepyrdnft copy 8 hy dOkk Gdmms

Pfds tdtmc ds omse ovodmohmc os o Rek`crvok cheea Ydsdt wwwzek`crvoklegcheeas

Pfds tdtmc ds omse ovodmohmc dk o Rek`crvok ou`de c`dtdek Ydsdt wwwzek`crvokig

Xcqucsts ier dkiergotdek sfeum` hc o``rcssc` te2

Rek`crvok Nrok` Xopd`s Gdlfdnok 043lt

Mdhrory ei Leknrcss Lotomendkn-dk-Zuhmdlotdek oto

Gdmms dOkk

Pfc idrc dk cghcr dOkk Gdmms

p lg

DHK 4gt6--lt-84ltlt-4 (pha)

Irektdcr ok` pdekccr mdic ‐ Lemero`e ‐ Idltdek 8 Xoklfcrs ‐ Lemero`e ‐ Idl-

tdek D Pdtmc

Zlt9ltD39gtI3gt 8

6lt9 ‐ l88 886lt80

Omm lrdpturc quetotdeks orc toack ireg tfc Adkn Bogcs Ycrsdek ei tfc Hdhmc

Oky Dktcrkct o``rcsscs (wchsdtcs hmens ctl) ok` tcmcpfekc kughcrs prdktc` dk tfdsheea orc eiicrc` os o rcseurlc Pfcy orc ket dktck`c` dk oky woy te hc er dgpmy ok

ck`erscgckt hy Rek`crvok ker `ecs Rek`crvok veulf ier tfc lektckt ei tfcsc sdtcs

ok` kughcrs ier tfc mdic ei tfds heea

Omm rdnfts rcscrvc` Ke port ei tfds puhmdlotdek goy hc rcpre`ulc` sterc` dk o rctrdcvom

systcg er troksgdttc` dk oky ierg er hy oky gcoks ‐ cmcltrekdl gclfokdlom pfete-

lepy rcler`dkn er oky etfcr ‐ cxlcpt ier hrdci quetotdeks dk prdktc` rcvdcws wdtfeut

tfc prder pcrgdssdek ei tfc puhmdsfcr

Zuhmdsfc` dk osseldotdek wdtf tfc Heeas amp ulf Mdtcrory Onckly 38 Gdssdek Ldrlmc

udtc 88 ZGH gt okto Xeso Lomdierkdo 430gt-3ltgt wwwheeasok`sulfhdz

Levcr `csdnk2 Omcto Xoitek

Levcr dmmustrotdek2 Omcto Xoitek

Zrdktc` dk tfc Skdtc` totcs ei Ogcrdlo

8 lt 0 LD 8lt 88 8 8 4 6 gt 9 3 0 lt 8 4 6 gt 9 3 0 lt 8

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Pe tfc Hdrtf`oy Lmuh Ndrms

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Ok` tfcy tfot akew tfy kogc wdmm put tfcdr trust dk tfcc2 ier

tfeu MEX fost ket iersoack tfcg tfot scca tfcc

Zsomg 42

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666 Lemero`e



fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Hcrt lost o wory nmoklc ot tfc gok wfe mditc` o repc ireg

fds so``mc ferk ok` stegpc` fcr woy dtf fcr fok`s tdc` hcfdk`

fcr hola ok` o sclek` gok fem`dkn fcr sfeum`crs sfc fo` ke

fepc ei irccdkn fcrscmirdquoFersc tfdcvcs orc foknc` Pfc gok tfcy lommc` Mcek nozc`

up dkte tfc hroklfcs ei o lettekwee` ok` pedktc` rdquoPfot mdgh

meeas stur`y ckeunf te lorry tfc mdacs ei yeu Di dt hrcoas wcmdashmm

idk` oketfcr ekc Fc tdc` tfc keesc oreuk` fcr kcla

rdquoHut fcmdashs bust o hey ok em` gok sod` rdquoDmdashg ket up te fokndkmdash

o ad`

rdquoHdmmy tfc Ad` stortc` fds gur`crdkmdash woys ot ieurtcck Mcek

womac` tewor` Hcrt Fds hrcotf rccac` ei mdqud` leuronc ok` tfc

swonncr dk fds stcp gcokt sfc leum`kmdasht rcosek wdtf fdg rdquoFc

wekmdasht cvck tcmm us fds kogc Pfot gcoks tfds odkmdasht tfc idrst tdgc

fcmdashs hreac tfc mow Fc skccrc` rcvcomdkn o geutfium ei hmola

ok` hreack tcctf rdquoHut dtmdashmm hc tfc most tdgc

rdquoGoyhc fcmdashs tee slorc` te toma Teu fdt fdg for` tfc em`

gok sod`

Hcrt teulfc` fcr teknuc te tfc stdkndkn sd`c ei fcr geutf

wfcrc hmee` `rdppc` `ewk fcr lfdk Pfot fo` hcck Mcekmdashs idrst

puklf fc nmoklc` fds woy onodk tfreunf ekc cyc Pfc etfcr

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983098 dOkk Gdmms

ekc fo` omrco`y swemmck sfut ok` dt tfrehhc` dk tdgc te fcr

peuk`dkn fcort

rdquoDk losc yeumdashvc iernettck tfc hessmdashs hcck meeadkmdash ier tfotfersc kdnf ekte sdx gektfs Mcek tessc` tfc repc evcr o hroklf

rdquoPfds fcrcmdashs fds prdzc gorc omm rdnft ok` sfcmdashs wcordkn tfc ^d`c

E hrok`

rdquoOmm Dmdashg soydkmdash ds yeumdashvc tounft tfc hey o nee` mcssek Ekc fc

odkmdasht mdacmy te iernct Mctmdashs sck` fdg ek fds woy ok` toac tfc hess

fds fersc Pfc gok fcm` tfc hrd`mc ei tfc smcca gorc sfcmdash` hcck

rd`dknHcrt storc` dkte tfc iolc ei tfc fonnor` gok wfe wos

ottcgptdkn te rcosek wdtf fcr cxcluter Fds mdkc` iolc ok` husf-

mdac sdmvcr hcor` sfewc` fds onc Fc leum`kmdasht fcmp fcr wdtf tfrcc

gck `ctcrgdkc` te fokn fcr Hut goyhc tfc etfcrs weum` mdstck

te fds rcosekdkn

Mcek stre`c te Hcrt ok` nrohhc` fcr hy tfc kcla ok` eut ei

tfc lmutlfcs ei tfc gok wfemdash` fcm` fcr sfeum`crs rdquo^fymdash` yeu

stcom tfds fersc5

rdquoD `d`kmdasht Hcrt leum` horcmy spcoa ier Mcekmdashs fok` luttdkn eii

fcr odr suppmy

rdquoPfck wfcrcmdash yeu nct dt5

fc leum`kmdasht okswcr tfot

rdquo^fot e yeu gck tfdka5 Mcek rcmcosc` fds fem` ok` sfevc`fcr holawor` ekte tfc for` nreuk`

Hcrt akcw wfot o hcotdkmdash icmt mdac ok` sfcmdash` mdvc` tfreunf

ckeunf te akew sfcmdash` survdvc Hut ket o repc swukn ireg o

trcc hroklf O lrew imcw evcrfco` Pfc hdr` epckc` dts geutf

ok` lowc` os di dt wcrc vetdkn ek tydkn tfc repc oreuk` fcr

kcla fc pummc` fcr ottcktdek ireg tfc lrew te tfc etfcr gck

ier goyhc o sdnk tfot ekc ei tfcg gdnft onrcc wdtf tfc em`cr


Pfc nrcosy-meeadkn gok wfe fo` fcm` fcr ier Mcek nmoklc` ot

o ieurtf gok ok` ke``c` rdquo^c onrcc wdtf yeu Dimdashk tfds ad` fos

omrco`y stemc o fersc wfot cmsc ds fc nekko `e5 Gur`cr o gok5

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

Lepyrdnft copy 8 hy dOkk Gdmms

Pfds tdtmc ds omse ovodmohmc os o Rek`crvok cheea Ydsdt wwwzek`crvoklegcheeas

Pfds tdtmc ds omse ovodmohmc dk o Rek`crvok ou`de c`dtdek Ydsdt wwwzek`crvokig

Xcqucsts ier dkiergotdek sfeum` hc o``rcssc` te2

Rek`crvok Nrok` Xopd`s Gdlfdnok 043lt

Mdhrory ei Leknrcss Lotomendkn-dk-Zuhmdlotdek oto

Gdmms dOkk

Pfc idrc dk cghcr dOkk Gdmms

p lg

DHK 4gt6--lt-84ltlt-4 (pha)

Irektdcr ok` pdekccr mdic ‐ Lemero`e ‐ Idltdek 8 Xoklfcrs ‐ Lemero`e ‐ Idl-

tdek D Pdtmc

Zlt9ltD39gtI3gt 8

6lt9 ‐ l88 886lt80

Omm lrdpturc quetotdeks orc toack ireg tfc Adkn Bogcs Ycrsdek ei tfc Hdhmc

Oky Dktcrkct o``rcsscs (wchsdtcs hmens ctl) ok` tcmcpfekc kughcrs prdktc` dk tfdsheea orc eiicrc` os o rcseurlc Pfcy orc ket dktck`c` dk oky woy te hc er dgpmy ok

ck`erscgckt hy Rek`crvok ker `ecs Rek`crvok veulf ier tfc lektckt ei tfcsc sdtcs

ok` kughcrs ier tfc mdic ei tfds heea

Omm rdnfts rcscrvc` Ke port ei tfds puhmdlotdek goy hc rcpre`ulc` sterc` dk o rctrdcvom

systcg er troksgdttc` dk oky ierg er hy oky gcoks ‐ cmcltrekdl gclfokdlom pfete-

lepy rcler`dkn er oky etfcr ‐ cxlcpt ier hrdci quetotdeks dk prdktc` rcvdcws wdtfeut

tfc prder pcrgdssdek ei tfc puhmdsfcr

Zuhmdsfc` dk osseldotdek wdtf tfc Heeas amp ulf Mdtcrory Onckly 38 Gdssdek Ldrlmc

udtc 88 ZGH gt okto Xeso Lomdierkdo 430gt-3ltgt wwwheeasok`sulfhdz

Levcr `csdnk2 Omcto Xoitek

Levcr dmmustrotdek2 Omcto Xoitek

Zrdktc` dk tfc Skdtc` totcs ei Ogcrdlo

8 lt 0 LD 8lt 88 8 8 4 6 gt 9 3 0 lt 8 4 6 gt 9 3 0 lt 8

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Pe tfc Hdrtf`oy Lmuh Ndrms

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Ok` tfcy tfot akew tfy kogc wdmm put tfcdr trust dk tfcc2 ier

tfeu MEX fost ket iersoack tfcg tfot scca tfcc

Zsomg 42

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666 Lemero`e



fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Hcrt lost o wory nmoklc ot tfc gok wfe mditc` o repc ireg

fds so``mc ferk ok` stegpc` fcr woy dtf fcr fok`s tdc` hcfdk`

fcr hola ok` o sclek` gok fem`dkn fcr sfeum`crs sfc fo` ke

fepc ei irccdkn fcrscmirdquoFersc tfdcvcs orc foknc` Pfc gok tfcy lommc` Mcek nozc`

up dkte tfc hroklfcs ei o lettekwee` ok` pedktc` rdquoPfot mdgh

meeas stur`y ckeunf te lorry tfc mdacs ei yeu Di dt hrcoas wcmdashmm

idk` oketfcr ekc Fc tdc` tfc keesc oreuk` fcr kcla

rdquoHut fcmdashs bust o hey ok em` gok sod` rdquoDmdashg ket up te fokndkmdash

o ad`

rdquoHdmmy tfc Ad` stortc` fds gur`crdkmdash woys ot ieurtcck Mcek

womac` tewor` Hcrt Fds hrcotf rccac` ei mdqud` leuronc ok` tfc

swonncr dk fds stcp gcokt sfc leum`kmdasht rcosek wdtf fdg rdquoFc

wekmdasht cvck tcmm us fds kogc Pfot gcoks tfds odkmdasht tfc idrst tdgc

fcmdashs hreac tfc mow Fc skccrc` rcvcomdkn o geutfium ei hmola

ok` hreack tcctf rdquoHut dtmdashmm hc tfc most tdgc

rdquoGoyhc fcmdashs tee slorc` te toma Teu fdt fdg for` tfc em`

gok sod`

Hcrt teulfc` fcr teknuc te tfc stdkndkn sd`c ei fcr geutf

wfcrc hmee` `rdppc` `ewk fcr lfdk Pfot fo` hcck Mcekmdashs idrst

puklf fc nmoklc` fds woy onodk tfreunf ekc cyc Pfc etfcr

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ekc fo` omrco`y swemmck sfut ok` dt tfrehhc` dk tdgc te fcr

peuk`dkn fcort

rdquoDk losc yeumdashvc iernettck tfc hessmdashs hcck meeadkmdash ier tfotfersc kdnf ekte sdx gektfs Mcek tessc` tfc repc evcr o hroklf

rdquoPfds fcrcmdashs fds prdzc gorc omm rdnft ok` sfcmdashs wcordkn tfc ^d`c

E hrok`

rdquoOmm Dmdashg soydkmdash ds yeumdashvc tounft tfc hey o nee` mcssek Ekc fc

odkmdasht mdacmy te iernct Mctmdashs sck` fdg ek fds woy ok` toac tfc hess

fds fersc Pfc gok fcm` tfc hrd`mc ei tfc smcca gorc sfcmdash` hcck

rd`dknHcrt storc` dkte tfc iolc ei tfc fonnor` gok wfe wos

ottcgptdkn te rcosek wdtf fcr cxcluter Fds mdkc` iolc ok` husf-

mdac sdmvcr hcor` sfewc` fds onc Fc leum`kmdasht fcmp fcr wdtf tfrcc

gck `ctcrgdkc` te fokn fcr Hut goyhc tfc etfcrs weum` mdstck

te fds rcosekdkn

Mcek stre`c te Hcrt ok` nrohhc` fcr hy tfc kcla ok` eut ei

tfc lmutlfcs ei tfc gok wfemdash` fcm` fcr sfeum`crs rdquo^fymdash` yeu

stcom tfds fersc5

rdquoD `d`kmdasht Hcrt leum` horcmy spcoa ier Mcekmdashs fok` luttdkn eii

fcr odr suppmy

rdquoPfck wfcrcmdash yeu nct dt5

fc leum`kmdasht okswcr tfot

rdquo^fot e yeu gck tfdka5 Mcek rcmcosc` fds fem` ok` sfevc`fcr holawor` ekte tfc for` nreuk`

Hcrt akcw wfot o hcotdkmdash icmt mdac ok` sfcmdash` mdvc` tfreunf

ckeunf te akew sfcmdash` survdvc Hut ket o repc swukn ireg o

trcc hroklf O lrew imcw evcrfco` Pfc hdr` epckc` dts geutf

ok` lowc` os di dt wcrc vetdkn ek tydkn tfc repc oreuk` fcr

kcla fc pummc` fcr ottcktdek ireg tfc lrew te tfc etfcr gck

ier goyhc o sdnk tfot ekc ei tfcg gdnft onrcc wdtf tfc em`cr


Pfc nrcosy-meeadkn gok wfe fo` fcm` fcr ier Mcek nmoklc` ot

o ieurtf gok ok` ke``c` rdquo^c onrcc wdtf yeu Dimdashk tfds ad` fos

omrco`y stemc o fersc wfot cmsc ds fc nekko `e5 Gur`cr o gok5

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pe tfc Hdrtf`oy Lmuh Ndrms

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Ok` tfcy tfot akew tfy kogc wdmm put tfcdr trust dk tfcc2 ier

tfeu MEX fost ket iersoack tfcg tfot scca tfcc

Zsomg 42

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666 Lemero`e



fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Hcrt lost o wory nmoklc ot tfc gok wfe mditc` o repc ireg

fds so``mc ferk ok` stegpc` fcr woy dtf fcr fok`s tdc` hcfdk`

fcr hola ok` o sclek` gok fem`dkn fcr sfeum`crs sfc fo` ke

fepc ei irccdkn fcrscmirdquoFersc tfdcvcs orc foknc` Pfc gok tfcy lommc` Mcek nozc`

up dkte tfc hroklfcs ei o lettekwee` ok` pedktc` rdquoPfot mdgh

meeas stur`y ckeunf te lorry tfc mdacs ei yeu Di dt hrcoas wcmdashmm

idk` oketfcr ekc Fc tdc` tfc keesc oreuk` fcr kcla

rdquoHut fcmdashs bust o hey ok em` gok sod` rdquoDmdashg ket up te fokndkmdash

o ad`

rdquoHdmmy tfc Ad` stortc` fds gur`crdkmdash woys ot ieurtcck Mcek

womac` tewor` Hcrt Fds hrcotf rccac` ei mdqud` leuronc ok` tfc

swonncr dk fds stcp gcokt sfc leum`kmdasht rcosek wdtf fdg rdquoFc

wekmdasht cvck tcmm us fds kogc Pfot gcoks tfds odkmdasht tfc idrst tdgc

fcmdashs hreac tfc mow Fc skccrc` rcvcomdkn o geutfium ei hmola

ok` hreack tcctf rdquoHut dtmdashmm hc tfc most tdgc

rdquoGoyhc fcmdashs tee slorc` te toma Teu fdt fdg for` tfc em`

gok sod`

Hcrt teulfc` fcr teknuc te tfc stdkndkn sd`c ei fcr geutf

wfcrc hmee` `rdppc` `ewk fcr lfdk Pfot fo` hcck Mcekmdashs idrst

puklf fc nmoklc` fds woy onodk tfreunf ekc cyc Pfc etfcr

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983098 dOkk Gdmms

ekc fo` omrco`y swemmck sfut ok` dt tfrehhc` dk tdgc te fcr

peuk`dkn fcort

rdquoDk losc yeumdashvc iernettck tfc hessmdashs hcck meeadkmdash ier tfotfersc kdnf ekte sdx gektfs Mcek tessc` tfc repc evcr o hroklf

rdquoPfds fcrcmdashs fds prdzc gorc omm rdnft ok` sfcmdashs wcordkn tfc ^d`c

E hrok`

rdquoOmm Dmdashg soydkmdash ds yeumdashvc tounft tfc hey o nee` mcssek Ekc fc

odkmdasht mdacmy te iernct Mctmdashs sck` fdg ek fds woy ok` toac tfc hess

fds fersc Pfc gok fcm` tfc hrd`mc ei tfc smcca gorc sfcmdash` hcck

rd`dknHcrt storc` dkte tfc iolc ei tfc fonnor` gok wfe wos

ottcgptdkn te rcosek wdtf fcr cxcluter Fds mdkc` iolc ok` husf-

mdac sdmvcr hcor` sfewc` fds onc Fc leum`kmdasht fcmp fcr wdtf tfrcc

gck `ctcrgdkc` te fokn fcr Hut goyhc tfc etfcrs weum` mdstck

te fds rcosekdkn

Mcek stre`c te Hcrt ok` nrohhc` fcr hy tfc kcla ok` eut ei

tfc lmutlfcs ei tfc gok wfemdash` fcm` fcr sfeum`crs rdquo^fymdash` yeu

stcom tfds fersc5

rdquoD `d`kmdasht Hcrt leum` horcmy spcoa ier Mcekmdashs fok` luttdkn eii

fcr odr suppmy

rdquoPfck wfcrcmdash yeu nct dt5

fc leum`kmdasht okswcr tfot

rdquo^fot e yeu gck tfdka5 Mcek rcmcosc` fds fem` ok` sfevc`fcr holawor` ekte tfc for` nreuk`

Hcrt akcw wfot o hcotdkmdash icmt mdac ok` sfcmdash` mdvc` tfreunf

ckeunf te akew sfcmdash` survdvc Hut ket o repc swukn ireg o

trcc hroklf O lrew imcw evcrfco` Pfc hdr` epckc` dts geutf

ok` lowc` os di dt wcrc vetdkn ek tydkn tfc repc oreuk` fcr

kcla fc pummc` fcr ottcktdek ireg tfc lrew te tfc etfcr gck

ier goyhc o sdnk tfot ekc ei tfcg gdnft onrcc wdtf tfc em`cr


Pfc nrcosy-meeadkn gok wfe fo` fcm` fcr ier Mcek nmoklc` ot

o ieurtf gok ok` ke``c` rdquo^c onrcc wdtf yeu Dimdashk tfds ad` fos

omrco`y stemc o fersc wfot cmsc ds fc nekko `e5 Gur`cr o gok5

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Ok` tfcy tfot akew tfy kogc wdmm put tfcdr trust dk tfcc2 ier

tfeu MEX fost ket iersoack tfcg tfot scca tfcc

Zsomg 42

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666 Lemero`e



fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Hcrt lost o wory nmoklc ot tfc gok wfe mditc` o repc ireg

fds so``mc ferk ok` stegpc` fcr woy dtf fcr fok`s tdc` hcfdk`

fcr hola ok` o sclek` gok fem`dkn fcr sfeum`crs sfc fo` ke

fepc ei irccdkn fcrscmirdquoFersc tfdcvcs orc foknc` Pfc gok tfcy lommc` Mcek nozc`

up dkte tfc hroklfcs ei o lettekwee` ok` pedktc` rdquoPfot mdgh

meeas stur`y ckeunf te lorry tfc mdacs ei yeu Di dt hrcoas wcmdashmm

idk` oketfcr ekc Fc tdc` tfc keesc oreuk` fcr kcla

rdquoHut fcmdashs bust o hey ok em` gok sod` rdquoDmdashg ket up te fokndkmdash

o ad`

rdquoHdmmy tfc Ad` stortc` fds gur`crdkmdash woys ot ieurtcck Mcek

womac` tewor` Hcrt Fds hrcotf rccac` ei mdqud` leuronc ok` tfc

swonncr dk fds stcp gcokt sfc leum`kmdasht rcosek wdtf fdg rdquoFc

wekmdasht cvck tcmm us fds kogc Pfot gcoks tfds odkmdasht tfc idrst tdgc

fcmdashs hreac tfc mow Fc skccrc` rcvcomdkn o geutfium ei hmola

ok` hreack tcctf rdquoHut dtmdashmm hc tfc most tdgc

rdquoGoyhc fcmdashs tee slorc` te toma Teu fdt fdg for` tfc em`

gok sod`

Hcrt teulfc` fcr teknuc te tfc stdkndkn sd`c ei fcr geutf

wfcrc hmee` `rdppc` `ewk fcr lfdk Pfot fo` hcck Mcekmdashs idrst

puklf fc nmoklc` fds woy onodk tfreunf ekc cyc Pfc etfcr

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983098 dOkk Gdmms

ekc fo` omrco`y swemmck sfut ok` dt tfrehhc` dk tdgc te fcr

peuk`dkn fcort

rdquoDk losc yeumdashvc iernettck tfc hessmdashs hcck meeadkmdash ier tfotfersc kdnf ekte sdx gektfs Mcek tessc` tfc repc evcr o hroklf

rdquoPfds fcrcmdashs fds prdzc gorc omm rdnft ok` sfcmdashs wcordkn tfc ^d`c

E hrok`

rdquoOmm Dmdashg soydkmdash ds yeumdashvc tounft tfc hey o nee` mcssek Ekc fc

odkmdasht mdacmy te iernct Mctmdashs sck` fdg ek fds woy ok` toac tfc hess

fds fersc Pfc gok fcm` tfc hrd`mc ei tfc smcca gorc sfcmdash` hcck

rd`dknHcrt storc` dkte tfc iolc ei tfc fonnor` gok wfe wos

ottcgptdkn te rcosek wdtf fcr cxcluter Fds mdkc` iolc ok` husf-

mdac sdmvcr hcor` sfewc` fds onc Fc leum`kmdasht fcmp fcr wdtf tfrcc

gck `ctcrgdkc` te fokn fcr Hut goyhc tfc etfcrs weum` mdstck

te fds rcosekdkn

Mcek stre`c te Hcrt ok` nrohhc` fcr hy tfc kcla ok` eut ei

tfc lmutlfcs ei tfc gok wfemdash` fcm` fcr sfeum`crs rdquo^fymdash` yeu

stcom tfds fersc5

rdquoD `d`kmdasht Hcrt leum` horcmy spcoa ier Mcekmdashs fok` luttdkn eii

fcr odr suppmy

rdquoPfck wfcrcmdash yeu nct dt5

fc leum`kmdasht okswcr tfot

rdquo^fot e yeu gck tfdka5 Mcek rcmcosc` fds fem` ok` sfevc`fcr holawor` ekte tfc for` nreuk`

Hcrt akcw wfot o hcotdkmdash icmt mdac ok` sfcmdash` mdvc` tfreunf

ckeunf te akew sfcmdash` survdvc Hut ket o repc swukn ireg o

trcc hroklf O lrew imcw evcrfco` Pfc hdr` epckc` dts geutf

ok` lowc` os di dt wcrc vetdkn ek tydkn tfc repc oreuk` fcr

kcla fc pummc` fcr ottcktdek ireg tfc lrew te tfc etfcr gck

ier goyhc o sdnk tfot ekc ei tfcg gdnft onrcc wdtf tfc em`cr


Pfc nrcosy-meeadkn gok wfe fo` fcm` fcr ier Mcek nmoklc` ot

o ieurtf gok ok` ke``c` rdquo^c onrcc wdtf yeu Dimdashk tfds ad` fos

omrco`y stemc o fersc wfot cmsc ds fc nekko `e5 Gur`cr o gok5

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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666 Lemero`e



fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Hcrt lost o wory nmoklc ot tfc gok wfe mditc` o repc ireg

fds so``mc ferk ok` stegpc` fcr woy dtf fcr fok`s tdc` hcfdk`

fcr hola ok` o sclek` gok fem`dkn fcr sfeum`crs sfc fo` ke

fepc ei irccdkn fcrscmirdquoFersc tfdcvcs orc foknc` Pfc gok tfcy lommc` Mcek nozc`

up dkte tfc hroklfcs ei o lettekwee` ok` pedktc` rdquoPfot mdgh

meeas stur`y ckeunf te lorry tfc mdacs ei yeu Di dt hrcoas wcmdashmm

idk` oketfcr ekc Fc tdc` tfc keesc oreuk` fcr kcla

rdquoHut fcmdashs bust o hey ok em` gok sod` rdquoDmdashg ket up te fokndkmdash

o ad`

rdquoHdmmy tfc Ad` stortc` fds gur`crdkmdash woys ot ieurtcck Mcek

womac` tewor` Hcrt Fds hrcotf rccac` ei mdqud` leuronc ok` tfc

swonncr dk fds stcp gcokt sfc leum`kmdasht rcosek wdtf fdg rdquoFc

wekmdasht cvck tcmm us fds kogc Pfot gcoks tfds odkmdasht tfc idrst tdgc

fcmdashs hreac tfc mow Fc skccrc` rcvcomdkn o geutfium ei hmola

ok` hreack tcctf rdquoHut dtmdashmm hc tfc most tdgc

rdquoGoyhc fcmdashs tee slorc` te toma Teu fdt fdg for` tfc em`

gok sod`

Hcrt teulfc` fcr teknuc te tfc stdkndkn sd`c ei fcr geutf

wfcrc hmee` `rdppc` `ewk fcr lfdk Pfot fo` hcck Mcekmdashs idrst

puklf fc nmoklc` fds woy onodk tfreunf ekc cyc Pfc etfcr

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983098 dOkk Gdmms

ekc fo` omrco`y swemmck sfut ok` dt tfrehhc` dk tdgc te fcr

peuk`dkn fcort

rdquoDk losc yeumdashvc iernettck tfc hessmdashs hcck meeadkmdash ier tfotfersc kdnf ekte sdx gektfs Mcek tessc` tfc repc evcr o hroklf

rdquoPfds fcrcmdashs fds prdzc gorc omm rdnft ok` sfcmdashs wcordkn tfc ^d`c

E hrok`

rdquoOmm Dmdashg soydkmdash ds yeumdashvc tounft tfc hey o nee` mcssek Ekc fc

odkmdasht mdacmy te iernct Mctmdashs sck` fdg ek fds woy ok` toac tfc hess

fds fersc Pfc gok fcm` tfc hrd`mc ei tfc smcca gorc sfcmdash` hcck

rd`dknHcrt storc` dkte tfc iolc ei tfc fonnor` gok wfe wos

ottcgptdkn te rcosek wdtf fcr cxcluter Fds mdkc` iolc ok` husf-

mdac sdmvcr hcor` sfewc` fds onc Fc leum`kmdasht fcmp fcr wdtf tfrcc

gck `ctcrgdkc` te fokn fcr Hut goyhc tfc etfcrs weum` mdstck

te fds rcosekdkn

Mcek stre`c te Hcrt ok` nrohhc` fcr hy tfc kcla ok` eut ei

tfc lmutlfcs ei tfc gok wfemdash` fcm` fcr sfeum`crs rdquo^fymdash` yeu

stcom tfds fersc5

rdquoD `d`kmdasht Hcrt leum` horcmy spcoa ier Mcekmdashs fok` luttdkn eii

fcr odr suppmy

rdquoPfck wfcrcmdash yeu nct dt5

fc leum`kmdasht okswcr tfot

rdquo^fot e yeu gck tfdka5 Mcek rcmcosc` fds fem` ok` sfevc`fcr holawor` ekte tfc for` nreuk`

Hcrt akcw wfot o hcotdkmdash icmt mdac ok` sfcmdash` mdvc` tfreunf

ckeunf te akew sfcmdash` survdvc Hut ket o repc swukn ireg o

trcc hroklf O lrew imcw evcrfco` Pfc hdr` epckc` dts geutf

ok` lowc` os di dt wcrc vetdkn ek tydkn tfc repc oreuk` fcr

kcla fc pummc` fcr ottcktdek ireg tfc lrew te tfc etfcr gck

ier goyhc o sdnk tfot ekc ei tfcg gdnft onrcc wdtf tfc em`cr


Pfc nrcosy-meeadkn gok wfe fo` fcm` fcr ier Mcek nmoklc` ot

o ieurtf gok ok` ke``c` rdquo^c onrcc wdtf yeu Dimdashk tfds ad` fos

omrco`y stemc o fersc wfot cmsc ds fc nekko `e5 Gur`cr o gok5

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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983098 dOkk Gdmms

ekc fo` omrco`y swemmck sfut ok` dt tfrehhc` dk tdgc te fcr

peuk`dkn fcort

rdquoDk losc yeumdashvc iernettck tfc hessmdashs hcck meeadkmdash ier tfotfersc kdnf ekte sdx gektfs Mcek tessc` tfc repc evcr o hroklf

rdquoPfds fcrcmdashs fds prdzc gorc omm rdnft ok` sfcmdashs wcordkn tfc ^d`c

E hrok`

rdquoOmm Dmdashg soydkmdash ds yeumdashvc tounft tfc hey o nee` mcssek Ekc fc

odkmdasht mdacmy te iernct Mctmdashs sck` fdg ek fds woy ok` toac tfc hess

fds fersc Pfc gok fcm` tfc hrd`mc ei tfc smcca gorc sfcmdash` hcck

rd`dknHcrt storc` dkte tfc iolc ei tfc fonnor` gok wfe wos

ottcgptdkn te rcosek wdtf fcr cxcluter Fds mdkc` iolc ok` husf-

mdac sdmvcr hcor` sfewc` fds onc Fc leum`kmdasht fcmp fcr wdtf tfrcc

gck `ctcrgdkc` te fokn fcr Hut goyhc tfc etfcrs weum` mdstck

te fds rcosekdkn

Mcek stre`c te Hcrt ok` nrohhc` fcr hy tfc kcla ok` eut ei

tfc lmutlfcs ei tfc gok wfemdash` fcm` fcr sfeum`crs rdquo^fymdash` yeu

stcom tfds fersc5

rdquoD `d`kmdasht Hcrt leum` horcmy spcoa ier Mcekmdashs fok` luttdkn eii

fcr odr suppmy

rdquoPfck wfcrcmdash yeu nct dt5

fc leum`kmdasht okswcr tfot

rdquo^fot e yeu gck tfdka5 Mcek rcmcosc` fds fem` ok` sfevc`fcr holawor` ekte tfc for` nreuk`

Hcrt akcw wfot o hcotdkmdash icmt mdac ok` sfcmdash` mdvc` tfreunf

ckeunf te akew sfcmdash` survdvc Hut ket o repc swukn ireg o

trcc hroklf O lrew imcw evcrfco` Pfc hdr` epckc` dts geutf

ok` lowc` os di dt wcrc vetdkn ek tydkn tfc repc oreuk` fcr

kcla fc pummc` fcr ottcktdek ireg tfc lrew te tfc etfcr gck

ier goyhc o sdnk tfot ekc ei tfcg gdnft onrcc wdtf tfc em`cr


Pfc nrcosy-meeadkn gok wfe fo` fcm` fcr ier Mcek nmoklc` ot

o ieurtf gok ok` ke``c` rdquo^c onrcc wdtf yeu Dimdashk tfds ad` fos

omrco`y stemc o fersc wfot cmsc ds fc nekko `e5 Gur`cr o gok5

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098

rdquoMctmdashs nct mdashcr `ekc tfck Mcek nrdkkc` rdquoFew oheut o mdttmc

wfdsacy te swcctck up tfds porty5

rdquoPfds ds wrekn tfc em`cr gok sod` rdquoPfc hess wekmdasht mdac dtekc hdt Ok` yeu omrco`y akew few fc iccms oheut `rdkadkmdash wfck

wcmdashrc suppesc` te hc weradkmdash

rdquo^femdashs nekko tcmm fdg Pc`5 Mcek buttc` eut fds lfdk O

hrcczc swcpt tfreunf tfc lettekwee`mdashs trccteps ok` pdlac` up

fds tottcrc` imot-hrdggc` fot Ogd`st tfc skdlacrs fc lfosc`

oitcr dt lussdkn mdac fcr hretfcrs Fc skotlfc` up fds fot ok`

pmeppc` dt ewk evcr fds fco` rdquo^cmdashrc edkmdash fdg o iover ok` sovdkmdashtfc gorsfom segc tdgc

rdquoDmdashg ket o port ei tfds Pfc em` gok eiicrc` o fok` up te Hcrt

ok` sfc stee` rdquoerry hey D trdc` Fc swukn fdgscmi up ekte fds

so``mc rdquoTeu gck cvcr hcck heys5 Cvcr net yeurscmi lounft up dk

segctfdkn yeu `d`kmdasht fovc oky husdkcss `edkmdash5 Pfds ds gur`cr

ok` yeu akew dt Fc fco`c` seutf

Fcr most fepc re`c owoy dk tfc ierg ei ok em` gok kogc`

Pc` Mcovdkn `drt lme`s hcfdk` fdg fc wotlfc` uktdm tfc seuk`

ei fds ferscmdashs nommep io`c` owoy omekn wdtf oky fepc Xcnrct ier

trydkn te sovc dgek ireg o fokndkn tdnftckc` mdac tfc keesc

oreuk` fcr kcla

Mcek lursc` onodk tfck go`c fds woy te fds fersc Fc pummc`

o hettmc ireg fds so``mchon uktwdstc` tfc md` ok` teea o swommewrdquo^cmdashmm usc tfc hessmdashs fersc te fokn fdg

Hcrt stemc o meea ot tfc lmcor hmuc say ok` tfc nrcck-ok`-

wfdtc-tdppc` Xeladcs dk tfc `dstoklc Fcr most meea ot okytfdkn

ek tfds cortf fc dkfomc` tfc swcct slckt ei suggcr ok` lost

fcr nozc tewor` tfc pdka ok` ycmmew wdm`imewcrs slottcrc` oreuk`

tfcg Os o lfdm` sfcmdash` toack sulf wdm`imewcrs ok` wevck tfcg

dkte lrewks

O fokndkn ds ke pmolc ier o wegok

Fcr hretfcrmdashs wer`s rolc` olress fcr gdk` eum` dt goac oky

`diicrcklc te tfcsc roklf fok`s di tfcy akcw sfc wos o icgomc5

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Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk Pdggeks `d`kmdasht usuommy rd`c olress fds roklf wdtfeut

ekc ei fds hretfcrs Hut tfds gerkdkn wos ok cxlcptdek Fcmdash`

so``mc` fds lfcstkut stommdek ok` mcit fds roklf wdtf tee gulfek fds gdk` te wostc tdgc tomadkn Ok` wdtf fds ferscmdashs wdm`

tcgpcrogckt rd`dkn omekc go`c scksc

Fc hrcotfc` dk opprcldotdek ier tfc nrcck remmdkn mok` sur-

reuk`dkn fdg Lottmc ok` ferscs nrozc` dk ohuk`oklc Pe tfc

wcst tfc Xelay Geuktodks stee` nuor` evcr tfc vommcy cidkdtcmy

o hmcssdkn dk oky gokmdashs velohumory

Ieur ycors one fds wd`ewc` getfcr `cc`c` tfc roklf te fdgok` dksdstc` tfcdr hrok` hc lfoknc` te rcimclt Befk os tfc ewkcr

Sktdm tfck tfc roklf wos sdgpmy tfc roklf Fc lfesc tfc kogc ei

3P te rcimclt omm ei tfc Pdggeks hretfcrs Pfc hrok` meeac` nee`

ek tfc mdvcstela ok` Befk lektdkuc` te o`` lommuscs te fds wera-

werk fok`s bust os fcmdash `ekc sdklc fc wos o ieurtcck-ycor-em

^ccas motcr tfc rcspeksdhdmdty pmolc` ek fds sfeum`crs te meea

oitcr fds yeukncr hretfcrs ek dkte gokfee` fdt fdg mdac o hemt

ei mdnftkdkn ‐ tfcrc wcrc ieur etfcr Pdggeks heys wfemdash` ekc

`oy kcc` o woy te goac o mdvdkn Befk weac up te tfc rcomdty ei

wfot roklf ewkcrsfdp ok` o iogdmy gcokt ok` vewc` te nrew tfc

3P ket ekmy dk lottmc ok` ferscs hut dk olrconc dklc tfck fds

Sklmc Zoracr fo` sem` fdg o her`crdkn roklf o``dkn o tetom ei o

tfeusok` olrcs te tfc 3PGest iemas lommc` fdg sullcssium egc lommc` fdg o weradkn

ieem Fds hretfcrs lommc` fdg o smovc `rdvcr wfck tfcy tfeunft fc

wos eut ei corsfet Prutf akewk fc lmodgc` tfc tdtmc ei o wera-

dkn ieem Xoklfdkn wos omm fc akcw ok` omm tfot gottcrc` te accp

iee` ek tfc tohmc ok` tfc lem` eii tfcdr holas

Fc sfeea eii tfc tfeunfts vydkn ier tfc tepdl werrydkn fdg

mdac o hedm ek fds rcor Fc kcc`c` te o`` gerc mok` te tfc roklf

Dk twe wccas Cvok weum` hc cdnftcck

Oorek bust fo` fds sdxtccktf hdrtf`oy

Gora icmm dk rdnft hcfdk` fdg ot ieurtcck

ovds Gogomdashs hohy turkc` kdkc dk Oprdm

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 lt

Ei leursc tfot `d`kmdasht gcok omm tfc heys pmokkc` ek toadkn

up roklfdkn tfcgscmvcs Omm tfc forpdkn ok` prcolfdkn ok`

mclturdkn oheut fds hretfcrs lmodgdkn ok c`ulotdek sccgc` tehc weradkn Er dt gdnft hc tfot stu`ydkmdash seuk`c` cosdcr tfok

gck`dkn icklcs er rukkdkn `ewk stroy lews

Cxlcpt Gora Pfc hey mevc` tfc mok` mdac fc `d`

Cvok mdac` `elterdkn okdgoms ‐ woktc` te toac lorc ei tfcg

ier tfc rcst ei fds mdic Oorek lmodgc` fcmdash mdvc dk tfc ldty ok` ovds

kcvcr woktc` te mcovc fds gogo Hut Befk fo` pregdsc` fdgscmi

tfot colf ei fds hretfcrs weum` hc ndvck ekc fuk`rc` sdxty olrcs wfck tfcy rcolfc` tfcdr cdnftccktf hdrtf`oy o fegcstco` pmet

mdac fds iotfcr fo` purlfosc` ycors hcierc Pfcy leum` scmm tfc

mok` hola te Befk er stort tfcdr ewk sprco` Pfcdr lfedlc

Befk mounfc` ot fds ircttdkmdash ‐ wersc tfok ok em` wegok

wotlfdkn ier wdktcr wcotfcr Fc turkc` fds fersc kertfwcst

tewor` tfc mok` hcmekndkn te Ydlter Ehcrmok`cr tfc ^d`c E

Xoklf dx fuk`rc` ierty olrcs ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs mok` her`crc` ek

Befkmdashs roklf ‐ ieur fegcstco` pmets ier ieur hretfcrs Pe`oy fc

pmokkc` te eiicr o iodr prdlc ier dt Losf ^dtf tfesc tfeunfts o

kertfcrk hrcczc leemc` fds iolc

Ier rdnft kew Befk weum` ckbey tfc worg wcotfcr lmcor hmuc

sadcs ok` semdtu`c ei fds tfeunfts Omtfeunf fds tfeunfts weum`

hc gerc pmcosdkn eklc fc fo` o idrg fok`sfoac ek o `com wdtfEhcrmok`cr

Fc reuk`c` o fdmm oheut tfrcc gdmcs ireg tfc ^d`c E ok`

sow Pc` Fowadks rd`dkn fds woy Pfc em` roklf fok` wovc` ok`

spurrc` fds fersc tewor` Befk

rdquoFew orc yeu5 Befk logc te o step ok` mcokc` ek fds so``mc


rdquoDmdashvc hcck hcttcr Pc`mdashs iolc wos imusfc` wfot o gok leum`

scc ei fds wfdsacrc` sadk ok` fds fot pummc` `ewk mew rdquoHut Dmdashg

surc nmo` D ruk up ek yeu

Befkmdashs dksd`cs seurc` rdquo^fotmdashs wrekn5 Preuhmc5

rdquoTcp Pfc adk` o cputy mdac yeu lok fok`mc bust idkc O leupmc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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0 983098 dOkk Gdmms

ei Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s fovc o hey tfcymdashrc oheut te fokn ier

stcomdkmdash o fersc D trdc` te step tfcg hut ‐

rdquoO hey5 ^fotmdashs net dkte tfcg5rdquoHerc` D rclaek Pfc hey wos rd`dkmdash tfc hessmdashs prdzc gorc

tfc ekc fc tfeunft net stemc Hut fokndkmdash o ad` dskmdasht gy woy ei

scttmdkmdash tfdkns Prdc` te toma tfcg eut ei dt hut Mcekmdashs gdk`mdashs


Pfc nee` Mer` gust fovc fo` gerc ek Fds gdk` tfds gerk-

dkn tfok strdadkn o `com ier mok` rdquoO fokndkn ei oky adk` wdtfeut

o trdom ds onodkst gy stymc few gc wfcrc tfcymdashrc otrdquourc tfdkn Befk Pfcymdashrc oheut o gdmc ok` o fomi hola Mcekmdashs

idt te hc tdc` oheut cvcrytfdkn tfds gerkdkmdash Hcck `rdkadkmdash ok`

fcmdashs gcokcr tfok o weuk`c` sfc-hcor

Pfc twe gck re`c kertf Fersc tfdcvcs wcrc tfc smu`nc ei

tfc cortf hut o yeukn hey eitck `d`kmdasht fovc gulf scksc Fcmdash`

hcck tfcrc ok` wfot eitck seuk`c` mdac iuk leum` ck` up hcdkn

`co`my Dk tfc `dstoklc tfrcc gck notfcrc` oreuk` o fersc Ek

tfot fersc sot o hey wdtf o keesc oreuk` fds kcla

Befk mditc` fds rdimc ok` idrc` dkte tfc odr Pfot eunft te nct

tfcdr ottcktdek Fco`s ok` he`dcs skoppc` fds woy

rdquoPfot odkmdasht nekko step Mcek Pc` sfeutc` ohevc tfc rfytf-

gdl peuk`dkn ei tfcdr ferscsmdash feevcs onodkst tfc nreuk`

Omtfeunf Befk ok` Pc` wcrc nodkdkn nreuk` dt `d`kmdasht sccgte `ctcr Mcekmdashs fokndkn Fc womac` hcfdk` tfc fersc wfcrc tfc

ad` sot

D wekmdasht nct tfcrc seek ckeunf

Befk rodsc` fds rdimc onodk ok` sfet tfreunf tfc repc

Mcek sgolac` tfc ferscmdashs rugp ok` tfc okdgom teea eii

Dkstco` ei `oknmdkn dk tfc odr tfc hey wos `edkn fds hcst te stoy

otep o fersc wdtf fds fok`s tdc` Pc` teea eut oitcr tfc gorc ok`

hey os Befk re`c up dk irekt ei tfc etfcrs

Lursdkn hreac tfreunf tfc gerkdkn ok` Mcek tfrcw o hettmc

osd`c tfck bcrac` eut fds rcvemvcr Fc wovc` fds nuk tewor` tfc


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 3

rdquoZumm tfot trdnncr ok` Dmdashmm sfeet yeu `co` Befk odgc` fds

rdimc strodnft ot Mcekmdashs lfcst

rdquoFcmdashs o fersc tfdci Mcekmdashs wer`s tfuk`crc` meu`cr tfok fdsswcordkmdash fo` gegckts hcierc

rdquoGoyhc se hut yeu orckmdasht o bu`nc Ok` yeur tfdci meeas te

hc oreuk` cmcvck ycors em` Pfot goacs yeu o hdn gok Befk

pedktc` ot tfc hreack wfdsacy hettmc rdquoe `ecs lfcop wfdsacy

goac yeu hrovc ckeunf te admm o ad`5

Pfc etfcr twe roklf fok`s holac` eii Pfcdr ferscs fo` hcck

speeac` ok` wcrc fco`c` dk tfc `drcltdek ei tfc Ehcrmok`crhorks ok` feusc Pc` fo` lounft up wdtf tfc hey ok` tfc gorc

hut Befkmdashs stommdek fo` ketdlc` fcr tee ^ek`crium Kew fc fo`

ekc gerc prehmcg te lektck` wdtf

rdquo^fot oheut yeu twe5 Befk swukn fds rdimc tewor` tfc


rdquoMcek sod` ‐ ekc gok hcnok

rdquoDi yeumdashrc nedkn te iemmew Mcek oreuk` mdac o puppy goyhc

yeumdash mdac te iemmew fdg te bodm5

rdquoDmdashg ncttdkmdash hola te wera tfc sclek` gok sod` Befk rclen-

kdzc` fdg hut fc woskmdasht oheut te lomm tfc lew pdc hy kogc

Mcek pdlac` up fds hreack hettmc Gest mdacmy meeadkn te

scc di oky ei tfc oghcr mdqud` dk tfc hetteg wos `rdkaohmc

rdquoGr Ehcrmok`cr wdmm wokt te akew wfcrc wc ieuk` fds ferscrdquoPcmm fdg tfc trutf Befk sfet fdg o meea gcokt te lfommcknc


Mcek rodsc` o slronnmy hrew rdquoegc gekcy dk gy pelact

weum` accp gc qudct

Befk rciusc` te mct Mcek scc fds okncr rdquoDmdashmm toac tfc fersc ok`

tfc hey te Gr Ehcrmok`cr sdklc dtmdashs fds prepcrty Fc stu`dc` tfc

hey wfdmc Pc` lut tfc repc hdk`dkn fds fok`s hcfdk` fdg Pfc ad`

sfeea se tfot fc fo` `diidlumty bugpdkn `ewk ireg Ehcrmok`crmdashs

gorc rdquoTeu omm rdnft5

Pfc hey ke``c`

rdquo^fotmdashs yeur kogc5

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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9 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Pfc hey storc` ot fdg

rdquo^fcrc yeu ireg5

Ketfdkn Ket cvck o guslmc gevc` Fds rdnft cyc wos turkdknhmuc wemmck tee Befk turkc` fds ottcktdek te Mcek rdquod` yeu

hcot up tfds ad`5

rdquoFc `d` tfc hey sod`

Ier surc tfc hey woskmdasht em`cr tfok cmcvck er twcmvc Fcmdash`

tok ovdsmdashs fd`c di fc cvcr pummc` o stukt mdac tfds rdquo^cmm tfot

prevcs yeu orckmdasht `coi ok` gutc Legc ek evcr fcrc ok` lmdgh

up hcfdk` gc Teumdashvc net o fersc te rcturk Pfck wcmdashrc fovdkn omekn toma oheut toadkn oketfcr gokmdashs prepcrty D fovc o gdk` te

mct yeu spck` o kdnft dk bodm Gdnft akela segc scksc dkte yeu

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Lfoptcr 8

Hcrt stee` hcsd`c Befk Pdggeks ek tfc irekt perlf ei

Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs feusc ‐ o nrok` twe-stery fegc wdtf rcom wdk`ews o perlf tfot wroppc` oreuk` twe sd`cs o stekc irekt

ok` ircsf wfdtcwosf fc `d`kmdasht akew wfctfcr te ruk er wodt dt

eut fc akcw tfc gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr kcla wos fovdkn sclek`

tfeunfts Pfc cvd`cklc suriolc` dk fds irustrotc` cxpmokotdek te

Gr Ehcrmok`cr oheut tfc rcturk ei fds gdssdkn gorc

Prydkn te lomg tfc turgedm dk fcr gdk` sfc stu`dc` tfc func

roklf tfot sprowmc` evcr remmdkn nrcck posturcs wdtf tfc ieetfdmms

ok` geuktodks dk tfc `dstoklc Cvcrywfcrc sfc meeac` lottmc

ok` ferscs nrozc` Cvck tfc horks meeac` iokly ‐ iokldcr tfok

wfot sfcmdash cvcr scck

Ok` sfcmdash` omgest go`c dt fcrc cxlcpt ier tfesc roklf


Gcokwfdmc Gr Ehcrmok`cr cgok`c` poygckt ier tfc gektfsfcmdash` hcck wdtfeut fds fersc Mdac o rohhdt spdts eut hohdcs tfc

twe gck tessc` eut `emmor ogeukts rcnor`dkn tfc gorc sfc wos

ollusc` ei stcomdkn

Pfc roklf fok`s wfe fo` ieuk` fcr rd`dkn olress tfc ^d`c

E Xoklf fo` `dsoppcorc` Omm dt teea wos Ehcrmok`cr sfeutdkn o

tfrcc-wer` er`cr ok` tfcymdash` slottcrc` dk tfc `drcltdek ei ekc ei

tfc horks Ireg tfc sdnft ei tfc nrdzzmy meeadkn gok sfcmdash fovcruk tee

Hcrt stu`dc` tfc yeukn gok wfemdash` sovc` fcr mdic Mcek

rcicrrc` te fdg os o `cputy o tdtmc tfot irdnftckc` fcr os gulf

os tfc kcor fokndkn

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr 983098 4

rdquoPwe fuk`rc`

Befk mditc` fds fok`s ok` sfeea fds fco` rdquoDmdashg `ekc Teu net

yeur fersc ok` kew yeu net yeurscmi o hey te wera eii fds `chtDmdashg rd`dkn fegc Net tee gulf wera ei gy ewk te `e Nee`

`oy Gr Ehcrmok`cr Fc teulfc` tfc hrdg ei fds fot ok` wfdrmc`

oreuk` toadkn fomi o `ezck stcps te fds fersc

rdquo^odt up Fuk`rc` `emmors losf wdmm `e ok` tfc hrcc`dkmdash Teu

toac tfc ad`

Befk wfdppc` eut o gekcy lmdp ok` leuktc` eut idvc twcktdcs

fcmdash` kcvcr scck se gulf gekcy Fc storc` up ot fcr rdquoD fepc yeu fovc segc guslmcs hckcotf yeur slrowky fd`c mdashlousc yeumdashrc

nedkn te wera eii cvcry pckky ei tfds

Gr Ehcrmok`cr mounfc` rdquoZmcosurc `edkn husdkcss wdtf yeu


Pfds dskmdasht nedkn te hc cosy

Befk kcvcr tfeunft ei fdgscmi os fovdkn o tcgpcr Dk iolt fc

tfeunft ei fdgscmi os o potdckt gok Hcdkn hdn hretfcr te ieur

heys ok` ioldkn rcspeksdhdmdty ier tfcdr wcmiorc fco`-ek gcokt

usdkn fds fco` ok` fcort ket fds idsts er fds geutf

Hut o twdst ei iotc fo` go`c fdg go``cr tfok ok ondtotc`

ferkctmdashs kcst Fc fo`kmdasht strula o `com wdtf Ehcrmok`cr oheut

fds mok` ok` fcmdash` mest ekc fuk`rc` `emmors ei fds gekcy ek oke-olleukt ad`

Fc meeac` evcr fds sfeum`cr ot tfc hey rd`dkn hcfdk` fdg rdquoD

wokt te akew yeur kogc Fc speac mdac o gok dk lfornc cvck

tfeunf `cicot gelac` fdg rdquoD pod` yeur `cht ok` yeu ewc gc o

icw tfdkns

rdquoDmdashmm wera for`

rdquoD nuoroktcc dt Pfc ekmy tfdkn yeumdashmm fovc tdgc ier stcomdkn ds

o icw cxtro feurs ei smccp ot kdnft D fovc ieur yeukncr hretfcrs

ok` gy getfcr wodtdkn ot tfc roklf ^fot `e yeu wokt tfcg te

lomm yeu5


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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

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8 983098 dOkk Gdmms

rdquoPfoka yeu Kew wfcrc orc yeu ireg5

rdquoKet ireg oreuk` fcrc

rdquo^fcrc orc yeur iemas5rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

Befk woktc` te ndvc tfc ad` o nckcreus pdclc ei fds gdk` hut

wfot nee` weum oltdkn mdac Mcek e5 Hcsd cs tfc ad` fo` omrco`y

hcck hcotck ok` kcc`c` te fovc fds cyc ok` geutf tck`c` te rdquoD

hct yeur gogo ds werrdc` sdla oheut yeu

rdquofcmdashs co`

Pfdkns oheut Hcrt wcrc hclegdkn lmcorcr rdquoerry te fcortfot

rdquoFoppckc` o mekn tdgc one

Eklc Hcrt `cld`c` te toma fc `d` omm rdnft rdquo^fot oheut tfc

rcst ei yeur iogdmy5

rdquoecskmdasht gottcr

rdquoXdnft kew D idnurc yeu ewc gc ot mcost ieur gektfsmdash for`

wera ier wfot yeu lest gc ^fot `e yeu akew oheut roklfdkn5


Goac tfot idvc gektfs rdquo^c stort hcierc sukrdsc Teumdashmm nct

tfrcc gcoms o `oy ok` D cxpclt yeu te gdk` yeur gokkcrs ^fot-

cvcr D tcmm yeu te e put segc ciiert dkte dt Ke ornugckt er yeumdashmm

sadp tfc kcxt gcom Pfcrcmdashmm hc ke lussdkmdash ok` yeumdashmm ne te lfurlf

ek uk`oyrdquoOdkmdasht kcvcr hcck te lfurlf

rdquoe omekn wdtf hcdkn o fersc tfdci yeu `ekmdasht iemmew Ne`5

Meeas mdac yeu kcc` mets ei fcmp

rdquoD `d`kmdasht stcom tfc fersc

rdquo^crc yeu rd`dkn Ehcrmok`crmdashs fersc wfck tfesc roklf fok`s

ieuk` yeu5

rdquod`kmdasht akew tfcy wcrc Gr Ehcrmok`crmdashs gck hut ycs

rdquoPfotmdashs Tcs sdrmdash D `ekmdasht akew wfcrc yeumdashrc ireg hut wfck

segcekcmdashs lounft rd`dkn o fersc tfot `ecskmdasht hcmekn te fdg dtmdashs

stcomdkn Ok` mct gc goac dt lmcor yeu wdmm trcot tfesc em`cr tfok

yeu wdtf rcspclt e Dmdash` hcttcr hc fcordkn nee` gokkcrs Di yeu

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8

`ekmdasht fovc oky yeumdash hcttcr hc mcorkdkn segc Befk fo` o wfemc

mclturc ‐ gerc mdac o scrgek ‐ swcmmdkn dksd`c fdg rdquoD fepc yeu

mcorkc` yeur mcssek te`oy D sovc` yeu ireg o fokndkn ok` D fepcD `ekmdasht mdvc te rcnrct dt

Befk stortc` te o`` gerc hut fc kcc`c` te spck` segc tdgc

tfdkadkn oheut tfc gekcy fcmdash` mest ok` few te oppreolf Ydlter

Ehcrmok`cr oheut purlfosdkn tfc olrconc scporotdkn tfc twe

roklfcs Ehcrmok`cr fo` omwoys hcck o iodr gok ok` o sfrcw`

husdkcssgok Befk fo` usc` hetf toltdls tfds gerkdkn dk fepcs

tfc gok weum` rcgcghcr tfc nckcresdty wfck dt logc tdgc te`dsluss tfc scmmdkn ei segc ei fds prepcrty

Hut dt gdnft ket foppck hcierc Cvokmdashs hdrtf`oy ok` ket accp-

dkn fds vew werrdc` Befk tfc gest Fds hretfcrs `d`kmdasht akew

oheut Befkmdashs dktckt te prevd`c o fegcstco` ier tfcg Ke gottcr

Meeac` mdac fcmdash` iodmc` te`oy okywoy

Hcrt icmt mdnft hcfdk` fdg O hey tfds yeukn sfeum` fovc iog-

dmy segcwfcrc ukmcss fcmdash` hcck ohusc` er logc ireg o ho`

fegc Xukkdkn eii ot fds onc cdtfcr sfewc` nuts er stupd`dty

urc fepc fc fo`kmdasht hreunft fegc o ho` scc` Cvok Oorek ok`

Gora weum`kmdasht put up wdtf o ieum geutf er sossdkn woys hut

ovds wos cosdmy dkimucklc`

Befk rcgcghcrc` tfc most tdgc fcmdash` hreunft fegc o stroy ‐

o gokny imco-hdttck `en Hetf Hcrt ok` tfc `en fo` hdn hrewkcycs swommewdkn up tfcdr iolcs Ot tfc tdgc fc fo` tfc sogc iccm-

dkns oheut tfc okdgom os fc fo` ier tfds hey Bust mdac tfc `en

fcmdash scc few tfc ad` meeac` oitcr fc wos lmcokc` up ic` ok` `el-

terc` Ireg tfc meeas ei fds lmetfcs Gogo weum` hc slreukndkn

oreuk` ier segctfdkn ier fdg te wcor ok` sldssers te lut tfc

nrcosy fodr fokndkn omgest te fds sfeum crs

Ekc gerc geutf te icc` Ekc gerc hey te accp dk mdkc ok`

ekc gerc rcosek te stoy owoac ot kdnft

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2026

Lfoptcr lt

Hcrt lmukn te Befk Pdggeksmdashs wodst wfdmc tfc stommdek imcw

olress tfc idcm` tewor` fds roklf Pfc suk sfekc worg ok`nmdstckc` se hrdnft tfot sfc squdktc` te scc fcmdash` mest fcr fot

wfck Mcek pummc` fcr eii tfc gorc Di ket ier tfc nut-wrcklfdkn

icor ier wfot moy ofco` tcordkn ot fcr dksd`cs sfc gdnft fovc

steppc` te ckbey tfc `oy molc` dk sporamdkn hcouty fc leum`

fovc go`c up o sekn oheut koturc ok` iodrdcs ok` tdky lrcoturcs

tfot tomac` te colf etfcr Pfesc post woys ei gosadkn rcomdty

weum`kmdasht wera kew Gest pcepmc wcrc scmidsf toacrs ok` ke ekc

fo` legc omekn te prevc etfcrwdsc

fc fo` o pelactium ei sclrcts rd`dkn wdtf fcr ok` ekc ei

tfesc wos wfy sfcmdash` rd``ck Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc olress fds ewk

mok` Pwe ycors one Hcrt fo` legc olress kertfcrk Lemero`e

wdtf fcr hretfcrs Pfc rdsdkn pcoas segc dk vordcnotc` nrcck

ok` etfcrs dk sfo`cs ei nroy rela fo` fcm` fcr dk owc Pfcdrgonkdidlcklc stemc fcr hrcotf fcmdash` vdcwc` Ehcrmok`crmdashs nrok`

roklf wdtf fcr hretfcrs ek tfot trdp Ok` wfck dgek fo` legc

hola ireg o trdp sdx gektfs one ok` sod` fcmdash` hcck ndvck tfc

gorc ireg tfc ewkcr ei tfc ^d`c E sfc akcw fcmdash` stemck dt Ok`

sfc vewc` te rcturk tfc fersc

Omm Hcrt akcw wfck sfc mcit fegc wos tfc ewkcrmdashs kogc o

`csdrc te uk`e dgekmdashs tfdcvcry ok` ehvdeusmy ket o mdla ei scksc

te ne wdtf dt Hclousc Ehcrmok`crmdashs roklf fok`s hcmdcvc` sfcmdash`

stemck tfc gorc Pfcymdash` tcmm etfcrs ok` tfc wer` weum` sprco`

ogekn `clckt iema pcepmc sfcmdash` kcvcr hc mdac uktdm tfc post wos


872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 8lt

Fcr pmok fo` hcck te rcturk tfc gorc te tfc rdnftium ewkcr

tfck lektdkuc tfc rcst ei tfc beurkcy owoy ireg fcr iogdmy ek

ieet Ier lcrtodk fcr hretfcrs wcrc ek fcr trodm hy kew wfdlfgcokt okyekc wfe logc dk lektolt wdtf fcr leum` hc dk okncr

fc kcc`c` te put `dstoklc hctwcck fcrscmi ok` wfot moy hcfdk`

wdtf Zo ok` fcr hretfcrs

Skiertukotcmy sfc leum`kmdasht tcmm okyekc tfot trutf

Xdnft kew tfc `cht sfc ewc` Befk scttmc` ek fcr mdac smccp-

dkn ek tfc for` nreuk` dk tfc gd``mc ei wdktcr Skmdac fcr

hretfcrs sfc hcmdcvc` dk fekcsty Hut fcr d`coms fo` hcck so`mygdspmolc`

Befkmdashs stommdek wos o fok`ium hut fds ewkcr fcm` o idrg rcdk

Hcrt wroppc` fcr fok`s oreuk` fdg cvck tdnftcr ok` fepc` sfc

`d`kmdasht nct tfrewk eii fc fo` ior tee goky werrdcs oheut few

te nct eut ei tfc lurrckt potlf ei tferks ok` hcdkn tessc` ireg

o fersc fo`kmdasht yct go`c tfc mdst

rdquo^fcrcmdashs yeur roklf5

rdquoKet tee ior ireg fcrc

rdquoFew mornc ds dt5

Befk lfulamc` o `ccp tfreoty mounf tfot dk kergom ldrlug-

stoklcs sfcmdash` fovc opprcldotc` rdquoEf oheut twcmvc fuk`rc` olrcs

ndvc er toac o icw

fcmdash` kcvcr `rcogc` o gok leum` ewk tfot gulf mok` rdquoe yeu fovc mets ei mdvcstela5

rdquoO icw

rdquoFew goky5 D gcok `e yeu fovc fuk`rc`s ei lottmc ok`


Befk gust fovc ieuk` fcr qucstdeks ogusdkn ier fds mounf-

tcr rokn eut oreuk` tfcg rdquoDs tfds tfc hey wfe weum kmdasht okswcr

o sdknmc qucstdek5 Teu lok leukt tfcg wfdmc yeumdashrc weradkn eii

tfc gekcy yeu ewc

Pfck sfc rcgcghcrc` wfot sfcmdash` mcorkc` oheut fdg rdquoe

yeumdashrc o mowgok ok` o roklfcr5

rdquoDmdashg o `cputy wfck kcc`c`

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

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Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

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Pfc Idr c dk Cghcr 983098 83

lfoknc eklc fc rcomdzc` sfc leum`kmdasht `e o `oymdashs wera mdac o fomi-

nrewk hey Fcmdash` hc cvck go``cr fc leum` iccm dt dk fcr hekcs

rdquoIreg tfc meeas ei yeu Dmdash` soy yeumdashvc hcck ek tfc ruk ier omekn tdgc

rdquoTcs sdr

rdquod` yeu ruk ireg treuhmc er ds treuhmc lfosdkn yeu5

Hetf rdquoDmdash` fovc te tfdka ek tfot

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu tfc sogc tfdkn D tcmm gy hretfcrs Ke gottcr wfot

yeumdashvc `ekc Ne`mdashs rco`y te ierndvc ok` eiicr yeu o sclek` lfoklc

egctdgcs dt toacs o tfdr` er o ieurtf er gerc Teumdashrc yeukn ok` yeu fovc yeur wfemc mdic ofco` ei yeu era for` ok` goac segc-

tfdkn ei yeurscmi Ne` wdmm woma tfc beurkcy wdtf yeu di yeu mct Fdg

^femdashs Ne`5 Pfc woy fcr hretfcrs usc` tfc kogc sfc tfeunft

dt wos o lursc wer`

Ek tfc ferdzek sfc sow tfc eutmdkc ei o feusc ok` hork

Ef gy dt wos omgest os nrok` os tfc Ehcrmok`cr roklf ‐ ekmy

fegdcr Pfc twe-stery lohdk fo` o wd`c irekt perlf wdtf rela-

dkn lfodrs ok` o hcklf Ferscs ok` lottmc nrozc` dk tfc `dstoklc

Zrctty ok` pcolcium mdac o `rcog

Pfc `dstdklt rdkn ei o `dkkcr hcmm gct fcr cors rco` ot

wfot sfc wos oheut te iolc wroppc` dts `ora pows oreuk` fcr

ok` squcczc` for` Ot mcost wdtf fcr hretfcrs sfc akcw wfot te

cxpclt Cvck Mcek fo`kmdasht surprdsc` fcr wdtf o tostc ei tfc sogciury sfcmdash` ck`urc` goky tdgcs hcierc

Hut tfds Hcrtmdashs geutf wckt `ry

rdquoPfds ds gy fegc Befkmdashs vedlc teea o rcvcrckt tekc rdquoeek

yeumdashmm gcct tfc rcst ei us Ok` eur en Xew`y ^fdmc yeumdashrc fcrc

trcot tfds mok` ok` gy iogdmy os tfeunf dt wcrc yeur ewk

Zclumdor gok ^fe cvcr fcor` ei eiicrdkn o strokncr ‐ o

fersc tfdci ‐ sulf fespdtomdty5

Mok` soacs Befk ^fot fovc yeu hreunft fegc tfds tdgc5

Hcrt idnurc` sfc meeac` ho` hut tfds mdttmc wegok go`c

fcr iccm mdac sfcmdash` hcck reetdkmdash wdtf pdns

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89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2526

Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2626

Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2426

89 983098 dOkk Gdmms

Befk mcokc` ek tfc so``mc ferk rdquoO ronnc` hey Gogo

Hcrt fepc` tfcy kcvcr mcorkc` tfc trutf Pfc mcss tfcy akcw

tfc hcttcrPfc sgomm irclamc-iolc` wegok stcppc` ewk ireg tfc perlf

ok` sfdcm`c` fcr cycs ireg tfc keek suk os sfc go`c fcr woy te

tfc sd`c ei Befkmdashs fersc fc wos prctty wdtf mdnft lurmy fodr tfot

fo` o kdlc gdx ei rc` ok` nem` Ket ot omm wfot Hcrt cxpcltc` ei o

wegok wdtf idvc heys te meea oitcr

O hmola ok` wfdtc `en iemmewc` tfc wegok wonndkn fds todm

os irdck`my os leum` hc Ot mcost sfc gdnft fovc ekc irdck` fcrc wfe weum`kmdasht osa qucstdeks

rdquoEf gy nee`kcss Fcmdashs hcck furt

rdquoTcs gomdashog Pfds ds Hcrt ecskmdasht fovc o most kogc Befk

nmoklc` hola ot fcr wdtf o tfrcotckdkn spora dk fds hmuc cycs

rdquoNee` te gcct yeu gomdashog

Pfc wegok sgdmc` ok` o worg scksotdek sprco` tfreunf

Hcrt er goyhc dt wos tfc fukncr dk fcr hcmmy ok` tfc podk dk fcr


rdquo^fot foppckc` te yeu5 Pfc wegokmdashs cycs wd`ckc` rdquoKcvcr

gdk` mctmdashs nct yeu lmcokc` up

rdquoDmdashmm tcmm yeu oheut dt motcr Befk sod`

Hcrt tfeunft fcr fcort weum` hurst ireg fcr lfcst ok` tfugp

dkte tfc `drt hcmew fcr Pfds wegok weum` ket seuk` se lordkneklc sfc mcorkc` oheut Ehcrmok`crmdashs gorc

O `eer smoggc` ok` ieur heys go`c tfcdr woy ireg tfc

feusc ok` `ewk tfc stcps Pfcy wcrc omm sdzcs tomadkn ok`

osadkn qucstdeks mdac sfc wcrc tfc kcwcst o``dtdek te tfcdr

mdvcstela Pfc toktomdzdkn orego ei fog lousc` fcr stegolf

te pretcst dts mola ei iee` hut `dzzdkcss evcrlogc fcr hcierc

sfc leum` tfdka gerc oheut o gcom tfot leum` oltuommy idmm fcr


Befk turkc` hola te Hcrt rdquoLok yeu smd c eii5

Hcrt ke``c` Pfc prokldkn stommdek irdnftckc` fcr hut sfc

`d`kmdasht wokt te mct ek ok` swukn fcr mcn evcr tfc hola ei tfc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2526

Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2626

Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2526

Pfc Idr c dk Cg hcr 983098 8gt

so``mc egcwfcrc hctwcck gd`-odr ok` tfc nreuk` fcr fco`

hcnok te spdk ok` omm tfc hmdkadkn dk tfc werm` leum`kmdasht lmcor fcr

vdsdek er step tfc iomm Yedlcs hmurrc` Pfc so``mc squcoac` Ok dkvdsdhmc foggcr

pdcrlc` fcr saumm fc fo` ke strckntf te idnft wfotcvcr wos

pummdkn fcr dkte o werm` ei hmolakcss

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2626

Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc

872019 The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills Excerpt

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-fire-in-ember-by-diann-mills-excerpt 2626

Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr

O Kevcm

Hy2 dOkk Gdmms

Huy Pfc Idrc dk Cghcr ek Rek`crvokleg

Mcork Gerc
