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THE FIRST R@Y OF SUN Newsletter of the USS @^rushi · THE FIRST R@Y OF SUN Newsletter of the USS...

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USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 January Edition Correspondence Ship 1 THE FIRST R@Y OF SUN Newsletter of the USS @^rushi USS Aarushi Charities Operation Paperback Pink Slipper Project Sub for Santa As the USS Aarushi moves forward, this newsletter will highlight some of the crew as well as tell the tale of the Rise of the Aarushi, a continuing saga written by the CO with contributions by the crew. Motto of the USS AARUSHI / NCC-1642 Sarek: The question you face is: which path will you

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 January Edition Correspondence Ship


THE FIRST R@Y OF SUN Newsletter of the USS @^rushi

USS Aarushi Charities

Operation Paperback

Pink Slipper Project

Sub for Santa

As the USS Aarushi moves forward, this newsletter will highlight some of the crew as well as tell the tale of the Rise of the Aarushi, a continuing saga written by the CO with contributions by the crew.

Motto of the USS AARUSHI / NCC-1642

Sarek: The question you face is: which path will you

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship


Monthly Activities


Sub For Santa

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Spot the ISS

Some Goings OnFor the members that pay attention to the posts on Facebook, cookies were offered so

that I could find out who actually reads to the end of the post. Three people took me up on

the offer and chocolate chip-walnut-oatmeal cookies were mailed off. Keep an eye on the

Aarushi Facebook site and other offers will be made.

We’ve a new member who will be highlighted in todays issue. He is yet to send in his

application but promises to do so soon, so I’ll count him.

We haven’t sent any paperbacks in some time, so for the folks that think they aren’t crafty

enough to help with the Pink Slipper Project, collect paperbacks. Used, good condition

please. It’l cost you about a buck a book. We’ve bought them on E-bay before as a group.

If you just want to drop by a used book store, DI, Savers,

whatever you have in your area, I’ll get an address and send it to

you and you can ship them off all by yourself. If you want to

have a group shopping day, HOW AWESOME

WHOULD THAT BE, we can take a couple

dollars each, giggle and shop, then

send them as a group. Jeffery works at

a DI and could get a discount.

The Pink Slipper Project has several

challenges during the month and this

time we didn’t make as many slippers,

but did start making washcloths.

Trivia: Besides Odo, name another shape shifter. Hint, think of TOS.

(Answers: Garth of Izar, “Whom Gods Destroy," also, Nancy Crater was killed by the M-113 creature and that then took her place, “The Man Trap”. There’s more from different shows

and movies.)

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship






1. This snowman’s only one step up from not bothering IMHO. By Keira Strong

2. Somehow this tree started me grinning. By Keira Strong

3. Old house in Springville, UT taken by Janet Shepherd.

4. A trip down memory lane of Stephanie and Jeffery. Taken by a family member of Jeff.

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2013 JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship


5.5. Stephanie Christensen has a love of cats and owls. She took this photo of her cat holding an owl. So cute!

6. This is one way of using Christmas trees. Photo by Janice Roberts


Stephanie Christensen has a new hobby, she is creating rubber band bracelets. She is willing and able to create one for every member of the crew, we just need to let her know what colors to use. Check her out on Facebook and contact her.

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2013 JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship


The Photo Scavenger Hunt continues. For February we will be looking for these items:

1. A dog 2. A church 3. A bridge 4. A very tall building 5. A park bench 6. A chicken 7. A fence 8. Another person taking a photo 9. The oldest car you can find 10.Three garden gnomes together Remember, this is for fun, to increase your ability to look and see, to be artistic. The suggestions are just jumping off points and not a requirement for the photo to be submitted. Last month a dinosaur was listed which could have been a stuffed dino being held by a child, a skeleton of a dino from a museum, a group of plastic dinos set up in a group. Don’t limit yourself to “dog” being a real pet dog. Enjoy.

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2013 JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Adventures of the USS AARUSHI

As the USS Aarushi has now arrived with a crew and assignments, the story is no longer “Rise of Aarushi”.

(Individuals and their characters: Rear Admiral Janet Shepherd is played by Rear Admiral/Captain Tessa, Q in disguise, Admiral Keira Russell-Strong, Admiral T’Peira Robbie Lawrence played by Quentin, a former Q, in Command line Robert Strong played by Trebor Gnorts, Engineering Doug Halladay is Halladay, Computers, History, and Jack of All Trades Stephanie Christensen is played by Zuthura, Medical Connie Smith, Medical Steve Smith, Computer Operations Capt. Jeffery Beckstrom, Engineering and Security Alyssa Clawson, Security Janice Roberts, Medical, character Zipharia Matthew Keener as Colonel Ian Ral, Security Judy Boone is Judy Jennie Newell is Jenni Vashi is a fictional character, Vulcan/Romulan Josephus Carlton is J’Ron a Vulcan serving in Engineering)

“But, I’m a numbers cruncher”! CRMN Halliday held his phaser close to his chest as he and ENS Alyssa Clawson crouched behind a huge rock, the only cover for a hundred yards in an otherwise baron desert.

ADM T’Peira had been given Captain’s discretion for the USS AARUSHI’s shakedown cruse.

Two weeks earlier.

The staff of the AARUSHI sat around the small table in the briefing room. No matter what, they couldn’t scrub the minds of the crew that had come back in time to rescue their Admiral and friend, and they couldn’t ignore the missions that these STARFLEET crew members had undertaken while they were in the future alternate timeline. Captain T’Peira had decided that the first mission would be returning to the desert planet that she had, in their timeline, uncovered an ancient artifacts smuggling ring. She had found one other thing, a stargate ring that could take their crew to other parts of the galaxy. The stargate was not revealed to STARFLEET, and was used only by members of the crew that T’Peira knew she could trust. In this timeline there would be no help from a Horta. She had played an important part in T’Peira’s rescue.


Clawson’s head popped up and she fired of a couple shots, hitting her targets dead center. Phasers were set on stun. The same smuggling ring had been in operation in this timeline, and the loss of artifacts to science and museums was considered staggering.

Halliday was, after all, a desk jockey, but he knew this time like the back of his hand, and his hands were steady as he too popped up and fired of a round.

Three down, one to go.

Colonel Ian Ral was just around the corner, if you could consider three huge holders a corner, and he could feel the steady emotions of Clawson and Halliday, even though Halliday may have protested, he was handling himself with ease. Clawson, she was one tough young officer, and he could understand having her on this away mission.

“Captain,” Ral rose and shot during the lull, “we are almost in position.” The last one down. The three AARUSHI crew mates took off at a dead run towards the tunnel that led to the base camp of the smuggling operation.


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2013 JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Admiral T’Peira knew that this time it was not wise or appropriate that she be taken captive, as she had in the future alternative timeline. The crew from the Sakonna now referred to their past as “FAT”. T’Peira had no problem with the acronym. She stayed onboard the AARUSHI, on the bridge, more solemn than the crew had ever seen her. She was different now. Much more, Vulcan.

The three members of the away mission were now running down the tunnel with one goal in mind, get to the stargate and mark the location for transport. This was going to be one huge transport, but if you could transport two whales on a klingon ship, the AARUSHI should be able to handle this stargate.

The badlands had pulled in a famous ship, a famous Captain, and an outstanding crew. They managed to find a similar method of transport that took them many years ahead in their voyage to return home. Although this stargate was much smaller, it served the same purpose, transport great distances to other stargates in the galaxy, and T’Peira didn’t want to take a chance of it falling into enemy hands, and so here they were.

“Colonel, status”. T’Peira sat stoically on the bridge.

“Almost there” they were starting to show fatigue due to the heat of this planet.

“Captain,” Ensign Clawson broke in. “No other security being detected”.

Halliday was scanning the area and validated Clawson’s visual interpretation of the situation.

The tag was placed on the stargate and Ral informed T’Peira they were ready to beam up. Just as the transporter started, a final being ran into the cave, but too late. They were gone.

**************** “Quentin, you have the bridge”. T’Peira rose to leave and attend the security of the stargate. She couldn’t help but think of all the findings they had made before, and all the changes in the time line that were being made because of the Romulan and Vulcan ship arriving in this timeline. Nothing can be done about it now, the changes were made, the technology was out of the bag. She thought, as she walked, about how the twentieth century technology breakthroughs were due to one man finding a time traveler ship and leaking technology, making a vast fortune.

“Ral, report.” T’Peira entered the transporter room.

Ral turned to face the Admiral and was flooded with T’Peira’s emotions. He had given his word to not intrude on the crews feelings and thoughts, but this was projected and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

T’Peira realized what she had done, sending her thoughts to Ral. It was unintended. She needed rest and meditation to bring herself back into control. There was a time when this wouldn’t have bothered her, but now, now she was trying to be much more in control.

“The stargate has been secured, security guards were stunned, not killed. The last guard came into view just as we were beaming out. All together, I would say this was an outstanding success.” Ral crossed his arms in front of him, trying to block EVERYONES thoughts.

Halliday wasn’t used to this kind of assignment, although he was very capable, and he stood grinning. “Yes, a success.” He wondered why everyone else, save T’Peira, turned to him and grinned equally broad. Then he got it. He had been voicing concern but T’Peira would have none of it, he was going to be equal to the rest, same training, same danger.

“Report to debriefing in 30.” With that, T’Peira turned on her heal and strode away. She needed a few minutes to meditate before she saw Ral again.


In sick bay Zipharia was also grinning ear to ear, but for an entirely different reason, she had met someone. With a crew of over 500 and deep space missions the norm, pairing up would happen. J’Ron, Engineering, tall, dark and handsome, Zipharia sighed. He was a Vulcan, the first man to pay attention to her here. He told her he felt it was logical to understand the Ancients that had populated the Earth, and Zipharia was a direct decedent of those


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2013 JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Ancients. Zipharia hadn’t felt this way in a long time. She was so stoic while on her home world. She felt young again.

The rest of medical also sighed, Zipharia deserved happiness. They all had a slight smile on their faces.

Connie knew what it was like to find your love in STARFLEET, as she and Steve had started out that way. Connie smiled too as she went about her duties in Sickbay. She gave a wistful thought of her Steve.

“What’s all the smiling about? Did you find out a secret and you just can’t wait to tell me”? Beckstrom dropped into Medical to see his love, Zuthura, and Jeffery Beckstrom just couldn’t keep a secret. He walked over and put his hand on her shoulder, which she didn’t like. She didn’t enjoy public displays of affection.

Zuthura felt the need to be private as the sight of her made most of these crewmen look anyway, so tall and so thin, of a species that none of this time period had seen before. In her own timeline most had not seen any of her kind.

Beckstrom never liked it when Zuthura pulled away. He kept hoping that one day she would feel comfortable with his open affection, but today wasn’t that day. Maybe tomorrow, yes, maybe tomorrow he thought.


At debriefing T’Peira sat across from the three members of the away team, and Quentessa sat beside T’Peira.

Quentessa wasn’t happy with T’Peira’s choice to become more “Vulcan,” but there wasn’t much to do about it. Quentessa was going to turn over a new leaf, become more STARFLEET, if that was possible. The secret of her being “Q” had to be kept out of the records of STARFLEET.

“Ral, opinion.” T’Peira may be more Vulcan, but she still valued opinions as well as facts.

“As I said before, I feel it was a success. If I may ask, how many of these artifacts are we going after”?

“Whatever STARFLEET wants. That’s how we were able to get a ship, keep our rank, not be separated and detained. As we were able to relaunch the ship with a name that reflects our past with the Ancients, I’m sure our assignments will be noteworthy.”

“If I may, I’ve been searching the data banks with Steve Smith and we’ve found promising locations. Is there anything specific that we need to be looking for”? Halliday and Smith were are great team, with Halliday’s extensive knowledge of this time period, and Smith’s outstanding computer skills. Quentessa commented they were like a dog hunting down its bone.

Clawson just sat, there were times when she could contribute, but this wasn’t one of them. She waxed and wained between homesickness and the desire to follow the reasons she enlisted in STARFLEET, adventure.

“Clawson, comments.” T’Peira turned to the young woman bringing her back to the present.

“Um, as Ral said, we brought it back. The planet was hot, dusty, and yet there were areas of plush green. I suspect underwater reservoirs. Those would be possible ares that the grave robbers would take cover.”

A reasonable hypothesis that everyone agreed with. STARFLEET would send whom they wished to investigate further antiquities.


“Captain, communication from STARFLEET.” The new communications officer broke into their conversation.

“I’ll pull it up here”. T’Peira looked at the computer screen, too updated for the time as she knew it, yet not as updated as she had grown used to.

“It looks like we have another assignment. I’ll work out the details and advise you by morning”. And with that they stood to leave.


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2013 JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Get to know the crew!

Josephus Carlton is our most recent addition to the Aarushi. Jo lives in Ohio, has his own business (Arrow Mark) as well as drives a school bus. Get this, he drives a school bus because he likes the children. Jo is a good friend of Janice Roberts. Jo will be J’Ron, a Vulcan serving in Engineering. Janice says Jo has a great heart, is helpful, kind, all the things you wish everyone would be. Welcome Jo on his Facebook site.


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 20134JANUARY Edition Correspondence Ship


The content of this newsletter is the sole property of the editor, or the individual that submitted the photo or article, or the owner of the materials or photos or artwork downloaded from the internet. The editor and the USS AARUSHI hold no claims to any trademarks, copyrights, or properties held by CBS Studios nor Paramount Pictures. All content from Star Trek including still images and character names is the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation and CBS Studios, Inc. and no infringement is intended. No portion of this document may be copied or republished in any way or form without the written consent of the editor. Keira Russell-Strong, Editor


the 2 0 1 4 J A N U A R Y

