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The Fourth Tier; Heroes of the Line Book 4

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  • 7/28/2019 The Fourth Tier; Heroes of the Line Book 4


    The Fourth Tier:

    Heroes of the Line Book 4

    By: J.A. Carlton

    All rights reserved.

    Copyright 2013 by Jill A. Carlton

    No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part,

    or stored in a electrical system, or transmitted in any form or by any


    electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,

    without written permission.

  • 7/28/2019 The Fourth Tier; Heroes of the Line Book 4



    A chill burrowed through Nick, drawing his awarenessup from the depths of his exhausted sleep. Every millimeter

    of his body ached, his mind hurt and his heart felt lifeless in

    his chest despite its consistent beat. He rolled toward the

    empty spot his little brother should have occupied and

    scanned the area, his blood freezing to stabbing shards of

    ice at what he saw deep in the mid-night darkness.

    What the hell? He thought then quickly shuteverything down, his emotions, his curiosity, his

    uncertainty, everything or anything Frank could possibly


    His dark adapted gaze flew over the area once more,

    the pyres were burning low, little more than embers now,

    and soon to be nothing but ash where there had once been

    the bodies of possible friends if not simply allies. Theothers were sleeping, snores and murmurs were sounds of

    comfort, and the songs of nocturnal insects lent cover to the

    teen as he rolled onto his stomach, glancing over his

    shoulder at those who remained, the ones that were ill

    equipped at best, to fight the coming war. Theyre all

    going to die. He turned his eyes once more to Frank, the

    youngest Emersons little body trying to hide the fact thathe was within arms reach of one of the most cruel and

    deadly schades theyd ever encountered, Ne Min.

    Stop... he thought, visualizing the timescape of this

    realm and holding it and all its inhabitants still almost

    effortlessly. He leaped to his feet, raced across the black

    expanse separating him from Frank, and with his comatose

    guardian, Ryans Maglite in hand, took cover under theJurassic sized leaves of a shrub within feet of the pair.

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    What did you do to him? He wondered glaring hard at

    Ne Min. He was not just the Masters right hand, but also

    the one whod captured and held Frank hostage whilewearing the skin of a human Mage hed murdered, but he

    was also the one whod been behind every torment and

    torture Nick had endured for the entire month hed been

    captive in the schade stronghold.

    Settled in and keeping a tight rein on every aspect of his

    mental state, Nick released the timescape from his hold,

    allowing all life as he was able to sense it, to resumemoving forward.

    Why are you here? Frank whispered urgently,

    casting a glance back toward the faint glow of the dying

    pyre, his ability to see anything but that glow an unrealized


    My king, Ne Min inclined his bald, pale head, hiswhite opaque eyes somehow seeming to latch onto the

    littlest Emersons, My Master, Heru Tur, has sent many of

    my kind into the realm of man, they will seek out those born

    of the Heroes and they will kill them all, down to the last

    until none but you remain.

    The schade bowed its head, its gaze moving from the

    outlines laying near the pyre back to Franks.Nicky? Frank breathed.

    If you do notassume your rightful place he will not be


    And if I do?

    The schade bowed its head, Few things are certain.

    If you cantgive me your word then youre not giving

    me any kind of real incentive for leading a movementagainst Khazeer or any of the others. Frank crossed his

    arms over his chest, his mouth set in a fine line that Nick

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    knew far too well. In fact, the sight of that tell-tale

    trademark of stubborn determination brought a smile to the

    elder Emerson and allowed him to take a slightly deeperbreath. Maybe, just maybe, Frank had a better handle on

    the schades agenda than he thought. It wouldnt be the

    first time the youngest Emerson had used some of the

    tremendous insights hed gleaned from all the minds hed

    sampled through the last four years. Maybe Nick didnt

    need to be so fearful that his little brother would or could

    be manipulated so easily after all.The only way to ensure continued existence for all of

    Danus children, for Oemirs kin, as well as the world of

    man, is through unity under one leader my king. Tur would

    haveyou as that leader! As you were meant to be! The soulof Oemir was meant to unite our people, not to divide


    The littlest Emerson shook his head while his lips wereworried between his teeth. His eyes narrowed and his heart

    beat hard in his chest, sweat trickled down his back, itching

    over the stitches that held the talon holes from that half-

    avian monstrosity the Pirini, closed. His body ached and

    deep in the back of his throat a faintly metallic taste reared

    up again, he was exhausted and teetering on the precipice

    of illness once more. It was time for the anti-toxin Ne Minhad brought him, and been dosing him with in order to

    drive back the poison from the carrion eating fowl.

    Whatever else the sinister schade had done, hed probably

    saved Franks life, and though it was most certainly done

    to further its mastersplans, Frank was still grateful.

    Its Turs fault this all happened anyway! Hes the one

    that brought down the curse when he tried to kill

    Conchobar and take over two whole worlds! Hes the one

    that made this mess! You tell him if he wants it done hes

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    going to have to surrender, fix our people and send the

    vestiges back! Frank hissed, his hand slipping from his

    pocket, holding his mini Maglite toward Ne Min, but notturning it on just yet.

    What has been done, cannot be undone my king.

    Then were done, Frank shook his head and

    motioned into the woods, go back to your master, tell him

    to stay out of our way or he wont like what happens.

    Vanwah Feya, you must consider the lives of your

    people, we can exist in peace... you can live, love, grow oldand never know war, or the pain of untimely death

    Frank twisted the light on, its beam sweeping to the

    side, just close enough to cause the schade to turn its eyes

    in disbelief to him, though it did not back up, it did look

    toward the more comfortable shadows it was so

    accustomed to, But you cant promise me Nicky will live or

    know any of that, Until you can offer somethingworthwhile, stay away or next time I see you, I will kill


    No! Jesus Frank! You cant give em an opening!

    Whats the matter with you?!Nicks eyes popped open, his

    gasp catching so hard in his throat he could barely breathe.

    The rotten taste of a splitting and sinister timeline touchedthe back of his tongue as he rolled quickly to all fours,

    grasped Wees gun and pedaled against the soft ash, racing

    toward the tree line where, true to the vision hed just had,

    Frank stood, currently with his hands on his hips, staring

    and whispering urgently to the schade in the shadows.

    GET DOWN! He ordered into his little brothers

    mind, startling the youngest Emerson so that he wheeledaround, his mouth dropping in a wide O of surprise just

    before he threw himself to the ground on his belly.

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    A bare heartbeat later, the thunderous cracking of half a

    dozen bullets shattered the night as Nick raced into the

    trees, hoping hed hit the schade.Nicky no! Frank called rising to his feet to give chase

    once his brother had passed. Nick dont, its not what it

    looks like! he called casting a glance over his shoulder at

    the suddenly wide awake group of allies searching the area

    near the pyre.

    In the dark Frank couldnt see anywhere near as well as

    his big brother could, and so he gasped once he bounced offthe older boys back, then wrapped his arms around him,

    Nicky stop.

    The eldest of the junior Emersons turned grabbing

    Frank by the shirtfront, his face twisted with anger and

    suspicion, What the hell Frank! I mean what the HELL!?

    he demanded, youre talking to that bastard like hes your

    goddamned best friend! Didnt you get enough of him thelast few days! What the hells the matter with you!? he

    half screamed, shaking the little one as his own fear

    threatened to overtake him.

    Nick stop, Frank grunted, grasping his hands,


    In the distance the others, those that were able, were

    fanning out toward the tree line, calling for the boys, thetimbre of worry unmistakable.

    What the hell kind of deal were you making!? he

    hollered barely able to contain the fearful fury roiling


    Lou Stewart, one of their newest allies, and a

    descendant of the famed Celtic King Conchobar was the

    first to reach the boys. Tucking his gun into the back of hispants he made the mistake of grabbing Nick and turning

    him away from Frank.

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    Every torment from the last few days burst forth from

    the fourteen year old leaving his nine year old little brother,

    as well as the son of a king staring in wonder as in the blinkof an eye the teen seemed to pop in height until he was

    taller than Lou himself though he was still reed-thin.

    The abrupt change in his bodys size tore through the

    stitches down the right side of Nicks back, the slice was

    borne of a schade wearing another human whod tried to

    open him up for consumption by its vestige guardian.

    Blood poured down the young mans back but he didntfeel it. In fact the only thing he felt was an uncontrollable

    compulsion to swing a hammer fist at the blond haired man

    whod dared interfere with him and Frank.

    The first punch came as a surprise, knocking Lou back

    several steps even as Nick stalked forward, all signs of

    civility gone, replaced with something utterly savage that

    none of them had ever seen before.You! he growled through clenched teeth, grasping

    Lou by the shirtfront with one hand while the other

    slammed forward with another lightning fast and rock-hard


    Lous head snapped back, a line of blood slipped from

    the corner of his mouth, and though surprise and a flicker

    of fear moved through his bright green eyes, his handscame up and the struggle began.

    From the moment theyd met Lou had the feeling he

    and Nick were going to come to blows. Hed just never

    anticipated that the teen could change his age or physical

    stature. From what he understood, the boys new ability

    was a byproduct of magiks the ancient Druid Cathbad had

    performed to save his life. Hed opened the floodgates ofthe Emerson blood line all the way back to the beginnings

    of his first incarnation, leaving all the gifts of all the lines

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    of Oemir and his descendants available to the child. As

    Nicks fist crashed once more into his jaw, making his eyes

    goggle in his skull and his ears start to ring, Lou realized hewas going to have to fight back.

    His right arm rolled around Nicks, locking it down

    while he moved behind the boy, pinning his arm to his

    back, capturing him momentarily. His left hand pulled his

    gun from the back of his pants and threw it toward the

    others whod gathered to watch, unsure if they should try to

    stop the fight or just let the overwhelmed teenager-in-a-mans-body wear himself out.

    Dont do this Nick, I dont wanna hurt you, the

    garage owner growled into the young mans ear.

    Give it your best shot, Nick spat, turning into the hold

    and falling to one knee, his free arm pulsed forward in a

    battering ram of a palm strike right into Lous breastbone.

    The move took him by surprise, his heart stuttered inhis chest and his breath caught as he stumbled backwards,

    bent over for a quick second before he leaped forward,

    feinting to throw a punch before dropping down and

    sweeping the Emersons legs out from under him.

    He moved quickly, leaping on top of the boy, working

    hard to pin him down against his sweat-slick grip. Nick

    stop! Cmon man, we cant do this, not now, not here! Weneed to work together.

    Nicky please! Frank called from beside their uncle

    Wee, We gotta work as a team.

    Nicks gaze flicked from one face to another, taking

    them all in while Lou held him down.

    Wee held Frank tight in his embrace, his face crinkled

    and lips gone he was chewing them so hard. Harry, his andFranks best friend stood wide eyed, sweating and

    swallowing hard, but something in his expression

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    understanding Nicks need. Iilirya, the future Queen of all

    Sidhe, and the woman his first ancestor was supposed to

    marry, stood calm, her face blank though deep in her eyesNick could sense storms of uncertainty. She cant read me,

    or see my path, he realized surprised by the revelation.

    Wellyn and Mickey, two new allies stood watching, the

    Sidhe warrior curious and, very like Harry, somehow

    understanding the boys need, while Mickeys open

    appreciation of violence and seeming blood-lust made

    Nicks belly quiver.Over there, separated from the others just a little, was

    Shepard MacGregor, brother to Lizzie Daykin, the fallen

    hunter whose skin the schade had been wearing when it

    tried to gut Nick just yesterday; he sat on his knees, his

    head bowed, forlorn and almost felled by the loss of his

    nephew Tommy. Nick recalled a vision from another line,

    Shep and Tommy had saved his life when hed gone after avestige and itd somehow managed to punch out thousands

    of needle-points of his person from that plane of existence.

    Frank was mute then, Pigg got to him, used him up, I

    couldnt save him Then all the way in the back, obscured

    by shadows, shoulders and silhouettes stood Dylan, quiet,

    his gaze hard and steely on the boy, measuring him but why

    or for what, Nick didnt care. Dylan was nothing to him, itwas time he stopped pretending there was hope of anything


    Finishing his perusal of their friends, family and allies

    Nicks gaze returned to Lous, a rage fueled glow starting

    deep in the back of his eyes his lips peeled away from his

    teeth and his hands slipped from the garage owners grip

    then fell to his upper arms, every ounce of energy he couldno longer contain moving through his arms, down to his

    fingers, searing the mans shirt until smoke rose and the

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    heat penetrated into his arms, driving him in horrified

    confusion off the young man and backward, swatting at his

    bubbling flesh and clothing.Nick no, Frank hissed racing forward to help Lou

    crush the embers out of existence.

    What the hell? Wee gasped looking to Harry who he

    was sure had to know something. But the old man shook

    his head, his lips bowing down and his eyes narrowing with

    uncertainty, hed never seen anything like that before.

    Vanwah Feya, Ilirya raised a hand toward him but didnot move as the young man moved his hands, seeming to

    draw the energy down his arms, toward his fingertips.

    Around his fingers the air began to tremble and waver,

    reminding them all of heat-shimmer in the desert. It moved

    and coalesced in a ball, Nicks expression twisted with fear

    and uncertainty as he looked once more among those who

    were now irrefutably different from whatever it was hedjust revealed himself to be.

    No he breathed, his eyes turning back to where the

    schade had stood, another bout of almost uncontainable

    rage gave the energy the impetus he needed to expel it

    before it could do him or anyone else any more harm.

    Sorry man, he muttered to Lou who stood watching him,

    grimacing as Wellyn poured water from his canteen overthe hand shaped wounds making them hiss steam into the

    cool night air.

    Push it out Nick, like you did before, Frank urged

    quietly, taking Wee and Harry by complete surprise.

    Neither of them knew there were fingerprints borne of fear

    on the wooden frame at the foot of Nicks bed.

    He did it before, when he got home, he got scared andhad to push it out, he burned the bed, Frank explained to

    no one and everyone as Nick turned, raised his leg up as if

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    he was going to throw a baseball and instead pitched a

    roiling ball of energy into the spot Ne Min had stood only

    moments ago.Flora burst into flame then quickly turned to ash as all

    eyes watched, then turned to the young man, each of them

    shining with so many unspeakable questions and feelings,

    chief among them, fear.

    Nothing can be the same now, he knew. His head fell

    forward, chin to his chest as he shuffled through the ashen

    remnants of the Aine Haud toward the inert body of hisother uncle who lay between worlds, unsure if life or death

    was going to have its way with him. Hed saved Wees life

    when Cathbads mound was destroyed, his body suffering

    grievous wounds in the process as his insides had been torn

    and flushed outside by the sheer force of the destruction.

    There werent many things that Ryan couldnt or hadnt

    survived, mainly thanks to a deal hed cut decades ago witha very powerful demon. No one knew about it for sure

    except Wee, and now Nick through some insight from one

    of the other lines running through him, possibly knowledge

    his own father had held. But he didnt care. Demons

    werent their burden, schades and vestiges were what the

    Emerson boys had been born into this world to battle, and

    like Ryan, Nick could no longer pretend he was likeeveryone else, he could no longer hide the fact that he and

    his brother were both, indeed, something very different,

    and probably something very different from human.

    Cant let that happen again, Ill hurt someone, gotta

    shut it down, cut it off. How do I stop feeling? Just stop. His

    thoughts whirled as he returned to their camp site, slid into

    his bedroll and laid his head down on his arm, closing hiseyes and giving in to exhaustion while back at the tree line

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    the others simply stared, none of them knowing what to


    What the hell was that Frank? What happened? Wee

    asked kneeling before the little one who stood trembling

    and fearful, his head shaking back and forth in disbelief.

    Nick was good at fighting but Frank never wouldve

    thought hed turn on a friend. Harry, Wee shot over his

    shoulder, angling his chin back toward the older boy.

    Yep. With a nod Harry shuffled back toward thecamp, when it came to the youngest Emersons it was Harry

    who they trusted most. Hed spent over 18 years trying to

    restore them to a history the first Nick, the one hed been

    best friends with, hoped would open the way to change

    their destiny. Hed dedicated over eighteen years of his life

    to repeating the same six to twelve months, watching over

    Nick and Frank as children before the time came to revealthe truth of their histories and fate of two worlds hinging on

    a single soul thatd been split between two brothers; that

    had been four years ago. For four years theyd been moving

    through temporal territory hed always hoped to bring them

    to, but whose consequences none of them could fathom.

    While Frank filled the others in on the events of the last

    few days as theyd passed in their home realm, startingwith Ne Min showing up, Harry eased himself down onto

    the ground, crossing his legs with a great deal of effort that

    darkened the chocolate of his complexion.

    Been a rough couple weeks kiddo.

    Nicks summer sky blue eyes popped open as he eased

    onto his back, his arms behind his head, his gaze on the

    countless stars dotting the sky.Dont suppose the last few days have made it any

    easier, or what Cathbad did either.

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    Im starting to think our original timeline wasnt so

    bad after all. I mean hell, I learned how to walk again, how

    to fight, all Id have to do is stop that motherfucker gettinhis hands on Frank n tearin him apart, god knows,

    knowing what I do now, I sure as hell could kill that son of

    a bitch easier than takin a breath.

    A chill shot up Harrys spine, memories flew

    backwards by decades, to the first Nick, the one that started

    it all, it was thatNick who was talking, he knew the feel of

    him any place or time! And talking with him now was justas easy as it always had been.

    I know you could, but thats not whats supposed to

    be. We both know it, else why would you have set me on

    this path huh?

    Sorry about that. You wasted a lot of years.

    Wasnt a waste man, it was the right thing, you know

    that.Nick hummed but didnt say anything else. Silence

    stretched between them till Harry sighed, Whatd you do

    to Lou? And howd you blow that bush up?

    In the waning light of the pyre Nicks shrug cast a

    mutant shadow on the ground leaving Harry to wonder why

    the schades didnt try to reach through them to bring the

    boy back to their fortress, or worse, just kill him where helay.

    Kids got a lot of pent up shit.

    Trust me, I know.

    Its his power, part of it anyway.

    Dont you mean your power?

    Nick shrugged again, I guess, I mean we are both the

    sameperson right?

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    Yes and no, at least to my understanding. Hes smarter

    than you ever were, Harry grinned giving the twenty-

    something man a gentle shove.No shit! he chuckled, I coulda been that smart if

    Wee and Ryand been around back in our time.

    Maybe. Talk tme Nick, what happened over the last


    Nick sat up leaving a large dark wet splotch in the

    bedroll then wiggled out of the too-tight t-shirt, Ripped

    my stitches, you up for some sewing? then turned to showhis best friend the oozing slash between his shoulder blade

    and spine.

    Jesus, Harry sighed pushing himself to all fours to

    grab his knapsack, what happened?

    Nick settled himself on his stomach, his chin on his

    forearms as Harry swabbed the area as clean as he could.

    If I sewyou up this age and size, youre gonna haftastay this way til youre healed, can you do that?

    Nick nodded, Ill try.

    I got a feeling all that personal time jumping youre

    doing just cant be good for a body, Harry sighed,

    squinting against the setting moon to thread the needle,

    So, whatd you find out back home? he asked piercing

    the first flap of skin.Theyre taking over hunters on our side. Its a foothold

    situation, they cut em open, a vestige drops its seedlings

    into the body and they snarf down everything, leaves just

    the meatsuit behind for the schade to wear. In the meantime

    the seedlings grow into a full fledged vestige. The bastard

    wearing Lizzy almost got me, if it wasnt for Jack and


    The you from this time.

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    Ahhh Jesus, you got the now-me involved in this


    I didnt have much of a choice, cops caught mewailing the tar out of Lous buddy Silas, he got meat-

    suited, they tased my ass which left Ne Min, hes the one

    that was wearing Silas, to grab Frankie. I almost lost it


    I bet. So you called this lines me and got some help.

    Yep, youre in the home realm, working with Jack

    Masters, I hope you know how to take care of yourself, Idont trust that fuck as far as I can throw him.

    Harry grinned and half grimaced running a fresh stitch

    through a new piece of skin, You got a potty mouth man.

    Learned from the best.

    Soft footfalls moved gingerly through the powdery ash.

    Am I interrupting? Mickey asked settling herself

    down beside Nick, her hand trembling as she reached out tohim, tempted beyond measure by the sight of his body, it

    was everything she remembered, even if those memories

    were from a timeline she had never really lived.

    Whatd Frank tell em? Nick asked shifting his gaze

    from Harry to the girl he was relieved to see. At least

    somethings right in this friggin line!

    The truth, it wants to cut a deal, theyve given up ongetting you to join the branches of kin together and have

    told Frank that he can do it. Turs willing to let him take the

    reins if itll stop the war between us and the branches.

    Were not at war with the sidhe, were at war with the

    schades, and no offense to Frank but I hope to hell hes not

    falling for it, theyll use him like a fuckin puppet! Ram

    their shadows up his ass till hes so screwed he wouldntknow the truth if it vamped the life out of him!

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    I know, she nodded, her hand falling to his shoulder,

    tracing the graze left by the bullet Jack had fired at him

    yesterday.He raised an eyebrow, watching her finger move over

    his skin, tentative, exploratory, exactly the same way shed

    looked at Nick while he led the others into the woods to

    bring Lous love, Rose, back to safety. And now she was

    dead. Nick couldnt help but wonder if he needed to carry

    thatburden as well. After all, if hed been just a little more

    careful then maybe they wouldnt have gotten separated,and if they hadnt gotten separated then Harry, Lou, Rose,

    Dylan, Wellyn and Ayeles wouldnt have had to go up

    against the vestige attacking the Aine Haud without some

    help. He couldve helped, he couldve held it, given them a

    chance to get the others to safety. His glance flicked to

    Ryan, a shearing pain of loss tearing through his chest. He

    only knew the man because of the boy part of him, butbecause of the fourteen year old Nick that belonged in this

    world, he loved the man almost like a father. Then there

    was her, she wasnt his Mickey, but who cares? She wants

    me, I can feel it. The kids shut down so its not like hes

    gonna care his gaze flicked then to one of the taller

    silhouettes near the tree line, Ilirya, I dont even know her,

    and shes way the fuck out of my league. The kid couldntcare less about either one of em are you done yet

    Harry? I got a itch to scratch, he glanced at Mickeys full

    young lips, he watched as she nibbled the inside of the

    lower one and he drew a deep breath, remembering the feel

    of her mouth on his, well, honestly on any part of him.

    You done yet? he asked thickly, glad he was laying

    on his stomach.

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    Almost. Harry grunted tying another knot before

    slipping the needle through again to make the final stitch,

    Shes not yours Nicky.Yes I am. Mickey practically panted, her finger

    moving up the lean muscles of his neck and over his

    shoulder to his back.

    You listen to me girl, that boy is fourteen years old no

    matter how old he looks or which one of ems speaking

    through him! You may think you know Nick but you dont

    know shit and if you think you can do what I can smellyoure about to do without hurting him then youre nothing

    but a deluded, self serving little skank! Harry growled,

    barely able to contain his anger.Nicky wouldnt want this!

    Hes not ready for it and so help me if you use him to get

    your own goose offIll never trust you far as I can throw

    ya! He vowed.

    Nick twisted his head toward Harry, a cockeyed smileon his lips the older man knew far too well, Easy there

    tiger, if I didnt know better

    You damn well DO know better!

    Dude, its just sex, just cause youre not gettin any

    doesnt mean I gotta pass up a little r&r.

    Its not up to you to decide! Its not your time, its not

    your body and its not your world Nick, you wanna getyour rocks off, get permission from the kid whos

    SUPPOSED to be here! Either that or go spank the fuckin

    monkey cause that boy dont need you and your uber-

    jacked libido violating him!

    That was the word that wiped the smirk off Nicks face

    and brought his brain out of his pants and back to the

    reality of the situation.Never were one to mince words. I guess I am kinda

    dead though.

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    A week later I was still finding bits of you in my

    laundry ass hole! Try pulling one of your fucking teeth out

    of a shirt pocket when you didnt remember getting peltedwith it.

    Nick gave a sheepish shrug then looked deep into

    Mickeys eyes, He wont be easy to reach, if you can

    reach him at all. She nodded holding back the glaze that

    wanted to become tears then looked between the men

    chewing her lips before she rose up to move to the far side

    of the pyre, giving the old friends a little time and space.With Mickey out of earshot, Nick sat up, facing Harry

    and swiping the old mans flask from his jacket pocket,

    Niiick there was a hint of warning in his voice but no

    real bite, after all, it wasnt the first time hed seen his

    friend, in either form, take a drink, and he was pretty sure it

    wouldnt be the last. is Nicky still in there? Can you

    sense him, or any of the others?Hes here, watching, taking it all in and shutting

    himself down. Its all he can do. Nick shook his head

    frowning, I dont blame him.

    What do you mean shutting himself down?

    Everything, his fear, love his emotions, hes

    building walls. He has to protect himself Harry, or else hes

    never going to be able to do what he has to, or risk what hehas to, what he and Frank have to. He cocked his head to

    the side, as if he was listening to or for something just on

    the edge of hearing, He heard Frank say something about

    moving against Khazeer and the other sidhe leaders. There

    are sidhe not too far from here, through the woods he

    pursed his lips, Bedowen. A name Tropus, hes afraid

    theyll try to kill him and Frank. Khazeer is close too, in theheart of the desert. He feels more comfortable heading that


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    Movement near the tree line, now far behind the others

    who had taken their time returning, watching and listening

    from a distance, caught his eye; dark upon dark movingwith stealth.

    His hand fell to the gun hed fired at Ne Min and in the

    blink of an eye he was on his feet. His other hand, with its

    two snub fingers slipped into Nicks pack, those fingers

    curling around the grip of Oemirs sword. Racing in a

    crouch almost directly at the group, no one was sure

    exactly what to do or what was happening until Nick brokehard to the left, seeming to flow in a liquid shadow crouch

    over the open expanse and into the darkened edge of the

    Bedowen lands.

    The sound of metal chimed through the night, silencing

    the insects and gathering the heroes into a tight band, each

    with their hand on some sort of weapon; elder warriors

    flanked the littlest Emerson as they raced toward where hisbig brother had gone.

    Movement slithered to his left, he fired instinctively

    and knew something had been hit. From the right a second

    dark ensconced form peeled out of the shadows toward

    him, a glimmer of sword arcing high in the air before it

    angled downward, pointing into him.His arm flew up, blocking the descending blade, sweat

    rolling off him in sheets, threatening his grip as the warrior

    bore down on him, towering over him, its face hidden in

    black folds of a cloak, Think youre a fucking ringwraith

    or something? he grunted then grinned taking a precious

    moment to slide the gun into the waistband of his jeans

    before gripping the front of the warriors cloak, and withhis right arm high, still holding his attackers sword arm at

    bay, thrust it just a little higher while pulling down with his

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    left and falling backwards, planting his feet into the beings

    belly and throwing him into the distance. It gave him a

    moment to recover as he rolled, regaining his feet andpanting while his nearly perfect vision scanned the


    He heard the others creeping forward, Watch your

    backs! Theres two of em that Ive seen! he warned.

    Ilirya, Wellyn, guard Frank at all costs! he commanded

    into their minds.

    Flora jiggled, rustling with the hurried passage ofsomething fairly large, damn those cloaks! Another voice,

    far more calm and with a flavor of something ancient

    whispered into his consciousness, Semets warriors, I can

    smell the living dark on them. Tur would have had him send

    them, or perhaps the darkness itself did. And then it was

    quiet again, even though suddenly Nick wanted nothing

    more than to call it forward, to sit the owner of that voicedown and ask it every question he could think of.

    That was the voice that knew everything hed need to

    know, and everything he didnt so far. It was the voice of

    first son of Danu, and deep inside he knew it wouldnt

    speak again until the time was right.Thats not fair! Nick

    ground his teeth, turning quickly as something moved

    behind him, then something else seemed to brush by hisside. A flash racing out of the dark brought his sword up

    before he knew what he was doing, the arrow was batted

    away, the head having been severed from the shaft.

    Damnit! he grumbled then ordered, Light this place

    up! peering into the darkness, another arrow rocketing

    past him on the left. Once more his sword came up,

    knocking the missile from its path,You will be blinded! It was Ilirya.

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    So will they! he shouted as the forest burst to

    excruciating brightness, the split second of tolerable

    illumination highlighting the surrounding area, makingevery incongruous object stand out in sharp negative relief.

    A hard, cold grin stretched his mouth as he gripped his

    gun and fired at the black cloaked warrior barely a dozen

    yards in front of them, camouflaged by a woody giant that

    wouldve made the redwoods feel inadequate.

    The explosion of sound, hot on the heels of the

    explosion of light, took everyone by surprise, serving toknock them off balance as one more shaft flew through the

    space between them, this one finding its mark with a wet

    thunk before tearing its way out the back side of his body.
