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The French and Indian War

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The French and Indian War
Page 1: The French and Indian War

The French and Indian War

Page 2: The French and Indian War

French and English Fight for control

The “French and Indian War”, the colonial part of the “Seven Years War” that ravaged Europe from 1756 to 1763, was the bloodiest American war in the 1700’s. It took more lives than the American Revolution, involved people on three continents, including the Caribbean.

Page 3: The French and Indian War

The war was the product of a clash between the French and English over colonial territory and wealth. In North America, the war can also be seen as a product of the local rivalry between British and French colonists.

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The war comes to an end…

By September 1760, the British controlled all of the North American frontier; the war between the two countries was effectively over. The 1763, Treaty of Paris set the terms by which France would give in. Under the treaty, France was forced to surrender all of their American possessions to the British. Although the war with the French ended in 1763, the British continued to fight with the Indians over the issue of land claims.

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North America



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Lasting effects of the war…

The results of the war effectively ended French influence in North America. England gained massive amounts of land and vastly strengthened its hold on the continent. The war also hurt relationships between the English and Native Americans and, though the war seemed to strengthen England's hold on the colonies, the effects of the “French and Indian War” played a major role in the worsening relationship between England and its colonies that eventually led into the Revolutionary War.

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Treaty of Paris 1763 The Treaty that officially

ended the French and Indian War. The British gained control over the area west of the 13 British Colonies all the way to the Mississippi River. The French agreed to give up any colonies in North America, including all of Canada. Since Spain had helped the French, the Spanish were also forced to give up Florida. But the Spanish still held their territory west of the Mississippi River and in Central and South America.

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Frame 3: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Louisbourg_assiegee_en_1745.jpg

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Frame 7: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_Battle_of_the_French-Indian_War.jpg
