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The French Revolution 1789-1794. What Happens in France? The French overthrow the Absolute Monarchy...

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The French Revolution The French Revolution 1789-1794

The French RevolutionThe French Revolution


What Happens in France?What Happens in France?

• The French overthrow the Absolute Monarchy that controlled their government

• A Period of Chaos and Terror follows the revolution

• Napoleon takes control and becomes the most powerful leader in Europe


Causes of the French Causes of the French RevolutionRevolution

• The Enlightenment•Abuse of Absolutism•American Revolution• Estate System

Abuse of AbsolutismAbuse of Absolutism

• After Louis XIV, all French kings abused their power.• Louis XVI was abusing his power

in 1780’s and 1790’s.• In that time, the French peasants

were starving and Louis was spending too much while overtaxing the people.

Louis XVILouis XVI

He will be overthrown during the

French Rev.

American Revolution (Cont.)

• French paid huge amounts of money in American Revolution.• King Louis XVI had to raise taxesraise taxes

– the French people were not happy with Louis!• Decide to follow the example set by

the Americans!

The Estate SystemThe Estate System• France was divided in 3 Social Classes, called

“Estates”–First Estate - Clergy of Catholic

Church –Second Estate – The Nobility–Third Estate - Rest of France broken

up into three other groups

Problem with this System!Problem with this System!

• The percent of the population of each estate was disproportionate to the land they controlled–1st Estate: >1% of the population, 10% of land–2nd Estate: 2% of the population, 20% of land–3rd Estate: <97% of the population, <50% of


The Third EstateThe Third Estate• Bourgeoisie - Middle Class - well

educated and big into enlightenment.• City Workers - Poorer workers who

needed bread and grain from countryside to live.• Peasants - largest group (80% of

people), paid high taxes to government and 1/2 of wages to nobles.

There are Three Phases to the Revolution

• Moderate Revolution• War and Radical Revolution• Reactions to the Revolution

How did it all start?How did it all start?• French MonarchsFrench Monarchs: : Louis XVI Louis XVI

and Marie Antoinetteand Marie Antoinette • ProblemProblem: They ran out of : They ran out of

money!money!• What Now?What Now? - Forced to call - Forced to call

on France’s parliament, on France’s parliament, called the called the Estates GeneralEstates General, , for more $for more $

Problem with Estates-GeneralProblem with Estates-General

• Voted on Policies in France (Taxes, Laws)• Each ESTATE had 1 Vote–That means the 1st Estate, at >1% of the

population had AS MUCH INFLUENCE as the entire 3rd Estate, which was made of <97%!

• 1st & 2nd Estate always voted together!–3rd Estate’s vote was always worthless• That mean’s <97% of the people were

overpowered by >3%!

What happens next…What happens next…

• 3rd Estate protests higher taxes and are LOCKED OUT of the Estates-General

• Tennis Court Oath formed by 3rd Estate• National Assembly formed by 3rd Estate to

make decisions in France• French peasants storm the Bastille & the

Revolution has begun!

Storming of the BastilleStorming of the BastilleStorming of the Bastille had peasants and city

workers FIGHTING against guards. – July 11, 1789

- Set up as a protection of the National Assembly because king refused to recognize

them.- After winning at Bastile, king forced to

recognize Assembly.

Declaration of the Rights of ManDeclaration of the Rights of Man

August 26, 1789 -Modeled after the

Declaration of Independence

“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

Women’s March on Versailles

• “October Days”• Women of Paris,

fueled by a shortage of bread stormed the Royal granaries.

• Forced King to move to Paris

Limited Monarchy FormedLimited Monarchy Formed• Louis tries to escape.• He’s captured and

forced to agree to a limited monarchy.

• This included the Legislative Assembly (like our congress)

• Forced to agree to August Decree and D.O.R.M.

Positives of Assembly Rule

• Assembly ended the right of hereditary privilege and aristocrats had to start paying taxes.

• Set up guaranteed rights of citizens.• Restricted rights of Church.• Administrative and Judicial reforms.

Problems in the Monarchy

• Constitution formed in 1791 and French Assembly ruled terribly.

• King had the right to veto laws.

• Assembly dominated by the conflict.

• Foreign Invasion• Emigres Army

Extremists Take OverExtremists Take Over

• ‘‘Sans-Culottes’Sans-Culottes’ – took control of French took control of French

governmentgovernment– extreme radicals form extreme radicals form

clubs – largest of which clubs – largest of which was the Jacobin club.was the Jacobin club.

Extremists Take OverExtremists Take Over

• 1791 – Grirondists 1791 – Grirondists = Moderate = Moderate NationalistsNationalists• 1793 - The Jacobins1793 - The Jacobins –took control of French army to took control of French army to

fight invadersfight invaders–Start to go after the Start to go after the emigresemigres who who

had left the countryhad left the country–Executed the KingExecuted the King

The TerrorThe Terror • After the execution in 1792, the country was in chaos.• A group called the

“Committee of Public Safety” gains power & was going to kill all “traitors to the revolution” to bring order.

Invasion of Foreign Armies

• Most of Europe attack France – some to bring back King, some to break France and its territories up.

• After the death of the king, France almost falls to outsiders.

• The French Armies taken over by Jacobins.

• Institute conscription, change leaders of army to be good soldiers.

• Nationalism basically invented

Nationalism is Born

• Stories• Flags• Duty• Songs• Symbols• War

French Nationalism

• Lady Liberty• Tri-Colored Flag –

Blue is St. Martin of the poor, white is the old French aristocratic flag, red is for St. Dennis the patron Saint of Paris.

John-Louis David

Maximillien RobespierreMaximillien Robespierre

• Leader of the “terror”• Killed thousands in public

executions using the guillotine–Marie Antoinette too!!!

• Eventually was executed himself!

Robespierre’s Supreme Being

• Revolution started a new calendar to brake from the Christian God – called the Revolutionary Calander.

• Wanted to start a religion based upon the concept of the Supreme Being

• Cult of the Supreme Being• One of the things that lead to his demise.

How did the Terror End?How did the Terror End?

• National Assembly drafted a new government – with a 5 man committee called the Directory.

• By 1799, there will be only one - Napoleon Bonaparte.
