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The French Revolution and Napoleon Chapter 7. The French Revolution Begins Chapter 7 Section 1.

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The French Revolution and Napoleon Chapter 7
Page 1: The French Revolution and Napoleon Chapter 7. The French Revolution Begins Chapter 7 Section 1.

The French Revolution and Napoleon

Chapter 7

Page 2: The French Revolution and Napoleon Chapter 7. The French Revolution Begins Chapter 7 Section 1.

The French Revolution Begins Chapter 7 Section 1

Page 3: The French Revolution and Napoleon Chapter 7. The French Revolution Begins Chapter 7 Section 1.

The Old Order

The Old Regime divided France into 3 estates or social classes

The Privileged Estates The first two estates were made up of the __________ who provided

2% of its income to the gov’t and the ___________ who paid almost no taxes

The Third Estate 97% of the people in France 3 different groups

Bourgeoisie Urban workers Peasants

Although the groups were different they all wanted what?

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The Forces of Change

Enlightenment Ideas The Third Estate was inspired by

what? The philosophes ideas of equality,

liberty, and democracy were very intriguing to the French

Economic Troubles High taxes made for less profit,

making it very difficult to own and run a business

What impact did Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette have on the economy?

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The Forces of Change

A Weak Leader Louis XVI’s weak leadership did

nothing but hurt France Why did the French people

dislike Marie before this time Excessive spending made the

situation worse and “Madame Deficit” wasted a great deal of money

The Estates-General was called to approve a new tax on the nobility or the Second Estate

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Dawn of the Revolution

Previous to the revolution what was the problem with the Estates-General?

The National Assembly The Third Estate wanted to have

each delegate (or representative) vote, why?

Sieyes wants the Third Estate delegates to form the ________ Assembly to pass laws for France

The National Assembly votes to end the ________ and start a what? Significance?

The Tennis Court Oath is taken in order to write a national constitution

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Dawn of the Revolution

Storming the Bastille Rumors spread that Louis was

sending troops to Paris to do what?

July 14th a mob storms the _______ , a Paris prison

Bastille Day becomes a symbolic event in French history, why? What can we compare it to in the United States?

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A Great Fear Sweeps France

A series of rumors allows for the spread of rebellion where?

The Great Fear turns peasants into outlaws…destroying legal papers and in some cases burning down houses

Women in Paris rioted over bread prices, demanding the king and queen to come to Paris

The end of the French monarchy soon followed

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7.1 Daily Questions

1. Which group within the Third Estate would suffer the most from the increase in bread prices? Why? Explain.

2. How did Louis XVI’s weak leadership contribute to the revolution in France?

Honors Only

3. Do you think the French bread riots (and the violence that ensued) were justified? Why or why not?

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Revolution Brings Reform and Terror

Chapter 7 Section 2

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The Assembly Reforms France The Rights of Man

“Men are born free and equal in rights.”

Also guaranteed what? “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

A State-Controlled Church The Catholic church loses land and

political independence…what does the sale of lands help the French do?

What are peasants upset about?

Louis Tries to Escape Louis XVI tries to escape to the

Austrian Netherlands but is apprehended and returned to Paris

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Divisions Develop

A Limited Monarchy The new French constitution created a limited constitutional

monarchy and took power from the king The Legislative Assembly is created to do what?

Factions Split France What is a faction? How many developed in the French Legislative

Assembly? ____________ wanted serious changes, ___________ wanted some

changes, and ____________ wanted limited change. Emigres and sans-culottes also hoped to make changes in France

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War and Execution

France declares war because of Austria and Prussia’s call for a return to absolute monarchy

France at War Mob warfare takes over in France

and the royal guard is massacred…Louis and his family are imprisoned

A new governing body is created, the ___________ Convention and France is now a republic

What about women?

Jacobins take Control A radical political

organization Famous members: Marat

and Danton…beliefs? The Jacobins put Louis on

trial for treason and behead him with the _____________.

The War Continues The war with Prussia and

Austria leads France to have to do what?

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The Terror Grips France

Robespierre Assumes Control What changes did Robespierre

and the Jacobins want to make? As the leader of the Committee

of Public Safety he rules France as a dictator and his rule was known as the Reign of ___________.

Robespierre was paranoid about his enemies and even those slightly less radical than him

Thousands are executed, irony

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End of the Terror

Robespierre goes to the guillotine because of the fear for safety throughout France

A new gov’t is created (the third in 6 years) creating a two house legislature

A moderate approach was taken to French gov’t

Who emerges as the general of the French army?

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7.2 Daily Questions

1. Describe the three factions that split the Legislative Assembly and in many ways France itself.

2. What caused Prussia to invade France? Was this action justified?

Honors Only

3. Explain Robespierre’s justifications for his use of terror during the French Revolution (use the quote on page 226).

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Napoleon Forges an EmpireChapter 7 Section 3

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Napoleon Forges an Empire Hero of the Hour

Napoleon comes to fame as an officer in the French army when he defends the delegates of the National Convention

Napoleon travels the world in defense of France…keeping his stories of failure out of the news

Coup d'état Distrust of the Directory results

in Napoleon seizing power under the title ________ _________

Napoleon makes peace with what three countries?

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Napoleon Rules France

Napoleon is crowned Emperor by the pope in 1804…significance?

A plebiscite was held to approve the new constitution, give who all of the power?

Restoring Order at Home Ruled different than Louis, how? Stabilizes the economy and the

gov’t with the creation of lycees that did what?

Signed a concordat with Pope Pius VII that recognized the church but kept it out of gov’t affairs

The Napoleonic Code creates laws but limits rights

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The Crowning of Napoleon

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Napoleon Creates an Empire

Napoleon attempts to conquer beyond France’s borders

Loss of American Territories After the civil war in Saint

Dominigue Napoleon decides to cut his losses in the New World

Sells the ___________ territory to the U.S., significance?

Conquering Europe Napoleon takes on Europe despite

a combined effort against him The only major power left was

Great Britain

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Napoleon Creates an Empire

The Battle of Trafalgar Only major battle lost Horatio Nelson, a great naval strategist, defeats the French

fleet Ensures British naval supremacy Napoleon would not attempt to invade Britain

The French Empire What countries remained out of Napoleon’s control? The French empire was large but unstable, why?

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7.3 Daily Questions

1. Explain how the Napoleonic Code was a step backwards after the efforts of the French Revolution

2. In what ways was the loss of overseas territories (like Louisiana and present day Haiti) significant to Napoleon and the French?

Honors Only

3. Describe Napoleon’s relationship with the Catholic church. How was this relationship different from the ideas of Robespierre?

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Napoleon’s Empire Collapse Chapter 7 Section 4

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Napoleon’s Costly Mistakes

Who was the biggest threat to Napoleon’s power?

The Continental System (#1) Napoleon sets up a _______ to

prevent _______ from trading with the rest of Europe. What did he call this strategy?

Weakens British trade but does not destroy it altogether

Britain responds with a blockade of their own…resulting in what war? Significant?

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Napoleon’s Costly Mistakes The Peninsular War (#2)-why the name?

Napoleon sends forces into España in an effort to force them to accept the continental system

What did Spain fear most? The British send in troops to aid the

Spanish guerillas Europeans were filled with feelings of

_______________, significance?

The Invasion of Russia (#3) Napoleon turns on his ally Alexander I

and marches his troops into Russia…Alexander’s response?

The Russian winter destroyed France’s troops 420,00010,000

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Napoleon’s Downfall

Napoleon Suffers Defeat Napoleon raises a new army to

battle the European alliance, problem?

Frederick William (Prussia) and Czar Alexander I (Russia) take Paris and banish Napoleon to ____________, off the coast of ____________.

The Hundred Days Why is Louis XVIII so unpopular so

soon? Napoleon returns to the cheers of

the French people

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Napoleon’s Downfall

The Hundred Days (cont.) British and Prussian forces

defeat Napoleon at Waterloo in __________.

The Hundred Days is the name given to Napoleon’s last efforts to gain power

Sent to St. Helena, dies 6 years later


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7.4 Daily Questions

1. Why did the French people support the return of Napoleon?

2. What would Napoleon have needed to make his Continental System work?

Honors Only

3. How did nationalist fervor affect Napoleon’s empire? Give specific examples.

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The Congress of ViennaChapter 7 Section 5

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Metternich’s Plan for Europe

Congress of Vienna is called to create stability in Europe

5 great powers: Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, and France…who emerges as the most influential representative?

Metternich’s 3 goals: Prevent future French aggression Restore a balance of power Royal families back to their


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Metternich’s Plan for Europe

The Containment of France (map on page 240) United Kingdom of the Netherlands German Confederation Switzerland Kingdom of Sardinia

Balance of Power No country in Europe could become stronger than the rest

Legitimacy The return of which European monarchs to the throne would help

with stability?

What is the legacy of the Congress of Vienna?

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Political Changes Beyond Vienna

Significant changes in European leadership

Conservative Europe Francis of Austria and Frederick

William of Prussia sign the ________ ___________ in order to combat revolution

What does the Concert of Europe do?

Conservatives vs. liberals

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Political Changes Beyond Vienna

Revolution in Latin America When Napoleon replaced the

King of Spain what were the effects on Spain’s colonies?

Long Term Legacy France’s power decreases,

Britain and Prussia’s power increases

Revolutions occurred throughout Europe, new _______ are formed, and colonies claim independence

Is democracy the way to go?

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7.5 Daily Questions

1. Why did Metternich want to restore ruling families to their thrones?

2. Explain the idea of a balance of power. Why was it such an important topic at the Congress of Vienna?

Honors Only

3. Explain whether you agree with the Congress of Vienna diplomats that stability was more important than liberty. Why or why not?


