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The FULLPICTURE - kongsberg.com · [email protected] Jørn Grønlund [email protected] Tor Aas Haug...

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«w e ha v e t o be able t o depend on our suppliers» Jan Håkon Pettersen CEO, Bergesen Worldwide Theme – LNG FOR USERS OF KONGSBERG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Hist or y meets Hi-t ech Kalmar Maritime Academy offers world-class simulator training Br eaking the waves A pioneer in maritime industry F eedback Customer survey improves AutroCargo Z er o downtime Successful upgrading on Gryphon Alpha 01/04 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 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The FULL PICTURE magazine

«we have to be able to dependon our suppliers»Jan Håkon PettersenCEO, Bergesen Worldwide

Theme – LNG


History meets Hi-tech Kalmar Maritime Academy offers world-class simulator training

Breaking the waves A pioneer in maritime industry

Feedback Customer survey improves AutroCargo

Zero downtime Successful upgrading on Gryphon Alpha








Uniting Kongsberg Maritime, Kongsberg Simrad and

Kongsberg Maritime Ship Systems (KMSS) means pooling all

our resources under one company name, Kongsberg Maritime,

and the Kongsberg brand. Simrad will continue its current

operations and the Simrad brand will be the brand that

addresses Yachting, Commercial and Fisheries markets.

Our mission is to maximise marine performance by providing

our customers with "The Full Picture". We aspire to earn

respect and recognition for our dedication to providing

innovative and reliable marine electronics that ensure optimal

operation at sea.

Uniting all our business units will enable us to utilise and share

resources and information more openly and effectively. We will

be able to offer you more in terms of service, products and

all-round cooperation. Our united resources consist of a

globally dedicated organisation located where the customers

are and where the action is.

We have consolidated our newsletters and magazines into one

publication: The Full Picture Magazine, where we hope to

address issues of most concern to you. If you have any

request or tips for us about what you would like to see

included in this magazine, please contact the editorial staff.

We will be very grateful for your suggestions.


President, Kongsberg Maritime

EDITORIAL STAFFAnne Toril Kasin - Kongsberg Maritime [email protected] Hatling Midtbø - KongsbergMaritime [email protected] Risan - Kongsberg Maritime [email protected] Holmen - Kongsberg Maritime [email protected]

CONTRIBUTORSRita Krathe - Kongsberg Maritime [email protected] Larsen - Kongsberg Maritime [email protected] Kojedal - Manager Public Affairs -Statoil ASA [email protected] Dybwad - Journalist - Metro Merkevarehuset AS [email protected] Sivesind - Translator [email protected] Trewern - Saltwater Communication Ltd [email protected]

DESIGNAnisdahl, Sand & Partnere [email protected]

PRINTRK Grafisk [email protected]

PHOTOSBjørn-Owe [email protected] [email protected]ård [email protected]ørn Grø[email protected] Aas [email protected] [email protected]ørn [email protected] Toril [email protected] Os [email protected] ASAKerr Mc-GeeKongsberg Maritime AS

COPYRIGHTKongsberg Maritime AS

ADDRESSKongsberg Maritime ASKirkegårdsveien 45P.O.Box 483 NO-3601 KongsbergNorwayTelephone +47 32 28 50 00Telefax +47 32 28 50 [email protected]


2 INTERVIEW / Jan Håkon Pettersen, CEO Bergesen

6 NEWS / Snøhvit – closed gas production in the Barents sea

8 NEWS / Höegh – the future of the LNG market

11 REFIT / Midlife radar refit completed

12 PORTRAIT / Cato Franck, Kongsberg

TRAINING 15 Training & courses

20 History meets hi-tech

PORTRAIT 24 Holger Røkeberg

UPGRADE 28 Zero downtime

PRODUCT 30 Hazardous cargo under surveillance

32 Round the world with SIMRAD

HINTS & TIPS 34 No question too big, and no question too small

FEEDBACK 36 AutroCargo Systems


The Full Picture Magazineis a magazine for users of Kongsbergproducts and services. You may receive the magazine free by contactingKongsberg Maritime AS at [email protected] may also find this magazine as a pdf-file at www.kongsberg.com

«It is essential that we can dependon our suppliers»Jan Håkon PettersenCEO, Bergesen Worldwide

Theme – LNG


History meets Hi-tech Kalmar Maritime Academy offers world-class simulator training

Breaking the waves A pioneer in maritime industry

Feedback Customer survey improves AutroCargo

Zero downtime Successful upgrading on Gryphon Alpha








"Good technology is absolutely decisive for us, especially becausewe have relatively complex cargoes and discerning customers."

Managing Director & CEO Jan Håkon Pettersen.

THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


Carrying liquefied natural gas (LNG) is one of two important

target areas in the future plans of the world's largest

privately owned shipping company, Bergesen World Wide.

Those plans also include technology from Kongsberg


Hong Kong based World Wide's acquisition of the

Norwegian shipping company Bergesen d.y. ASA in April

2003 marked the advent of a new era in international

shipping. Merged, the two companies comprise the world's

largest privately owned shipping company. The company is

still run from Bergesen's fashionable headquarters in a

beautiful stucco villa in Oslo. From his office on the top

floor, Managing Director & CEO Jan Håkon Pettersen has

a breathtaking view of the Oslo Fjord.

God, the King and Bergesen

Jan Håkon Pettersen has worked for Bergesen since 1992,

but the company's history dates back much further. The

Bergesen name has been linked to shipping ever since the

early 1800s when Berge Bergesen founded a company in

Stavanger. Roughly a century later, in 1935, the shipping

company Sig. Bergesen d.y. AS was founded by his grandson

Sigval Bergesen d.y. Able-bodied Norwegian seafarers, low

wages and the opportunity for longterm vessel chartering

paved the way for the shipping company to grow, and laid

the foundation for Norway to become a major shipping


"Back then, there was a clear hierarchy: First came God,

then the King, and then the shipowners. After that there

was nothing. When I grew up, there was only one industry

available if you wanted to work in the international arena.

That was shipping", recalls Jan Håkon Pettersen with a


Natural gas for the future

Bergesen World Wide has strong ambitions for growth, and

liquefied natural gas (LNG) and offshore services are two

important new growth areas.

"This diversification gives us new legs to stand on. These

fields will generate stable, long-term earnings", comments

Jan Håkon Pettersen. He adds that this is in accordance

with the shipping company's paramount strategy of always

having reliable, long-term earnings as the basis of its

operations to ensure a steady cash flow, regardless of the

market situation.

"We are already one of the largest LNG operators in the

world. Our goal is to have the largest independent fleet of

such vessels, but that will require a total of 15 to 20 LNG

carriers. As of today, we have four LNG vessels in service

and three more on order. In addition, we have just signed

contracts for five new vessels. In other words, we're making

headway towards our goal".

Safe cargo

"Isn't liquefied natural gas highly explosive? Could you say

something about the challenges involved in carrying this type

of cargo?"

"That is actually very simple because LNG is an eminently

safe cargo. However, the rest of the world thinks it's compli-

cated and dangerous, and we would hate to disillusion

them", laughs the CEO, before growing more serious again

and explaining the phenomenon: "The challenge is to keep

the gas liquefied at minus 163 degrees Celsius. The vessels

are sort of like floating thermoses. Two systems are used to

carry the cargo. The most commonly used in recent years is

a membrane system. It is regarded as more economical as

the vessels dues are lower when calling at ports or transiting

LNG on the seven seasBergesen World Wide focuses onliquefied natural gas





"With technology fromKongsberg Maritime,we feel safe."




The Oslo-based vessel owner Bergesen

is one of the world's largest shipping

companies, and transports energy prod-

ucts all over the world. The company is the

world's largest owner and operator of gas

carriers in the size range 8000- 86000

cbm, and is also the largest independent

shipping company in U/VLCC tonnage.

In 2002, the company had operating

revenues of USD 583.8 million and a profit

(after tax) of USD 26.2 million. It employs

around 3500 people globally, and has of-

fices in Norway, France, Japan, USA, The

Philippines, India and Latvia.

The Bergesen name has been connected

to shipping since early in the 18th century,

when Berge Bergesen established a

business in Stavanger. Bergesen d.y. ASA

was founded in 1935 by his great grand-

son, Sigval Bergesen d.y.

The company started as a pure crude

oil transporter but developed in more

specialised shipping branches. Crude oil

transportation constituted 26 percent of

the operating profit in 2002.

The gas carriers are by far the most

important part of the company´s fleet.

The market for gas transportation

(excluding LNG) can be divided in several

sub-segments. Bergesen is the leading

international owner and operator in VLGCs

(70,000+ cbm) and LGCs (50000-70000

cbm). VLGCs carry predominantly LPG over

large distances, the most important trade

being from the Arabian Gulf to Japan.

LGCs carry both ammonia and LPG.

Ammonia is transported world-wide by

both larger and medium-sized vessels.

Customers for LPG and ammonia are typi-

cally large international gas companies,

and contracts are either for single voyages

or fixed for periods of up to three years.

Bergesen has a number of large dry bulk

vessels carrying iron ore world-wide, on

contracts from 5 to 15 years. These ore

carriers constituted 16 percent of operat-

ing profit in 2002.

The offshore market venture started in

1995 with the commissioning of Berge

Hugin and Berge Munin, operating in LU

Feng, China, and Pierce, UK.

the Suez Canal. The other alternative is the spherical tanks

developed by Moss Rosenberg. Generally, this system is best

suited for long routes.

Close co-operation with the shipyards

Bergesen is among the world's leading LNG carrier compa-

nies. To safeguard this position, the shipping company at-

taches great importance to close co-operation with the ship-

yards that build the vessels, as well as with the consultancies

that develop the technology deployed in them. Jan Håkon

Pettersen points out that the shipping company provides

clear specifications for newbuildings. Insofar as possible,

Bergesen World Wide also requires that the shipyards use

Norwegian equipment, provided, of course, that it is the


"When it comes to control and automation systems,

Kongsberg Maritime's technology is definitely the best from

our point of view. But shipyards almost always have "better",

less expensive alternatives, or so they say. As a result, it is a

continuous struggle to get them to use our first choice".

Good technology means good safety

"What impact does Kongsberg Maritime's technology have

on safety and process control?"

"Good technology is absolutely decisive for us, especially

because we have relatively complex cargoes and discerning

customers. Our sterling reputation for safety is one of the

reasons the major oil companies hire us to carry their gas.

Especially when carrying LNG, it is important to have a spot-

less record, i.e. no problems or accidents, because there is

absolutely no margin of error when carrying liquefied natural

gas. With technology from Kongsberg Maritime, we feel


"Do Kongsberg Maritime's systems for LNG carriers offer

advantages compared with similar systems from other suppli-


Since I'm not a technical expert in that field, I don't feel

qualified to comment on that, but according to my col-

leagues, Kongsberg Maritime's technology is the best in the


THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


Bergesen World Wide is already one of the largest LNG operators inthe world. The goal is to be the largest private owner of such vessels."We have already made considerable headway towards our goal",remarks Managing Director & CEO Jan Håkon Pettersen.

Green image

"All Bergesen vessels are green. Does the colour symbolise

the shipping company's environmental image?"

"I really wish I could answer yes to that question, but that

is not quite the explanation for that particular choice of

colour. The story is that old Bergesen was something of a

miser, just like the other big shipowners, and he got tired of

his employees stealing paint to paint their mountain and

seaside cabins. As a result, he started using a nauseous

green colour because he assumed that no one would steal it!

I honestly don't know whether or not the anecdote is true,

but it makes a good story. To top it off, people say that if

you travel along the west coast of Norway, you'll see several

cabins painted in that loud, nauseous green colour. At least

one thing is certain: The green vessels are highly visible!"

Largest in the world

"What are the visions for the shipping company's future, and

what has happened since Bergesen was sold to World Wide?"

"The Sohmen Pao family and World Wide acquired Bergesen

precisely because of our expertise in transporting gas. As for

the future of the Bergesen World Wide Group, the straight-

forward shipping operations with tankers and dry bulk ves-

sels will be handled out of Singapore, while the gas shipping

operations will be conducted and developed from Oslo. The

owners' vision is that the shipping company will be run so

well that its equity will double every fifth year. They plan to

accomplish that by buying vessels and companies at the

right time, and by securing long-term, safe income streams

from Contracts of Affreightments. We are already the

largest privately owned shipping group in the world, and we

aspire to become the world's largest shipping company. And

we will reach that goal", declares Jan Håkon Pettersen with





THEME LNG Article by SVERRE KOJEDAL, Manager Public Affairs, Statoil ASA / Photo: Statoil ASA

70 N0

Snøhvit embraces the first export facility for liquefied natu-

ral gas (LNG) in Norway and Europe. Huge volumes of gas

deep beneath the Barents Sea will be piped ashore, cooled

down and shipped by special carriers to Spain and the USA.

Shipment starts in 2006, and will continue for more than 20


The Snøhvit area comprises the Snøhvit, Albatross and

Askeladden fields, which lie in the Hammerfest Basin of the

Barents Sea, about 140 kilometres north-west of

Hammerfest, in northern Norway. All the fields primarily

contain natural gas with small quantities of condensate.

Production will be piped to a receiving and liquefaction

plant on Melkøya island outside Hammerfest. After process-

ing and liquefaction, LNG will be shipped in special carriers

to markets in Europe and the USA. Approximately 70 con-

signments are due to be exported annually over a period of

25 years.

Some 1500 people will be employed on Melkøya during

the peak construction phase. About 350-400 new jobs are

due to be created in Hammerfest in the production period,

including 170 at the gas liquefaction facility itself.

High environmental standards

Snøhvit is the first offshore project in the Barents Sea. As

operator, Statoil has incorporated high environmental stan-

dards in the development solution. Production will take

place in a closed system without harmful discharges to the

sea and a biological treatment plant on land is to remove

polluting components. Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the well-

stream will be separated out on Melkøya and piped back to

Snøhvit for storage below ground.

Interests in the seven licences have changed over the

years and the partners are now Statoil, Petoro, Total, Gaz de

France, Amerada Hess and RWE DEA.

Snøhvit – the first closed gas production in the Barents Sea

THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


Snøhvit will be the first major development on the

Norwegian continental shelf with no surface installations.

No fixed or floating units will be positioned in the Barents

Sea. Instead, the subsea production facilities will stand on

the seabed, in water depths of 250-345 metres. A total of 20

wells are due to be drilled to produce gas from the Snøhvit,

Askeladden and Albatross fields.

Remotely operated from land

Snøhvit is also going further in other areas. The pipeline

carrying production from the subsea installations to

Melkøya will be no less than 143 kilometres long – a world

distance record for piping an unprocessed wellstream. The

system for remote operation of offshore production and

transport from a control room at the Melkøya facility is also

the longest of its kind. Land-based controllers will open and

close subsea valves on the field, using fibre-optic cables as

well as high-voltage electricity lines and hydraulic power for

monitoring and control.

The field will be tied to the land-based plant by several

links. The largest of these is the gas pipeline, which has an

internal diameter of 68 centimetres. In addition, there are

two chemical lines, an umbilical and a separate pipeline for

transporting carbon dioxide. Gas from the Snøhvit area

contains 5-8 per cent carbon dioxide, which will be separat-

ed out at the land plant and returned in a separate line for

storage beneath the seabed. The pipelines are due to be laid

from a special ship in the summer of 2005. Laying will start

from the landfall on the north-western coast of Melkøya,

with the ship working its way out to the field along a

carefully planned route.

Gas liquefaction plant

The unprocessed wellstream arriving at Melkøya outside

Hammerfest must be separated before the gas can be cooled

down to liquid form and exported in special carriers.

Condensate, and natural gas liquids - butane and propane -

must also be separated out for export by sea.

After this process, the resulting lean gas is cooled to -163

degrees C in the liquefaction plant. That reduces its volume

600-fold, making it suitable for ship transport. The liquefied

natural gas will be stored in dedicated tanks before being

shipped out.

The Gas carriers

The carriers scheduled to ship Snøhvit LNG from the

Melkøya plant are very large. They measure 290 metres in

length, and each of their four spherical cargo tanks has a

diameter of 40 metres. One of the these LNG carriers will

load every six days at the Melkøya plant. That adds up to

about 70 consignments per year. Four LNG carriers, each

able to carry about 145 000 cubic metres, are required to-

handle this export volume. Statoil will be part owner of

three of these vessels, which are all being built in Japan.

One will be owned together with Norway’s Leif Höegh & Co

and Japan’s M.O. Lines, and two with Japan’s K-line Ltd.

The French licensees in Snøhvit, Total and Gaz de France,

will be responsible for lifting their own share of the gas with

one of the four carriers.

Advanced technological and environmental project

Snøhvit faces very special environmental requirements.

These have been taken into account when planning the

project. Statoil has kept in close touch with fishing interests

during this process in order to ensure that the development

does not conflict with their activities.

Snøhvit is the best-studied project Statoil has ever devel-

oped. More than 2000 pages of technical documentation,

involving most of Norway’s specialist expertise in this field,

form the basis for the extensive environmental impact

assessment compiled for the development application

submitted to the authorities in 2001. Several special features

of Snøhvit make this an advanced project in technological

and environmental terms:

the highest subsea production so far to be remotely

operated over a distance of 143 kilometres from field

to control room

no surface installations to interfere with fishing

the field will be produced in a closed system, without

harmful emissions or discharges

a biological treatment plant on land will handle

environmentally harmful components

longest offshore pipeline for carrying unprocessed

wellstreams to land

carbon dioxide to be stored underground, in the

second largest industrial storage project after the

Sleipner fields – also operated by Statoil

energy-efficient gas liquefaction plant developed in

cooperation with Germany’s Linde group

LNG carriers built to the strictest environmental and

safety standards.




Höegh – experience and technologythe future of the LNG market

Höegh pioneered the LNG transportation industry back in

1973 when it took delivery of 'Norman Lady', the world's

first LNG carrier built with the Moss Rosenberg Spherical

Cargo Containment System. LNG carriers transport liquefied

natural gas on long-term charters and Höegh is one of the

established players in this market. The company presently

operates four LNG vessels, of which three are wholly or

partly owned by the company. In addition it has two LNG

vessels under construction.

Long-term player

Höegh’s goal in the LNG market is to expand its position as a

significant, longterm player. Its LNG business received a

vital boost in 2000, with the refit of the LNG carrier 'Höegh

Galleon'. The vessel was acquired at a low price due to

cracks in the cargo tanks, and it was successfully refitted,

upgraded and commissioned before entering into a long

term charter. A new state-of-the-art, fully integrated

Kongsberg automation system was installed; a system that

is still considered to be the most advanced system available

and has now become the standard for many new vessels

including the Snøhvit new buildings.

Roald Nord, Senior VP, LNG Fleet & Projects at Höegh

LNG explains one of the reasons behind choosing Kongsberg

Maritime as the automation supplier for 'Höegh Galleon':

"We have had many years of close co-operation with

Kongsberg and we know them as a true partner. Together

we developed a fully integrated automation system that

should meet our current and future needs. The results of the

'Höegh Galleon', and subsequent projects have proven that

Kongsberg was definitely the right choice for us", enthuses



Partnerships are important in the LNG market as Höegh

demonstrated when bidding for the Snøhvit contract.

The Suez Canal has been vital to world trade since it opened in 1869. The Canal shortens the distance from the Far East to north-

ern Europe by some 40% compared with sailing round the southern tip of Africa. Norman Lady typically uses 15 hours to transit

from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean through the Canal.

THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


From left Olav Sollie and Roald Nord.

"Following the 'Höegh Galleon' refit, the next milestone in

our strategy was winning the contract for two LNG carriers

for the Snøhvit project", states Olav Sollie, Senior VP at

Höegh. "We decided early on in the race for this prestigious

contract that we would team up with a partner. We joined

forces with Mutsui OSK Lines Ltd and, backed by a compre-

hensive and very competitive financial package, we were

awarded the contract for these two carriers".

Nord continues; "The Norwegian element is important for

Höegh and strong Norwegian partners are essential for our

success and future development.

"With the positive experiences of 'Höegh Galleon'' refit in

mind, we had no problem promoting high quality Norwegian

suppliers. And with the kind of reputation many Norwegian

companies enjoy, the ship yard, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry,

finally accepted many of our suggestions!" says Roald Nord.

As partners before and partners once again, Kongsberg

Maritime and Höegh were both heavily involved in the

procurement process of the automation systems for the two

new Snøhvit LNG carriers. Nord adds: "Our effort was more

than supported by a dedicated sales team from Kongsberg.

The Snøhvit new buildings are on schedule and we will be

in operation as planned. We really look forward to the

challenge ahead as we transport the gas from 70º north to

the market".


With shipment from the Snøhvit project starting in 2006 we

asked Höegh’s LNG market analyst, Thomas Thorkildsen

what the future for this exciting project holds.

"The market estimation of the future is a moving target.

The market for LNG is developing rapidly, but the demand

for new vessels is highly dependent on the commissioning

of new LNG production trains", explains Thorkildsen.

"A wide range of industry players have predicted an

annual growth of 6–8% in the volume of traded LNG up to

2010. The United Kingdom is expected to become a net

importer of natural gas in 2005 and it is estimated that by





Leif Höegh & Co (Höegh), a Norwegian blue-chip shipping company, was founded back in 1927. Tanker shipping came to

form the mainstay of Höegh for decades and from a process of transition in the 60s more diversified activities were intro-

duced. The emphasis changed to combined oil/bulk/ore carriers and gas carriers. The company’s car/bulk involvement was

taken further to specialised forest product carriers and Ro/Ro car carriers. Through a joint venture with Ugland in 1970,

Höegh-Ugland Auto Liners (HUAL) was formed. The remaining 50% of HUAL was acquired in March 2000, so today one of

the world’s largest operators in the Ro/Ro and vehicle transportation segment is 100% owned by Höegh.

Having been stock listed since 1927, its various ship-owning entities were merged and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange

as one company, Leif Höegh ASA , in December 1987.

In 2003 Höegh was de-listed from the Oslo Stock Exchange so the Höegh group is now primarily owned by family trusts

under which Leif O. Höegh and Morten W. Höegh are the principal beneficiaries. The Company’s main strategy is sustainable

growth in the Ro/Ro market and the transportation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

2010 LNG imports to the USA will reach 50–60 mtpa. It is

further estimated that Europe and the USA could consume

as much LNG as the Asian market, effectively shifting the

main growth centre for LNG demand from the Pacific Basin

to the Atlantic Basin. At present, the world LNG fleet has

increased to 167 vessels, with an order book of 74 vessels.

So, the outlook for the industry is good and a total fleet of

close to 300 vessels in 2010 seems likely. The average size of

an LNG carrier continues to grow and it is likely that these

very large ships will be equipped with diesel propulsion and

not steam propulsion, as is the standard today".

Nord adds: "We are in a good position to take our share of

the future market for long-term charters in the Atlantic

Basin. Our focus is to be at the forefront of technical devel-

opments and improvement of systems within LNG shipping

by taking active part in the industry’s research and develop-

ment activities, which will of course ensure a competitive

and enhanced market position for Höegh LNG".


This focus on R&D is well underway and the results have

already proven promising. "Höegh LNG is actively develop-

ing new technological solutions for the LNG logistical chain.

A result of this is Höegh LNG’s own Shuttle and Regasifi-

cation Vessel or SRV. This is a vessel and terminal system

that makes it possible to regasify LNG on board at an

offshore location and send the natural gas to shore via a

pipeline. This eliminates the need for traditional land-based

LNG receiving terminals", concludes Olav Sollie.

LNG transportation technology is advancing at an

astounding rate and equipping the new breed of LNG

vessels is a challenging task. With Norwegian suppliers

and Höegh driving the technology, the future looks bright

and technology will continue to play an important role in

expansion of the LNG market.

SRV-vessels provide a continuous flow of gas through

submerged turret-buoys and a pipeline on the seabed.

THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04



National Gas Shipping Company

Founded in December 1993, the National Gas Shipping

Company (NGSCO) is a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi National

Oil Company (ADNOC). NGSCO currently has a fleet of eight

LNG tankers and its main responsibility is to carry gas from

Abu Dhabi's Das Island to customers, very often in Japan.

NGSCO's tankers were built in the mid 1990s, four in Japan

and four in Finland. All bear the characteristic Moss

Rosenberg design and carry a respectable 135 000m3. The

vessels were built to facilitate a 25-year contract for supply-

ing LNG to TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) of Japan.

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

Founded in 1971, ADNOC is the national oil company in the

emirate of Abu Dhabi. ADNOC has numerous subsidiaries,

most of which are engaged in exploration, petroleum and gas

production, refineries, harbour operations, the processing of

gas to LNG, the production of petroleum-based products

such as mineral fertiliser and ethylene & polyethylene, crude

oil and petroleum tankers and, as mentioned, LNG transport.

Along with its partners, ADNOC controls formidable gas and

oil reserves.


The upgrading of the navigation equipment on National Gas

Shipping Company’s (NGSCO) LNG fleet is now completed.

Kongsberg was chosen for the job, despite the fact that

there was no Kongsberg equipment onboard these vessels

previously. This was a typical refitting contract, with a short

lead time from order to installation. The first system was

dispatched in August 2003 and the final upgrading was

completed in April 2004.

The order comprised the following:

Automatic Identification System – AIS 100, Conning station,

Radar/ARPA system - DataBridge – DB10 , Planning Station

– PL10, ECDIS - SeaMap – SM10.

The upgrades were installed during a scheduled docking

at Dubai Drydock. Thanks to good and close co-operation

with Dubai Dockyard, the installation was completed

according to plans.

Midlife radar refit completedNational Gas Shipping Company now usingKongsberg on navigation bridge




Pooling our resourcesCato Franck describes Kongsberg's development of LNG systems

The market for transport of liquid methane gas has been

expanding in recent years. This is also true of the building,

outfitting and operation of LNG carriers. Sophisticated

automation systems are required to control the complex

processes on an LNG vessel.

Over the past few years, Kongsberg Maritime has carved

out a niche for itself in this market. One important member

of the Kongsberg team is Cato Franck, sales manager for

LNG applications.

A few years ago, people from the sales department in

Kongsberg Maritime identified an area that they thought

might have a positive impact on Kongsberg's technological

development. They were right, integrated automation

systems for LNG Carriers have indeed become an important

new area for Kongsberg.

"It was Bergesen dy that contacted us and wanted

Kongsberg to participate in an LNG project they were

currently involved in.

"Later we heard that 16 shipowners had been invited to

participate in another project to import LNG into Spain. We

had recognised a market with new opportunities, and the

ball soon began gaining momentum.

"We formed a team with some of our skilled

technologists. Our product was basically the same as the

automation and control systems Kongsberg Maritime had

long experience of supplying to other types of vessels.

Notwithstanding certain modifications that had to be made".

Cato reports that the project was viewed with a certain

measure of scepticism in some quarters.

In addition to the above and through a period of

discussions and negotiations, we were awarded the contract

to upgrade the LNG-C Höegh Galleon. "Höegh became our

first customer reference. During this phase, we learned a

great deal about how the market works and about process

technology onboard LNG vessels. Customer relations were

absolutely decisive to our success. Close dialogue, daily

contact and 'chemistry' were important ingredients".

Then the new millennium arrived. "We travelled the world

over, crisscrossing in all directions. We visited almost every

shipowner, shipyard, charterer and major machinery suppli-

ers with regards to LNG. New customer relations were


THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


established. There was an immense market potential,

and Kongsberg won several contracts", he reports with


"First of all, we have to emphasise that the success of

this initiative was due to the support we received from

charterers and ship owners. To succeed in the LNG market,

one has to have a good dialogue with the shipping com-

panies involved in this field, e.g. Bergesen, Höegh, Knutsen

OAS and Golar LNG. It is very clear that the development

of new products requires teamwork both in-house and with

customers. Good customer relations are probably more

important to success than anything else", he says.

Full picture

"We have supplied a number of LNG applications to date,

and there are several systems on order, so this initiative

turned out to be the right choice for us", continues Cato.

"I think we distinguish ourselves because of the wide

range of equipment and control applications together with

the good knowledge of ship operations. An example of this

is the integration we can offer between control

of cargo Boil Off Gas (BOG), Gas Management System,

compressor control, gas flow to the boilers and finally boiler

control. All of this in one system gives a fast and smooth

control, and a change in the cargo conditions will influence

all processes, all the way to propulsion. The influence of the




Integrated Automation Systems (IAS)

Kongsberg supplies integrated automation

systems (IAS) for highly advanced purpose-

built vessels world-wide. The applications

cover field exploration and drilling, oil and

gas processing (FPSOs and fixed installa-

tions), shuttle tankers and LNG carriers. The

design criteria for Kongsberg’s integrated

automation system are reliability and safety,

characterised by:

Segregation: autonomous process areas

featuring dedicated process controllers.

Redundancy: within data communication

networks and process controllers.

Simplicity: a small range of components

that facilitate modularisation.

Fault Tolerance: fault tolerant design

based on fail-safe principles.

All important functions are covered, e.g.:

Vessel control, including power manage-

ment, auxiliary machinery boiler control ,

steam turbines, and ballast/ bunker moni-

toring and control;

Cargo monitoring and control, including

boil-off gas (BOG), LD and HD compressor

control and load and stability calculator;

Custody Transfer System (CTS)

Safety Management System, including

Cargo ESD and fire and gas monitoring.

Kongsberg has contracts to deliver various

applications for more than 40 projects. 28

vessels are currently on order or under



KONGSBERG’s LNG projects in South Korea.

South Korea is well positioned when it comes to ship-

yards and the construction of LNG vessels. The coun-

try is home to huge shipyards with hectic building ac-

tivities on a scale that can be hard to fathom. Even the

biggest loading cranes look tiny beside the gigantic LNG

vessels currently under construction. Kongsberg is in-

volved in deliveries to several LNG projects, and

Morten Stanger, site manager for LNG on offshore proj-

ects in South Korea, is enthusiastic as he describes the

thrill of all the activity.

Complex projects

"The LNG projects are complex, calling for first-rate fol-

low-up and a strong presence at all times. Most

shipowners and charterers generally maintain large site

teams. They constantly follow up all the details in-

volved in the construction process, so it is absolutely

necessary to ensure a close dialogue with the various

players", comments Stanger. ”We strive to accommo-

date them. Local representation, local capability and a

good dialogue with our headquarters in Norway are

among the prerequisites. Kongsberg has a good team,

made up of a mixture of Norwegians and Koreans.

Geoje is the site of the local base for Kongsberg's busi-

ness activities. We do our best to follow up deliveries at

all times”, adds Stanger.

“Kongsberg offers complete automation units for

LNG tankers, as well as integrated automation, naviga-

tion and cargo systems. This helps ensure that cus-

tomers have more uniform systems, reducing interfaces

with other systems. This, in turn, ensures the use of the

same technology, benefiting the customer, for example,

when it comes to the cost of spare parts and training.

"Kongsberg now has considerable experience of de-

livering equipment for LNG carriers", continues Stanger.

"At Kongsberg, a customer comprises both the

shipowner and the shipyard. They are the ones who

pose demands regarding the development of new func-

tions and they are the ones who make suggestions for

new improvements, allowing us to remain at the fore-

front. Being "where it's at" is exciting, important and

interesting. Maintaining a good dialogue with the cus-

tomer and, not least, working together to achieve tech-

nological progress, gives meaning to our working days",

smiles Stanger.

tuning of this process, maintenance, spare parts etc.

will ultimately give the ship owner a benefit. Our mission

statement, "The Full Picture", is spot on. A wide range and

totality of solutions definitely characterises this product


"Moreover, Kongsberg has an absolutely fundamental

focus on maritime applications. That is also important for

LNG development", remarks Cato.

"As sales representatives, we have to know that the

products we sell will be handled correctly in the various

phases of the product solution's life cycle. Having our own

people take part in the construction process by being

stationed locally at shipyards is thereby essential for the

implementation of the construction projects. Our field

offices, our service apparatus, in fact, our entire customer

support system is to a great extent represented at the local

level, where action is of great importance.

The road ahead

"We strive for continuous product improvements and new

developments. We see that the market is moving towards

other types of LNG vessels, featuring different propulsion

systems and different on- and off-loading methods. Today's

steam turbine technology is competing with diesel electric

or two stroke propulsion systems with reliquefaction plants.

That translates into a need for another technology and

another control philosophy. We are working on solutions in

co-operation with ship owners, charterers and equipment

suppliers. Communication, teamwork and a close dialogue

with users are absolutely necessary to succeed".


THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04The purpose of this column is to inform our readers about Kongsbergs training activities.

Do not hesitate to give us your feedback by contacting us at: [email protected]


For more than 25 years, Kongsberg has delivered a wide range of

systems world-wide. Everything from the most simple products

and solutions to complex integrated systems call for user training

prior to use. And improving technology constantly poses new

challenges to users.

"It often pays to invest time and energy in a course so the user

will understand the systems and take full advantage of them",

comments Product Training Manager Pedro da Cruz. "It is never

too late to take a course!"

"Even the very best technology is of little value if the opera-

tors lack training. Trained personnel ensure safe operations, expe-

rience fewer failures and problems, simplify communications and

make optimal use of the systems. That, in turn, translates into

cost savings", continues Pedro who works at Kongsberg

Maritime's training centre in Kongsberg, which offers user train-

ing for nearly all Kongsberg products. "We strive to provide

courses with the right balance between theoretical instruction

and practical training. We have several training centres located

around the world. They are all equipped with simulators, instruc-

tors and courses capable of meeting the most challenging train-

ing requirements".

Tailor-made standard courses

"The most important thing we can give course participants is an

understanding of our systems. In safe surroundings, each individ-

ual participant gets a chance to make mistakes, mistakes which

could, in real life, have severe financial and safety-related conse-

quences. The attitudes we can give users with a view to safety

onboard are also a crucial aspect of accident prevention.

"We have full-time course instructors who try to capture the

essence of our systems and pass it on to participants in a

straightforward, easily understood and inspiring manner. We have

standardised courses in several product areas, enabling shipown-

ers to send their people to courses one at a time at reasonable

prices. As a systems supplier, we try nonetheless to weave ele-

ments from different deliveries into the course content for the

individual participant. That way we get a good mix of general

expertise and knowledge of specific interest to the individual

customer. Furthermore, we believe that practical training is

essential for understanding theory. Consequently, we spend a lot

of time on simulation, hands-on training and realistic exercises.

"The classroom is a good meeting place for users of our prod-

ucts to exchange experiences. In many ways, courses represent a

moment of truth for Kongsberg. Feedback, both positive and

negative, and not least ideas for product improvements are quite

frequently communicated to us by our users through their

instructors", explains da Cruz.

Global training

In recent years, Kongsberg Maritime has established a number of

training centres which, in addition to offering user training cours-

es, are certified for Dynamic Positioning (DP) training. Aberdeen

(UK), Kongsberg (Norway), Macaé (Brazil), Singapore and

Houston (US) are all equipped and certified by the Nautical

Institute for this type of training.

"Our philosophy is that our customers should be able to

participate in courses close to home", says Pedro. "We also be-

lieve it’s important that our regional offices be equipped so that

we can, as far as possible, offer training tailored to the systems

chosen by our customers. We are constantly striving to satisfy

customers’ wishes and requirements. The expansion of our train-

ing centres is a result of this endeavour", Pedro concludes.

New improvement meansnew challengesProduct Training Manager Pedro da Cruz points out the importance of training


Kongsberg Maritime Training

Established in the early 1980s as part of the company's

customer support programme.

Consists of training centres in Kongsberg, Trondheim,

Horten (all Norway), Houston (US), Singapore, Aberdeen

(UK), Macaé (Brazil).

The training organisation offers standard courses,

tailor-made training and trainer products.

Kongsberg, Houston, Aberdeen, Singapore and Macaé

are all acknowledged, approved and certified for DP

training by the Nautical Institute.

For more information about our courses see



Training & courses




won't happen in real life", Tony Robertsen

pointed out.

Good friends in Kongsberg

Stig-Einar Wiggen, president of SMS, is very happy

with the new simulated bridge.

"We chose to call it Kongsberg Bridge because

we have always had good co-operation with

Kongsberg Maritime. We know we will always have

good friends in Kongsberg", he said in his opening

remarks. "I think we are the only ones in the world

that co-ordinate different simulators", he contin-

ued, eagerly recounting how the new simulator

makes the simulated world exceptionally realistic.

Mayor Ottervik underlined the importance of

Trondheim for shipping. "I am familiar with

Kongsberg Maritime through visits to their units in

Trondheim, and I am impressed by the knowledge

and technology that underlie today's products. It is

reassuring to know that safety is top priority", she

said before cutting the ribbon and wishing good

luck and happiness to all the future operators who

will be trained on "Kongsberg Bridge".

Operator training on Kongsberg equipment

Since the 1980s, SMS in Trondheim has specialised

in the training of maritime personnel. Safety is top

priority in theory as well as practice. The company's

job is to contribute to safer, more efficient offshore

operations by training crews thoroughly.

The owners of the company include Det Norske

Veritas (DNV), Statoil ASA, the Norwegian Ship-

owners' Association, various shipping companies

and Kongsberg Maritime.

"Obviously, human error is of great significance

when operational mistakes are made", explains

Stig-Einar Wiggen. "Accordingly, it is important for

us to train people to deal with a wide range of

different situations that could potentially arise,

without actually putting the environment or lives

in jeopardy. This is the only way operators can feel

confident that they will act rationally, quickly and

appropriately when real events and situations


"Kongsberg Bridge", located at the Ship

Manoeuvring Simulator Centre (SMS) in Trondheim,

was recently christened and then test navigated by

Trondheim's Mayor Rita Ottervik. The simulator,

designed for special courses for Offshore Service

Vessels (OSV), ensures realistic training of person-

nel on various types of vessels, making the ocean a

safer place. However, having witnessed Ottervik's

efforts on the bridge, we realise that it might take

more than a simulator to make the sea safe!

Things were just about to go awry when the

mayor was operating a crane to move a container

from a platform to the deck of the vessel. Owing

to a storm at sea and huge waves, she came close

to simulating a "fatal accident". Instructor Tony

Robertsen of SMS in Trondheim came to her


"Practice makes perfect", and Kongsberg's

simulators help us learn from our mistakes so they

Mayor taken by stormNew simulator christened at the Ship Manoeuvring Centre in Trondheim


Tony Robertsen (SMS) and Rita Ottervik, mayor of Trondheim.

Helge Samuelsen – instructor at SMS is pleased

with the new simulator.



THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04

For nearly two years, Kongsberg has been

offering training courses in Brazil to users of

Kongsberg systems. The Training Centre in

Macaé, a couple of hours´ drive from Rio de

Janeiro, has seen a rush of course activities in

recent months. The centre offers courses on a

number of Kongsberg systems, but demand

has been particularly strong for courses in

Dynamic Positioning (DP).

The Training Centre is certified for DP training

by the Nautical Institute. It has two modern

classrooms featuring hands-on simulators and

PC stations, allowing all students to get practi-

cal training in the use of the equipment.

"A growing number of DP operators in Brazil

have embarked on the training they need to

qualify for a DP certificate", reports product

training manager at Konsberg Maritime Pedro

da Cruz. "Our future target is to equip the

Training Centre with a permanent local instruc-

tor. That will allow us to be even more flexible

with the courses we offer".

Favourable feedbackThe training centre in Macaéis progressing well


New operator- andtechnical course insubsea control

AIM 2000

Following the continous success with our AIM 2000 system,

we have developed new operator and technical courses in

subsea control. The courses are offered to personnel who

will be operating the AIM 2000 system, and personnel

responsible for the maintenance of the AIM 2000.

Operator Course

The objective is to give the participants basic understanding

of the AIM 2000 system, and how to perform typical subsea

operations such as well control, status check of HPU etc.

The course is for users of SBC 400/400H and software

versions 6.5. to 6.10. working on Windows NT. The course

will contain; an introduction to AIM 2000, AIM user guide,

main system components, basic operation, access right

alarm system, process alarms and system status, interlock

and shutdown signals, trend and time series and connected


Technical Course

The objective is to give the participants basic understanding

of the AIM 2000 System; system operation, typical software

modules used in process applications, hardware design, use

of the system in faultfinding, and maintenance of the sys-

tem including simple configuration changes to the Input/

Output (I/O) system. The course is for users of SBC

400/400H and software versions 6.5. to 6.10. working on

Windows NT.

The course will contain an introduction to AIM 2000,

main system components, basic operation, alarm system,

process alarms and system status, module and I/O configu-

ration, trend and time series, process station components,

cabling of loop typicals, serial line hardware and software,

hardware and software modules description, AIM User’s

Guide and last, but not least, practical exercises (hardware).

Both courses will be presented in a combination of

theoretical lessons and practical exercises. Special care is

taken to give the participants an overall understanding of

the system. During the course each participant will use an

operator station working in network. For the technical

course a lab with hardware components will be used for

practical exercises.




Kongsberg Maritime is currently involved in a

number of LNG deliveries. One of the vessels

approaching completion is the Methane Kari Elin.

The vessel is owned by British Gas (BG), has a

Greek crew, and is in the process of preparing to

carry LNG across the seven seas. The vessel is

huge, the crew international and the technology

new and demanding. Courses and training are

therefore an essential part of the preparations for

the LNG carrier's maiden voyage.

"We received an inquiry about running a training

course onboard for the Integrated Automation

System (IAS) that controls processes onboard LNG

carriers", says Tove Brevik, a course instructor in

the Kongsberg Maritime training department.

So, along with instructor Hallfrid Os Andersen,

she organised a two-week course onboard the

Methane Kari Elin.

"Several conversations, not least with the QA

manager at BG LNG services, Theodoros Katemidis

and others who were directly linked to the delivery,

eventually resulted in a course on the vessel for

operators and technical staff working with IAS and

the Integrated Bridge System (IBS)", she continues.

Other challenges

"It is quite simply a different way of organising

courses", she says.

Tove explains: "This applies not least to technical

courses. On-board, you can't disconnect wires, or

re-wire equipment the way we do in a classroom

with technical facilities and simulators. Here,

people have to be observant, but not touch.

In a way, on-board courses might be described as

"technology light". On the other hand, you get a

more realistic idea of where the equipment is

located. In other words, we are talking about two

different teaching methods, each of which has

pros and cons.

Ultimately, it is up to the customer to decide

whether or not it is practical to run a course

onboard. Factors such as price, time, and the

customer's need for knowledge, practical or

theoretical training must be considered before

Knowledge means safetyOnboard training in Korea onMethane Kari Elin



Operator and technical courses

in IAS and IBS


To give participants a basic understanding of

Integrated Automation System (IAS) and

Integrated Bridge Systems (IBS) that control

processes onboard LNG carriers and to teach

participants how to operate the different


Content (in general)

Introduction to the system

Main System components

Basic operation of different systems

Technical maintenance and configuration

Theory and definition

Alarm system

Module description of relevant system


choosing the content and form of the training",

she continues.

Favourable feedback

"We've received favourable feedback on the

courses we've organised", says a satisfied Hallfrid

Os Andersen. "I would particularly like to thank QA

Manager Katemidis, who consistently helped us

arrange and organise practical matters so that

we could concentrate on teaching. His help and

assistance were invaluable".

"I would also like to commend the Kongsberg

Maritime people in Korea", Tove states. "They really

made us feel like members of the same team".

"We mustn't forget to thank the course partici-

pants either", adds Hallfrid. "We learned lots of

new things from them!"


THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


Customer training has always been high-priority

for Kongsberg's customer support. Users from all

over the world are familiar with Kongsberg

systems, thanks not least to the company's training


"Since 1999, we have registered several

thousand new course participants in our course

bookings database", comments product training

manager Pedro da Cruz. "Naturally, we wanted to

do something special to celebrate number 10 000.

Mr. Fabrizio Fantacci, who comes to us from Global

PetroProjects Services and the vessel Saipem 3000,

was the lucky one", Pedro points out.

International co-operation

Along with Andrew Langford of Australia, Fabrizio

Fantacci attended a technical course on Dynamic

Positioning (DP). Both men travelled long

distances to take part in the week-long course

organised in Kongsberg, Norway. Fantacci came

from Indonesia, and Langford all the way from

Australia. "International co-operation", comments

Finding solutions to technical failures is no simple matter, Fabrizio Fantacci and

Andrew Langford made numerous attempts.

Finally, shouts of joy rang out for a job well done.

Fantacci with a laugh, and not without reason.

The course instructor has just given the group

an assignment. These good people will have to

cooperate to find a fault that is causing problems

with the equipment; a team effort is required!

"It's a small world", comments Langford as he

tries to fix the Kongsberg equipment, "Kongsberg

products are everywhere". Langford and Fantacci

chat cheerfully as they co-operate to find the

simulated problem in the DP equipment.

"I come from Australia, and most of my

experience is with Farstad and Maersk. My goal is

to be a ship's electrician. Australian vessels are

quite old, so an SDP technical course will look

good on my CV and help me find work on the more

modern vessels", Langford explains. "It's also great

fun to learn to use new technology, and

Kongsberg is the place to come if it’s new tech-

nology you’re looking for", he adds. The costs of

the journey, food and accommodations are coming

out of his own pocket. "Expensive?" we ask. "Yes,

but worth every penny", he responds. "A great

course that helps build your career is always a good


Difficult fault-finding

Though the guys worked hard, the first attempt to

find the fault was not successful. Langford and

Fantacci then tried a variety of other solutions, but

failed to locate the cause of the problems. Cable

layouts were retrieved and studied carefully, and

heads were put together almost literally to try to

come up with a good solution. Maybe a sneak peak

at the neighbouring system would help? "The nice

thing about duplicate systems is that you can

compare them", smiles Fantacci. It’s just a a shame

that system was also faulty! Although it took some

time, a shout of joy finally rang out. The solution

was found and the system could be restarted

without any trouble at all.

Practice makes perfectCourse participant No. 10000




History meets hi-techKalmar Maritime Academy offers world-class simulator training

Kalmar Maritime Academy is located in historic surroundings that look as thoughthey were taken straight out of the Lord of the Rings. As next-door neighbour toKalmar Castle, one of Sweden's most important historic edifices from the 1200s, the Academy's maritime education traditions date back to 1842. That being said, thecastle is about the only thing reminiscent of the days of yore. The modern, architect-designed college, featuring the latest state-of-the-art educational equipment and simulators, stands out in sharp contrast to its venerable elderly neighbour.



THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


Kalmar Castle

The history of the legendary Kalmar Castle dates back about

800 years. Its present appearance dates from the 16th century,

when the Vasa kings rebuilt it in the style of a Renaissance

palace, furnishing it in the continental manner. The castle

subsequently experienced a Golden Era as a stronghold of

royal power, although even by that time it had already played

an important role in Scandinavian politics.

Kalmar Maritime Academy has long traditions of educating

officers, mariner's masters and chief engineering personnel,

and the institution bears its history with pride. The school

currently has roughly 600 students, and engages in broad-

based collaboration with international partners. Not least, it

offers students top-notch teaching methods. This makes the

institution one of the most important for maritime training

in the world, and a sought after place to study.

"We are extremely proud of our building and our

educational programmes", explains the enthusiastic head

of the nautical department, Jan Snöberg. "We have always

focused on the fact that theory and practice are closely

elated, so we recognised early on that simulators are an

efficient tool for training and practical exercises. Our build-

ing has a characteristic shape, including a tower that leaves

no doubt that this is a maritime institution. Our training

ship, the Calmare Nyckel, is the icing on the cake, and our

pride and joy. Although our students go into the world as

new graduates, their studies with us give them extensive

practical experience", says Snöberg.

Realistic practical exercises on the training ship

The Academy has every reason to take pride in its training

ship. Used in all kinds of training from basic to advanced

education, it is uniquely adapted for teaching purposes.

The vessel is intended for training navigation, safety,

machinery operation and manoeuvring. The engine room

accommodates turbines and machinery, and the bridge is

equipped with the very finest navigation equipment. Out on

deck, there are special lifeboats appropriate for the frequent

drills that are held. Even so, arguably the most impressive

feature is the special classroom that has ten work stations

equipped with navigation equipment that forms the base for

navigation exercises. Students take turns being responsible

for navigating the vessel and two-person teams take respon-

sibility for manoeuvring the entire vessel. A teacher super-

vises the students, however, another Captain, bears the ulti-

mate responsibility for the vessel. If necessary, the ship's

master can override the students and intervene at any time

from his work station on the bridge. Thus the simulator is

more than just a simulator; it is a device that offers the

perfect blend of illusion and reality.



"A student is supposed to grasp that something is not right,

then find out what is causing the situation. Theory applied

in practice is valuable, and we have a unique possibility to

train this on board our training ship. It is also important to

discover that you can experience problems when you least

expect them", says Snöberg. He tells of "man overboard"

and fire drills that have been so realistic that the students

thought they were involved in genuine incidents.

Realistic drills

Snöberg is enthusiastic when talking about teaching meth-

ods. "I like our practical exercises to be as accurate as possi-

ble, be they on the Calmare Nyckel or in one of our bridge

simulators at the Academy. When we sail into a French or

Finnish port, I call the crew in English with a French or

Finnish accent", he laughs. Understanding and role playing

are important elements. "Our simulated reality has actually

fooled the students on a number of occasions", adds


Emphasis on individuals

"The simulators can be used for different scenarios, allowing

us to train and reconstruct maritime accidents", Snöberg

points out. "To learn from these exercises, debriefing and

post-incident talks are of the utmost importance. Naturally,

there is no ONE correct answer; any given assignment can

The fact that Kongsberg is willing to tailor-makesolutions for us is crucial. Just saying 'we needthis', and knowing we can get it, is something weappreciate deeply".

Jan Snöberg, head of the nautical department

THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


have many solutions. Nor is it possible to train teamwork on

a computer screen. Our philosophy is that the Kalmar

Maritime Academy is to have as much real equipment as

possible. Ultimately, education is about individuals and their

ability to deal with critical situations. We educate worldclass

mariners, and we want the individuals who study with us

to get a proper understanding of what their future jobs

require. The students are our customers. Along with the

teaching staff, they make up a common team here at the

school. We have a common objective: to use the studies to

promote understanding and mastery of the challenges

students will face at sea. Offering simulator drills that are as

realistic as possible is an important element in this strategy".

Valuable collaboration with Kongsberg

"The Kalmar Maritime Academy is one of our most impor-

tant accounts", points out Jan Roger Lie of Kongsberg


"For us, it is important to establish a common under-

standing of how the school wants to set up its training.

I have personally been involved in most of the simulator

deliveries, and it has been interesting to take part in such

a large project", he says. "The facilities are extensive, and

the contracts with Kalmar include support agreements that

cover several years. This ensures that we can maintain a

close dialogue with the customer even after the delivery

is completed", states Lie.

"We are very satisfied with Kongsberg", comments

Snöberg. "When we have considered buying new products

or new functionalities, Kongsberg has never said no or

refused to play ball with us. We have often developed prod-

ucts jointly, which has allowed us to achieve our educational

objectives. The fact that Kongsberg is willing to tailor-make

solutions for us is crucial. Just saying "we need this", and

knowing we can get it, is something we appreciate deeply",

he says, adding: "Kongsberg has helped us distinguish

between "need to have" and "nice to have". I don't know

whether it is because we are a stubborn customer, but we

have invariably managed to get exactly what we want.

I never have to worry about getting a substandard product,

and safety is vital to me. I think this has been one of the

strengths of our collaboration", concludes Snöberg with

a smile.


Polaris bridge simulators

To learn the complex behaviour of ships, Polaris simulators

allow training in every aspect from single sub-systems to the

entire bridge, and training in normal as well as abnormal situ-

ations. Each simulator is tailored to individual training needs.

A simulator can consist of up to 26 own ship’s bridges. Each

bridge can be a screen-based workstation or be individually

equipped with the necessary real instruments. This allows a

number of inexpensive workstations to provide a large

throughput of students and one or more fully instrumented

bridges for advanced training. The instructor station is used

to create, run, monitor, store, amend and replay exercises and

to conduct all relevant activities such as debriefing and

assessment of trainee performance.

DNV and STCW'95 compliant

Complete set of real instruments for merchant marine

and navy

Large library of ship models

Advanced student assessment system


"For us, it has been importantto establish a common understanding

of how the school wants to set up its trainingJan Roger Lie, Kongsberg Maritime




Holger Røkeberg is a well-known figure in the maritime in-

dustry, not least when it comes to regulations, classification

and dynamic positioning (DP). Always gentle, with an air of

authority and integrity befitting a statesman, he has signed

off on numerous regulations and improvements in the field

of shipping. These days, Røkeberg is retired, but we have

come to him to find out how the whole thing started.

What was it that aroused your interest in maritime activities?

"I was born and raised in Drammen, a small town not far

from Oslo. I was a boy during the golden age of the pulp

and paper industry in Drammen. The port was busy all the

time. I just stood there on the quay, my eyes big and moist

as I watched those ships go by. After finishing high school

and doing my military service, I went to Scotland to study

at Glasgow University. I earned a Bachelor's degree before

heading home, where I worked for about a year in my home

town of Drammen. My goal was always to move to the USA.

Back then, it was known as the best place to both learn and

earn. However, it wasn't easy to get in, so in 1960, my wife

and I moved to Canada instead. We ended up in Hamilton,

where I got a job with Canadian Westinghouse. We spent

three years there. In fact, our first son was born in Canada",

recounts Holger.

"Our reason for working in Canada was always to get a

job in the US", adds Holger. Since it was just two hours from

Hamilton to Detroit, it was easy to go for job interviews.

I could even go in working hours", he chuckles.

"I started working for Detroit Edison, the city's electrical

utility company, as a reactor control engineer when they

were working on the development of a "fast breeder reac-

tor" that raised hopes of cheap electricity", continues

Holger, explaining why he chose this career path. "I thought

nuclear powered merchant vessels were going to be the

future, and that Norwegian shipping and the shipping

industry would need nuclear technicians. You have to bear

in mind that nuclear power wasn't associated with environ-

mental risks in the early 1960s. In the US, there was a feel-

ing that nuclear power was going to be big, and that proved

true. Although the job was exciting enough, nuclear-power-

ed vessels were not a great success. After all, we saw what

happened with the Savannah and the Otto Hahn (nuclear-

powered merchant vessels). Granted, it worked, but they

never earned any money. What is more", Holger adds

enthusiastically, "studies in France, Great Britain and Nor-

way indicated that such vessels would never be profitable".

The family, four in number by that point, eventually

decided to return home to new responsibilities at the Marine

Technology Research Institute (now Marintek). "That was

where I first met several of the pioneers in vessel automa-

tion whose paths subsequently crossed mine countless

times. With a fresh Master's degree in control technology,

earned by spending many long evenings at night school

in Detroit, I was very optimistic".

M/S Taimyr and the fog navigator

"The first project I worked on was the M/S Taimyr,

a Norwegian merchant vessel with a large number of

computer-controlled functions. It featured the world's first

computer-controlled anti-collision radar system, which was

supplied by Norcontrol, of course now Kongsberg Maritime,

and it was a real attention grabber when it was installed

in 1969", says Holger.

Legend has it that Captain Husum of the M/S Taimyr once

stated that, "He could sail more safely with this system in

dense fog than without it in clear weather!" From then on,

he was known onboard as 'The great fog navigator'. The

M/S Taimyr made Norway an international pioneer in a new

area, and the international community took considerable in-

terest in what could be achieved using the system.

In 1970, Holger moved to Norwegian Philips. At that time,

the company aspired to be a player in the growing market

for marine electronics. "It was the unmanned engine room,

EO, that was my focus there", recalls Holger, adding, "E0

was very different back then".


Holger Røkeberg, a pioneer in the maritime industry


THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


Breakingthe waves


Interesting time at DNV

"In 1976, I started working at DNV. It was an incredibly in-

teresting place back then", he says eagerly.

"Did you write the regulations for Dynamic Positioning

(DP)?" we interject.

Holger chuckles modestly. "There is a widespread myth that

I wrote the regulations. What really happened was that I in-

herited a thorough draft of the regulations, which I complet-

ed as "tentative regulations" in 1977. "Holger makes it clear

that he is not prepared to take the credit for someone else's

work. "But", adds Holger, "I started out as an EO man at

DNV, and worked with it for some months".

What about DP? We've heard that Holger is Mr. DP


"In 1975, DNV organised a Dynamic Positioning (DP)

conference in Oslo that produced a platform for the draft

regulations". Holger smiles before continuing, "Nobody

threw this at me. I just stood very still and caught it with

open arms. Since then, DP has been my livelihood. I guess

that was also how I got so involved in DP; I had computer

experience, not least from the Taimyr and Berge Fister

projects in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The first DP-

classed vessel was a Norwegian diving ship, the Tender

Comet, and the first redundant system was installed on the

Swedish-built accommodation rig, the Safe Britannia".

"There were many players in the DP arena at that time",

remembers Holger. "Honeywell dominated and GEC and

Thomson had been active for quite some time. Kongsberg's

DP systems used new and advanced technology, so won

market share fast. By the time the Stena

Constructor and the other large Stena vessels were equipped

with Kongsberg's ADP 503, the Group's market domination

was undeniable".

"DNV introduced the first DP classed vessels, and I took

part in the classifying of all the vessels for a long time.

However, it didn't take long before we realised the regula-

tions were not good enough. Being classed says nothing

about how good a boat is. That required going a step


Did you invent the ERN number?

Once again, modesty rules; "It is also a myth that I invented

the ERN number. I inherited that work too. On the other

hand, I helped expand it from one to three numbers. It

made more sense that way".

For the uninitiated among our readers, ERN stands for

Environmental Regularity Number. This is a rough way to

calculate how to maintain station in relation to wind and

weather, and what would happen if an engine or a propeller

were to fail.

"The market changed so that a DP class without an ERN

number wasn't worth having. The regulations required a

propeller, hull and engines, but did not say anything about

their size. You could almost get a DP class with a mix master

in each corner of a vessel if you just followed the system

requirements laid down in the regulations. The ERN num-

bers changed all that. Accordingly, ERN is well established

today. It's hard to find work for a DP boat without it",

admits Holger.

"Both Lloyds and Bureau Veritas have similar specifications,

but in the beginning, it was not uncommon for a vessel with

Lloyds' classification to come to DNV to get an ERN num-

ber", recollects Holger. "Today, the IMO (International

Maritime Organisation) guidelines are used for DP ships.

People seem to have forgotten that this was originally the

work of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD)."

“Other classification societies began looking at DP more

closely, but following a temporary holdback after the acci-

dent with the Alexander Kielland accommodation platform

in 1980, the Norwegian Maritime Directorate was very care-

ful to include the industry when they were going to draft

regulations. So they called in different suppliers and DNV

to gather expertise as well as creating an industrial


Holger's voice takes on a note of intensity as he tells

about the development of the DP regulations. Clearly, this

issue is close to his heart.

"The Directorate is concerned with safety, so it introduced

a strict 'better safe than sorry' principle. That is, NMD set

up four categories of severity, which IMO subsequently

reduced to three. In a nutshell, the categories involve calcu-

lating whether it will be possible for a vessel to maintain

station in a worst case scenario, if the control panels,

generators, etc. were to fail".




EO: Periodically unattended engine room implies that the ship is equipped with instrumen-

tation and automation equipment and systems enabling periodically unattended machinery

spaces operation in all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring, as well as alongside quay.

(Source: DNV)

ERN number: Environmental Regularity Number, represents static balance (force and

moment) of environmental forces and propeller output. In theory, the best is 99, 99, 99

and the worst is 0, 0, 0. (Source: DNV)

NMD class: Equipment requirements for DP vessels, based on the severity of the con-

sequences failures can have with a view to safety and the environment.

Stena Constructor: Delivered by the Øresund Shipyards in 1979, extended in 2000.

Offshore Construction Vessel

Otto Hahn: Nuclear-powered merchant vessel, certified as a merchant vessel in 1968

and sailed 250 000 nautical miles on 22 kg of plutonium until 1972 when the rods were

replaced. The reactor was deactivated in 1979 after sailing a total of 650 000 nautical

miles. Had a capacity for 14 000 tonnes of ore.



THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


Holger is very animated when talking about this topic, and

starts gesticulating. "I could board a diving ship as the

weather deteriorated steadily, but it would proudly keep its

station. All the same, I could never help but ask what would

happen if a propeller failed or a generator or the like broke

down; whereupon the ship's master would look me in the

eye and say: 'but it didn't'." Holger sniggers a little about all

the things that had quite simply not occurred to them back

in those pioneer days.

"Many of the big powerful diving ships got an unpleasant

surprise when the NMD classes introduced requirements for

automatic consequence analysis warnings. Their window of

opportunity for work was reduced dramatically, and I had to

visit the vessels repeatedly to see whether the figures were

actually correct. Remember, for NMD class 2, losing a sec-

tion of the main control panel can cut a vessel's perform-

ance in half. That meant they would not have been able to

stay in position if the weather got too nasty. We're talking

about the lives of divers working down on the installations.

These days, this is all taken into account when the vessels

are designed".

"When NMD first introduced its guidelines in Norway, its

main goal was clearly an IMO resolution. "That was a good

thing. It doesn't help much to have good regulations along

the Norwegian coast when the same vessels operate the

world over". The NMD worked on this for a long time, and I

was also part of that. The breakthrough with IMO came in


Holger chose to retire from his job at DNV at the age of

65. Those who know Holger are aware that this was not the

end of an exciting career, just the choice of a different path.

Holger now runs his own company, H. Røkeberg's DP

Assistance, and he is still conducting FMEA analyses. The

difference is that today he provides advice prior to, during

and after a project, rather than stamping "DNV Approved"

on a vessel once it has been completed. Holger feels very

comfortable in this role. He has always focused on finding

solutions that customers and their clients can live with. His

work has taken him all over the world, from Singapore and

Korea to South America and Rio. Nonetheless, Holger ad-

mits that Norway is a good place to be. In his mind, there's

no place like home.

You work with FMEA analyses today. What does FMEA

stand for and why is it important?

"FMEA stands for Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and is

an analysis of the effect a failure can have on a vessel's abil-

ity to do its job. Everything is graded from non-critical to

highly critical and there are different FMEA for NMD Class

2 and NMD Class 3 vessels".

"I'm involved in FMEA because it is a job I can do from home,

so I don't have to battle rush hour traffic into Oslo every

morning. It helps to be pragmatic when addressing such is-

sues". It strikes us that Holger must have delivered a lecture

on this topic, which he confirms in an offhand remark.

Are you perceived as pragmatic, with a special ability to see

the big picture and not to get bogged down in details?

"Well, the important thing is not to let theories get the

upper hand when it comes to practical feasibility". It is vir-

tually impossible to draw Holger into anything that might be

perceived as boasting about his own accomplishments.

Towards the end of the interview, the photographer ar-

rives with a clatter. Holger casts a glance at the photo bag

and nods in recognition. His son is also a professional pho-

tographer. The photographer and Holger soon discover that

they both enjoy canoeing and get into long diatribes on how

best to paddle a canoe with a bad back. They agree that ca-

noes are useless in the sea, while kayaks are absolutely

splendid. Holger has been canoeing for 15 years, but he’s

not result-oriented in this area. He simply enjoys the exer-

cise, and the athletic performances of others do not interest


"I enjoy getting exercise and enjoying nature at the same

time. The lapping of waves and the song of birds are sooth-

ing for the soul. Gardening has the same effect; it is com-

pletely relaxing for me. I'm not an expert on much, but

what I do usually turns out well. Our garden borders on a

grove of trees, and the local deer are always hungry for

buds, so I just have to accept that there are certain plants I'll

never manage to grow".

Perhaps it is some consolation that his efforts planted seeds

that are flourishing in the DP industry? There can be no

doubt that his efforts to ensure a safer maritime industry

have brought results most gardeners can only dream of!

Holger Røkeberg has seen to it that DP belongs to the world,

and that it has structures and systems that guarantee

growth in the future.

We have no doubt that the man who managed to break

the waves will manage to whip his garden into shape too!



Over the years, Kongsberg Maritime has upgraded its own

and other manufacturers’ automation and DP systems sever-

al times. A number of these projects have been carried out

during operation (hot), with a minimum of downtime.

When developing new technology, it has always been im-

portant to take into consideration the future needs of exist-

ing vessels. Kongsberg has therefore developed systems for

upgrading older generation systems at low cost and with

minimal downtime.

Numerous challenges on Gryphon Alphaconquered by Kerr-McGee and Kongsberg


Gryphon Alpha



THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


Replacement and upgrade

Kongsberg was given a challenging upgrade assignment:

Gryphon Alpha. Gryphon was the first purposebuilt floating

production, storage and off loading facility (FPSO) to oper-

ate in the North Sea. It was delivered in 1993.

Kongsberg’s scope of work involved a hot upgrade

and/or replacement of the DP/PM system, the marine au-

tomation system, the thruster control system and the marine

emergency shut down system. A new network was also to

be installed on-board.

The challenges were numerous, not least in terms of up-

grading systems, including the power management system,

without downtime in the production of oil and gas. The

scope of work included several tasks: engineering, the pro-

duction of new parts and replacement kits, installation, re-

building operator stations, data networks and process sta-

tions (2600 IOs), cable pulling (approximately 6000 metres)

and commissioning. The project was completed successfully

when the Customer Acceptance Tests were completed and

the customer signed off, with no downtime as a result of the

system upgrades.

Kerr-McGee states:

"The Gryphon A upgrade was a fast track project charac-

terised by a tight schedule with challenging milestones.

This required detailed workscope development and imple-

mentation by a skilled team, combined with diligent safety

and risk management. It was therefore essential to establish

an integrated Kongsberg - Kerr-McGee team that could

deliver an effective project execution plan from preparatory

engineering through to commissioning and final acceptance


“The main ingredients for success of the project were ef-

fective interface management between Kongsberg and

Kerr-McGee, an attitude of mutual assistance, responsibility,

team work and the dedication and commitment of the com-

bined offshore workforce whose flexible and pro-active

working practices maintained and achieved delivery of the

planned workscope, and a quality product".

Gryphon Alpha

'Gryphon A' is a Floating Production,

Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel

operating in the British sector of the

North Sea. It accommodates a normal

operational crew of approximately 45

people. The vessel was built in Astano,

Spain, and the topside equipment was

fitted in Newcastle in 1993.

Kongsberg delivered the Vessel Control

(VC), Dynamic Positioning/Position

Mooring (DP/PM) and Emergency Shut

Down (ESD) systems. The thrusters were

delivered by Ulstein Propeller. The con-

trol system for the five thrusters was

supplied by Kongsberg.

The old VC, DP, PM, ESD and thruster

control system were integrated systems

with a dual redundant coaxial network

interface between control systems.





Hazardous cargo under surveillanceAutomatic Identification System (AIS)brings traffic monitoring to a new level

From left: Vidar Bjørkedal, Cato Eliassen and Øystein Tveit.

THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04



"It is important to knowwhat kind of vessels are inthe waters around us, and notleast what kind of missionthose vessels are on."

Captain Halvor Vinje, KNM Kong Harald

AIS (Automatic Identification


AIS is primarily an anti-collision system

for vessel traffic which, regardless of

land-based services, makes it possible

for a vessel to identify and monitor the

movements of other vessels.

Moreover, the system is important for

monitoring hazardous cargo, safeguard-

ing the environment and preventing

serious disasters. It is an automatic sys-

tem for recording a vessel's position and

movement data, as well as its size and

cargo information. The data can be

transmitted among vessels off the coast

and at sea, and between vessels and

traffic monitoring centres onshore.


AIS (Automatic Identification System) is a good safety tool

and a product with an immense market potential. No won-

der the gang at Kongsberg Maritime is enthusiastic when

they talk about their AIS product.

"A few years ago, we decided to invest and develop prod-

ucts for the upcoming AIS market, an anticollision system

for vessel traffic that makes it possible for a vessel to identi-

fy and monitor the movements of other vessels. We believe

we have succeeded in creating a product the market needs

and our customers want", smiles Vidar Bjørkedal, VP Sales &

Customer Support.

Øystein Tveit, the man in charge of software for AIS, has

been involved in the development of AIS from its infancy.

He can't hide his pleasure when he hears Captain Halvor

Vinje at the helm of the coastal express vessel the "KNM

Kong Harald" speak warmly of all the advantages he

experiences with Kongsberg's AIS.

Easier to stay on top of things

"It is important to know what kind of vessels are in the wa-

ters around us, and not least what kind of mission those

vessels are on", recounts Captain Vinje. He explains that

everyone doesn't answer when hailed, but that now all he

has to do is to check the data on the AIS to get the details

he needs. The data includes vessel type, direction, speed

and nationality.

"This makes us safer at sea, but we can't let it give us a

false sense of security", emphasises the ship's master, point-

ing out that the AIS is an appliance, not a navigation tool.

Knowledge sharing in practice

Vidar Bjørkedal confirms that AIS must not be seen as navi-

gation equipment, but as a device to promote safer naviga-

tion. He explains that Kongsberg enjoys roughly 10 per

cent of the market and that there are over 20 competitors.

"Naturally, we hope Kongsberg's market share will grow.

We are collaborating with Simrad to market the AIS", he


To develop the new product, it was essential to get two

very different independent technological communities with-

in Kongsberg Maritime to work on the solution together.

Knowledge sharing was the key to success for this product;

Simrad had the technology for the screen and presenta-

tions, while Kongsberg possessed considerable expertise on

AIS infrastructure and how mobile units should work.

Opening an immense market

According to IMO (International Maritime Organisation)

standards, all SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) vessels of more

than 300 gross tonnes have to be equipped with AIS as from

1 July 2004. Meanwhile, the product is also useful on

smaller vessels.

"An immense market is opening up, and price and

distribution are critical factors. Today we are responsible

for development and production, while Simrad has a well

developed distribution network to handle sales. In other

words, we have the best of both worlds, and feel the

genuine advantages of being part of a larger group", states

a satisfied Vidar Bjørkedal.

Base stations an important part of AIS

Kongsberg Maritime recently won a contract with the

Norwegian National Coastal Administration for a nationwide

AIS network along the coast of Norway. 35 base stations

will be deployed to cover the entire coast. The data will

mainly be distributed to vessels in traffic along the coast

but the police, Armed Forces, Customs Service, Joint Rescue

Coordination Centres, oil companies and port authorities

will also use the data.

AIS infrastructure is being built all over the world,

and Kongsberg Maritime has major installations done in

countries like USA, UK, Denmark, Mexico and Algeria.

As the expansion of infrastructure is moving ahead, other

potential improvements for AIS are emerging. For example,

when Galileo, the European counterpart to GPS goes live,

its precise positioning data could be used to further increase

AIS integrity.



SIMRAD has again confirmed excellent product performance

and reliability on round the world records. French skipper

Jean-Luc Van den Heede has smashed the east-west Global

Challenge Record with Simrad onboard. This world record-

breaking success demonstrate that SIMRAD equipment is

ideally suited for the gruelling world of professional sailing.

The Global Challenge Record

Breaking the Global Challenge Record set by Phillippe

Monet (UUNET) in 2000, with more than 29 days spare,

Jean-Luc Van den Heede sailed around the world onboard

his 26m aluminium monohull, 'Adrien' in an incredible

123 days.

This "backward" circumnavigation is known for being

"Twice the distance, three times the time and four the pain".

Simrad technicians in France spent a vital period of time

with Jean-Luc installing the monohull fully with Simrad

equipment and working to ensure that the equipment

would fulfil his solitary sailing challenge.

"We are pleased that Simrad has shared this adventure

with such a great sailor and Simrad is glad that the RA40

Radar helped to prevent several potentially difficult situa-

tions from occurring. Congratulations to Jean-Luc on this

amazing record", added Pierre-Jean Jannin, who welcomed

Jean-Luc on his arrival back to Les Sables d’Olonne after

he crossed the finish line off Ushant.

"Legion d'honneur"

Jean Luc Van Den Heede received on the 23th of June,

the "Legion d'honneur" from the ministry of the transports

which is in charge of the maritime management.

Round the worldwith SIMRAD


Simrad equipment onboard the Adrien included:

- IS15 Instruments

- RD68 & HT50 VHF

- GN30 GPS

- RA40 Radar

- AP20 Pilots with dual ram

- HS50 GPS/Compass

- RFC35R Rate Compass (spare)

- MS50 Satcom Mini M


THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04


"The Global Challenge Record is a non-stop round the world trip,from East to West. Confronting head on currents and winds, it was important that radar and communications equipment was installed to the highest standard".

Simrad SA Director, Pierre-Jean Jannin



"All queries from customers go through the ser-

vice coordinator," says Lene Røkaas, Kongsberg

Maritime's service coordinator for Customer


Although we know her work can be hectic and

stressful as she juggles many balls in the air at

the same time, Lene is always calm and cheerful.

"I have to do my part to keep our customers sat-

isfied. Nothing is as inspiring as helping our cus-

tomers", she says, beaming.

Lene bears operational responsibility for co-

ordinating customer support queries related to

SVC/AIM. She deals with huge volumes of

E-mails, phone calls and faxes. She sorts and

delegates. She examines the assignments that

come in based on customers' queries. What has

to be dealt with immediately? What calls for fol

low up by one of the other service engineers

in the department? What requires on-board


"My job involves putting together the pieces

of a resource puzzle", she laughs. "Naturally, the

vessels can be located anywhere in the world, so

it is not always easy to send help immediately.

That being said, I feel we have close ties to and

excellent relations with most of our customers

and we try to do our best to help them as quickly

as we can".


"Nonetheless, much of the customer support we

provide is by phone. AIM is a flexible system

that facilitates considerable online help. Accord-

ingly, we solve many problems from the office. In

fact, we've noticed a new trend in the queries

we receive. A growing number of operators

simply want someone to confer with during

certain operations. In other words, we have a

"hand-holding" function. We provide the reassur-

ance they need to get a job done. Sometimes our

service people are on site during operations, and

other times they are on telephone stand-by",

explains Lene.

“Internet access on the vessels has improved

significantly lately, opening better opportunities

for communication".

Lene speaks about customer relations warmly

and at length. "We see, for example, that LNG

vessels require more rapid help from us. Shorter

loading and unloading times mean that our global

network of service offices will play an increasing-

ly prominent role. Parts must be made available

quickly, and the same applies to service

technicians", she adds.

"I would urge users not to be afraid to ask our

service engineers questions about areas other

than the product they are servicing. We work

with competence development continuously,

encouraging "multi-skill capabilities" among our

people. In addition, our service engineers know

they have a support system at home that is

prepared to meet almost any challenge.

"We are always pleased to get feedback,

regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

Such feedback facilitates improvement, and our

improvements also benefit our users", she


No question too big;no question too smallCustomer support urges users of KONGSBERG

systems to ask any questions they might

have. Submit your questions to:

[email protected]

+47 815 35 355



Hints & tips

"No question too big andno question too small,"says Lene reassuringly. She is a service co-ordinator with a talent for troubleshooting



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THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04

ONS, Stavanger24 - 27 August Stand # C324

Baltexpo, Gdansk7 – 10 September Stand Olivia hall, The Norwegian Pavillion

DP Conference, Houston28 – 30 September Stand # 101

SMM, Hamburg28 September – 2 October Hall 2 Stand # 126

Rio Oil & Gas, Rio de Janeiro4 – 7 October

Workboatshow, New Orleans1 – 3 December Stand # 1 701

IMCA Conference, Singapore2 – 4 December


Rules and regulationshttp://www.imo.org

International Maritime Organization. A useful page for those dealing with rules

and regulations in the maritime industry.


DNV (Det Norske Veritas). One of the leading classification society explains the

necessity of classification

Looking for a job?http://www.jobxchange.com

International Seafarers Exchange. This website is exclusively dedicated to global

cruise and maritime industry.

All about maritime industryhttp://www.imarest.org/

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology. To those with a

general interest in the maritime industry; this site is a must.

Green focushttp://www.eea.eu.int/

European Environment Agency. Information about improving the European

environment. Useful for everyone dealing with environmental issues in the EU.

Learn more about LNGhttp://www.energy.uh.edu/lng/

Texas University, Institute for Energy, Law & Enterprise.

LNG in depthhttp://www.naturalgas.org

Naturalgas.org. Good site with extensive LNG information.

Harbour activityhttp://www.aberdeen-harbour.co.uk/

Kongsberg Maritime recently installed a camera and AIS data over IP

system here.

Need more information?If you need more information about any of our products or services,

visit our website at: www.kongsberg.com




New improvements thanks to our customersCustomer Survey among the crew of vessels carryingAutroCargo systems.

AutroCargo 2000

The AutroCargo 2000

tank level system

includes radar-based

level gauging sensors

for liquid and gas, com-

plete pressure sensors

for the cargo and ballast

system, hi level alarms

for cargo tanks as well

as draft measurement

and level monitoring

of ballast tanks.



In autumn 2003, Customer Support at Kongsberg Maritime

conducted a customer survey directed at all vessels carrying

an AutroCargo 2000 system equipped with GL-100 level

measurement radar.

The questions included in the survey mainly probed

technical issues, but also asked about customers' general

impression of the overall system, including HMI (human

machine interface). Moreover, there were questions about

how customers perceived the support service offered by the

Cargo and Sensors Departments.

The feedback has proved quite useful. The response

rate was excellent, and most of the respondents stated that

they have the general impression that the system works

well. They also commented on details that were not

satisfactory and where there was room for improvement.

They have given us useful hints and ideas on how to

improve the systems.

Feedback = improvements

"We have specifically addressed the negative feedback we

received, and we are now actively seeking to make improve-

ments", comments Robert Nubdal, Customer Support

Manager from Kongsberg Maritime. "The customer feedback

is also important for our R&D department. We co-operate

closely", Nubdal points out. "We can, for example, mention

that we are currently working with a proposed change in

the user interface for the next generation Kongberg

Maritime presentation system. We would also like to men-

tion that the readability of the back-up display will be im-

proved", he says, continuing eagerly. "It is vital

to emphasise that we are deeply grateful to our customers

for taking the time to respond to the survey we conducted.

Their feedback is helping us make active efforts to get even

better", concludes Nubdal.

THE FULL PICTURE magazine 01/04

Support 24Call +47 815 35 355

E-mail: [email protected]

The FULLPICTURE magazine


Kongsberg Maritime AS

Kirkegårdsveien 45

P.O. Box 483

N-3601 Kongsberg

