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The future of Jisc's library support services - Jisc Digifest 2016

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services Liam Earney and Ross Macintyre
Page 1: The future of Jisc's library support services - Jisc Digifest 2016

Future of Jisc’s Library Support ServicesLiam Earney and Ross Macintyre

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Agenda»The Challenge»Library Support Services Business Analysis»Methodology»Strategic options»Tactical options

› Data orchestration› Service consolidation and coherence› Workflow support› Advocacy


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

The problem

»Number of well used library support services› JUSP, KB+, Jisc Collections

subscription services»New services in development

› Ebooks, OA, preservation» Increasingly active beyond

‘library support’ domain› OA & research, discovery

Positive experience»Fragmented and confusing portfolio»Service rather than customer focus»Duplication of effort/resource»Uncertain relation to wider environment and workflows»Point solutions over end-to-end» Inefficient workflows» Institutions and Jisc aren’t

deriving benefits in terms of service improvement and business/management information

Negative perception

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Library Support Services study

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

1. Understand the wider library systems landscape• Systems vendor

strategies• Institutional strategies• New requirements

2. Understand how institutions were managing/navigating that landscape

3. Understand how Jisc services related to that landscape and each other

4. Make recommendations for the development of Jisc services so that they add value to users and each other

Business Analysis

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MethodologyBuilding on HEFCE Shared Services Study

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»Landscape study»Processes and systems consultation

› What systems are in use?› How satisfactory are the systems?› What systems are used for specific tasks?

»Data handling analysis


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Landscape study

»Overview library systems and digital library service providers relevant to HE

»Emphasis on integrated Library Services Platforms providers› Broad scan of their overall strategic posture and direction

»Review of systems in use by UK HE› Survey of intentions on change of provider


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Processes and Systems Consultation

80 survey submissions and 100 workshop delegates across UK

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Data handling analysis

»Authority Type › Is the data element part of a controlled list of values or

identifiers (internal or external to the service)?»Intervention

› Is the data edited in some way, either manually or automatically?

»Entity › what type of data? (e.g. Repository, Article, Journal)

»Source › Created by the service or ingested from an external provider?

All data analysed to understand

» 02/05/2023 Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Strategic responseWhat role should Jisc play?

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Taking account of the wider landscape

»Change and churn will continue› Technology innovation› Changes in scholarly communications› Supply chain developments

»Library systems› Development of ever larger walled gardens› Consolidation means less responsiveness to local needs – UK› Global user group power leads to gaps at the local level


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Number of potential options for Jisc»Option 1 – Withdraw - market is healthy wind down its own role »Option 2 – Conquer - fill all the roles in the competitive

landscape scan via partnership, acquisition or competition»Option 3 – Concentrate - Select a strategic subset of systems,

roles that have coherence for themselves, thus competing against other providers for some business lines whilst avoiding doing so for others

»Option 4 – Triage - Identify gaps and challenges in the existing systems and resources, with specific reference to UK practices, and therefore seek to complete the jigsaw puzzle by complementing existing providers, thus making critical yet diverse contributions, sometimes with limited life expectancy


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Tactical responses

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Data orchestration

EntityNumber of JLS systems storing information on

this entityOrganisation 13Journal 10Time 7Place 6Platform=Repository 5Quantity 4Person 4Holdings 4Item=Article 3Package 3Platform=Other 3Event 3Item=Other 2Licence 2Grant 2Item=Archival Unit 1

»Up to 13 systems storing the same data independently of each other› Organisation names› Journal titles

»Duplication of effort

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Service coherenceDomains not silos

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Bibliographic Data Services

»Aggregating data from all UK HE libraries › collections management › preservation › eBooks availability tracking › benchmarking› resource discovery

»‘Bibliographic Data Knowledge Base’

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Subscription management

»Journals and Organisations

»Subscriptions and Usage»Licensing»Business Intelligence

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Research outputs

»Jisc’s open access offer› Policy compliance› Discovery, usage and impact› Cost management› Metadata and Interoperability

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Immediate actionsKey tactics

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Key tactics

»Development of a ‘Bibliographic Data Knowledge Base’»Data Orchestration and Standards»Infrastructure optimization»Workflow mapping (UX)»Access management (single sign-on to support working

across services)»Business case development (including business models for

revenue generation)»Change management (teams/ways of working)

Delivery plan (2-3 year) covering:


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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KB+ Editing core titles

Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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JUSP – Core title usage

Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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JUSP – Highest use titles

Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Key tactics

»Development of a ‘Bibliographic Data Knowledge Base’»Data Orchestration and Standards»Infrastructure optimization»Workflow mapping (UX)»Access management (single sign-on to support working

across services)»Business case development (including business models for

revenue generation)»Change management (teams/ways of working)

Delivery plan (2-3 year) covering:


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Subscription managementThinking through the implications

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Subscription manager from Jisc DR







Subscription and



websiteEbooks tracking

and decision support

JUSP and KB+

Usage tracking


Licence management and


Collections web site







Perpetual Access


Keepers Registry

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Subscription Manager from Jisc DR

Consortial Negotiation

Jisc Collecti


Journals, Books,

ArcDatabases, hives,


Subscription and


Jisc Collections

web siteEbooks tracking

and decision support

JUSP and KB+

Usage tracking


Licence management/


Jisc Collections




Entitlement tracking



Perpetual Access


Keepers Registry

Data & Interoperability

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Subscription Manager from Jisc DR

Consortial Negotiation

Jisc Collecti


Journals, Books,

Databases, Archives,

Multimedia, Geospatial

Subscription and


Jisc Collections

web siteEbooks tracking

and decision support

JUSP and KB+

Usage tracking


Licence management/


Jisc Collections

web site



Entitlement tracking



Perpetual Access



Analytics & business intelligence

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Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

Subscription Manager from Jisc DR

Central Jisc systems

• Data warehouse

• Customer service

• Account managers

Jisc DR


• Research Outputs

• Bibliographic Data Services

Third party systems

• Library Service Platforms

• External knowledgebases



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Workflow support

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Avoid tight integration with 3rd parties

»Responses to the Library Support Services survey emphasised › Diverse supply chain requires multi-step processes and variable

workflows by institutions› Growing centrality of a relatively closed and inflexible Library

Service Platform reinforces such workflows › Tight integrations likely to be unsuccessful

»Focus on data exchange between services based on community norms and standards


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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New requirementsWhat else did we learn from the feedback received?

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Evolving service needs

»Jisc should fill gaps, offer shared and managed services and fast track responses to new challenges:› Collection management› eBooks metadata› Research outputs› Perpetual access


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Adding value to library services

»Work with RLUK, SCONUL and the British Library to promote and undertake› Advocacy for good practice › Principles for data and software services› Standards adoption and implementation› Skills› Data services – preparation, enhancement and management


Future of Jisc’s Library Support Services

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Thank you

Liam Earney and Ross MacIntyre
