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The future of mobile automation testing, appium steals it

Date post: 09-Apr-2017
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The Future of Mobile Automation Testing, Appium steals it!! Srinivasan Sekar Appium Member
Page 1: The future of mobile automation testing, appium steals it

The Future of Mobile Automation Testing, Appium steals it!!

Srinivasan SekarAppium Member

Page 2: The future of mobile automation testing, appium steals it


• Problem Statement

• Solutions Available

• Best Solution’s adopted by Appium

• Q & A

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Problem Statement

• Inspector

• Locator Strategies

• UIAutomation Support

• UIAutomator2 Framework

• Handling Multiple Sessions at a time

• Wearables/tvOS Support

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Inspector• Calabash IRB

• Works well with applications developed on different technology

• To find right match, user have to do lot of hit and trials in irb

• Identifies the elements based on visibility

• Doesn’t have any control over other apps installed in device

• Not user friendly

• Appium Inspector• Not Actively maintained by Appium team

• Doesn’t have any control over other apps installed in device

• At times appium-dot-app crashes abruptly during inspection

• Selendroid Inspector• Doesn’t have any control over other apps installed in device

• Doesn’t render UIElements in screen for certain applications or applications developed on certain technologies

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Solution• iOS - Facebook’s WebDriverAgent Inspector:• Developed in node.js• WDA is an iOS app installed in Simulator or Device which takes best control of apps on device and

Rendering is based on visibility of elements

• Android – Google’s uiautomatorviewer• Works absolutely fine for android apps• Doesn’t support Multi-Window searches for API level 21+ and prior to API level 21 we can access active

window• https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?

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UIAutomation support

Problem StatementApple no more support’s UIAutomation but does XCUITest to automate iOS applications.


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UIAutomator2 Framework


Backward Compatibility


Toast Messages

Push Notifications

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Handling Multiple Sessions

Problem Statement• Parallel Execution of tests across multiple iOS real devices and simulators simultaneously

Solution’s Available• FB’s Simulator Control controls iOS Simulators by manipulating the system.

• Appium supports multiple sessions on real devices.

• Appium : simctl -> fbsimctl

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Wearables/tvOS Support• Testing Apps in Android wearables are feasible with many existing frameworks

already• iOS Apple Watch and tvOS Support is a concern for many already• As said earlier XCUITestDriver supports tvOS through WDA. Expect a complete

support in near future.• Appium Driver is designed in such a way that it can be easily adopted and write

wrapper on top of existing Mobile Json Wire methods to support any apps.• E.g: https://github.com/YOU-i-Labs/appium-youiengine-driver

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• DroidDriver - https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/droiddriver• DroidDriver - https://github.com/appium/droiddriver• UIAutomator v2- https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/uiautomator/+/master• Facebook’s WDA – https://github.com/facebook/FBSimulatorControl• Facebook’s fbsimtcl - https://github.com/facebook/FBSimulatorControl• Google EarlGrey - https://github.com/google/EarlGrey• https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver• https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-driver• https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-server• https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/4369• https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=207569• https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/4869• https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/4858

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