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The game of life pt2

Date post: 26-May-2015
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It should say CHAPTER 1, PART 2. on the first page
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The Game of Life: Chapter 1, Part 1 Hey, welcome back! Last time our founder fell in love and got engaged to the charming Joe Carr (pictured on the right)!
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The Game of Life: Chapter 1, Part 1

Hey, welcome back! Last time our founder fell in love and got engaged to the charming Joe Carr (pictured on the right)!

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“So, Joe. I’m a family sim, and I have an urge to get married.”

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“Now?” “Uh, yeah. Now.” “Ok!”

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*wedding music*

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Aaand they tied the knot.

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“Joe... Can we Try for a Baby?” “Well, yeah!” Woo.

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‘Nuff said.

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YAYAYAYAY! OMG! I’ve had Seasons for AGES now, and this is my FIRST sunburnt sim! Yay!

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Just after Joe got sunburnt, Poppy arrived home from work.

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“Wow, Joe. You feel hot.” “I know... But keep your hand there. I like it.”

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“Ooh, it burns!”

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That’s right, Poppy! Wake your husband up with a glass of cold water.

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“Woah! What was that?”

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“What the-? Joe! I’m pregnant!”

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“Yay! I’m gonna be a daddy!”

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Marisa, you’re creeping me out. Walking round the lot in the middle of the night.

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“No, wrong number. Not interested in buying a new shower... Well I am, but you know...”

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Okay. I broke my own rules. But Joe was constantly getting so sunburnt that I sort of had to... I couldn’t have my founding generation dying before generation 2 is born! I’ve never had that happen!

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Poppy and Joe are addicted to water fights. Seriously. It’s all they ever do.

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Oh dear. Not you too.

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Joe got a job in the Law career for his LTW.

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Do you ever feel really bad that the postman’s JUST been, then you put the newspaper in the bin? “No.” I wasn’t talking to you.

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Turns out Joe had LOTS of expensive stuff in his inventory. Go Joe!

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If you do that too much, Poppy, you’ll turn into a plantsim.

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Mr. Popular, your wife is lying on the floor with heatstroke.

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For goodness sake!

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Don’t you love her undies? “I’m burning to a crisp here, and all you care about it what I’m wearing!?” It’s your own fault for having water balloon fights all the time!

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Not you again!

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Just no, Poppy.

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“AWW, it HURTS!”

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“My wife is... My wife is having a baby.”

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“My wife is having a baby.” It is a legacy.

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Please welcome to the family: Henry Game! (the square said ‘Baby Girl!’ but I saved and re-did the birth three times and they were all boys, so I’m swapping one later on which says Baby Boy for a girl.)

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It was only then that I realized they were meant to have moved into a Starter Home as the square I landed on before Henry was born, so here it is – based on Tudor Style from the cards you choose from.

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Poppy was a good mum... Obviously. She’s a family sim.

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Unfortunately, the Game’s don’t have enough money for an exercise machine. Grr.

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Get out of my sight, Joe. “Don’t worry, I will.”

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Meanwhile, Poppy washed up.

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Yes. That was the only picture I took whilst Joe was at work.

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When he came back, ACR kicked in again. Yay.

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But that didn’t mean Joe forgot about his fatherly duties.

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“Who’s a good little boy? You are!”

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“Birthday time, Henry!” Indeed, birthday time.

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And here is – toddlerfied Henry! He looks mostly like his mum. Or is he completely like his mum? I don’t know.

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Nothing like a nice bath.

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Since it was both their wants, Henry learned to walk.

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And talk? That depends on whether he decided to co-operate.

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“I feel sick.” It’s called pregnancy, darling.

And that’s where I leave you! ;)
