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The Gentleman Ion WE from Indiana J manIo IIUtlJII coI CeOlhllr...

Date post: 02-Oct-2020
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Iii1F H d 1 d 3d > t 3t fit t 114x1 t FF1tl I3 I I t The Gentleman i from Indiana t Cy nOOTII TARKINGTON J X CcwtWt ISM Lr DouUfAir 1 Mcflurt Jv ftwWit 1902 lr IMtaro coI + oHHooJoof + t + + WHH 2 I 2 + = DiirliiR the Bpooiiil mouth of the new regime of the Herald the working form of the paper received mi addition One nlRlit the editor found pome barroom loafers tormenting a patrlarclinl old mnn who hind n magnificent hend and n grand white beard lie hud been r thrown out of n saloon nnd he was drunk with time drunkenness of three weeks steady pouring He propped himself npilnst n wall nnd reproved hid tormentors In Inlln Im walking hear I nrkMLYI8hlt reij > ark jl thJ lonrnnlixt hooking hU nnn Into the old trines Suppose we leave our friends 1mere and jo home Ilsbr was the ono Inhabitant of JIP town possessing an unknown past nnd n glamour of romance was thrown nlwut him by tho gossips who agreed lliat there was n dark portentous so 101111 his life an oplnlon not too well continued by the old walls appearance Ills flue eyes had n habit of wandering to ho horizon and his expresulon was mild vague gad nail lost In dreams At the first glace one guessed that lilo dreams would never he practicable In flfolr application anal some such 1m prewlou of ides was probably what Kiuseiifthc editor of the Herald to nick liniiiO liiin In hU own mind the White KnJglitMr coming to 1lattvllle from nobody knew where had taught In time IIIRI c11bo1 for ten years hilt he proved quite unable to refrain from lecturing to the duinroiinded pupil on arclmv olojjy iipglivtlng more and more the ordinary courses of Instruction grow hug year by yoarmoro forgetful and absent lost In Ida few books tumid his own reihtetlous until nt last he Lad been discharged for Incoinpetcncy The dazed old man had no money and no way to make any One day ho dropped in at tho hotel liar where Wllkerson tilt professional drunkard favored him with his society The old wan umler nlood lIe knew It was the beginning of tho end He sold his books In onlec to continue hula credit nt the Palace bar mill onoe or twice tmatile to pro ceed to his own dwelling spent time night 11111 lumber yiird piloted thither 1 by the hardier veteran Wllkerwiu The morning after time editor took IIlrlnlll milt of black He humid received his 8- 1111n1 la ndyanee his books lend been re i purchased and lie hind become the re- t portorlal Ktuft of the Ciirlow County oK HeRildinlso he was to write various i- n treatises for the paper For the first few eveijffiiss when he started home t tho oillce Iris duet walked with 1hIm chattini cheerfully until they 1t pnswdlhe Palace liar But Fhs b btcmfIMhennption wus complete flu illl r of the Herald stead ouc P time tiT fiJ sy his predecessors swindle hudhjftlii him pissed away But his A loneliness mid a sense of defeat grew nniHlcvyaneil When the vistas of till hef t such a tinnier as Iluttvllle but hi found himself doing It and It was no great t I hnppfucss to him that time IIoli Kedgr Ilalloway of Anjo whom time Heralds opposition to McCune had sent to s AVShlugton cnnu to depend on his Inv for miomlnatlon nor did the iPellfzhtlon tint the editor of the Car to iemily Herald had cove to be MgJimus successor as jtolitlcnl theta to3irodtice a perceptibly ouHvcnlng ef rr ttnpn tile young man Tho years dl1Cleil r slowly anil to hm It seem + jSljrfiTitThW went by while he stood tar timid could not even see them 1 iuTSviu Ho dfd not consider the life he iUf ill exciting ono but the other cltl zii f Cnrlow did whoa heundertook 4 njljVtfr against the White Cups dciil rame zcp r Sis Crossroads seven miles i wes of riattvllle The natives were liHiVJrmorc afraid of the White Ciipt t aboutr > There has no thought of the people i L srbe Crossroads In ills mind as he sat mi the Knuke fence staring at the little l ill k lIlintlow danco on the white road JntfhcUuno sunshine On tie contrary Impwaa cupUd with the realization it yi4MS iimd Deere n man In his class i n11gae ambdtlon nested min Juit lief hgjould not Jielp kiion 1ontl tU years to n day frui i lilcou inolrieetneiit this men wns tiliUngon II fcneuinill In Indiana o Ythe pike a buggy cause creak lug ihu grimy with dust old and frayid like the tat shaggy gray war that drew It her unchecked dc rpJuuiiMit head lowering before her yjifk her Ineongrtunu timIIIvuiVel In Owwahtly like the banner of n stunning tillI tfoircli ehccl so llll Iras his rev till the vehicle was ncurly oppo llr1Ilrlnr tBWkel up sums wavedn long while 1 him In grectlngvS 1 fiomly1 do Mr II lesiiP railed t friffiiinn In the buggy Sonklii In the weather He spoke In shouts though 111111111l lrlt Hark r Isl a 1 iIua glvln good satinfactlon thank humr town ye How Iller my regards r r sand the journalist ioiii II rehcndlng the fwholhull How Is Hartley d I A oerIfcor Ir 1 nom seems jHny will to say no 1 reckon hell have i tuik lib ciancenod us oo tvdtl have to M u- tsc SICIUSj IIJkC m jiot 10 Wljl Ijj mat i rnrit > r a t rif Q 7 r- W k u r i o L for Kwlgo rrntfowaya fetfuro nt till courthouse Say howd that lecture hlytllle troduction hut I noticed you spoke of Idol IIB a thinker without saylif what kind I didnt know you wan nu cau ¬ tious n man as that Of course I know Kcdgo Is hoiiPs- tHarklesa sighted Oh hes tlio best wove got Uoxvldcr Yes I presume so but Mr Howl der broke off suddenly nn his ym opened III surprise nut ho Irfiw Id never of expected xclnlllltllI vet tin here today I Why nt Judge llrlscoes This speech seem ¬ ed to bo Intended with some humor for Itowldcr nccompaiiird It with tlio loud laughter of sylvan timidity risking n JokeWhy 7 Whats going on at the Judges Uoln onl Didnt you see that strange lady nt the lecture with Urlrcoe nnd the Judge und old Flsbee Im nfnild not Uowlder I They couldnt talk about anything else nt the postolllco this inornln nut I nt Tom Martins She come lshnhl on the afternoon accommodation You ought to know nil about It because when Mlnnlo nUll her father went to the dcepoe they had old IIsbee with cm and when the buckboard time through town he was settln on the bock sent with her flints what stir ¬ red the town up so Noliody tins fig gcr It out any way and nobody got much of a good look at her then exccpl Judd Dennett lie said sue bull laud ol a new look to her Thats nil nay of em could git out of Judd He wns In it sort of n dreamy state Ittit Mlldy Lep- ton ¬ You know Mlldy 7 She works out at UrlseoeV Yes I know Mlldy She come In to the poatolllce with the news thts ladys name was Slier ¬ wood nnd ulie Urea nt Itouon Miss Tibbs says tint wasnt no news you could tell she was n city lady with both your eyes shut lint Mlldy says Flsbec wns goln to stay for supper and he moue to the lecture with cm and drove olt with em aftcrwerds Sal Tibbs says he reckoned It was because IIsbee was the only man In Carlow that Uris woes thought hind rend enough hooks to be smart enough to talk to her but Miss Sellny says If that was so theyll have got you Instead nnd so they hud to all Jest nlMiut give It up Of courso overyliody got a good look nt her tit the lecture the set on the platform right behind you nnd Hallowny and sine till look smart What got me though was the way she wore n kind of n little dag ¬ ger stuck straight through her head Seemed n good dent of a sacrlllcc Jest te make sun your lint was on right You never see her nt nil Im afraid not nnswercil Harkless absently Miss Ilrlscoe stopped me on the way out mid told me sue hail n visitor Young man said Howlder you better go out there right away lie raided the ruins and clucked to the JrufI mare Well skald bo wad 1 nlnt In town for her long ago Hide In with me No thank you Ill Walk in for the sake of my nppellte- Wouldnt encourage It too much llvln at tho Ialnce hotel observed Ilowlder Sorry you wont ride lie gathered the loose ends of the reins la his hands leaned far over the dash ¬ board and struck the mare n hearty thwack The tattered banner of tall jerked Indignantly but she consented omovedown the road llowldur thrust lilij IllS head through the sun curtain behind film anti continued tin comer- s ¬ tloi See time White Cups nlnt got youydt No not yet Hnrkless laughed Reckon the boys Mmtlier you stayed jut town after dark the other called back Will come out and see us If you git any spare time from tho Judges lie laughed loudly again in farewell and the editor waved his hand as howl ¬ der dually turned his attention forward tOftho mare When the Hop Hop of her hoofs hot shy out Harkh js realized bat the day was silent no longer It was verging lirtoevcning- He dropped from time fence nnd turn ed his taco toVurd town nnd slipper lie felt Jtjf life amid light about him hoard the clatter of the blackbirds above hlnj heard the homing bees hum li by saw hrz vista oJ white road and level 1IIIIl fraimfj vpii Jwo sides S- hy the hr 1c1I1S fl the grove n vista of 1lIlIlIltllllltrelclltlli fields of green a lined here anti there with Woodlands anal lint to the horizon line the village lying In their lap No roll of meadow no rise of pasturp laud relieved their serenity nor shouldered up froth them to be culled a hill A farm bell rang In the distance n t tinkling coming singll and mellow from far away and at the Imiesoincncss oT that sound he heaved it long mournful sigh The next Instant he broko Into laughter for another bell rang over Ihe J p vi q J lie stopped to cxchnnac n iron fluids tho courthouse bell In till square The llrst four strokes were given with mechanical regularity the pride of time custodian who operated the hell being to produce the effect of a clockwork bell such ns he had once beard In the courthouse at Itouen but the llfth stud sixth strokes were halting achieve ments ns after 4 oclock he often lust count In tho strain of the effort for hire clso Iniltntloii There was n pause utter the sixth then a dubious and reluctant stroke seven n longer pause followed by II final ring with desperate decision cJcn1rk11 Itofcei n bis ouch R+ 7 f ti 1 I- y > t < 5 lt W N i 0I It was twenty minutes of An he crossed time eomthousc yard to time Pnlaee hotel on hs way to supper ho stoppetl to exchange n worm with the hell ringer who sestet on the step was mopping Ida brow with nn air t herd earned satisfaction Jowl evening Schollelds ho 8111 You snow In strong on tho lust strod- etamgllt What wo need here n pondeil tl boll ringer Is more public sporrllrd d men I nlnt klekln on you Mr Hark less no sir limit wo want wore men like they got In Itouen Wo want men that Hit Male street pnved with block or asphalt teen that Ml put In factories wen floutell net not set round like that old tool Martin nnd laugh mid polly vogglu along mid make fun of public cinrrit day In day out 1 reckon I do my best for the clay Oli nobody minds old Tom Martin Ce tlniB ho means nnvthlng by what 0 says Thats just what I hate about him returned the hell ringer In n tone n teny J which half It Is Look at now j time gentleman referred to was stand ling over In front of the hotel talking to ri row of coatless loungers who so with their chats tilled back against the props of the wooden nwnlng tint projected over the sidewalk 1hel rums were turned ownrd the court ¬ house nnd even those lost in medita ¬ tive whittling had looked up to laugh Mr Martin one of his hands thrust Ii ii pocket of ids alpaca coat amid the oth- er softly caressing his wiry gray chin beard Ids rusty silk hat tilted forward till the brim nlmoxt rested on tlm bridge of Ids nose wns ollllnR thou In n one keyed vole the melan choly whine of which though not the words penetrated to the courthouse steps The bell ringer whose name Will Henry Scholleld but who war known ns Schotlelds Henry popularly abbre ¬ viated o ScliolleldV was moved to In dignation Look nt him he cried Look nt him Everlastingly gull of about my bell Well let him talk Let him talk As Mr Martins eye tell upon thu editor who having bade the bell ring- er ¬ good night was II Ill ron Ill I II Ili hotel he left his languid companions and crossed the street to meet him I was only oratln on how proud the city ought to be of Schoflelds he soul mournfully nit they shook hands but 10 looks kind of put out with me He hooked his nrm In that of the young mOil and detained him for n moment ns the supper gong sounded from with in the hotel Cull on the Judge to ulgltfT be asked No Why 1 reckon you didnt see that lady with Minnie last night Mo Well I guess you better go out there young man She might not stay here long CHAPTER II IHK Urlscoc bjickboanl rattled T aloe tpg ljfjjtJ ryteunlry road the i t Shnl111lnlC1nstl iTlieyll make the eight unites In three quarters of mi hour said Judge < ltrl sex proudly He turned from his daughter nl his side to Miss Sherwood who sat with Mr Flsbcc behind them mid pointed ahead with his whip throughSlx Miss Sherwood leaned forward eager I ly What did you menu last night after till lecture she sold to FlsbceJ i1 when you naked Mr Martin who was to In with Mr Harkless Who was watchli g him ho an Bwered Watching haul I dont under ¬ stand Yes they have rhot ut him front the woods nt night and nut who watches him the young men of the town lIe has n hnblt of taking long walks after i duel and he Is heedless of all remon ¬ strance HO tlio young men have organ lzcdn guardjfbr him and every even it hotJCB t Is n different young tuna each night and the watcher follows nt a distance that lie does not suspect Hut how many people know of dinst rlgeumteimtgNearly one In the county ex ¬ cept the Crossroads purple though It Is not Improbable that they burro dlscov credit And bus no one told him No he would not allow It to con hhtisdflimey after Highland every one knows lWtll 3ernes d people II- ti j Jt The buckboard tuned the bend la tM ruM mid they entered a spialld settle intiit built ruggedly about R blackN- n1ItIrNhOt1 ltln saloon J v lie tll I a hero a breakdown lucre Urls l 4 marked 11I1nlf hJOthe hoW omit liiii worried by gaunt nouuuilsr j amid BOIIIU iiliuscd looking lieiw groplugl about disconsolately In tho u broken topped buggy with n tJstellti whiten xettllug limbo 11Il tumid of time middle of tho road Hiore was always abundant mud here lo time driest sum miser u dim face siiivrlug from a bro ken windowSix Crossroads was for bidding nnd forlorn enough by tinI The thought of what might Issue from triglegends with ah unshapdi tlreat easily fancied III tho atmosphere of the place mode Miss Sherwood shiner aa though a mid ter draft lad crossed her It Imi r slnlshr she exchitlmemlth And so uiiMpwiI llyjjieanl where they live tile people that bate lilm Mlt The White Cnps iof repllCdJtrlscue vlglhuico cuuuulttee 1110 region wbcro time law Isnt enforced TCe q fcllows nrent tlfut kind They gotftogejlier tif wipe out grudges and Hometlmes didnt dido lued any grgdgt just made their raids for pure Iuvllnien TherbflufeUd bo 1to twcin U3 and them thaVgoejOback into Plonecr duyIt and Qlltt2V ot u9 old t folks xnw inncir about ilt A rt ue was the lest to to to etop them WtI you see our folks are pretty lotvi sairTlng said Hrlscoo npoloset ICd IUUIIK a niimger to 1ltrhItIJl up nut he 111e aiy years manIo ppt t J tinin Ho was IIUtlJII Olhllr rapidly amid nt n distance this singular InpsldcJuess wan plainly visible to the occupants lending an ugly slgnlllcanco I to his meager yellow face lie wns tall lean hard powerfully built lie eyed till strangers with nffected lan guar mouth then whcinhey hind gone by broke limbo sudden loud laughter 1hnt Inns Hob Sklllett the worst of the lot sold tho Judge II II rlI Ilrlsour couldnt swear to Ilob When they were beyond the villa nnd In time open road again Mlles wood took n deep breath I think I bhlt us tinr guess wo sou frlghtenjyou much bu sand Young lady I dont believe yens be afraid dontI Cnlbare niueli except try to get even with tl ymrNetg lug tar Hnrkless partly tor revenge nu partly because they darent do any wayThe n sharp Intake1 of heath Ah one grown tired of this everlasting American patience Why tenet tbo riattvllle people ii something before they noisei r are them I expect wo do about nil we i nlglle + we cau t hie c sr gethim ture Ho broke tiff suddenly mid ux des to n little old man III n buck trine turning ort from the rttiid Into n rams In no which let up to a trim cot ¬ tage with n honeysuckle vine by the door Thats Mrs Wimbys Jiuslmnd salt the judge In an undertone Miss Sherwood observed lint Mum WimbyB husband Iras remarkable for time exceeding plalntlvcness of his ex ¬ pression lie was a weazened blank t pale eyed little man with a thin Whit o mist of neck whisker and he dressed In clothes much too large wusj him No mor t Inoffensive figure this feeble little old man mold be his nglued yjit hum was the distinction mu f hay mil grteclvd h hostile visit from Ids n1bOlllUllg respectable person of the Hevllou I widow who lint refused several gen 11 tlemen nt the Crossroads and so coup plete wus time bridegrooms IIISIRllltIl lIllC that to all the world name was lost The bride continued to be known by her former name as Mrs Wlniby and her spouse was usually called WIdiler Woman Wimbys hums bund or Mtrllhnby The bride sup piled Ids wurdrobo with the garments i of her former husband mid alleging thif proceeding as the muse of their 1r tl White Cups broko Into the i IIIUIIffrolll leashed him with sapling shoots tilt hum Ions near1 to steno A little yellow cur that lint followed bis muster ou bis wanderings sees towel licking time old mans wounds and they deluged the dog with kerosene and times threw tho > IICJollIeIlL palliation of the offense to time ulna of hot eyed young mini from the east who Will iHslfglng the county IIl1thorlI thM tmr redress and writing brimstone nud saltpeter for his paper The pow crs of the molly proving either adaisical or timorous he 1lIkl hose of the state and he went night to sleep nt n fiirinhouse tilt own cr of which hilt vctclvcd a warning from the White Caps mid one uhht It befell that he was rewarded tot tho tandems attempted an entrance lie old flit farmer nnd time farmers sons beat aft the luui Ldew sums too n satlsfacto ry niiiount of damage In return Two f the White Cups they ruptured mid mid mid other they recogulre these the slaje authorities hearkened to voice of till Herald and Its owner were arrests null In the ltHlrllOII of llniethere wns n trial er user proved an alibi could have provinl dozen tstt the editor of the Herald after vlrtu 1lL conducting the prosecu tlOII WUItlIIOII flue Afnud anti sSmtru to lif tor inan Klght wee went to penitentiary on his evidence live f tljtmr for twenty years Tbe mllttII Gelid baud scrcnadod time editor of Utjrnia again Thofy jwere no more Wilds and timet x liH ronds men whgtnertmJeft d tujflliovcl8 appillledvnnd Aihnkurt met fI went 1iy and left them mi Ilholwrted they recovered 11I nl1ureon r I lIess nut beta j9 IIIII III ollthclII leer a lung Hum bcbadbeen publishing their Imatenltig letters and warnings In n column which he heeded ll hTIPJ tllllIIt Oilli visitor tuned to F u repetition of ton shiver tbafjR F of Mr Sklllett had eau r MI sand half uu lgr hNrrt alb l i jthrough ° reverence YouxwlII meet him tomorrow he uldWtiy humidIm lust night when Minnie asked him call on me Ho wasnt even lutes enough to look nt me TO IJE CONTINUED = o = = rr i M THE SUNDAY SCHOOL I LESSON III SECOND QUARTER INTER j NATIONAL SERIES APRIL 17 I I Text of I IIP Ion MnrU Is Jtonuirj VefKr 21 Uolilrn 1V tlI Murk Ii Ciiiiiincnlnry IVrlinrrd by IU v 11 SI Mlrnrim u Coitllit Ml dj Amtrloin fees Ai oclillon This lesson seems to follow luuncillr j nasty upon tho last In tho tegular under of treats tool hike the last Is recorded both by Matthew and Luke Tbo llrst IrsO of t61dchaplcr should clrtulnly j bo Included lu our lesson ne It is time key to the lesson nnd tho trmsfiguru lion Is time unfolding and tulllllmcllt of Ills Haying In Hint verso time fact that each of the evangelists records tho trunsUsuratlou lmmidlaely after Unit saying concerning tlo kingdom of lOll Is milllcloht evidence that they so uu rs delstood II 1eter also speaking of hind 1 event calls It the ower mid coming of our natal Jesus Christ II Pet I 10 I ISI The favored hire who were with g1g Iii llthll4l1ll1l1l were privileged on this uceasloii to be eyewitnesses1 of ills majesty Why these three Instead of i the others and why John should mine tIwnnr than James or teeter Wt way out perhaps know but we do know IrIhut few seem willing to be Ills choice ones Ills Niuuirltes although as In re lit III I ItOIl It wrote to be for whoso sever will The old iiestltiu still stands Who thou Is wllllugr I Chrou Iexxls Li- met Luke says that He went up lulu a 11n1l1d l altered and Ills nilnient Will white r- and glistering Our Jeswsu ways shin big exceeding white ns snow and Mallhew says white ns the light and that lllsfneo did shine us the sun Some t oWhat thus He appeared to Daniel long Itcfoiv He none In the llesh and many yenta after tits ascension to John la- o Intmos Dan x u llev I lili The mlnicle was not mi much thai He was thus trniisllgured but rather hut such glory teals thus INS veiled those thirty three years III u mortiil liody What an liuplmtlou to liMik furwtinl to the time when thaw Ixidlcs III which we now live shall be Immortal Incorruptible fashioned like unto Ills glorious body when lime righteous vim shines teeth as the sun lu the kingdom of their Father Ildl lil2IMutt XIIUIU The tniUKilgtinitlon look plum on a high mountain apart by themselves and so we trust have our BCHSOUS impart with If we would see and S jjjOur of tile unseen oath tilt Father theU holy angels thl redeemed treat earth wore all more real to Him llii ii j tilt iMwpIo and things which our unit ural ryes we mud now here err love met Moses and Klljah who had Uwn nlMent fnim time earth nt hank 1100 and son years respectively anal hey fl Inro antes nnd well and talking with U of that most ImixirlaiK of all J events up to thai time Ills dcciAw which He should accomplish nt Jeni > wileui Luke Ixai Althouahthedlii S clples were henry wllh idcvp they kept twoI ni jj told how they recogulxetl Mow a nnd u Klljnli nor If the lx > nl Jmu tutroiluced jjj them hut It Is pmlmhlc that III Urn glory one shall know another wltlmiil nay IntriHlucduii old we way see n new meaning In the words Then shall I I know even nn alto I nut known tt Cor sill 12 It the atoning sacrlllcc of Christ was to Montis amNKIIjih nnd Christ no all Important a theme how can niiythln else be more lniiortiiiit to 1197 1eter overcome by wlint he saw nu 11ref not knowing what to way 8ii giniiHl that they make tnboniaclis and abide there nUll so we would e JaI some happy frame of used ou tOme mountain top of spiritual experience taut the klnplom Is not yet old there 11 are many on time lower level of world oppressed by the devil and fe stain among the disciples wean able to u ill bring relief IICCIIIIHO there Is so little end prayer ami fasting verse II so little seal heartiHlnesi fur Hotl so lltl 1wholl seemingly nltachnl to tilt pr blood which shone cast ehtnit nil sin As Peter sioke n cloud overshadowed them mid n voice from tho cloud slim This is my beloved Son In whom niu well pleased hear ye Him Ml t nil il This Is still Cods wordfj etch of us omit there Is no way thy which wo can be pleasing lo liar x 11WilY With Cod When we hcnirthe w rJJ4Is of Christ wo hear the wmrtls of tlxftie IIIJII Father for the FatheivToId Hlui w thl lo soy John xll 13 10 xh tOI uI when we have ears for Jesus itrlmmt vt I will certainly have none fur anyfwlui PIhen They saw no until any moro wjii texas only with Ihemselveil It U118 fix of other words smith as th The I prd alone shall Ut exnld eliIlle ye from man itehold Ixird Tie leers shall be king oven ime earth In that slay there shall one lewd mid Ills name one Isa 11 Ii 22 H1jXeeli xlv II- Wi may nndclpate In our dolly experience the kingdom when i be 11111 nil limit It must be In 0irlst now our nil In nil Hecihxno ono pfd Jesus only I IIhlJvlltt r gncailogte 1Iwll t lie unseal by HI rrolll the dvlul for lint hey hav rtprlselltntlthOlo ito of thoroIv 1v shitll be ehte 1 H 1v31Irsutdying 7 Mil tiE es + rlr slelf i e litemery urti i lli1Ul coat X D e a Ins 9 1- t 1t oc JJJ j < allri A iup null JIok salolivp Jrar 11 1 v1 ion Ii t eilin r iHjn Million JACKSON KYIJA Luuk i6iUiJi lu1ewel ry pals b I00l T it j W J Con f 6 1- yE 3- i = iN iN s iN iN AJMUAWFOHD JAMKSUUOIJIV A K LYON WE 0 AUK NOW AT IIO > K IN Tllli Crawfordui1ng And our tnulo alitfoudost 6 H rt- ho rune roll8 t- l tho InailI 1 the future Our stock is NEW CLEAN AND FRESH f AJ w 0 for bnntlliurIfntlen 4 kI j l 1 lIonol stile Duling 11JntJ the inot conrtcuiia trcaliuunl ALL and SEE us n uPn Respectfully AtP1 CRAWFORDCo S2S5 SfILI S2S2S52Ssa fcs cfe J L iliruJI ai 1i m JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK Jackson Kentucky r m Paid up Capital 1300000 Surplus e e t1f0 OOut f Vo soliuU the Hanking llitsinoss and ncconntii of i Lumber Munufucturcrs j itr Timber Dealers I 1i Business Men elellnlltsv Farmers m tlMloro Iutltnckand olfor our Jilitoiiifiru Nthe most LIBERAL TERMS u Within tho Hindis of legitimate businosB I COLLECTIONS A SPECALTY CSa55X25S5SZ4 SS7 SpS Ca4 SaF7rp FOR THE LITTLE ONES hinny The coaatlnlllThan tNilnb wns written by nit cneryiiii Ohio boy who cvfdciltly IIIIm sinter sports says the Ciiicin loiter 111 du haft two cost in winter Untc ilo haft to be carfull Dint tiouit ol bent ions t ly n nice riding one Itutu n rico pear of ekcighta Ian ekCight good huh 1 cnut ekelgMIItr An I there if sum pcplo can almaIle II t > ec other people coat dont luu- Ai 1 I like to to hit bumps when > rile and were I slay ride there t u bumps nnd were you hit ono unlit wont take you very long t i hit nolher bump ami I think It Inn l lIt yotlytnd likato r dent you null 1l ro ore lyfof places IP slayride that iplo never seen dont you think n in 1 The Eskimo Dog dog is the only domestic Iho Eskimo bus nyu Ueu lear but he menages to- shout ns much mo of it its wo evoral different beasts ItI Jet nlaco of a horse dragging wl his long diilnncM- he frozenstrctchet Jtguidcai- th unerring scent to lima tiny mg in snow which marks renthifl k hole of the hidden It rQ llds up bear anal musk Iho master to kill and often > wficn the hand of hunger limo rm slton hut settlement i Ji tl fts lifo to feed time fatloI nasic so fnithnlly UII o keep them warm v f iCONNEOTJON w w P Gorllln In Ilnlllr ItorlllltI r errotneous do tiolhttiK of the sort nnd how such nn linpn Nlon ewer mnio lo itxlut or how old tlinti African uxilururx CVIT ctinin to foriuuliiti such n theory IitYbo youth my ciiiproliiiiHKiii hurl III n IUIIB Hojoiirn In that wniutry I laid sun < pie oi rliiullos to learn tin truth al out thtiii mud what I illiioovwtsl IhiTO was Riil HHiiciitly eoiiflriniNl dur > mig n irotrarod hiiiittnu trip In llor niti The fact U that In flchthiK citch Jollier or In nttackhiK or dofcnilliiR lilellsumei es from otlur moinlis they diiicnd entlrily upon their teeth which art ahiioriually wlroiiK nnd shorts nnd cut llki n ninor They are cluiimy on their feet hut the tnorntrniH utriiiKth of their powerful arum snore than iniikfH up for thin deficiently In iKhlliii they almost Inrarlahly attiiol y111f1l1I ilIn incmhcrH of the monkey trllnstlie gentle laH favorite point of ntla > k I s tbo N hand mind iHpcclally till hug r I A Vnnnliuoii1 llrrlloni There was n character out vhnt 4 WOK then known as tho toiiihoiit l iHrt of tremolos who went by the name of UK John I doiiht If he ever had RlIr other name We had n little fllo incut wo were going to make a town out of and li Ueutllllhot thy Hint thing to do Will In choose iMiiaitdiiil whirl wo prowede lo do Thrro wtlut ROVcTiiI candldutei lg John albt UK IIttroJlPll1 John wnlkd up itQty sheik Iho Yule and put thorn Into hln pocket and surd This lit the iiulckcut way All them an voted for mo conic to thlH Hide Not f v a reams hesitated It wait tin most unanlmoim election over lucid Ho male n Rood oillcer though and we kept him In till wo pal trl up the town mud moved on to the next leriiilnuH of tho railroad 8t Louis jlohcUeiuu crut 1 rirIhe ouythljig else Whnt did hG Ilia tb7 > 1 u m1 r IlpriL TII1 FIIII1tQS TO And City DICIOT RLINGTONi HOTEL tJ i 1 SEr r lSQN i < j i C- ater1j1 f f FlItBTCLA1385AMIL f iit H0031 fo T l o 111 00fJ t 7 t 0 H y 1
Page 1: The Gentleman Ion WE from Indiana J manIo IIUtlJII coI CeOlhllr …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75x63b0r6s/data/0118.pdf · 2013. 6. 13. · You never see her nt nil Im afraid not nnswercil

Iii1F H

d 1 d 3d > t 3 t fit t 114x1 t FF1tl I3 I I

t The Gentleman

i from Indiana tCy nOOTII TARKINGTON J

X CcwtWt ISM Lr DouUfAir 1 Mcflurt

Jv ftwWit 1902 lr IMtaro coI+oHHooJoof + t++WHH 2 I 2 +=

DiirliiR the Bpooiiil mouth of the newregime of the Herald the working formof the paper received mi addition OnenlRlit the editor found pome barroomloafers tormenting a patrlarclinl oldmnn who hind n magnificent hend and ngrand white beard lie hud been

r thrown out of n saloon nnd he wasdrunk with time drunkenness of threeweeks steady pouring He proppedhimself npilnst n wall nnd reprovedhid tormentors In Inlln Im walkinghear I nrkMLYI8hlt reij > ark jl thJlonrnnlixt hooking hU nnn Into the oldtrines Suppose we leave our friends

1mere and jo homeIlsbr was the ono Inhabitant of

JIP town possessing an unknown pastnnd n glamour of romance was thrownnlwut him by tho gossips who agreedlliat there was n dark portentous so

101111 his life an oplnlon not too wellcontinued by the old walls appearanceIlls flue eyes had n habit of wanderingto ho horizon and his expresulon wasmild vague gad nail lost In dreamsAt the first glace one guessed thatlilo dreams would never he practicableIn flfolr application anal some such 1mprewlou of ides was probably whatKiuseiifthc editor of the Herald to nickliniiiO liiin In hU own mind the WhiteKnJglitMr

coming to 1lattvllle fromnobody knew where had taught In time

IIIRI c11bo1 for ten years hilt he provedquite unable to refrain from lecturingto the duinroiinded pupil on arclmvolojjy iipglivtlng more and more theordinary courses of Instruction growhug year by yoarmoro forgetful andabsent lost In Ida few books tumid hisown reihtetlous until nt last he Ladbeen discharged for Incoinpetcncy Thedazed old man had no money and noway to make any One day ho droppedin at tho hotel liar where Wllkersontilt professional drunkard favored himwith his society The old wan umlernlood lIe knew It was the beginningof tho end He sold his books In onlecto continue hula credit nt the Palacebar mill onoe or twice tmatile to proceed to his own dwelling spent time

night 11111 lumber yiird piloted thither1 by the hardier veteran Wllkerwiu

The morning after time editor took

IIlrlnlllmilt of black He humid received his 8-1111n1 la ndyanee his books lend been rei purchased and lie hind become the re-t portorlal Ktuft of the Ciirlow County

oK HeRildinlso he was to write variousi-

n treatises for the paper For the firstfew eveijffiiss when he started home

t tho oillce Iris duet walked with

1hIm chattini cheerfully until they

1t pnswdlhe Palace liar But Fhsb btcmfIMhennption wus complete

flu illl r of the Herald steadoucP time tiT fiJ sy his predecessors swindlehudhjftlii him pissed away But his

A loneliness mid a sense of defeat grewnniHlcvyaneil When the vistas of tillheft such a tinnier as Iluttvllle but hi foundhimself doing It and It was no great

t I hnppfucss to him that time IIoli KedgrIlalloway of Anjo whom time Heraldsopposition to McCune had sent to

s AVShlugton cnnu to depend on his Inv

for miomlnatlon nor did theiPellfzhtlon tint the editor of the Car

to iemily Herald had cove to beMgJimus successor as jtolitlcnl thetato3irodtice a perceptibly ouHvcnlng efrr ttnpn tile young man Tho yearsdl1Cleil r slowly anil to hm It seem

+ jSljrfiTitThW went by while he stood tartimid could not even see them1 iuTSviu Ho dfd not consider the life he

iUf ill exciting ono but the other cltlzii f Cnrlow did whoa heundertook

4 njljVtfr against the White Cups dciilrame zcp r Sis Crossroads seven miles

i wes of riattvllle The natives wereliHiVJrmorc afraid of the White Ciipt

t aboutr>There has no thought of the people

iLsrbe Crossroads In ills mind as he satmi the Knuke fence staring at the littlelillk lIlintlow danco on the white roadJntfhcUuno sunshine On tie contraryImpwaa cupUd with the realization

it yi4MS iimd Deere n man In his classi n11gae ambdtlon nested minJuitlief hgjould not Jielp kiion 1ontl

tU years to n day frui i lilcouinolrieetneiit this men wns tiliUngon II

fcneuinill In Indianao Ythe pike a buggy cause creak

lug ihu grimy with dust oldand frayid like the tat shaggy graywar that drew It her unchecked dcrpJuuiiMit head lowering before heryjifk her Ineongrtunu timIIIvuiVel InOwwahtly like the banner of n stunningtillItfoircli ehccl so llll Iras his rev

till the vehicle was ncurly oppo

llr1IlrlnrtBWkel up sums wavedn long while1 him In grectlngvS

1 fiomly1 do Mr II lesiiP railed

t friffiiinn In the buggy Sonklii In theweather He spoke In shouts though

111111111l lrlt Hark

r Isla 1 iIua glvln good satinfactlon thankhumr townye How Iller my regards

r r sand the journalist ioiii II rehcndlng thefwholhull How Is Hartley





nom seemsjHny will to say no 1 reckon hell have

i tuik lib ciancenod us ootvdtl have to M u-


IIJkC m jiot 10 Wljl Ijj mati rnrit


ra t

rif Q

7 r-

Wk ur i o


for Kwlgo rrntfowaya fetfuro nt tillcourthouse Say howd that lecturehlytllletroduction hut I noticed you spoke ofIdol IIB a thinker without saylif whatkind I didnt know you wan nu cau ¬

tious n man as that Of course I knowKcdgo Is hoiiPs-

tHarklesa sighted Oh hes tlio bestwove got Uoxvldcr

Yes I presume so but Mr Howlder broke off suddenly nn his ymopened III surprise nut ho

Irfiw Id never of expected xclnlllltllIvet tin here today I Whynt Judge llrlscoes This speech seem ¬

ed to bo Intended with some humor forItowldcr nccompaiiird It with tlio loudlaughter of sylvan timidity risking n

JokeWhy7 Whats going on at the

JudgesUoln onl Didnt you see that

strange lady nt the lecture withUrlrcoe nnd the Judge und old Flsbee

Im nfnild not UowlderI

They couldnt talk about anythingelse nt the postolllco this inornln nut I

nt Tom Martins She come lshnhlon the afternoon accommodation Youought to know nil about It becausewhen Mlnnlo nUll her father went tothe dcepoe they had old IIsbee withcm and when the buckboard timethrough town he was settln on thebock sent with her flints what stir¬

red the town up so Noliody tins figgcr It out any way and nobody gotmuch of a good look at her then exccplJudd Dennett lie said sue bull laud ola new look to her Thats nil nay ofem could git out of Judd He wns In itsort of n dreamy state Ittit Mlldy Lep-


You know Mlldy 7 She works outat UrlseoeV

Yes I know MlldyShe come In to the poatolllce with

the news thts ladys name was Slier ¬

wood nnd ulie Urea nt Itouon MissTibbs says tint wasnt no news youcould tell she was n city lady with bothyour eyes shut lint Mlldy says Flsbecwns goln to stay for supper and hemoue to the lecture with cm and droveolt with em aftcrwerds Sal Tibbssays he reckoned It was because IIsbeewas the only man In Carlow that Uriswoes thought hind rend enough hooksto be smart enough to talk to her butMiss Sellny says If that was so theyllhave got you Instead nnd so they hudto all Jest nlMiut give It up Of coursooveryliody got a good look nt her tit thelecture the set on the platform rightbehind you nnd Hallowny and sine tilllook smart What got me though wasthe way she wore n kind of n little dag ¬

ger stuck straight through her headSeemed n good dent of a sacrlllcc Jestte make sun your lint was on rightYou never see her nt nil

Im afraid not nnswercil Harklessabsently Miss Ilrlscoe stopped me onthe way out mid told me sue hail nvisitor

Young man said Howlder youbetter go out there right away lieraided the ruins and clucked to the JrufImare Well skald bo wad 1 nlnt Intown for her long ago Hide In withme

No thank you Ill Walk in for thesake of my nppellte-

Wouldnt encourage It too muchllvln at tho Ialnce hotel observedIlowlder Sorry you wont ride liegathered the loose ends of the reins lahis hands leaned far over the dash ¬

board and struck the mare n heartythwack The tattered banner of talljerked Indignantly but she consentedomovedown the road llowldur thrust

lilij IllS head through the sun curtainbehind film anti continued tin comer-s


tloi See time White Cups nlnt gotyouydt

No not yet Hnrkless laughedReckon the boys Mmtlier you stayed

jut town after dark the other calledback Will come out and see us If yougit any spare time from tho Judgeslie laughed loudly again in farewelland the editor waved his hand as howl ¬

der dually turned his attention forwardtOftho mare When the Hop Hop of herhoofs hot shy out Harkh js realizedbat the day was silent no longer It

was verging lirtoevcning-He dropped from time fence nnd turn

ed his taco toVurd town nnd slipperlie felt Jtjf life amid light about himhoard the clatter of the blackbirdsabove hlnj heard the homing bees hum liby saw hrz vista oJ white road andlevel 1IIIIl fraimfj vpii Jwo sides S-

hy the hr 1c1I1S fl the grove n vistaof 1lIlIlIltllllltrelclltlli fields of green alined here anti there with Woodlandsanal lint to the horizon line the villagelying In their lap No roll of meadowno rise of pasturp laud relieved theirserenity nor shouldered up froth themto be culled a hill

A farm bell rang In the distance n ttinkling coming singll and mellow fromfar away and at the Imiesoincncss oT

that sound he heaved it long mournfulsigh The next Instant he broko Intolaughter for another bell rang over Ihe

J p vi q J

lie stopped to cxchnnac n ironfluids tho courthouse bell In till squareThe llrst four strokes were given withmechanical regularity the pride of time

custodian who operated the hell beingto produce the effect of a clockworkbell such ns he had once beard In thecourthouse at Itouen but the llfth studsixth strokes were halting achievements ns after 4 oclock he often lustcount In tho strain of the effort for hireclso Iniltntloii There was n pause utterthe sixth then a dubious and reluctantstroke seven n longer pause followedby II final ring with desperate decision

cJcn1rk11 Itofcei n bis ouch

R+ 7 f

ti 1



t < 5lt W

N i

0IIt was twenty minutes ofAn he crossed time eomthousc yard to

time Pnlaee hotel on hs way to supperho stoppetl to exchange n worm withthe hell ringer who sestet on the stepwas mopping Ida brow with nn air t

herd earned satisfactionJowl evening Schollelds ho 8111

You snow In strong on tho lust strod-etamgllt

What wo need here n pondeil tlboll ringer Is more public sporrllrd dmen I nlnt klekln on you Mr Harkless no sir limit wo want wore menlike they got In Itouen Wo want menthat Hit Male street pnved withblock or asphalt teen that Ml put Infactories wen floutell net not setround like that old tool Martin nndlaugh mid polly vogglu along mid makefun of public cinrrit day In day out1 reckon I do my best for the clay

Oli nobody minds old Tom MartinCetlniB ho means nnvthlng by what 0

saysThats just what I hate about him

returned the hell ringer In n tone nteny J

which half It Is Look at now j

time gentleman referred to was standling over In front of the hotel talkingto ri row of coatless loungers who sowith their chats tilled back againstthe props of the wooden nwnlng tintprojected over the sidewalk 1helrums were turned ownrd the court ¬

house nnd even those lost in medita ¬

tive whittling had looked up to laughMr Martin one of his hands thrust Ii

ii pocket of ids alpaca coat amid the oth-er softly caressing his wiry gray chinbeard Ids rusty silk hat tilted forwardtill the brim nlmoxt rested on tlm

bridge of Ids nose wns ollllnRthou In n one keyed vole the melancholy whine of which though not thewords penetrated to the courthousesteps

The bell ringer whose name WillHenry Scholleld but who war knownns Schotlelds Henry popularly abbre ¬

viated o ScliolleldV was moved to Indignation Look nt him he cried

Look nt him Everlastingly gull of

about my bell Well let him talkLet him talk

As Mr Martins eye tell upon thu

editor who having bade the bell ring-er


good night was II Ill ron Ill I II Ilihotel he left his languid companionsand crossed the street to meet him

I was only oratln on how proud thecity ought to be of Schoflelds he soulmournfully nit they shook hands but

10 looks kind of put out with me Hehooked his nrm In that of the youngmOil and detained him for n momentns the supper gong sounded from within the hotel Cull on the Judge toulgltfT be asked

No Why1 reckon you didnt see that lady

with Minnie last nightMoWell I guess you better go out there

young man She might not stay herelong

CHAPTER IIIHK Urlscoc bjickboanl rattledT aloe tpg ljfjjtJ ryteunlry road


it Shnl111lnlC1nstliTlieyll make the eight unites In

three quarters of mi hour said Judge <

ltrl sex proudly He turned from hisdaughter nl his side to Miss Sherwoodwho sat with Mr Flsbcc behind themmid pointed ahead with his whipthroughSlx

Miss Sherwood leaned forward eager I

ly What did you menu last nightafter till lecture she sold to FlsbceJ i 1

when you naked Mr Martin who wasto In with Mr Harkless

Who was watchli g him ho anBwered

Watching haul I dont under ¬

standYes they have rhot ut him front

the woods nt night andnut who watches himthe young men of the town lIe

has n hnblt of taking long walks after iduel and he Is heedless of all remon ¬

strance HO tlio young men have organlzcdn guardjfbr him and every even ithotJCBt Is n different young tuna each nightand the watcher follows nt a distance

that lie does not suspectHut how many people know of dinstrlgeumteimtgNearly

one In the county ex ¬

cept the Crossroads purple though It Isnot Improbable that they burro dlscovcredit

And bus no one told himNo he would not allow It to con

hhtisdflimeyafter Highland every one knows lWtll3ernes dpeople II-

tij JtThe buckboard tuned the bend la tM

ruM mid they entered a spialld settleintiit built ruggedly about R blackN-n1ItIrNhOt1 ltln saloon J

v lie tllI a

hero a breakdown lucre Urlsl 4marked11I1nlfhJOthehoW omit liiii worried by gaunt nouuuilsr j

amid BOIIIU iiliuscd looking lieiw gropluglabout disconsolately In tho ubroken topped buggy with n tJstelltiwhiten xettllug limbo 11Il tumid of time

middle of tho road Hiore was alwaysabundant mud here lo time driest summiser u dim face siiivrlug from a broken windowSix Crossroads was forbidding nnd forlorn enough by tinIThe thought of what might Issue fromtriglegendswith ah unshapdi tlreat easily fanciedIII tho atmosphere of the place modeMiss Sherwood shiner aa though a mid terdraft lad crossed her

It Imi r slnlshr she exchitlmemlthAnd so uiiMpwiI llyjjieanl

where they live tile people that batelilm Mlt The White Cnps iof

repllCdJtrlscuevlglhuico cuuuulttee 1110 region wbcrotime law Isnt enforced TCe q fcllowsnrent tlfut kind They gotftogejlier tifwipe out grudges and Hometlmes didnt dido

lued any grgdgt just made their raidsfor pure Iuvllnien TherbflufeUd bo 1totwcin U3 and them thaVgoejOback intoPlonecr duyIt and Qlltt2V ot u9 old


folks xnw inncir about iltA rt ue was the lest to to to etop

themWtI you see our folks are pretty

lotvi sairTlng said Hrlscoo npolosetICdIUUIIKa niimger to 1ltrhItIJl up nut he111eaiy yearsmanIoppt tJ

tinin Ho wasIIUtlJIIOlhllrrapidly amid nt n distance this singularInpsldcJuess wan plainly visible to theoccupants lending an ugly slgnlllcanco I

to his meager yellow face lie wnstall lean hard powerfully built lieeyed till strangers with nffected languar mouth then whcinhey hind gone bybroke limbo sudden loud laughter

1hnt Inns Hob Sklllett the worst ofthe lot sold tho Judge II II rlIIlrlsourcouldnt swear to Ilob

When they were beyond the villannd In time open road again Mlleswood took n deep breath I think Ibhltustinrguess wo soufrlghtenjyou much bu sand Younglady I dont believe yens be afraiddontICnlbareniueli except try to get even with tlymrNetglug tar Hnrkless partly tor revenge nupartly because they darent do anywayThe n sharpIntake1 of heath Ah one grown tiredof this everlasting American patienceWhy tenet tbo riattvllle people iisomething before theynoisei r

arethem I expect wo do about nil we inlglle +

we cau thiecsrgethimture Ho broke tiff suddenly mid ux

des to n little old man III n bucktrine turning ort from the rttiid Into nrams In no which let up to a trim cot ¬

tage with n honeysuckle vine by thedoor Thats Mrs Wimbys Jiuslmndsalt the judge In an undertone

Miss Sherwood observed lint MumWimbyB husband Iras remarkable fortime exceeding plalntlvcness of his ex ¬

pression lie was a weazened blank tpale eyed little man with a thin Whit omist of neck whisker and hedressed In clothes much too large wusjhim No mort Inoffensive figurethis feeble little old man mold be his

nglued yjit hum was the distinction mu fhay milgrteclvd h hostile visit from Idsn1bOlllUllgrespectable person of the Hevllou I

widow who lint refused several gen11

tlemen nt the Crossroads and so coupplete wus time bridegrooms

IIISIRllltIllIllC that to all the worldname was lost The bride continued tobe known by her former name as MrsWlniby and her spouse was usuallycalled WIdiler Woman Wimbys hums

bund or Mtrllhnby The bride suppiled Ids wurdrobo with the garments i

of her former husband mid allegingthif proceeding as the muse of their

1r tl White Cups broko Into the i

IIIUIIffrolllleashed him with sapling shoots tilt hum

Ions near1 to steno A little yellow curthat lint followed bis muster ou biswanderings sees towel licking time oldmans wounds and they deluged thedog with kerosene and times threw tho


IICJollIeIlLpalliation of the offense to time ulna of

hot eyed young mini from the eastwho Will iHslfglng the county IIl1thorlIthM tmr redress and writing brimstonenud saltpeter for his paper The powcrs of the molly proving eitheradaisical or timorous he 1lIklhose of the state and he wentnight to sleep nt n fiirinhouse tilt owncr of which hilt vctclvcd a warningfrom the White Caps mid one uhht Itbefell that he was rewarded tot thotandems attempted an entrance lie oldflit farmer nnd time farmers sons beataft the luui Ldew sums too n satlsfactory niiiount of damage In return Two

f the White Cups they ruptured midmid mid other they recogulre

these the slaje authorities hearkened tovoice of till Herald and Its owner

were arrests null In the ltHlrllOIIof llniethere wns n trial eruser proved an alibi could have provinl

dozen tstt the editor of the Heraldafter vlrtu 1lL conducting the prosecutlOII WUItlIIOII flue Afnud anti sSmtru to

lif tor inan Klght wee went topenitentiary on his evidence live

f tljtmr for twenty years Tbe mllttIIGelid baud scrcnadod time editor of

Utjrnia againThofy jwere no more Wilds and timetx liH ronds men whgtnertmJeft

d tujflliovcl8 appillledvnnd Aihnkurtmet fI went 1iy and left them mi

Ilholwrted they recovered 11I nl1ureonr I lIess nut beta j9 IIIIIIIIollthclII leer a lung Hum bcbadbeenpublishing their Imatenltig letters andwarnings In n column which he heeded

llhTIPJtllllIItOilli visitor tuned to F urepetition of ton shiver tbafjR F

of Mr Sklllett had eau rMIsand half uu lgr hNrrt alb l i


reverenceYouxwlII meet him tomorrow he


humidImlust night when Minnie asked himcall on me Ho wasnt even lutes

enough to look nt me


= o = =rr iM





Text of I IIP Ion MnrU IsJtonuirj VefKr 21 Uolilrn 1V tlIMurk Ii Ciiiiiincnlnry IVrlinrrdby IU v 11 SI Mlrnrim

uCoitllit Ml dj Amtrloin fees Ai oclillon

This lesson seems to follow luuncillr j

nasty upon tho last In tho tegular underof treats tool hike the last Is recordedboth by Matthew and Luke Tbo llrst

IrsO of t61dchaplcr should clrtulnly jbo Included lu our lesson ne It is time

key to the lesson nnd tho trmsfigurulion Is time unfolding and tulllllmclltof Ills Haying In Hint verso time factthat each of the evangelists records thotrunsUsuratlou lmmidlaely after Unit

saying concerning tlo kingdom of lOllIs milllcloht evidence that they so uu

rs delstood II 1eter also speaking of hind1

event calls It the ower mid comingof our natal Jesus Christ II Pet I 10 I

ISI The favored hire who were withg1gIii llthll4l1ll1l1l were privileged on thisuceasloii to be eyewitnesses1 of illsmajesty Why these three Instead of i

the others and why John should minetIwnnr than James or teeter Wt way

out perhaps know but we do knowIrIhut few seem willing to be Ills choice

ones Ills Niuuirltes although as In relit III I ItOIl It wrote to be for whososever will The old iiestltiu still stands

Who thou Is wllllugr I ChrouIexxls Li-

met Luke says that He went up lulu a11n1l1d laltered and Ills nilnient Will white r-

and glistering Our Jeswsu ways shinbig exceeding white ns snow andMallhew says white ns the light andthat lllsfneo did shine us the sun Some t

oWhat thus He appeared to Daniel longItcfoiv He none In the llesh and many

yenta after tits ascension to John la-

o Intmos Dan x u llev I lili Themlnicle was not mi much thai He wasthus trniisllgured but rather hut suchglory teals thus INS veiled those thirtythree years III u mortiil liody What anliuplmtlou to liMik furwtinl to the timewhen thaw Ixidlcs III which we nowlive shall be Immortal Incorruptiblefashioned like unto Ills glorious bodywhen lime righteous vim shines teethas the sun lu the kingdom of theirFather Ildl lil2IMutt XIIUIU ThetniUKilgtinitlon look plum on a highmountain apart by themselves and sowe trust have our BCHSOUS impart with

If we would see and SjjjOurof tile unseen oath tilt Father theUholy angels thl redeemed treatearth wore all more real to Him llii ii j

tilt iMwpIo and things which our unitural ryes we mud now here err lovemet Moses and Klljah who had UwnnlMent fnim time earth nt hank 1100and son years respectively anal hey fl

Inro antes nnd well and talking with U

of that most ImixirlaiK of all J

events up to thai time Ills dcciAwwhich He should accomplish nt Jeni >

wileui Luke Ixai Althouahthedlii Sclples were henry wllh idcvp they kepttwoI ni


told how they recogulxetl Mow a nnd uKlljnli nor If the lx > nl Jmu tutroiluced jjj

them hut It Is pmlmhlc that III Urnglory one shall know another wltlmiilnay IntriHlucduii old we way see nnew meaning In the words Then shall

II know even nn alto I nut known ttCor sill 12 It the atoning sacrlllcc ofChrist was to Montis amNKIIjih nndChrist no all Important a theme howcan niiythln else be more lniiortiiiit to1197

1eter overcome by wlint he saw nu 11refnot knowing what to way 8ii giniiHlthat they make tnboniaclis and abidethere nUll so we would eJaIsome happy frame of used ou tOmemountain top of spiritual experiencetaut the klnplom Is not yet old there 11

are many on time lower level ofworld oppressed by the devil and festainamong the disciples wean able to u ill

bring relief IICCIIIIHO there Is so little endprayer ami fasting verse II so little seal

heartiHlnesi fur Hotl so lltl1wholl seemingly nltachnl to tilt pr

blood which shone cast ehtnitnil sin

As Peter sioke n cloud overshadowedthem mid n voice from tho cloud slimThis is my beloved Son In whom

niu well pleased hear ye Him Ml t

nil il This Is still Cods wordfjetch of us omit there Is no way thywhich wo can be pleasing lo liar x

11WilYWith Cod When we hcnirthe w rJJ4Isof Christ wo hear the wmrtls of tlxftie IIIJIIFather for the FatheivToId Hlui w thllo soy John xll 13 10 xh tOI uIwhen we have ears for Jesus itrlmmt vt


will certainly have none fur anyfwluiPIhenThey saw no until any moro wjiitexas only with Ihemselveil It

U118 fix of other words smith as thThe I prd alone shall Ut exnldeliIlle ye from man itehold

Ixird Tie leers shall be king ovenime earth In that slay there shall

one lewd mid Ills name one Isa11 Ii 22 H1jXeeli xlv II-

Wi may nndclpate In our dollyexperience the kingdom when i

be 11111 nil limit It must beIn 0irlst now our nil In nil

Hecihxno ono pfd Jesus only IIIhlJvlltt r

gncailogte 1Iwll t lie unseal by HIrrolll the dvlul for lint hey

havrtprlselltntlthOloito of thoroIv 1v shitll be ehte 1 H

1v31Irsutdying 7 Mil tiE es +rlr slelfi

e litemery urti i

lli1Ul coat

X Dea Ins

9 1-t

1toc JJJ j < allri Aiup nullJIok salolivpJrar 11 1v1 ion Ii teilin r


Luuk i6iUiJi lu1ewel ry pals b I00lT it j W J Con

f 6




=iN iNs iN iN




Crawfordui1ngAnd our tnuloalitfoudost6 H rt-ho rune roll8 t-


thoInailI 1

the future Our stock is


AJ w 0

for bnntlliurIfntlen4 kI

j l 1 lIonol stile Duling11JntJ the inot conrtcuiia trcaliuunl

ALL and SEE usn uPn



S2S5 SfILI S2S2S52Ssa fcs cfe J LiliruJIai 1i m



Paid up Capital 1300000Surplus e e t1f0 OOutf

Vo soliuU the Hanking llitsinoss and ncconntii of i

Lumber Munufucturcrs jitrTimber DealersI 1iBusiness Men

elellnlltsvFarmers m

tlMloro Iutltnckand olfor our JilitoiiifiruNthe most


Within tho Hindis of legitimate businosB





tNilnb wns written by nitcneryiiii Ohio boy who cvfdciltlyIIIIm sinter sports says the Ciiicin

loiter111 du haft two cost in winter

Untc ilo haft to be carfull Dinttiouit ol bentions t

ly n nice riding oneItutu n rico pear of ekcighta

Ian ekCight good huh 1 cnut

ekelgMIItrAn I there if sum pcplo can

almaIleIIt > ec other people coat dontluu-

Ai 1 I like to to hit bumps when> rile and were I slay ride theret u bumps nnd were you hit ono

unlit wont take you very longt i hit nolher bump ami I think

It Inn llIt yotlytnd likator dent you null 1l ro ore

lyfof places IP slayride thatiplo never seen dont you thinkn in


The Eskimo Dog

dog is the only domesticIho Eskimo bus nyu Ueulear but he menages to-

shout ns much mo of it its wo

evoral different beasts ItIJet nlaco of a horse draggingwl his long diilnncM-he frozenstrctchet Jtguidcai-

th unerring scent to lima tinymg in snow which marksrenthifl k hole of the hiddenIt rQ llds up bear anal musk

Iho master to kill and often> wficn the hand of hungerlimo rm slton hut settlement

iJi tlfts lifo to feed time fatloInasic so fnithnlly UII

o keep them warm

v f





Gorllln In IlnlllrItorlllltIrerrotneousdo tiolhttiK of the sort nnd how suchnn linpn Nlon ewer mnio lo itxlut orhow old tlinti African uxilururx CVITctinin to foriuuliiti such n theory IitYbo

youth my ciiiproliiiiHKiii hurl III nIUIIB Hojoiirn In that wniutry I laid sun <

pie oi rliiullos to learn tin truthal out thtiii mud what I illiioovwtslIhiTO was Riil HHiiciitly eoiiflriniNl dur>

mig n irotrarod hiiiittnu trip In llorniti

The fact U that In flchthiK citchJollier or In nttackhiK or dofcnilliiRlilellsumei es from otlur moinlis theydiiicnd entlrily upon their teethwhich art ahiioriually wlroiiK nndshorts nnd cut llki n ninor They arecluiimy on their feet hut the tnorntrniHutriiiKth of their powerful arum snorethan iniikfH up for thin deficiently IniKhlliii they almost Inrarlahly attiioly111f1l1IilInincmhcrH of the monkey trllnstlie gentlelaH favorite point of ntla>k I s tbo Nhand mind iHpcclally till hug r


A Vnnnliuoii1 llrrlloniThere was n character out vhnt 4WOK then known as tho toiiihoiit liHrtof tremolos who went by the name ofUK John I doiiht If he ever had RlIrother name We had n little flloincut wo were going to make a townout of and liUeutllllhot thy Hintthing to do Will In choose iMiiaitdiiilwhirl wo prowede lo do Thrro wtlutROVcTiiI candldutei lg John albt UK

IIttroJlPll1John wnlkd up itQty sheik Iho Yuleand put thorn Into hln pocket and surdThis lit the iiulckcut way All them

an voted for mo conic to thlH Hide Not fv

a reams hesitated It wait tin mostunanlmoim election over lucid Homale n Rood oillcer though and wekept him In till wo pal trl up the townmud moved on to the next leriiilnuH oftho railroad 8t Louis jlohcUeiuucrut 1rirIheouythljig else Whnt did hG Ilia tb7



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