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The Geology OWBC: Prologue

Date post: 14-Jun-2015
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THE GEOLOGY OWBC Prologue: All that glitters isn’t always gold…
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All that glitters isn’t always gold…

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They shine, sparkle, luminesce and most are worth a fortune. Kingdoms

have risen and fallen over these simple little collections of chemicals and minerals. Rocks and Gemstones.

Precious stones, jewels, whatever you call them we all are impressed and inspired by their beauty and

array of colours. Some are as black as the pits of space, while others

shine brighter than the stars above. And they make for a good theme for

an OWBC.So let us now meet out founder the one

who’ll be leading this family for four generations. Some challenges I am

attempting for my third turn at an OWBC are:

1) One Bad Apple2) MOAR ALIENS

3) OFB4) Uni

5) Free Time 6) Bon Voyage

I will do it this time, the BV requirement I have yet to do one.

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Welcome bipedal apes, to my challenge; the Obviously Wonderful Beautiful Catacy. I am Metrion, your founder. I will populate this seaside city with many gorgeous cats like myself… you dare to laugh? Well how does having your eyes clawed out sound? I am

completely serious..

“Who’s a pretty girl, you are yes you are…”

Curses, the baby talk…my one weakness…

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“Who’s my pretty kitty?”

Yes, well as any great leader would tell you I am in need of a servant to tend to my needs, filling my royal dish, providing belly

rubs… *puurrrr*

The true founder of the challenge is right here, Geodessa Geology. Her favourite colour is obvious, she loves purple.

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I have my servant trained well from the get go.

Geodessa is a Pisces Family/Knowledge sim 5/4/4/3/9, with the LTW of Reaching her Golden Anniversary. She loves Creative Witches and Belladonna Cove is a perfect place to find some.

Her feline companion is Metrion, a kitty who thinks she’s queen. Also she’s a Virgo, meaning she’s a Genius, middle active, very Independent, middle mean/nice and Finicky so she loves to be

clean and perfect.

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We shall be glorious together.

And so she waits for the 12 pm Welcome Wagon to arrive.

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Ani-Mei: Squee!! You’re perfect!!

Geodessa: Why thank you strange glowing lady. That’s soo nice of you to say.

Ani-Mei: Lots of purple people this time, maybe I should have called you Amethyst instead.

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Ani-Mei: A few rules though, you have to have three pregnancies or have three births

per generation, all family members must have a set of three flamingos, umm, oh yes, you and your spouse have to both get a Gold

Robotics badge, you need to open a community lot, and you have to build a


Geodessa: Oh what fun, what else?

Ani-Mei: Your heir has to learn the xylophone trick before university ends and they have to

make a zombie. All of you per generation must go on a vacation and collect all

mementos for all three places and you need a Big Foot to follow you home.

Geodessa: Oh a vacation!!

Ani-Mei: Also, you and your heirs and their spouses must max your

predestined hobby and if you want a car you have to buy a Junker and fix it yourself, a genie is good too. He’s

purple like you!!

Geodessa: Is there anything more strange glowing lady?

Ani-Mei: Yes, two more things and they are rather important so pay


Geodessa: *nods vigorously*

Ani-Mei: Every generation needs a strong bodied male to bring an alien child into the world, the abduction can count towards the three births,

and I want me some Greenies around here. And finally, the most

important: one of the kids in a generation must be a Bad Apple,

meaning you have to avoid looking at any of their stats until Young Adult hood and then they are only allowed

eight commands a day. But they can’t be allowed to be taken by the Social Worker as a child, that is bad.

Are we clear on that?

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Geodessa: That sounds delightful. Except for the ignoring a child thing, my Family instincts don’t like that.

Ani-Mei: Hence why this is my first time doing it. Just make sure to keep the kid happy and possibly gold or platinum okay?

Geodessa: Oh happy day!! I am so pleased to be chosen for such a quest!!

Ani-Mei: I may come to regret the 9 Nice point thing…

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The rest of the Welcome Wagon consisted of Gilbert Jacquet and Malcolm Landgraab, Belladonna’s Bluewater is a sub hood I

haven’t touched yet. Which is why Gil still looks ridiculous and Malcolm still has that irritating perma-shadow thing that comes

with all Skin 3’s.

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And why Ani-Mei is free will Serenading him… >_< This is what happens when I get distracted by my gods in Hidden City and don’t to come back and fix things here that I forgot about. But

anyway, the 6 pm stalker Downtownie call came and I sent Geodessa off to find a man.

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Geodessa: Thank you so much for calling to welcome me, strange man who I never gave my number to, that is soo nice

of you.

Downtownie: *insert typical phone invite here*

Geodessa: Of course I’ll go…and I’ll bring my kitty for companionship.

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So they head down to Red’s 50’s Diner for some well lit, full public view, non-creepy fun. Downtownie guy is in the blue shirt and shorts, he brought Hot redheaded Bandana dude from Uni,

and three more whose names are not important.

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A Scope Room revealed that Geodessa really likes Downtownie dude who has none of her turn on’s so I don’t get

it. But something else caught my eye, a flash of green…

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Geodessa: Oh!! Aren’t you the perfect piece of man pie!! I am so happy I came down here tonight!!

Orion: Umm, what?

Geodessa: You are a warlock!! And creative, I can tell.

Orion: Are you high or something?

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Geodessa: Goodness no!! I would never do drugs.

Orion: Look, grapey I don’t know what you’re playing at but I ain’t buying.

Geodessa: But…three bolts?

Orion is my Almost-Black Sheep from a long ago abandoned legacy, it was set in this hood but I lost interest. So I townie-fied the lot of them

and Orion here is my ZERO nice point alien/plant/vampire/werewolf/warlock he never got to the Zombie stage.

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Orion: Weird chick.

So instead I sent Geodessa over to talk to bandana boy to see if they got on well. Two bolts, which is not bad.

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I think I have my founding spouse. He likes her, bonus!! So with mission set, Geodessa heads home with a few more

contacts on her list for promotions.

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Geodessa: So what do you think Erin? Should I ask Trent out?

Erin: I would, he’s literally floating around campus in a daze over you girl. It’s kinda distracting really.

Metrion: She made the charcoal meat dish again. *noms*

Erin: Hey, umm your cat is on the counter over there…

Geodessa: Oh I know, she likes it up there. Anyway, so he’s really thinking about me that much?

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Geodessa: So I heard you missed me, is that right?

Trent: Erin told you didn’t she?

Geodessa: Yep, so how about it? Would you like to leave the humdrums of college behind and join me here?

Trent: Give up perpetual Dormie immortality? SURE!!

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Geodessa: Oh dear…I do love the purple shirt though…but the plaid shorts are not purple enough for

me. They must go.

Trent: The horrors of transitioning clothing…I’ll be right back.

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Trent: So how do I look Samantha? I could really use a woman’s opinion.

Samantha: I like it, it goes well with your dark skin. And the purple head band and dreads just complete the look.

Trent: Good. Thanks. I’m sure my girlfriend will love it, she has a thing for purple.

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Samantha: Oh and if you’re interested, we’re having a meeting of our local Belladonna Cove Coven and we could always use some new faces and new blood.

You’re Knowledge I assume right? We’re sorely lacking in male warlocks.

Trent: Really? You just broadcast that over the whole store? No secret meetings or top secret locales?

Samantha: Where do you think you are? Belladonna Cove, the name practically screams witches.

Sabrina: We could use some Dark Warlocks too. Don’t forget.


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Ani-Mei: D’aww, who’s a perfect little pink kitty? You is, yes you is!!

Metrion: Look into my eyes shiny one…give me a mate worthy of my superiority…or else.

Ani-Mei: Aww, she meowed at me.

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And to show you that Geodessa is indeed awesome: she went Digging for Treasure only FIVE times and she came up with TWO treasure

chests!! $10 546 right in the founding generation!! Kaching!! (one was already appreciating in value from the time she dug it up)

So that is the little Prologue. Will there be plotz abound? Will the kidlets be cute (and purple, gotta be purple) and who will be generation one’s

Bad Apple? Also, will Metrion get her Obviously Wonderful Beautiful Catacy or will her princess attitude chase away all the male kitties?
