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The Glenville ·Mercury Glenville ·Mercury That Since April 1

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Mercury-400416-1.jpg The Glenville · Mercury That Since April 1<0 Wf! Have W A National Honorary Frat.eraftr Oa. The Caft\'PWI Student Newapaper--Glenville State Teacher• CoUege--Publiahed Weekly GJ-9ille. W..t v..... -. Tuada,., April 16, 1940 COURSES WD.L BE CHAPEL SPEAKER TEACHERS HEAR EARL M'DONALD RECI'ED PRFSIDENT GIVEN THIS YEAR, AUG. 5 TO 24 OTES NEED OF DR. W. W. TRENT PIONEER SPIRIT Declareo 'Edacatioo lo Too.... ,_ fouad, Too Deep Seated to OF STUDENT BODY IN CLOSE CONTEST; BUTCHER LOSES ON FIVE-VOTE MARGIN E. G. Rohrbough Re-elected to Serve Hia 33rd.Term Real OpportUDitiea Pr .. ail To. Tolerate Neclect' ID.teraeaaioo courses will be offered this eummer aa clay. Sa:r- COUJtaelor For Dean H. L. White, lli. John c. ecbeduled in the College catalog, says Pres. E. G. Wat Pean S,at_ ShJ"eVe nd Dr. c. t: . Under,wood, of ..., l ''AK.yourseH' the _ quHtion 'What E.-a Amos Ia New Vice-Preaident; HuB, Heater and Burke Defeat Opponenta 1 ::; CIUIJI'oom Teachers A.woeiation aDd ti11ia !'" William R. Lunk, eommer- :, In the student eon test in the history of the College. Earl McDonald, of Par kersburg, was el ected president of the student body in the general election Tuesday. He d efeated Teresa Butcher, of Cedarville, first girl in the College to run for president, · by five votes. Three hundred sixty students.. or 91 per cent of the eligible voters, cast ballots. EVA 'Al.'IOS, a"bo,·e, of Burnsville, Iaiit Ia Vic:e-Pr-eeideat ; Apes is the new ,·ice.:president of . the Stu. Wriaht Named Secretary ; dent Counreil. See elecUon .story, page Ralph Cent Treasurer 1. profearionaUzation conle1'- mont. studt-'nt.s in assernbly Wed- ence. atePs were takeg. prepar-atory he on <toCollere t.o a. meeting of the same kind .sched- · . uled in the Colle2e for May 1. Miea X>n your. and nune T"eilta. J Ruth Walls, o:ft Kingrwood, spoke at the responsibility o. the futurEi and the Saturday conlerence. the responsibility of ·finding some- Those at the Clnsroom Teachenf thin« to tie our . •i, d ban(luet Saturday night heard Dr. Mr. .who ibeheves tMt 1t t n.v. w. Trent, superintendent 1 but-what education of aehools, urge West Vir,rinia •s h•tsehed onto that OW'Idens a per. teachen= t.o hold their heads up and son's ,;ews and shOW'!! him haw to tret a.ssert themselves. He declared: more enjo)m)ent out of life." Be maintains that if "it wen : .possible to get the queation 'school 'fbr what?' into the minds of every fl tudent in We_oot, Virginia t.hen do 90mething lfuout it, more opportunh it:S would be and more rproblems solv- ed." " America' ,. faith in education is t.oo profound, - too deep seated to tnle.rate neJlect. To reduce funds <tor '"ducation or to tr.:lnsfer fun.ds fl'Om <>duca)ion to the support of the finn for pensions or !{cr unemploy- ment will mean only a transfer :from . prevention to cure that wi ll Dpporhanitie• P lenti ful the ef!'edivene.ss in the ratio of one " Opportunities are just a..s ceat to sixteen exprf!39ed in the adage: today as they wl::l'e and even if the 'an of prevention is worth a rrirls are thinking of being just pound of r. ure.' '' housewives, there 1 11t'e real ooportun- 'Dr. Char -I 0. Williams. ficld agent Terea. Butcher, or Cedarville, wa.s GHOST WRITING ities there," said Mr. Lunk, as ht: o fi the National Education kwrocia- llllided ]mllridmt of next year's sen- cited and emphasized the- possibilities tion. of Waahington, D. c., and Miaa W claat, Wedttesclay iJ1 the College FROWNED UPON availalble in the developmt:'tlt .i:n the Smith, preaideat of the na- ...utoriam. .... ButebeT". ;secretary fie.lds of agriculture, education, civil tiona) a&SOd:atl\n. of c1A.aaroom ttl tlae Staclent Couadl, w .. presi- and chemical retailing teachers of Portland. Ore., a.lao ::,:.. . -- 110pbomore c:laaa t\le Natioa'a 0p- 01Mr ._ ome-n aleded an : poeed l! 5o:Called ScboJaa.. Vit'Winia. · 'Y.'W." TO SEND DEUCA.TES ............. _\, BM'OW 8ooU,. of tic Dillls......ty "Raman relatlona mea"- ref&.1bC TO CABINET CONFEAENC' 7tlr. _....... Wrtafrt. fit '"Gbo« writi ,. Ul pnetiee af a.Jocc !With •ch otber, a.lld it ls the EA.RJL MioDONA.LD, above-, af Par- kt:rsbu-rg, Will succeed Harold Nor- )9ki aos president of the Student Council. COLLEGE VOTERS m our EARLY Elected '{or "rice-pnisidebt .. "- Amos of 'Burnsville, with 196 votn. Ruth Annabel Hull, of Glenville, wes elected seCT>..tary with 24o2 9'0tM. Ja.mes Heater, of Weston, was elfdO. ed tl'easurt!r ·with 192 votes, ud John!l<m Burke, 01! Cedarville, Mr· geant...at..anns with 225 votes. For the court, of a .boy, a. girJ, two facuh.)" mem. hers, nd 'J)t'esrdent of the CoUece. Robert Butcher, of •Cedarville, and Ht:1en Beater, of Weston, were eieet.. ed. Butche-r received 2G6 votes. ·high- est number .received in the ek' ctioa. Mi ss Ksthleen Robel"tson and Dr. Ch.allles P. Harper, facultY RESULTS OF THE VOTING , For presldent: Earl McDon- ald, 1-81); TE:'resa Butcher, 175. F or vice - president: Eva Antos, 198; A«nes Wright. 1{12. For Heretal'IY : oft"Uth Rail, 24!2; Gerald ine McClain, 118. For trea.a:ul'el': James BeateT, 192; Farr, 1&1. •F OJ" """'""t...at...anu: Joha.. •n Barke, -225; Nelaota Orad., dock. 131 . ...... ; aad ..._.Cox. stadeat.. th;._ ud re- the•loe"". ·· rhe ld more .tba.n a117. A dt.cullllion of thit ideal home "tfii" ' Ballota ·Cut Before )foaa :.:::-.:. l'OI'W ,.,... ..,. oaa '\!IIM'a eta. work, ... ,._.. rc.=...... s,.lrlt lad ..,, Marjorie Bardwa at • meet- fa Studeat Ceaeral EleetioaJ ' ...... npl'dlll!Dtatin. '- lb)' tbne-:fourt.h.t f1f Am- This coaatry hu not reaMed the n For lllp!l"elne court : .2c1te1t Buteber, !88; H"lea S.ter, -; _,. """'" ,_.... , llf; Prtid Slu.a, 10. ;r: eoUec-ebl=daia 'n.a other in d eYeloptMDt, id Mr. the tht; poem, "Home", StGdent.. ln Glenville State Teacll- RAIJIIEll SEHDS EXHIBIT OF PENDLETON PIC'lVRES AND ROCIItll 0 "" .... U Lank. who :teels *he need of a. P•t ill)'! Edwvd. A Guest,. read bJ e"' Cone.rr don't pat otl' until tha report. the Btudmt '!.•1 of BDeJ'KY, detenniMtdoa and flnr.zcea )(.yen. The Claob · voted to aftt:Tnoon 'What they ean do tn· tbe of the court, were j qf ftt4iac re- on the of the nnd deleptes to the annual c.biMt foreDOOn wbea it -colli ett to uercisinc ed lby Pires. E. G. RobriJouch the pul COI'd.d aero• b)' intft- .. oc 00 tbt- dema 5 n41 of cordereace to be held May 3, 4, 6, at their ril'ht of ca.mpa.s fftnchille. J"e&r. A. JVDDI' man who llppro-. of the ricrwe!l'S with tbt:l Su"en WDY Pace ) Jacbon'a: Mill. 1n th.eo general election the pa.st Flalrl!MeDonald, the nf:lw prealdeat, ._...rtt. We.t Vlzwini.a" "Pf'IW!'Uil rw:l u folkrn: ---------- .... ::'------------ Tu esday 267 -.ot.en, aad tbe first 26 Se a acm of Mrs. J. I. M'd)onald of It Aaaed: IYia• oi Jt.herton, Pen. Stro.-"' ........ " "' uo· tf . F b d . were men, weat to thE:! polls ia Ad- Pa.rkenlbu:qr, He ia e4itDr of .... Oocurtl;r. and a formll:"t' atudeat MiWJ,. ....... 21 1 erence 1D res man an veruor Grades ministration Ball and indic&ted their tbe Mm::IIIT, pu'bticit)' mnacw of '";!;. ... , .. •·••-• - •• !1. Is a Stnd t' U f T AbT F k " pr.r .... .,.. wor• noon ; ....... "' a"'""" d•partm•n• aod -- rock from MlWI J' i• f•-" S 0 31 tOg 1 tty tO a e during the a.ftemoon. And fo1lowilll' 1!'a61iaaCoaa.tyto'llr. · B. Y. Ciark, Stro•• 1 J' N fa•• 7 90 By Marguerite lfoas George Wa.ahia(rton ftleeived*I8D :gh: : 1 .gs 'I of the G Club, .thtf 01ln.imo. Ja ed111C*tion. The uhibit l.t · wiUbeaotedthata.majorityof Back whm\ I • was 8 <flreshm.an bonorarydegreef'romfti.own.Uni•er- "B nd 177 bo;.., voted. n rua rohvw Rayen the Holy RoJler ,.,.. of <lao daa listed ao ''" lo I ••a.- 'lhe fim -.ty.ft•e ,..,.., _., Co;!.,. l>ooth., fomUIIod 1&. coat:a.in llboot thi1ty piet-1Jr" Chid argument iD favor: Tt belpa "The Use of the Library." Now tam ho,. ; fb'ed 8 .pa thE:' by the elerk' o! t1R <Oanti eoait, e1 , .... ira PeDdletoa County, somll .tudenta lby l'ivi11.1' Olen mMe bme • aenlor. I can write little if any GJenvdJe Students lOOt.h hoboy to vote; M"ai': .were uaed in Adrnini.tratlon HaU. - wtaieh era ot Seaee. Boc:b. Sen- to lltady tar more in$0t'l&nt better, but the grade h&a come up a A d Hi 8 IIGP more, 'WU •ote:r or t e VotinR hours were 8 • m to 1! M Ca.,era• AllecheDy preaainceol11'8t8. aotc.h nritb the euuing yean, the tten gb School Kfrls. and 1 to 4 p.m.. The JloaDtaiDa. of roek ' for- The practice ia eaJJed ptain -.boL. dilrere.nee ia. tbe gradee I receive Press Conference p= .. """'"dypro' .. "",d ... .. &A,_ ..t1o11a are a.J.eo inrludad ia tbe ex. astie d:iahoneet, by tboee who ue being due to my unfailing ability to -., '""W"' """ w; _., llOW on d'-*y Ia Room 200. ooppoeed. &Jc.e! --- ' ker, $01)bomore, owa..! last. Ernestine paat a nd the year of Hr'Viee for ddt, When 1 handed in t.hat first theme., Nine students of the Glenville Kennedy, eophomore, cast bcLilot are: Lloyd Matheny, 1936-'36; Baah I muet ha.ve looked and aeted guilty Bigh School joU"l'llali!!lm elass and D"Umber 100; Robert St:aht.alrer, so- W. Craddock, Jr .. 1938-'37; DtltlrA!I Average Coed Drinks 210 Quarts of 'Coke', to apeak rood word !:: Eats 20 Lbs. of Candy, Chews 20Ft. of Gum Four ,... .. of plu..-; ng .... jo,rnall= ... .,,., ...... ding ... ber 300 on the list. --- changad ";!! th!&t. Now I place my We$1: Virginia Un ited Hi&'b &hoot Listed on the lbsllot, but as ean- Ae Preparea For 10 Daye of BROWN AND TRACY WIN mute.rpieces in the basket with a Press meetinc in Huntington Friday dida.tes for difl'erent offices. were two Dalea. Bathea 90 Houn. IN TREA.5URE HUNT great amount of visible pride (be- and Saturday. Butchers and two Htia.tars.. Duke Univenity's ba5eball eeuh. l a.ck •Coomhl, once pitched a i na. ing .,-&me, l•mee.st in American Lea.. cue bi.st«y . Zipa 1000 ing sure the instructor is presl!llt .In group !Were: Susan Brown, (CoDtiauad I) Tile Aa.odat.i Freel tr:::.: ;:: :::e:r, ---------------------- ....... Nation·, oooob pletored .... pound lbox "' oandy trl••n by the <or I aever know ........ r they'll end s, rn, Harlan, Freddie B=non. George Hall and Melody Manor Band Wca.IIJ", Curren\ IFlveots ClUb at its annual up i111 the basket (waste basket) or Jack Conrad Leon ilte&d. T Pl F H l R ll ..... the plc: tvre on lrt.e in pa, rty in the College gymn uiwn from on the back page of down .Felix Morley, president of Baver- 0 ay or o. y 0 er Court Dance trPkal American univerSt)', the 8 until 11 o'clock. Shirley Brown nut to the ads. And I ma-intain. as hill College and <brother or author ACP lt'ara. that the averace rirl and Raymond Tracy .were tbe win- the make-u,p man seemingly does, Chri!ltopber Morley, a.ddrHM'd the COu..EG£ ALUMNI WILL woald ba-w a round of ac:tivitles to ners, retuminl' first from a jaunt a. that no one J"e&.ds the ads or a nr- convention on "The Press, PUblic MEET THURSDAY EVENING ccner. She would have 210 quarts of round town in which about thirty thing near them I Opinion and Propaganda" Saturda!Y Party Will Be Fint Ia Serie. Of SpriDw Semi-F.ormala Plarnaed b,. Studeub •coke'' to ;.tabibe, a nd 20 pounds 0 r student. . parti c:i..-ted. oThere isn't any point to thia dis- nigh.t. Afte r the final searions the There will lbe a meeting · of the •IHIF to ruin her eomplexion, not to Non-treasure huntcra remained seriation. [t just g'Oes to show you 1tudent.s watched the Sunday t:'ditlon Glt:"Dvill e .State Teachers Colleg-e A spring perty with more than the aation 20 feet of g-um to chew. 1i lnd daM.ed to the ViC'trola. Coea- that 3 coll ege education gives you of the Huntington Advertiser «O to Alumni Association ia ·Room 101, customary c-lamour, is scheduled for She would ,quander seven .an d a cokt. was st:'rved t.o mem.bE.Ts and h:-: pr;s:d Haye•. H• ·gh Administration Rail, Thu..rsday eve. theo week-e nd when .the Holy Rollt.r M)! 41AJs a.t. the movie.s a.. nd spend 55 friends ot the Club. fte ) Ldn' &• ning at 8 o'clock. announces Pres. Coort its dame, feL D¥a up work in the 99 1• · r wou t; have mentioned to School junior, w:J. s elected prt."sident Mlss Helen IM.eGu, A...B. '34. turing Genrge Hall and his popular du.ea abe co.t. Prepari ng for 80 Know These Words? your clo.sest friends. of the Press for the coming yea.r. Plan.s w:ill lbe made fo r the Asso- e I o 0 Y Manor on:hestra o! Fair- .. Faculty bathe 90 .hour-3 and ZIP "Vocation strictly signifies the main pointed. and their gut:St:\. Bowevu, • 0 "Z.IPpert. calling or business o! lif e; avocation, She would tam down 125 dates, a ···-'on from that vooation · ." By 'Colleen Norman I whoee da.ily ..,.rad es are sat.. be open to the student d ·-·- · T .,. A rational dairy a.ssodation has 3.nd p'\hlic ;!j!:: ;; i.5 r &p.. iudged a University o! Another event will the .. :::::£: .. I I · to ; e. g., my regular eol- : those who have special commenc.<:. C E chutn "";11 furn ish the music f or Besides these pauuita, she would lege studies, I took Gernlan lessons H. Y. C la-rk: ''Exam.in.ations should ment G.ttivitie9 if they have an av- omtng vents tliis el:lborat e- a ffa ir and the pTice f or 11: " Aware t'::: to a HB quPstion 1'0 MORROW: will be $i. 25 pe.r co!1 ple, eex woulci annihilate r. o pairs of r efers to obj eclc6 o( percept ion, what student.s have. leame<d, -why not ra.iK."S thi s.que.stion;Wha t pnrpose do Cll1'riculum 'I'Uidance meeting5. !Ha rold Noroski, presjdent o·f the .todcinp, absorb 2 of things out.&i de of ourseh·es; c_oall? I! so me can be meas- examinat ions and tests ser--e! Are- FRliDAY : G Chl'h, announced tbat the st<lec. buy a Sm scious, to objects of 81!nsation, ured ·wlthout,... tbem, why cannot all ! test ing deviec!s onh· or are the'y Roller Court da nce, College. tion o! the G Club queen W11l be or Moonhght Madn .., P<rfumo. F:r;:er Tba ODftt af an edii'Cation at Har- we a re aware of exterml fa. ct.s, ob- them! l S(: f' no reu.son wh.y some to excuse students from Singing, dancing and games, Col- Gl':in tsvUie, Mi.ss W<i hna Bransford of U.iverait.y has increased 280 ject.s, and circumstances. should lbe exempt and others pol" tions thnn tf rom any ot-bc.-T l ege gy mnasium. Walton a nd Ar lene Workman o! ln the lutcentu.ry, Pres. E . .C. Rohrbough : "I (Continued from page 4.)
Page 1: The Glenville ·Mercury Glenville ·Mercury That Since April 1


The Glenville ·Mercury That Since April 1<0 Wf! Have W A National Honorary Frat.eraftr

Oa. The Caft\'PWI

Student Newapaper--Glenville State Teacher• CoUege--Publiahed Weekly

GJ-9ille. W..t v.....-. Tuada,., April 16, 1940


PIONEER SPIRIT Declareo 'Edacatioo lo Too....,_ fouad, Too Deep Seated to


Hia 33rd.Term Real OpportUDitiea Pr .. ail To. Tolerate Neclect'

ID.teraeaaioo courses will be offered this eummer aa clay. Sa:r- COUJtaelor For Dean H. L. White, lli. John c. ecbeduled in the College catalog, says Pres. E. G. Wat Pean S,at_ ShJ"eVe nd Dr. c. t:. Under,wood, of

~=-=~0':;..., ... , l ''AK.yourseH' the_ quHtion 'What !:~~e.!~n:-:;1:~ ;.~V~rgi:

E.-a Amos Ia New Vice-Preaident; HuB, Heater and Burke Defeat


~:d 1 d:h1~111::o: ::; fn•~: ~-= CIUIJI'oom Teachers A.woeiation aDd

ti11ia !'" William R. Lunk, eommer- :, c~~~~ceato~ac:o~~~li:.::T~ In the elos~st student eon test in the history of the College.

Earl McDonald, of Par kersburg, was elected president of the student body in the general election Tuesday. He defeated Teresa Butcher, of Cedarville, first girl in the College to run for president, ·by five votes. Three hundred sixty students.. or 91 per cent of the eligible voters, cast ballots.

EVA 'Al.'IOS, a"bo,·e, of Burnsville, Iaiit Ia Vic:e-Pr-eeideat ; Apes is the new ,·ice.:president of .the Stu.

Wriaht Named Secretary ; dent Counreil. See elecUon .story , page Ralph Cent Treasurer 1.

:!tc;:::~:: ~:,::;o;~~~ da~t tJu~ profearionaUzation conle1'-mont. ~ld studt-'nt.s in assernbly Wed- ence. atePs were takeg. prepar-atory ~=~~':,n he ~ke on <toCollere t.o a. meeting of the same kind .sched­

• · . uled in the Colle2e for May 1. Miea X>n your. s~~ulde;s and nune T"eilta.J Ruth Walls, o:ft Kingrwood, spoke at

t he responsibility o. the futurEi and the Saturday conlerence. t he responsibility of ·finding some- Those at the Clnsroom Teachenf thin« to tie our e~ueation .~,·" .•i,d ban(luet Saturday night heard Dr. Mr. ~nk, .who ibeheves tMt 1t I~ t n.v. w. Trent, s~te superintendent ~he ~uca:~ion 1but-what ~he education of aehools, urge West Vir,rinia •s h•tsehed onto that OW'Idens a per. teachen= t.o hold their heads up and son's ,;ews and shOW'!! him haw to tret a.ssert themselves. He declared: more enjo)m)ent out of life." Be maintains that if "it wen: .possible to get the queation 'school 'fbr what?' into the minds of every fltudent in We_oot, Virginia ~nd t.hen do 90mething lfuout it, more opportunh it:S would be ~ttasped and more rproblems solv­ed."

" America',. faith in education is t.oo profound,- too deep seated to tnle.rate neJlect. To reduce funds <tor '"ducation or to tr.:lnsfer fun.ds fl'Om <>duca)ion to the support of the in~ finn for pensions or !{cr unemploy­ment will mean only a transfer :from .prevention to cure that wi ll red.uec~

Dpporhanitie• P lentiful the ef!'edivene.ss in the ratio of one " Opportunities are just a..s ceat to sixteen exprf!39ed in the adage:

today as they wl::l'e and even if the 'an oun~e of prevention is worth a rrirls a re thinking of being just pound of r.ure.' ' ' housewives, there 111t'e real ooportun- 'Dr. Char-I 0. Williams. ficld agent

Terea. Butcher, or Cedarville, wa.s GHOST WRITING ities there," said Mr. Lunk, as ht: o fi the National Education kwrocia-llllided ]mllridmt of next year's sen- cited and emphasized the- possibilities tion. of Waahington, D. c., and Miaa W claat, Wedttesclay iJ1 the College FROWNED UPON availalble in the developmt:'tlt .i:n the E~phc Smith, preaideat of the na-...utoriam. .... ButebeT". ;secretary fie.lds of agriculture, education, civil tiona) a&SOd:atl\n. of c1A.aaroom ttl tlae Staclent Couadl, w .. presi- and chemical en~neerinc. retailing teachers of Portland. Ore., a.lao

::,:...-- 110pbomore c:laaa t\le Natioa'a C~d•ta 0p- :!\~et:~~~i~=dofh;e: spok!at~~ 01Mr ._ ome-n aleded an: poeed l! 5o:Called ScboJaa.. Vit'Winia. · 'Y.'W." TO SEND DEUCA.TES

............._\, BM'OW 8ooU,. of tic Dillls......ty "Raman relatlona mea"- ref&.1bC TO CABINET CONFEAENC' 7tlr. ~. _....... Wrtafrt. fit '"Gbo« writi ,. Ul pnetiee af a.Jocc !With •ch otber, a.lld it ls the

EA.RJL MioDONA.LD, above-, af Par­kt:rsbu-rg, Will succeed Harold Nor­)9ki aos president of the Student Council.


Elected '{or "rice-pnisidebt ~ .. "­Amos of 'Burnsville, with 196 votn.

Ruth Annabel Hull, of Glenville, wes elected seCT>..tary with 24o2 9'0tM. Ja.mes Heater, of Weston, was elfdO. ed tl'easurt!r ·with 192 votes, ud John!l<m Burke, 01! Cedarville, Mr·

geant...at..anns with 225 votes. For the s~prf='me court, ~omJ)OM!d

of a .boy, a. girJ, two facuh.)" mem. hers, • nd 'J)t'esrdent of the CoUece. Robert Butcher, of •Cedarville, and Ht:1en Beater, of Weston, were eieet.. ed. Butche-r received 2G6 votes. ·high­est number .received in the ek'ctioa. Miss Ksthleen Robel"tson and Dr. Ch.allles P. Harper, facultY m~


For presldent: Earl McDon­ald, 1-81); TE:'resa Butcher, 175.

F or vice - president: Eva Antos, 198; A«nes Wright. 1{12.

For Heretal'IY: oft"Uth An~l Rail, 24!2; Gerald ine McClain, 118.

For trea.a:ul'el': James BeateT, 192; .home~~ Farr, 1&1.

•F OJ" """'""t...at...anu: Joha.. •n Barke, -225; Nelaota Orad., dock. 131 .

...... ; aad ~ • ..._.Cox. stadeat.. prepa~·~ th;._ ud re- ~ the•loe"".·· rheld ~d. more .tba.n a117. A dt.cullllion of thit ideal home "tfii" ' Ballota ·Cut Before )foaa :.:::-.:. =~ ~ l'OI'W ,.,... • ..,. oaa '\!IIM'a eta. work, ... ,._.. rc.=...... s,.lrlt lad ..,, Marjorie Bardwa at • meet- fa Studeat Ceaeral EleetioaJ '

...... npl'dlll!Dtatin. '- .~poaed. lb)' tbne-:fourt.h.t f1f Am- This coaatry hu not reaMed the ~ ~eu!d:..c:!;a:.~~~!: n ~enaooD

For lllp!l"elne court : .2c1te1t Buteber, !88; H"lea S.ter, -; _,. """'" ,_...., llf; Prtid Slu.a, 10. ;r: eoUec-ebl=daia 'n.a other altima~ in deYeloptMDt, • id Mr. the di~1111ion, tht; poem, "Home", StGdent.. ln Glenville State Teacll-



0 "" ....U • ~ Lank. who :teels *he need of a. P•t ill)'! Edwvd. A Guest,. ~ read bJ e"' Cone.rr don't pat otl' until tha ~n s:n~· report. the Btudmt '!.•1 of BDeJ'KY, detenniMtdoa and flnr.zcea )(.yen. The Claob ·voted to aftt:Tnoon 'What they ean do tn· tbe of the ~ court, were ~ P~.-.at j qf ftt4iac re- ~oaee)'i~ spi~ on the ~rt of the nnd deleptes to the annual c.biMt foreDOOn wbea it -colliett to uercisinc ed lby Pires. E. G. RobriJouch the pul

COI'd.d aero• ~urttrT b)' intft- ~le (~011~,':_-:_ti .. oc00

tbt- dema5

n41 of cordereace to be held May 3, 4, 6, at their ril'ht of ca.mpa.s fftnchille. J"e&r. A. JVDDI' man who llppro-. of the ricrwe!l'S eoope~nc with tbt:l Su"en WDY • Pace ) Jacbon'a: Mill. 1n th.eo general election the pa.st Flalrl!MeDonald, the nf:lw prealdeat, ._...rtt. We.t Vlzwini.a" "Pf'IW!'Uil rw:l u folkrn: ----------....::'------------ Tu esday 267 -.ot.en, aad tbe first 26 Se a acm of Mrs. J . I. M'd)onald of

It Aaaed: •IYia• oi Jt.herton, Pen. Stro.-"' ........ " "' uo· tf . F b d ~ . were men , weat to thE:! polls ia Ad- Pa.rkenlbu:qr, He ia ~ e4itDr of .... Oocurtl;r. and a formll:"t' atudeat MiWJ,. ....... 21 ~ 1 erence 1D res man an veruor Grades ministration Ball and indic&ted their tbe Mm::IIIT, pu'bticit)' mnacw of

'";!;. ~iw.,. ... , .. ~· •·•••-• -••!1. Is a Stnd t' U f T AbT F k " pr.r .... .,.. wor• noon ; ....... "' a"'""" d•partm•n• aod --"~end rock ~imeas from MlWIJ' i• f•-" a~ ~ S 0 31 tOg 1 tty tO a e during the a.ftemoon. And fo1lowilll' ~=t:r.;:.sw.:::-:=:ia ~~o~ 1!'a61iaaCoaa.tyto'llr. ·B. Y. Ciark, Stro••1J' N fa•• 790 By Marguerite lfoas George Wa.ahia(rton ftleeived*I8D ar~::lel~ct~ :gh::1.gs 'I m~ of the G Club, .thtf 01ln.imo. ~r Ja ed111C*tion. The uhibit l.t ·wiUbeaotedthata.majorityof Back whm\ I •was 8 <flreshm.an bonorarydegreef'romfti.own.Uni•er- "B nd 177 bo;.., voted. n rua rohvw Rayen a~~d the Holy RoJler

~ ~~::.:: ,.,.. of <lao ~:,. :..:.~~· daa listed ao ~':,';"f !~~.'::.' ;,;~·;..w;:i:: ''" lo I ••a.- 'lhe fim -.ty.ft•e ,..,.., _., Co;!.,. ·~ l>ooth., fomUIIod 1&. coat:a.in llboot thi1ty piet-1Jr" Chid argument iD favor: Tt belpa "The Use of the Library." Now tam • ho,.; fb'ed ~ 8 ~io~, .pa thE:' •by the elerk' o! t1R <Oanti eoait,

e1 ,....ira PeDdletoa County, somll .tudenta lby l'ivi11.1' Olen mMe bme • aenlor. I can write little if any GJenvdJe Students lOOt.h hoboy to vote; M"ai': tMar~ .were uaed in Adrnini.tratlon HaU. - wtaieh era ot Seaee. Boc:b. Sen- to lltady tar more in$0t'l&nt ~nd better, but the grade h&a come up a A d Hi 8

IIGP more, 'WU •ote:r or t e VotinR hours were 8 • m to 1! • M Ca.,era• and~ AllecheDy preaainceol11'8t8. aotc.h •nritb the euuing yean, the tten gb School Kfrls. and 1 to 4 p.m.. The ·~Je~ e~ JloaDtaiDa. Pfqlnl~~o'IIW. of roek ' for- The practice ia eaJJed ptain -.boL. dilrere.nee ia. tbe gradee I receive Press Conference ~rs.:.~~:~~. p= ~~ mi'~d~t4 • .. """'"dy pro' .. "",d ... • .. ~· &A,_

..t1o11a are a.J.eo inrludad ia tbe ex. astie d:iahoneet, by tboee who ue being due to my unfailing ability to -., '""W"' ~uu """ w; _.,

~~tit. llOW on d'-*y Ia Room 200. ooppoeed. &Jc.e! --- ' ker, $01)bomore, owa..! last. Ernestine paat and the year of Hr'Viee for ddt, When 1 handed in t.hat first theme., Nine students of the Glenville Kennedy, eophomore, cast bcLilot are: Lloyd Matheny, 1936-'36; Baah

I muet ha.ve looked and aeted guilty Bigh School joU"l'llali!!lm elass and D"Umber 100; Robert St:aht.alrer, so- W. Craddock, Jr .. 1938-'37; DtltlrA!I

Average Coed Drinks 210 Quarts of 'Coke', ~:~~~:U: to apeak • rood word !:: ~::!:~~;n;-s~ac:t:~:!vi:~ ;:~o~::,_~;:s;:.m:,e::~:~~ ~~. ~;:s~o~~r:93~: Eats 20 Lbs. of Candy, Chews 20Ft. of Gum Four ,... .. of plu..-; ng .... jo,rnall= ... .,,., ...... ding ... ber 300 on the list.

--- changad ";!! th!&t. Now I place my We$1: Virginia Un ited Hi&'b &hoot Listed on the lbsllot, but as ean-Ae Preparea For 10 Daye of • BROWN AND TRACY WIN mute.rpieces in the basket with a Press meetinc in Huntington Friday dida.tes for difl'erent offices. were two

Dalea. Bathea 90 Houn. IN TREA.5URE HUNT great amount of visible pride (be- and Saturday. Butchers and two Htia.tars..

Duke Univenity's ba5eball eeuh. l a.ck •Coomhl, once pitched a ~ ina. ing .,-&me, l•mee.st in American Lea.. cue bi.st«y . Z ipa 1000 z~ ing sure the instructor is presl!llt .In th~· group !Were: Susan Brown, (CoDtiauad era~ I)

Tile Aa.odat.i Ccll~ate Freel ni::~:n~ tr:::.: ~:"! ;:: ::::~ ~ ~~'";!~=~~~:d fo~d ~=~ ~:ge~:th :::e:r, ~~~thy s~:OU:: ----------------------....... Nation·, oooob pletored .... pound lbox "' oandy trl••n by the <or I aever know ........ r they'll end s,rn, Harlan, Freddie B=non. George Hall and Melody Manor Band Wca.IIJ", Curren\ IFlveots ClUb at its annual up i111 the basket (waste basket) or Jack Conrad ~nd Leon ilte&d. T Pl F H l R ll ..... the plc:tvre on lrt.e in • pa,rty in the College gymnuiwn from on the back page of the~ down .Felix Morley, president of Baver- 0 ay or o. y 0 er Court Dance

trPkal American univerSt)', the 8 until 11 o'clock. Shirley Brown nut to the ads. And I ma-intain. as hill College and <brother or author ACP lt'ara. that the averace rirl and Raymond Tracy .were tbe win- the make-u,p man seemingly does, Chri!ltopber Morley, a.ddrHM'd the COu..EG£ ALUMNI WILL woald ba-w a round of ac:tivitles to ners, retuminl' first from a jaunt a. that no one J"e&.ds the ads or anr- convention on "The Press, PUblic MEET THURSDAY EVENING ccner. She would have 210 quarts of round town in which about thirty thing near them I Opinion and Propaganda" Saturda!Y

Party Will Be Fint Ia Serie. Of SpriDw Semi-F.ormala

Plarnaed b,. Studeub •coke'' to ;.tabibe, and 20 pounds 0 r student. .partic:i..-ted. oThere isn't any point to thia dis- nigh.t. After the final searions the There will lbe a meeting · of the •IHIF to ruin her eomplexion, not to Non-treasure huntcra remained seriation. [t just g'Oes to show you 1tudent.s watched the Sunday t:'ditlon Glt:"Dville .State Teachers Colleg-e A spring perty with more than the aation 20 feet of g-um to chew. 1ilnd daM.ed to the ViC'trola. Coea- that 3 college education gives you of the Huntington Advertiser «O to Alumni Association ia ·Room 101, customary c-lamour, is scheduled for

She would ,quander seven .an d a cokt. was st:'rved t.o mem.bE.Ts and ~~: ~:~=: t(:n~ushp~:~~esy h:-: pr;s:d Haye•. H"nt•·n~on H•·gh Administration Rail, Thu..rsday eve. theo week-end when .the Holy Rollt.r M)! 41AJs a.t. the movie.s a..nd spend 55 friends ot the Club. fte ) Ldn' &• ning at 8 o'clock. announces Pres. Coort s~11sors its :lnn~l dame, feL D¥a maki~ up work in the 99 ~~~~~~=~~~~ 1• · r wou t; have mentioned to School junior, w:J.s elected prt."sident Mlss Helen IM.eGu, A...B. '34. turing Genrge Hall and his popular du.ea abe co.t. Preparing for 80 Know These Words? your clo.sest friends. of the Press for the coming yea.r. Plan.s w:ill lbe made fo r the Asso- e I o 0 Y Manor on:hestra o! Fair-

Eh;~::::~:~,.;i;J~~ .. ~.~o~!~ "~~~!;o~"~::: Faculty Mem~~rsQ~:~~~~ ~i~~sAverages' ?.JL~::x~~~~~;:;~ ~~':5f~g~1~~~ ~! w~uld bathe 90 .hour-3 and ZIP "Vocation strictly signifies the main pointed. and their gut:St:\. Bowevu,

• 0 "Z.IPpert. calling or business o! life; avocation, She would tam down 125 dates, a d ····-'on from that vooation ·." By 'Colleen Norman I <~eniors whoee da.ily ..,.rades are sat.. "~till be open to the student

d ·-·- · T .,. A rational dairy a.ssodation has 3.nd p'\hlic ~~~:.6 .~cl=t~:: ;!j!:: ;; s5e;~ ~ite~~t:~h~.!ll.~s ::ca~:n.~'ocation; i.5 l:ee~:~o:~ no~nex:::~·. ~:~ :::::~ t~~o~~e: i~i~· r &p.. iudged a University o! Tenn~ Another spri~ event will ~x,· the

~~~:J~ .. ~htZ~~ :::::£: ~r.:;:~.!;:~7l~!~:~:er.~:::~:; §fi~f~:f]:~f~~~:!:; ~m::::~~2~~~~r:L .. ;~:·:i I ~~~.,~~ha~·t~i:hamp~n·~~lo~n ~''~·~-~iu~d.~ I ;;?,~~~~~~;cglf~ ~l · to ; e. g., "Besid'~ m y regular eol- : those who have special commenc.<:. C • E chutn "";11 furn ish the music f or

Besides these pauuita, s he would lege studies, I took Gernla n lessons H. Y. C la-rk: ' 'Exam.in.ations should ment G.ttivitie9 if they have an av- omtng vents t liis el:lborat e- a ffa ir and the pTice f or

=~~. 11: ~:\h::~~~ t~: o~~:::: un~~N;6r~v~~~ ~~:~E. " Aware ~eeni~ ~ t'::: ~;:s:~ed to a !::Si~~~ e7:ea~ HB ~~,~~:~:""Yo u ; quPstion 1'0MORROW: ;~:i::.n will be $i.25 pe.r co!1ple,

eex ~e woulci annihilate r.o pairs of refers to objeclc6 o( perception, what student.s have. leame<d, -why not ra.iK."S this.que.stion;Wha t pnrpose do Cll1'riculum 'I'Uidance meeting5. !Ha rold Noroski, presjdent o·f the .todcinp, absorb 2 pound~. of c~l~ things out.&ide of ourseh·es; c_on· maasur~ all? I! so me can be meas- exam inations and tests ser--e! Are- FRliDAY : G Chl'h, announced tbat the st<lec. ~and. buy a quart.~! ~fy Sm scious, t o objects of 81!nsation, ured ·wlthout,... tbem, why cannot all ! ~hey testing deviec!s onh· or a re the'y .H o i ~· Roller Court dance, College. tion o! the G Club queen W11l be

or Moonhght Madn.., P<rfumo. ~~n:.:.. -:;~n t~:·:~~~e ::~ ':::::;.~ ~:.";~;:~.~~:'.:.:::~;~'.:~::/:~ ~ ~= ~~~~:~ !O:r:~ch~:~~~;h;~:or: r~r;r;;:;:v: :::~~~o~all F:r;:er r.:~e~~:~ t~ Tba ODftt af an edii'Cation at Har- we a re aware of exterml fa.ct.s, ob- them! l S(: f' no reu.son wh.y some to excuse students from e.:G~mi na- Singing, dancing and ga mes, Col- Gl':in tsvUie, Mi.ss W<i hna Bransford of

U.iverait.y has increased 280 ject.s, and circumstances. should lbe exempt and others pol" tions thnn tf rom any ot-b c.-T instru~::- lege gy mnasium. Walton a nd Ar lene Workman o! ln the lutcentu.ry, Pres. E . .C. Rohrbough : "I (Continued from page 4.) (;,;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, l&..,.wo;>.

Page 2: The Glenville ·Mercury Glenville ·Mercury That Since April 1



____ ....,._.._.._

,.,..... Aohortioial Sonice. IDI:. . c.,g,.,,...,.._,.____

JmWS AND EDFI'ORLAli.JS : J.Joewey BerT}', .Max.in.t: a.Ui~r, Jo' red C..aT"'"'ett. -Rufb .1\.nnahel H-u..ll , Jack Kiln. 011.._ MyeJ'&. Co!IM"o Si~nnan, Mildred Riley, Harold Scott. F'l'IU:l.CH Spnn£3ton, Helen Wmt, Vlr-

C,. WJ:r;~u~d.Ut~l.I~~~'N;t..:lci7f\~ijj;!ft'~ •iDe, Muy Loui8e- WoodfoTd~ '

'1/ti:UJ./f'Y ADVISER .••• ._ • •. .. . • Linn Jl. ffid aTl.lln

Dblribuull' of

............................................ """ : On the Shelves : I At the Robert I : F. Kidd Library : .,........,_ By Olin ll)·tcrs .,.._..,

Do )>ou ,..nt. to live! The richnt IIOU-rce o! vil:ariooa

}ivinz is the oecount o.( 'the real llfe that •-as SUCf('!!lfu.l. Va lu&blb ud entertaining bits of expe::rien­cea and porsonelity eri)Wd the ;pages- o.f lb:iO(fT&phiea, and eomt:' ol the n.ewest 1,11d best •biograplliee a.re on (he aheh•es of our library.

' Th ... crtory o! ::. sm:a ll-tooY.:n girl

who made cood is Edna Ferber'e Aut bio~.a,.'l>by, "A Peculia-r Trt'll.~ un: ." Edna Fe.r!ber is a. guJt novelhit who b~ her writing ca­rter a l the a.ge of 17 U a. Teporter on a borne-town DewfQMLper ut $8 a w~ek. u~or ambition then was to lbe s .pod reporter, and She was a good npor«.-'r. It. ..-as aJmO&t eCQI­dent.a l dnt. abe came to write fie­Hen, Rudyard Kipling has talled

Colle()iole lJi6est IM.j15 .Ferber "•n historical p:tint.t:r

-----------,...--------1 :~~~ ~,~:n,:··~~~~!::.;:.~~ .~" Tueaclay. ApriJ IS. 1940 histor~l paint« ol nriddle-claaa


Student Body Sb,ows Approval Of This Campus Democracy -rBE past Tuesday students in t he College I lltamped their approval on student democ­racy when more than 90 per cent of them eat ballots for candidates. OnJy once before Jlaa such interest been created in an election. In 1936, 95 per cent of the students went to

thTC:J~~ooth and orderly manner in which the election •was cond ueted was a strong rec· ommendation for the continuation of a atu­deDt government at Glenville. Election booths ud regular procedure served to trAin &tu­deJita for future elections in P.;etual po1itics. oae of the prime objectives of student goY­erameDt.

Dcsening perhaps u many eongratulatoey remarks u the successful candidate is the atudent body. The achievement is a Com­IDelldable one. The president-elect is now oba llpted to serve the student l>ody, and the Radenta are obligated to cooperate. This makes .tudent democracy .-.(mfford Lamp.

Maybe Europeans Can' t Imagine Bombs Dropped Into Their Soup 9HE last paragraph in a list of air-raid jn-1 ltructiona posted in a London hotel reada: 01Diuing-room customers who wish to enter tile bomb-proof aheltu should tell the walt­_., who will present their bill immedia.tely."

Sup- that the people in the United su.t- had to pay au extra charge for protee­tloa at their livea every time they eat a meal at a hotel. Suppose that when they go to a Jlllltaurant for a bowl of soup they are oalwaya lla•ated with the f~r of having a bomb drop. Mel into iL • - fte European eonfliet is now flamin• a--.w. The citizens of tbat continent are C:On-.t:llluaUy under a terrific: strain fearing that 6e next m'Ove may bring their death.

Tbere must be some reason for all of the aurder and devastation these countries deal with so enthusiastically. Maybe 'the political J1aden and war advocators of these coun· t:rJee don't eat aoup. May.be the thoughts of a ltomb in their eountrymen's soup don't dis­tllrb them. But u for us!-we are most thank­'-' for the privilewe of living in the Unjted State. where our soup can be fi1Jed with .... te..........,nly.-Fred Garrett.

Posture Week Reminds Us To Stand Up to Life

STAND ue<t and ljvel is a fttting slogan for Natio-nal Posture Week. May 6-11,

.tace standing up straight aRd taU enables one not only to look better, but actually to IIYe better," recently said Arthur E. McCiue, .t.ate health commissioner. As he made clear, Jt baa been conftnned by r~puta'ble physicians that poor posture is definitely injurious to tbe body.

Last week was "National Posture Week," and we students were asked to examine our

=~r:,:j"o~t;!a:,e ues~~~;:ki~ ~h~:~tect up. found t~at improvements were necessary, and we st.Talghtened up, temporarily.

''No man in bls time hu don~ mor~ to pro'tnote the lov~ of •book.s. •• & aa,a tb~ New Y OTk. Timet of WiiiWim· L)•on Pbetpa. Ill\ P.h~lpa contlinves to further thie appnciat:ion In his story of bis own life-, hilf "Autobiogn:pby W-ith Let­-._••

William Lyon Ph~~ baa htim a b&lJPY man , and certainly the per­Mnality of thiS o.utobiography re­flects that penonalit y wb.ieh etim­ull.t.ed a:ppreclation ol litl!l"a.ture on the st.~ and irL the leduTe hall.

Bio~hr:rl of Tborl!l3u have !been .in th e oJJUt. qWte pe:rd'pn.ctory ud rat.h&r s uperlicial i n thriT ac.. 'C<MJDU of his lilt'. But now a new lbiorrQhrr. Heney Seidel Canby, h .. probed dftply beneatb the sur­,l~~. p.l"rinc much information from n!latives and conresFndertc.e ..t.th f riends, t<1 bTinl' us a sym.. a-t.hellc and revealins tratment af th~ utterly lnnnan TborH.u. The book i ~ "Thoreau ,' ' by Brnry S~i­d.d Cu.by.

Some other bte •bloppbin to J}>e round in the libr&l'Y ar~ "Mien Kemp!~ ' by Adol~h Biller, " Ben­jamin Franklin" ·by Carl Van Dor­en, "I ?{anted to be. ara A~' by Kathe.riDeo Con.U, &Del ' 'lbya at Our Year&" by Vu Paa.Hn.

I Aath:-.: ::::.. I S.,.oFearCarlloThe

True Aeadelllic F....tom "Fa.r k..,. t4Anr ~

none \Oo ·bold at best, from voie-illc what \her lmcnr to be tru• a­lbcrut the ~JGeiety tbat 8UJTOtltad8 thrmo or the history thry are IIUP" ~ to lntupreL Jfo.t ot tJwn c• not lrbteora. Ther are erperte on infonniltio n, with a desirt to lbe let alone ita t heir work. So whim tllt!lir Qlriniona are tn.pproTed, their poaition. aDd· U~PCrit:'rlce are not aucb ~ can rui.t intiotidation . The J'OUI:IC tebolar leo.ru euly he cab auoceed betl by ailenet:. Thft'r ito tittle academic. freedom i.n the anae at tlw.· ricbt to U:ach !Without Jnstitutional ~don Or ~r­abip of -peraoc-1 faiths." Author Leoa Whipple, Ia twa "StJOrr of O•il Libertie:s in \be Uatted !taw.," talw.s a i'OO'd, long look at the banioades to aeaftmic frt;e­dom.-(A.C.P. )


And so It anowed AC"ain­When tebnls fins had thought T hat. sprinr, cxt>epl for nin, Had tennis .....ett-thu lbrougbt.

But. ob. how aor~o wr were When ont: short a.nernoon 'For trnni.t we- did &t ir. lt made us aore to aoon. But good posture is not acquired merely by

attention. It is~ babil, and to have it one must lnt build strong mu.sc.les to support the body. But naw ain('e anow has come, If one will maintain continuously a pleuant Our mu.clu will Trvin. pqcltological attitude, he will have broken ~t11r11ing with the .san, down another barrier to good postur e . Our te.nrds pmr w'l11 thrive..

.a~f~:r~e~~eP~~t::::. ~~i ;~:O~e~he~i~h 1------"'_._.,._._._ .. ..:.,..,. __ _ r.=r::.~!!~n°~~h~rs~~~~c~e:~~eh~=~b:!~: Quick Quips for bappinus. Happiness is essential to one's MI~ Kathleen Robrrt&on and uefulness which is a mission of every 'indi· The Ohnlmgobow P~J.ren viduai.-W. T . Romine. · our On.mathta-:

In every Jife. aa it near& decision, nothing seems mor:e unreal that its own aim.-Franz Werfel. Resoure~ do r.ot. depend upon gross a­

mounts • • but upon the proportion of givings to taldnga.-Tbomaa Hardy.

EvemhiDg Ia forgotten in the end.-James BlltoD.

, Althouch Alph:a and Omega are tb~ tint a nd the Jut, we hope that dOel§n"t ben out in t:')n~~eetlon with the ft ra t nationally ('barte"'d frattrn.lty on the t am:pU$,

Yours, QU!"..XSILVER.



rA ~ . -~ . :... . t 'Keeping Wright With "Ghe -'flews L~ By Arnu Wright

.Now t.hal t.h.e U«:it.emt>'ht • ha& Nbsided and stUdt'nt.J a re bac.k to norm a I ain ce tb(' bre&th-taltiDJ' election 'O.he IPUt we:ek, tmnp ~ lbeglnnin_g to run smoothly onc:e mort.• ond tbe demandlnw ll'outine ai &Jt'hool "'ork would want to come to th~ fl'ont apln. , .As a .ri!.Slllt tWt: ftnd teacher. kc.epin.r on with ~ teiUJ and ltlldent. eact!riJ r.:!anding toy suTc-hing in ,.ai11 foT LOmet.hlnc to tie th.iT educatio11 to •a advout.!d ~ lby William R. Lunk In aaaem.bly W~dne.c!Ay.

--•w--Gien,.,:\(' S t.o, te Teac.herw ~ol­

leae Is comlnc aloacr ... Since Wed­nesday • ft\1111' 'ftational o~niza.. Uon, Alphll Pal Omt'p, the ftrst on f'be ~lnpu.tl, hao !been runc.tioniftK' •nd Is ra.vfdly tOit'ing to the front u a -prom isinG' ..A.Ij~ct. lor future y:pira.nt.t. •. Dr . .Pat:! IF, OJ::lp of Fa~mont State T eachers Collt.'.te ia the orlgin~~ol fou nd4.'1' . • . I nitiatliu waa cl'one lbv F l 'lrmont &bdenta.

D~ at Jacbon'.s Mill tonil'bt '"The a.--ery .Bdks ud ll'heir Baus" are apJn pru entinc tbtir P1"'0'fttlli of tM l'aJDiaetiea IWhn \hey ent.erlain tbt Ruml Elt!Ctrift­'cation COII.fe-reace to b. held there • .• 'Niia i.• the third pniseatatloa at var.ioua pla('OI!a. . .Becaua of ~PN•Inc d~& liltoWhdre,. oae membt:)' of the quart.rt :will be ~ M>:nt, which maku for willinK' n.b­S'titutfon on tke rart of o.nothft JJttlt.•CoUfll".' Ia-.

-----Wohen Ca.ni.<o!l"bUl'y mem,b•~•

Joumey td lhr Con,..d Ho tel to­

morrow evenlnc- l oT thei'r annual pilcrim..,e, food aad t.r&nl may lbC!' ditrrnt~t from the oricinal WDJ • . .But at least th 1111irit wlll be tht:'re. . ..Fa,·or'!t.e Ch&acer 1aln will be told ~diDC the joume,.


HOI!H and 'there •• bel : Tk eeasus pt-oplf!l eocmUnc the toWD

. . Pioneer Week. berinnin.c .•. oCommenta on the Holy RoU• Coart dance thi1 Friday niKM. •• .Ra.p.kf won: belntr don• on tt..' new R. W. Be nett Ouildlnc . • .And ner ,bl$e_r shQp to be in.Ued on oJIIaln Strtet.


iln the music WoTld we ftnd.: &winr talring a noM atand. . .llax... ine- Sull iv~n and John Kirby int:ro-

dudng a. ne.w propsm of ubtle nrinr over CBS the put San•,­• . .Moz:M't Concert Se:riu t.oD•ht .over .MBS. • .Concert in rb)'tbm featurin& Raymoad Scsott.1• omluL tn. ovf:r OBS . . . SON.G JUT a:f th• ,..eek i8 "The Wind ADd The RaiD 1n Your Hail'."

I ~::::ki~~: I Cooperation For Better

Stud•t Cioni'BIDellt

The student body crl¢ioD brld . tht Bl'&sl .week was a wee:~ u

far as the votins ,.... eoa.eemed. More dun 9g..per ,::ent fiJI th• stla­denta voted. Tbose studbtl that d id vole should lu.l proud that. thc.y have dOh(:' their dutY; but "''bat albout those that failed to do fl) ' Art they not inluuted In thtr :rtudrnt pvirnmrnt!

Now that the elecrio11 Is • tbiDJ' of the put, all of ua co n:alise t.hat. we aTe. s&r ivintr t oward tbe sa.mr objttUve--a !better a&vdeot I'O"'ft'llfMOt. Ut as not crleve be­eauae our cand idate wu de!Mt.rd. J.Et ua be hiendly towud the Tic­-tol'--&Jid 10 with the majority. All our teort. ahoQJd k directed to­ward makiJlc thit ttvdent ,..,...,._ ront \lie.,._ Ia th- .ta&e • ......JiaL otd NoroaJri.,

Ob l God, t 5\aDd Odon.' a ddld, A. pattfl'n a1Mil 'nee,

To mould and- shape til is "'cer' mind Ill pa.tha of .,.bt tor Tbee..

Oh I lArd it ia ao easy Wk, To ~ .S,ie pft.N or dar,

8 11t wfth T11y help thi'Oqh me, Oh I 0.4.

I'U do Yhat. er'e l'm uked.

And, now if it , hould ever be, That. l ahou!d faU my tuk.

Dt.aT Cod, just make this bonNt lad, A ~ man t.Mn me.

MAYBE I'M WRONG BUT. Thert> an: loa many College stu­

denta rwbo aaunll'!r up and dowa and • t: rns• tbl'! t •mpur thue sprinr dllys tnd n(' \'tr u e • thing of 'rauty In the tr~:c.-. birds, flowers and the. r~eh Kf«n la.-ns .• • T~y study just ('noogb to 'ret •by' and .&own on all tboee -who aeeo Collegt. as a plan· te rrnw intellectuallr. rnors.lly a nd $prritu>tlly.

Some there 'P.·UI be who "lfon't attend th ~.: Holy Rtlllrr wine lfell.­

tlon Friday nigh'&. , .And thol!.e "Who stay In their ('f' .l,. will mU. a gn..nd ~portunity lo mec.t new people, catch the- rhythm and .-inr aloq to happin~t:SH ., nd l hriiiL .• The party Is goi!IJ; ~~ be 100d.

T fme rolls "''~n r tdWard ex•~ inations and fin"-1" ~d .some people ean"tcet • tin-tf U!Jenoat!l tonraa\ to "JD&le good gnd--s . • • Oft) wut

enoulrh prick- that will dc.'nland good markt .•. Some, of ('ottra, •re tllll slipping and tht!' m:;~rll.•

arr !allinc to the bottom of l.he -· H e re and tht:!rle a ..,.ou.eh tries to d.%mpen Lhe spirit& and ))J"etencb that everythiDK' a apiast- lllm. whea at a matter tA faet. he could oonect ~e _.en In trwo miaata ... Life i1 eamett and beautllul ..• And K'lline to c:ollap ia atJII a priY. ilep, &b opportunity that millions ol people would wekom~.

La the dead ,.... <burr t.M d•d • . • Ge., • whlft' ot the .,rln.r aiT • .. Look <loT beautr aU e.bou.t 7011 • , .Study l't'plarly. . .Jf.-et aDd peet your frie-nda with a amile .• , PIS ~ rear pride ead watch t•e 1011 lhlae ~ tho rou ~~" l'reallled It eoaJd.

seema convention in a ~:~:~::m~!~~e:!e~tpe~~·inellt .!'!'preai~~JI sors. and his finding the aapeidu so and very human: a stroll 1111:der the alone, to ponder that whieh )lobbed ap expcetedly from the printed page: or tile Jightful • . )'OUDI' man or JOliDI' WOID&D met that day .. . .

That and more il a eollep diary. who have kept them consider them Drticel-1'41 but those who dii:ln't, do not beeome e~. It's all in one's poiDt ot-Yiew •

Page 3: The Glenville ·Mercury Glenville ·Mercury That Since April 1





Be-ele~ted for t he fourteen·

Hanna and Radcliffe Elected Captains In

Softball League

AJumaua Ci•ea Up Coac.hift&' 1

( .dntU. And add Lo thi$ 20 b.lw" To Become G.ame Ollicial; w. hool tourn1unent., plu 23 Trf.

CommUDity Leader State ~I•' tournam~nt pmes "l..Mt (OlJI," aaye; Ltn<kU, "1 ""Otked !:l

College jO'Ilduats of less Ltua a f<'otball pmt'.IL" deead~ ago 'll'ill recalJ readily the E ... fi~d Ruler of Elk. name Llnde.U, a nd W they pen~Jre the Alon; wit.h h ll ~arhinr, Lindell

4jn:e~!:n~~~: 'X~: R~va lianml and Lourene Radt!lifr at the annual wert! el~cted ea.pt.ain, of the «(r1a'

meeting held in Ch&.T" 4'tball t-ea~ Wcdnt~sday allemoon the past week was Pres. at ~lu·bou~h St-~d1um, where a

BASEBALL. grand old national s port from the ~pecta­tors' point of view, will take its stand in th.e lineup this wee¥ as <rnajor league teams move slowly north and prepare for another hot battle fol' the respective league championships. A game which has held its prominence in t he world of sport for more than a hundr ed yeara and the creation of one Ab,ner Doubleday at Cooperstown, N. Y., in 1839, is buebaU.

tilea of tbt" !tiCTCury or those bl a ho.1 arran~ far Ume. to ~eome • cobd ma.f)f WeaL Virglnia dailla. cummun.lt)· ma.n. He I. en.hed rule.r they will find numerou.s two, thrf'C• In the Bton volent artd ProtetetJn and !our-column hea.d'line!$ in thin y- Ord~r- of ~b. ptos:nm c.halrman of si.x ~nd fcrt)··two po1nt type--R1nc:.t. the Ro1ary Club, dlhtrJN~n of 'h• Lindell ia.nd V&.ss Win Aga1n for &wimmin~t ami ..-ports eommtttee of Gll':nvillc. thf' Country Club. •po~ chnin:r~an

Glenville p net1e:e ac'-!SIO D wa11 h.eld. ~"0 tums will be rhoatn ancl

gsmes Wlll be t~la)·ed eaeh week un. dt.T the direction of Mrtl. Leni Bogws, instruetor in girls' ph)'Sical tduea-

WiE WOULD hove given a blc lat. campaign dpr to have M~n Master Ed Davi!r, o{ Salt:m, fume when the eligibility of Yack Maz­&a, tris ace hoopste.r, '\\"'ls qoelJtion­cd at Charlaton whu ll'le Con­(ere.n.ce coaches met there ~ ~few day.s ago .• .Mr. Dto\·fs cot so hot that he. threatened to eaU thC!' Glen­ville-Salem football ('lme off at Weston next ~aU . . • We'll w.ctt the TL'htrule ~c_"*b will eaol off be­fore next 'fall (tboccb..

persroons was named: of Sal<.-m College,

Rosier of Fairmont and D. LatrlWrL of West Vi rgm­


!a .a 'IUI!ion dr.'Vott:d to schedb.lc ~ t.h~ poMi bnitlti or a Glen­WII...Xorria Harvey d'ootball came ,_ 1'all we:r~ disevMed. Nov«:.'mber , aa November 16 \".'~Te given con­~n as ponible dattl, for the. -· A de4nite st.arn;!) of &PfPtoval wu ..... the w.n v ·irginia coll~e bas­...-u tournamt:bt at lhlck.bannon ..a a clftislon was ruade to hold the ...._,ent apln in Wesleyan Col­...... U'ftlD&Sium whl'.re it took pia~ JII&:IIIOflth. A mi:.Asure was adopted ..... e tbt.o e-\lent :a th.r~-day alfair JMead of tbll!' usual tiWo cby ses!!ion.

.Ahltoath no deftnite deC":it~ion wu IIlii~ it was :suggested thG.t the tour­aam-1. be< hcld Monday, T uesday ..ct W~nesday, l'llo1"Ch 10, ll and 11. with Monday night being d~·ote<l to tM preltmii .. U'Y Siluion .



Nfi'W equipment lor .oftlba\1 and tennis. arrived tlle ]¥.l.st PWeek, and both sports wiU rlkeive mudt atte.n­tion soon. A c1U9 tennis tournament. will be seheduled as .oon u Lhe 'i"eatber ?ennits.


lA SJninc O•n«l"t ~II Oe Jivm May 2.5 lby the muaie d.epartmi!Dt under the d [Teetiou ol Mi., Bertha E. Olsen, in:struc.tor in music: in the CoUege.

T'Wic:e a month journalism stu~

de.nt5 at the Univenity of Mic:hipn take over the editing o( some daily newsympH in t he s».te-.

Sabacribe to tlle .Mereu!')'.

APPARENTLY 01' Kia1 W-tla.. ar i• aoiDI ta tab -otlaer crack at •prio1 •port• thl• ,. ..... . . Spriq r-tbaU w.. cwt •hart ••• week bac:a-.e .-atetl" .toM - the prac­tice &eLl ia South Ct-rille. . . Aod tlaa Pi-- r t-ail ••• are waJti•1 patieatl,. for the ccnu·tt Ia dry o• eaaaaL to tU. a f•w 1 ..

itial •'"••• with a rac:•••t· . .A few P ioaeen fo11ad actio• P,. oth­" e•es.inc. ho•e.•r, ..... Coacl. A. F . Rolr.rbouah called far a .laorl -•ioa in ... k.thalt

These Little Fellows Have All the

Hundreds of high ac:hool, · col­lege snd ·l"l'ofessional teams will bilk«:. to tho sod >this week and &eek If am£> in the SJ!iked shoe pm.e. Un­doubtedly the biggest pa)llog and most pliblici~ed game in the pro­fessional ,bracket, baaC!!ball dc.lighia millions a! sport$ loYers throucb­out the Unii.Ed States 'aruually.

Faith Their Young Hearts Can Hold s, >~..;.,.;, .......... Chapel Speaker . . .

•'ft'.s 1on to P io ac.bool &bd Wt: (Coatin ued Crom pace 1) LAST WEEK ~ •port. •­toW of Jame. EIU.. fona- .. Ito. lidty i!IGipllt ••pert far th w .. leJ'U

m. it." Tba't's wbl.t .om• thirty _ __:_ ____ ___.:., ...,_ ud PI. in the lnrt and 9ee.

eDil Cf'&des of the Colltp Training ldtool told this reporter d-uring a ~lf'eenlly.

'Eiict"'' to ta.lk and bul!bliDI' over 1rith enthusiasm btlt'ause they bad j1lllt beard a " """" &tory about them­.Jvn and their t.oy orthestrA, these! JOUnr.ters infol'm(-.1 me th11i. they eame to school bt>CII.,tae' tht:y wanted ~ IWOrit biiJ'd," .. to &inc,'' "to !'ftd," "to Wl!it~'," ·•t.o learn to do ~· and .. .to play.'' They were J-t. as &e.riou' in teU:ing me that eMir favorite- gamft were "HHfiP and Setl'' and "Dog and Bone" as any ..tUt would lbe 111 making eome mo­-&ooudedlrion.

No, Cbey don't pt ti'red. itt ec:bool, • ht Utew ima&'f.nativ~. lonille little .,ople lite to "draw~·· ''pia,

the fU{Drll!'. • f a.a.-u, t-iac pro iD tJ.e ....... I t 'Pit.S MT. Lunk's obse.nralion that ' writiac •••ia._., aad tald .. hold

West Viqrlni.ns take otht:~ r eredit, of tho reia1 a f. tbe Mar.-t_. politics and .,..Ugioa seriou5ly, and Damiai- New• IJIOrl• 1 n:tioa. i.h3t "We think of tho shte a& a nat- Whde. at Wesity3.n, Jim made. ural resoun:e state .~· He stated that .Bobcat followen feel :.e thougiJ in "no othtr state are the o.pp.>Ttun- Cebe Ross and his Methodists were ities greater In other fi elds of diatri- the pride of tht: sllltt: '";t.h. his clev- ·

~~~~·~han they 111'e ln Wen VIr- :e:u.:\~~~\o~~~e~u:: ~=d~;~ Mr. Lunk conte nds th.at" there "~ J im wrote and wrotfi .. • Jim i.& a

a nec:d for more opportunities in cd- brother or the youthfu l Fnnlde. ueation (n West Virgin.ia.. He said, Ellis, who is leaving his mark at .. The teachers o'f Wqt Virginia are Wesleyan ... not as ,._ JtUblicity dop... produeinc a piece of sacrificial ae.r- stu, bot as a <basketball play~. vice, the like of which l lla.ve. aever seen hafore," aa: he l'lftPhMMd the ad\lantages of "tyiq an odueatiolt to aomethinc ibat wiU bti micbtf wol'tbwhile.''

ALTHOUGH it U. a liHie _,.,. to ....... _,. .... .,. ....... ictia .. a­bowt tM 1.940 Pi-,- picl ... d... iae, il ie ........... ta INU-.. tU.t

-;--~;e:;: ~ :::.,~.=~ COLLEGE VOTERS •• • tlte Wltlte ...... ... .... ...... ... t faiL .. A .._.,.,.. Uae U. ia

tlrijrh't-qH cfrl. And to an:a:-they to show me they C(IUid

... that a trio ot fi'rst..crade girt.

.. ed the teaeher i.:t they mliilrht sine ..... '!'bt'y like Uu!ir &tudPnt teaehen

U17 mucll; ip '!uf· they lite to "do e'f~~Ytbin¥'' aa a c.lnibby, curly~r­.. Uttl r: clwp put it.

Pet aoriu are their !.,vo1'5.tee. •ott of tht:m ha-te P'* ct1 acme kmd It: !lome, &nd l!dCh wu ace: t.o tell •at llis or her dog. "Jias," or kit-t.,"SunJJy," •

All too aoon wu it time to tab up dool for the asrternoon and u I

(Co~:~tiDuM from pace 1) TeRU .Butc:beT, tim aid ea!Hii­

date for the ofBee of vret.ident of tlae Student Counc.il, -was deff:'ated ;b7•ft.ve votes; flve vcter5 did n ot. indic.ate their eboilee lfor preiident.

Two b.undt-ed ~--lx was the hic'hb'st number of votes polled bT any one osndidate : the lowest wa 80.

.Members. of the Be&Ith 101 c)aa. by Goldie C. Jam~ U'el OD projects fO'r t.cbiii.C elementary eebools.

)tft the' !'OOtn, c.heery cood\Jya .fol- 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ J.ralme. I~

Tllq aft erand -people, those fin* P R 0 G R A M ad aec:ond-eroden, and they face tllli tatun ow;th al l t he faith and eoan.c• their )'(lung be.arta ~~~ hold. ~---


He that handlctb a matter .Wi~ly Dll ftnd good: and ·whoso trvst.elh i& t1le Lord, h!iPJ'Y i1 h('.-Pro'-'. 16 :20.


DRESS SHIRTS 69<.-$1.39

T IES I Sc-$1.00

PK;'I1JRELAND ·TIIEATRE ca •• ~ .... w.v ..

Tuesday, AP,ril 16

Miracle on Main St. Margo and Lyle Talbott

We d., Thurs., April 17~18 J ane Wyman, Dick Foran

;, . Private Detective

Fri., Sat., April 19·20 The Pic.ture You Have Beea

Waitin1 For:

.,...,_t, .Pclwclia• .... ...... .... er. a. Wlaite aad Palw•ho, ••d•;

Coale,., Grad~ aad Looa, tackl"; Marchio, FhUer - d Hollot, aaa..U;

. lad W. K.aftet> -d Lamb, c.oten. 0.1, oae •enior, Harold Scolt, will

be li.ted - tlaa • q u • d • . .A. • wholl:", tM aqoad will be com•ri•ecl cl..iefl,. of .... omaru aod jani ... •· S.cldieLI c-didate• ~ •-..deep

. in •II 'petitio ...

'Tv.• as a amooth opuating tno of and 11 eh:r..rtl:r m91bt.or in t.he J uniot basket.btll playe:r1 that pn ca~ Chu·~bu or C(lrnmerce, and dclq:a1.• ror sll t.hoae bold hudlines. And to for two )"e)lrf to an Ohio t~ht!n. a• mention onu of the trio wh.hout the tociati6D, other two b: about " unn.sual for Lan f•ll WnJcll, who Hlcu col! JQme people aa wou ld be the drink· lllld 111 oth.u- .sporU, won tlte Ohlo

HAUGHT To A'I'Tt'Uh ing of colfee minuG the. ~g'..tr 11.nd Stbt.e llbutb•ll otfidals cok cb.A.r:n .. .II f.d1U tream. pioo.abip,

FEDERATION MEET v .. , Pla,.ed 4 Year, Lat~e~-\ auirnm~n.t to come th• W&.J Hint!$. Duree)· to Fa.ther and or Lindell is to Krve .. ehainn:art. of

Mother !but ''Sh~nie" to the sports Lh1t Junior Cb.a1ube.r of • Comme~• -. --- public. was graduated here with t.he he.ad·pio duclt..pins tourname-nt; opeD

Colleae Will Se:-d DeJeaate to Stand'ilrd Nonn.&l ee.rtifka~ and to men a.ru1 women ... lA t.hia pme. 3 .. Day Women ! Sparta Coa,.. then we.ut to IOkJ"ksburg to teach new l"O thl• writer, the pla,.er mo.tt

ferea.c:e At Mora&DtOWD aDd referee.. V&a~, jast plain Prank, bit attd kttock. dOwn the bftd pin

tame to Gltcville o ne e"Ye.ninc on alftr.»t before a IJCOrt!- can b• eou~:~ted • Jaunit.a Ravcb.t. a SQPhomore, -a G h nd b 1 d bask tb II ill · f

,., ... •• th• W.A.A. oounell to ,.,._ ,;:[ ;;., •• ;':;.:,::: , .. ,, ;.:.. :~:,,'~~~~:,:·;. ";,.,'~~··•• """ resent the' College aJ. the aoutbeut- 11fter. And be a~yed for the bache-e-m meeting of the Athletic. Feclra.- lor of arts deg-roe.e and the right to Subocribe, t.o t.he Moreu.r7. ion o! Collge: Women, a natliomt.l or- teuh and eoach down al Colt:ord j ;:::::;::;:::;::;:::;:::;::;::;::= ganir.:Ltian for women·~ sports, to be High Sebool ill Raleigh County. k h~ld in Morgantown A:pril 18, J9"and LiodeiJ, Bow>a.rd, A. B. '88, who WHITE ACE 20. learned in lhe: class room as weJI as

A Perma~~eat White Sl.oe .Five. sttc.h meetings are to be held on the baaketball court. and who throughout the United Sbat.es. All neglc:ctea tleither obligation , lnfl ec:hools rep1"0ent .. 'd fn the sout.heast.. here for East Liverpool, 0., where ern division will send delegates. he .became teacller and coaeh, Far

Cleaner at


'!Miss Haugbt <Wi ll aceonq,any Mn. above"- the average were the teams I~==========:

&ieal cduoa.t\on. lone would be have reigned., except, ERNEST GARRE"'T ILeni Boggs, instrulctor in .girla' ph,y- he tutored for 6e\leral yun, and ~~ I eo~:! ~/h=~;d-:ypr~1:mA;~t! :e:~n;u~ ~~~~\le taken up r~- Soft Driaka. c-.lp, •

Fl'}TI\ier, aut.b01'1 of "Te111m 9pom for To date, Lirtdell. a brother-in-law Tohacco. Billianb.

~::.~~:n ~~~~ o~'i:ite:n:: ~~.~· ::~~~ ~::e~o:::h 2a5t ~:: Pool

G.JILIM_ElR .COUNTY will graduate 1.02 high !lellool seniors this year, with. the folllnriag classes fro m each high school : GlenYille , 33; .Norman­toWll, 25: Tr0Y, "'18; Sand Fork, 1'1 ; and Tanner, 9,

Commeneement .at T annt:\' ,;n be htld •May 16: at Sand Fork and Troy, M'&)' 17; and at N.onnantown a.nd GletrYi!le, Ma3• 20.

At. "' University of Oregon dance admission charges were based on the color of the girl's haiT-red-heada 79~. blondes 89-c and brnn~ 99"c .

Dr®Sie Collttre, Philadelphia. bu Z4 students, seor~ faculty mer:nben.


Eapert .._.._.., ROJ'al. a.-••. toto, Ua .. il1linMIII. Ccwooa Tnte• ..tten; S.f-; Acldina •­~~ R-giM~;~ I••Tukle;..._ ...... " ·

11z Mam .... -w.t ..

l :k~b~~~~~·~·~··~ll~••~·~•n~d~3~••~m~i·P~•;·~==~~~==~~~===i KANAWHA UNION BANI

GlenV111e, West Vircinia

M .. ber Federal Depoait haauraaee Corpora"-


Potato Chips


Sandwich Spreads



JOe and JSc JOe and J8c JOcand20c 5c and 20c

I. G. A. STORE Ruddell Reed, Owner

Name It '

LADl E~' BLOUSES t t.(" •l---$1.95

SILK DRESSES $ ' .9 5--$4.95

Swanee River In Technicolor



Solid comfort the iDsta.ot you et.vt we~;ring"lJB.EBX". • Fme wcn'e:D broadcloth or audraa in plain, striped 01'

oovelty patterns, anaaual oolor c:ombinaf:Mms., light .. duk , ....... 1 ..


We J-la '.' . lt

DRESS OXFORDS $1.~5-$4.95

STki'D£R'S •A Ba"''TER f>l..ACE TO BUY"

m..n•,. - H....na.ille CranbY~11e-

Sun., Mon., April 21-22 Cary Grant and RoaaliDd

Russell in.

Hie Girl Friday Good Enterta.iameatl

• biAIICIIIt.Jh'•bln:-·, .., • ~ atn.~ -....~-... .eat,. fd cu:t.lep • yabltonl..el..fticwaiathud,.no~ao-. • pafctl, t:.ila."'ld

Hub Clothlnc ~ompanJ QUALITY MERCHANDISE ··----··· ............ ..................... ..


AND SAVE! -- at--


Page 4: The Glenville ·Mercury Glenville ·Mercury That Since April 1



Jarrett Jones. A.B. '38, and Vir­ginia Crootty, S.N. ' 34, were mani.~d

Alpha Psi Omega Pledges Initiated Wednesday Evening

Bridge Luncheon Held Saturday In

College Lounge at Covington, Ky. No'l'embeT 2, 1939. 'l'ibeta Alpha 'C'h&pter o! Alpha P'.!ii

M rw. A. F. Roht;bocgh, Mn. Ray- Mr.~. J ones, a. daughter o! 1Mr. and Omega, .a national tionorary dramatic mond E. Freed and Mrs. J . Wilbur Mrs. C. T. Cr-otty, of WaiU)n, teach- lra.tern.it:y_. wu install~ here Wed­Besll entert&lned wit.h a bridge es in the Walton graded ~cbo01. Mr. ne&.day ~'ven.ing. hmeheoD in the lounge o! Louis Ben- Jo.l'les, a -'OD of L. W. Ion~. of Wal. Dr. P.,ul F . Opp. gnnd .business nett. &ll Satut"dey afternoon !rom ton, is the principa.l of the Gandee- manager of Alpha p~ 'Omep, Mr. 1 Lo 6 o'~lcle1c.. - ville gT&ded school. Scott Lo-we n, inatnu:wr in Fair-

.M'I'S. Lynn W. Soey won the- high TROY ALUM.NJ TO SPONSOR ;;,:~t =nT:~:~ Ac;::c:;.ap-:!

~~~:l' .!:~\!: .~:':: 5:4-CEBRUSH -ROUMDUP at Fainnont. had eh.arge of th~ in-

C. L. Undemvood )C)W priz.e. The Tl-oy High Sebocl Alumni As- iti;~u:d ~nS:~:'d .-mount of The Ublu wue decorated with 8'C)cia.tion, of which Harold Scott,

sweetpeu snd jonqaib and the t.allys. Coflege junior, is president. will aeore pad11 and lbri.sg. coven Wfl're in BJ)Onaor a &lgebrush Itoundup in the keepJ.ng wit.h the. spring M=Uon. high schol auditorium at Troy, Fri-

The invited euesta were: Mrs. T. day evening at 8 o'cloclc:.

lim~ Marguerite Moss, .. eenior, was the only ~'non really init:ia~. ~ et pi~ who took the oo.th we.re: Madeline Moore, Loia Gulentz, Threda Crvmmfrtt. Edna Crummett., He.Jen Beater, Marjorie Barnett, :M3x:ine iBollingt'r, Clair Mordson, Ol'lis Stutler, J ean McGet-', Gwen. dolyn ~11. Agne$ Wright. and Ath-

W. !Hyer, iMn. ALI'X Nachman, Mrs. T.he roundup unit. indudu many B . W. Craddock, Mra. Frank Beall, WiMMN radio staTB od' Fainnont. JT., ::Mn. Ruddell Rct:d, .Mrs. Clay- Prooad.s will lbe used to finanbe tbe borne D. Wi.rong-, .Mn. Haymon B. annual banquet and <knee :f.or this Boggs. Mn. Earl R. Boggs. Mrs. Bar- year's graduating c:lasa. lt'rl Hauman, M'n~. Lynn W, Roey, IMl$5 Kathleen Robertson wa.s¢ven :Mn. E. G. Jtoh11bough. Mrs. Nora DAUGHTER BORN TO the oath of grand director o1 ThE:!ta

ena-Null. I

Members Express Views On Question of 'C Averages'

Berth& E. Olsen: ''All stlldents in

Goldito' C. Jo.lMe: "I think aenio~ and student.s who participate in com­mencement activities. having an av­erag-e grade <J C or a.bovE', should be ex~o'rnpt . Studenb 5hould not be gnd­ed entirety on the linaJ euminat.lon. Some recognltior~ should be given to seniol'3, ad to those who work on t htf conuneneement ~ Ill. time, all 8tudents !Will reeeive the -privil~'.''

AJma Janet ~e: '"l think anyone IW'ho is JDJcirc a creditable grade abould bli t"lempt. It seems to me that if stude.M.s ba.ve done their work well1 ftnal examinatioM are un­n~ey. I:f thry art:' civen , mal'b 11bould be .J*Minc 1:1r not .pa.u;na, not A , or C, OT F ."

Willerma White: ''II oa.m not in l!av­or r4 givinc final examinations. lt they are !riven I think senior'S who have an avt-'r~ .grade of Cor above, should be ex-cused!'

commencement music, the senior K4-thleen Rober'blon ~ "1 think sen­play( a~d .!ltniors• with a.n nv.era.gti of I iora and those workinc on commen«­C or higher 'Should lbe exempt." rm:nt activiti(:'s, who oha.ve an aver-

C. L. Undeuwoo<l: " I think the rule age rd C or above, should be ex.. fS wE:I have it. is a very good J~lfln . " empt."

The winnen were announC'ftl u rolJQW3: Db'b..te, Shirley Len.nett. Bluefield; -poetry il)tcrpretation., Ea.des, .Morgantawn; oration, Roberts, Mnr. C. L. Underwood, Mrs. TRUMAN BARNETTS Alpha in the College.

Overt Hud..,n, M ... R. F. \Vithen, Hickman to Speak This "= B. Y. CJ.,k, "'& John Gilbert M>-. and M ... C. Truman Barnett, HALLS ~CE BIRTH At Cedarville and C lJ ' N

Pow~u. Fairview; ext_,.,. ..... I speaking, Batlbara Ann William.. Blutfie1d. ~~i.~l~~~~~trs.A~~~~;d ~;;_ ~~~=.nju~~ou;ec~~!~~ ~~ oF A BABY DAUGHTER At Jackson's MiiJ 0 egtate onsense

;~. s~~b~~-MQ. ':~:g\vri!:: ~b:J~~:.u:::!~ .:n~tt~o:~~l·a~~ A daughter, <Martha Lee, ~s born .Linn B. Jiiekm~n. inst;uetor in

Mn. ·E'Inm;~. Spier, Mr-s. John R. is the<fornu.'r Helen Ferrcll ~ Spen- ~le~it:n:t ~=· ;~sr:!C: ~l,Ho~ English and jou~a~is~ . said today Wagner, :?ttrs. Charles P. Harper, cer. IM.r. Barnett, a former student. pita!, Wednesday~ April lO. Tht:' he had.,J;c?pte~ •nv1ta.t•ons to speak

~':is,H.M~~e~~~:e's!::iurr~o~~ :~o!"l:t.ht':e ~o~~~orie ,BarnE:tt, a lnby !Weighed seven and thTee. ~~::~illen:n ~;~ o~.M.ay 4 and at

B.oward Jl . .Brannon, MTS. Clarence fo~rth pounds and is the a«:cond OccuJon for rt.ht S]H:.Wh at J ack-

Post., .Mra. John E. Allbuekle, M.ra. MARJORIE CRADDOCK GETS ~~~ .~~~ ~t t~:u~::~rAt;;~,!~~ son's llotil l rwill be the annual spring John C. Shrtve, lfrs.. Linn B . Biek- POSITION T CH RLESTON · bnnqoel of tbe Lewis County El.,_ man, .Mrs. C . .M. Bennetlt, }ln. E. A A R.ine~art, of Weston. l\fr, J:la11 • J.'C. mentary Teae.hen' A.ss&ci11tion, of I G. 'Rollyson, <!ln. CharlE:'!I T. Whit- .M.iss Ma.rjorie CN.<I<Ioek, A. B. ~bO:.~. a teacher ID Glenville High. wh.ic~ Eve~tt Davis, Coll4:'gt: ~ lum-ing, Mrs. Orville J . White, ?tU:~t. Arlan •a9, who has been 11 st\l dcnt in wo11t h~, 11 !Pfi!Sident. ProgNm eha1rman Berry, Mrs. Harry WhitJng, Mrs. Virginia Businesa CoUege at Clarks- SON BORN TO STA RCHERS ~ RO$Coe J . !Jailey, A.B. '39. Be-Robert Bla.ir, Mn. Den_ver McDougal, burg the p1.st semester, bas accept- :;,..,d.n 100• *nd l'Z5 persons will at-Mn. A. H . Moore, Mrs. Stanley Ball. ed a position with the Demoentic A son, Jeffrey B11gh, was bom <too

!Miss J eannli Ga.iner, Miu AJ~e headquarter$ at Charleston. She Mr. and Mrs. Ernntt H. Starcher, of Kru.g, Atiss ~etelle Lorentz, Miss went to work Wednesday. ~ncer, at the City IJo!JPital the'n: Willenna White, Mise Helen ~e. on April 8. lf.t-. Stareber is a fonn~ lllb• (;raee !Lori:'ntz, Mise Willa. OLIVE MYERS ENTERTAINS e.r student in the Colleg-e. Brand, !Mi• Ali.te Ar:buclde, Miss AT ROTARY LUNCHEON Alma AAucltle, Miu Ivy Lee- Myers, Km. KM.hleen Robertton, Kiu Mary Olive ~Myers, a. junklr, read "Th& Louise Lqwis. lili!IIS .Ma.bt:l Wolfe, Chinese Nigbtlngw.le" by Vashel Lin~ •Jiiullllar)'lbell Summen. M'i• Goldie dsey, and "Widow Malone" by Char­C. Jemu, Kiu Berltha !E. Olsen, Miss les Lever, as a ProcNm' .ft:atW'e at ~ Wyt, l li• Ad&1e :Jia:po)d, the Rotary Clu.'b'1 tuneheon Thursday ~ Lucy Wolfe, Mia Ma.rpret in the Whft.inl' Tea Room. Kenney, IM'-a .Bessie oB. Bell, HaM Laura. Frill of Grafton, and Mrs. A. ARE VISITOU AT COLLEGE


!May 16 i• the date set for the Sprrina' Rieeit.aJ IWh~ it to be (liYtr'n by the ad'Y'Uicedi interpretation elaa ' n t~peeeh:, &'UDOtmcee !MiD Kathleen Rolbert!lon, instnetar in sptleclt.


IAl <:t:'d•rvillt- on May 16, a-t. 8 ,p. m., .Mr. Hickman will deliver a thirty. minute addresa for the eleventh gn.de graduating class ~ the junior high sc:hool, ..,( whieh Edm.uftd Pow· ell, 'formft' student In the Collegt-, i• prine.,al.

The ~. W. D. Wmtms, pastor of the G1enville Metbodi&t Cbu.reh, will preach the lb.ec:alaureat.e M"m.on at Cedarville Sun<Hy, •May 12, •t Ul :30

TIME LIMIT­A diUar. a. doUa:r, A college X"holar, W.hat makes you come so often? You used tO ~ome tbret{ d!Lya a

we<k But ncnv you come but one.

FAST BUT TRYINC-11East is east.. Wes t is rwest

.An.d. never the twain ah.all meet. That IWMibefon> the rumble seat Was 4i¢ invented.

SOUNDS LOGICAL­Love iiJ & funn,y thine,

It's shaped like a liurd, 1t ct~l'l4 lts tail around 70Qt ..... And n!bblea at JOGl' cizard.

• OFTEN THE C.UE-­O.n't write, Too dwnb. tn.pin.t!DI'II won't come.



A. Ro~u1h and Mi• Edythe &hr. bough ft! Camden.


Smart Aleck : What ia the first aid Hr. Ray B. -cartwright, inst:ructor treatment for rajn?

in English in Ga91RLW1lf Birrh School, First Aid Student: Hunt t.ht: pre._

:~e ~:.~~;~: ~a;;:~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;•d:;;;;•bu;;;;;t ;;";;;•;;"·;,;;;;;;;;;;= Chesterfield goes to bat with the

fi/J&~ !M.r. and .Mrs. Fmnk L. Hanll<ln, a! Charleston, fonneorly of, Weston, have announeed the birth or a ba.by daughter, Baf!ban. Joan , in a. Char~ Juton .bnpital, April 12. Mr. Ha.rri.. aon ia a tonnt:'r student In the Col­lfllrll. oHra. IH&rTiaon is the forme!' Joan &mea of Weston.



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