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The gold leaf. (Henderson, N.C.) 1893-05-11 [p ]....On Lime, Laths, Shingles, Doors and Windows,...

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THE HENDERSON GOLD LEA- F- THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893. A NEW FIRM. PROGRESSIVE ROCKY MOUNT. Spread-oajrl- e speaker are beinniUT to load up with patriotic lore for the fourth of July explosion. An exchange states an important 1 1 I 11 JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING ., v.- a new business: :.V7 v. i'n.any an cUi business; """V'K'-'h- S many a large business; v?., s 'many a dull business: r- .'. ; ;S many a lost business: SAVhS niany a failing business: ' :;s success in any business. r judiciously," use the columns "' .'" ).:' SON GOLD LEAF. It is the " 1 ,.','CV published in Vance county in j growing towns of North Car-ulat- es extensively among an in-- 1 '' prosperous people whose trade is '.'eolling and having. ATLS of advertising. ii v.iMiuci.ia ci:icuy, w men is ail! e ""TV. 1- 1- cial to you and your children. Such is Serf's .T.;. ;: of Pure Norwegian Cud Liver Oil and Hypophos-phite- s of Lime and Soda, it checks wasting in the children and produce r, sound, healthy llcsh. p. k s them from taking cold and it will do the same f r v.ni Every Man A Capitalist. You can lccomc a capitalist at once Lv laying by a small part of your yearly income and invest- ing it in a Tontine policy of the Equitable Life For $20 you can instantly se- cure a capital of $1 ,000 (or for $rcx a capital of $ 10,000), thus acquiring au estate which you may leave to your heirs, or re- tain as a fuml for your own support in old age, if your life be prolonged. Such a step will prompt you to save, will strengthen your credit, will increase your con- fidence, will preserve you from care and will give you lasting satisfaction. The Plan is Simnle. The Security Absolute. It is the perfect development of the life policy. To-da- y is the right time to get facts and figures. Address W. J. ROD DEY, Manager, For the Carolina. ROCK HILL, S. C. WHEN YOU WANT J. H. Bridgers and W. W. Row- land. Mayor J. II. Hridgers turned ever the reins of the municipal government to his successor W. W. Rowland, Esq., on the first instant. It is but just to the retiring chief executive of the town to say that his official career has been creditable to himself and acceptable to the people. He has discharged his duties in a fair minded and impartial manner and administered the law as he found it and interpreted its meaning. Positive, but nxt overbearing; sym- pathetic, but not sentimental, Mayor Hridgers administration has been such that he and his friends have cause to felicitate themseves, and he retires with the confidence and regard of the public no less than when he entered upon his term of office a year ago. Of his successor Mayor Rowland it may be expected that his official career will be in every way commendable and satisfactory. He is a gentleman of intelligence and good judgment, a thorough business man and we doubt not will give us a capable and business like administration. Having served in the capacity of town commissioner he is familiar with the affairs of our local government and such knowledge and experience will serve him in good turn. Let us as a community uphold and support Mayor Rowland's administra- tion and second his every effort to en- force the law, and preserve order, and advance the interests of Henderson in every way in our power. . . .Shiloh's Cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by us. 1'ocket size contains twetitv-fiv- e doses, only 2rc. Chil- dren love it. Sold by W. W. Parker. Scon's rr.ulsi.-- cares CouLs, Colds. Consumption, ScrcfuJa ana all Anaemic and Wr.i1tir.5- - Disrascs. Prevents wastij ch "..Ircn. Al- most rs jjaI.T:;M(- - .ts r::sl:. Uel i:!y the rcenuinr. ; aro.l 1 Sott .V; B .'wne. Ch raic-L:-- , lic.v Y'.-r- ik'iJ I v ai: orncc at w. ii.vtEsrnis sioui:. MZrcXSt'ft iff kl S WH K I II I I3M ID U JT4S-- L i rNt rmmM ran i Tobhcco Fertilizer. HIGH GRAB$ QUICK-RELIAB- LE. T15 Pansers endorse it. Tkj say It tells ia Its FIELD fA ca tic WAREHOUSE fLOOR S. W. TRAYERS k GO AGENTS WANTED. PRICE3 "EDUCED. Write for Testimonials oni Trtcc. FOR SALE COOPER & BARNES, HENDERSON. N. C. As to Powell & Co., a Firm Which ia Business From the Start. A new grocery firm, and one which is in the race to win. is that of Powell & Co., Mangum street, at the stand formerly occupied by the Durham Fer- tilizer Company. Mr. Powell came to Durham about two months ago, opened up a fresh and choice line of fancy groceriesf and put out his sign. The new firm commenced to do business on the day it opened and was in it from the start. As it became better known its trade in- creased, and to-da- y it is disputing ground with many older and better known grocery houses. Mr. Powell is a man who attends to his business and will look after the in- terest of his customers. He keeps the best in the market. His clerks are polite and always, at their post, and the man who deals with the new firm can always be sure of their doing the square thing. The foregoing is taken from the Dur- ham Globe. The new firm referred to is composed of J. B. Powell and II. C. Callaham. Mr. Powell, the senior member, was formerly in business here but recently went to Durham and engaged in a different line. He is a good business man, a hard worker, en- ergetic and accommodating, and it will be gratifying to his friends to know that he is meeting with success in his new field. Wc understand that the increasing trade and popularity of this firm necessitated the moving of their stock to larger and more convenient quarters on Main street where they will have better facilities for serving their patrons and also to do business in the wholesale line. For Malaria, Liver Trou- ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS To My Lady Friends. I have just received my second supply of Fine Spring Millinery which will be sold at extremely low prices. Call and convince yourself of the fact. Mrs. Nathan Lehman. For Low Friccs On Lime, Laths, Shingles, Doors and Windows, call on John 15. Watkins. - The ladies are invited to call at H. Thomason's store and see his new stock of Dress floods and ninny other things received since gelling into his new quar- ters. Call early before the best shades are all out. They are pretty and cheap and g-- like hot cakes. An early call is suggested if you want a nice dress fo:' little money. I don't intend to be sur- passed or undersold in any thing in my line. Very Uespectful'y, npr ." H. Tiiomasox. Itobv Carriages. All styles and all prices. The prettiest and cheapest line in town, at Watkins's. Zeigler Shoes. . "eV'i"' ... r y- j - ft For style, fit and wear un- surpassed. For sale by Watkixs. We oiler you the largest, best and most stylish line of Dress Goods, Trimmings, and Millinery in the city. Our prices are low, quality consid- ered. S. & C. Watkins. W he n you want neck wear, collars and cuffs, iro to The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s. Stvle and prices right. The latest and newest de- signs in gents' furnishing goods, hats, &c., at S. & C. Watkins's. Ladies' Dress Goods. Changeable, Figured, Ben-galin- e and Wash Silks in great variety and lowest prices, at The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s. "When Baby was sick, wo gave her C'astoria. Y.l'.t ii she- - was a Child, she cried for Cast.jrui. V.'hcn she became Miss, she citing to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Cast- ria. Our $3 00 Shoe for gen tlemen you cant tell it from a s5.oo shoe. Nothing to com- - pare with it elsewhere. 'The Lassiter-Parha- m Co. have the aire new When you want to buy window glass call on D. W. Hardee. He keeps all kinds and sizes, and his prices can not be dis- counted. Also sash, tloors, blinds, shin- gles, laths, lime, cement, cow hair, &c. Fully prepared to fill any order on short notice. mcht 25c for 20c. We sell first-clas- s regular made, fast black Ladies' Hose at 2 cents. Children's at 1 " cents. S. & C. Watkins. D. V. Hardee keeps a full line of build ing materia! of all kinds, such as shin- gles, laths, sash, doors, blinds, lime, ce- ment, cow hair, window glass. &c. Prices as low us any dealer anywhere. Give him a call when in need of anything in his liiw. mchl A Town With a ISrisht Future Before It The Keeley Insti- tute and the Good Work It Is Doing:. The editor had the pleasure ofspend-in- g a couple of nights and a day in Rocky Mount, taking a run down there Saturday eyeuiug. We were agreeably surprised and much gratified at the evidences of thrift and progress seen on every hand. The town has grown and prospered wonderfully since we had stopped there last, some years ago. The population has more than doubled in the last two years we were told. This is a remarkable record for a North Carolina town. Recognizing the high character of the institution and the splendid work it is doing for the unfortunate men who are victims of the drink habit as well as those suffering from nervous ail'cctions, we went to Keeley Institute, of which our good friend the genial hearted, brilliant minded Dossey Rattle, himself the mo?t eloquent endorse- ment of the redeeming powers of the double bichloride of gold treatment, is manager. Dr. G. A. Ramseur a skilled taud scientific practioner and gentleman is the physician in charge, and two more kind hearted, sympa- thetic and well fitted men for their respective duties could not be found. The patients come and go and three had just returned home new men a few days before. There were several others there and a cleverer, jollier, more hopeful set of men we never saw. Some people have an idea that a Keeley Institute is but little removed from a mail house. On the contrary it is where one might go to find men of character, men of sense, men of re- finement who had made up their minds to break the schackles that bind them and control their will power and des- troy their manhood and usefulnessto be cured of the disease of alcoholism and be made new men again. And such is the grand mission of the Keeley cure and such is the work it is doing. The time is not far distant when Dr. Leslie F. Keeley will be regarded as the greatest benefactor of his day. and men like Dossey Rattle and Dr. Ram- seur who are giving their life-wo- rk to the reclamation of unfortunate fellow creatures will receive their reward in gratitude and moral support at least for their earnestness and unselfish devo- tion to the great cause in which they arc laboring. Sunday we dined with Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Koghill whose hearts still turn toward Henderson aud go out warmly for Henderson people. Mr Coghill has dono much in his particular line to build up and beautify the town and has several large contracts on hand to build many handsome private resi- dences and commodious business houses. His friends will be pleased to learn that he is doing well in his new home. Sunday night we were the guest of Will T. Gregory, whom we all know to be one of the cleverest boys in forty States, as he is one of the most com- petent and expert judges and handlers of tobacco. He is manager and buyer for the American Tobacco Company, and has two large establishments well filled with the finest grades of leaf, all in apple pie order. He is as popular with the people of Rock' Mount (the female portion especially) as he was in Henderson, and only kind words were spoken of him. This is nothing more than we expected and what he deserves. Monday wc rode with him several miles in the country and were gratified at the encouraging looks of things on the well cultivated farms. Crops are growing nicely and looking fine. A great deal of tobacco has been planted and in many places it is being worked. The season is several weeks earlier than with us. We had the pleasure of seeing our brethren of the press, Mr. W. A. Campbell, of the Aryonaut, and John W. Lewis, of the Plucnix, both of whom have done good service in behalf of the advancement of their town, and deserve the most liberal support of the business men and property owners. Rocky Mount has a bright future be- fore it and the citizens are full of hope and encouragement. We regret that space is not at our disposal to say as much about the place and people as we would like. LADIES Needing a tonic, or children who want build- ing up, should take BROWN'S IKON BITTERS. It la pleasant; cures Malaria, Indigestion, EiUousness, Liver Complaints and Keuralgia. . The latestTad in Ladies' 'ombination Lace and Hair Pins, at F. E. Right's. The Cash in Advance Plan. At the recent meeting of tlie North Carolina Press Association in New Berne, the cash in advance system of conduct- ing newspapers that is requiring till subscribers to pay the money down at time of entering tlu-i- names and promptly discontinuing the paper at ex- piration of time paid for was discussed and the general opinion expressed was that this is the only satisfactory and proper course to pursue. The Lexington Di--ptte- k of last week says this along that lint;: Anent the discussion at tlie late meet- ing of the Press Association in regard to the cash system, we desire to say that we inaugurated that system nearly a year and a half ago and have never had cause to regret it. We advise every news-pad- er to go am) do likewise. The credit system will not do as ii matter of busi- ness. A newspaper in these times that runs on the old credit basis is just a little behind tlit; times. - - We are showing an elegant line of French Dress patterns in Silk and Woolen Novelties the latest designs. S. fc C. Watkins. The World's Fair. Go Via Chesapeake X; Ohio Kail road. The quickest and best route to tlie World's Fair is via the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. Only twenty seven hours from Richmond and twenty-thre- e hours from Charlottesville to Chicago. Doable daily vestibule trains with Pullman sleeping and dining cars. The Chesapeake A Ohio is also the cheapest route. Ask for tickets via this line. If you desire to stop at the famous Cireenbiier White Sulphur Springs or at any of the watering places along tlie line of the C. & O. your World's Fair ticket will permit you to do it. Special arrange- ments for the care of organized parties . For full information and printed matter relative to the World's Fair, address John U. Potts. Division Tassecger Agent Ches- apeake & Ohio Railway, Richmond, Va. New Baby Carriages, so pretty and cheap, at Watkins's. SATISFACTION I- - guaranteed J Sarsaparilla. One hundred doses in l every bottle. No other does this. u uui wnen it declare that -- The ,0!:llCal ,Iut' b' "ieu is the chiel source of the .sullerin from mis-ovcnim- eut by had men." Potato bugs have put in a numerous appearance. Physic the slu-s- "' with a table spoonful ot Paris green mixed with three gallons of water. If this remedy fails mash them between two pieces of piank. The installment plan of sellin bicycles, which most of the leading maoulacturers have adopted through their local agents, has vastly increased tlte number of these popular silent now in use. In the light of recent events it may be stated upon positive assurance that many of Henderson's business people are sadder, if not wiser aud better men than than they used to be. No 'en- dorsements" are necessary to substan- tiate this fact. Attention is called to the advertise- ment of J. A. Fleming, Middleburg, who oilers for sale two Eclipse engines, on wheels, a saw mill and a lot of other machinery. Persons wishing to buy such would do well to call on er write to Mr. Fleming. H; oilers a bargain in this machinery. The (ioLit Ekaf has received from Mis. M. l'juhain, one of the faculty, an invitation to attend the commence- ment exercises of Oxford Female Semi- nary May '2S-3,)t- h. The baccalaureate sermon will he preached by Rev. T. (i. Jones. I). J)., of Norfolk, Va.. and Kev. V. E. Hatcher, I). I)., of Rich- mond, will deliver the annual address before the Calliopean Society. The entire programme will be given within two days, closing Tuesday night. A perfect town is that in which you see the farmers patronizing the home merchants, the merchants patronizing home printers, the laborers spending the money they earn with their own tradesmen, and they buying their things at home instead of going abroad. The spirit of reciprocity between busi- ness men and mechanics, tradesmen and laborers, the farmers and manu- facturers, results every time in making the town a good one for business Pa i n es v il ! c Dam onu I. One of the sufferers by last week's storm was Mr. Walter Milne, who lives just below town, near the Ward place. He lost his dwelling and all out houses, together with much of his crop and household effects. Everything on the place was blown down by the cyclone and the wreck was complete. His daughter had one of her hands badly hurt but with this exception the family escaped bodily injury. Mr. Milne is an old man and his misfortune is lament- able. They sought refuge at Mr. Mark IJowen's at whose house they arc being kindly cared for. W'e are in receipt of the Annua An- nouncement of the North Carolina State Dental Society, the 19th meeting of which will be held in the city of Raleigh May 2:5r.l-2Ct- h, inclusive. It is in the form of a ucat little pamphlet issued from the presses of (ieo. M. Newell, Henderson, which does credit to his taste and good workmanship. The title page, printed in red and pale blue embossed cover paper, with large gilt monogram "X. C. S. I). S." in centre, the great seal of North Caro- lina in upper left hand corner aud a picture of the capitol building in the lower right hand, is very unique and attractive. Our townsman Dr. F. S. Harris, is president of the Society. Friday Adams vc Harris again treated their friends and patrons to turtle soup. There are no liner caterers than these gentleman, whether it is in dis- pensing liquids or in more substantial things in the way of the choicest eata- bles. And when it comes to turtle soup, with one of those large sea mon- sters which they are famous for pro- curing as the basis, they are simply away up in (f. Ceorge Littlejohn is the cook and those who ever had the pleasure of working their way to the bottom of a dish prepared by him need not lie told that he cannot be surpassed in this respect. It is needless to say the treat was greatly relished by the two or three scores of gentlemen who partook of it. . . Sliiloli's Vitalize!-i- s what you need for Dvspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It, is guaranteed to give vou satisfaction. Price 7."c. Sold by W. V . Parker, druggist, Henderson. A New Dress. Yon must have one. Then buy it at S. iV: C. Watkins". Town Officers. At a meeting of the Hoard of Town Commissioners held Monday evening for the election of ollicers, the follow- ing were elected : Clerk. Capt. J. H. White; Tax Collector. J. E. Currin; Treasurer, Jas. M. Young; Chief of Police, R. J. Southerland; Assistant Polit e, J. H. Mahone and J. T. Moss. lion's This? We offer one hundred dollars reward for ntiv case of catarrh that cannot be cured bv taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY & CO., prop'rs. Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for thtf last 1.") years, and believe him perfect lv honorable in in alt business transactions.'and financially able to carry out anv obligations made by their firm. West - Truax, wholesale druggists, To- ledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinna'.i & Marvin, wholesale dne'gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actin" directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Trice, 75 cents per bottle, bold by all druggists. Large Stock of Trunks and Travelling Bags at W.YTKtXs's. Entertainment at the Methodist Protestant Church. ti.o miMic is rordiallv invited to an i III' entertainment in the Methodic Protest- ant Church. Friday. May 12th, com- mencing at 8:15 p. m. There will be recitations, with music by a select choir bv the following contestants lor a Demoiest Silver Medal: Miss Lunda Wvche. Miss Marv Lou Thomas, Miss He"ssie Kerner. Miss Jennie Shaw, Miss Tucker Massenbunr.Miss Jessie Howard and Master Geo. A. Ilarrell. A beauti- ful medal will be awarded for the best recitation and presented in an address bv T. N. Pittman, Esq. All who at- tend may expect a pleasant time. Let us encourage our home talent and show our appreciation of au entertainment at once iunnocent and entertaining. Respectfully, T. J. OaiiURX, May IHh. Pastor M. P. Church. AYantoil to Purchase A gentle family horse one that can be warranted sound and sufficiently safe for aladvto drive, also clear-foote- d under Hm saddle. Apply at Tins Office. in. ! 1 2 C. 1 Col. tr.oj soo; i 2 no t'.OO 1 1 Oil! ir.oo too! hoou :;ooi 1 HIlO OO I", .too ir, (to; 20 OO ( III iooo'iso(t: L'tOO 1 1 1X1 JOOO' JXIrtt l r, ' if.- -. mh :;.oo 1 "J 7000 ir. OO nil;.",." On! n.-.- oo is OO :roo ;;." oo! loooo ., v. i ! To lie published ':, i.l moler. tin; t be paid friti . ;, ;v. ri i i r lr a short t time ' . ., ."months i- - transient '. . rendered )iiartcrly ,. published for a longer , : . i ! -t iiii-iit- to appear anions ,: ! muter heuUiio; of Business V' .; - J:arK-'I 1" cents per line for aii'l ') cents per line lur each i : ! isenieiits. such as ad tn i u ist ra-- i- it tors' not ici-s- , eonui i iss ioners' ., ., summons to n'nii resi-- v. ; i ! ehared for at It i:i 1 rates, , . ,. :i ! :.i I a certain limit of ,'. v.li n il case We reserve t tie rijjht to . .. n (! Mi -- neb Iiiimiickk niust . ; 1'i'K IN AIYAN( !".. The eliarifi; Txia ati'l we cannot utforil to take .,. .a;' t lie i i'umi i of tn is: .11 s I o :i y. I ,,:, v notices, resolutions of I'sjiict, . ; i.i diariicil for al the rate oi one , .. , ,, : a in I lie ca .; to u st a com pa n y ..I In i;.m s here 1" e i i t s ami the i lp'T ate iir.l l l.eii, no in i.e :i.nh- for I in- - liit li-- lines . ', word ; -- or ait:clis not xeeeil lisj . e .: t. . '" ' 'rc ! W ' ' C P THE TOWN f i.u:au laconics picked up here and thereby our eagle-eye- d reporters. ii(!ioii IjimIc, No. Liii'., A. f A. 31. ;,!. ami lli'mt Tiicschiv i j r 1 s in , ,cii tnoiitli fit 7:". i. in. Keavis Hall. House for Rent. i :.' U '1 welling house, o ii Winder st n et , i, ir lti- Tmker's resilience, enntninino' ; luiiius, kitchen, A. Good well of . r ei in vt iiient . Possession s'iven ill Apply to .1. A. Ki.i.i.v. Tilt- - very latest novelties in i ); . ,-, ( ioo Is at l iii- - Lassiter -- 1'arham ('o.'s, W'e show you no jobs hut a., honest, straight and stylish liii' of I)ry (ioods. Dress ,..'ds. eve. S. t-- c ('. Watkins. 5 ,))() ards ol Lace, Ham-;r-- . Swiss, and every variety White ( ittods at 1 he Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s. 1 ) you seek your money's i al value ? Then buy Your spring dress and hat ol Watkins. The lat(!.st French patterns in llats and Dress Goods. S. ec C. Waskins. Children's Red. Tan and lUack Oxfords in heel and spring heel. 5c, si.oo, si. 25. The Lassiter-Parha- m Co. Ladies ! See our celebrat- ed S2.no shot". Vou can't iind an v tiling like: them lor the iaonev idsewhere. The Lassiter-Parha- m Co. NeW SllirtS Tor summer. The prettiest in the market. Cool and refreshing in hot weather. The Lassiter-Parha- m Co. 300 Corsets just received at Watkins's. the Duplex, trv one is all we ask. New Cravats, Nelijjco Shirts. Dress Shirts. Suspen- ders. Collars, Cuffs, eve, all tilt! latest styles, at Watkins's. Handsome line of Silks and French Novelties in Dress Goods at Watkins's. I )on't fail to see that beau- tiful display of PVench Pat- terns and Shapes, Ribbons and Flowers. S. ec C. Watkins. Stvle with comfort is what y u seek. Then i;et the 1 )uplex, warranted and onlysi.ooat Watkins's. We tit a three hundred .ts easilv as a ninety-si- x pounder with the Duplex. Trv one. S. ec C Watkins. Crockery. Glassware, Oil Stoves, cheaper than ever be- fore, at Watkins's. F I arm lx-tis- . arl ire. Plows and Ca:-tine;- s. 1 lames, etc.. at Watkins's. Matting, Ku-- s, Carpets. Curtains. Poles, etc.. at Watkins's. Largest and chi'ajtest stock "f Furniture at Watkins's. " Richmond Ranee," best lor cooking and heating water for bath tubs, at Watkins's. All everyday remark, the growth of The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s business. And whvisit? Thev devote all their time to improving' their stock and giving- the people the best values possible and will continue to do so. J. -rir- -r-.-rsv: v r Henderson Granite Works P. BOURKE, Propr. I am prepared to furnish estimates and execute alhvork in Monuments Cemeterv & Street Curbing, Door Steps, Window Sills and Lintels, &c. All kinds of cut or rough stone at Lowest Trices. Work delivered free on board cars in Henderson. Tinest quality of Granite. --- . r" ;iJ 11 ! . Importers end Manufacturer?., TtT(MTimiLTT TTTnPltlTTi f ' Hand riveted handle hoes, best you ever saw, at Watkins's. Orinoco Tobacco (iiuano. King wood, N. (J., Sep. 7. 112. I crew :t acres tobacco this yar ami used no other guanos than your ' i imtco." The laud was originally verv poor, and I can honestly say it was the finest looking while in tlie field I ever saw. It yellowed to perfection. My crop consisted of " barns and I finished curing first week in September. I used from "ittt) to tinn pounds per acre. Shall use Orinoco again. O. A. Willi am 8. The above is manufactured by F. S. lloyster, Tarboro, N. C. Wheelbarrows $ i.5o up, all lrades, at Watkins's. You can buy Oinjihauis and Outings very cheap at H. Thomason's. New- est de-signsf- or you nj men in straw , stifF and soft hats, for spring-wear- , at The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s. Machinery for Sale. I have for sab; one second-han- d rt horse power Eclipse engine, 011 wheels. About as good as new and will Im sold cheap. Also om; It) horse power Eclipse engine, on wheels, and saw mill. Will he sold together or separately, at a bargain. Also lot of steam gauges and check valves, made expressly for my own trade. The latter is something new and superior to anything of tin; kind made. J. A. FLEMING, mayil-L'- i Middleburg, N. C Notice. T7NDKH AND I'.Y VIRTUE OF A J mortgage deed executed to tint late E. G. IJrodie tin tin; 15th day of December, lS'.itl, by Jas. Hamilton and wife, and re corded 111 nook 1 1, pare -- V7 anee Kegis-try- , default having been made in tlie bond secured theieby, I shall, on MONDAY, JI NK V2TU, W.C, at 11' o'clock M.. at the court hou-- e door in Henderson, N. C, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for card), the lot of land conveyed in said deed to which reference is made for a more par- ticular description This Mav 10, IS'.t.l. .1ENNIE ISHODIE. Administratrix c. t. a. of E. G. Ihodie, deceased. J. 11. L'lidgers, Attorney. Chattanooga Cane Mill, EVAPORATOR AND FURNACES. 5ii r it 6 1 fell i BEST MADE PRICES LOW. S. & C. WATKINS, Agents. Trust Sale. A DEED OF TRUbT EX UNDER by Win. Green and wife on MavtJth, isd." and registered in Vance county, in book 1",, page I will sell by public auction, for cah. at the court house door in Henderson, on MONDAY. JUNE l'I'll, ls'j:. at V2 o'clock, the land con-vev- rd in said deed, to-- it : Thirteen and fi'loo acres lying on Young street, in tlie town of Henderson, and adjoining the lands of Mrs. E. Wyche. A. C. Zollicoffer. Mrs. Cora O. Phelps, Gary Street, Chas. Peace and Julias Speed. This May in. l!r.j. T. M. PITTMAN, Trustee. Pittman and Shaw, Attorneys. PHOTOGRAPH call at HOUFF BROS.' STUDIO, HENDERSON, N. C, : .-- - Opposite tlte Pnk of Henderson, New-ell'- s old stand, where you will be cheer- fully icceiv.d when Miim; to examine our woik or pricitu; and to rest as well as when wishing a sitting. Mi icily kikt- - I.ass woi:k. All vi,.,.s. any stvle desired. opyinjr. Enlarcinii. Yicwinj;, Trayon. Arc , at jrreatly reduced prices. "a.i m timeot sittint! or woik will not be finished. Satisfaction muuantced. PnoMi-r.K- ss our motto. Don't fail to call. Respectfully, HOUFF BROS. Notice. UNDER AND 1! Y V I RTF K OF Til K of sale conferred upon me in a Trust Deed executed 011 the 1st day of M;irch,!s.Ht,,v,,, w. tvei ton and S. Gene- va tveiton his wife, and registered in Ti ttst deed book 1 . pai;e ::.'T. in the ofttce of Urn Resistor of Dcedsof Vance County, default having been made iii payment of the debt secured theiebv. 1 shall s.-l- l for cash, by public auction) to the highest bidder, at the com t house door in Vance county, N. C, on the'jr.Tll DAY OF MAY. the real estate described and conveyed in said Trust deed, to wit: Thiee bls in Kittn ll. N . '., two of the in adjacent to each otltei , size each lU'..xl!i' feet, and exteitd-iii- R from Und to :;id street, and the other lot Hlx.'tHt feet adjoining Mclntdhani street, the lailioad piopertv and others. II EYDEN V. 'REWS, Tnistec. This 24 April, '.:, Henderson. N. G. Notice ! VTorth Carolina, i Supei tor t 'ourt, -- Oi Vance county. i A pi il Kith, ls"t:;. Statkok Nouih Caiiousa. To (he nu t of Liu of Si rak ,'. J.'iliwnitl, dea'usrd : Take notice that an application haslteen filed in this com t to set up and prove as the last will and testament of Sarah E. Edmunds, a certain memorandum filed therewith, and. I heieby appoint TI ES-D- A Y, MAY ':;RD, ls-.i.;- , at lint court lions,, in Henderson, N. G.f to hear the proof of same. You can be present and offer Counter proof if you so desire. HENRY PERRY, Clerk, Superior Court Vance chunty. Trust Sale. VIRTFE OFTIIE POWER BY upon me by two D Is of Trust from It. F. Rest and wife: One ex- ecuted March 4th, Is'.h), and icisti-ie- in the ollice of the Register of Deeds of Vance county, in Rook It, pane ; the other Febiuaiy lsftj, and leisteied in said olhce in IJitok 15, page .vid, will sell by public auction for cash, at, the couit house in Henderson, on MONDAY, MAY l."TH, ls'.l!, the lands described in said deeds, situate in Vance county, on the road leading from Shatter to Waircnton, on Rrown's meetinghouse biaucli, adjoining the lands of Turner Allen, Eankfoid and the old Ho: ton line, containing eighty-thre- e acres, for more specific description of which reference is hereby made to said deeds as registered. This Api il 7th. W.i. T. Si. PITTMAN. Trustee. Pittman & Shaw, Attorneys. JJORSEY'S DRUG 8T0R You will iind a full supply FIELD il 'GARDEN SEEDS Of all kinds, thrown ly tlie most reli nble seeds men out the All the STANDARD VARIETIES. Call early and supply your- - 1 DORSET, I )niL;dsT. Notice. OFAI. DTI- - D AS HAVING the AiU ot the bite W. W. Youim, tins is to ti'.ti!v all per-on- s having Cla ints ;:ain-- t -- aid leees-e-i to piesent them lor payment on or l.ctote the tirst dry of Api il, 1K'.1. or th'.s notice will 1ms pleaded iil b.'tl of theti proven. Persons indebted to said 'b-ce- ed will pleaso make tainent at once. ANN ELIZA YOI NG, Executrix of V. . Young, deceased. T. T. Hicks, Attorney. April 1. is'j:;. Monty to Lend. Parties desiring to borrow money on Vance County latins payments to be made on the following teriiH to wit: One tenth or the principal at the end of one year, one tenth at the end of the second yeau. the same amount at the end of the third and fourth years, and balance at tlie end of the fifth year. Interest on the en- tire amount at 7 percent, to be due and pay- able annuallv, may find it to their interest to apply to tlie undersigned. Such loans can be placed through me with the Biitish and American Mortgage Company pro- vided the security is suilicient and buch as is required. 11. T. WATKINS, Atty. For Kent. The beautiful residence of Mr. John L Clarke, in Henderson, N. C. Persons de- siring a nieo comfortable home upon easy terms will apply to A. C. Zoi.i.k (ti'FKif, Atty., 1 lenderson, X. ( '. . - 44 - Commendable Enterprise. The Gor.it Ja.av has had occasion several times heretofore to speak in complimentary terms of the Michie Tobacco Company, one of Henderson's most worthy and successful enterprises. The company is composed of excellent gentlemen who are recognized as among our best and most enterprising business men, and the' are pushing their popular brands of smoking to- bacco with a vigor aud earnestness characteristic ot" them and such as challenges our warmest admiration. Resides keeping two or three salesmen constantly rn the road and pushing their trade out into new territory the Michie Tobacco Company give a hand- some $G.U0 wall desk and book case with every 50 pounds or $20.00 worth of their goods. The dealer realizes 00 per cent, on the investment and gets the desk thrown in. This is made of antique oak and is a thing of beauty, au ornament to any room or library, and altogether a desirable piece of fur- niture. One commendable thing in this connection is the fact that these desks are manufactured here in Hen- derson. They are made under the im- mediate supervision of Mr. II. A. Draper, one of the tinestcabinet makers in the country, which of itself is suf- ficient guarantee of their superior work- manship, beauty of finish and general excellence. With goods of such fine quality aud delightful -- flavor as the Michie and Prichard's Pride smoking tobacco, aud gentlemen of such means and enter- prise as Mr. Geo. S. Pochard, the Messrs. Harris, Mr. L. R. Gooch and Mr. F. W. Ilite to push its manufac- ture and sale the Gold Lkav is not surprised at the wide popularity aud growing demand for their product throughout the country. 3lalarra. Humphreys's Specifies Nos. ten and sixteen speedily and permanently cure malaria and bilious fevers. Price 2."e each at all drug stores . - Wanted. Situation by aprinterofeightyear.s' ex- perience. Can furnish first-clas- s references and give good reasons for desiring to quit present position. Address" Printer" Henderson, X. C. A Colloquy. fXoriolk Correspondence the Gold Leaf . The writer overheard the following conversation between two colored waiters in a down-tow- n restaurant the other day. One of the darkies was from Virginia, the other from North Carolina : Virginia darky. "Say Jim, which State does you like de bess, ' Virginny' or rNorf Car'lina':-- " North Carolina darky. " I like 'Norf Car'lina' de bess." Virginia darky "Well den why don't you stay in 'Xorf Car'lina' North Carolina darky ''Caze dey pay bedder wages in 'Old Virginny V Virginia darky "Why can't 'Norf Car'lina' pay as good wages as 'Old Virginny' ? " North Carolina darky " 'Caze 'Norf Car'lina' pays her honest debts, and 'Old Virginny' re'justed hern." Exit Virginia dark', and a loud ha! ha! from the North Carolina coon. E. L. C. M. . Just think of it a Watch ami Clock combined in one, for $2 .NO, tit h. K. Hicht's. - . S. C. Watkins are showing more and finer lress Goods than ever before ex- hibited in this city. Go to Parker's Drugstore and get eye glasses to suit. Just added u large as- sortment. apr20-4- t - . Tilt! " ItOOIll Lot" I HOllffllt. Supposed to liave be l written by It. II. Just about three years ago, I bought a lot, and bought it low ; The man that sold it told me so, And he's the one that ought to know. Fifteen hundred was the price, He dWti't have to ask me twice, I paid him half in one big slice, ml felt as rich as Calvin Biicc. l a. Ra, Ra, Ac. Vn.l for the rest I gave my note, And as niv name I glibly wrote, 1 had no thoimht mor'n a goat. The big load I'd have to toat. Now I am working like a slave, Trying hard enough to save. To pav the blasted note 1 gave, Before I lav me in my grave. Ta, Ra, Ra, &c. The lot's so steep 'twont hold a fence The stones upon it are immense, The bushes grow so tall and dense. It wouldn't bring me fifty cents. ,..i os i it in silent gloom. Thinking of niv awful doom, I want to lie down in my toml), Before we have another boom. Ta. Ra, Ra. &c. Baltimore, Md. Dress Goods we dont of- fer you off styles at catch prices, but new styles at fair prices. H. ThomoTwill sell you DressGoods very cheap. Letter From Kittrell. KiTTitKr.L, X. C, May 10, lS'.Ci. EniTon (JoLD Lkak: Expressions of regret because of the taking oil' of the shoo-tl- y are heard on every side. This train was decidedly the most ac- commodating one on this road. Dr. J. 1. Suu and family went to Tarboro last Thursday to see Mrs. Su's sister, Mrs. Howell, who was then at the point of death. Her death occurred Saturday. Mrs. Howell was well known here and very much be- loved. Mrs. Burton and her daughter Miss Louie, left Monday on a visit to friends at Middlebun;. Mr. C. L. Ulacknall went up to Ox- ford last Thursday to see what de- struction was caused by the cyelui.e Wednesday. It is to be hoped ;;..it our community will not be visited by any mo;-- e cyclones. Mrs. John Wester went to Hender- son one day this week to visit friends aud relatives. Most of the Northern people have returned to their homes. Mr. Davis and his family will remain several days longer. A. A ?Iillion Frit'iitl. A friend in need is :t friend indeed, and not less than a million people have found just such a friend in Dr. Kind's New Dis- covery for Consumption, Couli. and Colds. If you have never used this (Ireat Cottt;li Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in till diseases of Throat, Chest and Luiijrs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Melville Dorsev's dru store, Lare bottles 50c. and .1.00." Do Xot Buy A Haby Carriage Until you have seen the beautiful and extensive stock at Watkins's. All shapes and all styles of upholstering. The prettiest and cheapest things of the kind in Henderson. i ' Our Acorn Brand " None- such" unlaundried shirt best out. At Watkins's. See our Ladies' Mb ;ses and Children's Shoe All styles, all sizes, all prices. The Lassiter-Parha- m Co. The lndifs are cordially invited to eaii i ami inspect the pretty lint.- - of new dn-s- s goods and trimmings just opened at ; H. Thomason's. iyO OTHER Sarsaparilla com- - i bir.es economy and strength like HOOD'S. It is the only or.o of which can truly be said " 100 Doses $r.M See Here! Wln-i- i in need of Sa.-- h, Dots, Poinds, Shingles. Laths. Linn-- , ('esneM, ow Hair, ic. call on D. W. Hurd'-e- ; in-x- t door to post office. Nov. 10 ROOT T 3 nmiMXlhl T ri rot ;T i" fnr f hf ! !" i 'Y e ! S - , can be made into a Tea for use in ne minute. ! Price i'jc . and ir packajre. j f An Eletrant To:let Pgwoe H.U H.U for the Teeth and Iirtath-3- 5c
Page 1: The gold leaf. (Henderson, N.C.) 1893-05-11 [p ]....On Lime, Laths, Shingles, Doors and Windows, call on John 15. Watkins.-The ladies are invited to call at H. Thomason's store and



Spread-oajrl- e speaker are beinniUTto load up with patriotic lore for thefourth of July explosion.An exchange states an important

1 1

I 11

JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING., v.- a new business:

:.V7 v. i'n.any an cUi business;"""V'K'-'h- S

many a large business;v?., s'many a dull business:

r- .'. ; ;S many a lost business:SAVhS niany a failing business:' :;s success in any business.

r judiciously," use the columns"' .'" ).:' SON GOLD LEAF. It is the

" 1 ,.','CV published in Vance county inj growing towns of North Car-ulat- es

extensively among an in-- 1'' prosperous people whose trade is'.'eolling and having.

ATLS of advertising.

ii v.iMiuci.ia ci:icuy, w men is ail! e ""TV. 1- 1-

cial to you and your children. Such is Serf's .T.;. ;:

of Pure Norwegian Cud Liver Oil and Hypophos-phite- s

of Lime and Soda, it checks wasting in thechildren and produce r, sound, healthy llcsh. p. k sthem from taking cold and it will do the same f r v.ni

Every ManA Capitalist.

You can lccomc a capitalist atonce Lv laying by a small part ofyour yearly income and invest-ing it in a Tontine policy of the

Equitable LifeFor $20 you can instantly se-

cure a capital of $1 ,000 (or for$rcx a capital of $ 10,000), thusacquiring au estate which youmay leave to your heirs, or re-

tain as a fuml for your ownsupport in old age, if your lifebe prolonged.

Such a step will prompt youto save, will strengthen yourcredit, will increase your con-fidence, will preserve you fromcare and will give you lastingsatisfaction.

The Plan is Simnle.The Security Absolute.

It is the perfect developmentof the life policy. To-da- y isthe right time to get facts andfigures. Address

W. J. ROD DEY, Manager,For the Carolina.



J. H. Bridgers and W. W. Row-land.

Mayor J. II. Hridgers turned everthe reins of the municipal governmentto his successor W. W. Rowland, Esq.,on the first instant. It is but just tothe retiring chief executive of the townto say that his official career has beencreditable to himself and acceptable tothe people. He has discharged hisduties in a fair minded and impartialmanner and administered the law ashe found it and interpreted its meaning.Positive, but nxt overbearing; sym-pathetic, but not sentimental, MayorHridgers administration has been suchthat he and his friends have causeto felicitate themseves, and he retireswith the confidence and regard of thepublic no less than when he enteredupon his term of office a year ago.

Of his successor Mayor Rowland itmay be expected that his official careerwill be in every way commendable andsatisfactory. He is a gentleman ofintelligence and good judgment, athorough business man and we doubtnot will give us a capable and businesslike administration. Having served inthe capacity of town commissioner heis familiar with the affairs of our localgovernment and such knowledge andexperience will serve him in good turn.Let us as a community uphold andsupport Mayor Rowland's administra-tion and second his every effort to en-

force the law, and preserve order, andadvance the interests of Henderson inevery way in our power.

. ..Shiloh's Cure, the Great Cough and

Croup Cure, is for sale by us. 1'ocket sizecontains twetitv-fiv- e doses, only 2rc. Chil-dren love it. Sold by W. W. Parker.

Scon's rr.ulsi.-- cares CouLs,Colds. Consumption, ScrcfuJa anaall Anaemic and Wr.i1tir.5- - Disrascs.Prevents wastij ch "..Ircn. Al-most rs jjaI.T:;M(- - .ts r::sl:. Uel i:!ythe rcenuinr. ; aro.l 1 Sott .V;

B .'wne. Ch raic-L:-- , lic.v Y'.-r- ik'iJ I vai:

orncc at w. ii.vtEsrnis sioui:.

MZrcXSt'ft iff kl S WH K I II I I3M ID U JT4S-- L i rNt

rmmM ran iTobhcco Fertilizer.HIGH GRAB$ QUICK-RELIAB- LE.

T15 Pansers endorse it. Tkj say It tells ia Its FIELD fA ca tic WAREHOUSE fLOOR

S. W. TRAYERS k GOAGENTS WANTED. PRICE3 "EDUCED. Write for Testimonials oni Trtcc.


As to Powell & Co., a Firm Whichia Business From the Start.

A new grocery firm, and one whichis in the race to win. is that of Powell& Co., Mangum street, at the standformerly occupied by the Durham Fer-tilizer Company.

Mr. Powell came to Durham abouttwo months ago, opened up a fresh andchoice line of fancy groceriesf and putout his sign. The new firm commencedto do business on the day it openedand was in it from the start. As itbecame better known its trade in-

creased, and to-da- y it is disputingground with many older and betterknown grocery houses.

Mr. Powell is a man who attends tohis business and will look after the in-

terest of his customers. He keeps thebest in the market. His clerks arepolite and always, at their post, andthe man who deals with the new firmcan always be sure of their doing thesquare thing.

The foregoing is taken from the Dur-

ham Globe. The new firm referred tois composed of J. B. Powell and II. C.Callaham. Mr. Powell, the seniormember, was formerly in businesshere but recently went to Durham andengaged in a different line. He is agood business man, a hard worker, en-

ergetic and accommodating, and it willbe gratifying to his friends to knowthat he is meeting with success in hisnew field. Wc understand that theincreasing trade and popularity of thisfirm necessitated the moving of theirstock to larger and more convenientquarters on Main street where theywill have better facilities for servingtheir patrons and also to do business inthe wholesale line.

For Malaria, Liver Trou-ble,or Indigestion, useBROWN'S IRON BITTERS

To My Lady Friends.I have just received my

second supply of Fine SpringMillinery which will be soldat extremely low prices. Calland convince yourself of thefact.

Mrs. Nathan Lehman.

For Low FriccsOn Lime, Laths, Shingles,Doors and Windows, call on

John 15. Watkins.-

The ladies are invited to call at H.Thomason's store and see his new stockof Dress floods and ninny other thingsreceived since gelling into his new quar-ters. Call early before the best shadesare all out. They are pretty and cheapand g-- like hot cakes. An early call issuggested if you want a nice dress fo:'little money. I don't intend to be sur-passed or undersold in any thing in myline. Very Uespectful'y,

npr ." H. Tiiomasox.

Itobv Carriages.

All styles and all prices. Theprettiest and cheapest line intown, at Watkins's.

Zeigler Shoes.

. "eV'i"' ...

r y- j- ft

For style, fit and wear un-

surpassed. For sale byWatkixs.

We oiler you the largest,best and most stylish line ofDress Goods, Trimmings,and Millinery in the city. Ourprices are low, quality consid-ered. S. & C. Watkins.

W h e n youwant neck wear,collars andcuffs, iro to The

Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s. Stvleand prices right.

The latest and newest de-

signs in gents' furnishinggoods, hats, &c., at S. & C.Watkins's.

Ladies' Dress Goods.Changeable, Figured, Ben-galin- e

and Wash Silks in greatvariety and lowest prices, at

The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s.

"When Baby was sick, wo gave her C'astoria.

Y.l'.t ii she-- was a Child, she cried for Cast.jrui.

V.'hcn she became Miss, she citing to Castoria.

When she had Children, she gave them Cast- ria.

Our $3 00 Shoe for gentlemen you cant tell it froma s5.oo shoe. Nothing to com- -

pare with it elsewhere. 'TheLassiter-Parha- m Co. have theaire new

When you want to buy window glasscall on D. W. Hardee. He keeps all kindsand sizes, and his prices can not be dis-

counted. Also sash, tloors, blinds, shin-gles, laths, lime, cement, cow hair, &c.Fully prepared to fill any order on shortnotice. mcht

25c for 20c.We sell first-clas- s regular made, fast

black Ladies' Hose at 2 cents. Children'sat 1 " cents. S. & C. Watkins.

D. V. Hardee keeps a full line of building materia! of all kinds, such as shin-gles, laths, sash, doors, blinds, lime, ce-

ment, cow hair, window glass. &c. Pricesas low us any dealer anywhere. Give hima call when in need of anything in hisliiw. mchl

A Town With a ISrisht FutureBefore It The Keeley Insti-

tute and the Good WorkIt Is Doing:.

The editor had the pleasure ofspend-in- g

a couple of nights and a day inRocky Mount, taking a run down thereSaturday eyeuiug. We were agreeablysurprised and much gratified at theevidences of thrift and progress seenon every hand. The town has grownand prospered wonderfully since wehad stopped there last, some yearsago. The population has more thandoubled in the last two years wewere told. This is a remarkablerecord for a North Carolina town.

Recognizing the high character ofthe institution and the splendid workit is doing for the unfortunate menwho are victims of the drink habit aswell as those suffering from nervousail'cctions, we went to Keeley Institute,of which our good friend the genialhearted, brilliant minded Dossey Rattle,himself the mo?t eloquent endorse-ment of the redeeming powers of thedouble bichloride of gold treatment,is manager. Dr. G. A. Ramseur askilled taud scientific practioner andgentleman is the physician in charge,and two more kind hearted, sympa-thetic and well fitted men for theirrespective duties could not be found.The patients come and go and threehad just returned home new men afew days before. There were severalothers there and a cleverer, jollier,more hopeful set of men we never saw.Some people have an idea that a KeeleyInstitute is but little removed from amail house. On the contrary it iswhere one might go to find men ofcharacter, men of sense, men of re-

finement who had made up their mindsto break the schackles that bind themand control their will power and des-

troy their manhood and usefulnesstobe cured of the disease of alcoholismand be made new men again. Andsuch is the grand mission of the Keeleycure and such is the work it is doing.The time is not far distant when Dr.Leslie F. Keeley will be regarded asthe greatest benefactor of his day. andmen like Dossey Rattle and Dr. Ram-seur who are giving their life-wo- rk tothe reclamation of unfortunate fellowcreatures will receive their reward ingratitude and moral support at least fortheir earnestness and unselfish devo-tion to the great cause in which theyarc laboring.

Sunday we dined with Mr. and Mrs.K. W. Koghill whose hearts still turntoward Henderson aud go out warmlyfor Henderson people. Mr Coghill hasdono much in his particular line tobuild up and beautify the town andhas several large contracts on hand tobuild many handsome private resi-dences and commodious business houses.His friends will be pleased to learnthat he is doing well in his new home.

Sunday night we were the guest ofWill T. Gregory, whom we all knowto be one of the cleverest boys in fortyStates, as he is one of the most com-petent and expert judges and handlersof tobacco. He is manager and buyerfor the American Tobacco Company,and has two large establishments wellfilled with the finest grades of leaf, allin apple pie order. He is as popularwith the people of Rock' Mount (thefemale portion especially) as he wasin Henderson, and only kind wordswere spoken of him. This is nothingmore than we expected and what hedeserves.

Monday wc rode with him severalmiles in the country and were gratifiedat the encouraging looks of things onthe well cultivated farms. Crops aregrowing nicely and looking fine. Agreat deal of tobacco has been plantedand in many places it is being worked.The season is several weeks earlierthan with us.

We had the pleasure of seeing ourbrethren of the press, Mr. W. A.Campbell, of the Aryonaut, and JohnW. Lewis, of the Plucnix, both ofwhom have done good service in behalfof the advancement of their town, anddeserve the most liberal support of thebusiness men and property owners.Rocky Mount has a bright future be-

fore it and the citizens are full of hopeand encouragement.

We regret that space is not at ourdisposal to say as much about theplace and people as we would like.

LADIESNeeding a tonic, or children who want build-

ing up, should takeBROWN'S IKON BITTERS.

It la pleasant; cures Malaria, Indigestion,EiUousness, Liver Complaints and Keuralgia.

.The latestTad in Ladies' 'ombination

Lace and Hair Pins, at F. E. Right's.

The Cash in Advance Plan.At the recent meeting of tlie North

Carolina Press Association in New Berne,the cash in advance system of conduct-ing newspapers that is requiring tillsubscribers to pay the money down attime of entering tlu-i- names andpromptly discontinuing the paper at ex-

piration of time paid for was discussedand the general opinion expressed wasthat this is the only satisfactory andproper course to pursue. The LexingtonDi--ptte- k of last week says this along thatlint;:

Anent the discussion at tlie late meet-ing of the Press Association in regard tothe cash system, we desire to say thatwe inaugurated that system nearly ayear and a half ago and have never hadcause to regret it. We advise every news-pad- er

to go am) do likewise. The creditsystem will not do as ii matter of busi-ness. A newspaper in these times thatruns on the old credit basis is just a littlebehind tlit; times.

- -

We are showing an elegant line ofFrench Dress patterns in Silk and WoolenNovelties the latest designs.

S. fc C. Watkins.

The World's Fair.

Go Via Chesapeake X; Ohio Kailroad.

The quickest and best route to tlieWorld's Fair is via the Chesapeake & OhioRailway. Only twenty seven hours fromRichmond and twenty-thre- e hours fromCharlottesville to Chicago. Doable dailyvestibule trains with Pullman sleepingand dining cars.

The Chesapeake A Ohio is also thecheapest route. Ask for tickets via thisline. If you desire to stop at the famousCireenbiier White Sulphur Springs or atany of the watering places along tlie lineof the C. & O. your World's Fair ticketwill permit you to do it. Special arrange-ments for the care of organized parties .

For full information and printed matterrelative to the World's Fair, address JohnU. Potts. Division Tassecger Agent Ches-apeake & Ohio Railway, Richmond, Va.

New Baby Carriages, sopretty and cheap, at Watkins's.

SATISFACTIONI- - guaranteed

J Sarsaparilla. One hundred doses inl every bottle. No other does this.

u uui wnen it declare that -- The,0!:llCal ,Iut' b' "ieuis the chiel source of the .sullerin from

mis-ovcnim- eut by had men."Potato bugs have put in a numerousappearance. Physic the slu-s- "' witha table spoonful ot Paris green mixedwith three gallons of water. If thisremedy fails mash them between two

pieces of piank.The installment plan of sellinbicycles, which most of the leading

maoulacturers have adopted throughtheir local agents, has vastly increasedtlte number of these popular silent

now in use.In the light of recent events it may

be stated upon positive assurance thatmany of Henderson's business peopleare sadder, if not wiser aud better menthan than they used to be. No 'en-dorsements" are necessary to substan-tiate this fact.

Attention is called to the advertise-ment of J. A. Fleming, Middleburg,who oilers for sale two Eclipse engines,on wheels, a saw mill and a lot ofother machinery. Persons wishing tobuy such would do well to call on erwrite to Mr. Fleming. H; oilers abargain in this machinery.

The (ioLit Ekaf has received fromMis. M. l'juhain, one of the faculty,an invitation to attend the commence-ment exercises of Oxford Female Semi-nary May '2S-3,)t-

h. The baccalaureatesermon will he preached by Rev. T. (i.Jones. I). J)., of Norfolk, Va.. andKev. V. E. Hatcher, I). I)., of Rich-mond, will deliver the annual addressbefore the Calliopean Society. Theentire programme will be given withintwo days, closing Tuesday night.

A perfect town is that in which yousee the farmers patronizing the homemerchants, the merchants patronizinghome printers, the laborers spendingthe money they earn with their owntradesmen, and they buying theirthings at home instead of going abroad.The spirit of reciprocity between busi-ness men and mechanics, tradesmenand laborers, the farmers and manu-facturers, results every time in makingthe town a good one for businessPa i n es v il ! c Dam onu I .

One of the sufferers by last week'sstorm was Mr. Walter Milne, who livesjust below town, near the Ward place.He lost his dwelling and all out houses,together with much of his crop andhousehold effects. Everything on theplace was blown down by the cycloneand the wreck was complete. Hisdaughter had one of her hands badlyhurt but with this exception the familyescaped bodily injury. Mr. Milne is anold man and his misfortune is lament-able. They sought refuge at Mr. MarkIJowen's at whose house they arc beingkindly cared for.

W'e are in receipt of the Annua An-nouncement of the North CarolinaState Dental Society, the 19th meetingof which will be held in the city ofRaleigh May 2:5r.l-2Ct- h, inclusive. Itis in the form of a ucat little pamphletissued from the presses of (ieo. M.Newell, Henderson, which does creditto his taste and good workmanship.The title page, printed in red and paleblue embossed cover paper, with largegilt monogram "X. C. S. I). S." incentre, the great seal of North Caro-lina in upper left hand corner aud apicture of the capitol building in thelower right hand, is very unique andattractive. Our townsman Dr. F. S.Harris, is president of the Society.

Friday Adams vc Harris again treatedtheir friends and patrons to turtlesoup. There are no liner caterers thanthese gentleman, whether it is in dis-

pensing liquids or in more substantialthings in the way of the choicest eata-bles. And when it comes to turtlesoup, with one of those large sea mon-sters which they are famous for pro-

curing as the basis, they are simplyaway up in (f. Ceorge Littlejohn isthe cook and those who ever had thepleasure of working their way to thebottom of a dish prepared by him neednot lie told that he cannot be surpassedin this respect. It is needless to saythe treat was greatly relished by thetwo or three scores of gentlemen whopartook of it.

. .Sliiloli's Vitalize!-i- s what you need for

Dvspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin orKidney Trouble. It, is guaranteed to givevou satisfaction. Price 7."c. Sold by W.

V . Parker, druggist, Henderson.

A New Dress.Yon must have one. Then buy it at

S. iV: C. Watkins".

Town Officers.At a meeting of the Hoard of Town

Commissioners held Monday eveningfor the election of ollicers, the follow-

ing were elected : Clerk. Capt. J. H.White; Tax Collector. J. E. Currin;Treasurer, Jas. M. Young; Chief ofPolice, R. J. Southerland; AssistantPolit e, J. H. Mahone and J. T. Moss.

lion's This?We offer one hundred dollars reward

for ntiv case of catarrh that cannot becured bv taking Hall's Catarrh Cure.

K. J. CHENEY & CO., prop'rs.Toledo, Ohio.

We, the undersigned, have known F. J.Cheney for thtf last 1.") years, and believehim perfect lv honorable in in alt businesstransactions.'and financially able to carryout anv obligations made by their firm.West - Truax, wholesale druggists, To-

ledo, Ohio.Walding, Kinna'.i & Marvin, wholesale

dne'gists, Toledo, Ohio.Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,

actin" directly upon the blood and mucoussurfaces of the system. Trice, 75 cents perbottle, bold by all druggists.

Large Stock of Trunks andTravelling Bags at


Entertainment at the MethodistProtestant Church.

ti.o miMic is rordiallv invited to ani III'entertainment in the Methodic Protest-

ant Church. Friday. May 12th, com-

mencing at 8:15 p. m. There will berecitations, with music by a select

choir bv the following contestants lor

a Demoiest Silver Medal: Miss Lunda

Wvche. Miss Marv Lou Thomas, MissHe"ssie Kerner. Miss Jennie Shaw, Miss

Tucker Massenbunr.Miss Jessie Howardand Master Geo. A. Ilarrell. A beauti-

ful medal will be awarded for the bestrecitation and presented in an addressbv T. N. Pittman, Esq. All who at-

tend may expect a pleasant time. Letus encourage our home talent and showour appreciation of au entertainmentat once iunnocent and entertaining.

Respectfully,T. J. OaiiURX,

May IHh. Pastor M. P. Church.

AYantoil to PurchaseA gentle family horse one that can be

warranted sound and sufficiently safe foraladvto drive, also clear-foote- d underHm saddle. Apply at Tins Office.

in. ! 12 C. 1 Col.

tr.oj soo; i 2 not'.OO 1 1 Oil! ir.oo

too! hoou :;ooi 1 HIlOOO


.too ir, (to; 20 OO( III iooo'iso(t: L'tOO

1 1 1X1 JOOO' JXIrttl r, ' if.-

-. mh :;.oo1 "J 7000ir. OO nil;.",." On! n.-.-


is OO :roo ;;." oo! loooo., v. i ! To lie published':, i.l moler. tin; t be paid friti

. ;, ;v. ri i i r lr a short t time'

. ., ."months i- - transient'. . rendered )iiartcrly

, . published for a longer

, : . i ! -t iiii-iit- to appear anions,: ! muter heuUiio; of Business

V' .; - J:arK-'I 1" cents per line foraii'l ') cents per line lur each

i: ! isenieiits. such as ad tn i u ist ra-- i-

it tors' not ici-s- , eonui i iss ioners'., ., summons to n'nii resi-- v.

; i ! ehared for at It i:i 1 rates,, . ,. :i ! :.i I a certain limit of,'. v.li n il case We reserve t tie rijjht to

. .. n (! Mi -- neb Iiiimiickk niust. ; 1'i'K IN AIYAN( !".. The eliarifi;

Txia ati'l we cannot utforil to take.,. .a;' t lie i i'umi i of tn is: .11 s I o :i y.

I ,,:, v notices, resolutions of I'sjiict,. ; i.i diariicil for al the rate oi one

, .. , ,, : a in I lie ca .; to u st a com pa n y..I In i;.m s here 1" e i i t s ami

the i lp'T ate iir.l l l.eii, noin i.e :i.nh- for I in- - liit li-- lines

. ', word ; -- or ait:clis not xeeeil lisj. e .: t. .

'" ' 'rc ! W' '

C P THE TOWN fi.u:au laconics picked up here and

thereby our eagle-eye- d

reporters.ii(!ioii IjimIc, No. Liii'.,

A. f A. 31.;,!. ami lli'mt Tiicschiv i j r 1 s in

, ,cii tnoiitli fit 7:". i. in. Keavis Hall.

House for Rent.i :.' U '1 welling house, o ii Winder st n et ,

i, ir lti- Tmker's resilience, enntninino'; luiiius, kitchen, A. Good well of

. r ei in vt iiient . Possession s'iven illApply to .1. A. Ki.i.i.v.

Tilt- - very latest novelties ini ); . ,-, ( ioo Is at

l iii- - Lassiter -- 1'arham ('o.'s,

W'e show you no jobs huta., honest, straight and stylishliii' of I)ry (ioods. Dress,..'ds. eve. S. t--

c ('. Watkins.

5 ,))() ards ol Lace, Ham-;r-- .

Swiss, and every varietyWhite ( ittods at

1 he Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s.

1 ) you seek your money'si al value ? Then buy Yourspring dress and hat ol

Watkins.The lat(!.st French patterns

in llats and Dress Goods.S. ec C. Waskins.

Children's Red. Tan andlUack Oxfords in heel andspring heel. 5c, si.oo, si. 25.

The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.

Ladies ! See our celebrat-ed S2.no shot". Vou can't iindan v tiling like: them lor theiaonev idsewhere.

The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.

NeW SllirtS Tor summer.The prettiest in the market.Cool and refreshing in hotweather.

The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.

300 Corsets just receivedat Watkins's. the Duplex,trv one is all we ask.

New Cravats, NelijjcoShirts. Dress Shirts. Suspen-ders. Collars, Cuffs, eve, alltilt! latest styles, at


Handsome line of Silks andFrench Novelties in DressGoods at Watkins's.

I )on't fail to see that beau-tiful display of PVench Pat-

terns and Shapes, Ribbonsand Flowers.

S. ec C. Watkins.

Stvle with comfort is whaty u seek. Then i;et the 1 )uplex,warranted and onlysi.ooat


We tit a three hundred.ts easilv as a ninety-si- x

pounder with the Duplex.Trv one. S. ec C Watkins.

Crockery. Glassware, OilStoves, cheaper than ever be-

fore, at Watkins's.FI arm lx-tis- . arl ire.

Plows and Ca:-tine;- s. 1 lames,etc.. at Watkins's.

Matting, Ku-- s, Carpets.Curtains. Poles, etc.. at

Watkins's.Largest and chi'ajtest stock

"f Furniture at Watkins's.

" Richmond Ranee," bestlor cooking and heating waterfor bath tubs, at Watkins's.

All everyday remark,the growth of The Lassiter-Parha- m

Co.'s business. Andwhvisit? Thev devote all theirtime to improving' their stockand giving- the people thebest values possible and willcontinue to do so.

J. -rir- -r-.-rsv: v r

Henderson Granite Works

P. BOURKE, Propr.I am prepared to furnish estimatesand execute alhvork in MonumentsCemeterv & Street Curbing, DoorSteps, Window Sills and Lintels,&c. All kinds of cut or rough stoneat Lowest Trices. Work deliveredfree on board cars in Henderson.Tinest quality of Granite.

--- .

r" ;iJ

11 ! .

Importers end Manufacturer?.,TtT(MTimiLTT TTTnPltlTTi

f '

Hand riveted handle hoes,best you ever saw, at


Orinoco Tobacco (iiuano.King wood, N. (J., Sep. 7. 112.

I crew :t acres tobacco this yar amiused no other guanos than your ' i imtco."The laud was originally verv poor, and Ican honestly say it was the finest lookingwhile in tlie field I ever saw. It yellowedto perfection. My crop consisted of "

barns and I finished curing first week inSeptember. I used from "ittt) to tinn poundsper acre. Shall use Orinoco again.

O. A. Willi am 8.The above is manufactured by F. S.

lloyster, Tarboro, N. C.

Wheelbarrows $ i.5o up, alllrades, at Watkins's.

You can buy Oinjihauis and Outingsvery cheap at H. Thomason's.

New-est de-signsf-


you njmen instraw ,

stifF and soft hats, for spring-wear-,

atThe Lassiter-Parha- m Co.'s.

Machinery for Sale.I have for sab; one second-han- d rt horse

power Eclipse engine, 011 wheels. Aboutas good as new and will Im sold cheap.Also om; It) horse power Eclipse engine,on wheels, and saw mill. Will he sold

together or separately, at a bargain. Alsolot of steam gauges and check valves,made expressly for my own trade. Thelatter is something new and superior toanything of tin; kind made.

J. A. FLEMING,mayil-L'- i Middleburg, N. C

Notice.T7NDKH AND I'.Y VIRTUE OF AJ mortgage deed executed to tint late

E. G. IJrodie tin tin; 15th day of December,lS'.itl, by Jas. Hamilton and wife, and recorded 111 nook 1 1, pare -- V7 anee Kegis-try- ,

default having been made in tlie bondsecured theieby, I shall, on MONDAY,JI NK V2TU, W.C, at 11' o'clock M.. at thecourt hou-- e door in Henderson, N. C, sellat public auction, to the highest bidder forcard), the lot of land conveyed in said deedto which reference is made for a more par-ticular description

This Mav 10, IS'.t.l..1ENNIE ISHODIE.

Administratrix c. t. a. of E. G. Ihodie,deceased.J. 11. L'lidgers, Attorney.

Chattanooga Cane Mill,


5ii r it61

fell i


S. & C. WATKINS, Agents.

Trust Sale.

A DEED OF TRUbT EXUNDER by Win. Green and wife onMavtJth, isd." and registered in Vancecounty, in book 1",, page I will sell bypublic auction, for cah. at the court housedoor in Henderson, on MONDAY. JUNEl'I'll, ls'j:. at V2 o'clock, the land con-vev- rd

in said deed, to-- it : Thirteen andfi'loo acres lying on Young street, in tlietown of Henderson, and adjoining thelands of Mrs. E. Wyche. A. C. Zollicoffer.Mrs. Cora O. Phelps, Gary Street, Chas.Peace and Julias Speed.

This May in. l!r.j.T. M. PITTMAN, Trustee.

Pittman and Shaw, Attorneys.



: .-- -

Opposite tlte Pnk of Henderson, New-ell'- sold stand, where you will be cheer-

fully icceiv.d when Miim; to examineour woik or pricitu; and to rest as well aswhen wishing a sitting. Mi icily kikt- -

I.ass woi:k. All vi,.,.s. any stvle desired.opyinjr. Enlarcinii. Yicwinj;, Trayon.

Arc , at jrreatly reduced prices. "a.i mtimeot sittint! or woik will not be finished.Satisfaction muuantced. PnoMi-r.K- ss ourmotto. Don't fail to call.



UNDER AND 1! Y V I RTF K OF Til Kof sale conferred upon me in

a Trust Deed executed 011 the 1st day ofM;irch,!s.Ht,,v,,, w. tvei ton and S. Gene-va tveiton his wife, and registered in Ti ttstdeed book 1 . pai;e ::.'T. in the ofttce of UrnResistor of Dcedsof Vance County, defaulthaving been made iii payment of the debtsecured theiebv. 1 shall s.-l- l for cash, bypublic auction) to the highest bidder, atthe com t house door in Vance county, N.C, on the'jr.Tll DAY OF MAY. thereal estate described and conveyed in saidTrust deed, to wit: Thiee bls in Kittn ll.N . '., two of the in adjacent to each otltei ,size each lU'..xl!i' feet, and exteitd-iii- R

from Und to :;id street, and the otherlot Hlx.'tHt feet adjoining Mclntdhanistreet, the lailioad piopertv and others.

II EYDEN V. 'REWS, Tnistec.This 24 April, '.:, Henderson. N. G.

Notice !

VTorth Carolina, i Supei tor t 'ourt,--Oi Vance county. i A pi il Kith, ls"t:;.

Statkok Nouih Caiiousa.To (he nu t of Liu of Si rak ,'. J.'iliwnitl,

dea'usrd :Take notice that an application haslteen

filed in this com t to set up and prove asthe last will and testament of Sarah E.Edmunds, a certain memorandum filedtherewith, and. I heieby appoint TI ES-D- A

Y, MAY ':;RD, ls-.i.;-, at lint court lions,,

in Henderson, N. G.f to hear the proofof same. You can be present and offerCounter proof if you so desire.

HENRY PERRY, Clerk,Superior Court Vance chunty.

Trust Sale.VIRTFE OFTIIE POWERBY upon me by two D Is of

Trust from It. F. Rest and wife: One ex-ecuted March 4th, Is'.h), and icisti-ie- inthe ollice of the Register of Deeds ofVance county, in Rook It, pane ; theother Febiuaiy lsftj, and leisteied insaid olhce in IJitok 15, page .vid, will sellby public auction for cash, at, the couithouse in Henderson, on MONDAY, MAYl."TH, ls'.l!, the lands described in saiddeeds, situate in Vance county, on the roadleading from Shatter to Waircnton, onRrown's meetinghouse biaucli, adjoiningthe lands of Turner Allen, Eankfoidand the old Ho: ton line, containing eighty-thre- e

acres, for more specific descriptionof which reference is hereby made to saiddeeds as registered.

This Api il 7th. W.i.T. Si. PITTMAN. Trustee.

Pittman & Shaw, Attorneys.


You will iind a full supply


Of all kinds,thrown ly tlie

most reli nble seedsmen

out theAll the


Call early and supply your- -

1 DORSET,I )niL;dsT.

Notice.OFAI. DTI- - D ASHAVING the AiU ot the bite W. W.

Youim, tins is to ti'.ti!v all per-on- s havingCla ints ;:ain-- t -- aid leees-e-i to piesentthem lor payment on or l.ctote the tirstdry of Api il, 1K'.1. or th'.s notice will 1ms

pleaded iil b.'tl of theti proven. Personsindebted to said 'b-ce- ed will pleasomake tainent at once.

ANN ELIZA YOI NG, Executrixof V. . Young, deceased.

T. T. Hicks, Attorney.April 1. is'j:;.

Monty to Lend.

Parties desiring to borrow money onVance County latins payments to bemade on the following teriiH to wit: Onetenth or the principal at the end of oneyear, one tenth at the end of the secondyeau. the same amount at the end of thethird and fourth years, and balance at tlieend of the fifth year. Interest on the en-

tire amount at 7 percent, to be due and pay-able annuallv, may find it to their interestto apply to tlie undersigned. Such loanscan be placed through me with the Biitishand American Mortgage Company pro-vided the security is suilicient and buchas is required.

11. T. WATKINS, Atty.

For Kent.The beautiful residence of Mr. John L

Clarke, in Henderson, N. C. Persons de-

siring a nieo comfortable home uponeasy terms will apply to

A. C. Zoi.i.k (ti'FKif, Atty.,1 lenderson, X. ( '.

.- 44 -

Commendable Enterprise.The Gor.it Ja.av has had occasion

several times heretofore to speak incomplimentary terms of the MichieTobacco Company, one of Henderson'smost worthy and successful enterprises.The company is composed of excellentgentlemen who are recognized asamong our best and most enterprisingbusiness men, and the' are pushingtheir popular brands of smoking to-bacco with a vigor aud earnestnesscharacteristic ot" them and such aschallenges our warmest admiration.Resides keeping two or three salesmenconstantly rn the road and pushingtheir trade out into new territory theMichie Tobacco Company give a hand-some $G.U0 wall desk and book casewith every 50 pounds or $20.00 worthof their goods. The dealer realizes 00per cent, on the investment and getsthe desk thrown in. This is made ofantique oak and is a thing of beauty,au ornament to any room or library,and altogether a desirable piece of fur-

niture. One commendable thing inthis connection is the fact that thesedesks are manufactured here in Hen-derson. They are made under the im-

mediate supervision of Mr. II. A.Draper, one of the tinestcabinet makersin the country, which of itself is suf-ficient guarantee of their superior work-manship, beauty of finish and generalexcellence.

With goods of such fine quality auddelightful -- flavor as the Michie andPrichard's Pride smoking tobacco, audgentlemen of such means and enter-prise as Mr. Geo. S. Pochard, theMessrs. Harris, Mr. L. R. Gooch andMr. F. W. Ilite to push its manufac-ture and sale the Gold Lkav is notsurprised at the wide popularity audgrowing demand for their productthroughout the country.

3lalarra.Humphreys's Specifies Nos. ten and

sixteen speedily and permanently curemalaria and bilious fevers. Price 2."eeach at all drug stores

. -

Wanted.Situation by aprinterofeightyear.s' ex-

perience. Can furnish first-clas- s referencesand give good reasons for desiring toquit present position. Address" Printer"Henderson, X. C.

A Colloquy.fXoriolk Correspondence the Gold Leaf .

The writer overheard the followingconversation between two coloredwaiters in a down-tow- n restaurant theother day. One of the darkies wasfrom Virginia, the other from NorthCarolina :

Virginia darky. "Say Jim, whichState does you like de bess, ' Virginny'or rNorf Car'lina':-- "

North Carolina darky. " I like'Norf Car'lina' de bess."

Virginia darky "Well den whydon't you stay in 'Xorf Car'lina'

North Carolina darky ''Caze deypay bedder wages in 'Old VirginnyV

Virginia darky "Why can't 'NorfCar'lina' pay as good wages as 'OldVirginny' ? "

North Carolina darky " 'Caze 'NorfCar'lina' pays her honest debts, and'Old Virginny' re'justed hern."

Exit Virginia dark', and a loud ha!ha! from the North Carolina coon.

E. L. C. M..

Just think of it a Watch ami Clockcombined in one, for $2 .NO, tit

h. K. Hicht's.- .

S. C. Watkins are showing more andfiner lress Goods than ever before ex-

hibited in this city.

Go to Parker's Drugstore and get eyeglasses to suit. Just added u large as-

sortment. apr20-4-t- .

Tilt! " ItOOIll Lot" I HOllffllt.

Supposed to liave be l written by It. II.

Just about three years ago,I bought a lot, and bought it low ;

The man that sold it told me so,And he's the one that ought to know.Fifteen hundred was the price,He dWti't have to ask me twice,I paid him half in one big slice,

ml felt as rich as Calvin Biicc.l a. Ra, Ra, Ac.

Vn.l for the rest I gave my note,And as niv name I glibly wrote,1 had no thoimht mor'n a goat.The big load I'd have to toat.Now I am working like a slave,Trying hard enough to save.To pav the blasted note 1 gave,Before I lav me in my grave.

Ta, Ra, Ra, &c.

The lot's so steep 'twont hold a fenceThe stones upon it are immense,The bushes grow so tall and dense.It wouldn't bring me fifty cents.

,..i os i it in silent gloom.Thinking of niv awful doom,I want to lie down in my toml),Before we have another boom.

Ta. Ra, Ra. &c.Baltimore, Md.

Dress Goods we dont of-

fer you off styles at catchprices, but new styles at fairprices.

H. ThomoTwill sell you DressGoods

very cheap.

Letter From Kittrell.KiTTitKr.L, X. C, May 10, lS'.Ci.EniTon (JoLD Lkak: Expressions

of regret because of the taking oil' ofthe shoo-tl- y are heard on every side.This train was decidedly the most ac-

commodating one on this road.Dr. J. 1. Suu and family went to

Tarboro last Thursday to see Mrs.Su's sister, Mrs. Howell, who wasthen at the point of death. Her deathoccurred Saturday. Mrs. Howell waswell known here and very much be-

loved.Mrs. Burton and her daughter Miss

Louie, left Monday on a visit to friendsat Middlebun;.

Mr. C. L. Ulacknall went up to Ox-ford last Thursday to see what de-

struction was caused by the cyelui.eWednesday. It is to be hoped ;;..itour community will not be visited byany mo;-- e cyclones.

Mrs. John Wester went to Hender-son one day this week to visit friendsaud relatives.

Most of the Northern people havereturned to their homes. Mr. Davisand his family will remain several dayslonger. A.

A ?Iillion Frit'iitl.A friend in need is :t friend indeed, and

not less than a million people have foundjust such a friend in Dr. Kind's New Dis-

covery for Consumption, Couli. and Colds.If you have never used this (Ireat Cottt;li

Medicine, one trial will convince you thatit has wonderful curative powers in tilldiseases of Throat, Chest and Luiijrs. Eachbottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimedor money will be refunded. Trial bottlesfree at Melville Dorsev's dru store, Larebottles 50c. and .1.00."

Do Xot Buy A Haby CarriageUntil you have seen the

beautiful and extensive stockat Watkins's. All shapes andall styles of upholstering. Theprettiest and cheapest thingsof the kind in Henderson. i


Our Acorn Brand " None-such" unlaundried shirt bestout. At Watkins's.

See our Ladies' Mb ;ses andChildren's Shoe

All styles, all sizes, all prices.The Lassiter-Parha- m Co.

The lndifs are cordially invited to eaii i

ami inspect the pretty lint.- - of new dn-s- s

goods and trimmings just opened at ;

H. Thomason's.

iyO OTHER Sarsaparilla com- - i

bir.es economy and strength likeHOOD'S. It is the only or.o ofwhich can truly be said " 100 Doses $r.M

See Here!Wln-i- i in need of Sa.-- h, Dots, Poinds,

Shingles. Laths. Linn-- , ('esneM, ow Hair,ic. call on D. W. Hurd'-e- ; in-x- t door topost office. Nov. 10


T 3 nmiMXlhl T ri rot ; T i" fnr f hf ! !" i 'Y e ! S - ,

can be made into a Tea for use in ne minute. !

Price i'jc . and ir packajre. j

f An Eletrant To:let PgwoeH.U H.U for the Teeth and Iirtath-3- 5c
