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The Gospel of the Father

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7/30/2019 The Gospel of the Father http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/the-gospel-of-the-father 1/84 The Gospel of the Father Malachi introduces the main theme of this study on the figure of God the Father in the Bible and even more particularly in the Gospel. Malachi speaks of God as the Lord of hosts, who is revealed to us and tells us that in the future his name will be great among the nations of the whole earth, and to Him will be offered in every place, the prayers and life itself, as this is the offering of incense (will be offered "incense" to my name ). It is said also to be presented to the Lord a pure offering (  pure oblation), which reminds us of this symbolic offering in Genesis 14:18 , and then resumed in  Psalm 110:4,  Hebrews 5:6-10,  Hebrews 6: 20, and  Hebrews 7:1-21. Here we find the Melchizedek King of Salem, which offers "bread and wine" to Abraham as a sign of a new - 1 -
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The Gospel of the Father

Malachi introduces the main theme of this study

on the figure of God the Father in the Bible and

even more particularly in the Gospel. Malachi

speaks of God as the Lord of hosts, who is

revealed to us and tells us that in the future his

name will be great among the nations of the whole

earth, and to Him will be offered in every place,

the prayers and life itself, as this is the offering of 

incense (will be offered "incense" to my name).It is said also to be presented to the Lord a pure

offering ( pure oblation), which reminds us of this

symbolic offering in Genesis 14:18, and then

resumed in  Psalm 110:4,  Hebrews 5:6-10,

 Hebrews 6: 20, and Hebrews 7:1-21. Here we find

the Melchizedek King of Salem, which offers

"bread and wine" to Abraham as a sign of a new

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covenant no longer based on blood sacrifices but

the elements of nature, a symbolic offering that

comes directly from the Priest of God Most High .

With this statement of Malachi (God is the Father 

of all ) opens one of the most important chapters

for what concerns the concept of "Father"developed later in the Gospel.

Malachi 1:11

"For from the rising of the sun even to its setting,

My name will be great among the nations, and

in every place incense is going to be offered to My

name, and a grain offering that is  pure; for My

name will be great among the nations," says the

LORD of hosts.

Isaiah confirms the words of Malachi through the

message of the "new heavens and new earth"

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where all memory of the past is erased by the joy

of living beside God

Isaiah 65:17-19

"For behold, I create new heavens and a new

earth; And the former things will not be remembe-red or come to mind. 65:18 "But be glad and rejoi-

ce forever in what I create; For behold, I create Je-

rusalem for rejoicing And her people for gladness.

65:19 "I will also rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad

in My people; And there will no longer be heard in

her The voice of weeping and the sound of crying.

Isaiah 66:22

"For just as the new heavens and the new earth

Which I make will endure before Me," declaresthe LORD, "So your offspring and your name will


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Isaiah 45:6

That men may know from the rising to the setting

of the sun That there is no one besides Me.  I am

the LORD, and there is no other,

Isaiah 60:6

"A multitude of camels will cover you, The young

camels of Midian and Ephah; All those from She-

 ba will come; They will bring gold and frankincen-

se, And will bear good news of the praises of the


Isaiah 66:18

"For I know their works and their thoughts; the

time is coming to gather all nations and tongues.

And they shall come and see My glory.

Geremia 10:6-7

There is none like You, O LORD; You are great,

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and great is Your name in might. 10:7 Who would

not fear You, O King of the nations? Indeed it is

Your due! For among all the wise men of the na-

tions And in all their kingdoms, There is none like


The last book of the Gospel (Revelation) speaks of 

the holy city, the new Jerusalem and that God

"will wipe away every tear"  and will disappear 

"death, grief, lamentation and anxiety"

Revelation 21:1-4

And I saw new Heavens and a new Earth,  for the

 former Heavens and the former Earth had depar-

ted, and the Sea was no more. 2And I saw The

Holy City, New Jerusalem, descending from Hea-

ven from beside God, prepared like a bride ador-

ned for her husband. 3And I heard a great voice

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from Heaven that said, “Behold, the Tabernacle of 

God is with the children of men, and he dwells

with them and they shall be his people and the

same God is with them and shall be their God.

4And he shall wipe away every tear from their 

eyes, and from now on there shall not be death,neither grieving, nor clamor, neither shall there be

disease again, for His sake.

The narrator speaks over the way in which God

will take care of people and the place where all

this will be looking for. Describes a home that is

the sky that the earth will no longer those of the

 past, as if to indicate the various geographical

coordinates ("the heaven and the first earth had 

 passed away" ) and a different type of planet ("..and the sea was no more " ). This particular just

described there is also confirmed by John in the

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fourth chapter, where we read about the worship of 

the Father.

John 4:21-24

Yeshua said to her, “Woman, believe me that the

hour is coming in which neither in this mountain

nor in Jerusalem will you worship The Father.

22You are worshiping what you do not know. We

know what we are worshiping, for The Life is of 

the Jews. 23But the hour is coming and now is,

when the true worshipers will worship The Fa-

ther in The Spirit and in The Truth , for The Fa-

ther also is seeking such worshippers as these. 24-

For The Spirit is God, and it is fitting that those

who worship him worship in The Spirit and in TheTruth.”

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It said to us, in fact, that "neither in this mountain

nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father" as to

want to understand that this is a place beyond our

planet (as seen earlier ). In addition to this, it also

refers to the type of worship "the true worshipers

will worship the Father in spirit and truth." Wefound that in a place and at a future time the

modes of worship will be very different from the

times in which these writings were disclosed.

What could it mean to be "worship in spirit and

truth"? This question is clarified by John in

chapter  14:15-17 where he speaks of the promise

of the Holy Spirit:

“If you love me, keep my commandments.

16“And I shall request from my Father and he willgive you another Redeemer of the accursed, that

he will be with you for eternity.” 17“He is The

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Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive,

 because it has neither seen him nor known him;

 but you know him, for he dwells with you and he

is in you.”

We are clearly told to keep His commandments,

the commandments of Jesus other passages in

which we can read these exhortations:

John 13:34

“I give a new commandment to you: 'Love one

another; just as I have loved you, you should alsolove one another.'

Galatians takes this step:

Galatians 5:14

For all of The Written Law is fulfilled in one say-

ing, by this: “You shall love your neighbor as


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In a more complete form here is what he tells us


Matthew 22:36-40

“Teacher, which commandment in The Written

Law is the greatest?” 37Yeshua said to him, “You

shall love THE LORD JEHOVAH your God 

 from all your heart and from all your soul and 

 from all your power and from all your mind.” 

38“This is the great and the first commandment.”

39“And the second which is like it is, 'You shall 

love your neighbor as yourself.'   40On these two

commands depend all The Written Law and The


To be able to worship the Father in "spirit and

truth" but there is need for a "rebirth" and this is

said in John:

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John 3:1-7

One man of the Pharisees was living there; his

name was Nicodemus. He was a leader of the Ju-

deans. 2This man came to Yeshua at night and said

to him: “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher 

sent from God, for no man is able to do these mi-racles that you are doing unless God were with

him.” 3Yeshua answered and said to him: “Time-

less truth I am telling you:  If a person is not born

again, it is impossible for that one to see the

 Kingdom of God.”   4 Nicodemus said to him:

“How can an old man be born? Is it not impossible

for him again to enter his mother's womb a second

time and be born?” 5Yeshua answered and said to

him: “Timeless truth I am telling you: “If a person

is not born from water and The Spirit, it is im-

 possible that he shall enter the Kingdom of God.

6That which is born from flesh is flesh, and that

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which is born from The Spirit is spirit. 7Do not be

surprised that I said to you that all of you must be

 born again.

We are told that those who are born of the Spirit is

 free to go where they want to (blow) and they hear their voices (like the wind you can hear the sound )

 but it will be impossible to determine their origin

and their destination. That is to say that will be

hidden at all, only their voice or "word" will be

heard by all.

Baptism in the Spirit 

In the Gospel we find two types of baptism, the

one that comes from men and that which comes

from God:

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Mark 11:30

“From where was the baptism of Yohannan, from

Heaven, or from the sons of men? Tell me.”

At the beginning of Mark is indicated in the figure

of Yeshua, the one who will baptize with the Holy


Mark 1:8

I have immersed you in water, but he will immerse

you in The Spirit of Holiness.

In John's Gospel we find the procedure throughwhich you receive the gift of the Spirit, and


John 14:15-29

If you love me, keep my commandments.” 16“And

I shall request from my Father and he will give

you another Redeemer of the accursed, that he will

 be with you for eternity.” 17“ He is The Spirit of 

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Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it

has neither seen him nor known him; but you

know him, for he dwells with you and he is in

you.” 18“I shall not leave you as orphans, for I

shall come to you in a little while.” 19“And the

world will not see me, but you shall see me; be-cause I live, you also shall live.” 20At that day,

you will know that I am in my Father and you are

in me and I am in you.” 21“Whoever has my com-

mands and keeps them, he does love me, but he

who loves me shall be loved from my Father and I

shall love him, and I shall show myself to him.”

22Yehuda said to him (he was not Scariota), “My

Lord, how is it you are going to show yourself to

us and not the same to the world?” 23Yeshua an-

swered and said to him, “Whoever loves me keeps

my word, and my Father will love him, and we

will come to him, and we will make our lodging

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with him.” 24“But he who does not love me does

not keep my word, and this word which you are

hearing is not mine, but The Father's who has sent

me.” 25“I have spoken these things with you while

I am with you.” 26“But he, The Redeemer of the

accursed, The Spirit of Holiness, whom my Father sends in my name, he will teach you all things and

he will remind you of everything whatsoever I

have told you.” 27“Peace I leave with you; my

 peace I give to you. It is not as the world gives that

I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled,

and do not let it be afraid.” 28“You have heard that

I said to you, 'I am going away, and I am coming

to you'; if you had loved me, you would have re-

 joiced that I am going to join my Father, for my

Father is greater than I.” 29“And now, behold, I

have told you before it happens, that when it has

happened, you may believe.”

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To receive the Baptism is necessary to love Jesus

and keep his commandments (as seen earlier in

 Matthew 22:36-40), in response to these two

actions the Father will love us. Not only that, but

Yeshua loves us and is said to be manifested in us.

Later, the same step is taken for the third with thefinal addition: "and we will make our lodging with

him." as demonstrating the effect of the Baptism

in the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is also called as "The Redeemer "

and everyone will know that he received when he

will understand the meaning of sin, righteousness

and judgment.

John 16:5-8

“But now I am going to join him who sent me, and

no man among you asks me, 'Where are you

going?'” 6“For I said these things to you and

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sadness has come and has filled your hearts.” 7“I

tell you the truth: it is beneficial for you that I go

away, for if I do not go away, the Redeemer of the

accursed will not come to you, but if I depart I

shall send him to you.” 8“And when he comes, he

will correct the world concerning sin andconcerning righteousness and concerning


In John 7 explains when will that "rivers of living

water will flow from within him", this will be the

time of the outpouring of the Spirit on Earth.

John 7:37-39

But at the great day, which is the last of the feast,

Yeshua stood and he proclaimed and said: “If a

man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.” 

38“Everyone who trusts in me, just as the

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scriptures have said, rivers of living water shall

flow from within him.” 39But this he spoke about

The Spirit, Whom those who were trusting in him

were being prepared to receive; for The Spirit had

not yet been given, because Yeshua had not yet

 been glorified.

 Now on the last day of the festival,  Hoshana

 Rabbah, Yeshua stood and cried out, “If anyone is

thirsty, let him keep coming to me and drinking!

38Whoever puts his trust in me, as the Scripture

says, rivers of living water will flow from his

inmost being!” 39(Now he said this about the

Spirit, whom those who trusted in him were to

receive later — the Spirit had not yet been given,

 because Yeshua had not yet been glorified.)

We read the two scenes that identify with places

and dates, the descent of the Holy Spirit:

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Acts 2:2-4

Suddenly there was from Heaven a sound like a

mighty wind and the whole place in which they

were sitting was filled with it. 3And tongues like

fire that were divided appeared to them, and they

sat on each one of them. 4And all of them were

filled with The Spirit of Holiness, and they were

going out speaking in various languages,

according to whatever The Spirit was giving them

to speak.

John 20:19-23

But when it was evening of the first day of the

week and the doors were barred where the

disciples were staying, because of fear for the

Judeans, Yeshua came and stood in their midst andhe said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20He said

this and he showed them his hands and his side

and the disciples rejoiced because they saw Our 

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Lord. 21But Yeshua said to them again, “Peace be

with you. Just as my Father has sent me, I also am

sending you.” 22When he had said these things, he

 breathed upon them and he said to them, “Receive

The Spirit of Holiness.” 23“If you will forgive a

man's sins, they will be forgiven him, and if youhold a man's, they will be held.”

The Father's House

At 12 years old, Yeshua is found in the temple to

 pray and to ask questions to the teachers of the

law, in the "(ERV) Version "  the Gospel of Luke

we find this expression:

Luke 2:49

And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought

me? wist ye not that I must be in my Father's


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In the "(ABPE)"  instead it is written slightly


Luke 2:49

He said to them, “Why were you looking for me?

Do you not know that it was fitting for me to be in

my Father's house?”

If we wanted to integrate both translations and

complement each other will understand that

through place ("business time", the temple) and

("the business of eternity", the "things") the

reason Yeshua wants to convey the concept of 

"being one" with the Father and as such "deal”

affairs of the Kingdom of God.

Already in this first episode is traced a path or 

leitmotiv which will then be developed through

the example of the life of Jesus and the true

message he tried to convey.

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The true Children of the Father In John 8:34-58 we find an interesting passage

that puts us on guard with regard to the theme of 

the Father, and with regard to fatherhood brings us

to understand that in man there are two natures,

one that recognizes the Father through the Spirit

and the other more material instead recognizes in

the "things of this world" and as such has "the

devil" as a father. Matthew wrote:

Matthew 7,21

It is not everyone that says to me, 'My Lord, my

Lord'', who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but

whoever does the will of my Father  who is in


And John wrote:

John 8:34-58

Yeshua said to them: “Timeless truth I speak to

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you: Whoever commits sin is a servant of sin.”

35“And a servant does not always remain in the

house, but a son always remains.” 36“If The Son

therefore will set you free, you will truly be the

children of liberty.” 37“I know you are the seed of 

Abraham, but you seek to kill me because youcannot comprehend my word .” 38“I am speaking

the thing I have seen with my Father; you are

doing the thing that you have seen with your fa-

ther.” 39They answered and were saying to him,

“Abraham is our father.” Yeshua said to them, “If 

you were children of Abraham, you would have

 been doing the works of Abraham.” 40“But now,

 behold, you are seeking to kill me; I am a man

who have spoken the truth with you, which I have

heard from God; this Abraham did not do.” 41“But

you are doing the deeds of your father.” They were

saying to him, “We are not from fornication; we

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have one father, God.” 42Yeshua said unto them,

“If God were your father, you would have loved

me, for I have proceeded from God and have not

come of my own pleasure, but he has sent Me.”

43“And why do you not understand my word? It is

 because you cannot hear my word.” 44“You arefrom your father The Devil, and the desire of your 

father you are willing to do;  from the beginning 

he has been murdering men and does not stand 

in the truth because there is no truth in him;

whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from what is

his, because he is of falsehood and is also its fa-

ther.” 45“But you are not believing in me, I who

am speaking the truth.” 46“Who among you is

convicting me of sin? And if I speak the truth, why

do you not believe me?” 47“Whoever is from God 

hears God's words; therefore you are not hearing,

 because you are not from God.” 48The Jews an-

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swered and they were saying to him, “Are we not

saying correctly that you are a Samaritan and have

a demon in you?” 49Yeshua said to them, “A de-

mon is not in me, but I honor my Father and you

dishonor Me.” 50“But I am not seeking my glory;

There is One who seeks and judges.” 51“Timelesstruth I speak to you: whoever keeps my word 

shall never see death.”  52The Jews were saying to

him, “Now we know that a demon is in you; Abra-

ham is dead and The Prophets, and you are saying,

'Whoever keeps my words shall never taste death.'

“ 53“Are you greater than our father Abraham who

died and The Prophets who have died? Who are

you making yourself?” 54Yeshua said to them, “If 

I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is my Fa-

ther who glorifies me, he of whom you say, 'He is

our God.' “ 55“And you do not know him, but I

know him, and if I had said that I did not know

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him, I Myself would have been a liar like you, but

I do know him and I keep his word.” 56“Abraham

your father desired to see my day, and he saw it

and rejoiced.” 57The Jews were saying to him,

“You are not yet fifty years old, and you have seen

Abraham?” 58Yeshua said to them: “Timeless tru-th I speak to you: Before Abraham would exist, I


The messages that come to us from these verses

are many, but what seems to be at the center of the

 subject treated about slavery (and by) sin. The

 Sons of God are no longer (or never were) slaves

of sin.

No one can come to me unless it is

sent by the Father

John 6:25-46

And when they found him at the other side of the

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sea, they were saying to him, “Our Master, when

did you come here?” 26Yeshua answered and said

to them, “Timeless truth I speak to you: you seek 

me, not because you saw the signs but because you

ate the bread and were filled.” 27“Do not work for 

food that perishes, but for food that endures for theeternal life that The Son of Man will give you, for 

This One has The Father sealed as God with his

seal of approval.” 28And they were saying to him,

“What shall we do to work the service of God?”

29Yeshua answered and said to them: “This is the

service of God, that you trust in him whom he has

sent.” 30They were saying to him, “What sign will

you do, that we may see and believe in you? What

sign will you perform? 31Our forefathers ate man-

na in the wilderness, just as it is written 'He gave

them bread from Heaven to eat.' “ 32Yeshua said

to them, “Timeless truth I speak to you: It was not

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Moses who gave you bread from Heaven, but my

Father gave you The True Bread from Heaven.”

33“For The Bread of God is he who has descended

from Heaven and gives life to the world.” 34They

were saying to him, “Our Lord, always give us this

 bread.” 35Yeshua said to them, “I AM THE LI-VING GOD, The Bread of Life; whoever comes to

me shall not hunger, and whoever trusts in me

shall never thirst.” 36“But I said to you that you

have seen me and you do not believe.” 37“Eve-

ryone whom my Father has given me shall come

to me, and whoever will come to me I shall not 

cast out.” 38“For I came down from Heaven, not

to do my will, but to do the will of him who has

sent me.” 39“But this is the will of him who has

sent me: I shall not destroy anyone from him

whom he has given to me, but I shall raise him in

the last day.” 40“For this is the will of my Father:

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 Everyone who sees The Son and trusts in him

shall have eternal life, and I shall raise him in

the last day.”  41But the Judeans were murmuring

about him for saying: “I AM THE LIVING GOD,

The Bread, which has descended from Heaven.”

42And they were saying, “Is not this Yoseph's son,whose father and mother we know? How does this

man say, 'I have come down from Heaven?' “

43Yeshua answered and said to them, “Do not

mutter one with another.” 44“No man can come

to me, unless The Father who has sent me will 

draw him, and I shall raise him in the last day.” 

45“For it is written in The Prophets, 'All of them

will be taught of God.' Everyone, therefore, who

has heard from The Father and has learned 

 from him, comes to me.” 46“ No man has seen The

 Father, except he who is from God; he himself sees

The Father.”

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In this issue of the "bread of life" is an interesting

expression that clarifies the identification of the

true children of God, it is said that " my Father has

 given me shall come to me ,."  This expression

makes it clear once and for all the source or 

 predestination of those who are sometimes called"elect." So those who believe in God's Son has

eternal life, but always in subordination to the

Father's will, in fact, in verses 44/46 is again the

same sentence and expanded:

44“No man can come to me, unless The Father 

who has sent me will draw him, and I shall raise

him in the last day.”  45“For it is written in The

 Prophets, 'All of them will be taught of God.' Eve-

ryone, therefore, who has heard from The Father 

and has learned from him, comes to me.” 46 “No

man has seen The Father, except he who is from

God; he himself sees The Father.”

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John 1:18

 No man has seen God at any time; The Only Be-

gotten God Who is in the bosom of The Father, he

has declared him.”

John tells us that God has never been seen by

anyone and this makes us understand that it is

 beyond any doubt that God has appeared "to the

human eye", only the "One-Child" (Only-

Begotten) has made known to those who wanted 

and wants to know.

1Giovanni 1:1-3

 In the origin The Word had been existing   and 

That Word had been existing with God  and That

Word was himself God. 2This One himself was at

the origin with God. 3Everything was in his hand,

and without him not even one thing existed of the

things that existed.

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The word of life, that Logos who created out of 

nothing is manifested in the flesh, in the First

Letter of John is reaffirmed the concept that sees

the Son of the Creator of matter. Also in

Colossians is confirmed that the Son is the Logos,

the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature and the Creator of all things.

Colossesi 1:15-17

 He who is the image of The Unseen God and is

The Firstborn of all creation. 16By him was eve-

rything created which is in Heaven and in The Ear-

th: everything that is seen and everything that is

unseen, whether Thrones or Dominions or Princi-

 palities or Rulers; everything has been created by

his hand and in him. 17 And he is The One who is

before all, and all things exist by him.

 In other scriptures we are, the nature of the Son

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(in the Image of the Father)

 John 3:34-36 

For he whom God has sent speaks the words of 

God, for it was not in a measure that God has gi-

ven The Spirit. 35The Father loves The Son and he

has given all things into his hands. 36Whoever is

trusting in The Son, has The Eternal Life, and

whoever disobeys The Son shall not see The Life,

 but the anger of God shall abide upon him.”

John 6:62-65

“Truly you will see therefore The Son of Man

ascending to the place where he was from the fir-

st.” 63“The Spirit is The Life Giver; the body does

not benefit anything. The words that I speak with

you are spirit and life.” 64“But there are men

among you who do not believe”, for Yeshua him-

self knew from the first who they were who were

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not believing and who he was who would betray

him. 65And he said to them, “Because of this, I 

said to you that no man can come to me unless it 

has been given to him from my Father.” 

 John 8:16-19

.“But even if I do judge, my judgment is true, be-

cause I am not alone, but  I and my Father who

has sent Me.” 17“And in your Written Law it is

written: 'The testimony of two men is true.' “ 18“I

AM THE LIVING GOD, I who testify about my-self, and my Father who has sent me has testified

about Me.” 19They were saying to him, “Where is

your Father?” Yeshua answered and said to them,

“You know neither me nor my Father. If you had

known me, you would have known my Father 


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 John 8:26-29

There are many things for me to say and judge

concerning you, but he who has sent me is true,

and those things that I have heard from him, these

things I am speaking in the world.” 27And they

did not know that he spoke to them about The Fa-

ther. 28Yeshua spoke again to them: “When you

have lifted up The Son of Man, then you shall 

know that I AM THE LIVING GOD, and I do

nothing for my own pleasure, but just as my Fa-

ther has taught me, so I am speaking. 29And he

who has sent me is with me, and my Father has not

left me alone, because I am doing always what is

 beautiful to him.”

 John 5:36-37 

But my testimony which is borne to me is greater 

than Yohannan's, f or the works that my Father 

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 gave me to finish, those works which I have done

testify for me that The Father has sent Me.

37And The Father who has sent me, he testifies of 

me. You have never heard his voice and you have

not seen his appearance,

 It is further reiterated that God can not be seen or 


John 12:46-50

“I, The Light, have come to the world, that no

one who believes in me shall abide in darkness.” 

47“And whoever hears my words and does not

keep them, I am not judging him, for I have come,

not to judge the world, but to give life to the

world.” 48“Whoever rejects me and does not re-

ceive my words has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, that shall judge him in the

last day.” 49“For I have not spoken from myself,

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 but The Father who sent me, he gave me com-

mandments, what I will say and what I will utter.”

50“I know that his commandments are eternal life,

therefore, these things which I am speaking, just as

The Father tells me, thus I speak.” 

John 14:9-12

Yeshua said to him, “All this time I am with you

and you have not known me Phillip? Whoever has

seen me has seen The Father, and how do you

say, 'Show us The Father'?”  10“Do you not be-

lieve that I am in my Father and my Father in me?

The words which I am speaking, I am not speaking

from myself, but my Father who dwells within me,

he does these works.” 11“Believe that I am in my

Father and my Father in me, otherwise believe be-

cause of the works.” 12“Timeless truth, I tell you:

'whoever believes in me, those works which I 

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have done he will also do, and he will do greater 

works than these, because I am going to the pre-

sence of my Father.' “ 

John 14:6

Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD,

The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man

comes to my Father but by me alone.”

About their conduct"in the image of our Father who is in heaven" 

Matthew 5:13-16

You are the salt of the earth, but if salt becomes in-

sipid, with what will it be salted? It is good for no-thing except to be thrown outside and to be trod-

den upon by people. 14You are the light of the

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world. You cannot hide a city that has been built

upon a mountain. 15And they do not light a lamp

and set it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it

gives light to all those who are in the house. 16-

Thus your light will shine before the children of 

men that they may see your good works, and may glorify your Father who is in Heaven.

Matthew 5:43-45

You have heard that it was said, “Show kindness to

your neighbor and hate your enemy.” 44 But I say

to you, love your enemies and bless the one who

curses you, and do what is beautiful to the one

who hates you, and pray over those who take you

 by force and persecute you. 45So that you will be-

come the children of your Father who is in Hea-

ven, for his sun rises on the good and upon the evil

and his rain descends on the just and on the unjust.

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Lucke 6:35-36

“But love your enemies and treat them well and

lend and do not cut off the hope of any person, and

your reward shall be great and you shall be the

children of The Highest because he is kind to-

ward the evil and toward the unbelievers.”  36“Betherefore merciful, just as also your Father is mer-


Matthew 6:1-5

Pay attention in your charity giving, that you do it

not in front of people so that you may be seen by

them, otherwise there is no reward for you with

your Father in Heaven. 2When therefore you do

your charity giving, you should not blast a trumpet

 before you like the pretenders in the synagogues

and in the streets, so that they may be glorified by

the children of men; truly I say to you, they have

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received their reward. 3But you, whenever you do

charity giving, let not your left know what your 

right is doing. 4So that your charity may be in se-

cret, and your Father who sees in secret will

reward you in public. 5And when you pray, be not

like the pretenders who like to stand in the synago-gues and in the corners of the streets to pray, that

they may be seen by the children of men, and truly

 I say to you, they have received their reward.

Equality with the FatherJohn 5:17-45

But Yeshua himself said to them: “My Father is

working until this hour, and I am also working.”

18And because of this, the Jews were especiallyseeking to kill him, not only because he broke the

Sabbath, but also because he said that God was his

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Father, and was making himself equal with God.

19But Yeshua answered and said to them: “Time-

less truth I tell you: The Son cannot do anything 

of his own will, but the thing that he sees The

Father is doing; for those things that The Father 

does, these also The Son does like him. 20For TheFather loves his Son and he shows him everything

he does; greater deeds than these He will show

him, that you may be astonished. 21For just as The

Father raises the dead and gives them life, thus

also The Son gives life to them whom he will. 22-

For it is not The Father who judges a man, but he

has given all judgment to The Son. 23That everyo-

ne should honor The Son as one honors The Fa-

ther. He who does not honor The Son is not hono-

ring The Father who sent him. 24Timeless truth I

speak to you: “Whoever hears my word and 

trusts in him who has sent me has the eternal 

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 Life, and he comes not into judgment, but he mo-

ves from death into Life. 25Timeless truth I speak 

to you: The hour is coming, it is even now, when

the dead shall hear the voice of The Son of God,

and they who hear shall live. 26For just as The Fa-

ther has The Life in himself, so he has given alsoto The Son to have The Life in himself. 27And he

has given him authority to also do judgment be-

cause he is The Son of Man. 28Do not be astoni-

shed at this, for the hour is coming when all who

are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29And they

shall come out: those who have done good things,

to the resurrection of life, and those who have

done evil deeds, to the resurrection of judgment.

30 I cannot do anything of my own will, but ac-

cording to that which I have heard, I judge, and

my judgment is just, for I am not seeking my will,

 but the will of him who has sent Me. 31And if I te-

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stify about myself, my testimony is not true. 32-

There is another who testifies about me, and I

know that his testimony, which he testifies of me,

is true. 33You sent to Yohannan and he testified

concerning the truth. 34But I was not receiving the

testimony of a man, but I say these things that youmay live. 35He was a blazing and shining lamp,

and you were willing to boast about the time in his

light. 36 But my testimony which is borne to me is

 greater than Yohannan's, for the works that my

Father gave me to finish, those works which I 

have done testify for me that The Father has sent 

 Me. 37And The Father who has sent me, he testi-

fies of me. You have never heard his voice and you

have not seen his appearance, 38And his word is

not abiding in you, because you are not trusting in

him whom he has sent. 39Search the scriptures, for 

in them you hope that you have eternal life, and

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they testify concerning Me, 40And you are not

willing to come to me that eternal life may be

yours. 41I do not receive glory from the children

of men. 42But I know you, that the love of God is

not in you. 43 I have come in The Name of my

Father and you do not receive me, and if another shall come in his own name, you will receive him.

44How can you believe, who are accepting glory

one from another, and you are not seeking the glo-

ry of The One God? 45Do you think that I am ac-

cusing you before The Father? There is one who

accuses you: Moses, the one in whom you hope.

He comes from God and returns to God


And when it was supper he cast Satan into the

heart of Yehuda son of Shimeon Scariota, so that

he would betray him. 3And because Yeshua him-

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self knew The Father had given everything into his

hands and that he had gone out from God and he

would go to God, 4He arose from supper and put

off his robe and took a towel and tied it around his

waist.5He took water in a wash basin and began to

wash the feet of his disciples and he wiped themwith a towel which he had tied around his waist.

Relationship between Father and Son 

John 5:22-23

For it is not The Father who judges a man, but he

has given all judgment to The Son. 23That everyo-

ne should honor The Son as one honors The Fa-

ther. He who does not honor The Son is not hono-

ring The Father who sent him.

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John 5:26-27

For just as The Father has The Life in himself, so

he has given also to The Son to have The Life in

himself. 27And he has given him authority to also

do judgment because he is The Son of Man.

This chapter introduces the term "Son of Man"

who has come to mean a second nature, "human" 

as opposed to the term "Son of God" to "divine" 


The personal relationship with theFather 

 Matthew 11:25-27 

At that time Yeshua answered and said, “I thank 

you my Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, thatyou have hidden these things from the wise and

the intelligent and you have revealed them to

infants. 26Yes, my Father, for so it was desirable

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 before you. 27Everything has been given up to me

 by my Father and no man knows The Son except

The Father only; also no man knows The Father 

except The Son only, and he to whom The Son

desires to reveal him.

 Luke 10:17-22

And those seventy whom he had sent returned

with great joy and they were saying to him, “Our 

Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your 

name.” 18But he said to them, “I was beholding

Satan himself who fell like lightning from Hea-

ven.” 19“Behold, I have given you authority that

you may tread on snakes and scorpions and all the

 power of the enemy and nothing will harm you.”

20“However, you should not rejoice in this, that

the demons are subject to you, but rejoice that

your names are written in Heaven.” 21And in that

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hour Yeshua triumphed in The Spirit of Holiness

and he said, “I thank you, my Father, Lord of Hea-

ven and earth, that you have hidden these things

from the wise and learned and have revealed them

to infants; yes, my Father, for thus it was a pleasu-

re before you.” 22And he turned to his disciplesand he said to them, “Everything has been delive-

red to me from my Father, and no man knows who

The Son is except The Father only, and who The

Father is except The Son, and he to whom The Son

will be pleased to reveal him.”

 Luke 8:19-21

Then Yeshua’s mother and brothers came to see

him, but they couldn’t get near him because of the

crowd. 20It was reported to him, “Your mother 

and your brothers are standing outside and want to

see you.” 21But he gave them this answer: “My

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mother and brothers are those who hear God’s

message and act on it!”

The Father and the example of 


 Matthew 18:21-35

Then Kaypha approached him, and he said, “My

Lord, “If my brother commits an offense against

me, how many times shall I forgive him? Seven ti-

mes?” 22And Yeshua said to him, “I do not say to

you until seven times, but until seventy times se-

ven each. 23Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven is

compared to a man who was a King, wanting to

take an account of his servants. 24And when he

 began to take it, they brought him one who owed

10,000 talents. 25And when he had nothing to pay,

his lord commanded that he would be sold, and his

wife and his children, and everything that he had,

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and he would pay. 26And falling down, that ser-

vant worshiped him, and he said, “My Lord, be pa-

tient with me, and I shall pay you everything.”

27And the lord of that servant was moved with

 pity, and he released him, forgiving his debt. 28-

But that servant went out and found one of his as-sociates who had owed him a hundred denarii, and

he seized him and throttled him, and he said to

him, “Give me that which you owe me.” 29And

that associate fell down before his feet, begging

him and saying to him, “Be patient with me and I

shall pay you.” 30But he was not willing, but he

went and he cast him into prison until he would

give him whatever he owed him. 31But when their 

associates saw all what happened, it was very grie-

vous to them, and they came and revealed to their 

lord everything that had happened. 32Then his

lord called him, and said to him, “You wicked ser-

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vant, I forgave you that entire debt because you

 begged me.” 33“Was it not incumbent upon you

also for you to have mercy on your associate just

as I had mercy on you?” 34And his lord was an-

gry, and he delivered him to the scourgers until he

would pay everything that he owed him. 35So myFather who is in Heaven will do to you unless each

of you forgives his brother his offenses from your 


 Luke 6:35-36 

“But love your enemies and treat them well and

lend and do not cut off the hope of any person, and

your reward shall be great and you shall be the

children of The Highest because he is kind toward

the evil and toward the unbelievers.” 36“Be there-

fore merciful, just as also your Father is merciful.”

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 Matthew 5:43-48

You have heard that it was said, “ Show kindness

to your neighbor and hate your enemy.”  44But I

say to you, love your enemies and bless the one

who curses you, and do what is beautiful to the

one who hates you, and pray over those who take

you by force and persecute you. 45So that you will

 become the children of your Father who is in Hea-

ven, for his sun rises on the good and upon the evil

and his rain descends on the just and on the unjust.

46For if you love those who love you, what bene-

fit is it to you? Behold, do not even the Tax Col-

lectors the same thing? 47And if you pray for the

 peace of your brethren only, what excellent thing

are you doing? Behold, are not even the Tax Col-

lectors doing the same thing? 48Be therefore per-

fect, just as your Father who is in Heaven is per-


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The mandateJohn 17:18

J“Just as you have sent me into the world, I also

have sent them into the world.”

John 20:19-29

But when it was evening of the first day of the

week and the doors were barred where the disci-

 ples were staying, because of fear for the Judeans,

Yeshua came and stood in their midst and he saidto them, “Peace be with you.” 20He said this and

he showed them his hands and his side and the di-

sciples rejoiced because they saw Our Lord. 21But

Yeshua said to them again, “Peace be with you.

 Just as my Father has sent me, I also am sending

you.” 22When he had said these things, he brea-

thed upon them and he said to them, “Receive The

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Spirit of Holiness.” 23“If you will forgive a man's

sins, they will be forgiven him, and if you hold a

man's, they will be held.” 24But Thoma, one of the

twelve, who is called The Twin, he was not there

when Yeshua had come. 25And the disciples were

saying to him, “We have seen Our Lord”, but hesaid to them, “Unless I see in his hands the places

of the nails and I shall put my fingers in them, and

reach my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

26And after eight days, again the disciples were

inside and Thoma was with them and Yeshua came

when the doors were barred; he stood in the center 

and he said to them, “Peace be with you.” 27And

he said to Thoma, “Put your finger here and be-

hold my hands and put your hand and reach into

my side and do not be an unbeliever, but a belie-

ver.” 28And Thomas answered and said to him,

“My Lord, and my God.” 29Yeshua said to him,

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“Now that you have seen me, you have believed.

Blessed are those who have not seen me and have


 How to recognize the Sons of God 

1John 3:8-10

He who commits sin is from Satan, because Satan

is a sinner from the beginning. The Son of God ap-

 peared for this reason: To destroy the works of Sa-

tan. 9 No one who is begotten from God commits

sin, because his seed is in him and he is not able to

sin because he has been begotten from God. 10By

this the children of God are distinguished from the

children of Satan: No one who does not do

righteousness, neither loves his brother, is from


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The commandments and love John 15:1-27 

“I AM THE LIVING GOD, The True Vine, and

my Father is the vine dresser.” 2“Every branch on

me not yielding fruit he takes away, and that which

yields fruit he purges that it may bring forth much

fruit.” 3“From now on you are purged because of 

the word which I have spoken with you.” 4“Stay

with me, and I am in you. Just as the branch can-

not yield fruit by itself unless it remains on the

vine, so neither do you unless you stay with me.”

5“I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Vine, and you

are the branches; whoever abides with me and I in

him, this one brings forth much fruit, because wi-

thout me, you can do nothing.” 6“If a man doesnot abide with me, he is thrown away like a shrive-

led up branch, and they gather it, throwing it into

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the fire to burn.” 7“But if you are abiding in me

and my words will abide in you, everything wha-

tsoever you desire to ask, it shall be done for you.”

8“In this The Father is glorified, that you will

 bring forth much fruit and that you will be my di-

sciples.” 9“Just as my Father has loved me, evenso I have loved you; continue in my friendship.”

10“If you keep my commands, you will remain in

my love, just as I have kept my Father's commands

and I abide in his love.” 11“I have spoken these

things with you that my joy may be in you and that

your joy may be perfect.” 12“This is my com-

mandment, that you love one another, just as I 

have loved you.”  13“There is no greater love than

this: that a person would lay down his life for the

sake of his friends.” 14“You are my friends if you

will do all that I command you.” 15“No longer do

I call you servants, because a servant does not

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know what his master does, but I have called you

my friends, because all that I have heard from my

Father, I have taught you.” 16“You have not cho-

sen me, but I have chosen you and I have appoin-

ted you so that you also will go bring forth fruit

and your fruit will remain, so that all you will ask my Father in my name, he will give to you.”

17“These things I command you that you will love

one another.” 18“And if the world hates you, know

that it hated me before you.” 19“And if you had

 been from the world, the world would have loved

its own; but you are not from the world, but I have

chosen you from the world; because of this the

world hates you.” 20“Remember the word that I

have spoken to you, that there is no servant greater 

than his master. If they have persecuted me, they

will persecute you also; if they have kept my

word, they will also keep yours.” 21“They will do

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all these things among you because of my name,

 because they do not know him who has sent me.”

22“If I did not come speaking with them, they

would have no sin, but now there is no covering

for their sin.” 23“Whoever hates me hates my Fa-

ther also.” 24“If I had not done the works in their sight which no other man had done, they would

not have sin, 25That the word which is written in

their law maybe fulfilled: 'They hated me for no-

thing.' But now they have seen and hated me and 

my Father also.” 26“But when The Redeemer of 

the accursed comes, him whom I shall send to you

from the presence of my Father, The Spirit of Tru-

th, he who proceeds from the presence of my Fa-

ther, he shall testify concerning me.” 27“You also

are testifying, who are with me from the begin-


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 John 16:25-28

“I have spoken these things in parables with you,

 but the hour is coming when I shall speak with

you, not in parables, but I shall declare to you

about The Father plainly.” 26“In that day, you will

ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I shall

request from The Father for you.” 27“For The Fa-

ther himself loves you because you have loved me

and have believed that I have come forth from

union with God.” 28For I have proceeded from

union with The Father and I have come into the

world, and again I leave the world, and I am going

to join The Father.”

1John 4:7-8

Beloved, let us love one another, because love isfrom God, and everyone who loves is born of God

and knows God, 8Because God is love, and eve-

ryone who does not love does not know God.

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The Power of Life John 10:7-18

But again Yeshua said to them, “Timeless truth I

speak to you; I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Gate

of the flock.” 8“And all who had come were thie-

ves and robbers, but the flock did not hear them.”

9“I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Gate; if anyone

will enter by me, he shall live and shall go in and

out and shall find the pasture.” 10“But a thief does

not come except to steal, kill and destroy; I have

come that they may have life and have whatever is

abundant.” 11“I AM THE LIVING GOD, The

Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down

his life for his flock.” 12“But a hired man who is

not a shepherd, whenever he may see a wolf co-ming, leaves the flock and runs.” 13“But a hired

man runs because he is a hired man, and cares not

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about the flock, and a wolf comes snatching at and

scattering the flock.” 14“I AM THE LIVING

GOD, The Good Shepherd. I know mine and am

known by mine.” 15“Just as my Father knows me

and I know my Father, and I lay down my life for 

the flock's sake.” 16“But I have other sheep whi-ch were not from this fold; I must also bring

them. They also will hear my voice, and the en-

tire fold shall be one, and One Shepherd.”

17“Because of this my Father delights in me, be-

cause I am laying down my life that I may receive

it again.” 18“No man takes it from me; I am laying

it down of my own will, for I am authorized to lay

it down, and I am authorized to receive it again;

this commandment I have received from my Fa-


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 John 10:25-39

Yeshua answered and said to them, “I have told

you, and you do not believe, and the works that I

do in the Name of my Father, they testify of Me.”

26“But you do not believe, because you are not of 

my sheep, just as I said to you.” 27“My sheep hear 

my voice and I know them and they follow Me.”

28“And I am giving them eternal life, and they

shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them

from my hand.” 29“My Father who gave them to

me is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch

anything from my Father's hand.” 30“I and my

Father, We are One.”  31And the Judeans picked

up stones again to stone him. 32And Yeshua said

to them, “Many excellent works from the presence

of my Father I have shown you. For which of tho-

se works are you stoning me?” 33The Judeans

were saying to him, “It is not for excellent works

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that we are stoning you, but because you blasphe-

me, and as you are a man, you make yourself 

God.” 34Yeshua said to them, “Is it not written in

 your law, 'I have said, “You are gods”' ?” 35“If he

called those men gods because The Word of God

was with them and the scripture cannot be de-

stroyed”, 36“Are you saying to The One whom

The Father sanctified and sent into the world,

“You blaspheme”, because I said to you, 'I am

The Son of God?” 37“If I am not doing the worksof my Father, you should not believe me”, 38“But

if I am doing them, even though you do not belie-

ve me, believe those deeds, so that you may know

and that you may believe that my Father is in me

and I in my Father.” 39And they again sought to

seize him, and he escaped from their hands.

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1Peter 2:24-25

And he took all of our sins and lifted them in his

 body to the cross, for as we are dead to sin, we

shall live in his righteousness, for by his scars you

have been healed. 25For you had gone astray like

sheep, and  you have returned now to The She-

 pherd and The Caregiver of your souls.

 Isaiah 40:11

 Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm

 He will gather the lambs And carry them in His

bosom; He will  gently lead the nursing ewes.

 Psalm 23






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 How to Pray

 Matthew 6:5-15

And when you pray, be not like the pretenders who

like to stand in the synagogues and in the cornersof the streets to pray, that they may be seen by the

children of men, and truly I say to you, they have

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received their reward. 6But you, when you pray,

enter into your closet and lock your door, and pray

to your father who is in secret, and your Father 

who sees in secret will reward you in public. 7And

whenever you are praying, you shall not be verbo-

se like the heathen, for they think that they areheard by speaking much 8Therefore you shall not

 be like them, for your Father knows what you need

 before you ask him. 9Therefore pray in this way:

'Our Father who are in Heaven, hallowed be

 your name, 10 Let your Kingdom come, let your 

will be done also in the earth, just as it is in Hea-

ven. 11Give us our necessary bread today. 12 And 

 forgive us our debts, just as we also forgive our 

debtors. 13 And lead us not to temptation but deli-

ver us from evil, for yours is the Kingdom and 

the power and the glory, for the eternity of eterni-


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14For if you forgive the children of men their faul-

ts, your Father who is in Heaven will also forgive

you your faults. 15But if you will not forgive the

children of men, neither has your Father forgiven

you your faults.

 Matthew 7:7-11

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will

find, knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For 

everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks

finds, and to him who knocks it is opened. 9And

who is the man among you whose son will ask him

for bread and will hand him a stone? 10And if he

will ask him for a fish, will he hand him a snake?

11If therefore you who are evil know to give good

gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in Heaven give good things to those

who ask him?

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 Matthew 7:21

 It is not everyone that says to me, 'My Lord, my

 Lord'', who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but 

whoever does the will of my Father who is in Hea-


 Luke 11:9-13

“I am also saying to you, Ask and it shall be given

to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it will

 be opened to you.” 10“For everyone who asks re-

ceives, and whoever seeks finds, and whoever 

knocks, it is opened to him.” 11Which of you is a

father whose son will ask him for bread and would

hand him a stone, and if he asks him for a fish

will, instead of a fish, hand him a snake,” 12“And

if he would ask of him an egg, would give him ascorpion?” 13“And if you, who are evil, know to

give good gifts to your children, how much more

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will your Father in Heaven give The Spirit of 

 Holiness to those who ask him?” 

 Matthew 7:7-11

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will

find, knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For 

everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks

finds, and to him who knocks it is opened. 9And

who is the man among you whose son will ask him

for bread and will hand him a stone? 10And if he

will ask him for a fish, will he hand him a snake?

11If therefore you who are evil know to give good

gifts to your children, how much more will your 

Father who is in Heaven give good things to those

who ask him?

 John 17:1-26 

The priestly prayer 

John 13:1 (Ro 8:34, Hebrews 7:24-28, 4:14-16)

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These things spoke Yeshua and lifted his eyes unto

Heaven and he said: “My Father, the hour has

come; Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify

you.” 2“Just as you have given him authority over 

all flesh, he will give eternal life to them, because

 you have given all things whatsoever unto him.” 3“But these things are eternal life: 'They shall 

know you, for you alone are The God of Truth, and 

Yeshua The Messiah whom you have sent.' “ 4“I

have glorified you in the earth; I have

accomplished the work that you have given me to

do.” 5“Now, glorify me, my Father, in union with

 yourself, in that glory which I had in union with

 you before the universe was.”  6“I have revealed 

 your Name to the children of men, those whom you

have given me from the world; yours they were,

and you have given them to me, and they have kept 

 your word.” 7“Now I know that everything

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whatsoever you have given me is from your 

Presence.” 8“For the words that you gave me I

have given them, and they have received them and

known truly that I have proceeded from unity with

you.” 9“I pray over them; I was not praying over 

the world, but I was praying for those whom youhave given me, for they are yours, and they have

 believed that you have sent me.” 10“And

everything that is mine is yours, and yours is mine,

and I am glorified in them.” 11“From now on, I do

not dwell in the world, but these are in the world,

and I am coming to join you. Holy Father, keep

them in your Name- that Name which you have

given me, so that they shall be one, just as we are.”

12“When I was with them in the world, I kept

them in your Name; I have kept those whom you

gave me, and no man among them has perished,

except The Son of Destruction, that the scripture

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should be fulfilled.”13“But now I come to you,

and I am speaking these things in the world, that

my joy shall be complete in them.” 14“And I have

given them your word, and the world has hated

them, because they are not from the world, even as

I am not from the world.” 15“It is not that I am praying you would take them from the world, but

that you would preserve them from The Evil One.”

16“For they are not from the world, even as I am

not from the world.” 17“Father, sanctify them by

your truth, because your word is truth.” 18“Just as

you have sent me into the world, I also have sent

them into the world.” 19“And I sanctify myself for 

them, that they shall be sanctified in the

truth.”20“Neither do I pray only for them, but 

also for these who are trusting in me by their 

word,” 21“That they all shall be one, just as you,

my Father, are in me, and I am in you, so that they

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also shall be one in us. “22“And I have given them

the glory that you have given me, so that they shall

 be one, just as we are one, so that the world shall

 believe that you have sent me. “ 23“I in them and

you in me, so that they shall be perfected as one,

and so that the world shall know that you havesent me, and that you have loved them just as you

have also loved Me. “ 24“Father, I will that these

whom you have given me shall also be with me,

that they shall see my glory which you have given

me, because you have loved me from before the

foundation of the world. “25“My Righteous

Father, although the world has not known you, I

have known you, and these have known that you

have sent Me.” 26“And I have revealed to them

your Name, and I am revealing it, so that the love

with which you have loved me shall be in them,

and I shall be in them.” 

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The True Gospel Message of the Father we have

 just read:

1) That all may know the true God;

2) Jesus showed the name of God to men

About Anxiety and Persecutions

Matthew 6:25-34

Because of this I say to you, you shall not take

 pains for yourselves with what you will eat, or 

what you will drink, neither for your body, what

you will put on; behold, is not the soul greater than

food, and the body than clothing? 26Behold the

 birds of the sky, that they neither sow nor reap,

neither do they gather into barns, and your Father 

who is in Heaven sustains them; behold, are younot better than they? 27But who of you, while ta-

king pains, is able to add a foot and a half to his

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stature? 28And why are you taking pains about

clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they

grow without laboring or weaving. 29But I say to

you, not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed

like one of these. 30But if God so clothes the grass

of the field that is today and will fall into the oventomorrow, does he not multiply more to you, Oh

small of faith? 31Therefore do not be concerned or 

say, ''What will we eat?', or ''What will we drink?',

or,''What will we wear'? 32For the Gentiles are

seeking all these things, but your Father who is in

 Heaven knows that all these things are necessary

 for you. 33But seek first the Kingdom of God and

his righteousness, and all these things will be ad-

ded to you. 34Therefore you shall not be concer-

ned about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be concer-

ned for itself. A day's own trouble is sufficient for 


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Luke 10:17-24

And those seventy whom he had sent returned

with great joy and they were saying to him, “Our 

Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your 

name.” 18But he said to them, “I was beholding

Satan himself who fell like lightning from Hea-

ven.” 19“Behold, I have given you authority that

you may tread on snakes and scorpions and all the

 power of the enemy and nothing will harm you.”

20“However, you should not rejoice in this, that

the demons are subject to you, but rejoice that

your names are written in Heaven.” 21And in that

hour Yeshua triumphed in The Spirit of Holiness

and he said, “I thank you, my Father, Lord of Hea-

ven and earth, that you have hidden these thingsfrom the wise and learned and have revealed them

to infants; yes, my Father, for thus it was a pleasu-

re before you.” 22 And he turned to his disciples

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and he said to them, “Everything has been deli-

vered to me from my Father, and no man knows

who The Son is except The Father only, and who

The Father is except The Son, and he to whom

The Son will be pleased to reveal him.” 23And he

turned to his disciples by themselves and he said,“Blessed are those eyes that are seeing whatever 

you are seeing.” 24“For I say to you that many

Prophets and Kings have desired to see the things

that you are seeing, and they have not seen, and to

hear the things that you are hearing and they have

not heard.”

Luke 12:29-34

“You should not seek what you will eat and what

you will drink, neither should your mind be di-

stracted by these things.” 30“For all the people of 

the world are seeking these things,  for your Fa-

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ther knows that these things are necessary for 

 you.” 31“However, seek The Kingdom of God,

and all these things are added to you.” 32“Fear 

not, little flock, for  your Father desires to give

 you The Kingdom.” 33“Sell your possessions and

give charity; make for yourselves pouches that donot wear out and treasure that is not diminished in

Heaven, where a thief does not come in and a

moth does not devour.” 34“For wherever your 

treasure is, there shall your heart be also.”

Matthew 10:16-22

“Behold, I am sending you as lambs among wol-

ves; be therefore crafty as snakes and innocent as

doves.” 17“But beware of the children of men, for 

they will deliver you to the courts and they will

scourge you in their synagogues.” 18“And they

will bring you before Governors and Kings becau-

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se of me, for their testimony and that of the Genti-

les.” 19“But when they arrest you, do not be an-

xious how or what you will speak, for it will be gi-

ven to you in that hour what you should say.”

20“For it will not be you speaking, but The Spirit

of your Father speaking in you.” 21“But brother will deliver his brother to death, and a father his

son, and children will rise against their parents and

will put them to death.” 22“And you will be hated

 by everyone because of my name, but whoever 

will endure until the end, he will be saved.”

John 16:1-3

“I have spoken these things with you that you

would not be subverted.” 2“For they shall put you

out from their assemblies, and the hour will comewhen everyone who would kill you will think that

he presents an offering to God.” 3“And they shall 

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do these things because they do not know either 

my Father or me.” 

1Corinzi 2:7-16

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, that

which was kept secret and God had consecrated before the world for our glory. 8That which none

of the Rulers of this world knew, for if they had

known it, they would not have crucified The Lord

of Glory. 9But as it is written: “Eye has not seen,

ear has not heard, and upon the heart of man has

not come up that which God has prepared for those

who love him.” 10But God has revealed it to us by

his Spirit, for The Spirit searches into everything,

even the depths of God. 11And who is the man

who knows what is in a man except only the spirit

of the man that is in him? So also a man does not

know what is in God, only The Spirit of God kno-

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ws. 12But we have not received The Spirit of the

world, but The Spirit that is from God, that we

may know the gift that has been given to us from

God. 13But those things we speak are not in the

teaching of the words of the wisdom of men, but in

the teaching of The Spirit, and we compare spiri-tual things to the spiritual. 14For a selfish man

does not receive spiritual things, for they are mad-

ness to him, and he is not able to know, for they

are known by The Spirit. 15But a spiritual man

 judges everything and he is not judged by any

man. 16For who has known the mind of THE

LORD JEHOVAH that he may teach him? But we

do have the mind of The Messiah.

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With regard to the steps of  the Old Testament they are taken from the translation of 

 Mr. Paul D. Younan on 06/01/2000 (Copyright Information Peshitta Aramaic / 

 Inglese Interlinear New Testament. Any part of this publication may be used in any

manner whatsoever or Reproduced without any prior permission) and available at 

the URL: http://www. peshitta.org /.

The steps involving the New Testament were taken from the translation of the Rev.

 David Bauscher which I asked permission to publish.

(The Original Aramaic New Testament in Plain English-with Psalms & Proverbs

Copyright © 2007, 7th edition Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved.'m Available

at: http://aramaic-plain-english.scripturetext.com/ 
