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A New Season Nina Keegan We had just had our first "cold" spell of the season in Houston. Having been born and raised near Chicago, I found it quite amusing that the temperature falling to the high 60's was considered to be a cold snap. Everyone it seemed could not get enough of the faint, cool, breezes that crooned through the trees. The crisp, new, chilly, autumn air unearthed an enthusiasm and a "get up and go" attitude that had been missing for quite some time. What is it about a simple change in weather that can bring out the best in people? It's almost like each new season is a new beginning of sorts. It's very representation of newness stirs up changes in our souls. Autumn visions of our favorite warm cozy sweater; rich hot cocoa; and steaming hot apple cider spring into action in our hearts. The Bible also references new changes and beginnings in our lives as being seasons. Seasons are metaphors for God's perfect timing in delivering us through all the changes He makes in our lives. These certain seasons can bring about the blessings we reap from having been obedient in following him through those changes even if we did not fully understand or welcome them. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 This scripture tells us to never give up. No matter how long, strenuous and painstaking 1 The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.” —Isaiah 40:8 (NAS) The Grace Beacon Vol. MMXIX Issue 9 - October 2019 Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. J. Henry Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley, Chair, Diaconate “A Community of Baptized Believers Committed to the Faithfulness of God, Building Families of Fellowship in the Spirit of God, and Blessing the Fallen Through the Forgiveness of God”
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A New Season

Nina Keegan We had just had our first

"cold" spell of the season in Houston. Having been born and raised near Chicago, I found it q u i t e a m u s i n g t h a t t h e temperature falling to the high 60's was considered to be a cold snap.

Everyone it seemed could not get enough of the faint, cool, breezes that crooned through the trees. The crisp, new, ch i l ly, au tumn a i r unearthed an enthusiasm and a "get up and go" attitude that had been missing for quite some time.

What is it about a simple change in weather that can bring out the best in people? It's almost like each new season is a new beginning of sorts. It's very representation of newness stirs up changes in our souls. Autumn visions of our favorite warm cozy sweater; rich hot cocoa; and steaming hot apple cider spring into action in our hearts.

The Bible also references new changes and beginnings in our lives as being seasons. Seasons are metaphors for God 's perfect t iming in delivering us through all the changes He makes in our lives. These certain seasons can bring about the blessings we reap from having been obedient in following him through those changes even if we did not fully understand or welcome them.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

This scripture tells us to never give up. No matter how long, strenuous and painstaking


“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.” —Isaiah 40:8 (NAS)

The Grace BeaconVol. MMXIX Issue 9 - October 2019

Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown25 West Johnson StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19144

Rev. Dr. J. Henry Buck, Jr., Senior PastorDr. Clifford L. Stanley, Chair, Diaconate

“A Community of Baptized Believers Committed to the Faithfulness of God, Building Families of Fellowship in the Spirit of God, and Blessing the Fallen Through the Forgiveness of God”

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the road or trials are in our lives, there is always a new season ahead, a season of new beginnings.

Every day we can make the decision to begin again. We can adopt a positive mindset to overcome, conquer, and live triumphantly. All beginnings must eventually come to an end so a new beginning, a new season, can commence. We need to take the opportunity to look ahead at what can be and forget the what-might-have-beens. We can challenge ourselves to be better, live higher, rise above our own self-appointed limitations. We can look ahead to a new season of thinking, speaking, acting and living more positively. Each subtle change we implement towards living a more positive life will eventually take root and manifest itself into our days, weeks, months and years.

A beautiful tree full of wonderful green foliage and rich, ripened fruit can offer shelter, nourishment, and shade, but only temporarily. The leaves eventually turn brilliant hues of crimsons, golds, reds and oranges, offering us a wonderful s p e c t a c l e t o b e h o l d , a brushstroke of genius only God can artfully paint. Then, those leaves must fall, leaving that beau t i fu l t r ee ba re and vulnerable as it must survive the harshest of seasons. The tree must go through that season to begin a new life, a

new cycle, with budding b l o s s o m s f r a g r a n t a n d beautiful.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3

We need to be incessantly gra tefu l and thank God continually even when our future seems very unclear. We can still stay firmly planted in faith so we will never wither; but always prosper and produce good fruit.

All glory comes, then, from daring to begin, daring to change, ushering in each new season, and forever trusting God with each unpredictable new step. Never stop believing and growing. We can never fu l l y know wha t God ' s intentions are for us, but we can always do our absolute best with where He has placed us right now. Only then, when we have learned all there is to learn and are truly grateful in this place, this season, will God move us to a new, more bountiful, and blessed season.

For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

Copyright©2014 by Nina Keegan. Used by permission.

Greetings Greetings in the name of

our Lord and Savior Jesus. I

want to take this time to say that it is a blessing that God has brought us through a good summer and that in spite of our difficulties, God is still proving that God has delivering power. It has certainly been a historical summer.

During the summer many blessings took place. First of all, the old community center has been totally demolished and efforts are already taking place to present to the congregation a new and renewed construct for the drawings. The transition for moving to the educational building has been completed and we are still endeavoring in the direction of “building”. I will say this, that, as a congregation we must take this m o m e n t t o b u i l d t h e congregation (preparation and participation) for the future endeavors for which God is opening doors for this Church.

Second, I want to commend those who worked on the first of its kind, SEE @ Grace. This means the Summer Enrichment Experience @ Grace. It was certainly a wonderful encounter and the contributions given by the wonderful saints at Grace was magical.

The scriptures say that “To every season there is a purpose”. Grace, I want you to know that the framework of purpose in which we are in is no strange


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experience. We are in the S E A S O N o f C H A N G E . Earnestly as we are looking forward to our future we have to now SHIFT our focus to the coming changes that are being implemented in our vision. It is important that we know what the VISION is and there will be p h a s e 1 a n d p h a s e 2 implementation so we can ALWAYS be reminded as to what we are being called to do.

Grace, we take this time to recognize those loved ones who have transitioned from labor to reward. Equally experiencing family transition, my family, The Buck Family thanks the congregation and community for its prayers during the illness of my father, Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Sr., who transitioned on July 7, 2019.

Moving forward, ‘The Mission is Possible’ because God has said so. In phase 2, you will see the prayerful outcome of what we seek to look like in the next few months/years as we progress forward.







Grace Baptist Church of Germantown is located at 25 Wes t Johnson S t ree t in Philadelphia. The Church was organized in 1892 and is c e l e b r a t i n g i t s 1 2 7 t h anniversary this year. It is a la rge , American Bapt is t congregation with a holistic urban ministry that serves its membership and the people in the Germantown and Mt. Airy neighborhoods. Its mission is to provide the spiritual, physical, social and economic support to famil ies and individuals needs to survive and grow. Since its founding, Grace has constantly evolved to meet the needs of the people

by expanding its worship, buildings, and its community outreach.

In 1981 , the Church purchased, renovated and combined the two semi-detached 3 story buildings properties at 29-31 W. Johnson Street to serve as its Christian Community Center (aka The Je remiah A . Wr igh t J r. Building). Programs offered from the site included:

−After School Programs −Senior Adult Services −Youth Services −F o o d an d N u t r i t i o n

Programs −Boy Scouts −Computer Lab −M e e t i n g s p a c e f o r

community organizations T h i s a g i n g p r o p e r t y

actively served the needs of the Church and community for m o r e t h a n 3 8 y e a r s . B e n e f i c i a r i e s i n c l u d e d children, the elderly and families in need. It served more than 2,000 individuals a year through a variety of its cultural, social, recreational and educational programs. The Center also served as a m e e t i n g p l a c e f o r organizations of the church and community. However, the building was recently forced to cease operat ions due to deter iorat ing condit ions,


Reverend Dr. J. Henry Buck, Jr. Senior Pastor

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l imited accessibili ty (no elevator), rising maintenance and repair costs and the need to expand to keep up with the changing needs of the Church a n d c o m m u n i t y . T h e Communi ty Cen te r was v a c a t e d i n A p r i l 2 0 1 9 . Program activities, staff and volunteers have been relocated on a temporary basis to the E d u c a t i o n B u i l d i n g . D e m o l i t i o n o f t h e o l d Community Center occurred in June 2019 to make space for construction of the new Community Center.

THE PROJECT Rev. Dr. J. Henry Buck, Jr.

and the church membership are fully committed to re-building the Community Center to continue its legacy of service to the people of Germantown and Mt Airy community. The vision is for a modern, 3-level, 15,000 square foot building. The building wil l be energy efficient and potentially use s o l a r p o w e r t o r e d u c e operating cost. The church will use sustainable, low-maintenance materials where possible on the building’s exterior and interior features. The building will serve as the hub of the Church’s social and e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t activities.

The new Communi ty Center will include: expanded food distribution services to families and the elderly; health and nut r i t ion programs; STEM-oriented after school program and summer day c a m p f o r l o c a l y o u t h ; r e c r e a t i o n a n d f i t n e s s a c t i v i t i e s ; m e e t i n g a n d banquet hall; administrative off ices ; and a bus iness i n c u b a t o r f o r l o c a l entrepreneurs. The building shall be fully ADA-compliant with a minimum of one

elevator. High speed Wi-Fi (secured and unsecured) and h a r d - w i r e d E t h e r n e t connections will be provided in conven ien t loca t ions throughout the building. Maximum parking shall be retained adjacent to the new building and on grounds owned by the Church.

The building will have a large multi-purpose area, which can easily be converted to a recreational space, a performance venue that seats 500 people auditorium style or a banquet space that seats a minimum of 350 guests (10 per table). Adjacent to the banquet space should be a large commercial kitchen capable of catering events and serving as a food services incubator.

A Business Support Office and reception area should be loca ted ad jacen t to the elevator(s). It will be located on the third floor to serve the business needs of local entrepreneurs. Small private offices for long-term rental at modest prices to promote business development as a f o r m o f e c o n o m i c empowerment. A minimum of 5 private office spaces with Wi-Fi and Ethernet connection will be available for short term


Beacon Staff Managing Editor

Sandi Johnson Associate Editor

Karol Mason Computer Specialist

William L. LucasAdvertising

Debra L. S. Wake Circulation Manager

Cheryl Johnson Reporters

Doris Collins-Terrell Jeanine Watson

StaffersMarcia Bass

Courtney Carter Priscilla E. Custis Jackie Johnson Grace McCollum Lavida Royster Ellen Williams

Jonathan H. Williams

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use. A small conference rooms that seats a minimum of 10 people will be accessible to all office spaces.

CURRENT STATUS Proposals from experienced

and qualified design-build construction teams were submitted on September 30, 2019. Selection of the contractor, architect and engineering team is expected by the end of October. Our desired goal is to have the project under construction in late 2020 or early 2021 which also depends on the success of our fundraising activities. Once the final construction amount is established by the competitive bidding process, the Church will apply for financing if necessary. The estimated capacity of the Church to finance the project is based on the current resources, the amount that can be raised through a Capital Campaign and Fundraising activities and ability to carry a mortgage from monthly tithes and offerings after expenses.

Regular updates will be provided to church membership as we continue planning for the new center.

Deacon Tyrone L. Beach, C o - c h a i r, P l a n n i n g a n d

Building Committee and Capital Campaign Committee

Trustee John Williams, Co-chair, Planning and Building C o m m i t t e e a n d C a p i t a l Campaign Sub-committee

Deaconess Terri Claybrook, Chairperson, Construction Sub-committee

M s . N a n c y M i f f l i n , Chairperson, Fund Raising Sub-committee

M r s . S a n d r a H o g u e , Chairperson, Communications, Sub-committee

Mr. Jeffrey Cruse, Project Manager, President, Catalyst Consulting Group, Inc.

A Focus On The Ministries of Grace

The Leadership Development Ministry

Mission Statement: T h e L e a d e r s h i p Development Ministry is committed to the ministries of the Grace Baptist Church of Germantown to accomplish growth through learning opportunities and practices that encourage leadership responsibilities along with teaching Christian values and principles to prepare a way for others to follow.

• T h e i r m i n i s t r y encompasses all who wish to see our church grow.

• They attempt to bring new and different ideas in leadership activities to the church membership.

• They aspire to create leadership disciples for the enhancement of kingdom building within the church and the community.

They meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in Room 10.

Their Programs include Fall :

Youth Leadership Workshop

Spring: Conflict Resolution

Workshop Church Wide Study

If you would like to be involved in this uplifting ministry of leadership, to share i n b u i l d i n g C h r i s t i a n principles or to extend your thoughts on growth along with leadership characteristics, we encourage you to join us!

Mrs. Carolyn D. Gardner is the Ministry Chairperson.


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Girltrek is a national walking movement. Please join me next as we walk the first 9-days of October focusing on one fruit of the spirit each day. Details on the 7 am national prayer call and walking challenge are in the email below. I will lead a walk starting at 6 pm on T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 1 s t

continuing through Friday October 4th. We will begin at Grace Baptist Church of Germantown listening to a replay of the morning call and assignment before a 2-mile walk to New Covenant Church and back. We will be back at Grace by 7 pm. Call or text me, Gail McFadden-Roberts, at 267-250-6664 to let me know if you will join us.

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper - a thousand shall fall on your left, ten thousand on your right, but none of this evil work shall come anywhere near you. You are heavily defended. You are heavily protected. You are The Blessed of the blessed. You are A Child of the Most High God. You dwell under the shadow of the Almighty God. Signs and wonders follow you.”

N o w e a p o n f o r m e d against us. That’s what two friends, Morgan and Vanessa,

said when launching GirlTrek, a movement that has rallied tens of thousands of Black women to take to the streets and start walking for better health.

N o w e a p o n f o r m e d against us. Not diabetes. Not heart disease. Not doom and gloom statistics that seem insurmountable to some. Not depression. Not loneliness. Not doctors who tell us this is a physical battle only, when we know for a fact it’s spiritual warfare. Not even the injustice of a system that has been the foundation of our unwellness would be a match for one million praying Black women.

If you agree, we need you on the f ront l ines with us. THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION. It’s time to put feet to our prayers.

Each year GirlTrek puts the call out to all of our sisters in the army of the Lord. For 9 consecutive days, Black women join together to cover ourselves in prayer, ground ourselves in the word, lace up our sneakers, and practice the F r u i t o f t h e S p i r i t i n accordance with the 9 fruits listed in the Bible (Galations 5:22-23).

W h y ? B e c a u s e o u r grandmothers knew. And their grandmothers before them. We are a harvest of survivors. We


This message about Sunday School appeared in a BEACON many, many moons ago! The Reasons haven’t changed!

Thank you Mrs. Diane Bates for sharing this .

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are the daughters of Fannie Lou Hamer who sang “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.” Do you hear us? No weapon, not even the darkness could keep us from burning bright. We were not meant to be here, but the God we serve called us by name, predestined us, put us in a high place of protection and each day con t inues to cover thousands of us. Now we are commanded to do the work. To activate the blessings. To put feet to our prayers. To link arms with our sisters across the country for 9 spirit-filled days of walking and worship.

GirlTrek’s 9-Day Prayer Trek starts October 1st.

Gather up your aunties, grandmas, cousins and best friends and join us as we walk for our church, heal our bodies and restore our spirits.

Pull out your church flags while you walk and represent your denomination because it’s not just a prayer trek, it’s a n a t i o n a l w a l k i n g challenge! And this year we want to know who will represent the hardest? Will it be AME, CME, Baptist, COGIC or many of the other r e p r e s e n t e d d e n o m i n a t i o n s ? T h e denomination who gets the most women to participate will be crowned the winner and will have the coveted trophy delivered to their headquarters in glorious style.

Let us know which church and denomination you are representing. Starting October 1st, all we ask is that you and your congregation: • Walk. Hit the streets,

parks or trails and join us as we walk 30 mins a day for a spirit-filled 9 days as we reflect on the Lord and our well-being.

• Worship. Call in each m o r n i n g t o o u r prayer line and join your s i s t e r s a c r o s s denominations as we pray daily for continued strength and support.

• Witness . Rally the troops and share the testimony with the s i s t e r s i n y o u r congregation and bring them along on this 9 day journey of healing.

We can’t wait to take this journey with you and your congregation! In Anticipation, Vanessa and Morgan

Changing Seasons “For I, the Lord, do not

change…”Malachi 3:6a Fall brings about different

emotions in many people. Some like, Lee Maynard, are awed by the beauty of the season itself. He says "I loved autumn, the season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it."

Others are reminded that winter is on the way and p r e p a r a t i o n f o r t h a t i s necessary. For others, there is an emotional response to fall tied to some joviality or trauma that happened during that season.

Still others see it as a metaphor for life. As the p h i l o s o p h e r F r i e d r i c h Nietzsche said “Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” or as author Dodinsky says “I hope I can be the autumn leaf, who looked at the sky and lived. And when it was time to leave, gracefully it knew life was a gift.”

Change can be pleasant or uncomfortable, but it is a constant in life. In fact, it is probably one of the few things that we can count on. Change will happen, everywhere, in everything. Our reactions to it often charts the future course of our lives. People’s reactions


From the Pen Of The Editor

Spiritual ArmorThy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”


“ A n d l e t u s n o t g r o w

weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up Galatians 6:9.

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to change range from denial and rejection to tolerance and commitment.

As Christians, we believe that God uses change to make us more like Him. Through change, He teaches us to depend on Him, to trust His promises and to live our lives in hope. He moves us from change to change toward ‘the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.”

As Christians, change can benefit us personally because God promised that “He who began a good work in you will carry it own to completion unt i l the day of Chr is t Jesus.” (Phil. 1:6)

H o w e v e r, M a e E l i s e Cannon says:“Individual change and transformations in personal relationships are not the only type of change that is expected of the people of God. As individuals experience transformation, the larger community is affected. As the body of Christ, when an i n d i v i d u a l e x p e r i e n c e s personal transformation, the e n t i r e c o m m u n i t y i s influenced as a result of this change. We are told in 1 Corinthians 12:24–26 that we are each a part of the body of Christ, “But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers

with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” When one person in the body experiences transformation and change, the entire body is affected. Just as when one person is celebrated, the entire b o d y e x p e r i e n c e s j o y. Similarly, if one part of the body suffers, the larger community suffers also. Personal transformation does not happen in isolation, but directly correlates with the direction and progression of one’s immediate community and larger society as a whole. In fact, Christians are called to intentionally play a part in bringing about societal change and transformation as a means of fulfilling the purposes of God for the world.”

(musalaha.org) The on-line article “A

Christian perspective on C h a n g e : P e r s o n a l a n d Societal Transformation is worth reading if you get an opportunity.

As we move toward the changes in our future, Grace, we must keep our eyes on the road ahead, following the One who is the ultimate Leader. We cherish our past and our history of 126 years. We honor those who have gone before us laying the groundwork for where we are today. But we must remember they too had to let go of some things of their past to move us forward to this present point. Someone once said autumn shows us

how beautiful it is to let go of the old and look forward the promised beauty of the new.

As we begin year 127, we look forward to what God has for our future. Change is all around us, but we remember the words from Malachi that began this article “For I, the Lord, do not change…” No matter what comes our way, God never, ever changes! Let us trust him to bring us through our changes, knowing t h a t c h a n g e i s H i s workmanship.

Happy Autumn and Happy Anniversary, Grace.

Peace, S.J.


KEEPING WATCH” “And he shall besiege thee

in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, w h e r e i n t h o u t r u s t e d , throughout all thy land; and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee” (Deuteronomy 28:52)

The world has changed dramatically since World War



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II. Current European and global economic conditions surely confirm that reality. In fact, in recent times, changes in the world order are taking place at such a rapid pace and in truly profound ways, it’s hard to keep up. Important changes worth noting that are evolving before our very eyes concern America and its relationship to other countries around the world. As Bible believers, we need to keep watch as to how history is unfolding according to the prophetic Word as God has given us prophecy because He wants us to know what’s coming in the future. In many i n s t a n c e s , h o w e v e r , distractions and other issues in our daily lives leave us unaware or less focused on events worldwide that may eventually affect America’s status and well-being. That said, consider this: China now possesses the world’s most strategic sea gates (once held by Great Britain and the United States). Commerce makes the world go round and that commerce often flows through maritime passageways. In fact, over ninety percent of the world’s trade travels by sea, and that constant flow of materials and goods depends

on free passage through sea gates. If, as a potential adversary, the Chinese chose to blockade strategic gates and ports, global economic chaos could ensue. As you read on, you see American and British maritime dominance in decline as new world powers seek to overtake them. So, Bible believers, take note; these events have biblical relevance. Before we discuss recent events, however, we’ll look first at earlier history that could directly impact what’s happening now.

Loss of Sea Gates In the Scripture verse

above, God delivered a sober warning to the nation of Israel; if the people disobeyed Him and turned to sin, He would give the strategic sea gates over to their enemies. This warning is not just for an ancient nation. It is also a prophecy for this modern day. After World War I, Great Britain reached the height of its imperial possessions with its colonies, protectorates, territories and dominions. It was the world’s greatest power some seventy-five years ago. For over six decades, the United States has been the greatest single nation in all of history; the leader of the free

world. In two world wars, the American and British coalition saved virtually the entire civilized world from powers intent on world domination. For two centuries, each nation was at the forefront of international affairs in its own time. Prior to World War II, Great Britain and the United States controlled every major sea ga te in the wor ld ; Gibraltar, the Suez Canal, Singapore and the Panama Canal, and that control was a major factor in their growth to economic power and national greatness never equaled by any other nation. The Panama Canal is America’s most important sea gate, but China now has full control of the ports at both ends of the canal. Whi le Gibra l ta r i s s t i l l considered a British overseas t e r r i t o r y, t h e i s s u e o f sovereignty is now before the E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n . Besides the four major gates mentioned above, America and B r i t a i n w o u l d l o s e o r surrender many others, such as Hong Kong to China in 1997, the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa to the African National Congress in 1961. In 1964, the island of Malta was granted political independence from the British. Then there is


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the Falkland Islands; a sea gate which gave Britain control of the Straits of Magellan. These ‘gates,’ as they are referred to in the Bible, proved indispensable to Allied success during World War II. Since that time, however, the United States and Great Britain have surrendered their control as gatekeepers. Noting the loss of those vital passageways, there has also been a particular trend taking place since the late 90s, the gradual transfer of power (economically, industrially, t e c h n o l o g i c a l l y , a n d increasingly, politically and militarily) from the dominant sister nations to other rising world powers. And that trend t a k e s o n e x t r a o r d i n a r y significance when viewed through the lens of Bible prophecy. During the 17th through the 19th centuries, both nations established economies of great wealth and largely financed much of world trade between them. Now, not only is America hugely indebted to foreign nations, we’re becoming more and more isolationist under the present administration and treading on shaky ground as we alienate our heretofore allies worldwide.

China on the Rise Since before the Korean

War, China has had a strategy to establish a security buffer extending far from its coast and engulfing the entire South China Sea. The Chinese are aggressively upgrading their military capabilit ies and flexing their muscles by pressing territorial claims at the expense of its weaker neighbors. The most recent action was the takeover of the two-is land chain of the Paracels and the Spratlys, 800 miles off the coast of China in the South China Sea, the latter of which is claimed by the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam. While totally ignoring their terri torial claims, China has positioned these militarized islands to now function as forward bases for Beijing as well as to challenge seven decades of American naval dominance in the Pacific Rim. By building artificial islands atop coral reefs in the Spratlys and installing surface-to-air missile batteries in the Paracels, China is building a new strategic sea gate. They are the new power on the block securing critical shipping lanes and ports around the world. Again, we’re reminded here that the

Allied victory over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan was greatly aided by America and Britain’s control of the world’s most strategic sea gates. In the decades since, China now possesses control of those gates. That’s a sobering thought. In that context, we’ll now look at some important changes worth noting, a colossal Eurasian supercontinent that is taking shape across the Atlantic. We’ll see what has already happened and what continues to evolve. Most importantly, understand that the one common thread in all of these deals, projects, and alliances is: the United States is excluded. We must note, however, in some instances, t h e U . S . c h o s e n o t t o participate. Nonetheless, you’ll see that Asia and Europe are aligning at a rapid rate, the European Union (EU) is moving into South America, making trade agreements, while Russia and China are m i l i t a r i z i n g t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t t r a d e r o u t e s traversing the Asian continent. The following commentary highlights some of today’s m o s t d o m i n a n t t r a d e a g re e m e n t s a n d o t h e r international initiatives


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already in place. Put on your seatbelt.

Trade and Commerce Major new trade blocs are

emerging around the world. Many of these history-altering d e a l s h a v e b e e n u n d e r negotiation for years and are now a reality. From Tokyo to Lisbon, groups of Asian and European nations are working out trade deals and building billions of dollars worth of infrastructure, solidifying the l inks between Asia and Europe. China has taken the lead to integrate Eurasia. In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping set in motion a project called the Belt and Road I n i t i a t i v e ( B R I ) , X i ’s “Chinese Dream,” that project enshrined into the Chinese Constitution in 2017. It’s aim is to rebuild the ancient “Silk Road,” the famous medieval network of trade routes that ran from Kazakhstan to China and facilitated the flow of goods and services across Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Many countries in poorer parts of Asia, Africa a n d t h e M i d d l e E a s t , calculating the benefits to their economies , immedia te ly signed on. Latin America and the Caribbean, too, are being drawn into the Eurasian orbit.

Antigua, Barbuda, Bolivia, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago have signed on with China, who has already built a port in Trinidad and Tobago, railways in Argentina, and roads in Costa Rica and J a m a i c a . M o r e L a t i n American and Caribbean nations are preparing to follow, ensuring increasing alignment with Beijing. These countries have agreed to cooperate with China to rebuild roads, rail networks, bridges, ports, pipelines and Internet systems to greatly expand those ancient routes. If the BRI rolls out as expected, its infrastructure will connect more than 60 percent of the global population and 36 percent of the total gross domestic product to China, all for the purpose of placing China at the center of the international system.

In 2015, China launched the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a new Chinese-run international bank specifically designed to c h a l l e n g e U . S . g l o b a l economic leadership. The b a n k o f f e r s n a t i o n s a n alternative to the post-World Wa r I I U . S . - d o m i n a t e d institutions, such as The World Bank and The International

Monetary Fund. Despite U.S. pressure against joining the AIIB, several of America’s Asian allies and partners signed on, including the Philippines, South Korea, T h a i l a n d , Vi e t n a m a n d Singapore. Several of America’s c losest a l l ies outside of Asia also joined; Bri ta in , Germany, I ta ly, Australia, New Zealand and France. In recent years, the European Union’s economic powerhouse overtook the U.S. and Japan to become China’s biggest trading partner. They have undertaken many joint ventures in recent years, including a 2015 landmark deal between Germany’s l a r g e s t e x c h a n g e a n d China’s Foreign Exchange Trade System. China needs technology and Germany needs markets. German and Chinese economies depend heavily on manufacturing and exports. In fact, they are the world’s top two exporters, which makes them natural partners. Germany is China’s number one trade partner in the European Union and that is why the trend between these two great economic blocs is worth watching.

In December 2018, the J a p a n - l e d P ro g re s s i v e


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Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership went into effect. This deal includes Australia, C a n a d a , M e x i c o , N e w Z e a l a n d , S i n g a p o r e , Vietnam, Brunei, Chile, Peru and Malaysia. The 500 million people living in these nations, constituting 13.4 percent of the global economy, can now trade nearly tariff-free. In April 2019, the EU achieved a breakthrough; a trade agreement with China t ha t wou ld boos t t r ade volumes, broadened market access, and cooperation on World Trade Organization reform. China also recently s i g n e d a f r e e - t r a d e agreement with the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union. This group includes A r m e n i a , B e l a r u s , Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan; the bloc’s goal – to facilitate the free movement of goods, labor and capital in the region. Early on (in June 2006), there was the formation of the BRICS Alliance, an economic axis between M o s c o w a n d B e i j i n g , consisting of the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, with the possibility of Germany eventually joining the group; a circumstance

that could, at some point, prevail against the United States. China’s rising power and the increasing number of trade blocs that exclude the United States are advancing a global transfer of power. The European Union has also been especially aggressive as major new trade blocs are emerging worldwide. It has signed agreements with Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras , Nicaragua, Ukraine and South Korea. At the same time, the EU was working toward a landmark free trade deal with the Latin A m e r i c a n t r a d e b l o c M E R C O S U R , w h i c h includes Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. With more than 260 million people and a gross domestic product of approximately $2.9 trillion, MERCOSUR is one of the world’s largest economic blocs. As of June 2 0 1 9 , t h e E U a n d MERCOSUR announced a draft agreement on what will be the world’s largest free-trade area. This is historic and a major step forward toward a European-Latin American alliance. The f i n a l i z a t i o n o f t h e

MERCOSUR deal will also greatly boost EU power in Latin America. This event is i m p o r t a n t b e c a u s e t h e agreement is about more than just trade. It’s about the encroachment of a growing empire in America’s backyard. It is also an alliance that will impact the whole world. In upcoming commentary, we’ll discuss the biblical relevance o f B R E X I T ( B r i t a i n ’ s departure from the EU). Stay tuned.

These are important events, but it is also Bible prophecy unfolding before us. As we contemplate their significance, we’re reminded that the Bible clearly tells us (in Revelation chapter 13) that there will be a global economy in the latter days. Revelation chapter 17 and Daniel chapter 7 also gives us details about the coming world superpower, the eventual revival of the Holy Roman Empire (now forming in the guise of the European Union). And yet, be not dismayed! God is still on the throne, in complete control of the universe! At the end of it all, He promises to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to establish a worldwide Kingdom of peace and righteousness. We


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can count on it! Praise the Lord!

Submitted by Doris Collins-Terrell

October 2019

This Week in Black History

contributed by Valerie Elverson Dixon

9/22/1862 President Abraham Lincoln w a r n s h e w i l l i s s u e t h e Emancipation Proclamation proclaiming the freedom of all slaves unless the Confederate states return to the Union by January 1.

9/22/1950 Dr. Ralph Bunch becomes the first black person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

9/22/1960 The African nation of Mali gains its independence.

9/22/1961 The In t e r s t a t e Commerce Commission issues regulations that outlaws segregation on buses and in terminal facilities used for interstate travel.

9/23/1961 Thurgood Marshall is named to the US Circuit Court of Appeals by President John F. Kennedy.

9/23/1979 With 935 stolen bases, Lou Brock becomes baseball’s all-

time leading base stealer to that date.

9/23/1998 Nelson Mandela is honored by President Clinton with the Congressional Medal of Honor. Mandela receives the medal at t h e C a p i t o l R o t u n d a f o r overcoming 27 years of unjust imprisonment and rising up to become President of South Africa.

9/24/1962 The US Circuit Court of Appeals orders the admittance of James Meredith to the University of Mississippi. Mississippi’s Board of Higher education faces contempt if it does not obey.

9/24/1977 Robert F. Chambliss, white supremacist, is charged with first-degree murder in the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Addie Mae Collins, Carol Robertson, Denise McNair, and Cynthia Wesley are killed.

John T. Walker is installed as Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, DC. Walker is the first black person to hold this position.

9/24/1988 Barbara C. Harris, an ordained priest serving in the Philadelphia C h u r c h o f t h e A d v o c a t e , becomes the first woman bishop. Harris is elected a Suffragan in the Episcopal Church.

9/25/1861 The Secretary of the Navy authorizes the enlistment of enslaved men as Union sailors.

9/25/1866 Peter “Black Prince” Jackson, a native of the Virgin Island, wins the Australian Heavyweight title, becoming the first black man to win a national boxing crown.

9/25/1957 The Little Rock Nine (Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, E r n e s t G r e e n , T h e l m a Mothershed, Melba Patillo, Gloria Ray, Terrence Roberts, Jefferson Thomas, and Carlotta Walls) begins the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. They are accompanied by federal troops and soldiers of the 101st Airborne D i v i s i o n w h o p u t d o w n interference by angry mobs.

9/26/2008 Barack Obama participates in his first presidential debate in Oxford, Mississippi.

9/27/1862 The First Louisiana Native Guards, comprised of free blacks from New Orleans, form an army. This group is the first black regiment to receive official recognition.

9/27/1912 William Christopher Handy, “ F a t h e r o f t h e B l u e s ” revolutionizes the music world by publishing the “Memphis Blues”, the first recorded blues song.


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9/27/1915 Xavier University, the first and only black Catholic College in the United States, opens in New Orleans, Louisiana.

9/27/2000 Venus Wi l l i ams wins the Olympic Gold Medal in women’s s ing le s t enn i s i n S idney, Australia. Williams defeats Elena Dementieva 6-2, 6-4.

9/28/1895 Three Baptist groups: the Foreign Mission Convention of the United States, the American National Baptist Convention, and the Baptist National Education Convention, merge and establish the National Convention at an Atlanta, Georgia meeting.

9/28/1961 Ossie Davis opens Purl ie Victorious (a farce) on Broadway.

9/28/1967 Walter Washington takes office as the first mayor of Washington, DC.

9/28/1991 The National Civil Rights Museum officially opens. The museum is at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.

9/28/2000 Venus and Serena Williams win the Olympic Gold Medal in women’s doubles tennis in Sidney, Australia. With this win, Venus becomes the only woman to win gold in singles and doubles since 1924.

9/29/1910 Dr. George Edmund Hynes, Eugene Kinckle Jones, and Ruth Standish Baldwin are leaders in the founding of the National Urban League on this date.

9/29/1918 Edward Thomas Demby is elected Suffragan Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas.

9/29/1942 Hugh Mulzac, the first black captain of a US merchant ship, launched with the Booker T. Washington out of Wilmington, Delaware.

9/29/1975 WGPR-TV of Detroit, Michigan, the first black-owned television station in the United States, begins broadcasting.

9/30/1750 Crispus Attucks escapes from slavery in Massachusetts. Attucks is the first person to die in the Boston Massacre. He and over 5,000 black people fight in the American Revolution.

9/30/1947 Jackie Robinson, the first black baseball player in the major leagues, becomes the first black person to compete in the World Series.

9/30/1962 President John F. Kennedy authorizes the use of federal troops to escort James Meredith’s integration of the University of Mississippi.

9/30/1966 The African nation of Botswana gains its independence.

10/1/1851 Nearly 10,000 abolitionists break into a Syracuse, New York courtroom and free William “Jerry” Henry, a fugitive slave. Henry then escapes to Canada by way of the “underground railroad.”

10/1/1941 Dr. Charles Richard Drew is appointed Medical Director of the Plasma Project of Great Britain. Thousands of lives are saved in WWII as a result of his work with blood plasma banks and in the gross production of human plasma.

10/1/1951 The last of the all-black military units, the 24th Infantry Regiment, is deactivated in Korea.

10/1/1960 The African nation of Nigeria gains its independence.

10/1/1962 James Meredith becomes the first black student to register at the University of Mississippi after thousands of federal troops put down racist riots to block his admission. About 1,500 people attend a ceremony honoring him on the 44th anniversary.

10/1/1997 Gilda Jackson, a Special Projects Officer at Cherry Point, North Carolina, receives her promotion to Marine Colonel, becoming the


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first black woman to hold an O-6 rank in Marine Corps history.

10/2/1935 M a n y A f r i c a n - A m e r i c a n s throughout the nation rise up in protest of fascist Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia. Blacks are also angry with the United States for its support of Italy by imposing travel restrictions on pro-Ethiopian supporters.

10/2/1958 The African nation of Guinea gains its independence. Sekou Toure becomes his country’s first president.

10/2/1967 Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first black US Supreme Court Justice.

10/2/1986 President Ronald Reagan’s veto of legislation that created sanctions against South Africa for its continued history of apartheid is overridden.

10/2/1989 The Supreme Court affirms a decision of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals which prohibits attorneys in civil cases from dismissing jurors because of their race.

10/2/2002 Barack Obama gives his historic speech against the Iraq war in downtown Chicago.

10/3/1904 Mary McLeod Bethune, educator and civil rights leader, opens Bethune-Cookman College,

or iginal ly named Daytona Normal and Industrial School, in Daytona Beach, Florida. 10/3/1949 WERD becomes the first black-owned radio station when it opens in Atlanta, Georgia.

10/3/1974 Frank Robinson, professional baseball legend, is named manager of the Cleveland Indians. Robinson is the first black manager of a major league baseball team.

10/3/1989 Art Shell is named head coach of the Los Angeles Raiders, the first black head coach.

10/4/1864 The New Orleans Tribune, the first daily black newspaper, is published in English and French.

10/4/1966 The African nation of Lesotho gains its independence.

10/4/1991 The Harold Washington Library is dedicated in a ceremony r e m e m b e r i n g H a r o l d Washington, the first black mayor of Chicago, Illinois.

10/5/1942 Mar ian Anderson , famous contralto singer, accepts an i n v i t a t i o n t o s i n g a t t h e Daughters of the American Revolution’s Constitution Hall unsegregated war benefit.

Jesus heals blind Batimaeus through faith. (Mark 10:46-52) “Then Jesus said to him, ’What

do you want me to do for you?’ The blind man said to him, ‘My teacher, let me see again.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go; your faith has made you well.’ Immediately he regained his sight and followed him on the way.” (Mark 10 51-52 NRSV)

Jesus heals through faith a man’s mute son. Mark 9: 14-29 (NRSV) “[Jesus] asked them, ‘What are you arguing about with them?’ Someone f rom the c rowd answered him, ‘Teacher, I brought you my son; he has a spirit that makes him unable to speak; . . . and I asked your disciples to cast it out, but they could not do so.’ He answered them, ‘You faithless generation, how much longer must I be among you? How much longer must I put up with you? Bring him to me’. . . . Jesus asked the father, ‘How long has this been happening to him? And he said, ’From childhood. . . . but if you are able to do anything, have pity on us and help us.’ Jesus said to him, ‘If you are able! – All things can be done for the one who believes. Immediately the father of the child cried out. ‘I believe, help my unbelief!’ When Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, ‘You spirit that keeps this boy from speaking and hearing, I command you, come out of him, and never enter him again!’ After crying out and convulsing him terribly, it came out, and the boy was like a corpse, so that most of them said, ‘He is dead.’ But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he was able to stand.”


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Source: yenoba.com


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Men’s Chorus in a

Mellow Mood Gospel & Jazz standards by Cannonball Adderley/Joe Zawinul, Dave Brubeck/Paul Desmond, Leonard

Bernstein, Billy Cobham, Thomas A. Dorsey, Duke Ellington, Fred Hammond, Jason Champion




December 1,



Men’s Chorus of

Grace Baptist Church


25 W. Johnson St.

Philadelphia, PA 19144


Band of Grace:

Marilyn George (Director/Piano),

Marlow Marshall (Bass Guitar/Saxophone), Anwar Marshall (Percussion)

Guest Artist: Randy Barnes (GBC), spoken word

FREE WILL OFFERING Deacon Prince Massey, Men’s Chorus President

Peter Custis, Men’s Ministry President

Rev. Dr. J. Henry Buck, Jr., Sr. Pastor

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KIDS’ PAGEOctober Memory Verse Psalm 85:12 English Standard Version (ESV)

Yes, the Lord will give what is good,    and our land will yield its increase.

October's Party by George Cooper

October gave a party;The leaves by hundreds cameThe Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,And leaves of every name.The Sunshine spread a carpet,And everything was grand,Miss Weather led the dancing,Professor Wind the band.

The Chestnuts came in yellow,The Oaks in crimson dressed;The lovely Misses MapleIn scarlet looked their best;All balanced to their partners,And gaily fluttered by;The sight was like a rainbowNew fallen from the sky.

Then, in the rustic hollow,At hide-and-seek they played,The party closed at sundown,And everybody stayed.Professor Wind played louder;They flew along the ground;And then the party endedIn jolly "hands around."

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1 Tuesday 7:00 pm Revival

2 Wednesday 7:00 pm Revival 6 Sunday 7:30 am Early Morning Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service, World Communion Sunday 13 Sunday 7:30 am Early Morning Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service Lott Carey Sunday Pastor’s Aide Annual Day 14 Monday Columbus Day

16 Wednesday 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Praying/ Purpose -Women

20 Sunday 7:30 am Early Morning Worship Service 10:15 am 127th Anniversary Worship Service/ New Members Fellowship

22 Tuesday 7:00pm Joint Board Meeting

26 Saturday 10:00 am Church Gathering

27 Sunday 7:30 am Early Morning Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service -Ushers Annual Day November 1 Friday - Sunday Women’s Retreat Weekend
