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UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED? (2017) "UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net "There is NO such a thing as a war that ends all wars, but there is a high probability that there WILL be a war that ends everyone's life on earth rather painfully and slowly!" - Bigan Fanli THE GREATEST GOOD ONE CAN DO IS TO CULTIVATE ONESELF IN ORDER THAT ONE MAY BE OF GREATER USE TO HUMANITY


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"There is NO such a thing as a war that ends all wars, but there is a high probability that there WILL be a war that ends everyone's life on

earth rather painfully and slowly!" - Bigan Fanli




"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net


This Book is dedicated to ALL earthies

All Rights Reserved 2017

Publisher: Bigan Fanli Group Inc

Self-Portrait (2013)

Herbert Lee a.k.a. Bigan Fanli - Nature Artist and author


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net


In the event of an all-out nuclear war on earth, everyone would

be doomed. Billions of human beings would be killed in a matter

of weeks and billions more would be dead within a few years. All

humans or "earthies" (my word) would follow the steps of the

once prosperous dinosaurs and countless other species - dead and

gone forever on earth.

Our Godly Mother Nature (a.k.a. Eternal Energy, God, Creator,

Mother Nature, She, Great Spirit, Almighty, Allah etc.) evidently

doesn't intend to make that happen to her humans, I and every

natural human being know that we are being created to live a

natural life, that is why we are born, and prosper with our innate

tools from generation to generation on our native home earth, as

She has evidently provided us with abundance and limitless

supplies of everything we need, as the way She has created us, we

just have to live in Her ways, guided by our positive innate

abilities, with honesty, pride, and joy and prosper through it. That

is our Natural life.

Nuclear wars or any massive weapons of destruction or large-scale cyber wars, bacteriological wars are not natural acts. Even the upcoming mass extinction of Planet life due to climate change and the abnormal amount of carbon pumped into our atmosphere. They are invented by human and so they can be avoided and they can be changed, so we are not doomed if all the earthies want the changes for the better. Mother Nature gives us all the things we need to keep prospering instead of dooming ourselves. The arrival of "Internet Age" is the real Golden era in millenniums

for humanity to grow and prosper with better confidence and

understanding of our own destination. We are still the dominant

species of Mother earth but we are light years away, or infinitely

away from knowing who we actually are. It is only when one is

expired or "godified" (my word) that one would realize who we

really are.

It is very urgent to notice, since the proliferation of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction among more


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

countries, that human beings are on or very close to the brink of a massive self-inflicted unnatural destruction of humanity on Mother Earth. We must start changing or to change that dangerous direction now, otherwise, an unnatural doomsday will be upon us sooner than expected. It will take time to correct our collision course as human conflicts are deep-rooted, and it may take a few generations to do so. But it MUST start now before it gets too late. We can adapt ourselves or change ourselves to deal with the deadly weapons of mass destruction and the root problems of the doomsday fears simply because these are unnatural self-inflicted events. We might have finally learned through history after untold hundreds of millions of unnatural and "unjust" human tolls that we are here not to be doomed ourselves but to prosper and enjoy ourselves on planet earth, and it can all be initiated with the humans I called "earthies". An "earthie" is a human who understands and executes with honesty and disciplines of one's positive Innate Callings. I am a 70-year old Canadian nature artist and author, and this book is all about my interpretation of "earthies" and how we can start turning our present deadly course around to avoid an unnatural doomsday on earth. Countless human lives and all humanity are at stake, and our dominance as a species on Mother earth will be gone and worst still, millenniums of humanity are also gone forever. We must adapt and start changing for the better NOW or WE ARE ALL DOOMED! Bigan Fanli - 2017


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Our Wonderful Nature" - Original Nature Art by Bigan Fanli

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series


"Earthie" is a word I made up, meaning "Earth" "I" "Exist". It is just

easier for me to convey what I am going to say in this book. I am

a 70-year old Canadian, I have four children with a bunch of grand

kids who are a mixed bag of Canadians and Americans. I have

spent my childhood and my primary education in Mainland China,

high school in British Hong Kong, university and postgraduate

education in America (USA) and have been living in Canada for

over forty-five years now. I am doing this for my own sake and my

children and their children and so on. If you care to believe in me,

this is definitely for you, your children and their children and so


I am not a political activist, I think I am just an ordinary "earthie", but yes, for my own sake, I'm 100% against any kinds and forms of nuclear war, as a matter of fact, I am against any forms of unnatural acts of mass destruction of our natural environment of our planet home; nucleus weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons, cyber weapons and even drug-resistant microbes


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

wars... and ALL things that one day may lead "earthies" to their doomsday on earth.

I know, I know, and I knew that the persons in power who would use their powers and influences to wage or threaten nuclear war would care less about my protest, they don't even know my existence I bet! They are framed by the systems we created. For most the times, they just care about their short-sighted own agendas. Maybe they thought it was a great way to score political points or getting our votes, maybe they just couldn't resist the "rewards" of hegemony, the "rightful" privilege of bullying the presumptive "weaker" ones to benefit themselves and their cronies and dishonest supporters. Maybe just their greed and insane belief that they were "better" than the others and foolishly thought that it was the war that could end all wars... But there are no winners in any war, only losers or who loses the most. There is NO such a thing as THE war that ends all wars, but there is a high probability that there WILL be a war that ends everyone's life on earth rather painfully and slowly! As an "earthie", I know you can't find "earthie" from the

English/American dictionaries, because I made the word up with

"earth+i+exist" or "earthie", I'm just an NATURAL earth-loving,

family-loving individual, constantly listening to my own positive

innate callings with the full intention of protecting my "home"

earth whatever I can.

"Earthie" in my opinion stands for a human who holds the views

that the earth is his/her sole innate HOME and it is his/her

NATURAL instincts and REASONING abilities to protect Mother

Nature and conserve precious life for the good of the human race.

An earthie is a completely natural energy unit of its own and

completely depending on the Eternal Energy of our natural and

unnatural environments. Most importantly, an earthie means a

person who understands and executes with honesty and

disciplines his/her innate callings which are all positive abilities

for surviving, living and prospering on planet earth. Negative

forces, like fears, worries are not innate abilities, they are

unnaturally acquired to protect our positive innate abilities, and it

is up to us to NOT let these negative forces overwhelm our

positive innate abilities.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

I have a very slim chance by myself, of conveying my views to the

power-thirst and dishonest elites of the world to give up their old

belief of hegemony or animal bullying, which is one of the critical

factors eventually leading to wars. Solidarity with all the "middle-

classes" in this world is what I need to effect changes for the

better in this golden age of the Internet. All earthies must be

aware of the facts that, even with many "safety" features "built"

into our systems to avoid any unnatural mass destruction of

planet earth, seemingly unimportant little conflicts would develop

"accidentally" into a madness and cause an eventual unnatural

mass destruction. Our positive innate callings for survival and

prosperity would lead the majority of earthies to exercise their

powers of sober reasoning to avoid such a disastrous event. To

achieve infinite peaceful coexistence on this planet, we must

emphasize and practice the positive innate callings endowed upon

us by Mother Nature. We need to go back to basics and be aware

of the greatness that Mother Nature has endowed to each of us.

Bringing this kind of AWARENESS to our daily life is what I would

like to do and I have decided to convert my exclusive and original

Nature Art Collections of more than 1,000 into Limited Editions of

about 500,000 copies and donate them to the world through

volunteers and charitable organizations to initiate a "Conserve

Nature - Protect Life" Awareness Project. I believe that visual

support with Nature-art will bring up "awareness" to the

appreciation of our wonderful nature and enhance our long term

survival and prosperity. (Details please visit:


"International bullying" should be dead NOW in the Internet Age,

just like the teachings in most schools that there should be zero

tolerance for bullying because more people are being awakened


The Message "CONSERVE NATURE, PROTECT LIFE" means more than just keeping our natural environment livable and protecting the survivability of humans, the Artist also means conserving what

Mother Nature has given to each of us the positive INNATE abilities which enable us to prosper on planet earth


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

about dishonest politicians and their cronies who constantly

misrepresent and manipulate the masses for their own ends.

More people refused to be fooled again and again. There are

many earthies out there who are honest, disciplined and listening

to their positive innate callings for survival, better life, and

prosperity. It is possible in this Internet age of better

communications that we can join force and stand guard and

conserve our positive innate rights against any major wars and

conflicts that may lead to an unnatural doomsday on earth.

We need to increase the number of good earthies worldwide to

expose and counter the minority of greed-driven and dishonest

power elites who usually use the name of government to

manipulate the masses for their short-term selfish gains. Their

personal greed and dishonesty would lead to more deep-rooted

conflicts and cause irrevocable damages to the masses and the

stability and peace of our world.

With the solidarity of ordinary "earthies", we will succeed in

protecting our innate rights without being unjustly exploited again

and again, which is one of the many causes leading to an

unnatural doomsday. If you care and believe in me and care about

the future of your own children and their children and so on, then

I have an ally and we all can build from here and become a truly

global force to effect changes for the better for all and to

eliminate the risks of an unnatural doomsday on our very own

planet home.

I have posted, throughout this Book, some framed copies of my

collections from my exclusive original Nature-Art paintings, which

all have the common Title of "PROTECT OUR WONDERFUL


Wonderful Nature, Protect Our Precious Life" - May God Bless Us

With Good Luck, Health, and Happiness; or MAY GOD BLESS US


depict a frozen moment of our wonderful dynamic Nature. The

pictures usually show the vibrant and prosperous life of our many

common earthly elements interacting harmoniously and yet with

hidden dangers abound. I hope these paintings, through


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

visualizations and manifestations, would arouse and cause our

subconscious mind to enhance our positive innate God-given

abilities to pursue our survival and prosperity infinitely on planet


"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

The Beginning

When the Eternal Energy created us who knows when, where and

how; we were pieces of nature's wonders as evidenced by our

dominance of other species and our miraculous survival until

NOW. Human beings were created with and provided with


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

everything the humans ever needed (innate abilities) to survive

the elements, the ability to reproduce and the remarkable

abilities to learn and reason, which guide us to the dominance

over all other living species on earth.

Innate abilities of you and me are positive wonderful forces that

make us know how to smile, gain affection, spread love, how to

breathe, how to eat, immune us against diseases, the ability to

learn, the exceptional abilities to communicate and think which

distinct human race from all the other living species on earth. Our

innate abilities are a magic bag to propel us to infinite

coexistence, resolve environmental problems, create and

innovate for a better life for prosperity on earth; sense and

correct unnatural negativities and conflicts among humans from

time to time so that earthies can get back to our natural course of

survival and prosperity.

Unnatural negativities among humans create conflicts.

Dishonesty, greed, bribery, lack of basic disciplines, bullying, the

intoxication of mind by substances are many negativities of

humans which could lead to very serious judgments of our innate

thinking and reasoning abilities and eventually, lead to unnatural

and unpleasant long term conflicts among us. Negatives like fears,

bullying, lack of disciplines, greed, dishonesty, intoxication are all

learned behaviors, therefore these are unnatural forces and can

be controlled and changed.

Positive thinking and rational reasoning are the two innate

abilities that differentiate us from other earthly species, and keep

the earthies in dominance. As human communication ability has

reached the point that instant conversation with each other in

short and long distances is a common thing, the planet becomes

easier to manage, and information, good or bad, can flow

instantly to masses. Our innate thinking and reasoning abilities

are often sabotaged by unnatural influences of greed, bribery,

and dishonesty. The ensuing negative decisions may have very

short term gains but very long term bad influences to humanity.

Good decisions should be based on honesty, mutual benefit and

having positive long term implications.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

All our conflicts and antagonism do not just happen today, they are accumulated throughout our human history. We cannot undo all the "unfairness" in our history, but we should be able to learn from them.


Fairness and justifications from today's world aside, bullying or as

I referred hereto as hegemony was adopted from the animal

kingdoms. It was a great but horrifying concept and practice for

the tribe, dynasty and country builders. Hegemony is a simple

and relatively quick way to elevate people to the status of elites

who believe that they are better than the ordinary people by,

sadly, looting, plundering and accumulating other people's assets

and wealth. And for the "winners" to protect and keep their loot

and remain in power, the proclaimed elites use the same

techniques to exploit their own kind to maintain their dominance.

In the process of hegemony, countless millions of human lives

were lost unnaturally and unjustly. Loot changed hands, animosity

built from generation after generation, one race, one group, one

region or one country against another and created human

conflicts ocean deep. Hegemony is short-sighted, cruel, barbaric

animal behavior, deceptive, dishonest and unnatural to earthies.

From the times that our ancestors believed that the earth was

flat, and their world was their eyes could see and their legs could

carry them. Mother Nature had given them abundance for their

needs. Life was happy and easy, but when it came to the times

that their wits couldn't catch up with the changing environmental

elements or they couldn't resolve their disagreements and

conflicts among themselves, they just split up and went

somewhere to continue their living.

There were plenty of rooms to move around on planet earth and

with their innate wits and abilities, the human species kept

prospering and expanding. Human species became dominant

among all other living things despite numerous setbacks along the

way. Stronger groups of human beings started taking advantage

of the weaker groups, bullying became a fast way of accumulating


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

other people's wealth and making themselves "heroes" along the


The masses were manipulated, coerced and fooled again and

again. New lands were "found" and the aborigines were displaced

and their wealth looted. Cities were built, countries were

declared. The groups who held the power always wanted to

consolidate their own at the expenses of weaker neighbors and

more often the masses of their own who supported them in the

good times because they were manipulated and exploited. Then,

the masses were squeezed more as they were the easiest group

to target at. Mismanagement by the power thirst groups caused

further dismay and basic needs of food and life essentials of the

weaker groups were unnaturally denied. Revolutions ensured and

the vicious cycles began.

This may be the price humanity as a whole has to learn and paid

for survival in the past, as one of the most significant innate

abilities of humans, communication skill, more specifically being

informed, has favored the self-proclaimed elites. As usual, the

masses were too busy being confined to their daily survival by

threats, unfair taxes, and unscrupulous short-sighted officials. It

was sad that untold hundreds of millions of human lives were lost

unjustly and unnaturally for the past millenniums, humanity

survived and earthies who strongly believed in their wonderful

positive innate abilities prospered.

Internet Age

Internet Age is a significant step for humanity to create prosperity

and happiness in our lives through instant communication en

masse to help each other to fulfill our God-given rights to achieve

prosperity and harmony among earthies. We don't need or can

afford any mass destruction of Mother earth whether to achieve

the false goals of making a certain country or race strong and

making any others week or destroy one another to gain short

term glories, hegemony doesn't work anymore. Tit-for-tat is not

natural and would forever lead to bigger and worst destruction of


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

humanity. I have solutions for an always BETTER world, only if WE

ALL look into that direction willingly - "Conserving Nature,

Protecting Life" is a start... The Internet age will provide us with

one of the greatest platforms in human history to truly put our

acts together for long term prosperity in our earthly home.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

"Conserving Nature and Preserving Life" doesn't just mean

conserving our natural environment to better our lives, and stop

killing each other because killing another people isn't an innate

calling from any earthie because human flesh is not in humans'

diet. "Conserving Nature, Preserving Life" also means conserving

every earthie's positive innate callings for life, for positive


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

prosperity, harmony and peaceful-coexistence and the respecting

of the God-given miraculous lives.

Look what humanity has done since our existence, and we have

found much bigger possibility for our lives on this planet and yet,

through instant communication which we could only dream of in

the past, the planet has "shrunk" to a much smaller world. Yet

with all the possibility of better life for ALL, the risk of mass self-

inflicted destruction of our own and our natural environment are

also increased to an alarmingly high level.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

Who are we?

Mother Nature has given each one of us the miraculous innate

abilities to ensure survivability in this planet only if most of us

manage our innate faculties wisely and positively. Unlike an

animal, an earthie doesn't have to live just by instinct alone, we

are endowed with the wonderful innate abilities to think and

reason. Use these faculties wisely, earthies will rid of any diseases

threatening our existence, create anything we can think of to

better our lives, and live a full wonderful natural life until we are


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Godified" - transforming from one matter in one dimension to

another and becoming part of the omnipotent Eternal Energy that

blesses forever our human children, their children and so on; and

all the good earthies on this beautiful planet.

Humanity is dynamic. History has told us again and again, always

after countless unjust losses of human lives, that there is no such

a thing as a war that ends all wars. Do we human not understand

that there are absolutely no winners in any war, it is only who

loses more. The biggest long term effect of any war is the negative

impact on humanity.

Ever since a human being reaches the womb of the mother, the

lucky human being already has gone through the natural

selections of being the one from the batch of millions of other

sperms and eggs from the father and mother. It truly is a

MIRACLE. It is simply the sperm meets the egg, and yet the real

complexity of it will evade the explanation of the smartest human

on earth. Earthie has octillions of molecules or DNA

(Deoxyribonucleic acid) in one's body and each gene has billions

of cells in it. DNA is a molecule that carries the genetic

instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and

reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses. This

is one of the numerous natural miracles of being a natural human,

it is our natural mandate to live and seek the answers

continuously because this is the way Mother Nature has created

us and the process of living through life is to find out who we are.

Living through life is a miraculous adventure by itself and Mother

Nature has provided each one of us the innate tools of life to

survive and keep conquering the elements and the conflicts

among our own kind.

From the time the human baby moves out of the uterus, through

the birth canal to the outside world, the human infant is now

naturally immunized and protected from diseases of the outside

world, and equipped with the innate abilities of breathing, eating

and growing. The baby already knows and is capable of love and

being loved.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

We are born positive beings, as evident by our capacity to attract

affection and love from our parents, naturally happy and striving

to live. Babies don't hate and want to kill their parents or anyone.

This positive innate feature happens to human beings as well as to

most of the animal kingdom, so it is a critical factor provided by

Mother Nature that living things can continue. Babies are so cute

that they naturally attract love from their parents, and parents

are naturally inclined to provide love and care for their babies,

until they can be independent and on their own.

Good earthies always naturally gained the affection and the

tender loving care of their parents who are willing and have a


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

deep understanding of their innate abilities and that providing

and raising the siblings are their natural duties and responsibility

as they themselves are blessed by their godified ancestors and so

on. Good earthies are honest and they believe faithfully in their

positive innate abilities.

As good earthies grow and prosper, and it is their dogmatic faith

in their innate abilities that they uphold their honesty and

exercise their discipline to overcome all negatives and unnatural

conflicts that fall upon them along the way. Good earthies do not

afraid of their natural death as they know Mother Nature always

has her way, and dying is a natural process. The wonderful thing

about dying naturally is that, good earthies know they had an

honest and happy natural life by depending dogmatically on their

positive innate abilities, when they expire, they have absolutely

no regrets of anything, their minds are filled with vast emptiness

of infinite joy, they know the moment they expire are the

moments that they are godified. Godification (my word, the

process of being godified) transforms them to another matter

and another dimension in our universe and they become part of

the omnipotent Eternal Energy which forever provides, educates,

protects and blesses their human children, their children and so


We have senses, we have thoughts and reasoning power and we

are equipped by Mother Nature with the abilities to live in groups

to cooperate, support and help each other for survival, for safety,

for progress and prosperity. Since we can think so can reason

what is good and what is bad for our survival. Mother Nature has

selected us to live on this planet and has endowed us with all the

wonderful innate abilities to survive, to regenerate and live

happily until Godified. It is meant to be a wonderful and

venturous natural journey for every positive earthie on earth.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

When a bigger fish eats a smaller fish, when a bigger animal eats a

smaller animal for survival; these are natural orders, and these

natural acts observed on earth are completely different from the

unnatural acts of HUMAN hegemony because any forms of lives,

other than humans, do not have the concept of "REVENGE".

Vengeance or tit-for-tat is a learned human behavior and it tends

to continue for a long period of time depends on the scale and

seriousness of the conflict. When a lion seeks its dinner and kills a

buffalo calve which is at the time following its mother buffalo, the

buffalo mother just preserves itself and scarifies the baby calf and

runs away and continues glazing as usual completely oblivious of

the absent calf; and that is the end of story. The lion has to eat

meat to keep its own life, the resistance of the mother buffalo is

instinct and the killing of the weaker calf by the lion is also an

animal instinct. As far as for the animal kingdom, killing each

other is an innate instinct for survival and that is a completely

normal natural order. Being killed or to kill is part of nature's

survival plans and there is no rationalness, only instinct. Killing

another human for food isn't one of our innate things from

Mother Nature, human flesh isn't human's diet for survival. Giving


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

love and affections and receiving love and affections are part of

our innate things. Preserving life is earthie's positive innate ability.

Earthies should never worry about over population or lack of

resources on planet earth. Evidence abounds that humanity has

continuously and rationally making the Planet "richer" and

"wealthier" and expanding "areas" to accommodate more and

more earthies. The planet earth, given by our omnipotent Eternal

Energy, actually seems more abundance in resources as our

innovation and technology advanced and infinitely providing,

even more, challenges for our Mother-Nature-given innate


We now need less land to produce more food, we accommodate

more people in more livable conditions and in less space by smart

urban planning. As we understand more about ourselves, we have

developed better ways to communicate and better ways to travel.

We have developed mutual-benefit trades among different

regions of the earth to redistribute resources to benefit the

masses. There are unnatural negative effects though as our

creativity and renovations are at an imbalance with progress

because of dishonesty and greed, and as a result, humans are

being unnaturally swayed further from what Mother Nature has

intended. It is the rich getting richer and the masses getting

poorer. Extreme polarization isn't a great thing for social stability.

It is a good thing for earthies to be rich and have a more

comfortable life. Mother Nature has given each one of us the

innate tools for happiness and prosperity which include gathering

wealth through honesty and discipline. Things get a lot more

complicated in a society of people as our innate urge to better our

own lives. There are many good earthies who have brought great

wealth to themselves through honesty and discipline and their

dogmatic faith in their innate abilities; their contributions to

humanity are enormous and they are the true good elites of the


Excessive through greed, dishonesty, undisciplined and

intoxicated living, are the unnatural and irresponsible use of our

positive innate abilities.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Earthies look back to learn and not to create more conflicts.

Mother Nature has given us abundance and an unlimited supply

of everything we need to live and prosper on this planet. She

doesn't put all these on a platter just for grab and She wants us to

have faith in our innate abilities to live through our natural life

with adventures, joy, and happiness in a dynamic environment

She has created, constantly challenging and testing the faith we

have in our innate abilities to explore, to do better, to renovate,

to create and to prosper generation after generation.

Opportunities abound for every earthie, there is no need to loot

anyone. No need to kill anyone to make yourself wealthy. Every

good earthie is wealthy in a way, if each of us listens closely to

one's positive innate callings, because this wonderful planet is our

home and it is up to us to use our innate abilities to manage our

own planet wisely and for the benefits of all.

Even thought unnatural road blocks are everywhere, created by

human greed and dishonesty and many times by the imbalance of

human abilities and natural elements, earthies have survived but

not on a scale that the threats of mass destruction are hovering in

the background constantly.

The price was high for what humans have learned from the past.

Many of those clogs can be reopened in modern days, as earthies

have better technology, better mobility and communication

ability. Bottle neck situations can be resolved by positive

interactions. Generations of human conflicts will not and cannot

be resolved easily. Time and patience are needed, great faith in

our positive innate abilities are needed. Time and faith are a lot

better than the eventual road to a full-scale mega war which

would end all humanity on this beautiful planet of ours for good.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

Greed, Dishonesty, and Intoxication

Our good old faith innate abilities are very often marred by greed,

intoxication, and dishonesty. Killing people directly and indirectly

and looting their wealth for your own are unnatural acts.

Murderous human beings will never be godified as Mother Nature

creates life and only concludes life naturally for earthies who

exercise their positive innate abilities to live an honest and

disciplined life.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Being prosperous is a one of the positive innate callings of earthies but greed is an unnatural act, it is taking away more than one needs for a prosperous and comfortable life. As described in Wikipedia: "Greed is an inordinate or insatiable longing, especially for wealth, status, power, or food."

As a secular psychological concept, greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs. The degree of excessiveness is related to the inability to control the reformulation of "wants" once desired "needs" are eliminated. Erich Fromm described greed as "a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction." It is typically used to criticize those who seek excessive material wealth, although it may apply to the need to feel more excessively moral, social, or otherwise better than someone else.

The purpose for greed, and any actions associated with it, is possible to deprive others of potential means (perhaps, of basic survival and comfort) or future opportunities accordingly, or to obstruct them there from, thus insidious and tyrannical or otherwise having a negative connotation. Alternately, the purpose could be defense or counteraction from such dangerous, potential negotiation in matters of questionable agreeability. A consequence of greedy activity may be the inability to sustain any of the costs or burdens associated with that which has been or is being accumulated, leading to a backfire or destruction, whether of self or more generally. So, the level of "inordinance" of greed pertains to the amount of vanity, malice or burden associated with it.

Honesty is a positive innate ability of earthies, as evidenced by the facts that human babies exhibit their feelings straight forward. The acts of dishonesty are unnatural and cause serious conflicts among humans. Again, here is a quote from Wikipedia about dishonest: "Dishonesty is to act without honesty. It is used to describe a lack of probity, cheating, lying or being deliberately deceptive or a lack of integrity, knavishness, perfidiously, corruption or treacherousness."

Intoxication by substances such as alcohols, drugs, and obsessive desires is an unnatural act, countless decisions were made by humans under the influence that causes serious damage to humanity, permanent regrets, and unnatural deaths. It is natural


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

for earthies to enjoy and celebrate life and our innate abilities always remind us where the limits are, and it takes discipline to listen to our own natural callings and obey the callings.

All these internal conflicts can be resolved by our innate disciplining ability as a positive force for self-survival and prosperity. Earthies can conserve our natural world and preserve our precious lives before the unnatural negative forces erode and corrupt our positive innate abilities and become an untamed and barbaric negative force. Listening to our innate callings and exercising disciplines go a very long way for the betterment of humanity.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Internal Conflicts

External conflicts among humans are the direct causes of our internal conflicts. Remembering our own positive innate abilities all the time and exercising disciplines to minimize internal conflicts are keys to long term social stabilities. Mother Nature gives us all these positive innate faculties to enjoy a wonderful natural life

The Internet age has vastly expanded our knowledge base,

especially in science and communication. The masses are prone

to be exposed to high risks of being manipulated by powerful

people of questionable intends which are self-serving and coated

with dishonesty. It is easier to communicate more globally and at

an incredible speed, accidents of war could happen rather quickly.

Our positive innate faculties are put to test frequently, earthies

should constantly be aware of the purposes of the innate abilities

and preserve what Mother Nature intended for every one of us.

As the majority of the earthies of the world have a common goal

derived from everyone's positive innate abilities, banding

together to help and defend ourselves is quicker in the Internet

age, the playing field is getting more level.

Deep rooted conflicts from greed, dishonesty and the practice of

hegemony among humans cannot be just wiped clean like a black

board and started all over again. It takes great patience,


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

education, positive attitudes, cooperation and time to resolve.

Getting into wars again isn't one of the solutions, we cannot bully

other earthies to go our ways, we cannot cramp and force our

own belief into other earthies for submission. we should lead by

examples with positive attitudes as guidance, or just leave them

alone and help them resolve their root problems by themselves if

they ask for it. Our intention to help must be pure, honest with no

strings attached and this is the best form of help supported by the

positive innate abilities of all earthies.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

World disparity in natural and unnatural resources are easier to

recognize in the internet age. These disparities, if not recognized


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

and deal with, would have serious effects on world stability. Even

though Mother Nature did provide earthies with abundant and

unlimited resources, bottle necks do happen because of unnatural

events. These localized human conflicts could turn into a

globalized instability as today's world has shrunk, literally

speaking, because of the greatly improved communication and

mobility technologies among earthies.

Earthies should realize that we are now a BIG family on this planet

regardless of your skin color, origin, religious orientation, cultural

backgrounds. Mother Nature has equipped each and every one of

us with the same positive innate abilities, helping each other and

living as a group or society for survival and prosperity are two of

those abilities. The Internet has help humans move toward ONE

people, ONE world more quickly through the better

understanding of other, for self-respect and respecting each other

as the other humans have the same innate rights and purposes as

you are. Again, organizing and extending a positive and honest

helping hand without strings attached to help the less fortunate

ones to regain their hopes and tie them over the bottle necks will

greatly decrease human conflicts.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Our planet earth is beyond just beautiful, it is wonderfully

beautiful. Sometimes a pile of granite rocks (shown in Painting

above) could be full of life for the homes of insects, succulent

plants, frequent visits from the butterflies, dragonflies and the

resting place for birds and shelters for ants, little snakes, potato

bugs and beetles. All livings things other than humans know their

limits by instincts, they come and they go as the elements and

environments permit. Mother Nature has created earthies

without limits, it is entirely up to us to utilize our positive innate

abilities to explore, to define, to recreate and continue living our

existence in adventures, joy, and prosperity. It is the self-inflicted

negative unnatural acts that bring the risks of an unnatural


"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

Common Ground

As our positive innate abilities guide us for survival and prosperity,

if we are comfortable in our lives, we tend to react slower to

changes. If we are in adverse situations, we tend to react faster to

changes. There are weaknesses in our social systems that tend to

push for results regardless of the merits of the process adopted.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

The solutions are usually short-sighted and enhance the basis of

human conflicts especially if dishonesty and greed are involved in

the process.

Earthies are not born equal in the sense that we have male and

female and it is necessary for reproduction and the continuation

of human kind. The biological difference is all the inequality

between male and female earthies, other than that Mother

Nature made us all equal. Other than sex difference, all earthies

have the same innate abilities for caring, loving, living, learning

and prospering. Our positive innate ability for cooperating implies

self-respect and the ability to respect others for an enduring and

harmonious relationship, therefore enables reproduction and

caring for the next generation. Every good earthie should

understand and feel the innate calling for equality of sex in every

other respect. The harmonious family unit is important for

minimizing social conflicts among earthies.

Family units are the building blocks of society, and the honest

and disciplined parents will raise honest and disciplined kids.

Unpleasant elements will seep into our social fabric from time to

time and challenge or contaminate our positive innate abilities to

deal with them. Good earthies should always faithfully stick to

their positive innate callings to ward off negative elements from

greed, dishonesty, and intoxication. More stable societies around

the globe will give earthies better insurance against the serious

risks of an unnatural doomsday on earth.

I don't think the dishonest power elites of the world would

intentionally destroy their own wealth, but weird things could

happen if they all believed that they were the best bar none,

accident always happened in a surprising way and caused

irrevocable conflicts that lead to unthinkable results; because no

one is the best. The biggest loss suffering is always started from

the masses. Exercising our positive innate powers for vigilance at

all times, greedy and dishonest elite cronies will not fool us again

and again, all good earthies can be united and alarmed via the



"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

With earthies' basic positive innate abilities and natural common

life goals of living and prospering to enjoy venturous life, we

should be able to address and resolve human conflicts which are

unnatural events and if those conflicts are caused by the results of

prolonged international bullying or hegemony, they will need lots

of time and efforts to deal with. Throughout the last century or

so, as evidenced by countries giving up occupied territories and

helping some for independence, much more efforts, other than

another war, are needed to reduce the risks of an unnatural

doomsday on our planet.

As all earthies have the commonest goal of a happy, and

prospering life, which is already inscribed into our innate abilities

endowed upon every one of us by Mother Nature, we can resolve

matters that threatened our very survival.

Now we have about 7 to 8 billion humans on our planet earth, the

way that earthies have achieved in all category of things

throughout the millenniums, as a human I'm very impressed that

we are still around and I sincerely feel that we are just a little big

growing family. We can certainly achieve infinite peaceful

coexistence on our only planet, the way we understand it...

I urge all earthies to look up in the sky in any dark night more

frequently. You don't see the beautiful flowers, the green trees,


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

the mountains and the valleys, the birds and the bees... you see

countless and massive numbers of flicking and twinkling pinhead

size lights, and they stretched and seemingly in tight clusters in all

directions covering the whole sky where the sharpest human eyes

can see.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

This painting above will bring you back to earth. Every little

twinkling star out there is way, way bigger or larger than our only

sun in our Solar System. And our Solar System is a mere tiny part

of our galaxy called the Milky Way, which also contains countless

numbers of twinkling stars. Imagine, if we were so stupid, with


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

our "smart" inventions and whatever, to blow ourselves up

unnaturally with our tiny itty bitty planet, our only natural HOME,

I bet God doesn't even notice.

Mother Nature obviously doesn't create us to let some dishonest

and undisciplined and irresponsible fools to blow us up for good.

Mother Nature has endowed each one of us the positive innate

abilities and abundance of resources which we can explore,

develop and build into limitless supplies of everything we

constantly need to survive, live and prosper. In universal terms,

our planet home with billions of us is just like an anthill in a big

forest where there are vast opportunities and land to explore...

Mother Nature has given us a big house with a humongous

backyard where we can find endless challenges and opportunities.

Earthies, even for millenniums of history and billions of us here,

are still on the ground floor of our existence on this our very own

beautiful planet, there are lots and lots of rooms to expand, we

will never forever run out of space or opportunities or anything

we ever need for our pursuit of survival, living and prospering.

Our planet earth home is a very big world for us and yet it is just a

speck of wonderful dust in the universe.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Human Conflicts, Root to Unnatural Doomsday

How do we lessen the conflicts inherited from the past, so that

the big earthly family members can move forward in better

footings so we can forever minimize the risks of self-inflicted mass

destructions? What is done is done, today's communication

platforms have brought earthies in this planet closer than ever

before, the sensible things for us to do is to look forward and

listen closely to our positive innate callings and that we have

learned from the past.

Tit for tat is never a way to lessen conflicts, hegemony should be

banned now. Always help yourself first, and never accept any

helps with strings attached. Good earthies offer to help others

with no string attached. People needed help are the most

venerable people and easily be taken advantage of and

manipulated, don't offer your help if you have a dishonest agenda

or you want to take advantage of the people who needed help.

Good earthies who are in need know that they are just as good as

anyone else despite the facts that they are in a jam due to

dishonest government or other unnatural factors created by

greed. They should listen to their positive innate callings, work

things out among themselves first and this may be the best long

term solution to rejuvenate themselves. There are plenty of

genuine helps available from other good earthies around the

world, in the case helps must be needed.

Resort to negativities and violence to resolve problems would

never truly work, and actually, make things a lot worse than

before. All outside earthies should respect others and do not

attempt to meddle except they have true, no string attached

helpful long term solutions to the particular problems and were

invited to help.

Can we not live together peacefully in our "shrinking" little world?

Yes, of course when there are plenty of resources around for

everyone. We DO have limitless supplies of resources and there

are bottle necks of disruptions from time to time, as they may not


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

be evenly distributed to where they are needed most in a timely

manner due to unnatural causes. If the very basics of the humans

can't be met, their innate instinct for survival may cause violent

conflicts. We have progressed to a point that mobility of

resources can be very efficiently done nowadays to provide relief

for the needed. Good earthies will ensure that none of our

humans should be denied of their survival basics because a

stabilized world is good for humanity.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

Is it difficult to respect each other? It is, a good earthie knows that

every human is bestowed with the same positive innate gifts from

Mother Nature, and basically we all have the same life goals,


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

some people may not have discovered their own positive innate

powers and therefore lack of respect for themselves, and not

deserved to be respected. But the good earthies will respect the

un-respected because they know one day, by leaving them alone

or by positive influence, they will realize their own innate abilities

and start to respect themselves and the others.

Sometimes it is difficult to tolerate others, some people just have

a very strong belief and even obsess to certain unnatural

influences and manipulations that they completely have forgotten

what they themselves can do with their own God-given innate

abilities. Unscrupulous humans were, driven by unnatural greed

and dishonesty, fooling people who were too "busy" making a

living because they were framed and oppressed by the dishonest

elites, to begin with, and have not discovered and might also have

confused their own innate powers.

Good earthies use their own positive innate ability of reasoning to

keep their once-and-a-while off-course and manipulated life goals

in check to pursuit their natural instincts for a living and an honest

happy natural life.

Respecting each other under any circumstances and non-

interfering with each other, except being asked, will make each

earthie very peaceful. Some earthies may have a very strong

opinion of someone who dislikes for whatever reasons, it is better

to still show your respect first as this reflects your own self-

respect which is a positive innate ability, then you'll gain respect

from the other and conflicts can be work out in a leveling


Mother Nature has given each and every one of us the same

positive innate abilities; as life goes on, we all become very

different because we all impacted by various unnatural elements

and things, and this makes our lives more interesting and

challenging. Good earthies will avoid from going extremes in

certain endeavors such as drinking alcohols, using illegal drugs,

indulging in excess sex, and other negative activities which would

damage your positive natural abilities. Many human conflicts can

be resolved with mutual respects and a positive attitude. Some


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

unnatural conflicts are normal and may be beneficial as long as

they can be resolved by reasoning and can be controlled without

developing into violent confrontations. We need patience and


"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

A good earthie will not get into politics for just to get rich, be

powerful and for personal glory. There is a countless way to be

wealthy and prosper. As we progress to pursuit our positive

innate goals, government and politics are contaminated by

dishonesty and greed. All bad and tainted governments are

needed to be revamped for the sake of true governing and the

benefits of all people. With the cooperation of other good


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

governments, positive and honest helps with no strings attached,

should be extended and given to the good people who are truly in

need, but only on they ask for help. Internal interferences and

imposing of self-centered doctrines are not needed and shall not

be exercised.

It is always difficult to prevent bloodsheds and go against the

dishonest and greedy power elites and their cronies because they

always used the pretext of protecting their own people to cover,

fence off and manipulate the masses to cover their dishonesty

and greed. Money is a great medium of exchange to facilitate

everyday life, and it should NOT be used for any other evil ways to

gain personal advantage.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli


Good governments can come in many forms. Today, the label is

not important anymore, be a democratic, communist, autocratic,

socialist, dictatorship; ideology takes a second seat after the well-

being of its citizens. Good government is to collect fair taxes,

serve and protect its citizens, maintain economic stability and


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

provide social safety network; work and liaison with all other

governments and groups of the world for economic growth,

conserve nature, protect life, pursuit and maintain prosperity and

peaceful coexistence.

We need good government to enhance and protect humanity. For

thousands of years all around the world, dishonest, greedy and

undisciplined people have used the pretext of governing to

manipulate the masses for theirs and their cronies selfish ends.

Their dishonest actions had caused tens of billions of unjust

human tolls and sufferings which in term caused despicable

conflicts. Good governments are up to good earthies who must

remain in solidarity around the world and serve as vigilance to

better humanity. All good governments must initiate ways to

conserve nature including dealing with the drastic effects of

climate change and conserve the life of their citizens by not

sending them to kill others in the battlefield or being killed.

In the Internet age, humanity is taking a super gigantic leap in

economic and science, especially in health, material,

communication, discoveries, and innovations etc., the scale of

things can be a two edged sword. It has given us bigger, more and

better powers to create, innovate and adapt; and yet bigger,

insidious and more powerful weapons to destroy.

I think Mother Nature is pleased and yet very worried. Our moral

standards are deteriorating to the terms of the lower life forms,

and the polarization of material wealth in our societies are going

to extremes. With our advances in technology, we are sitting

pretty on a sound platform in the Internet age. We must learn

how to manage it for the benefits of ALL earthies. We need to go

back to our basics, listen to our positive innate callings, and at

least be AWARE of them. It is a good start for all good earthies to

uphold our course to prosperity for all on our home planet.

Earthies must retain our dominance over all other species on

earth for our ongoing survival and prosperity.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

We need accountable and transparent governments, responsible

global corporations and honest diplomacy because these are

crucial to world stability and peace. Our world is now practically

borderless. We have more than 5 billion cell phones, and 2 billion

plus personal computers on earth of 7.5 billion people and the

numbers are constantly rising. Advance in communication

enhances the abilities of the good earthie masses for solidarity

and coping with many good NGOs, non-profit and charitable

organizations in the private sector, and many efficient institutions,


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

the masses can level the playing field and put a check on things

that can let us to an unnatural doomsday.

Going back to basic as a human being and constantly listen to our

positive innate calls is a great way in the internet age to

exponentially build and empower our survivability and prosperity

on earth. No one government should claim and act like it runs the

world. It is the masses of good earthies who should control our

own destiny.

Back to Basics

We have to rid of dishonesty, bullying, greed, and intoxicating

ourselves with substances which distort our rational innate ability;

and uphold our innate human responsibilities and all-acceptable

moral standards with disciplines to create a brighter future for

ourselves and our families.

Don't be self-centered and believe that what you think is the best

for you and IS the best for others! Worst still, keep bullying your

way through and that is one of the major problems causing

conflicts, turning a good thing into a disaster. Listen to your

positive innate calls, show respect, be honest, be disciplined.

Harmony and good luck will follow.

Every one of us is born with amazing innate abilities, every one of

us is precious and deserves the ultimate respect, so is our self-

respect and esteem. For the same reason, we should respect the

others regardless. Even though we all are born in different times

and places, and under different social circumstances and other

different sets of elements around us, we should understand that

the timing that one realizes one's positive innate powers and

abilities is different. It's our family upbringings and the natural

and unnatural environments and circumstances which determine

how fast and how deep we are aware of our own innate



"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Greed is an unnatural learned negative skill. When we want more

and demand more, aiming for better and best is not greed. Greed

is the excessive or rapacious desire for wealth or processions.

Greed is bad for humanity when it is done in a dishonest way and

by harming others.

The use of harmful substances to our bodies and minds are

against our innate abilities for survival and prosperity. Intoxication

should be sensibly controlled without causing severe harms to our

faculties. Self-discipline is Mother Nature's way of telling us when

to stop certain things and behaviors that would cause serious

harms to our life and future prospects. Listen to that innate call,

and know when to stop before causing serious consequences to

ourselves and others.

Don't blame the governments, blame the people who run the

governments. Don't blame the systems, blame the people who

created the systems... It is all about earthies! Everything Mother

Nature has given us is miraculous stuff which allows us to have a

wonderful life on this planet.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Human Spirit

First, reproduction allows us for continuity and our positive innate

abilities keep us as the dominant species on earth. When we are

born we are all gifted for survival with the care and help of our

parents and family. We are an innate social species, that is why

the world gets smaller and things get better as our technological

advances open up more mysteries of nature around us, we are

marching toward, eventually, to a borderless one people one

world. That would be a more stable world, a more efficient world,

a more prosperous world in which earthies can retain and solidify

our dominance of other species. The solidarity of human kinds

would have more muscles to deal with unnatural occurrences that

would harm and threatened our existence.

Second, our positive innate abilities to create and innovate what

Mother Nature has given us so that we can adapt and adjust our

natural elements to fit our present requirements for survival and

prosperity. Our world needs fresh solutions for every human

endeavor and we have those innate abilities to meet that

challenge constantly. We are not doomed, and as we keep

exploring our positive innate callings for survival and prosperity,

we will prove the merits of the miraculous wonders that Mother

Nature has endowed upon us.

Third, our technological breakthroughs in the costs and efficiency

of communication have increased participations in the actions

that produce global solidarity among the masses. The good

earthie masses are the backbones of good governments, NGOs,

corporations, financial institutions, small businesses, and any

kinds and forms of public and private entities.


Strength and Wisdom Prayer - (First Nations, Canada)

O Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the winds, And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me.

I am a man before you, one of your many children. I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Let me walk in beauty, And let my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunsets. Make my hands respect the many things you have made, My ears sharp to hear your voice.

Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught my people, The lessons you have hidden under every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, O my Creator, Not to be superior to my brothers, But to be able to fight my greatest enemy - myself.

Make me ready to return to you with clean hand and a straight eye, So that when life fades as the setting sun sets My spirit may come to you without shame.


Fourth, social and political dynamics change all the time. Our

positive innate abilities always remain the same. We have

experienced unnatural catastrophes from time to time, we had

tested our innate faculties numerous times and we always pulled

us through many times even though there were times that the

tolls were very high. As science and technologies, in the internet

age, have leaped to the stage that help us to identify the causes

of many conflicts and the ability to communicate instantly, but it

is not always easy to resolve problems quickly because our

societies are polarized to certain extremes that the dishonest

power elites tend to hold on to their own excessive greed.

Solidarity among the middles classes of the world, using the

power of the Internet, would create a formidable voice to level

the playing field.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Conserve-Nature, Preserve-Life" AWARENESS Volunteers Wanted

Fifth, the miraculous positive innate abilities endowed to each

and every one of us by Mother Nature must not be wasted

otherwise we will all be doomed. Listen to our innate callings all

the time, they are miraculous, with faith, honesty, and disciplines,

our dominance above all living species on our planet will be intact

and enhanced; and our survival and prosperity will continue.

Sixth, Mother Nature has no boundary and naturally justified in all

and any human terms. When we are born, all our positive innate

faculties and abilities are ready on the go. As babies, we don't and

can't be dishonest with our parents and others as evidenced by

our smiling for affection, crying for food and comfort; and our

body language to show what we want for our own survival. Our

innate abilities are positive for all earthies, and without the God-

given innate abilities, we won't be here. Our reasoning abilities

are with every earthie from the day we are born, and these

positive innate abilities develop constantly to guide us through

thick and thin. These abilities put us on the top of the food chain,

protect us from the mass destruction of human conflicts, create

and re-innovate things and ways that keep our continued

prosperity; and best of all retain our dominance among all living

things on this planet.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

Our basic positive innate abilities are our best tools for our infinite

prosperity. In a world where the unnatural forces of dishonesty

and excessive greed are gaining grounds and threatening the lives

of the masses by bringing us all closer to the brink of an unnatural

doomsday, we must all go back to our positive innate abilities,

and faithfully listen to our innate callings.

One day, our governments may not need the budgets of any

armies. We can think about the savings of lives and money that

we can all use to better humanity. That day is still quite far away

from our sights yet. Mother Nature has given us so much that,

forever, as long as we realize the existence and the miraculous

powers of our positive innate abilities, we can always and

infinitely upgrade humanity, and that is life on this planet all

about, and it is the very best that any human terms can describe.

Serious dishonesty and excessive greed are "crimes" against

humanity, they are worse than hegemony and animal instincts of

devouring each other.

Mother Nature has plans for those people who are blatantly acted

against Nature, and as good earthies, we don't need to revenge

with tit for tat because that is an endless unnatural act, and no


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

murderers, serious dishonest people, excessive greedy people

would never be godified and that the people who acted

unnaturally to cause serious harms to humanity will be dealt with

by Mother Nature accordingly.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

There are ample benefits of listening to your positive innate

callings, it matters if you are holding an important post in your

country, your company, organizations or your own home. Being a

good earthie will influence and translate to another earthie and

so on. Don't botch down by circumstances, listen to your positive

innate callings. These are all common senses because every one

of us does have them to begin with. As they are so common,

many of us do not realize them or cultivate them, it is not

surprising that lack of common sense had killed so many human

beings unjustly.

Good earthies must be vigilant to the causes of major hostilities in

our world such as prolonged civil wars, cyber wars, trade wars,

sectorial wars, dishonest power elites, extreme diplomacies that

cause accidental measures and conflicts, extreme poverty, natural

disasters and climate change, etc.. As a single earthie, I cannot do

much. By forming solidarity in the name of humanity with the


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

good earthies around the world, we can contain and resolve many

conflicts by influencing our good governments to act on our

behalf sensibly without meddling, imposing or bullying. Resolving

major conflicts is an important and serious challenge to our

positive innate abilities. Conflicts are needed to be contained and

minimized before they are escalated to the madness stages. If we

were all on a level playing field, by reasoning and give-and-take,

the compromise could come. The world is not yet a level playing

field. As every conflict has its ins and outs, I do not have a solution

for any conflict but I can point out the super tools that enable

every one of us to resolve conflicts - they are our Mother-Nature-

given positive innate faculties.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

Is This the End?

Throughout our modern history, major human conflicts usually arise from commencing economic events producing results like a domino effect, starting from a country or countries embarking on a currency war to gain advantage of another countries, as other countries respond in kind, then escalating to trade wars, as trade wars last without winners, and then outright shooting wars.


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

We are living in a very beautiful but dangerous world, not only more countries are getting nucleus weapons, more and more countries have boosted up their arsenals with more sophisticated modern weaponry as evidenced by the secretive and lucrative global arm trades, and more and more developing countries or groups are demanding advanced-technology weapons instead of the old left-over killing machines from the arsenals of the powerful nations. Money isn't the major problem, they can always barter for their needs as the political and economic atmospheres are getting more muddy and complex each day.

We have treaties or contemplating to having treaties to control or outright banning biological, bacteriological, chemical weapons, and even the upcoming genetically engineered weapons and all weapons of mass destruction. In the course of arm races and trades in our modern history, the whole world is full of arms that kill en masse and we have enough nucleus missiles on earth to wipe out the world populations several times over, and now there are bacteriological and genetically engineered weapons in development which are more deadly than nucleus weapons. Is this the natural progress of the unnatural creations, the weapons of self-inflicted mass destruction of humanity and our Mother Nature? Is this the way a government protecting its own citizens or systematically destroying its own citizens? There is always a possibility of an unpredictable and "accidental" occurrence that triggers an unnatural doomsday.

The world's good earthies must speak out now for the sakes of our God-given innate rights of survival and prosperity. THIS IS THE beginning of the END and millennia of humanity will be ruined if we don't start realizing the serious risks of these killing machines. We need to go back to our basics, re-examining our God-given innate positive faculties for survival and prosperity on this Planet, and why are we doing harmful things that contradict the ways Mother Nature wants and helps us to achieve?


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

We can enhance our innate positive abilities for conserving life and prosperity with visual ARTS which are the positive outcomes of human creations, and every human is familiar with them one way or the others.

If the Paintings with positive messages are hung on our walls and being exposed to our views frequently, I believe they will provide an important visualization to impress our subconscious mind so we can maintain a joyful and prosperous life instead of a dishonest and deceptive negative life. This is the major reason that I decided to donate my exclusive Nature-Art images for the "Conserve-Nature, Preserve-Life" Awareness Program so as to remind earthies the positive innate abilities endowed to us by


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Mother Nature. As an artist with a life-long collection of more than a thousand original Nature-Art paintings, I think I can do something to help our cause. I have converted my original images into 500,000 copies of Exclusive Limited Editions* and giclée-printed them on blended canvases and donate them through volunteers and charitable organizations to the public. (*Details -


Our subconscious minds work well with visualizations and manifestations, "Conserving Nature, Protecting Life" will lead to a better prosperity and joyful life for every earthie.

"Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

Every one of my paintings depicts a frozen moment of our wonderful and dynamic Mother Nature. When you look at a


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

"Conserve-Nature, Preserve-Life" Painting, you can see the miracles created by Mother Nature, you can feel the space, the dynamics and the scope of the paintings which are usually filled with clean and fresh air, pleasant lighting and vigorous life of many common and abundant plants, insects and animals on this planet. Many of my paintings are intended to showcase the prosperity of lives with the subtle hints of hidden dangers. This reflects the facts that Nature and Life will have to be managed by our unique positive innate abilities of reasoning and disciplines in order to prevent us from the brink of self-inflicted unnatural disasters, which would eventually lead to an unnatural doomsday in our planet.

We must always visualize and focus on the joyful end result of our abilities to be able to conserve Mother Nature and preserve life. It is the eternal prosperity and joyful life for all earthies.

It is all up to the solidarity efforts of all the good earthies who love their families, children and loved ones, to conserve Nature and protect our precious life, to keep a constant vigilance and put us on a positive, peaceful and joyful course for LIFE.

As we are good earthies, we'll do everything, handle our God-

given life honestly and responsibly, with self-discipline and stay

away from the intoxicating excess of drugs and substances, the

world will definitely be a better place for everyone. And from here

to eternity that our wonderful planet will never experience and end

with a dreadful UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY.

Bigan Fanli - September, 2017

Thank You for Reading


"UNNATURAL DOOMSDAY - ARE WE ALL DOOMED?" Bigan Fanli 2017 - www.ConserveNatureNow.net

Close Up Details of Painting #943-1 Donated by the Artist -

www.ConserveNatureNow.net "Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli

Close Up Details of Painting #919b Donated by the Artist -

www.ConserveNatureNow.net "Conserve Nature - Protect Life" Series by Bigan Fanli
