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The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church · Prelude Elegie Massenet Call to Worship Choral Introit...

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The mission of this congregation is to be a welcoming community which proclaims the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ, nurtures Christian beliefs and behavior, and encourages lifelong maturing in faith. Here we are empowered to grow as Christians, so that we may minister to others spiritually and physically. We welcome you!
Page 1: The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church · Prelude Elegie Massenet Call to Worship Choral Introit (10:30) * Hymn of Praise O God, Our Help in Ages Past Hymnal, No. 67 (verses 1,

The mission of this congregation is to be a welcoming community which proclaims

the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ, nurtures Christian beliefs and behavior,

and encourages lifelong maturing in faith. Here we are empowered to grow as

Christians, so that we may minister to others spiritually and physically.

We welcome you!

Page 2: The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church · Prelude Elegie Massenet Call to Worship Choral Introit (10:30) * Hymn of Praise O God, Our Help in Ages Past Hymnal, No. 67 (verses 1,









Page 3: The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church · Prelude Elegie Massenet Call to Worship Choral Introit (10:30) * Hymn of Praise O God, Our Help in Ages Past Hymnal, No. 67 (verses 1,




FEBRUARY 12, 2017 9:00 AND 10:30 A.M. SERVICES

Our Worship is central to our Service.

Our Service is central to our Worship.

We love kids! But sometimes services are too long for even the happiest child. So ...

• For infants we have nursery care in the Church House, first floor. • For children from 3’s through 7th grade, we have a wonderful Church School program during our 9:00 hour. • And if your kids get squirmy, the Church Parlor has toys; the service is amplified in the Parlor

and the seats are comfortable!

Prelude Elegie Massenet

Call to Worship

Choral Introit (10:30)

* Hymn of Praise O God, Our Help in Ages Past Hymnal, No. 67 (verses 1, 2, 3 and 6)

* Prayer of Invocation and Confession, said together:

Loving God, gather us in,

from wherever we have been this week, gather us in,

from wherever our hearts have wandered, gather us in,

from whatever mistakes we have made, gather us in,

from whatever has weighed us down, gather us in:

let this be our true Sanctuary,

our center, our hope, our forgiveness, our strength, our healing.


(silence for individual prayers)

* Assurance of Forgiveness

* Gloria Patri Hymnal, no. 35 (This hymn, sung every Sunday, expresses our gratitude for forgiveness)

Welcome and Announcements

Please sign the green registration pad in your pew, and pass it to your neighbor.

Thank you!

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Anthem (10:30) Ave Verum Mozart

Worship of God through Prayer

Sharing our Joys and Concerns

We welcome your prayer concerns. You may write them into the prayer

request book in the Narthex, or contact the pastors.

Pastoral Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen.

Worship of God through Giving: (Note: We give in many ways, by various means. Yet it is still important to “present our offerings” on the altar as part of genuine worship, our way of giving thanks to God.)


Offertory (9:00) I Believe Words on Page 10

Jodi Keogan ~ Spinto Lyric Soprano

(10:30) The Canticle of Brother Sun Douglas Wagner

* Doxology Hymnal, no. 46 (This ancient hymn is sung every Sunday to thank God for all the gifts of our lives)

Prayer of Dedication, said together:

Holy God, we dedicate our money, our lives, our effort, our Church

to You. May all that we say and do be Christ-like in word and deed.


Scripture from Jeremiah chapter 3, (p. 818)

Sermon Rev. Alida Ward

* Hymn Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Hymnal, no. 622

* Pastoral Benediction

* Choral Benediction (10:30)


Serving in the Chancel: Deacon Seth Baratz

Acolytes: Charlotte Wagner and Joshua Kellman

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Good Morning and Welcome! On this winter weekend, how good it is to be

gathered together in the warmth of fellowship, in the presence of God, in the

midst of this church family. We are so glad you’re here!

Visitors: We are glad you are with us today. Want to know more? Take a bag

home from our Visitors’ Table, just outside the front door! If you are interested in joining this church, please just speak with Alida!

At our 9:00 a.m. service, you have been greeted by Deacon Greg Bambach and

our Junior Deacons Garth Gacetta and Sam Hawley. At our 10:30 a.m. service,

you have been greeted by Deacon Greg Bambach, Junior Deacons Olivia Keden

and Justin Keith, and our Junior Greeter Devin Brenner. Junior Deacons

assisting with Church School are Henry Durham, Quinn Hermann, Robert

Farruggio, Lucy Hermann, and Katie Hinkle. Our crib room helper today is

Riley Kenney.

After the 9:00 service, please join the Fellowship Board in the Church House

Memorial Room (across the street) for refreshments and fellowship.

A note about children in worship: We love them! But if you’d prefer to enjoy

worship on your own, our Church Nursery for infants-toddlers is across the street

in the Church House. Special beepers/pagers are available to parents so that they

may be quietly contacted during the worship service if their child misses them! If

your child in worship becomes restless or unhappy, please make use of the Parlor

(through the double doors by the choir loft, or head outside and through the side

doors). There is a comfortable space there for your child to play with toys and a

speaker which carries the service!

The flowers on the communion table are given by Betsy and Joe Milicia and

family in loving memory of Betsy's brothers, Timothy Campbell Russell and

Stephen Carr Russell.

Remembering our Soldiers Laura Riebel . . . Mark Riebel . . . Brian Shelton . . . Derrick Keene . . . Mike Lincoln . . .

David Elliott. . . Stephen Honan . . . Molly Hanson . . . Shelby Wallace . . . Cooper

Harris . . . Kelsey Wallace . . . Lawrence Sherrer

If you or a loved one is hospitalized, please contact us, or have someone contact us. Hospitals do not notify us independently.

Many thanks for helping our pastoral ministry

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CHURCH SCHOOL NOTES This morning in our Church School classes… Our preschool through

Kindergarten classes are learning about the Baptism of Jesus.

Our 1st Grade through 6th Grade classes are learning about People who

make a Difference through our rotational Learning Centers:

1st & 2nd Grades – Games Center

3rd & 4th Grades – Art Center

5th & 6th Grades – Cookery Center

In order to allow our parents and teachers to have an opportunity to meet

and greet one another, our Church School Dismissal Procedures for all of

our church school classes up through, and including 2nd grade will be for

parents to pick up their children from their respective classrooms, promptly

at 10:00 a.m. dismissal time. Children in Third Grade through Seventh

Grade will be dismissed from their respective classrooms at 10:00 a.m.

Some of our church school classes share a morning snack during their class

time. If your child has any food allergies, we ask that you alert your child’s

teacher in order that we may ensure the safe participation of all our



“The Future”: An exciting panel discussion TODAY, Sunday, February 12 at

11:30. With our own Tony Hwang, state senator; Christian Crews, futurist, and

Jay Lauf, president and publisher of Quartz digital news outlet. In the Memorial Room -- bunch will be served!

No “Religion in the News” today due to the discussion on “The Future”, but

we’ll reconvene next week!

YPF (for 4th and 5th graders) are going Ice Skating TODAY! We'll meet at the

Barn at 2:00 to carpool down to Longshore Rink in Westport. Please talk to

Alida if your child is interested!

JPF meets TODAY! All 6th and 7th graders are welcome to join us for JPF

(Junior Pilgrim Fellowship) today in the Leonard Morgan Youth Barn from 5:00

– 6:30 p.m. Join us for a whole bunch of fun, games, and even pizza! Don’t

forget to bring friends!

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SPF (our high school youth group) continues this Thursday from 6-7:30pm in

our Len Morgan Youth Barn. This Thursday its Fun and games! Midwinter

games at SPF ~ can’t even imagine what kinds of games Alida will have ready

for the evening!!

Bible Study: We call our weekly Bible Study 'The

Gathering'… No pressure. No assignments. No guilt.

We are looking at “The Absolute Essentials of the

Christian Faith”. Give it a try, you’ll enjoy it, we promise! Thursdays, at 10 a.m.

and 7:30 p.m. in the Church House Library.

Our Lenten Bible Study will use a wonderful book written by

Mother Teresa called A Simple Path. This book and Bible Study are

good companions to our new "Lenten Devotional" with its theme of

"The Way". Mother Teresa's book lays out 6 important aspects of

living a simple Christ-like life. Note, you do not have to buy or read

the book to enjoy the Bible Study, David will use a chapter each

week as a jumping off point. Copies are available in the narthex for $25.


Looking ahead… Stories from India: March 26th, at both

services, the participants in this year’s India mission trip will share

reflections on their experience of poverty and hope on the other

side of the world. Please join us for this special Sunday, as we hear the stories of

God's love in action!

Church Ice-Skating Party! A favorite family event for all in the midst of

winter! Sunday, March 5th from 5-6 p.m. at Longshore in Westport. The rink is

ALL OURS for an hour!! Skates available there, come at 4:45 to borrow some,

or bring your own.

Women of the church! SIGN UP NOW AND SAVE

THE DATE for our annual GHCC Women’s Retreat. With Alida leading, we’ll be in Darien, at beautiful St.

Birgitta’s retreat center, from 9 to 3 on Saturday, April 1st A time to renew your

spirit, connect with other women, and enjoy a little peace and beauty! For

women of all ages! Please let us know you’re coming by contacting Alida

([email protected], 259-5596). Cost will be $35, which includes

our lunch.

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Another Save the Date! The Annual Auction for Appalachia will be on Saturday,

March 25! Silent and Live Auctions, reflections on the 2016 trip, fun and fellowship, and a chance to help our SPF teens go and do God’s work in

Appalachia this summer! Donations of goods, services, vacation homes,

tickets, very much needed! (talk to Alida)

Save the date for our 5th Annual Chili Competition Cook-Off

Dinner on Sunday, February 26th! Bring a pot of your prize

winning chili to be entered into competition or just round up

your family, friends and favorite cowboy hat and come for

dinner. Either way, you won't want to miss the fun! The

schedule of events is: 5:00 p.m. Chili Set-up, 5:30p.m. Viewin’, smellin’,&

reviewin’, 5:45 p.m. Dinner! $6 adults and $4 for children. If you'd like to enter

your Chili to the Cook Off- please contact Amy Desel so she can add you to the

list! She can be reached at [email protected] or 203-522-6925. Check in with

the Church Office to RSVP, [email protected].

Facing Our Own Retirement and Aging: What's On Our

Minds? As we age, we face both challenges and opportunities.

Once our children are out of the nest and we are no longer

working, our roles change and our attitudes about what's most

important in life may change too. Come to our next Salon on

Sunday afternoon, February 26 at 4:30 p.m. at the Parsonage (David and

Alida's home on Bronson Rd) and share your opinions on how you feel about

getting older, what your fears and concerns are, what advantages being older

brings and how we can make the most of the years ahead.


Alida's recruiting for ASP!! We need 84 adults to accompany our 210

teenagers (the MOST ever!) to West Virginia July 1-8, for a life-changing week of

service through the Appalachia Service Project. It's a week of home repair for

families in need - but you do not need to be a skilled carpenter!! All we need is

your willingness to work alongside our teens. Please take a look at the Adult

Leader information on the ASP page of our church website (under 'Mission and Outreach') ... and if you like what you see, click on the online adult advisor

registration!! And of course contact Alida with any questions!

([email protected])

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Who can’t wait for spring? It’s coming and so is THE DOGWOOD

FESTIVAL!! Save the dates… this year it’s back on Mother’s Day Weekend,

May 12, 13, and 14!!! Look for much more information to follow!!

Summer Camp at Silver Lake! Registration is now underway for summer camp

at the Silver Lake Conference Center – A Ministry of the Connecticut

Conference, United Church of Christ. Spaces fill up very quickly, so if you think

you might be interested, please do not delay! (Our youth who have participated in

the past have enjoyed a wonderful experience.) There are programs suitable for all

youth ages 8-18, the costs are quite reasonable for an overnight camp (most weeks

run about $500) AND scholarships are available. In addition, those registering

by January 31st will receive a $50 discount (see Marcia Carothers for $50 coupons

and details). If you are interested in learning more, brochures and calendars are

available in the Church House or you may visit their website at

www.silverlakect.org or speak with Marcia!

Registration is NOW open for all GHCC members for this

year's Vacation Bible School Program which will be

held August 14-18, 2017 from 9:30 to noon each day. The cost

for the week is $60 per child. The program is open to

children ages 4 years through 5th grade as of Fall 2017. Registration is available online through our church website or in person at the Church

Office. Registration will open to the community on February 20th, so please do not delay

if you are planning on attending as spaces are limited to 120 participants! Last year, all

available spaces filled up BEFORE March 1st, and many folks found themselves on a long waiting list!

UPDATE from our Refugee Resettlement Committee: Thank you all for your

loving concern for our arriving family! The family from Syria arrived early

Tuesday morning, safe, and in temporary housing with the hopes of being in

their new home in Connecticut early next week. But the future for other refugee

families remains uncertain at best. And so, we invite you to join us TODAY,

Sunday, February 12th, 3:00 p.m. at the Klein Memorial Auditorium in

Bridgeport to Stand with Refugees and Immigrants (see flyer on page 13). The

rally's Mission Statement: We stand together in unity with refugees and immigrants in Greater Bridgeport, affirming our commitment that we are a welcoming community that

embraces our nation's cherished values of inclusion, equality and diversity. We stand in

solidarity - across neighborhoods, faiths, and areas of focus - resolved to protect the dignity, rights and well-being of everyone in our communities. We affirm that no one is invisible

and that all members of our communities are respected, protected and cared for. We come together to say "we are many and you are not alone."

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Are you in the midst of caring for a loved one who has/had an illness? Think

broadly. This can be any type of mental, physical, medical, etc. illness where you

have taken the role of being there for a family member or close friend in their

time of need. OR, are you in the midst of a difficult transition in your life? Have

you lost a loved one and want to be in the presence of others who will walk this

path with you? We are creating a group that will meet once a month (or more

depending on the group's needs). We will be confidential, we will move together,

and we will share what is on our hearts and minds with others who care.

Sometimes people forget that those who are taking care of others need to be

taken care of too. We all need to be heard. Please contact Rachel Baumann at [email protected] if you would like to be a member of this group

or know anyone we should reach out to. ALL are welcome.

On the same topic of caregiving: One of our own Church Members would

love to recommend a Certified Nurse’s Assistant who is looking for work. Lorma Montano’s experience includes working in two different nursing homes,

four years at the Darien Health Care Center and three at the Westport Health

Care Center. She also worked for two private clients in Fairfield; 13 years’

experience, 6 with Susan Kueffner’s father-in-law who recently went into

Carlton. From Sue Kueffner: “Lorma has been with Bill for six years and I cannot say enough good things about her. She's capable, patient, kind, loving, reliable and a good

cook! She always went the extra mile. And because she always gets her jobs through word

of mouth, there is no agency fee and her hourly rate is very reasonable.” If you need

more info or are interested, please contact Susan Hood Kueffner at

[email protected]

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Words to Canticle of Brother Sun

Adapted from prayer by St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)

Sing praise, my God, for our brother, the sun, for the dawn of each new day;

For the light, warm and bright, God daily provides, that sends us on our way.


Sing praise, my God, for our mother, the earth, who has blest us with wonderful

things; For the soft, white snows of the cold, winter months, and the hope of coming spring. I will praise you, O God, I will bless you, as my praises mount

up to the sky; I will dance and sing, I will shout your praise, for you have given


Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures below, Praise

God above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Christ and Holy Ghost. Sing praise!

Words to I Believe

I believe for every drop of rain that falls

A flower grows,

I believe that somewhere in the darkest night

A candle glows,

I believe for everyone who goes astray,

Someone will come to show the way,

I believe, I believe.

I believe above the storm a smallest prayer Will still be heard,

I believe that someone in the great somewhere

Hears every word,

Every time I hear a newborn baby cry,

Or touch a leaf, or see the sky,

Then I know why,

I believe.

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Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

(2/12) 9:00 a.m. Church School in classrooms in Church House

10:30 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

11:30 a.m. The Future ~ Panel Discussion in the Memorial Room

2:00 p.m. YPF (for 4th and 5th graders) Ice Skating meet at Barn

5:00 p.m. JPF in the Barn (for 6th and 7th graders)

Monday5, 6, and 7 p.m.Chips Dinner to support our ASP trip!

(2/13) 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class in the Barn

7:30 p.m. All Church Boards meet in the Memorial Room

Thursday 10:00 a.m. Bible Study – The Gathering –in the Library

(2/16) 6:00 p.m. SPF in the Barn 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir (and Chorale) in Parlor

7:30 p.m. Bible Study –The Gathering – in Library

Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

(2/19) 9:00 a.m. Church School in classrooms in Church House

10:30 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

You're invited to the5th Annual Chili Competition Cook-Off Dinner!!

Sunday, February 26th in the Memorial Room

Join us for an evening of fun, family and fellowship -- not to mention

delicious chili! Bring a pot of your prize winning chili to be entered into

competition or just round up your family, friends and

favorite cowboy hat and come for dinner. Either way,

you won't want to miss the fun!

The schedule of events is: 5:00 p.m…. Chili Set-up

5:30p.m…. Viewin’, smellin’,& reviewin’ 5:45 p.m…. Dinner!

$6 adults and $4 for children

If you'd like to enter your Chili to the Cook Off- please

contact Amy Desel ([email protected] or 203-522-6925) To RSVP [email protected] or 203-259-5596

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Spring is coming! This year’s Dogwood Festival will once again be held on

Mother’s Day weekend, May 12-14. We ask our fellow church members and

friends to please consider contributing to the Festival’s success by placing a

PERSONAL OR BUSINESS AD in our printed Dogwood Festival Program.

Promote your business. Wish someone special a Happy Mother’s Day.

Congratulate a graduate. Write a funny haiku. Anything! It all helps us to … “Do Good at Dogwood”!

Here are the sizes and rates for the ads – there’s something for everyone:

Full Page - 4.5”w x 7.5”h - $175.00 Half Page - 4.5”w x 3.25”h - $90.00

Quarter Page - 4.5”w x 1.875”h - $45.00 Other: Full Page - Back Cover - $375.00

Full Page - Inside Front Cover - SOLD! Full Page - Inside Back Cover - SOLD!

If you are supplying an ad, please make it a high resolution (300dpi) pdf to size.

All ads must be non-bleed, black & white.

If you would like us to pub set the ad, please supply a high resolution file of your

logo or business card. Always best to send a digital file – jpeg, eps, tiff, etc. Or

simply send along your message and we’ll create the ad for you. It’s easy!

To learn how to place your ad and support the Dogwood Festival, please contact

either Mike Mitri ([email protected], 203-520-3045) or Karen Mitri

([email protected], 203-520-3046).

Deadline for submission of all ads is Monday, April 3, 2017! Thank you!

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FAIRFIELD, CONNECTICUT Telephone: (203) 259-5596 Fax: (203) 255-4641

Website: www.greenfieldhillchurch.com email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/GreenfieldHillCongregationalChurch

OFFICERS: Rev. Dr. David Johnson Rowe, Pastor; Rev. Dr. Alida Ward, Pastor; Chris Shea, Church Council Chairperson; Debbie Noyes, Church Clerk; Amy Johnson, Treasurer.

STAFF: Roni Widmer, Office Manager; Sandra Shaw Murphy, Music Director; Sara Mastrony Hoefer, Junior Choir Director; Marcia Carothers, Director of Christian Education; Susan Rippey, Nursery School Director; Jessica Campbell, Financial Manager; Amity Almond and Kelcey King, Assistant Treasurers; Sarah De Meneses, Accountant; Jim Zalenski, Sexton


Adult Education: Michael Moore, Chairperson; Linda Allegretti, Alice Horrigan, Rebecca Huselid, Edward Jordan,

Sandra Timmermann Children and Youth Ministries: Erika Duffy, co-Chairperson; Marc Power, co-Chairperson; Mike

Dwyer, Amanda Heyn, Andrea Muhlhauser, Anna Taylor Communications: Dave Hinkle, Chairperson; Michael

Fox, Lauren Raps, Nikki Wingate Development: Joe Holland, Chairperson; Tom Kreitler, Don Lord, Martha Lord,

Joanna Patterson Diaconate: Carole Lisi, co-Chairperson, Leonard White, co-Chairperson; Kim Baer, Greg Bambach,

Seth Baratz, Jason Dies, Mike Fedak, Jen Hinkle, Karin Keith, Carole Lisi, Blake Titrud, Ellen Waugh Facilities: Carol McCullough, Chairperson; Pam Dies, Todd Flanagan, Andy Hoder, Mike Licamele, Gary Rafsky, Dom Savino,

Walt Siemon, Rob Steczkowski Fellowship: Amy Desel, co-Chairperson; Francine Jacques, co-Chairperson; Dottie

Baekey, Kathy Baratz, Cathy Fell, Chris Gulotta, Amy Hios, Heather Lajeunesse, Casey Mitchell, Pamela Patterson,

Jennifer Richard, Lynne Taikowski, Christine Wegener Finance: Jerry Hood, co-Chairperson; Brad Orben, co-

Chairperson; LaWanza Holder, Matthew Innes, Amy Johnson, Ken Nelson, Aun Singapore, Chris Tormey Junior

Deacons: Maddy Abrahamson, Nicky Allen, Grace Badger, Liam Ballou, Max Chandler, Garrett Cutler, Allie DeLuca, Shea Desmond, Samantha Dies, Natalie Dileo, Henry Durham, Ryan Eckert, Owen Edminster, Robert Farruggio, Jack Flanagan, Ian Greenwood, Sam Hawley, Lucy Hermann, Katie Hinkle, Taylor Horrine, Carly Jones, Mary Keden, Justin Keith, Caroline Lacey, Caroline Lauf, Olivia Luther, Maddy Markham, Sarah McIlroy, Maggie McKeon, Allison Milicia, Connor Navin, Sam Nielsen, Gillian Orben, Ted Orben, Charles Pearce, Alex Poulter, Emma Powell, Anna Ruppert, Peter Schwinn, Henry Selden, Georgia Sharpe, Will Stearns, Alex Steele, Jack Vogel,

Alexandra Wagner, Michael Waugh, Kate Wegener, Isabella Whelan, Amelia Yoder, Caroline Young Member

Care: Wendy Savino, Chairperson; Nicki Callahan, Sharon Jacobs, Shari Lovegrove, Eleanor Page, Margot Pearce,

Sue Trischman, Elyse Tsou, Lisa Vacheron, Betsey Young Member Involvement: Becky Brown, co-Chairperson;

Betsy Milicia, co-Chairperson; Jen Chandler, Tony Derbyshire, Glenn Horine, Jon Sabrowski, Adam Simon Mission

and Outreach: Henry Bishop, tri-Chairperson, Susan Hood, tri-Chairperson, Michelle Stearns, tri-Chairperson, Barbara

Bishop, Jenny Day, John Fallon, Murray Jacques, Meg Lowe, Laraine Petersen Church Council At-Large

Members: Mike Howard, Mike Smith, Bill Strittmatter Church Historian: Lynn Van Winkle Internal Auditor: Mark Durham.


Dogwood Festival, Betsy Auray and Kim Smith; Flowers, Lynn Davies; Ushers, Marcy Michaud; Church Housing

Representatives (Parish Court), Tony Derbyshire, Jerry Grace, Peggy Ruble; Memorial Garden, Lynn Davies;

Nursery School, Alison Lochridge; Fairfield East Delegate, Bill Carothers; Bridgeport Council of Churches,

Michelle Stearns; Human Resources, Cheryl Jones


David Callahan, Lia Carter, Sunnie Chapell, Karen Curtin, Lynn Davies, Marne Denslow, Wendy Gerbier, Thomas

Grant, Zoe Grosser, Rebecca Huselid, Sue Leiss, Donald Lord, Peggy McCain, Art McCain, Michael Moore, Jon

Passmore, Melinda Reynolds, Earlyne Seaver, Dianne Simpson, Bob Stilson, Michael Trnik, David White

CHURCH SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS Kristin Allen, Amity Almond, Kim Baer, Jennifer Bargas, Jessica Campbell, Sarah De Meneses, Erika Duffy, Dawn Dzurik, Betsy Ewing, Karen Fox, Mark Gilrain, Rachelle Giordano, Ann Harvey, Amanda & Ted Heyn, Katie Holland, Andra Horsch, Mary Janacek, Cheryl Kellman, Stacie Kenney, Bob & Molly King, Jen Lubarsky, Krishna Lynch, Suzanne Monk, Andrea Muhlhauser, Kirsten Navin, Gwen Powell, Allyson Power, Bronwyn & Matt Prohaska, Jen Richard, Kirsten Sabrowski, Sarah Schunk, Kara Snyder, Kelly Spencer, Cate Steczkowski, Wendy Steinfeld, Marike Toothaker, Chris Tormey, Kelly Vogel, Ellen Waugh, Nikki Wingate, Betsey Young
