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1' su lisi ; III p r I o N u vr k s. .1 . 1 # •. I SO .. I 0(1 Ar^ ropy, '^tip vmr Oil ^ t'.i|.v . .i\ in>'iitii< .. Onr r.>)>y. hrrr taoDiha No .li'tluotion fltM cirt'tim- iM.' f. Af w<- ;ir<' ^--^rij.-'lli'.'. !'\ law toi'.Ty pi.«t;lgr In aJvance t.n l>Kp< tj- ^cut out«iJe of Ohio coantjr, w* arp f-rcc<l *«i rt^qsira pAyMMl MbMriftaun» in :i U :iiu-r. Aifl litter.' ><ti n-tnc^i i!-.!i-'t lip a<1>lrc<«r.l to B 1\ ROUKRTSON\ PablMhrr, HABTPORD LODGE. HO. IM. MmI* rir>>t M<>ii.l:iv iiii:lit ill rsrh Moadi. JOHN V. TRACY. W. M. HAM K HILL. Sttiy. Tstu jSL» KEYSTONE CTHAPTER, KO. 110. Mm<* arconj Mon>liir niclit in CArli M. B. HAti E. UIL.L. 11. P. Cmi^ U. VKtMSilBllf MES.8t«. I. O. O. F. HARTFOBD LODGE No. 158. Miil^ 111 Tavl..r Hull, in lUrir..ril, Kv ,1111 llif Svciiml (tixl Kmirlh .SaWinlar o>riiii\j" ill I'H.-li inoiiili. The fmtfrnily are r>>r>liHll> luviii ii to %icil ua «ben coii- Trnirnl lor (hr« lo 4o M. L. Rjtuwrr. N. O. Wu. Paim, Sue. B. P. BuKTMAK. D. D. a. M. T. O. O. T. UABTFOBD LODGE KO. THE H AR TFO RD HERALD. "/ COME. Tin: inUtALl) OF .1 SOISV WOltl.n, TlIK SKWS OF ALL .VAT/OXS hUMBERISG AT MY BACK." VOL. 2. HARTFORD, OmO CX)UNTY, KY„ OCTOBER 11. 1876. KO. 40. Tcma ofSabMrilMiM: Onr Dollar and FiJIy Cnd$ Airance. la wt p oMt to « reqaMt, give llip law it tend* rriatiac to aawapapcrs and «nlwerib«N: Sii!is(*ril'or« wh't tli not i'w* rxprp--* notir* lo Ibc roiilrary, art* roiiitiUcretl wishing tn MatiaM th.u Mbtarirttoa. 2. If MbMribart wOw lh« diMnaUaasnre or tbtir iwrimlisal*, the pabliibcr ma; run Uaa. U Ma4 tkma till .11 .rrmngi-s arc 12. M«Ha ia Taylor llatl. ITartford. Ky , cvvrjrTliaiadajr eveaing. A eoidial iavi- taiioa M eatradcd to Mi«a<bcr« oftiM Or- der to TMiit a*, and all Mch will bt MMide T.iijiM r r.vRNiiTT, w. c. T. Ci.iruieJ. YA<iEB, W. t>fci. Mhm Akkib Tbact. L. D. S. If nabwibcn neglect or refujc !> I»Vk their prriodiralx frai. thi- . ffu- to wlii. l, th. y an- dircHrd, tbejr ar. hcl.l r»»|>n»il>ld uutil they hare M>itle4 their Mlb, aad m*mU tkmm discuDtinnrJ. If »ul>iii'ril>ers movf tn other |.lafP« without iiir.iriniiig the pablither, and tlie paper* are r nt to the iKMC m»Mmm, tkqr aw Md rei'pouiible. i. Anypi rMin nlm recf '.Tci" a ncwffiaprr nn.l makes Ui-e of It. wlu-thor ho h«j .it lor.' I it ur mil, held in t" 1>" a ^ul^JOi il) r. »]IAI. «-AWMk a'lvanre ttie theT are S. If iiiil.fiTiti«r« jiaj l...ur I lu Rivo iii.li.v. t.. ttie fmWUtM, M th>! fii.l . f tlicir tiaie, if thi T do BotwiKB I. roniiuee taking it ; olbcrwi.e thi- pabli.hfr aulhurixed to tend it on, aod Ibo «ul»orib- ,r will be re»pM«iU. Mtil czpieu .olice wiih vsrincnlrf aHaMMM liMaft »a Uc |iiibli.<hcr. aaaav a. aeanwr. aaa. a. aiu. A TTOBMBn* eOCXMKtlOUAtlA K RAl and in the i' in Ohio and a t : Ai i P.N . .inins 'AUBtiet K( lau^kr. aei ly. .qoKt^AAi. ATTORSRY AT LA W, iiAUTKonn, CT. (illSre weatef euvrtbowa oeer Rardwirk i Kail'* (lore. Will hraetie. i. iBft rtecBd tuperior e-mrti •ftUaMMMOMlU HpiHBl atteati la giMO ta mutt* ia beak- ».ptey. F. I'. Morgan ia nia. .sBariaer, and wt'1 take depeailinna ii »i n lf will b. ready to «Mic* all iwrltM at allliM*. jBMia I. ntui.K, llartr.>r.i. Kv. V. a. aaraaaaT. Oweaalioro, Ky. FOOLE & SWE£K£T, ATTOttXBTS k C0DX8BLL0ES . . . KsnrccKT- Will ( riiiioi- iluif |irolo.":.iti in tl:e Itliia riniiitv Cirriiil Court, nml in llie C'nurt ill' Ainu-alx of Kenliicky. •I b' Ko^ie B it aim |iraisi«« in the t'ireaii coarta oi a<y.MHi«K i-uuntire, .ii<i in tk« ia'eritir eoarta of Ohio csoaniy. •fKFlCE— WwtMdcvl Market Mrcct a. a. Wataaa, WAUUEB * miBSAMk. A1T0RSEY8 AT LAW aa. BiaL varaTB aaiwtea, UARTFOKP, KKKTVCKT. Bel la ( County Ju Ige. A XTO i: m: v at la w, UABTFUIU), KY. PivBipt aUMIiMi giraa to Ih. eellMtiMi .1 w. Otiii ia eaaHfceiwe. Tin: fiWKKTKsr xAnE. The ii.iiiieot nioihir: sweetest naiue That i-vcr lell on mortal ear! The love of iiiolher! MiKhtiest lova WbiekUcavea |ieriiiit8 to tlouri*h Here DiiMect a aiotber'M lirari auU «ee llic |iri>|>erlies it il.iih cuiitaiu What i'1-arln ol imo « lial gem* of hope— A iiiuilier's I tart I eais on in vain, riio woiiN ot iiu.llur' wliiii ihi-y flow 111 U)\> uiie ilnl.n ii' IriiMi hiT lllis, Tin- nu uur 111 MM ami :<l>aiiie All- Kl^l aiiu.i a l'r!;:lit <Tiij.(^.'; Al l «ii»ii«c walk tl.c (ilmeiiiig jmlh VV I., rein tem|>tauoaa uli we eee, O, tlicu we realise bow <Mrou( Tlte iMwrr of aiotber'. lo«« eaa be. A niollii r a love", it aerer wane«; What It her lioy an iiigrau- eeems? The beauty of that woiiilri>iiB luve Arouiiii the thnnklciw oflp|iriiig litaini-, Tiiuii^li ill the |>atb ot ebame walke, Til ich criaMluUli dmaa <• tba | when the girl ranarked. inaiiiin:), do voii soo that li:iii;;iii!r in •ATIWOAY Bdltere nerald. It S.iftinliy I'Vi niiiir. .iii'l J^atiir- (lay ovciiiiij; is »'oii>i<lt'ri'il a very great cveninp, indeed, with ua rickot y, rn<-k- cly, farnioriti's, and says thi- ;;i>(>d old danio, ill aiitii-ipatiou ol the Iwaiix that would coMH' (locking in on the morrow, I toll you there must be a sheep killed. I lor };ood husltand went forth preparefl to do her biiUiin;;, for ho was not hlind to the ohariiir- <il tin- faoiiiatiiig joung U-auty that l)roii;;ht tlio ;;cntleinen visitors from far ami noar to stoal mip .sly glaitec uf adiuiratWiii ut the bewil- dering beanfy of the little eoqnetish witc!i that rosides at Kick Rack fam. I was never very sueccsnful in At- tempting to dewrihe the heroes or her- oiiir-i of iiiv -t'liio-i hiif siifIio(< if to say, this lilUe l>ello w.-us posscistiur of a pair of gray ejres and saucy red lipi, that yon ni'vor know whothcr thoy wore in fun or in oarnost, tlioy ooiild IiMik lovo and halo at the .same instant, or spoak words of flattery or the must biting sarcasm to those she professed to loTe, hor darK brown hair llowin;: in fjlossy richness over her shoulders or twi.stcd very tight and percheil high on the hack of hor lu-ad, jtist owiiij; to tlio niooil she was in, siie always wore au immense bustle nad pinned haekher dainty calioo wrappers until tlif jrraoo- I'ulness of hor fo^iiro was rovoalod to j)crfection and my do-i( ription is ooni- plote, unle.s." I wuuhl add that she al- ways Kiid what slie pleased and scld«n> pleased to say anything very g<M)d, liut I am straying sway from my sub- ject. The salt gourd was procured and tilltnl with salt, and tho next thing they did was to sally forth to the pasture, from whence the bleatinj^, soon testified that the hoaux would foast imi mutton on the morniw. I heard no more from then until the mutton, nicely diossod, was hanginj: aloft, on a pcaoli tree, and the hide, lying on the ground l.o«l, A iiioilior e r:iri' can \ct avail A iiiotlier b jira.Ner may win bia »otil. I\'bat heart like ssother'a eaa forgive Tbc pecadilkNM of our yoaibf What Land like bera can IcatI ua hack Kruniiin to iniKHvnve ami Iralh? O, name of niuihrr! H>teelei-t aaiiK 'l'li!<t ever li'll till ii><>i ;iil tar: O, love of mother". Mi;:liiii-.-t Ixve Tbat Heaven allow lo tluurish here. JOIIW P. BAKKKTT, ATTOSyJiY AT LA IF, and Baal BatatsAgaat, ' ABmsD, KEitrccKr. Froioiit attrntion (tircn to the coneriinn of ol.iiiii". Will buy, ft it, l<':i*<». or rcTti liiniN or mineral pririlrgct on reaoonable term*. Wiil wi Ha daiie. orta.gaa, taal I. Hattec sad paying Ij. J. XsTOM*, Propr. HARTFORD, KY. I have recently rented the abeva Ilouae, and ha*, fmiakad it ia iliaaBt alfK aadaM.- wreial aiea will tad U t. tkair advaatoge t<> at(>|. with ma, aa tbe li fitaalad in lha baiiaeaa pertiea tttumu. Nice roona can be faraisksd la wkMh Is dia- play Ibfif aaaiilca. My table will at all limei be MSsUad tbe beat eating the market affordi^ aad i aMMtioB will be ^id to lhaaa wh. mtf |daw< tofltMSM" Kltonld WmHea Vote. Why sliuuld not women vote? a»ks Daubury Baily. They are fiur more practical ihaii men, and praetioability is what we need ill politics if we need it anywhere. Mr. Harshall's expcri- eiioi- is illuslrativo of thi.s phrase of the lieiiuilo cliaravtiT. .Mr. Mariiliuirs reg- faaent held iu ro-uuion in Danbury on Monday. The dny opened with a clear tky and brij'.il ~iiu. .^Ir. Muishall was highly t lato<l. After breakfiist he made ready to go down to meet the boys as they came iu on the train. Ho got out on the sloop, and taking a look over the brood expanse ofsunlight, exnl^gty said to his wife^ wko was stainlint; in tlio door: "What a glorious day, Ihria, for tliere^maaoftheganantband. flow anxious I am to soc tlio hoys, to hwk into their eyes, to take tliein by the hand, to listen to their dear voices. Again we shall in the spirit bee the foe., again we shall storm the line of bayonets, apiiii we shall press forward, shoulder to shoulder, iu (he glare of the fawfhl eontest" Mr. Mars!ia!! ftnppcd speaking. His eyes were lifted dreamily to the hori- lOB, beaaiiag with a new light, while his face flushed with pride. Then his wife .softly murmured: Don't forget to stop ia at Morrill's, Tom; thare is aot a potato ia the house." Tin I .an who doesn't advertise is like imloan apple left hanging upon the tree in winter time, lie dries up: enoh day sees him {;row smaller and finally he crumbles away iats nothing. the poaoli troo? Slie had rot'oronoe to the now dre.^sed carovsa of the bleat ing flock. Well, that said she, came out of the sheep. Well, BIr Editor, if you could havo hoard that rom:irk without smiling, you are a graver j>er- sonagc than I sm. Siiiidaj- dawiuxi at last, cloudy and dismal enough to give any one at a trsnquil tempefsaMBt, a fit of ennui, but no discountgoraent to Mis.s Nancy Jano's beau-x, hero they came bright and early in double file, but the little beauty of Iliok llack farm, ever capri- cious, despite the gloominess of the luornin-, prepared to go visiting in the neighborhood, leaving her two sweethearts to be vntertabed hf her elder sister, a maiden of about forty summers. This old maid sister pre- pared the dinner, invited the young goiitlemen to the dining-room whoro she presided at the table lus graoofiilly as po.-siblo under the oirciimstanoes, for dear reader, he, the favored beau, from between the buttons of his snow white bosom, poepeil the dirty domes- tic cotton shirt that he had worn the previoos week. Horror, of horrors! how can any l.idy witness such a com- bination of taste iu drca without a feeling of pity and disgust Maxim, reincmbor young gentleman or young lady, your standing in life, depends on abiolule oleaiiliiics-, nut only of your person and your clotlios, but purity of the mind and heart. Wi.iio you pos- sess those qualities, combined with faith and luve, you are an ornament to society and nneonscioMsly, perhaps, yoa ace IMtiiitnig npward to a brighltr, better and purer world. Adelaide Chbathaic. Bufoid, Ky., Oct r>, 1876. E.Iilor Ilcril l. Having been a constant leader of the Herald Ibr sombb time,! hare wiifohod clo'elv for some ooiumuniea- tioii Iroiu those part", hut have not had thesatbfaction of sreing anything. We very much fear that some of your readers will become doubtful of our importance in a commerrial ami politi- cal point of view. In the first place, we would not have yon unmindful of the fact that Pattieville is in, and lw> lougs to Ohio couiUjf^ Tbe last Cen- sus report gave the papulation at about seventeen, with a lloating |Hipulatioii of about three. We cau boast of what we call a tohaeeo Awtory, one store, and, at which can he h.ad for cash; or, butter, egg.i, flax seed, gen- sang, coon skins, etc., any article com- monly kept at such establishments. Foruu rly, wc sustjuned a saddlery, but the saddler caught tha Taaas fe- ver, and tw HMMnL As yet, there is not a flag pole to iihow our groat liivo fir either Tilden or Hayes, but a citizen has just cut a poplar lapling, and another has a nice pieoo of six cent stri(HHl calico, so when you hear from us again, look out fur tho annouaeeawnt of a burst of rhetoric, either f rom a HiB lOf Mr gieen Meadow (or). I am almost certain you have heard of Fordsville, if not look at the map and you will find it, about seven miles from I'attievillo, .>.i:iiatod in a rich and l>c.iutiful country. It is a town of considerable importanee, baring at least one dry goods store, one s.tddlor chop, one smithy and Ixst, but ah ! not least, one drug store. 1 1 cam and an- nounce with pride, that a pole has been raised anil a flag placeil thereon Well, Patteville sliall have one. But pardon me, Mr. Editor, I did not state in the prt>per place that the residing population is at le.ast fif^y. The floating population is inconsidera- ble since tbe Leeal optioa toek ef- fect, yet %ktaafid]r pat dowa at four. The worst leatnre aboni the town, is the news dopartmoiit. The dis- patches from Pattieville usually iMi.«. carry. If a citizen ot the latw place goes on an excursion and rettini next day, the most diligent bikI earnest in- quiry upon till' part of the citizens of the former fails to elicit the fiKt for eight or ten days. But we are a little world to ourselves, both I'iittieville and Fordsville vote at the same place. If yon tnunpca onr lees we Aigbt rebel and assert our independonre. But we fear somewhat tbat in that case we would repeat the leads and cii-iteiitioii.s of ancient Sparta an<I Athens, lor we are rival.*. Pattieville, proud and hangfatyjyet weak, would contend fur mastery over her moedst vet more powerful rival. Mora aaoo. BOLLY. tMilor* Herald: Mi!« LiDE Dewe'K spent a few hours in town last week, some j'oiing man did not forget to black his Ixxits and put on his sweetest looks. Call again Miss Lide. Mr. Jap Wiix)S has put up a new gate. Look out Jap, tiie girls are coming. .1. U. lionlNisoM intotlwdnv business. WBHMsio! wnmraslt wsmhikk!!! J. H. Tii.FXiiU) leaves next week tor Houston, Texas, where he will remain of the Left for hi« homo in MuhlenVrg county on Friday hist, Mr. K. D. WELBoni, he has the his Caneyville fiitad^ young ladies. Mav happinesR thy hrow entwine, Hay peace thy p>tthw%y Htrew, May every earllily hli..r< be tliino, a lii'ii, a I'oii.l a.lieu. TIITnr VOl'NO l..VDIE!*OFCASEYVIU.E. Wli.'ii y.m goiagsk mamod don't be in haste, Id choosing an own taste. But wait aw always tiCnn FR01I BOB Homei of Ms rwutieiU .ArgwasMila. ..a i 3 4 « <r IJ r z 3 a ? f < s 3 i I.IMl 4 1 M S I.i<' » i iirj t .j% 1.. .< Tw... l.I. 4.M J.i* IS.«« k.kS Thn. !.J« S.M i.se ta.ai. M.m s.ia Fowr.. 3 av i— 1M 11. to \*.*< s.sa 1 r.,1 t.lK- sue I » .(M> Ji'.ei ia «• i C.l li S.OB i;.»o is.su M ar 1 CM lo ill. li.Os ' .'•.SS less Far .borlar tiae, lUfaap letiMI Oae ineb »f e; .ea eaiitnlaa . s For when yoaam are Iree. But whcB yon get willbsL I had rather be an old my eaae. Than to ha««a to sail your dent be ia a time yon you live at to .So I will end mf you, Do not inarty Isi do, Bnt enjoy all ths lite, Before yon wile. A CMVMdStelile Bae, and itock can be teaprutlully; L.J. LVOM. m. HAKUVKK, T r * I.FP.S IN i>av GOiJbs, taKociiaiGs A. T. BALL. WnwSea. A|>petit«. An old gentleman wont out to shoot partridges, nceompoinol by his son. The gun was chatged half<way up to the muzzle, and when at la-t the old gentleman started some birds he took rest and blazetl away e.x[>ecting to see some fall, of course; but not so did it happen, for the gun recoiled with so j much force SS to "kick" him over. MTAB^ I ^ ''^ "P rubtiing the ^t*"' sparks out of his eyes inquiroil of his son' "Dick, did I point the right end of the gun to the Unis?" •MM, aABOWABI. Bnsv. w. will (ell low far eaeh, or ciebanga Btry frMl«ce,|>.yiB{tlie bigbcst Market aal Ir With BitAiNSBrains are always valuable in all enterprises and occu]ia- tiuus, but they produce better result in fanning than any thing else. As an illnstration between Arming with or ". iiliout brains, the M(i^-oii'Jiiif'H< Phmrjh- man gives the following: "Two men, both of eorreet habits, both Indnstri* ous, settled on farms adjoining; each had ab iut the same landed are i. The one had his farm given him ; the other bought his, and [taid SlOO down and a mortage note for the balance. Twen- ty years afterward found the gift farm chocked with mortages and the occupants compelled to move off. The other had paid for his farm iu full, ed- ucated tliree boys, and had a respecta- ble saai of aseaey in ssertngage notes. Both stuck to the farm ; but the dif- ference w.as evident. One put a good share of brains into his pi other £iruKd it blind." -V "family doctor" contributes an ex celleiit article under this caption to "Caswell's Family Magazine," and aanunarises his advice, especially for the guidance of those who are confined for long hours in close rooms, in towns or eiUes, m the fiiilowing few sim^ rules: 1. Rise early not later than seven in summer tind halt'-past in win' ter. 2. On no account neglect the daily matutinal bath, either tepid or cold, oapiag the whole Ixxly and finish otf with a rough towel; then take tiaseto dress. 3. V weakly, don't go out on an empty stomach, but give yourself lime after breakfast for a good long walk m the ofMB ah 4. Kat what you have a mind to for broaktit'^t, but it is jift as well to remember that eggs arc more digesti" ble lightly boiled, and chops under- done. If your digestion is weak, the tea ought to be so taa^ b«l pl«4r cf milk won't hurt. 6. Always eat kisarely and masti- cate the food well. Aerateil or .~t:ile (t«»day'«U) bread is better than new. C. If «i«i«edaU di7 itis better to have ing until work 7. I pray jvm stimulants. 8. A cup of pure goo.1 coffee is au excellent apiKtizer before dinaar, bat is positively injurious after. 9. One's dinner should be slowly partakea of, and so abundant as to eaase oae to feel afterward on good terms with himself and all the world. "Unquiet meals make bad digestions." 10. Avoid taking medicine as a rule unless under dire neceesity. 11. Good rest at night is indispens- able if yon would have a good appe- tite and live loBf. Nareoties an RMd- icated death. Karn your night''' re.'t by plenty of exercise in the open air, hf tbe wagie of the istatiaal tab, and by moderatiQa aad teap«aaee iaall things. The California paiiers are telling how a woman off'ereJ #100 for the privilege of kissing Edwin Booth, and how ho took the money and the kiss, and then gave what he had so singular- ly earned to a starring eaaipaat We have npentedly noticed in our RepubKean exchanges what is styled "(icm.s from Inger-oll." Weprodiico a few ot these tleliciously perfumed may very appropriately bostyle<l Ingers. ill's epigrir.i malic opin- ions of Mr. Tilden aivl tlte Democratic party geaeralhr. and of coasse are not very complimeiit iry. Rut, bad are lugersoU's npiniou.s realtive to Gov. TMnaad the Desiiifslii party any eonclnsiosi that be entertains still less esteem lor God Almiirhtv, and the Christina ie%isa. UmkI onpage9 m bis leetnres and yea will find where "lO sav^: ''In oxei'iitivo :ibiii:v fi.>d is inferior to the most of American Pres- idents.*' TUtisia the aatanef an- introdiictnry observation. Here are some specimens of Bob In- gersolPs afgaaseak agMSl DMHsnta: Why I might talk to yon for six laoaths, six years, or sixty years, and I couldn't tell yon all the ther did ; it is impossible. IS will think of a moan thi^g I vou that they did it. Thev iH'lievo as throughly to-night -as they ever did in the world that hu- man slavery is a giHxl thing, and there is nothing io-day that would please the Democratic party as well as to have the Soath own avMB, aad they, the Demecnts af Ae llerth, bslptoenieh them. We luul to borrow tbc money. W hat for r Tb sImI li* 9tmmmM with. They believe as thronghly t04i%ht in the right ol seeMrioa as thaj ever did oa earth. Now I want yoa (BspnbGeass^ to think about it, and find oat how de- cent you are. I want yoo to know ' Serretrwy had as that is the only party ni>t founded on pje" a* any one. larceny. I want }'iiu to understand that it is the only parry tliat has not justified larceny It i- tho only party that has refused tn be a dog. Every Reptiblican, I tell Toa is a soldier in tbe ar^y ttjnmm. Ev- ery Democrat is asaUMrii tlwasssy of retiOgraWiM. Mrlfidnis wilKac to bs PresidMtbgr and tbers is not a that does not look upon the at Hamburg as a Democratic victory everv one of them. Now, inv t'lietids. I have told you a little sometiiing alxmt tlie<e parties. I want lo reoiilleet that the I)eini)erat- ic i- the worst c^arty that was ever in the e. p:irty Oh! the I liilwi ill rfifce feve of a true wonaa ' CMtt eaanot pur- cha-se a gem ..io prct-ious I Title and honors cout'er u)x.ii the heart no .•iicli serene happiness. In our darkft<t rii'iimnt, » iieii disappoinTnicnt and ingratitude,. when corrxling care gath- er thick around, and even gaunt pov- erty raen:ices witli his skelMun finger, it gleams around th^ soul like an an- gel's smile. Time cannot mar its bril- hincy, diMance but strengthens its ia- flueaeaa, bolts aod bars cannot .B^it its pmarsm. It fttUows the prnMrtr to his dan eeil aad sweetens lha kato^ is haager. and. af audaigbl, it pUys arooad hisheart, aad ia bis dreasM he fiikls to his hoMMn the form of her who loves on <till, though the world lias turned cohllv fn>ni hiin. Tbe couch made by the h-iiids of a Invelf one is soft to tlie weary lin>l>s "f tlie sick <utlerer, and tlx' potinn adminis- tered by the same hand Ume* half its bit- terness. The pillow carefully adjusted' fay her bring>i repose to the fevered hiaia, and her word.s of kind encoor- ageBMnt revive tbe sinking spirit. It woukl almost seem that God oottpass- OMa's first great ftaility had his jewels ia aer breesC whssa phuHed his jewels i beavealflw Mmrt shoold forgetfhlaess naaA resaemberaaaa if tbe foil, by buildiof np his heart aa- other Ellen, where perennial flowes* forever Woom, and the cry.!:'!! w:itefa gush from exliau.<ile»s fouutauts. Ths trial of Gen. Babcock and T. P. Somerville for complicity in the safe hoigkry eaaipirary at Waahingtga, closed ea Srtarday evening by the jn- ry (which was packed fur the purpose) brinpagiaa verdistofaeffuttaL The crookeil-whi.«ky ca«e, was strong enoagh to convince everybody bat the NoMi5ATios.s for Congreaa hava- heen made by the Democracy in every district aad the feUawi^ is the list «f eandi ilnles . ' First Diiliill *A. B. iT Graves. Second i iii>< of Logan. Fourth Distriet— *J. Proctor Knott ofMarisa. Fifth Diiiin jniBiarWi»i» LouLsville. a good bat he GoRDENSBoao, 8apt 17, 1876i. Editora Herald. As I have seen nothing yet from our little "burg," I thought I would give you a few iteaw. The corn crop is rcry gool. It lion- seems to be the opinion of well informed persons that not more than one-third of a crop of tobacco will be housed in this section. The acre- age is prolkibly a little in excess of that proportion, hut the stand was not a good one. Farmen ait catting and housing the weed, nlsa eattng eom and sowing wheat. Mr J. D. Gordon raised on the fiurm of W. A. Gordon, sweet potatoes that weighed three and one-half pounds each, they were of the BrariBan varie- ty. Who can beat them? We cannot heat Mr. Warden's ap pie bat thfaik we eonid beat him in peach.es, as we have grown them that measured nine inches belt measure and wetghed vnt oae poaad. Mr. "Sandmr will have to try again on the tobacco. My neighlior, J. H. Ia. Owea, can beat any of the dimen- sions yet published iu your columns. Wc measured several loaves of tobacco in his crop that measured 27 inches in width and 41 inches in length. Haid to beat boys. On Saturday last, we unfurled to the hrccxe a Tilden and Heudricks flag, bnt had no speaking, will onr worthy Chairman of the I)oin(HTatic Commit tee of this district come to the front and make as a speeekf It so, please make an appointment through the 1 Ueiuli), and we will oil turn out to I What is the ditfoncc l>etwecn a cloud hear bias. ! and a liealen child? One poun with W. A. G. I 'ain and the other tarn with pam. Sevehai, Indian tribt's have agreed upon ami signed a tre ity w ith the U. S. C<mimiasioners, whereby it is thought th:it t'u' liostilo tril>cs will stop their warfare upon the settlements o thswhftesia ths Stxtk ni.rv. :uvl t! :.: .l.'e P^'pnlilican IS til ' Ih'-I that v> A- i-VHT in the^ —^ . countnr ; that ti.ere i.-. i:i;t a Ir-id man ! f^venth Sfstnct- in the "llepublican party but be is an bum, of Woodford ezceplion ; and ibera is nut man in the Dmaesratie f f ty is an exiTptiitn. Oh ! that Uiere were wonls of hatoed, oat of which 1 might coastiaet seateaees Vkm saakes, that waaU writhe and hiss, thea I my re:il opinioa ot the tv of the North. give yon itic par- It id a perfect such RM ef air to kt Eight Dirtrtet- ef Boyle. Ninth -J. C. S. Bhck- ii. J. Dubua^ TeatbPhUkt «Ji>a Bracken. Thuae marked ar. maaabers el <tm fMSma Cuogreaa. As yet the Republicans have aoaiH Dated candidates in tbe following dl'' tiieta: H. U. Hoartoak L. Uedey hi tlM Evans m the fifth; W. O. Bradley* in theeighthi aad Bobert fiuyd, ia the (From bia Tolume entitled •* The (I'xl^ and olh..r Leelures.) .\s we are called up to worship such a Cioil ; to get uixm our knees and tell him that he is good, tiiat he is inerei- fiil, that he is just, that ho is love. Wejire aske«l to stille every noble sentiment of the soul, anil to trample underfoot all tbe sweet charities of the heart. Because we lefnsed to .sud- 1 t^e place «! Greeef .says that givcerine is aot ased in the right w-iy. .She .^ays that to preserve the smoothness and mAhh of t^ bands, vuu ^iioulil keep a am Let the people hate, let the God threatenwe will educate them, and we will despise anil defy hi in. The b.x)k calletl tlte bible with piLssages equally horribi ami atrocious. I'lils is tiie Ix* hafailnally wash them, and whenever yoa have finished washia befbre wiping theas^ pot eaa drops ot' thezlyeerine on the wet palm is Hlleil ! rub the hands tlioroughly with it as if ' it were soap, then dry Kghtlv with a ok to , ,,5 , ' f. _j , , . , , towel. Household work and reoil in at sc1kh>1s III order to make our , •„ children loving, kind and gentle .'This weatlier will not prevent fa the book to he recognised in our trom be.ng sm..-th and soft, tf Constitution asthssoaraeefaUautiior-j»« usin g dycenn e » toUowed. ity and justieel Wiit.s Mr. Hendricks desbed to Strange that no oae bns ever been , ^]). treason in l"<Gt?, he ^ent to the persecuted by the church by thinking ; remote town of Shelbwillo, in Indiana (Jod bad. while hundreds of milloiis ^^j^pj^ tluiught no rejiorter would havo iK'on destroyed for thinking him good. All that is necessary to convince any reasonable person that the Bible is simply and purely of human invention i is to read an you would any other I book ; think of it as you would any oth- er; get the bandage of rever».nce from your eyes, then read the holy Bible, hoar and take down his rebel utter- anees. Inirr Oeran. That » aa hrfuaoas Bsaad j«a i«f weUkaMlL ami you «31 be asMaed that you ever for one aiaaieat , sapposed a heii^ of infinite wisdosi, goodnsss, aad parity to be tlie author ef saak Igaanaae aad of such atrocity ? Who can worshipsiich a God ? Who can bend the knee ti> such a monster? Who can pray to such a fiend ? This proves t!ie m.-tterial universe to t>e iiifinite. It' an inliniteuniver-e has lieeii made out ( fan infinite Uod, how much ot I'.ie (iixl is left ': the -tiiiiip f >r HspMk ion from each nt Srliiirs sojjs; 'The admhsistra TTAof jybrfoa Mjs; •Grant's adrainw- tioabas this peen-^iation is the cheap- liar nMritit grasal^ corrupt to satisfy any n* even tho pid, that necessarv. "i< peak ing of shaving" said a pretty girl lo an obdurate ohl bachelor, "I From such a (io-l. wliv sliould man -hould think that, a pair of hamlaome expect a.-sistance ? Whv VhouM he t ill eves would Ih.- the best mirror to shavo npon his knees aad imphire a phantom i >>y. ' } es. many a jwor feUow hae -5^1 phantom th« it dai( awl daab been V.avadTly ^mmT^m^ the andUittd/ Iwicteh. -4 '>r Hspan BMaliaBaih*
Page 1: THE HAR RD - archive.org


su lisi ; III p r IoN uvrk s.


. 1

• # •.


.. I 0(1

Ar^ ropy, '^tip vmrOil ^ t'.i|.v

. .i\ in>'iitii< ..

Onr r.>)>y. hrrr taoDiha

No .li'tluotion fltM

cirt'tim- iM.' f.

Af w<- ;ir<' ^--^rij.-'lli'.'. !'\ law toi'.Ty pi.«t;lgr

In aJvance t.n l>Kp< tj- ^cut out«iJe of Ohio

coantjr, w* arp f-rcc<l *«i rt^qsira pAyMMlMbMriftaun» in :i U :iiu-r.

Aifl litter.' ><ti • n-tnc^i i!-.!i-'t lip a<1>lrc<«r.l to

B 1\ ROUKRTSON\ PablMhrr,


MmI* rir>>t M<>ii.l:iv iiii:lit ill rsrh

Moadi. JOHN V. TRACY. W. M.HAM K HILL. Sttiy.

Tstu jSL»


Mm<* arconj Mon>liir niclit in CArli

M. B. HAti E. UIL.L. 11. P.

Cmi^ U. VKtMSilBllf MES.8t«.


Miil^ 111 Tavl..r Hull, in lUrir..ril,

Kv ,1111 llif Svciiml (tixl Kmirlh .SaWinlar

o>riiii\j" ill I'H.-li inoiiili. The fmtfrnily

are r>>r>liHll> luviii ii to %icil ua «ben coii-

Trnirnl lor (hr« lo 4o M.L. Rjtuwrr. N. O. Wu. Paim, Sue.

B. P. BuKTMAK. D. D. a. M.



VOL. 2. HARTFORD, OmO CX)UNTY, KY„ OCTOBER 11. 1876. KO. 40.

Tcma ofSabMrilMiM:

Onr Dollar and FiJIy Cnd$ i» Airance.

la wtpoMt to « reqaMt, w« give llip

law a« it tend* rriatiac to aawapapcrs

and «nlwerib«N:

Sii!is(*ril'or« wh't tli not i'w* rxprp--* notir*

lo Ibc roiilrary, art* roiiitiUcretl wishing tn

MatiaM th.u Mbtarirttoa.

2. If MbMribart wOw lh« diMnaUaasnre or

tbtir iwrimlisal*, the pabliibcr ma; run

Uaa. U Ma4 tkma till .11 .rrmngi-s arc


M«Ha ia Taylor llatl. ITartford. Ky ,

cvvrjrTliaiadajr eveaing. A eoidial iavi-

taiioa M eatradcd to Mi«a<bcr« of tiM Or-der to TMiit a*, and all Mch will bt MMide

T.iijiM r r.vRNiiTT, w. c. T.

Ci.iruieJ. YA<iEB, W. t>fci.

Mhm Akkib Tbact. L. D.

S. If nabwibcn neglect or refujc !> I»Vk their

prriodiralx frai. thi- . ffu- to wlii. l, th. y an-

dircHrd, tbejr ar. hcl.l r»»|>n»il>ld uutil they

hare M>itle4 their Mlb, aad m*mU tkmmdiscuDtinnrJ.

If »ul>iii'ril>ers movf tn other |.lafP« without

iiir.iriniiig the pablither, and tlie paper* are

r nt to the iKMC m»Mmm, tkqr aw Mdrei'pouiible.

i. Anypi rMin nlm recf '.Tci" a ncwffiaprr nn.l

makes Ui-e of It. wlu-thor ho h«j .it lor.' Iit

ur mil, i» held in t" 1>" a ^ul^JOi il) r.

»]IAI. «-AWMk


theT areS. If iiiil.fiTiti«r« jiaj

l...ur I lu Rivo iii.li.v. t.. ttie fmWUtM, Mth>! fii.l . f tlicir tiaie, if thi T do BotwiKB I.

roniiuee taking it ; olbcrwi.e thi- pabli.hfr

i« aulhurixed to tend it on, aod Ibo «ul»orib-

,r will be re»pM«iU. Mtil czpieu .olice

wiih vsrincnlrf aHaMMM liMaft »a Uc|iiibli.<hcr.

aaaav a. aeanwr. aaa. a. aiu.



and in the i'

in Ohio and a

t • : Ai iP.N .

.inins 'AUBtietK( lau^kr.

aei ly.



(illSre weatef euvrtbowa oeer Rardwirk iKail'* (lore.

Will hraetie. i. iBft rtecBd tuperior e-mrti

•ftUaMMMOMlUHpiHBl atteati la giMO ta mutt* ia beak-

».ptey.F. I'. Morgan ia nia. .sBariaer, and wt'1

take depeailinna ii »ina«lf—will b. ready to

«Mic* all iwrltM at allliM*.

jBMia I. ntui.K,

llartr.>r.i. Kv.

V. a. aaraaaaT.

Oweaalioro, Ky.


. . . KsnrccKT-

Will ( riiiioi- iluif |irolo.":.iti in tl:e

Itliia riniiitv Cirriiil Court, nml in llie

C'nurt ill' Ainu-alx of Kenliicky.

•I b' Ko^ie B i t aim |iraisi«« in the

t'ireaii coarta oi a<y.MHi«K i-uuntire, .ii<i

in tk« ia'eritir eoarta of Ohio csoaniy.

•fKFlCE—WwtMdcvl Market Mrcct

a. a. Wataaa,


aa. BiaL varaTB aaiwtea,


( County Ju Ige.


A XTO i: m: v at la w,


PivBipt aUMIiMi giraa to Ih. eellMtiMi .1

w. Otiii ia eaaHfceiwe.

Tin: fiWKKTKsr xAnE.

The ii.iiiieot nioihir: sweetest naiue

That i-vcr lell on mortal ear!

The love of iiiolher! MiKhtiest lova

WbiekUcavea |ieriiiit8 to tlouri*h Here

DiiMect a aiotber'M lirari auU «ee

llic |iri>|>erlies it il.iih cuiitaiu

What i'1-arln ol imo « lial gem* of hope—A iiiuilier's I tart I eais on in vain,

riio woiiN ot iiu.llur' wliiii ihi-y flow

111 U)\> uiie ilnl.n ii' IriiMi hiT lllis,

Tin- nu uur 111 MM ami :<l>aiiie

All- Kl^l aiiu.i a l'r!;:lit <Tiij.(^.';

Al l «ii»ii«c walk tl.c (ilmeiiiig jmlh

VV I., rein tem|>tauoaa uli we eee,

O, tlicu we realise bow <Mrou(

Tlte iMwrr of aiotber'. lo«« eaa be.

A niollii r a love", it aerer wane«;

What It her lioy an iiigrau- eeems?

The beauty of that woiiilri>iiB luve

Arouiiii the thnnklciw oflp|iriiig litaini-,

Tiiuii^li ill the |>atb ot ebame b« walke,

Til ich criaMluUli dmaa <• tba| when the girl ranarked.

inaiiiin:), do voii soo that li:iii;;iii!r in


Bdltere nerald.

It S.iftinliy I'Vi niiiir. .iii'l J^atiir-

(lay ovciiiiij; is »'oii>i<lt'ri'il a very great

cveninp, indeed, with ua rickoty, rn<-k-

cly, farnioriti's, and says thi- ;;i>(>d old

danio, ill aiitii-ipatiou ol the Iwaiix that

would coMH' (locking in on the morrow,

I toll you there must be a sheep killed.

I lor };ood husltand went forth preparefl

to do her biiUiin;;, for ho was not hlind

to the ohariiir- <il tin- faoiiiatiiig joung

U-auty that l)roii;;ht tlio ;;cntleinen

visitors from far ami noar to stoal mip

.sly glaitec uf adiuiratWiii ut the bewil-

dering beanfy of the little eoqnetish

witc!i that rosides at Kick Rack fam.

I was never very sueccsnful in At-

tempting to dewrihe the heroes or her-

oiiir-i of iiiv -t'liio-i hiif siifIio(< if to say,

this lilUe l>ello w.-us posscistiur of a pair

of gray ejres and saucy red lipi, that

yon ni'vor know whothcr thoy wore in

fun or in oarnost, tlioy ooiild IiMik lovo

and halo at the .same instant, or spoak

words of flattery or the must biting

sarcasm to those she professed to loTe,

hor darK brown hair llowin;: in fjlossy

richness over her shoulders or twi.stcd

very tight and percheil high on the

hack of hor lu-ad, jtist owiiij; to tlio

niooil she was in, siie always wore au

immense bustle nad pinned haekher

dainty calioo wrappers until tlif jrraoo-

I'ulness of hor fo^iiro was rovoalod to

j)crfection and my do-i( ription is ooni-

plote, unle.s." I wuuhl add that she al-

ways Kiid what slie pleased and scld«n>

pleased to say anything very g<M)d,

liut I am straying sway from my sub-

ject. The salt gourd was procured and

tilltnl with salt, and tho next thing they

did was to sally forth to the pasture,

from whence the bleatinj^, soon testified

that the hoaux would foast imi mutton

on the morniw. I heard no more

from then until the mutton, nicely

diossod, was hanginj: aloft, on a pcaoli

tree, and the hide, lying on the ground


A iiioilior e r:iri' can \ct avail

A iiiotlier b jira.Ner may win bia »otil.

I\'bat heart like ssother'a eaa forgive

Tbc pecadilkNM of our yoaibf

What Land like bera can IcatI ua hackKruniiin to iniKHvnve ami Iralh?

O, name of niuihrr! H>teelei-t aaiiK

'l'li!<t ever li'll till ii><>i ;iil tar:

O, love of mother". Mi;:liiii-.-t Ixve

Tbat Heaven allow lo tluurish here.



and Baal BatatsAgaat,'

ABmsD, KEitrccKr.

Froioiit attrntion (tircn to the coneriinn ofol.iiiii". Will buy, ft it, l<':i*<». or rcTti liiniN or

mineral pririlrgct on reaoonable term*. Wiil

wiHa daiie. orta.gaa,taal I. Hattec sad paying

Ij. J. XsTOM*, Propr.

HARTFORD, KY.I have recently rented the abeva Ilouae, and

ha*, fmiakad it ia iliaaBt alfK aadaM.-wreial aiea will tad U t. tkair advaatoge t<>

at(>|. with ma, aa tbe

li fitaalad in lha baiiaeaa pertiea tttumu.

Nice roona can be faraisksd la wkMh Is dia-

play Ibfif aaaiilca.

My table will at all limei be MSsUadtbe beat eating the market affordi^ aad i

aMMtioB will be ^id to lhaaa wh. mtf |daw<


Kltonld WmHea Vote.

Why sliuuld not women vote? a»ks

Daubury Baily. They are fiur more

practical ihaii men, and praetioability

is what we need ill politics if we need

it anywhere. Mr. Harshall's expcri-

eiioi- is illuslrativo of thi.s phrase of the

lieiiuilo cliaravtiT. .Mr. Mariiliuirs reg-

faaent held iu ro-uuion in Danbury on

Monday. The dny opened with a clear

tky and brij'.il ~iiu. .^Ir. Muishall

was highly t lato<l. After breakfiist

he made ready to go down to meet

the boys as they came iu on the train.

Ho got out on the sloop, and taking a

look over the broodexpanse ofsunlight,

exnl^gty said to his wife^ wko was

stainlint; in tlio door:

"What a glorious day, Ihria, for

tliere^maaoftheganantband. flow

anxious I am to soc tlio hoys, to hwk

into their eyes, to take tliein by the

hand, to listen to their dear voices.

Again we shall in the spirit bee the

foe., again we shall storm the line of

bayonets, apiiii we shall press forward,

shoulder to shoulder, iu (he glare of

the fawfhl eontest"

Mr. Mars!ia!! ftnppcd speaking. His

eyes were lifted dreamily to the hori-

lOB, beaaiiag with a new light, while

his face flushed with pride. Then his

wife .softly murmured:

Don't forget to stop ia at Morrill's,

Tom; thare is aot a potato ia the


Tin I .an who doesn't advertise is

like imloan apple left hanging upon

the tree in winter time, lie dries up:

enoh day sees him {;row smaller and

finally he crumbles away iats nothing.

the poaoli troo? Slie had rot'oronoe to

the now dre.^sed carovsa of the bleat

ing flock. Well, that said she, came

out of the sheep. Well, BIr Editor,

if you could havo hoard that rom:irk

without smiling, you are a graver j>er-

sonagc than I sm.

Siiiidaj- dawiuxi at last, cloudy and

dismal enough to give any one at a

trsnquil tempefsaMBt, a fit of ennui,

but no discountgoraent to Mis.s Nancy

Jano's beau-x, hero they came bright

and early in double file, but the little

beauty of Iliok llack farm, ever capri-

cious, despite the gloominess of the

luornin-, prepared to go visiting in

the neighborhood, leaving her two

sweethearts to be vntertabed hf her

elder sister, a maiden of about forty

summers. This old maid sister pre-

pared the dinner, invited the young

goiitlemen to the dining-room whoro

she presided at the table lus graoofiilly

as po.-siblo under the oirciimstanoes,

for dear reader, he, the favored beau,

from between the buttons of his snow

white bosom, poepeil the dirty domes-

tic cotton shirt that he had worn the

previoos week. Horror, of horrors!

how can any l.idy witness such a com-

bination of taste iu drca without a

feeling of pity and disgust Maxim,

reincmbor young gentleman or young

lady, your standing in life, depends on

abiolule oleaiiliiics-, nut only of your

person and your clotlios, but purity of

the mind and heart. Wi.iio you pos-

sess those qualities, combined with faith

and luve,you are an ornament to society

and nneonscioMsly, perhaps, yoa ace

IMtiiitnig npward to a brighltr, better

and purer world.

Adelaide Chbathaic.Bufoid, Ky., Oct r>, 1876.

E.Iilor Ilcril l.

Having been a constant leader of

the Herald Ibr sombb time,! hare

wiifohod clo'elv for some ooiumuniea-

tioii Iroiu those part", hut have not

had thesatbfaction of sreing anything.

We very much fear that some of your

readers will become doubtful of our

importance in a commerrial ami politi-

cal point of view. In the first place,

we would not have yon unmindful of

the fact that Pattieville is in, and lw>

lougs to Ohio couiUjf^ Tbe last Cen-

sus report gave the papulation at about

seventeen, with a lloating |Hipulatioii

of about three. We cau boast of

what we call a tohaeeo Awtory, one

store, and, at which can he h.ad for

cash; or, butter, egg.i, flax seed, gen-

sang, coon skins, etc., any article com-

monly kept at such establishments.

Foruu rly, wc sustjuned a saddlery,

but the saddler caught tha Taaas fe-

ver, and tw HMMnL

As yet, there is not a flag pole to

iihow our groat liivo fir either Tilden

or Hayes, but a citizen has just cut a

poplar lapling, and another has a

nice pieoo of six cent stri(HHl calico, so

when you hear from us again, look out

fur tho annouaeeawnt of a burst of

rhetoric, either from a HiB lOf Mr •gieen Meadow (or).

I am almost certain you have heard

of Fordsville, ifnot look at the map andyou will find it, about seven miles

from I'attievillo, .>.i:iiatod in a rich and

l>c.iutiful country. It is a town of

considerable importanee, baring at

least one dry goods store, one s.tddlor

chop, one smithy and Ixst, but ah ! not

least, one drug store. 1 1cam and an-

nounce with pride, that a pole has

been raised anil a flag placeil thereon

Well, Patteville sliall have one.

But pardon me, Mr. Editor, I did

not state in the prt>per place that the

residing population is at le.ast fif^y.

The floating population is inconsidera-

ble since tbe Leeal optioa k« toek ef-

fect, yet w« %ktaafid]r pat dowa at


The worst leatnre aboni the town,

is the news dopartmoiit. The dis-

patches from Pattieville usually iMi.«.

carry. If a citizen ot the latw place

goes on an excursion and rettini next

day, the most diligent bikI earnest in-

quiry upon till' part of the citizens of

the former fails to elicit the fiKt for

eight or ten days. But we are a little

world to ourselves, both I'iittieville

and Fordsville vote at the same place.

If yon tnunpca onr lees we Aigbt

rebel and assert our independonre.

But we fear somewhat tbat in that

case we would repeat the leads andcii-iteiitioii.s of ancient Sparta an<I

Athens, lor we are rival.*.

Pattieville, proud and hangfatyjyetweak, would contend fur mastery overher moedst vet more powerful rival.

Mora aaoo. BOLLY.

tMilor* Herald:

Mi!« LiDE Dewe'K spent a few hours

in town last week, some j'oiing mandid not forget to black his Ixxits and

put on his sweetest looks. Call again

Miss Lide.

Mr. Jap Wiix)S has put up a new

gate. Look out Jap, tiie girls are


.1. U. lionlNisoM intotlwdnvbusiness.

WBHMsio! wnmraslt wsmhikk!!!J. H. Tii.FXiiU) leaves next week tor

Houston, Texas, where he will remain



Left for hi« homo in MuhlenVrgcounty on Friday hist, Mr. K. D.

WELBoni, he has the

his Caneyville fiitad^

young ladies.

Mav happinesR thy hrow entwine,

Hay peace thy p>tthw%y Htrew,

May every earllily hli..r< be tliino,

a lii'ii, a I'oii.l a.lieu.


Wli.'ii y.m goiagsk mamod don't be in


Id choosing anown taste.

But wait aw


tiCnn FR01I BOB

Homei of Ms rwutieiU .ArgwasMila.








f <s'«


i I.IMl 4 1 M S I.i<' » i iirj t .j% 1.. .<

Tw... l.I. 4.M J.i* IS.«« k.kSThn. !.J« S.M i.se ta.ai. M.m s.iaFowr.. 3 av i— 1M 11. to \*.*< s.sa1 r.,1 t.lK- sue I » .(M> Ji'.ei ia «•

i C.l li ' S.OB i;.»o is.su M ar

1 CM lo ill. li.Os ' .'•.SS less

Far .borlar tiae, lUfaap letiMIOae ineb »f e;.ea e— aiitnlaa .


For when yoaamare Iree.

But whcB yon getwillbsL

I had rather be an oldmy eaae.

Than to ha««a

to sail your

dent be ia a




live at


.So I will end mfyou,

Do not inarty Isi


Bnt enjoy all thslite,

Before yonwile.

A CMVMdStelileBae, and itock can beteaprutlully;



T r * I.FP.S IN

i>av GOiJbs, taKociiaiGs


WnwSea. A|>petit«.

An old gentleman wont out to shoot

partridges, nceompoinol by his son.

The gun was chatged half<way up to

the muzzle, and when at la-t the old

gentleman started some birds he took

rest and blazetl away e.x[>ecting to see

some fall, ofcourse; but not so did it

happen, for the gun recoiled with so

jmuch force SS to "kick" him over.


^ ''^ "P rubtiing the

^t*"' sparks out of his eyes inquiroil of his

son' "Dick, did I point the right end

of the gun to the Unis?"


w. will (ell low far eaeh, or ciebangaBtry frMl«ce,|>.yiB{tlie bigbcst Market

aal Ir

With BitAiNS—Brains are always

valuable in all enterprises and occu]ia-

tiuus, but they produce better result in

fanning than any thing else. As an

illnstration between Arming with or

". iiliout brains, the M(i^-oii'Jiiif'H< Phmrjh-

man gives the following: "Two men,

both of eorreet habits, both Indnstri*

ous, settled on farms adjoining; each

had ab iut the same landed are i. Theone had his farm given him ; the other

bought his, and [taid SlOO down and a

mortage note for the balance. Twen-

ty years afterward found the gift

farm chocked with mortages and the

occupants compelled to move off. Theother had paid for his farm iu full, ed-

ucated tliree boys, and had a respecta-

ble saai of aseaey in ssertngage notes.

Both stuck to the farm ; but the dif-

ference w.as evident. One put a good

share of brains into his pi

other £iruKd it blind."

-V "family doctor" contributes an ex

celleiit article under this caption to

"Caswell's Family Magazine," and

aanunarises his advice, especially for

the guidance of those who are confined

for long hours in close rooms, in towns

or eiUes, m the fiiilowing few sim^rules: 1. Rise early—not later than

seven in summer tind halt'-past in win'


2. On no account neglect the daily

matutinal bath, either tepid or cold,

oapiag the whole Ixxly and finish otf

with a rough towel; then take tiaseto


3. V weakly, don't go out on an

empty stomach, but give yourself lime

after breakfast for a good long walk mthe ofMB ah

4. Kat what you have a mind to

for broaktit'^t, but it is jift as well to

remember that eggs arc more digesti"

ble lightly boiled, and chops under-

done. If your digestion is weak, the

tea ought to be so taa^ b«l pl«4r cf

milk won't hurt.

6. Always eat kisarely and masti-

cate the food well. Aerateil or .~t:ile

(t«»day'«U) bread is better than new.

C. If «i«i«edaU di7 itis

better to have

ing until work

7. I pray jvm


8. A cup of pure goo.1 coffee is au

excellent apiKtizer before dinaar, bat

is positively injurious after.

9. One's dinner should be slowly

partakea of, and so abundant as to

eaase oae to feel afterward on good

terms with himself and all the world.

"Unquiet meals make bad digestions."

10. Avoid taking medicine as a

rule unless under dire neceesity.

11. Good rest at night is indispens-

able if yon would have a good appe-

tite and live loBf. Nareoties an RMd-

icated death. Karn your night''' re.'t

by plenty of exercise in the open air,

hf tbe wagie of the istatiaal tab, and

by moderatiQa aad teap«aaee iaall


The California paiiers are telling

how a woman off'ereJ #100 for the

privilege of kissing Edwin Booth, and

how ho took the money and the kiss,

and then gave what he had so singular-

ly earned to a starring eaaipaat

We have npentedly noticed in our

RepubKean exchanges what is styled

"(icm.s from Inger-oll." Weprodiicoa few ot these tleliciously perfumed

may very appropriately

bostyle<l Ingers. ill's epigrir.i malic opin-

ions of Mr. Tilden aivl tlte Democratic

party geaeralhr. and of coasse are not

very complimeiit iry. Rut, bad are

lugersoU's npiniou.s realtive to Gov.

TMnaad the Desiiifslii party any

eonclnsiosi that be entertains still less

esteem lor God Almiirhtv, and the

Christina ie%isa. UmkI onpage9m bis leetnres and yea will find where

"lO sav^: ''In oxei'iitivo :ibiii:v fi.>d is

inferior to the most of American Pres-

idents.*' TUtisia the aatanef an-

introdiictnry observation.

Here are some specimens ofBob In-

gersolPs afgaaseak agMSl DMHsnta:Why I might talk to yon for six

laoaths, six years, or sixty years, andI couldn't tell yon all the

ther did ; it is impossible. ISwill think of a moan thi^g Ivou that they did it.

Thev iH'lievo as throughly to-night

-as they ever did in the world that hu-

man slavery is a giHxl thing, and there

is nothing io-day that would please the

Democratic party as well as to havethe Soath own avMB, aad they, the

Demecnts afAe llerth, bslptoeniehthem.

We luul to borrow tbc money.W hat for r Tb sImI li* 9tmmmMwith.

They believe as thronghly t04i%htin the right ol seeMrioa as thaj everdid oa earth.

Now I want yoa (BspnbGeass^ tothink about it, and find oat how de-

cent you are. I want yoo to know ' Serretrwy had as

that is the only party ni>t founded on pje" a* any one.

larceny. I want }'iiu to understand

that it is the only parry tliat has not

justified larceny It i- tho only party

that has refused tn be a dog.

Every Reptiblican, I tell Toa is asoldier in tbe ar^y ttjnmm. Ev-ery Democrat is asaUMrii tlwasssy

of retiOgraWiM.Mrlfidnis wilKac to bs

PresidMtbgrand tbers is not athat does not look upon the

at Hamburg as a Democratic victory

everv one of them.

Now, inv t'lietids. I have told youa little sometiiing alxmt tlie<e parties.

I want lo reoiilleet that the I)eini)erat-

ic i- the worst c^arty that was ever in

the e.


Oh! theI liilwi ill rfifce feve

of a true wonaa ' CMtt eaanot pur-

cha-se a gem ..io prct-ious I Title andhonors cout'er u)x.ii the heart no .•iicli

serene happiness. In our darkft<t

rii'iimnt, » iieii disappoinTnicnt andingratitude,. when corrxling care gath-

er thick around, and even gaunt pov-

erty raen:ices witli his skelMun finger,

it gleams around th^ soul like an an-

gel's smile. Time cannot mar its bril-

hincy, diMance but strengthens its ia-

flueaeaa, bolts aod bars cannot .B^itits pmarsm. It fttUows the prnMrtr tohis dan eeil aad sweetens lha kato^

is haager. and.

af audaigbl, it pUysarooad hisheart, aad ia bis dreasM hefiikls to his hoMMn the form of herwho loves on <till, though the worldlias turned cohllv fn>ni hiin. Tbecouch made by the h-iiids of a Invelf

one is soft to tlie weary lin>l>s "f tlie

sick <utlerer, and tlx' potinn adminis-

tered by the same hand Ume* half its bit-

terness. The pillow carefully adjusted'

fay her bring>i repose to the fevered

hiaia, and her word.s of kind encoor-

ageBMnt revive tbe sinking spirit. It

woukl almost seem that God oottpass-

OMa's first great ftaility hadhis jewels ia aer breesC whssaphuHed his jewels i

beavealflw Mmrt shoold

forgetfhlaess naaA resaemberaaaa iftbe foil, by buildiof np his heart aa-other Ellen, where perennial flowes*

forever Woom, and the cry.!:'!! w:itefa

gush from exliau.<ile»s fouutauts.

Ths trial of Gen. Babcock and T. P.

Somerville for complicity in the safe

hoigkry eaaipirary at Waahingtga,

closed ea Srtarday evening by the jn-

ry (which was packed fur the purpose)

brinpagiaa verdistofaeffuttaL The

crookeil-whi.«ky ca«e, was strong

enoagh to convince everybody bat the

NoMi5ATios.s for Congreaa hava-

heen made by the Democracy in every

district aad the feUawi^ is the list «f

eandi ilnles .'

First Diiliill *A. B. iTGraves.

Second i


of Logan.

Fourth Distriet—*J. Proctor Knott


Fifth Diiiin jniBiarWi»i»LouLsville.

a goodbat he

GoRDENSBoao, 8apt 17, 1876i.Editora Herald.

As I have seen nothing yet from our

little "burg," I thought I would give

you a few iteaw.

The corn crop is rcry gool.

It lion- seems to be the opinion of

well informed persons that not more

than one-third of a crop of tobacco will

be housed in this section. The acre-

age is prolkibly a little in excess of

that proportion, hut the stand was not

a good one. Farmen ait catting andhousing the weed, nlsa eattng eomand sowing wheat.

Mr J. D. Gordon raised on the

fiurm of W. A. Gordon, sweet potatoes

that weighed three and one-halfpounds

each, they were of the BrariBan varie-

ty. Who can beat them?

We cannot heat Mr. Warden's appie bat thfaik we eonid beat him in

peach.es, as we have grown them that

measured nine inches belt measure and

wetghed vnt oae poaad.

Mr. "Sandmr will have to try again

on the tobacco. My neighlior, J. H.

Ia. Owea, can beat any of the dimen-

sions yet published iu your columns.

Wc measured several loaves of tobacco

in his crop that measured 27 inches in

width and 41 inches in length. Haidto beat boys.

On Saturday last, we unfurled to

the hrccxe a Tilden and Heudricks flag,

bnt had no speaking, will onr worthy

Chairman of the I)oin(HTatic Committee of this district come to the front

and make as a speeekf It so, please

make an appointment through the 1

Ueiuli), and we will oil turn out to I What is the ditfoncc l>etwecn a cloud

hear bias. ! and a liealen child? One poun with

W. A. G.I'ain and the other tarn with pam.

Sevehai, Indian tribt's have agreed

upon ami signed a tre ity w ith the U.

S. C<mimiasioners, whereby it is

thought th:it t'u' liostilo tril>cs will stop

their warfare upon the settlements o

thswhftesia ths

Stxtkni.rv. :uvl t! :.: .l.'e P^'pnlilican

IS til ' Ih'-I that v> A- i-VHT in the^ —^ .

countnr ; that ti.ere i.-. i:i;t a Ir-id man !

f^venth Sfstnct-

in the "llepublican party but be is an bum, of Woodford

ezceplion ; and ibera is nut

man in the Dmaesratie ffty

is an exiTptiitn.

Oh ! that Uiere were wonls of

hatoed, oat of which 1 might coastiaet

seateaees Vkm saakes, that waaUwrithe and hiss, thea I

my re:il opinioa ot thetv of the North.

give yonitic par-

It id a perfect

such RMef air to kt

Eight Dirtrtet-

ef Boyle.


-J. C. S. Bhck-

ii. J. Dubua^

TeatbPhUkt «Ji>a

Bracken.Thuae marked • ar. maaabers el <tm fMSma


As yet the Republicans have aoaiH

Dated candidates in tbe following dl''

tiieta: H. U. Hoartoak

L. Uedey hi tlM

Evans m the fifth; W. O. Bradley* in

theeighthi aad Bobert fiuyd, ia the(From bia Tolume entitled •* The (I'xl^ andolh..r Leelures.)

.\s we are called up to worship such

a Cioil ; to get uixm our knees and tell

him that he is good, tiiat he is inerei-

fiil, that he is just, that ho is love.

Wejire aske«l to stille every noble

sentiment of the soul, anil to trample

underfoot all tbe sweet charities of

the heart. Because we lefnsed to .sud-1 t^e place «!


.says that givcerine is aot ased in the

right w-iy. .She .^ays that to preserve

the smoothness and mAhh of t^bands, vuu ^iioulil keep a am

Let the people hate, let the Godthreaten—we will educate them, andwe will despise anil defy hi in.

The b.x)k calletl tlte bible

with piLssages equally horribi

ami atrocious. I'lils is tiie Ix*

hafailnally wash them, and whenever

yoa have finished washia

befbre wiping theas^ pot eaa

drops ot' thezlyeerine on the wet palm

is Hlleil! rub the hands tlioroughly with it as if


it were soap, then dry Kghtlv with aok to , ,,5 , ' f.

• _j, , . , , towel. Household work and

reoil in at sc1kh>1s III order to make our , •„ „

children loving, kind and gentle .'This weatlier will not prevent

fa the book to he recognised in our trom be.ng sm..-th and soft, tf

Constitution asthssoaraeefaUautiior-j»«using dycenne » toUowed.

ity and justieel Wiit.s Mr. Hendricks desbed toStrange that no oae bns ever been

, ^]). treason in l"<Gt?, he ^ent to thepersecuted by the church by thinking

; remote town of Shelbwillo, in Indiana(Jod bad. while hundreds of milloiis

^^j^pj^ tluiught no rejiorter wouldhavo iK'on destroyed for thinking him


All that is necessary to convince any

reasonable person that the Bible is

simply and purely of human invention i

—is to read an you would any other I

book ; think of it as you would any oth-


er; get the bandage of rever».nce from

your eyes, then read the holy Bible,

hoar and take down his rebel utter-


Inirr Oeran.

That » aa hrfuaoas Bsaad j«a i«fweUkaMlL

ami you «31 be asMaed that you ever

for one aiaaieat, sapposed a heii^ of

infinite wisdosi, goodnsss, aad parity

to be tlie author efsaak Igaanaae aadof such atrocity ?

Who can worshipsiich a God ? Whocan bend the knee ti> such a monster?

Who can pray to such a fiend ?

This proves t!ie m.-tterial universe to

t>e iiifinite. It' an inliniteuniver-e has^

lieeii made out ( fan infinite Uod, howmuch ot I'.ie (iixl is left ':

the -tiiiiip f >r HspMkion from each

nt Srliiirs sojjs;

'The admhsistra

TTAof jybrfoa Mjs;

•Grant's adrainw-

tioabas this peen-^iation is the cheap-

liar nMrit—it

grasal^ corrupt

to satisfy any n*even tho

pid, that


"i<peak ing of shaving" said a pretty

girl lo an obdurate ohl bachelor, "I

From such a (io-l. wliv sliould man -hould think that, a pair of hamlaome

expect a.-sistance ? Whv VhouM he t ill eves would Ih.- the best mirror to shavo

npon his knees aad imphire a phantom i>>y. '

•} es. many a jwor feUow hae

-5^1 phantom th« it dai( awl daab been V.avadTly ^mmT^m^ the

andUittd/ Iwicteh.

• -4

'>r Hspan BMaliaBaih*

Page 2: THE HAR RD - archive.org

m.- ' I.

till': !n:i r\La

Wlil»X!~'<l>AV, ikThIU: II. I

r«Id<iMa«r for JlrHrnxle. Latest by Teleg^raph-

[Si«>o5aH<» H.u-ir.i.l ll. i.il J.l

<'.>ii;rrw-iniial Pi-tri.-t iu« t ;i; M.nli- >n-


Thf luI.li'Wiiio wiiit t:!rlt.iii tiimnv .1

wilii the suiiif an<l < !.in;'.' UIihsmi ,

whin sai!!! Ih.Ktiici-, uliii<- vril. wrf.iih

Hartford MarkeiReport.!:«»;

It-viPeil anil iMirTWI'il wn klv \>y

V. n. «. Mi»K r«\.

T.Trm T>T?BA!»K ia.I|

^ . -I. . - - 1 • In»! •"•ttion |ircTall l'» I

iJnii'U'J.i j • ix'rn: thanj

|tM»..u . y :iny -.ihrr nial-[

Iv, ni. ; ri liel i :il«ayI

axi'tii'ly »<>u;hi .ifur. li'th.' I.ivcr in ll"^alar|ill it* MetioB, hc'.fh U atm-tut inrarial 1;

I'l- .1* liair a- !•> \\\m UiUlltl li.' •'llic ttil-

i.v- I'i.r r.

!> .1 -1 t >r \ .'1' r irr.-

cut- Ai' I- ltd '1''I ti : rll :»ti(-i Mrt-t ! • :l'

r.«!H|fiiin- i 'villi l!iP 11 nil.'-' ..i ihv .r^

•ii.Mk' «rill<-n tvily oil kiio M.l • •>!" .1 pifii" lU; •kIv Uirti'.l iii'i lnMil !! tlii: nli. v

oi |Mt,KT. Wli.r; _U is ii.rt .J.Mir-l. ll.rj ^.^

j^ ••H,>,,.'s v..!ii- ^^l.•. |<." uii l

nr«>r:):ip' M.is >nv. i.wHi V - I'ill «!i I-

. J), ,1^^ ;„ SU!>lt; ail l I'an -V (>l.>jurici ' lo'll's*?:! ..r anut ..f aoti .n It ib.>


' ' 1 Ti 1-1 .ILiriT. '•sii'<-.i M 11 ) 1 'ii.-,riia>ti|i:i>i .It, J iiin tirn

lin;: s.KTili.'i Mr. .1. /.. M i>iii

V;i!li' ^l•.l<,

niniil iiithn*i:i«lii" np]'l:'iisf Ii.- vmm u:ii-

V- : -.illy rli '.i'ii lh<- - -.Ci'M'.,:: V.f. M.,


'ili.-i' tlilioll (>.-li t il. ;. v ' I, •.>!

1 llii' <siur.ii;i' to ojiriilv i!. flail- I'liii-

t il l. • :i;i.l lij:!a tliiiiir^h l!;i' t'.iu:. .1-

I latr .u niv, V, I v. iy t'.ii il.T

•if limiiir, uh»<>:iiv luttliit >'<>r iho olit

ttn'^, ajiitlnuil-s aiiil ovou in his a<lvi>rM>j

riii-i;i.i : i:;,. - 1 iiav.' l. :it ;i hi'i'.

ilijj h:ili«l — h:t<l !:— M<»>KJ;— ivliiaiil-

o«l t" hi.* fir.''tI

yiiii i[ili -.

.\ 1.11 ;. 1 ! ,1111 Mr. Moinu:

i-^ an a.i iIi';.' la in— >'a'.' lii.> yi'Un.;; t't Iv

thii" ruthK'A'Jy hmm-httl ui>»n ati mi-

ll ni-n. ('(Til. ! f l.oni > ii;.'. r r:aia -1 :i, i.iii a. a Irliutl of Li.- toijli. ii. .K... S. M 11 i..*u i. ..I .Mi. M.'. li:i.; „II .11. J.ins l'ir.M-.x jii 1 11 u. A . "i. »


U =, "thi- ^Mo.l «lli' ><'!IIIg.

A»»i.r«in» . lion. Jxo. Fi:i..v.v, w.-j* our ciinii-i'

tiT a'! 'i:i-iit U'T i iir li.ill Mt\,

!>:il v.!;,:.. wi- hail III* vni,-.- wi- oduM

in'f hrivi' iiiir flioiri'. We ivauU-J a

J'f wortiir "i" Mt's slciJ.

thi'f:v<o sliinils «o will turn Iiiiii

.i\ i: • !:• : ;!!, Kil M< l\l A.'.ii;, liilow-

iii;,' 111' will m;:k<- J. Z. mure tium he

iKirjjoiuoiI tor.

in th^ ptlxT. •Ill wrM l>» in tho p•li.i 1 oi till' K III.

«AMU K \. .1. I" I I. !) KN.Ill \l •> . !. \ .

K>u vo l. I'l;!:- u>!.s r,


r. It: »"<>N<;i.i;--'

J A M i:s \. M. K i; n;': \ v.

t)f C'hri.-ti:!;i.

la 'iiii^ aiiil !• ai-l. Tin- hriil ^ronia, . -


.:, \ . . , it ..,— -<»••

: run 111 Ii' 'III. T', Ouash, liisini-iy, inarn..io

. .. . ..,u,y :*!il .V r. r .;,t. M1

j,i .a..ch. 1*1 i«t.. i. th. ioW l..U..« ,e.

tta-;T.-, :i ..:i 1 iinv ! iv rv 'i:- a'.«»on>rl«^ Itarawaw. El*^,—aMsH.

j m.-k.'. fali/tntinn of ihc b»«rt, .!-pr„.i„B ..f

tMK hli-l .-I.. .;.i*; fit',. ;-. Til l S!. V. !t-\'


'rill' iiu'liii i! ii.iil v. ill 1 m'i iiiv wi'.it



I la. 1;>

ami ll

' ll..' I'l -I ..nil"

Tiiiiv; ! IV .'V' a::: : a' i;r.iniil tt-.| .-<.i;!ir, 7 lln fnr ?l I >|>irit<»r ihs blua*. an.| » hiinilri* I ». ;-( r -y.itji.


I1 ..l....t --..- ir <:

ir r I I „-. SiatMira*M l.lvrr Itrsnlitlor h .

- _ ,r 1 ^...-i; I" f.ir I I'ri •! •. I . r«»iB»-|jr Ihnt h f .v r '

r, .l'. .. v{'

1 1 ' <'..ia\..... ta.T • A. »Mi ii Siii<:ir. ; IS« lor I ml I ir |li r ailupnt'. It «-im tu:: Cy. r!;,. -m i;!r.



. !


!i ll I II llarli.ir.l lf ».•«• Su;:ar :j Ik" f'>r—


1! \va- of

ail 1 ill-' . l i'iVMi lit iif y

("i.'iiw N'pw Orli ans, S IIi). furV.-li.iK ('. SugM H IIm. for .

tli'.'Uir'- iiirlv v.ill In inii^ roiii.-m- .~.vrn|..H «___..„.„„

..1.1. Ml. ,iiii.-,i ,., " '"'•tnolivi'.4,,..,jr..^_„^^,5j„,^^.„,,;

r»- ir*H TM. TK AT LAKUt:

COCK-A-DCQDIE-DDO!4 | T - « « 1 « iT.lll.


ol'ihe iiai'iiiiy usiilc'l riuiijlo

<'o«ir( PMMMHiincM.

The pro •milioii n_'aiti-t S vnmiv \Yv.-

i . . ir...- .KonKlnl lb* fur..


1 i!rll. -,; lull weight) .....

Wa\ ............C .»l Uil ^ .

I' ll*. -icr lifiKhnl,


. .1 '. .f llrrsB,..-

: lir In Ptixae^.,^

..... 1 onIaad beinx a 5itn|<li! v{«tib!« rvinp .ui

1 I*'* i|.> no injury !ii inr r|n m' '•i. iIii' it nitv » i*

1 IW ti\k<-n. !• i* ii uiii .. < ill . .oiy wi>>, it ha.T . ' . M . . ...

, i;.,:, If < ..r

ti i-> 1 01 r..**'l n'.J . r. -ii :r..i • ili |i.i t»S iL.- .-..r.


•ill Tearh for lt» *irtii«», ^Si i U..B. Alcxsalrr II. ."^tri.ii-uj.u^ Uj .rjii.(HI I I; jib'.p Pi*fc»r u( i»t."iv'i.*i.

;>Iln». tiill ."rliortcr. ¥x-i'<nr. nt Alrl.-.mi.




I. I'l.

r I' .llM.n, Ra.; !'« Uiir..!rej« Is

whom »c na tcfcr, fiiov i\Jt»

"OLD }?LUiil JEA^S,


^.•N l -r |i, ''i !.ir.- iiy, \va- Iri .l la-^t IVpi.cr,

\u. !c ami .1, ii iiilaiil \va^ a.-.i'iitlcl.|]i^l""\r[~

TIu ii* avi- .-i\'.y iiiiiswuti'HM on^s .iii.'.'..!™.'.

, thi- I»<H-1:i>! of ilie Criminal Court at Macanmi ^liic iin--i'!it i.Tiii. jr-:i ii. s ~-

r.'ii.'ir!* M.

. I ... I


...... I IV)I

.71 lO I l :<'


12 I Mmiiifn-t r.' l only J- H. /rllo tV <'».."*"'

.-, Ph.li ;.-'i.hin. t'.i. K.r-:'. I.v ..ll Hr.:.- -1 t.

Z^... S? ' Kxiri -l ..f a IrtKr fr..;.. H. n Al < n 1 r I!

.Sti-|.l .;.ilp.| Mir.;ii

n.i..niiiv riin.iiUiiii


...25 In KejaUl'ir, i

.'ie* I.. -'iii.'^l. f'l uiu 111.. •>

.. 2% I.. Ill

I .. .

J i:, |;r. .

. . I . J,-. |. ii ia

:!n 1 ill. r" i-lir»

IIoj'U:: v :i • :»^vv i.r i: Mr. 11. 1'. Itoi;



M. !.» A'h.Prii 'l llo.'.

Srt- B.I l'i>l|..-t U . T. I ll . . . '.

•fhirl I1..I., ; . I . M. I n ..•> .

4lh hirtri I. A;«i. »'i li.i, .1 l iL xil!.'.

.Sth I'isli i. t. W. \V. Ill . k:l >« .•! \. ! ll,

• rh l»i*iri. I- It. >'. .-. ... i . .1 I! i..-.

7ili IH-lri. i r \\ : II. lit. n ..| .-I.' )' > .

Mh l>i-tri.-i.— \V. II. M 1,1.1 1 . ..I I. T l l.

»lhl>iMri.i. !;,,•. lilt . \ • , .; M

•ry.'liHh D>*lri.-t.

, . , . I 1 4 M iiirltiiciil ... Hi.' .\ • A.-.r. liiH i"tr. !i.i.i..l .

Ail cuicaciou.- nciiriC,


Ul.SliX I.. .-! ,. ; ;.«u..

chna IkTk* UaB«> luM mmm «•

S*rtk«r« |ir«|il«» win rr^wlrr tfc»

, M«rfc MMl wklt<>.

llW»B—kBlWIi * rnim

l!i',!i:iii:'. >"ii • -ll 'V • a ri"iiiarl;aiii. Uristi,!

.Ui-ivii- ;


;-n?.:--aii i.!.;j..riiy. | ',*!'.••-, ,!

S.isi'.'i r. . 1, ill' ll >M • of Colfax,, .

L'.ii - I:-.i.:.-i>- 1»• 'li.i.-iMlii-. !'••> •

r..-ilri'"il, lii" ll .li"- oi" Frio.llv, 1. „ ,

tliainnan of ihi' Iliimhlioan Slate !

li.' I

. .1

ii.i 111.- |.aI.'.i. Mi;-.'i;P"'-h<-». P'r run

I ; ;.t.-.i v.iii, r..i.l,'^'»;'pf'':-«*v;'-'\

It .;i:.! i-l'

:j lit :«im7


. 1 » to I ;j „ ,..| rr, lirar'.imrr.

.r li.-!,|..r. I

,lil :|.l«lj.l., • 1'

10 i„ni I L. imt.!•> la


...... I j to

til :.• !. :.|' r 1 .i


fi;,M fi'inr-lj

,; i.f the Li»-

, o-iii.ii'^* Liv-. r • ai.f Ckik

l , • ill ll'" I',,!.!,., ,iiai jars•l: I l!l..I' .lljMv I. 'I- ' V 111.11.1 flll-li|>

, r'l.l !.! I h- fXi.!- IW..f. |.-l;T-llir,. I 1 •-

I. .1 ;i|.t> :ira!iri. i.r iK. !

••'i.': 'i M.'-ul,,|


I !; 11 I |. •• - r.iii. !i ' ' •

, . . . .iii'.ri' lliiiii .I'l.ti ir • -l.ili nil. I 111-;.' i;i ' K.i-, N lil , ••i(•. iilral ( iiitii M.v. givfs a r'>«»>".^

ji,,,.], ,„..,n,.rs. U^i.U-. nn i iu r- ' V. XaiU »*,«rnia |K-r. lu

III— Sii

. .. i; to2-.

;.:i-lin |.ti,--ii:i'i'i< niiin ami a inn-: i:i..iiulWE hoanl this quotatioii from « j i).,,,.„„.,:„i,. i lajnrltv.

' ' ' 'i'lrtw"I live. llew8^•|w|K•^ ill cve^^^^


'.111' ii:ilr..iia;;«.' of the iuMfk* in Ohio coiin-

IV Wi! wtaU him uiiich xui'ccAi in hi>!

Friday iii;ilit a! tho I'.iait IIou.-.\| ,. i , i, ;W" L.«r!-' •

I . r n.i-t ' ll -III -h.nv 111..'.' 1.1 'CUM'I— nt TiiM IS wliat liigorfttu thinks o!


Norilii ill ni. ii. < t.'." Wi' iMii .IMi ;ij

Miiir.' of Iii^'. i.-oil than our yiami'

it. r> A. •!.— lu.H.iiia goiit! D.'ino-

Edu&r Rrxxett, Breckcn- friend can digest—(if !ir< i< litinian i

tilge c.n.itv. Kv.. i- ill t..wn. thf •'••''tF'!-'''

«o puMish a f. -,v

guest of ti.'>"H:iiilonl llm^.-. I>ip r.^>!l -whii-h we

(inhli^h for hi- i \i lii>ive benefit, amiCiieiicnil lliswr.'v r>i:\i ., v. Ii.i wa-

ft bnive and gali.iat >''.ii>i'. ill tiio<,'oil-

' 11/ • inor.'n^'? in ev^ry j-rj

cisK'lowr 1 1. ii.lri. k-' iiiapritvof 187'J. 'i

ni'tr I.oiiio.

\Vi- ,.:!ia!1 nlw iy,i r;'ai.-»'iili. r wMi kin<l-

ii :!iv Ni,',. Kii.v

111..'. al!:i!.!i,. ;!»'ll-

.1 l).l




v.".- < iTir fur

AVI lie

,- .1 ;,

ll .1,


rraiisioan nnil :*ro:l<iiT— i:.

Fl.'ur. |.. r rniii if. .1

Meiil—|>«r lMi>hrl .......

.1 1


if be can tiii.l in theai any inon^ ii'i'.i-


, , ,... |>afhv to the n«'morni!i- !>ar!v tliaii to !

federate anar, aad «h« al-o •'^tni-,

, .^. ,

, •,,,;.,;,„

p,,i*hed himself in the Mexican »^r, j.


nropppil ila.! o; Ii'm; ; <m-i a-o, luteal"

VCatMi, Texas, on 'JTlli uIi.

\* plenty ui' ro«>iu ami suili-

in thi)! n-orid for all to live

il»'. Til- II II I 11- 11 V r i i owd

Uow In T!tiM7

We luru-.l a U' lniMican 1'! .-I. r, -r,y

recently aiiil oj . iily, ehai-^je it, li.ai

l!ie rclit'lli.'n was a ncnuieralie n'K 1-

cach other in the jonrm-y; ^-j^ , .

Mlown tlH; .trenm oftlme. Wt rallier 1,^,, f,,^ the .1. <triieii..n o!' >! ,v-let us as-i-l our i'. II.nv Iravekra in om-

rying their liar.lni'. >.) far as it in

nur power. By fo dnine we will make

IIm wmM br^Khter li^'i'l ' ^"'1 i>ctter.

...... a

Tin: R«-i»ul»lieans claim to be a pai iy

•if (aini<'>- and lilii itdiiy. Ilrie i< a

Cur s}>eel(ncii of iu The cx-Cluiirauiu

•f the Uepuhlican Ex«eatire Crmimit-

tee, ofOlii" oi'imly. Ky.. <iii.I in thi»

to»k leeeutly that if he hail hU way

1m wmU lurflg every Soatheni aoMier

and drive every Democrat out of tlie

country. Wonder if he would im-lu.le

.ilM Hox. J. Z. MooBB, Repuliiii'iin

Elector .if tl'i< di-trict ia tbe nambcr

%ib woul l iianu'.

Tlie fir>t t-.V'i Icilors of llie said

•Chwmian'.* name Is .A l*. Hiiil-.m.

We beard a prominent llepuhliean

remark a few days Miiee, tii.at the lead-

ers mill founders of the Itepubl'iean

|Muiy, like Jolian, Trumbull and oth-

ers, who were uow laboring tar the

cloi'tiiiii of Tilil u aiiii II. ii>liirk>, Iiii'l

not acted and voted with the Itepubli-—sftrwiB tite. That is prineipal-

l^trne. They ..-tiiyc.l with tin'jarty

il it got to l)e fii diiihone«l and eor-

that tfaejr, as good cktaeas hwl


Prri;i:Mi: arti;"!,'- in t;iiivof,-.a! r.'- " - —' M. lli ^i -. -.v.. ..i li.. -i ni.n.! i- .i„ I

" romwiii, rvy. i>oui-.ii itie uauai^onip

que.tarealway.eounterlcil..a.a«d the I'->!nsaectHW, fraud., and. at the .anw .

j.'1;^ I;'; \l\y

cmi'V a j.yo... v.-vn^e *lown the

pirates of trad^ who pick up a livin-'••''y'"''! ^''-'K'''^

It!,,.".!av ..r o',- li rr ;r.:^ l.ut th-


hTdep«daUn;,MM,intUerigbUof oth-the Un:mKi: ii, tl.o path ..1 n,..,-, wi.vliv.- >i-.v,li of nil v.,: i.,:.!,. ..f-^ip, « fM i -Hi-Oi: UinflTC"

•2.,.I^tantIv Irving to cheat the ^^ ^ '?;'"''f

•' ^-^'^1: ' J LMAL Hi Ki

•.?x,l a. ,


<'<in> ix r liirii I, on nagii. •, ^uIJ'

Hay—prf I'W li.K

Ur<.t!tfaj; r.ii.'.in. ,.„

Il l - I -;.|.-. ! r :1.

!,i . ,1 .--ll. iiMi rr. p-r Ih. ,,, n,.

.,11. ill 11 .1 11- iitr III

Ill- lIli- nil. '. al!:i!..i,. ;!»M1-!

j ;. r 11..

l'iiiuii»>. ivir liail any l.r. im.- eon- | llii kri.j. (•r ! r. i ...

ii.-i '.ioii «itii. Mr. M t;MM.<, ii.s l l-;


il..r U raiilii.l .ifi -i..' thi- ^[ i^!i^.•^t v-riu-rs|

i ij... :. ,., , |i, .""I

lot t!i; .lav I'l.il iiutl.iii^ eaii iirivmit Uim I7"""". l*"'"Bccevax, _ ...._.„...„......

fr.'vi .! I ^ : 'a i eavi'ilii- i> -'tiiiii n« a


' ' N .V I.iiii -.viit riii»!.-v,<» E!.-.—»:.•:,


''o.-ii''' • i '- '•'••••r, aii.l,i\vi,;,'.,,.j....-,ji'a.ui.r.-. „i.i

I iillv iIit! with llitf lir.hlo htlsiiipn »v!iii !

W'l.i-lic.--. .M. lan n. pl.!.

I . ., , , ., ,,. I'M I i.. . •Vl'l ' -t <„ -arp»i.»li;;lv III .rl: .lii'r [iiliiw.iy. to « n •. .- Vrr.. . Ini.i ) „..

•i r i.cw i.irr.i.- l (ri-.-ml.s we iv.MiI.l say, ' W in. , l'.,rt, tli«.<i laji.)\V ill •. liinjie,-

CUiBtlh 6 |.>'r I . III. i:.

.iwl 3to!;i;i.-.


II. al K> 3'

IS I n-li-td'.

I . i•

' f'nr

' -l'.




|.rovi-i.iii ..»!' I'iiai t r jli, lirlitra!1;

7 to ':'ll«-'r.- 1'

7 V. I.-. v.; .

r. ; I,. II. !; ..

IT. .1. r. X

: •.»ry(M-.ii 1" lil- u. 5.t:i.

CIK kJIB ri\\i> to a JAWk

. I .-.

I -, :



i\'i >ii.»v lU'siie m.irr than their

;l ; 1 1 ir i!i Ni-'v K tv.


ry and for all the ills that li.vl befal-

len lli.^ S 111''. :?!|.l tli,u till- r jiuliii.-au

iii'Vor woul.l have inlerfere.l with nlave

rr, if the «l«tn<icrats had not .:ie

iiilii ri'v'lli.'ii. AVc hav.' li-'-.n! the

same ei.rak. r suy that the cohiretl jx'o-

pic owoil thoir freedom and their priv.

elipes to the Keiiu'ili.-an party.

Nov.- h i-.v d'.' • il.i- jiii^'i.'? Til..

Demoer.it-: reh 'li. .1 ai; 1 u'nvo the op-

portunity hv whii-h the m'groes were

fn e«l and witli.v.it.lliey would not have

\wx\ freed aiil vol llii y. ill:. iii"_'rii,-i

"«e their frce.lom to the U-.-puhlienii


Wk liave ree, ive.! in exehanp^ the

KvAN,-vii,i i: ( <ii uii:i:. The Cu i:ii:n

is the leading D. mocratie |Mpcrof In-

diana and is noted for itfl fearleKi* ex-

IKi-itioii 'if t'raii.l ami .•orniplinii. Wehave watciied with pleasure the growth

of the paper since when the late

\\.y Kini.'i i- wa- ii- c.litor, and, have

wateluHl, with pleasure, itD growth

in iwpularity. The CotrRiKK, under

the managementofMe -1 , I'.i hI.ai -

nxKTEix and the Shank i.is Hoys has

iiivomc the heading D.-mofiaii.- |>iiin r

of thnt Slate. We were in l'h-aii.>vi!Ii'

Ilamillon county C\\m, i;ivf3'

IVni'V-ratii- inaioritv of five thmisnnd, |;.

.,, i ,.. Il,lil

,-,1 1 1 : ••.1



:• ::l.-r :ii..| ' !. . , . i,- j.r i:.

1,', III. nhile i ' .1 .1. 1'. ILtKUKi

Ills iiliitiral . iiiiii.-'iii'ii v.iih i!.'

Citawb.i ip:irr jilt 'ei....^

t'lir>.;, J:.i;...rl' ll |'Cr Imel.-,..

T '.,i.-i..-. Vi -ii'laTwiiil, 1,..

••< uv. I-. prr ih...„

,il li

1 :. I I'.x

f :. _K.T.1

;:ii.!'\V. »V !:.;:.ri i.,,. . r. il Wi.i-

1 r. y. I : :;•

,.i. \v..:':.. , •. m

" "' I. .11.1 .n, w. :i. I'.i -. s i» y. . ju,.

'• •"'i.I..hi: I'.r-Mi-. Ma. „''ji ; I-p. .i...-: !

i wiN. a. n.MI

•• - \v '• -..s li w. ivii.

I' •. r. A. Miooii, I.: I art- S


" r i\ .1 1..! U <'•'.I.

ii iv «>•..^lt.•.l i: . -. .;i.,< i :•. :

•;»'i-. ..r 1 r

. I .1.1 'r :•.

• -. l-...,!i

111 I' .'.n . i> K

.. nil,•

Ii: ..ii.

I . •^<-:i i-

-l.a.i t.e ul l;. .-re, t.'lri

la-! ;,i-ur it 11 i^

l,2'.l">, D, ni l. ratio piiii of G.ill'i.

Baniiiii;r, from the first and Sayler,

fr.im the I'liil I)i tri. l. h iili Deiiio-

craLs reeltelal to L'onyri>ssil>y iiicieasi-d

mnjoritie* over 1874.

.\il iiiiH'-ati '"; iiniiit to a vietory fur

ri loriii ill Imlh lii'ii.i.i i luni Ohio.

9 ; 45 Ohio elo.Je—diuibtful— .--u p-

poseil to luivi- t^one Republican by a

small majority.

- a ir.ai <ritv ofi^^'me. It' ill>lll^Irr an.) :.i<-rli.i-4 iiile.iri:y i lUiiiur) Uiucaij Mrr.-bsni*. ia bL-.K- .i

,..,:„|,inr.l trilh a !*ar<!i-ii!iareot'brnin-{to«r-1.|u.intitie<, a:e ar lu-.a't aii any tuna 1b Km

• r. can Si'l^ivvi- Mir.-. -- toe (..'..[.'l- .>'

Uliio may eoiiL'ratulale iheaiT^i'v .i upontlio jierraank'tice and jiroai erily of llitir

euuiilr )>aper. Lonj; may il wave.

VIRGINIA ELECTION.We-t Virvini:'. Notliin:; il'-liiii',..

—elaimed by tlie K.spublicau^—al-

thoii-'h d •iibtful.



i5i:AV!:i; Oa'i. <

F.'il. r* Hrr.il l.

It Iwiiiir our lot t.i lie 1.11 iplial.itiiiii

of a iiial iri.'us eiiunti v. v i' i.n nia-

Ituria iu our «y.*'tcm which has for :i f^-w

weoks cnuiied acem^ion of our dutyto the IIi:u.vi.n.

Our little town pcetns to move alon^

in the evt n ti'iior ofits^vay; the only

juat iiii|'i..v. :.ii iit hcin-' the ri-;Ti:i'.

i:.v.i*. u.i.T:i\ A isico.

I 11 tell yii'i al«)iit (Jl'ii. Kl.iiiA ilrotlior,

Two worthy sons of the pni.u • ... I ir i' .. r

Til ir ,-t.-irc is in llartlord, oo Uie I'uhoc


riu;, .ll ll in Sloves a; .1 ;.-.«i.l 'fin^ware.

T!i,y Hi iKo i'iii--..'.ri- vi ev. ry isort,

A - 4 ! a .'vcr •..'.! !.'i';:!it.

Thv v a:.-!! Ueip a very lull lijio

or nn..i.v:ir.'!tj. of ev.ry kiad,

A 1.11 .1 a - .rlui ' >•! •a <•. ar.- tun,

n;-i,'.iM ll 111 111 Iv. -li.a* no .'- y iiir vio'v,

l.aiii; :i:i 1 v i-^ .M r:in ;

Cut t'l'.n,-,' ai.il li.ililetsfor la.sic rv!ine.l,

.\ii'l iliry Hell their Goods at prices so


That ]' u's tliem 'a the roarh of al!.

N, V .

•''. Kl.m A r..ot!i. i ill.

Y.. i".! li;..'. tliiiii tiixl il >or to 1"., Sniiill.

rlioirc n'lalilivs ..!' \. 'i. i' it.' i

al.ly C'^'>i 'ii i«i!iii.| a' '*"••] r '. .-! . I -

tliuiii an.l lower gradnt al "."> !•• ni-'. «i:li

:i .Iii'viiward tMacBcj. Farrlma rrfn-se

to advance and ^>i|iicrrs a!i'iiMp.ilin'; a

rise ia the markrti i.,|..-i-i:itlT on tti.n

!.y ;!.,• (.' -I. 1- •• -'.-I,'

:i I'li.'ir a: . I i '..r ti ! 1 ul

•' III • !•! 'I

: . l-;.-lJ. i

'I'l ij. I:il .-^liirki.t '111' r V ..l.-:ll;

I..' livi i ll ill.. I ;;i;ii Sli.-i.'i-s ..( -J',

eavli. iiii.l iiriv •••. iiiii . I.ii incf..' ii|»ii.

the wnl.'criflion «.f$.ll 'll» l.i Iw pui l ai

i-n^k lime »* may !•< ea'lvU !« IIk- dlr.c-

I.;,-.- |i..r-.


'I li,. <•..:. • . ..•.!..•' .:'!' . i* .i i i-.-i

hull U- l!:e " •'..\- .1 A' ^' • aia!

1.. .1 ,! ;iy, 1 f iim 2 'I* ^'.1 au^ira Mrtrt;

Itcira fBbtWh*it aitic* ISi3,aM iasMak.

1 tumi.ii} ft'fidakatttl«vW«f«a>r. . :a....til.

•ii»»I„^ae faibij.!.* !

n?15LLVvOOD. KY.U. WELLS, - - - Prtpr.

: < o;

T!.- 'Nt ftaia fr 1.1 I'-.'In-^S In LaaiarUlaI 1


! I*i..i-i,|;-i* will... i 1 • i-'T l-.r the uiall rnin -*!

r .-'i.' ;. I'.ii.; '••.gh !• jiva.'-i£.''r*l liM !u I at.

New Advertisimont iTni'laor

•i I

.1 1 : 1.1

f.i'ii';:i: an 1 1I\M'-. nil Wiii'r.i.Ei:

duiili},' till' caiul .ifjn "f JI""- BkXoM, ,„,.ii ._'i-:liiiia!ly .-lu'iiii:: over t'lTll ITN

Ft rj.].:u and Mr. IIi ii.mx.v; iiote.l tliej IIiinhiik ks ai.'l lin iii.

strongadvocacy of thcCot-KlEU in ex-,,!';r; Ky. we wi-U il.e Uaml^onie

Miivrloa!:.£i;— p.. iT;:.. Ai the rc-M -ai-e of

the liri.le'n lather, Mr. .Ions W. BevTox,l>y the Uev .Ks. A ItexXETT, >I«. .lonx

T Iluk. to Mi!<a £LU«ni.rii V. U^ntok,lit' Bella, Ohio county, Ky,

- P \:.:;a. — i n i •r .-nv. ,-11. Kv..'^lEVKX < - 1' \:> IMI. — 111. 1.1. ...I. •»,.,

Hfl. .'i, 1-7''., lit tlie l.'. -i l of ihe

iiri'le,!. I'alher, U. J, D.tNici., Mu. Ofc.ia

i>\s. I'm IS ii'-.d I'^''''-*'^-''^M"*s la,i.\ U-txiKL, allot

public by suhitiluiiii.:. iiuit.itiii,', fat-i-

f^ii^ Simmons Liver Ui^latur; but

fceware! take none except under our

copvrghted, eti.-iavol l.il'il with m al,

Bi^jnaliiP' aii'l .-tani;i i.f .1. 11. Z' iliii

TKK Pumseistic Convention of tlie

ink Ooograssioaal District, met at

FMlaeah, last Wednesday, unanimous-

ly nomiiiattnl Judge A. U. Iliiosi:, lur

re-election. The uamea of Tkimiili:

and Caomuiro, were withdraws be-

fire till' r. -lilt i f t!;. iirst lialli.t v,a«

anuouuced. liu.suv iiiii::«riiN, i« the

RopvUieu eaudidate and Iloir. OscAii

wili probably ma ladepoad-

Jddos Boosts, vctxi elected two

yaaia ago over both Tubkeb and


.'loi'tiiui I.I.'W over n l>'>-t fiiil of " TeaTiii>ii>uii.l dollai'.- " wa.; !ir.;Ui:!it a;.uinst

the Ctturier Company. TIr.' vi-rdiet

by the jury was " The Courier »vas all

right." The OiiwiVr is a spri-rhtly

I), ui icrnli..I' liu-r. a trui' exp: m iif ol

jMirty priiieipl.is and de.serve the sup-

port <rf the Derancraey. We will iu

our 11. xt piiMi-h I lull tales of the Cbtf-

ri' /• and lIi.KAi.ii.

A sweetheart is caliol a turtlenlove,

at the fo'i; of the jritle. ilis wunUfilled all i.r.'-<>nt, with true I)oa>o-

eratie dcvu tiou.

The well known house on the Hoo^l

farm, was destroyed by fire on the

night of Hepteiuber '2K A coloreil

fisiniiy \\ the traaa!;-, who lost all

they p.i.-M-: • I.

'I'lie la r. '; ii.'< ar' r

stoeks ll' ..iiU. Mr \V. H !;

of thi> til 111 r. ll ,'. i':'' i n

rctiini. i :V iir i !. • mi l \ lii .

Tin: lo I'lihlican candidate for Gov.

of 'J'i-;i:it.sM .', is a iMlircd man uaur.-l

Yariilkv, who i.s Slid to be a rather

inlellii;cut m in of hi^ race. Notwitli-

ataadiog the ool'>red clement com pti.se

thws fmrths of the Bepublicau vote

•Ttha State, the white Rjdical Leaden have fono back on Yaiuiley, Im'-

eanae some of them waii'.i .l the place

and only wanted to uso the ner^ro el-

emen t as a michiiii- to L.nl tinMu in-

OtofBce. Kven oM 1 ;ii, iv, m.i >k, I


:i r !ar;,'e

ll •,


1 lo

his lii uiy ]..i!r. 1.1, ;_' . '! :;i iii ir ii'-

tlil.' ! I'lt'i; l!;riii , vc" T 'fir • i tl' red.

. , L . ,1 'l!'-' l"' l. '. llll-'l ll'l'

80 a coquette must be a «n««k'turtle-j ^......i^^. ^.„^ ^ ,•,.,.„„,.

the lasi pivvi .ii- lii. lits fi ll. ll... farm

ers lf> 1 I li,- I'li.i I 1 lil ill' ir jjooij


Thi' lion.e ofC. -M >!;iil(!.,x, w;l.Ili- ll'iii r. .Tiidge Mri:!i -.Y, .lu.k'e hurii- .1 d.iwn, U'^.irlhis plai-o. on last

of the Criminal Court dceiiUil lastjW.lu. lay iiijjht. He hail Lut rt-

FiMiiv iu the ca«ie of tlie Common | married, and meeting sueli a

\ I'l. vs ') \ C.i ii-i\- tint'"""•"'-'"^'''"i'"' ofniarriud

',' '

'i. 1

', .|lif.- i-i 'ii '"'niV-iiii!.v.-n.lorof LiL-htuiii- I. 'Isi'M ;a._r.-d m M^. -r.. Porter, Taylor and Cray,sciiin?^ and jaiiiiii-.' tli'-iii up. di'l not sliippi-d a laru'e lot of h<y.*, cuttle and

:— A'l CO^i :—


A fcaadwaia aaaortnaat of Ittiiles »ai Taata-mastt from tbo

Auierittiiii Bible Suciciy

Twenty-FiTe Cents

FKOM SOWTni alter Tiii: r2XEi»DS7<T:.v:. i

z::.z\- : v.

rtKr-p.\ii> TO Asv A!!i)i:::-s

Tlirol!j;liout t!:.' I -liie 1 ."-^i.ii s.

iNu Campaign i'Gfumi'ul i;kir ii


. ; .: ,-r. ... ::i.> i.

v-. l. 'i.i It 1 l.i 1. i*.»,-:.:t I t i.iii; i^.iii- L'oi-v-

lora «Ii'eti.| lu loi.i'iv l«v tiie i-i-ieLhwid^rr

.in the l:i-t ir'f..' " ia .fiiiy iai-i t jiar

'i'. '» l.i^!*.--! ........v-,-: .1*0 t.'wtti-

1.-,... ,-1 i.'i I., . t' .'

l-ie,-:- .. ,..•;»...,.,..!.•..!.


i.:'..i - ;»


t»».-i!«r in

r.r.» Ti ilet S. -n -. 1- i. v li- i •> ! T k>BraalMa. PoriitMcry aaii t»mty TmIoS

Artt>«.->, Tr«ji-.«- aaU ith iiaiUnIStaots

Pur., y^ mn aa4 hUtmutt fer lacitunl pBir*aca

' l.-p*<, (Slaas.1 i..-.|.<r..

a:'v, t.'arl.-r.

; i an* frt.'CTijHioBa B«rari»t.- _v tamI. n.»i It

6S0. Ca W£DDINO»itiMTMy ud ilvMeUr at Liv,


Will attend lo ail t.iisiiie^s i-omM.-.i i .

his eareia iheinfvri.iran 1 su;.»r!i'r e..-;ris

of llir Comroonwealtii.

Bl^ OfKee opputfito Cuurt lli-iisv u.-ar

tbe Piwt Omce n Iti-ly

^r^ENAWATTo all por^nna who have Chill* and fail

t.i lie .'iirril ll !!• not oiten dnriii;; liie^e

har.l ii:iiv> liiat wn ver hear i l' ui..Mlii:iii

Im!!!'^ ;;ivea ii«ay: Imt in the |>n st, i>t eitse

in the I>opo?it,.iy lit V. 1'. Adpix.--tiis".h. we liuve nu an lliiit will hear theTh.--r liiMikimre M.I ! nt n .:u ll .- nt.il no >'Uo .» -r..-'', ./ ai; I .< - ' li-Jt in erervli. .- l I.'- wiiliuiit II.. .'-1

1 i..ii;r.-, .1.- iit. liuji ..I'l I,.- M . .r I. an.! i'--- 1 .l. U-nii'i.e.l to

;l-la, il 1 . .I.-,- ill.-

I'i!-:!.- in ii man-

Cheap Sibiss fcr Donation . " ''"-^ ' a a. i.i i n

lo ihiM* Bot able t'J !>;. L'jlt acii rxaminrI'. "I.





: J

5 -fc



.- '1.1 ' nu ll r the <-hi-s ..f P.-dd! rs and

heneo was uot rcpiired to pr.ieuru li-

cence. The court re}^nle<l him more

in tlie li;r"if of a eimtrr-ctor. We

fheep last weekDr. <;eor;:eJP. Mitchell, left I.i i

wei'k III attend lectures iu Louisville.


for liv;' lil'lUtils.


Ti. .!av ail «lio m-iv l>i> nlltiele.l xv'iU

au:i i I' Al-'u-. .-r I'iii-;.. and Fever, wsmake iliv |.r.'|" .-itioii

To AU Persons: T.I i-iire you «tth one botl'e of Day's


.V^iiK- Ti llie.

—1 -'

Ill it».\,r|:r. I.u-f.-- |-:iri i.i! .l.-.-i !"i i Jim-

I. ,. , , , •.,,„, nrss . I vi.^ioii, buz/.i'Siir rmtiii.t; in lUeI I. .' Ixil"! i. Kifuaf. .1 i n nip 1,. uis» illr. IV.I- I , , • .i i

.. .11 ..111 1 liv -ir-i iia.l i;,..l.aa.l il,.-.i,y 1

l""t.or ai.T ol thii-e nn,.le:i.-ant syai}^

ii..:ria..m I'.-

. .I'll I. ii-.-vi!l" hi-rL' r.ir toiiis tl.at follow the ii<e uf tann ine, It

liniicr. Aivj l.. 111. .. i. i. . 11 |.n--. ii.;n,H to ,.;it,' il.ies not cuntain arsenic, .'t. Vi 1:1. iin' < r

- iii:ii..ln.l f|^r .»ly|ui;y i tlu r p-.i-stin; il acts lr>el» ii,...a li.c

liver a-al !-.>wels nitiiniit the n.-e iiau-

Ktntin,: pilli*; it can l.e };i\.-n to !i...>e

tvliose stomach rrjert Qtiiuioe, ai..l liu-

eiires are proin{>t, eCcctual and i>ei> i-

..1 if-.

Ml. I.

think it a ju. : ami ii.i!iii-v.'i' i-ii'U.

' t:i.. W. II. :

' l.'U-lIli

vil' 'Vi ,1 a-

'I'l-rty, 1.1 a in-;

^ DB. LANCASTER,., ..".;.~V.i'.r'''''v' .1

' (.1;


TilK reiidenei; of Uolx-ri Clements, I

"1 -^vei-al ih-iu aii l dollars, moved to

on the Haptlinsliswh mod about seven|'ff I''*** '^'^'^ ^ permauendy lo-


., ir , I I''"-i-

mil s from ll.u tlord, was e..u-.!in. .1 .Mr^ Mary Collins of Loui-^ville, l.a.-


OtotBce. l'.vcnol.i:;ii,iv,Ni..>K, I o,,..;1,^. fi,.^ on h'.st 8-au.!iiy night, iii.lii-^U^^ visiting her ibu-'hler, Mrs.

nu.l others,,! that ^' '!>'

'• ''-''i''''-I,,;„„ aH of his lioiiselioia g.i.«l,s. We Half man, of the Taylor mines, for a

\ AliDI-nv, .OS a s<-aiii lal, li.lt tin' <-.i!- f , , „ . f ., r.^vr d-ivxoi-H U.!,uhli,iaus tliiuk thi'v o-..lit

„.un'I. r-lai.'l that all ti,.' fam-Iy were'^^^Jl'^^ ^^^j j,.^^

havea sharcol thesnoiL: jni.l will votn lioiii home al toe tiiiio. uot r»._.i •. .i.^ • . .

, ', K» I vniiH t.1 :, . 11

,tii« , II.V.1 .1 c 111... :ji v,a>i.' «-koi-rhea. f:',.i, >.tTi,-iiitt. Fi,:.-

, . ki'i ::iia JJ.uu<11;L.£iu iiclck-

I...I ll. 1,.

1..... V,1) .'.1 1,- , ,

..fefnill.; ron-.pla'M'. 1.- "-..''•.r- rr . II.. ...i:..;! 1 1.11, ',.11, . V. .1.. 1..,,,


.(•-.. 1

11 il r

it :.- .' 1.

eiiii'v 1'

ft:. U I 1

1 .iiiv r>rii.'

. 1 I'.v',- .V

•» i ".S"s-


w _

<s ?

«> r 4•a <

>» ^O oBa

1 - -« *

.1 i.-. V. r;*oit.i!«, CKn* A.

3\S. \. A. «'•.


Dostat* ia ala^ aM kaay

DSY GOODS,N"..!i..n,-. r, .—.- O. ...N. r:..lliin«. Bool* anSS |.M,-j, II .1 : ; I . ,\ i ir;r» »**«r'*a»S

ihr.r i; .1- .. ',.( ,' i.>> •Milt ..n kasJ. Ba4 wHIIII- i'M at tbc taey UiMal ca<li mmo.But Iv

.! nmes lavgUiB

Stivertisin*; -Agents,in Faoith »•., Wt (iiaeaaaa Wahkb

)r«riMv:Li.c:. kv.S.>!ii,Mtn «.lvcr-i" .oi-i>t'' aa l C".airiu-t> f.irall

paj-crs. y Slo ..I' i: -


slJ Wilt fitasd I




tl.c 111.'

Who P.aVi^ Chills.


C T. C ) C T :

Il V . ,:nt. a i: 1 d,., 's ' ' 'Ifrale

r; -i-.'i-'.ii.l l.r ..'ar luw i:!-.i i,..i.-li--t

rSi'lti Th-:.io.i< cl'^eka. l'l-'-l< ><••'•^••r V'

: iiBil jrnt tn aar aJ.lrc-i at ..ur r', "ii i. .. p«

..fir;.- ai. I fi.-v ... 1.:. i..!.;il:u-«I for ro.*

.:..,r.:. '. .M 11- V !i".v 1.- st-Bt aafclj »ff••«»»-

lire.l li:ur ^-r 4 Jl'r.iij. .__.«.C. P. BARXia *!!«<».,

J«wrlm.Haia •t.. M. 6tk * 7tli. I.obI»»H»»-^

liavcasiiarcof thespoiLi auil wiil votajftom home at liie tiiiio. ILiU

•oKi Yawlbv. Ikamed the patticnian.Daniel, were joined iu llto bunds ofmatrimooy, Oct 5, 1876, at the rcsi-

II. cay. t.iiia..

11'- i-.iia-

et,r'.'. I . I ..1 1. ... itti...

A-ni. t^,< l-Ulit VDU. 1", .... .H.€|i.-,1

.It. .!!>• 1 ,lv iliev ever solil.fiirnleiwL K(.JI-: ..rl:.i.r,

j..a..Ti,..:.........n,. . . ... ! ,. >,..i , . .. .r.,v .

ri-r,.!!), i^:iit.,^ Ai.i » , I'.i .«..'i.ti I.I.. l>.H!<>r. «li» Hia

SmmsSu aImL'"'''^« a. ^> Mai'.iL aaaiian

Tl.is is sariiy a lair iirtii.i. -iiio i. y -t

' strangle lo Miy. none have l*en r.fira. l

us. i)rit;;;ist« an.! imrcliaiils i-.iy it

! gives uifMre complete yuti.sntctiim, an.) >i i|

' more rcadilv than anv other ebill rente-

1 S.iM l.y DrUKsists and Merchants gen'

ciallv, at one Dollar per bottle.* alfrlr.

«a. ii*«t>ir!ri;. a. T. aail.

H.1UUU ICti A JIAIXa•ku-bbs is

D»Y noon-!. iiKorr:::''.^. u.vTf, capsBOur^. sii..;:-. ii A':!i\rAR«,

Ql'Et;.S'.sU AUK, .»e.

Whiah wo will sell I»> I'ar oa.-h, .ir rxehaag*

lur wastrv vraJuce,MjriB( the higlKat Barkot

prieo. ••»«»

Awl otkr* awak al IhoI

S^.ler.!ia Xcw PIAN" i;.is.-«ooa. Uwjjest si.\e. (mva: relini'ii aiali.rs) I'ully

warraiiiviiat from fJ.> "ti. ujiwardw


m*ken>) at Irom $o<) 00 npvards.

OTUER Jir>lCAL IXSTBDMUrWSloaie Books .unl Sheet Muaic at com-

l-aringiT low prii-.-s. Mu»ic mailed to

any aJiireas, Catali -jinea funi shcJ up

on application. .\>I.lre-s.

r>o\t General A?ea» fer the celebrate*

Sieianav, Ch'iefceriog. flaWe, Ilaiaea

E-o'a, I. * 15. Fwlier, tIro»r»teiB. an<f

Fuller and oiker Fhums. The Ma^on

a J Ht oliii, SssWi. Amerenn aad other

« o - inKor-^ar Maskal lasinukcaia

ni-u iiui>. 'alter •fJAasM.I,,-" IV _AV. S. Id Gl'-Ka




G. W. PRIZST. M.D., 0. D.Sb

LOl'IsriLLE, KY.

Prai-'iii. ".-r i^f I'l.-mislr.'f '•do-

pa-. 11. I ts. Tl.e prcitiist »ets 0< A»l»»

ml leelU .It i\n und 1 welve DMiasafact. Bxiractiaj ttethlMsal^ MmaaajMtioa fiom eM prissam







Page 3: THE HAR RD - archive.org


fMi«i t>4M:ili *li<wl.il(i«>M<tirt iMkm,

lit:- lite lliut itas aUi'ii Iior

;I _ ' Into bor ouu haii<i» aad

WXDXK8DAT. tX;T. 11. )«7t„ ^ Hw» tote»*—My.


of tlio KiiMosi and m.«sl lirart-Jvinl for in n.lvancf.

Clinrc-v-l r vr:irl»a4T*rtii»«ciil««U«i ''"" i'l" ^ <'• '« h ov.-r Imvii

I'c ri'll. . !< .1 .j'l iri. rlv. oitr lot l«> olniUiii-If, v.:is >>1' Mi-<

Lillie. Vountr. l.-mitlfiiT. !ii.-!i!vH|nril!«-i1 liii!.- Will I • . j: I f '!

, . .,. . , , ,

ti.lrro.1 .V,.-ii:. i:: !:.!;,„. I I..V.-.I

ymirtw un.l. r h.v;.l .<' ' l'ioi\ rr.- 1 I •'> l.y wliii know luT.

Mb" Ttm Otiis T liiif.: Mi«s Lillio HImmI prriuatun^lj' «?voi««l

Anno«f,c..i..ot,i-.olM:.-rin.-o<.>r Dfatl.-. ji,,li;,. tl,:U IkiuwI 1..T maiiv Cri. ii.l.

not fx.-i'.-.liiiL' ! >' iiii.-. :.-i<l noiit-i'd .1 , ; 1 .- . ,

i'rraoUincluMi^l . !

I > in'i ; ami, Icjivci. litit « luUI, 111. i-^^

(t^«>l/niriry N .

!.' .1 I'oqisc tiir thoul l«» ivim«mlH»r horain

SX** 'I'li!,"*'"'^

Mm. inr ,„„... v..:,-:; nn.l . -l.vm,-.l ii. h'--.'I.',

jin;; ilu- gil!-; nutiir'-

«..M-.i...ri;... . y..-i......'•"'I<n..->t..w. UhvKho ivriK-JraUnl

• f«llli««»f j"''i;!'".»nl K'lvUi'.i. rair-.na*.- llir r:lsh act n ilUlir.s :\ tilVsfiTV -".:nr-

r"'.iii'lol liy Iriiiiil-', U-lovol liy al..

Willi 'Mlhiiig vbiiilo 1" iiitir lior fuStiif



i Miss Lt!ii<» left mnnv fri«i(l> in iMir

Wi:call>j..vialaiaiui..«i..tlMT..!.<. ,„,. V.w ,l u- r.l:.


urnn of "«tt<inc^ I^vtils" fr. m o-.-.r,s „h.. .......n. lu r ui.li.n.Iv .K..:h. 1

M. r. !,anN:....nm-M., ,:., „. i'At tho lim.- of ,^.mn.•Ili..lr ll.w ,:i>ll I

uwhiiig Ui buy, uiH always im.l ii to^ v,.,-, i ; , i- ., i, i

tiMrwteKMttoiNlKbM- id tbc l»«^tji„p .| Z


s=, 'r:...,"":-!.'.. Ky.. a„.|

f«>r«lay- 1> I 'l-.' tti.> !;.• • Iv, luul

lireu F<i <Iij>vi>'J iiiai iiic inquiry wti^

|«''fr<l from one of hor fcliolar.-i to an-

.)t!;rr 1 •.\ !: .t;! I V' 1 r ii.lllj:


"Wh 11 i I'l < ui.i!! I- willi .Mi-> Lillic?"'j

TluM '.'li il t!- - lr.il . i 'lI I""' •'• i^'. •I'''"'' ''''«'"'' lioiir--, sliP rr-


tli. ir ."iia.l.ivvs til. ii."

.«'>'•" ivpaiiv.l t.i a ili ii,' pr.H i!!--


. .1 the fatal tlrii;; :iti<! n^paiM'J to !

rUFElUiEl) JjOGALS. \RcHdiy mart* ItalnMM-ai mUH*]

_ —_ - -.--^^^ rr=-I

for T» c^MtN. mt t- fcJIAIXM^ I

I'i>r ;; i>:\ir of iMoJ U(H»t« or Shoos : . . . ^ .~

^ > l-Hifio .' < {-iil<-!.i:i.-.! Ottema> I» iiji. g.t to

1 ^h«nf!» tor TSrentM. «tL. i:<>SF,X»KU<J A 15KO S.

- I M.l r-kiri-i, ciit'ap, at

I.. i;(»<i:v a iumvs.

Ciotuiis^ rli.-ai>t i- lliaii «'viT, al

h. KOSilNKKlUi & KK<>*S.

Jcaii!<, Fhiiiii'lM anil l.ins<\v: « licai),

nt !{<> - ^MiKItt; & IlIMV.f.

IVcsh < ; i 1 •I ' . r kiiiii- , !•!: aji

;i! \V. II. WlM.i \M.S'.

r>;>tvii!l<: • tW. !l at


r<-c'<-iiral, iii'tl r.n- •«:tlf »«t) «•!<«»{>,


:•«. i:. KM.tlX'NuI

I- ft-— '

lioutM linti NbtM'N ul a!>4oui^lii:iir

—IS A-

JhmI rrM>lvMl m larsr lot orfteNhCirorrrl«^ from <'iaHnaMtl. by

An "M [i?.;.- ifi:!n. ri'iin-tl from no*

i'v » r i'l l;i-


1' I'. v. I

' i:iMi.i .Mi--iiin:i;-v;





WxtVt aji'! Sli.x's. warrantr<l to iii

all. at IIAKDWH K A- NAIJ/S.

Nt".> < '•>•> !- 1 1\ ii'u- i!v. :i;

it.\ ;p\vi( .v- \ \i.i;s.

1 :i sini|>l<' Vf -i'luMt

( )v-li r.-i ill 1 . ,


K -ii. iy. i" 1- till' .-•i:-.-.lv aifl |'' r:ii:>|w mna «^ fW^mtmu^Olicit I'iii'.' <';'(°<'n !iiii]>li'i!i, Kroiifliiii-. JUi AlUIS mFUC <t

• I'aluttii, Ai'tiiiii-i, ninl ail thri>;it aiiil

1. ii;,' Ailirli.iii , :i!-o ii I'o.-iiivi' nnil


ittiiiiiMl euro for N.-i-.- ti P.-hiJily niiil


a'l N. rvoiH t '.ii!;i.];i!nt-, .it^cr liaviiist

i!. • !• ; 1 > ^. ;:•!. i .'.l .•iiijU

! ' \ I 1 V.



Pkaly Hickorr Nut*.. » ——

Thor - will l>o a l::v„-(" crop of


fill < tiii^ M a i ll.

11 iM -ii: ,! Sa l II. .. Hnillfs liar

iii'>s I It'. I'or .-all" cliiap. at

.1. i\ THOMAS A- imOS*.

it iii- ilii:v I.I iii.iki' il kii'i'.Mi toiii-

-i:!i;rii:- i'!!..\v :. .\ -!ii .!i ,l l.y this i

r.h'tivi', :':;.| a i- i-i-ri' :ili>iii> iV'-i:i> l.i i

^ _ ivli, v.. lu:.;;-;, m:i'- "in- I„. u i|| ..n^ll'•"••«» '"'ft^ ••V fc"T«»f J*"' £00'''

ah" kiua« of CofflnK on haiMl. atul'

'V ''' 'K:'"'' lliis i.-. i|i.-, M .1 II lii;l ill; . i l i..n • |..r |i|c-

p.;::.i_' -.wX .w.-i -x. :'<'.%ii ;-iiit

UACTrOKD. KT.I ! amMMatos to ife


SOI Til < ^ f;ui>T.- :<sr \

/fafiw n,ui A,:.r. :.:.: A'.iiv-. Heoeiviiig Thdly^"'" '

-'''^ THE UTEST MRLIttPa! 11- iin K-.i!i. i;i;l itinl !'ali.''f.iri:.rn

| I'yu'l r.iriU i i. i'rir. - r. r..-"!.:ii'i.\ ( iplfri

Ir.iiii Ik ii!-t:iiu f |>i'Oiii|>liy alli'ii.lr I lo

A. II. Ill >VSE, of Kliii Lick, Oiiiii rmn,.ly. in our anthurizeii agenl. ami onioi-i. . • • r, . .. . •

^iren bim will wcetUti oar »roii>|>t mttm. ' " ' '

•^"^ ;f^l23:«.-tsj, Oiaii;JJK. J. ii. BKOF<m».

JO E! X S T,Sii. 30, If TiT.-oB St., (tb'iM .SmobJ,

i.'ii ifjvrLi.E, ;JY.

A »»l <if l!..' l-»»t liam Ti th, nn i:ulI>or-plaM, lea lii'liaM; a >rt on gnld-^lau, laMrty

doHitrv. Alto rvtlartiua ia tiling.

Ii.r r.il.' clicip, a i l' ! ! A ( Y & S(JN\S.

tJi r Vi i;r wiiilir vi :i! ' di-.:'.1. iiliirii !'!'

Wo are fcny l«> h am that I'ul. O.

P« lahiinii I* coniiiusi to hi« lacd.witii. , . i .

- liio Ia«t acojiii'.* .it il -alli,

I altacL of Imluws fever. i^

ill' 111 an.l at a !at< lima- was fuuiul in

llio la<t apoiiif.< .if it 'alli.

I Kvory re. tomtivi* was applicil, bat

!ll!-i vaiii. Tl

• ••I'i'.-

liiK .1!

. I'i i'.l' 1 .1 t.

I o!iy


1 V

D. S. Sti"

Guy* K. K. fox's taiiii:-, i. nini. l

hone on Motulay ali< r a !.ii< t•'

MtjMni aiiwm.7 tlil*ir ftkni* in Own - !ifmrtu

I Itirii.''. Ui::.!. l,- iilK a;.. I I vir !V';

- iwi'jit :t:-outiii luT li!' !.-^- i ;:iv. ;'..i ui..

visit, to t rank:'.!. :. \i l. r 1:.' w ill ia'..>'


f iMrtri- I I


'i'jir. !>.'ii N M v. r.-.\. :-.'r.—I IK Havi>s, S".:i.i :U- iiu. :ni-< iiuiti:i;,'i'i

Mbm. Myija Kx.;!is!i,of Cvili-in tlu! A" 7.V.'. I'liMi-!:.-,! iliiiii:;.; tin

Ky.. i' in (oMavHitM^; her father. W. i-^ir ,.f (•:„i-;i,i:i C. i.j.rv. a .lailv v..

v. i'haiini.iii.

s!;i|np, nanii:;. ii



iH'fot'O colli V. latlu r an.l liv l'iii' lln-v !»• l^r. vs. • . i.N.s.

ate all ft'iiio. at KhhlN A iiUOK •|


\ . Ul ol Drv (u'oiU jn^t iv-, , , , ,

. .,

coivcii, at -

J. A. TitoM.is'

IWil.'i and Siiii'--' «'lir.i|n'r tliau cv»t

at .l.\.s. A. TitiiM.Vfj'

1111.1 11,1- i-..i-iii, r.

to tilc (Mi'll Iiiii-roveil

l.l!P^:SI.!!i W.!.!iil!:8.

liiulii.., 1i:h:ij:-, Mfl. all and Muhk-n-

< '! ! Vli. 1*. AiMiti^ton, anil, i', r ,, . i..v i .

;. , : .a!;.-

i;i '- "v- .v < 1. , ,' . 11 i . : . , r> -.i v I'lp i i; j r.ii:!-

!! '

' }-i!tfrn mill will do


At the renowneJ

Alt w..rk ;;u.i.-ADtcc.U Ti^etli rxtr-i ?te4 wilb*••t fain, witk pan llitf«a< ''xiilc •:!<;

SEMTNARTr.The ni-il »i-.i' .n cf t'. - S, !, . 1 iv;i! ,

ir.i-fii* tin llr. i .Mor i.. . • -.j i. i ;! . r, I '70.

itis.l c.Btiniii- Taeaty Wei-lu, aadcr Ik*charm<>r .Mill. .,lin IclMjM A. MIMmI ifKiiiJie IN vlon.


rr>.Mx ;i 1 ilsriiil 111 no

Trade Faiace,


li.irHiii'.i li.i;:.-;. .^ili'. n. k.-i-jv (• •a- . i. i ..

1sf-i.|llv..n Iia!iat!."i-l|.| - I l..-.;;:.is nf I v.:l\ -.'i

!.-,i; C'ii^ir. and Tokuv .-Try '

i!'.. 111.


ur all. 3i.<l»

li: rl 1 r !:;• ::. 1,

I.*iiii, i.r 'uk ur t'r.'n. :! <

Mu.«t.. un |.i:if|.»

lu.-i I.-lll ll Ki-c. .:.•;.!;:;. , .

i.'liiiti'ui i.nn

O io-hiir ..f th I'.i. i:: n M In • a' thui:.. ; 11 • nrthii s,„M.n, auil tbo i.lbir half nt;h- -I...... N. ..)•.!.. >• .tl f,r <'••:,. it ••i.t




leaf Tdbaeoo,I will Sfll vi ry 5 iw fur ri,.h, or rxrhaago

fi.r all kio.l.'i i.f co'iotry |iruJi»e». My lOotiaU '".^iiii !; nale.. an.' ninjll i.rufiu." 114I ly

B. 4TUi\Tlt»SU519 Brondiray, >'ow Yock.

(Opp. X«ti*f^Ua UaM.)

IfamwflMtwfwa. laiportm mmi Utalm ht( 'Aroni'w <(;«,' VriiMeA,

fiineotKOYtc* ami Vicw<. Albums, Gi*|ilfawcofn aad •witaMt Vi

va-li (III' clirr|ic!it[ IiAETFOED, KY.


IX\^* MATrii: lli:KUV, of tlii- ; l.i. .

who lia> l>i; ;i vNiiiiij: ttic-iiiU in IJ hK-

port, lud., lor a wc<-k or hi ]<ii>t. r -

twael htwwIaKt Thnmlay ovvniii; .

— « * •

Mr. Jo II. Haiku, 1- ft at .-.ir i <.

ficea few Vtf^y <<f (ii ii-.m A-iii.t.

nMd bjr biai acar Jli-nvir Dam. that

M aise, plam^MtMs and i| i :i;;y. o:. . i-

UKf wa Imtc vet aaen thw (casou.

i!' r liii- aiiii^o • ij ;;.i:i. Mr. ll.vvi:-^ i-

a ;;r|;5al {:c!ll|.'liiatt ami «illt» of ll.v

... .1: I

,r' :r. < nil 1; iiiil. at Vagors Liwry.\\ \ 1 m!" ;-,.i''ii>.


to <. 'lmi>:u:ms x"*r your Bixii.s

and Sluie*.

r .r I'lriliiT p.irliiMilar.» .ntijily i.i ili,.

•• 1 -.r J :-!!- 1, iiiu' iiii',- -iiii 1.1 I*., :i\(r

P M.



.- : .1.11 : ; . ..t :u ;

. I'lr C.tUe;..'. IS .ar.1 hb bd bblaliwd ati'r...ii $S M In 3 00 per week.

iiav.-i.,.d.a'; ;lu ;v<;m A /;, ,

••iia r>iKK?*.; i;K.\ V ! ; AM

•.•::s.i niL-i^'htly and well gotten Shoemaker'* 8u|>j>Hos k<'|.t con.-stant- ' , .


lyiiu baud, all* F. WtiKlLNKUS. ' * '*

Ax cxcbauL'e Kiyn: "Mr. .'^niilli

l.i> laid a hen's v^-^ on our t.iM;- %\']:icli

i;:. :'.-!ii •• nw'Ivi' iiicl..< ill rir.'ttinfcr-

iw-iv" .Mr, .'^uiiUi oii^ht to bo

a«!ianiod of biniself.

:Ii- lin k.- in j.:!! 1.11 IV tiiako a man

K V.


Thi.< Il..t>'l il fiiuatcl ir.i Ih' I.uui.'vilip,

P i'limh <nil S»u>bwr»tvrtt railroaii. l'a«9«n

,• ° . . . .' :ni.: l. Iiine f.ir »:>thi.; I..! r l-..'ii ; i..

fore purcbatiing clticu hcro.

llave yiNir Xew Knit

Hi. i' -1. .\ iir*.t-H»M*!tiii < • i:jr- i ' !• 1 TT


111' n.

Monday nij;ht— l^h. iiiui-h Im. :-liiaU. fal. ImT yoii vv- to Y.iU 1^11!^^^^^^^^^^

<'».. ^'.rd and .Mar-

TVjr were k:i»«lly cared ft* ami uill «iih Ir-'ad and iiu'at and a <iiUft"eo:i- '

' Loui.^villc. Tlio »l-.'-aiit suits

dmlitlr- i . t ir:i ;o tb«r Imnun, uiiwr,

il' iKit w.' iliii. r.

.V large aiuouiit of tobacco wa.?

4tM»i^ Wt the fruxCun Hunday uighi.


i«ut»; /.'"y.i t watit it to ...ti.k.

One III ourr.i'v . in -. a;. ! : i>i-

ci«t excbtjng*', is the J>ixou Vvi»i,

o-litrd and inil.lidii L l.y .Mr. ('. \..••fiM.t cive :iry i-:i:;i:'.., imt ' i'.i^^lcr, at Dixm:. \.',-";;- fcissty,

burn tlia! a! i!a>; ^ ..t" iLo f.i.itc C!oii,Ky. 11.- i:i;.«c- t.i li;.

fa wmiftew l. -> ll i- v!.j

„f TiMon ai:.l ll( iii;i:.. k.s

Ol-It will fii..:.iMrri:. ;:m:';:; : a . i"''^"r^ «••:•

'i • a.;.! •

lutcMintlrf.- L;dy3.v.>aiiiv.l<.( ii.i:i:d-'"-.V'^'r '^••k'

lB;aa4 le.-i'cl a n.>w lion.-^ lii-m .Mi:•'




\v.- have s i ii ); n tluir '--Mor liant Ujjiistrated P'TbllcationSTail.'i" o-t:ilili l'!u. cniiiiDt l'» ex r««vr\r.:: s-iit>.

et^!ll d. • r.-..T.u f,. nt. re. vt -,..ij . vi\..i;:y, >4 «»- - -


r.uiik l.r.ii.. s riiiriiiuy C'.iiii r, " 4 CO

Trj' lt~Ji.:«l \<H! nili .lIiiujK i;:i(> l-imU Il!n-trirtr Ziilaiig,

Vlooif.slmprDvod. l

'"''V'V'\i''.''V"'. .

Kni-k Lcj-lii.'* I .1. tiriial.

M'ooiiV i?! 'iMvi :> 5I.VI;: !;:;-ri"):;.\- . Tii... v.i.in,; Anmi. i

4 «lt

4 IW

4 I'fl

2 .Ml

I. ,.-.e II c i riv!: i* unlike any other, a:»d hii< imi

i.'"'';' > i;'•'',=",'



J'iii;i|i-, ami an- ii-nv n-;ulaily duuii-

cticd in '.!ii if- 11. '.\ ii.i.r.

YoMT aew aak, and if von wl<h a bar-

VeMrwtrtlv* ria«.

Ttie miJcnre of Mr, Wilson, ijrar

I!!i!: Lirk. bisriUNl loivti V'M Wc!-

„ 1.1 , , ^ .iii.-iiiy cvt-nin;,'. Mr. Wil^n andpain, .T ••.hHt .irlich' a'l.i a eo ' .» . ^

. , ., . ,,• . ., «iiA were in to'rn, attcndin-jCrinii-»») lae groat *1 |.»thi:ifc' ll-. i . .J. , . , , ^ , .,

M- . \f 1- * i 1 VI 1ii:.! I- ::t ai. l !, .:.!• !.nt two lilllo o n


\\ niterC Co., Cor. 3ra and M:irk<'t. <• . i r, . i x- i_ . .,, ,ur. :i v., re kit at hori.o. >iar!y ev-T..oiit»villo. i 1 • • .


.cry tlii:i<r was burucd up.

Mr. J. Ha-: M.MXEB, liviiifc-ati;.-:-, X . in tira:. -i-, a.- •..--. r.]. \V!:y. oberDam, K y., jirccentrd to tbi« of-| why, «1.) .iiir ix^ople i:o;lci t iii;iiniacv.

fice an i ar . ( . .-ii, wiiieli for .-i/o ai. l Ham tt iv IJro. ropn ^- nt tlio Koyii!

quality i* bard lo beat; luca^uriug lustiraiuo Company, ubicb olfers goct•fa"** iaahaa mnmmi. seemiiy r.gaiiist loss by Ere or lighf

Mr. SoumAsr Lnaora. UvIhr ea«t

of town, bro-.if^Iit tl. oiir i (ili o a ^lH .i. ' TIi(> Stavo raci..rv i.f W. K. Ci,(...

nwu of bis tobacco which was alHjut ( " f IwH-kpori, Ky., wa^i burned ii^.

Monday night of h»t *wcck. Lo.-s

61:?,(Mm), parily covi red hy iimiranrr

Tlicy will ri;nin;i'ni-i> ri'Suilding in a

few days. Tluy had not \Kvn at

wotk for {our day..>, and it ia a ujrsto-

ry how the fire occurred.

. , _ . on"•::>l '

i .j'ia!. The Improved ha.-» new vf Kmrk I li. "..I.ii.K -.M.i.ii« ..\:,.ri!!i:v, ;!

, , , . .. ' K- .i k 1. •• 1 .Ml

ti.ni.- pi-..;.. r!i.'- : ri' ....n-^ -ivyi-..,.^; i. ; - :•: t.:t !l ...... <• 1 M.

hail- t-i jrlii IV, n.ifuial i-ulor; n-t iic!. i ' ' ' ; !.- i - f r»ii, " i ••"

". • '


Tl... Ji.llv Jukcr, " I.••»

dre.»s(w, j:iv.'.i vu'or to tbo hair; n-- iv n.k l..-»iir"* Famiiv |[cr.i|j. i oi.

stons hair ... piv,;atareiy bald beads ; ]::::: ^{i:^:^::^;:^,;'reinoves dandruil, butuors, <K»ly crup-| Kia ii.^i.i- !;.'-r.,i:ii.- .timnnnf, r.

t:.ms; retnorex irritation, itchins and ' f"'- "'-' i- <-nii !. i . . a

.•.-.Iv ill

sii*-h w..na,.| |-iil . iKvt^. Tiy it, rail U]


WiM.'IV inip;..'. , '1 I'. iir 't -' i.ttiv.

and thni't j>ii! "jt'iritli uii'j itt'ti r tuiif'r.

n:.-. Ill ci' ryi..il till- i.ri^iiml m.i?(. ..f .irt.


1'. r ;|.:i. ii I.f riir IP, PuMic.::iua an.!

. . . '< ll''. "I'll ' in'i'l.-I' ; :», mt <>a receipt of

>5oIa by iill driiL'^'i-ts in tlii* place and .<!ii.ni< f. r ti-Mim ji.

\iii:\TH w.%!m:D..V.M-m.. AUKXl Y DGfAUTMKXT. Fruk

!.l-^^ '< Piibliiibms UuaM, 637 Faail ^Inel,

ileal.'i- I '.•

1 vw l. rc. Tradi- i-iijipJii-d

«t nianutactiiivrn prices by C. A. Cook

A Co., Cbic.n;;i>, so!.-' agcnlj* for the

I'nitnl Sl:i! '< a;; ! C.madas, and by '

.John D. I'aik, ('!i!i-iiiiiaii.

Kt w V-.r.:.


Ii mt Am Uoe prior upe-

«M Mil •my iur qualkj.

Mit. .F. .\. Koi-.iNs.iN, ,Ir. roiTo

S^tinp the firm nf 1{. .\. Ui ihektsds

4fcCo., drujrjrist, Liuii>vii! ', Ky., piven« a call Ix-t Monday. Mr. It., is a

promiiiiug younij man and repivM uts a

%Hti^hmUme ilouso. _, . ..^_ The Daily ulobc and Evening L;-.l-

Mr. (h.n. C. \VkI)I>IXi1, of tlli> l-iT, li.ilil ( Viil!:i;r .T.niiiial> iif Loui--

placc has beaa a^oiuted A.?si«taiil .ville, Ky., have cou»oiidatcd under

HoeNr fhr the (Male at large, oa tbc ' the above name. Tlua ia well, as they

Republiean Til k^ t. Mr. Wmmum; i- I'oth so ni arly <K«opied the same lii 11

, native of Oliio county, ayouii^ ir.ari h»l"'r ili. ir united eibrt« will .suc-

ceed Ii.\iiil>ita evidence of

ability and s|>riKhtliiieM.

nittcral I'olHona.

When Maclietb told the I) •.>e!or lo

"throw pinvic to tin' il..^'<, 'aii.l added

«t kigk «alian. m fltaial geadeanaand if there wai a shadow of a cbaaeewould do hi« l>arty groat i^crvicc.

W« call attention to the advertise-

MSt to be fead in another column

of IX r. Faul.ls, L.,ni.-\iilf, Ky. .1,^1 he woul l lak,> noii., of it, ho wasThoM wauUinjaiiytbing iu bU line can i doubtless addressing ono of i!; .^.. . m-4oM> better thaaoaHoa thi* popuhir

|pirics who preacribi- Meinu v. Cal.i-

firm. Mr. KnilMs t.u .viH known im-l, IJismuth, Quininr and' Ar.^ouic

^jf^commuuity touted rocouiinen-

. for everjr diccaae they have occasiou

%jto treat in tlic course of their practice.

MillCr.'.l l'Oisn;i V.

k >l

Xlifi. SO. 10.

\ Keniarknble llo»Bt—One tkathliouid re-sit] (ry rv<>rybofly.

We have ji!>t rect i vi-d a !>rillianllv

written work U-ariiig ih.' almve titK-,j

its iiiitlior iH'iiig Iliiirtiam Young's He- Jo<t r. -.-vi.i ai.,i i- i.i,.;. :o .

Ik-Uous Wile. It iscertainly theiot«t| *' '

"•' ' "" '

' "'

wonderful story ofsuflerin^ and sorrow Dry GOOdS ClOtlll^lff\Vi haw 1 V. r i.i.'t wilh, and is juMlv i o *, .% oe, ti •

atlractiiii;a LirnottuiouutofatU-nti..:]'.I

000*3 anUoSl3.3i, tl.-llS,

Alrea.ly it has Wen eagerly read by,

NotiOHS and FumiShinO GOCdS.tli ii .Mis ai.il we heartily recommend

BlankctS. Shawls, BedSpreads, Gum Chthing,

Umbrellas &c.

heartily recommendi: t!;,' iiotico of aU.

:-'»• •.vritvs liiddly and fearlessly, dc-

scrihitijj eai li evi ii; so elrailv :;s to

hri!!:; it vividly l»...!'.:ii' lii,- nu jii i] ..a,...

Ill" til.' rea lcr. Tim furnuiliiMi. l iia:

acUT uud duties ol the n^inarkalile

Daiiitc bonds : tlin t Tiible d.iin 's of

—T:-' L.it -: :-:i:ts

J3:m :ss (;orr

the .M .n of lii.lla'!.--, '

IaiiIU'^', Mi. '

and the r>s.-a.. .iaaiion of Jiki Sniiib by"

If,;? a;v,,.,-.. //,/.

ii; in a liiit c!.i.... liry

ur friend Mr W. il.jthe system iu enloi hling in iu cflocts,

aad eaa aerer be eradicated, but ia a

the Mis.'oiiriaRiH are amon,? thej ronu

inent points of the i.pcniii.r i. ti i .

<«ive lis a call. Xo trouble to show

ll i^ ilhi^trale.l willi nearly tv..)

Limdrcd c'jgraving.^: tbo binding 'nI- IIOSENISEIIO A BKO.

aiu.iug tbc most !i;::i I .ai • « > !iav.> .

ever *«en. and the p :;. ,:.! ly!- and VlKulLr..-il'ujINGTONtini-h are all that ..•uM !..• li. Mrv.l,

jdsalrb la

reflecting the highest credit uimn |)i!s. i

tin. Oilman & Co., Ilartfor.l, Chicau'..GOODS AND fJROCKRIE.S.

talcia into'.".dfin.innati. Ill,- w,!l.

pi,l,-_i: „,.a sh..,.. rl,,-|.i«c, Ca^..:.uc,«

lishcrt', from who^iecstablishmcut it ='"' '''">".•';••» «--i •• 'i''.v. \-<t\. Liandi „r

ilKUed. I

Jea»ii j.U|.y5 uB hau l. >ell fur cam.

Mr.R.P. Sorrel. Iu- fitted «p an ^'*"'"S

Oyster Saloon in the rear of bis gro-p lins and a' he.s to efl. ct the sufferer

every time there is a chancre of tbc, 1^ . , . V iiiiiv; lucre is a cnail"ocrjr where he u prepared to wait on : ,

bilMlrti ! !! taaiiTweather. Theoolysafetylicsm pnnMy saV^ in t!ii. vi •iniiv.

I W01.I, f. aliu r*. r?K» nr l-uttrr. Will nl..,. cai

llii.- work I- .-liiil laily !.> .\;.;. nl.-'. tiir iin.-i-

111- has jii»t retnmed from the n.i^iemMarkeu, when be Mirekaacd tbe

largeat atoek of

rvt r lioii^bt for tliij market, and la iLiily

rccciviag and np.-nin,; a line assort-mciii ul

DRY GOODS,A large varitty of


\ (a!! liii." of Flannrls, I.inspv.s ami.lean.., lalo ^l_vlo ."Hkirts, rpleiull I

Jllaiikels, excelk-iit Coiufurij,Mice OMwlcvyaaM^

.\ ;^..ii.! !:-! !.i\ ..i' I '.\- iiiiiTi"! and Krei.cli

.Siiiiia:::., I'alile (.'loliis. TowelingTowels to s«it •vcfjhody.

Aa inNacBM stock of


PHOTOQBAPmO meOKUUkWe are beadqaatlm i

tk« way ol

Kfirnptie^ md Magic Iiiaiaw^

{B< il..- Maauraclnrers at the

32:.^-r«-.s.':'.':i!:i>i- iJiMera,

Initerxlly Wtfi rapllf,Ail^JTllHi-r's *:<<>rr«|>llrou.


^™JJ " « .trtspllroi:.

I. SliXML. A. i;.\u.i. Laaterais Purailj I.nu(rriM.

I Each atvie bvini; Um best of its class Mi -M.L.a»i»_ ihstoafhsl

Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, d.SSSte*'CLOTUING, BlNJTS it SUOfiD,


la Mass to MalL


Of svery stylo and qualiir, Tuols andSkosolofitaiiy luot,

A <all liaaef

LadiiV Hals, and a l:ir;;e as^oriiiu-nt o:'

Milliuvrv (i»...ls t.i suit the meetfaatiiliuud tacto,


And Inserting, direct from the iniiiorlors'


CROMWELL, KY.In fai?t eTerjrlhiag asnslly r.uin I in a ISnt-

<'ln'.4 oirreanlilae»tabli!<bnii'nt. rb.-T buy tb<ir

K->-»\* e.xvlafirely for Cash, lhrret..r'a %(t ibriuni uii.-li le...... Ii,:iirt*^ tbaa lbii»« wb.» bay oa 3V.1:1. ..r till .lay.4 tiui- ; beae* Ibey ar« eaableil |i>

..'II r.>rGA:$lI at lower prieca llwa aay humnIII obi.. eoBBly

cAuctEs nn ems rai yard.

Aajr fnterpriaiagsMMaaawith a Hagie Laatar^


Keystone Printing ink Co.,

printing"'' INKS.liook and News Black a s»p«rcialty>

17B«i*fMk«Ms^TOILADILraiA, • • rA.Our Ii.k.s are of a sapcrior ^aalily, W-

111^ ni'i.l. iri.ai t!ie heal tOKTcdients and

T:. y 1. iv ;ill kin.l< ..f

Country I-*roduco,For whieh ihcy v., II , -.v the h;i:>eit n^^imt ' uiukr liu- iiT^ottiil »upcr*istOa of a me«

a-k a cunliuiianee i.I Iba same.hitr« B«T*r fa*i>red tben witb tbcir pattaaafc,Ibry aik Ikea la eall aa4

iME>il>i:L & JvAilX.•S3. '

' To lbi^^• wha • l?"*™"'''" ^'^'''v pound of isk sold to ks' of Superior Jet Black, Quick Dryiag, aadcinirely Free fiom i<etting.off.

liiir priiifs are IroroMtofiO ywosalLi l.iwrr lliaii ai-.v otbtr lakaiil' tl.f I'nitnl .'^tiitcs.

.V trial I 1' a - laif.le keg wiO:. :iy prinLT that lie i.asl>*en parins near-iliii.l.ii' wliat lie st.i a!'! pay l.ir liis Inlr^

in tiiiirs jKXi't. I'ut up io kegs and bar-rels u» saU MfdUMers.

AddKsa,KKmosBruNTisa ihx aik»

nSeitb FMihaiMOi,-

J4>ll\ {*. TIt.K V *t: \0.\.


AUnar.i.'lurera BImI .IihIitm in all kisda o» I' 11 'fiin», fr*nilbrSi.r^ttu>eW6e4eafket


l.i 1 hi- i.ii. apcrt panter c«aa.Wl k n.ln <it' coffin Iriaimlnpf ean«taat!y en

baii-1 ami t'-.r .-ali'.

K.-rr. :i Jlu,. hf-.r-f. :il.va\ - ^i , 1 . !. r, 1

fuae.'als fiic i.l'ciiur^e tu o.ir | :..


IFuyoji.* ami Dwjj'f*,

coa«tantty oa band or i.iaiir t.i i.r.lcr. rartle.alar atteaUuB giraa to plow stockiaf.

Boi eS •

!u.\RTruRD, Kunuav

jKi-iKiiriujr iieiitly and promptly di

SAP^I LARKINSFushioiiiiblc .l];u'l)cr^

ilAUTi'OUD KY.^lIAVINe, Ilair Catiiag aad Bair

P:i .ssiiiiir .!..ii. ill i!ii' Iio-'t flili'. I am at

tl.o same I ild .^r.vNi:, Im! have repaired il

aiiil inntli. it a'lnn-t a new skop.

ri^M f;ive ae a call. no.';i'i-.'>m


"Curei * of^FRIVATK£^HONiC cad S£JCUAIa DlS-

Sperai'atorrlao* %aA Impoi«seyt4 C e I ••>! I At - If In yaatfc, acsaal OrwaM* t«

turrr ««>•'. ir .

-.ti.-r .:.>.uu«, aad frmtm^lmm tmm*1 •»>• fcfc

l-rui; ' N 1 . .. ... HuitnalKaila-lsM. I«laMe«i»I) r h*«>.r. tMartiT* IMaar.' Fbfa

, I ,, .1 M -1. tl lb ."MVietT of l'(R..ati5^

I ' . f iUai Pf 'T«r. tie., r

"' SYPHilslS --i^'"'-^

OlaSCr. ^ "-^'^ - n-'"- ^ 1

Iflk » an-l <MA.-.- >. uwUatMM'S i|«kckly rura^UUaKlf^-iAifslMMaB^ liasuvkv waafodalaMMha

t« a«art>ia cla*« af H i . tMalAs mH ttm

Bj. t.^:ii'»4 w.-':il*kia. p1tv*'i«R« kwvtocthlaMattMr« i-i . ' .•t>.i.kc< Wi-n II U it)- I'Timival t«

\\ -.: , — , U; sc&t prtvala^

^^laanuatMd 'lm all

New Sleara Saw Mill

E. A. BULCU, Piop..HUIuroMl. Ky.

in furri-'a a!I kIn.N i.f milMM: MM-i;;;i: ..n ^r N.m r. r.l

I j ll". .* t . i. ;iM . r \

^rileh. o;ii. luiltf va^'t ul' 2it.iv.

ei..uiify, Ky.'.1. Itr.vii.-n



HASRYa. *. naaiEu

u i rii—

mm, MiiiL & CO..


All tlio ali.iv.' liavi- luoti li.iiijiit

nt I.OWBST f.v-M riii.'E. aii'l :iri' !ro-i|i -tock.

„ T p r , , 1

vo{ret.abIc remedies, such as Dk 1!a,..,

MrWilK t Jami..o» U canv.v^-i„g for $5 tO ^'-i* > 'n V.'i"."t' IrrMr .Tno, BROTT.i:irrov, fa!hor-,„.law « . ii k.> .s,:vrN Skalh ob Goldkx : thi.s honk ..ml will call oil our citkens. . •'

rtHMiualiK' t -riiift. fteiaeniLrr tho

We cordially reciimmeud it, and earn- I'j""'•^'"f'"-"' »ii-i>;'. n«-*i dovrto Uaitrvrd and of the late.-t piyk-s anufaabinou, ami

estly hope it will have an extensive ' v»-"V-«-mwUi be soU at prices to

LTvs feii i.irtl.i'v lit boiufl. .^_.l.lI.ll<





of oar wort'iy County Clerk, Capt. S. i Wondeu, which isja sovete^ remedy


ia a great variety ^ the SMMt ooaunon

AUuhowiM, to l« informed of the ^km..,.-. p. u-.w .m „ w•birk deedi an I mysteries of the ca.10 ; ' ' f"r **"ni|.hiet oi luoi.ns-M-.iitaiaiiigli'U

wwtU do well to proeuie one.1'l^J^^^^' ••»^»

HrvPLK A.\o » AS« Y uno«

No. tf. Ifaia Stiact. Wt. tigklk wU Hiatk,

LOUISVILLE, KY.AliK.MTS I i.'tir Im-" :. •! •• •>

» i»e j vi!i< * oi 111.' i';.. ... i :.mi.il L.i.-.i i-

$IS a BAT IaaTct wll rapiilly. Head for Cir-

calar. Vtm T.'rk EasraTias Co., U Vail•trcel. Box K. Y.

PRIVATC COUHSEIXyKOf rBC>^ *'^* ^ ••l1r<*->*. ar^vnlw walii. kr ttm^t • ni. Sh- 1''. >•« T t i I

<- bil. AiUrwaa aa akwi^I. .. f f • \ V - w ^ ^uujt, s (• « r. M.

JOHN 11. DEAN.Piau Thmt awl Bapaktr,


PiT:\ i » rnniing ilwJruoieBti waa!d do wtti

to Rive ir.' . "M. Or.liTi for tuning left wilb

V. .V. V. .Tr-"'. ^J" " **

J.'ficrsuo Str.. I. I.""i-vill<-. Ky.. wilt reeei**

fmnifl allenti.iD. .~!niijfa.uioB gaaraatoad.

A Kood (took uf Sbeet Maaio, laatnMiJrit.

Vioieo. tiaitpr, Vk lienil siriBa^ Maslil

U,„ttd>aau al ail|Ms. Mhs sMrtlf a»-

tcaJod laf

Adilms W.U.nVY,Ohtaryifi, Ky.


Fashionable Tailor,UARll'i K V

Coat*. Paala anJ V. i- »ai i

paired In tlstt beat atyla sttlic lu-.^.:.: i.ti«4


No trouble to wait ua you. Call audexamine, and see lor yoonelvss, that ev-

ery word coa'aincd hcreia is Irtiv.

f 1: <•:«)' at home. As-nif^waatad. Oat

AjUcU, Maiuo.^A'J ui.ii.T tens Uk. TBUfk CO.

CAMPAIGN flAOB^of all kicil* at

D I C K I N S O .\ S

FOilli'L.RS HOOSE.Siadi StiMi, Wl. lUa aaA Msito l

uwmaLcjiT.(ep.< 4t.

Page 4: THE HAR RD - archive.org



Wf. lb« •IrlreaU* •! tlie DewiocniUc

|«r y tif ibe ITaiu-J Muum ia Natimial

CiNiccniiou iMn'mbltfil, aio lifrrliv dtvlart-

IIm Maimiiiiatnu Ion »l tlif Kt^rntl tifii -

rraM>'i>< Ix? uriTi'iil iit C'l oi itiiiiioli-

Mc K4*f(>rni; >K> luTt'liy riijoin u)>i>ii the

m)iiliii'r> "I ilii" I' Mivi iii oil iiii i111' ilir

l>i-in »'l;ill<'I:iii> "1 . i. ii > lir, :l . • alou-

t'n<>rt ami iM-><|«'r iII'Mi m i In . i lul. itml

Iifi'i'ln Mpi-i-iil lii t'ur 1. 11. I ll- .'I

vkvrv |Hili(icikl coiiiiivlioii, > iiiuik'r(ul>r

«ritk an (kia Ant mmAnmm fttmimg ftxri-

otic ilulr.


l'.>r llie l>i'iiii>or»i v <>l luv wliule cmin-trv , H f lio lirrr rralNrM iMr fikitli in thr

IKTiiiMnrnce ol ike t'eJenU UaiM, our4e*<Mi<Mi U> tkeCowMiialiun oTibe UniUsI

HiatMrfritk K< ameMdrnMU naiverMllyii<vr|iiiit m» Anal frlilrmrnt ol the con-

iriivcrKini lliat rii*rniierrtl civil war, and4« kcrc rvcurdour mMuII'm coaltJfee ia

%k* |Mq<ctitit]r of RefmblicM 8alM2Mr«ni-

MU FRonvoT.'^ or A> mniDRKb

la »I'MiIo1.ii-n iu o ill llip will <it

the i!»ai»*ntv--Uii | :


|.h1m nI Ke-


In tbc sufirfiiiai v ol ilio civil over tbc

wiliury aalkorily;

In tUr total nrparlioa of tke Ckarckanil Si.t;r, lor ilie rsake allwaf ciwil andraliKioiia Irreilont.

! equality ol all citizeaa bofon juti»— ol Uicir owa enaetaMot,

lalh* Hhwty of iMiiviteri tamlmti,—rwd kjr sam|<tnary

lathe faithful dneatioa tt ifcttiaing

generatioo tliai iluy may pUMMM^onjoyand traaaniit ilic.-c t>r«t coaikMaaafhu*man li«|'piiu-i'.'< ainl ho|H'.

We I'i'liiil.l ilii- iiolilo!<t prodncts of aIiiiii<lrcil Vdir- of cli:iii;;ernl liislory.

liiil, v\liiU ii| lio|.liii(; llif lioii.l of ourl"iiii.>n Rii.l prciit ('liHilrr ol tlu^c oiir

righlH, it lielioovtf* a Iric |H.o|,lt' lo prac-

tice a! b.i iliiu ei-riittl vigilance viliiclii!"

Ibe price c: I. Lcri>-.

Mi:>rvi:Li: anu ii vniiirtiKd.

R«fani b !(>m.sary i > r«huiU and e^-

talili-li in tl.o heart- ol llie vThole people,

tlu I'.ioii, I! ycHr-i M.'o lis(i}Mly rci-cue.l

from tlie Janj.-r ol ;> S.. i:>!-ion iil Slates;

Imt now to I'c -axc'l irttui a c irrupt CVnIntliam, wi.icli nlur iniliiiiiij u|>on ten

8lai««; tb« lafadtf o<'aar|Mt>hag tytan*

aiea, baa bowtyeaib>4 the oMee of thePcdcfal Uoverament ilacir with ineapaci

ly, araMe and fraad: iafeeicd State* andaianieipalitica with the coolageun of hiIh-

rale, and locked fast the |>ro«(ierity of aniateatrioa* people in the paralv^i^ oi



b KwMwary to ctaUish aenoy, rei-tore the pulilic credit

liii the National honor.

We deno-.ince the l.iilure lor all ihe-e

eleven ye>ir- oi peace lo Mia!:e poo I the

pr»niii-e i.l liie lecal lender iiolr», whichare a ciian^-n ^;:ii>'iard of value in the

hand* ol the people, and the aoa-payaientof ahieb ia a iimpai «riU MMitedfattbaftbaHatioa.W«4aaaBMatb« improvidence a kick,

ia rfaaaa yaan oT peace, kaa takei| from

tbt yaople, ia Ftderal Taxe«, thirtrrn

tiaMatbc vkole amount of the legal ten-

and squandered lour tiiueH

I in useleMi eX|>enae, without ac-

camalating anr reserve for their redemp-tion.


We 4caonc< the linaucial imbecility

and immorality «t (hat party which du-ring eleven year> ol pence, iius made noadvance* lowanl reriiiiipiioii, no prepar-ation I ir re-iiniplio!i, but inKte;i<l has ob-atraciei re^anipiion, by wastin); ourrrsoiirce:^ and exhanating all ouraurplu8 income; and, while annually pro-

ienaing to iatead a epeady cctara to apecie

payuirnt. baa aanaally caaeted ftraah bin-drancea thereto. As each a hindrancewe denounce the Uemimption elaase ofthe Act of lt*T5, and demand its repeal.

We demand a judicious «yiitem ul prep-aration by public economiei', l<y ollicial

retrenchment*, ai'.il by wise liiiaiice,

which -ball enable the nation xoon to at-

liiire ilie whole worM of ili* perfect ability

and its ptrlect readineaa to meet any ol

i(a praaiisea at the aall al iba wa^ilBr en-

lilM to payaaaaCWababaaaaaahaifaUai, w«ll4i*iaed,

abaaa afl. tati aUt i to oaaipiUat bandsfor ezecation, creating at no time an ar-tificial ncarcitjr of currency, and at notime alarming the public mind into aH iih<lra» al ol that vaster machinery ofcredit by which 'J'> [itr cent of all busi-

neaa traniiaciioiis arc pertornieii— a ^ysleln

opea, public and iniipiring general conli-

a, would from tlie ilay of itn adoption

bcaliag oa ita wings to all oor har-

il MaMriia, ait ia Mtiaa tba wheelsafeemmwes, aaataatna, aa4 ataekap

iiu'tit all)

f::ilily i:i i

p.op'e have pa,''

>re than ihrin- the

Verillllrtil l',| ul-

,v^:, . Ill, p.-

lo llu ir lax I' lllo r- in

.-'.nil ol (lie 1 iili'ial li<

We il. iiiaiiil a rigoruua Ini-

y ilcparliiieiit, >i lid (rata ev-ery lUiicerol the (i 'Vernnienl.

THC rBoruti.vri: u A.-^TB or ru>Licl..\Mll!.'

Ui'form l< Necessary to put a stop to

the pi. ll i' iii «a-Ie ol puLhc lainN amitheir .liv. 1 -loii iroiii actual hetllern bv thepmy 111 |. i.M

i u 111, II lia- -ipi:in.lercil

JiHt million of acn - upon r lilroa i- alonem l out ofiiioie Ilian lliricelhat a^'gre

gale has diii|>ose.l oi'le-i than a aistb direclly In tillers of the -oil.

TIIK .>illli:i.l) nf < ITi:/.FNSim\Hrfana U NiH-aaHary to correct the

omiwionK of a Repabticaa CongnvH. and(he crrora.nf oar treatiea and uur ilipio

macy, whicb fcnve xtripiKsl our fellow cit-

izens oi foreign liirlh and kindred race re-

crofnin^ the At'aiilic: of tbe i-lueld of

AmericHii citi.'. n-li'p, ami h ive exposedour brclhrcn ol ihe I'acilic i oa-t toiheinciir-ioii-i ol' n race not spriin.; Iroiii the-ami- p.irent -lock, an.l in t'.ict now belaiviiiiiicil ciii.-iiis|ii|i iliroM^'li iiaiiirali-

zalion ns being neither ncrn-loiiieil i.> the

(radilions ol n progre><sive civilizalioii norexercised ia libertt under the law*.

We deaoaace the policy which ibaadiaeatda the liberty-loving (terman andtolerate the revival of the coolie trade in

VonfMian wt men iinporte<l for immoralpiir|H>MS, nn l Moii;;oiian iiii ii, hire l to

(vrlorni fcrvilc labor coiitraciH. iiinl ile-

iiianil Hiich A modilicalioti ol the treatv

wiili ilic t'liine.se Eiiipiri', or .-iicli K _'i-la-

li on by t'ongre.sii wuhi'i e m-iitiiiuinitl

liniiialions aH shall prevent llie further

iinportiitioii or iinmigratiuii lU ilic Mon-aohan rare.

.-i:i T\iii AX .«Tr.iii: .^xii SK< Tiox.vi.

ii.v ri:

Krfonii i- Ni'cesHiiry an.l e.m never berllecie I but by iiiakiiig it the conlrolling

issue ol (he eleelUMi>. an>l iiuiii;: it abii\r

the two talae iaeues with wincli the oilice

boMing elaaa and the party in power eeekto smother it.

1. Tbe false iaraa with which tbaywould enkindle sectarian ftrifr in res|)cct

to the public sckoolH, of which the e«tab-lisbment and enp|>ort belong exclusively

to the several S(alc<<, and which the I)eMi

ocrnlic party ban cheriHl;ed Iroin (heir


louuilalion. Hint is re-olvcil to tii.iintain

iwillioui prcjuiliee or pnuri nce lor anyclass, seel, or (Tee.l, an.l Hiiliout e.onlri-

bntions irom the treasury to any;'J. 'I'iie falae isaue by 'which ther seek

to light anew tbe dying ember* of aection

al hale betwcea kiMrad people one* ca-

(ranged bat ao« rcaailMl ia aae iadiviai-

bU lapablie aa4 aoaiaMa deatiay.

CIVIL SEsrics.Reform is »o«Mary in the Civil Service

£x|ierietice proves that eificient, econo-mical conduct of tbc goveraaiaaul busi-

neaa ia not poaaible if ita civil aervice l>e

subject to a ehango at every election, be

a prixe fought for a the ba'llot-box, U- abrief reward for l>arly zeal, inytead of

honor as.signed for provetl com|>etency,and heUI lor eonli.lelily in the public cmploy, thai (he ilis)K>!isiiig ol putroiia):r

kIiouM iieitlier be a tax upon llie tiiiu ol

all our public men. nor llic iiistriiiiieiit ol

their ambition. Here again promises fal-

iiitird in the performance, attest that Ibeparty in power can work out no practical

or salalory reform.


in tke iii|;li-r graues ui tue pnbUc service

President, Vice Tretiident, .ludgea, Sena-tors, Kepresentatives, Cabinet oflicem*

(hese ami a'l others in authority are the

people s servants Tlieir olbcei« are not

a private pcr.^ui-ile, they are a public


When tke annala of this Republic showtke dii^graaa aad oaaaaia of a Vice»Pi«ai-deot.

A late Speaker of (he House of Reprc-Hcntativea marketing bis rulings aa a pres-

iding oflieer;

Three Senatora profiting aeeretly bytheir vo(es law-makers.

Five Chairmen ul tbc leading comniit-(ees of the late House of Uepre!ieutativ,«s

exposed in jobbery:

A late Secretary of the Treasury forcing

balancea in the public account:

A late Attorney General iiii.sapproppri-

ating public fun. Is;

A Secretary ol the Navy enriched or in

riching friends, by par aeatagaa levied oil'

the proliia of ooatractora with hia depart-

>^OWMTHE Tljps.

ie arta, rratore employaMat la labor, aad(CBcw in all iu aataral taaaaMnlbafca^fwily aftba paapla.

nroKv nr rronAL TAXAtioir.

Is !5ecpssary in the sum and

of Federal Taxation, to the endthat capital may set free Uum 4iatnw(,

and labor lisktly hardened.We icaoaaca tba prrsaat Tarif; levied

vftm *it»iAj 4,000 artidaa. aa a aiaatrr-

piece of injustice, eqaallr aad Mae pre-tense.

It yields a dwindling, not a yearly ri-

ainf rerenue.

It has iin|>ovis1icd many industries to

aab«idizc a lew.

It prohibits iiiip.irta iliat might pur-chase the pro.bids of .\Mierican labor.

It has degraded American commerceA«ai the ficat la aa iaftriw nak aa thahigh aaaa.

It baa cut 4aaa tha aalaa of AmericanmanalaetareaaA baaM aa«l abroad, andHfplata4t>aiMaiiiiaftara tmA \m

It coat tbc people five tioMa aMra tbaah prodaeea to Iheprtwaaa af


frnita of kilibr.

Jt promotes (rand, f<«ter8 amngglinj;,•tirielies <li»bone«t ollicials, and bank-rnpis honest merrhants.

We demand that all Custom lloaae tax-alieaeball be aaljr lor Kaeaaae.


Wifkirm ia KcreeMary in the scale ol

rablie Edipraae—Pedaial. giale awl Ma-aieipai.

Oar Federal taxation baa awollen fromCO millioaa gold, ia 18S0, to millions

rariaac f. ia IRTO; aar acgragaie tauMioaIS4 aiiliioaaj|i44 ia IMO. la 730 millionaearrency in IbTH^ «r ia aae dacada, fmmleai than per bead to aMfc tbaa|ier bead.

A Miawter to Eaglaad aeaaarad ia adishonorable apeenlatioa;

The Preeidea'a Private Secretary barely

escaping conviction u|Min (rial lor guilty

complicity in frauds ii^ion the revunue;A .SecJeiary of War impeached for

high crimes and misdemeanors;The ilenionsIratioiH U e.>iiiplete that

the tirst st. p in relorin must I..- the p. .>

t>le'8choice of holiest men another party,

cat Ibe diaease ol one political orgaaisa-tioa iafcet tbe body politic, aad lest bymaking no chaage at aMa or aartiaa weget no change of Mtaaaiaa aad aa realReform.

KKi'i ui.iciN BiMaM nmNaiMJLAll these abuses, wrongs, and crimes,

the product of sixteen jeara' ascen.lenoy

of the Republican parly, create a iieCfssi-

ly for Kelorin eonre-se.l by Kep iblieans

themselves ; but their reforme:« are voted

down in Convention and displaced from

the Cabinet. The parlv^s mass of honest

valcra ia powtrlaae to reeiet the HO.OUO of-

fice-holders, iia Itadare aad gaidea.A CIV (I. BsraMmaa aacaaaaar.

Reform can oaljr be had bj a peaceful

Civil Revolution.We demand a change of system, a

change of a.lminis(ra(ion, a change ofparties, that we way have

A t'liaiiRr or WoaanrNe and of Slen


LIVERPOUL.CAPITA^—•10.000,000 GOLD.Casa^«B«Ta, ovkk 9I2,(>()0.(KX) GoldCaaa Aaaro m U S.. <I,837,<J84 Gold

toNIk a-

BABBn*eAmUIAN. (lensral A esnt>,

bouifville, KouiU'.'kv

BABBLTT a IIKO.. Acrnta,ilAKTroED. KV.

AttKNTS Onr Urge lilc-like sTKrL rMiR*M AKK \1NI.S III I ho l'Krs.-nENTI.lL OaM>i-

$iS A BAT nATK.H wll rspidly. 8eod fat Cir-

caiar. Vcw Y««k Kacrnvfac Co., U WaUslital. Bos 333t, n. T.

^ I t) ada.V s* bniiie. Ag nl« wiinl«<l. tlui-

^l^tlaaU tcrais Iro. TRI Kt C<i.

Affu%m, Maine.

llUKCIl nrKKCTOKY.Papti^t—havo servises ttti Sunday and

.><un>U]r night in evrrv nnuith and Satarday

aight praoadiaic. W. I'. I!< nnell, paftor.

X. R. rhureh S.iulh-.-^cr vires Ihird .>«un-

.U.v in every in.inlh. W. W. <'i>uk,pa<t»r.

(ui.in Sun.liiy .-i. hiM.I rvi-ry Saadaj awra-ing at kairpa>t ciskt u'eluek.


Ilarlf.ird— F,l'. M.>rgan..Iu.lns.»oson.I M.m-.|.i>ii in .l.iiiii.iry. .\piil. July hh I 'i. ti.l'er.—

I'liiirl.-. liriHin, .M.u-li il.

I'.enver Uaoi.—E. W. f.Mmcr, Judge, lirM

.SaturiUy in Janaary, April, July aa I Ortabsr.

-W. U. Blaakaaabir, UarabaL

fremwall—A. P. Naalagaa. Jadga, aeeoad

.Satarny to iwmmmrj, April, Jaly aad Oetuber

—II. P. Wise. Marshal.

Cenih-.i.—W. D. llarnarJ, Judge, last Sat-

rjay in Marrh, Jane, tvsplemlier aad Dwcoi-

lier.—Uaaiat Tiahmior. Marshal.

lUmiltoa—J. W. Lankford, JmAgt. pott-

.ifli e fi.lilrest Mellenry, e..iirti> held third Sal-

iir.l iv in ./sDuary, April, Jalj aad Oetukse.

A- .1. Canaaa, Martkal, paat-aflaa addraai


Roekport—James TintUy, .fadga, MaaHeldWillUas, Uarthnl. Couri* kdd Itst W«<Id«-

(Uy ia iaaaary, Apri', July ai

CIRCriT COURT,llun. James Stnarl, Ju.l^e, Oweasbor*.

lion. Jos. Ilsyerafi, Atlurney,

A. I.. Hortoa, Clark, UacUard.

K. a. Matrsll. Master Coaimitiisasr, llartferd.

T. J. Smilk, Sharif; Uactfurd.

E. L. trias. Jailer. HarUord.

Coart ksgtas aa tha ssasad Maadays te Mayand Vovember, aad eoatinaes tkraa wsaka aaab



Hob. W. F. Gregory, Judge, Uartford.

Cspt. Saau K. Cox, Clork, Hartford.

J. P. gaadaiiir, Attoeney, Bartfaed.

Coart ksglai aa tha Ifit Meaday la every


QOAETIKLT COURT.Degiai aa tha 3rd Moadays la Jaaaary,AprII,

Ittly aad October.


Begins on (he Ornt .M n 1




J. .r. I.en.-h. .V.P r, Ci.,m<r, ll.

!. Sioith Kilzhui;h. Survi-y.-r, .•^-.rphiir Sprin<.i.

I hii^. II. H.-.-ttell, (^.ri.iKT. .^ull.iiur S|irin.;-..

W . L. Howe, S.-li.i.iI l'.iiiiiiii-:.i..li.T. Il.»rtl'.r.l.

M.WI.-<TUATC.<' Oil KTS.

Canej diMiiel. X... 1— I'. II. Alf..ril, 'mtiee

oftbelVare. I*. II. Wktta Raa. Courts bel.l

Hareh N, Jaa« 17, Soptembcr 4. ami Drrrin-

ber IR. E. K. Till. r l. Ju«li. e oflli- Pence.—P- O. Rosiae. l'<>iii:i> hrl.i Marcli Is. June ^,

September 18. and l>e.-rml>er 4. W. W. Eicll,

CoaaUMa, P< O. Eoaiae.Cool Springs dltlriet No. S—A. V. Brown,

lu-tiee ..f tlis I'eai-s. P. «. Roekport. Courtshi l l .Mur. h :i. .luno l .-^i pleinli. r I, .tO'I l>e-

e. uiber U; |i. J. Wilcox, Juntier of lbs

Peace. P.O. Roekporl. CoarU held Marchli, Jane !, !<eptrm1i«r III and ItoeenberS.—Ijaae Itrown, Con»tahI<-. P. i>. K... I;p.>rt.

Centerl.iwii di<triel Xa.:i— W. 1'. U. ii.lsr, J»

P. I*. 0. I'uint Plcarant. Courts heUl MarchSI.JaaaI4, Saplaaber 30, and Ucecmber li.

A. T. Coffaaa, J. P. P. 0. Ceralro. Courtsliel.l March lA, J una S8. Beptoaher I*, andne,'enii.rr S. b. Talhataea, CaaalaHs.—P. O. llogKS Vt.\U.

Ball's State Oistriet Xo. 4—Bea Kswtoa.J. P. P. O. Boford. Courts held March It,

.lune 2;', Septeuilicr 1 1 , nml Oceemlicr 27. S.

W.i...l»nr.|. .1. 1'. I'- <). ll:irif..r.l. C.urHheld Uarcb 24, June 10, S. pteinl.er 2j, Dee. m-herll. BU CUaa, t^oasteblo. P.O. Ba-forl.

F..r.l'viH,> .Iljtriet N'o i— C. \V . R. Cobb.

J. P. P. II Vi r.Nvilln. C uTt... h.l.l March8, Jan.' lU, Scptewhcr S, Deeruibcr 23. J. L.

BartMi, J. P. P. O. ronl««illa. CoarU bald

March tn, Jane 7, September St. December 8.

J. I. llnr.ler. eointal.l.., I'. O. K..r.l<viMe.

Klli.«" .li-liiet No. B- r. M. KIr.iy, J. r.


P. O. Wbitesville, Ilavirsa county. Courts

hold March Jaaa 31, Sartoaibef Daeom.ber2.1. James Miller, J. P. P. O. Whiles.vilU', Davit*?* e unlv. ('our(« hel.l Marsh 22,

Jnne S, Septe-Mlier 2 ', lii-. iail.er '.i. t^.m.'ta-

lilr hava none. C. W. Phillips, DeputySborif, P. O. WUlaarille, Darhaa eoaaty,

.Iocs the bnsiness.llnrlf.>r.l pislriet Xo. 7—I. P. C...'pfr. J. P.

P. II. Itinur Il.im. r .iirts li. 1.1 .Miireh l;i,

June2A, Scplembcr 14, Uccrinber 20. A. B.

B«Baatl,d.P. P.O.Uartfard Courts held

March S3. Jane 13, September 37, Deeemhorl.t. Vr. L. MaiMox, eonstabic, P. >. Mollcnrr.

Cromwell district Xo. 8—.Saiuurl .Vu-iin, J.

P. P. O. Cromwell. Courts held March 27,

J une I «, Ssataaibar Sf, Oaeaaibsr I*. MririaTaylor, J. P. P. 0. CraawelL Caarta baMMarch 17, Jaaaa*,26. R.well

Ilartr.rl DistftstVa't—T. IbAllcnJ. P.

P.O. Il.iril.inl. Courts held Mateh It, June24. Si-piciul.cr I:'.. Decmbcr 28. John M.Lcaeh, .1. P. P. O. Beaver Dam. Courtshel l M.ii. li JS..Idno \.\. .".^iplciubcr 2S, Deccm-b.«r 11. e..n>i:it.le.

Sulphur Springs ili'lriet No. 10—R. tl.

Wcililine, .1. /". /'. O. .''ul|.l.nr .Siningj.

Courts hel.l March 21, June K, .^i liU iiil.i r 21,

December 7 i. A U.ainctt, J. /'. /'. U. Sol-

phur Sprinj;i*. Courts liefl March 7, Juoo 20.

September 7, December 31. — eun-s table.

Barllett'a /Winet Ito. 11—W. H. Cammias,J. /•. /'. 0. Hartford. Curt" helJ Mareh10, .Tunc 22, Scp'eiuhiT 12, December 26.

Jaokaon Yatea J. /'. /' O. Bufonl. Courtii

beU Mateh SI, Jaae f, Saplasihcr 3«, Docembor IS. B. 11. Bartoa, coastabla, /'. 0IluforJ.

17, Jaaa»>, aaBtaaibsr, l«, Pssiaibar8. Madges, CaaalabK P. O.Craai-

J. W. TJ

8dt mitd Lmrg fikife,


I dcaira to Inform the eitiicni of IlarlfurJ

and vi.'inity that 1 am prepared to fumii^h ^iid

die Mild llm iio.'. ^i.'L'k, ltug;:ie0and eunvcjaii-

cet of allkimls on tlie most reaaoaabls terma.

lloraea (akca to feed ..r bo.ird by the day, weekor moBlh. A liberal charcuf patiaaagoaoliei.

ted. aal It

COLLEGE,HoaaeUville, Ky.

The neat ssMlaa af this

tiun beitina Angaat 31, I8T6.

lioard and I- . liiinjf, t<-n dollars per month.Tuitiiin, si.xtv .1 illnrs per nnnum.Theological etuilents p iy no tuition. Sons

^Mlla^ adaiater^ p:(y n.* tuition.



T.i tWr Wagffcner A.M. Th..s. W. Tobey D.D,Jas. II. Oray A.M. P. A. Puiater.

C M. Paiaua A.M W. W. Oardaar D.D.B. J. Daaa A.M.



County Paper.


1:18 -S:M "3:20 <«

.-.:17 "

4:0S •<

Tke UarlM Herald.

FarMl variiaBlara addressX»L]LIB VAtUBMER, Chr..

Rusiiclltillc, Ky,

RA.Tr.ROA.l> TIMK TA.MI.Kl.oiiiovlllp. I>ii>1nenh A- Konthne«<»n|.

Tha down (rain for I'adueah leares Loaia-villo, daily eass)rive* at

Cerilian JuBclina at I1:2!t*. mOra.Tson .-iprin)^ at 12:50 p. mLeilebGcM atMiUwowl atBeaver Dam atn..i-I<p..rt »t"".'•'» -^'-T.i Jaaetlea atlir.M-nville

X '

.r IoaeiMa JaaeUsa at

Piilaeahat M* -Theap tmto isr tsidarilla tsar— Padasak

laiiy aaaaft WaaiM at Mb a. afc aa4 awlsaaat

Xurtoarina Jaaetlea at l»:SSa.aklireearilleat 11:33 "• Iwrn.l. r.. Junetiaaat "Kofki. 'rr at 12:23 p. m.Pcavr Idtn at 13:iS "l.< ielilicl.l at ixii -liriivson .'^priagt "Hi;; l-lifiy at StM *•

i't**il>jiii Jiinctioaat 4:00l...ui..iillp at «:!0 •«

llarlf.irJ is connc.-li-.I wilh thn rnilroad atr...;ivcr D.on by stag.- line i-i cc a .lay.

These Irainii connect wilh Kliiutn'ihtown at

Cceelian: with flwcnaboro at Owensb.iroJunction, and wilh Kvan.-ville, Ilcn Ivr-o.n amiNaahvilloat N'..rli.in illc

l>. F. Whitiomi, t^uperinlcndent.



Will be partioulacly iatersadag to



One iMpy om yearOne copy .six iiioiiths

One coi^ three taoatha..,

$1 .'.!»



Oar Casilkies fer doing all kiadaoT fiala aadtuiey


Alaifftits aadwa


rt Ul bo promptly a((sad«d to, aad (atisfaction

Give us your jHilrona^e


PosrieKsea a iiiuoli greater power in re-

storing to a lieiiltiiy stale I lie muciiaineuibrone ol'ilie urethra than either t'u<

licl>K or I ''ip:ilMa. It never prodiiceK siek-

ness, ii< certain and Kpee.ly in it> iKtioii.

It in last tinperHeiiin): every other remedy,.'sixty capiiiiles cures in xix or eight daytiNo oilier Mtnlieiiie can ilo tliiri.

/>iliii/fl« iJict if* (*!>'« .S*'»/V t'»;>.»i/« miittiinimtf

Oil >/ StuvlilwiM.i, •'>/.< nt nil llrwj Storeg.

Atk/ar timUr, or scad <o 3o <t 37 H'eoifa rjilrcct

A'of ysrtiJbraBa,


•li.l -^tliKt rv, »uh ti^'-r "JM^ate prat-ui- r. n.ti-ln-a •If-tt-Mlully trrat all Privrtie. NcrvouB antl 8cxii.i I

aa t .Sprc'a.i^. Bvphilin i ur. .t arnl . ntin- v ciattn-*-trtl fP>in lltcaytiriii. Cirnorrhfa, t . .t - (. Mn.-'.n.', Kup-tura, Varin>crl<-, c aUrili. ^lkiu aud li;<^tl l>uauc) uuiok-IJ aiMMlrljr ruri-,1.

Fefnalf complainit- I-oiirorT>i<p* or Wliltco. tnrwi-tion aiiti raTliiix i>i tlt< V t>iiih, lerf.-i. a^^nyi^ p-ifiir'TrftiimOt Xht Mcnirs, Itr. . aucrueatui: v tn a!' •).

HpfrmaterriiM, ^cn»u• Urbiiity, Ac.. (MianMltor•Pif-alMiM lo jtituh or •.x«»«l etc aara) fttid llirir citctB,NarvoumiB, FMiUciftn*. IMtviivw McMory >wit pr—Mn7tP*cMiwlIy rr»uiiiii){ nt l<>t«l Imp iliiiiy ud AwiUItr* fradrrink BMrnaf'* iiiirrop^r op Imkappy. Mnu*netitiJ cured, ittinntu-rvhA SBaratkdtMramactirt.Im. l.jkNt AKTCB CAN CURCVOU. P>>*u« MrdiclTh-aitMf ftnt aeaVd ttiraiiTr* mita atnmp. Mnlit-iixflfurniatird. ho niinmtl p«»Bi>na tta.-d Paiiriila tmlotl hyMailur Evtin-ta. I hargra rraatqiabl«| C«mai*UaliuN Htmntl ci.rr. »t'' n«!« nrf ftricujrrcr»»ne ca :i>i^ m i,l ar«IW<

ri'^lll.-; |i..p'.ilar -111.: HI T re^ .It is now openA. and thoroughly outfitted lor Ihe auiumer.Aad o«io( to tb.i deproesioa af baiiaiss aadatringoney of money, Ibo foUoaiaf rsdacai'

rate!" will be char);ed : $40 per luonth, $12 perweek, and 12. .'.H a iliiv.

n..25.. W. 8. VaNMETER 4i BRO.

SEND SSe. to O. P. BOWBItlt * CO., M.


. for Pamphlet •riMfagsa.aaatdaiacliataof :ii>i»> newapspors, aad astiaMtcs sbawiagcu!( ofadv «r(islag.

K«amswUtr.The Mailaad laiaaaaerBn

by (hoMlawfaii

Mill.Leaves Arrive!!.

Owrnaboro st •-««aM 6 ZD p mSuiherlaad'a •JH - "f niw'a 0 46 S.44 "

l.cwia' • J. 12 ••

Uilcy'n lu.l.l S.2I» "Tieheaor's 1 11.23 " i.i'S "

LireraMwa l»».»l « 4.5« «lalaad 1«.4« « 4.44 ••

Stroad's lii..'i.S 4.« "

8. CarralKon ll.lli " 4.13 "Owensboro Jun. 1 1.20 4.01) ••



ArrivesOwen«I...r.i at 10.2''. a m.<nili. rl.in r« s.ia " «.'.« -

rmw'ji 3.21) "(I.::.-)


3..iS " 9.2.i

Kiley'n I.JO " ».U) "

Tichcnor'i 4 Oi 8.55 "l.iveriiiore 4 JO •• 8 411 "t^land 4 ••

8.:'S "

.•'lr..ud"i 4. ill •' 8. in "

S. Cirr.iliton o.^i " 7 4.1 ••

L 1' .t.-^.W .Dep. b:.v> " 7.;iu "

Tr:iiD:i run d;iilv, Kun.layaexeepted.I!. Tlill'LETT, Usa'l Manager.

John P. Mortem ft Co.,


BOOKSELLERSand Staiianera,

PliiVl'liKS & B!.\yi:ii!i.

156 VMJfimaL.kt. FaMrfhaad Fifih,

LOUISVILLE, KY.lio-l5-ltni

BBAD TnB AM>'Oi:NrE2nE!<rr

Mumqr Hill PublishingCoaJataaV. Jewett,]

CHRONIC ^t^u l>nLhfl tiurkefl out loUealUi by llial plamrMof

all book*— l*LADi Uoas Talk a.md Mkdicai.Cushion HB:««K.whfeliconUta«iiMrly 1.U<U|«mof origin*! matter,w eDCerUlalaf•« atMctao^*torr. Ucftlth and luof life made vMy for tkSIfamnl And unlfimrd. 4*TanuDcd full «*f bi«B4McM, wbich are cbMriBcl9ttM»ick.niA

ichr cut .'TiihiiuK Io xhomwImmt iwhiiihk to cw-apc df»t;aw. It fMdi flie fead«r

•painHt (Itc |Mihul«')t «>f bamnii Mi0rniir. andI*«t!nt«i wtiv «.f dt llvemticv irt thu#r « ho «r«alr*>»ifly -'i;:>^><«|. |iy nil n>ruii», find 4-ii| allK'» Kt it. It In for jrVin. It'w autri<-r. Vr. K.II. l-'orK.ii' I I,i..M\«iTn'5 Ai>ME. New^"iti*. 1-4 < 'lisi; ;ril l y :n\n!iiN r.i hi ne undaiiro^.I. in f-i- 'ti nn<! l>v I'-tur. rml I o- I nd (!>•

mpiTi-iH -'-'f itU h qiiarlrr «>I m reiituryInr !M'tr'-:iri.i- I •. (^f li.nic h!tti;iitit»: •»!'<! d.rM uli tlit.-

oa-os (if (\ TV . I' trai fiT; truce I i*. rl liirv fowriU" prnt t i- i( tt ti'lii* fur XYo ir.vtt'id irHticr liltc<>n'»ulia!ii' r.r.' rv.\ ft 111 iht* fit k * ^< rvwhrn


h' mr Inn i iiitin*ii:«o t< Trft't'ln i-nrf » ilh thi-nickitll 'ivi»r tlf cii't>f, \-<v, i:eai>eh. avw. /truTV T.i' i'N-'i i r the fiWf Hiitlior rf I"b1i lfoir«Tn'.k fii<i M' .lh tti < ..mnioii \\ niei*. bimAT.'l }<tu Will K'ri.i k wiiti hilt <'( nin i-ii S* dm*.W liutt'Ver \'>'.f in.nlHi',T. \i>;i will rr<rl\r Il>:Ut

vliM liu'l) (ti» \.>n 'bjr tiitnii:rtf only a

piMitAfff Kt!iin]>, tti'J w iitir^ to |>r. Y. »lo'»i»'hto iuttTi'fit \uu in hnih (lie doiior »i>d hia fm-mnriHl hi uk. Tb<* Bwok Itft if. which eiv«aMtufartton to atl whorinul it, run bo* boa of•crat*. ur of tb«* pubtt^ht-nt iilri*rt. lisin mna-lia hlntliu.:. :^'t.;9i. io lh« Kneli^ or (jarauui




Liii:'u.ii.-c. Uiirarr andtaii, la Caellsh aab,;:i s. nt by maH. pciaUca >>i>sli. aa isasMnniiv [iriiv. A laily wrlln the aatbar: ** Ihave nlnaja f,*1t thai yuu •*vTt tfu phvatclaa eftbrnorl.l. rmni tbe fact of T.>ur woudrrfal sac-C(*aa auii crf^i^o/ htta*" Oii« rt-aUcr aajra —"llia\« rmiiiil It t» be oiio of tha erai'dntwork* of thi' aire.'* Aiii.ihfr aaya— " I would notIk* willHMit it f.irtnicti lt« r..»t. Similar lettrrar.-;irU tuo uu'.l. T cMTy day. C'outouta labia •

f rii-.

IN STOnV: al'o byf.'-.rK I hf;ip i-Ui-

5 T.'!.. Iu 1. urallyill .'larjiarale rola. at Uaail t7.C0L

nr. ....iii..( I., i.induii;. Daatfer aiMl aa iaas%*-orpn ... • t ihi ililatlitTisat>ii|la Tablvul» table frw).

Publlratlona. vr» ran fatri>4i all i.f III;. K.ioTK"* tiopularD:mi' IViMi. riti.^a.. ..n tu'iilrhaud

kMi.!r...| tci|.jr»• Ol.l) KVK.S M.\l)K .NEW."

li-!l.ti..»^ r.. r. "'.uf- ;tu- i«ii;til aiul L'l ve up (^laiiwa,

Wltlimil ll.i- r.i.l .f 1>..<-I.'r i.r Mi'diliuo. Ilulfar-.IIi.'ii liHw ! i . a I-.- utl aIr«-iHlv !

• t.'o^ ri.RT

aM> I ri:c roll 1 na Iti-m aED'^ ta a valuableBiiMi(>;:ra))U r.ir ihtuNi uhoaraaHlictrd with Itiip*

tiirc i>r M.-niia. "I*bt*ioi.ooic*l lanioviraraTOF lli'ii>NiTT."r«laini la Ibe anbjcct ol baviaa|irr>pl<' Imm rii(bt. "I'liTaiaijosicaL MaaasMB"i:\\r* (lie latnit learaRlMS K|;aidta|tta laaaKovrniiiig t«mpefaaienlal adaplatli. Ac, Ac.A NTcr BacswABB, icriawiBC lacnaad ii

kci'lntkm Binaalan lha rwniallnaCuiH'rptkMi. "BraaaaToaaaaLi,'' or S

Inal Wrakacaa with rvidrnre of Ha cafaUHtr."l^aocF.ks canarn. pn'TtutioBaadeata," iBvaVaabls to nty mother hanii( the care of small

rhildrra. -roi-u Kan," raaii^ ||»s»»ttsaami corv. Aiiv ono of the tias|iav BaaaI'lihlk-atlona will he«ral by aal^paaiaia ga^paid, uu r«ctri|>t of tea cvats.

f"nrr PaUiraU*a«. W« win anjvkUiala ply !>. FooirB's Pre* rubltc»rnLL Uoas. " OraMaaa .4(fri<v to fAs

tUrt," oOmadaa it«0a*af taa* ; a circalar ofTBlae lo_tha skk. " AM<i»natarit».


MERCHAN'l TAILORSJfo. 170S.W. eomer fifth .^ Market Ircels.

WILT.nrARn.\N-TF:Ea..ool li,. eo.,.| .n^u an.l Fik.t Cfca^Waaa. aaaaMereb.niit -niiLir in ih,- city „|- I.mCi.sVII.LE. an.l at I.E.SS R.\TE.S.


C^^LL ^V^sD GIVE US TRTAtjI9*AII Werk flaanaaliid la he aa Keprearnted.


^xthmstreet, hHween Main and Market

.MantilMr'Mn r n-.! Vr',..l..alo ami RoL^il Dealer !„ .,11 kinjs of

^^;rnitu^o. Cuau-s, Mattresses, l^oddinff, Ao.JOii.x .V. JJiaK:ii>;.sor>r, Manager.R-tal^MM la LOUISVILLK in 18*J.

_[2JVT^'J::'^ LOW KOK CASHtHaam Krvirir* o-i .Ja-oh Street, Hai Clay.

AGENTS5,000 (Aod Alcentacau Hull proOublecimiliiy-mvDt la tbo >alo of lbs

lor.-u'.imi/ inililic.ili"n». niiil alao arvcral otb»rspublinbrU liv II.. Itviui all of tbe abore. aadstad for partirnlara. Addi«M,taeAc.TlM Murray Hill l^bllaMB«CE»tt 9Sth Strtet, Krm I'orft.

TlieLadicB' IIan(l-Bo«k

of raluablc informal i.>n to every

iroman. OLD or Yt.»U>UJlarriidortliiigle. LAD1K^Will tliaak ua for tb

Haad-Book, aad no

MUMT win object^

to i^aciag it ia th

kaadaofherdaughlei» TheaellandBooks arc notjjs^i




xos. purliciilarly

arnlvsis, .Vnonlexy,pilepsy, and all ne'r-

Voiu danageaieala ;

ir Canae aad Cnia.Ills l>.«ay will be foaad

ii'i'ply intprosting to all

-rvoiH siiflerers. BOTHr r.rniKU of the forrgoing

Ks/UA^U UUUKS cent FUate^ 'aajr ad ilieaa, «M

CEO. K 1 .

1 ! ^ KUOJI


!Ml-c)KTKR.S A.Nli I)E;.\I,KIt3 IX

mi liliil $!II,\E CUiiil.White, Brown and TolWv Warn.

Vr* aNukrrp on binj a Iu 1 an.l mrW *. I.--, 1 .i„ -i, ..fc,; v<v;r < j>F I \)ip.i ^ LAXTIKVS

DDImwm OFimm imm-COXSI.0TIXI1 or—

Locks, Bc.lia \Vron^l.t and l aM .Strap and -T ' Axea, nalekef. BaieberKaiTM. Iiil.le I'.iiUry ol all mvI.h. a fall aaMrtaieat of Saaoaa. H«ZlBella. C««i Bella. .s|,ovel«..s^WB, Park% (Mra TeaWMbaT^

all kiada aad aiaaa.8aee«a aad Pitta.

We kcepa fall liaeAT Carpenter's, TooU lira.', I n;., n-,.. .. f i, ,,'.inKKiiirea,Wrrncbrs. i%c, Ac. Also Si.,v, . ,r: . i,.. I , \V..k«u»fiaUliiieol"


TlAwaro of ouf own MftAHiaetii29a\Vc f.ir. r 11 1 I. f..r -ale at (iriceaaa lun and liberal aaeaa ba feaa.1 ia aav

niarKvt city or I oanirv. aa IB If*— ———

I: V ! rt im: . at. 1 iiiil.irt, only wear a ^ool titi g

liOOT 8HOIE,(Julaid Oxford Tie*.}



ClLJilCH ^y^. 7 JImmk Tfmfk, LOUISTILUS, KT.

TitMitf aiitl Shoes ande to onbrm Short Xoliee ia I ailiii aaj (irni%. nutXChklren'a GomL*. iii»-li>.


Comer Sertstk mmi Markal Bteaate. LOUISVILLE,

JirlVjCAaB errx cs a cau.


Aad Eyr Olanass are tbe b<«f • ^ .- lU CM aad polished from tbe "Rsal StoBS."

they Bra p»rfe.-tlT tran»pareBt (will c <»a*a«aBd). Brinj! hir.l-r tbaa th- flaaa,

ihcT rrri-ive a finrr p.>li<b and always retain Oaa pair earafalljr sailed to year eysa will

last ria loni; fivr p liri of thr bc.t g\*»t, besiJra pruiie lag tbe Sidbl almirt aaimf^d aMthat time. Bv our new svs».-m f r te.iins th* sight, we are aaablaa Is »alt aay rj* »• ser«-

raiely that no injiiri..u« rffp.-i* will fr)ll.>w. W« repair Speatastaa aad Eye OIa<i.e«, an.l inaen

Pebble* or the be

wba Nfaiia spsetaelaa I

•oaa ate aaaaat aaB aa

^j"^^ ^"^"^ ft r.^ait MO>,Jprt|Ba».^

nt illBsa Len-ia in oil frame*. Our Di-Fesal fcsstac'ej arr fjn.l.l penpio

toelaa to sea far of as well as aaar bw aaly saa faW beiag rsBaiwd. To par-

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