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The Hardest part is Getting Started -- 3 Simple Ways to Get Started on Your Next Big Writing Project

Date post: 16-Jan-2017
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The Hardest Part is Getting Started 3 simple ways to get started on your next big writing project.

The Hardest Part is Getting Started

3 simple ways to get started on your next big writing



starting a big

writing project

feels like you’re

standing in front

of a brick wall.

You have a big idea for a writing project... A new autoresponder sequence…

A series of blog posts…

Re-writing your about page...

You know that if you actually do it, it’s going to move your business


In the dream world of your mind…

you may have already done the work,

written the copy,

and launched...

But when you snap back to reality…

You haven’t even started.

But why haven’t you?

There’s always “something else” just waiting to occupy your time...

So many things that “need to be done.”

And your big project gets pushed back...

You’ll get started “Tomorrow.”

But the good news is...

It doesn’t have to be so hard.

Here are 3 struggles that hold us back...


Potential solutions to overcome them...

Let’s get started...

1. The Project Feels GIGANTIC

Big projects — starting a blog or re-writing your

website copy — are almost always too involved to

complete in a single day.

But for some reason, it’s easy to get caught up

thinking that we need a massive chunk of time to

complete the project from start to finish.

The solution???

Break the project up into tiny, bite-sized pieces

you know you can get done… Make them almost


These small “wins” will start to snowball, and

pretty soon your project will be underway.

When I started my blog, I resolved to spend 15

minutes working on posts everyday. And if I did

15 minutes… I won!

The cool thing is, 15 minutes easily turns into 30

minutes… 30 minutes turns into an hour… and

before you know it, you’re almost done!

2. You Don’t Know What to Do First

When projects involve many tasks, it’s hard to

know which to-do item to tackle first.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when there are so

many things you could be doing...

The solution???

Make a big list of everything you can think of

that needs to get done for the project to be a

success. I like to use Wunderlist.

At first, don’t worry about order, plan or strategy.

Just get all the to-do’s out of your head, on paper

or in your app of choice.

Then, if you’re not sure which action to do first,

just start by doing the easy stuff!

The first action will lead to the second… and the

third… and before you know it, your project is


3. You Don’t Know Where the “Finish Line” Is

If you don’t know what “complete” looks like for

your project, you’ll have a hard time getting


If you were competing in a bike race but had no

idea how long the race was, how long it would

take to complete, or where the finish line was,

you’d likely have some resistance getting started!

The solution???

Define the finish line of your project.

“This project is complete when ________(fill in

the blank).”

If you have a big project that you know will move your business

forward, but have had a hard time getting started on…

● Break it up into tiny bite-sized, stupid-simple


● Make a big list of all the tasks you need to do

for the project to be a success… do the easy

stuff first.

● Define the “finish line” with the statement:

“This project is complete when _______.”

And if you really need help getting started...

Check out my Copywriting Strategy Sessions…

During a session, you and I will team up for 90

minutes to hash out a solid strategy to help you

get your next copywriting project off the ground.

Thanks for tuning in!

Niklas Isaac is a freelance copywriter and copy-


His goal is simple: help small businesses and

startups choose the right words for their websites.

Follow him over on his blog where he writes fresh

new content every week (complete with hand-drawn

cartoons) to help you grow your business with


Hop on his email list to get his best content

delivered straight to your inbox >>> Sign up here.

Niklas Isaac -- IsaacCopywriting.com

