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The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1900-03-30 [p...

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C Abb1ng lommflrllllIM CourierJournal E1ates I Nw To1t Trlbun iill Hum anil Farm Tnl rnioVriitNW lnOtlll nfl MrnmhU Tennl Comm + tIAh I f se1 Jbw ark sp i im 1 OFFICIAL OF IBS PART IN TEEFOUSTH CON6RE5IONAL OISIRICI Subscription 1 a year 1 VI leRiXII HARTFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 1900 No36 71Drrrn- o allrolore W C Usdiit and W prewntntlre D II Hmlln JriiD1nBoy In firVt T IIwenJg fn J K How >JnborL ToII Illark Jnllrn H A wan llolbrook JlwUT Com ye it V I kens Trnitee Jury Find H Heerm Hartford liepnty HherW 1 r T II llenlon L U Taylor W H C4uDTpoiflrtloDdyla March lit Mm cngtlanfli three weeks and third in May JeIJIdt I 1 OHM M tag I 11 I lleavrto Attorney lIarltord- prL4fl I Tcn flrvt Monday In rAcfa mo- nthUtiturtfltu I ViulsW ua tta Mvond Monday t fl1ah allrel Monday la Jan Lbarl Tiemla alU > AOnd Moadaj In Htober Uthrr OltlnrsiV pIej Mreyon hrrv IL I> VorJillle Von Itninn H bobl Harrlaia4it Hartford L W llnat C i oDer Hglphijr fptitft- JuvtlCBa Couxta Jl B Taylor omwflMattSJaa I Vp 11lIOIIW February IS Mar 9 Altwt T7 Morembee DOS T A Ktitr rordirMloMarcb I Jan Tp tembers Ibo 5 DOS Hpt pho UoaiUMmT W llamtt Olalon W J Often art Hand J II Itennl Irentli Jerome Allen Jlsiro I I NeUon llafor- dSa lirlovu Ce rrlce M K Chorth onth44rvk thlnl Hnndajr In- tcb month 111 n M and 11 m and fourth Haadajr atTp m I I1r eery Wedne day evdaw Rev J C IvirV Is lor- Ilaptbt rnurrhelervkfe held serond Rnndny la each month at II a m and 7 p m 1rnyer meet ¬ ins rjr Thnnda evening ller JW Valland Inbm laalur- HbuI Tranter llartf rdJM P MllVr J H WoobnryThaIe 1 MatUnpttybeItly Crt aeelatlaai A O V W meets wroixl and fourth Wtdnf day aUhU Knights ul l ioltj mwUMOiad and fourth Hat Brdar nigh- tODthtaof Honor mMU Strut and third MInt dIIIIIlIallold I4g Kact r A A VaMU Oral Uoiflar nhrht la mwh month Rough Illrrr IxxIxvNo 110 KnlghUof rthUi meat ver Tttrvdajr nIght Irwton Morton Pont No 4 11 A 11 bold rnr far meeting Halirda bcloraOrtHnndayln each monthAll ol tho mprrtlr lodge ar InrlUd to attend all meeting lPmDiJa gltOy Jllraa M L HEAVRIN Attorney at Law HARTFORD KY Will practice hi profmlon 10 nfl the rnnrta of Ohio and adjoining monlM and Iourt ut AppraU HIKKUI attralloa rirrn to eolUrtloai C E SMITH ATTOKNEY AT LAW HAKrriiKii UT Wilt practice bit profmloo In all the mart of Ohio and ailJolalu roB tlr a drourtof Appeal urea to nil Imlnrwrntrnr0 to trI tome la Co Att71 omre In mnrtboow JOHN TRONE- ATTORNEY AT LAW C IRNTCRTOWW KY Will practice JJ iirofwlon la ll the courts of Ohio sad adrnl li cointlr nJ <ViortotAppr l f dal attMUon gIven to ejiDwtloot FL FELIX ATTORNEY AT LAW HARTFORD MY- Wll practice la the court ht Oblo county and Court of Irompt attention given to all LiaIse entrusted to hIs care Ufflc In Herald uJ1Is AC TAYL- ORAttOrney at Law rlAirrroitD KY special attention given to all business entrust ¬ ed to hi care lOIre la rourthouse J E DAVIDSON Attorney at Law HARTFORD KY Will penal hi In Ohio and adjoin IngtoaatlM Hieclal attention given to all busl neu entrusted to him caN 8 PjHOBY ITTJWEY AT LAW r RBMVIL11C KENTDVHT WIitJnrticbIsvrofeslon In all theroirti t iilo and adjolalagcoaatle andfnnrtof APIMKUS rdsJottrritlon given to collection P MOATON 1JOBl EYA KY LAW given to all boslneu entrust f to kl tiN OBc U courthou t t SHELBY TAYLOR 4TTORXEYITL4WHARrIoaD Will practice hIs profession In all the court or Ohio and adjoInIng nd Goortol Hpedal attention given to all assignment In bankruptcy CM BARNETT ATTORNEY AT LAW HARTFORD KY Will 11 his la all the courts of Ohio nod adjoining counties Ppvdal attention I will be given to all bulainnm entrusted to bis cite Collection a epedalty r JNO B WILS- ON4ttorney L at Law 1 I nARTFORD KY lclat Attention tven to collection makIng p ex tl otrJ glso Wn tatrabU tnr I shin mann r IfflrS north ilde ILI ARVEY W PHUDEN V ATTORNEY AT LAW IIAKTfOHU MY Wfll practice his prof elon la Ohio and adjoin IngroulItlee Office In imrunLiciH building r EP NEAL Attorney at Law w HARTFORD KY fuYuractic Ii profession In all the COUrts of I Kentucky Haiial given to collecUtns wttlement of Pendents estntei road earn and Irto pt00SIse Oea upstAirs Urtffln block J < BR WEDDING UWIJ Will praeMes his > In all the courts 01 Ohio and I iiliiligo UadtbcOurtoIApop- eale rr riven CG Ii entrusted to him 9Bi taBroaWAlri uIUt B Q Lat sLm 1t Ii iKwirroBD KT 1 and c 1duAleoNota 1 Hsak D be eurd VIU I Pc iI ziRV VLATEL UnIj OSc w 5 THE HARTFORD REPUBLICAN II MRS BREWER RECOMMENDS PERUNA- I FOR GRIP AND FEMALE OATARRH in a letter to Dr ITarHaaa concerning cho merit of Perana Mrs Brewer write among other thing 1 WBaTKRLY n I Dear Dr IIrtmn1 find Perunaa lure cure for all eatanbal atteetlona ao common In thU part of the country It CUres a cold at once There U no cough medIcIne that caD at all qui Poruna Aa tot la grippe there la no other rem oily that cant ail compare with Ie runa lam atnoag the lick a grist deal In our oily and hare supplied many In- valid with Perun simply beeatue I am enthuilaatlo In my faith u to Ita reo suit 1 bne never known It to fall to quickly and permanently remote that demoralised stat of the hUman ayatem grippeIn weakneaa 1 nae Pernna with perfect oonndeno of a good rotalt In cases of weaknea peculiar to ray tax I am sure that no I cvc l I I k I Also Cc11et3 Dictionary with II CcottM Glor oLe l1mciil1n < tlaoi in sac J I D c c orctn = = c ==vrc 1 = rorc CA r CAt c > A AND EASY RIDE IN TilE MOST YOUR OHIO COURT REG ¬ ULAR MARCH 5th 1900 At a rorelar tern of the Oblo County Court bI gun and belt for saId county la the court at llartford Ky with lion Jnmr hillier Judge prralillnK the followIng was had towlt J W Order and Judgment J- A local option electIon In thetowncf foam Oblo rocntjr Ky J W WIlson Steve Kendall J W nIt James W JUlry W E ieacb T W 1nwh Alonio Craig J II Allen IIC ltttwartl T J Ilryant L A Bplnki J II lion Tally Tboniu P ruT James Co Hall J II a Aibfonl II T Hryant John Johnston if U LI ken J M Allen W K Maiden L VandlrrrQ U Ualdra Jo UcDankl and J I hunter bite IDK by order of the Ohio County Court at Ita lust regular February 1KX term fllrd their written petition ilirnrd by each ant all ef them praying for a local Option election In tbt town of Itmlne Ky qn the Tthday of AptllltoO which was and In B JIOIKI I to be signed by a number more thanf equal to twentytin per cent of the cltlieni dents of add Vffal and qaallflr voter In saId town qualIfied to Tote lor county offlcera of Ohio county KyTotlnirat the last nwieral electIon hbtlnandfor aald town and bnllf deposited with the Hon Jamr I Ulllrrth n RUlar elected qualltted and action County Judge ol Ohio rOoaI ty Ky a sent of money lufllelcnt to pay printing or posting adrertlnement ol saId elec tion and to pay the IT 01 the Clerk for making entrIes In order book as erldenred by receipt to their attorney K P Neal from aid Julie In words and flirnrr u follow Iterrlred March B ItoO of E P Krai attorney for J W Wilson and others In case of J W Wll Pun and others petition for local option election I In the town of Doilne fUMforth pUrpose of paylnK expenaCs of mild election and an Itemtied to be rendered to eftld Atty and whatever may b left orer and nbora saId election shall be returned to R V Nenl and whatever the amount ahoy named may lack of paying said expense s1111 E I Seal nirreM nnd bind btmwlt to J P UILLKH J O C C K1NiAL iita tberrfore ordcrrd and adJudKed by the Wit It being unfflckntly adtrlned that ST8UV eneahe regular elected qnalined and acting Other M hi phlo county Ky band he is hereby wd r ed and directed to open n poll at the voting place of Ilonlne precinct In the town of lloslne Ohio County Kentucky on Saturday the rib day of April 1MO to tithe the eenw of the legal qualified oteriquitltlteI to vot for county Officer ot said town whether or not and malt liquor ehall be lohlla paid town and whether or not the law prohibiting the eath barter and loan of and traffic In such liquor In said town shall breome Inoperative the Clerk ot this Court I uirvetai to prepare poll hooks nnd ballots for aid election as directed bylaw The Merit will advertise saId election M required by law A Copy J I1 MILLCN J6 C C Attest M B IUuUXD0 O C C Pursuant to the above order t 8T Stettin 8 0 C11I cause a poll to be opened and an election to be held In the town of Itotlue Ky on AprJi tbTthl900for the purpose ot taking thi BO of the legal roter of said town M tc- whetberornot plrltuonvlnou and maltllquor I shall be aold In said town ThIs March Sib 1MO 8 T 8TBVH 8 QO Nk trOUbled with give Pain Balm a trio i ot cost you a cent if It doe BO good One application Will relieve the paInsIt cures oprflo and t rubes in Owtthlrd the time rVqairert by any other trVatruent Cntii burns knathItes Ito theke and cljrft Klapdular riBil ijtoruw H land 50 cts r n n other remedy can approach In rood os anita the action of Peruna It meeta all the bad symptoms to which females aro subject The irregularities and net vouanesi the debility and miseries which afflict more or less tho women from girlhood to change of life aro one and all met and overcome by thla ex ¬ younglady a MM Llnle M Brewer Pernna will cure the worst cue 01 catarrh La grippe la acute epidemic pecillo LlabonOhIo obronlo catarrh of the lung head and throatt continuous cough runny phyil clana failed to cure Permanently cured by Peruna could be produced A aluablo on catarrh sent free by The Medicine Company ColnmbuaO iJI theI tinyoUierdctlonary Weltcr I Eleld CIG cncr TRANSFER LINE rn 3SC ATrLJLJb tD9Y PAST COMFORTABLE VEHICLES PATRONAGE SOLICITED COUNTY TERM WilontaLl ant payI plrltuouevlno rheumatism rjtmmberlains qiiniylhIIIlS fiyspptlgjtUvdrht majmayI ThoiuandaottciUmonlala IreatiaeI Eilc It Is very bard to stand idly by and see onr dear ones suffer while awaiting the Arrival of the doctor An Albany N Y dairyman called at a drug tore there for a doctor to come and see his child then very sick with croup Not finding the doctor in be eft word for him to come at once on his return He also bought a bottle of Chimberlalns Cough Remedy whlchhe hoped would give some re- id ¬ until the doctor should arrive In few hours he returned saying the doctor need not come as the child was much better The druggist Mr Otto Scbolz says the family has since tee om mended Chamberlains Cough Remedy to their neighbors and friends until he has a constant demand for it rom that part of the country For sale by Z Wayne Griffin Bro m I Ladies For relief of women Cbes ters Tansy Tablets worth their weight n gold A safe and certain monthly regulator Mailed on receipt of price i MURDOCH CCRR Co Atlanta Ga a Blood poison often results from a cut or wound if not properly treated Dr Hells AntiPain is the most won- derful ¬ discovery of the age for the qulch relief of all internal and exter- nal pain It goes to every partMurdock Ca ¬ tarrh Cure It cures Colds Hay Fev and all forma of Catarrh Price l mailed on receipt ot price See adver ¬ tisement tI MOHDOCK CURII Co Atlanta Ga 0 CASTORIAFor The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears the d T I Signature of tattMc I The savings banks in New York State have just pasted the billion dol- lar I mark in depotits This Is tbe growth ot nearly 37 million dollars in 1899 is another leather in the I cipof Republican prosperity Lowell Mass Courier A R De Fluent editor of the Jour- nal Doylestown Ohio suffered for a number of years from rheumatism in lila right shoulder aed side He says My right arts at times was entirely nseloM I tried Chamberlalus Pain BalatttIWQ8 surprised to receive re lie almost immediately The Pain ValM avH bee constant companion ofaaiiic ever Iaceand it never ails nrpacbytWayne Grfu- F lit bro m Protection and Whattho American Policy Has Dono for Commorco In tho pastThroo Years Senator James K Jones chairman of the Democratic National Commit tee is quoted as saying The Dem ocratic party has always favored the extension ot onr commerce while tbe Republican party by its Protective Tailfl policy has always opposed and discouraged it The Democratic par ¬ ty will continue to favor legitimate means of expanding and extending the commerce of tbe United States We are surprised that so absurd a statement should emanate from a Unit ed States Senator even though he be a Democrat Mr Jones has either been in a trance tot the last ten years allairs tbe commerce of the United States He will find if hedoes that under the last Democratic national administra- tion > there was a contraction of our I commerce instead of an expanslonand that that contraction was the direct reo suit of the Democratic policy of Free Trade In 1892 the last year of President I Harrisons administration the total exports of the United Statesunder the I operation ot the McKinley tariff exceed I ed for the first time in the historyofthet country 1000000000 ures being 1030278148 In 1893I the first year of President Clevelands second administration tbe exports of I the United States at once began to contract the shrinkage amounting to almost 200000000 Theexportsdur ing the four years of Mr Clevelands term of office were as follows 1893 847665194 1894 892140572I 1895 807538165 1896 8926c6938I Tbe Democrats led the people to be ¬ lieve that Free Trade would be a boon to the country There was no longer any need of a Protective TarlO they said it was not only a burden to the people but a hindrance to our trade Tbe tearing down 01 the Tariff wall as they were pleased to call It would give American manufactures and trade a new impetus and the United States would soon controVtbe markets of the world But the finespun theories of the Democratic Free Traders were shattered when put to the test Under the operations of the Wilson Free Trade law we were not even able to hold the markets we gained and we lost a large part of our home markets The people quickly repented ot their follybnt they had 4 long years years filled with panic and industrial distress to wait before they could undo their mistake Then they went to the polls and voted to return to power the party of Protection and sound money Tbe Republicans gave them the Dlngley Tar iQ and under its beneficent Pro ¬ tection prosperity quickly returned Our commerce again began to expand as it has done under the McKinley Tariff and today the growth of American trade is the marvel of the world During the first year of Presi- dent ¬ McKinleys administration tbe country regained all the ground that had been lost under the Democratic Free Trade regime and the succeed- Ing two years brought a marvelous expansion of our trade The IoU ow lug figures show what the Republican policy of Protection has done for our commerce during tbe three years of President McKinleys administration 1897 1050993556 1898 1331482330 1899 1227205419 Cbaltinan Joness assertion that the Republican party has by its Protec ¬ tive Tariff policy opposed and dls couraged the extension of our com merce Is nt direct variance with the fncts The Republican policy of Pro tcction has done so much for Amen ¬ can commerce that tbe more enterpris lag industrial notions of Europe are emulating it and the cry of Free Trade is no longer heard on the Con tinent Columbus 0 Journal Outlook for 1900 Every sign stems to point to a big- gervolumeofbusimmeos in 1900 than in 1899 although it seems almost incred ¬ ible that that should be the case For from reports made in respect to lasiI years business it is evident large number of the mils and factor ¬ lea of the country were taxed to their utmost capacity and the demand for labor in almost all sections of the country has been greater than the supply The statement made by Mr A J Miller of Providence the vice president of an iron and steel concern in respect to the condition of afTiirs in New England applies fairly well to the country as a whole Mr Miller says General business conditions have not been ao good in New England in years Oar State is a perfect hive of industry and mills that have not been in operation In > ears ore now running full blast In textiles the mapufaci tuners of our Staleare doing agrt business and it ij a fact that soCo I A ai L j r It Is just 03 easy to drift into danger as to into it The progress is slower but the end is sure It Is the gradual progress of drifting which blinds to the danger Men and women drift into lIlhealth in such a There is a eatingAfter it returns and brings another headache perhaps Something is done to relieve the headache but nothing to rollcjA the cause So one more victim god drifting on to the locks of disease Young women who are teaching or studying are very apt to become victim1 of the stomach They eat In¬ JenI totally ¬ ate goes home a chronic invalid Tile timely use of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery will avert such a con ¬ dition use of it in chronic cases will effect a complete cure I was troubled with very frequent headjche often accompanied bjr severe vomItIng writes DltgODuYftICo stomach and liver seemed contInually oat of otder Often I could mt almost ootblnr and InlourI I feared a spell and was mucti ek discouraged stvlscd to H Dr PIerces finishingthe tlesofpubUcKhoolllfeandcontractedtodoso1 I Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cleanse the completion and sweeten the breath our cotton mills are so filled with or dens that they are running nights a condition ol things that has not pre- vailed ¬ in years If this kind of thing keeps up the latest thing in FreeTrade arguments will be that FreeTrade is needed by tbe country in order to give the work- Ing ¬ people a rest from the arduous la- bor ¬ in which they have been engaged ever since tbe Dingley law brought back business activity and prosperity I the country There isnt any like- lihood ¬ however that tbe people will be so anxious for a long vacation without pay that they will vote for Free Trade American Economist o Ho Was Ready to Run for Constable lie was a rather raw specimen of the country yap but be stepped Iflto- thejmscaenceof the Editor with the- usual of a free American citizenExcuse me he said after the or dinary salutations but will you tell me to tbe best of your knowledge and ability if this country is goin to take In the Philippines There is nothing else to do re- plied ¬ the Editor How about POlty Reeky Thats settled as one of us And the Sandwich Islands In with us too How about Cub That will be in by and by And Guam and tbe scattering All in or heard from And are we goin to have the same Old Star Spangled Banner JThe same And tbesame old American Eagle The same And the same old Fourth of July Just the same And the same old Uncle Sam I A little taller abd wider put thats an And the same old Constitution and By laws I Exactly And the same old great and glorl ous RepublicThe only more so Much obleeged he said starting outlItbey wanted me to run for Be Careful No woman can be too careful of her condition during the period bmi foreTher little ones are born Neglect or improper treatment then endanI gers her life and that of the lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily or whether the ordeal shall bo made comparatively easy Sho had better do nothing than do something wrong MOTHERSFRIEND is the one and the only preparation that is safe to use It Ira that tra1es from the outside etemaJlrrlgbt wrong ore more humbugsthey endanger life Mothers helps the muscle to relax and expand naturally re ¬ lieves removes the po nervousness and head acheIverkts hard and rising brea labor and lessens the p lBrfUd helps the patient t- urapid i recove- ryiiaIetter a Shreveport La- I I I have been using your wonhcul remedy MotbersFrlend- fOtJ two months and find Jt TMotiimendeod IVit 8 arUIH t per eitta TtJ81 cor bookfl I LH constable down in my county but I didnt want to put my card in the pa- per and whack up 500 till I knowed more about whit kind of a govern ¬ ment I was goin to git mixed up withOh the country is all right said the Editor encouragingly I reckon he hesitated a moment you wouldnt object to guaranteeln that the pallnjfutu oi our liberties wasnt goin to be jostled nor shook on its nnderpinnin would you Not at all Much obleeged much obleeged and if I aint a constable after the re ¬ turns comes In itll be because theres a cog dropped in the gudgeons ot state thats all Good mornin and he passed out toore bretzllythan he had come lnW J L in New York Sun PROGRAMME Of the Fourth Congressional District Teachers Association which meets at Brandenburg Ky April aoth and 21st 1900- Welcome Address Hon Thos II Hamilton Brandenburg Response Supt J Tyler Davis NelsonTeachers Catechism J N PUeI Glendettne- I Public Schools as a Nucleus of the Future J F Nail Vine Grove The BritishBoer War A V Will lamsNoon How to Cultivate a Taste for Better Literature W B Maple Cloverpoit opened by C M Ver tress Vine Grove The Humorous Side of the Teachers Life J R Coyle of Grayson county Parents as a Factor In Mutual De- velopment P I Yates A Moral Curriculum J Ray Honey Sonora What is the Greatest Need of Public Schools Snpt Fon Rogers Ohio county and Supt W D Ashcraft Meade county Weighed and Found Wanting J C Cardwell Leltchfield The Intellectual Life of the Teacher Miss Ollie M Richardson Vertrees Clouds and Sunshines Miss M Llllie Irwin Buffalo Nineteenth Century Progress F E HardestyThe Miss Ella Jewell Owens boro Do We do too Much for Onr People Miss Ella Jeffries Elizabeth town and Miss Ada Cralle Tunnel Hill Teachets and Their Ways Snpt J R Ashlock Hardin county Address Prof H G Brownell LouisvilleReading Grade 7tb Miss Francis Smith Etizabethtown Short Cuts in Figures AC Burton Adaptation in Pedagogy E R Ray Beaver Dam New Psychology E E Olcott Elizabethtown and TJ Morton Halt lord Squeers Method Miss Maymee Irwin Elizabetbtown Essay Miss Ethel King Side Lines JC Pirtle Hodgen villeQuicks Ed Reformers W A Dew ley Hygiene in the Schoolroom N T Groves Fordsville Method in Child and Methocl in Subject or the Duel Nature ol Method O M Shultz Haitford In and Out of Sorts G K Holbert Hodgensville Address Dan Roberts Hardlna burgPoetry of the loth Century Mitts Carry E Cosby Bardstown Business hour Reduced rated over alt railroads on certificate plan The Association will be held on Friday and Saturday April aoth and 21st instead of April 27th and 28th as previously announced This change is made to suit the lo cal conveniences at place of meeting It is very important that each county in the district be represented by a large delegation Everyone on the programme has consented to be pres- ent ¬ this insures a good meeting Session begins Friday morning at 10 oclock closes at 3 oclock Saturday evening S C STEVENS Pres o Our Groatost Specialist For 20 years Dr J Newton Hatha ¬ I way has so successfully treated chronic I diseases that be is acknowledged to proftaslon ¬ VerlcocelcI or cautery cures in 90 per cent of all cases In the treatment ol Loss of Vital Forces Nervous Disorders Kid > ney and Urinary Complaints Paral ¬ sis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism- Catarrhand Diseases peculiar to wo- men t he is especially successful Dr Hathaways practice is more than double that of any other specialist otbelt ment Write him to day fully abou your case lie makes no charge foi consultation or advice elth r at his of ficeor by mail Address J Newlcr Hathaway M D 300 Cl arch St Nashville Term ti t The Readers of The Hartford Repub ¬ oJpast up for The Republican and get the two papers one year for only 2 SO OEBiN 30 Trade morning Discussion TRUSTS AND PROTECTION Only the Republican PartyCan Bo Rolled Upon for a Remedy When a Democrat is asked how be proposes to deal with the trusts he so vigorously denounces he dtndles lor- a while and then answers Cut oft the Protective Tariff That is excel ly the policy pursued by that eminent but erratic individual who possessed the famous goose that laid golden eggs Tbe remedy might be effectual because If we are to have Democratic FieeTrade neither the trusts nor any ¬ thing else will flourish But is it necessary to destroy the country in order to regulate something that will regulate itself after a time There is one thing certainmoney for invest ¬ ment is plentiful or it would not have gone into industrials as it has Dem ocrats claim that more trusts have been formed under the administration of McKinley than were formed under both administrations of Cleveland We are willing to take their word for this There was nothing formed un- der the last administration of Grover Cleveland except a panic and it must beadmitted that this was one that at- tracted some attention from the people of the country The reaction from that panic Is one of the causes why industrials have been so extensively patronized In that way the Demo- crats ¬ are partly responsible for trusts But we are willing to admit that it was not until after the Democratic Presi ¬ dent passed away and Republican pol Ides prevailed that money came out of its hiding places and sought invest- ment that men began to form busi ness combinations i that manufactur- Ing plants were enlarged i that labor was employed These all go together but many of the trusts are merely an abuse of tbe golden period of Amen can prosperity that in due time will regulate itself There is one thing to be borne in mind and that is that if it becomes necessary to reduce Tariff rates in order to prevent combinations that will hurt the people the Republi- can ¬ paity will do that It is not wedded to Protection because it is a tenet of tbe party but for the reason that it has been essential to the growth and development of the people of tbe laboring people in particular al ¬ though Democracy has claimed eat cluslve privileges in that direction What are claims when opposed to practical experience In the past Democrats were the ones who favored slave labor They went to war to pre ¬ serve it In the present they are in favor of cheap labor by pitting the la- bor and skill of the now well paid American laborer against the poorly paid labor across the ocean It is im ¬ possible that the people can bode ¬ calved for any length of time as to the drift and tendencies of the to parties Peoria UIrJor alI A Womans Spring Wardrobe Howtho BestDressed Women Will Attire Themselves at Easter The new spring gowns made all of one material andnot with separate waists as heretofore will be much wotn The separate waists will be of light silks and muslins or other thin mater lals Almost all the new spring stuffs are of a soft clinging quality which makes them adaptable to the pres- ent ¬ style of gown There are to be some lovely silk in Nearly every disease Is the olga of poverty either of the blood or of the nerves When the brain tells and nervous tissues are used up faster than they are repaired not only the brain and nerves but every vital nervous dyspepsia sad liver and kid ¬ strength remains until at last the breakdown comes and then Dr Miles Restoratlr Nerrlno Is do ¬ lag a world ot good for such weak nervous whose brain and body are overtaxed but who may yet bg saved from a state of Indescribable and restored to lives of happiness and industry and strengthening the secretive glands of the digestive organs It ta dilute digestion and t a muslins with bunches of ffjwerSjtnd r sprays of vines and buds worn The smallest shirtwaist wilt be made tucked back and front frorh the neck down and the tucks wllftM rather 1 wide than otherwise teas drncy Is to make the waislIieasl- ong as f zsible In front the tailor and walklngskiitawlll with the habit and closefltting blks The return of the bustle Is heralded It is nota large affair but small well T shaped Sleeves are still worn tight and are > much trimmed They are quite long and the smartest ones are made end lug in a point which covers the top of the hand to the knuckles Collars are to be worn high but nbc as stiff as they have been The new hats are made of some fancy straw braids tulle or silk nets of the most fantastic shapes Breasts birds wings and feathers are much less worn and you cant have enough flowers Edith Lawrence in the March Ladles Home Journal Announcomont To accommodate those who are par ¬ hal to the use of atomized applying liquids In the nasal pasiages for cas tarrhal troubles the pre pare Cream Balm in liquid form which will be known as Elys Liquid Cream Balm Price including thespraying tube is 75 cts Druggists or by mail The liquid form embodies the medi ¬ dual properties of the solid prepara tion Cream Balm Id quickly absorb ed by the membrane and does not dry up the secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy character Ely Brothers 56 Warren ft N Y I OASaxaOnXA rI Beirt You Hait Alwajj BsujjM of thtt 111 S s The Democratic campaign of mis representation and forgery is opening usually early this year Benton III OASaxaOnXA Bun Hams Mnr Bought ot ttJoa Good old Granny Metcalfe of Ken tucky 89 years old says that Dr PineTarHoney is the best Grip cure Cough Lung and Bronchial remedy that has been offered to the people during her life Sold every ¬ where m p S S Walkers Tonic is the link that picks up the vital forces of mar in his I11B down state and binds him to health and strength by recuperating the Brain regulating the action of the Heart and nourishing the NervousJ System m A Strictly Line of Jowolry Guarantood to Give Perfect Satisfaction orthe Monoy Will Bo Rofunded A loll and very fine line of Jewelry U now lor sale by llnrnll Situ of llockport Ky This line Includes rolled gold plate cold filled gold front and solid gold good of oarowa mannfactan and wt warrant theta to glre perfect satisfaction or we will refund the money paid for them by the pnrchwr We manufacture over 0000 denlxna and pattern of Jewelry and do not hesItate to warrant onr good to the fullest extent We know they are exnctiyaa reprrxentwl In cane thIs notice should reach patron who ore too tar away train IlarrellBroplacolburi neal or other tore where oar good are told to admit of their going there topnrcha our good writ us what you want and w will b mall at the regular price iJSlit- W t e will be glad to correspond wlthth4or t i of oar goods concerning them Will KC J MOaTi S itrurtlon It a to the care of Jewelry howtto ekjwul 7 1W Cur of Friendship Eddy SU ProTldence BK Western Factory JLalflt Jewelry Facto- ry In the world under procew of contraction at EDIt Iowa City fa Orrr 12000 tl of floor > pac Nerves Unstrung I Weak Stomach Pain the Chest Sleep ¬ less Neftovs Irritable all run i Down Cured by i Dr Miles Nervine holpJIoadaokes holpless people wretchedness BysootW assimilation Thegftat aEidrthelong proprietors Republican FirstClass rapldl1built out confusion thus bringing all the Important organs into harmony and beaUbI all run down and was so bad that I had to give op work I was nerv ¬ Qua sleopless and UrtUUe all the time and although several doctors treated me I did not Improve any under their care Hearing Dr Miles Nervine well spoken of for such troubles I commenced uslDC It and grew bat ¬ ter from the start When I had used threo bottles I felt that I was cored but I itiBi Ia bottle of the Nenrlna on hand and ua unusually tired or nervous lukeaddll am all right again I took Dr Miles i and Liver Pills along with the Kervfr found them the best Liver Pillion ktt CUNK New Dr Miie Nenljl is sold fPt on a positive guarantee U aod bookie to 7 DLMUzarr

C Abb1nglommflrllllIMCourierJournalE1ates

I Nw To1t Trlbun iillHum anil FarmTnl


nfl MrnmhU Tennl Comm + tIAh I

f se1 Jbwark sp i im 1


71Drrrn-o allrolore W C Usdiit and Wprewntntlre D II HmllnJriiD1nBoy

In firVt T IIwenJg fn J K How>JnborL ToII Illark Jnllrn H A

wan llolbrook JlwUT Comye it V I kens Trnitee Jury Find H

Heerm Hartford liepnty HherW 1

r T II llenlon L U Taylor W H

C4uDTpoiflrtloDdyla Marchlit Mm cngtlanfli three weeks and thirdin May JeIJIdt I

1 OHM M tagI 11 I lleavrto Attorney lIarltord-

prL4fl I Tcn flrvt Monday In rAcfa mo-nthUtiturtfltuI ViulsW

ua tta Mvond Monday

t fl1ah allrel Monday la JanLbarl Tiemla alU > AOnd Moadaj In Htober

Uthrr OltlnrsiV pIej Mreyon hrrvIL I> VorJillle Von ItninnH bobl Harrlaia4it Hartford L W llnatC i oDer Hglphijr fptitft-

JuvtlCBa CouxtaJl B Taylor omwflMattSJaa I Vp

11lIOIIW February IS Mar 9Altwt T7 Morembee DOS

T A Ktitr rordirMloMarcb I Jan Tptembers Ibo 5 DOSHptphoUoaiUMmT W llamtt Olalon W J Oftenart Hand J II Itennl Irentli Jerome AllenJlsiro I I NeUon llafor-

dSa lirlovu Ce rrlceM K Chorth onth44rvk thlnl Hnndajr In-

tcb month 111 n M and 11 m and fourthHaadajr atTp m I I1r eery Wedneday evdaw Rev J C IvirV Is lor-

Ilaptbt rnurrhelervkfe held serond Rnndny laeach month at II a m and 7 p m 1rnyer meet ¬

ins rjr Thnnda evening ller JW VallandInbm laalur-

HbuI Tranter llartf rdJM P MllVr J HWoobnryThaIe1 MatUnpttybeItly

Crt aeelatlaaiA O V W meets wroixl and fourth Wtdnf

day aUhUKnights ul l ioltj mwUMOiad and fourth Hat

Brdar nigh-tODthtaof Honor mMU Strut and third MInt

dIIIIIlIallold I4g Kact r A A VaMU OralUoiflar nhrht la mwh month

Rough Illrrr IxxIxvNo 110 KnlghUof rthUimeat ver Tttrvdajr nIght

Irwton Morton Pont No 4 11 A 11 bold rnrfar meeting Halirda bcloraOrtHnndayln each

monthAll ol tho mprrtlr lodge ar InrlUdto attend all meeting

lPmDiJa gltOyJllraa

M L HEAVRINAttorney at Law

HARTFORD KYWill practice hi profmlon 10 nfl the rnnrta of

Ohio and adjoining monlM and Iourt ut AppraUHIKKUI attralloa rirrn to eolUrtloai


HAKrriiKii UTWilt practice bit profmloo In all the mart of

Ohio and ailJolalu roB tlr a drourtof Appealurea to nil Imlnrwrntrnr0 totrI tome la Co Att71 omre In mnrtboow


C IRNTCRTOWW KYWill practice JJ iirofwlon la ll the courts of

Ohio sad adrnl li cointlr nJ <ViortotAppr l

f dal attMUon gIven to ejiDwtloot



Wll practice la the court ht Oblo county andCourt of Irompt attention given to allLiaIse entrusted to hIs care Ufflc In Herald


AC TAYL-ORAttOrney at Law

rlAirrroitD KYspecial attention given to all business entrust ¬

ed to hi care lOIre la rourthouse

J E DAVIDSONAttorney at Law

HARTFORD KYWill penal hi In Ohio and adjoin

IngtoaatlM Hieclal attention given to all buslneu entrusted to him caN


r RBMVIL11C KENTDVHTWIitJnrticbIsvrofeslon In all theroirti t

iilo and adjolalagcoaatle andfnnrtof APIMKUSrdsJottrritlon given to collection



given to all boslneu entrustf to kl tiN OBc U courthout


Will practice hIs profession In all the court orOhio and adjoInIng nd GoortolHpedal attention given to all assignment Inbankruptcy


HARTFORD KYWill 11 his la all the courts of

Ohio nod adjoining counties Ppvdal attentionI will be given to all bulainnm entrusted to bis cite

Collection a epedalty

r JNO B WILS-ON4ttorneyL at Law

1 I nARTFORD KYlclat Attention tven to collection makIngp ex tl otrJ glso WntatrabU tnr I shin mannr IfflrS north ilde


IIAKTfOHU MYWfll practice his prof elon la Ohio and adjoin

IngroulItlee Office In imrunLiciH building


Attorney at Laww HARTFORD KYfuYuractic Ii profession In all the COUrts of

I Kentucky Haiial given to collecUtnswttlement of Pendents estntei road earn and

Irto pt00SIse Oea upstAirs Urtffln block

J < BR WEDDINGUWIJWill praeMes his > In all the courts 01

Ohio and I iiliiligo UadtbcOurtoIApop-eale rr riven CG Ii

entrusted to him 9Bi taBroaWAlri uIUt B

QLat sLm1tIi iKwirroBD KT1




Hsak D be eurd VIU I







in a letter to Dr ITarHaaa concerningcho merit of Perana Mrs Brewerwrite among other thing1

WBaTKRLY n IDear Dr IIrtmn1 find Perunaa

lure cure for all eatanbal atteetlona aocommon In thU part of the country ItCUres a cold at once There U no coughmedIcIne that caD at all qui PorunaAa tot la grippe there la no other remoily that cant ail compare with Ieruna

lam atnoag the lick a grist deal Inour oily and hare supplied many In-

valid with Perun simply beeatue Iam enthuilaatlo In my faith u to Ita reosuit 1 bne never known It to fall toquickly and permanently remote thatdemoralised stat of the hUman ayatem

grippeIn weakneaa 1nae Pernna with perfect oonndeno ofa good rotalt In cases of weakneapeculiar to ray tax I am sure that no

I cvc lI I


Also Cc11et3 Dictionary with II CcottMGlor oLe l1mciil1n < tlaoi in sac J


Dc c orctn==

c==vrc 1 =rorc CA r CAtc >



ULAR MARCH5th 1900

At a rorelar tern of the Oblo County Court bIgun and belt for saId county la the courtat llartford Ky with lion Jnmr hillier

Judge prralillnK the followIng was had towltJ W

Order and Judgment J-

A local option electIon In thetowncf foam

Oblo rocntjr Ky J W WIlson Steve Kendall

J W nIt James W JUlry W E ieacb T W

1nwh Alonio Craig J II Allen IIC ltttwartlT J Ilryant L A Bplnki J II lionTally Tboniu P ruT James Co Hall J II aAibfonl II T Hryant John Johnston if U LI

ken J M Allen W K Maiden L VandlrrrQU Ualdra Jo UcDankl and J I hunter biteIDK by order of the Ohio County Court at Ita lustregular February 1KX term fllrd their writtenpetition ilirnrd by each ant all ef them prayingfor a local Option election In tbt town of ItmlneKy qn the Tthday of AptllltoO which was andIn B JIOIKI I to be signed by a number more thanfequal to twentytin per cent of the cltlienidents of add Vffal and qaallflr voter In saIdtown qualIfied to Tote lor county offlcera of Ohio

county KyTotlnirat the last nwieral electIon

hbtlnandfor aald town and bnllf depositedwith the Hon Jamr I Ulllrrth n RUlar elected

qualltted and action County Judge ol Ohio rOoaIty Ky a sent of money lufllelcnt to payprinting or posting adrertlnement ol saId elec

tion and to pay the IT 01 the Clerk for makingentrIes In order book as erldenred by receipt totheir attorney K P Neal from aid Julie In

words and flirnrr u follow

Iterrlred March B ItoO of E P Krai attorney

for J W Wilson and others In case of J W Wll

Pun and others petition for local option election I

In the town of Doilne fUMforth pUrpose of

paylnK expenaCs of mild election and an Itemtiedto be rendered to eftld Atty and whatever

may b left orer and nbora saId election shall bereturned to R V Nenl and whatever the amountahoy named may lack of paying said expenses1111 E I Seal nirreM nnd bind btmwlt to


K1NiALiita tberrfore ordcrrd and adJudKed by the

Wit It being unfflckntly adtrlned that ST8UVeneahe regular elected qnalined and acting Other

M hi phlo county Ky band he is hereby wd red and directed to open n poll at the voting placeof Ilonlne precinct In the town of lloslne Ohio

County Kentucky on Saturday the rib day of

April 1MO to tithe the eenw of the legal qualified

oteriquitltlteI to vot for county Officer ot saidtown whether or not and maltliquor ehall be lohlla paid town and whether ornot the law prohibiting the eath barter and loanof and traffic In such liquor In said town shallbreome Inoperative the Clerk ot this Court I

uirvetai to prepare poll hooks nnd ballots foraid election as directed bylaw The Merit will

advertise saId election M required by lawA Copy J I1 MILLCN J 6 C C

Attest M B IUuUXD0 O C C

Pursuant to the above order t 8 T Stettin8 0 C11I cause a poll to be opened and anelection to be held In the town of Itotlue Ky onAprJi tbTthl900for the purpose ot taking thi

BO of the legal roter of said town M tc-

whetberornot plrltuonvlnou and maltllquor I

shall be aold In said town ThIs March Sib 1MO

8 T 8TBVH 8 Q O

Nk trOUbled with givePain Balm a trio i

ot cost you a cent if It doe BOgood One application Will relievethe paInsIt cures oprflo andtrubes in Owtthlrd the time rVqairertby any other trVatruent Cntii burnsknathItes Ito thekeand cljrft Klapdular riBil ijtoruw H

land 50 cts


n nother remedy can approach In rood osanita the action of Peruna It meetaall the bad symptoms to which femalesaro subject The irregularities and netvouanesi the debility and miserieswhich afflict more or less tho womenfrom girlhood to change of life aro oneand all met and overcome by thla ex ¬

youngladya MM Llnle M BrewerPernna will cure the worst cue 01

catarrh La grippe la acute epidemicpecilloLlabonOhIoobronlo catarrh of the lung head andthroatt continuous cough runny phyilclana failed to cure Permanently curedby Perunacould be produced A aluabloon catarrh sent free by TheMedicine Company ColnmbuaOiJItheItinyoUierdctlonary



Eleld CIGcncr















It Is very bard to stand idly by andsee onr dear ones suffer while awaitingthe Arrival of the doctor An AlbanyN Y dairyman called at a drugtore there for a doctor to come and

see his child then very sick withcroup Not finding the doctor in beeft word for him to come at once on

his return He also bought a bottleof Chimberlalns Cough Remedywhlchhe hoped would give some re-



until the doctor should arrive Infew hours he returned saying the

doctor need not come as the child wasmuch better The druggist Mr OttoScbolz says the family has since teeom mended Chamberlains CoughRemedy to their neighbors and friendsuntil he has a constant demand for itrom that part of the country For

sale by Z Wayne Griffin Bro mI

Ladies For relief of women Cbesters Tansy Tablets worth their weightn gold A safe and certain monthly

regulator Mailed on receipt of pricei MURDOCH CCRR Co Atlanta Ga

aBlood poison often results from a

cut or wound if not properly treatedDr Hells AntiPain is the most won-derful


discovery of the age for thequlch relief of all internal and exter-nal pain

It goes to every partMurdock Ca ¬

tarrh Cure It cures Colds Hay Fevand all forma of Catarrh Price l

mailed on receipt ot price See adver¬

tisement tIMOHDOCK CURII Co Atlanta Ga


CASTORIAForThe Kind You Have Always Bought

Dears the d T I

Signature of tattMcI

The savings banks in New YorkState have just pasted the billion dol-lar


mark in depotits This Is tbegrowth ot nearly 37 million dollars in1899 is another leather in the I

cipof Republican prosperity LowellMass Courier

A R De Fluent editor of the Jour-nal Doylestown Ohio suffered for anumber of years from rheumatism inlila right shoulder aed side He says

My right arts at times was entirelynseloM I tried Chamberlalus PainBalatttIWQ8 surprised to receive relie almost immediately The PainValM avH bee constant companionofaaiiic ever Iaceand it never ails

nrpacbytWayne Grfu-F

lit bro m

Protection and

Whattho American Policy HasDono for Commorco In

tho pastThroo Years

Senator James K Jones chairmanof the Democratic National Committee is quoted as saying The Democratic party has always favored theextension ot onr commerce while tbeRepublican party by its ProtectiveTailfl policy has always opposed anddiscouraged it The Democratic par ¬

ty will continue to favor legitimatemeans of expanding and extendingthe commerce of tbe United States

We are surprised that so absurd astatement should emanate from a United States Senator even though he bea Democrat Mr Jones has eitherbeen in a trance tot the last ten years

allairstbe commerce of the United StatesHe will find if hedoes that under thelast Democratic national administra-tion


there was a contraction of ourI

commerce instead of an expanslonandthat that contraction was the direct reo

suit of the Democratic policy of FreeTrade

In 1892 the last year of PresidentI

Harrisons administration the totalexports of the United Statesunder the


operation ot the McKinley tariff exceed I

ed for the first time in the historyofthetcountry 1000000000ures being 1030278148 In 1893Ithe first year of President Clevelandssecond administration tbe exports of


the United States at once began tocontract the shrinkage amounting toalmost 200000000 Theexportsduring the four years of Mr Clevelandsterm of office were as follows

1893 8476651941894 892140572I1895 8075381651896 8926c6938ITbe Democrats led the people to be ¬

lieve that Free Trade would be a boonto the country There was no longerany need of a Protective TarlO theysaid it was not only a burden to thepeople but a hindrance to our tradeTbe tearing down 01 the Tariff wallas they were pleased to call It wouldgive American manufactures and tradea new impetus and the United Stateswould soon controVtbe markets of theworld But the finespun theories ofthe Democratic Free Traders wereshattered when put to the test Underthe operations of the Wilson FreeTrade law we were not even able tohold the markets we gained and welost a large part of our home marketsThe people quickly repented ot theirfollybnt they had 4 long years yearsfilled with panic and industrial distress

to wait before they could undo theirmistake Then they went to the pollsand voted to return to power the partyof Protection and sound money TbeRepublicans gave them the DlngleyTar iQ and under its beneficent Pro¬

tection prosperity quickly returnedOur commerce again began to expandas it has done under the McKinleyTariff and today the growth ofAmerican trade is the marvel of theworld During the first year of Presi-


McKinleys administration tbecountry regained all the ground thathad been lost under the DemocraticFree Trade regime and the succeed-

Ing two years brought a marvelousexpansion of our trade The IoU owlug figures show what the Republicanpolicy of Protection has done for ourcommerce during tbe three years ofPresident McKinleys administration

1897 10509935561898 13314823301899 1227205419Cbaltinan Joness assertion that the

Republican party has by its Protec¬

tive Tariff policy opposed and dlscouraged the extension of our commerce Is nt direct variance with thefncts The Republican policy of Protcction has done so much for Amen ¬

can commerce that tbe more enterprislag industrial notions of Europe areemulating it and the cry of FreeTrade is no longer heard on the Continent Columbus 0 Journal

Outlook for 1900

Every sign stems to point to a big-

gervolumeofbusimmeos in 1900 than in

1899 although it seems almost incred ¬

ible that that should be the case Forfrom reports made in respect to

lasiIyears business it is evidentlarge number of the mils and factor ¬

lea of the country were taxed to theirutmost capacity and the demand forlabor in almost all sections of thecountry has been greater than thesupply The statement made by MrA J Miller of Providence the vicepresident of an iron and steel concern

in respect to the condition of afTiirsin New England applies fairly wellto the country as a whole Mr Millersays

General business conditions havenot been ao good in New England inyears Oar State is a perfect hive ofindustry and mills that have not beenin operation In > ears ore now runningfull blast In textiles the mapufacituners of our Staleare doing agrtbusiness and it ij a fact that soCo


A ai L


rIt Is just 03 easy to drift into danger

as to into it The progress is slowerbut the end is sure It Is thegradual progress of drifting which blindsto the danger Men and women drift intolIlhealth in such a There is aeatingAfterit returns and brings anotherheadache perhaps Something is doneto relieve the headache but nothing torollcjA the cause So one more victimgod drifting on to the locks of disease

Young women who are teaching orstudying are very apt to become victim1

of the stomach They eat In¬

JenItotally ¬

ate goes home a chronic invalidTile timely use of Dr Pierces Golden

Medical Discovery will avert such a con¬

dition use of it in chroniccases will effect a complete cure

I was troubled with very frequent headjcheoften accompanied bjr severe vomItIng writesDltgODuYftICostomach and liver seemed contInually oat ofotder Often I could mt almost ootblnr andInlourII feared a spell and was muctiekdiscouraged stvlscd to H Dr PIercesfinishingthetlesofpubUcKhoolllfeandcontractedtodoso1 I

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cleansethe completion and sweeten the breath

our cotton mills are so filled with ordens that they are running nights acondition ol things that has not pre-vailed

¬in years

If this kind of thing keeps up thelatest thing in FreeTrade argumentswill be that FreeTrade is needed bytbe country in order to give the work-


people a rest from the arduous la-


in which they have been engagedever since tbe Dingley law broughtback business activity and prosperity I

the country There isnt any like-



however that tbe people willbe so anxious for a long vacationwithout pay that they will vote forFree Trade American Economist


Ho Was Ready to Run forConstable

lie was a rather raw specimen ofthe country yap but be stepped Iflto-

thejmscaenceof the Editor with the-

usual of a free American

citizenExcuseme he said after the or

dinary salutations but will you tellme to tbe best of your knowledge andability if this country is goin to takeIn the Philippines

There is nothing else to do re-


the EditorHow about POlty ReekyThats settled as one of usAnd the Sandwich IslandsIn with us tooHow about CubThat will be in by and byAnd Guam and tbe scatteringAll in or heard fromAnd are we goin to have the same

Old Star Spangled Banner

JThe sameAnd tbesame old American EagleThe sameAnd the same old Fourth of JulyJust the sameAnd the same old Uncle Sam

I A little taller abd wider put thatsan

And the same old Constitution andBy laws

I ExactlyAnd the same old great and glorl

ous RepublicTheonly more so

Much obleeged he said startingoutlItbey wanted me to run for

Be CarefulNo woman can be too careful of

her condition during the period bmi

foreTher little ones are born Neglector improper treatment then endanIgers her life and that of thelies with her whether she shall sufferunnecessarily or whether the ordealshall bo made comparatively easySho had better do nothing than dosomething wrong


is the one and the only preparationthat is safe to use It Irathat tra1es from the outside

etemaJlrrlgbtwrong ore more

humbugsthey endanger lifeMothers helps the muscle

to relax and expand naturally re¬

lieves removesthe po nervousness and headacheIverkts hard and risingbrea labor and lessensthe p lBrfUd helps the patient t-urapid


ryiiaIetter a Shreveport La-


I I have been using yourwonhcul remedy MotbersFrlend-fOtJ two months and find

Jt TMotiimendeodIVit8 arUIH t per eitta

TtJ81corbookflI LH

constable down in my county but Ididnt want to put my card in the pa-

per and whack up 500 till I knowedmore about whit kind of a govern ¬

ment I was goin to git mixed up

withOhthe country is all right said

the Editor encouraginglyI reckon he hesitated a moment

you wouldnt object to guaranteelnthat the pallnjfutu oi our libertieswasnt goin to be jostled nor shookon its nnderpinnin would you

Not at allMuch obleeged much obleeged

and if I aint a constable after the re ¬

turns comes In itll be because theresa cog dropped in the gudgeons otstate thats all Good mornin andhe passed out toore bretzllythan hehad come lnW J L in New YorkSun


Of the Fourth Congressional DistrictTeachers Association which meets atBrandenburg Ky April aoth and21st 1900-

Welcome Address Hon Thos IIHamilton Brandenburg

Response Supt J Tyler Davis

NelsonTeachersCatechism J N PUeI

Glendettne-I Public Schools as a Nucleus of theFuture J F Nail Vine Grove

The BritishBoer War A V WilllamsNoon

How to Cultivate a Taste for BetterLiterature W B Maple Cloverpoit

opened by C M Vertress Vine Grove

The Humorous Side of the TeachersLife J R Coyle of Grayson county

Parents as a Factor In Mutual De-velopment P I Yates

A Moral Curriculum J Ray HoneySonora

What is the Greatest Need of PublicSchools Snpt Fon Rogers Ohiocounty and Supt W D AshcraftMeade county

Weighed and Found Wanting J CCardwell Leltchfield

The Intellectual Life of the TeacherMiss Ollie M Richardson Vertrees

Clouds and Sunshines Miss MLlllie Irwin Buffalo

Nineteenth Century Progress F EHardestyThe

Miss Ella Jewell Owensboro

Do We do too Much for Onr PeopleMiss Ella Jeffries Elizabeth town andMiss Ada Cralle Tunnel Hill

Teachets and Their Ways Snpt J

R Ashlock Hardin countyAddress Prof H G Brownell

LouisvilleReadingGrade 7tb Miss Francis

Smith EtizabethtownShort Cuts in Figures A C BurtonAdaptation in Pedagogy E R

Ray Beaver DamNew Psychology E E Olcott

Elizabethtown and TJ Morton Haltlord

Squeers Method Miss MaymeeIrwin Elizabetbtown

Essay Miss Ethel KingSide Lines J C Pirtle Hodgen

villeQuicksEd Reformers W A Dew

leyHygiene in the Schoolroom N T

Groves FordsvilleMethod in Child and Methocl in

Subject or the Duel Nature ol MethodO M Shultz Haitford

In and Out of Sorts G K HolbertHodgensville

Address Dan Roberts Hardlna

burgPoetryof the loth Century Mitts

Carry E Cosby BardstownBusiness hour

Reduced rated over alt railroads oncertificate plan

The Association will be held onFriday and Saturday April aoth and21st instead of April 27th and 28th aspreviously announced

This change is made to suit the local conveniences at place of meetingIt is very important that each countyin the district be represented by alarge delegation Everyone on theprogramme has consented to be pres-


this insures a good meetingSession begins Friday morning at

10 oclock closes at 3 oclock Saturdayevening S C STEVENS Pres


Our Groatost SpecialistFor 20 years Dr J Newton Hatha ¬

Iway has so successfully treated chronic

Idiseases that be is acknowledged toproftaslon ¬

VerlcocelcIor cautery cures in 90 per cent of allcases In the treatment ol Loss ofVital Forces Nervous Disorders Kid >

ney and Urinary Complaints Paral ¬

sis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism-Catarrhand Diseases peculiar to wo-

ment he is especially successful DrHathaways practice is more thandouble that of any other specialistotbeltment Write him to day fully abouyour case lie makes no charge foiconsultation or advice elth r at his officeor by mail Address J NewlcrHathaway M D 300 Cl arch StNashville Term ti


The Readers of The Hartford Repub ¬oJpastup for The Republican and get the twopapers one year for only 2 SO







Only the Republican PartyCanBo Rolled Upon for

a Remedy

When a Democrat is asked how beproposes to deal with the trusts he sovigorously denounces he dtndles lor-

a while and then answers Cut oftthe Protective Tariff That is excelly the policy pursued by that eminentbut erratic individual who possessedthe famous goose that laid goldeneggs Tbe remedy might be effectualbecause If we are to have DemocraticFieeTrade neither the trusts nor any ¬

thing else will flourish But is itnecessary to destroy the country inorder to regulate something that willregulate itself after a time There isone thing certainmoney for invest ¬

ment is plentiful or it would not havegone into industrials as it has Democrats claim that more trusts havebeen formed under the administrationof McKinley than were formed underboth administrations of ClevelandWe are willing to take their word forthis There was nothing formed un-

der the last administration of GroverCleveland except a panic and it mustbeadmitted that this was one that at-

tracted some attention from the peopleof the country The reaction fromthat panic Is one of the causes whyindustrials have been so extensivelypatronized In that way the Demo-


are partly responsible for trustsBut we are willing to admit that it wasnot until after the Democratic Presi ¬

dent passed away and Republican polIdes prevailed that money came outof its hiding places and sought invest-ment that men began to form business combinations i that manufactur-Ing plants were enlarged i that laborwas employed These all go togetherbut many of the trusts are merely anabuse of tbe golden period of Amencan prosperity that in due time willregulate itself There is one thing tobe borne in mind and that is that if itbecomes necessary to reduce Tariffrates in order to prevent combinationsthat will hurt the people the Republi-can


paity will do that It is notwedded to Protection because it is atenet of tbe party but for the reasonthat it has been essential to the growthand development of the people of tbelaboring people in particular al ¬

though Democracy has claimed eat

cluslve privileges in that directionWhat are claims when opposed topractical experience In the pastDemocrats were the ones who favored

slave labor They went to war to pre ¬

serve it In the present they are infavor of cheap labor by pitting the la-

bor and skill of the now well paidAmerican laborer against the poorlypaid labor across the ocean It is im ¬

possible that the people can bode ¬

calved for any length of time as to thedrift and tendencies of the to parties

Peoria UIrJor alIA Womans Spring Wardrobe

Howtho BestDressed WomenWill Attire Themselves

at Easter

The new spring gowns made all of

one material andnot with separatewaists as heretofore will be muchwotn

The separate waists will be of lightsilks and muslins or other thin materlals

Almost all the new spring stuffs areof a soft clinging quality which

makes them adaptable to the pres-



style of gownThere are to be some lovely silk


Nearly every disease Is the olga ofpoverty either of the blood or of thenerves When the brain tells andnervous tissues are used up fasterthan they are repaired not only thebrain and nerves but every vital

nervous dyspepsia sad liver and kid¬

strength remains until at last thebreakdown comes and thenDr Miles Restoratlr Nerrlno Is do¬

lag a world ot good for such weaknervous whose brain and bodyare overtaxed but who may yet bgsaved from a state of Indescribable

and restored to lives ofhappiness and industryand strengthening the secretiveglands of the digestive organs It tadilute digestion and


muslins with bunches of ffjwerSjtnd rsprays of vines and buds worn

The smallest shirtwaist wilt be madetucked back and front frorh the neckdown and the tucks wllftM rather 1wide than otherwise teasdrncy Is to make the waislIieasl-ong as f zsible In front

the tailor and walklngskiitawlll

with the habit and closefltting blksThe return of the bustle Is heralded

It is nota large affair but small well Tshaped

Sleeves are still worn tight and are >

much trimmed They are quite longand the smartest ones are made endlug in a point which covers the top ofthe hand to the knuckles

Collars are to be worn high butnbc as stiff as they have been

The new hats are made of somefancy straw braids tulle or silk netsof the most fantastic shapes Breastsbirds wings and feathers are muchless worn and you cant have enoughflowers Edith Lawrence in theMarch Ladles Home Journal

AnnouncomontTo accommodate those who are par¬

hal to the use of atomized applyingliquids In the nasal pasiages for castarrhal troubles the prepare Cream Balm in liquid form whichwill be known as Elys Liquid CreamBalm Price including thesprayingtube is 75 cts Druggists or by mailThe liquid form embodies the medi ¬

dual properties of the solid preparation Cream Balm Id quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dryup the secretions but changes them toa natural and healthy character ElyBrothers 56 Warren ft N Y I

OASaxaOnXA rIBeirt You Hait Alwajj BsujjM

ofthtt111 S


The Democratic campaign of misrepresentation and forgery is openingusually early this year Benton III

OASaxaOnXABun Hams Mnr Bought

otttJoaGood old Granny Metcalfe of Ken

tucky 89 years old says that DrPineTarHoney is the best Grip

cure Cough Lung and Bronchialremedy that has been offered to thepeople during her life Sold every¬

where mp S S

Walkers Tonic is the link that picksup the vital forces of mar in his I11Bdown state and binds him to healthand strength by recuperating theBrain regulating the action of theHeart and nourishing the NervousJSystem m

A Strictly Line ofJowolry Guarantood to GivePerfect Satisfaction ortheMonoy Will Bo Rofunded

A loll and very fine line of Jewelry U now lorsale by llnrnll Situ of llockport Ky This lineIncludes rolled gold plate cold filled gold frontand solid gold good of oarowa mannfactan andwt warrant theta to glre perfect satisfaction orwe will refund the money paid for them by thepnrchwr

We manufacture over 0000 denlxna and patternof Jewelry and do not hesItate to warrant onrgood to the fullest extent We know they areexnctiyaa reprrxentwl

In cane thIs notice should reach patron whoore too tar away train IlarrellBroplacolburineal or other tore where oar good are told toadmit of their going there topnrcha our goodwrit us what you want and w will bmall at the regular price iJSlit-


e will be glad to correspond wlthth4or t i

of oar goods concerning them Will KCJ MOaTi S


a to the care of Jewelry howtto ekjwul 71WCur of Friendship Eddy SU ProTldence BKWestern Factory JLalflt Jewelry Facto-

ry In the world under procew of contraction atEDIt Iowa City fa Orrr 12000 tl of floor > pac

Nerves UnstrungI

Weak Stomach Pain the Chest Sleep ¬

less Neftovs Irritable all runi

Down Cured byi

Dr Miles Nervine










rapldl1builtout confusion thus bringing all theImportant organs into harmony and

beaUbI all run downand was so

bad that I had to give op work I was nerv¬

Qua sleopless and UrtUUe all the time andalthough several doctors treated me I did notImprove any under their care Hearing DrMiles Nervine well spoken of for suchtroubles I commenced uslDC It and grew bat ¬

ter from the start When I had used threobottles I felt that I was cored but I itiBiIa bottle of the Nenrlna on hand andua unusually tired or nervous lukeaddllam all right again I took Dr Miles iand Liver Pills along with the Kervfrfound them the best Liver Pillionktt CUNK New

Dr Miie Nenljl is sold fPton a positive guarantee U

aod bookie to 7DLMUzarr
