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The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1906-10-26 [p...

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4 i Lp Jartf Dtb Uqubikan Fine Job Work a Specialty HMT IS NEW YOU WILLIFINnITINTIIER REPUBLICAN Subscription 1 a Year VOL XIX HARTFORD OHIO COUNTY KY FRIDAY OCTOBER 26 1906 No 15 GOVERNMENT ANXIETY About Fate of Troops and Valuable War Vessels Prrsldent Roosevelt Will Be Off to Panama Immediately After Election ISixclnl Till UrrC LIU Washington D C Oct 21 During the last few days the Gov- ernment ¬ has been exceedingly unx ¬ ious as to the fate of the many American troops and valuable war ¬ ships now on duty in and around Cuba For fortyeight hours after the hurricane struck the Island this country was as entirely cut off from Cuba as though the Jsland had been wiped off the map Considerable damage was done in the South and every wire south of Jacksonville was down The Navy Department put on t as good a face as it could in the nat p ter and said there was no apprehended At the same dangerI with ail the cables gone and the land wires wrecked frantic ef- forts ¬ were made to get into com ¬ munication with Havana by wireless Charleston was the furthetest point southon the coast where there was n wireless station that could be reached by land lines For two days and nights she tried unavail ingly to get either St Augustine or Pensacola but naturally in such a severe storm the wireless masts were one of the first things to go down After long effort Charleston got Pensacola and after a still longer wait a message was relayed to Key West whence it was flashed to Ha vana just about the time that cable communication was reestablished and the grounding of the Brooklyn was known Very meagre news has been received by the Department so far as to the damage done to Amer 4 ican property in Cuba but it is known that there arc over 100 dead that more than 100 houses have been idestroyed and considerable damage done the American warships How serious the damage to the Brooklyn will prove is not yet known but it will be a curious fa tality if after bearing the brunt of the seafight off Santiago she lays her iron bones under the Moro as the result of an ordinary hurricane R R Arrangements have been made for the Presidents trip to Panama and it Is announced that he will start on November 8th Secretary Roots report of favorable conditions there makes the President more than ever anxious to take a look at the Isthmus He will be accompanied by thanes cruisers the Washington and the Tennessee while the Presi dent himself will journey on the great battleship Louisiana Secre yr tary Taft will not accompany him on this trip but he will stay in Wash- ington ¬ ready to deal with the Cuban situation as the Presidents deputy should occasion arise The reports that have been given out of Secretary Tafts refusal to go on the Supreme bench may be taken about as seriously as other newspa ¬ per predictions two years in advance of an event The event of course is the Presidential election and the in ¬ ference is that if the Secretary re- fuses ¬ the Supreme Court it will be because he considers himself in line for the next Presidential nomina ¬ tion It is entirely too far ahetfd to judge as to this combination of cir 1 cumstances There are a great things to be taken Into con- sideration ¬ There are other Presi ¬ dential possibilities including even President Roosevelt himself It is known quite well that President Roosevelt has the highest regard for Mr Tafts ability as a lawyer and it is quite possible that he can have the Supreme Court appointment any time that he wants it in the next two years if his inclination should point that way FrleOllsDisappointed Benton Ky Oct 23 Governor Beckham spoke here today to sever- al hundred people He spoke along A J k his usual line of defense against admlnlsI ¬ ¬ new many of his friends are sorely disappoined that he made no reference to the charge that he received a check I for 3500 from the brewing inter- est ¬ t during his last campaign for Governor Some of his friends had confidently asserted that he would refute this charge in his speech here Gov Beckham made an at ¬ tack on the CourierJournal saying it never loses an opportunity of mis representing him ANSEL PATTON Arrested in ArizonaWanted Here on Seduction Charge Sheriff at Globe Wires Informa ¬ tion to Ohio County Attorney Some time ago a warrant was is ¬ layIlor ¬ Sam P Rowan charging Ansel Pat ton with the seduction of Lizzie Rowan under promise of marriage Miss Rowan is the daughter of Mr J B Rowan a prominent citizen of the Heflin neighborhood and is under age WI d lesday the following dispatch was received by County Attorney E M Woodward Globe Arizona 1021 190G District Attorney Ohio Ci Ansel Patton in jail Wire war ¬ rant and au aunt of bail W G STANLEY Sheriff The offense is not a bailable one and the authorities at Globe have been requested to hold Patton pend ¬ ing the arrival of an officer with proper requisition papers It is understood that exSheriff C P Keown will be appointed State Agent and that he will leave for Globe to bring Pattton back as soon the necessary papers can be secured from Frankfort Attorney W H < Barnes has been retained to aid in the prosecution If found guilty the punishment is from one to five years in the penitentiary If a marriage should bo resorted to in order to stop the prosecution under a late act he must live with her two years in order to avoid a a revival of the prosection Surprise Birthday Dinner enjoyabLAocial function was the surprise 1jfrthda dinner given Mr and Mrs Uriah Coppage at their home near Sulphur Springs last Sat urday by their many friends Those present were Mr and Mrs Nattie White Mr and Mrs Worth Lloyd Mr and Mrs John Lloyd Mr and Mrs Vester Neighbors Mr and Mrs Robert Quisenberry Mr and Mrs Charlie White Mrs E W Nevitt of Owensboro Mrs Debbie Wedding Mr Arthur Petty Miss Elender Petty and Daniel Midkiff of Hartford Miss Eva Duke Mr Mur ry Coppage Mr John Bobbit of Magan and Mr Tom Barrett of Dawson Springs They all enjoyed a pleasant day and Mr and Mrs Cop page received many presents q Thug Knocked Down Paducah kyOct 23Stopped by holdup men and ordered to de- liver ¬ Walter Sights clerk in a lo- cal bank let drive at one of the men with a piece of brick knocked him down and made his escape to his ap- artments Young Sights worked late in the bank and the men who attempted to hold him up were standing across the street when he emerged Ho suspecfed something wrong and armed himself with the brick which he laterused so effect- ively ¬ K of P Luncheon On account of the entertainment given llt the Court Hall Tuesday night by Miss Nannie Barbee the K4 ef P luncheon was deferred un1 tll next Tuesday evening Every member Is expected to be present as j there will tie plenty of work to do before the feast is spread i PARKER Hits Hearst lard In New York Late Democratic Candidate For President Pays Compliment to Republican Candidate At a meeting held in New York City Tuesday night by the judiciary nomination committee Judge Alton B Parker paid his respects to Hearst and Murphy in the following vigor- ous ¬ languageMr r after saying that he had left the bench never to return paid a tribute to his former associ ales and the present members of the State courts and appealed to his au ¬ dience to vote for Judges who were known to be free of political bins and political bosses A machine he said is not the proper place from which to select Judges and the reason of it is very plain A political machine other ¬ wise an organization which receives its sole control and direction from one man and the will of one manIs aitnachinc organized on this princi ¬ pie That the men within it give to the machine in order that they may receive and the boss in turn gives to them in order that he and the mem ¬ bers of tho machine may receive in returnNow there is no difference be ¬ tween a Republican machine and a Democratic machine but in this par ¬ ticular canvass our work is directed against a combination of a Demo ¬ cratic machine and Independence League machine MAKES A COMPARISON Our Republican friends wbile not able to indorse our ticket alto- gether have nevertheless indorsed twelve out of the thirteen candi ¬ dates and I suppose we ought to be satisfied with that But if the gal ¬ lant leader of the Republican ma ¬ chine himself a man of learning of character of great ability and as I believe lofty patriotic purpose was unequal to the opportunity to arise to that full height which the occa ¬ sion offered him what I should like to know could you expect of a ma ¬ chine that was dominated ba Mur ¬ phy or a Hearst or both in combina ¬ tionTheevidence is unmistakable continued Judge Parker that the leader of Tammany Hall realized that the only opportunity he would have for patronage this year would be in this judicial ticket Did you dream or did Idid anyone sup- pose for a moment that there could be any inducement which would lead him to place his hand in the hands of the man who had denounced him as a corruptionist and as a criminal and had pictured him with stripes upon him and a ball and chain at his feet OUGHT TO BE A CRIME And yet he did it He did more Aspiring to be the leader of his par ¬ ty in the State he nevertheless went to a convention and there by his will and by his force by his ability to command this and that man to break his promise he turned a minority into a majority He made a conven- tion ¬ which had a valid title a fraud ¬ ulent one Those things which were done which in business constitute a crime ought to constitute a crime in politics Was there any reward to come to him except the Judges None at all v May God in His infinite mercy and goodness incline the hearts of these His people to fight for our independent ticket as they several ¬ ly would fight for their birthrights for then the dreadful calamity with I which we are threatened will pass by I on the other side or Beckham to Speak Here Governor J C W Beckham can ¬ dilate for nomination for United 121I be a good many people out to hear him It will no doubt be of considerable interest to a majority of those who hear him If he will explain why he approved the act of the last Legisla hire placing Ohio county in a Legis- lative district composed of three counties and having a population of over 53000 when the constitution of Kentucky provides that not more than two counties shall be joined for such purpose and 22000 being the maximum population fpr such dis ¬ trictHe might enhance his chances for nomination should he explain to the satisfaction of his hearers why he approved bills providing for the creation of new offices and raise in salary of old ones which will increase the burden of taxpayers 50000 an- nually ¬ and vetoed a bill providing for the paymentfor one dayto cover expenses of travel to the court house of persons regularly summon ¬ ed as jurors and not used The Governor might clear up his befogged temperance horizon by ex ¬ plaining why he waited until he be ¬ came on active candidate for the nomination he is now seeking before he attempted to close up the saloons and theaters in Louisville on Sunday I when he has been Governor six years and had as much authority to act during that entire time as he now has He might add one jot or tittle to his illustrious temperance crusade by giving good reasons why he re ¬ tained in office as one of his ap ¬ pointees Wingate Thompson special police for the new State Capitol aft ¬ er he had been accused and indicted for running a blind tiger on the new Capitol grounds while acting as such police Mr Beckham may say that Repub ¬ licans have no interest in this polit ¬ ical scrap which is probably true in some particulars But Republicans and all good citizens are interested to the extent of desiring good gov ¬ ernment and sincerity in the admin ¬ istration thereof HENRY CLAYTER Gets 20 Years In the P nnel- 1tlaryExcltement ¬ in Court RoomI- ltrctrurldhr Urnwrrntl Henry Clayter the Irvington ne- gro who eloped to Chicago with a 15 year old white girl was given 20 years in the penitentiary yesterday in Breckenridge circuit court He was tried upon the charge of carnal ¬ ly knowing a female under the age of sixteen years On being formally arranged the defndant entered a plea of guilty During the progress of the hearing of the Commonwealths evidence and during and after Mr Laymans speech there was much feeling de ¬ monstrated by those in the crowded court room When the girl testified that the intimacy was forced by the defendant there were many firm glaces turned in the direction of where Clayter was seated The court experienced some trouble in securing a jury most of the parties available having formed or express ¬ ed an opinion concerning the case The jail has been guarded since Clay ¬ ter arrived herebut there has been no demonstration that wouldsuggest mob violence That the people were willing to let the law take its course is no more than should be and was expected of them but mob violence was predicted and our citizenship has made another demonstration of its character Clayter was taken to Eddyville Thursday night At the Hotel The following is the roster at the Commercial Hotel for the week E R SmithNashville A B Gun ther Owensboro W S Trunnell ° Livermore JF HopeMorgantown D Poodles county S H Dent Leitch field J J Bracken Prentis N E Anderson Evansville John I B Moseley Owensboro J W Ament Livermore B Sheppard Louisville Miss Nannie BarbeeDan ville J Frank Baker Beaver Dam Georgel GeorgeI elBrown r TROUBLE MAY FOLLOW Says President Dunn If To ¬ bacco Is Taxed Says Farmers Will Not Stand For City Tax On Pooled Crops Whitesville Ky Oct 22As so much is said just now about the city tax on the pdoled tobacco it might be well for me to give a few words of warning I do so to keep down trouble I do not want any war be ¬ tween the A S of E and Owens boro and it will surely come if they persist The people declare it un ¬ just and public sentiment is so bit ¬ ter that trouble will follow and if the four counties take it up as they undoubtably will anybody can see wnat it will lead to The order can command fourfifths of the four counties If these should decide to quit Owensboro it may hurt Owens boro more than the tax will do it becauseI to happen I am in better position to know than anyone else and I know that the best men in the four counties will take this up Now we have many warm friends in Owens boro and they condemn the tax I do hope this can be settled without any hard feelings On the first of November the com- mittee ¬ on the pledging papers meet in Owensboro I will call all the new chairmen of the finance com mittee and the old finance commit ¬ tee to meet me atOwensboro on that day at the Columbus house at 9 am Let both the new and old finance committees meet on that day If any districts have not elected their committees by that day they will be appointed You have until that dateto elect Please see to it at once I want to elect our grader and must do it at about the first of NovemberI of tobacco buyers Let each local appoint one man in each school district to see that no man sells who has pledged and any man who sells report him to the chairman of your district Let him give the man who buys and in the presence of witnesses notice not to deliver the tobacco and if already delivered notify the man who has the tobaccothat we will enter suit against him These contracts are legal and we will enforce them by law We can protect ourselves Any man selling under a false name will be dealt with under the head of mis ¬ representation We will catch it all and we propose to do so Some are asking the address of our county secretary Send all money to W P Wathen Philpot Ky It will reach him He is on the rural free delivery but I do not know his number He will soon give hjs number Let all dues be sent in promptlyDont the call for the first of November Let all the new and old finance committee of the county be at the Columbus house at 9 oclock J W DUNN County President A S of E Finance Committee to Meet I The finance committee of the A I S of E composed of the five coun ¬ ties of the Green River district will I meet in Owensboro next Saturday at 1 oclock The purpose of the meet ing is to make arrangements for handling the ijj06 crop j The finance committee was given full central of all arrangements for the handling of the 1906 crop and its meeting on Saturday will be for this purpose It is not expected that the arrangements will differ materially j from those of taut rI Mrs Annie Coffman Dead These words came to us like a thunderbolt from a clear sky Annie the childfriend of our youth How dare the ruthless hand of death claim this subject for his victim I see her as but yesterday prattling little child of four frail in body bright beyond her years a favorite child the sunshine of a home Oft is the time when our days work was done have those little hands done us a kindness those childish lips unconsciously spoken words of cheer and comfort I behold her later in life a kind considerate and affectionate girl grown into woman ¬ aI watchful mother Later still I see her the companion and helpmate of my friend the life the light the hope and inspiration of another home Amid these scenes the exit came The void the aching hearts an unfinished life Why this cruel fate The Infinite alone may answerHusband father mother friends be not displeased with the Masters work Annie lived in this world to make it brighter and better she died to leave us an example to emu ¬ late May we all meet her in that home beyond the realm of death L H C TO GIVE THANKS V President Roosevelt Issues Proc ¬ lamation Fixing Novem ¬ ber 29 Washington Oct 24The presi ¬ dent has issued a proclamation nam ¬ ing Thursday November 29 as a day of thanksgiving- The text of the proclamation is as followsA proclamation The time of year has come when in accordance with the wise custom of our foref- athers it becomes my duty to set aside a special day of thanksgiving and prayer to the Almighty because of the blessings we have received and of prayer that these blessings may be continued Yet another year of widespread wellbeing has passed Never before in our history or in the history of any other nation has a people enjoyed more abound ¬ ing material prosperity than has ours a prosperity so great that it should arouse in us no spirit of reckless pride and least of all a spirit of heedless disregard of our responsi- bilities ¬ but rather a sober sense of our many blessings and a resolute j purpose under Providence not to forfeit them by any action of our ownI Material wellbeing indispensable though it is can ever be nothing ti but the foundation of true national s greatness and happiness If we build nothing on this foundation then our national life will be as meaningless and empty as a house A where only the foundation has been laid On our material wellbeing must be built a superstructure of in ¬ dividual and national life lived in accordance with the laws of the highest morality or else our pros ¬ perity itself will in the long run turn out a curse instead of a bless ¬ ing We should be both reverently thankful for what we have received and earnestly bent on turning it in ¬ to a means of grace and not of de- struction ¬ Accordingly I hereby set apart Thursday the 29th day of Novem ¬ ber next as a day of thanksgiving and supplication on which the pea ple shall meet in their homes or churches devoutly acknowledge all that has been given them and to pray that they may in addition receive the power to use these gifts aright In witness whoreof I have here- unto set my hand and caused thQ seal of the United States to be af fixed Done at the city of Washington this 22d day of October in the year of our Lord one thousend nine hun dred and six nndof the Independ- ence i of the United States the one hundred and thirtyfirsttt THEODORE ROOSEVELT By the president ELIHU ROOT Secretary State eg Announcement- The newBaptist church at Baize town Ky will be dedicated the 4th Sunday in October 190S Rev A B Gardner of Hartford will Breach the dedicatory sermon at 11 oclock am There will be dinner on the ground and the public in general is Invited to attend ti 1a t Y
Page 1: The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1906-10-26 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fk95w/data/1232.pdf · 4 i Lp JartfDtb Uqubikan Fine Job Work a Specialty HMT IS NEW YOU WILLIFINnITINTIIERREPUBLICAN

4i Lp JartfDtb Uqubikan

Fine Job Work a Specialty HMT IS NEW YOU WILLIFINnITINTIIERREPUBLICAN Subscription 1 a Year



About Fate of Troops and

Valuable War Vessels

Prrsldent Roosevelt Will Be Off

to Panama Immediately

After Election

ISixclnl Till UrrC LIUWashington D C Oct 21

During the last few days the Gov-



has been exceedingly unx ¬

ious as to the fate of the many

American troops and valuable war ¬

ships now on duty in and aroundCuba For fortyeight hours afterthe hurricane struck the Island thiscountry was as entirely cut off fromCuba as though the Jsland had been

wiped off the map Considerable

damage was done in the South and

every wire south of Jacksonville was

down The Navy Department put on

t as good a face as it could in the natp ter and said there was no

apprehended At the samedangerI

with ail the cables gone and

the land wires wrecked frantic ef-



were made to get into com ¬

munication with Havana by wireless

Charleston was the furthetest pointsouthon the coast where there was

n wireless station that could be

reached by land lines For two

days and nights she tried unavailingly to get either St Augustine orPensacola but naturally in such a

severe storm the wireless masts wereone of the first things to go down

After long effort Charleston gotPensacola and after a still longerwait a message was relayed to Key

West whence it was flashed to Ha

vana just about the time that cablecommunication was reestablishedand the grounding of the Brooklynwas known Very meagre news hasbeen received by the Department so

far as to the damage done to Amer4 ican property in Cuba but it is

known that there arc over 100 deadthat more than 100 houses have been

idestroyed and considerable damagedone the American warshipsHow serious the damage to theBrooklyn will prove is not yetknown but it will be a curious fatality if after bearing the brunt ofthe seafight off Santiago she lays

her iron bones under the Moro as theresult of an ordinary hurricane


Arrangements have been made forthe Presidents trip to Panama and itIs announced that he will start onNovember 8th Secretary Rootsreport of favorable conditions theremakes the President more than everanxious to take a look at theIsthmus He will be accompaniedby thanes cruisers the Washingtonand the Tennessee while the President himself will journey on thegreat battleship Louisiana Secre

yr tary Taft will not accompany him onthis trip but he will stay in Wash-


ready to deal with the Cubansituation as the Presidents deputyshould occasion arise

The reports that have been givenout of Secretary Tafts refusal to goon the Supreme bench may be takenabout as seriously as other newspa¬

per predictions two years in advanceof an event The event of course isthe Presidential election and the in ¬

ference is that if the Secretary re-


the Supreme Court it will bebecause he considers himself in line

for the next Presidential nomina ¬

tion It is entirely too far ahetfd tojudge as to this combination of cir

1 cumstances There are a greatthings to be taken Into con-


There are other Presi ¬

dential possibilities including evenPresident Roosevelt himself It isknown quite well that PresidentRoosevelt has the highest regard forMr Tafts ability as a lawyer andit is quite possible that he can havethe Supreme Court appointment anytime that he wants it in the nexttwo years if his inclination shouldpoint that way


Benton Ky Oct 23 GovernorBeckham spoke here today to sever-

al hundred people He spoke along

A Jk

his usual line of defense against

admlnlsI ¬


new manyof his friends are sorely disappoinedthat he made no reference to thecharge that he received a check


for 3500 from the brewing inter-est


t during his last campaign forGovernor Some of his friends hadconfidently asserted that he wouldrefute this charge in his speechhere Gov Beckham made an at ¬

tack on the CourierJournal sayingit never loses an opportunity of misrepresenting him


Arrested in ArizonaWantedHere on Seduction Charge

Sheriff at Globe Wires Informa ¬

tion to Ohio County


Some time ago a warrant was is ¬layIlor ¬

Sam P Rowan charging Ansel Patton with the seduction of LizzieRowan under promise of marriageMiss Rowan is the daughter of MrJ B Rowan a prominent citizenof the Heflin neighborhood and isunder age

WI d lesday the following dispatchwas received by County Attorney EM Woodward

Globe Arizona 1021 190G

District Attorney Ohio Ci

Ansel Patton in jail Wire war ¬

rant and au aunt of bailW G STANLEY Sheriff

The offense is not a bailable oneand the authorities at Globe havebeen requested to hold Patton pend ¬

ing the arrival of an officer withproper requisition papers

It is understood that exSheriffC P Keown will be appointed StateAgent and that he will leave forGlobe to bring Pattton back as soonthe necessary papers can be securedfrom Frankfort

Attorney W H < Barnes has beenretained to aid in the prosecution Iffound guilty the punishment is fromone to five years in the penitentiaryIf a marriage should bo resorted toin order to stop the prosecutionunder a late act he must live withher two years in order to avoid aa revival of the prosection

Surprise Birthday DinnerenjoyabLAocial function was

the surprise 1jfrthda dinner givenMr and Mrs Uriah Coppage at theirhome near Sulphur Springs last Saturday by their many friends

Those present were Mr and MrsNattie White Mr and Mrs WorthLloyd Mr and Mrs John LloydMr and Mrs Vester Neighbors Mrand Mrs Robert Quisenberry Mrand Mrs Charlie White Mrs E WNevitt of Owensboro Mrs DebbieWedding Mr Arthur Petty MissElender Petty and Daniel Midkiff ofHartford Miss Eva Duke Mr Murry Coppage Mr John Bobbit ofMagan and Mr Tom Barrett ofDawson Springs They all enjoyed apleasant day and Mr and Mrs Coppage received many presents


Thug Knocked DownPaducah kyOct 23Stopped

by holdup men and ordered to de-


Walter Sights clerk in a lo-

cal bank let drive at one of the menwith a piece of brick knocked himdown and made his escape to his ap-artments Young Sights workedlate in the bank and the men whoattempted to hold him up werestanding across the street when heemerged Ho suspecfed somethingwrong and armed himself with thebrick which he laterused so effect-ively


K of P LuncheonOn account of the entertainment

given llt the Court Hall Tuesdaynight by Miss Nannie Barbee theK4 ef P luncheon was deferred un1tll next Tuesday evening Everymember Is expected to be present as j

there will tie plenty of work to dobefore the feast is spread



Hits Hearst lard In New


Late Democratic Candidate For

President Pays Compliment

to Republican Candidate

At a meeting held in New YorkCity Tuesday night by the judiciarynomination committee Judge AltonB Parker paid his respects to Hearstand Murphy in the following vigor-


languageMrr after saying that he

had left the bench never to returnpaid a tribute to his former associales and the present members of theState courts and appealed to his au ¬

dience to vote for Judges who wereknown to be free of political binsand political bosses

A machine he said is not theproper place from which to selectJudges and the reason of it is veryplain A political machine other ¬

wise an organization which receivesits sole control and direction fromone man and the will of one manIsaitnachinc organized on this princi ¬

pie That the men within it give tothe machine in order that they mayreceive and the boss in turn gives tothem in order that he and the mem¬

bers of tho machine may receive in

returnNowthere is no difference be ¬

tween a Republican machine and aDemocratic machine but in this par ¬

ticular canvass our work is directedagainst a combination of a Demo ¬

cratic machine and IndependenceLeague machine


Our Republican friends wbilenot able to indorse our ticket alto-gether have nevertheless indorsedtwelve out of the thirteen candi ¬

dates and I suppose we ought to besatisfied with that But if the gal ¬

lant leader of the Republican ma¬

chine himself a man of learning ofcharacter of great ability and as I

believe lofty patriotic purpose wasunequal to the opportunity to ariseto that full height which the occa ¬

sion offered him what I should liketo know could you expect of a ma ¬

chine that was dominated ba Mur¬

phy or a Hearst or both in combina ¬

tionTheevidence is unmistakablecontinued Judge Parker that theleader of Tammany Hall realizedthat the only opportunity he wouldhave for patronage this year wouldbe in this judicial ticket Did youdream or did Idid anyone sup-pose for a moment that there couldbe any inducement which would leadhim to place his hand in the handsof the man who had denounced himas a corruptionist and as a criminaland had pictured him with stripesupon him and a ball and chain at hisfeet


And yet he did it He did moreAspiring to be the leader of his par¬

ty in the State he nevertheless wentto a convention and there by his willand by his force by his ability tocommand this and that man to breakhis promise he turned a minorityinto a majority He made a conven-


which had a valid title a fraud ¬

ulent one Those things which weredone which in business constitute acrime ought to constitute a crimein politics Was there any rewardto come to him except the JudgesNone at all v

May God in His infinite mercyand goodness incline the hearts ofthese His people to fight for ourindependent ticket as they several ¬

ly would fight for their birthrightsfor then the dreadful calamity with I

which we are threatened will pass byI

on the other sideor

Beckham to Speak HereGovernor J C W Beckham can ¬

dilate for nomination for United121Ibe a good many people out to hearhim

It will no doubt be of considerableinterest to a majority of those whohear him If he will explain why he

approved the act of the last Legislahire placing Ohio county in a Legis-lative district composed of threecounties and having a population ofover 53000 when the constitutionof Kentucky provides that not morethan two counties shall be joined forsuch purpose and 22000 being themaximum population fpr such dis ¬

trictHemight enhance his chances for

nomination should he explain to thesatisfaction of his hearers why heapproved bills providing for thecreation of new offices and raise insalary of old ones which will increasethe burden of taxpayers 50000 an-


and vetoed a bill providingfor the paymentfor one dayto coverexpenses of travel to the courthouse of persons regularly summon ¬

ed as jurors and not usedThe Governor might clear up his

befogged temperance horizon by ex ¬

plaining why he waited until he be ¬

came on active candidate for thenomination he is now seeking beforehe attempted to close up the saloonsand theaters in Louisville on Sunday I

when he has been Governor sixyears and had as much authority toact during that entire time as he nowhas He might add one jot or tittle tohis illustrious temperance crusadeby giving good reasons why he re ¬

tained in office as one of his ap¬

pointees Wingate Thompson specialpolice for the new State Capitol aft¬

er he had been accused and indictedfor running a blind tiger on the newCapitol grounds while acting assuch police

Mr Beckham may say that Repub ¬

licans have no interest in this polit¬

ical scrap which is probably true insome particulars But Republicansand all good citizens are interestedto the extent of desiring good gov ¬

ernment and sincerity in the admin ¬

istration thereof


Gets 20 Years In the P nnel-




Court RoomI-

ltrctrurldhr UrnwrrntlHenry Clayter the Irvington ne-

gro who eloped to Chicago with a15 year old white girl was given 20years in the penitentiary yesterdayin Breckenridge circuit court Hewas tried upon the charge of carnal ¬

ly knowing a female under the ageof sixteen years

On being formally arranged thedefndant entered a plea of guiltyDuring the progress of the hearingof the Commonwealths evidenceand during and after Mr Laymansspeech there was much feeling de¬

monstrated by those in the crowdedcourt room When the girl testifiedthat the intimacy was forced by thedefendant there were many firmglaces turned in the direction ofwhere Clayter was seated Thecourt experienced some trouble insecuring a jury most of the partiesavailable having formed or express¬

ed an opinion concerning the caseThe jail has been guarded since Clay ¬

ter arrived herebut there has been nodemonstration that wouldsuggestmob violence That the people werewilling to let the law take its courseis no more than should be and wasexpected of them but mob violencewas predicted and our citizenshiphas made another demonstration ofits character Clayter was taken toEddyville Thursday night

At the HotelThe following is the roster at the

Commercial Hotel for the weekE R SmithNashville A B Gun

ther Owensboro W S Trunnell°

Livermore JF HopeMorgantownD Poodles county S H DentLeitch field J J Bracken PrentisN E Anderson Evansville John I

B Moseley Owensboro J W

Ament Livermore B SheppardLouisville Miss Nannie BarbeeDanville J Frank Baker Beaver DamGeorgelGeorgeIelBrownr


Says President Dunn If To ¬

bacco Is Taxed

Says Farmers Will Not StandFor City Tax On Pooled


Whitesville Ky Oct 22As somuch is said just now about the citytax on the pdoled tobacco it mightbe well for me to give a few wordsof warning I do so to keep downtrouble I do not want any war be ¬

tween the A S of E and Owensboro and it will surely come if theypersist The people declare it un ¬

just and public sentiment is so bit ¬

ter that trouble will follow and ifthe four counties take it up as theyundoubtably will anybody can seewnat it will lead to The order cancommand fourfifths of the fourcounties If these should decide toquit Owensboro it may hurt Owensboro more than the tax will do it

becauseIto happen I am in better positionto know than anyone else and Iknow that the best men in the fourcounties will take this up Now wehave many warm friends in Owensboro and they condemn the tax Ido hope this can be settled withoutany hard feelings

On the first of November the com-


on the pledging papers meetin Owensboro I will call all thenew chairmen of the finance committee and the old finance commit ¬

tee to meet me atOwensboro on thatday at the Columbus house at 9 a mLet both the new and old financecommittees meet on that day Ifany districts have not elected theircommittees by that day they will beappointed You have until thatdateto elect Please see to it atonce I want to elect our graderand must do it at about the first of

NovemberIof tobacco buyers

Let each local appoint one man ineach school district to see that noman sells who has pledged and anyman who sells report him to thechairman of your district Let himgive the man who buys and in thepresence of witnesses notice not todeliver the tobacco and if alreadydelivered notify the man who hasthe tobaccothat we will enter suitagainst him These contracts arelegal and we will enforce them bylaw We can protect ourselves Anyman selling under a false name willbe dealt with under the head of mis¬

representation We will catch it alland we propose to do so

Some are asking the address ofour county secretary Send allmoney to W P Wathen PhilpotKy It will reach him He is onthe rural free delivery but I do notknow his number He will soon givehjs number Let all dues be sent in

promptlyDontthe call for the first

of November Let all the new andold finance committee of the countybe at the Columbus house at 9oclock J W DUNN

County President A S of E

Finance Committee to Meet I

The finance committee of the A I

S of E composed of the five coun ¬

ties of the Green River district will I

meet in Owensboro next Saturday at1 oclock The purpose of the meeting is to make arrangements forhandling the ijj06 crop j

The finance committee was givenfull central of all arrangements forthe handling of the 1906 crop and itsmeeting on Saturday will be for thispurpose It is not expected that thearrangements will differ materially j

from those of taut rIMrs Annie Coffman DeadThese words came to us like a

thunderbolt from a clear sky Anniethe childfriend of our youth Howdare the ruthless hand of deathclaim this subject for his victim Isee her as but yesterday prattlinglittle child of four frail in bodybright beyond her years a favoritechild the sunshine of a home Oft

is the time when our days workwas done have those little handsdone us a kindness those childishlips unconsciously spoken words ofcheer and comfort I behold herlater in life a kind considerate andaffectionate girl grown into woman ¬aIwatchful mother Later still I seeher the companion and helpmate ofmy friend the life the light thehope and inspiration of anotherhome Amid these scenes the exitcame The void the aching heartsan unfinished life Why this cruelfate The Infinite alone may

answerHusbandfather mother friends

be not displeased with the Masterswork Annie lived in this world tomake it brighter and better shedied to leave us an example to emu ¬

late May we all meet her in thathome beyond the realm of death



President Roosevelt Issues Proc ¬

lamation Fixing Novem ¬

ber 29

Washington Oct 24The presi ¬

dent has issued a proclamation nam ¬

ing Thursday November 29 as aday of thanksgiving-

The text of the proclamation is as

followsAproclamation The time of

year has come when in accordancewith the wise custom of our foref-athers it becomes my duty to setaside a special day of thanksgivingand prayer to the Almighty becauseof the blessings we have receivedand of prayer that these blessingsmay be continued Yet anotheryear of widespread wellbeing haspassed Never before in our historyor in the history of any other nationhas a people enjoyed more abound¬

ing material prosperity than has oursa prosperity so great that it shouldarouse in us no spirit of recklesspride and least of all a spirit ofheedless disregard of our responsi-


but rather a sober sense ofour many blessings and a resolute jpurpose under Providence not toforfeit them by any action of our

ownIMaterial wellbeing indispensablethough it is can ever be nothing ti

but the foundation of true national s

greatness and happiness If webuild nothing on this foundationthen our national life will be asmeaningless and empty as a house A

where only the foundation has beenlaid On our material wellbeingmust be built a superstructure of in ¬

dividual and national life lived inaccordance with the laws of thehighest morality or else our pros¬

perity itself will in the long runturn out a curse instead of a bless ¬

ing We should be both reverentlythankful for what we have receivedand earnestly bent on turning it in ¬

to a means of grace and not of de-


Accordingly I hereby set apartThursday the 29th day of Novem ¬

ber next as a day of thanksgivingand supplication on which the peaple shall meet in their homes orchurches devoutly acknowledge allthat has been given them and to praythat they may in addition receivethe power to use these gifts aright

In witness whoreof I have here-unto set my hand and caused thQ

seal of the United States to be affixed

Done at the city of Washingtonthis 22d day of October in the yearof our Lord one thousend nine hundred and six nndof the Independ-ence

iof the United States the onehundred and thirtyfirsttt


By the presidentELIHU ROOT Secretary Stateeg

Announcement-The newBaptist church at Baize

town Ky will be dedicated the 4thSunday in October 190S Rev A B

Gardner of Hartford will Breachthe dedicatory sermon at 11 oclocka m There will be dinner on the

ground and the public in general isInvited to attend

ti1at Y
