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THE HAWAIIAN STAR. - University of...

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runLisiiRii HAWAIIAN STAR. TEB919I 1 1m' J KVKRsT ArTEIlICOOM THE T 0 CKMTi A MOKTH " I MOBFT IDHDAT. 1st ADTAXOB. i HAWAIIAN WUDNESUAV EVENING, AUGUST 1895 vol. in. HONOLULU, ISLANDS, 14. NO. 734 Hood's Saved Their Lives Poisoned by Impure Water Now In Good Health, Lively, Happy JEve, Carroll and Xlly Ureim Stowe, Vermont. C. t. Hood A Co., lowell, Mmi "Gentlemen t Last winter, ray two girls, boy and wife were Uken 111. The doctors nlil the? were poisoned by drinking water Irom aa old well. The two kIH failed to rallf under the doctor's treaunent Era, and (our yeari, tell awarso alio only welched us Ifu.i coughed all the Ume and was helpless, rhyslclaos aald She Had Consumption. Lily, aged eight years, was nearly as tad as va but being older and stronger, held up a 1IU tie better. We gave them both Hood's Sarsa. SarllU, which built up tbelr etrennh and hcalib, that they became fat amf plump, llrely and happy. My son Carroll was In a bad eou Hood'sCures ditlon, having a bad cough and yery weak, nt was obliged to lie down most of tlie time. One bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla put him on Ms feet and restored perfect health. I bellere Hood's SirsntNtrllla saTcd my children's Ures." Johx T. llmiwK, Stowe, Vermont. HOOD'S P1LL8 cure all Liter Ills, Sllloua. aess. Jaundice, Indigestion, blck Ueadaeht. Ilnlirnn Drug Companj Wholesale Acnnts. Glaus Spreckels & Go., li V XV I-- 15 tS , HONOLULU II. I. Issue .Sight ami Time Hills of Ex- change, also Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit on the principal parts of the world. Purchase approved Dills. Mnke loans on ncrcptuble si'curlly. lteceive deposits on open account and allow interest on term deposits. Attend promptly to collections. A CJcucriil IliiiiklHB IIihIiiom TriiiiNiiettd. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, 1S08. Capital, - - $6,000,000 Assets, - - $9,000,000 Havluir btun appointed Agents of the abort Co. li pan y we are now ready to eflect lnnur-Riir- nt at the lowent rales ot premium, H. W. SCHMIDT A SONS. Bishop & Company, 1IANKICHH, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ESTABLISHED IN 1838. Transact a general Banking anil Ex- change Bu sinew. Imna made nn ap- proved necurity. Bills discounted, Com mure la 1 crediU Kraft ted. Deposits on current account subject to check. Letters of credit Issued on the principal cities of the world. Agents of The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, Insurance Co. of North America OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Gash Capital : : $3,000,000.00 Assets, Jan. 1st, 1895. $9,562,599.92 Oldest Fire Insurance Company in the United States. Policies issued against loss by Ate on all classes or desirable property. II. LOSE, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. 703-- 1 mo Wm. G. Irwin & Co., UMITKD, Win. O. Irwin President and Manager Claim Spreckels, ... Vice President W. H. fliffard. Secretary and Treasurer Tlieo, C. Porter, ..... Auditor NUGAK FACTORS ANU Commission Agents, AGENTS Or TUB OCEAHIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF BAN FBANCI8CO. OAU I mm & CO,, LTD Queen St., HoioIqId, H. I., AOafiTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Co,, Onomea Sugar Co., Honomu Sugar Co., Wal-luk- u Sugar Co., Wnlhte Sugar Co., Makee Sugar Co., Haleukala Ranch Co., Kapapala Ranch. Planters' Line San Francisco Packets. Chas. Brewer & Co.'a Line of Boston Packets. Agents Boston Board of Undervrrlter- - Agents rhllauclpnla Hoard ot unuer, writers. List or Orriczaa ; V. C. Jo5B8 .'.Presldsut Geo. II. Robibtrosi Managw E. V. llisuop Treas. aud Beoj, Col. W. F. Aujtit Auditor ( u. Coo EI 1 H. Watirboubi,. V. ,, .Directors A.'WCabtb Castle & Cooke, Ltd. LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Apnts. AOIBTS JOB NEW ENOLAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Co OF BOSTON. W,, iBTNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. is inur.aroNRiiiLE. Diagnosis of the Case i.f the Satire Trlio Used a Knife. Judgment In the case of Joe, charged with the stabbing of police- man Paul Molenhauer, has been reserved until August 14. The evidence of Dr. Jno Drodie was tiken by Judge I'erry yesterday The doctor deposed that he had made au examination of defendant and found him suffering from melancholia and results of de- pressed fracture tif scull 011 right side. Fracture was probably made some years since, the depiession is there still. Fracture would make him ill continuously, and there is still remaining from It a little par- tial naralvsis of one side. Melan cholia not caused by fracture. Liable to oulbreaks similar to acute mania. This melancholia is heredi- tary. In melancholia victims are usually harmless, but liable to lose their minds altogether and lieeonie dangerous. Hop This Kyeplng. The big pavilion fit Independ ence Park presents a gay and holi- day appearance today, the interior being draped with flags of all na tions, trie work ol tue Committee pi Arrangements of the Leilani Boat Club. The club intends to give one of their popular dances at the park this evening. Nearly one hundred tickets have been sold and a good evening's enjoyment is an ticipated. Ivxtra cars will be run. A Methodist Vliurch. The First Methodist Episcopal church of this city, through its trustees, Henry Waterhouse, C. K. of Ripley, H. S. Tregloan, Theodore Ktcnards, F. G. Douse. M. S. Johnston and C. V. Sturdevant. has secured the lot at the corner of Ueretania and ' Miller streets for a church property. The deed was sigrffd yesterday. The lot has a frontage of about 120 feet on Bere-tani- a street and has a frontage of 260 feet on Miller street. A neat, small chapel for temporary use will soon be erected. For Rent. The premised on Judd Street, liejond Lillha, lately occupied by Joaquin Miller. House of four Rooms and Kit chen; Stable and 2 acres of land more or less. For Sale. One All Tirana Double Acting Force 1'unip, ;i Inch auction and discharge with 250 feet 2 inch Hose. At a bargain ono English dog cart Imported. One revolving balter'e oven. Apply to J. EMMKLUTII. S22 tf. Nn. ft Nniiflnii lrw(. To my Patrons and the Public. I have just opened at uiy office, 113 Bkthm. St., HONOLUI.U, H. I., an AllT - KXlllliniON of tlio latent dcficim and nnveltlca in Knibroulerv Work. Drawn Work. Iloito Silk. Keiittmgton Work mid Etchings. I would rosoectfully invite vou ami your friends to call and inspect theso Kods, Hie oing'T received 04,tlrst nwanm for Sewing Machined iind Embroidery Work at the World's Fair, Chicago, 111., being the largest number of awards ob- tained bv anv exhibitor, nnd more than double the number given to all other a : m i.i v.... uiA 1... B. BERGrERSEN Betliel t. SPECIAL NOTICE TO T1IOSK HOLDING Fire Insurance Policies All Parties liavlng their Houses or Furniture insured, and having (lose line storetl on premises, or using same are required to immediately notify the Agent issuing their Policies, and have the necessary permit endorsed thereon. J. A. OILMAN, Secretary Board of Underwriters of Honolulu. Honolulu, July 10. 1805. THE COMING WOMAN Will probably carry life asauranco protect her husband and child- ren when the bread wiitner is gone, nnd thus prevent the pocr, weak man from having to battle with the cold, hard world. Even today, many women need life assurance as much as .men. Some, women need It nioro than nfen. A man dies and leaves his wife, who will probably be able to provide for the children. A widow leaves no one to protect and care for the little ones. In the Equitable Life Assuranco Society women' policlesare Is- sued athe same rate as those for men. For particulars apply to Bruce Cartwright, General Manager of the Ennitatile Life. Assurance Society of tux United States. Try tht " Star" Electric Worts for fiu4cfritig RESTORED TO HEALTH ii r TitK usk or Ayer's Sarsaparllla Mr. M. A, Cummin, of Ymvlll, Victoria, A tut rail, tajit "About a year ago, I had a serere attack ot Influenza, which left too rtry weak, with- out energy appetite, or Interest In life. ON talnlng little or no relief from doctors, or from the Aiany remedies recommended tome, I finally tried Ayer's Barsaparma, and from that time, I began to gain healtb and itreogttu I continued the treatment until fully recor ered, and now hare tery great pleasure la telling my friends of the merits of Ayer's Bar saparlUa and lite liappy remits of Its use. I consider ft the best known. Ayer's Sarsaparllla on Has cured others, will cure you. Made )r l)r,J, 0. Artr A Co., Lowellus.ttT.8A, HOLLISTER DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS WILLIAMS' ART GALLERY. is Having resumed business and taken advantage of the past two weeks to renovate our studio we are better pre- pared than over to fill orders for views ancient Hawaii and, of the stirring events of the late troubles. Portraits of the leading characters a specialty. Our portrait department is open for engagements, and our work, as in the past will be up to all of the modern ad vancements in our line. This space is reserved for. the Hawaiian Wine Company. BICYCLES A new consign mcnt ol tho famous FALCON ROADSTERS juat arrived. Also a 17 lb. Track Racer, the only track heel made with large hall bearings and large pnrocketa. Theae machines are manufactured by the Ytwt Manu facturirg Company of Toledo, Ohio, who give a guarantee for one j our with every machine wild. For terms etc. apply to G. WEST. Soi.K Aoknt. MASONIC! TEMPLE, Hawiian Electric Company, The cleanest, brlibtefit tafest and really. n the lontr run. the cheanefit and Itewt 11 cut for use In the family residence, is the Incan- descent electric Heht. Hafe; nothing could lie nafer. A few days ago a prominent gen- tleman of Honolulu came rushing down to the onioa of the Kiectrtc uompany and saia: "Give me figures for wiring my bouse, and I want It done at once: uo more Iannis for me. Lait night a lamp lipped over and it came m near setting Are to the house and burning iv rmuiren ana i la ice no more risis." This is the sentiment of auite & number In I the past few weeks, who bare ordered their nouses nueu wnu me jwrieci, iiguu Just think it over and make up your mind that you want the best and safest light; send for the Hawaiian Electric Company and tell them w uat you want. We have a complete stock of everything In this line and have just received a lot of the very laiesL ueKigns in cuanueuers. I. Ss 33. Faints & Comports Roofing, Pile Covering and Building Papers, Fob Bale by WM. G. IRWIN 4 Co, xiivii'rix. Sole Agent for the Hawaiian hiamU. The building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 ply. They come in rolls, each roll i'imki ,uiRni feet. Thev are water proof, acid and alkali proof and urnnf. A linuselllied with build ing paper is far cooler than one that U not. There Is also a cheaper grade of paper auaptea lor use unuer iumuuki keeping out Insects. HONOLCLC, July 29th, 1895, Messrs. V. a, Irwin & Co., Ltd. Qkntimkn: In reply to your In qulry as to how tho Ideal Roof Paint you sold me lasted; I would say that I painted the roof of my house limontha ago with your Red Ideal Roof Paint, and I find It la as fresh and bright In ap- - nnaranca todav as when first applied; looking as well as other Utely painted with other oalnts. I am more than satisfied. J. U. ROTHWELL. Ilave you a leaky gutter? If you have, mate it perfectly clean ana ary, nnnlv a good coat of No. 3 I. and U. over the leakv sdoU: then take a n w. nr .tout Manna oarjer. or a pie of common cotton cloth, paint it wellon both sides; lay it over the first coat, giv- ing the' whole a final coat, and there will be 'no more leak there. Or if the whole gutter is bad, make it clean and ana a ot r. is, rami NBWSrAPFR NAfttR. When St C.as.s To II. an Kxcluslte Properly. Judge Cooper has filed a decision in A. V. Gear and B. L. Fhwy vs. G. C. Kenyou and K. Norric, bill Tor injunction. I'luiutirf Gear published a newspaper under the title of The Independent. He incor- porated The Independent with the Evening Bulletin under the title ol the "Evening Bulletin with which fa incorporated The Independent." Held that Gear had abandoned his right to the exclusive use of the title "The Independent," and that its use by defendants was no In- fringement. Judge Cooper winds up his decision by stating thai the defendants, however, should an swer the allegations in the bill charging them with using informa tion derived f'om the route books and subscription lists of the plain- - till Gear. Un other points the demurrer is overruled. The Cupid habeas corpus decision was issued today. It is printed in pamphlet form and isover two hun dred pages. The delay has been the part of the printers. Tim IlauvTey Itee Mai. There was not a very large at tendance at the dramatic recital given at the Y. M. C. A. hall by Miss Helen Dauvray, but those who were fortunate enough to be pres- ent are of the opinion that it was one of the best entertainments ever had in Honolulu. Miss Dauvray has a world wide reputation, so it needless to say, that her recitals were of a high order. Miss Alice Kice made her debut before a Honolulu audience in. a piano solo. Her playing' is artistic and of a finished character. She had to respond lo an encore. Jessie R. Axtell, whose beautiful contralto has often delighted Hono- lulu audience's, was heard to ad vantage in three songs. She was loudly applauded. It has been said tEat the world dbvs moil to those wtfo kill, generals and great lords; next most to those who amuse, singers and actors, while those who preach, teach and write for the papers come along somewhere near the bottom ot the list. Chlcaso has extended over t300.000.000 In the construction of butldlngu stoce 1876, The annual expenditure for that purpose Li between 145,000,000 and 15,000,000. Thestudr chair of Hi chard Daxter when be wrote "The SalnU' EverlantluK Ileal" l In the possession of Iter. Iteuben Thomai of Brookilne, Maaa. BEATER SALOON. Fort Street. - Opposite Wilder & Co. H. J. NOLTB, Prop'r. Flrst-Clas-n Lunches served with Tea, Coffee Boua vvat.1 uioger Ale or aiiik. BEST IN HONOLULU! Ah Chock's Restaurant Cor. Hotel and Union Sts. Meals 25 Cents Arrangements can heralte niaje for nerving uiHiM ui ruiniiivs nvinu wiium CHOCK LOOK, M ICRuMAMT TAILOH, No. 48 Nuuanu Avenue. Fine Cloths, Perfect Fits. Styles up to Date. Prices that will satisfy you. Oive me a trial I 8trfvo to please. Stock of Tuval, Diagonal, FUmiul Jk Ihuhim No. 48 NUUANU AVE. P. O. Ho Just arrived per S. & Peking lots of Japanese Dry Goods, especially .... Silt Dress Goods, from 25 cents per yard up. Bin Bamboo Screens. Cotton Crape, and every description of JAPANESE GOODS. Everybody Welcome. IWAKAMI, KOHINNON 1IL0UK, llOTKli STHKKT WHY IS IT Q. Morixr JU lllalljf Like Our JAPANESE GOODS ? Because they are carefully selected, ot Best Quality, and the prices are what take mostly. You do not care to pay a high price when we sell the same things much lower. We have all sorts of Goods such as Silk Dress Goods, Crepes, Hosiery, Shades, Fancy Screens, Porcelain and Lacquer Ware, Toys, Watches, I Fancy Articles of all kinds. S. 0ZAKI, dry, apply paste . Kino Cok. Smith. OF HARTFORD, COHB ana i oriuna uemeni. 313 Stkkbt, Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic. LaD IKS AS I) (IeNTI.CMRNI It .iTnr.U inn Krwit tlmwrt) to call t ho nttcntkm of tho )uuiiu io my i nion jiair mme, mitcii :he and tmlv remedy known tocinjinin- - try whlth iHwithely turmgruy Imtr buck tit lutciriRiitai comr wjtiinut iijo. l iwrsoimiiy ImlofM) li nrtluil and aiv iha imlille niv solemn Kuaranh-- tliatltlni Iweii UlM in evorr ttincelrnhto vnv. aikI liMinove.1 itw-l- to Ikj tbe oslv Jlnlr HpwlMo. It stoi-- if air r ALU NO immeriititily mil creator n lux-- iirknit growth. Contnhii no tiijuriouft hitfrv-- 1 dlent. It l not or ; u Ihu contrnry.it innkra ttut lmlrort. jouLhrnl, flulTy. ktvi it in curl mul romovwt datulniir, ( For guntlvineii atul bulies wlthlialra IfHlu gray, xtrenkf.! prny. entirely gray, an-- fth OA Lit) II KADS.it h nivclftlly ncuiiniKiulL I All drncKlst. I'rlfe. II; n.Ua Vk1,- skin riKMi, 9i.iv; lAio'ri t'omnioxioii ( ?i; al(i'fi Faro Cornier, fio1; Vnlo limuiy Hoap, 2.Vi. Mnitj. Vale, Health and Coin 8 lex Ion f4perlallt, 1 einp!e of llenuly, HS t.teM., Ulilraun. Uuldelollraut) tribal THE HOBKON DRUG CO.. Sole A ccrU . PLANTERS' SPECIAL! A Good Fertilizer, To Suit the Times At :tO ier ton of 2000 IIjk. Analyzed na follows! 10 rer cent. PhoDhoric Achl. ? soluhle and nvaitahle. 0 per cent, roiash (actual.) 3 er cent. Ammonia. 10 per cent. Lime (Carbonate), ALSO FLORIDA PHOSPHATE, BONE MEAL. SULPHATE AjVD MURIATE OP POTASH, NITRATE OP SODA and SULPHATE OP AMMONIA. Double Super PhoBphato, 40 cr cent, to 45 ja-- r rent, soluhle In water, in quantities to suit. Any Special Formula Made to Order by A. F. COOKE, HAWAIIAN FEItTILIZINO CO. A We betr to draw the planters attention tne roiiowing aavaniages THE CRUSHER will cut tho cano transversely in pieces about 3 Indies long and extract about 50 per cent, of the juice nndldeliver the crushed cune in a uniform layer to the 3 roller mill, thereby causing a perfect feed and in. creased extraction of juice. THE CRUSHER will eavo the "skin" on the cane, thereby giving the julco a ueuer cnanco 10 D6 expeueu man u me cane was ripped open subjecting the to tno nam pactting on tue returner Euip of the 8 roller mill. THE CIIUSHER will save labor In handllne of the cane, an an irregular distribution of cane on the carrier will not materially effect the regular aud even feed to the 3 roller mill. THE CRUSH Ell will not renulre ad ditional steam or boiler power, as It has PlPCEKW) March St, H'J.V Messrs Honolula Iroa Works Co. Pkah Silts! W. have used the Crusher since the li to nor vp enulne. lueurumierM enracting w irceni. iow tterceiit.nl the Jutcn ruttlntr the cane I In plecesde toviz lochcn lonif ami itlvln lerrecu teu anu tteHuy ivw v inv roller mm. no ro iiuidk iu ier vvui. more work ircl)raud roaM domiicti more If uur bolllinr iioiiM capacity would We ?irr7ppirrrdr Kvcrjlhli'it the Crnaher work, miuintli ami kjiiiv. and th amnui.L nf utttmu (uiiuiiifid Is trlflinif. lift loll muv linli.fur we urn runnlntf LHu enirliiMi lor lit nulla antl liavuHieato toMiiro for the llidliiif Moiitto I irom oueoiju ioi tHiiitr. n couriie un utm i even fwd of cru!ieil rane from the ninht-- we are enaiiitMi torioMe uuwn our mill in tu tiiiirH tliaiiHVir before, ami from jtiverlmwitlM ofdryltitf 4it4-)ti- rent, ui moiBiiirv u uur run ot gnmiintc onunaryiy itironiNi hnra. Manftvr Peleeken Huitar t'o. I'AIA 1'l.ASTATlnsr, March . I'M. llnnnliiln Irnn W.irks (Jo. IIrnti.kukm W'r nnd the Kralenski Crusher advantageous In the undernoletl Itvms: Stuuiu 'I'Ml cwn ted of the three nJIrr tntll. thus rausliiK a itreut ileal less strain ou the mill and at the sslue time ittvlng its from ft to 0 percent, heltcrextracllon ot juice. we nra at present maklu fr a Lrusher anl explain ita construction to party Sole Agents East Cokner Fort Ni:wsi:Ai.i:it, IKIOKSKMiKII. STaTION'KK. nl'IT.MW fnini 4:0n mi. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, COUNliTS, Musical Instrument HuppllcB, Muio (inlereil by every steamer. Trtintourlnes SOo tn .1:00. FLUTliS and 1'ICCOLOS. Kyt'Klnssps nnd Spoctncle.s Cnrcfully fitted lo all sights antt frames com- fortably adjusted .... Domestic Sewing Machines. Dnineatla Sewing Marlilnr. This mnelilnn Hiirtasi4es nil others In ex ppllvnrn nf tlnl.li nnd diirahlllty! on .. . . .. .... 1 ..I. L'.l.l. f'l.n!.. Htltrli. Kmhroider, Ilem, Turk, Ilullle, anil make Button Holes. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS mul Tyimrriler A'hijii'm By tlio Australia arrive a larRennd Complete Slock of Goods.- - . . . I'UNCllINO IIAdS. FOOTllAI.LS, TKNNIS HALLS, TKNN1S RACKETS, I1ASE HALL HATS. MASKS, HALLS, MITTS unit I1I.OVKS TENNIS NETS ANII POLES AN I) CROQUET SETS rVosletitiolm's Wet Knives and Razors. Wade & Butcher Razors from 50c up. Indoor GameB. HAT. MA. PAIiCIIESI, CHESS, DOM- INOES, CRIH, AUTIIOItS nnd other Card (lames. Hand Sewing Machines $8:50 and $12:00, Sowlntt Machine Needles for all kinds of machines. NOVELS, NOVKLS, NOVI5I.S Hy Every Steamer. HAIR 1IRUHIIES. SHAlNd HIMJSHES. f'OMHS. Etc. . . PURSES. CARD CASES, AND POCKET HOOKS. . . . Cini.niiF.N's Picture Hooks, Doi.i-- s and lOYH 01 ail oescriiiion. Otir huitineti in enluhlhhed on a Cusi Nisi's nbmlutelu, conMijuenlly ipc mil oflimi 10 mi at low nues. W. F. REYNOLDS, Prop. to this machine lor which we claim ilemonfltrntcri In auctual practice, that the iiicreatwU extraction of juico liHH linpntvoil tho trash ns fuel su a to fully make up for tho additional uso of Btfiuu to drive it. TUB OKU8IIEK U 8tronly lmitt, the rollerA art) made of solid ateel rinK on the dhafts. The pinion are alt of etridund the spurwheel H provided wltli HCKiiient rim. Its netd is ahout the same as the mill rollers, thereby iiivinc comfort and haft-t- in running. It Is so constructed, that nhould iron parts, such us IkiIu, car couplinf? links and pins, cano knives, etc., ro through, 11 win I not In i ure anv of tho narts. The following are testimonials from plantations where the crusher at present is at wonc; IncrrateA amount of dailu work. Onlng to tlit IlinlUit CHiutritv of our boillnii lioutM Me avoiourieiiiMi;rusiir now, uui u nceri lMlr We 8ve thrt men at the mum. The (ttuJi U Vrtu tlru and raniilwsiatunDh u with iilenly of ttani ulthout the una of luwitsn wixxi or coat, -- r al 1ifur.lv .num. J. W. COlsVILLR, MAt.HXvr. KrKAMA 1'l.ANTATlOM. March 1B15, Mtwm. llonoltilu Iron Works Co., lKAil Slltm e hae ltii Hnrkliisf Hip hrttlewwk L'rt.ittr stme the iK'tflnnliiu of (iluliir ItMl, tlliuui Uvinv Hittl It Ii lua niim' ttfit lac Lor y resulU from tlie htart.' Our drill v uork hna utcrfAwui irom vu ciariuvrs to wp riannri icaltoUH) with tin Mttniiiuu.Urof laborers h we uei rinre weare xwnit ine iTUWier the haa Inrrt'aiUMl ami tho trah ivv the 2 rollor mill d'ler tlian iur nun mnfcc ritrnrnt iuvi. i huuii'u me i runner we ai'itrfiieiiutti tnai our ieitin inai iue v riiruer ami tue iiiriHt rourr nun cousmuo le iouer tlian illd the roll er mill before alone. The extraction of the Cnuher amnuula to 9) ir cent, of thejulce anuiueii rourr mm recenea. airwiy reituiar ihhu utfreuy aecreKMUK me risn hrmtkhiir llm riillsr siliitflB. We ran recommend the KreJewnVI Cane Uriiher hi va liable addition to a mill whlc'i w 111 iay for Hel( In a kbort time. We remain. jours truly, or Keksha Sugar !o.. f. , lll.AUE., In our buoim and shall be DleoeeU tu enow Interests, IRON "WORKS CO., for Hawaiian Islands. and King Streets. KRAJEWSKI r -- NTTP rX5TTQXTXnT? riits'riMONIAL,H s IwKlniilnic ot the wwon and hate liM uolary cnuld do au ir ccut. wore it trnul.ln i.r lillrh iwlif ullh It or tht lutthlt. bralda inrre about tlitt u ffiiirtuuiti any HONOLULU Sporting; 1 aim 01 a H. E. MclNTYRE BRO., IMrOKTJtKS AND OKAUtKS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed. New Goods rocelveu by every Packet from the Eastern Htates and Europe Fresh California Produiai by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended t and goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed Telephone No. PDtt OUoi Uoi No. W, M. E. G. SUJWrANN, T3 UERETANIA ST., Opixwite Cenlrnl Union Church. OKFIOK IIOUII.Mil) to II a.m., I lni.m., lo s p. m. .V. n, Tamil) and Krl.H). from s In 9 p. m. the trmlment for Hiolt l'KOl'I.E Is f rwj fsciit for Urn ml Irlne. J. M. MONSARRAT. ATTOItNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY hor PUDLIC. Cartirrlght Work, Merchant St., Honolulu. G. E. SMITHIES, Accountant, Collector and Ccsfisi Office with O. X). Chase, Safe Deposit Hull. ling. Telephone 184. riiernilrrtlonof novemmentl)lllsnseciAtr E. M. NAKU1KA, Commissioner of Private Ways and Water Rights. Notriry 3Jl lll lo Agent to Grant M.irrlngn Licenses, 1). J. CASH MAN, 'I'oitt (Bimci NfillimiUur. Awnlnga a Specialty Foot of Nuuanu Street in California r i'ih I WnrelintiNo, Mutual Telephone (125. WILLIAM WAGENER, on CONTUACTOU IIUILDUR, Second Floor Honolulu Han In MUL Fort Ht. tho Alt Kinds of Jobbing Vrornptly At- - to CHAS. SEYDONE SCENE AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, BtUN WRITER PAPER HANGER nnd DECORATOR, No. IS IlETMEL St. in C. J. WHITNEY, Teacher of Klocntion and Dra matic Art, Arlington Hotel M7 O. Box SVJ. 1 el'pnnno 240. LEWIS & CO. ha Naval Supplies. Wholesalo ami Retail !,.! 1 r. t. 1. ucttirm in wruci'riee, I ruvisions, etc. Ill Fort M.. (onulnlu, II. I. iS--lt M. PHILLIPS & CO. Wholesale Imjort6r and Jobbers of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Corner Fort and Queen Hts., Honolulu. B7tf to II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, IMl'OUTEI'.S AND COMMISSION a MERCHANTS. I'nrt Street, Honolulu. M. S. GK1NBAUM & CO. Miullfil. HONOLULU U. I Cnmiunttian Morclianu mul Importen of (k'licr.il Mpcchantllse. Ban KnmtHL E. VAND00UN & CO.. No. 20S FORT. ST., Iisrr.ANADit. Slop on your way to the wharf anil huy a cigar or get an icei! eolil drink. American Lirery and Boarflins statics r. Morclmnt kihI Hfclinnl Htruuts. Carrlagpa, Hurreys ami Hacks at all ho ura. JAMES OAIITV. Proprietor. Telephone No. 490. CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER WORKS COMPANY, LTD. Bsplanade, com- - Allen and Fort streets. HOLLISTER A CO.. Agents PACIFIC TRADING CO., SUCCKSSOKS TO "ITOIIAN." IMPORTURS AND DUALKRS In Jnpanrae Provisions nnd Dry (Jooils, etc., etc. .... 201 ami 200 Fort St., Honolulu. II. I. HDHOLULUJRDN WORKS. Htes.ii Kkqikis, HuUAn MlLU, Hoiirs, VUUI.KIU,, iwiff, UKAHB AND 1.KAD CASTlNOa. Machinery of Krery Description Made Order. Particular attention paid to Rhtm IIlACkrailthlnir. JnuworkoiM-ute- at Hhort lltcyclea ltrpalred. dun and liek Hmltli. 1SS ami t0 TOUT KTKKET, Opi. Club BtaMee. Tel. 107, WHY PAY RENT . ' When you can apply the rent money to pur- chase a bouse? We will sell you a house to tie built to suit you by paying month ly installments. Call and examine our plan an satisfy yourself that our proposl tton is one which will be fully sat' Isfactory to you. HE HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT AND INVES1 MEM COMPANY, 408 Fokt Sthkct, Uoholcuj, It Orrnrml lo lllm. 0( What nro you loafing nronnd town nt this tlmo of the night forf D'0 'l ralil to go home, lfo told ipo to 1o stiro nnd reinemlior something, nnd I've forgotten what It was. (Ice It wnn't bread or groceries. was Itf D.1- - Na Ooo ll.iliy fond, tacks or theater tickets? Din No, lint I've Jnut thought of It. t wns It? Ifcfi Why, sho wnnteil mo to remem. to como homo cirly.Tit-lJIIs- . Tht lUlilns; S.Kon H.s Itrgan. Urooklyu Life, !!! to Sr. lllm. An Americnn iioliticlau, commenting tho fact that iu America wo always expect a man to get tip and say some- thing on a public occasion, adds, "But silent men wlu." That Is not al ways tho case, but It Is a fact that many a man of worth aud mettle hates bo "ovennore talking." It is said that Vuu Moltko was "si-lo- iu sa en languages." Beforo tho opening of a striking campaign ho was walking tho streets with head depressed wheu somo busybody approached him, determined tn oxtort from blm a word regard to curreut events. "How nro matters coining on, gener- al?" ho askod. "Well," Bald tho general, "my cab- bages aro coming ou very well, but my potatoes wnut raiu." It Is a popular mistake that famous men llko no topic of conversation so well as that of their own renown. Not long ago a eclchratod novelist was the guest of honor at a brilliant reception. Ho had heard tho praises of his own work until any ono but a conceited man would havo been faint aud weary, but had borno up bravely through it alL Finally a timid man was presented to him, who said, with an apologetlo air: "I'm Okbamed to confess it, bat I haven't read ono of your.books." Tho uovelivt bent forward, a look of relief aud Joy irradiating his face. Ho placed both hands ou tho newcomer's shoulders. "My dear fellow," ho said, with" a warmth hu had not shown beforo, even thot-oo- f hlghdcgrec, "I'm glad to see youl"Youth Companion. It Didn't Do. A Montgomery street lusuranco clerk scut his curd to his florist yesterday with young lady's addrcM ou one side and tho followiug nolo on tho other: "Anything will do for this girl." Wheu tho clerk called that evening tho servant met him with his bouquet, handed it to him and slammed tho door iu his face. Tho florist had tied his card bearing tho nddieiw to tho flowers, but written in a feminiuo hand below tltfl noto was : "Theie is ono thing that will not do for this girl, and you aro it." San Francisco 1'osL Not Muchl Sally And utter vearo married will you kivp on lovlu luo? Rubu I'll love you till till tliu oowfl come home, na the foller bays, " Yn.su, nn then (?o down to tho gro eery on let 1110 do all tho uiilkiu." Iu- - dlonuitolU JuurnnL Voice (at tho head of the stairs) GoorKO, hnvo you been drinkiuK? UeorKO Nn'm I Voice Say chrysanthemuui. Gcorco (allcnt for n moment) I'm dnuiksh, m' dear. Syracuse Post. An AflYetlonate Farewell. Mlsa Ncwrllcli (hlildius her bosom frlcud fc'ooilliy at the dock) Aud wouldn't it bo grand if I should catch a lord over thero? MIrh Oldstock Yes, then you would bo a lady. Now York World. Home Comfort. Husband I'm sorry that burglar got your witch lnt night, my dear, but there's one thing to bo thankful fur. Wifo What's that? Husband Ho didn't wako up tho baby. Tit-l)l- lie Spoke Too fjulck. landlord (to guest) Uow do vou like tno scenery, sir? Uutwt It is beautiful 1 Landlord (to clerk VJohu, add to to his bill for scenery I Atlanta Constitu tion. Ills Duty. Principal (tn new upnrentico) Hof the bookkeciier told you v bat you hurt to do iu tho ufteruoou? Youth Yeti, sir; I was to wakeu hlm when I saw you coming. Duhcliu. Nowadays. w Friend Don't you belong to nclub? DuslucKR Hun No: can't afford it. Takes till I ran aiviro to luy dues ut tho rlubs my wifo ladonp ta New York Wirkly. Wood For Sale jack: klee. KING STREET. Warehouse of California Feed Co, Cut mul Split for 812 tier uoril. Telephone .N'o. ItM. To , . . ColToo and Fruit Planters' llllo Aifonoy THEO. H. DAYIES & CO., Ltd .Stocks of necessary Tools and Implements,- - etc., etc., ou baud at their HILO DEPOT. CASTLE & COOKE UMITKD, Importers, Hardware and General Merchandise. We wish to call attention to a line of goods just received from KtiKlaml, such as Willow, Rush and Manilla Picnic & School Baskets Soiled Clothes Baskets, Long and Short Haired Feather Dusters, Hair Floor Brooms, Whisk Brooms, Shoe Brushes, POPES HEAD BRUSHES, SCRUBBING BRUSHES, HORSE BRUSHES, Australia! Saddles, BIRD CAGES, BAG TWINES, BALL TWINES, Castle & Cooke, Ltd. IMPORTERS, Hardware ani General Mercaaniiie. Metropolitan Meat Co. 8 1 KING STREET. Wholesale & Detail fiulcbs - AVD Navy Contractors. J. WALLER. Manager. loves for 25c. Hring inc j'our Soiled Gin nnd I will inaku tliolii New and Glean for the small buih of '25 cents. 8 Also prepared to tako rders for Trousseaus and all kinds of Underwear AT VERY LOW PRICE8. gPM POULAIN. Masonic Tkmpui. WHAT? Haven't got a Hicycle Tag YET! What are you thinking off Want your wheel stolen ? GET ONE AT ONCE. N. F. WICHMAN, SELLS THEM, AND THEY ARE CHEAP. Where did you get that suit ? Why, at JOHNSTON STOREY'S, . 413 FOHT 8T There you get the latest New York fashions In 'Clothing and Gent's Fur- nishing. Remember JOHNSTON & STOREY, 4 13' Fokt Stkkbt, Honolulu.





Hood's SavedTheir Lives

Poisoned by Impure Water

Now In Good Health, Lively, Happy

JEve, Carroll and Xlly UreimStowe, Vermont.

C. t. Hood A Co., lowell, Mmi"Gentlemen t Last winter, ray two girls, boy

and wife were Uken 111. The doctors nlil the?were poisoned by drinking water Irom aa oldwell. The two kIH failed to rallf under thedoctor's treaunent Era, and (our yeari, tellawarso alio only welched us Ifu.i coughedall the Ume and was helpless, rhyslclaos aald

She Had Consumption.Lily, aged eight years, was nearly as tad as

va but being older and stronger, held up a 1IUtie better. We gave them both Hood's Sarsa.SarllU, which built up tbelr etrennh and hcalib,

that they became fat amf plump, llrelyand happy. My son Carroll was In a bad eou

Hood'sCuresditlon, having a bad cough and yery weak, ntwas obliged to lie down most of tlie time.One bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla put him onMs feet and restored perfect health. I bellereHood's SirsntNtrllla saTcd my children's Ures."Johx T. llmiwK, Stowe, Vermont.

HOOD'S P1LL8 cure all Liter Ills, Sllloua.aess. Jaundice, Indigestion, blck Ueadaeht.

Ilnlirnn Drug CompanjWholesale Acnnts.

Glaus Spreckels & Go.,

li V XV I-- 15 tS ,

HONOLULU II. I.Issue .Sight ami Time Hills of Ex-

change, also Commercial and Travelers'Letters of Credit on the principal partsof the world.

Purchase approved Dills.Mnke loans on ncrcptuble

si'curlly.lteceive deposits on open account and

allow interest on term deposits.Attend promptly to collections.A CJcucriil IliiiiklHB IIihIiiom



1S08.Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $9,000,000

Havluir btun appointed Agents of the abortCo. li pan y we are now ready to eflect lnnur-Riir- nt

at the lowent rales ot premium,


Bishop & Company,1IANKICHH,

Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


Transact a general Banking anil Ex-change Bu sinew. Imna made nn ap-proved necurity. Bills discounted, Commure la 1 crediU Kraft ted. Deposits

on current account subject tocheck. Letters of credit Issued on theprincipal cities of the world.

Agents of The Liverpool and Londonand Globe Insurance Company,

Insurance Co. of North America


Gash Capital : : $3,000,000.00

Assets, Jan. 1st, 1895. $9,562,599.92

Oldest Fire Insurance Company inthe United States.

Policies issued against loss by Ate onall classes or desirable property.

II. LOSE,Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

703-- 1 mo

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,UMITKD,

Win. O. Irwin President and ManagerClaim Spreckels, ... Vice PresidentW. H. fliffard. Secretary and TreasurerTlieo, C. Porter, ..... Auditor


Commission Agents,AGENTS Or TUB



I mm & CO,, LTD

Queen St., HoioIqId, H. I.,


Hawaiian Agricultural Co,, OnomeaSugar Co., Honomu Sugar Co., Wal-luk- u

Sugar Co., Wnlhte Sugar Co.,Makee Sugar Co., Haleukala RanchCo., Kapapala Ranch.

Planters' Line San Francisco Packets.Chas. Brewer & Co.'a Line of Boston

Packets.Agents Boston Board of Undervrrlter- -

Agents rhllauclpnla Hoard ot unuer,writers.

List or Orriczaa ;

V. C. Jo5B8 .'.PresldsutGeo. II. Robibtrosi ManagwE. V. llisuop Treas. aud Beoj,Col. W. F. Aujtit Auditor( u. Coo EI 1

H. Watirboubi,. V. ,, .DirectorsA.'WCabtb

Castle & Cooke, Ltd.


Insurance Apnts.



Life Insurance CoOF BOSTON.




is inur.aroNRiiiLE.

Diagnosis of the Case i.f the Satire TrlioUsed a Knife.

Judgment In the case of Joe,charged with the stabbing of police-

man Paul Molenhauer, has been

reserved until August 14. Theevidence of Dr. Jno Drodie wastiken by Judge I'erry yesterdayThe doctor deposed that he hadmade au examination of defendantand found him suffering frommelancholia and results of de-

pressed fracture tif scull 011 rightside. Fracture was probably madesome years since, the depiession isthere still. Fracture would makehim ill continuously, and there isstill remaining from It a little par-tial naralvsis of one side. Melancholia not caused by fracture.Liable to oulbreaks similar to acutemania. This melancholia is heredi-tary. In melancholia victims areusually harmless, but liable to losetheir minds altogether and lieeoniedangerous.

Hop This Kyeplng.The big pavilion fit Independ

ence Park presents a gay and holi-

day appearance today, the interiorbeing draped with flags of all nations, trie work ol tue Committeepi Arrangements of the LeilaniBoat Club. The club intends togive one of their popular dances atthe park this evening. Nearly onehundred tickets have been sold anda good evening's enjoyment is anticipated. Ivxtra cars will be run.

A Methodist Vliurch.

The First Methodist Episcopalchurch of this city, through itstrustees, Henry Waterhouse, C. K. ofRipley, H. S. Tregloan, TheodoreKtcnards, F. G. Douse. M. S.Johnston and C. V. Sturdevant.has secured the lot at the corner ofUeretania and ' Miller streets for achurch property. The deed wassigrffd yesterday. The lot has afrontage of about 120 feet on Bere-tani- a

street and has a frontage of260 feet on Miller street. A neat,small chapel for temporary use willsoon be erected.

For Rent.The premised on Judd Street, liejond

Lillha, lately occupied by JoaquinMiller. House of four Rooms and Kitchen; Stable and 2 acres of land moreor less.

For Sale.One All Tirana Double Acting Force

1'unip, ;i Inch auction and dischargewith 250 feet 2 inch Hose.

At a bargain ono English dog cartImported.

One revolving balter'e oven.Apply to

J. EMMKLUTII.S22 tf. Nn. ft Nniiflnii lrw(.

To my Patronsand the Public.

I have just opened at uiyoffice, 113 Bkthm. St.,HONOLUI.U, H. I., an

AllT- KXlllliniON

of tlio latent dcficim and nnveltlca inKnibroulerv Work. Drawn Work. IloitoSilk. Keiittmgton Work mid Etchings.

I would rosoectfully invite vou amiyour friends to call and inspect thesoKods,

Hie oing'T received 04,tlrst nwanmfor Sewing Machined iind EmbroideryWork at the World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,being the largest number of awards ob-tained bv anv exhibitor, nnd more thandouble the number given to all othera : m i.i v.... uiA 1...

B. BERGrERSENBetliel t.


Fire Insurance Policies

All Parties liavlng their Houses or

Furniture insured, and having (lose

line storetl on premises, or using sameare required to immediately notify theAgent issuing their Policies, and have

the necessary permit endorsed thereon.

J. A. OILMAN,Secretary Board of Underwriters

of Honolulu.Honolulu, July 10. 1805.


Will probably carry life asaurancoprotect her husband and child-

ren when the bread wiitner isgone, nnd thus prevent the pocr,weak man from having to battlewith the cold, hard world.

Even today, many womenneed life assurance as much as

.men. Some, women need It niorothan nfen. A man dies and leaveshis wife, who will probably beable to provide for the children.A widow leaves no one to protectand care for the little ones. Inthe Equitable Life AssurancoSociety women' policlesare Is-

sued athe same rate as those formen.

For particulars apply to

Bruce Cartwright,General Manager of the

Ennitatile Life. Assurance Society

of tux United States.

Try tht

" Star" Electric Worts



Ayer's SarsaparlllaMr. M. A, Cummin, of Ymvlll,

Victoria, A tut rail, tajit"About a year ago, I had a serere attack

ot Influenza, which left too rtry weak, with-out energy appetite, or Interest In life. ONtalnlng little or no relief from doctors, orfrom the Aiany remedies recommended tome,I finally tried Ayer's Barsaparma, and fromthat time, I began to gain healtb and itreogttu

I continued the treatment until fully recorered, and now hare tery great pleasure latelling my friends of the merits of Ayer's BarsaparlUa and lite liappy remits of Its use. Iconsider ft the best known.

Ayer's Sarsaparllla on

Has cured others, will cure you.Made )r l)r,J, 0. Artr A Co., Lowellus.ttT.8A,




isHaving resumed business and taken

advantage of the past two weeks torenovate our studio we are better pre-pared than over to fill orders for views

ancient Hawaii and, of the stirringevents of the late troubles. Portraitsof the leading characters a specialty.

Our portrait department is open forengagements, and our work, as in thepast will be up to all of the modern advancements in our line.

This space



for. the

Hawaiian Wine Company.

BICYCLESA new consign mcnt ol tho famous

FALCON ROADSTERS juat arrived.Also a 17 lb. Track Racer, the only track

heel made with large hall bearingsand large pnrocketa. Theae machinesare manufactured by the Ytwt Manufacturirg Company of Toledo, Ohio,who give a guarantee for one j our withevery machine wild.

For terms etc. apply to



The cleanest, brlibtefit tafest and really.n the lontr run. the cheanefit and Itewt 11 cut

for use In the family residence, is the Incan-descent electric Heht. Hafe; nothing couldlie nafer. A few days ago a prominent gen-tleman of Honolulu came rushing down tothe onioa of the Kiectrtc uompany and saia:"Give me figures for wiring my bouse, and Iwant It done at once: uo more Iannis for me.Lait night a lamp lipped over and it camem near setting Are to the house and burning

iv rmuiren ana i la ice no more risis."This is the sentiment of auite & number In I

the past few weeks, who bare ordered theirnouses nueu wnu me jwrieci, iiguu

Just think it over and make up your mindthat you want the best and safest light; sendfor the Hawaiian Electric Company and tellthem w uat you want.

We have a complete stock of everything Inthis line and have just received a lot of thevery laiesL ueKigns in cuanueuers.

I. Ss 33.

Faints & ComportsRoofing,Pile Covering andBuilding Papers,

Fob Bale by

WM. G. IRWIN 4 Co,

xiivii'rix.Sole Agent for the Hawaiian hiamU.

The building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4ply. They come in rolls, each roll

i'imki ,uiRni feet. Thev arewater proof, acid and alkali proof and

urnnf. A linuselllied with building paper is far cooler than one that Unot. There Is also a cheaper grade ofpaper auaptea lor use unuer iumuukikeeping out Insects.

HONOLCLC, July 29th, 1895,

Messrs. V. a, Irwin & Co., Ltd.

Qkntimkn: In reply to your In

qulry as to how tho Ideal Roof Paint

you sold me lasted; I would say that I

painted the roof of my house limonthaago with your Red Ideal Roof Paint,

and I find It la as fresh and bright In ap- -

nnaranca todav as when first applied;

looking as well as other Utely painted

with other oalnts. I am more than

satisfied.J. U. ROTHWELL.

Ilave you a leaky gutter? If youhave, mate it perfectly clean ana ary,nnnlv a good coat of No. 3 I. and U.

over the leakv sdoU: then take an w. nr .tout Manna oarjer. or a pieof common cotton cloth, paint it wellonboth sides; lay it over the first coat, giv-

ing the' whole a final coat, and therewill be 'no more leak there. Or if thewhole gutter is bad, make it clean and

ana a ot r. is, rami


When St C.as.s To II. an KxcluslteProperly.

Judge Cooper has filed a decisionin A. V. Gear and B. L. Fhwyvs. G. C. Kenyou and K. Norric,bill Tor injunction. I'luiutirf Gearpublished a newspaper under thetitle of The Independent. He incor-porated The Independent with theEvening Bulletin under the title olthe "Evening Bulletin with which faincorporated The Independent."Held that Gear had abandoned hisright to the exclusive use of thetitle "The Independent," and thatits use by defendants was no In-

fringement. Judge Cooper windsup his decision by stating thai thedefendants, however, should answer the allegations in the billcharging them with using information derived f'om the route booksand subscription lists of the plain--

till Gear. Un other points thedemurrer is overruled.

The Cupid habeas corpus decisionwas issued today. It is printed inpamphlet form and isover two hundred pages. The delay has been

the part of the printers.

Tim IlauvTey Itee Mai.

There was not a very large attendance at the dramatic recitalgiven at the Y. M. C. A. hall byMiss Helen Dauvray, but those whowere fortunate enough to be pres-ent are of the opinion that it wasone of the best entertainments everhad in Honolulu. Miss Dauvrayhas a world wide reputation, so it

needless to say, that her recitalswere of a high order.

Miss Alice Kice made her debutbefore a Honolulu audience in. apiano solo. Her playing' is artisticand of a finished character. Shehad to respond lo an encore.

Jessie R. Axtell, whose beautifulcontralto has often delighted Hono-lulu audience's, was heard to advantage in three songs. She wasloudly applauded.

It has been said tEat the world dbvs moilto those wtfo kill, generals and great lords;next most to those who amuse, singers andactors, while those who preach, teach andwrite for the papers come along somewherenear the bottom ot the list.

Chlcaso has extended over t300.000.000 Inthe construction of butldlngu stoce 1876,The annual expenditure for that purpose Li

between 145,000,000 and 15,000,000.

Thestudr chair of Hi chard Daxter whenbe wrote "The SalnU' EverlantluK Ileal" lIn the possession of Iter. Iteuben Thomaiof Brookilne, Maaa.

BEATER SALOON.Fort Street. - Opposite Wilder & Co.

H. J. NOLTB, Prop'r.Flrst-Clas-n Lunches served with Tea, Coffee

Boua vvat.1 uioger Ale or aiiik.


Ah Chock's Restaurant

Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.

Meals 25 CentsArrangements can heralte niaje for nerving

uiHiM ui ruiniiivs nvinu wiium


No. 48 Nuuanu Avenue.

Fine Cloths, Perfect Fits. Styles upto Date. Prices that will satisfy

you. Oive me a trial I8trfvo to please.

Stock of Tuval, Diagonal, FUmiul Jk Ihuhim


P. O. Ho

Just arrived per S. &Peking lots of

Japanese Dry Goods,

especially ....Silt Dress Goods,

from 25 cents per yard up.

Bin Bamboo Screens.

Cotton Crape,

and every description of


Everybody Welcome.



WHY IS ITQ. MorixrJU lllalljf

Like Our


GOODS ?Because they are carefullyselected, ot Best Quality, andthe prices are what takemostly. You do not care topay a high price when we sellthe same things much lower.We have all sorts of Goods

such as Silk Dress Goods,Crepes, Hosiery, Shades,Fancy Screens, Porcelain andLacquer Ware, Toys, Watches,

I Fancy Articles of all kinds.

S. 0ZAKI,dry, apply paste .

Kino Cok. Smith.OF HARTFORD, COHB ana i oriuna uemeni. 313 Stkkbt,

Mme. Yale'sHair Tonic.

LaD IKS AS I) (IeNTI.CMRNI It .iTnr.U innKrwit tlmwrt) to call t ho nttcntkm of tho)uuiiu io my i nion jiair mme, mitcii:he and tmlv remedy known tocinjinin- -

try whlth iHwithely turmgruy Imtr buck titlutciriRiitai comr wjtiinut iijo. l iwrsoimiiyImlofM) li nrtluil and aiv iha imlille nivsolemn Kuaranh-- tliatltlni Iweii UlM inevorr ttincelrnhto vnv. aikI liMinove.1 itw-l-

to Ikj tbe oslv Jlnlr HpwlMo. It stoi-- if airrALU NO immeriititily mil creator n lux--

iirknit growth. Contnhii no tiijuriouft hitfrv-- 1

dlent. It l not or ; u Ihucontrnry.it innkra ttut lmlrort. jouLhrnl,flulTy. ktvi it in curl mul romovwt datulniir, (For guntlvineii atul bulies wlthlialra IfHlugray, xtrenkf.! prny. entirely gray, an-- fthOA Lit) II KADS.it h nivclftlly ncuiiniKiulL I

All drncKlst. I'rlfe. II; n.Ua Vk1,- skinriKMi, 9i.iv; lAio'ri t'omnioxioii ( ?i;

al(i'fi Faro Cornier, fio1; Vnlo limuiyHoap, 2.Vi. Mnitj. Vale, Health and Coin8 lex Ion f4perlallt, 1 einp!e of llenuly, HS

t.teM., Ulilraun. Uuldelollraut) tribalTHE HOBKON DRUG CO..

Sole A ccrU .


A Good Fertilizer,

To Suit the TimesAt :tO ier ton of 2000 IIjk.Analyzed na follows!

10 rer cent. PhoDhoric Achl. ?

soluhle and nvaitahle.0 per cent, roiash (actual.)3 er cent. Ammonia.10 per cent. Lime (Carbonate),





Double Super PhoBphato,40 cr cent, to 45 ja-- r rent, soluhleIn water, in quantities to suit.

Any Special Formula Made to Orderby



We betr to draw the planters attentiontne roiiowing aavaniages

THE CRUSHER will cut tho canotransversely in pieces about 3 Indieslong and extract about 50 per cent, ofthe juice nndldeliver the crushed cune ina uniform layer to the 3 roller mill,thereby causing a perfect feed and in.creased extraction of juice.

THE CRUSHER will eavo the "skin"on the cane, thereby giving the julco aueuer cnanco 10 D6 expeueu man u mecane was ripped open subjecting the

to tno nam pactting on tue returnerEuipof the 8 roller mill.THE CIIUSHER will save labor In

handllne of the cane, an an irregulardistribution of cane on the carrier willnot materially effect the regular audeven feed to the 3 roller mill.

THE CRUSH Ell will not renulre additional steam or boiler power, as It has

PlPCEKW) March St, H'J.VMessrs Honolula Iroa Works Co. Pkah

Silts! W. have used the Crusher since theli to norvp

enulne.lueurumierM enracting w irceni. iow

tterceiit.nl the Jutcn ruttlntr the cane I

In plecesde toviz lochcn lonif ami itlvlnlerrecu teu anu tteHuy ivw v invroller mm. no ro iiuidk iu ier vvui.more work ircl)raud roaM domiicti more Ifuur bolllinr iioiiM capacity would We

?irr7ppirrrdrKvcrjlhli'it the Crnaher work,

miuintli ami kjiiiv. and th amnui.L nf utttmu(uiiuiiifid Is trlflinif. lift loll muv linli.fur weurn runnlntf LHu enirliiMi lor lit nullaantl liavuHieato toMiiro for the llidliiif Moiitto I

irom oueoiju ioi tHiiitr. n couriie un utm i

even fwd of cru!ieil rane from the ninht--we are enaiiitMi torioMe uuwn our mill in t utiiiirH tliaiiHVir before, ami from jtiverlmwitlMofdryltitf 4it4-)ti-

rent, ui moiBiiirv uuur run ot gnmiintc onunaryiy itironiNi


Manftvr Peleeken Huitar t'o.

I'AIA 1'l.ASTATlnsr, March . I'M.llnnnliiln Irnn W.irks (Jo. IIrnti.kukm W'r

nnd the Kralenski Crusher advantageous Inthe undernoletl Itvms:

Stuuiu 'I'Ml cwn ted of the three nJIrr tntll.thus rausliiK a itreut ileal less strain ou themill and at the sslue time ittvlng its from ft to0 percent, heltcrextracllon ot juice.

we nra at present maklu fr a Lrusheranl explain ita construction to party

Sole Agents

East Cokner Fort



nl'IT.MW fnini 4:0n mi.VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, COUNliTS,

Musical Instrument HuppllcB,Muio (inlereil by every steamer.Trtintourlnes SOo tn .1:00.


Kyt'Klnssps nnd Spoctncle.sCnrcfully fitted lo allsights antt frames com-

fortably adjusted ....Domestic

Sewing Machines.Dnineatla Sewing Marlilnr. Thismnelilnn Hiirtasi4es nil others In exppllvnrn nf tlnl.li nnd diirahlllty! on.. . . .. .... 1 ..I. L'.l.l. f'l.n!..Htltrli. Kmhroider, Ilem, Turk,Ilullle, anil make Button Holes.

REMINGTON TYPEWRITERSmul Tyimrriler A'hijii'm

By tlio Australia arrive a larRenndComplete Slock of

Goods.- -. . . I'UNCllINO IIAdS.


rVosletitiolm's Wet Knives and Razors.

Wade & Butcher Razors from 50c up.


INOES, CRIH, AUTIIOItS nndother Card (lames.

Hand Sewing Machines $8:50 and$12:00,

Sowlntt Machine Needlesfor all kinds of machines.




Cini.niiF.N's Picture Hooks, Doi.i--sand lOYH 01 ail oescriiiion.

Otir huitineti in enluhlhhed on aCusi Nisi's nbmlutelu, conMijuenllyipc mil oflimi 10 mi at low nues.


to this machine lor which we claim

ilemonfltrntcri In auctual practice,that the iiicreatwU extraction of juicoliHH linpntvoil tho trash ns fuel su a tofully make up for tho additional uso ofBtfiuu to drive it.

TUB OKU8IIEK U 8tronly lmitt,the rollerA art) made of solid ateel rinKon the dhafts. The pinion are alt ofetridund the spurwheel H provided wltliHCKiiient rim. Its netd is ahout thesame as the mill rollers, thereby iiivinccomfort and haft-t- in running. It Is soconstructed, that nhould iron parts, suchus IkiIu, car couplinf? links and pins,cano knives, etc., ro through, 11 winI notIn i ure anv of tho narts.

The following are testimonials fromplantations where the crusher at presentis at wonc;

IncrrateA amount of dailu work. Onlng totlit IlinlUit CHiutritv of our boillnii lioutM Me

avoiourieiiiMi;rusiir now, uui u nceri

lMlr We 8ve thrt men at themum.

The (ttuJi U Vrtu tlru and raniilwsiatunDhu with iilenly of ttani ulthout the una ofluwitsn wixxi or coat, -- r al 1ifur.lv .num.

J. W. COlsVILLR, MAt.HXvr.

KrKAMA 1'l.ANTATlOM. March 1B15,

Mtwm. llonoltilu Iron Works Co., lKAilSlltm e hae ltii Hnrkliisf Hip hrttlewwkL'rt.ittr stme the iK'tflnnliiu of (iluliir ItMl,

tlliuui Uvinv Hittl It Ii lua niim' ttfit lac Lor yresulU from tlie htart.' Our drill v uork hnautcrfAwui irom vu ciariuvrs to wp riannriicaltoUH) with tin Mttniiiuu.Urof laborers hwe uei rinre weare xwnit ine iTUWierthe haa Inrrt'aiUMl amitho trah ivv the 2 rollor mill d'ler tlianiur nun mnfcc ritrnrnt iuvi. i huuii'ume i runner we ai'itrfiieiiutti tnai our ieitin

inai iue v riiruer ami tue iiiriHt rourr nuncousmuo le iouer tlian illd the roll

er mill before alone. The extraction of theCnuher amnuula to 9) ir cent, of thejulceanuiueii rourr mm recenea. airwiyreituiar ihhu utfreuy aecreKMUK me risnhrmtkhiir llm riillsr siliitflB.

We ran recommend the KreJewnVI CaneUriiher hi va liable addition to a mill whlc'iw 111 iay for Hel( In a kbort time. We remain.jours truly,

or Keksha Sugar !o..f. , lll.AUE.,

In our buoim and shall be DleoeeU tu enowInterests,

IRON "WORKS CO.,for Hawaiian Islands.

and King Streets.


riits'riMONIAL,H s

IwKlniilnic ot the wwon and hate liM uolary cnuld do au ir ccut. wore ittrnul.ln i.r lillrh iwlif ullh It or tht lutthlt.














Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

New Goods rocelveu by every Packet from the Eastern Htates and EuropeFresh California Produiai by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended tand goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge.

Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed Telephone No.

PDtt OUoi Uoi No. W,


Opixwite Cenlrnl Union Church.OKFIOK IIOUII.Mil) to II a.m., I lni.m.,

lo s p. m..V. n, Tamil) and Krl.H). from s In 9

p. m. the trmlment for Hiolt l'KOl'I.E Isf rwj fsciit for Urn ml Irlne.



Cartirrlght Work, Merchant St., Honolulu.

G. E. SMITHIES,Accountant, Collector and Ccsfisi

Office with O. X). Chase,Safe Deposit Hull. ling.

Telephone 184.riiernilrrtlonof novemmentl)lllsnseciAtr

E. M. NAKU1KA,Commissioner of Private Ways and

Water Rights.

Notriry 3Jl lll loAgent to Grant M.irrlngn Licenses,

1). J. CASH MAN,

'I'oitt (Bimci NfillimiUur.Awnlnga a Specialty

Foot of Nuuanu Street in Californiar i'ih I WnrelintiNo,

Mutual Telephone (125.


CONTUACTOU IIUILDUR,Second Floor HonoluluHan In MUL Fort Ht. tho

Alt Kinds of Jobbing Vrornptly At- -




C. J. WHITNEY,Teacher of Klocntion and Dra

matic Art,Arlington Hotel M7

O. Box SVJ. 1 el'pnnno 240.


haNaval Supplies. Wholesalo ami Retail!,.! 1 r. t. 1.ucttirm in wruci'riee, I ruvisions, etc.Ill Fort M.. (onulnlu, II. I.



Wholesale Imjort6r and Jobbers of


Corner Fort and Queen Hts., Honolulu.B7tf to



I'nrt Street, Honolulu.

M. S. GK1NBAUM & CO.Miullfil.


Cnmiunttian Morclianu mul Importenof (k'licr.il Mpcchantllse.

Ban KnmtHL

E. VAND00UN & CO..

No. 20S FORT. ST., Iisrr.ANADit.

Slop on your way to the wharf anilhuy a cigar or get an icei! eolil drink.

American Lirery and Boarflins staticsr. Morclmnt kihI Hfclinnl Htruuts.

Carrlagpa, Hurreys ami Hacks at allho ura.

JAMES OAIITV. Proprietor.Telephone No. 490.



Bsplanade, com- - Allen and Fort streets.



IMPORTURS AND DUALKRSIn Jnpanrae Provisions nndDry (Jooils, etc., etc. ....

201 ami 200 Fort St., Honolulu. II. I.


Htes.ii Kkqikis, HuUAn MlLU, Hoiirs,VUUI.KIU,, iwiff, UKAHB AND 1.KAD


Machinery of Krery Description MadeOrder. Particular attention paid to RhtmIIlACkrailthlnir. JnuworkoiM-ute- at Hhort

lltcyclea ltrpalred. dun and liek Hmltli.1SS ami t0 TOUT KTKKET,

Opi. Club BtaMee. Tel. 107,



' When you can applythe rent money to pur-

chase a bouse?We will sell you a house to tie

built to suit you by paying monthly installments.

Call and examine our plan ansatisfy yourself that our proposltton is one which will be fully sat'Isfactory to you.



408 Fokt Sthkct, Uoholcuj,

It Orrnrml lo lllm.0( What nro you loafing nronnd

town nt this tlmo of the night forfD'0 'l ralil to go home, lfo told

ipo to 1o stiro nnd reinemlior something,nnd I've forgotten what It was.

(Ice It wnn't bread or groceries.was Itf

D.1- - NaOoo ll.iliy fond, tacks or theater

tickets?Din No, lint I've Jnut thought of It.

t wns It?Ifcfi Why, sho wnnteil mo to remem.

to como homo cirly.Tit-lJIIs- .

Tht lUlilns; S.Kon H.s Itrgan.

Urooklyu Life,

!!! to Sr. lllm.An Americnn iioliticlau, commentingtho fact that iu America wo always

expect a man to get tip and say some-thing on a public occasion, adds, "But

silent men wlu." That Is not always tho case, but It Is a fact thatmany a man of worth aud mettle hates

bo "ovennore talking."It is said that Vuu Moltko was "si-lo-

iu sa en languages." Beforo thoopening of a striking campaign ho waswalking tho streets with head depressedwheu somo busybody approached him,determined tn oxtort from blm a word

regard to curreut events."How nro matters coining on, gener-

al?" ho askod."Well," Bald tho general, "my cab-

bages aro coming ou very well, but mypotatoes wnut raiu."

It Is a popular mistake that famousmen llko no topic of conversation sowell as that of their own renown. Notlong ago a eclchratod novelist was theguest of honor at a brilliant reception.Ho had heard tho praises of his ownwork until any ono but a conceited manwould havo been faint aud weary, but

had borno up bravely through it alLFinally a timid man was presented tohim, who said, with an apologetlo air:

"I'm Okbamed to confess it, bat Ihaven't read ono of your.books."

Tho uovelivt bent forward, a look ofrelief aud Joy irradiating his face. Hoplaced both hands ou tho newcomer'sshoulders.

"My dear fellow," ho said, with" awarmth hu had not shown beforo, even

thot-oo- f hlghdcgrec, "I'm glad to seeyoul"Youth Companion.

It Didn't Do.A Montgomery street lusuranco clerk

scut his curd to his florist yesterday withyoung lady's addrcM ou one side and

tho followiug nolo on tho other:"Anything will do for this girl."Wheu tho clerk called that evening

tho servant met him with his bouquet,handed it to him and slammed tho dooriu his face. Tho florist had tied his cardbearing tho nddieiw to tho flowers, butwritten in a feminiuo hand below tltflnoto was :

"Theie is ono thing that will not dofor this girl, and you aro it." SanFrancisco 1'osL

Not MuchlSally And utter vearo married will

you kivp on lovlu luo?Rubu I'll love you till till tliu

oowfl come home, na the foller bays," Yn.su, nn then (?o down to tho gro

eery on let 1110 do all tho uiilkiu." Iu- -

dlonuitolU JuurnnL

Voice (at tho head of the stairs)GoorKO, hnvo you been drinkiuK?

UeorKO Nn'm I

Voice Say chrysanthemuui.Gcorco (allcnt for n moment) I'm

dnuiksh, m' dear. Syracuse Post.

An AflYetlonate Farewell.Mlsa Ncwrllcli (hlildius her bosom

frlcud fc'ooilliy at the dock) Audwouldn't it bo grand if I should catch alord over thero?

MIrh Oldstock Yes, then you wouldbo a lady. Now York World.

Home Comfort.Husband I'm sorry that burglar got

your witch lnt night, my dear, butthere's one thing to bo thankful fur.

Wifo What's that?Husband Ho didn't wako up tho

baby. Tit-l)l-

lie Spoke Too fjulck.

landlord (to guest) Uow do voulike tno scenery, sir?

Uutwt It is beautiful 1

Landlord (to clerk VJohu, add to tohis bill for scenery I Atlanta Constitution.

Ills Duty.Principal (tn new upnrentico) Hof

the bookkeciier told you v bat you hurtto do iu tho ufteruoou?

Youth Yeti, sir; I was to wakeuhlm when I saw you coming. Duhcliu.

Nowadays. w

Friend Don't you belong to nclub?DuslucKR Hun No: can't afford it.

Takes till I ran aiviro to luy dues ut thorlubs my wifo ladonp ta New YorkWirkly.

Wood For Salejack: klee.

KING STREET.Warehouse of California Feed Co,

Cut mul Split for 812 tieruoril.

Telephone .N'o. ItM.

To , . .

ColToo and Fruit Planters'

llllo AifonoyTHEO. H. DAYIES & CO., Ltd

.Stocks of necessary Tools andImplements,- - etc., etc., ou baudat their





We wish to call attention to aline of goods just received fromKtiKlaml, such as

Willow, Rushand Manilla

Picnic & School Baskets

Soiled Clothes Baskets,Long and Short Haired Feather


Hair Floor Brooms,

Whisk Brooms,



Castle & Cooke, Ltd.

IMPORTERS,Hardware ani General Mercaaniiie.

Metropolitan Meat Co.8 1 KING STREET.

Wholesale & Detail fiulcbs -


Navy Contractors.J. WALLER. Manager.

loves for 25c.

Hring inc j'our Soiled Ginnnd I will inaku tliolii

New and Gleanfor the small buih of '25 cents.

8 Also prepared to tako

rders for Trousseaus

and allkinds of Underwear


gPM POULAIN.Masonic Tkmpui.

WHAT?Haven't got a

Hicycle Tag

YET!What are you thinking offWant your wheel stolen ?





Where did you get that suit ?

Why, at



There you get the latestNew York fashions In

'Clothing and Gent's Fur-




4 13' Fokt Stkkbt,Honolulu.

if tm Hawaiian StarrUBUSURD EVERY AKTRRN00N






l'r Year In Advance,!)Ter Month in Advnui. -

FonlKii, per Yr In Aduo..




Thkrb should be chamber of

commerce meetings oftcner.

TiiiSRK was one vote In the Setrate and another in the Houseagainst the cable contract.

A Scotch syndicate his openedits doors at Hillings, Mont., for thepurchase and slaughtering of horsesfor beef for foreign trade. A con

tract has been made with parties for

,the delivery of 200,000 headhorses in the next eighteen mouths,

A halt has been called on the'Tisir blackguardism of Congressman Hilborn and "Spreckels.'1;, A. Thurston protests againstthe tirades of abuse lodged at Mr,

Hilborn for no greater an offense

tlian I'pntpcl exnression of anopinion on Hawaiian affairs.

It IS not yet clear that the Board

of Education could not do more for

the scliool cause and the commuuitv interest bv building a suitablehigh school in a proper location in

stead of taking over an abandonedmansion for the purpose. But thejudgment of the Board will beeither vindicated or condemnedwithin a very few mouths.

In the House debate on cable,

Minister Hatch head of the foreig:

office, was quick to deprecate thsuggestion of one of the membersthat Washington legislation bearing on Hawaii might be shaped by--

private or entirely personal ideas of

President Cleveland. Mr. HatcU

very properly maintained that suchan expression was in bad lorm andwholly out of place.

Tun custom house editorial in

this day's 'Titer praises that bureauto the extent of saying that "lionest, if abortive, attempts have been

made to prevent opium smuggling.That the work in this field has been

confined almost entirely to "at-

tempts," and that these "attempts"have been "abortive," is notorious.There is no spite in this. TubStar is not that kind of a news-


Mr. Knurr, the famous cannon-make- r

of Germany, and proprietorof the Essen foundries, has been

t.described by many as the man whopaid the largest amount of taxes

& throughout the world. He paid.,1 annually about $200,000. But Mr.

' Marinesco-Bragadi- the most lm-- 1

portant manufacturer of alcohol in- Roumania, who has recently estab-

lished also a brewery at Bucharest,paid in 1S94 $440,000 of diverstaxes to the government. This re

presents an immense fortune whichhad a very modest origin, since Mr.Marinesco-Bragadi- r was an appren-

tice to a pastry cook only twentyyears ago.

Thk cable contract is conditionalIf "substantial assistance" is se-

cured from the United States theline will be constructed without delay. If the Congress over therefails to vote a liberal subsidy theproject will be dropped. Hawaiihas bravely done more than hershare. The line will certainlywoik wonders for the Islands. Itwill-i- all probability have the re

sult of greatly increasing the popu-

lation and commerce. Hawaii will

i.' take a great leap ahead. Politically(Kit will prove a tremendous boon.

'Our foreign office and the Britishand American legations will be

jable to handle their diplomaticKaffairs with dispatch that will be aguarantee against complication.Thb Star alone of the papers ofHonolulu advocated the cable and

ibelieves the line will do more forfth'e country than the most sanguinelean dream.

jfy Express speed and private con- -

fclave methods of handling publicbusiness received a cutting rebuke

ipt'the Chamber of Commerce meet- -

ling. The remarks of V. M. Swanzyion railroading legislation, it is

had the appioval of nearlyall of the gentlemen present. He

Ibut gave utterance to a very gen- -

Krai sentiment. At the earliestmoment in the cable negotiations,Col. Spalding was anxious to placehls plan before the people. It was

liie who gave out the proposition as

published in Tub Star. Nothingfcaine from the Government on the'subject until the contract was pres

ented to the Legislative on Monday.iTue vote was had 011 Tuesday.

EOne day during the latter part oflast week a draft of the contract wassubmitted to a secret caucus of theSenate. The mistake of excludingfrom this session the House mem-

bers and representative businessSen is perhaps now evident. Itwaia mistake that jeopardized theresolution ratifying the contract.

JAtid this is not the first instance ofunseemly haste and secret pro-

cedure. The passage of the Dan-

gerous Persons act by the Councils

ofthe Provisional Government andtfie'Castle apputuient are otherglaring examples. Sometime therails will spread or an obstructionwill be encountered by the Legis-Stiv- e

lightning Express.

Jimey UopicS,

Atgust 12, tSgs

A book of Murk Twain's thatis seliloin mentioned is 1110

Golden Ago." It was writtenin collaboration with CharlesDudley Warner and is hy

nianv rotrariluu us onu ot thevery best works of the lan

junge. Tho play of "Col. Sollers" in which the nctor John J

Raymond made such a groatsuccess, was taken troin "liieGolden Age." Perhaps thopublic has thought there was

little in the book besides Col

Sellers. This is ti great mis

take. Col. Sellers is merelyone ot a score ot characters.Tho real feature is its story ofWashington life. Half of thebest sketches on lobbying andthe workings of the depart-ments of the government oftho United States are cribbedfrom "Tho Golden Age."Murk Twain is a living oxam- -

nlar of the truism that few oftho good writers have anybusiness ability. Ho becamea partner in a big publishinghouse and all hands mademoney oil' bis work. Tho com-

pany brought out the Grantmemoirs and thought it had adiamond field with a free mill-

ing gold quartz quarry on theside. Tho memoirs of Shermanand Slieritlan did not take atnil and the company failed. Intho general wreck the claimswore lodged against MarkTwain and he was shorn like asheep by machinery. Tho permanent financial successes oflife are not a great many.This is probably because so

many of them fail to figurethat there is really such a thingas a money market.

We have wheels to burn asChimmio Fadden would say.

liy constant writing nutpleading we have convinced theMonarch people that wo must

have more wheels and our or-

ders must bo filled in full, so asto enable us to supply the de-

mand for these celebratedwheels. Wo have always runout long before the next shipment arrived and it is even

hard to convince a prospectivebuyer that wo do not like tosell the last sample wo haveand induce him to wait a few-day-s

for tho arrival of more.When people want a Monarchthey want it bad must haveit at once. Now we think we

have enough of all kinds tocarry us along until tho nextshipment. The manufacturerscan not turn wheels out fastenough to supply tho demandand try to satisfy all agents bysending them all 11 few,

but they nave neeueu oururgent demand and sent ourfull order.

Wo have, besides a lot of thoNo. 9 and No. 10, some $90.00ladies wheels, which we havebeen asked for so often.

Tito racing fraternity cannow inspect tho merits of theMonarch 18 lb. racing machine.Wo have two and wo want all

tho boys to como in and talkabout tneni. 1 ou know wohave said our 90.00 Monarchwas just as good as tho highpriced wheel, only not so finelyfinished it is just tho samematerial,, put together in thosamo careful manner, and willstand as much stain and wear.



307 Fort street.

BY AUTHORITY, yllKAIHJUAIlTI-.l- t FtKRT HeOIMSNT)Nation u.UI'ahu of Hawaii,

llosul.ll.t), U. II., August i2, lJY)GENERAL ORDEUS NO. 10.

1W 111" lllltpo I' at ilHtllll'll II ill llio

luminal ot nrun, in iiioilllUil liy tlio newilrlll rpRiilmlnni, jut Wunl liy Imp U,H. War nrpdttnipnl, a full nttenilnticonfmrli Unnipany 111 tli 1st N.

(1. II, Is lionliy oruVreilyin tlii'lr rrsprcllvo company ulirliK Cii tnlm of romiiui!ph ivlll not uxenso Ihcir iiumi fnmi

attfiulAtice, fxci'pt for cm of nctimtsickness.

lly commiui 1 of Colonel McLean.

J. V. l'HATT,Captnlu nml Adjutant.


A loan from 11 private Imllvl.liiidplaces you uniler oliliKfttloiirt wliirli (nmany cnies prove liiirilernniiie hikI

A loan from tlio PioneerHuililiriK t l,onn Aiwi'i'litlon l n liuni-ne-

matter puie iiml simple. Eaiyterms, ami may payments.

Olllce Hours: j4 ,


A. V. GEAH,Secretary.




Th Country Therm Imut Offer)! lw Fca- -

turt1, and Tlicre Wm Nothing Worthof Kulocy A Itcport That I'klteil ConelIHHy nn t l'rnphecy.

Tho CliifiiKti of nearly 75 years hrqdid not piewut nil Inviting tiyitHMranco.

Tlio party of Keating ami Lang leftFort Wnyiin in May to discover tlicwmivo of tlio St l'eter's rivor Tho tut-

proarh to Chicago 1 thus rlorerilxxl intho account pnhtilied in 1853 :

"Wo wpro near the southern extremityof tho hka The view toward tho northwas I ku utiles, tho oyo liieetinu nothingi i. .t r ...t.i-.i- .

fDrt'.ul liho a sea. its nt thattinio as calm and unniitled ns though itwero n Mieet of Ico.

"Our path leil us over tho seen of tho.bloody inassaeiowhielMvcnrrelin 1812,when tlio i?;urion of Chicago was dostroyodby thoPottawatomicj. No tracediiru now to bo seen of tho a

"On tho aft ei noon of .luno 5 o reached Fort Dearlwrn (Chicago). Fort lfc'rtr- -

born is on tho south bank, near thomouth of tho Chicago river, Tho pot ntChicago was abandoned a few monthsafter tho party isitcd it Its establishment had been found necessary to intiLiidato tho lowerfuI tribes of Indianswhich still inhabit this port of tho conntry.

"Wo wero mneli disippointetl nt tlioappearance of Chicago and its vicinityWo found in it nothing to justify thogreat culogium lavished upon it by ilr.Schoolcraft, a lato traveler.

"Tlio best comment upon his descrip-tion of tlioclinialo and tho soil is thofact that, with tho most active vigilanceon tho part of tho officers, it was impos-sible for tho garrison, consisting of 70to 00 men, to subsist on tho grain raisin 1

in tho country."Tho appeal unco of tho country near

Chicago offers but fow features. Theiojs too much uniformity in tho scenery.Tho extensive water prucpft is a watouncheckered by islands and unenlivenedby spreadinf canvas

"Tho villago prcr-ent- no thrillingprospects, ns notwitlist.mding its njittyuity it consUts of but few huts, inhab-ited by a miherablo raco of men, bcarcclyequal to tlio Indians, from whom theyare descended. Their log or kirk Iioum'S

are low, lUthy and disgusting, delayi-ng not tho least trace of comfort,

"Chicago is jwrhaps one of tho oldtsettlements in I ho Indian country Itsname, derived from tlio 1'ott.iwatomiolanguage, signifies either 'skunk orwild onion. Mention is made of tho

plaeo as having been visited in 1(171 byPerot, who found 'Chicgou' to bo thoro&idenco of n powerful chief of thoMiamls.

"Asnplaco of business it offers noinducement to tho settlor, for tho wholoannual amount of trado on tho lako didnot exceed tho cargoes of fivo schooners,oven when tho garrison received its sup-

plies from Mackinaw."It is not impoftniblo thatntsomo dis-

tant day, when tho banks of tlio Illinoisslial havo boon "covered with a deusopopulation and v.hcu tho low pniirieswhich extend between that river andFort Wtiyno shall havo acquired alation proportionate to tho producotheyeau yield, Chicago mayof tho points in direct communicationbetween the northern hikes and tho Mis-sissippi.

"Tlio Indians were chiefly Pottawato-- !mies, but intermixed with Ottowas undChippowas Among many chargesagainst theo Indians thero is nono morahorrible than tho chargoof cannibalism.This has been denied, but it has leenacknowledged by the Indians themselves,and it lias been uniformly admittedby the interpreters nnd traders wholmolong resided witli tlieuL

"It is u common superstition withthem that he that tastes of tlio body ofa bravo man acquires a part of Ids valor,and if he can eat of his heart, which bythem is considered as the scat of nilcourage, tho Miaro of bravery which ar-

rives from it is still greater,"Captain Wells is still mentioned ns

the bravest white man with whom theyever met Ho hud nhuost becomo ono oftheir numlier and had united himself toa descendant of Little Turtle.

"At the commencement of hostilitiesbetween the llritish tuid Americans hesided with his own countrymen, whilothe Indians of this vicinity nil pasredinto the British service. Wells waskilled. After tho action Ids body wasdivided, and his heart was shared, as be-ing tho most certain spell for ennrugo,and part of it was sent to tlio varioustribes in nllionco with tlio Pottawatomies, while they themsehes feasted up-

on the rest "Chicago Times-Heral-

SuMclmtlr Itewartlrl.The latest joke at the expeuso of tho

French Society For tho Protection ofAnimals is to the following effect; Acountryman, armed witli an immenseclub, presents himself before tho presi-dent of the society nnd claims tho firstprizo. Ho is asked to describo tlio act of ,i u..- - i r.

"I saved tho life of a wolf," repliesthe countryman. "I might easily havekilled him with this bludgeon," and heswings his weapon in the air, to the tm-- !

tueuse discomfort of the president."Uut whero was tills wolf?" iuquii-e-

tlio latter. "What had he done to you?""Ho had just devoured my wife,"

was tho reply I

The president reflects an instant nndthen says, "My friend, I am of opinionthat you havo been sutlicieutly rewarded. " New York Post

Hair.The hair grows better In light than in

darkness, because of the stimulating effect of light and sunshine. H has licenoften noticed in the case of men who sitIn office with one side alwuya turnedtoward the light that tho mustache orbeard of that side grows longer thau thaton the other.

it liu lieu found tLut uufTereni (mm"hakiuK pftralykls' uro uiucti UtUroftet

rough railway journey, unl tie late Dr.CliHrcot ot the I'arfri, the

B,ecIalUt In utrvouuiliHfutM, appliedthU principle In the conitt ruction of nMto which a rapid vibratory iuueiueiit liuivtn by meaonof electricity, and lhlavhak.lug, which to a person. Ju goocj health wouldhe lotolerable. Drove aulte ea lovable tothe paralytic subject, who appears luU;lXmht4tylt.


AAA .fh W rfV A rffc A.Ajf



Are runninglow. Soon itwill be hard toselect any desir-able patterns.,..





The Negligeor colored kind

S at ... .

3$L25, $1.50,up to . . .

. . $2.00.Nice SwellGoods oi thebest fabrics theprice will per-mit



luercnant ana iort its. p

PutnamsJpHE modern stan-

dard FamilyCough Medicine:


coughs and colds

that harass

SPutnani'sOno DoseCherryRelieves;



Comfort.! anil RO cent .


Th'iH man nt thowheel knows tliovnluo of



mul ho Mover goesto sua without it.

You can nmku Lcmoiiailurl'ht at homo any tiino ifiyou havo a bottle

SoM by Dottle or l'ne of one Jozenby


Wholesale andJRetail Drugglata,

JOHN PHILLIPSJ amoved his JiUinbinrf

ltabllshment to

HOTEL STREET,next to Horn's ltikcry,

wl.rro lio lll 1ioilrnppl tosee liU fiM pationa anil thepublic generally.

080-- tf




Made at abortnotice oy the



COMPANYmmThe greater pan nl liie Mvdals,

Hniblems, Prizes .itid such liketnadu ill Honolulu have liueu luantifactured by us, and . .


Jewelryof every description. You haveonly lo tell in whit you want andhow you want it made, and we do

the rest

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,Tori Slrecl Juwellora,

Xear corner Kinp.

The Merits of


It tnkcH time ti overcome prejutlico and prove the quality of a newarticle, but merit will tell, nndand Antifer)! entink has proventhat It itt what is claimed for it.

In thin warm clfumte fruit.vegetables nnd meats spoil quickly,making preat waste. ANflFERMEN- -TINE ia a eltnplf , harmltMH, tasteleespreparation, htm no emell or color,and has the properties of stoppingand preventing fermentation innil egetahle and animal foods. Inpreserving fruits nnd vegetables ofall kinds, it is superior to the cooked canned article, preserving thetaste nnd freshneas for mouths.

Benson, Smith & Co.

Sous Agknts.



Birds and flowers theraising ami caring tor these aretwo of the most pleasant pas'times. The care of birds iswhat we wish to speak aboutA bird in prison is not likeone at liberty, and you oughtto make its home as pleasantas you can. We have thehomes all sorts for all kindsof birds. We have almost everyconceivable style, and you canpay for your cage alt the wayfrom 75c. to .f 8.00,Jiipuinirtl, 'J I atylox.Ilra !i

1'iirrol tllrecilliii; it "

Make your bird happy and hewill sing for you all day long(if he is that kind of bird)

E. 0. HALL & SON,

on nl At R. OTHIS PAPER t.'H', AdvftWnirA if ocy.ftfanjtift Merrhaut's JExrt4Df. Han

.rmnOiira. 1 11 Ulirn courrwU tor vjIM J UB V BWH IOC 1W


If von want t,i Hay, Pelt or Ttor.t

Residence Property,Building Lots,

Acreage Property;If )Ot! Rlltlt 1,1 ,. ,


Cull on ine. If 1 Imvon't what vouwant I wm try tm.l (1, t. I now haveRovrral .loa rablo Homes nnd Let., etc.,


C D. CHASE,Safe Deposit Building,

Tel 184. 408 FOOT STREET

RECEIVEDBv tho m. City of Peking, another lotof Diawu Work, Including I.iiiIIck'llroosra, nnd a lot of Irresistible

Silk 4in-Han- rJ Ties,at 20n. each or J.5.1 per dozen. Alew eases or

Fnn Snn Mineral Water,fully equal, If not superior to Apiiol.Hiiarls.


0U1 GREAT $5.00 SHOE. . . ALL SIZE , . .

sanio way you can test a Shoehave tried a shoe vou must


will not complain about keeping

OURwo Know wnat tnoy are




All Remnants' aro marked with the

C. E. Williams iS:




Dictionary engine Mother,coiirwel Ilecnune the

mother tno explainwiiy


DICTIONARYAll you need do

Rend poBtnl card

LINCOLN,your address It.




and Fruit Lands

KIIAAU, Islitml ofIn Purchasers.

Parties dolrlna land

INSTALLMENT PLAN,paying for Mine, monthly Install

examine map of theland lor sale.

For and Information nppljmo ine company, ram



Good Friendit will not disappoint youwhen called upon real

service. You know

friend bv him in thebut tho troublo is, when you

keen it. trood not.

SHOESwnen wo sell tnoin, anu our



number yards price plain figures.

in MillineryOnly.

at Groat Sacrifice.

King near Fort,

the personal Mr.

knowledge can be yours You Buv.


Special Bargains in Remnants.Remnants of Silki, AVnol Dress Hoods, Sateens, niiiglmms. White Goods,

While nnd Drown Cottons, and other odds ends.


Sweeping ReductionOne Week

Our Entire Stock FINK Greatly Reduced Prices.

and Children's Trimmed Hats










To-Who- m It May Concern:

have no branch house and no connection whatever withany other undertaking establishment or furniture store inthe City.



lid. A. Williams, graduate from the Clark SchoolEmbalming of 1894.

Williams employs the latest and best methodknown science, no mutilation of the body (no partialembalming) and remember that we have one store andthat is located Ci KING STREET. The membersthe firm are C. E. who established the business in 1S59, and his eldest son, A. Williams.

tgy 179. Residence 815.


liko throw gtonea dealers competing lines, and wemillionaire wo would confine oui business large operations

not contest the p.itronace with small dealers, believinguiu jKincy 01 "uve aim ici



nnd that e carry onlyour line, anu tu--


J J JLlC ArAAiiJvJTyTAjATrA-mrj.--

Our (ii'it is to

We deliver Goods twice dilly l nny



PeerlessPreservingPaint Co


Old Roofs HadeAll or Shingle),

Our Pttrlttt rrtitrvitig Paint is

Office, Street,139,

ISto a ?

of Keeetsity iof Invention." Lt


.Is a Necessity. la

a to

V.with on


If prepared to sell


toto buy can do bo

upon tho


Call and the

prospectorsat oince oi in it

secretary, in me




fora good

or You

. . .

Progress nt


of and In


Son, 611

supervision ot


Sheetings and


of at

. . .

. .

a o


butat 1 ol


Telephone Telephone


to at in werea firm tonnd retail in




--v -....





waulsto ... .

Iluy furthe ARTICLES in

V WIS HOCK.' tt delicacy. Our Woodlawn andWalpio Rolla and our Island Butter..inquantities to suit purchasers aresinipiy incomparable

jiViisc all euitomera

part of town, the valley and Walkikl


As AsGuaranteed against Rust or Leakage,

Made for Old and



AND PAINT,Warranted not to Scale, Crack or caused by Heat,Moisture or

Roofs (Tin, Metal






nnwgie, Metal ana feiiJioojs, linages, J'osls, Iron, Steel, Etc.and Estimates on all Work Given Free ol Charge.

308 MerchantTelephone


Good Hew.

Especially New




near Fort . Honolulu, H. I

P. WALTON, Manager.



Aloha ToothWash is healthto the teeth.

If you use itt 1your teem will

be clean andwhite. It perfumes the breathtoo. . . .

& Co.

And not ft bit abashed to ask for it.they were going out Into the world, notwith the nillk-pal- l between their feetmilked, but to go out and seek the cow.behind us shoea with an up to dale hirllisubject to your Inspection







Grapesnre coiiccntmled In

Pure, Unfeimented

HOBRON DItUG CO.I22H-H- - Benson. Smith


Irani; JuiceTlie Matory of tlio "gmpp cure," on n

couren of dlctlrR upon tlio rlw Rraie8la popularly cnlM, U an nnclrnt and

ono. The nutritive vnluo ofgrapea la said to linvo been flrRt suggest"ed by the fattH'Ra which foxea,lirda andother animal patrons of ripening grapertake on. The medieval Uerman phyaiclana still the gtape cure, andIn our day, tliu Ocrniana give moro at.tentlon to It than any other people. Thescientific literature of the subject la

mostly In Herman. The heat knowngrapu cure catublMimtntR are those ofMernn In the Tyrol, Ducrkhrlm in llava- -

ria llingen on the Ithlne, and Vevcy onthe lako of Geneva, but many otherstations exist in tho south of France,Italy and Austria.

Concentrated Srnpe Juice lias allthe of the grape in ft concentrated forri and Is is most viluable forweak stomachs and Impaired

An old farmer onco ndvised his boya. aa

to sit down In the middle of the fieldwaiting for the row to hack up and he

We're after the cow. We've got- niark at satisfactory prices, all In stock

II. II. WILLIAMS, Manager,Waring Block, cor. Fort and Iteretania.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Company,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FOOTWEAR.

New Goods by every Steamer!

JUST RECEIVEDPer Barkcntinc TrmgardA Very Pretty Line of

White Dimities, 25c. per yard.

Black and Ihite Double Width Veiling.

We keep always on hand Ladies' Fast Black 'Stockings,Children's Fast Black Stockings and Men's Fast BlackHose




If New .Goods, selected to suit the Demand, courteousPrices, Quality and Variety can satisfy you, then ours

is the place to come to buy Come and see us any way,look over the establishment; we will be pleased to see you andshow you round. . .


Undertakura and Bmbnlmera.




Havana,Manilla,and Vera Cruz,Mexico, also from







Henry Clay andBock Co., Limited.

Tobacco Everything





We Import Cigars fromall .well knownClass Factories. . . ;

you can wish for.

Pipes and Smokers Articles fromand Vienna.



'J ' ,' .'

Henl BHtoloi



tt Fort Btreet, near King Street.

I0H i W) feet, at Punahml, on Alexmder Hlrwt. Price, II KM.

itAt.F ACHE, TAIIO PATCHES,it Palama, very cheap.

oit T.EA8E, TOR A rEIUOD OP FIVEJj Yoars. House and lot. nine rootnii,on Nuuanu Htreet, near Ileretanla.



IMlOPEItTY OS NUUANU HTRKKT1 with several rntUscs. Tilts will besold at a verr reasonslilo Hun re.

l YKAim MtAK OV mtOUNIr. AND 3cottages o' Walklkl Uracil. 1S10.

111015 PLANTATION AT KOOI.AUcontaining- 61 acres.

O ACRR4 T KAI.IIII, SUITABLE FOIlffinlenlng-- , 9a 00.

OT ON QUKKN HTHKKT, OPPOSITEuie j ax wince, j'ncf, .uth

LOTH ON WAIKIKI H0AI1. VEltYreasonstle mil on easy payments

4 r'F.VV MIIIIK UIT4 ON KINO HTIIKET,IV Kallhl. tl.lo.acb.can be paid for Inmonthly Installments.

A LOT WITH t LAIU1K HOUSES UNI'auoa Itnatl. 250(l.

nousF lot witTi OOTTAtlE ANDI'atclies. containing 1 acre at


JKVF.IIAI. t.OTli AT PHAlll. CITV.' cheap.

piNKOPI'OHrUNITV FOIl HOOD IIOTF.LI1 tnin at Walsna.ItalUar. Hr.rliillii.ltu-enieiit-.ar- olTrreil.A FINK KKHIUKNI'KONTIIK JUNCTION

of Th'lrslon Avenue. Orei"n and NewNtrpls. limine eejr lare nnl dim nrlauV,rtintalnin all the latest sanltaty lmirote

Finn Verandas, palm aventie, b anll-tull- yI lil on erntin-'- etc. Wilt lie sold for

lean than Itaartnnl alue.ACIIK WITH NT.W rilTTMIK AMI

I oilier building In Kallhl. Price '.

J!)(i X 161 FFKT ON AiWUt lKO t II,I.HJ Iibit modern 9 rooni bouseand nicely laid o it ground. Price. Sl.3.fill X 150 FEET WITH NEW TOTT ritjlu on Yoiinir Htreet, near Keauinkn

Htreet nicely Improved lot Frnlt trees, etc.I'rlce, tuiin.

No chnrifa for making Herds, Mortgagesetc., In trn feriiieprotienv.

A', n. rrnrlle plered In otir bands forsale will receive tpcclsl attention.



of fouh noons.In the center of Honolulu. Suitable for amarried couple or two gentlomen.


723 If At Elite Ice Cream Tarlora.


T AM PREPAIIED TO MAKE All-streets of Title in a raoBt thorough and

complete manner, on short notice, ami accu-rate in every detail.

V. W. MAKINNEY,818 Fort Street.

W. O. Smith's office.


REAL ESTATE AND GENERALAgent. Real Estate bought and

Hold. Houses Rented. Loans NconTtATun.. Cullectlnns made. Books Mvded. Aciunta

extierteil. Copying neatly done.All business entrusted to me will receive

prompt and careful attention. A share oftbb public iatronage respectfully solicited.

Telephone 1311.

GEO. A. TURNER.am Merchant Street,

Office formerly occupk-- i by C T. Gulick.

(ft C l'KR WEEK. THREE OR FOURpersons ran find excellent lioard in

a prlrato family at No. 84 Reretania St.


MR II. ifENRY WHITE,BT. Catii. Coll. iTamrhidge.

Is preiiareil to taken few private pupils InEnglish, Classics and Mathematics. Studentscoached for the Public Schools and the Uni-versities.

Teachers prepared for Examination per-sonally or by corresiiondence.

Bookkeeping also taught.Address 1. O. Box 438, Honolulu.


VALUABLE DIAMOND RING ONA u;ust mtb, In going from the Like-lik- e

wharf up Fort to King, to the flsbmarket down Nuuanu, then back to Kingand up to School on Fort. Suitable rewantLeave information at this office.


Colonel Norris leaves by theAustralia for the Coast.

Colonel Spalding and his privatesecretary S. N. Hundley leave bythe Australia this evening for theStates.

Hon. W. H. Rice, of Kauai, whohas been a very hard working anduseful member of the Senate, has

ned to his home and business.uai,

lace to spend a few quiet hours ta.Aiilwai Ilutbs. Wnlkikl care Iassloor.

Ill the New Hanaal, ,

There was. a large turn-ou- t ofCo. B, N. G. H. yesterday even-

ing at the drill shed. The com- -

luauiuu ui anus vuiwuv, 4MLean, They were drilled nearly

of an hour, at theconclusion of which the men weremarched down to I'alacc Square byCaptain White. The drilling wasvery satisfactory.

ThatIs a dangerous condition directly due to

or. impure blood. It should not beto continue, aa In 1U debility the sys-

tem is esiieclallr liable to serious attacks ofIllness. Hood's Hsrsaparllltt la the remedyfor such a condition, and alsojor that weak-ness which prevails at the change of season,cllinato or life.

Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, care-fully prepared from' the best IngredientsV6c 5

explosive ,,

O. V.Tei.M. I O.



I) drills this evening.

Local news on page I.

What is lt Ram Hlerbic Yclesaregood.

The special session will end tomorrow.

A valuable diamond ring liasbeen lost.

The new Methodist church is tobe built at once.

The Hoard of Health will meetat 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Basement under I. X. h. for rentfor storage. Sam Lederer.

Highest cash price paid for Hawaiian stamps. C. V. Sturdkvant.

Alligator pears for shipment bythe Australia arc selling at $2 forIttty.

One more big ship is to comehere for a 'round the cargo ofsugar.

There is now a sharp demand forshares of the stock of several plantations.

Wing Wo Tai & Co. have a lotof new goods received per barkVelocity.

Medciros & Co., S. Decker,manager, make a strong bid fortailoring trade,

"I wilt get you that cable," ?aidCol. Spalding at the Executivebuilding this morning.

Every member of A Company,N G. H., is ordered to report fordrill tomorrow evening.

I'red Mcvcrs has been on trial inthe District Court two days on thecharge of malicious burning.

a dozen boat club crews intraining for the regatta may beseen every evening in the harbor.

Galapo, owner of the restaurantat Pearl City intends moving toVvaianae soon, restaurant and-- all.

Miss Jennie Cleary will appearin the District Court tomorrow fortrial for keeping a disorderly house.

There are further reports thatthe Volcano shows signs of earlybeginning of a season of activity.

Al. Chisholm vis turning outsome elegant sets of hand-mad- e

Harness trom Ins shop corner Fortand King,

There will be no meeting of theBoard of Health this afternoon onaccount of the departure of theAustralia.

Mrs. Bruguierre, daughter ofSam'l B. Rose, leaves by theAustralia today to join her husbandon the Coast.

At the regular convention ofMystic Lodge, Knights of Pythias,this evening the Second Rank willbe conferred.

Do you want crockery, glass,agate, tin or wooden or lampsChkap for Cash? See Sturde-vatit'- s

bargains. - r

Ifyouwantto buy, sell or exchange stamps, goto johnT.35rown,Arlington Block, Hotel street.Note change of address.

The land act was introduced thefirst day of the session and wasonly this morning presented to thePresident tor bis signature.

N. S. Sachs is now doing a largeportion of his business by telephone.All are promptly executedand delivered to any part of thecity.

Just received new line of clothing. Suits $5, $10, 1(12 and up.bit you at eitber price, u. u.Timmons, corner Fort and Bere-tani-

The dredeer is now pumpingfrom the Olympia ierth on the reefinstead of to the railroad wharf.The pipe line would no longerreach.

Prof. Berger's house Is beingmoved from in front of .the drillshed. This will make entirely opena fine plaza for practice maneuver-ing of troops..

Brown & Kubey the wholesaleand retail dealers in watches,clocks, jewelry, aild plated, goodsnave moved into the . ArlingtonBlock, Hotel street.

A pake thiel entered the room ofAndrew Cahill in Fowler s vardyesterday and got a way with $49.25. Cabil) bad quite a tussle withthe pake, but to getaway.

Swarms of small fishes known asMoilii have seen along theWaikiki beach coast. Superstitiousnatives say that it is a uign of sick- -

The Altinore, the second steamerof the Tbeo. H. Davies &. Co. linefrom Portland to Yokohama andHong Kong, will call here aboutSeptember 9.

Two Mongolians were broughtup from Waialua this morning tobe imprisoned in Oalnt Jail. Thepair were convicted of havingopium in possession.

Mrs. Graham gave a delightfulluau at .the Una residenceyesteTdayevening. About fiftypersons werepresent. Alter the feast dancingwas had, the Kawaihau Club fur-

nishing music.

WAHIMQ BLOCK Solo Agent,Tort ua BantanU tO

pany was put through the newijMfe on land.


Tired Feellnc







$100 REWARDWill bo given to any personwho can explode


New Process Stove- -

The two trasolinc exDlosions which have occurred in Honolulu was where. 86 dejj. gasoline was used for lighting pur.poses. This gasoline is not deodorized and is admitted to bean




l.St nt! Aulhorlred Atlifortl Krtilen ? IS o Aid For John


The most important note on theJanuary trouble to come from aforeign power, was handed to MinIstcr Hatch today. The letter wastransmitted by Mai. Hawes, theBritish commissioner, and Is fromGreat Britain's foreign office.

The subject of the note U thetrials and convictions of the mili-tary commission.

It is stated that the crown lemladvisers have fully considered tlieproceedings 01 tlie commission.111c opinion 01 tuesc authorities.certified to the llritisli Foreignoffice is that the cotnt.iission waslegal and authorized under thelaws of Hawaii.

furthermore the crown counsellor:! say that the defendants evi-dently had fair trial.

There is one criticism. The evidence against V. V. Ashford isdeemed sc.trcely sufficient to war-rant conviction. This is becausethe testimony was in a large partgiven by alleged or confessed ac-

complices. It is requested that thefindings be set aside..

llie wuoie judgment coincideswith the views of the supremecourt here so far ns It lunches thesame iioints.

It is further learned that theBritish Government declines tointerfere in behalf of Johnstone,tlie service man binithcdsummarily with Cranstoun.

He llrslBlis.

Captain Kidwell, who has beencommander of the I'irst Companyof Sharpshooters since its organiza-tion, lias sent his resignation to tlieheadquarters of the army. Hissecond term commission would ex-pire this month. The captain hasbeen very mucli put out by recentevents in military circles.

Handles to Combine.

The five pineapple plantations inthe vicinity of l'earl City, and allnear the new cannery, will probably soon be consolidated into onebusiness. Negotiations are nowunder way between the corpora-tions interested. The plan is tobring the estates under one man-agement. Capt. John Kidwell willmost likely be in charge, with H. J.Gallagher as assistant.


Will of the Late lion. J. Mott-Smll- h

Filed For Probate.Ellen Domiuis Smith, Harold

Meade Smith, Ernest AugustusSmith and Morton Churchill Smith,executors, presented the last willand testament of the late J. Mott-Smit- h

for probate before JusticeWhiting today. Besides the widowthere are ten heirs. The widowand children are executors withoutbond, and the property is equallydivided among them after, the fo-llowing bequeaths have been made:Amanda Day Alunson (sister)$10,000; widow of deceased'sbrother, 1(3000; Augustus B.Smith (brother), $2000. The wit-nesses are A. S. Hartwell, J. O.Carter, and V. I. Stanley.

The estate consists of the XoJlow,- -

mg:House ninl lot in Nuuanu

valley $ 10,000 00Htoro nml lot in Kort street 15,000 00Furniture' in Honolulu.... coo 00Sugar stock at par 103,000 00IIoikIes ...... ..... 83,100 00Notes Becurcd by mortgage 211,000 00Furniture in Boston 5,000 00Stocks 30,800 00Notee.. 7,150 00

Total... 1330,750 00

Tuv Much Special.

Representative Rycroft will leavefor his coffee estate and home inPuna on Friday by the Claudine.Mr. Rycroft stated yesterday thatif all special sessions of the Legislature were to be as long as mepresent one. he did not desire to bea member, not even if he was givena thousand dollars.

rujine nail.The regulars have organized

baseball teams. A team was prac-

ticing on the Executive Buildinggrounds yesterday afternoon. Thepitcher's curves are magnificentand shows that the "sodger boys"know how to throw something beside cannon balls.

nicvclers are likely to ftet cut. scraped, sprained, bruised, pr some way hurt.No matter which, an application 01Rodding's Kuasla Salve wiil take awaythe smart and pain, and cure llietroub'ein h hurry. Thousands of wheelmentibver ire mi tlie road without it. Whyshould, you? 25 cents buys it of anyUruttgiat. uanay nor ior your pocnei.

Hoixisteh Drug Company. Agents.

A Little Plsb Ktorjr.

The bay in the vicinity of thefishinarket was swarming withsmall fish, known as Hahalalu, a

favorite with natives. As soon asit become known, men, women andchildren flocked down to thewharves with rods. The fish wereeasily hooked and many nativeswent bome witb, big catches, i'ora time it was, pretty lively in thatlocality, everybody having goodluck. Finally the pake fishermencame along in their juuks, dropped

monster net overboard andscooped in the whole outfit. Afterthat the natives had to retire.

1'etroleaui.Two thousand million gallons, or

6,000,000 tons, of petroleum is theannual output of the world. Halfof this is supplied by the Unitedstates, ucarly a quarter comes tromthe Caspian, 26,000,000 gallonsfrom Galicia, 25,000,000 irom Can-

ada, and 7,000,000 from Burmah,The working of the wells in Burmah and Galicia is only just beginning, while the petroleum basin ofthe Mackenzie river Is probably therichest iti the world.

You can nut un the most delicatefruits, uncooked, by using Antiferruen-tino- ,

ami In six months they will be asnatural in apjKmrance and Usto u whenurst picicea.


Effectuallr vet sentlv. when costire ofbilious, or when tlie blood is iuiouie orsluggish, to permanantly cure habitualconstipation, to awaken tlie kidneysand liver to a healthy activity, withoutirritating or weaning mem, to uispeiheadaches, colds ur fevers use Syrup or



rim i,eci.l Kssitm is mtxtnit.ttviMi hi a ci.iisi:

Acts Approved by the t'resldent-Alc- o.

hat lllll 1'si.ed llhjrrtl to anAudltlnc.



A petition was received fromFrank Godfrey claiming that a com-

mittee had wrongfully and unjustlyreduced an account of his by $40.Referred to tlie committee on ac-

counts.President Dole has approved the

annexation resolution, acts relatingto irrigating, railway and otherrights of way, currency, militia ofHawaii.

Clerk presented a number of ac-

counts which were approved.Tlie amended alcohol act, per-

mitting druggists to take from thecustomhouse annually 150 gallonsat $2 duty, passed.

Recess to 1 130.


The House passed the cableresolution at 4:30 o'clock yesterdayafternoon, the vote being 8 ayes, 1

no.It was not until 10:30 o'clock

this morning when Bl quorum, wassecured, the Scrgcant-at-ar- hav-ing to go after Representative Ry-croft.

Representative Bond from thecommittee on passed bills reportedthe lollowing bills submitted to tbcPresident for his signature:

Senate bill 8, relative to supple-- jmentary appropriations.

Senate bill 13, the giving and fil-

ing of bonds.I.and Acf of 1895.Senate bills 18 and iq, special

appropriations for the lioard oflulucation.

Joint resolut.on approving thecable contract.

Senate bill 17, repealing the elec-tric railway law of 1890.

Representative 1 lamina introduced a resolution that the mem-bers of the House be allowed tokeep the law books, now in theirpossession as their property. Hegave as his reason for introducingthe resolution that some of themembers of the House knew Verylittle law. There had been onlytwo lawyers in the House, Robert- -

;i and Kamauoba. and the remainder bad been following theirlead. It the members bad books toread and study at home, theywould come to the next sessionmuch enlightened.

After further discussion betweenother members the resolution wasput and lost.

Speaker Naone explained that aresolution had been formerly pass-ed, allowing the members the loanof the books until the end of thesession of 1 S96,

At 11:30 the House adjourned to10 a. in. Thursday.

At 1:30 Minister King reportedapproved by the President: Landact, three appropriation acts, newtrials bond act, joint resolutionratifying the cable contract.

benate concurred in the Housejoint resolution to adjourn Thursday.

Senator Brown moved for a jointcommittee to notify' the Presideutthat tlie benate was ready to adjourn. Carried; and Senators Brownand Lyman named.

Circuit Court.After sitting two days in the

Maka vs. Pale, et al, replevin case,the jury brought in a verdict at5:17 o'clock yesterday evening of$15 damages for plaintiff. A mo-tion for a new trial was noted bydefendant.

A mixed jurv is today hearintrthe ejectment suit of Mele Uli, etal, vs. Thomas Emmsly todny. J,Kaulia tor plaiutill and 1,. Dickeyfor defendent.

Table Linen.

And don't you forget it. L. B.Kerr is making a specialty thisweek of bleached and unbleachedtable linens, towels, bedspreads,mosquito nets, diapers, plain andtwilled cottons, Hauuelettcs, llan- -

ucls, linen drills, glass cloths,art muslins and cretonnes. House-keepers embrace this opportunity.Chances like these do not occurevery day.

I'erej tlardlner,Percy Gardiner, who was form

erly in Honolulu, has been heardfrom. He went from here to Yoko-hama and after staying there sometime went to Australia. In Sydneyhe fell in witb a fair Colonialdamsel and It is reported that hemarried her. Mr. Gardiner left awife and child here.

Costly BlarrlnEv.The bridegroom in Mexico finda

marriage a very costly business.He is expected to buy the trous-seau, and he is fortunate if he cansatisfy the extravagance sanctionedby custom and prompted by ardentpassion. Young men from thecountry are said to be often seen inthe city of Mexico purchasing allsorts of finery for the ladies of theirchoice, and the spectacle they present as mey consult tlie measure-ments, which they carry with themfor all sorts of garments, is veryamusing,

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

Oold Medal-Midwi- nter Fair.





A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder, Fretfrom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs and tbeliomes, Dr. Price's CrestsBaktag Powder holds its supremacy.

40 Year the Standard.LEWIS I CO., Agents, Hcnolulu, II. I.

Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report




Strmirl fiaft In "sn lirIt I. Trowelled lly M taw


The water-fron- t hangers 011 m d

many others besides were iuna?.i.d

at the queer-lookin- g htrutt irewhich was moving on the Kay

VA'dnesday, says the S. 1'. C:ioi,-Mt- .

What to make of it 11 one

knew, for it was manifestly 1110V

ing in whatever direction the oneman aboard appeared to wish, andyet it had neither sails, steamengines, naphtha or gas engines, nor electric motor. ithad a rough superstruct-ure like a dredger, and the Irontpart of it kept bobbing up and downon the waves. What appearedmost strange was the perpetualturning of the paddle-wheel- s on theside of the thing, and the continualrevolving of certain wheels or shaltsfastened to the beams high abovethe deck.

Even the Merchants' Exchangeman on the extreme not Hi cudof the sea wall, who hoards' everyvessel that comes into harborand who is supposed to have seeneverything in the shape ofa boat that can be built, did notknow what the odd cralt was, butinclined to the opinion that it wassome sort of a mining engine 011 nscow. The longer tlie structuresailed around mysteriously in tliebay the bigger grew the crowd onthe adjacent wharves. Tlie inter-est did not svbside even when itwas learned that the object of allthe curiosity was the latest of mar-ine perpetual motion machines, a

wave motor designed to propelitself as a boat and to furnish pow-er for other machines when drawnup to wharves.

The builder of the wave motorand also the inventor is Paul Brcit-enstci-

static carpenter in tlieMacdonough Theater at Oakland.Breitcnsteiu spent $Goo and manymontus in constructing tue maciiinein Oakland creek, and brought itout to try it on the bay for the first

'time yesterday. It certainly propelled itself; what else it will doremains to be seen when the Har-bor Commissioners give Brcitcn-stei- n

permission to fasten his en-

gine at a wharf aud try it on somemachinery.

The wave motor has side wheelsand consists in reality of two

double-en- scows fas-

tened together bow and bow by ahinge. When the scows rock inthe waves the motion is communicated to a lever, which in turnmoves a fly wheel, completing the"motor.

The peculiar craft is forty-tw- o

feet over all, nine feet in beam,and rests on the top of thewater, drawing but sixteen inchesAs it moves constantly whenthe water, moves the inventorhad to rig up some machinery forchaining it down. Now, when hedesires to slop his boat, he shifts abelt to .1 loose pulley wheel andcasts nn anchor. I he attempt toturn llie wave motor to account 111

running machinery on the wharf isto be made at Powell-stree- t pier.

HlM.ltcil the lloiuU.

At the Executive Building thismorning, Col. Z. S. Spalding de-

posited the forfeit of Jfjs.ooo ofHawaiian bonds called for by hiscable contract. This deposit goesin as a government realization incase Col. Spalding fails to carryout his part of the agreement.

A CwllUlon.

Goo Kim, Chinese CommercialAgent, was a very vexed man today. He was 111 his store on Nuu-

anu street this morning and hiscarriage and horse was stationednear the sidewalk. Presently a buscame along. The front wheels es-

caped touching Mr. Goo Kim'sbuggy, but tlie hind wheelsdid not clear. Tlie vehicles collided and Goo Kim'soutfit was lifted up and turnedclean over on the sidewalk, thehorse falling too People rushedout and held the horse while thevehicle was turned back on itswheels. There was very littledamage to the carriage, but thehorse was badly cut by the stonecurbing.

A Salvation Army hall is beingbuilt at Hilo.

Joe, the man who otabbedmounted patrolman Moleuhaucr,was discharged toda'y, it being theopinion of the Court' thai the testi-mony does not warrant conimittaj.

II Co., N. G. II., had a bigevening and Capt.

Murray's men took to the newmanual like ducks to water, Theythink it a grand improvement overthe old system.

Jose dos Santos Coelho, the Portuguese who was found walking onPort street at 3 o'clock the othermorning, was committed to the insane asylum today on the evidenceof Doctors Brodle and l'.merson,

There will be cars leaving Independence Park after the dance thiscVefllnir for Nuuauu valley andKing street and Palama. The farewill be twenty cents.

Two Mongolians were arrestedtoday for ussaulling a native witha hatchet. The man's arms werecovered with bruises, but there wasnot a sign of blood . The pakes hadused the blunt of the instrument,fortunately for the assaulted.

Try tht

"Star" Eltctric Worksft


Hiu, Printing.


PURE1'itAisn Tim i:n(iini:i:ii.

Tim MoauatuaTnnntl Contractors Trtttlm Work.

Emtok Star: llie work onMoaualua tunnel now completed, isa great credit to the engineer Mr,M. S. Mousarrat, who surveyedthe course for the undersigned andwhich proved true to an inch

Tlie course was Aliamami (freshwater) to Aliapakal (salt water) Inthe district mentioned. On theAliapakal side 16 feet was cut be'fore a good face could be procuredfor the tunnel, the face beingii'A feet high. On the Aiinmauuside 170 feet had to be cut to ob-

tain n face, and for length 18 feetwas obtained. The total work donewas!

206 feet for first cutting.444 feet for Tunnel itself,

650 feet in all.The work was commenced

March, 18, 180s and completedAugust lo, 1805, which is 011 allsides considered a very favorablerecord. We, through the mediumof your journal, wish to convey anexpression ol thanks to Mr, Wonsarrat without whose good officesand guidance we could not havedone nearly so good and eflicientservice. Wikandhr & Co.


Flrrnctti of tlif rincrrs is all Indrz toMental llalsnrr.

Modi has bcrn written nbout Iboliayri. Artists Iiavo depicted its perfec-tion, physiognomists Iiavo InterpretedIts fcliapo nml oiprossion, clilrologistsMid tlio Kypy nuooiu Iiavo tried tojropliesy from its markings, lint nttiuly ut its peculi.iiilits by tlio Indue-tir-

method takes 0110 Into oiitiroly nowfields nml bhuws that to interpret tliollgtiific.mco ol tho baud one must starton (pilto now lines. Tlioro is somethingperhaps In tho fact tli.it tho nrtlstloliniid has somewhat tapering lingers,Lat leyouil this 0110 deals with uncer-tainties, and I recollect nn idiot yontbwhoso oxtromitics had tho coutoar of agenius or a Trilby.

If 0110 examines tho bauds of a largonumber of pcrsous with n ncrvons en-

dowment, ho will flutl curious dofocts intho length and relatiro proportions oltho fingers. Tho length of tlio linger Isiletcrnilnoil by that of tho tniddlo one.tf ti10 imlex n,i renins nro closed uponth0 mini, tho rlnu and littlo finirer bo- -

lux left extended, tlio mlddlo fingerwill reach close to tlio placo whoro thofcocallodllfo lino runs down, betweentho bail of tho thumb and that of thoUtile, linger. It will tench tho palm justbelow tlio highest part of tho boll of thothumb. Tho mlddlo finger is taken astho Mamlard of length by which togauge that of others. In n normal handtbo forefinger renchos just to tho root oftho middle finger, tho ring finger is lon-ger and should reach ueurly to tho middlo of the nail of tho nicdlns, whtlo tholittlo finger should reach to tho lastjoint of tho third linger. Now, in In-

ebriates, epileptics, neurotica nml thodegoucrntiro generally thoso proportionsnro often not observed Tlio most

isshurtness, especially of tbothird uml littlo fingem, though gouio-time-s

n diiipruportlouato length Decors.Houictliuos ttict.0 fingers nio uuuntural-l- y

or tbo littlo fluceris slightlybout. Tlio must eoniuion Abnormality oftlio tnuiun tj oxcehfclvosJioituupH, wltn ndefective mobility. These peculiarities,woll 'accentuated, front what va maycoll tho "decadent hand" tho handthat writes our sensuous novels, thoilunptuiami drama, pultits symbolic

ninl oxplolta' pure uIIioImii. Snchbands may bo well formed to tho ordi-nary ejo nuil may be attached to sleudorand graceful limbs, but this kind ofbunutiful hand nnd arm is found qnitoas often among tho childten of alcohol-ics and among thoso highly cnltlvatedfamilies which have becoma degonoratedby vlcios vices nnd viciouus crashing.Medical ltocord.


Tha Slow Old l'rorrsa lij Wlilrh tha FanrrKrig-- s Ars Ml.

Almost ever sinco tho first books weremudo tho fashion of inarblcizing thoedges of many of thorn has been Invogue. It used to lie, however, thatonlytho most cxiiensivo volumes thosebound in full calf aud elaborately lettered had their edges thus garnished,but now Kuch finishing Is left, for thomost part, for ledgers, daybooks audother blarilc books Intended for businessuse.

Though loug beforo gilt odgos worothought of tlio ornamenting of the plainwhito edges of books to imitato marblewas popular, tlioro has boon littlo or noehaugo in tho process bIiico itH first in-

troduction.It is generally supposed that all Ruch

dctnils iiavo camo under tho stamp oftho tiooLuiaker's art nntll thero Is noth-

ing left In them to remind ono of theirfirst and earliest days, hut uot withmarbling. As tlmohas gonoon thopop-nlarit-

of this method of embellishingpaper has grown less. Consequentlythero has been no need to duvleo moansby which it could be more speedily done.Thero havo been somo improvements intho original methods, but most book-

binders still stick lo tho old way asgood enough.

Instead of books whizzing throughmachinery one after another and takingon their marbled edges in soma mysteri-ous manner, ns might bo supposed, eachbook Is taken by hand separately andtho leaves dipped, tightly held together,Into tho liquid that marks their edgeswith tbo many colored littlo veins, be-

foro tho covers aro put ou.A trough nbout two inchos deep is

filled witli gum water, ou the surface ofwhich various colored pigments havebeen thrown and dlsposod In variousforms with n comb and coarse wire teeth.

The cans of liquid paint aro tangednlong tho sides of the trough, and fromthem tho paint is taken by dipping intothem loug, soft hairbrushes that aroheld over the water and allowed to drip.Ono color is put down tight over theother, aud tho wide, coarsa oomb drag-ged through them. The books are ex-

tremely dexterously dipped Into tho wa-

ter, nnd the colors adhering to theiredges are set by daahlug oold water overthem. Out ono of the three edges at atiinocau bo marblelzed and sot up onend to dry beforo tho book "can bo handled again for another dipping. Thustho variegated edges of books and marbled papers for the sides and covers ofthem are produced.

Tho process may Feem n littlo slow,but it answers all tho needs that thebookbinder finds for it, St. Louis Re-


What 1U Maant.Pat has ottered his schoolfellow a btt

from Lis apple and Is astonished at thelarge portion measured off by Mike's teth."Here, I say, hold on there, hold onl"(Then, correcting himself.) "When I say'bold on' I mean lei gov Newport newv

A ltaSnltlon.Utile Harry Pop, what Is a clnchfIlls Puttier A rlm-h-, my son, Is nn ar-

rangement of things which enables bookmakers to rul) In wealth, while the holderof the clnth wear v. Idskers on hlsiutlegs as long as tneouea on ins thln.DrooUrn Eaglo,


SKVKII.W, I'A KI.1M AT I'llK-N-HIM tl.l;UIMl Mi (:,

iMiif Mic!tr Vrr M nt llltoft lit on llmriill NotP if

tlm Front,

The Australia took 6000 bags ofsugar as part ol her cargo to SanFrancisco.

There were no vessels at Ililowhen the Claudine left. The AnnieJohnson was expected at any time.

The Castle and the Archer arenow busy discharging their cargoes,the former at the Oceanic wharfand the latter at the fishmarkctwharf,

1 lie s carco. bes ticssugar, consisted of 48 bags taro, 34bags com, no bans Potatoes.hides, it bales wool and o head nfcame.

The Mauna Ala finished dls- -

charging her coal at noon today.biie will take in 200 tons moreballast. Capt. Smith expects tosan ior rugct sound on Saturdayafternoon, where he will load lum-ber for Australia,

The Hawaii may be expected tomorrow or from ports onHawaii. She will probablv haveabout 2500 bags ol sugar from Honoma plantation and may also bung I

some KUktaiau sucar. She willbring a deck load of cattle.

The Onomca Stitrar Co. has finished grinding for the season. TheClaudine brought down the last ofthe sugar, amountum to n88 baps.She also brought two rollersIrom the same plantation, to be repaired at the Honolulu Iron Works.

The S. C. Allen hauled to theKinau wharf this mornine. Shereceived a part of the sugar broughtby the Claudine from Papaikou.The balance of lu.r sugar goes tow. u. Irwin s warehouse for ship-ment to New York.

The Claudine reports a continuance of tlie rains which were preva- -

icui on iiawau last weeK. unrriuay tast neavy suowers werefalling from Hilo to Kawaihae.Captain Cameron says the canealong the coast is looking splendid.lie never remembers seeing a betterprospect for a large crop.



For San Frnnci'co. tier SS Australia.ng 14 Paul Waterman. J W lierir- -

stroni, J Anker. J A Palmer and wlfn.Mrs K C (lOndhuo nod rlill.l Mi.o uIloimer, IS M Wnlsh. wlfn nml "children, .Mrs II II Itenton. J A Deal.more, Dan (1 Ileelie, II E Howard, wifeand rhll.l, C K Howe and wife, MrsIlruguiere, Miss Kellev, (J 11 McVny, JK Alexander. Col Z 8 Snnlilln.. n ifThurBlnn, J U Voostmnn, J M Scott, Jr,.ur a ii iiuiiuiey una uaugiiter, J rLvttOU. W J I.nwri... Mrs tinea,,,, at.. I

chil I, Mrs E Forsythe'.V llojer, II Hold,J M Chase, Judge Kelley nnd wife, MrJones, C L I Pokrnntz, wife and child.

..vjiiuius, iMirris, u u sillllli.


Wf.dnkspay, Aug 14Stmr James Makee, Peterson, forKapaa,H S Australia Uoudlctte, for Sun



NAVAL VKsnict.n.U S H Pennington, Thomas, Maro Island

smiCIIANTMK.(Coasters not included in this list.)

Hark H O Allen, Tliomisoii, H Klliuk Milium Ala, Neuiiutlo, N H WIlk , Martin, Hongkong-tie- r

l,k Martha blveriswlllktn H N Castlo, Hubbard. H Kllktn Archer, Calhoun, H K


MAIIl'KONA. onBchr fllendale, H F DueHckr Jennie Wand. 8 F Due

Sehr Anna, S F DueIlk Annie Johnson, S F Due

KAIIUI.UI.Ilk stmr Jiilien, Ami

MTtKlUN VKNSKLH F.M'hCTFI)Nktiifj Iinntor. Dow. lwt flu mi,),. n..Ilk AmlMUModur JackNunvillt) Duo

m.Hark Unyx. iNewaiKtle, $i S W DuoMurk Martha DmN, Han Franclscw Auir 10Ilk Aiiiv Tumor. Nwr W.rlr u,...t 1

Ship Muri , LIveriKKi Oct 2(Jeml. II UackfuM, New York Oct allr tk AMen drove Liverpool OctGor lk T G rUujjw, Hremeu ()ct hC D It rj ant, JiuvlrKcn, h F Autr!ur iwk city or At.lalcl. Xewcattt e Auic :llilttu H O iVililer, 8 F Au:M)


encore tlendo Ef ttttli lnn fyno work,llto win a ))ttl9 encore flenJe,

Willi vycs of heav'i.ly Muc,And toe break ujij ) e how he dldcle of

At mucho a bo coold doc.Ye audience wutth Impatient.

I tie ai a much tried audlonce.Who were com llr d toe waU

An hoar and a halfe lo miteYe Aende'e jwcullar taste. K.

F re'formen accede to re flende'e demandsEach piece npoa ye programme was

Hcpejitod once or moreIn amw cr toe ye callea of tltla

Enlhufelafttio bore,

Ye avenger ap.areth,lite waa a wllde. devpalrlng manna.

Who felt that he could bearThle aort of thing no more, and wht

Just Mil led It rlghte thayr.ft flendedroppeth.

He fell upon )e yoothful flenda.Then came a arena of Lloude.

Twaa quickly o'er, ye flendlet droppedWith a dull, alcknlng thudde.

Ye flende perUheth.And aahiac)eleU gently closed.

Never to open more.He feebly clapped hU lyttle baudaa

And railed for an eoooreT

Ya Judge derldeth la favour of ye defendant,lite waa a Judge of aanect aterna.

Ye case ho quickly tryed,And awne decided that ye crime

Waa fully Jutlf)od.Ya Cende realet h from Ida lalmrlou occupation n

And !tuv jo I'cudfet l)t beneatheA toiuhaioiw thatte and neate.

Ko it urn h'.l tlttp hit tlio handiaOr alatup Ma liny fwto.

Amualng Journal


Leanlu on the fenceChaltla with a neighbor,

Glvln reintoaenaeUn the rlghta o' labor;

8wappln off ol' Jokea,Alrlnwhat Islnua)

Itlppln up the folkiThat we think ag'ln nt.

Often It geta hot;Things are said that rile OA,

Then, aa like aa not.Tempo r'e apt to aplle ua.

Dnt thero'e no alarm,For a guard to ecreen ua

From the touch o harmla the fence atwetn ua.

Talklnover tuteaAnd the whtuie o thtnkera,

PMntln out tho moteaIn a nelghbor'a blinker,

leauln on the fence,That life, uiy brother,

Chunka o' common aenseTrad in with each other,

-- tv.nahtw'a Magazine.


Into the orld tmm far a war.Whom the ar la alwaya tunefl to .Mar,Anl the Ml ml tummta wrt aa lark aMt,A conjurer tamo uiua uli a tla.Many a ini.llo ijoll he knewWhere will, to turn gray aklfa to blue,To male dull houra vmw hrhflit aa flow era.And taaka that aru old turn light aa new.A Umvu of hU UstMilo wand, and loFroniti)Hty hiii.il fevt favora flow,And iU'Murta hlooni In lheaof liluotnWhew naught hut anrmw earned I o grow.Out ( the atormy iky ahoiHa Ulnga hlte Wat-e- . tlk a hat enly dor.Ilia might la aura, and 1.1 artAnd hla imnie tf Lu.es

--Julia M. U,jryDU ta iU I'i'blv

A ClifiiliCiltoi Arias. '

There was otio I'hlladolphlaii who notuniy invcuiwi nnusfor himself, but ucw...... rejiuuucan arms, niter discardingtho nucoslr.il arms of his family. Thiswas I'elir Brown, ut cue lliuo an mil- -

mm ciiin.il OI I'lllladoJlillIa.In 17IM William 1'rle.l, 011 L'nglMi

muslcluu, became nttuolied to the the-ater In Phllndelnhla In Ids .,rf..l,,.,.icapaoity. In 1803 Mr. Priest printed InLondon n book entitled "Priest's Travelsin mo united Btatos," which Is nowexceedingly rare, Tho froutlsploco to. is n strnugo and furious de-sign, entitled "Potcr Brown's Arms."In explanation of this frontispiece Mr.Priest says: "Peter Urowu, n blaok.anilth of this city, having made his for-tune set up his coach, but so far frombeing nshaiucd of tho means by whichho acquired his riches, ho caused a largeanvil to bo palntod 011 each .1.1a 1,1.carriage with two pairs of naked nrius (

" n ""King. Tho motto, 'By

What a lllrsilat- Is KducatloalThoso nro somo answers to examina-

tion questions given lit tin eighth gradoschool not a thousand tulles from Chi-cago:

"Liberia was established in 1833 as ncolony for aspirated negroes."

"Nluo-tentli- s of nil tho plants notfound In any other part of tho worldnro found hi Australia."

"Haloin Witchcraft t iilil,, t.iller nor a sailor, but ho discovcrodsumo cttlos." Ureat Divlda

....it- - n.! lr.,...nnn .1.. .ui.i.... -..u. .,..u, tun niliUWUIUSIBIi RIIUwho discovered lMganon, has completedtbo excavations uiiilertnken thrve vrarsago at Magurlcr in Asia Minor. The colliotlon. which Include, much fine sculplurtand Inscriptions, has Wu preneuitd to th"un inusoum,






s. a Alien


n.8. Asloun.


Tclt'phoiui ,

rss-- Ailvortl.UlllOlltMl


During my nbsenco on Knual nnvono desiring milk or wood, ran orders.imo by calling up Mr. SWilleffcr ntWalalao, lietween 0S10 p. in. and 8 p. in.Telephono fi07.

Paul n. isF.NnErta,JiMw

For Rent.OflicPfl. On Slllln r,r !.,.. I .1..

immlltl llnnr itf II.,, ........ 'occupied by the Dally ilulletln Company

Merchant street, nlso tlie large halltho second lloor of tho entile build- -

ing.Apply nt tlie nillco ol

Vt II llnvm nn t -72Mf

Mutuul Telephone Co.

The Annual Mwttnir nf it, t

T.?','"c!!iK Uwany will be held oniir.UMKNIIAY. Hentein her 4lli. at in.

Amendments will lm prmmiod loArticles B, 7, 9, 10, 1J, II) 21 and 21 olthe Ily Laws,J. F. IIKOWN,

Secretary.Honolulu, August 3, 1895.

Notice.Upon the arrival of tlm iirniriBM ..r

Wilder') Steamship Company, Ltd., noperson will las allowed to goaUiaril, untilthe p.iengers nro ashore, without afrom tlie nftlce; unless permis-sinnt- o

dn so be irriinte.1 hv tlm ntll..rtlio vessel.

C. L. WIOIIT,Frcfiidpnf U'. H H n. r .i"

of P. Mystic Lodge No. 2.

A Ilegular Convention of Mys-tic Ixh-- e No. 2 will l held thisWKDNHSDAY P.VKNlKti7:30 o'clock in theli hall on KingStreet. Work in lf.,L- -

Oahu and Sojourning brethren cordially

ily order C. C.F. V. WAI.linoM. l. n

WMt Actinir K. K. of S.

attention. Company A.

Armory Co. A, FirstIlegiinent, N. O, II.A Company Order No, 21,

Uvery member of this Com-maun is nereliy ordered tn

pnenr nt tlio .Drill hlitd THUltSDAYIV EN I NO, August IV mitt, nt . .nnchick, aneciai instruct Ions in new

manual.PAUL RSIITI1.

Capt. Cntuninndhig Co. A, 1st Hecl-- I

fin. n. (i. II. jai.at


Hawaiian Baseball Association.

On Saturday, August 17thAt 3:30 p. m.(



AttiillHMloii - ua Gesxtaa



Saturday and SundayTrains will leave Honolulu nt 9:1 a.

m. awl 1:15 p m. Keturnlng will ar-rive in Honolulu at 3:11 p. m, and Sp. in.

ROUND TRIP TICKETS!1st Class SI. 70ad Class t.ao

F. C. SMITH,Oen'l. Pass, and Ticket Agent


Dy Ustk Vtloclly,Carved Settees, Ifattan Lounges and

Chairs,Flower I'ot Stands, Inlaid Stools

marhlo top. Fine Matting,Camphor Trunks, Manila Cfgsrs,

. . . Tflrphtmt 2(A


OPENERSuits sold oneasy instdlments.

Bulls to or.li-- 111 01) Pants to order IS 0011 00 1 CO

niu 00

$30 suits for 50 00 4 2933 ' as oo 4 M

Full Drssi, e oo6 fiO

loonlsr 40 00I 00J 00

ThtM QooU are all AVtc.

Wo Ouirantee a Perfect Fit in EveryCase.

Medeiros $c Co.,MoiHiliitiit Tiillur.,

S. UKCKtH. Msniir,Arlington Hixck, Hotel Sthekt- -

Opioalte King Ilros.


Bcrclania and I'unchliowl,

OLD ARMOHY.hy, Grain,

Flour, 1'ottitoos Bed Rock

and .... Price.Guimrnl Mdsc.

Why.Do You Pay

ao tor40 per cent.more for your Groceries when you cansavo that much by navfnir cash atVOKI.l.KIl Cu.'g ? Evorvtlilnir frrah anilnothing but standard brands kept.

Uoati DeUverexl

VOELLER & CO.,Csas.li arooer.,

rt'Amsa Iluicsu T. oa

The most valuable collection of com-mendable principles culminated byscience and cxierience ever exhibitedIn this or any oilier country are to befound In the

RAMBLEREvery part of n Humbler Bicycle Is

manufactured by Gormully A Jeffrey attheir factory, Chicago, and aro notbought from different makers all overtho country who niako llleycle parts bytho thousands nnd sell Ihem by the Ion.

Intending purchasers will do well tothink cm r this nnd beware of tho freakbicycle with one maker's tires aud an-other maker's saddleand another's handdie bars and pedals, etc., and brand itslow grade in spito of the fact that thedealer is asking a high grade price for it.lieloro purchasing a wheel consult tlieexjierieiiccd riders of the different makesol wheels in town and get their opinion,they are tho ones that know a tiling ortwo about wheels.

ltambler Uicycles are all one qualityand all one price and tlie price is verylittle more than they nre asking forsecond grade wheels in town.

And nhen you lake into considerationthat you can Iiavo your ltambler tireslilted ith Puncture Proof Armor beforeleaving the shop without extra cost Itmeans a big saving in time, labor audmoney,

Each ltambler llleycle has a guaranteethat means Just what it s.lys and we arehero to back it up.

No troublo to show goods.



We beg to inform our photografic frienda,profeeaional and amateur that we have juatreceived a freah oupply of the celebrated


If you haven't tried it you are miaoinghalf the pleasure of the photografic art. Itia eaay to print, eaay to tone, always readyfor uae, keepa well and is auaoeptlble of almootany range of tonea.

"Nothing Succeeds Like Solio."To be had only of the


if :




Tlli:i, HUH ANI1 MOON,

Th. Tl.lf For MM.r. From V, Cowl

a.m, ti.tn.ttnn....rnM.... liw-l- l .:l o 91,11 iWrd .... u,li-a- i ji ....

rhnr.... HlM!ll-4- no (vsirrl- - .... 16 1. U.B, A 1.41 w l.w

.... U I.H is 6 iltt t--

Sun.... ,1 s-- is t.ji; mi 6 mi B.SIl

Lt quarter nf mimn, Ann. lalh, h 47 tn

""in. Whlrtt. !; t th.. 5m.. (. p.m. ofUi'mVlnlu tlnw. which l th Mm. aa 16.. Oin.,

fVi, nf (iwnwlrhtliim.for "rr 1" ot 'lltncn of Ilia Ob.

ir?fr (from the 1'iwtnm llmml allow on

woo'l fr tratiamlMhni ol aonncl.orn wnniltoautttlamll.


II r tiie llnTnriinnt Surr, lublUltilK.ry Mimilay.

ItlKtlM. IHKlt.

B in. sii.imIlH P 77 81 10 011 UM m ft ai j M o.im tut

Tnc. 6 'jy.m US O.OTi a

Wil 5 SOW iW.IW R.l O.ttl 67 8

Thn 81 CMM 69 4

rti. 910.01 fl.91 M ,0.(11 01 4

at IOiJO.WI30.Ul 81 '0 oo! 61 8

lUromcter corrpctwl for temieralure ftuilelrvntlon but not for latlmda.


aaA...ai.liM will lfA.vB for an.l arrive fromBm Krandwo on the following dates, ttU the

olov) of lV3 1


189B 189S.Onor About Onor About

1 Warrltnooo AugAUmp.u. Ann iiAi.n All ifAustralia.. ....AuirlNAuBtrallii...Ann 10I'Aklntt.... kArawa auhWarrltnoo. ...Atuf 24 MIam Auic illIarlpona auk a

a China ?V 2Australia.. septAustralia(Inpllo. '"'S $ Klo ue.lanelro..Septl

Miuwera- .- Svt M A lamla MArawa Wurrinioo Oct 2Anstralla. - : : OctAustralia-- ircizi VlHrlnota Oct 17OctAIW!lrll Mlonera.. ...NovWarrimi Oct 24 ...Nov 6(.'Ulna . Oct W Coptic...

Aia a. NOV 14Aiitral a ..Nov H Australia Nov aMariiosa. Warrlmoo ..1CCVllnimrii NOV 24

Lblnrr ..lfCPoptic... vvr AlamJa lo WAraa .leo UIW6Mionera....JanttarrlUKHj Dm 4

klna .Dec 28


TIME TABLEFrm init After June lit. "


1 3

s i s

U 3. 'it?a us. pesA.M. P.M. P.M.

:ir, 5:10II M 2 5:M

l 2.13 Ml10:54 .... 6:19


All itua.a JAA.M. P.M. P.M.

1:3J0.W9.48 2 38 4 2V

10.SU 3.11 4:M

A.M.tivtve llonolula. ..ii,tb ivrl ritr-.- iIa e " MI11...:10Arrite Walanae



Valasoe....(MlLve r.ua ,Mill..?:ia

tcarl Citr.-.T:'- 0

rrlve Honolulu. .8 21

OnSaturilay ami Sunday ntslita Ewa SIII1

I annenKer irain m arri.o m uuuuwib6:Nl lnalrail of 4.S.", p til,

FrelKht Tialns will carry Second-Clas- s Pass-enger accommodations.

a : dkmios, f. c. smith.Superintend nt. Oea. Pass. & Ikt. Aet.




The Bteatnahlp

ALTIYIORElearinir Portland, Or., for HonoluluSrptember let, will liave Lniuedlate Uis.

patch on or about

SEPTEMBER 9thfor the above porta,

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltfl.





S. S. AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. l' for S.Aug. U Aug. 14

Sent. 2 Kept. 7

Sept. SO... .uct,Oct. 21 Oct. 27

Nov. 15 Nov. 20


From Pan Francisco From Sydney forfor Sydney. San r rancisco,

- Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Maripoea..Aug. 20 Monowal.-.Au- 22

3lonowai..cept. - i AiaiHf"..."MAlame.la...Oct. 21 Maripo8a...Oct. 17

Oceanic Steamship Co

(AnstraUan Mall Service.

For Sydney anil AncUanA:

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"IIih Oceanic Steamahip Company willdue nt Honolulu irom rau crun

leco on or aboutAugust 20th,

An.l will lonep"fnr Ihenhove Dor.a wit!Mail and rassenKJre on or ubout thaidate.

For San Francisco:

l The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship"MONOWAI"

Of the Oceanic Stennikhip Company willilue at Honolulu Irom Myuney ano

A uckland on or aboutAugust 32d,

A will have uromnt despatch wltliM liUai.d I'assenuera for the above port.

The undersigned are now preparedto issue

TiuMEk Ticltets to all Points in the

United States,

For fur her naiinulara retardingWFreiRht orl'aafage, apply to

?Wm. G. Irwin fcCcL'd,

St Of


MEDICAL SCIENCElias grown npaco with tho Increas-

ing demnnds mado upon it and won-

ders nro now wrought that almostequal miracles of old. Asan eminentphysician Bald a now era of medi-cin- o

Is upon us : wo nro conqueringiliscasos which but a fow jears ago

wero considered incurable. Ono of

tho greatest modern achievements it


perfected and tasteless, of Cod LirorOil with Compound Syrup of s,

Extracts of Malt andWild Cherry liark. It acts on thoblood and nerves also the organsof excretion tho bowels, kidneys,lungs and skin, throwing off and expelling tho causes of dieoase such asFevers, Malaria, Bowel Complaints,Rheumatism, General Debility, &c.

Agrees with tho most sensitive anddelicate- stomach. Sold by


& Co; Houkon Dhvu Co.




or Honolulu.

J. A. MARTIN,Stab Agent, Utlo.

QEO. 110X8.Utah Agent Walluku and Lah&ino.




Fort St.


Fort St.. opposlto Club Stables.


Tel. SMX Cor. Alakea and Hotel Streets


Telephone 10. Pacific Hardware Co.



J. HOPP & CO.74 Klnu St.


CABTl.E : COOKE.Aetna, Alliance, Hew England Mutual


EMMELUTU & CO.,6 Nuuanu St.

MERCHANTS8. I. Shaw, Proprietor

H. Hackfeld & Go.

HAVE just received, perT. lutlc"and

per other late arrivals, themost complete stock of . .


Hardware,Ralls and Railway

Material.Crockery and Glassware.Bags and Bagging,




A new supply of thecelebrated


. . Also on handKONA COFFEE (Old and New)


All of which they offer to thetrade on the on the mostliberal terms.






MclNERNT block

is prepared to do all kinds of

artletio Book, Job uul News-

paper printing at fair priruw.



BooVb, Pamphlets, Legal Papers,

Hand Bills, Dodgers, Letter andBill Heads, Business and Visiting

Cards Ticket. Programs, etc. , .

--f 1 IT r--f


An Invention Tlmt lii.lmlly Junket TliemCalm n ft Milliliter Xjtlit

A Hnrtfurd in.in liollovcs ho liiw lionised n bit which will liintnutly stop tliomoat frnctlous nnil pcury horse tlmt everncqnlred tlio mean midlinMt of shy Iiir. An inncli il.inuigo hiuutiaoubtetllj' wxn tlono tho shierhy tlio runaway.

Tho inventor or tlio ilcvlro is Mr.Ucury Small. Tho Hartford Times

this so called "trolley hit" nndlta operation as follows

Properly "peaking, It Is not n "hit,"for It docs not ko Into tho liorso's monthat all, but is only n plmplo noso plecothat goes over tlio horno's upper Up, but


does not nocpsiarlly draw ou or vonscarcely touch it. nnloss tho driver hasit gentle ptill on it. Thou tt touches thoend of tho animal's noso or upper Hp,and that incro touch, which should notbo Incrcakcd much, does tho wholo busi-

ness.Mr. Small's contrivance consists of a

simple heatUtr.ip, properly braced nndcoining down between tlio hoiso'a eyesnnd nostrils, to its cud In thn shape oln sort of littlo nietalllo upper Hp. Thislatter pleco of metal, only about 2 inch-

es long and not half an inch wide, isliumorouily called n "trolley bit," Itscurving sido ends liko an ordinary bit,aro so devised that n very alight, gentlopull on tho reins bringitho"trollcy bit"against tho tip of tho liorso's nwo.

In completo absorption in tho studyof a uew experience tho horso may bodriven right up by tho Bido of n noisylocomotive, or n (joog banging trolleyC4ir, that presents to tho horse, under or-

dinary circumstances, tlio sinister aspectof moving, poilups ft living thing, go-

ing without any visible means of propulsion, and in his strict attention totho new sensation nt the tip of his noseho will tako no notico of tho car or oftho locomotive. Tho imccrcst thing ofnil is tlio fact that no amount of nso orfamiliarity with the noso .toucher arrangemeut seems to losoeu tho horse')interest in it.

Improved noneiihoe.Francis Trovilyau gives tlio following

technical description of n new shoo: Itis a horseshoe having a body of rolativo'ir soft metal (aluminium) nnd n wearlug strip of relatively hard metal (steel)carried by tlio eaid body, which stripwhen in position in tho shoo inclinesdownwardly nnd outwardly nnd ia cxposed nt tho bottom fuco of the shoe.where it constitutes tlio wearing portionthereof, whereby 'tho strain duo to thotoe of the shoo striking tho ground is ro-

celved in tho direction nf tho inclinationof tho said strip. Tlio steel strip in theshoo as completed will project aboutono sixty-fourt- of nu inch. This edgowill receivo tho concussion and transmitit to its upjier edgo, which, being ofgreater width, forms an alwolntely.un-breakabl- o

dovetail iu tho softer metal.FTom tho wide upper edgo tho strain isdistributed over tho aluminium body oftho shoe. The nail holes aro punchedthrough tho nluuiinitim body on thu inner sido of tho steel strip, so that thonails when in position strengthen theretention of this "wearing strip" Inplace iu tho body of tho shuo.

The LtiEcrr.Hero you liavo him in nil his glory,

and a mean enough louking beast ho is.These horses have been mado what theyare by bad education.

These rank pullerB can bo broken oftheir bad habits, eicn after theso areconfirmed. When yon buy a horso,though, don't tako one who pulls on thebits as in tlio picture with tho exiwcta


tlou that you cuu enre-hi- Got onothat U trained to bo mi easy puller. Tholainrar wca mado what ho is by laddrivers, who jerked and sawed at thobit till iu Jsheer bell defeiiho ho palledwith his mouth to get uwuy from tlioauuoynueo. If the reins uro pulledthrough the bit rings nnd buckled lltmlyto a ring iu n strap that goes around thoborbo a neck, tho driver will havepurchase ou tho lugger's lower jaw thatwill enable him to manage- tho animalwith ea.se.

Urn Stork 1'uint.An oxpeiioueeil tialuerhaya that ho

would breed only every other year i

trotting maro designed to produco speedyhorses. He thinks th.it to produco uthoroughly strong, livo trotter n mareshould bo required to tako euro of onlyouo foal nt ii time.

An experienced rape cult u rib t sayathat ho sown it broadcast at tho rate ofthreo pounds to the uere. Others usefour or flvo pouuds when it U sownbroadcast

One great ndyautago rape has overother groon feed In that insects do nutattack ft whilo it is growing, especiallyif sown a llttlu late.

Oals is tho bost all the yir roundfood for colts and horses tlmt aro to bevalued for their fipucd ouly.

There Is uo soil better for plantingrapo ou thou stubblo land. If tho groundis weedy, tho rape is best drillod in, sothat tho cultivator can be run betweenthe rows.

Tule of ft CometThe crew tt a man of war once saw a

comet and were pom ewhat surprised andalarmed nt its The handsmet and uunointed n committee to waiton the commander to ask his opinion ofIt. They approached mm and naidi

'Wewaut to ask your opinion, yourhonor."

"Well, my ImyB, what Is it nhoutf""We want to Inquire about that thing

op there.""Now, before I answer you, first let me

know what you think it Is.""Well, your honor, we have talked it

over, and we think tt is a btar sprung aleak." Ram's Horn.

a n Kdltor'a AiItIcvVoung Humorist (to the editor) Hava

fou looked over the comic sketches I leftwith your

Editor I have.Y. II. They ain't as trood aslmhzhi

do If I badn't so many other Irons In tbtere.

Editor (handing back the manuscript)Here they are, and I advise youY. H WhatrEditor lut them with ths ctbtr bootTammany Ttmta,


Every Woman Living;I'oxltWflr i iM1N FOOD tillprevint Wrltiklfn,wttherlnf. drylnir,tifrelnit of th Mklnuul Fuel a I HlfinliliN. The originalSkin Food TlMtieBuilder,LOLA MONTkZ

CRkMBTo stttl tho W..ou win ie

mid tlellirttl'trtrjMtlowrl hI Mlien ou iry

TUIUiKj luxury In vwtt r- -

t'cl exeep I price, A 7 cenl iit laotn tlirrem on t tin. IHi you Uui or buruf

Mn, lUrrlion'iPACK BLEACH

cutrn the wont rnw or KHTkcl, Hunliurn,ShIIowiipm. Alotlm, l'lntpun nnd ail humlllpmlfthefl, I'rlt-- fi.W). llann)eri amicilVctlve,

SfJi0Mt kAir ftrmawntty rtmovta,lw itfr(n1 Nilvufi aihI tMKk on brantr.

tlro.n.l.ltTKn MKH. NhTTlK IIAHKIHUN.Itwiuy ihicior anry v. haii rraiiciwu.

For dulehv 1IOI.L1HTKU DU1KI CO.,VlJ Fort M., Ilonnlulu. MLtr


Ttielr ltullar Heller Aliont Ilelofrtilion nnd Future Ktlitence.

The Alaska Indians believe In ret nearnation, the person at each iucceeding birthbelnK of tho same mx and retaining thename peculiar phi Meal clmrnct eristics. Itla afllrmed that llarsha, a gn at chief of theWrangels who diet! nonje w) years ago amiat who! death 30 slaves were sacrificed,has since been reincamatetl five times, nndat each birth he lias been recognired by themark of a stab or a tut In the right groin.At one time, during one of these later Intarnations, while yet a lad, In order to

his memory of a previous existence,Iirove

i friends to a cave and found forthem certain articles of clothing hiddenthere nnd which had belouued to llarsha.These he identified and separated from theciotlmitf ltclonuimc to otbers.

Sakunda has been reincarnated threetimes and recognized by a peculiar lock olgray hair. The Auk chief, alwaysclaimed that he had lived once beiore onthis earth. A legend is told of a Chi lea tIndian who wan shot, and his iKHlylnyallday upon the ground, and at night his spiritreturned, took iKMtHfKslon ot It and continued Its earth life for several years. He wildthat he did not feel freed from the earth,though he ascended uiwn the ladder to thehigh heaven, but all the time there was alonging to return, and he looked downthrough the owning and saw fur beneathhim the earth, with its tall trees like komany needles sticking up. lie was afraidto Jump, but the longing to return was so(men-1- ! that he summoned all his courageand leaped to the earth, when he landed ona bed of soft moH near where his body waslying. Hecrtpt back Into It and awokeagain to earth life.

Alinont countless are the tales tho Indians will tell yon of the llfo beyond, ofthe meages which have come back tothem, of the visits they have made there indreams, and though often their stories arecontradictory In details yet through themall there Is a 11 rm bt'Ikl in future exihteuceInto which they pass with all life's experi-ence, an immortal life whose Joys and Bor-

rows are the result of the remcmbiance orfriends. Juneau (Alaska)

Journal.The riebpocket's Itat.

On his way to one of the .stations atUuda-I'est- a Trench gentleman recentlywent Into a hatter's nhop and bought andput ou a hat which had attracted htm byIts somewhat unusual color and Bhae.When he had beeii walking up and downthe station some few minutes he was aston-ished to find in one of his overcoat iocketin purse full of money nnd In the other agold watch, lie went at once to the stationmaster and found him listening to the com-plaints of a couutrymau who had Just losthis purse.

The purse was the one which the Frenchman was returning, but when it had beenlost it had contained only 10 shillings.Now It held nearly as many pounds. Themystery was soon explained. A policemancame to the station master to report the arrest of h pickpocket. He was immediatelybrought in and confessed the theft nf thepurse, Into which he had put the proceedsof previous robberies and of the watch.He had 'pased" them into the French-man's pockets 1hcjiuso of his hat. He ex-

plained that hats of that peculiar pattern,which are made only by one firm, aro thebadire of n laruu international ganu of Dick- -pockets, nnd so he had taken the French-man for h confederate.

The hatter bore out the statement, saving that- he had recently sent a large con-signment of hats of that kind abroad, Ui aplace which the pickpocket-named- Buthe was able to prove that he had no complicity In the base uses fur which his wareswero intended. tondon ualiy .News,

How to Teat Oil.Petroleum is nqw much used for cooking

and heating purposes. There aro cheapollswhich are dear at any price. The principaldanger lies in the impurity of .the oil, andcheap oils are neer pure. Dr. Hagumanhas bein lecturing In IMitladelphla on thesubject of safe and unsafe oils and assuresus that in order to be safe an oil shouldhave a Mash t of at leat 130 degrees. ItIs well that householders should know howto ascertain w hat the flash test of any givenoil is before ulng it. The method is simplicity Itself. Take any Kuiall vessel or Dimthat can Btnnd heat and half All it with tinesand. On this pour some of the oil to betested nnd place In the mixturenthermom-cter- .

Now put it on the kitchen range sothat the heat muy gradually rise and watchthe thermometer. 1 luld at the same time avery thin lighted taper over It. When thethermometer has risen sufficiently, the va-por will ignite. The temperature Is theflash point. By the way, servants ought tobe warned against the practice of tilling alamp quite full. l'utourg IJIspatcu


Tlio Ulan Who Like a Jolte Makea Koun4of tlio City1 llarber Shop.

He entered a barber shop onGrinwoldstreet and removed coat, vest, necktie, collar and cuffs and took a chair. The barbelwet a sponge and dabbed it on his face andJoyously remarked:

r'Well, It'H got here at last that hoiwave!"

The man got up, slipped out of the chaiiand replaced everything he had taken off.The whole shop force was look lug at himas he calmly handed out 15 cents and tookhis departure. He went north on Griawoldstreet until he struck another shop. Thenwas a chair waltinu for him. and he removn the same articles of dress ns before andsat down.

"Have a hair cut flrstf" queried the barber as ho ran his paw over the stranger1nead.

"No.""All right. Did you notice thethermom

eter over on tho avenuef "The stranger slid out of tho chair and re

aunu'd liU coat, vent, collar, tie and cuffand laid 15 cents on the showcase andwalked out. The liarber trld to ask for onexplanation, but ho was a stutterer andcould only get as far a:

Tho man walked up the street until hestruck another shop.

"Just In time, sir," said one of the barbers, who had been waiting 40 minutes foia customer.

The stranger looked at him Iu a thought.ful way for halt a minute, and then pro-ceeded to reel off according toHe had Just got seated when the barberceased washing out his lather brush tcsay:

"If this thing keeps on she'll reach Waegrees uy so clock--"

The man got up, threw the apron asideaud was putting on collar when thebarber inquired:

"Anything the matter, tlrt""I I am coldl' replied the man as V

smvered."Coldl Why, do you know that It Is W

aegrees in the shade f""Well, I'm cold. Can't you start a fire

in nerer""Afirel Great lauds!""Isn't there a shop in Detroit where they

have a fire this time of yearf ""No, sir. Why, It's one of the hottesi

nays oi the summer!""Ugh whewl" shlve.ed the man as be

hurried to finish dressing. "You ought tohave a fire such a day as this. J caughtpneumonia In a barber shop in this townonce, and I don't want to repeat It. Here'syour 15 cents. I'll wait till I get backcome to be shaved."

llvel" asked the barber,

"In Kansas.""And how hot la It out there Just nowr""About SOS degrees In the shade. Just

comfortable enough to have you coat andvest off. Ughl Hope I haven't taken mydeath of cold in here, but I feelchlllv allover. You might keep jugs of hot wateror hot bricks to makea man comfortablerveu (f you have po coal for the stove.

Good dayl" petrolt Free preea

Dr. "ayj that pressing nthe neighborhood of t'e ear, especially U)the front of the right fi4, will atop a fit ofcoughing.


IltltmATOU,inveftipate tliln lvnture nrern I 3

DlHTUlHUTOn,Cheap. Simple.

BALLAt A.IC1CM - - - -






of run REPUBLICth,


Executive Council.tn

. H. Pole, Presl(nt ot the Itepnbllc ol

Hawaii.F. M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign Affairs.J, A. King, Minister of thn Interior4. M, Duiuon, Minister of Finance.V, O.Sinlih. Altornev-Ueiierti- l.

Corscuor State.

Charles M. Cooke, John ott,J. P. VtiidoDca, T. It, Murray, ItJoseph Kawatiml, J. A Kennedy,Cecil Drown, W. O. Wllile,P. ('. June, C. Holle,M. e. KoM son, 1. 1.. Naoiie,John Kna, A. tt. M. Huberts

tleortce W. Hmlth. ho

vkkmk Court.

Hon. A. F. J add. Chief Justice.Hon. It. K. Itlckerttm, First Associate JusticeHon. W. K. Frear, Second Associate JusticeHenry HiPlth, Chief Clerk.George Lucas, Firot Ieputv Clerk.C. F. Peterson, Hocond Deputv Clerk.3. Walter Jonet, Stenographer.

CtncuiT Judges.

First Circuit: U.K. Cooper, W. A. WhltlmOahu.

tWoml Circuit : Mam, .1 W, Katun,Third and FourthClrcults: Hawaii S.L.Aust u.Fifth Circuit: Kauai, J. Hard v.

Olllces and Ourl-r- o jm In JudlclarjHulldinir, King Htreet. Sitting In HonoluluFirst Monday In February, May, August andNovember

Department or Foueion ArrAitta.

Ufllce In Kzecutne Uutldtng, King HtreetFrancis M, Hatch, Minister of Foreign Affairsleo. C. Potter, hecretary.A. HI. M. Mackintosh, Clerk.Ii. L. Marx.Henottrapher Executive CouncilJ. V, (lirvln, Secretary Chinese Bureau,

Department or the Interior.OrtUe In Kxecullve Building, King BleeiJ. A. Ktni;, Minister of the Interior.Chief Clerk, John A. Hasslnger.Assistant Clerks. James II. Boyd, H. C,

Me) era, Uua Hone, Stephen Maba-ulu-

Ueurge C. Uotm,Kdward8. llojd.

On i Era or 1!urea?s, Department oiInterior.

hurvH)or-Uenera- l, W. D. Alexander.Supt. Public Works, W. E. Howell.Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.Inspector Electric Lights, John Cassldy.Hett tstrar of Conveyances, T. O. Thrum.Deputy Heglttrar of Convej ances, H. W,

AndrewsRoad Giipervlsor, Honolulu. W. II. Cum- -

mlugs.Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. H. Hunt.Bupt. Insane Asylum. Dr. Geo. Herbert,

Bureau or agriculture.

President J. A. King, Ministerof the Interior,

Members: W. O. Irwla A.Jaeger, A, Herbert and Jobn Ena.

Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officii

Secretary of the Board; Jcweph Marsden,

Department or Finance.

Minister of Finance, H. M. Damon,Auditor-Genera- l, 11. Lbwb.Itegtstrar of Accounts, W. O. Ashley.Collector-Gtner- of Customs, J. 13. Castle,Tax Aisessor, Oahu, Jonathan Hhaw,

Deputy Assessor, W. C. Weedon.PoutniMler-Genera- l, J. M. Uat.

Customs Bureau,

Office, Custom House, Esplanade, Fort St.Collector-Genera- l, J. B. Castle.

F, B. M (.blocker.

Harbor Master, Captain A. Fuller.Port Surve) or, M. N. haulers,btorekeeper, Geo. C. titrateuieyer.

Department or Attorm-v-Oehera-

Ufflce In Executive Building, King 8LAltorndy-Genera- l, W. O.Hmlth.Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, A. U. M. Itobert-

son.Clerk, J. M. Kea.MarshaL E, G. Hitchcock.Clerk to Marshal, H. M. Duw.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.

Jailor Oahu Prison. James A. Low,

Prison Physician, Dr. N. B. Emerson

Board or He Ami.

Office in grounds of Judiciary Buildingcomer of Milium! and Queen btreets.

Members: Dr. Pay, Dr. Wood, Dr, AndrewsJ. T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Ena,TheodortF. Lansing and Attorney-Gener- Umlth.

President, Hon, W. O. Smith.Secretary, Cbai. Wilcox,

tikocutlve Officer, C.B. Hejnolda.We-n-t Board ot Health, J. D. McVeUh..nn pec tor and Manager of Garbage Service.

L. L. La Pierre,Inspector, Dr. Wm. MontarratPort .Musician, Dr. F. It. Day,Dispensary, Dr. Henry W, Howard,t pr Huttlement, Dr. It. K. Oliver.


Office, Department of Interior, Judlciar)Building, King Htreet,

President. J.A.King.Members of the Board of Immigration

J. B. Atherton, Jas. A. Kennedy, JosephMarsden, James G. Spancer, J. Carden,

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Board or Education.Office, Judiciary Building. King Btre

President, W, it. Castle,Clerk, J. F, Hcott.Inspector of Schools, A, T Atkinson.

Boarp jo Cfcmn ljtM frvnimnH,J. K. King, Minister of the Interior; W. O

Smith, Attnrney-itener- and a P. IaukeOffice !n Judiciary Building.

Labor Commission.

W, N. rmstrong Chairman.J. Emineluth, T. B. Murray,J, M. Vvm, II. W. Peverance,

DrC. T, Hodgers, SecreUry.

District Court.Police Station Building, Merchant Street.Antonio Perry, Magistrate.James Thompson, Clerk,

POBTOrnci Bcreau.Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat.SecreUrr,W. O.Atwater.Sup't PoaUl Havings Bank, H. C. Johnson,Money Order Department, F, B, OaUGeneral Delirery, L. T, Kenake.Hatflstry Department, Q. L. Desha,Clerks: J. D.Holt, R, A. Dexter, B.L. Kekn-man-

C. J. Uolt, J. UwaL Henry EalaChai. Katuol, Naritft J. T( ingiurwia


LAWN BPIUNKLER,Kenroducintf nn Anrll Rhower

AiVrnmnpnt nr Poiinliln.




r.ftc, of Mini M'hlch tli. ltnlilnt ofnrookljn Tot. on Willi til. SnniUrCloth.. Greatly Disturbed by tit. StrangeYoung Man1. Action.

Tlioro was an odd littlo episode iu nBrooklyn trolley car of the Flatbush line

n recent Sunday afternoon, whichgate rise to an amusing comedy of condiet between tho natural curiosity of

human nature and tho civilized obligation to restrain it.

Tho Flatbush and Flatlands Hue runssway out into the region of corufiulds.truck farms and forests, lately gatheredInto Tlrooklyu's municipal area. Whenthe i.--.r started from tho end of tho route

hr.i! .".board one passongor, a pleasantfaced ynuu mau who carried a largeleather bumllng Ho was woll dressed,but his clilhiH wero covored Willi tmHand his shoes with mud, suRPcfitiug tliat

had been roaming ncron lots in thernral wards A the car approached andpassed Prospect park it filled up withSunday stroller

Tho young man sat besiue tue stove,with his bag on his knees. After awhilehe npoiieil the bag n trine, shook Itgently mid ppered attentively inside.Then he put his hand In and seomcd tobo gently ttlrrlng up its rontcut.i. Thepassengers silting diroctly opposite tohim becamo interested in his doings,but ho didn't l.iok up. After shakingthe bag from side tu side for a littlewhilo he bent over auu Leramo interested iu some mystorlous bublaois whichfor tho rest ot tho trip absorbod his en-

tire attention and also that of his fellowpassengers.

Ho reached down Into tno bag wttnhis right hand, lifted out somethingcarefully in tho hollow of his palm,weighed it carefully, bold it to his ear,shook it, held it to his ear again andthen decisively Touched around and putit Into his overcoat pocket Then hereached into tho bag again and wentthrough tho Bamo motions exoept thatthis tlmo ho placed tho something care-fully In one corner of the bag. First onoand then nuothor of the passongers

interested In tho young man andhis performnnco until very soon everyone was peering closely, souio almostpainfully, over at him aud his bag. Duthe never looked up. By and by the con-

ductor camo in and walked nervouslythe length of the car sovcral ttruos, poor- -

ing into tho young man's bag as hepassed. But tho bag was open only atrifle, and ho could sco nothing of itscontents. He went outsido and discussedtho matter with a man who stood onthe platform.

Tho youug man, tntonsoly absorbodIn nls perlormanooa ami soomlugly altogothcr oblivious of tho intonse inter'est of the other passengers In hlin, keptsteadily on, lifting out invlsiblo somo-things, weighing them, listening tothem, shaking them and sorting thornover. Once in awhile he lifted out bitsof twigs aud leaves and threw them ontho floor. The passengers oyod themover attentively, but could make noth'ing out of thum. Soon tbey began whisporing ono to another about tho myste-riouB doiugs of tho young man, and thewomen moved nervously around, andone or two men lookod as though theywere determined to ask tho young manfor an explanation if ho lookod up. Buthe didn't look up. Unco In awhilepassonger got out and tried hard to peerInto tho bag as he passed it, but uselessly. The situation was painful and wasalso intensely comical to ono passengerwho was almost as much interested inwatching the ill concealed curiosity andstrained uervousuoss of the passengers usin tryiug to fathom the mystery of theyoung man's performance Probably ifit bad been any other day than Sundaysome one would liavo plucked up courage to ask a simple nlthoughinaybo Im-pertlneut question aud so reliovo thegeneral strain. But the restraint imposed by Sunday clothes held every onebaalc

Finally when tho oar was enteringFulton street, the youug mau suddenlylookod out of tho wludow, closed thebag with a nap and hurried out of theoar. There was a movement on tho partof the other passengers, partly of alarmat the oscapo of the youug man withthe mystery unsolved and partly perhapsof rollef at tho end of tho suspense. Oneman mado a quick jump after the mys-

terious young man and caught bim fora few seoouds as ho was about to leavethe oar.

"What've y' got? Whatchor doing?he asked, regardless of all proprieties.

The young mau looked surprised andthen smiled and said:

"Ob, coeoous, chrysalides, moths, youknow. I've been gathering them out Inthe country, and I soil tbem to the uaturallsts." Then ho jumped off the car.

The impulsivo, inquisitive man re-

turned to bis seat, and the remainingpassengers were eagerly waiting forhim. He explained that the young manwas a naturalist or naturalist's collector.He evidently mado a business of goingaround the country bunting over thefences and bushes for the chrysalides, orpupae, ot moths and butterflies. Someot these are attached to fenoo pickets,but perbaps the greater number arefound on leavo or twig. They look likeballs of silk usually, but often are covered with dust, dead leaves and such matter. The oollector simply gathered everything Into his bag and then sortedthem out later, Some of the cocoons ar.empty, and these he could tell sometlm.es by their light weight, but morecertainly by shaking thorn. The pupaIs usually loose and rattles inside theoocoaa. The empty shells he put intobis coat pocket, the live pupaj be sortedout according to size or perhaps by pe-

ouliarittos which distinguished theircharacter.

It seemed a ourlous business, but yetIt wasn't quite so odd as the comicalperpjexity in which It kept about a soonor Urooklynltes. New York Han.

Adv.rtUlng That Fald.Jt has been asked, "Does advertising

My!" A German Journal, the Maimernacriricuten, replies to this question bygiving the followlmi fact, the authenticity ot which It guarantees: A person adver-tised that he would pay 5 marks to theseuder of the largest potato. In less thanIS days the clever advertiser found himselfIn poeseealon of as ruanv sacks full of th.Very finest potatoes.whlcb, after paying th,i marks promised for the largest example,uugut u, rwKouea a very prontau. IIM,elation.

lordan Water In Bottles.A firm la Palestine Is engaged in suduIt- -

lng water from the Itiver Jordan tochurches. It Is put up lu sealed pottle.ana ,oia, py tue cm.

Pwche. CUetper Then Petalow,Peaches were cheaner than rjotatoea In

BirlUerland this summer, and prunes nnkwi m awl at e cats per iw.


COMPANYDee to Inform the public of

Honolulu Ami th nllipr lalamla Hint ncomplete line of their famous and

popular . , . , .


Imvfl lieen Introilured Into this marketanil are now to lw frtund ou sale at theurooery stores or II . E. MciNTYRK A Cho.,C. IIustacr anil IIenhv luvis&Co.,where their elegnnt dinplajr cabinets canho peon. Tim Viitun rlvpn fur nricpsciiared lias nerer been emialed in tillsmarket by any oilier Soali inmiany.



Also White and Mack Sandwhich we will sell at the very low

est market rates.

tW Telephone No. 414, J3

Oh, I Say!have tou heard of the new firm at the corn' IOf Kfne and Alakea atrnntji. whom vnti mibuy or noil anything from a cambric nemlli

io a saw nun.

New and Scconi-liai- ifl FornitortAll ktniN of Bernini hnnd Imtikii

I tough t and old. All Mini ofnntr&cttaken for(

PaintiDE and TJpholsterinu.We aro fully i.reiwiral to mntrnrt foi

any hIrM job of ptiintlnK and reitairtng,




Commission Mirchanfs

nrlllc Mnll S. S. Co.Agents' Occiiloii till & Orlin

till S. S. Co.




Popular Brands of Straight Goois


Try the Great Appetizer, "THED11UWN1E" UUUK.TA11., a Bpeclaltjwun mis resort.




Canij Factor. Cain Baler.



ISLAND CURIOS.Our Betabllibment It the Flnekt Keeorttnthi

City. Cell end ice ue. Open till II p. tn,

CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kino Stkkbt,

lletween Fort and Alakea Bts.


Groceries and Provisions.

Freah California Roll Butter and lilanrButter always on hand.

Fresh Goods received by every SteameiJrom Ctan franctsco.

W Ratirfactioh Goarantcid. JfZ

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS!I8 Fort Street.

Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 47.

JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

Special attention given to thehandling of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds,



STEAM COCKS, and all other fitting)for pipe on hand.

Honolulu Meant Rice Mill.

freah milled Klce omJe la Qua.nllt.ei. to sail

J. A. HOPPER. Prop'r.iVtrt Pttwt. Rnnolnla.

torr. LiwiK. C. Me COOKB. P.J. IOWBIV

LEWERS & COOKE,Lumber, Builders' Hardware,





Castle k Cooke, Ltd


General Merchandise


THIS PAPER on fileAavT'tuinjt

at K.O

Ancr.Maodtt Merchant Xxchanc. UaTrancvoo, Cal, wher confracU lor un

WILDER & f.O(Kitibllihed la till.

Eitite S. C, WILDER C

tun mat, and DtALiit m

Lumber and Coal

Building. MaterialsSUCH A3


Builders' Hardware,Paints, Oils, Glass.


Cor. Fori and Queen Streets


Removed to Store next GoldenRule Daraar.

YOURWATCHwill be made to keep excellent

time il left



FARRER & CO,the well known and reliable

Watch Makers.

If satisfaction is not given, yourmoney will be returned in lull.Island orders will receiveprompt attention. S17 6m



Importers and dealers in all kinds nfProvisions, Merchandise, Cigars, Etc.


Near King Street.Clotlitng, Matting, CamphorTrunks, Valises, Hats and GentsFurnishing Goods


QROCEIUES - AND - PROVISIONS,Fork. lUce. Bran andGeneral Merchandise.

Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu Ste. Honolulu. II. I,

CHINESE PROVISION STOREBrick Building ....Cor. Hotel and Smith Sts,

Kl CHONC, Proprietor.Rice, Tea and General Merchandise.


Gvut,a Purnlakloir Quods.Chtnewj Bilk, AiaUIih

Camphor Trunks.No, 43 NUUANU STREET,

i'.O. Ilox 114.

Yee On Co.,Watchmakers and Manufacturing

J15WBLLEHM,Repairing of Watches and Jewelry Cheap.

Importers of Watches and Clocks,317 NUUANU STREET. P. O. Box 143

- w- -.. ii aiciHose, and Lawn Sprinklers,

HIOH A CO.Office and Mill on

TUKNIID ANDPrnmnt to all orders

Mot, 480


Highest CaskPrlcc Paid for .Sdworrier


XV. W. A1IANA,333 Nuuanu St. Tolophone OOC.

Fine soilings, Scotch and

American Goods.


GOO K: t tvt.7411 Nuuanu HmruT.

Importer nnd Doalcr Drygood.and Fancy Goods.

Merchant Tailoring,KIT nOAItANTKKl).


Tel phonic G43. : s.

! ! ooo iciivt.

Orient Planing Mill,VINO FAT & CO.,

CONTRACTORS & GUILDERSKurnlliire of nil Ittn.ls mpdo al.il ripeln-d- .

HulldlnK hcn.tr. and ninklDH rlre rallla aeiHHiAlltr.

I'. ). Hoi 192. for. KIN'O amlllETllRLHu


Oenprcd Merolinndlaei(Iniirrii"', China ami Japnn Teas,

M:iltlni, China Hllk, Htc.

TelpphnnpNo. 4W. !i 417 HOTEL St.

mm mow chin,ImMitcrn H..d (iMiilrs!on Mfrcliant

1 hLianml Jntan Too,Aim la (JiKnru, Hilkt,JMatlinff, Oririoatil1'ruvinUiiiK, , , .

64 Kin- - Htri-L-t- . Telephone 78.

TAI WO WING KEE CO.- No. 80S Nuoaku Ht.


Hoot nnd Shots Jllade to Order.V. O. Box 1117. . . .We Use the Bwt Material and Warrant it to

near IV ell.

BOO YINC LUNG,Importer of

Silk UooiU, Fine Teas. Manila Ciaar$.. Matting, Kut Oitaml General

Merchandise,Np. 204 Maunakea Street, Honolulu, IL L


Importers and deal urn tn OeneralMerchandise.

Wholesale Wine and Spirit MerchantsCor. Kino nnd Maunakea Htmcets.


AVholesale Dealers In

Liquors and Manila Cigars, Encliah andAmerican Groceries.

02 Hot4l Rtiwt. TMUtilinnti 147.

L. AHLO,Dry Goods, Hoot,- Miocs, VAv.

Oeneral lllpe AcenL fur Ilie I nllnwlnff nlitn'tatlons onOtliii:VAlMln, WalAtta,VaIuialu,Kanenhe, WhIkIua.

Aaaoolio Klce Mill beet rice for sale..Mark A. U

No. 408 Nuuanu St Cor, Chaplain St.I, o. Box m.


Crockery, Hardware, Cigars, Etc.

3J1 Nuuanu St.,1". O. Box 185


and dealers InCKOCKEKY, (5LA83WAU E, Eto

Water Plnei, laid and Iteralred.and iluniblng neatly executed . . .

No. 41 Nuuanu stkeet.


Flno Printing

Try tho Star

Electric Works.


WvougiLt Steel Ranges, ChilledIron Cooking Stores.HOTJSEKEEPINQ GOODS:

.ASate V ure (White, Gray and Nickel-plated- , Pumpsur Knit Mtm.. Hr- -l . i r , . ... . wiuscib, una Kubcer ..,J2HBath Tubs wi Steel Sink.,

J "u"t,a onec- - iron Copper, Z ncand Lead, Lean fipe and Pipe Fittings.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,'DIMOttD BLOCK. . 75-- 97 KING STREET



near Queen Btreet, Honolulu,- - U. I. , , ,



P. O.



'AUlrc m.i 1.

AVKD WORK.Telephones; Mutual, M: ITell. 488.

Mutual Tel. 245

To be"the lowest

ftf Furniture at tbe 1 1 lNuuanu and" Kln at,..


Priced Store on the Islands to buy NKW and

First - Class ?, Second - Hand - Furnitureuooa ana mean, at frices to suit the hardtimes JPV and Sold Cheap for Cash, , .

' '



