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The Healing Energies of Citrus Re Thinking Comfort Food · 2017-12-19 · The Healing Energies of...

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The Healing Energies of Citrus: Re-Thinking Comfort Food Six, or so, years ago I received a message from my Angelic guide, sharing the following: “Humanity does not yet fully understand the full potential and healing properties that citrus fruits hold for them.” At that time, I was also “told” that Archangel Michael’s favorite essential oil was orange oil. I asked a few more questions about citrus oils, specifically orange oil, received that citrus vibrates at a very high frequency and helps to clear the crown chakra. For the most part, I didn’t ask any more questions about citrus. More recently, during a Reiki session, information came flooding through specific, clear, and enlightening. I was told to write this information down to share with others. 1 This article is written with one of my beautiful Third Heaven Teachers who wishes not to be publicly identified at this time. ____________________________________________________________________________ YOU ARE WHAT YOU VIBRATE Citrus, all parts of the fruit body, vibrates at a very high frequency and lifts the human energetic body along with it. This is known as entrainment, a form of sympathetic vibration and is an example of the Law of Vibration—Like vibrates like: Our vibrational frequency matches that which is around it. Food is both an external and internal stimuli. THE FRUIT BODY The outermost layer of the fruit body contains its essential oils and phyto-chemicals, which protect and keep the entire fruit body healthy. For Humans, as you hold citrus, peel them, inhale their fragrance, you absorb their vibrational essence. You match their high vibration and vibrate higher, yourself. This is why citrus helps to open and clear the Crown chakra – it is that high of a frequency which resonates with the crown. 1 This information is intended for your metaphysical, spiritual, and physical consideration only. There are no prescriptions or medical directives here. Your own guidance must prevail. It is entirely your responsibility to consult with your physician before changing your diet in any way.
Page 1: The Healing Energies of Citrus Re Thinking Comfort Food · 2017-12-19 · The Healing Energies of Citrus: Re-Thinking Comfort Food Six, or so, years ago I received a message from


Six,orso,yearsagoIreceivedamessagefrommyAngelic guide, sharing the following: “Humanitydoesnotyetfullyunderstandthefullpotentialandhealingpropertiesthatcitrusfruitsholdforthem.”At that time, I was also “told” that ArchangelMichael’s favorite essential oil was orange oil. Iasked a few more questions about citrus oils,specificallyorangeoil,receivedthatcitrusvibratesat a very high frequency and helps to clear thecrownchakra. For themostpart, Ididn’taskanymorequestionsaboutcitrus.Morerecently,duringaReikisession, informationcame flooding through – specific, clear, andenlightening. Iwas told towrite this information

downtosharewithothers.1Thisarticle iswrittenwithoneofmybeautifulThirdHeavenTeacherswhowishesnottobepubliclyidentifiedatthistime.____________________________________________________________________________YOUAREWHATYOUVIBRATECitrus, all parts of the fruit body, vibrates at a very high frequency and lifts thehuman energetic body along with it. This is known as entrainment, a form ofsympatheticvibrationandisanexampleoftheLawofVibration—Likevibrateslike:Ourvibrationalfrequencymatchesthatwhichisaroundit.Foodisbothanexternalandinternalstimuli.THEFRUITBODYTheoutermostlayerofthefruitbodycontainsitsessentialoilsandphyto-chemicals,which protect and keep the entire fruit body healthy. For Humans, as you holdcitrus,peelthem,inhaletheirfragrance,youabsorbtheirvibrationalessence. Youmatchtheirhighvibrationandvibratehigher,yourself. Thisiswhycitrushelpstoopen and clear theCrown chakra– it is that highof a frequencywhich resonateswiththecrown.


Page 2: The Healing Energies of Citrus Re Thinking Comfort Food · 2017-12-19 · The Healing Energies of Citrus: Re-Thinking Comfort Food Six, or so, years ago I received a message from

Thenextlayerofcitrusisthewhitepith.Itisoftenbitter,soft,andsimilartofibrouspaper.Ithastheabilitytoabsorbnegativeenergy,inawaythatisbeingshowntome,workingverymuchlikeaneraseronawhiteboard,butwithinthebodyform.These twoouter layersofmost citrusarequiteoften thediscardedwrappings, asyou reach the inner sweet rewards of the fruit. However, Spiritual guidance issuggestingthatwere-visitthecitruswrappingsforhighervibrationalpossibilities,protectionandwellness.KumquatsKumquatsareuniqueinthisway,astheyareoneoftheonlycitrusfruitsthatholdsthe rind as tongue-sweet and the inner flesh as the bitter. Eaten together, it is auniqueandexhilaratingexperience. Onanenergeticandspiritual level,Kumquatspossess the ability to help with a reversal of perspective and may help relieveinstancesof depression and feelingsof hopelessness anddespair. Kumquatsmayalso bring balance between heart andmind, tempering themental thoughtswithlovingkindnessfromtheheartcenter.GrapefruitGrapefruit2is a powerhouse of energeticand spiritual clearing. Grapefruit clearscellmemory,thoseinstanceswheneitherouter life experiences, or even innerdialoguegetslodgedintoourcells.Thesecell-memories can disrupt your currentvibration,astheyaretriggeredbysimilarstimuli. Without the assistance thatgrapefruit offers, these cell memoriesreplayandmaintainthepastinwaysthatmay not be your intention or in yourHighestandBestGood.Transmutingthisenergeticpatterningcansetyoufreefromunintended programming you haveallowedtovibrateatthecelllevel.Here,theguidancealsocomesthroughthatitisimportanttoeatthegrapefruit(andothercitrus)aswholefruit,notasa juice, ifyouaretryingtogetthefullenergeticbenefitofthefruit.Thebreakingapartofthedivisiblefruitsegments,andchewingthe even smaller juice-filled cells, is the metaphysical equivalent of releasing thedisruptiveenergystoredinthecellsofyourbody.Tousegrapefruittoreleaseyour2Grapefruithasbeenknowntointeractwithmedications.Doconsultwithyourphysicianbeforealteringyourdietinanyway.

CITRUSCOLORANDCHAKRAHEALINGAlthough,theenergetichealingpropertiesofcitrusworksholisticallythroughoutthebodyanditsauric field, Ihavebeentaughtbymyspiritual teachers that citrus varieties alignwith each of the lower chakras, for ourphysicalhealing,leadingallthewayuptothegateway of the heart and high heart.Considering this isusefulwhenbringingthehealingpropertiesof citrus toyourspiritualpractice.RootChakra: RedGrapefruit,BloodOrangesSacralChakra: Oranges,Kumquats,TangerinesSolarPlexus: LemonsHeart: LimesHighHeart: PinkLemons,PinkGrapefruitAllChakras: WhiteGrapefruit

Page 3: The Healing Energies of Citrus Re Thinking Comfort Food · 2017-12-19 · The Healing Energies of Citrus: Re-Thinking Comfort Food Six, or so, years ago I received a message from


ORANGESOranges, tangerines, mandarin oranges,and all such varieties fall under thisheading. These bring intense “healingenergiestothatwhichholdsenergyofthe‘broken.’” Whether this is a physicaltrauma,heartache,emotionalabuse,orabroken spirit, “oranges hold thepossibilityofwholeness.” Forsome, thismaybeusefulinrecoveryfromaddiction,repetitiveweak thinking, co-dependence,self-sabotage, and the like. Orange is astrengthener.Again, orange juice does not hold thesame energies as the whole fruit body;similarly orange essential oil may beoutstanding healing assistance, but doremembertopeel,separate,andchewthewhole fruit (with some of the pith) andoccasionallythepeel,togetthefulleffectasametaphysicalenergeticaid.

LEMONSPerhapsitisbecauseofthestrongbitterflavororbecauseitismostusuallyabrightyellow connecting us to the sun’s energy, but Lemons, I am taught, “Encourageconfidence.” Lemon clears negative energies, removes disruptive energies, andhelps to move one forward on their life path. If you are finding yourself to beunfocusedor ‘spinningyourwheels,’ lemoncanhelpyoumoveoutof the rut andintoforwardmotion.Eatinglemon,whole,canbequitethechallenge.Butforthosewithstrengthoftastebuds, the rewards may be worth the effort. Alternatively, gently grilling (notcharring) lemon slices may soften the intensity just enough for you to enjoy the


Eatingthepeelisnotjustforkumquats!Takeits advice; there is much to gain from thecitruswrapper.Otherthanmarmaladeandafew sprinkles of citrus zest in your favoriterecipes,mostwill toss thepeelsoruse themonly in cleaning products or as gardencompost. Guidance suggests that the peelsfrom all citrus are, indeed, edible and full ofvitamins, nutrients, and energetic potential.That being said, be sure that you are usingonly organically-grown fruits, particularly ifyou are going to be eating any part of thepeel.Eatingcitruspeelmay“helptoclearthelungsand can be used to make a beautifullemon/orange peel tea, by pouring boilingwater over the peels and sweetening withhoney, or your favorite natural sweetener.”As well, grapefruit peel “lifts the energeticheaviness from your auric field after astressfulortraumaticevent.”

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flesh, pith, and peel – giving youthe much-needed boost to yourenergetic momentum. You canevenkeepthelemonsrefrigerated,after grilling, to keep themhandy.A 3:00PM snack of grilled lemonslicescanassistyou inmorewaysthanyoumaybeawareof, as that3:00PM slump is not just a post-lunch blood sugar drop, but often

brings in disruptive energies of its own. Strengthening your confidence andconnecting with your energetic core, may protect and lift the strength of yourspiritualfrequency,atatimeintheday,whenitisneededmost.Pink lemons are more rare and hold similar energetic properties as the morecommonyellowlemon.However,theenergies(andperhapstheflavorsaswell)ofthepinklemonareabitmorecomplex,astheyhelptoshiftthedisruptiveenergiesheld in theheartchakra. Guidancealsostates that thepink lemoncanassistwithhealingthedisruptivevibrationsresonatingwithintheheart,whichconnecttopastlifetimes.LIMESLimesareasomewhatsoftersiblingtothelemonbutequallyasimportanttoyourspiritual frequency, as they workmost directly with the heart chakra. Guidanceattests, “Limes assist theoverly stoic in opening to energetic flowand connectingmore fully with others.” Releasing hard-hearted energies, limes can improvepersonal relationships and bring a more loving energy through day-to-dayinteractions.Limeenergycorrectscommonimbalances,bysupportingthetoroidalflowthroughtheheartandtheelectromagnetic/auricfieldaroundthebody.MORETOLEARNThere is still much more to learn about the beautiful gifts with which the Earthprovidesus. Youare encouraged to lookwith fresh eyesuponall that surroundsyou,asyoudonotyetknowwhateverythingisfor.Yourcomfortisaroundyou.Seewhat is truly there;hearwhat themessagetruly is.TheGuidance issimple, “Keeplistening.”_________________________________________________________________________________________________LoriCraigTorokisaReikiMasterTeacher,SoundHealer,andEnergyArtist.SheistheownerofEloiaHealingArts | Temecula Reiki Center. This article was written at the request and with the direct help of my Third-Heaven Teacher, who wishes not identified at this time. This article may be shared freely; credit must beincludedasfollows:www.TemeculaReikiCenter.com/”The Healing Energies of Citrus: Re-Thinking Comfort Foods,” Lori Torok,MA/RMT,inchannelwithHolySpirit,December2017.
