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The Healing Secrets of the Amazon Rain · heated breakfast cereals, Coca Cola and even macaroni and...

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Page 1: The Healing Secrets of the Amazon Rain · heated breakfast cereals, Coca Cola and even macaroni and cheese before recovering their health thanks to the healing secrets of the Amazon
Page 2: The Healing Secrets of the Amazon Rain · heated breakfast cereals, Coca Cola and even macaroni and cheese before recovering their health thanks to the healing secrets of the Amazon

The Healing Secrets of the Amazon Rain

Forest: An Herb for Every Ailment


I. Introduction

II. Amazon Healing Herbs: A Rediscovery

III. A Distinct Healing Edge

IV. The Top Herbs for Extraordinary Health

V. Consider the Source

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About the Author: Nicholas J. Meyer is a professional journalist who has

been published in media outlets such as Yahoo! News and Sports, the Dallas

Morning News, and the Detroit Free Press, where he won a Michigan AP

Award in sports writing.

A passion for sports became a curiosity for natural health that led to the

discovery of a better way of living, one that emphasizes nutrition and

lifestyle changes as opposed to relying on “mainstream” medical advice, and

drugs that have failed millions. His work has also been cited by Mercola.com,

the top natural health site on the web, and the Cornucopia Institute's website

among other popular health outlets, and he also founded the website


I hope you enjoy the book and benefit from the information the way I have!


Nicholas J. Meyer

Page 4: The Healing Secrets of the Amazon Rain · heated breakfast cereals, Coca Cola and even macaroni and cheese before recovering their health thanks to the healing secrets of the Amazon

I. Introduction

It's no stretch to say that the residents of most industrialized countries, especially the United States, are

among the sickest people in recorded history. U.S. residents in particular spend more on healthcare and

of course on drugs than any other group of people in the world, and yet sickness remains rampant.

Every single year around the beginning of the fall and in the middle of the winter, the vast majority of

my friends seem to come down with colds, sore throats, flu and other sicknesses, and respond the same

way they've been conditioned to do so throughout their lives: By running to the local drug store and

purchasing drugs and synthetic vitamins. I see their social media posts, get their texts and hear their

complaints every time, and then check back four or five days later and they're still battling the same flu

bug or the same cold.

Meanwhile in my household, not a single cold medication can be found in the medicine cabinet. I've

discovered natural medicine and adopted the viewpoint that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound

of cure,” and worked several life-giving organic supplements into my routine so that my immune

system is always supercharged to the point where few if any harmful “bugs” seem to cause much


I’m still convinced that most people want to believe me. I've found through my time as a health

researcher and journalist that people do have faith in so-called “alternative” medicine and holistic

health to some degree, yet the medical establishment that's supposed to be serving their best interests

seems to go out of its way to discredit these competing techniques and natural remedies when they

should be implementing them into their own plans and creating the best health system in human history.

There was a time when I too was skeptical of natural remedies and organic/healthy eating, and whether

its benefits were worth the extra costs and slight loss of convenience. Looking back on this time period,

I realized that I was simply spending my money in all the wrong places, on mass-produced vitamins

with secretly synthetic ingredients made by pharmaceutical companies moonlighting in the “natural”

supplement business and using million-dollar marketing campaigns to obscure the shortcomings of

their products.

The cycle repeats itself each day: Someone puts their faith in holistic and natural medicine, spends a

good chunk of money on well-marketed, poor quality supplements, doesn't get the results they expect

and end up running right back to the drug aisle the next time around.

Drugs suppress symptoms and make us feel better on a short term scale, but don't address the

underlying causes. They are in essence a quick fix to our myriad ailments, and as they've grown in

scale and reputation, more and more people have come to view them as the “modern solution” to our

problems while ignoring the natural remedies that have sustained us for thousands of years of human


It's become so bad that even native peoples who have lived in incredible health for many decades have

begun to place these same drugs and techniques on an undeserved pedestal. The natives of the Amazon

Rain Forest, home to perhaps the greatest collection of natural medicines on the planet, are

systematically forgetting the great knowledge passed down to them over generations from their

shamans, knowledge that once made them among the healthiest people on Earth.

As native peoples forget such remedies, small but dedicated groups of health enthusiasts living closer

to the cities have begun to discover them again. I consider myself one of them, and Amazon Rain

Forest Herbs are one of, if not my best, discoveries to date for recovering the type of abundant health

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that God intended for all people to have. A story in the next chapter illustrates how one Amazon tribal

leader was able to make that same discovery, against all odds.

II. Amazon Healing Herbs- A Surprising


I had the good fortune of interviewing a missionary and self-termed “international micronutritionist”

named Dan Sienkewicz in late 2012 for my website http://althealthworks.com/, and Dan, one of the

most knowledgeable people about nutrition I've ever met, had an impressive variety of stories to tell me

about a recent trip to the Amazon Rain Forest.

According to Dan, the area is seen as a gold mine for potential innovation by some of the world's

biggest, most profitable and “cutting edge” pharmaceutical companies. A veritable” arms race” has

sprung up in the Amazon between researchers hoping to find the latest medical breakthroughs to bring

back to their companies through the study of the Amazon's billion-plus acres of plant life.

“The one that I always quote is that at any given time in the Amazon there’s at least 100 pharmaceutical

companies researching for cures for diseases,” Sienkiewicz said. There's a major catch, however.

“…But they can’t patent the herb or what they find there,” he added. “They have to come back and

synthesize it in the laboratory.”

Approximately 25-40% of pharmaceutical drugs created by Western companies are derived from

rainforest ingredients. The website Rain-Tree.com puts the number at about 25% while Rain “Amazon

John” Easterling, founder of the Amazon Herb Company, put the number at around 30-40%. Less than

1% of the Amazon's plants and trees have been tested by scientists for their life-giving and sustaining

health properties, however according Rain-Tree.com.

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The process of synthesizing them is conducted for the purposes of “creating something new” so that

these companies can secure patents on their creations and sell them, of course. But what so many

people don't realize is that these medicinal plants are already teeming with potent medicine, fueled by

microscopic natural compounds within that can't be replicated, and they're perfectly capable of

providing incredible health benefits on their own.

One particular Amazon Rain Forest region tribal chief came to realize just that thanks to the advice of

Sienkiewicz, at a time when most of the people in his village were coming down with a nasty cold. The

chief, whose people took up residence near the southern part of the rain forest in the village of Labrea,

was able to re-discover the healing that his people had lost thanks to an important recommendation that

caught him by surprise.

“The first time he came to me, he goes, the village had broken out with the flu, and he asked me if there

was anything on his property to combat the flu,” Sienkiewicz, who speaks fluent Portuguese, explained.

The chief owned vast areas of land and tons of fruit trees, but there was no shaman in the village to

help him learn the healing secrets of the Amazon until Sienkiewicz had arrived.

“I said to him, well, you have Pau D'Arco, are you familiar with the herb? He looked at me like a deer

in highlights,” he recalled in my interview with him, in a high-pitched voice channeling the frustration

he felt with the chief at the time.

“So I told the chief about the trees, and he said, is that good for the flu? I told him I've been using Pau

D'Arco for years in the United States to help people...It's one of the greatest anti-fungal, anti-bacterial,

anti-parasite herbs that exist, I said, cut the trees, get to some of the inner bark and just make tea and

drink as much of it as you can.

“Well, he came back to me two weeks later and he said, Daniel, he goes, both me and my wife drank

the tea, and we didn't get the flu! He said the whole rest of the village got it, and he and his wife

didn't…Anyway, true story.”

This anecdote is just one small piece of evidence illustrating the incredible healing potential of the

Amazon Rain Forest. The chief had all of the medicine he needed to stay healthy right around him and

didn't even know it. Generations worth of research has gone down the drain according to Sienkiewicz

in the region, as shamans have begun to disappear by finding other professions, leaving or passing

away. During his extended stay in the region, he didn't come across one shaman, as a matter of fact.

“I was there for six months and I didn't see one shaman, in fact, I am the shaman,” he said.

According to Rain-Tree.com, there were an estimated ten million native Indians living in the Amazon

Rain Forest five centuries ago, but today, there are less than 200,000. Their culture of sustainability and

reliance on shamans and the healing power of the rain forest's gifts has become perverted by

government and corporate intrusion, something Sienkiewicz noted in our interview.

They're being squeezed out or in many other cases leaving on their own, dazzled by the promises of

city life and meant to feel that everything in their natural surroundings is inferior. Amazon river boats

containing government-funded “modern” medicines and vaccines continue to treat the natives in the

area, all the while exposing them to the myth that drugs are the answer, and causing them to leave

behind the “nutritional gold mine” they've been sitting on all along.

According to Sienkiewicz, many of the natives still maintain a deep reverence and appreciation for

what they've been given by nature, however. One in particular came up to him in particular after one of

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his lessons on the native plants and thanked him, saying that he had always been told by outsiders that

their methods were not advanced enough, and that they had been made to feel inferior.

The knowledge passed along by Sienkiewicz became empowering to many members of the tribes he

visited, allowing them to take control of their health by giving their bodies the nutrition and immune

system support they had been missing for many years. Many of them had fallen in love with sugary,

heated breakfast cereals, Coca Cola and even macaroni and cheese before recovering their health

thanks to the healing secrets of the Amazon Rain Forest.

These secrets are still being discovered every day, and I personally have been experimenting with many

of the Amazon's most treasured healing plants and experiencing their benefits firsthand.

In the next chapter, we'll discuss some of the most popular medicinal plants in the Amazon Rain Forest,

how they've been used, and why you should strongly consider adding them to your own diet in the near


I'll close this chapter with a quote from The Health Ranger, aka Mike Adams of the wildly popular

alternative health site NaturalNews.com, as taken from his website's report on Amazon herbs.

“The only reason people are still taking drugs for high cholesterol, cancer, heart disease, blood pressure,

depression and diabetes is because they don't yet know about these rainforest herbs,” Adams said. “And

while well over 100,000 Americans are being killed each year by properly prescribed pharmaceuticals,

rainforest herbs are remarkably safe and operate with virtually no negative side effects whatsoever

(although they have lots of positive side effects!).

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III. The Amazon Healing Edge

Pau D'Arco is of course one of just many Amazon herbs that are well known for their health benefits,

and one of the many herbs that has been studied extensively by companies looking to tap into the

healing secrets of the Amazon Rain Forest.

If you're like most people, you've heard similar stories like these about countless other natural

supplements, foods, herbs and other compounds. “Got a cold? Take some organic green tea with raw

organic honey!” one of your friends may have noted in the past.

“Got a sore throat? Try soothing it with ginger!” another friend may have told you. Yet another friend

might have told you to take some coconut oil throughout the day to help dissolve the viral infection that

caused it.

No matter how convincing these stories are and how much you want to believe them, chances are you

may have had a less than satisfying result when trying similar remedies in the past. That's completely

understandable considering the wild variation between product quality on the market today. For

instance, in regards to the green tea, was it organic? Was it wildcrafted? Or was it simply a highly-

processed, mass-produced variety of green tea distributed to Chinese restaurants across the United

States and accompanied by a rustic-looking package to feign the appearance of being natural and of

high quality?

How about the coconut oil, was it blanched? Was it processed with chemicals or heated in any other

way? Cold-pressed, extra virgin coconut oil from an organic source is always best, and some brands on

store shelves are nutritionally and biodynamically compromised by one of the many processing and

shelf-life extending techniques employed extensively by food and nutrition corporations.

The source of most supplements, herbs, and nutrients is always in question as well. Was it grown in

rich soil, or in a field that has been extensively over-farmed year after year? Was it grown with

chemicals that also deplete the rich array of microorganisms in the soil or was it grown with proper soil

rotation techniques on small-scale farms and harvested wild?

When you buy herbs from the Amazon Rain Forest, you can be sure that you're getting the highest

quality nutrition from one of, if not the most nutrient dense places on Earth. The Amazon Rain Forest is

home to an incredible amount biodiversity, ranging from plant life to the animals that thrive off of it.

According to figures from the Amazon Herb Company, about 50% of the world's plants and animals

originate from rainforests, and the Amazon is of course the largest of them all. The teeming mosaic of

life in the rain forest is beautiful and of course fast-moving, violent and deadly for many animals and

plants, meaning they need Herculean natural defenses to protect themselves. That goes for the plants as

well as the animals. Speaking of the plants, many of them contain an incredible amount of anti-

bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral compounds to protect themselves from the unyielding multitude of

other threatening organisms that surround them.

In fact, according to a study from the Pennsylvania State University Department of Geography,

Amazon plants have developed an extraordinary ability to gather and maintain nutrients from the soil

and from all around them. Rainforest soils are not as fertile as you might think, excepting of course in

areas where volcanic ash or river deposits of minerals are prevalent. But according to the PSU study,

rainforests hold most of their nutrients within the live vegetation as opposed to the soil like in most

wild regions. This happens in large part because of the immense amount of water that flows throughout

the forest, carrying with it massive amounts of minerals and other nutrients to the plant life, which has

adapted well and learned to suck it up and hang on for dear life.

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A huge portion of the “lifeforce” of the Amazon Rain Forest, one of the most abundant places on Earth,

is actually contained within the plants, which can be harvested and ingested with relative ease. It's yet

another reason why supplements from the Amazon Rain Forest are among the most powerful on Earth.

According to Mike Adams, people have seen incredible transformations in their health after suffering

from serious diseases such as diabetes, depression, heart disease, debilitating inflammation and even

cancer after taking herbs from the rain forest. I can vouch for his claims on a personal level as well.

The mother of a good friend of mine was actually diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer that spread across her

body originating from the colon, and it got so bad that she couldn't get out of bed at one point. She

searched all over for solutions within the “modern” medicine system but didn't find the right answers

and ended up picking out her coffin. A chance encounter at a health expo led to her getting a

specialized test done by a naturopathic health practitioner, who later recommended Amazon herbs

including an extract from the Graviola tree of the Amazon and chelation treatments.

She was able to overcome the effects of the disease through these and other lifestyle changes and is

now one of the healthiest, most vibrant people that I know, and someone who has helped to spread the

message of the herbs to clients as a holistic health practitioner.

With the costs, and adverse effects, of pharmaceutical drugs and even over-the-counter drugs

continuing to grow each year, why chance it? Why not invest in your health and set yourself up for a

long, productive and fulfilling life during which you can thrive instead of merely exist?

While the Western medical system has made excellent advances in terms of life-saving emergency

procedures, surgical advancements and identifying the precise problems faced by each patient, there is

definitely something amiss.

I worked at a drug store for several years, observing pharmacy customers for several hours at a time,

and I strongly believe that the lack of nutritional and supplemental support for these patients is a major

part of our health problems in America and other industrialized nations. Pharmacy drugs create lifelong

customers, and lock them into a system where they continually spend more and more money on new

drugs to counteract more health problems caused by the drugs they're already taking. Over time, their

health deteriorates instead of getting better, and many of them seemed downright zombie-like to me as

they continued to up their prescriptions month after month and year after year.

Being strung along on countless expensive drugs needed merely to continue to function at an average,

below average or worse level is no way to live, which is why I believe so strongly in the healing power

of the world's best natural medicines, especially those of the Amazon Rain Forest. In the next chapter,

we'll discuss some of the most potent healing herbs and supplements from the Amazon Rain Forest and

what they've traditionally been used for, and later on, I'll talk a little bit about high quality, trustworthy

sources you can get them from.

Now that you have a background on why the Amazon is so potent and so valuable to human health on

so many levels, let's discuss the benefits of some of its most important treasures.

IV. The Top Herbs for Extraordinary Health

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I have the privilege of introducing you to some of the

Amazon Rain Forest's most popular and widely used healing agents in this chapter, including several

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herbs and supplements that have made a dramatic difference in my own health and life.

I have become such a believer in the products that I talk about them routinely when meeting new

people or conversing with old friends over the phone, and while many of them don't necessarily believe

me as much as I would like at first, they often change their tune after trying them, especially for an

extended period of time. But they don't necessarily need to try them for even a few weeks to sense and

experience the benefits: These are perhaps the most immediate difference-makers among all

supplements that friends of mine have ever tried.

When I interviewed Sienkiewicz, I asked him to name his top herbs or supplements from the Amazon

Rain Forest. He has used them with great results in helping his clients, and he also has a tremendous

amount of knowledge from his time in the Amazon studying the plants and working with the natives.

According to Sienkiewicz, here are his top picks:

Camu Camu- Grown in trees on rich Amazon floodplains, these medium-sized, round, orangish-

yellow berries have a somewhat bitter but ultimately delicious citrus-style taste when consumed in a

juice or powder, and many people report an increased sense of “well-being” or “sunshine-y” feeling

after taking them. They have been shown to increase the body's ability to create serotonin, a potent

mood-boosting “feel good” chemical, and this is definitely an effect that I have experienced personally.

The Camu Camu berry is often considered to be the strongest source of Vitamin C in the world, and

that's especially important considering the state of Vitamin C in the United States. Most people don't

realize that the body cannot create Vitamin C on its own, and they also overestimate how much they're

getting from their everyday food. Your body has a constant craving for Vitamin C because of how much

it benefits your immune system and how often it is used in various functions of the body. Vitamin C is

essential for healing wounds, repairing and maintaining bones and teeth and helping the body make

collagen, a key protein for creating blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and even new skin.

Another thing people don't realize about Vitamin C is that the vast majority of “commercial” Vitamin C

is made the same substance just about every cheap, industrialized food or supplement seems to be made

of in the U.S., corn. Corn as in the cheap, starchy commodity crop that has been altered and genetically

modified (into a GMO, or genetically modified organism) to the point where it often does more harm

than good in our bodies.

According to the landmark book “The Hundred-Year Lie” by Randall Fitzgerald about the FDA’s

failures to keep Americans healthy, 90 percent of all U.S. Vitamin C (in the form of absorbic acid)

comes from a single plant in Nutley, New Jersey, where the acid, aka “Vitamin C” is made from corn

starch, corn sugar, and a variety of volatile acids used in a sped-up fermentation process.

This Vitamin C is not nearly as well-absorbed despite its fanciful, seemingly reassuring name, as it

lacks many microscopic compounds and other “life force energy” for adequate absorption by the body.

Studies back up the viewpoint that natural supplements are much better, including works published

in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the Royal Society of Chemistry in Great Britain, and

the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Szent-Gyorgi won a Nobel Prize for his work with Vitamin C in 1937, and while he did discover

how to isolate the vitamin, he fully recommended that people consume Vitamin C in its most natural

and complete forms, like Camu Camu.

I take Camu Camu on a consistent basis as it seems to help lift my mood and also contributes to my

long-running streak of not getting sick. Camu Camu is also anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-

viral, qualities that helped it earn a spot on Sienkiewicz's list of top supplements from the Amazon Rain

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Forest to take. It contains 30 times more Vitamin C than a typical orange and contains essential amino

acids your body is also not capable of storing. Those amino acids include: Leucine, which increases

production of human growth hormones, Serine, which supports brain and nervous system functioning,

and Valine, which is an energy source used in muscles.

Sienkiewicz said that the Indians down in the rain forest surprisingly had little to no idea about Camu

Camu, but the berries are consumed by healthy wildlife including the fish, which he called the

healthiest fish in the world. Now that the secret is out, more and more people are making it part of their

daily supplement regiments.

Naturopathic doctors in particular are discovering the benefits, which work well for their patients: “The

immune regulatory capacity of (Camu Camu) is like nothing I've ever seen,” said Jeff Essen, a

Naturopath, in a testimonial for the Amazon Herb Company. “I have tested this product on three

different auto-immune cases and it's proven to be amazing stuff!”

Pau D'Arco- Mentioned earlier as a potent flu/infection fighter, Pau D'Arco is also one of the most

highly recommended Amazon herb supplements from Sienkiewicz.

“I highly recommend Pau D’Arco for being anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, strengthens the immune system,

it’s just great. I’ve used Pau D’Arco on babies for thrush, for example, very successfully,” he said.

The herb is useful in a wide variety of situations and is also high in antioxidants with strong anti-cancer,

analgesic, and antimicrobial effects as well. A German study even showed that it may inhibit the

absorption of dietary fat and may reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes. The list of

ailments this herb has been used for is extensive to say the least. It is best when boiled to bring out all

of its healing properties, and it is often included in herbal blends for maximum effectiveness.

Coconut-based products- According to Sienkiewicz, Amazon natives do at least one thing right when

it comes to their health: They consume plenty of coconut water and other coconut-based products.

Coconut water is one of the healthiest things you can drink, as its structure is about as close to human

blood as you'll find in nature. Soldiers during World War II were reportedly given intravenous doses of

coconut water in a pinch as a substitute for blood plasma.

Coconut water has many similar benefits to the substances list above as it helps to kill parasites within

the body and to deal with other infections and potentially harmful microorganisms. In addition, coconut

oil is one of the strongest anti-viral substances on the planet. While getting coconuts directly from the

Amazon is quite difficult and not realistic in most cases, we can all learn from Sienkiewicz's assertion

and work more coconut products into our diet. Try to eat them and drink the water fresh because many

of the coconut milks and waters on the market are pasteurized, heated to the point where they lose

many of their beneficial qualities. A good cold-pressed coconut oil should be a staple of every

American kitchen: It's perfect for cooking and has a ton of other benefits, working as a sunscreen and a

skin moisturizer as well. And don't worry about the saturated fat content: Coconut oil boosts

metabolism and studies on natives who consume a great deal of it find no cardiac-related symptoms,


Acai- In health conscious circles of America and other more wealthier nations, the acai berry and the

products that are produced from it is extremely high-valued, both literally and figuratively. Go to the

health food store and try to find a good, unpasteurized pure acai supplement for under 10-15 dollars

and you'll be looking for quite a while.

But in the Amazon Rain Forest, Sienkiewicz saw people selling acai pulp on the side of the road for far

less. He ate acai in large amounts during his trip to the rain forest and the natives couldn't believe it,

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considering that the pure berry is not as sweet as many of their other favorite delicacies, and they often

eat it only as part of an ice cream or sugar-spiked drink.

The acai berry is one of the more potent, nutritious berries on the planet, however, so it's a good idea to

work some of it into your diet or supplement regiment if you can afford it. It contains a wider profile of

nutrition than virtually all of the popular North American berries such as blackberries, strawberries and


Research shows that acai contains many of the same compounds as red wine that help in heart health. It

also helps to fight a wide variety of harmful microorganisms within the body, although it is not as

strong as say Pau D'Arco. It can also help with an upset stomach, is high in antioxidants, helps to

promote healthy cell production, helps with energy, helps with blood circulation, giving it value as an

impotence fighter, and much more.

One of the most important things to realize about the acai berry is that because it is so valuable and

provides so much incredible nutrition, many companies have begun to make attempts to exploit it in the

marketplace. You've probably seen Internet display ads for acai products that claim to be a weight loss

miracle or make other similar claims. Acai can in fact help in this and many other these areas of health

as it is easily one of the more beneficial foods on the planet, but consumers should be aware that the

quality of many acai products has been compromised.

Many commercial acai juices in North America are adulterated, watered down with blends of other less

nutritious juices, and of course pasteurized. It's best to find as pure of a source as possible by doing

your homework on the company you buy from first. Ask them whether their product is heated and ask

what percentage of it contains pure acai juice before purchasing.

Una de Gato- The fifth and final supplement in this chapter is Una de Gato, aka 'Cat's Claw,' a well-

known herb that has the potential to transform human health on a global level. The rainforest version of

this herb is a particularly potent tropical vine with small thorns at the base of its leaves, which look like

a cat's claw, giving the plant its name.

According to The Ashaninka people of the Amazon, Una de Gato is known as the “Sacred Herb of the

Rainforest.” In May of 1994, a World Health Organization conference on the herb was convened in

Geneva, Switzerland where it was recognized as one of the most important medicinal plants on the

planet. Of particular interest to researchers are the oxindole alkaloids found in the plant's bark and roots,

which have dramatic positive effects on the immune system. It is also used in a wide variety of herbal

formulas for its incredible anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

The aforementioned Ashaninka use it for a variety of reasons: To treat respiratory issues, to ease joint

pain, to help stomach irritations, to cleanse the kidney, to help speed up the recovery process for deep

wounds, and to help bolster the digestive system, according to the Amazon Herb company.

If you were to start including even three of these five items into your diet and/or supplement regiment

every day, the changes would be drastic. Simply put, it's exceedingly difficult if not impossible to get

all of the nutrition our body needs from food alone these days because of the greatly diminished quality

of the soil, even on small organic farms, in America and other industrialized nations. It's something I

saw firsthand in a recent Computerized Electro Dermal Stress Analysis (CESDA) test during which I

found out I was deficient in many nutrients. I've now added additional Amazon herbal supplements to

my diet. So far, the difference has been incredible.

Here are some of the other excellent Amazon herbs and supplements that you can take, separated into

categories based on what ailments that you may have, or areas you're looking to improve upon in terms

of your health:

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Each of these herbs/supplements from the Amazon Rain Forest has a wide variety of benefits, but all of

them will ultimately aid you in your quest for energy.

Maca root has a rich profile of amino acids, protein and more, and is an adaptogenic herb that will help

you to stay balanced in terms of your hormones and sexual energy.

Suma is also adaptogenic and is often called “para todo” by the natives meaning “for everything”

according to the Amazon Herb Company, where it is prized for providing energy and longevity.

Kiwicha is a gluten-free grain that is a great alternative to the nasty, over-processed (even mutated in

some cases) wheat and other grains in the U.S. that are high in gluten and can ultimately slow you


Yerba Mate is often taken in teas and has caffeine-like properties, with other added benefits, but it is

not habit-forming like coffee. It is widely enjoyed throughout South America and into North America

and even the Middle East, where it is one of the favorite drinks of Syrians, for example.

Camu Camu was discussed earlier and is one of the most potent mood boosters and energy providers

in the Amazon.

Metabolic issues

If you have trouble burning fat throughout the day at a resting rate, or simply seem to store excess fat

quickly, you might have metabolism problems. Metabolism refers to virtually all chemical reactions

within the body, however, and it is a complex system that needs unique, top quality nutrition.

Among the herbs that help with metabolism are: Pata de vaca, which has been used for over 60 years

to balance blood glucose levels and cleanse the body, and Sarsaparilla, which has been used for

centuries in Europe as a blood purifier and diuretic. Una de Gato and Chanca Piedra are among the

herbs that help with liver problems, ultimately aiding your metabolism.

Heart and circulatory issues

As mentioned earlier, Una de Gato is a top pick for heart health, one of its many benefits.

Digestion problems

The proliferation of genetically modified foods in America as well as crops grown in unnatural

methods (such as wheat made through mutative processes) has led to an explosion of digestive

disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s and even Leaky Gut Syndrome. Digestive health

starts with avoiding these and other unhealthy foods, and continues with supplementation.

Some of the best Amazon herbs for digestion include Jatoba bark, Boldo, Una de Gato and many

more. Included with fiber such as psyllium husk, a potent healing tonic can be developed.


Millions of people suffer from parasites and few of them even realize it, let alone know that they can be

taken care of with the right diets and supplement regime. Luckily, there are several Amazon herbs and

supplements that are effective against them, including Una de Gato, Coconut water and oil (doesn’t

have to be from the Amazon, but Amazon is usually higher quality), Sangre de Drago and Pau D’Arco.

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Flu and Cold

Vitamin C will help keep your immune system strong enough to handle unfriendly invaders such as the

viruses that cause the flu, and few things on the planet are better in that department than Camu Camu.

Acai and Sasparilla also can help greatly in this department along with many of the same herbs

mentioned in the parasites category above, as they are also anti-viral.

Back pain and other physical ailments

For back pain in particular, the Amazon has a secret: Chuchuhuasi, meaning “trembling back.” The

herb and/or leaves of the namesake tree are also used for balance and adrenal support. In addition to

back pain, there are herbs to help with range of motion and flexibility, including tonics and herbs made

from the Iporuru shrub.


Everyone’s got their own remedy for these, and the Amazon Rain Forest does as well: Jurubeba. It has

plenty of other uses but is probably most famous in Brazil for this use.

Poor cell division

Your cells are constantly dividing and multiplying, as your body cycles out the bad ones and the good

ones flourish. When your cells are not doing this properly, serious health problems can arise. Luckily,

one of the most potent Amazon supplements, Graviola, can be used as part of a supplement program to

make sure that these processes go smoothly.

Kidney stones

Another common problem that many people need to address, and those who are into holistic health

often do so through cleanses. Many of the cleanses involve Epsom salt and grapefruit or similar items.

Using Chanca Piedra as part of a regiment is one of the best moves you can make. The Amazon herb

means “Shatter Stone” or “Stone Breaker” in Spanish, because of its reputation for helping to eliminate

kidney stones.


Many people have mixed results with over-the-counter drug-related remedies for arthritis, and their

condition worsens even as they’re helping to reduce the symptoms. This reaction is common to many

drugs, as they don’t address the underlying causes.

A regiment involving Amazon herbs such as Sasparilla, Suma, Un de Gato and more can be quite

helpful for tackling bouts of arthritis that affect so many of us as we get older.

Stress relief and sleep support

The stresses of modern day life can bring us down in a hurry, especially if you don’t have the right

nutritional support. I personally discovered just how important magnesium supplementation can be in

particular when my left eye started twitching due to too much time spent in front of the computer, both

at work and at home. Once I began supplementing with magnesium powder and sprays, the problem

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disappeared, just as my holistic health teacher predicted.

In addition to magnesium supplementation, there are Amazon herbs that have helped with calming

down my racing mind and making me feel less stressed in general. Better sleep often follows when

you’re able to make this happen.

The best amazon herbs for stress relief include Lemon Balm, Mulungu, Espinheira Santa, Carqueja,

Muira Puama and Catuaba among several others.

But that of course is the beauty of Amazon Herbs: There are so many to choose from and so many

ailments that they can help to solve over time with proper supplementation. There are many more herbs

and ailments they can assist with, but these are some of the major ones I have been able to discover in

my research and through personal experience in taking the products for the better part of the last year.

I can honestly say that I “feel” supplements from the Amazon much more than I do everyday ones,

even other organic supplements. As noted earlier, it’s been well established that the medical industry

depends strongly on the Amazon for new healing discoveries, and the building blocks for modern

medications (which turn out to be damaging and healing at the same time in most cases). Virtually

everyone I know who tries them agrees, and that’s no exaggeration.

V. Consider the Source

Now that we've discussed some of the top Amazon healing supplements and why they're so valuable,

it's time to talk about where to get them from. I mentioned in early chapters that it can be difficult to

trust many of the companies whose products line store shelves, whether you're buying something basic

like green tea or something exotic like Camu Camu.

We're even seeing acai as an ingredient in grocery store juices from mega companies like V8, but many

people fail to recognize that such juices are pasteurized, highly processed, and don't contain much

nutritional value, let alone much acai or other high value ingredients.

Other companies may sell supplements or herbs from the Amazon Rain Forest but only tend to dabble

in them, adding Camu Camu or other similar products to their lines as an afterthought, rather than

making it a priority to seek out the best sources, to minimize damaging processing techniques, and to

pursue a sustainable means of harvesting.

Thankfully, however, I've found a way to alleviate all of these concerns: By researching and becoming

a long-time customer of the Amazon Herb Company, which is by far the most ethical and highest

quality company for Amazon Herbs that I've come across.

The company has formed an active partnership with the Amazon Center for Environmental Education

and Research (ACEER), a non-profit dedicated to conserving the vital Amazon Rain Forest by

fostering awareness, transformation, understanding and ultimately action. A portion of the company's

profits are given back to supporting and conserving the rain forest while empowering the natives with

land titles and other benefits.

The company's mission statement is as follows:

“Amazon Herb Company's mission is to supply consumers with herbs and herbal

extracts from the Rainforest of the Amazon Basin while simultaneously promoting

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and supporting the preservation of the flora and fauna of the Rainforest. Amazon

Herb Company works directly with a number of indigenous communities to

ecologically harvest sustainable resources. In addition, as an environmentally

responsible company, Amazon Herb Company commits 10% (according to last

estimates) of net profits to be returned to the Rainforest to help protect and

preserve the Rainforest and the indigenous people of the Amazon River Basin.”

The ethics of the company are great, but they wouldn't be where they are today if the products didn't

work as well as they do. Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com calls them a must-try: “You've simply got to

try these products to experience their high vibration energy and healing effects,” he said in a special

report on the Amazon Herb company.

The products cost a bit more than most herbs but considering the fact that one Liquizon is equal to

three powdered capsules of other brands, but they provide more value and they’re all organic,

wildcrafted, pure, potent and free of preservatives, pesticides, GMOs and other junk.

Take it from Mike, who has one of the biggest followings of any natural health personality:

“The Amazon Herb product line is, indeed, nothing less than truly spectacular.

Their new Liquizon technology allows them to deliver encapsulated rainforest

liquid concentrates that put everything else in the market to shame.”

As you can see, Mike is a big fan and regularly takes the products himself:

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The term Liquizon means a small capsule that includes liquid herbs in their pure organic forms, direct

from the Amazon, usually as part of a complex herbal blend designed to help address specific health

issues and overall health.

I usually place the capsules under my tongue and let them dissolve; they have a slightly sweet taste

because they include Stevia, arguably the healthiest natural sweetener.

I feel the same way about Amazon Herbs as Mr. Adams, the man who is perhaps just as responsible for

the recent organic revolution as anyone else in America excepting perhaps Food, Inc. director Robert

Kenner (whom I’ve interviewed in the past) and author Michael Pollan (‘The Omnivore's Dilemma’).

Naturopaths from across the country are also beginning to use the herbs extensively in their

practices, including Camu Camu:

“The immune-regulatory-capacity of Camu Gold (Camu Camu supplement) is like

nothing I’ve ever seen. I have tested this product on 3 different auto-immune cases

and I must say: This is amazing stuff!”

-Dr. Jeff Essen, Naturopath

Many people on my AltHealthWorks Facebook page have asked me about auto-immune diseases, and

this is a quote that always sticks with me.

Another Naturopath, Dr. MaryAnn McQuillan of New York produced an unbelievable statistic during

an episode of the ‘Amazon Herb Adventure in Abundance’ podcast about her success: MaryAnn

reported an 85 percent success rate in treating couples with fertility issues. Eighty-five percent!

MaryAnn often prescribes the Amazon Herb blend Lunazon (more info later) as well as acupuncture

and other techniques. She also said that Amazon Herbs are now the only supplements she uses in her


Speaking of the products, many of them contain Una De Gato, Pau D'Arco, Camu Camu, and several

other high-potency Amazon herbs that will permanently improve your body chemistry. Friends of mine

have even told me that extra weight loss comes easily for them once they start taking the herbs.

The best advice I have for you is to try a couple of the products yourself, starting with what you think

would help you most based on the benefits listed below. These blends contain many of the herbs listed


Arcozon is an Immune Boosting blend that balances the gut flora and helps

strengthen joints. It includes Pau D'Arco, Jatoba, Uña de Gato and more.

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Sumacazon is an Energy Enhancing blend that also balances the hormones. This

blend includes Suma, Maca, and Muira Puama among others.

Gravizon is a mixture of several herbs with the superfood Graviola added for

Healthy Cell Division. – Gravizon contains Graviola, Camu Camu, Sangre de Drago and many

other herbs you can read about on the website (listed below).

Calmazon is a blend for Relaxation and Stress Relief- Calmazon contains Passion Flower,

Carqueja, and Mulungu, an herb from the rainforest that actually eats the harmful cortisol we produce

when we’re stressed!

Lunazon is a Female Blend for Balancing Cycles and Hormones, as well as

relaxation- This blend contains Abuta, Suma, Mulungu, Passion Flower, Lemon Balm, Jatoba and

Espinheira Santa and more.

Digestazon Plus for Optimum Digestion - This blend contains Amylase, Protease, Invertase,

Boldo and more and helps your body break down less-healthy foods that lack enzymes.

Envirozon for Daily Liver support, Removal of Toxins and Blood Purification- This

flagship Amazon Herb blend contains Jurubeba, Boldo, Quebra Pedra and more.

Illumination, a Multi-Herbal Tonic boasting many of the Top Herbs in this book for

full body health- Contains Uña de gato, Jatoba, Pau D'Arco, Tayuya, Fucus, Suma, Star Anise,

Muira Puama, Catuaba, Pedra Huma-Caa, Carqueja, Quebra Pedra, Jurubeba, Mulungu, Espinheira

Santa, Chamomilla, Stevia, Chuchuhuasi, Sangre de Drago and more.

These are just some of the most popular blends from the Amazon Herb line, which is carried on the

health company TriVita’s website.

You can read more about these herbs and try them here at this link: Click This Link to Learn More


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You can also join thousands of holistic health enthusiasts on my website AltHealthWORKS’ Facebook

page, where I will answer any questions you may have via direct message:

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Thanks for reading this book, stay tuned for more exclusive interviews, reports and articles!


Nicholas J. Meyer, AltHealthWorks.com

© AltHealthWorks, 2013

This book is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or

prevent any disease; consult a holistic physician

before starting any dietary plans or other changes.
