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The Heart of The Tao - Writings of a Taoist Monk sample

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Sample Document 61 pages of 175 8,595 Words Of 28,545

Sample Document

61 pages of 175

8,595 Words Of 28,545



















In the beginning, and the end,

was the void . . .

Remember ?

This book has been written with the intention of introducing people to knowledge of an ancient way of life.

I am an Ordained Monk and this book contains expressions of all that I have learned and all

that I have seen, in a manner as best as I am able to put into words.

Some of these paragraphs are shallow. Some of them are deep. Some will make complete sense to you, others will be understood only by a mind that has journeyed inward through body and heart.

Ultimately this book can serve only as an introduction. Complete liberation requires intense effort and practise as I have attempted to make abundantly clear.

If you wish only to find a way of developing a positive outlook on life then this book will serve you well. In the same way, if you wish to awaken to deeper realms of spiritual truth, the contents of this book will point you in the right direction . . . at least, that is my hope.

If all goes as hoped this book will awaken something within you that will desire to investigate fully all that you are about to learn.

For those of you with a strong ego, you would do well to simply put this book down and forget . . . sweet dreams.

In Truth...

A Simple Monk


This part of the book is an outline of all that you can investigate in order to take control of your life and bring about positive change. A person who is completely new to the idea of consciously developing positivity in their life will find useful suggestions here that will point the mind in the right direction. An advanced practitioner of spiritual discipline will already know a lot of what is contained here and the suggestions will serve to reinforce the correct behaviours and strategies.

In order to develop a life that is inspired and that allows an individual to express themselves fully, without limitation, it is necessary to forge certain skills as-well as patterns of behaviour and thought. This course introduces a range of topics that a person should investigate in order to begin to forge for themselves a more inspired and fulfilled way of life. The person being referred to here is of course – YOU! You are going to learn about a number of practises and disciplines that when incorporated into your life will cause you to feel more positive, more inspired and more fulfilled.

This course not only introduces the various topics that it is necessary to investigate for Positive-Lifestyle-Development, it also teaches you how to set for yourself inspired goals and

objectives and then crystallize the ability to make these into a reality.

The key to experiencing more positivity in your life lies within you developing the ability to overcome the negative influences affecting your mind.

If the concept of Positive-Lifestyle-Development is completely new to you, in the beginning you will have to research the various topics before you can start to practise the disciplines themselves. The various topics along with their study and practise constitute what it means to walk the path of Inspired-Positive-Self-Influence. This path will take years of focus and determined, consistent investigation before any major changes are observed.

This course will introduce to you the steps that you can take should you make the decision to go about manufacturing a more positive and inspired way of life.

While walking the path of Inspired-Positive-Self-Influence you will learn that it is necessary to investigate disciplines and areas of study that touch upon PHYSICAL, MENTAL and SPIRITUAL aspects of your life.

This course is structured as follows:

CHAPTER 1 - The Product of Eternity

CHAPTER 2 - Wisdom & Strategy

CHAPTER 3 - Understanding Your Development

CHAPTER 4 - Gentle Development

CHAPTER 5 - The Right Amount of Intensity

CHAPTER 6 – Natural Beauty

CHAPTER 7 - Creative Victory

CHAPTER 8 – Applying Reason and Logic

CHAPTER 9 - Securing a Solid Foundation

CHAPTER 10 - Continuous Development

Throughout this course you will be introduced to a number of disciplines that you may have come across before, similarly there may be some that are new to you. It is important to investigate everything and learn to incorporate as much as you can into your life.

The path of Inspired-Positive-Self-Influence is one that requires a great amount of effort to develop and maintain. You must dedicate much of your time to the study and practise of the various disciplines that will be introduced. The more time and effort you put into your

development the quicker you will see yourself progress along this path. The benefits of true dedication will be that you develop the necessary tools and ability to inspire yourself to transform any part of your life and you will gain the confidence to strive toward and realize whatever objectives you choose to hold.

Simply put – You are going to remove the limitations from your life that have, up until now, kept you from advancing in the ways that you want.

CHAPTER 1 has served as an outline and introduction to this course.

CHAPTER 2 covers the WISDOM and STRATEGY to be employed when making the preliminary steps on the path of Inspired-Positive-Self-Influence.


To develop positivity in your life you must first learn to apply wisdom to every encounter and every situation that you come across. This is done most effectively by slowing yourself

down and looking at the situation you find yourself in objectively and with your goals and intentions held in mind.

Developing wisdom allows you to see the best pathway to achieving your goals and objectives no matter what they may be. With regards to this positive development course you will learn to use wisdom to let go of negativity within yourself and you will start to develop the kind of lifestyle that is going cause you to advance in life, in the ways that you want.

The wisest thing you can do in this life is to develop positivity in your mind. Positivity will inspire, encourage, provide for and nourish you, all that you do and all that you care for. It is infinite in its scope and range and can be applied anywhere, to any situation, in any format.

You have chosen to focus your mind upon the task of developing positivity in your life and so it would be wise now to begin to strategize in your mind over how you are going to achieve this objective.

Society at large will not help you here and neither will your family or friends. Your motivation at this point must come from within you, alone.

Begin to make notes on everything that you need to do in order to progress toward developing a more positive way of life. Be sure to include the various topics of study mentioned in this book as well as the things you encounter in your daily life that you know no longer serve you and on which you will have to work to bring about positive change.

If you are serious about developing a more positive way of life then make a conscious decision now that you are going to do everything that you possibly can to remove unnecessary limitations from your life.

You must spend your time, effort and money on bringing into your life the things that are going to benefit your development and provide you with the tools and resources that you are going to need.

When you learn of the various topics that will be introduced in the coming CHAPTERS do what you can to surround yourself with information and instruction that will allow you to begin to practise incorporating each of them into your life.

Slowly you will absorb all of the positive suggestions in your study so that as you work on yourself each day, over time you will begin to see results.

By surrounding yourself with information relating to the various topics your mind will soak everything up like a sponge and slowly secrete this information bit by bit into your daily life. Acting in this way will allow you to make constant progress in all areas, one area at a time.

Plan your day so that you can spend time investigating each topic, researching the techniques and practising the disciplines. Find books, movies, interviews, documentaries, people, web-sites, downloads, workshops and whatever else you can that cover each of the specific disciplines. You must program yourself so that all you are thinking about each day is whatever topic you are currently focused on. Use sounds, songs, images, colours, objects and even mantras to remind you of your goals and intentions.

It is wise at this point in your development to ‘keep yourself to yourself’. Spend at least one hour each day (to begin with) alone, doing your research and practising your disciplines.

As you progress in your development you will naturally feel inspired to practise and study more often.

Take your time – There is no need to rush ;-)

Wisdom dictates that you will invest in yourself and your future. Investing in yourself will cause you to grow and will bring you closer to uncovering your true potential. When investigating the various topics the right approach is to focus on one aspect of your development at a time. Once you have decided upon one area of focus move onto figuring out how you are going to begin your investigation and incorporation of that topic into your life.

The essence of transformation lies within experience. By making things happen you will bring positive change into your life. Your objective at this point is simply to begin to investigate the various topics outlined in the following CHAPTERS. Throughout your development however you will find yourself coming up with your own ideas and objectives that will allow you to begin to take your life in the direction of your own choosing.

Make a list of your objectives and exactly what changes you want to bring about, then place a little mark next to whichever one you have chosen to focus on first. Applying yourself to one objective at a time means you can focus

your energy more efficiently and avoid getting side-tracked.

You will come to know which areas of your life are going to be easy to develop and which areas are going to need more attention and effort.

After years of working in this way, developing one aspect of your life at a time, naturally these small steps will merge into one whole focused life of positive development. This will be of benefit to yourself and everyone else in your life.

By expanding your knowledge and understanding you can make wiser choices about how it is best to go about changing your life in a positive way. CHAPTER 3 covers how to develop your UNDERSTANDING of the various aspects of POSITIVE LIFESTYLE DEVELOPMENT


There are many areas that you must learn to incorporate into your life in order to progress effectively on the path of Inspired-Positive-Self-Influence.

The difference between someone who is just getting by and someone who feels inspired to develop them-selves in a positive way is that the latter will actively apply themselves in a manner that will bring about positive change.

You can come to understand yourself deeply by investigating the following:

Spiritual sciences (Mediation, Yoga, Chi Gung etc)

Healthy eating

Exercising and getting physically fit

Principles of creativity

Environmental responsibility

Psychology and the nature of the human brain

Studies of the Mind

Physics (specifically Quantum Mechanics)

Martial arts

This preceding list covers the three principles of positive development that MUST constantly be addressed and maintained. These are MENTAL, PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL pursuits. The study and practise of these disciplines is important to the process of positive lifestyle development in order to give yourself a firm and complete

understanding of what must be pursued in order to bring about positive change.

There are a number of disciplines that will allow you to come to know what it means to develop true positivity in your life. Ultimately you must investigate for yourself to uncover them all.

The disciplines outlined in this course are effective means of developing a comprehensively positive way of life. By incorporating all of them into your life in a balanced manner, you will become master of your mind in every area of your life and ensure that only the seeds of positivity are growing within you.

Everything you read here and practise as a result of reading is designed to point you in the direction of developing greater awareness in your life. By developing greater awareness you will experience a powerful connection to everything and everyone that you encounter.

Learn to pay attention to what is occurring within your environment and keep up to date with current trends and developments. You do not have to follow current trends but learning about and observing them will cause you to develop an understanding of how your environment is in a constant state of change.

If you can observe without judgement you will develop a great fascination with watching the endless ways which the Tao has found to manifest and express itself. This will serve you well once you reach a point in your positive development where you will interact with the world and pass on the seeds of Positive-Lifestyle-Development to others.

Observing this it will become clear to you that it makes sense to develop your own life in a way that reflects what is occurring in the Tao – always changing, always evolving. Some have called this aligning with the Way.

The study of knowledge applies here also as humanity is constantly uncovering new sciences and new techniques which can serve to aid you in your positive lifestyle development.

It must be stated that positive changes cannot come about through the study of knowledge alone. It is necessary to develop understanding through study and then implement change through

action/practise so that the goal of positive transformation becomes realized.

Simply put – You must practise diligently in all areas of your study.

You must desire to overcome everything that attempts to bring you down.

Aim to conquer negativity to the highest degree possible in your life.

Disciplines of Spiritual Development




Tai Chi

Methods of relaxation

The art of breathing

Natural medicine

Emptying & Stilling the Mind

Disciplines of Mental Development

Psychological reprogramming

Self-hypnosis and auto-suggestion

N.L.P - Neuro-Linguistic-Programming

Science and structure of the brain

Disciplines of Physical Development

Physical exercise

Personal training

Weight lifting

Non-competitive participation in sport

Martial Arts


'Take it slow' as all of these disciplines take years to learn fully. Each can be suited to any level of mental or physical health. See for yourself and test everything you learn about to find out how to incorporate it into your positive development. Everything is worth

looking into in order to uncover what is useful. The more frequently you practise your disciplines the greater your capacity for understanding will become.

Search everywhere to find new areas of study that will enhance your positive development. The internet is a fantastic tool for developing your knowledge and understanding. Remember that your intention is to use that which is useful and discard that which is useless.

In your positive development leave others to their own devices. In order to bring about positive change in your life you need only focus on yourself and the things that you spend your time doing each day. Until you have crystallised positivity in your heart you should not attempt to actively influence or teach other people. To do so would only limit your development and ultimately confuse the other person. Eventually after many years of study and practise people will gravitate towards you unconsciously, naturally. Only once you have mastered yourself and your own positive development will you be in the right place to serve them.

In time, daily application of the principles you investigate will bring positive change into your life. Be vigilant in your studies. The most important things at this point are

consistency and determination. CHAPTER 4 covers the topic of GENTLE DEVELOPMENT.


Take your time with your positive development. There is no need to rush. As long as you are applying yourself each day you will progress naturally.

At the end of each day put your projects down and return to a state of calm so as not to get too caught up in your desire to advance. Acting with too much intensity would only cause you unnecessary anguish.

A gentle approach can allow you to slowly incorporate the various aspects of Inspired-Positive-Self-Influence into your life. This way you will see how change can come about quite naturally a little at a time.

Understand that there have been years and years of your life so far where you have been focused on negativity. Managing to bring about great positive change will not happen overnight.

Show yourself compassion with regards to the things that you struggle to develop and simply decide to keep going until you see the change you want to see.

Every step towards positivity is a positive step :-)

When you see that all the effort you are putting in is causing you to become more positive take a moment to feel good about this and make a conscious decision to keep moving forward.

Do your best to remove negative influences from your life where you can. If there is something negative that you can't remove from your life just accept this and look at it as something that can help to make your positive development stronger like a heavier weight that a ‘weight-lifter’ uses to develop greater strength. This is a form of training that will allow you to develop the ability to hold to your positive state of mind more effectively regardless of any influences in your immediate environment.

Sometimes you will need to soften yourself and learn to let go.

If there is something you can do to bring about change then go ahead and do it. If however there literally is nothing you can do then just let it go and put it out of your mind.

Your only focus with positive lifestyle development is yourself. Incorporate these suggestions into your life and you will come to know yourself in a more positive light.

*A Note on Feeding the Self.

During this kind of Lifestyle Restructuring the Ego, or Self (in laymen terms ‘We) will experience varied amounts of stress, so it is important to sometimes ‘feed’ ourselves in a way that helps us keep a positive state of mind. This means allowing ourselves to read a

good book, watch a random movie, enjoy a hobby, spend time with the family etc, the day to day things that make life as a human being enjoyable. Don’t be too tough on yourself, is the point I am trying to get across.


CHAPTER 5 covers the topic of APPLYING THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF INTENSITY to your development


You must learn to apply the right amount of intensity to your development. If you were to apply too much intensity you would overdo it and burn out before you had made any progress. If you hadn’t applied enough intensity then

your development may have made a good enough start but would have soon fizzled out.

Applying the right amount of intensity goes hand-in-hand with finding balance in your routine. You must learn how to equally incorporate all the aspects of Inspired-Positive-Self-Influence into your daily life. When a good balance of mental, physical and spiritual discipline is maintained you will naturally come to know the right amount of intensity to apply.

An Ancient One once said "Find the Middle Path".

Uncovering the right balance, initially is largely a trial and error process.

All of the aspects that you will need to learn about and practise have been mentioned in previous CHAPTERS. You can do your own research with regards to all of these disciplines. The internet contains everything you will need to know to find the information you are looking

for. You will also find many workshops and classes that aim to introduce the various subjects of study to you. This course serves as a way of introducing the various topics of study to you but you must thoroughly investigate the depths for yourself.

If you can, find a good teacher and a school, dedicate yourself to the path and practise diligently. In this way you are guaranteed to reap positive results.

It is your focus at this point to learn how to designate the time that you have to the study and practise of each of these disciplines in order to be able to cover the entire range of your mental, physical and spiritual development. Mastering this really does take a long time.

You will probably read this course in less than an hour but the information contained within it has been simply condensed. Expand on what you are reading as much as you possibly can and pick one thing at a time to focus on studying.

When you have gained a good level of knowledge and practise of each one of these disciplines you will have a better understanding of how to fit them into your daily life in a balanced manner so as to keep yourself moving forward. Again this is largely a ‘trial and error’ process which you must figure out for yourself, as what works for one person may not work so well for someone else.

Be diligent in your practise.

Focus on consistency and determination.

Your positive development should be a very high priority in your life. You must apply yourself in a way that reflects this. Make sure that you spend enough time each day doing what you need to do before you start to let yourself 'wind down'. Only when you have practised all of your disciplines for the day should you begin to relax. When you do want to 'wind down' be sure to stop working on your projects at least a couple of hours before you want to go to bed or you may find that you have a lot of ideas whizzing around in your head. This would make it difficult to fall asleep. Use your relaxation and meditative disciplines to help 'bring you back down to earth' and prepare you for sleep. Yoga is a really good way to relax

and unwind and can be suited to practitioners of all levels.

This part of your practise is all about finding the right balance which you must do for yourself. CHAPTER 6 covers the NATURE of BEAUTY in your positive development


There is no greater beauty than LOVE and there is no more powerful form of LOVE than being completely and utterly NATURAL.

Take time to incorporate into your development all that is natural. When you are surrounded by and immersed in nature your mind will reconnect with something very special that exists inside you. Do this often and you will find that it has a very positive effect on your overall well-being.

Take time to let go of your daily life and just breathe . . . . in . . . . and out. While doing this focus on nothing really and let things be just as they are without any added effort from your-self for a while. To understand the depth of this suggestion you must investigate meditative discipline. You must do this to bring clarity and calm to your spirit

To spend all of your time without a break immersed in city-life, busy work environments or a hectic family home is very detrimental to your health and to your ability to develop inspired positivity.

When getting back in touch with nature, do it on your own at first, later you can bring the people you love along with you. You will come to re-experience the beauty that exists everywhere. You will feel uplifted for longer periods of time. You will come to appreciate things that before you hadn't even noticed.

You may find yourself currently living a lifestyle that is quite literally chaotic on a day to day basis but if you find the time to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and love you will be able cope with the world to a much, much greater degree.

Spend time by the ocean (in it if possible), by rivers and mountains and forests, do this alone and sometimes do it with those who are closest to your heart.

Set time aside to practise your spiritual disciplines in places where nature is thriving, even if it is only once every few months that you change from practising in your everyday environment to somewhere that is more open and full of natural wonders. These places don't have to be quiet but try to make sure they are isolated from other people so as to give your mind a break from its habitual routines. Do this often enough and you will come to see something very profound that will make your positive development a much more natural and beautiful experience.

Aim to know yourself at the deepest of levels.

CHAPTER 7 covers using CREATIVITY to be VICTORIOUS against negativity


Learn to overcome your weaknesses and you can know victory against any onslaught of negativity.

Develop creativity in yourself and you will come to know no boundaries in your everyday life.

Test yourself with challenges of creativity.

Engage your artistic mind and learn to develop and evolve yourself so that you can continue to grow and learn as a human being.

Develop your creativity by focusing on only a single task at a time and by doing your utmost to stay focused on it, letting everything else slip out of your mind.

Hold your thoughts in the direction of coming up with ways to fulfil your objectives.

Ask yourself questions that relate to the completion of whatever your current objective is. Let the answers flow from your sub-conscious and write down the ones that are useful. Investigate these answers one by one and create strategies to bring them into reality. If it is difficult at first, just keep going and your mind will begin to form ideas

and strategies on its own. Carefully consider what your mind produces and see if you can incorporate what appears into your positive development. You can use the same approach to come up with solutions to problems or new ways to do things, in fact anything you need to be creative with.

This is you being creative.

Learn to pay attention to your dreams and work out the subtle messages that appear from the sub-conscious while dreaming. There are many techniques for developing the ability to better remember dreams, interpret dreams and even consciously manifested dreams, not to mention astral projection and all the other fun stuff.

In dreams you can be as creative as you can be. The question is, how creative can YOU be?

You must practise all aspects of your positive development constantly so as to keep yourself moving forward.

Always keep a reminder of your current objective close-at-hand.

Ignore the doubting minds of the people you encounter on a daily basis.

To be victorious in your development you must learn to keep only that which is positive and useful and disregard everything that is negative and detrimental. This is the approach you must take with every thought that enters into your head and every person and situation that you encounter in the world.

Use the skills that you gain to improve your life and the lives of those around you. Through this type of practise you will become a valuable spiritual asset to yourself and everyone else in your community.

More and more options will begin to open up to you.

Remember that you must take a holistic approach to your positive development incorporating every aspect of yourself. This is home, work, play, mental, physical and spiritual.

Through constant practise and unwavering determination you can come to have true positivity in your life.

By engaging your creativity to come up with positive goals and objectives you will open something up within yourself that is inspiring, encouraging, loving and all- encompassing, not to mention infinitely creative.

By achieving the goals that you create for yourself you will see that if you focus hard enough you can achieve anything in this life.

When you focus your mind on one topic at a time and engage your creativity you will start to see that you can have access to an endless string of ideas and ways to influence the development of your own life. This will serve to liberate you from old ways of thinking that would sound something like ‘but I can’t’ or ’but I don’t know how’. This is both inspiring and empowering.

CHAPTER 8 covers using REASON and LOGIC to establish the steps to achieving your goals.


There are obvious steps that must be taken on the road to uncovering positivity in your life. As you practise each day you will come to uncover them for yourself.

The logical thing to do here is to spend a lot of time considering the steps that you need to take in order to bring about the completion of your objectives.

Set your goals out in order of importance or just write down everything you want to do as it comes to you, then mark which one you are going to focus on for the time being.

Having chosen your current objective make a note of everything you need to do in order to make it happen and then as you complete each step mark it off.

Having completed reading this course it would be wise to make it your first objective to begin investigating one of the ‘areas of study’ previously mentioned.

In time you will see what must be done naturally in order to maintain your positive lifestyle.

As you practise each day your strength will grow and your weaknesses one by one will be addressed.

The goal is for you to develop the ability to overcome negative thoughts and behaviour in yourself.

Remember this and alter your perspective constantly so as to enhance the positive aspects of your state of mind.

When you experience any form of negativity within yourself take notice of this and make it your current objective to overcome it.

It makes sense that if you spend less time focusing on negative things and more time focusing on positive things you will experience more positivity and so advance much more effectively.

Learn to use logic and reason in your everyday life to complete your objectives effectively and efficiently.

As long as you focus on maintaining a positive state of mind and keep yourself moving forward by practising consistently, very little will be

able to get in the way of you realizing your dreams.

As you come to know yourself more you will become very effective and efficient at achieving your goals.

CHAPTER 9 covers developing a solid FOUNDATION from which you can maintain your positive lifestyle.


After having practised for a long time, all of the various aspects of positive development will merge and become a solid foundation from which you can maintain your lifestyle. Once this occurs you will be able to continue the process and develop yourself further by gaining more skills and completing more of your objectives.

Learn to incorporate as many different topics of study as you can.

Apply your mind completely to whatever topic you choose to study while removing all distractions in your life where possible.

The only way to develop a solid foundation in your positive lifestyle development is to dedicate your-self completely to the practise of its various aspects.

You must take advantage of the time that you have and work towards progressing your positive development as often as you can.

As you improve in your ability to develop a positive lifestyle it will become harder for the various forms of negativity to affect you.

Study each of your topics completely and one at a time so as to incorporate as much of what you learn into your life as possible.

Perhaps you could decide to focus on one topic for a month, absorbing as much as you can in this time and after one month of study decide which will be your next area of focus. Working in this way would allow you to know that in the space of one years’ practise you would be well on your way to developing a solid foundation in your positive lifestyle development.

Take your time with your studies and your development so that your foundation can become secure.

Your foundation must be allowed to solidify. This can only occur through constant application.

Practise your disciplines sincerely and completely.

If you can surround yourself with people who have similar interests, goals and objectives to you it will be much easier to advance in your development.

By immersing yourself in an environment that is designed to be conducive toward positive lifestyle development you will become invigorated with energy which in turn can be applied to developing a solid foundation.

Surround yourself with things you can use in your development, specific to your chosen objectives.

Remind yourself of your intentions with posters on your walls, images lying around your home and whatever else you can find to keep your thoughts focused.

To secure a solid foundation you must make it a habit to practise every day.

When you feel like you are falling behind if you haven't practised for some time, the habit is forming and your foundation is solidifying so pick it up again and continue with your progression.

CHAPTER 10 covers the completion of this particular course in POSITIVE LIFESTYLE DEVELOPMENT


Arriving at an ending you arrive at a beginning.

Having effectively completed one of your objectives you can continue to repeat the process on another one.

Develop your environment to reflect your positive lifestyle and keep evolving and growing where you can.

Help to encourage those that you meet to overcome negativity but do not force your guidance upon them.

If someone enquires as to how you live your life provide whatever positivity you can.

Be generous with all that you have.

Constantly work to maintain your lifestyle, everyday applying yourself completely to the work at hand.

In showing yourself that you can achieve your goals you will naturally feel inspired to continue on.

The people you encounter will naturally detect positivity in you and so become inspired to develop also. At this point it is a simple case of repeating the processes involved making sure to maintain what you have already developed.

Incorporate mental, physical and spiritual disciplines into your daily routine and you will start to feel much more positive about your life.

When you notice how great it feels to be inspired through positivity it will begin to make sense to you to feel positive more often. At this point old habits of negativity will die away and you will feel as though you have a 'new lease' on life.

Once positivity begins to develop within you it will come to you much more naturally than when you first started to put in all the effort.

Make sure not to get too satisfied with what you have achieved. Being too satisfied would become a comfortable trap.

Take your time to go over all of the concepts covered in this course again and again.

Keep fresh in your mind, that which you need to do in order to develop positivity in your life.

Think about what little changes you can make 'today' and over time you will see massive changes have actually occurred.

The most beneficial thing you can do for yourself and everyone else in this life is to uncover the positivity in your heart and to develop the ability to inspire and encourage yourself to realize your dreams.




(If you need a suggestion for where to go from here, it would be wise for anyone in this world who can, to investigate Healthy Eating & Getting Physically Fit)


In order to maximise your health and vitality it may be necessary to change your eating habits.

It is wise to eat in accordance with your lifestyle.

To develop inspired positivity in your life means you will have a diet that allows for maximum energy production and maximum health and physical/mental well-being.

Sustainable eating habits allow you to eat at regular intervals during the day without eating too much or too little. It is a good practise to eat every two hours between the hours of 12pm and 8pm, eating small meals that don’t completely fill you up. If you eat before 12pm limit yourself to fruit and fruit juice. This is because before 12pm our digestive system is preparing for the day ahead, so fruits and fruit juices have the least effect of interrupting this process.

Drinking plenty of water (preferably 1 litre) every morning and consuming at least a further 1 litre during the day will serve to maximise your energy levels and keep your body and brain hydrated.

It is strongly recommended that you remove all food items containing wheat from your diet. Wheat has absolutely no nutritional value and only serves to clog up your insides and weigh you down.

Remove all ready-made meals from your diet. You must take the time to learn how to prepare all of your meals for yourself as much as it is possible in your life.

Use fresh ingredients that you buy from a local source if available.

If you observe high levels of discipline in your diet you may choose to have one day a week where you relax your boundaries.

In general, a person wishing to lose body fat and develop lean muscle mass should consume more protein than carbohydrates. A person wishing to gain body fat should consume more carbohydrates than protein.

A small portion of boiled organic brown rice serves as a useful meal to sustain high levels of energy.

Eat as much raw/uncooked food as you can. Some examples of raw food are fruit, vegetables,

nuts and seeds, eaten to keep your nutrient/vitamin content high.

The classic stir-fry using meat and a selection of vegetables that are hardly cooked at all with only a small amount of sauce is a very healthy meal to include in your diet and can be altered into so many variations by simply altering the ingredients slightly. This serves as a meal that will never become too repetitive or boring.

A high protein content diet could consist of individual meals such as a tin of tuna, a chicken leg or a few slices of plain turkey and a piece of cheese. Combine this with some salad and raw or slightly cooked veg and you have an excellent meal.

Leaving roughly two hours between each serving allows for good digestion as long as the meals themselves are not too large. Your stomach will shrink after a short while of eating food in this way and you will feel fuller more easily. Also your body will adjust to function at the correct levels without having to cope with excess food. This way of eating will also allow you to develop a healthy and natural bodyweight. Because your body is no longer focusing so much energy on digesting the massive quantities of food, you will have much more energy to put into your daily life.

The basic principles of ‘proper food combining’ are worth looking into in order to see what positive changes you can bring into your diet. The basic principles of proper food combining are:

1. Keep proteins and carbohydrates separate, choosing one or the other for a chosen meal.

2. Combine either a protein or a carbohydrate with ‘high water content’ foods.

3. Keep all of your fruits and vegetables as raw as you possibly can.

4. Avoid eating late at night.

5. Consume fruit completely separate from all other foods by at least thirty minutes.

6. Eat fruit before all other foods and not after. Fruit digests much quicker than other foods and if eaten after will sit and ferment in your body.

7. Leave at least half an hour between eating food and drinking fluids.

You must train yourself to form new habits when it comes to your daily diet. For some this will be easier than others. One of the main difficulties people face is the removal of wheat completely from their diet. Ironically this is the one dietary change that will have the largest effect being specifically useful to causing loss of excess body fat.

You must experiment for yourself in order to find a suitable diet that works well for your lifestyle.

It should be a high priority on your list of objectives to investigate deeply into your dietary habits.

What you consume on a daily basis compounds in your body to dictate absolutely everything that you experience in the future. If you are consuming a healthy and positive diet, then every-day you are compounding goodness and vitality into your body and mind – this will serve you well in the future.

Keep in mind:

A weight lifter must consume a very different diet to a marathon runner.

A person who stays at home to look after children must consume a very different diet to someone who works a full day on a busy high street.

Judge your own diet in accordance with your own daily life, preparing whatever food you can for yourself in advance if necessary.

Use the circumstances of your life to develop the healthiest possible eating habits that you can.

Do not concern yourself if someone else thinks that you should not eat meat at all or that you may only eat cheese on a certain day of the week.

Test absolutely everything you uncover for yourself.

Adopt and adapt everything that you want to include in your lifestyle – this statement is not limited to the objective of forging positive eating habits in daily life.

Your goal is to maximise your levels of health and vitality.

With this in Mind - GET TO WORK!


The physical body serves as your point of contact with the cosmos.

A well-balanced and well-maintained physical form will serve you well in allowing you to roam freely across the face of the earth without undue pain or hindrance.

It is your duty to maintain your body to the best of your ability, ensuring it has access to the right kind of diet and nutrition and ensuring that it is healthy and physically fit enough to house your spirit for as long as it possibly can.

If you only own one vehicle for the span of your entire life, would wisdom not dictate that you maintain it as best you can?

To waste your body, is to waste your life.

A balanced and well-planned diet along with regular "gentle" exercise is the best means of ensuring that a positive state of mind develops within the individual. "Intense" exercise is suggested for those who would look to develop greater discipline, greater strength, greater determination and will-power, greater fitness, endurance and flexibility.

This is mastery of the physical domain.

It is absolutely vital that you incorporate at least regular "gentle" exercise into your daily positive lifestyle development. It is certainly suggested that you make it a high priority on your list of objectives to investigate "intense" physical exercise and begin to forge for yourself a physical form of supreme strength, vitality and fitness. Combined with mental discipline to direct the will, it is well within any persons sphere to develop what could be considered extraordinary levels of physical strength and fitness as-well as a physical body that radiates vitality.

Research personal training, martial arts, exercise nutrition and yoga to uncover the key aspects of developing greater health and physical fitness.

When starting out always begin at the beginning.

Step One: Master the basics.

Spend the first weeks exercising slowly, ensuring that you warm up properly, that the correct form is used and that you are sufficiently stretched so as to avoid any injury. Take into account any old injuries or disabilities and develop an exercise plan that takes these into account. Regardless of physical or mental disability, everyone can exercise and will find nothing but benefit when it is done consistently and correctly.

Develop a stable routine that allows you to consistently practise some form of physical exercise every single day.

Keep clear in your mind your goals and objectives with regard to your ideal body weight, levels of strength, endurance, fitness and flexibility.

This area of study is one of the most important aspects of your positive lifestyle development.

Remember, start with the basics, test everything for yourself, keep what is useful, disregard what is useless, develop your own style, build a solid foundation and most importantly, enjoy yourself.


Meditation is the practise of stilling the mind. When the mind is still, inner peace is realized. When your mind is filled with negativity it is a good time to practise your meditative disciplines. By focusing your concentration within the body you begin to release attachment to negativity within your mind. A real meditative discipline is one that requires you to direct your focus inside the body of reality. In doing this you will learn to let go. Letting go is by far the most important part of meditative discipline and is vital in maintaining a mind of positivity.

A useful form of meditation practise is one that places emphasis on stilling the mind. There are also ‘forms of meditation’ that are useless for stilling the mind as they place emphasis on thinking and imagining. These are not really forms of meditation though some people do refer to them as such. They are rather forms of ‘self-hypnosis’ and can be very useful if you are not intent on stilling your mind. With regards to stilling the mind you should only employ meditative practises that take your attention away from any thought processes. Some very effective methods of stilling the mind are Yoga, Chi-Gung and Kung-Fu. Any form of physical activity can be used as meditation as long as you are concentrating on what you are actually doing instead of concentrating on what you think you are actually doing. This is real meditation and is

not limited to any particular form of behaviour such as sitting cross-legged, holding the hands in a certain way etc.

The whole point of practising meditation is to bring to your awareness a realization of your fundamental nature and the fundamental nature of the universe. A feeling of inner peace can accompany such a realization but this is simply a side effect and not the ultimate aim. Once this realization occurs’ it is up to you how you choose to apply your mind. You will either concentrate your efforts further with regards to deepening your meditative states, or you may simply settle into any other form of lifestyle. Either way you will carry with you a deeper understanding as to the ‘actual’ nature of life itself. I say ‘actual’ because you will no longer be basing your thoughts about life upon belief systems that were given to you, instead you will be basing them on your own personal and profound experience of fundamental reality. This is very empowering for the one who practises meditative discipline. Only a sincere practitioner who devotes a great deal of their time and effort into their practise can venture into such depth of awarness.

In your investigations into meditative disciplines you will come across the term ‘watching the breath’. This points to the practise of allowing your concentration to settle upon the inward and outward movements of the breath itself. While you practise this it

is wise to initially do so in a place where you will not be disturbed for a short amount of time and a place where you are not exposed to extreme noise or temperatures of hot and cold. After some time you may want to experiment with these factors and observe the various effects they may or may not produce.

You carry the breath everywhere with you so it is certainly a very useful area of focus in ones’ meditation practise. Do not force the breath in and out but simply let it rise and fall of its own accord. If it helps you to concentrate you can also try counting each breath starting at 1 and working your way up to 10. If a thought enters your mind at some point while counting do your best simply to observe the thought without thinking about it. If your mind wanders off at any point into thinking before you have reached 10, go back to 1 and repeat the process. When you can honestly claim to reach 10 without a single case of your mind getting away from you, at all, then you should stop the counting and simply observe the flow of breath. This will take 99.9% of people a long time to achieve. Do not concern yourself if it does. Do not concern yourself if it does not.

Dedicate some time each day to the simple practise of watching the breath without thinking and your meditative development will get off to a good start. Mastery of this technique occurs once you fully realize that

the breath is always with you and that each and every moment of the day you can remain peaceful in meditation by watching the breath and objectively observing thoughts along with your environment without falling into the torrent of thinking.

Another form of meditative practise is to pay attention to the information that is flowing into and out of your senses. This means ‘to observe what you can see, hear, feel, taste and smell ‘in this moment’ without judgement and without commentary. Allow your attention to drift from one sense to another without stopping on a particular one long enough for your mind to produce thoughts. Practised long enough this will cause a ‘letting go’ to occur within you as your mind becomes absorbed in the essence of universal reality. You can also choose one sense to focus your mind on completely and as thoughts arise just let them go and return to the particular sense you are observing. All of the above mentioned practises can be performed at any time of the day in any situation that you may find yourself in.
