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The Herald - Parish Newsletter Nov Dec 2011 (Vol 37 no5)

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK, TORONTO, CANADA VOLUME 37, NUMBER 4 What a lovely sight....the church was packed as we formally welcomed Rev. Kevin Robertson to his new Ministry at Christ Church Deer Park on Sunday, November 13. HERALD


What a lovely sight....the church was packed as we formally welcomed Rev. Kevin Robertson to his new Ministry atChrist Church Deer Park on Sunday, November 13.


Dear Friends,

YESTERDAY WAS A WONDERFUL DAY in the life of our parish as we formally celebratedthe beginning of our new ministry together. I am grateful to those who wereinvolved in the service, and those who hosted the reception afterwards. The clergy,staff, churchwardens, members of the parish selection committee, musicians, andmany other parishioners worked very hard to pull everything together, and the resultwas simply marvelous. I am delighted that we have begun this new relationshipfrom a place of strength, and I have great hope for our future!

Hope is one the central themes of the season of Advent, which is just around thecorner. Each year, Advent calls us to wait with joyful expectation for God to breakinto the world. Of course, we know how the Biblical story ends: the hope expressedby the prophets of old is fulfilled in the birth of the Christ child, the anointed oneof God.

But Advent is not just a commemoration of past events. Ours is a living faith, andGod still breaks into our lives in new and unexpected ways. Advent calls us to hopefor the infinite possibilities which lie just beyond our sight. So how can we practicethis hopefulness in our every day living?

Well, our parish has embarked on a stewardship program, whereby all members of the parish are being asked to prayerfully consider their support of the church.We undertake this initiative with the hope that God is calling us to a bright future,filled with new possibilities, and requiring a new commitment of resources. Iencourage you to participate fully, remembering that your stewardship is buildingthe church of tomorrow.

A second way that we can practice hope is by striving to make a difference in theworld around us each day. Mohandas Gandhi famously said, “You must be thechange you wish to see in the world.” Through our daily decisions and actions, we can bring hope to those who have none. This has particular resonance in theupcoming Christmas season, a time for generosity and giving.

Thirdly, we practice hope by being rooted and grounded in prayer and in our richliturgical life. I invite you, through the Advent and Christmas seasons, to recommitto regular Sunday worship, where new hope is inspired.

I wish you and your loved ones every blessing for a hopeful Advent and joyfulChristmas.Yours,

The Reverend Kevin Robertson




HERALD is published six times a year(Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar,Apr/May, June/July) by

Christ Church Deer Park1570 Yonge StreetToronto ON M4T 1Z8Tel: 416.920.5211Fax: 416.920.8400www.thereslifehere.org

We welcome your submissions. E-mail: [email protected] the editor (e-mail below).PARISH CLERGY

RectorThe Rev. Kevin RobertsonAssistant CurateThe Rev. Samantha CaravanHonorary AssistantsThe Rev. Dr. Peter SlaterThe Rev. Canon Dr. David NeelandsThe Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton,

Ecumenical PartnerThe Rev. Michael Marshall,

Hospital for Sick ChildrenOrganist & Director of MusicEric RobertssonDirector of Children’s EducationHilary Keachie


Rector’s Warden (Human Resources)David ThorntonPeople’s Warden (Property)Walter BlackwellDeputy Warden (Finance)Robert MorrowEDITORIAL COMMITTEE

EditorJoyce Hamilton ([email protected])MembersHenry Zaluski, MJ Rosenthal,Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski,Peter Curzon, Kate RiegerWebmasterBrian DenchPARISH STAFF

Parish Administrator & Rector’s AssistantJean KingSextonDenis Delisle




A Celebration of New Ministry

Your Editor should have taken herown advice and borrowed the officecamera...in spite of a front row seat,my camera decided to misbehave andnary a shot taken was useable.

To the rescue came Deirdre Malonewith her trusty iPhone...our thanks!

Many of Kevin’s friends from his previous parish postings, friends fromamongst the clergy, family, plus manyfrom CCDP, swelled the crowd.

It was a wonderful, joyous event!



IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE that it’s already November andAdvent and Christmas are just around the corner! It’s suchan exciting time of the year for us at CCDP - singing carols,baking spiced cookies and, of course, our Annual ChristmasPageant! But before we get to that, here’s what the kids andyouth of CCDP have been up to so far this fall…

For the past month, the kids of PromiseLand have beenbusy collecting items and making encouraging announce-ments for their Canned Food Drive for the Churches-on-the-Hill Food Bank. Thanks to the generous support of thecongregation, we surpassed our goal and raised well over400 ITEMS!!

In October, the kids also did lots of “Saintly” learning;games and music! We explored and compared the lives ofdifferent historical saints, including Saint Francis andBlessed Hildegard, and then talked about ways that we canfollow their example in our everyday lives. All of this greatlearning well prepared us to celebrate the Feast of All Saintson Nov. 6th, in costume and all!

The youth of CCDP have also been actively involved inthe life of CCDP this fall. We started our Young AnglicanLeaders monthly breakfasts and I, for one, have beenblown away by the depth and breadth of the conversations!We’ve also taken action by helping prepare and serve a hotbreakfast for people in need in our community. It’s beenreally fun and meaningful so far, and I’m excited to seehow it progresses.

The kids and youth of CCDP will be kicking off theAdvent season at our Annual Christmas Fair. We will bebaking our little hearts out all morning to provide shopperswith delicious muffins and treats! Every penny we raise willbe donated to the Yonge Street Mission - our AdventCharity.

The very next week, we will start casting and rehearsing forour Christmas Musical Pageant!! We have roles for every-one who wishes to be involved, everything from regal magito sparkly angels. Please join us for what promises to be a

fun, energetic and moving telling of the Christmas story!

I hope to see you all there!

Hilary, Director of Children’s Education

Advent and ChristmasNov. 19th Christmas Fair Bake Sale!

Nov. 20th Meet Wendy from the Yonge Street Mission and learn all about their important work!

Nov. 27th Advent 1: 1st Pageant Rehearsal!!!

Dec. 4th Feast of Saint Nicholas!Join us to hear the story, bake spiced cookies and maybe even meet Nicholashimself!

Dec. 11th Advent 3: Pageant Rehearsal

Dec. 18th Advent 4: Full Dress Rehearsal

Dec. 24th Christmas Eve Service and Pageant @ 7:00pm

Dec. 25th & Jan. 1st No PromiseLand!We hope you have a wonderful holidayand look forward to seeing you for Epiphany on Jan. 8th!


A living Gospel...The Beatitudes

All the food! Thank you.



Young Anglican Leaders Fall Breakfast #3Sunday, November 20, 2011 @ 9:30am

Jordan is in charge of planning and leading our nextbreakfast together! We’re looking forward to seeing whatshe does --- and how many cheese items she brings forbreakfast!

Email Hilary at [email protected] for more infoor to join YAL - Young Anglican Leaders meets once amonth for BREAKFAST and meets once a month toTAKE ACTION!

Our 141st anniversary and Advent are upon us. Each ofthese events have both history and future stories, and in the case of Christ Church Deer Park and Advent - the storiesare interconnected. After all Christ Church exists to proclaim the gospel which was made flesh at Christmas, the incarnate God found in a manger in the human personof Jesus of Nazareth.

Advent is not unlike our recent transition period betweenincumbents. It is a time to prepare for the future, a radicalnew future. A future full of possibilities, a future we areinvited into fully, to participate, to help form and identifyand to live out in our daily lives. Advent invites us to liveincarnationally. Incarnation literally means embodied inflesh or taking on flesh. It refers to the conception andbirth of a sentient creature (generally a human) who is thematerial manifestation of an entity, god or force whoseoriginal nature is immaterial.

Both our anniversary and Advent invite us to figure out, todefine how we might live out our incarnation - live out ourgospel story. That story of Jesus that speaks of justice, hope,peace and love. Christ Church has a strong history story. If you participated in the History Taking we did onSunday, Oct 30th - you would have heard the excitementin the room as we looked back at the wonderful work andministry that formed who we are today. Work of justicethrough not one, but two world wars; a legacy of hope asChrist Church has since its birth fed and nurtured people;a story of peace and love as, through the years and countlesschanges in liturgy and theology, the people of God in thisplace found ways to live, work and pray together.

The challenge of our anniversary and Advent is to look forward - what does this mean for us now, and where dowe want to go.

I am very excited for Christ Church. I have always thoughtit has untold and untapped potential. I am also thrilled tobe working with Kevin Robertson. In the six weeks Kevinhas been here I can tell you he is a deeply dedicated personof faith. He is smart, hard working, caring and has a wonderful sense of humour.

From theUpper Room

The Advent of our God is at hand - I encourage you tohear anew the stories of the prophets, the excitement andbewilderment of Mary, and the heralded words of John thebaptizer - “make straight a highway for our God.” Immerseyourself in the stories of our history and leap fearlessly intothe future of our faith.

Reg and I wish you and yours a blessed Advent.

The Reverend Samantha Caravan



Building the Bridge toCCDP’s Bright FutureTHIS IS AN EXCITING TIME at Christ Church. With arenewed sense of ministry, our attendance growing and awonderful spirit about where we are going, the parish stillhas one major obstacle to overcome. Over the next fewweeks, leading through Advent and on to Christmas, everymember of the parish is being approached to support theministry of CCDP through their financial contributions.We urge you to be as generous as possible with the confidence that your charitable gift are critical in makingour worship, outreach, music, adult education, children &youth programs, pastoral care, and fellowship possible.Christ Church is a force for good in our community, boththrough the direct work of the parish, and the home weprovide for a myriad of community organizations at Yonge& Heath.

While the heart of CCDP may be the clergy and staff wholead us, the lifeblood of our community is the support ofparishioners through their time, talent, and treasure. One is useless without the other. We have been blessed with thearrival of Kevin Robertson as our Rector, joining a first-class team, including Samantha, Eric, Hilary, and the staffwho keep CCDP vibrant. There is great optimism for thefuture, but we know that in order to fulfill this potential,we need more blood in the body!

Over the last few years, while our expenses have been keptin tight control, our revenues have slipped. We believe thatthis is solve-able and, within the parish, there is the abilityto us to address the 20% revenue shortfall. This is why thestewardship campaign taking place in November andDecember is so important for both CCDP today, andCCDP in the future. This is the first major campaign in anumber of years, and we are confident that, because mostmembers of the parish haven’t been asked to increase theirgifts for years, we will be successful.

So, what can you do?• Consider your role as a Christian and a member of theCCDP community as you decide what to give. Every contribution makes a difference, both in reality and symbolism. The Diocese suggests that 2% of income is areasonable benchmark. This is well below the 10% thatother denominations and faiths practice through tithing.

• Consider putting your contributions on a regular program– monthly automated deductions from your bank accountor credit card. This allows us to better predict our revenues

and also ensures that your giving isn’t interrupted in timesof travel, ill-health, or other absences from church.

• Remember that these contributions are all charitable so,depending on your financial situation, a significant portionof your gifts will come back to you at tax time.

• Feel free to ask the members of the stewardship committeequestions or speak with us about concerns or issues.

As we enter this season of generosity, we encourage you toconsider the role of CCDP in answering Christ’s call and inhelping make our community a better place for all.

The Stewardship CommitteeFraser Baillie, Rev. Samantha Caravan, James Cowan, BobHutchison, Barbara Johnston, George Lewis, David Moore,Rob Morrow, Rev. Kevin Robertson, Cathy Thomas, Tony vanStraubenzee, Innes van Nostrand (Chair)

A Word fromthe Wardens

The Wardens can feel excitement and the expectation ofrenewal in the air!

It is clear that Kevin Robertson’s arrival has already had avery positive effect on the on enthusiasm of parishioners.Certainly Corporation is appreciating Kevin’s participation,both through his ability to listen to and absorb the issuesaffecting the parish as well as his thoughtful comments and suggestions.

One other major initiative that is a source of encouragementis the formation of a strong Stewardship Committee underthe leadership of Innes van Nostrand. We have every reasonto expect that their Stewardship campaign during Adventwill be successful and will permit us all to concentrate onfurther enhancing life within and beyond our parish.

Best wishes to all during the coming season of Advent.

David Thornton Walter Blackwell Robert MorrowRector’s Warden People’s Warden Deputy Warden



History Taking

THE TURNOUT WAS LARGE...the coffee even ran out and the sandwiches and sweets were quickly devoured as we gathered to tell our stories after the service on the lastSunday of October.

We were placed into groups representing the decade duringwhich we had joined CCDP...from the 40’s (and before) tothe 2000’s. This made for some interesting mixes ofages...for instance, the 70’s table, made up mainly of peoplewho had come to CCDP with young families at that time,also included Ted Hobson, who had come to us with Erniewhen he served as interim priest between Fraser Bournesand Ron Davidson in the 70’s...and stayed.

In our groups, we were asked to discuss events that hadshaped our experience of the parish during our time; whatwas happening in Toronto (and the wider world) and howthat affected us, plus what the parish was like in its size,achievements, outreach, Sunday School, the clergy and therole of the laity. Each group then gave a a few highlights oftheir observations to the whole room,

We were then asked to think on what values were reflectedin our shared stories, what strengths had been demonstratedby the clergy and the congregation and what God was calling on CCDP to do during our decade...again reporting to the group as a whole.

It was interesting to follow the changes that had occurredover the represented span of over 60 years; both in whatwas happening in the parish, and how what was happeningin the wider world affected parish life. Equally interestingwas the common thread that wove through all the stories...a strong sense of community, welcoming, friendship, giving and, yes, fun.

While certainly planned to help Kevin get to know us, I believe we all came away from the experience knowingourselves better as well.

There IS life here.

Many thanks to Susan Graham Walker for leading usthrough this fascinating and instructive exercise.

A full house

The 40’s (and before)... well represented. The war years and nowomen near the altar.

The 60’s...the Age of Aquarius

The 50’s Still line-ups at


The 70’s...the “God isDead” decade.






Under the expert tutelage of Yvonne Buckingham, teneager participants (nine men, one lady) have had the joysof the kitchen demystified...from learning how to choponions (and not fingers) to preparing full, healthy, tastymeals.

Scores of volunteers helped enormously...with the shopping,in the kitchen and setting up the dinner table by the firein the ASR...where everyone sat down together to enjoythe fruits of their labours...with candles and wine and lively conversation.

Will there be another session? Speak to Jean King in theoffice if you are interested...and watch the Bulletin.


The end of the year looms! So here’s an urgent call fordonations to FaithWorks. This diocesan campaign pro-vides essential funds for 14 vital community ministries in the Diocese of Toronto, as well as for three partneragencies (the Anglican Appeal, Loft Community Services,and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund).CCDP in past years was a leader in supporting this

campaign, but this year our response has been very limited. The ministries that FaithWorks supports changehopelessness into hope, loneliness and isolation into community, despair into dignity. Please support this vitalwork across our diocese. FaithWorks envelopes are availableat the back of the church. Please donate through CCDP as the contribution form provides. That way the CCDPcontribution to the campaign can be identified and 15 per cent of funds raised may be allocated to parish outreach, in accordance with the campaign terms of reference.

Phyllis Creighton, CCDP FaithWorks coordinator

Past Events

The Rummage Sale was a success!TO ALL THAT HELPED WITH THE FALL SALE...

Over $11,800 was raised. However, let’s us not fool our-selves, Fall has always been stronger than Spring. Just let’sdo our best on April 28th, 2012.

Thanks to all volunteers who helped faithfully, and a veryspecial thank you to Rita Becker for all her work and forbeing at my side to advise me on all I had forgotten.

Judith Maxwell is so well versed in what she has to do, thatshe just does it. The same goes for Betty Van Wyck and thelinen ladies and Pat Anderson and her jewellery crew. Alsoanother special thank you to Betty Howson who so graciously came to my rescue at two instances.

Not to forget Jean King, Denis Delisle and Ann Larkinwithout whose support we would have been lost; I alsohave to add a special thank you to Maggie Symons forrecruiting Rob Morrow, who was immensely helpful during the sale and with the clean up. My thanks also toBob Reeves, Sharon Kirby and Maggie Symons for takingcare of the money, as Louise Saunders was away. Most ofall, it was so nice to see all of you together giving your best.

Thank you.

MJ Rosenthall, Rummage Co-ordinator




Bridge LuncheonTHE ACW BRIDGE LUNCHEON on Oct.31st was fully subscribed. 28 tables (108 women and 4 brave men)enjoyed delicious home-made sandwiches and sweets andan afternoon of Bridge.

Thank you to all who helped to make this event a success– 36 hard working volunteers and our many friends wholove to attend.

All proceeds go to the Churches on-the-Hill Food Bank.

A few of the kitvhen crew

...overflowed into theArthur Smith Room.

A full ElliottHall...

Christmas FairIT IS HOPED, as this issue goes to press, that the Fair will be in progress and you’ll still be enjoying the pleasure ofpartaking in Sunday’s mini Fair...at least that’s the plan.

Even if you read this after the fact, it’s sure to have been,as always, a great success.


We have co-chaired the Fair for six years now and are hoping that someone will come forward to chair, or co-chair, this wonderful, parish event. The ladies and gents of the church are always willing and ready to do their parts and Lorna and Lynn are sincerely grateful for all thesupport they have received.

If you feel that you could give of your time to organizethis event, please get in touch with us...be assured that wewill be there to assist.

Lynn Lovekin 416-960-2193Lorna Lang 416-932-2599

Advent StudiesChaos to Love: A Renewed Advent PerspectiveTuesday evenings in Advent Nov 29, Dec 6, 13, & 20 - 7pmin the Arthur Smith Room

In this resource we will examine Advent in the light of thefollowing topics; Life as a Series of Sacred Moments, TheEquality of the Human Person, People of the Water: OurBaptismal Promises, Living Incarnationally: Our Call toSocial Justice.

Advent - Book StudyCan’t fit a study into your schedule. Mark Advent with aguided book study. Two books are available to use in smallgroups, as a family, or individually. There will be a kick-off session about each book onSunday, Nov 27thafter the 10am service, in the ChapelBooks are available for purchase from Samantha.

Behold!, Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of AdventPamela C. Hawkins, published in 2011 by Upper Room Books, Nashville - $15Kevin Robertson will lead this book study.

This book offers daily reflection and prayer designed todraw you into a prayerful Advent. To be attentive toexpectancy, preparation, faith, and promise... “The weeks leading up to Christmas Day can plunge us intoa state of dazed busyness in which the stunning story ofChrist’s birth is obscured by overly familiar traditions andcommerce-driven expectations. In these thoughtfully chosenand carefully integrated daily prayer practices, PamelaHawkins provides us with a simple yet rich means of regainingour spiritual sight. As we learn with her help to see anew thewonder, beauty, and challenge of God-with-us, we will find onChristmas morning that we have already received gifts farbeyond what we could (From the cover)

lmThe Learning Ministry presents



The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach AboutJesus’s BirthMarcus J Borg & John Dominic Crossan, published in 2007 by Harper Collins, NY - $18Samantha Caravan will lead this book study.This book offers an academic study of the Christmasscriptures. The scriptures original context, interpretationand how we have merged them into one... “The First Christmas enriches our understanding of Jesus in a desperately needed way. Readers will fine here profound andconvincing insights into the meaning f Jesus’ birth - and life -for the early church, and will be challenged to discern theirmeaning for the world today.”(From the cover)

Keep these dates...

AdventSun. Nov.27 Advent Book Study Session

after 10am service - in the ChapelJazz Vespers - 4:30pm

Tuesdays, Nov. 19, Dec. 6, 13 & 20Chaos to Love7pm - Arthur Smith Room

Wed. Nov. 30 Book Club7:00pm - Arthur Smith Room

Christmas ServicesSat. Dec. 24 7pm - Christmas Pageant


Sun. Dec. 25 8am and 10am

and in the Gallery...November 27 - Urs Josef Kehl - oils on acrylics

Opening of exhibit and artist’s talk11:30am - Arthur Smith Room

The GalleryFrom Oct 31, to Nov. 13, Fatima Pradhan’s joyouslycolourful paintings have been on exhibit. Her theme was“Art has Transformative Power”.

Beginning on November 27 and through Advent, Urs JosefKehl will exhibit his paintings. Urs is a full-time volunteerwith ATD Fourth World Charity, presently working in theJane/Finch area in Toronto. He has worked in many of thepoverty-stricken neighborhoods of the world and would liketo move/inspire us to action in eradicating poverty. Urs’ artis both moving and inspiring. Themed, “Enlightenmentthrough Art...an exploration of people’s spirit through theirneighbourhoods”, Urs tries to capture the essence of theseneighbourhoods; the daily joys, the hopes of the parents fortheir children and the courage of the people in spite of theirpain and struggles. Proceeds from sales will benefit FourthWorld, Occupy and Street Health.

Each painting has its story. Urs will give a talk on his art,their stories and his commitment to eradicating poverty onSunday, November 27 at 11:30am. Please plan to join us.

Following in January, our own Emily Chattan will displayher felt hangings.

Where Ismay Richards Died Urs Josef Kehl


Charlotte Eliza Margaret Munro

In Memoriam

Ross Alfred RitchieWendy Gooderham McVittieRoss Bryden Richardson



JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’sfinest jazz musicians!

Nov. 27 Mark Eisenman QuintetMark Eisenman, piano; Steve Wallacw, bass;John MacLeod, trumpet; Pat LaBarbera,saxophone; John Sumner, drums

Dec. 18 Barlow Brass and Drums Christmas Jazz Vespers Chase Sanborn, Brian O’Kane, trumpets; Russ Little, Terry Promane, trombones;Doug Burrell, tuba; Brian Barlow, drums

From theOrgan Bench

WITH ADVENT just around the corner,the CCDP choir is looking forwardto all the wonderful music it will besinging between now and Christmas.

In addition to our weekly services,our annual Lessons and Carols service, and our Christmas Eve CarolSing, the choir will also be singing at this year’s “City Carol Concert”

which will be taking place at Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch on December 17th at 2pm.

Joining the Christ Church Deer Park and Yorkminster ParkBaptist Church choirs, the High Park Choir of Toronto, theLarkin Singers, and the VIVA! ARTS! Brass will be specialguest, international opera star Richard Margison.

Our media partner, City TV, plans to televise the concertcross the country between Dec. 17th and Christmas, usingit as a fundraiser with all proceeds going to Food Banks inthe cities where the program airs. Admission is free, so comealong and bring a friend – it promises to be a remarkableevent!

Season’s Greetings!

Eric Robertson, Music Director

If you’re interested in finding out more about the ChristChurch music program, please contact me through theMusic page of the CCDP website.

FREE CONCERTS on Thursdays at 12:10 pm. Bring yourlunch, relax and enjoy. (Donations welcome).

Presented by Nine Sparrows Arts foundation and ChristChurch Deer Park

Feel like being more involved? Don’t have much time, but want to help out? Feeling new, but want to join in? Been here a while, but haven’t been involved? Have ideas to share?

Join us!THERE’S LIFE HERE in what we do, how we get together and what gets done.

New members are always welcome to join any group atCCDP...choose one that interests you.



Tuesday, February 28 - 7:00pm

Wit (2001)Mike Nichols, Director - 98 Min.

Based on a popular stage play,“Wit” tells the story of a literaland hard-edged English professordiagnosed with advanced stageovarian cancer. No longer ateacher, she becomes the object ofstudy. After a lifetime of studyingthe poetry of John Donne, shediscovers there is a very fine linebetween life and death.

Tuesday, March 20 - 7:00pm

Whale Rider (2002)Niki Caro, Director - 101 Min.

“Whale Rider” explores the experience of a tribal people at thebrink of survival. A young girl takeson the patriarchal traditions of thetribe, determined to save her peopleand their long standing connectionto ocean. This movie won accoladesat film festivals around the world.

Hosted by the Learning Ministry

Faith &FilmFestivalSeason 6

JOIN US AGAIN in the Arthur Smith Room on Tuesdayevenings for an entertaining, thought-provoking film, followed by discussion...movie style refreshments served.Free admission...all are welcome. (Donations to helpdefray costs are gratefully accepted)

Welcome to the Book Club

We invite all those who enjoy reading books to come to our meeting on Wednesday, November 30

Instead of our annual Christmas dinner we are havingspecial treats at our regular November meeting,

Please Note: Special meting time: 7:00pm

This month we are reading The Elegance of the Hedgehog

by Muriel Barbery Join us

for lively conversation, refreshments and wine, or your own choice of beverage.

For information, call Anne Kear: 416-924-3940

Remember to check our website for updates on these and other events.


Please join usas The Art and Spiritual Committee

and the Learning Ministrypresent a talk by

Urs Josef KehlMeet the asrtist and hear

the stories behind his paintings and his commitment to eradicating world poverty

through his work with the ADT Fourth World Movement.

Sunday, November 2711:30am

(following coffee hour)



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Robert O’ReillyExecutive�Director






[email protected]


Have you consideredadvertising in theHERALD?HERALD is published 6 times per year; Sept/Oct;Nov/Dec: Jan/Feb: April/May: June/July. Ad rates are very reasonable...we can even design your ad if required.And... since the HERALD is posted in full to our websitewww.thereslifehere.org your advertisements will also get exposure on the internet.

A joyous Christmas to all.

HERALDDeadline for the next HERALD is February 8

DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory? An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or to the Editor.

Articles and announcements may be submitted at any time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the Atrium or e-mail the editor at [email protected]
