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  • 5/26/2018 The Hidden Archive AMORC


    A M O R C

  • 5/26/2018 The Hidden Archive AMORC


    Research and Compilationby

    Rosicrucian Research Library AMORC)

    Rosicrucian Park, San r 0 C e l i t . . . . l 1 . S. A o _ leLIOTCC ], < : , L i\ rJ ~

    :. ~ t~ }/ l - ~ . ~ .~ . ~ _ o _ _ . l

    Z , J s Dtj 1~~Third Edition

    Copyright May, 1943The Supreme Grand Lodge, A. M. O. R. C.San Jose, California, U. S. A.

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    M eaning o/ N um ber SevenTHE Number Seven is the number of perfectionIt is the most sacred of all numbers. It is sregarded by all the ancient peopIes in their theogonies. It symbolizes the mystery of creation, andof manifestation. Its the figure of fact personified

    AlI the ancient mystery teachings state that theDivine brought forth the universe through a Deityhaving a seven-fold aspecto The Christian scriptures mention the seven EIohim, or sons of God,the seven sacraments, seven capital sins, sevewords spoken on the cross, Rome built on sevehilIs, the Sabbath, or seventh day of the week anda day of rest; and according to the Blessed Virginstory we find mention of seven sorrows, seven joysand seven glories]

    Among the various nations seven gods havebeen identified with the rulers of the seven planetsMan s physical body is seven-fold in constructionas are divisions of the body, functions of the bodyetc. Number Seven is also called the Master of theMoon because the moon changes its appearanceevery seven days. We have seven days in the

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    4 THE HIDDEN ARCHIVEone of a long list of sins. If what he has said istrue, he is allowed to go on to the happy land ofjoy presided over by the god Osiris. Thus, to thisend every Egyptian of means had buried with hima papyrus of the Boo~ of the Dead.

    Origin Adam and EveTHE word Adam was originally used in theHoly Bible as a common or general name ratherthan a proper name. In other words, it meant manin general, or mankind.Adam and Eve were the representatives of thefirst pair of human beings. Re1igious groups some-times emphasize them as a specfic couple insteadof a type or a beginning race. The word Adamcan also mean earth. Even the Bible says Adam,or man, was made from earth by the breath of life

    being put into his nostrils. It also says that he wasmade in the image of God-spiritually. There areother theories of the origin of man, or Adam. Thescentific one is that man s life first existed as aliving thing of the waters, then was a reptile, amammal, an ape, a sub-man, and finally evolvedinto a primitive man comparable to some of the

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    savages of today. This sub-man is supposed tohave reached his state of development on the earth50,000 years ago.Another theory of evolution is that man is afallen angel clothed with matter or flesh. Theangels were sent to the earth and made to lose

    consciousness of their heavenly world because ofdisobedience to God. Hence, these beings mustwork out their punishment, or evolve back to thehigher world, from the primitive brute through thestage of the cultured rnan on up the scale to thesuper-being or angel.According to theology, Eden was a beautifulparadse-like park somewhere in the Holy Land.In this beautiful spot of nature, God had placedtwo innocent human beings. He told thern not toeat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. But,so goes the story, the woman, encouraged by sornekind of a spirt which scholars call a snake, ate ofthis fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Thus didman become able to know right frorn wrong andto understand that he was naked. There have beenvarious interpretations of the eating of the fruit.The general consensus of opinion among theolo-

    gists seems to be that this eating was symbolical

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    of the generative acto Thereafter man was pun-ished for disobeying God. Not only was he drivenfrom this beautiful park, but he was forced to earnhis living, not by eating of the abundance of Ood,but by the sweat of his brow caused by physicalwork. Many students of archaeology have at-tempted to identify the four rivers of the Oardenof Eden with some ancient spot in Palestine. Othershave said that Eden meant a heavenly place; whilestill others, occult students especially, have saidthat Eden was a mode of life on another planetand that when man disobeyed Ood in some wayhe was thrown from this planet, where life wasideal, down to the earth where he had to sufferand work. Incidentally, this whole story of thebook of Gnesis is attributed by scholars to be aBabylonian story of creation, or rather a Baby-lonian cosmogony. J acob Boehme, a great Ros-crucian mystic, offers more spiritual and esotericinterpretations. He maintains that God was gladthat man ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.Ths action may have brought brain knowledgewith its companion known as selfishness, but italso brought freedom of the will and power ofchoice. Free will brought the opportunty to over-come selfishness through pain and death, and to

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    retum to the divine state which man formerly held.This retuming of man is symbolzed, according tosome mystics, by the retum of the prodigal son.In other words, man retums to the Kingdom ofHeaven, having learned many lessons. Possessingfree will, he will become like the ange1s, but willbe above the ange1s because he possesses free willand consciousness. In a very sketchy manner thisis an explanation of the exoteric and esoteric sidesof the banishment of Adam and Eve from the Gar-den of Eden.

    W h Is Mankind Divided lntoV arious R aces?IS only within modem times that the divisionsamong races have been worked out by arbitraryscentific methods. All existing men resemble oneanother. There are many ethnical criteria, orracial factors, on which ethnologists rely intheir many complicated schemes of c1assifications.Among them are two schemes which are recog-nzed as trustworthy.

    Judging the shape of the head or measurementof the skull is one method. There are three groups

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    in this dvison - long-headed , short-headed andmedium-headed. Ths results in the different racedivisions-Ethiopian, Caucasian and Mongolian.The second method of c1assification, according tothe texture of the hair, is due to the fact that hairmay be wooly and kinky, curly and wavy, orstraight and smooth. Their racial names are: first,Negro; second, Anglo-Saxon , Iranian and Aryan;and third, the straght-haired or Eskimo and Mon-golian type. When and where these divisions anddistinctions first appeared is not absolutely certain.At the end of the glacial period man was thinlyspread over Eurasia and Africa. The life he lived,isolation, the country he inhabited, and inbreeding,caused the development of the types we have to-day arbitrarily called races.

    H ow May One F ind H is H erOw n C olor?C ERTAIN kinds of color excite us; others sootheand please. The nun clothes herself in blackto typify the despondency of a faith crushed underthe sense of original sin. The happy bride robes

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    herself in white; and red inflames the anger ofcertain animals.Color today is being great1y used as a curativeand therapeutic agent. As such, various colors areused and recommended, dependent upon the condition or ailment of the patient. However, the truecolor vibration, which is permanent, can be ob-tained rough1y in the following manner. Have theperson be seated, re1axed, looking into a ray oflight which is reflected from the sun. Place a prismin front of this ray and a1low the seven colors of

    the spectrum to play slowly, in turn, upon theopn eyes of the persono One color will be foundin the spectrum which feels pleasant, or exhilaratesthe individual, in contrast to the irritations of theothers. This one color, or mixture of colors, is theperson s own color. Such color strengthens theperson s mentality as well as ton es up the nervesof the individual.

    What 1 5 the Kabala?

    THERE are several types of Kabala. One is the[ewsh, one the Christian Mystical, one theMagical Kabala, one the Alchemical, one the Rosi-

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    crucian, and another the Hindu. They a11hadtheir origin in the ancient mystery schools ofAtlantis. The Egyptian and the Hindu Kabalasare the closest to the Atlantean teachings whichwe have today. A great many scholars believe thatthe Jewish and the Christian Mystcal Kabalaswere obtained from the Egyptian. Even in thetime of Christ there existed a secret doctrine amongthe Jews. Hausrath, a great scholastic theologian,has pointed out that the main tenets of medievalJewish Kabalism existed and were used at the timeof Christ. How far beyond this it extended we donot know,Naturally, such a body of lmowledge was verysecret and was kept for the se1ect few rather thangiven out indiscriminate1y. The mystical playDybbuk will gi ve one an idea of how true mysti-cism is passed by word of mouth rather than bywritten methods. This secret traditional knowl-edge of the Jews was their Kabala. A certainRabbi, Simeon ben Yohai, placed in writing themain teachings of the Kabala, against the wishesof his contemporaries.

    This fountainhead of the Kabala is lmown asthe Zohar or The Boo~ o f Splendor. Different

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    writers studied the Zohar and worked out theirown arrangement of cosmogony and other philo-sophical tenets. Naturally, you can see that dueto the great bulk of material in the Zohar therewould be great divergence in the various systems.The medieval Jewish Kabala drew on the SepherSephiroth and Asch Metzareph as well as the an-cient genuine jewsh work, Sepher Yetzrrh. As aresult, what we know of today, and what the jew-ish people of today say s their Kabala, is classifiedunder four heads: Practical, Literal, Unwritten orOral, and Dogmatic.

    The practical part deals with ceremonial magic,such as divination, talismans, etc. The Literal partis subdivided into three parts known as Gematria,Notariquon, and Temura. Gematria is based onthe numerical value of words. The Notariquon isthe study of the Kabalistic shorthand. The Ternurais the study of various cypher methods for the com-bination of the Hebrew alphabet. The DogmaticKabala contains the specific doctrines as follows:Nature of the Supreme Being, cosmogony, crea-tion and destiny of angels and men, the nature ofthe soul, demons and e1ementals; the import ofrevealed law, symbolism of numerals and equ-librium of contraries. Such a study gives one a

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    sense of sublime majesty and a glorious purpose inlfe. The Kabala teachings emphasze the attain-ment of equilibrium.The Egyptian Pantheon, known as the PautNeteru of the Egyptians, is an older mystical treat-ment of the same principIes which are found in

    the Hebrew Kabala. There has not been as muchwork and research among students at large on theEgyptian Kabala as on the Hebrew; consequentIyit is only among the Rosicrucians, the Masons andthe Egyptologists that we find a fair understand-ing of the Egyptian Kabala.Neter is identical with the Hebrew Ain Soph.The papyrus Nesi msu describes in detail whatis scattered throughout the Egyptian Boo~ of theDead that is, the order of emanation of thevarious Hierarchy of powers that correspond tothe ten Sephiroth of the Hebrew Kabala. Ra cor-

    responds to the Hebrew Kether; Tefnut corresponds to the Hebrew Bnah; Nut correspondsto the Hebrew Geburah; Seb corresponds tothe Hebrew Chesed; Shu corresponds to theHebrew Chokmah; Osiris corresponds to the Hebrew Tiphereth; Horus corresponds to the HebrewNetzach; Nephthys corresponds to the Hebrew

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    Hod; Set corresponds to the Hebrew Yesod; andIsis corresponds to the Hebrew Malkuth.By referring to the Boo~ of the Dcad underthe various Egyptian names quoted and by study-ing the Zohar one can see the similarity. It is gen-erally conceded that the Egyptian Kabala is muchthe older, more systematic, and on a higher intel-lectual planeo The Boo~ of the Dead presents awonderful opportunity for study, as does the Zohar.

    The Holy G railTHE Legend of the Holy Grail appears in manyand widely different forms. It is true that noamount of research will ever untangle the webof Grail stories.

    However, the Holy Grail defintely does have ahistory. It is the cup which Christ used in His lastsupper. Christ gave the cup or Grail to [oseph ofArimathea with the express charge of chastity,saying that then it would remain among his linealdescendants. Joseph added to its preciousness bycatching the blood of the Saviour in it as He washanging on the cross. This precious vessel became

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    the chief treasure of joseph s household. Josephand his family carne over to Britain with the cup,or Sangreal. When he arrived he made a roundtable, to seat thirteen, in commemoration of thetable used at the Last Supper. The Round Tableof King Arthur was a copy of this table. At[oseph s death the cup was handed down from sonto son until one descendant disgraced the cupo Itwas then that King Arthur and his knights soughtfor the Holy Grail.

    The Grail, a very beautiful cup of gold andsilver, was made even more so, in time, by theaddition of jewe1s designed as fruit. It was saidto have miraculous powers; so much so that veryfew were pure enough in heart to behold it.

    There were two meanings to the power of theHoly Grail. There were those who sought theGrail because it brought health and a11the goodthings into their lives, and would also bring greathappiness to the country wherein it existed. Othersbe1ieved that the Grail was also the source of spr-ituallife.

    It has been reported that the Grail was knownto be in existence in Glastonbury, England, severalyears ago. There is, The Order of the Fellowship

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    ~T~H~E~H~I D~D~E~N~A~R~C~H~I V~E~

    of the Knights of the Round Table of King Ar-thur, in existence today. Their address is KingArthur s Hall, Tintagel, England.There are many versions of the story of the HolyGrail or cup of great sanctity. Most of them over-

    lapo The best is the one known as the Grand StoGraal, which dates from the thirteenth century. ttells how one [oseph of Arimathea, a mystic Essene of Jesus time, acquired a cup which had beenused at the Last Supper, to catch the blood whichflowed from the wounds in His hands and feetafter the Crucifixion. Joseph later went to Britainwith some of his followers. One Mordrain, whoaided Joseph upon his arrival, constructed a monastery where the Grail was housed.

    A descendant of Joseph of Arimathea, oneAlain, is said to have placed the Grail, at a laterdate, in the castle of Corbenic, where t carne intopossession of some of the Knights of King Arthur.Thence it was supposedly taken to Glastonbury,believed by many to be its present resting place.

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    The Hidden Meaning theAlphabetA s THE child has first to learn to pronounce the- letters of the alphabet, so the inner man hasto learn first to think and then fee1 the letters ofthe alphabet. Each letter of the alphabet in anylanguage has a mystical power. This knowledge isvery old. The Rosicrucians who compiled the greatbook of secret symbols say in the preface thatitis for the Abcdarians, for young disciples practs-ing in the school of the Holy Ghost.

    The twenty-four letters of the Greek alphabet(from which comes indirect1y our English alpha-bet) are emanations delineating on high the threepowers which encompass the Universe and theheavens and the elements. The nine soundlessletters (b, g, d, th, k, p, s, t, f) belong to the Fatherand the Truth.

    The half sounding (1, m, n, r, Z , x, kh, f), eightin number, apply to word and life for they arehalfway between. Finally, the seven sounding Iet-ters (a, e, , i, o, y, ) point to man and religin,for the voice carne out of man and created all.

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    The Kabala also has a philosophy for the Hebrewalphabet.Who Were the rue ryans

    THE term Aryan was formerly used in the la stcentury to denote the unlrnown source of thelanguage of the various races known as Indo-European. Philologists used the word Aryan assynonymous with [aphetic whose original homewas supposed to be the plateau of Iran or Arya inAsia and [aphetic because they were regardedas descendants of Japheth, a son of Noah. TheSemitic or Shemitic family was so called becausethey are believed to be descended from the Bibli-cal Shem, another son of Noah. Also the Hinduscalled their country Aryavarta or the land ofthe Aryans. Specifically, the land of theAryans was a tract of land between the Himalayaand the Vindhya ranges. The Egyptian hieroglyphics and records contain information concern-ing a certain wonderful race which inhabited theirland at a very early date. The true historical aswell as occult explanation of the origin of theAryans is thus based on the fact that the originalAryans were both Hindus and Egyptians. The

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    original Aryans, or super-bengs, carne from thecontinent of Atlantis. There were three greatcataclysms which shook ancient Atlantis. Thepeople were warned and prepared after the firstgreat cataclysm so that when a second occurredthey migrated through central Europe over to Asiain the Himalaya Center. However, some of theAtlanteans remained in the ancient continent togather up the remainder of their records and wis-dom and when the third great cataclysm started,they carne out from the doomed continent mmediately before it finally sank beneath the waves.

    This second group of Atlanteans crossed North-ern Africa and settled in the region of the N ile,about 60,000 years ago, founding the culturenow known as Egyptian. These people, Hindu andEgyptian, both from the same continent of At-lantis, remained apart from the other races for anumber of years; however, those who did not nter-marry finally perished because of their small num-bers, and so ended the true Aryans. With a fewindividual exceptions, such as those- great beingsstillliving in Tibet and South America, there areno direct descendants of those Aryans today. Thepossibility of their blood being in any modern race

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    s very remote; such a sensitive race as they W erecould not exist in our present day machine age.H ow o Occultists E xp lain the

    Wearing o Birthstones? EWELERS say that the belief in a special stonebeing dedicated to each month of the year onlydates back to the first century of the Christian era.Occultists know, however, that the belief far antedates that time. In fact, Egyptologists give manyreferences to the use of jewels and birthstones bythe ancient Egyptians, as well as the ancient H n-dus. It was from the Gnostics that the Christianworld borrows its beliefs regarding birthstones.The Gnostics in turn got theirs from the ancientChaldeans and Hebrews.

    The material is weighty, though interesting,which deals with all the different birthstones.Therefore, we shall give only a brief summary ofthe attributes ascribed to two of the birthstones.The diamond is supposed to bring victory to

    its possessor by endowing him with fortitude,strength, and courage. It served to drive away

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    ghosts. t was generally regarded as a gem ofreconciliation between lovers. t was also supposedto possess the medicinal property of being an anti-dote for poisons, though, according to the autobiography of Benevenuto Cellini, the diamonditself when taken internalIy is very deadly. naddition to being an antidote for poisons, thediamond was used to cure diseases of the blad-der, the plague, pleurisy, leprosy, and jaundice.The ruby is usually considered the birthstone for .[uly, t stands for great courage. The ancient andmedieval peoples believed that the ruby possessed

    the quality of warning of the presence of poisonby becoming dark and doudy. n the same mannerit was believed to indicate that evil, misfortune, ordanger threatened its owner. The ancients alsobelieved that the ruby absorbed the rays of the sun,and in the old Talmud mention is made of bowlsof ruby being used for artificial light. The rubywas considered a powerful charm against sadnessand against vice and sin. There was an old beliefthat if the four corners of a house, garden, orvineyard were touched with the ruby, these thenwould be preserved from lightning, tempest, andworms. The Burmese believe that rubies ripen in

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    the earth like fruit. The Burmese also believe thatthe ruby makes the wearer invulnerable. TheHindus also believe that the possessor of a fueruby may live in peace and harmony in the midstof his enemies. Medicinally the ruby has beenused for the cure of the plague, hemorrhages,diseases of the eyes and liver.Genuine adepts and Rosicrucians, such as Paracelsus, believed in birthstones possessing certainproperties. But in order to make the properties ofthese stones beneficial to their owners, Paracelsusand others went through a mystical process some-what similar to that which the late Dr. H. SpencerL is used on one occasion in N ew York, wherebythe jewel or metal is consecrated and charged mag-netically with energy and power from the Cosmic.Then, in reality, the stone carries this energy orvibration, acting as a channe1 for Cosmic power.Dr. Lewis habitually wore a ring set with da-monds. Madame Blavatsky always wore a ringwth chalcedony.

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    Is S ir Francis Bacon Author o/ theSo-Called Shakespeare P lays?HAS now been brought to light that LordFrancis Bacon, Viscount Verulam, was the sonof Queen Elzabeth by a secret marriage. NicholasBacon raised the child. Francis Bacon was de-frauded of a large sum of money when NicholasBacon died. Later, when Queen Elizabeth ac-knowledged him as her son, she he1ped him tobetter his position. But Bacon wrote plays andallowed an illiterate actor, aman who could noteven write, to sell the plays for him. This actor sname was Shakespeare.

    Bacons book, dvancement of Learning con-tains the main cypher that explains these circum-stances through messages concealed in the Shake-speare plays and sonnets. Bacon used two othercyphers, the Kaye Cypher and the SimpleCypher. The Simple Cypher was used whenhe told of his connections with the Rosicrucians;the Kaye Cypher when he told of intimate per-sonal affairs.The so-called portrait of Shakespeare attachedto the Sonnets in 1640 can be shown to be a mask

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    shadowing the features of Francis Bacon. Theplays of Shakespeare are watermarked with Bacon screst and the border designs show figures andsymbols proving Bacon s authorship. There isother evidence in Westminster Abbey, such asthe scroll on a monument, the designs on Shake-speare s statue there. Numerous other facts ofthis nature have been discovered by research andexcavation. But the best proofs are contained inthe secret sonnets ascribed to Shakespeare. W th-out any cyphers, but just by close study, the autobiography of the Bacon-Shakespeare personage canbe traced in them.

    The M ithraic M ysteriesTH.E tenets of the Mithraic Mysteries containedthe highest occultism. Mithraism was of Per-sian origino Mithra, the personification of Light,was worshipped as a son of God five hundredyears before the Christian era. It was carried intoAsia Minor by the Magi. It subsequently trav-ersed a wide geographical area and became an im-mense influence in the Roman world. Mithraismis said to be the only sect in the history of thoughtwith which Christianity had to engage in mortal

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    24 THE HIDDEN ARCHIVEcombato It almost overcarne Christianity and didexert a formative influence on Christian doctrine,such as those relative to the end of the world andthe powers of hell. Mithra was of great benefi-cence, endowing the earth with all of its benefits.He was the Mediator betwixt God and mano Hiscreed promised resurrection to a happy future life.The story of his lfe is similar to that of Christ s;yet Mthra carne first by five hundred years. Thosewho followed Mithra were initiated into his mys-teries and passed under his divine protection.Those following Mithra were united in brother-hood regardless of rank or race.

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    THE ROSICRUCI N L l R RYVolume1. Rosicrucian Ques tions and Answers w ithComplete H is tory of the Order .11. R osicrucian Principies for the Home and Bus iness .111. The Mystical L ife of Jesus .(The hidden fad s of H is life .)IV . The Secret Doctrines of Jesus .

    V . Unto Thee I G ran t .. (Secret Teachings of Tibet.)V I. A Thousand Years of Yes terdays .(A Story of Reincarnation .)V II. Se lf M as te ry and Fate w ith the Cycles of life .(A chart of your life .)V III. Ros icrucian M anual.IX . Mystics at Prayer.(Compilation of Prayers.)X . Behold the S igno(A Book of Ancien t Symbolism .)X I. M ans ions of the Soul, The Cosm ic Conception .X II. lemuria-The los t Continen t of the PacificoX III. The Techn ique of the M as ter.

    X IV . The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyram id .XV . The Book of Jasher.(The suppressed book of the B ible .)XVI. The Technique of the D isciple .XVII. M ental Poisoning.XVIII. G lands-Our Invisible Guardians .X IX . A long Civilization s Trail.XX . The Word W ent Forth.O ther volumes w ill be added from tim e to tim e.W rite for Com plete Catalogue .

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