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The Hidden Blessing Chapters1-3

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  • 7/29/2019 The Hidden Blessing Chapters1-3



    By Melissa Buell

    Chapter One

    The morning sun streamed through the stained glass windows in the small room, casting intricate

    designs on the rows of empty chairs. Thick draperies framed the raised dais where a baby cradle

    was positioned in the center of the stage. A narrow writing table with a scroll on it stood against

    one wall. A small, dark haired figure set down an ink well and quill next to the scroll with a


    The heavy door at the back of the dais creaked open, causing the tiny figure next to the

    table to start in surprise. A tall blonde woman quietly entered the room, holding a blanket-

    swaddled infant in her arms.

    I didnt mean to frighten you, Talia, Samantha, Princess of Mittra, whispered to the

    fairy as she crossed the dais.

    I wasnt expecting anyone to arrive so early, Talia replied. Bring Emmalyn Meredith

    in here. Oh, Sam, she has your eyes, doesnt she? the fairy asked while cradling the newborn.

    Nolan says she does, but they still might change color. He also insists that she wrinkles

    her nose the same way I do,but I told him hes ridiculous! Samantha laughed as she tucked the

    pink blanket more tightly around the baby. Shall we put her in the cradle while we wait for

    everyone to arrive?

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    Talia sighed as she walked over to the cradle. I suppose you are right. I have not been

    able to hold her for the last few days with your mother and Nolans mother being in constant

    attendance, she complained good-naturedly as she laid Emma down in the wooden cradle.

    But you have the honor of being her first fairy godmother, Samantha assured her friend

    as she looked down at her daughter. I know that I have benefitted from having you as mine!

    Talia wiped away a tear with a smile as she turned to the little table set on the dais. It

    seems like only yesterday when you were in that cradle while your mother and I discussed your

    fairy blessings. And, before you ask, I do have the list of acceptable blessings for todays

    ceremony, Talia said teasingly as she set out a long sheet of parchment from her bag.

    And your magic quill? Samantha asked, lightly touching the pen.

    Of course! I never go to a blessing ceremony without it now, Talia laughed. I have

    asked a few of the older fairies to be here at Emmalyn Merediths private ceremony. And I did

    not include Osric and Elan!

    Samantha rolled her eyes. Oh dear. What would they give my poor daughter that they

    did not give to me? Hopefully shell grow up to appreciate the thought we put into her gifts.

    The door to the chamber opened and the guests began to file in. Samantha smiled and

    beckoned to Nolan, who joined her on the dais.

    Everything set? her husband asked after he dropped a kiss on her cheek. No secret

    fairy blessings lurking behind the draperies?

    Samantha playfully swatted him. None that Talia has been able to detect. And I didnt

    turn out so bad, did I?

    Nolan smiled down at her. Not after I educated you.

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    Samanthas eyes shone back at him. Youre lucky there are witnesses around right

    now, she whispered in his ear. Ill have to get you for that later.

    Am I late? an elderly fairy called out from the doorway in a high-pitched voice. Oh,

    dear. I had such a good gift to give to the little princess!

    Hush your voice, Sophronia! another fairy called out. The babys sleeping! We all

    only arrived a minute ago. You have not missed anything.

    Hush yourself, Hazelora! Sophronia grumbled as she found a chair.

    Talia shot a look at Samantha. I dont want to have a repeat of Osric and Elan, the fairy

    murmured to the princess.

    Lets bring them to order and . . . you can charm them into silence if it gets out of hand,

    Samantha said.

    King Bennett, Queen Adelaide, King Elden, and Queen Nadette made their way into the

    room, settling into the row of chairs set on the left side of the dais.

    Samantha smiled at her parents and in-laws. King Bennetts once red hair had now faded

    to gray but his mind was still as sharp as ever. King Elden walked a bit slower than he had before

    but his eyes sparkled merrily, especially when surrounded by his grandchildren. Adelaide and

    Nadette both had fine wrinkles around their eyes, a fact they lamented when they visited each

    other. Were so blessed to have both of our parents, Samantha thought before standing next to

    Nolan at the side of the cradle.

    Thank you for joining us today, Nolan said in a clear voice that carried to the back of

    the chamber. Our daughter, Princess Emmalyn Meredith Adelaide Chrysanthemum Talia of

    Mittra is to receive her fairy blessings today from this esteemed body of fairies. We thank you

    for being in attendance and blessing our child.

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    You have all received a card with a number on it, and the blessing you will give to

    Princess Emmalyn Meredith. Will the fairy with the first blessing please step forward? Talia

    asked with a smile.

    Alvara stood and a dazzling purple shimmer shone about her. Princess Emmalyn

    Meredith, I bless you with the gift of confidence, she said and then sat down.

    Talia glanced over to see the charmed quill writing out the blessing. Good, it still works.

    Number two?

    Gelsey was a young fairy with a delicate lavender shimmer. Little princess, I bless you

    with the gift of being a hard worker, she said in a soft voice.

    The remainder of the gifts was given quickly. Laila gave the gift of languages, Hazelora

    gave the gift of being a graceful dancer, Alvin gave the gift of courage, Orin gave a strong sense

    of justice, Dain gave the ability to listen thoughtfully, Wyston gave the ability to be

    compassionate, Rhoslyn gave the gift of curly hair, and Lorelle gave the gift of long fingernails.

    Nolan raised his eyebrows towards his wife at the last gifts given and she rolled her eyes.

    I let my mother and your mother each choose one, Samantha explained ina whisper. I

    thought it would help make up for my deficits.

    Nolan had to hold his breath to keep from laughing while Talia called up the last fairy,

    Sophronia. The tiny fairy bobbed her way to the center of the room and smiled widely at the

    royal family on the dais.

    I am number eleven! And I have written here a very worthy blessing, I must admit. I

    would have liked to have a blessing like this myself, Sophronia bubbled, her shimmer a faint

    lilac surrounding her white hair. I also must say how glad I am to be here and how honored I

    feel to be invited to a princess blessing ceremony! I know you could have invited someone else

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    and yet you chose me! I was so excited that I decided to give the princess the gift of loving the

    color pink! Pink is a splendid color for any girl to wear, especially a princess.

    The entire room was silent for a moment before the shouting began.

    Did you really just bless the princess with a preference for a color? Hazelora yelled,

    her shimmer sending out deep purple sparks. YouyouI cant even speak to you! What a


    Do not yell at me! I am your older sister! Sophronia squeaked back. I think this is a

    better gift than long fingernails.

    The fingernails blessing wasyourmothers choice, Samantha murmured to Nolan as

    they watched the fairies yell back and forth.

    What do we do now? he asked Talia, who was staring out at the normally good

    tempered fairies with a look of amazement on her face.

    I do not know, she replied faintly.

    I suppose Ill thank everyone for attending and . . .put out some fires, Nolan grimaced.

    I purposely did not invite Osric or Elan for fear of what they would do and now . . .

    this! Talia said in a disgusted voice.

    Samantha began to laugh. Its not that bad. I can think of a few worse gifts for a princess

    to receive. Liking the color pink wont be detrimental to her character. Im glad things went as

    well as they did.

    Talia shook her head once more but then smiled. You are right, Sammy. All of the other

    blessings are fine. Ill let the parchment dry and place it in the library while you take Emmalyn

    Meredith back to her room.

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    The fairy excused herself to the library on the third floor, carrying the parchment glinting

    with gold ink. She was happy to see the library empty and free from noise.Especially after the

    room I just left, Talia thought as shequickly read the blessings listed on the page, smiling at each

    one. That is, until she got to the seventh blessing. There, in the language of the Ancients, was the

    same blessing she had given to Samantha twenty-one years before.

    How did this happen? Talia whispered, her face pale. She thought furiously about the

    wording of the blessing and her heart began to pound wildly. Oh . . . She repeated the familiar

    words out loud, No one will be able to use magic against the Princess of Mittra so that harm

    may come to her or that she would do anything to harm another. Talia froze for a moment as the

    realization of the wording washed over her. The Princess of Mittra!Notjust Samantha. Mother

    always warned me to not be vague in my blessings! Talia tapped the desk thoughtfully.Does

    anyone have to know this? What would it do to keep it away from public knowledge? Nothing. It

    will protect the princess, just the same as it protected her mother.

    Talia took a fresh sheet of parchment from the desk and began to write the blessings on it

    again, omitted the seventh blessing and added the last blessing from Sophronia to the list. The

    fairy bound the parchment with the traditional purple ribbon and placed it up on the high shelf

    already labeled, Princess Emmalyn Meredith. Talia returned to the original and stared at it for

    a moment. Should I burn it or keep it? If I keep it, it must be well hidden. It will be in my own

    room, in a locked chest. No one needs to know about this.

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    Chapter Two

    Eight years later

    Edric, you do understand Mittras position on this, dont you? Nolan asked his brother over the

    long conference table in the room designated for war talk.

    The brothers had been holed up for the last hour discussing matters of state while their

    wives chatted and the children played together outside. The country homes in Conti Wayo

    proved to be an ideal place for the families to gather. Everyone had their own space but the

    proximity of the castles was well-situated to family get togethers. While Samantha and Nolan

    adored their nieces and nephews, it was a relief to only have their five children at the end of the


    The heir to the Lagola throne nodded slowly. I understand it,but I dont agree with it.

    Zynachnea has never been a danger to us before. I dont see why you need a trade embargo

    against them, or why you are trying to convince me that Lagola needs to do the same.

    Nolan stood up and began to pace the length of the room. The king is not being

    reasonable to any of our requests. He increased the import fee against us without cause and

    refuses to speak to any of my diplomats. Short of going there myself, I dont know what to do.

    You could send me, a voice came from the doorway.

    Felton! Its good to see you! Nolan exclaimed, walking quickly to shake hands with his

    friend. How are things in Personti? Did Verona come with you?

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    King Felton clapped Nolan on the back and then shook hands with Edric. Verona did

    come along with young Will and Allessia in tow. But as for Personti . . . Thats why Im here. I

    received your letter, and it mirrored my concerns about trade with Zynachnea. Im rather hesitant

    about dealing directly with them, Im sorry to say. My late father journeyed there and was

    waylaid by robbers on the way back from visiting King Wyler four months ago. Nothing

    conclusive came of the investigation into his death.

    Edric and Nolan both gave him consoling looks. I was sorry to hear news of your

    fathers death and the suspicious circumstances surrounding it, Nolan replied. King Bennett

    has tasked me with looking into the matter of his death as well as injuries some of our own

    messengers have endured on the way home from Zynachnea. Youd think being an ambassador

    would have certain advantages,but I fail to see any in this situation.

    What plans have you put into place? Felton asked and the three men fell into a deep

    discussion about what they should do that would be the most effective.

    An hour later, Samantha tapped on the door and poked her head in with a smile. Sorry to

    interrupt but its time for lunch and all of us wives insist on seeing our husbands for a short time


    Nolan rose and stretched. Thanks, Sam. Well be there shortly.

    Will you bring Emma out with you? Samantha asked as Edric and Felton walked

    through the doorway.

    Nolan looked confused for a moment until Samantha pointed under the table with a smile

    before leaving the room. Nolan crouched down to see his daughters large hazel eyes shining up

    at him, her blonde curly hair caught back into a tight braid. A small smile played on her lips and

    her hand was wrapped around the golden pendant hanging from her neck.

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    Hi, Daddy, Emma said softly. Pleasedont be mad.

    Nolan chuckled as he scooped up his only daughter. How could I be mad at such a

    beautiful girl? You know your mother is the most beautiful lady in the world, and I never stay

    mad at her. Youre the spitting image of her, you know.

    Emma wrinkled her nose. Spitting is icky, Daddy. Thad and Oakley were having a

    spitting contest outside. I came in here to read because I knew they wouldnt look for me this

    room. I wasnt trying to listen to you and Uncle Edric and King Felton. Really, I wasnt.

    I believe you sweetheart. So, what did you hear? Nolan asked as he set her down again.

    I was reading my book so I didnt hear everything you said, but I did hear you say that

    King Wyler isnt being a good friend and that you think he should be nicer to everyone. Its easy,

    Daddy. Just tell him he needs to be nice or no one will want to play with him anymore. You and

    Uncle Edric and King Felton are all nice and you have lots of friends, and no one wants to start a

    war withyou. If a war starts, lots of people will die. Just like in the history book about

    Sansevierra. I dont want humans or fairies to die. Mama says that men like to go to war, but

    thats silly. Who wants to kill other people? You should all just get along, Emma explained, a

    serious expression on her face.

    Nolan laughed softly. If only it was that easy, Em. No, with adults . . . telling them to be

    nice or you wont be their friend doesnt work. There are matters of protocol to follow and this is

    a very sensitive issue. If its not dealt with well, it may turn out to start a war. No one ever truly

    wants a war. Youre right, many people died in the Fairy Rebellion. That was a dark time in

    Gymandrols history, and I do not want to see that repeated.

    Father and daughter left the war room and started down the hallway. Emma had a

    thoughtful look on her face and Nolan smiled again.

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    Tell me what youre thinking.

    Daddy, whenever Thad and I have an argument or Everett is being annoying and I scold

    him, you sit us down and tell us how we should act and to treat each other nicely. You always

    say how important it is to be honest with one another and treat each other with kindness. You

    always ask us, Is it kind? Is it necessary? when we say things to each other, Emma stated.

    It pleases me to know that youve been listening. How is that relevant in this situation?

    I think you should be honest with King Wyler and tell him he needs to stop or hes

    going to start a war, Emma said emphatically.

    Again, sweetheart, its not that easy. Being honest is of utmost importance but that

    honesty must be tempered with tact. For example, if you were wearing an ugly dress, do you

    want Thad to tell you that your dress is ugly? Emma shook her head. No, you wouldnt. I

    would tell him to refrain from saying anything at all. If he must speak, he would use tact and

    good judgment in approaching the situation. Do you understand? Nolan looked down at his

    daughter seriously as they arrived at the dining room.

    Emmas eyebrows knit together and she pursed her lips. I think so. Im glad I dont have

    to run a country, though. There are a lot of rules to remember!

    Samantha approached the two and gave her daughter a quick hug before she kissed

    Nolan. Emma, dear, would you run out and call the boys? I think they are all out in the grove.

    Will and Allessia should be out there too. Do you remember them?

    Emma thought for a moment. Does Allessia have black hair and fairy eyes?

    Samantha laughed. Not fairy eyes but yes, her eyes are a purplish blue. Will also has

    black hair, but his eyes are blue. Would you nicely tell your brothers to come in for lunch and

    invite our guests to do so also?

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    Yes, Mama. Ill be back soon! Emma said before she skipped down the hall, her thick

    braid bouncing on her back.

    Emma ran outside and quickly spotted the group of children in the middle of the grove of

    trees. Emma paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath of the cool air.I love Conti Wayo! It

    smells like apples and dirt and fun! She waved at the group as she approached and smiled at

    Allessia, Princess of Personti.

    Hi, Im Emma. I dont know if you remember me. I saw you one time when your family

    came to Mittra, Emma said to Allessia who smiled shyly back at her.

    I dont remember that, Allessia admitted softly. I guess I was too little.

    It was two years ago, Thad stated, looking away from his conversation with Will.

    Emma, you were six and Allessia, you were only four.

    Emma smiled at her brother. Thanks, Thad. Im glad you can remember dates and

    events so easily. I wish I could. My lessons would be so much easier that way!

    The older children in the group laughed and Will leaned over towards Emma.

    Hi, Im Will, he said with a wide smile. I dont know if you remember me . . . ?

    Emma blushed and ducked her head. I remember you. We were playing tag outside in

    the garden after dinner. Your father had brought some special candy from the coast. Everett was

    chasing me and my candy fell in the dirt. You gave me some of yours. Thank you.

    Will smiled wider andbrushed his black hair back from his forehead. Youre welcome.

    Im surprised you remember that. It wasnt a big deal.

    It was to me, Emma stated quietly, looking up at him. Everyone else laughed at me ,

    but you didnt. When I told my mother, she said that youd be a good king one day.

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    A rush of color came to Wills tanned cheeks. My father always taught me to be kind

    and do to others what I wanted them to do to me. Im sure if my food fell on the floor, youd give

    me some of yours.

    Oh! Food! Emmaexclaimed. Mama sent me out here to call you all in for lunch.

    Everett! she called out to her younger brother. Time for lunch! Tell Rowan and Holly to come

    in too!

    Holly, the four-year-old daughter of Edric and Chrissy, popped her dark head from

    behind a tree and laughed. Im here! Im hungry, Emma!

    Eight-year-old Ivy rose from her place at the base of a tree and held out her hand to Holly

    and Everett. Ill take you two inside. We must wash your hands, theyre filthy!

    Rowan, come down from thattree, Oakley called out. His five-year-old brother

    dropped from the lower branches of an apple tree with a grin.

    Oakley and Ivy were very much alike in looks and disposition: calm, blonde, and fair

    skinned. Rowan and Holly were the complete opposite from their older siblings: loud, dark

    haired, and tanned. Emma smiled when she thought of Uncle Edric saying that his younger

    children were more like Nolan and Samantha than their own parents. Our families fit together so

    perfectly. I wonder how Allessia and Will are going to fit in with us?

    Thad looked around, frowning. Where are the twins?

    Oh, they wanted to see the horses so I took them to the stable. The groom said he would

    watch them, Oakley stated.

    Emma sighed and gave the group a smile. You allgo in, Ill go get Graham and Griffin.

    Please tell Mama Ill be in soon.

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    The stable was a short distance from the grove and Emma ran most of it. She slowed as

    she approached the stable, not wanting to spook the horses. Arlie, have you seen my brothers?

    she asked the young groom mucking out the stalls.

    They went out with Ragnol for a ride. You can take Taffy here to go after them. Shes

    already saddled.

    Emma thanked him and with his help mounted the old mare. Come on, Taffy. Lets go

    get the boys, and then Ill give you some sugar.

    Taffy snorted and started out at a lumbering walk towards the back field where Emma

    could make out a silhouette of a horse and rider. A few minutes later, Emma approached the

    stone wall that separated Conti Wayo from Lagola.

    Where did they go? she muttered, looking in every direction. Lets go, Taffy. Well

    turn around and look at the front of the castle.

    Taffy suddenly reared back and Emma clung to her neck tightly, trying not to scream.

    Whoa! Whoa, girl! Whats the matter? Its okay . . .

    Taffy calmed down slightly but continued to stamp her feet and blow loudly. Emma saw

    the mares eyes rolling, and she suddenly knew fear. Do I get down? Is she going to trample me

    if I do? she whispered to herself.

    Taffy lurched forward and jumped over the low wall as Emma desperately clutched the

    saddle horn, trying to keep her seat. The horse ran full speed into the dense wall of trees as

    Emma closed her eyes and screamed as branches whipped past her, scratching her face. A low

    branch caught at the side of her face, causing her to gasp at the sudden, searing pain left behind.

    Emma could feel Taffy rear back again and this time she could not hold on tight enough. She hit

    the ground rolling, striking her head on a large rock and then she knew no more.

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    Chapter Three


    Out here, Grammie! Emma called out, her hands deep in the dirt of the small garden

    she was planting.

    Elvyne tottered out and grinned at the muddy girl. Goodness, but youre a mess! I do

    believe theres more dirt on you than in my garden.

    Emma grinned up at her adopted grandmother. Just think of all the good food well have

    in a few months! Ive planted more this year than last year. Maybe we can sell some of the

    surplus in town. She reached up and tucked a strand of wayward hair behind her ear, smearing

    more dirt on her fair cheek.

    Thats an excellent thought, dear. I do believe its time for you to get cleaned up now.

    Its almost noon, Elvyne commented, shading her dim purple eyes to look up at the sky.

    Oh! Youre right! Emma exclaimed, standing and stretching her tall frame, brushing

    her dirty hands on her already soiled apron. I dont have time for a bath, and I need to be at the

    manor in a few minutes.

    Would you like some help in cleaning up, Emmy? Elvyne asked with a kind smile.

    Emma looked down at her filthy clothes and sighed. I suppose so. Have at it, Grammie!

    Elvyne recited a charm, her pale lavender shimmer suddenly brightening. Emma looked

    down to see a spotless dress and apron and a pile of dirt at her feet.

    Hows my face? Emma asked with a smile, wrinkling her nose.

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    Thats clean too, love! Off with you now. Ill have dinner ready and waiting for you,

    the small fairy promised as she watched the girl walk down the hill toward the large manor


    Elvyne stood frozen to the spot, her mind traveling back nine years in time. This is the

    anniversary of when my little Emma was brought to me, she thought, wiping a tear from her eye.

    She remembered her son, Niles, trudging up the same hill Emma had just descended, a thin

    blonde girl unconscious in his arms. Elvyne had run out to meet him and stared down at the girls


    Niles! Where did she come from? Elvyne had gasped, examining the pale face that was

    lined with tiny stripes of blood. What happened to her? Bring her in right away!

    The fairy lowered the girl onto the bed in the small cottage and stretched himself to his

    full height of five feet, two inches. I found her in the woods, Niles said qu ietly, moving toward

    the fireplace. Mother, I cannot tell you the whole truth of the situation. I know that will grieve

    you,but I feel it is safer for both you and the girl not to know. Will you keep her here with you?

    Elvyne busied herself with making tea, her mind going over her sons words. Are you in

    trouble, Niles? she asked, fearing the answer.

    Her son sighed heavily. I may be, Mother. I also cannot tell you everything about myself

    at the present time. I fear that Ive made some poor decisions, but I must see them through. I

    have pledged myself in service tono . . . no matter who. But the girl must notsuffer for my


    Elvyne handed her son a cup of tea with a look of surprise. She is not yours, is she? No,

    no. Shes too old, she murmured to herself.

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    No, the girl is not mine. She is to be considered an orphan. Tell anyone who asks in the

    village that her family was killed in the war, and a traveler brought her home to you. Will you do

    that, Mother? Niles asked, grasping his mothers hand tightly, his silver eyes shining into hers.

    She has no family? Oh, of course Ill keep her! Poor little thing . . . Elvyne crooned

    over the girls body. Did you discover her name?

    Niles hesitated a moment before answering. She called herself Em before she passed

    out. I dont know if thats short for Emily or Emmalinda . . .

    Elvyne smiled as she stroked the girls curly hair. Emma. I shall call her Emma. Ive

    always wanted a daughter. Not that you havent been a good son, Niles, the fairy assured her

    son. You are gone so often on your travels. A daughter always stays near her mother. Or

    grandmother, as I shall be to her.

    Niles stood and peered out the window furtively. Mother, Im afraid I must go. I might

    have been followed. Be sure to tell no one that I was here. If you can keep my name out of

    Emmas story, please do. It will be safer for both of you.

    Elvyne caught her sons hand. Be careful, Niles. I raised you to make good choices, and

    I know your father would want you to be honest in all of your dealings. Find a way to free

    yourself from thispledge if you can. Return home anytime. She placed the palm of her hand on

    his forehead and murmured a blessing over him.

    Niles placed a kiss on his mothers cheek, glanced over at the girl on the bed, and then

    slipped out of the door. Elvyne gently cleaned the cuts on the girls face and washed her body the

    best she could while she was unresponsive. The fairy stayed awake all night, watching over the


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    The sun rose to find Elvyne sleeping in her rocking chair by the fireplace. She awoke to

    hear small scraping sounds from the kitchen area of the room. She could see the girl scooping

    eggs out of a pan onto a plate, humming a tune.

    Hello, dear, Elvyne said cautiously.

    The girl turned around with a bright smile. Good morning! I woke up and saw that you

    were sleeping and I didnt want to wake you. I was hungry and found that you had chickens

    outside. I collected some eggs and made you breakfast, if you want some.

    Elvyne sat there, staring at the girl. Well, you have certainly surprised this old fairy!

    Thank you.

    Youre welcome, the girl answered with a smile.

    Do you know where youreat? Elvyne asked cautiously as she sat down at the table.

    The girl paused while serving the eggs. I know that Im in the country and in a cottage

    and that youre a fairy . . . But I suppose I dont know exactly what land Im in. Do you know?

    The fairy laughed. Yes, we are in Personti. And youre right, were out in the country.

    Do you remember your name?

    The girls face turned pale and the hand holding the pan shook. No, she whispered. I

    dont. Why dont I know my name?

    Im not sure but mythe person who brought you here told me you said, Em to him.

    May I call you Emma?

    Yes! I like that name, Emma smiled gratefully. I feel like I should know something

    else . . . I dont know how old I am or who my parents are. Whats wrong with me? she asked in

    an alarmed tone.

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    I think you might have hit your head. When I was cleaning your face and hair last night,

    I saw a large bump near the temple. Maybe when it heals, youll remember more about yourself

    and your family, Elvyne assured her. Youre quite tall for a human, and Im quite short for a

    fairy! Elvyne smiled at Emmas giggle. I would suppose youre about nine years old. Dont

    worry, sweetheart, well figure it out eventually. Until then, you can stay with me.

    Emma jumped up and hugged the fairy. Thank you! Oh, what is your name?

    I am Elvyne, but you may call me Grammie, if youd like, Elvyne said with a shy


    Thank you, Grammie, Emma grinned back.

    Elvyne shook her head, freeing herself from her memories. These last nine years with

    Emma had been a blessing to her. With Niles gone so often, she had had difficulties getting by.

    With Emma here, she had plenty to get by on and even a surplus at times. That girl is certainly a

    hard worker! Her parents must have instilled that into her at an early age. Elvyne wondered

    again who Emmas parents were.Peasants caught up in the middle of the war? Was her father a

    soldier? No matter, I suppose. Shes content to be here with me.

    Elvyne looked down at the manor house that stood in the middle of Weymouth, the

    village they lived in. We are very fortunate that Emma was able to get work there. That little bit

    of money ensures that the winter months wont be so hard. We might even be able to re-thatch

    the roof before the snow comes.Elvyne didnt like the calluses that had developed on Emmas

    hands or how tired she was when she arrived at home each evening, but Emma never

    complained. Elvyne sighed again and went back into the cottage. Time to start on my baking for

    the day. Emma will be home soon and ready to eat.

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    Emma arrived at the kitchen door of Sir Harrisons manor house just as the sun reached

    high noon. She let herself in quietly and smiled at the cook, who silently passed her a freshly

    baked cookie while patting her on the back.

    Thank you, Emma whispered as she slipped the cookie into her pocket and reached for

    the dusting cloth. Im off to dust the library today,but Ill be back to find out if Mrs.

    Kensington has more chores for me.

    Matilda, the stout cook, nodded her head. The master has several visitors here , so Im

    sure Mrs. K will have you airing out rooms and linens for them to stay the night. Matilda leaned

    in to whisper, Word has it that its a duke, if youll believe that!

    Emma smiled. Whoever it is, well treat him to some old fashioned country kindness,

    wont we? Thats what Weymouth is known for.

    Reaching the library on the second floor, Emma climbed the rolling ladder that reached

    the top shelf of books, all of which belonged to Sir Harrison. She loved being in this room,

    smelling the ink and parchment and the solemn environment. She was hardly ever disturbed in

    this room, a fact that saddened her.

    Three years ago, Sir Harrison had come in while she was arranged the books back on

    their proper shelves, watching her for several minutes without her notice.

    Do you love the books, miss? he asked kindly.

    Emma had almost dropped the book she was holding in her surprise at being addressed

    by the lord of the manor. She quickly took in the friendly smile on his handsome face, his deep

    set blue eyes crinkling at the edges as he smiled, his dark hair speckled with gray and white. Y-

    yes, sir. I dont have much of an opportunity to read new books and I know how expensive these

    books are, so I try to keep them looking their best.

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    You can read? Sir Harrison asked. He studied her while tapping his index finger on his

    bearded chin. Excuse me, but who are you?

    Just a maid, sir. Emma, granddaughter of Elvyne, up on the hill, Emma answered as

    she curtsied.

    Sir Harrison examined her thoughtfully. Granddaughter? But youre not a fairy.

    Emma blushed and kept her eyes down. No, sir. Elvyne kindly took me in after the

    Zynachnea-Mittra war. I was an orphan. Your housekeeper hired me to clean the manor once she

    found out that Grammie needed . . . a little more money. We appreciate your kindness, sir.

    Sir Harrison nodded his head enthusiastically. Elvyne has been a good neighbor and

    friend to all here in Weymouth. It would not suit to see her freeze in the snows of winter or

    starve when we can do something to help her. Sir Harrison continued to look at the girl.

    Emma, granddaughter of Elvyne, would you like to read more books? My son doesnt care for

    them, and I fear I am the only one who actually reads them. I would like to see them read more

    often and by someone who will appreciate them. If it will suit Mrs. Kensington, I would allow

    you to read here in my library once your work is done each day.

    Emma did not know how her hazel eyes shone more green than brown or how radiant her

    smile suddenly appeared to the lord. Thank you, sir! she breathed. That would be . . .

    amazing! There is so much to learn in these books. She stopped suddenly, aware that she was

    speaking out of turn with the lord of the village.

    Sir Harrison bowed to her with an amused smile. Very well, I will speak to Mrs.

    Kensington about the matter. I look forward to our discussions in the future.

    He found Mrs. Kensington in the kitchen, stopping to speak to his capable housekeeper

    about the maid she had hired.

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    The girl is to read any book she chooses, Mrs. Kensington. Theres something special

    about her. I know shes only a poorvillager who was orphaned but . . . I feel theres more to her

    story. I want to see what I can do to encourage her to improve her mind. He paused in thought.

    Maybe shell be a suitable bride for Brogan.

    Mrs. Kensington nodded her head in understanding but was thinking something else

    inside.I do like young Emma, but I dont wish to see her marry Mr. Brogan! He is conceited and

    thinks he can get any girl he chooses.Im sure his father doesnt know how many girls hes

    terrorized in the village. Mrs. Kensington quickly thought of a way to keep Emma away from

    Brogans sight.He is usually away in the afternoon. Ill have the girl only come in the afternoons

    to clean. That should keep her safe. Ill tell her right away.

    Emma thought back to the day when Mrs. Kensington had revised her schedule, telling

    her to be wary about the lords son, Brogan. Emma had shivered when she heard his name and

    thanked the housekeeper for her goodness to her.

    Another girl in the village, Annabeth, had been recently disgraced by Brogans attentions

    to her and was sent to live with her aunt and uncle in another village. Emma did not want to be

    sent away from the only home she could remember and chose to take Mrs. Kensingtons advice

    very seriously.

    Even after working for Sir Harrison for three years, Emma still avoided the young man as

    often as she could. People whispered in the village about his gambling debts, his excessive

    drinking, and his attention to the girls in the tavern the next town over. Emma had seen him

    horsewhip a man a few months ago who accused him of cheating at dice. Sir Harrison paid the

    mans doctor bills but Emma would never forget the gruesome sight.

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    The evening of the whipping, Grammie had pulled her aside and plainly told her to never

    be alone with Brogan. Two weeks ago, the gossips were buzzing when she went to the market,

    talking about the blacksmiths shop burning down after he told Brogan to leave his daughter

    alone. The blacksmith moved his family to the coast the next day, but Brogan still remained in

    Weymouth.Maybe hell get tired of us country girls and move on to the city, but do I really wish

    him on some other community?

    Finished with the top shelf of books, Emma started on the next row, her mind considering

    which book she would read today.Maybe a history book. Those are always very interesting.

    Something about Sansevierra. Maybe Grammie knows some of the tales of the old fairies.

    Emma heard the door open and close and she froze on the ladder. Who could that be? I

    hope its not a guest or Brogan.

    She had had frequent near misses with Brogan. He was usually out with his friends riding

    or drinking but occasionally came home to boss the hired help around. She tried to avoid him

    whenever she could. Brogan hardly ever came into the library, not seeing the value in reading

    and expanding his mind. Emma gave an unladylike snort.He could benefit from expanding his

    mind beyond being the lords heir! He can only think about which new horse to buy, which friend

    to swindle at cards or the quality of the ale at the inn!

    Emma looked over the row of bookshelves that cut the room in two, spying a dark head

    examining the books on the shelf labeled Histories.Hmm, must be a guest. And someone who

    likes to read and sees the value in history! I dont want to scare him, though. I wonder if I can

    sneak out before he notices me . . .

    The man eased his way down the row of books, and Emma strained her neck to see him

    more clearly. His profile stood out against the afternoon sun shining through the window, and

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    she was struck by his aristocratic features. His dark hair brushed the edges of his temples, and

    she noted the sloping plane of his cheek to his square jaw. His lips moved silently as he read the

    titles of the books, his long finger trailing down their spines.

    What will I do if he looks up and sees me staring at him? Emma slowly descended the

    ladder, creeping to the end of the row, holding her breath. She did not hear anything so she

    rounded the end of the bookshelf and ran right into the man.

    Ahh! she heard herself cry out as she was knocked off balance, sure that she would hit

    the floor.

    The stranger caught her just before she landed, easily pulling her up. Are you okay? he

    asked seriously, looking into her eyes as he held her in his arms. I didnt hurt you, did I?

    Emma found herself staring into his deep blue eyes, unable to speak. Uh . . . I . . . fine.

    Yes. Sorry, she stammered as he slowly let her go. Running into him was like running into a

    brick wall. She found herself to be slightly dizzy and embarrassed at the thought of being

    knocked down by him.

    Dont apologize, he said, a wide grin lighting up his face. I should have made my

    presence known, and I wouldnt have startled you. I was looking for a good book about history.

    If you like history, you should read this one. Emma pulled a thick book off the shelf,

    happy to turn the subject away from herself. Its full of interesting reports from the time when

    Sansevierra was still thriving before the Fairy Rebellion. The Rebellion is in there as well. As

    she passed him the book, she thought she felt a little spark when his fingers touched hers.

    If the man felt anything, he did not show it. Thank you. I appreciate your knowledge

    about the subject. He seemed to notice her clothing for the first time. Are you . . . a maid

    here? he asked, eyebrows arching in surprise.

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    Yes, sir. Please excuse me, Emma murmured as she quickly left the room.

    It was nice to meet you! he called out, staring at the book for a moment before he left

    the room.

    Sir Harrison was walking down the hall and smiled at him. There you are, Fitzwilliam!

    Good to see you again. And you have found my library, I assume? he asked, pointing at the


    Yes, a young lady helped me find a book. She said she was a maid,but shes the most

    unusual maid Ive ever met, Will said with a wry grin. She actually recommended this book to

    me. Are all of your maids so well read?

    No, Emma is something special, Sir Harrison laughed. Shes an orphan and no one

    knows where she came from. I suspect her father was a clerk or held some other position that

    allowed her to learn to read and write. We have had very interesting conversations. He leaned in

    closer. I would like her to be my daughter-in-law someday, truth be told. But I do not think she

    cares for Brogan very much. I would rather my son have an intelligent wife to help him care for

    my land and my people when I am gone.

    I like this girl already,Will thought with chagrin. Brogans reputation preceded him and

    none of it was good. Will would be happy to avoid the young man while staying at Sir Harrisons


    I appreciate you allowing me and my company to stay here for the evening, Will said

    as they walked downstairs. My sister will be very happy to have a clean place to sleep tonight.

    Last nights inn was . . . less than pleasant, I must say.

    You would think that a prince and princess would have the best room made available to

    them, Sir Harrison commented as they entered the large sitting room.

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    That was the best room! Will retorted witha laugh. The bed bugs thought so, too!

    Why are you traveling?

    Will sighed as he sat in an overstuffed chair near the fireplace. My sister was invited to

    Prince Thaddeus of Mittras birthday celebration and wished me to accompany her. Thad and I

    are old friends,but I havent seen much of him lately. Though this ridiculous idea doesnt seem

    very like him, I must say.

    What ridiculous idea? Sir Harrison asked, leaning forward in his chair.

    Thad told his parents that they could choose his bride for him because he didnt have

    time to go a-courting, as he called it. Someone had the idea for all eligible maidens to come to

    his birthday celebration as a . . .parade, as Im calling it. A parade of brides. Ally wanted to be

    part of this silly spectacle, and I couldnt tell her no. She believes that Thad will fall in love with

    her out of all the girls that will be there, Will finished with a disgusted look on his face.

    Sir Harrison slapped his knee as he laughed heartily. Fitzwilliam, my boy, you are too

    cynical! Do you not believe in love at first sight? No, I suppose not. When I saw my late wife,

    Salina, at a ball, I knew that she was the one for me. She was the love of my life, and I miss her

    every day. The lord looked off into the fire and then sighed. Let your sister have this time to be

    young and let her fall in love. Maybe youll find a bride for yourself!

    From Thads cast-offs? Will asked. No, thank you. I doubt that I will ever get married.

    I know that my parents wish it to be so but . . . I dont think Im romantic enough to care for a

    wife the way she would want to be cared for. He stared into the fire broodingly. Men will

    always go to war, a leader must be able to die for his people. I know that a wife wouldnt

    understand that and would try to stop me.

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    Then who will inherit the throne from you? Sir Harrison turned to Will, a serious look

    in his eyes.

    Will waved his hand dismissively. Some cousin or nephew if my sister does marry. It

    really doesnt signify to me.

    But it matters tothe people, Sir Harrison said harshly. Think about what youre

    saying, Fitzwilliam. You are willing to give away your country because you dont want a wife to

    hold you back? It seems to me that youre afraid of something and unwilling to admit it. Or

    maybe you dont even see it.

    The prince stood abruptly, pacing the floor. I see how upset my mother gets when my

    father is away. She fusses and makes us all crazy until he gets back. I love my mother, but I

    couldnt deal with that from my own wife, Will admitted, running his hand through his hair.

    So pick a woman who is different, Sir Harrison stated simply. Youre only making

    this hard. Take this time in Mittra to evaluate all of eligible women there. See it as an . . .

    interview, if you will. Find one who is not silly or frivolous. One who is a good leader and is

    kind. One who wont make you crazy, as you say. Come, enough lecturing. You must be


    Mrs. Kensington, if you dont have anything else for me, Ill go home now, Emma

    stated quietly at the large kitchen table.

    The plump housekeeper looked up from the list she was making and smiled. You may

    go home, Emma dear. Thank you for your hard work. Oh, before I forget, here are your earnings

    for this week. She handed a little pouch of money to Emma.

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    Thank you, maam. I know that Grammie will be very happy to see this. She would like

    to get the cottage re-thatched before winter comes, Emma explained before she left.

    The sun was setting as Emma passed the stable of Sir Harrison. She ducked her head

    when she saw Brogan leaving the stable with an angry look on his bloated face.

    Foolish groom! Telling me to not whip my own horse, Brogan muttered, twitching his

    riding crop in his hand and smoothing back his reddish brown hair. If he talks to me again like

    that, Ill tell Father to dismiss him. Well, hello there Emma, he called out in an oily voice.

    Emma shivered and kept walking.Dont stop, dont stop. She felt his large hand grip her

    upper arm and pull her back.

    Didnt you hear me call you? Brogan demanded, spinning her to face him.

    Yes, I heard you, Emma said quietly, feeling her anger slowly flame up.

    Then why didnt you stop? Women always stop for me, Brogan said with a leer, his

    bloodshot eyes staring down into hers.

    Women might but ladiesdont, Emma replied shortly, wrenching her arm from his


    Who do you think you are? You should feel lucky that I am choosing to pay attention to

    you, he snarled, reaching again for her arm.

    Emma slapped his hand away and stepped back. Dont touch me again, Brogan, she

    said in a deceptively quiet voice, her eyes hard.

    Or what? Youll hit me with your dusting rag? No one is around but you and me. No

    one will hear you scream, Brogan laughed as he lunged at her.

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    Emma dropped to the ground and allowed him to fall over her. She straightened up and

    balled her hands into fists.I might be smaller than him, but I will fight. Something about this

    seemed familiar but like so many other times in her life, she could not quite place it.

    You think youre smart, hmm? Brogan taunted her as he hauled himself up off the

    ground and faced her.

    Smarter than you, yes, Emma replied with a confidence she did not feel. If you were

    smart, youd leave ladies alone that dont want your advances.

    If you were smart, youd keep your mouth shut, he yelled as he raised his hand to strike

    her face.

    Emma stepped inside his swing and hit him in the nose with all of her strength, satisfied

    to see it start to bleed.

    You broke my nose! Brogan exclaimed, clamping his hand over the gush of blood.

    Dropping her guard, Emma turned to run toward home when she felt Brogan grab her

    braid and pull her against his chest. His foul breath washed over her cheek as she struggled

    against him, his blood dripping down on her shoulder.

    Ill teach you a lesson, you little minx, he murmured maliciously, tightening his grip

    around her waist with one hand while the other pulled back her hair. Its too bad you and that

    fairy live all alone so far away from everyone else. So secluded

    Emma stepped down hard on his booted foot and thrust her elbow hard into his belly, soft

    with too much ale. He let her go with a gasp of surprise and she began to run as fast as she could

    around the side of the house.I dont care who sees me now. I just need to get away from him!

    She rounded the corner of the house and once again, ran into the stranger she saw in the library.

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    You again? he said as he caught her once more, his face registering the shock from

    seeing her pale face, blood stained dress, and messy hair. What happened to you?

    Please, let me go. I need to get home. I need to get away from

    Get back here! Brogan cried out as he turned the corner but stopped short when he saw

    Will holding Emma. Oh, I mean . . . uh . . .

    I think we know what you mean, Will replied in a steely voice. Your father shall know

    about this, Brogan. Do you think it will please him?

    Sir Harrison came out of the house at that moment. His eyes became wide when he took

    in the sight of the three standing there. Emma? Are you okay? Are you bleeding?

    No, sir. Its . . . Brogans blood, actually, Emma said before she began to sway slightly

    in Wills hold.

    Are you going to faint? he asked quietly, tightening his hold on her.

    I really hope not, Emma said vaguely. I usually throw up right before I faint, and I

    dont really want to vomit in front of a stranger.

    Will shook with laughter and a little color came back into Emmas cheeks. Sir Harrison

    grabbed his sons arm and began to yell at him.

    What do you think you are doing, boy? This girl is a guest in our home!

    Shes not a guest, shes only a maid! Brogan sneered, dried blood leaving gruesome

    tracks down his face.

    Though she is in our home daily, she is our guest, Sir Harrison reprimanded his son.

    No one, I repeat, no one is to be treated in this manner! I should send you to the mines to work

    and keep your hands off any other ladies, he finished, a disgusted look on his face. Get inside

    and clean yourself up.

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    But, Father,I think she broke my nose, Brogan whimpered, glaring at Emma.

    Good! If she didnt, I would have, Will interjected.

    Brogan slowly walked past Emma, whispering, Sosecluded. . . so only she could hear


    Can you walk? Will asked Emma kindly.

    Yes, I believe so. That is, if youll let go of me, she replied.

    Good to see youve got some of your spunk back, Sir Harrison commented, offering

    Emma his handkerchief.

    I dont want to dirty it, sir, Emma said with a shake of her head. Ill just go home and

    have Grammie clean me up. Thank you both for being here when I needed you.

    She started to walk away, but Sir Harrison laid his hand on her arm. Fitzwilliam, please

    walk Emma home. I need to speak to my son.

    You dont have to Emma protested.

    I need to be out of the house for a while anyway, Will answered.

    The walk home was very quiet. Emma kept her eyes straight ahead, refusing to look at

    him. What do I say to the man who saved my life? Or at least my reputation? Ill wait until he

    says something to me.

    They started up the hill when Emma said softly, This is the way home. I can go on from

    here by myself.

    If Ive come this far, may as well go the rest of the way, Will replied. I want to be able

    to tell Sir Harrison you got home safely.

    They reached the garden gate and Emma paused. Thank you. For being there, she said

    softly, looking down at the ground.

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    Will cautiously touched her hand that was resting on the gate. I wish I had been there

    when it started. I really would have broken his nose for you.

    But then it would be your hand that was hurting, not mine, Emma snorted.

    Let me see your hand, Will insisted with a frown on his handsome face. Emma took the

    opportunity of him examining her hand to study his face. He was tanned and she could tell he

    spent much of his time outside, seeing the fine squint lines around his eyes. His black hair was

    longer than was in fashion, and Emma knew instinctively he did not care much for what others

    thought of him. From his angle she could see that his chin had a small cleft in it. His nose was

    straight and looked like it had never been broken.

    Have you ever been in a fist fight? she asked. A thrill of anticipation shot through her

    as his eyes met hers, faces close together. Your, um, yournose is awfully straight. I was

    thinking youve never had it broken before.

    Will smiled down at her. Yes, Ive been in a fight and no, Ive never had it broken. I

    dont think your hand is broken either. Just try not to use it for a bit and itll feel better soon.

    Maybe you can put some salve on it.

    Emma nodded and stepped through the gate, closing it behind her. Thank you for

    walking me home.

    Has this happened before? With Brogan? Will leaned on the gate.

    Ive been lucky enough to avoid him until today.

    If Brogan ever comes around again, tell Sir Harrison right away. He should send his son

    away. Hed have the full approval of the prince.

    Do you know the prince?

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    Will stared at her for a moment. Do I . . . ? Oh. Well, I actually know the prince quite

    well. We share the same opinions about many things. Though he tends to dress better when hes

    in court than I am right now. Do you have any special messages youd like me to give him?

    No, I dont know him so I dont have anything to say to him. Unless he can press

    Brogan into service in the mines like his father threatened, Emma said with a smile before she

    went into the cottage.

    She did not look back until she was opening the door to the cottage, and then only peeked

    over her shoulder at the handsome stranger.How strange to feel so comfortable with someone I

    just met! Im sure its only because he was so helpful when I needed someone. Oh, I didnt even

    ask him his name!

    Emma dear? Is that you?

    Yes, Grammie, its me. Ill set the table after I get cleaned up, Emma called out as she

    picked up a towel and a pitcher before she headed to the well outside. The small mirror on the

    wall caught her eye and she grimaced at the sight of her disheveled appearance.I need to clean

    up before Grammie sees me! Shell only be upset.

    Emma trudged up the hill behind the cottage to the well. As she hauled up a bucket of

    water to wash with, she thought back to the attack and shivered. I cant wait until I can save

    enough money to move both Grammie and me away from Brogan and his evil ways! Maybe we

    can settle somewhere on the coast. Im sure that Grammie will love to be close to the sea. Emma

    smiled when she thought back to the tales Grammie used to tell her to put her to sleep at night.

    Knights in shining armor just waiting to save the damsel in distress who was locked up in a

    tower by an evil fairy. I suppose I am a damsel, though not in complete distress. And instead of

    an evil fairy, its an evil man! I dont see any knights about. Emmas cheeks colored when the

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    thought of her rescuers face filled her minds eye.Hes not wearing armor, but he did come to

    my aid. She sighed as she filled her bucket with water. He only came to my aid because hes a

    good man. He is not about to marry a girl who has to walk up a hill to fetch her own water. I just

    need to be content to fill the little space that Ive been given.
