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The Hills Montessori School | Adelaide Hills - QUOTE OF ... · Web viewDr Maria Montessori was born...

Date post: 04-Feb-2021
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WEDNESDAY 4 TH SEPTEMBER 2019 NUMBER 14 Hills Dental Group Wallis Cinemas Mount Barker House of Hair Stirling Sierp Family Crowies– Aldgate Fitness Life Studio The Basin Haircutters Ophelia Cottage Hahndorf Bunnings Mount Barker Maximilians Restaurant Aldgate Village Butcher FROM THE PRINCIPAL Last Saturday night approximately 100 school community members and friends enjoyed our annual Quiz Night held at Yultiwirra. Once again, we have had great, positive feedback from participants who attended the night. There were lots of games, great prizes and loads of laughs and fun! Thanks for the terrific support on the night to all of those who attended. In particular, thank you to Georgia Richmond (Fundraising Chair) and the Fundraising Committee for all of their preparatory work gathering prizes, organising the event and setting and packing up. The cake auction was yet again a feature of the night and we thank those who baked and donated some delicious cakes. Once again, we had a Silent Auction which raised a significant amount of money and there were some amazing prizes! Thank you to those who generously donated silent auction prizes. This year we again enjoyed food prepared for us by renowned restaurateur (& school parent) Che Zahra from Miss Perez and Jimmies Pizza fame. Approximately 80 people enjoyed the delicious meals and it certainly added a wonderful social and community feel to the evening, being able to eat together before we got stuck into the questions, games and fun! A huge thank you to Che and his team. Thanks to Pete Monaghan and Ruth Nisbet who worked on the questions and puzzles pages. Also, thanks to Bags Direct Hahndorf Haus Restaurant Organic Market Café Aldgate Pump Hotel Kristen Weste Miss Eyelash Little Bikkie Bird Searle Family Matilda Bookshop Shoex– Stirling Prance family A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR QUIZ NIGHT Andrew Every Magic Circle Ellie Ross One Elk Ruby’s café Wolf Blass Fred Eatery Patch Café Ruby Sierp Three Birds Storison Cibo Stirling

wednesday 4th september 2019 NUMBER 14


Last Saturday night approximately 100 school community members and friends enjoyed our annual Quiz Night held at Yultiwirra. Once again, we have had great, positive feedback from participants who attended the night. There were lots of games, great prizes and loads of laughs and fun! Thanks for the terrific support on the night to all of those who attended. In particular, thank you to Georgia Richmond (Fundraising Chair) and the Fundraising Committee for all of their preparatory work gathering prizes, organising the event and setting and packing up.

The cake auction was yet again a feature of the night and we thank those who baked and donated some delicious cakes. Once again, we had a Silent Auction which raised a significant amount of money and there were some amazing prizes! Thank you to those who generously donated silent auction prizes.

This year we again enjoyed food prepared for us by renowned restaurateur (& school parent) Che Zahra from Miss Perez and Jimmies Pizza fame. Approximately 80 people enjoyed the delicious meals and it certainly added a wonderful social and community feel to the evening, being able to eat together before we got stuck into the questions, games and fun! A huge thank you to Che and his team.

Thanks to Pete Monaghan and Ruth Nisbet who worked on the questions and puzzles pages. Also, thanks to Ruth Nisbet, Susan Harris Evans & Terri Ross who worked alongside myself as judges on the night.

We also appreciated the support of our sponsors and all the families who donated wine for the ‘Wine Lucky Dip’! Thank you to everyone who donated or sourced prizes for the night.

This year we raised $7512!! which is just fantastic and the most money we have ever raised for a Quiz Night! ($1000 more than we raised last year!) This wonderful fundraising effort will go towards our fundraising goals for 2019. A huge thank you to parent Pete Monaghan who, for the fifth year running, was brilliant, witty and totally entertaining in the role of Quiz Master. He certainly added to the fun and frivolity of the night!

Cathy France –Principal

A Huge Thank You to our Quiz Night Sponsors

Andrew Every

Magic Circle

Ellie Ross

One Elk

Ruby’s café

Wolf Blass

Fred Eatery

Patch Café

Ruby Sierp

Three Birds


Cibo Stirling

BWS Stirling

Tony Calvett

Uraidla Hotel

Worth Gallery

Bags Direct Hahndorf

Haus Restaurant

Organic Market Café

Aldgate Pump Hotel

Kristen Weste

Miss Eyelash

Little Bikkie Bird

Searle Family

Matilda Bookshop

Shoex– Stirling

Prance family

Chereen McDonald

Vanessa Baryczka

Espressoholics Cafe

Wendy Evangelista

Winslow Family

Hills Dental Group

Wallis Cinemas Mount Barker

House of Hair Stirling

Sierp Family

Crowies– Aldgate

Fitness Life Studio

The Basin Haircutters

Ophelia Cottage Hahndorf

Bunnings Mount Barker

Maximilians Restaurant

Aldgate Village Butcher

The Katze of Hahndorf Café

Aldgate Newsagent

Stewart Family

Evangelista family

Bell Tent Glamping

Shottesbrooke Winery

Adelaide Festival

Aldgate Fish & Chip Shop

Zahra Family

The Bee Bloke

board Communique

All committee chairs reported on the progress made on the operational plans so far this year. Andrew Every updated the board on the Special Task Group recommendations for a future Foundation for the School. 

Jade Crathern –Board President

School review

We encourage all parents to complete our online

school review prepared recently by our Marketing Committee. This is your opportunity to have your say and provide ideas and feedback. It is great for us to know what we are doing well, and your feedback and suggestions help us to refine our practices and implement new initiatives. We value your input and would love to hear from you!

Please enter the link below into your search engine & provide us with your feedback.


The link will be emailed to all school families. The survey will remain open until Wednesday 18th September 2019.

Working Bee

A Working Bee is scheduled for 10 am - 1 pm on Saturday 21 September to install an irrigation system for the new plants in the Preschool outdoor learning area. This will include pipes, pop-ups and drippers connected to the mains water and an electronic timer. We would also love to clear and lay a small patch of loam and instant lawn in the area just above the new hand pump. If you are able to help, please register your interest with the Office by Friday 6 September.

Parent Discussion Group

Play & Friendships - Friday 6th September 9.15am

This topic will look at understanding the stages of play & development, and how we can support our children to build strong relationships at home and school.

All parents are invited to come along to the parent discussion group facilitated by Libby to be held in the Yultiwirra library. Please RSVP via SkoolBag.

Come along, join in the conversation and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee!

Vacation Care – Yultiwirra

The Vacation Care Program will operate each day during the coming holidays from 7.30am to 6pm. The program will also operate on Monday 14th October (pupil free day in wk 1 of Term 3). The program was sent home earlier this week.

If you are interested in your child attending Vacation Care and have not already completed the booking form, please make sure you do this ASAP and hand into the office or directly to Megan. We are currently trying to finalise staffing and confirm excursion arrangements.

tERM 3 Snippets with susan

The next ‘Snippets with Susan’ session will be held on Wednesday 11th September at 9.10am with a focus on ‘Montessori Grammar’. Book in via SkoolBag.

Maria Montessori’s birthday

Dr Maria Montessori was born on the 31st August 1870, 149 years ago (last Saturday!) Many of you will have some knowledge of Maria Montessori and her extraordinary life. She graduated as the first female physician in Italy, she was a professor of anthropology at the University of Rome, she studied psychology and philosophy and was nominated for three Nobel Peace Prizes. She founded the first Casa dei Bambini, or "Children's House" in Rome in January 1907. What ultimately became the Montessori method of education developed in that first Casa dei Bambini, based upon Montessori's scientific observations of those children. She worked tirelessly throughout her life observing children and teaching teachers her method of education. Her work & legacy lives on through the many Montessori schools throughout the world.

Every year the school celebrates Maria Montessori's birthday by raising money for the Montessori Children's Foundation which provides money to Montessori programs being run in Indigenous communities around Australia.

Happy 149th Birthday Maria Montessori!

Last week we celebrated Maria Montessori’s birthday by dressing up as something that started with “M”. Magicians, a microwave, m & m’s, a Mummy, Mary Poppins, Maria from The Sound of Music were some of the creative costumes. We raised $113 for the Montessori Children’s Foundation which supports Montessori programs for

indigenous children in Far North Queensland and the Torres Strait Islands.


This year Grandparents/Special Person Day will be held on:

· Wed 18th September for Cycle 1 students (Preschool & Primary)

· Thurs 19th Sept for Cycle 2 & 3 & Preschool Thurs/Fri groups

Grandparents & Special People will be asked to congregate in the hall at 9.30am. The visit finishes at 11.30am.

An invite has been sent home and is available on SkoolBag so that all families can arrange for their children to post, hand deliver or email this to grandparents &/or special people. Grandparents/visitors are requested to RSVP to the school to assist us with catering. Student performances will entertain our visitors, a morning tea will be provided, and they will have an opportunity to spend time in their grandchildren’s classrooms. A photographer will be present to take photos of guests/grandparents with their grandchildren.

We ask that parents act promptly in delivering the invites so that grandparents & special people have plenty of notice of these days.

Cycle 1 Preschool

In the preschool this term we have had a focus on keeping ourselves safe with some Protective Practices. As a part of our learning we had a special visit from Gary who is a Police Officer and preschool parent to Layla. Gary talked to the children about calling 000 for all emergency services and keeping safe at big events like the Royal Adelaide Show. For example, staying close to your safe people, asking police for help if you can’t find safe people, wearing identification bracelets and knowing your full name, caregivers’ full names and your address. The children especially enjoyed trying on some of the uniform, seeing the police car and speaking through the car’s loud speaker. Thanks for coming Gary!

Cycle 1 Primary

Kaurna representative Allen Edwards visited the Cycle 1 primary students. He talked to the children about different ways of communicating including through art, dance and storytelling. Hattie remembered later that Allen described skeletal animal art as means of communicating the parts of animals. Allen is the didgeridoo player for a dance group and he showed us a photo of some of the dancers. Mila recalled that the painted lines and spots that the dancers put on themselves represented the Murray Mouth and the Coorong. Allen discussed and demonstrated the breathing technique used when playing the didgeridoo. Dusty noticed that Allen made a dingo sound when playing. The children asked Allen lots of questions and he told them a little about his life and his reconciliation work. Tabby asked about bush tucker and Allen told her his favourite bush tucker is blue tongue lizard. Elise remembered that his favourite colour is red and that he also likes purple.

Cycle 2

Over the last few weeks, our practical life focus has been on preparing citrus fruit for making marmalade for Father’s Day. We enjoyed sewing our friendship quilt sections. We also experimented with glue batik. On Wednesday at lunchtime, quite a few children have been enjoying Knitting Club, a great way to spend cold & rainy lunchtimes! Small groups also help Robert maintain our school gardens and grounds.

Infant Program

As part of our focus on the 'salty' taste we made potato chips which the children added salt to. Lily is helping Ava with her knife skills in cutting the potato ready for cooking. Lily has been doing a placement in the Infant Program for the past weeks and the children have enjoyed doing activities with her. 

Cycle 3

This term Cycle 3 is learning about our solar system. We started by reading the First Great Story, The Beginning of the Universe and looking at the timeline of our universe.  We have looked closely at the planets in our solar system, their size and distance from the sun. We have worked out our weight and age on each planet and have gone on a solar system scavenger hunt.  We have observed the phases of the moon and participated in activities to celebrate the 50 year moon landing anniversary. We have learnt about where our solar system is positioned in the Milky Way Galaxy and how the Milky Way Galaxy is actually just a small part of the universe. We have really enjoyed constructing models and creating art work to show our understanding. 

Cycle 4 & senior students

Our studies in Earth Science for the first half of the term culminated in a three-day field trip. We visited sites from the Mt Lofty Ranges across to the Marne River and in the areas around Mannum on the Murray. These students really showed that they knew their stuff - they combined field observations with classroom understanding, plus a bit of imagination and some excellent reasoning, to make some excellent deductions about the geological history of the sites. We also had an awesome time rock-scrambling, noticing all kinds of things and taking on various rockpool challenges. Back at Mannum camp we had plenty of yummy food, lots of free time, and a brilliant mid-year quiz run by the Year 10 seniors.

indonesian with lyndal

With a focus on fluent speaking, Cycle 3 have been looking at 'hearing' and then plotting descriptions of characters in terms of their facial features and clothing items, e.g. 'His eyes are big and blue and his pants are red and spotty.'

Cycle 4 are working on speaking for longer than a minute in Indonesian off-by-heart.

Both Cycles looked at the history of Indonesian Independence Day (August 17th) and also at the way different islands celebrate this special day.

Term 3 Diary Dates (for the coming fortnight)QUOTE OF THE WEEK

“The needs of mankind are universal. Our means of meeting them create the richness and diversity of the planet. The Montessori child should come to relish the texture of that diversity.” Maria Montessori

Thursday September 5

Cycle 2 Camp

WHS meeting 4.00pm

“Meeting in the Middle – National Montessori Adolescent Forum being held at Wairoa

Friday September 6

Parent Discussion Group with Libby 9.15am

‘Play & Friendships’ @ Yultiwirra library

Sunday September 8

Tournament of the Minds – for Cycle 3 students

Monday September 9

Sci world visit – for Yultiwirra students

Tuesday September 10

I & P committee meeting – 8.00am @ Wairoa

Year 8 Immunisations

Marketing meeting 4.00pm

Finance meeting 6.00pm

Wednesday September 11

Snippets with Susan 9.10am – All Welcome

‘Montessori Grammar’ – Yultiwirra Staffroom

Thursday September 12

SPTG meeting 9.00am

Friday September 13

Fundraising meeting 9.00am

Sharing Assembly 9.30am Cycle 2 & 4 sharing

Tuesday September 17

Executive meeting 6.00pm

Board meeting 7.00pm

Wednesday September 18

Grandparents Day for Cycle 1 Preschool & Primary

Indonesian Partnership meeting 4.00pm

Student Wellbeing Group meeting 4.00pm

Thursday September 19

Grandparents Day for Cycle 2 & 3

Policy committee meeting 4.00pm

Saturday September 21

Working Bee 10.00am – 1.00pm

Tuesday September 24

Special Finance meeting 6.00pm

Wednesday September 25

Snippets with Susan 9.10am – All Welcome

Thursday September 26

Parent Rep Meeting 2.30pm

Wairoa Cultural Studies Expo

Friday September 27

Fundraising meeting 9.00am

Term 3 Ends – 2pm finish

Cycle 3 Musical – ‘Kids at Sea’

Key Dates for Term 4 2019

Monday October 14

Pupil Free Day


TERM 3: Tuesday 23rd July - Friday 27th September

TERM 4: Tuesday 15th October – Wed 11th December


TERM 1: Tuesday 4th February – Thursday 9th April

TERM 2: Tuesday 28th April – Friday 3rd July

TERM 3: Tuesday 21st July - Friday 25th September

TERM 4: Tues 13th October – Wed 9th December


Justine and Shayne on the arrival of Jase - a brother for Indigo.

Community newS

Child and Adolescent Sleep Clinic Services - The Child & Adolescent Sleep Clinic at Flinders University provides assessment and treatment for common sleep problems in childhood and adolescence (including infants from 6 months of age).

 After obtaining a GP referral, families pay a once-off assessment fee of $300 (reduced for health care card holders), with no further out-of-pocket costs for subsequent appointments.
