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The history of human connectivity.

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The history of human connectivity, from prehistory to the present day. © 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles by Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com @emergecode @Annemcx @VisceralBiz

The history of human connectivity, from prehistory to the present day.

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles by Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com @emergecode @Annemcx @VisceralBiz

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

Understanding our chronology as a path to change >>

Cave Paintings

Ancient humans first began to express themselves, evidenced in cave paintings.

c 40,0000 B.C.E.

State Formation

The Fertile Crescent and its abundance of resources led to the earliest examples of state formation.

c 3,500 B.C.E.

First Tablets

The Cuneiform, Dispilio and the Tărtăria were the first tablets and the earliest forms of recorded communication.

c 3,500 B.C.E.

World Map

The first world map is recorded as coming from the Fertile Crescent in Babylon.

c 600 B.C.E.

Postal Service

The Persian postal service that used couriers under the reign of Cyrus the Great, was the first information delivery system recorded.

500 B.C.E.

In the beginning Early history

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© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

The Renaissance

The gates to the Italian Renaissance opened up and Masaccio depicted human emotion in art.

c 1425 C.E.

The Printing Press

The invention of the Gutenberg press heralded information for the masses and the spread of ideas.

1450 C.E.

Power Protocols

Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’, was one of the earliest and most influential printed texts. It defined power protocols for the next 500 years.

1532 C.E.


John Donne introduced the idea of virtual existences in his poetry, creating the beginnings of metaphysics.

1609 C.E.

The Telegraph

The invention of the telegraph meant information could be transmitted as a signal.

1760 C.E.

The Renaissance

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© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

The Class System

Debrett’s ‘Peerage’ and Adam Smith’s ‘Wealth of Nations’ define an industrial and social system.

c 1769-1776 C.E.

The Steam Engine

James Watt and Matthew Bolton develop the first patents for the design of a steam engine.

1775 C.E.

Rights of Man

Thomas Paine writes ‘The Rights of Man’ after the French Revolution and the American Revolution, calling for mass power.

1791 C.E.

Computing Power

Charles Babbage invents the ‘Difference Engine’ and writes ‘On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures’.

1832 C.E.


William Fox Talbot develops the first photographic negative made in a camera.

1835 C.E.

The Industrial Revolution

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© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

The Telephone

The telephone is invented by Sir Alexander Graham Bell, the first person to successfully transmit vocal sounds electromagnetically.

1876 C.E.

Natural Sciences

Charles Darwin writes ‘The Origin of the Species’ and proposes a general theory of evolution.

1859 C.E.

The Pneumatic Post

The pneumatic post was the first method used to carry information from one place to another remotely.

1861 C.E.


The first faculty studying human behaviour is set up at Leipzig University by Wilhelm Wundt.

1879 C.E.


Edwaerd Muybridge presents his stop motion studies at the Royal Institution in London in front of a sell-out audience.

1882 C.E.

The Technical Revolution

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© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

Computing Code

Alan Turing develops computing code with the invention of the Enigma machine at Bletchley Park during WW2.


Heinrich Rudolf Hertz demonstrates the transmission of radio waves through free space.

1887 C.E.

Model T Ford

Henry Ford invents the production line with the opening of his first car factory.

1908 C.E.


John Logie Baird transmits a long-distance television image over 705 km of telephone line between London and Glasgow.

1927 C.E.

1940 C.E.


MIT’s Comparative Time-Sharing System (CTSS) becomes the world’s first e-mail system.

1965 C.E.

The Digital Revolution

Our Digital Lineage

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

Personal computing

Microsoft and Apple launch within a year of one another and are the world’s first personal computer businesses.


Arpanet is the first operational packet switching network to implement TCP/IP.

1969 C.E.

We go online

Compuserve, the first major commercial online service, is created.

1969 C.E.

The real thing

Coca-Cola wants to ‘teach the world to sing’ and stages one of the first ever global marketing campaigns.

1971 C.E.

1975-6 C.E.

Test tube life

Louise Brown is born in the UK. She is the first child to be conceived through in-vitro fertilisation.

1978 C.E.

Early Computing

Our Digital Lineage

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

First networks

MUD and MUD 1 are the first Multi-User Domains. Usenet becomes the first worldwide Internet discussion Bulletin Board System (BBS).

1978-9 C.E.

The first phase of sharing

The Well, the world’s first online community begins in 1985, ListServ, automated mailing list management, is invented in 1986 and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) in August 1988.

1985-1988 C.E.

Digital community

Geocities and Firefly are two of the earliest examples of social networks, launched in 1994 & 1995.

1994-1995 C.E.

The Birth of the Web

E-commerce begins

Aol, Amazon, Ebay and Yahoo are among the first businesses to cross the threshold from the Industrial age to the Digital age.

1995 C.E.

Our Digital Lineage

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

Birth of the Web

Time Berners-Lee writes a paper: ’Information Management, A proposal’ about http protocols and hyperlinks to create the World Wide Web. It’s described as ‘vague but exciting’.

1989 C.E.

Crowdsourced knowledge

Wikipedia launches in January 2001. It becomes a publicly creditable and globally crowdsourced encyclopedia of knowledge.

1998 C.E.

Here come the platforms

Blogger, Napster, Stumble Upon and Eopinions emerge as early networks that enable individuals to publish and share content on the web.

1999 C.E.

The human genome

US President Bill Clinton and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair announce the creation of the first map of the human genome.

2000 C.E.

2001 C.E.

DNA mapping

The human genome project, mapping the full sequence of human DNA, is completed.

2003 C.E.

Navigating the digital domain

Our Digital Lineage

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

Navigating the digital domain

MoveOn becomes the first people powered digital democracy platform. Google develops search. It will become one of the key ports of call on the internet.

Social networks

The first mass market social networks are born. Friendster is launched in 2002, followed by MySpace, Second Life, LinkedIn, Flickr and Delicious.

2002-4 C.E.

Network as a nation

Facebook launches in February 2004. Ten years later it’s the second most populated territory on the planet after China.

2004 C.E.

Online diversification

Digg, Ning and YouTube arrive as more examples of powerful networked platforms. They focus for sharing rich media and online community.

2004-2005 C.E.

2005 C.E.

Cloud storage

Amazon introduces AWS,the first storage service in the cloud. Twitter is launched too, with the phrase ‘just setting up my twttr’.

2006 C.E.

The Rise of The Network

Redefining power laws

Tony Benn overwrites Machiavelli with his ‘5 Questions of Power’ for political relationships in a democraticallynetworked age.

Our Digital Lineage

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

The iPhone

Apple create the iPhone. Nokia and Sony Ericsson had launched smartphones earlier, but the iPhone captured consumer imagination.

2007 C.E.

Virtual currency

Bitcoin becomes the world’s first virtual currency. It introduces the Blockchain, digitally distributed, encrypted technology.

2009 C.E.

Maker culture

Minecraft, an online open world game is launched. People can build their own environments.

2010 C.E.

2010 C.E.

3D Printing

3D printing, originally developed in 1984, comes of age and consumer devices are available for mainstream adoption.

2010 C.E.

Smart information

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan.

Online curation

Pinterest, Storify and Quora all launch; Social networks curating verbal and visual knowledge and information.


Foursquare is launched - the world’s first geolocation-based social network.

2009 C.E.

Our Digital Lineage


Wikileaks release the Afghan and Iraq war logs, described as ‘the beginning of the information age exploding upon itself ’.

2010 C.E.


Kickstarter launches as a crowdfunding platform. Amanda Palmer raises over $1million through fan support.

2011 C.E.

2012 C.E.

One World Culture

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan.

Artificial intelligence

Siri becomes the world’s first mainstream intelligent personal assistant, available through the iPhone.

2011 C.E.

Networked value

Google+ and Empire Avenue launch.

Condensed content

Vine launches, to shortening attention spans around the world, bringing with it the emergence of a tl:dr digital culture.

Universal language

Psy’s video for ‘Gangnam style’ becomes the first video to reach over 1 billion views on YouTube.

2012 C.E.

Our Digital Lineage

Augmented reality

Palmer Luckey invents Oculus Rift, an augmented reality headset. It debuts on Kickstarter in 2012, receiving $2.4 million.

2012 C.E.

Wearable tech

Google introduces Google Glass. Its interoperability with humans is modelled by Robert Scoble in the shower.

2013 C.E.

PRISM revelations

Edward Snowden makes information available about NSA surveillance in the US and around the world.

2013 C.E.

2014 C.E.

Drone delivery

Drones enable airborne image taking and dispatch. They are tested for Amazon and go on the Apple iStore.

As digital technology wraps itself around us and everything we do, where do we go next as digital humans? It’s up to us.

Augmented Humanity

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com

The selfie

Ellen De Generes’ Oscars celebrity selfie becomes the most widely shared image in the history of online communication.

2014 C.E.

Our Digital Lineage

For more information about the Emergent Code project, please visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com and @emergecode

© 2015 Emergent Code Chronicles. Anne McCrossan. For more information visit www.emergentcodechronicles.com
