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The History of Ideas Quiz 2015

Date post: 14-Jul-2015
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At the heart of Shinto belief is the idea of ___X__, which translates variously as ‘god’, ‘a spirit’ or ‘divine essence’. The word ___X__ is best known to us from a related word ___XY__ that describes an act of “divinity in the wind.”

Give me the blank & the related word.



Kami and KamiKaze

While this 2 word term has existed since the 18th

century, its present currency is from a 1970s anthology titled The Black Woman by Toni Cade. A new branch of linguistics called “Euphemism Treadmill” emerged in the 1980’s thanks to feminists & intellectual groups who decided to rephrase terms that were otherwise offensive. In Britain, some schools altered popular nursery rhymes to reflect this new ideology. What 2 word term?



Political Correctness

Walt Disney called it ‘The Plausible Impossible.’The idea is a subplot in the movie clip you will see. Mark O’Donnell’s Laws of ______ ______ appeared in Esquire in 1980 & a version printed in 1994 by the IEEE in its journal helped spread the idea among the technical crowd.

What idea (2 word answer)?



Cartoon Physics

What idea is being spoofed?



Pascal’s Wager

Founded in 1755, the Chochmah, Binah, Da'at (Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge) represents the intellectual underpinnings of which movement?




Shown in the visual are the Kharites, who were attendants of the goddesses Aphrodite and Hera. Their name meant Grace, and thus they were the three goddesses of grace, beauty, adornment, mirth, festivity, dance and song. The idea of using their name to describe leadership, authority & domination was given by Max Weber. What word or idea that Weber used to describe Hitler’s rule?



Charisma (the idea of Charismatic Authority or Charismatic Leadership). Charisma derives from the Kharites.

In chapter 4 of his book The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins advances an argument for atheism he calls the “Ultimate _______ ____ Gambit,” in reference to Fred Hoyle’s famous comment about a _______ ____ assembling by chance after a tornado in a junkyard.

Just as Hoyle’s argument appeals to the improbability of evolution, Dawkins’s argument appeals to the improbability of God.




Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit

To be successful, a __A__ _B__ argument requires that the audience be ignorant or uninformed of the original argument. Several movies spawned thanks to the idea.

In the UK, ____C___ ___D___ is a traditional English throwing game in which players throw sticks or battens at a model of an old woman's head. The game gets its name based on a blackface doll inspired by a low-life character named "Black Sal", which appeared in an 1821 series of novellas entitled Life of London by Pierce Egan, a contemporary of Charles Dickens.

Identify both fallacies (AB, CD)




AB – Straw Man or Straw Dog FallacyCD- Aunt Sally

What word generally used in the context of legislature was originally used to the denote the British Parliament’s Upper House/Chamber and Lower House/Chamber?

In reality, this is a misnomer as there are actually 3 –The Privy Council, The House of Lords & House of Commons!


Bicameral (meaning Two-Chambers)

This Latin phrase has been used in English since the mid-19th century and derives from the same Latin root meaning ‘welcome’ from where the words gratitude & congratulations derive. The idea first appeared in diplomatic contexts to refer to a foreign representative no longer acceptable by their host nation’s government. Now, the same idea is applied to any unwanted or unwelcome person.

What phrase?


Persona Non Grata

The idea of using this metaphor originated when Shakespeare picked this up & used it in Julius Caesar.

CASSIUS: Did Cicero say any thing?CASCA: Ay, he spoke _____.CASSIUS: To what effect?CASCA: Nay, an I tell you that, I'll ne'er look you i' the face again: but those that understood him smiled at one another and shook their heads; but, for mine own part, it was _____ to me.



Its all Greek to Me!

‘Kirk is certain to die within a week but is being kept alive on a life-support system. His heart & kidneys happen to be a perfect match for Scottie and Bones, who are certain to die before him if they do not get the transplants they need but have excellent prospects of recovery if they do. Is it right to let Kirk die – or perhaps even to kill him – in order to save Scottie and Bones?’The above is a classic exam question in universities on an idea proposed by Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th

century and later expanded by John Stuart Mills. Give me a single word for this theory that is also called ‘the greatest happiness principle?’



The principal rival to JP Morgan in the early 20th

century was the bank, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which later merged with Lehmann Brothers & finally American Express. The founder Solomon Loeb left his entire endowment to his son James. James Loeb gave birth to an idea (1911) that is now called “facing-page translation”.

Now about 104 years later, another father-son combo modelled something similar based on the idea that Loeb started?

What idea?


Murty Classical Library based on the Loeb Classical Library

14In astrophysics and physical cosmology, __A____' paradox, named after the German astronomer A, is called the "dark night sky paradox.” It argues that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. While it is named after ___A___, the idea has been stated by many others like Kepler, Halley and Lord Kelvin. Interestingly, the author __B____, wrote a prose poem Eureka, dedicated to Alexander von Humboldt, where he tried to resolve the apparent paradox. A, B?


Olbers’ ParadoxEdgar Allan Poe


First explored by Longinus, the idea of the ______ became especially popular in the Age of Reason/Enlightenment. The idea evades easy definition. Today the word is used for the most ordinary reasons, for a ‘______ ’ tennis shot or a ‘______ ’ evening. In the history of ideas, it has a deeper meaning, pointing to the heights of something truly extraordinary, an ideal that artists have long pursued. It spans painting (Turner/Monet), architecture (Boullee/Ledoux), philosophy (Burke/Kant) & literature (Victor Hugo). What idea? (Visuals follow)




The term AB was used first by wildlife scientist and conservationist Raymond F. Dasmann in the 1968 book A Different Kind of Country. Thomas Lovejoy, in the foreword to the book Conservation Biology, introduced the term to the scientific community. Until then the term CB was common in scientific circles. AB’s contracted form A’B was coined by W.G. Rosen in 1985.

AB, CB & A’B?


AB- Biological DiversityCB- Natural DiversityA’B - Biodiversity


Ver Sacrum (meaning "Sacred Spring" in Latin) was the official magazine of this “breakaway” art movement. This movement included painters, sculptors, and architects. The first president of the movement was Gustav Klimt. Similar movements existed in Berlin & Munich but the one started by Klimt & Co is perhaps the most famous. The group’s most prominent architect was Joseph Maria Olbrich who also designed the most famous building associated with the movement. Which movement? Visuals



The Vienna Secession.

Just Secession is fine


In 2003, he was the first recipient of the Virtual Nobel Prize in Psychology from the University of Klagenfurt, “for his pioneering achievements in the experimental investigation of consciousness, initiation of action, and the neuroscience of free will.” Who?


Benjamin Libet


The Scottish metaphysical writer, Professor James Frederick Ferrier coined what term for a branch of philosophy from the Greek for ‘Study of Knowledge?’




Shown in the visual is Socrates’ speech (which was really written by ___A___’s) as part of an encomium (B) that was ironically held at the house of the tragedian (C ) in Athens. A’s ideas are the origin of the concept of D.

The rungs of this ladder (visual) are:

1) loving one attractive body or another2) loving physical beauty in general3) loving the beauty of people’s activity4) loving the beauty of intellectual endeavors5) loving the intellectual itself as what endures of the beauty of love.



A – Diotima (Diotima’s Ladder)B - SymposiumC – Agathon (which describes the banquet given to celebrate his obtaining a prize for his first tragedy at the Lenaia in 416.) D – Platonic Love


The R Mutt sticker project is an online project that pays tribute to _____ _____, who challenged people to ask themselves “What is art”. The project is a Tumblr page with photos from around the world.

Tribute to whom? What photos?


Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain. Photos of the R. Mutt Sticker placed on toilets around the world.

In response to Neil deGrasse Tyson’s list of Christian things that he likes, uses, accepts despite not believing in the Christian God, the blogger ThonyChristie says “The use of ___ ___ goes back to Dennis the Short in the sixth century CE in his attempt to produce an accurate system to determine the date of Easter. He introduced it to replace the Alexandrian method of calculating Easter, because Diocletian was notorious for having persecuted the Christians. Dionysius’ system found very little resonance until the Venerable Bede used it in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People(8th century CE).


The BC/AD convention

__X__ is derived from a Greek word literally meaning “a choice.” St. Irenaeus defined this as a deviation from the standard of sound doctrine. This definition provided a model for subsequent conceptions of ___X___ . Referring to the Greek word, St. Jerome wrote that each one chooses the rule that one judges to be the best.

___X___ is denial or doubt of any defined doctrine, it is sharply distinguished from ___Y___ , which denotes deliberate abandonment of the Christian faith itself.




What rather censorious name(10 letter) refers to an aggressive movement, which was also named as Michurinism- in tribute to the plant breeder Ivan V. Michurin?



Trofim Lysenko’s specialty was inventing nutty schemes - things like stimulating the evolution of trees by overcrowding them to get them to cooperate, as though they were communist minions –From Wire Magazine

Three out of four available derive their name from the nature of the contents; the one in question, derives its name from a personage of indefinitely remote antiquity named ______, who is spoken of as the first priest who ‘rubbed Agni forth’ or produced fire by attrition, who ‘ first by sacrifices made the paths’ or established communication between men and Gods, and overcame hostile demons by means of miraculous powers which he had received from heaven. What am I talking about? FITB




“Political violence is the continuation of art by other means. Wherever there are shock troops marching in the streets or big pyres of burning books or the sounds of mysterious gunfire near the parliament building at night, you can bet that behind it all flutters the soul of a sensitive young boy who always wanted to be an artist. Brutishness is easy; anyone can commit an atrocity in the right conditions. Violence requires a highly rarefied aesthetic sensibility.”

From a blog titled Idiot Joy Showland


Artist ___X____ has produced fifty paintings of dogs.

The writer provides interesting correlation

1 Drone Strike = 1 painting of a dog(DP)

1 Round of Golf = 2 DP

1 Million Unemployed = 5 DP

14 Soldiers in Afghanistan = 1 DP

100 Palestinians Killed = 1 DP

2237 dead Iraqis = 1 DP

Identified the artist

George Bush Jr.

In his book Discipline and Punish, Foucault argues that we live in a world where the state exercises power in the same fashion as the ____X_____ guards. Foucault called it “disciplinary power;” the basic idea is that the omnipresent fear of being watched by the state or judged according to prevailing social norms caused people to adjust the way they acted and even thought without ever actually punished.


The __X__ was based on an idea of Samuel, who while working in Russia for Prince Potemkin, hit upon the 'central inspection principle' which would facilitate the training and supervision of unskilled workers by experienced craftsmen.

Samuel’s brother ___Y____ came to adapt this principle for his idea, an 'Inspection House' envisaged as a circular building.



Jeremy Bentham

In A Theory of Justice, John Rawls, asks the reader to imagine a scene where a group of people are gathered to plan their own future society, hammering out the details of what will basically become a Social Contract. In this Original Position, the future citizens do not yet know what part they will play in their upcoming society. They must design their society behind what Rawls calls the ____ __ ______.

The reason being “If a man knew that he was wealthy, he might find it rational to advance the principle that various taxes for welfare measures be counted unjust; if he knew that he were poor, he would most likely propose the contrary principle. To represent the desired restrictions, one imagines a situation in which everyone is deprived of this sort of information”

28 – to create a method to determine morality of issues

Veil of Ignorance

Which untested assumption is made up of

two separate assumptions:

• _______ big – that space can have a volume, that time can continue forever.

• ________ small – meaning continuum, and the idea that even a litre of space contains an ____ number of points, that space can be stretched out without anything bad happening, and that there are quantities in nature that can vary continuously.



Veṅkaṭādhvari was a southern poet who lived in the 17th century near Kanchi. He was a Sri-vaishnavitescholar of the Vadakalai school. His most famous work is titled Rāghava-yādavīyaṃ - an anuloma-vilomakāvya.

The 30 shlokas in this work narrate the story of Rama. Eg.,

वन्देऽहं देवं तं श्रीतं रन्तारं कालं भासा यः ।रामो रामाधीराप्यागो लीलामारायोध्ये वासे ॥

“I pay my obeisance to Lord Shri Rama, who with his heart pining for Sita, travelled across the Sahyadri Hills and returned to Ayodhya after killing Ravana and sported with his consort, Sita, in Ayodhya for a long time.”

What is so special about this kavya?


The shloka in reverse

सेवाध्येयो रामालाली गोप्याराधी मारामोरा ।यस्साभालंकारं तारं तं श्रीतं वन्देहं देवं ॥“I bow to Lord Shri Krishna, whose chest is the sporting resort of Shri Lakshmi;who is fit to be contemplated through penance and sacrifice, who fondles Rukmani and his other consorts and who is worshipped by the gopis, and who is decked with jewels radiating splendour.”

The Shlokas read in the reverse relate an adventure of Shri Krishna. All 30 shlokas are in this form. Anuloma-viloma means up and down

This experiment was conducted by an Italian naturalist, who was the first to challenge the theory of _____ ______. Name the naturalist and FITB


Spontaneous Generation(abiogenesis will get you points)

Francesco Redi

Ishtraq was an adult magazine published in Pakistan in 1976 that contained political articles, a sexual advice column, quasi-explicit short stories, and images picked up from Playboy and Penthouse photo shoots. The magazine was banned by the Bhutto regime in 1977.

The magazine’s licence was renewed in late 1978 by the reactionary Ziaul Haq dictatorship, but operated as a asocial lifestyle monthly. The mag was banned again in 1979 when it ran a completely apolitical story about a journalist’s experience of going to buy a goat, check its teeth for age(requirement of Qurbani) for that year’s Eidul Azha.

What was the reason for the ban?


Zia’s Information Ministry claimed that the story was a taunt against Ziaul Haq’s teeth!

The Philemon Foundation was named for a figure that appeared to ____ in a dream in 1913. In Memories, Dreams, Reflections, ___recounted the dream in which Philemon first appeared to him. ____ saw a sea blue sky, covered by brown clods of earth that appeared to be breaking apart. Out of the blue, he saw an old man with kingfisher wings and the horns of a bull flying across the sky, carrying a bunch of keys. After the dream, __ painted the image, as he did not understand it. During this intense period, ___ was struck by the synchronicity of finding a dead kingfisher, a bird rarely seen around Zurich, in his garden by the lakeshore. Thereafter, Philemon played an important role in ___’s fantasies. (the picture shows Philemon, if it helps).


Carl Jung

_________(10 letter) is the process whereby two or more independent cultural systems, or elements thereof, conjoin to form a new and distinct system—is among the most important factors in the evolution of culture in general, but especially in the history of religion. But the process occurs whenever previously independent belief systems come into sustained contact, no matter what their respective levels of sophistication may be.


