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HAL Id: hal-01003606 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01003606 Submitted on 1 Jan 2011 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspecies of Apis mellifera–Apis mellifera simensis n. ssp. Marina Meixner, Messele Leta, Nikolaus Koeniger, Stefan Fuchs To cite this version: Marina Meixner, Messele Leta, Nikolaus Koeniger, Stefan Fuchs. The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspecies of Apis mellifera–Apis mellifera simensis n. ssp.. Apidologie, Springer Verlag, 2011, 42 (3), pp.425-437. 10.1007/s13592-011-0007-y. hal-01003606
Page 1: The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspecies of Apis … · 2021. 2. 5. · The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspecies of Apis mellifera—Apis mellifera simensis

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The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspeciesof Apis mellifera–Apis mellifera simensis n. ssp.Marina Meixner, Messele Leta, Nikolaus Koeniger, Stefan Fuchs

To cite this version:Marina Meixner, Messele Leta, Nikolaus Koeniger, Stefan Fuchs. The honey bees of Ethiopia representa new subspecies of Apis mellifera–Apis mellifera simensis n. ssp.. Apidologie, Springer Verlag, 2011,42 (3), pp.425-437. �10.1007/s13592-011-0007-y�. �hal-01003606�

Page 2: The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspecies of Apis … · 2021. 2. 5. · The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspecies of Apis mellifera—Apis mellifera simensis

The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspeciesof Apis mellifera—Apis mellifera simensis n. ssp.

Marina D. MEIXNER1, Messele Abebe LETA2, Nikolaus KOENIGER

2, Stefan FUCHS2

1LLH Bieneninstitut Kirchhain, Erlenstr. 9, 35274 Kirchhain, Germany2Institut für Bienenkunde (Polytechnische Gesellschaft), Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt,

FB Biowissenschaften, Karl-von-Frisch-Weg 2, 61440 Oberursel, Germany

Received 28 May 2010 – Revised 28 July 2010 – Accepted 2 August 2010

Abstract – Honey bees endemic to the volcanic dome system of Ethiopia are described as a new subspecies,Apis mellifera simensis, on the basis of morphometrical analyses. Principal component and discriminantanalyses show that the Ethiopian bees are clearly distinct and statistically separable from honey bees belongingto neighboring subspecies in eastern Africa. Considerable variation of morphological characters in relation toaltitude is present in the samples under analysis, but there are no statistically separable subgroups within thispopulation. There is no indication for the presence of more than one subspecies of honey bee in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia / Apis mellifera simensis / subspecies / morphometrics / Africa


In the biogeographic context of the Africancontinent, the Ethiopian mountain system is anunusual region, geologically dominated by itsvast volcanic dome that occupies most of thecountry's area and reaches elevations of morethan 4,000 m, harboring a distinctive flora andfauna. Its isolation and unique climate support ahigh rate of endemism of animals and plants(Kingdon 1989; Yalden and Largen 1992;Sillero-Zubiri and Gotelli 1994) brought aboutby the geographical isolation and the unique

climate of the Ethiopian massifs, as results ofthe last Ice Age (Kingdon 1989).

Likewise, the honey bee fauna of Ethiopia haslong been recognized as particular within theAfrican context, and has been subjected to severalstudies leading to controversial interpretations.Based on early reports (Mammo 1976) and thecomparatively few samples available at that time,Ruttner (1976, 1988, 1992) assumed the bees ofEthiopia to be disjunctive populations of Apismellifera monticola Smith 1961, the subspeciesdescribed from the mountains of Kenya andTanzania, mainly because of their similarity inpigmentation and pilosity. In later analyses,however, Radloff and Hepburn (1997a) sug-gested to divide the bees of Ethiopia amongthree different subspecies: Apis mellifera jemeni-tica Ruttner 1976 in the North, Apis melliferascutellata Lepeletier, 1836 in the South, and“Apis mellifera bandasii” Mogga 1988 in thecentral mountains. In a later publication, howev-er, five different subspecies were identified inthis region (Amssalu et al. 2004).

Messele Abebe Leta—deceased

Electronic supplementarymaterial The online versionof this article (doi:10.1007/s13592-011-0007-y) con-tains supplementary material, which is available toauthorized users.

Corresponding author: M.D. Meixner,[email protected] editor: Klaus Hartfelder

Apidologie (2011) 42:425–437 Original article* INRA, DIB-AGIB and Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011DOI: 10.1007/s13592-011-0007-y

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The results of recent research have moved thehoney bees of Ethiopia into the focus of attention,suggesting that they may have a unique status andplay a distinctive role in general honey beephylogeography. Based on morphometric data,Ruttner (1988) had first described the geographicstructure of the species as consisting of the fourdifferent evolutionary branches “A” (Africa),“M” (northern and western Europe), “C”(south-eastern Europe), and “O” (Near East andwestern Asia). Later, this hypothesis was largelysupported by several studies investigating varia-tion of molecular markers (Garnery et al. 1992;Arias and Sheppard 1996; Whitfield et al. 2006);however, in an analysis of mitochondrial DNA,honey bees from Ethiopia deviated substantiallyfrom the known lineages and were grouped in aseparate molecular lineage termed Y (Franck etal. 2001). The appearance of a new lineage inthis region is of particular interest as newanalyses based on genetic data strongly indicatethat the species started its radiation in Africa(Whitfield et al. 2006), probably about 1 Ma ago(Ruttner 1988; Cornuet and Garnery 1991; Ariasand Sheppard 1996), contradicting the previoushypothesis of Ruttner et al. (1978) and Ruttner(1988) who assumed the geographic origin ofApis mellifera somewhere between north-easternAfrica and western Asia.

In this paper, we aim to resolve the controver-sial question of Ethiopian honey bee microtaxon-omy and present a comprehensive morphometricanalysis based on samples from throughoutEthiopia within the context of neighboring beepopulations in eastern Africa.


2.1. Collection of bee samplesand morphometric analysis

Honey bee samples were collected from a total of33 locations throughout Ethiopia (Figure 1 and Tablein the Electronic supplementary material); either fromnatural nests or from traditional hives. Most samplinglocations were situated inside the volcanic dome

system of Ethiopia, but several of the peripheral siteswere located on the rim or on the walls of the EastAfrican rift valley. The altitude of sampling localitiesranged from 325 to 3,000 m above sea level. Eachlocation is represented by five samples, with eachsample containing about 30 worker bees from onecolony. Bees were killed and stored in 70% ethanolprior to analysis.

Fifteen worker bees of each sample were dissectedand 38 morphometric characters were measuredaccording to methods described in Ruttner (1988).Measurements of size and wing venation wereperformed using a stereo microscope and acomputer-aided measuring system based on a videosystem and measuring program (Meixner 1994). Formeasurements of pilosity and color scaling a stereomicroscope was used.

2.2. Statistical analysis of the data

Colony sample means, standard deviation, andstandard error were computed for each character ofeach sample and subsequently used as representativeestimates for the colony. Reference samples of thefollowing subspecies from the morphometric database in Oberursel were included: A. melliferascutellata (50), A. mellifera monticola (27), A.mellifera jemenitica (48), and Apis mellifera litoreaSmith 1961 (9). The data were submitted to factoranalysis and sample scores were plotted on principalcomponent coordinates for visualization. Discrimi-nant analysis was used to perform reallocation ofsamples to their respective groups, based on theresults of the factor analysis. To detect variationbetween the samples and to identify morphologicallyhomogeneous groups, k-means clustering procedureswere performed with increasing numbers of clusters,starting with two groups. To determine the number ofclusters within Ethiopia that best reflected thestructure of the morphological variation, agoodness-of-fit statistics was calculated for eachnumber of clusters. To further analyze variationwithin Ethiopia, a discriminant analysis was per-formed using the k-means membership of the samplesas group identifiers. Calculations were performedusing the SPSS (2003) for Windows 12.0 and Systat9.0 (2000) statistical packages.

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3.1. The bees of Ethiopia in relationto the surrounding subspecies

In an initial factor analysis including refer-ence samples from the adjacent subspecies A.mellifera monticola, A. mellifera scutellata, A.mellifera litorea, and A. mellifera jemenitica,the samples from all five groups fell intooverlapping, yet discernible groups. The beesfrom Ethiopia only partially overlapped withsamples from reference groups, but were con-centrated in a different plot area (see Figure inthe Electronic supplementary material).

The distinctiveness of the Ethiopian bees wasconfirmed by a discriminant analysis where allsamples from the study area were reassigned totheir group of origin, and where the Ethiopianbees were entered as group of their own. In thisanalysis (Figure 2), the bees from Ethiopia forma distinct and very tight cluster that does notoverlap with any of the reference groups. Allsamples from Ethiopia were allocated to thisgroup with probabilities of 0.99<P<1.00. Inaddition, 12 Ethiopian samples that were notpart of the current study, but were collectedearlier and obtained from the morphometricdatabase, were unambiguously allocated to thiscluster when entered as “ungrouped” into the

Figure 1. Sampling locations in Ethiopia. The map was redrawn and modified after Kingdon (1989). Eachsymbol represents one colony. The figure shows a plot of the geographical sample distribution allocated to fourk-means clusters. Samples assigned to cluster one (circles) are concentrated at high elevations in the centre ofthe Ethiopian dome, with samples of clusters two (triangles), three (squares) and four (diamonds) formingconcentric circles of distribution towards lower elevations in the periphery. The geographic coordinates of eachlocation are given in the Table in the Electronic supplementary material.

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discriminant analysis (P=1.00, all). The statis-tical differences (multiple F values) between thegroup centroids of the Ethiopian cluster and thereference groups in the analysis ranged between35.4 (Ethiopia—A. mellifera monticola) and222.72 (Ethiopia—A. mellifera jemenitica)(Table I). Thus, they were larger than thedifferences between the centroids of all refer-ence groups, with the exception of the distancebetween A. mellifera monticola and A. melliferajemenitica (56.18). The statistical differencesbetween group centroids were significant in allcases (P<0.001).

3.2. Morphological variationwithin Ethiopia

To investigate the morphological variabilitywithin Ethiopia, k-means cluster analyses werecarried out with increasing numbers of groups,

starting with two groups and increasing to tengroups. The goodness-of-fit F-statistics im-proved in a linear trend with each added groupwithout reaching an optimum (two groups: F=1.11, P=0.30; four groups: F=2.50, P<0.001;ten groups: F=4.45, P<0.001). As this did notindicate a particular number of groups as bestfit, we arbitrarily resolved to present the resultsobtained by a k-means analysis with four groupsin Figure 1, showing a plot of the geographicalsample distribution allocated to the four k-means clusters. This shows, that samplesassigned to cluster one are concentrated at highelevations in the centre of the Ethiopian dome,with samples of clusters two, three and fourforming concentric circles of distribution to-wards lower elevations in the periphery. Thealtitudinal distribution of the four clusters wassignificantly different from each other, withcluster one at the highest, and cluster four at

Figure 2. Positions of the samples studied in a discriminant analysis. Abscissa, discriminant function 1 andordinate, discriminant function 2. The ellipses of confidence (75%) calculated from classified reference samplesare given. To improve the readability of the figure, positions of individual reference samples are omitted andonly the 75% ellipses of confidence are shown. M Apis mellifera monticola, S Apis mellifera scutellata, L Apismellifera litorea, J Apis mellifera jemenitica.

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the lowest elevations (F=38.9, P<0.001;Figure 3a).

To statistically test the amount of differenti-ation among the groups defined by the k-meansanalysis, a further discriminant analysis wasperformed, where each k-means cluster wasentered as a separate group (Figure 3b). In thisplot, the Ethiopian samples are positioned at

increasing values of function 2 in the sequenceof their elevation, with samples from k-meanscluster 1 (highest elevation) at high values, andk-means cluster 4 (lowest elevations) at lowvalues of function 2. In particular, k-meansclusters positioned next to each other in thissequence show considerable overlap of confi-dence ellipses and lack clear separation. Ac-

Table I. Differences (multiple F values) between the group centroids of the Ethiopian bees and the referencegroups.

A. m. jemenitica A. m. litorea A. m. scutellata A. m. monticola

A. m. jemenitica

A. m. litorea 4.376*

A m. scutellata 18.906* 5.684*

A. m. monticola 56.178* 20.245* 23.863*

A. m. simensis 222.721* 49.546* 146.219* 35.395*


Figure 3. a Altitudinal distribution of the samples assigned to the respective k-means clusters with N=4. Meanand the 95% confidence interval of each k-means cluster are given. b Positions of the Ethiopian samples in adiscriminant analysis, based on their assignment to one of four k-means clusters. Abscissa, discriminantfunction 1 and ordinate, discriminant function 2.

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cordingly, the classification result for mostsamples (88%) remained ambiguous (P<0.99),with 6% of the samples being misclassified.Only 5% of the samples were classified to theircorrect k-means cluster with a probability of P>0.99. In this analysis, the statistical differencesbetween the Ethiopian subgroups, representedby the k-means clusters 1 to 4, albeit significant,fell into a distinctively lower range than thedifferences between the reference subspecies(Table II).

To test for indications of hybridization betweenthe bees of the geographically most peripheral k-means cluster 4 and the adjacent A. melliferajemenitica and A. mellifera scutellata, a discrim-inant analysis was performed where the k-means4 samples were entered as “ungrouped”. In thisanalysis, none of the k-means 4 samples wasassigned to any of the adjacent reference groups,but instead they were all classified as k-means 3,in the majority of cases (21/31) with a probabil-ity of P>0.99. In all ten cases with probabilitiesof P<0.99, the second highest group was clusterk-means 2 (plot not shown).

To elucidate changes in the morphologicalcharacters in relation to elevation, a regressionanalysis of hair length, wing length, pigmenta-tion of tergum and pigmentation of scutellumwas performed, resulting in significant coeffi-cients for all four characters (hair: F=150.30, P<0.001; forewing: F=150.92, P<0.001; pig-

ment tergum: F=73.53, P<0.001; scutellum:F=54.90, P<0.001). In Figure 4a–d, the resultsof this analysis are shown for both the Ethiopianbees and for the reference groups. While theregression lines of the characters wing lengthand length of hair were not different in theEthiopian bees and the reference groups, theregression lines for pigmentation of scutellum(t=26.22, df=200, P<0.0001) and pigmentationof tergum 2 (t=29.44, df=200, P<0.0001) varysignificantly less with elevation in the Ethiopianbees than in the reference groups. Obviously,Ethiopian bees are much darker and moreuniformly so, than mountain bees from otherregions in East Africa.

Based on the distinctiveness of the Ethiopianhoney bees from the surrounding subspeciesand the demonstrable morphological coherenceof our samples, we conclude that the honey beesof Ethiopia deserve subspecific rank and pro-pose the name Apis mellifera simensis.

3.3. Description of A. mellifera simensis

3.3.1 A. mellifera simensis n. ssp.

Holotype Worker bee; Ethiopia, Haro Wonchi,8°50′ N, 37°49′ E, elevation 3,000 m; leg.Messele Abebe Leta (1998). Oberursel honeybee collection, sample number 2709.

Table II. Statistical differences (multiple F values) between the Ethiopian subgroups, represented by the k-means clusters 1 to 4 and the reference subspecies.

k-means 1 k-means 2 k-means 3 k-means 4 A. m.jemenitica

A. m.litorea

A. m.scutellata

k-means 1

k-means 2 4.72**

k-means 3 20.15** 10.78**

k-means 4 23.97** 15.56** 3.17*

A. m. jemenitica 137.75** 177.97** 137.42** 78.22**

A. m. litorea 68.09** 71.10** 61.11** 44.53** 6.13**

A. m. scutellata 105.86** 161.68** 127.26** 65.84** 22.71** 7.79**

A. m. monticola 32.22** 41.94** 40.45** 30.06** 71.16** 29.73** 37.72**

*P<0.05; **P<0.01

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Paratypes Several worker bees, same data asholotype.

Etymology The name refers to the Simenmountains as a typical geographical feature ofthe volcanic dome system of Ethiopia. Wedecided not to validate one of the nomina nudaused in earlier publications (Mogga 1988unpublished data; Radloff and Hepburn 1997a;

Hepburn and Radloff 1997, 1998; Amssalu etal. 2004).

3.3.2 Diagnosis and description

The body size of worker bees from Ethiopiaranges at the high end of all African subspeciesof honey bees. They are larger than the east

Figure 4. a–d Values of four different morphometric characters of Ethiopian bees and reference groups inrelation to altitude.

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African mountain bee, A. mellifera monticola,and only slightly smaller than the bees of Egypt,Apis mellifera lamarckii; however, with muchlonger and broader wings. Compared with otherhoney bees of Africa including A. melliferamonticola, their appearance is very dark, al-though characters of pigmentation can appearvariable in some samples. The cover hair ontergum 5 is of comparable length to A. melliferamonticola. Selected morphometric characters ofA. mellifera simensis in comparison to sur-rounding African honey bee subspecies arepresented in Table III. The queen and dronesof this subspecies remain still unknown.

Type locality Western slopes of Mt. Wonchi,about 7 km northwest of Lake Wonchi inEthiopia.

Distribution The subspecies is distributed in themountain systems of Ethiopia.


The results of our morphometric analysisshow that the honey bees of Ethiopia form apopulation of their own that is distinct and wellseparated from the honey bees of neighboringareas of Africa. They further show that theconsiderable range of morphological variationwithin Ethiopia predominantly follows a clinalpattern that is closely linked to elevation.Within the samples studied, we found noindication for the existence of statisticallyseparable subgroups. The distinctness and ho-mogeneity of the Ethiopian honey bees supporttheir classification as a new subspecies, A.mellifera simensis.

4.1. The bees of Ethiopia in relationto the surrounding subspecies

The discriminant analysis clearly separatedthe Ethiopian bees from the four adjacentsubspecies A. mellifera monticola, A. melliferascutellata, A. mellifera litorea, and A. mellifera

jemenitica. The samples from Ethiopia weregrouped in a distinct and very tight cluster,forming a narrow band and extending over aconsiderable range in the coordinate system ofdiscriminant functions 1 and 2 (Figure 2). Thiscluster did not overlap with any of the referencegroups, and its ellipse of confidence was clearlyseparate from all of them. Although the Ethio-pian cluster lay in the vicinity of A. melliferamonticola at one end of its extension, it wasclearly separate from this reference group, whilethe distances to A. mellifera scutellata, A.mellifera litorea and A. mellifera jemeniticawere even greater. As demonstrated by thestatistical differences in Table I, with theexception of the pair A. mellifera monticola -A. mellifera jemenitica, the reference groupsappeared to be morphometrically more similarto each other than the Ethiopian bees were toany of the reference groups. Our results arecorroborated by samples from the morphometricdata bank collected much earlier (between 1969and 1995) from different ecological zones of thecountry, which were unambiguously assigned tothe Ethiopian cluster when included in thediscriminant analysis.

4.2. Morphological variationwithin Ethiopia

Despite their obvious separation and cleardistinctness from other honey bee populationsof eastern Africa, Ethiopian bees displayed aconsiderable degree of morphological variationwithin the country. However, none of ouranalyses provided any indication for the exis-tence of further subdivisions within the collec-tion area. Therefore, the samples were allocatedinto a variable number of predefined clusters bya k-means cluster analysis, where the optimumnumber of groups can be identified viagoodness-of-fit statistics. However, when ap-plied to our data, the goodness-of-fit statisticcontinued to increase with the number ofgroups, without settling for an optimum. Thus,no statistical evidence for a superior fit of aspecific limited number of existing clusters wasprovided.

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When investigating the sample distributionusing the arbitrary number of four k-meansclusters, these four groups were arrangedaccording to the elevation range of the collect-ing sites, with increasing statistical distancesbetween the clusters from the lowest to thehighest elevations. A discriminant analysisperformed on these clusters resulted in over-lapping ellipses of confidence between clusterswith neighboring elevation ranges, with numer-ous misclassifications and ambiguous classifi-cations. Thus, the sequential distribution ofclusters that were aligned according to elevationfrom the high centre of the sampling area to theperiphery, with considerable overlap betweenthe samples of each cluster, did not support theexistence of separable subgroups. Instead, thisresult strongly suggested that the morphologicalvariation of honey bees within Ethiopia followsclinal patterns from the highest elevations in thecentre to the lowest in the periphery. Similarresults were obtained when the number of k-means clusters was set to other values.

Across the elevation range sampled, thehoney bees of Ethiopia show morphologicaladaptations in relation to ecological factorscomparable to those known from bees of othermountain systems (Ruttner 1976, 1985; Meixneret al. 1989, 1994; Hepburn et al. 2000). Theselective forces acting on wing length shouldstrongly depend on altitude, since an increase ofwing area, together with an increase in bodymass, is known to be necessary to meet higheraerodynamic power requirements at higheraltitudes, and to compensate for reduced lift(Hepburn et al. 1998, 1999). This is reflected inour data, where the gradation of wing lengthin Ethiopian bees exactly matches the slopeobserved in the reference samples from otherregions in Africa. Likewise, the increase in hairlength has been rather uniform in all populations,including Ethiopia, in our analyses. A dense andlong hair cover is known to be of vital importancefor both individual and social thermoregulation insocial bees (Heinrich 1993; Southwick 1985;Stiles 1979). In our data set, the increase of hairlength with altitude in Ethiopia was not statisti-cally different from the reference samples.

In contrast, the slopes of the pigmentationcharacters differed considerably and significant-ly between these two groups, with the Ethiopianbees being on average darker at lower altitudes.A tendency towards darker pigmentation iscommon in mountain insects and has mainlybeen discussed as an adaptation to high propor-tions of UV light at higher altitudes (Mani 1968,1991). However, several subspecies of Apismellifera at low altitudes are also completelydark (e.g., Apis mellifera intermissa), so that astrict relation between elevation and darkpigmentation does not seem to exist. Thecomparatively dark appearance of the Ethiopianbees has also been mentioned by Amssalu et al.(2004).

4.3. Comparison with previous results

Our results are in obvious disagreement withpreviously published analyses. They do notsupport the hypothesis that the honey bees ofEthiopia belong to the East African mountainsubspecies, A. mellifera monticola, as firstproposed by Smith (1961) and later by Ruttner(1976, 1988). A. mellifera monticola occurs inthe mountain systems of Kenya and Tanzania tothe south, at least 1,000 km away. Based on anapparent morphological similarity in regard tosome characters, the bees of Ethiopia werethought to represent disjunct populations of thissubspecies. According to this hypothesis, allEast African mountain bees were consideredrelics of a Pleistocene bee population coveringlarge areas of East Africa during more humidclimatic conditions between 18,000 and 7,000BC (Wickens 1975; Hamilton 1982; Nagel1986). In our analyses, the bees of Ethiopiaare clearly distinct from A. mellifera monticola;however, in comparison to the other referencesubspecies, they still appear to resemble theEast African mountain bee. Although morpho-metric data alone are not sufficient to disprovethe previously hypothesized common origin ofthe East African and Ethiopian bee populations,a more parsimonious explanation for this re-semblance is provided by similar selectivepressures prevailing at higher elevations, lead-

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ing to larger and darker colored bees, as it hasbeen demonstrated for bee populations of othermountain systems (Meixner et al. 1989, 1994;Hepburn et al. 2000).

Our results also contradict the interpretationsof later authors, who, again based on morpho-metric analyses, postulated the presence of up tofive different subspecies of honey bees inEthiopia. In a first analysis of samples fromEthiopia, Radloff and Hepburn (1997a) identi-fied three statistically separable groups of bees,which they assigned to different subspecies onthe basis of comparisons of single characters(such as hair length, cubital index, size andpigmentation) with published data. Thus, theyattributed their samples from the north to A.mellifera jemenitica, those from central Ethiopiato “A. mellifera bandasii", and samples fromthe south to A. mellifera scutellata. However, ina different publication, the same authors de-scribe samples collected along a north–southtransect in Ethiopia as A. mellifera jemenitica,“A. mellifera bandasii” and “Apis melliferasudanensis” (Hepburn and Radloff 1997).

Subsequently, Amssalu et al. (2004) con-ducted a morphometric study on a comprehen-sive sampling across Ethiopia, covering a widegeographical area and elevation range, andrepresenting most of the ecological zones ofthe country. In addition to the three groupsidentified by Radloff and Hepburn (1997a), theyrecognized the presence of A. mellifera mon-ticola in the northeast of Ethiopia and, based ondata from two locations in the southwest,postulated the existence of a separate taxonomicentity that they named “Apis mellifera woyi-gambella”. The conclusions of Amssalu et al.(2004) were based on the results of principalcomponent and discriminant analyses of theirsampling, which, according to their interpreta-tion, yielded five separable morphoclusters.They also provide a comparison table withMahalanobis distances between each of theirfive groups and published samples of A.mellifera jemenitica, A. mellifera scutellata,“A. mellifera bandasii”, and A. mellifera mon-ticola (Ruttner 1988; Radloff and Hepburn1997a, b). However, presentations of the anal-

yses on which those values were based, includ-ing P values for the classification of theirsamples to these respective taxonomical units,were absent in this publication.

The geographic range covered by samplingin our study (4°53′ to 14°16′ N and 34°50′ to44°07′ E) was comparable to the area studied byAmssalu et al. (2004) (4°49′ to 14°19′ N and34°16′ to 42°57′ E). Although morphologicalvariation was easily recognizable within thesamples of our study, our analyses with inclu-sion of reference data did not support any of theallocations or subgroups proposed by Amssaluet al. (2004). Thus, our results did not give anyindication for the presence of more than onesubspecies of A. mellifera in Ethiopia. Instead,within the statistically distinct and clearlyseparate cluster of the Ethiopian samples,considerable clinal variation of morphologicalcharacters was observed. In particular, we didnot find indications justifying the separation ofa central high-elevation group from a northernmountain group (“A. mellifera bandasii” and A.mellifera monticola, respectively, as in Amssaluet al. 2004). The existence of clinal variationgenerally invites the postulation of subgroups,particularly if sampling coverage is incomplete.However, without any clear rationale for delin-eations this is bound to remain arbitrary.Considering the rather coherent and very dis-tinct group that the bees of Ethiopia formed inall our analyses, we thus regard them as onepopulation confined to the Ethiopian mountaindome. The limitation of their geographic rangetowards the west is also supported by themorphometric analysis of the honey bees ofthe Sudan by Omer (2007), which showed noresemblance to the Ethiopian bees.

4.4. Naming of the new subspecies

Our results demonstrate morphometric sepa-rateness of the Ethiopian honey bees fromadjacent subspecies of A. mellifera. This popu-lation possesses a clear geographic and ecolog-ical range connected to the volcanic dome ofEthiopia, with morphological variation throughits elevation range, but without clear subgroups.

A. mellifera simensis, a new honey bee subspecies in Ethiopia 435

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Thus, our results support the hypothesis that thesebees are to be considered as a separate subspecies.The data provide clear evidence that these honeybees are not A. mellifera monticola. The questionthen remains whether they have to be regarded as“A. mellifera bandasii” (Mogga 1988) or “A.mellifera woyi-gambella” (Amssalu et al. 2004).According to the rules of the I.C.Z.N. (1999),both these names have to be considered invalid.As already stated by Engel (1999), the name “A.mellifera bandasii” has been proposed in the M.Sc. thesis of Mogga (1988), but was neverpublished according to the rules of the I.C.Z.N.(1999) (nomen nudum).

The name “A. mellifera woyi-gambella” wasintroduced by Amssalu et al. (2004) to describe asmall portion of the honey bee population ofEthiopia in the south-western corner of the country.It is lacking the designation of a holotype and atype locality; further, the name violates Art. 11.9.4of the code and can therefore not be consideredvalid. Therefore, and to avoid further confusion, anew subspecies name for the honey bees ofEthiopia is introduced. We propose A. melliferasimensis with reference to the Simen mountains asa typical geographic feature of the geographicorigin of these bees. The type locality of the newsubspecies is the western slope of Mt. Wonchi.


We gratefully acknowledge Wolfgang Nässigfor his help with all questions relating to thetaxonomy and the application of the Code.

Les abeilles d’Ethiopie représentent une nouvellesous-espèce d’ Apis mellifera—Apis melliferasimensis n. ssp.

Ethiopie / Apis mellifera simensis / Sous-espèce /Morphométrie / Afrique

Zusammenfassung—Die Honigbienen von Äthio-pien repräsentieren eine neue Unterart von Apismellifera—Apis mellifera simensis n. ssp. Honig-bienen aus den vulkanischen Gebirgssystemen vonÄthiopien werden auf der Grundlage von multi-variaten Analysen morphometrischer Merkmale alsneue Unterart Apis mellifera simensis beschrieben.

Insgesamt 144 Proben von 33 Sammelorten ausverschiedenen Höhenlagen in allen Regionen Äthio-piens wurden morphometrisch analysiert. DieErgebnisse von Hauptkomponenten- und Diskrimi-nanzanalyse zeigten, dass diese Proben nicht als eineder anderen im östlichen Afrika vorkommendenUnterarten klassifiziert werden können, sonderneinen eigenen, klar definierten und gut abgegrenztenCluster bilden. Innerhalb der äthiopischen Bienenwurde erhebliche morphologische Variabilität inKorrelation mit der Höhenlage festgestellt, jedochohne dass dabei gegeneinander abgegrenzte Unter-gruppen nachgewiesen werden konnten. Die Varia-tion der Merkmale Flügellänge und Haarlänge mitder Höhe stimmte dabei mit den Referenzprobenvon anderen Unterarten aus Afrika überein, währenddie Variabilität von Pigmentierungsmerkmalen beiden äthiopischen Bienen weit weniger ausgeprägtwar. Im Vergleich zu anderen afrikanischen Unter-arten der Honigbiene ist Apis mellifera simensis einegroße Biene mit langen und breiten Flügeln. Siebesitzt langes Überhaar und ist recht dunkel gefärbt.Mittelwerte und Standardabweichungen einigermorphometrischer Merkmale im Vergleich zubenachbarten Unterarten sind in Tabelle III zusam-mengefasst.

Die deutliche Verschiedenheit der äthiopischenBienen von den benachbarten Unterarten sowie ihremorphologische Einheitlichkeit unterstützen ihreKlassifizierung als neue eigene Unterart Apis melli-fera simensis. Der Name bezieht sich auf das Simen-Gebirge als typische geographische Formation desvulkanisch geprägten Gebirgssystems in Äthiopien.

Äthiopien / Apis mellifera simensis / Unterart /Morphometrie / Afrika


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