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The Hot Springs star. (Hot Spings [Hot Springs], Dakota [Dakota … · 2017-12-16 · Attorney's qt...

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IM" IH ' l»-vV / . > r m,. % NO. 6. HOT 8PINGS, DAKOTA, FRIDAY, JUNE 17,1837. J&b j,"!* « fJ: OFFICIAL PAPER HO? SPRINGS STAR; itfuirii A 8Mia«r, PimpRteroM. FnMtahed every friday, at $2. wiper \ear. Tkrae months «e. I Six months $1"5 Term* Invariably In advance. EXPRESS & STAGE TIME TABLE. Leave* Uot Springe at 1 ;S0 r. *. Arrives at Pnt faio Gap at 4 o'clock r. sr. leave* Hrftnlo Kap at o'clock a. a. and anivea at Hot Spilng* at 1<>:8» . A. a. Cloee connection with eai t mid west trains Fremont, Elkliorn &. Mo. Valley B. R. Trains going *est leave 6:05 a. st. 'Trains going oast leave T:R5 r.». FOR THE EASI, SOUTH AND NORTH, Clots connecUona anil best accommodations. S. IS. Haiti, Agent, Buffalo Gup, Dak. W.F. PITOH, J. B. &UCHANAN, Oca. MANMM. QEN. PASS. AGINT- MISSOURI VALLEY, IA- A. O. U. W. MISSKKAM.V LODGE. , Heets everr Thnrsday evening, in t!:«* hull ovei Fargo'e Opera llouee. Visiting members always Welcome. II. Z. EATON, M. W. B. A. GODARD, R. DIRECTORY. BOAUO or COMMISKIONI:;;*.—A. S. STI:.VAIIT A. A. ROWEM.. JAMKS A. SMITH. DISTRICT ATTOKXICY—Euj?cne 0. Kurtrn. bllKRIfT.—H. A. Goflnrd. tUSOIABEB OF DEEDS.—Kennet Harris. TRBASURKR.-W ,1> IUiilli[>«. "HSESSOR-E. I'. Chllson. •KOOA l'E JUDGE.—C. EiUlliiMi. JCPT. PUB. INSTRCC.—W.<\Tliomm..in. JUDUE FIRST .ItPKIAI. DIST.-liun. C. M. Taamas of Desdnoml. CLERK OF COURT.—C'. 15. Sawyer. •JUSTICE OFTIIK l't-\' H. V.'o.MI, Cascade. J. S. Jnnen. llotKpringa. E. Ruck, CBlrlCb*. O. B. Frar.v. i'a«;iidv. U. S. I,A>'» OKFICE. RKOTSTF.R.—<T. R. Vbitwltte Deadwood. RECEIVER.—John LaFabre. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRED C. WILLOR, DEPUTY-SHERIFF, Offlee In Court Hunee. IXdom-o oh IUv«»r A*cntJ<\ two tioore eoatb of KTAU o:Ti«:»*. UOT WRING*, DAKOTA. W. H. STANLEY, M. D., PHYSIC IAN ,(:• S UHC11'OX. OfBfo At Callr.hnn*s dr«K TN HWMICO In the ruillippfl building, 0:1 Lincoln Avmuo. HOT SPIHNOS, - DAKOTA. KTNG&~PAL MER. Attorney's qt Iu\W. Attorney at Law and Solicitor In Chaiirnry. Will practice in all thu Courts of the Trriitnry. LAW A SPECIALITY. 00(0 Bock of Lake A Unll»»> V BUFFALO GAP. DAKOTA. S. E. WILSON. >v Attorney and Counsellor at l. aw. OFFICE IN MCKAY PUILDING. os RIVER Avr . vuE.—ikM Mr. Adams; of Cheyenne River, was at the STAB office and statod t'rat his wheat stood waist high. How 13 that for arid Dakota. The Skirmishers along the front of the 11. ii. M. report all quiet, but in* trenehments are being mada for & long siege of the Black Hills. The first stragetic movement Will, We think, lie made in the rear of Hot Springs. The STAB has often asserted that the best quality of mineral paint exists in unlimited quantities in the vicinity of Hot Spring, and the follow* ing from the Buffalo Gap AVirs clearly proves the truth of our assertions: "In sinkitto a well on Da\*e Duvison's claim, eight miles west of town, A. Rooerts struck a red pntty-like sub- stance, which Dr. Connant says is as good venitian red paint as the best secured from England. Mr. Roberts ha^ already cut, through ten feet of the substance, and came to town on Mon- day to h;w an augur made with which to bore through the mud and test its depth." PERSONAL ME.NT.CN. Dr . Brown returned to Gordon on Wednesday. W. II. Bridge, Norfolk, is at the Spa bathing for rheumatism. A. It . Ilidgely. Rapid City, took u run up to the bprings on Sunday. C. W. Earl , of O' Nei', Neb. is here for a recreate, registers at the Minnekhiita. Henry Muttleburg . of Buffalo Gap , registered at the Martin Hotel this week. •T H. Yutv .y, of Sioux City, came in on tialurday, and put up ut the. Min- nekahta. H. B. Opinn, of Chadron is basking in Hie limpid pool and d. ning at the Minnekahta. Mr . Fargo returned to Dead wood on Monday last , his family will spend the PUiiMii'.!' here: N. Valentine came in on HOT tPRlVQS - - - - DAKOTA lift. B. D. JEHNIHGS. ; COUNTY SURVEYOR. OFFICE AT RgSIDEKCE WEST OF NEW HOTEL, BOT mttNrt*, DAKOTA. Eugene D. Norton, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOIt " —AT LAW— ' 7:';4 HOT 8PRING8. DAKOTA. MRS. R. F. CONNOR, TEACHER OF Q> Ttioi«oqsl\-Bei8s Harmony^ Ins ic HOT SPRINGS, D.T. k.B: lEFICt. . J. A. ULTOS. fBi- iCK & ULTON g *i0tt §OttSC> AND Carriage Painters 8pwial attention given to , paper hang- ing, calcumining &c. All work done witn neatness and dispatch. $hop oq Ql^ic ago A^eqtic HOT SPRINGS, DAlvOT \ W. R SCMITTH. Bitot & Shoe Maker. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. REPAIRING . D^ae with neatness and dispatch. WORK GUARANTEED. "^BnffaloGap, Dakota THE WEEKLY ROUND-UP. The wild fruit-corp in this section bids fair to be enormous. The bathing pond now-a-days is the central point for all the lovers of that art. The Saturday evening parties at the Minnekahta Hotel will be discontinued for the present. The June round-up is in progress in Fall River County and cuttle are in splendid condition. New potatoes in Fall River county the lOtli of J une. How's that for the southern curvitureof the bauana belt? Bismarck is suffering from acute rheumatism. He should come to the Da- kota Hot Springs at once ahd be cured. Several of Oelrich's prominent citi- zens were taking iu the beauties of the county seat during th« forepart of the week. Wo are obliged to condense, and omit several important items this week to make room for the proceedings of the county l. oard. ' The road graded by Mr. Streatof oil- River Ave. west of L'argo's store is a great, improvement for the convenience of teams passing to and fro. ' Ihe ' iin Mountain tin mine has been purchased by Chicago parties for $&),- 000. The lucky recipients are Fordyce, Dr . Flick, Nevins and Ryder. The Siar of Bethlehem is now visi - ble in the north east, and the Hot Springs STAR can be seen at,every home for a $2,50 uole on Uncle Sam. Mr . Kenhefic the painter , has taken up a ranch west of town and will even- tually assume the. habiU and lauguage of a granger. Did you ever pef. up in the night to seat, a cat and go on both siik'.s of the door at once'/ We know of one, he wears his nose now, under his left ear. *' lu Springs from Dutch Flat ,, T i- , r. . . ... at the Minnekahta. ihe La-lies Aid society will meet with Mrs. Fargo, Juno 22nd, for work and 5 o' clock 1'. All the members having sewed carpet rags iu their hands belonging to the Society, please leave at Fargo' s store this week to be weighed. A gratifying increase is nolierble in the advertising columns of the STA::. Attention is willed to the new ads . of the l' alo Alto saw mill , the Metropoli - tan restaurant - and the t\: r , l of L. H. Thayer, proprietor of the Hot Springs . Hack Liiie. There is a land of pure delight , where tender-feet aud sicli , with the proper - hare of sand and grit , never fail to strike it rich; it is in South Dakota where the mineral waters flow, where ' ihe cripples have a pic-nieand the bliz- zards never blow.—LOBEATK. The Ladies' Aid Society will give an ice cream sociable to-night - ( Friday) 17. Everybody should turn out and help ' he ladies in their charitable work. The festival will be held in the new church and ice - cream will lie serve at 15 cents a dish, children 10 cents. A party consisting of Messrs. Thomas of Missturi Valley. Butler , of Dead- wood and Martin of the Springs , went to the Cheyenne Falls 011 Monday last , on a fishing cxclirsion and returned l . idened with a choice lot of the finny tribe and highly pleased with their trip. ' The hotels are fast filling up with a steady stream of health and pleasure seekers from all parts of the world. Ev- ery one is enchanted with the pro'-pect , and wonder why it. has not been more extensively advertised, that all might have a knowledge of the benefits to be gained by a plunge beneath these wonderful waters. The report comes to us of a very re- liable nature that Dcadwood will be the terminus of a branch of the E. & M. V. R. R. If this be so. there is 110 dis- pute as to the future prominence of that metropolis. Like a trip to Italy. without going to Rome, no person vis- iting thp Black Hills can boast much about, what he lias seen until he has been to Deadwood. James Orr came down Tuesday from his villa in Flea-bit Hollow and says his retinue are having a carnival at . the Hotel de l'an-cake. Jim stepped into head-quarters and paid his G. A.R. fees and is now ready for the guard- house. . Mr. Orr informs us that he has the machinery on the way for a plaining mill and a lath mill when he will be able to furnish everything from a bot- tom to a cistern to a mortgage on a house. Friday to l J ut up w Vf- . i< i* M ' $1 13 WEEKS. .THB POLICE QAZETJ will be ineUaL Memb wrapped^ to any addrete In the United StilM for three montb* on receipt of . . ONE DOLLAR. : I diacoant allowed to pontmastore, tgettt m. Sample copies mailed tree. Milloiwn to - -qsa&p&m* A scion of the celestial kingdom has located in. the old butcher-shop one door east of the STAR office. His effects which consisted of ail old sway-backed cook-stove, an old copper boiler and two pounds of jerked rat, were unload- ed Tuesday, and now the residence of Left-Lung-in-China is established here;. It is iis intention to practice his old profession of assisting the comonity in wearing out their surplus lines.— Look ont for a corner on rioe< W. E. Carns , Toledo, paid the Springs he Springs a short , visit during the week to try the waters. Looniis E. Clair , Miss Holp, G. E, Hair . Buffalo Gap, registered jit the the Minuekahtii oil Suuday F. J. Cinir ;, Donvjr, o.iin > to the city in Friday to t-ak i in the baths, lie. dines at tiie Minnekuht .i. E. H. Flyii:>, of Custer , and Cap . Willaivl, Wind Cave Ranch, registered at the Minnekahta this weeks' H. Butler , of Deadwood is sojourning at the Springs for his health. lie registered at the Martin Hotel . Jo . epli nninon, Custer City, down to see the town and take a bath . He holds forth at the Martin Hotel . "'tX; Win. larcrow, Ida Grove, is trying the medicinal waters and partaking 01 the hospitality at . the Miuiiekahta." Mrs. Joe Paddock and daughter, of Omaha, five sojourning at the At inn.- kahta and battling in the medicinal waters. 1). M. McCtirdv, of Minneapolis, is taking in the beauty surrounding the Springs aud holding forth at the Minnekahta. Mr . Orr has been down this week looking up quarters for some parties from Custer who inteud to come and stay through the summer. James M. Smith , our able and ener- getic county commissioner from the east end of the county , was at . the Ilub a couple of days this week. Mrs. S. P. Heckcr, O' Neil , Col . W. H. Harkor of Deadwood, Harry Oelrieh. Oelrich, W. H. Wibb, Cincinnati, are all guests at the Miunekaht -a. Judge Dudley has returned from his trip into the Ilills and reports every- thing ou the move among the enter- prising rustlers of that section. Mr *. Bishop, wife of the editor of. the Lead Cit / y Trbnne, came down from Rapid the first of the week 111 company with Mrs. J. II. King. H. D. Babcock. Buffalo Gap , J. II, Henuesy, New York, -J. A. Darling Minneapolis, are here for health and the sights, registered at the Minnekah- ta. Will Harris came all the way from Bedford, England, recently to rusticate at the great Hot Springs of Dakota, aud visit his brother Kcnnett. He is a guest at Martin' s llotdl . Jehu Thomas, a good natured rail- roader from Missouri Valley is taking a much needed lajr - off and " putting in his time at the Springs recuperating his health. He is stopping at Martin's Hotel . Chas. Bruen, who has been stopping at the J/innekahta for the past, month returned to his home in Sioux Citv this week. Charley's departure is deeply regretted by his many warm friends at the Springs. Mrs. Price who is stopping at the Minnekahta, met with an- accident on Wednesday, returning from a drive, while being assisted from the carriage the horses started and threw her in such a manner as to sprain her ankle, but not so seriously as to incapacitate her. A. Turner, Rapid City, Albert Stan- ford, Norfolk, M. Loenstien, St Joe, Mo. G. Stout. Lake City Minn., 6. P. Stout, St. Paul Minn, are rusticating at the Springs, reveling in the delights of this remarkable place and partaking of'.the hospitality of the Minnekahta, the Delmonico of the west. D. J. Brazan, West Point, P. T. Ev- ans, Sioux City, Mrs. B, Saint, Sloan, Iowa, W. E. Carns, Toledo, Ohio, S. S. Cliilds, Des Moins. T. H. Galbraith. Al - bion, la., H. D. Thompson; Des Moines, M. L. Kanable, quartered at the Minne- kahta this week and enjoyed the saiu-. brious fountain baths. Mr. D. B. Ingrain, of H. ermosa de - parted for his home on Tuesday of this we?k after having spent two very en- joyable weeks in our town. He has been bathing for l. is health and like all the rest, who came here for that pur- pose, lie goes home with praiseVon his tips for the wonderful , health-giving properties of IhtS sjii ' iiigi . Mr . Ingram was loth to go. but imsiuess called liini home, however, he will visit here again soon. Mrs. Newton M. Wrtdo will depart next Tuesday in compailv with her sis- ter, Miss Ella Stanley, for a visit of a few months to her parents a*, not. Springs, Dakota. Miss Slaiiley will re- main at the Springs permanently, a fact that her numerous friends and ac- quaintances in Gary will 4ie pained to learn. Miss Stanley has always occu- oied a prominent position in the socie- ty of our young people and her jilacc in social circles will be hard to fill .— Flic ISTHR STATE bespeaks a pleasant trip for Mrs. Wadeund a happy future for Miss Stauley.—hiler State (Gary, Dak.) Mr. M. E. Ferguson who has been a resident of Hot Springs for the last twelve months hasconchidcd to go south with his family and seek pastures new for a iield of operation. \Ve are sorry to loose Mr. Ferguson from our com- munity as he was ever ready to assist in any enterprise promotive of the pup- lie good.. \Ve shall miss him in our literary circle as his ability to argue and portray was both amusing and in- teresting. We ho jit; success will at- tend him wherever he may go. Hon. M. II. Day, one of Dakota's most popular representative men, paid Hot ijprings a visit this week Mr. Day in his remarks, made mention that he al- ways believed that Hot Springs was a beautiful place and now having sen seen it. his bilief was verified. lie thinks he will return again in a few weeks aecompanicd by a number of his eastern friends. We are glad to have met such a pleasant g::itieiri iii, and we wonder at the coiidiUon of auv mnn's mind, who would send a fi»r- pet.-1 digger clear from New York, to preside over the destinies of Dakota when we have such men as lion. ii. ii. Day. Mr. Marry Br.tier, of Dcadwood and proprietor'ofthe Delinonico Houf", is sojourning at the Springs for the pur- pose of testing the eiiicacy of the wa- ters in regard to injuries he r^ceivi? i:i a tip-over by the stage last July, near Spring? Valley Ranch. Mr. LJui- l»*r received some severe internal inju- ries which In h is reason to hiSim— will be greatly benefited and perhaps cured by bathing and drinking these waters. We can safely say that if Ic gives them a fair trial, his hopes will be verified. A short distance north of town a swimming lyind has recently been added which gives much sport for those gb inclined.^ The citizens nil take a lively int3rest in everything that pertains to the ad- vancement of the town. The town certainly has every advantage to make it a great resort for invalids and pleasure seekers, and we predict that before many years it will have attain ed national fame.—Hermosa Pi, of. Wc C_LEai?AT.-. The Ladies of Hot Springs have put their heads together and when tliev withdrew them they had resolved tl.at instead of going to some other place to spend the 4th, they would devise plans to celebrate at their own beautiful town and consequently a programme was constructed which will be published next week and will give all the de- tails. So everybody can come, bring along their eagle and let him sere:: 111 the -Battle Cry of Freedom'" on the the historic iianks of the Min-nc-kah-ia. SPECIAl ME TING OF COUNTY COMMISSI- T' E 8, MAY31, ^ 1887. Board met pursuant to call. Present A. S.. Stewart and J. M. Smith* com- missioners, and Kcnnett F. Harris, county clerk. Moved that bills of Eugene D. Norton , of expenses in various eases, of $90 and.$5.G6! be allowed. Moved that bill of Wm. M. Martin of $85.72, board of pauper, be allowed. Moved that bill of W. W. LaFleiche, of $38.50 for printing, etc., be allowed. Motion carried. Moved that bill of W. H. Stanley of $27 for printing, etc., be allowed. Motion carried. Moved that bill of Dr. Houghton, of §37 be allowed. Motion carried. Moved that bill of F. C. Willor of $21.40 for per deim and milage, and nine ballot , boxes, be allowed. Motion carried. Moved that bill of John - Ickes of §2.85 be allowed. Motion earned. . Moved tliat bill of W. H. Wood of of $19.35 for justice fees be allowed. Motion carried. Moved that bill of $20 of Martin Woodard for lumber furnished to Cascade district be allowed. Motion carried. iVovcd that bill of C. J. Eastman of S3.70 for fees its commissi^!- of insanity be allowed. Carried. ' Moved that bill of John Morris Co., of §14.75 for books etc., be allowed. Motiou carried. . Moved that resignation of D. :T. Jackson, road supervisor of district No. 2, be acfopted. Moved that bill of A. W. Riordan of $11 for sheriff fees be allowed. Motion .•.••rried. _ Moved that . Fred C. Willor be ap - i!< inted road supervisor for Hot -4 rings district. Motior. carried.' Moved th-at Dr. Stanley be author- ised to diagnose the case of Mrs. Lux- ton. of Oelnch, and report to the board. Moved that A. Paddon bo appoint- ed road supervisor for BuiTalo Gap district . Motion carried. Moved that Frank Black be appoint- ed supervisor of road district xso. 1. Motion carried. Moved {hat an order of §7.10 be drawn in favor of J. M. Smiili for milage and services as commissioner. Moved that an order of §6 be drawn in favor of A. S. Stewart . for services as commissioner. Carried. ,1/ oved that bill of C. C. Damon be allowed and order drawn on road district No. 1. Carried. Moved that Fred C. Willor be author- ized to keep pauper, F. J. Ferguson, until further ordered, at a rate of §7.Uu per week. Carried. Motion to adjourn until ilfonday, rune ( ith, at 11 a. m. Carried. \t»'";i,: A. S. STF.WABT, Kr. sxr .TT F. Maoris, Chairman. County Clerk. W*M Martin, ProprMfrtox* At the upper bath kptusd, situated in th€f valley, in close proa$nity -td the bati& " 'Willi Th e house is commodious and well fbrnisfc/ •:o:- |r-- ed, with first-class accommodations, > HOT SPRiNG-S, - - - I DAKOTA*/ TH;. PILOT'S OPINiON. After one sees the Black Hills they cannot blame the Indian for having fought, to retain this portion of eouutry, and especially will one be convinced of this fact a iter a visit to the 1 iot Springs, over which locality there has been fought more than one bloody battle, i ' he first one of which wc have aux- in formation was between the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians, the former winning after a long and bloody seige. i' he town of Hoi. spring.-, *s located in the northern portion of Full liivci county , upon a stream bearing that name." (Fall Hiver,) and we may here add that the name is entirely appropri - ate; as there is almost a continuous fall , while in some places it is quite abrupt. The town is yet very new, but is ap- parently prospering. Its chief hope oJ' Attaining greatness is through the delightful scenery and their mineral hot spring' s. Yet tliey have some goo.i agricultural lauds and it is au excellent stock region The Jlinnekalita House is an ex- cellent, commodious hotel, elegantly furnished, and is itself an attractive feature. The principal and best ap- pointed bath house . is in connection with the Minnekahta. Although but a few years ago these springs were known only to savages, they are now famous and rival Hot Springs of Arkansas. Some of the most wonderful cures, ill the way ol rheumatism, neuralgia, paralys is, dys- pepsia. eczema, etc.. have been wrought by these health-restoring waters. There are innumerable objects of interest in and around Hot Springs, and many delightful drives , one of which is along the banks of Fall River to Minnekahta Fall .-—about - five miles distant from town. Along the entire drive the views are varied and grand. An attempt - to describe the grandeur of those falls would certainly result in an injustice to tho beautiful scene that the sparkling^ limpid waters present ns thev plunge madly down through the rocky chasnje and over precipices for hundreds of feet. In any direction the sights are ever-changing, surprising and wonderful. AIMOUS'ED MEICI'IXG, JUNE 6 Present, A. S. Stewart James M. iimtli Commissioners, and K. P. Har- ris Clerk. ilfoved. that bill of H. A. Godard of .-225.80 be alhwtd. .Motion earrii d. . ,Wow1. thai bill of K< II. Harris be allowed; motion carried. il/ oved, that an order be drawn in favor of J. M. Smith forSS.20 canvass- iug board and one day' s service as Co. commissioner and mileage. Jfotion carried. 3/ bved, that an order be drawn for §0.00. ,1/ oved. that. K. F. Harris, be allow- ed §3.00 for 1 day' s services on canvas- ing board. J/ otion to' adjourn until Saturday 11 tli inst. Carried. June 11, A. D. 1887. Board met. pursuant toadjoiirnment A. S. Stewart-find Jas. it. Smith com- missioners, and K. P. Harris county clerk. il / oved, that the liquor liscence of F. C. Curran be approved. .3/ otion carried. Afotion to adjourn . until Tuesday 14th. J/ otion "Carried. Av .~: : A. S. STEWAUT. Chairman. K. P. HARRIS. Clerk.' FETAIL MARKET REFOrtT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY 3.0. PARQO &80N. (Eir-ICTLY CAeil QUOTATIONS.) KI.OUR—-'nil Holler Patent $1 Ubbl eaclc $1 75 Rose of JCellcli V ?* bill sack 1 SO Uiutmm y It bhl suck 1 W COltN MEAL V H bbl sack W OATS W 100 lbs 155 CORN® 10(1 li>s 1 J? CHOPPED CORN and OATS 100 Bis... 1 TB PORK—llry Salt ¥ lb MH BronVfast Uncoil, clear HK Haniii W Sl : OAR- Urunnlnted, 11 lbs fur 1 00 Lisht C, IS Its for 1 00 Dark C, 19 ll.s for 1 00 COFFEK—Arbtickles' Arlosa S tb35c, »tl> 1 00 Clincilate Cream V liU pkg Wl ltoist linlk ft ft . S? TKA—Japan V lb 00 Khfilieh lticakfast.. 100 Gun Powder... Yonng Dyson j. F1S-II—Family Macki-rel, lb Cod, 3]btirickR, each....... SALT—Coaree 5) k'c, bbl WrTTEH .. CANDID GCOBS. California, assorted, per eanWc, 4 cana for Tomatoes, ver can SCc, beans for— Kfeet Corn, per can !*«,# cana for... Marrowfut Peas, best; per can Mc, for... Marrowfat Peas, Sd-best, per can IB?, 8 for string beans, per can lEc.,8 cana for ...... Raspberries, per can If*, 8 cane fjr^g».. Gooseberries, per can ISc, Scans (nlB.. Blackberries, per can ISc, ScaDS tor.^T... Strawberries, Niagara, per can LAKE & H ALLEY, , BANKERS. t)ny and sell Domestic and Foreign Exchange, and transact- . a General Banking Business. ASSOCIATED BANKS: . -.'.if- •'' ' First National Bank, Sapid City, Dakota, and Lake & Halley, Chadron, Nebraska. StS* Osrv: ... "'--nA >< irfi 3 ' - --v s j BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. FERGUSON HOUSE: "• H. H. FERSUSON & SONS, PROPRIETORS. / »• * ' * The only THIRD CLASS Hotel in Dakota/ and the only house that has hot r^dently been : REFITTED AND REFURNISHED THROUGHOUT. Free Hacks with CARLESS DRIVER# to and from the upper and lidwer BATH HOUSE. * AS) Springs, Ca^ofai Oiirned Beef, per can Coned Beef Hush per can.... Dried Beef, shipped, per can.. Sal Soda, II Bw f or Kc, per t>. 15 * ss no 15 1 on 100 100 100 1 oo 100 » ao » M S. G. FARGO & SON. DEALERS IN—- RY GOODS> -^NOTIONS,*- LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS, * HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS SHOliS AND RUBBERS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING-, ^GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,» FLOUR AND FEED, HARDWARE, STOVES TIN, OOF PER, AND SHEET IRON WARE, Lamr s, G-lassware, Crockery and Tableware# In shoi t a complete stock of General Merchandise which is offered for cash or prompt pay at prices as low as can be found at any , &to?e in the Black Hills. -•> ' Country Produce Bought and. Sold. River Avenue, ' - / - Hot SPRiNad/, "I s * vH- ' T^TFl PALO ALTO H SAWMILL. * •- v ' ' v ' . . ; 4 We are now in condition to ALL KIKD8 OF ROUGH LUMBER IT On short notice at Dudley^ Old saw mill, A yard in town kept by MilligaE > . Muiller. Before buying^ Give us a oalL 6rrf t>ings & Firestone# \ a < •"V A ^ - s . U ^ . zMm & JL. Uiiiim


IH ' l»-vV /

. >


m,. % NO. 6. HOT 8PINGS, DAKOTA, FRIDAY, JUNE 17,1837. J&b j,"!* « fJ: OFFICIAL PAPER


itfuirii A 8Mia«r, PimpRteroM.

FnMtahed every friday, at $2. wiper \ear. Tkrae months «e. I Six months $1"5

Term* Invariably In advance.


Leave* Uot Springe at 1 ;S0 r. *. Arrives at Pnt faio Gap at 4 o'clock r. sr. leave* Hrftnlo Kap at • o'clock a. a. and anivea at Hot Spilng* at 1<>:8»

. A. a. Cloee connection with eai t mid west trains

Fremont, Elkliorn &. Mo. Valley B. R. Trains going *est leave 6:05 a. st. 'Trains going oast leave T:R5 r.».

FOR THE EASI, SOUTH AND NORTH, Clots connecUona anil best accommodations.

S. IS. Haiti, Agent, Buffalo Gup, Dak.




, Heets everr Thnrsday evening, in t!:«* hull ovei Fargo'e Opera llouee. Visiting members always Welcome.



BOAUO or COMMISKIONI:;;*.—A. S. STI:.VAIIT A. A. ROWEM.. JAMKS A. SMITH. DISTRICT ATTOKXICY—Euj?cne 0. Kurtrn. bllKRIfT.—H. A. Goflnrd. tUSOIABEB OF DEEDS.—Kennet Harris. TRBASURKR.-W ,1> IUiilli[>«. "HSESSOR-E. I'. Chllson.

•KOOA l'E JUDGE.—C. EiUlliiMi. JCPT. PUB. INSTRCC.—W.<\Tliomm..in. JUDUE FIRST .ItPKIAI. DIST.-liun. C. M.

Taamas of Desdnoml. CLERK OF COURT.—C'. 15. Sawyer.

•JUSTICE OFTIIK l't-\' H. V.'o.MI, Cascade. J. S. Jnnen. llotKpringa. E. Ruck, CBlrlCb*. O. B. Frar.v. i'a«;iidv.

U. S. I,A>'» OKFICE. RKOTSTF.R.—<T. R. Vbitwltte Deadwood. RECEIVER.—John LaFabre.



DEPUTY-SHERIFF, Offlee In Court Hunee. IXdom-o oh IUv«»r

A*cntJ<\ two tioore eoatb of KTAU o:Ti«:»*. UOT WRING*, DAKOTA.


PHYSIC IAN ,(:• S UHC11'OX. OfBfo At Callr.hnn*s dr«K TN HWMICO In

the ruillippfl building, 0:1 Lincoln Avmuo. HOT SPIHNOS, - DAKOTA.

KTNG&~PAL MER. Attorney's qt Iu\W. Attorney at Law and Solicitor In Chaiirnry.

Will practice in all thu Courts of the Trriitnry.

LAW A SPECIALITY. 00(0 Bock of Lake A Unll»»> V



>v Attorney and Counsellor at l.aw.


Mr. Adams; of Cheyenne River, was at the STAB office and statod t'rat his wheat stood waist high. How 13 that for arid Dakota.

The Skirmishers along the front of the 11. ii. M. report all quiet, but in* trenehments are being mada for & long siege of the Black Hills. The first stragetic movement Will, We think, lie made in the rear of Hot Springs.

The STAB has often asserted that the best quality of mineral paint exists in unlimited quantities in the vicinity of Hot Spring, and the follow*

ing from the Buffalo Gap AVirs clearly proves the truth of our assertions:

"In sinkitto a well on Da\*e Duvison's claim, eight miles west of town, A. Rooerts struck a red pntty-like sub­stance, which Dr. Connant says is as good venitian red paint as the best secured from England. Mr. Roberts ha^ already cut, through ten feet of the substance, and came to town on Mon­

day to h;w an augur made with which to bore through the mud and test its depth."

PERSONAL ME.NT.CN. Dr. Brown returned to Gordon on


W. II. Bridge, Norfolk, is at the Spa bathing for rheumatism.

A. It. Ilidgely. Rapid City, took u run up to the bprings on Sunday.

C. W. Earl, of O'Nei', Neb. is here for a recreate, registers at the Minnekhiita.

Henry Muttleburg. of Buffalo Gap , registered at the Martin Hotel this week.

•T H. Yutv .y, of Sioux City, came in on tialurday, and put up ut the. Min-nekahta.

H. B. Opinn, of Chadron is basking in Hie limpid pool and d.ning at the Minnekahta.

Mr . Fargo returned to Dead wood on Monday last, his family will spend the PUiiMii'.!' here:

N. Valentine came in on


lift. B. D. JEHNIHGS. ;




• " • —AT LAW— ' 7:';4



Q> Ttioi«oqsl\-Bei8s

Harmony^ Ins ic HOT SPRINGS, D.T.


lEFICt. . J. A. ULTOS.

fBi- iCK & ULTON

g*i0tt §OttSC> AND

Carriage Painters 8pwial attention given to, paper hang­

ing, calcumining &c. All work done witn neatness and dispatch.

$hop oq Ql^ic ago A^eqtic HOT SPRINGS, DAlvOT \


Bitot & Shoe Maker. Boots and Shoes Made to Order.

REPAIRING . D^ae with neatness and dispatch.

WORK GUARANTEED. "^BnffaloGap, Dakota

THE WEEKLY ROUND-UP. The wild fruit-corp in this section

bids fair to be enormous. The bathing pond now-a-days is the

central point for all the lovers of that art.

The Saturday evening parties at the Minnekahta Hotel will be discontinued for the present.

The June round-up is in progress in Fall River County and cuttle are in splendid condition.

New potatoes in Fall River county the lOtli of J une. How's that for the southern curvitureof the bauana belt?

Bismarck is suffering from acute rheumatism. He should come to the Da­kota Hot Springs at once ahd be cured.

Several of Oelrich's prominent citi­zens were taking iu the beauties of the county seat during th« forepart of the week.

Wo are obliged to condense, and omit several important items this week to make room for the proceedings of the county l.oard. '

The road graded by Mr. Streatof oil-

River Ave. west of L'argo's store is a great, improvement for the convenience of teams passing to and fro.

'Ihe 'iin Mountain tin mine has been purchased by Chicago parties for $&),-

000. The lucky recipients are Fordyce,

Dr . Flick, Nevins and Ryder.

The Siar of Bethlehem is now visi­ble in the north east, and the Hot Springs STAR can be seen at,every home for a $2,50 uole on Uncle Sam.

Mr . Kenhefic the painter , has taken up a ranch west of town and will even­

tually assume the. habiU and lauguage of a granger.

Did you ever pef. up in the night to •seat, a cat and go on both siik'.s of the door at once'/ We know of one, he wears his nose now, under his left ear. *'lu Springs from Dutch Flat,,

T i- , r. . . ... at the Minnekahta. ihe La-lies Aid society will meet

with Mrs. Fargo, Juno 22nd, for work and 5 o'clock 1'. All the members having sewed carpet rags iu their hands belonging to the Society, please leave at Fargo's store this week to be weighed.

A grat i fying increase is nolierble in the advertising columns of the STA::. Attent ion is wil l ed t o the new ads. of the l'alo Alto saw mill, the Metropoli­tan restaurant- and the t\:r,l of L. H.

Thayer, proprietor of the Hot Springs.

Hack Liiie.

There is a land of pure delight, where tender-feet aud sicli, with the proper -hare of sand and grit, never fail to strike it rich; it is in South Dakota where the mineral waters flow, where 'ihe cripples have a pic-nieand the bliz­

zards never blow.—LOBEATK.

The Ladies' Aid Society will give an ice cream sociable to-night- (Friday) 17.

Everybody should t u rn out and help 'he ladies in their charitable work.

The festival will be held in the new church and ice - cream will l ie serve at 15 cents a dish, children 10 cents.

A party consisting of Messrs. Thomas of Missturi Valley. Butler, of Dead-

wood and Martin of the Springs, went to the Cheyenne Falls 011 Monday last, on a fishing cxclirsion and returned l .idened with a choice lot of the finny tribe and highly pleased with their trip. '

The hotels are fast filling up with a steady stream of health and pleasure seekers from all parts of the world. Ev­

ery one is enchanted with the pro'-pect, and wonder why it. has not been more extensively advertised, that all might have a knowledge of the benefits to be gained by a plunge beneath these wonderful waters.

The report comes to us of a very re­

liable nature that Dcadwood will be the terminus of a branch of the E. & M.

V. R. R. If this be so. there is 110 dis­

pute as to the future prominence of that metropolis. Like a trip to Italy.

without going to Rome, no person vis­

iting thp Black Hills can boast much about, what he lias seen until he has been to Deadwood.

James Orr came down Tuesday from his villa in Flea-bit Hollow and says his retinue are having a carnival at. the Hotel de l'an-cake. Jim stepped into head-quarters and paid his G. A.R. fees and is now ready for the guard­

house. . Mr. Orr informs us that he has the machinery on the way for a plaining mill and a lath mill when he will be able to furnish everything from a bot­tom to a cistern to a mortgage on a house.

Friday to lJut up

w V f -. i< i*


' $1 13 WEEKS. .THB POLICE QAZETJ will be ineUaL Memb wrapped^ to any addrete In the United

StilM for three montb* on receipt of . . ONE DOLLAR. :

I diacoant allowed to pontmastore, tgettt m. Sample copies mailed tree. Milloiwn to

- -qsa&p&m*

A scion of the celestial kingdom has located in. the old butcher-shop one door east of the STAR office. His effects which consisted of ail old sway-backed cook-stove, an old copper boiler and two pounds of jerked rat, were unload­ed Tuesday, and now the residence of Left-Lung-in-China is established here;. It is iis intention to practice his old profession of assisting the comonity in wearing out their surplus lines.— Look ont for a corner on rioe<

W. E.Carns, Toledo, paid the Springs •he Springs a short, visit during the week to try the waters.

Looniis E. Clair, Miss Holp, G. E,

Hair. Buffalo Gap, registered jit the the Minuekahtii oil Suuday

F. J. Cinir;, Donvjr, o.iin > to the city in Friday to t-ak i in the baths, lie. dines at tiie Minnekuht.i.

E. H. Flyii:>, of Custer, and Cap .

Willaivl, Wind Cave Ranch, registered at the Minnekahta this weeks'

H. Butler, of Deadwood is sojourning at the Springs for his health. lie registered at the Martin Hotel.

Jo . epli nninon, Custer City, down to see the town and take a bath . He holds forth at the Martin Hotel. "'tX;

Win. larcrow, Ida Grove, is trying the medicinal waters and partaking 01 the hospitality at. the Miuiiekahta."

Mrs. Joe Paddock and daughter, of Omaha, five sojourning at the At inn.-kahta and battling in the medicinal waters.

1). M. McCtirdv, of Minneapolis, is taking in the beauty surrounding the Springs aud holding forth at the Minnekahta.

Mr . Orr has been down this week looking up quarters for some parties from Custer who inteud to come and stay through the summer.

James M. Smith , our able and ener­getic county commissioner from the east end of the county , was at . the I lub a couple of days this week.

Mrs. S. P. Heckcr, O'Neil, Col. W. H. Harkor of Deadwood, Harry Oelrieh. Oelrich, W. H. Wibb, Cincinnati, are all guests at the Miunekaht-a.

Judge Dudley has returned from his trip into the Ilills and reports every­thing ou the move among the enter­prising rustlers of that section.

Mr*. Bishop, wife of the editor of. the Lead Cit /y Trbnne, came down from Rapid the first of the week 111 company with Mrs. J. II. King.

H. D. Babcock. Buffalo Gap , J. II, Henuesy, New York, -J. A. Darling Minneapolis, are here for health and the sights, registered at the Minnekah­ta.

Will Harris came all the way from Bedford, England, recently to rusticate at the great Hot Springs of Dakota, aud visit his brother Kcnnett. He is a guest at Martin's llotdl.

Jehu Thomas, a good natured rail­roader from Missouri Valley is taking a much needed l a j r -off and " putting in his time at the Springs recuperating his health. He is stopping at Martin's Hotel.

Chas. Bruen, who has been stopping at the J/innekahta for the past, month returned to his home in Sioux Citv this week. Charley's departure is deeply regretted by his many warm friends at the Springs.

Mrs. Price who is stopping at the Minnekahta, met with an- accident on Wednesday, returning from a drive, while being assisted from the carriage the horses started and threw her in such a manner as to sprain her ankle, but not so seriously as to incapacitate her.

A. Turner, Rapid City, Albert Stan­ford, Norfolk, M. Loenstien, St Joe, Mo. G. Stout. Lake City Minn., 6. P. Stout, St. Paul Minn, are rusticating at the Springs, reveling in the delights of this remarkable place and partaking of'.the hospitality of the Minnekahta, the Delmonico of the west.

D. J. Brazan, West Point, P. T. Ev­ans, Sioux City, Mrs. B, Saint, Sloan, Iowa, W. E. Carns, Toledo, Ohio, S. S. Cliilds, Des Moins. T. H. Galbraith. Al­bion, la., H. D. Thompson; Des Moines, M. L. Kanable, quartered at the Minne­kahta this week and enjoyed the saiu-.

brious fountain baths.

Mr. D. B. Ingrain, of H.ermosa de­parted for his home on Tuesday of this we?k after having spent two very en­joyable weeks in our town. He has been bathing for l .is health and like all the rest, who came here for that pur­pose, lie goes home with praiseVon his tips for the wonderful, health-giving properties of IhtS sjii 'iiigi. Mr. Ingram was loth to go. but imsiuess called liini home, however, he will visit here again soon.

Mrs. Newton M. Wrtdo will depart next Tuesday in compailv with her sis­ter, Miss Ella Stanley, for a visit of a few months to her parents a*, not. Springs, Dakota. Miss Slaiiley will re­main at the Springs permanently, a fact that her numerous friends and ac­quaintances in Gary will 4ie pained to learn. Miss Stanley has always occu-oied a prominent position in the socie­ty of our young people and her jilacc in social circles will be hard to fill.— Flic ISTHR STATE bespeaks a pleasant

trip for Mrs. Wadeund a happy future for Miss Stauley.—hiler State (Gary,


Mr. M. E. Ferguson who has been a resident of Hot Springs for the last twelve months hasconchidcd to go south with his family and seek pastures new for a iield of operation. \Ve are sorry to loose Mr. Ferguson from our com­munity as he was ever ready to assist in any enterprise promotive of the pup-lie good.. \Ve shall miss him in our literary circle as his ability to argue and portray was both amusing and in­teresting. We ho jit; success will at­tend him wherever he may go.

Hon. M. II. Day, one of Dakota's most popular representative men, paid Hot ijprings a visit this week Mr. Day in his remarks, made mention that he al­ways believed that Hot Springs was a beautiful place and now having sen seen it. his bilief was verified. lie thinks he will return again in a few weeks aecompanicd by a number of his eastern friends. We are glad to have met such a pleasant g::itieiri iii, and we wonder at the coiidiUon of auv mnn's mind, who would send a fi»r-pet.-1 digger clear from New York, to preside over the destinies of Dakota when we have such men as lion. ii. ii. Day.

Mr. Marry Br.tier, of Dcadwood and proprietor'ofthe Delinonico Houf", is sojourning at the Springs for the pur­pose of testing the eiiicacy of the wa­ters in regard to injuries he r^ceivi? i:i a tip-over by the stage last July, near Spring? Valley Ranch. Mr. LJui-l»*r received some severe internal inju­ries which In h is reason to hiSim— will be greatly benefited and perhaps cured by bathing and drinking these waters. We can safely say that if Ic gives them a fair trial, his hopes will be verified.

A short distance north of town a swimming lyind has recently been added which gives much sport for those gb inclined.^

The citizens nil take a lively int3rest in everything that pertains to the ad­vancement of the town. The town certainly has every advantage to make it a great resort for invalids and pleasure seekers, and we predict that before many years it will have attain ed national fame.—Hermosa Pi, of.

Wc C_LEai?AT.-. The Ladies of Hot Springs have put

their heads together and when tliev withdrew them they had resolved tl.at instead of going to some other place to spend the 4th, they would devise plans to celebrate at their own beautiful town and consequently a programme was constructed which will be published next week and will give all the de­tails. So everybody can come, bring along their eagle and let him sere:: 111 the -Battle Cry of Freedom'" on the the historic iianks of the Min-nc-kah-ia.


^ 1887. Board met pursuant to call. Present

A. S.. Stewart and J. M. Smith* com­missioners, and Kcnnett F. Harris, county clerk.

Moved that bills of Eugene D. Norton, of expenses in various eases, of $90 and.$5.G6! be allowed.

Moved that bill of Wm. M. Martin of $85.72, board of pauper, be allowed.

Moved that bill of W. W. LaFleiche, of $38.50 for printing, etc., be allowed. Motion carried.

Moved that bill of W. H. Stanley of $27 for printing, etc., be allowed. Motion carried.

Moved that bill of Dr. Houghton, of §37 be allowed. Motion carried.

Moved that bill of F. C. Willor of $21.40 for per deim and milage, and nine ballot, boxes, be allowed. Motion carried.

Moved that bill of John - Ickes of §2.85 be allowed. Motion earned. . Moved tliat bill of W. H. Wood of of $19.35 for justice fees be allowed. Motion carried.

Moved that bill of $20 of Martin Woodard for lumber furnished to Cascade district be allowed. Motion carried.

iVovcd that bill of C. J. Eastman of S3.70 for fees its commissi^!- of insanity be allowed. Carried. '

Moved that bill of John Morris Co., of §14.75 for books etc., be allowed. Motiou carried. .

Moved that resignation of D. :T. Jackson, road supervisor of district No. 2, be acfopted.

Moved that bill of A. W. Riordan of $11 for sheriff fees be allowed. Motion .•.••rried. _

Moved that . Fred C. Willor be ap -i!< inted road supervisor for Hot -4 rings district. Motior. carried.'

Moved th-at Dr. Stanley be author­ised to diagnose the case of Mrs. Lux-ton. of Oelnch, and report to the board.

Moved that A. Paddon bo appoint­ed road supervisor for BuiTalo Gap district. Motion carried.

Moved that Frank Black be appoint­ed supervisor of road district xso. 1. Motion carried.

Moved {hat an order of §7.10 be drawn in favor of J. M. Smiili for milage and services as commissioner.

Moved that an order of §6 be drawn in favor of A. S. Stewart .for services as commissioner. Carried.

,1/oved that bill of C. C. Damon be allowed and order drawn on road district No. 1. Carried.

Moved that Fred C. Willor be author­ized to keep pauper, F. J. Ferguson, until further ordered, at a rate of §7.Uu

per week. Carried. Motion to adjourn until ilfonday,

rune (ith, at 11 a. m. Carried. \t»'";i,: A. S. STF.WABT,

Kr.sxr .TT F. Maoris, Chairman. County Clerk.

W*M Martin, ProprMfrtox*

At the upper bath kptusd, situated in th€f valley, in close proa$nity -td the bati&

" 'Willi

Th e house is commodious and well fbrnisfc/ •:o:-


ed, with first-class accommodations, > HOT SPRiNG-S, - - - I DAKOTA*/

TH;. PILOT'S OPINiON. After one sees the Black Hills they

cannot blame the Indian for having fought, to retain this portion of eouutry, and especially will one be convinced of this fact a iter a visit to the 1 iot Springs, over which locality there has been fought more than one bloody battle, i'he first one of which wc have aux­in formation was between the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians, the former winning after a long and bloody seige. i'he t own of Hoi. spring.-, *s located

in the northern portion of Full liivci county , upon a stream bearing that name." (Fall Hiver,) and we may here add that the name is entirely appropri­ate; as there is almost a continuous fall, while in some places it is quite abrupt. The town is yet very new, but is ap­parently prospering. Its chief hope oJ' Attaining greatness is through the delightful scenery and their mineral hot spring's. Yet tliey have some goo.i agricultural lauds and it is au excellent stock region

The Jlinnekalita House is an ex­cellent, commodious hotel, elegantly furnished, and is itself an attractive feature. The principal and best ap­pointed bath house . is in connection with the Minnekahta.

Although but a few years ago these springs were known only to savages, they are now famous and rival Hot Springs of Arkansas. Some of the most wonderful cures, ill the way ol rheumatism, neuralgia, paralys is, dys­

pepsia. eczema, etc.. have been wrought by these health-restoring waters.

There are innumerable objects of interest in and around Hot Springs, and many delightful drives, one of which is along the banks of Fall River to Minnekahta Fall.-—about- five miles distant from town. Along the entire drive the views are varied and grand. An attempt-to describe the grandeur of those falls would certainly result in an injustice to tho beautiful scene that the sparkling^ limpid waters present ns thev plunge madly down through the rocky chasnje and over precipices for hundreds of feet. In any direction the sights are ever-changing, surprising and wonderful.

AIMOUS'ED MEICI'IXG, JUNE 6 Present, A. S. Stewart James M.

iimtli Commissioners, and K. P. Har­

ris Clerk. ilfoved. that bill of H. A. Godard of

.-225.80 be alhwtd. .Motion earrii d. . ,Wow1. thai bill of K< II. Harris

be allowed; motion carried. il/oved, that an order be drawn in

favor of J. M. Smith forSS.20 canvass-iug board and one day's service as Co. commissioner and mileage.

Jfotion carried. 3/bved, that an order be drawn for

§0.00. ,1/oved. that. K. F. Harris, be allow­

ed §3.00 for 1 day's services on canvas-

ing board. J/otion to' adjourn until Saturday

11 tli inst. Carried.

June 11, A. D. 1887. Board met. pursuant toadjoiirnment

A. S. Stewart-find Jas. it. Smith com­missioners, and K. P. Harris county clerk.

il/oved, that the liquor liscence of F. C. Curran be approved.

.3/otion carried. Afotion to adjourn .until Tuesday

14th. J/otion "Carried.

Av .~: • : A. S. STEWAUT. Chairman.

K. P. HARRIS. Clerk.'


(Eir-ICTLY CAeil QUOTATIONS.) KI.OUR—-'nil Holler Patent $1 Ubbl eaclc $1 75

Rose of JCellcli V ?* bill sack 1 SO Uiutmm y It bhl suck 1 W

COltN MEAL V H bbl sack W OATS W 100 lbs 155 CORN® 10(1 li>s 1 J? CHOPPED CORN and OATS 100 Bis... 1 TB PORK—llry Salt ¥ lb MH

BronVfast Uncoil, clear HK Haniii W

Sl:OAR- Urunnlnted, 11 lbs fur 1 00 Lisht C, IS Its for 1 00 Dark C, 19 ll.s for 1 00

COFFEK—Arbtickles' Arlosa S tb35c, »tl> 1 00 Clincilate Cream V liU pkg Wl ltoist linlk ft ft . S?

TKA—Japan V lb 00 Khfilieh lticakfast.. 100 Gun Powder... Yonng Dyson j.

F1S-II—Family Macki-rel, lb Cod, 3]btirickR, each.......

SALT—Coaree 5) k'c, bbl WrTTEH

.. CANDID GCOBS. California, assorted, per eanWc, 4 cana for Tomatoes, ver can SCc, beans for— Kfeet Corn, per can !*«,# cana for... Marrowfut Peas, best; per can Mc, • for... Marrowfat Peas, Sd-best, per can IB?, 8 for string beans, per can lEc.,8 cana for ...... Raspberries, per can If*, 8 cane fjr^g».. Gooseberries, per can ISc, Scans (nlB.. Blackberries, per can ISc, ScaDS tor.^T... Strawberries, Niagara, per can

LAKE & H ALLEY, , BANKERS. t)ny and sell Domestic and Foreign Exchange, and transact-

. a General Banking Business.

ASSOCIATED BANKS: • • . • - . ' . i f - • ' ' ' • • •

First National Bank, Sapid City, Dakota, and

Lake & Halley, Chadron, Nebraska.


Osrv: ... "'--nA ><



' -







The only THIRD CLASS Hotel in Dakota/ and the only house that has hot r^dently been


Free Hacks with CARLESS DRIVER# to and from the upper and lidwer



Springs, Ca^ofai

Oiirned Beef, per can Coned Beef Hush per can.... Dried Beef, shipped, per can.. Sal Soda, II Bw f or Kc, per t>.


* ss no 15

1 on 100 100 100 1 oo 100

» ao » M








Lamr s, G-lassware, Crockery and Tableware# In shoi t a complete stock of General

Merchandise which is offered for cash or prompt pay at prices as

low as can be found at any , &to?e in the Black Hills. -•>

' • Country Produce Bought and. Sold.

River Avenue, ' - / - Hot SPRiNad/,


s* vH-




* •- • v ' 'v' . . ; 4

We are now in condition to


On short notice at Dudley ̂Old saw mill,

A yard in town kept by MilligaE > . Muiller. Before buying ̂

Give us a oalL

6rrf t>ings & Firestone#

\ a <

•"V A ^ -

s . U ^ . zMm &

JL. Uiiiim
