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The Hues Legacy, Chapter 16

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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Page 1: The Hues Legacy, Chapter 16
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Welcome back to The Hues Legacy, a joint legacy written by Haleigh/meadowthayer and me, Roxanne/Taube. Last chapter Haleigh played out the early lives of the jewel-tone generation and left us a choice for heiress, determined by having the rainbow eyes that have been passed down from Neon: is it Sapphire or Jade? The answer is, as you can see in the picture above, Jade. We liked her a little better overall, but it was very close. Jade headed right off to college to get on with her life. She’s already looking forward to graduating with honors!

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Sapphire and their brother Onyx also left for college, leaving their much younger half-brother Peridotbehind. He’s still a child, so he heads off the next morning in a different yellow-colored vehicle. I’m going to quickly play him to teen and then get back to the flow of college.

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First though, here’s the three main line kids. Peridot is the child of Hobart, not Violet, of course, so he’s not eligible, nor is Onyx since he doesn’t have the eyes. Anyway, the kids look good in college, and that’s where they’ll have to stay for a bit while I get Peridot up to speed. Just as a reminder, Sapphire is romance/grilled cheese, Onyx is family/knowledge, and our heiress is knowledge/popularity. They’re staying in the house that I’ve played all of my generations through since Neon.

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Back home, and Violet has decided to take a bubble bath in the dog’s outdoor bathtub. Mmm, sanitary!

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I decided to get Peridot into private school just for the heck of it –and the prestige – so we invited the headmaster over. This is a good place to point out that I am continually forgetting that my monitor and the game’s camera pictures are not the same size and shape, so please excuse any funny business at the top of photos. I can’t see it when I take the pictures and sometimes stuff like plumbbobs or porch railing without a roof creeps in when I’m not looking.

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Bronze the dog does his part to impress the headmaster by peeing in the middle of the floor. Nice job, Bronze. If you’re wondering where the other dogs are, they’re back on Haleigh’s computer. I had some difficulties installing the file this time, and for some reason, removing some of the dogs from the household made it so I could install, so we’re down to just Bronze. He was the youngest, so he’s still the one to continue the line anyway.

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“Ma’am, I’m impressed! I’d be happy to accept your son into our institution.”“Thanks. I literally did nothing to help – that was all Chris and Hobart – but I did get a few rounds of pool in while you were touring the house, so I appreciate the recognition.”“That’s . . . er . . . nice.”

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Neon had a very active night, luckily mostly after the headmaster left. I’m hoping the ghosts will be a bit more manageable this time around. I’ve had bad luck with them in the past. Neon also seems to be sad that Sinjin’s grave disappeared, as have several of the dogs’ graves.

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Just a couple of cool dudes, talking about maxing skills and puppy litters while playing some pool. Cool.

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Chris is extremely close to dying and finally joining Coral in the afterlife, and he had been the one staying home when Violet and Hobart were working, so I had Violet retire. She’ll be available to help when Jade comes home from college that way too. On another note, I have to agree with Haleigh here – Violet is a spectacularly good-looking elder. She’s just beautiful.

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Peridot heads off to his first day of private school all alone. I’ve got him skilling some just to pass the time, but he’s not going to max many skills in time. Doesn’t really matter in the long run, though.

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My hopes about the ghosts were unfounded. Most nights, we get triple hauntings and see a wide variety of ancestors, and they are quite active. Guess it’s back to micromanaging sleeping patterns then.

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Aw, Chris’s time has come. I really liked him and Coral together and him as a spouse in his own right, so it was neat to see him come back to my computer, but it is time for him to join his wife in the afterlife. Violet and her husband are there to see her father off.

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“We appreciate your service, but are you ladies ever going to leave?”

The hula zombies hung around forever after Grim had poofedaway. It was quite odd, and just about when I was starting to wonder if they were glitched, they finally disappeared.

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Finally! Finally Peridot’s birthday has come and we can get on with this legacy. He looks pretty handsome for a natural alien. He rolled fortune/romance.

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Peridot heads off to college, pleased with his scholarships, and arrives in an outfit that I actually don’t hate. It’s kind of appropriate for his aspirations, and the yellowish-green of the shirt is closer to the actual color of peridots than his skin, so I’m going to stick with it.

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The general chaos of the house, which is really only built for two sims, is the backdrop for Onyx and Peridot dropping out of college. I’m going to play just the girls through, but we’ll catch up with the boys later.

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Sapphire meets a nice guy named Laurence through the crystal ball. In the backgrounds, you can see various blonds that Jade was trying out at the same time.

Laurence is a fellow college student, and he’s quite cute after a slight makeover.

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I wasn’t 100% happy with any of Jade’s matches, even after I changed her turn-ons with the potion, mostly for nose-related reasons, but this maid named Benedict Arnold (no, not kidding) is her best choice. The randomly-generated name combo made me laugh, so I actually remembered someone’s last name for once.

Benedict looks better and for some reason I liked glasses on him, then remembered later that I gave a very similar makeover to a male maid in another joint legacy. Possibly the LHKR Legacy? I can’t remember, but this feels familiar. Benedict had black eyebrows and blond hair, which probably means he’s carrying black hair, but I have had the opposite be true before, so I’m hoping. I gave him this hair because it has really dark roots so we’ve got our bases covered either way.

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Now let the romancing begin! Sapphire and Laurence are soon head over heels for each other.

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Jade is not far behind her big sister, and also falls for her boyfriend quickly.

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Amusingly, Laurence and Sapphire are two romance sims who never rolled a want to woohoo while on dates, despite having three bolts. Jade and Benedict, who have two and are both knowledge sims, rolled all kinds of wants and got to fulfill them when Jade wasn’t busy with college duties.

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Our resident cheerleader was particularly frantic and out of control, whether that meant cheering for other mascots or interrupting private moments between the soon-to-be official couple of generation 7.

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When she wasn’t dating Benedict, Jade did her studies like a good girl. Like a good knowledge sim, she rolled a want to write her term paper every semester.

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However, her secondary popularity aspiration really shone through in college. She made best friends left and right, leaving her in the platinum most of the time, before finally rolling the want to have 30 best friends. I decided to go for this impossible want, again just for the heck of it, so she spent a lot of time on the phone and visiting with friends.

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This quite naturally led to being inducted into the secret society, and there were a ton of sims there at the compound! On my old computer, only two or three would ever be there at once, but there’s five in this shot, and those are just the ones that cared to make it out front for Jade’s arrival. I was impressed. Jade was not, however, so she returned home immediately after. She had long ago also become big woman on campus, so this was just another notch on her popularity belt.

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Finally, in her senior year, Jade made best friends with this blue-haired guy, fulfilling the impossible want.

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If it seems like this college chapter is really boring and going by quicker than my normal pace, well, that’s because that’s how playing it was, too. Not much exciting or worth documenting happened. The girls kept up their grades, Jade made lots of best friends, and Sapphire mostly just danced or spent time with Laurence.

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The one bit of excitement happened the night before their last final exam. A burglar approached the house, but I guess she had an extraordinarily poor sense of direction or perhaps speed, because she never even made it inside before the police officer apprehended her.

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Jade: “Hey! What the hell? Why are you letting her escape? You seriously lost the fight?”Sapphire: “Boo! You suck!”Police Officer: “I guess I’m not getting that promotion any time soon.”

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After that small sliver of interest, Jade and Sapphire went to and aced their final exams. Sapphire graduated with a 4.0 in philosophy because she never cared about her major, while Jade got a 4.0 in drama to prepare to meet her LTW of being a World-Class Ballet Dancer, which I suppose I probably should have mentioned before now. Without much fanfare, the girls grew up and moved back to Desiderata. Let’s finish out the chapter with a spare catch-up.

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I moved the three spares each into their own house near the main house. I used the houses that came with Nightlife since they’re actually starters and affordable. Unfortunately, they don’t have ceilings, so pardon any wall tops in the pictures. Again, I blame my monitor. That said, Laurence and Sapphire are happy to be together after graduating!

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Because they’re both romance sims, I went for a hasty propose-and-marry dash while neither of them feared it, since they had both rolled that fear before on dates. Regardless, they are very much in love and seemed pretty happy about the whole thing.

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Now, you may be wondering why I would have two commitment-phobic romance sims have a baby. Well, Sapphire was the only one of the spares with the eyes and she’s also very pretty, so I was just curious what their baby would look like. Also, that is one crazily pointy pregnancy mesh, right?

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Laurence jumped rope through most of Sapphire’s delivery, but she successfully gave birth to an adorable little boy with the rainbow eyes and Laurence’s black hair. To continue with the gemstone colors, I named him Topaz.

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Topaz grew into a toddler and his parents, despite their aspirations, were absolutely charmed by him. He was a really lovable, playful, and active little guy, and he especially got along well with his daddy. It didn’t hurt that he was adorable as well.

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Here’s Topaz as a child. I think he’s just so cute. He turned out really nicely, and I do love those eyes.

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As a child, Topaz picked up his dad’s favorite hobby, and this family lived happily ever after. That’s Sapphire’s life.

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Peridot met a lovely woman named Ophelia. They fell almost instantly in love, both being fortune sims and having a lot in common.

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Their relationship progressed, and before long, Peridot was proposing, and then they had a simple ceremony in their backyard, which had a water view (as well as a view of the main house, but that’s not as romantic as the ocean).

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Not long after they became married, Ophelia realized she was pregnant.

After a quick and easy pregnancy, Ophelia gave birth to a little girl named Quartz. Gee. I wonder who she’s going to take after in facial features.

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To be honest, Quartz as a toddler was a little bit terrifying. She had the oddest combo of face/mouth/jaw/cheek/eye shape where her cheekbones actually went in before her jaw jutted out. I hoped she would grow into her looks, because her father wore them well. Strange face or no, Quartz was loved all the same.

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Luckily, Quartz’s face did fill out a little as a child, and she looked more normal and more like her dad, but with her mom’s coloring. Quartz as a little girl was shy but very playful.

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Quartz enjoys entertaining her parents, and they love spending time with her. That’s where we’ll leave Peridot’s happy family.

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I saved Onyx for last because his journey was a bit more complicated. It started off well enough. He met a former firefighter named Ichelle, and, since they both loved sports, they bonded over many a catch session. Soon they were a very happy couple.

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After that, things moved quickly. They hit all the major relationship milestones together, and they were elated when they found out Ichelle was pregnant. Onyx was actually on the phone with Violet at the time, so she got to be the first to know about this grandchild of hers.

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Ichelle gave birth to a darling baby boy named Citrine. He was the only baby of the spares to not have black hair. Of course, once he was a toddler, he insisted on wearing a hat just like his daddy, but I don’t have as cool a supply, so he would up with a knit cap in his color.

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Citrine was a curious and boisterous boy, and he still loved wearing a cap. It seemed like everything was going well for Onyx and his family.

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However, all that can change in an instant.

A lightning strike lit a tree on fire, but the rain ended before it was put out, so it was burning. I tried to keep the sims inside because nothing was near it, so I reasoned that it would probably burn out once it had consumed the tree. However, sims are sims, and Onyx soon ran out to freak out in front of the fire and got his butt lit on fire for his efforts.

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I then sent Ichelle, who happened to be pregnant again as both Onyx and Ichelle were family sims who wanted a larger family, to put out her husband. Ichelle was a firefighter, so she should be able to handle these things. It seemed like things were going to be okay after all.

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That was until Citrine ran out to investigate and also caught on fire. The fire was raging out of control, and the sims were all in full panic mode and ignoring my commands most of the time.

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Citrine was put out, but as the fire started dying down, he ran back and got too close again, and he caught on fire again! I was kind of panicking by this point. Shortly after this picture was taken, Onyx also got lit on fire again, leaving only Ichelle to put out either her son or her husband. We chose her son, but it wasn’t enough, and eventually I didn’t even have the option to extinguish him any more. Ichelle then put Onyx out.

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Just like that, Citrine was gone. It was the most traumatic, horrific thing I have ever had happen to me in a sims game. I was equal parts distraught and mortified to have had a child die on my watch. As the last bits of fire were being put out, Grim came to collect Citrine’s soul and left a gravestone.

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“I’m kind of feeling like we suck as parents right now.”“Yeah. Not a good feeling.”

Me too, guys. Me too.

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However, this was a spare’s house, so I can do whatever I want to make things right. I cheated to get the bone phone, and while Onyx mourned his son (tugging ALL my heartstrings), Ichelle called Grim to beg for her son back. Luckily, it worked.

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“That was awesome!”Citrine, you died.“Yeah, but I came back! What an adventure!”Um, I am forever scarred by your death, and you’re celebrating?“I got a second chance.”Okay, fair point. Just, stay away from fires, okay, little guy?“No promises.”

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Citrine then helped his parents pick up the ash piles from the yard. That one four-tile tree had made quite a mess, much bigger than its original footprint, not to mention that it managed to kill one of my sims. After the ash was thrown away, Ichelle felt a familiar twinge and realized that all the terror and action had sent her into labor! She doesn’t look more pregnant because I didn’t change her clothes to one with a pregnancy mesh because I wasn’t expecting to spend this much time at the house.

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Ichelle gave birth to a lovely little boy with all her coloring. They named him Alabaster.

Alabaster was well-loved, and the parents kept a close eye on both boys from now on. They wanted to keep their sons as safe as possible after the horrible events the night of Alabaster’s birth.

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Soon Alabaster was a child too, and as you can see here and in the previous slide’s toddler picture, Alabaster also took to wearing hats, though he went for a different style from his dad and his brother.

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Alabaster and Citrine were the best of friends nearly right away, and the family was finally happy and safe. I’m going to leave them here now lest I jinx it. Whew. What an ordeal.

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Back at the main house, Benedict had just moved in. It was time for Jade and Benedict to start their life together, but that is a story for another chapter, as we’ve reached the end of this one. Thanks for reading and please check in with Haleigh and me for more Hues goodness at our favorite forum, SiMania:

