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The impact of citizen journalism sound

Date post: 12-Jan-2015
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    The impact of citizen journalism

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. What is Citizen Journalism???
The idea behind citizen journalism is that people without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology and the global distribution of the Internet to create, augment or fact-check media on their own or in collaboration with others
Mark Glaser freelance journalist
14. Impact on the media
Citizen journalism has given the media a new set of fact checkers.
Citizens are not only being informed but they are also the informers
New mediums like the Web make this easier and more accessible
Citizen journalism has provided a need for citizen journalism sites in order to help propel this new medium
Adjustments to online content and style
15. Impact on the media: Participatory Culture
Henry Jenkins says that in a participatory culture not every member must contribute, but all believe they are free to contribute when ready and what they contribute will be valued.
Ex. YouTube, Wikipedia, commercial spoofs
Advertising has changed because of participatory culture
Appreciating value of the work
Further perpetuating the content
16. Examples
Soulja Boy
Mac vs. PC advertising campaign inspired the generation of new content that perpetuated the brand message
Here is a local spoof: GatorTutoring vs. TutoringZone youtube.com/watch?v=S5l7FXGZFL8
17. Impact on the media: Pew research
92% of Americans get their media from multiple sources
6 out of 10 get their news from online and offline sources
Of those who get their news online, 75% get news forwarded through posts on social networking sites or email and 52% share links to news with others via those means.
18. Social Networking and Citizen journalism
Links to news stories
Comments on news stories
Creating buzz about particular topics while informing citizens about whats happening
Pages devoted to events created by citizens
19. New directions for citizen journalism
Crowdsourcing- uses readers to create a news story. Information is gathered not by journalists but through an alternate medium such as the Web. (Robert Niles Accident Watch)
Growing networks of community journalism sites
20. Success stories
2004- Citizen bloggers were issued press credentials to the Democratic and Republican conventions
2010- Olympics gave press passes to citizen journalists
Global Voices
21. Is this the end of professional journalism?
Only if we make it.
The public still has a distrust of the media, but you cant believe everything you read on the internet.
The shift toward crowdsourcing goes to show that there are ways to involve the community in journalism without having them write the story. Making the public active participants in journalism rather than the creators will save professional journalists
