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part of 10.2217/17460816.3.4.335 © 2008 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1746-0816 REVIEW Future Rheumatol. (2008) 3(4), 335–349 335 The impact of the metabolic syndrome on cardiovascular risk and disease in rheumatoid arthritis Patrick H Dessein , Miguel A Gonzalez-Gay, Angela J Woodiwiss, Barry I Joffe, Gavin R Norton & Ahmed Solomon Author for correspondence Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Genomics Research Unit, School of Physiology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, PO Box 1012, Melville, Johannesburg 2109, South Africa Tel.: +27 11 482 8546; Fax: +27 11 726 6835; [email protected] and, Rheumatology Unit, Milpark Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa Keywords: cardiometabolic risk, cardiovascular disease, glucocorticoids, high-grade inflammation, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors that are of metabolic origin and include atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension and hyperglycemia. This syndrome is generally considered to develop as a consequence of excess adiposity- mediated insulin resistance. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), apart from excess adiposity, high-grade inflammation, routine glucocorticoid use and subclinical hypothyroidism are further implicated in insulin resistance. Several more recently uncovered metabolic risk factors including microalbuminuria, hypercoagulability, autonomic dysfunction, hyperuricemia, renin–angiotensin activation and raised aminotransferase concentrations prior to methotrexate use are also more prevalent in RA subjects as compared with non-RA subjects, linked to other metabolic syndrome components and/or related to RA characteristics. Suppression of RA disease activity improves metabolic cardiovascular risk. Systemic inflammation, glucocorticoid therapy, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension, hypercoagulability, hyperuricemia and raised aminotransferases are each further associated with cardiovascular disease in RA. However, the WHO and the National Cholesterol Education Program defined metabolic syndrome as less strongly associated with atherosclerosis than their components. We propose that individual metabolic risk factors should be considered in the assessment and interventions aimed at reducing cardiovascular risk in this disease. Future prospective investigations need to elucidate molecular mechanisms that account for the interactions between RA characteristics and metabolic risk factors, as well as the relative importance of altering adverse lifestyle factors and intensifying disease activity suppressant therapy in patients with controlled and uncontrolled RA disease activity. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflam- matory disease that is complicated not only by progressive articular destruction, but also by increased cardiovascular (CV) event rates [1–7]. In the general population, guidelines on CV risk assessment and the primary and secondary pre- vention of CV events recommend consideration of the non-modifiable risk factors of age and male gender, and modifiable risk factors of total or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking habits and diabetes [8]. The Framingham risk equation [9] and the Sys- temic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) [10], which are calculated from these traditional CV risk factors, are particularly useful in estimating the short-term (10-year) risk for coronary heart disease-related events. The metabolic syndrome constitutes an additional construct that can enhance our understanding of CV disease, and consists of a group of risk factors that are of metabolic ori- gin and tend to cluster in individuals [11–14]; these risk factors are recognized to be com- prised of atherogenic dyslipidemia, high blood glucose concentrations and elevated blood pressure whereas a proinflammatory state and a prothrombotic state were more recently identi- fied as further integral components of the metabolic syndrome [11–14]. A total of 22% of the US population cur- rently has the metabolic syndrome [15], the main determinant of which is excess adiposity that often (but not always) results in insulin resistance, a core pathophysiological mecha- nism in the metabolic syndrome [11–14]. How- ever, of particular importance in the context of RA, apart from excess adiposity, low-grade sys- temic inflammation can also induce insulin resistance [16–19]. Therefore, in RA the central feature of high-grade inflammation may enhance atherosclerotic CV disease through the insulin resistance-mediated cluster of CV risk factors [20–22]. For the purpose of this review, we searched PubMed with the terms ‘rheumatoid arthritis’, ‘metabolic syndrome’, ‘insulin resist- ance’, ‘cardiovascular disease’, ‘coronary heart disease’, ‘cardiovascular events’, ‘arterial stiff- ness’, ‘endothelial dysfunction’, ‘high-grade inflammation’, ‘glucocorticoids’ and ‘hypothy- roidism’. We first discuss the metabolic syn- drome as an evolving paradigm in the general

part of

10.2217/17460816.3.4.335 © 2008 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1746-0816


Future Rheumatol. (2008) 3(4), 335–349 335

The impact of the metabolic syndrome on cardiovascular risk and disease in rheumatoid arthritisPatrick H Dessein†, Miguel A Gonzalez-Gay, Angela J Woodiwiss, Barry I Joffe, Gavin R Norton & Ahmed Solomon†Author for correspondenceCardiovascular Pathophysiology and Genomics Research Unit, School of Physiology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, PO Box 1012, Melville, Johannesburg 2109, South AfricaTel.: +27 11 482 8546;Fax: +27 11 726 6835;[email protected],Rheumatology Unit, Milpark Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa

Keywords: cardiometabolic risk, cardiovascular disease, glucocorticoids, high-grade inflammation, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis

The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors that are of metabolic origin and include atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension and hyperglycemia. This syndrome is generally considered to develop as a consequence of excess adiposity- mediated insulin resistance. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), apart from excess adiposity, high-grade inflammation, routine glucocorticoid use and subclinical hypothyroidism are further implicated in insulin resistance. Several more recently uncovered metabolic risk factors including microalbuminuria, hypercoagulability, autonomic dysfunction, hyperuricemia, renin–angiotensin activation and raised aminotransferase concentrations prior to methotrexate use are also more prevalent in RA subjects as compared with non-RA subjects, linked to other metabolic syndrome components and/or related to RA characteristics. Suppression of RA disease activity improves metabolic cardiovascular risk. Systemic inflammation, glucocorticoid therapy, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension, hypercoagulability, hyperuricemia and raised aminotransferases are each further associated with cardiovascular disease in RA. However, the WHO and the National Cholesterol Education Program defined metabolic syndrome as less strongly associated with atherosclerosis than their components. We propose that individual metabolic risk factors should be considered in the assessment and interventions aimed at reducing cardiovascular risk in this disease. Future prospective investigations need to elucidate molecular mechanisms that account for the interactions between RA characteristics and metabolic risk factors, as well as the relative importance of altering adverse lifestyle factors and intensifying disease activity suppressant therapy in patients with controlled and uncontrolled RA disease activity.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflam-matory disease that is complicated not only byprogressive articular destruction, but also byincreased cardiovascular (CV) event rates [1–7]. Inthe general population, guidelines on CV riskassessment and the primary and secondary pre-vention of CV events recommend considerationof the non-modifiable risk factors of age andmale gender, and modifiable risk factors of totalor low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol,high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol,blood pressure, smoking habits and diabetes [8].The Framingham risk equation [9] and the Sys-temic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) [10],which are calculated from these traditional CVrisk factors, are particularly useful in estimatingthe short-term (10-year) risk for coronary heartdisease-related events.

The metabolic syndrome constitutes anadditional construct that can enhance ourunderstanding of CV disease, and consists of agroup of risk factors that are of metabolic ori-gin and tend to cluster in individuals [11–14];these risk factors are recognized to be com-prised of atherogenic dyslipidemia, high bloodglucose concentrations and elevated blood

pressure whereas a proinflammatory state and aprothrombotic state were more recently identi-fied as further integral components of themetabolic syndrome [11–14].

A total of 22% of the US population cur-rently has the metabolic syndrome [15], themain determinant of which is excess adipositythat often (but not always) results in insulinresistance, a core pathophysiological mecha-nism in the metabolic syndrome [11–14]. How-ever, of particular importance in the context ofRA, apart from excess adiposity, low-grade sys-temic inflammation can also induce insulinresistance [16–19]. Therefore, in RA the centralfeature of high-grade inflammation mayenhance atherosclerotic CV disease through theinsulin resistance-mediated cluster of CV riskfactors [20–22]. For the purpose of this review, wesearched PubMed with the terms ‘rheumatoidarthritis’, ‘metabolic syndrome’, ‘insulin resist-ance’, ‘cardiovascular disease’, ‘coronary heartdisease’, ‘cardiovascular events’, ‘arterial stiff-ness’, ‘endothelial dysfunction’, ‘high-gradeinflammation’, ‘glucocorticoids’ and ‘hypothy-roidism’. We first discuss the metabolic syn-drome as an evolving paradigm in the general

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REVIEW – Dessein, Gonzalez-Gay, Woodiwiss, Joffe, Norton & Solomon

Future Rheumatol. (2008) 3(4) future science groupfuture science group

population, with emphasis on aspects that arerelevant to its potential application in patientswith RA. We subsequently examine how high-grade inflammation and possibly other charac-teristics (e.g., glucocorticoid therapy) relate tothe metabolic syndrome, as well as the potentialrole of this CV risk factor cluster in atherogen-esis and in designing therapeutic strategies thatare aimed at preventing CV disease in RA.

The metabolic syndrome in the general populationA paradigm of the metabolic syndrome in thegeneral population is shown in Figure 1.

History As far back as 1923, Kylin observed that hyper-tension, hyperglycemia and gout often co-existedin individual patients [23]. Subsequently, centralobesity, Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), lipidsand CV disease were also reported toaggregate [24]. In 1988, Reaven coined the term‘syndrome X’ in a report in which, based oninvestigations of the later part of the last century,he proposed that fatty acid-induced insulin resist-ance and its compensatory hyperinsulinemiacould predispose patients to hypertension, dyslip-idemia and diabetes, and therefore contributesubstantially to CV disease [25]. Thus, a mecha-nism that could explain the co-occurrence ofmetabolic risk factors in individual subjects wasprovided. This cluster of interacting metabolicrisk factors was subsequently also referred to as‘the insulin-resistance syndrome’ and ‘the meta-bolic syndrome’ [14]. Importantly, althoughReaven recognized the association of these CVrisk factors with obesity, he noted that 25% ofnonobese subjects with normal glucose tolerancewere also insulin resistant and did not includeexcess adiposity as a consequence of insulin resist-ance [14]. Reaven’s undertaking drew the attentionof many epidemiologists, clinicians and basic sci-entists. Indeed, several thousands of reportedinvestigations on the metabolic syndrome soonfollowed [26].

Subsequently, and in order to facilitate theconsideration of metabolic syndrome featuresin the identification of patients with increasedCV risk, the WHO published the first set ofdiagnostic criteria of the metabolic syndrome in1999 [12]. The WHO defined the metabolicsyndrome as the presence of T2DM orimpaired fasting glucose/impaired glucose tol-erance or insulin resistance, with at least two ofthe following [12]:

• Hypertension• Atherogenic dyslipidemia (high triglycerides

or low HDL cholesterol) • Obesity (increased body mass index) or abnor-

mal fat distribution (increased waist-to-hip ratio)• Microalbuminuria, another CV risk factor

that is associated with insulin resistance.

In 2001, due to the increasing rates of obes-ity, the recognition that obesity is the maindeterminant of insulin resistance in the generalpopulation, and the ease of estimating meta-bolic syndrome characteristics other than insu-lin resistance, the National CholesterolEducation Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III(NCEP-ATPIII) [11–14] and, in 2005, the Inter-national Diabetes Federation (IDF) [27], definedthe metabolic syndrome as the metabolic com-plications of obesity with the inclusion of theclinical characteristics of abdominal obesity(increased waist circumference), atherogenicdyslipidemia, hypertension and raised fastingplasma glucose concentrations. Thus, a directmeasure of impaired insulin sensitivity nolonger featured in these definitions. The eluci-dation of the mechanisms whereby obesityadversely affects traditional and nontraditionalmetabolic risk factors has the potential to iden-tify new targets in the assessment, preventionand treatment of CV disease [11–14].

In conclusion, in studies on the cluster ofmetabolic syndrome CV risk factors in non-RAsubjects, many investigators have recentlyaltered the focus from insulin resistance to theconsequences of excess adiposity.

PathophysiologyIn the general population, the metabolic syn-drome is currently considered to developthrough an interaction between obesity and met-abolic susceptibility that is commonly mani-fested by insulin resistance [11–14,28]. Mediatorsof this metabolic susceptibility include physicalinactivity, genetic factors, advancing age, endo-crine dysfunction and drugs [13,14,28]. Insulinresistance is an impaired biological response toinsulin actions in the insulin-responsive organsystems of skeletal muscle, the liver and fat tis-sues [14,25]. It follows that the well-recognizedmetabolic consequences of insulin resistance aredecreased glucose uptake by fat and muscle tissueand increased hepatic gluconeogenesis that canlead to increased circulating glucose concentra-tions and compensatory hyperinsulinemia,enhanced free fatty acid release by fat tissue that


Metabolic syndrome in cardiovascular risk & disease in rheumatoid arthritis – REVIEW

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can result in increased triglycerides and reducedHDL cholesterol concentrations, and proteincatabolism [25,29]. Since atherogenesis is nowknown to be an inflammatory process [30], it isparticularly relevant that apart from the effects ofinsulin on carbohydrate, fat and protein metabo-lism, more recently identified biological actionsof insulin comprise of anti-inflammatory effectsthrough decreasing nuclear factor κB andincreasing inhibitor of κB, reducing reactive oxy-gen species, circulating adhesion molecules andmonocyte chemoattractant protein-1, in addi-tion to profibrinolytic actions by decreasing plas-minogen activator inhibitor-1 production [31].Resistance to insulin could therefore accelerateatherogenesis not only through the developmentof classical metabolic risk factors, but also bydirectly generating a proinflammatory and pro-thrombotic state, which are newly recognizedcomponents of the metabolic syndrome.

Assuming that obesity is the most prevalentetiological factor, and that insulin resistance isthe core pathogenetic mechanism in the devel-opment of metabolic CV risk factors, the ques-tion arises as to how excess fat tissue interactswith insulin sensitivity at a molecular level.

Abdominal obesity is characterized by enlargedfat cells, as well as increased numbers of mono-cyte-derived macrophages within the adipose tis-sue [14,32]. These enlarged adipocytes release anexcess of free fatty acid that impairs the actionsof insulin in muscle and liver tissues [14,32].Enlarged fat cells and their surrounding macro-phages further produce an excess of adipokines,including leptin and resistin and decreased quan-tities of adiponectin, together with increasedamounts of the adipocytokines tumor necrosisfactor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-6, each ofwhich, in addition to free fatty acid, contributeto impaired insulin sensitivity [14,32].

In conclusion, in non-RA subjects, clusteringof the metabolic syndrome CV risk factors origi-nates in excess visceral adiposity-derived free fattyacids, adipokines and cytokines that result in insu-lin resistance, which mediates atherogenic dys-lipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia and aproinflammatory and prothrombotic state.

Clinical utilityA recent meta-analysis of longitudinal studiesrevealed that the metabolic syndrome was asso-ciated with a relative risk of CV events and

Figure 1. Paradigm of the metabolic syndrome in the population at large.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver


Renin–angiotensin activation

Autonomic dysfunction


Prothrombotic state

Classical metabolicrisk factors

Nonclassical metabolicrisk factors

Atherogenic dyslipidemiaProinflammatory state





Insulin resistance

Visceral excess adiposity



REVIEW – Dessein, Gonzalez-Gay, Woodiwiss, Joffe, Norton & Solomon

Future Rheumatol. (2008) 3(4) future science groupfuture science group

death of 1.54 (95% CI: 1.32–1.79) afteradjustment for traditional CV risk factors [33].The metabolic syndrome is also associated witha fivefold increased risk for the development ofT2DM [11–14]. However, the metabolic syn-drome is an evolving construct. Two recentpapers, one by Reaven [33] and the other byKahn and colleagues on behalf of the AmericanDiabetes Association and European Associationfor the Study of Diabetes [26], have recentlyquestioned the clinical utility of the metabolicsyndrome in the assessment of CV risk. Ques-tions that currently surround the metabolicsyndrome and their potential answers areshown in Table 1.

As mentioned previously, apart from obesity,other etiological factors such as inactivity anddrugs are involved in the development of meta-bolic syndrome [13,32] and, apart from insulinresistance, low-grade systemic inflammation[16–19] has been strongly implicated in the patho-physiology of the metabolic syndrome. Indeed,inactivity is associated with insulin resistance [14]

and elevated levels of the proinflammatorymarker high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), which is associated with many other met-abolic syndrome features [34]. Moreover, apartfrom causing obesity, the excessive intake ofcarbohydrates and saturated fats were recentlyalso shown to directly induce several proinflam-matory effects, including the increased produc-tion of reactive oxygen species, upregulation ofnuclear factor κB in monocytes and polymor-phonuclear cells and CRP production [31].

Since insulin resistance and systemic inflam-mation further predict CV disease independentof the current WHO and NCEP-ATPIII-defined metabolic syndrome [19,35,36], the inclu-sion of these easily assessable pathophysiologicalcharacteristics in metabolic syndrome definitionshas the potential to further improve CV assess-ment. Furthermore, other more recently identi-fied CV risk factors that cluster with the classicalmetabolic syndrome features include, apart frominflammation and the previously mentionedmicroalbuminuria and prothrombotic state, auto-nomic dysfunction, hyperuricemia, renin–angio-tensin activation and nonalcoholic fatty liverdisease [11–14]. Since all the CV risk owing to themetabolic syndrome is not captured by currentlyrecommended definitions, the role of the inclu-sion of these metabolic risk factors in future def-initions for CV risk assessment also requiresfurther investigation.

The optimal threshold values of metabolic riskfactors for inclusion as defining criteria requiresfurther investigation, an undertaking that maybe complicated by the ‘dose–response’ effect ofthese risk factors of CV disease.

Although CV risk factors typically act multi-plicatively in atherogenesis, recent evidence indi-cates that CV disease associated with the NCEP-ATPIII defined metabolic syndrome is notgreater than that associated with the sum of itsparts [37]. Very recently, Sattar and colleagues [38]

investigated to what extent the metabolic syn-drome and its individual components wererelated to the risk of events of incident CV dis-ease and T2DM in 7549 nondiabetic subjectsaged 60–82 years. The metabolic syndrome pre-dicted incident diabetes, but not to a greaterextent than impaired fasting glucose, and wasweakly or not associated with vascular risk inthese elderly subjects [38]. This study stronglyargues against the use of the metabolic syn-drome concept as a tool to assess the risk for CVdisease. The respective findings further supportthe notion that current metabolic syndromedefinitions may require optimization.

The NCEP-ATPIII metabolic syndrome defini-tion does not perform as well as the Framinghamscore in predicting short-term (10-year) CV dis-ease in the general population. This is not unex-pected, since potent non-metabolic risk factorssuch as age and smoking are not included in meta-bolic syndrome definitions. Indeed, the metabolicsyndrome was not introduced to replace previouslydesigned and comprehensive CV risk engines, butrather as an additional and supplemental tool toenhance CV risk assessment and the prevention ofCV disease by addressing lifestyle factors that com-plicate urbanization [13,28,32]. The extent to whichinclusion of the several more recently recognizedcomponents of the metabolic syndrome in meta-bolic syndrome definitions could result in moreeffective CV disease and T2DM risk predictionrequires further investigation.

With regard to the therapeutic implications ofthe presence of metabolic syndrome, the dramati-cally increasing prevalence of the etiological factorsof excess adiposity and its frequently co-existentinactivity, and the resulting development of meta-bolic risk factors in the population at large, sub-stantiate the need for formal CV risk assessment,addressing lifestyle factors and targeting drug ther-apy towards ameliorating the different metabolicsyndrome risk factors, as well as the underlyingmechanisms such as insulin resistance [11–14,28].


Metabolic syndrome in cardiovascular risk & disease in rheumatoid arthritis – REVIEW

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Current metabolic syndrome definitions forCV risk assessment in the general population arelikely to need optimization in the years to come.In RA, the interaction of disease-specific factorswith metabolic syndrome features may furthercomplicate the application of these definitions inCV risk assessment.

In conclusion, in non-RA subjects, the identi-fication of the metabolic syndrome should rein-force the need to address lifestyle factoralterations in CV disease risk reduction. How-ever, other risk engines, such as the Framinghamequation [9] and the SCORE function [10], ratherthan current metabolic syndrome definitions,should be used to assess CV risk in the clinic.

The metabolic syndrome in RAStudies that were performed in patients withRA and that included comprehensive CV riskassessment, together with the evaluation of thepresence of subclinical or established CV dis-ease, have consistently revealed that, in addi-tion to classical CV risk factors as routinelyrecommended in CV risk estimation in non-RAsubjects, several nontraditional CV risk factorscontribute to atherogenesis [39–42]. Since the

metabolic syndrome comprises a cluster of rela-tively recently uncovered and interacting riskfactors that include systemic inflammation, andsince its presence has implications in the assess-ment and prevention of CV disease, elucidationof the role of this construct in RA atherogenesisis particularly pertinent at this point in time.Even more importantly, reported findings onthe influence of inflammation on metabolicrisk factors in non-RA subjects may not applyto the RA population, since the latter experi-ence a much higher inflammatory burden ascompared with those seen in the population atlarge [20–22].

Interactions between RA characteristics & metabolic syndrome features in RAMetabolic risk factors that are associated withinsulin resistance in RA are shown in Figure 2.

Adiposity in RAIn patients with RA, most investigators have notfound an increased prevalence of excessive gener-alized adiposity as assessed by the body massindex (BMI). However, both we [43] and Chungand colleagues [44] previously found an increased

Table 1. Questions and their potential answers that currently surround the metabolic syndrome construct.

Question Answer

Does the metabolic syndrome have a clear-cut etiopathogenesis? Many etiological factors (e.g., obesity, inactivity and drugs) and pathophysiological mechanisms (e.g., insulin resistance and inflammation) may be involved

Which metabolic syndrome features should be included in metabolic syndrome definitions?

Insulin resistance and inflammation predict cardiovascular disease over and above the current metabolic syndrome criteria and these risk factors as well as other more recently identified metabolic syndrome components may need to be included

What are the optimal threshold values for each of the metabolic syndrome criteria?

Current threshold values may be too arbitrary and the relationship between these metabolic risk factors and cardiovascular disease may be of a continuous nature

Is the cardiovascular risk that is associated with the syndrome greater than the sum of its parts?

A recent study revealed that the current National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III definition was no longer associated with cardiovascular disease once the individual criteria were adjusted for. In a recent large prospective study the metabolic syndrome was associated with incident Type 2 diabetes, but not or weakly with cardiovascular risk

Does the metabolic syndrome perform as well as other cardiovascular risk engines in predicting cardiovascular disease?

The Framingham score performs better than the metabolic syndrome in predicting cardiovascular disease but the aim of the metabolic syndrome construct is to supplement rather than replace other cardiovascular risk scores

What are the current therapeutic implications of diagnosing the metabolic syndrome?

A diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome calls for formal cardiovascular risk assessment and addressing lifestyle factors

What are the future therapeutic implications of diagnosing the metabolic syndrome?

A diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome may call for the use of a ‘poly pill’ combining several agents that improve different metabolic risk factors and the development of agents that influence core pathophysiological mechanisms


REVIEW – Dessein, Gonzalez-Gay, Woodiwiss, Joffe, Norton & Solomon

Future Rheumatol. (2008) 3(4) future science groupfuture science group

central adiposity as assessed by waist circumfer-ence measurements in the presence of similarBMIs in RA patients as compared with non-RAsubjects. The importance of this finding lies inthe fact that abdominal obesity is more stronglyassociated with cardiometabolic risk than gener-alized obesity [11–14,27]. Furthermore, using bio-electrical impedance, Stavropoulos-Kalinoglouet al. [45] recently demonstrated that patients withRA experience a BMI that is reduced by1.83 kg/m2 for a given body fat mass, indicatingthat a BMI of over 23 kg/m2 and over 28 kg/m2

(as opposed to over 25 and 30 or more in the gen-eral population) should be considered as reflect-ing overweight and obesity, respectively, in thisdisease. This observation is in line with the entityof ‘rheumatoid cachectic obesity’ that was previ-ously reported by Rall and Roubenoff [46]. Thiscomplication of RA results from the loss of bodycell mass, consisting mainly of a reduced musclemass in the presence of stable weight andincreased fat mass, and affects nearly two-thirdsof RA patients [46]. These changes are related toenhanced protein catabolism induced byincreased circulating cytokine concentrations, theuse of glucocorticoids, physical inactivity and,possibly, hormonal alterations that include reduc-tions in growth hormone and insulin like growthfactor-1 and high-grade inflammation-inducedinsulin resistance [43,46,47].

Obesity influences disease outcome character-istics in patients with RA (that determine CV andoverall mortality) in that its presence is independ-ently associated with reduced radiographic pro-gression [48,49], impaired/poorer quality of life [50]

and a reduced response to classical disease-modi-fying agent therapy [51] in RA. The adverse effectsof obesity on metabolic risk factors includinginsulin resistance, hypertension, atherogenic

dyslipidemia and systemic inflammation translateto increased coronary heart disease and mortalityrates in the population at large [52–54]. However,in 2004, Maradit-Kremers et al. [55] found thatRA patients with a low BMI (waist circumferencewas not reported on) experienced a higher inci-dence of CV mortality as compared with thosewith a normal or high BMI, even after adjustingfor age, gender, personal cardiac history, smokingstatus and the presence of diabetes, hypertensionand malignancy [55]. Notably, since disease activ-ity and severity that are reportedly associated withaltered adiposity in RA were not adjusted for, fur-ther study on the impact of decreased adiposityon CV risk in RA is needed. In line with the find-ings of Maradit-Kremers in 2005, Escalanteet al. [56] reported an inverse association betweenBMI and overall mortality in RA. Of particularrelevance in the present context, these investiga-tors further showed that this relationship wasexplained by comorbidities and disease severity inmultivariable regression models [56]. In addition,the protective effect of a high BMI occurred onlyif the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was low [56].Further investigations in which CV risk is com-pared between RA subjects with similar diseaseactivity, but with or without central obesity, mayneed to be performed in order to determinewhether the relationship between excess adiposityand CV risk differs or even contrasts between RAsubjects as compared with non-RA subjects.

Insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia & hypertension in RAThe notions that insulin resistance is the mostestablished pathophysiological mechanism in themetabolic syndrome, and low-grade inflamma-tion and glucocorticoids can induce insulinresistance in non-RA subjects, prompted us toinvestigate the potential roles of high-gradeinflammation and glucocorticoid therapy as usedin RA, in impaired insulin sensitivity in this dis-ease. We further assessed the association of insu-lin resistance with atherogenic dyslipidemia,another major risk factor component of the met-abolic syndrome. In keeping with previouslyreported studies in which glucose loading wasused to assess insulin sensitivity [57–59], we foundan increased prevalence of insulin resistance asassessed by the Homeostasis Model Assessmentof Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) and theQuantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index(QUICKI) in patients with inflammatory arthri-tis (RA, spondyloarthropathy and undifferenti-ated inflammatory arthritis) as compared with

Figure 2. Metabolic risk factors that are associated with insulin resistance in rheumatoid arthritis.

Insulin resistance




Nonalcoholicfatty liver disease

Excess visceraladiposity





Metabolic syndrome in cardiovascular risk & disease in rheumatoid arthritis – REVIEW

future science groupfuture science group www.futuremedicine.com

healthy controls [60]. Upon using acute-phaseresponses as surrogate markers of systemicinflammation, a consistent association with insu-lin resistance was revealed in inflammatoryarthritis [60,61]. Moreover, impaired insulin sensi-tivity was significantly associated with both lowHDL cholesterol and high triglycerides [61],abnormalities that are recognized to reflect thelipid component of atherogenic dyslipidemia inRA, whereas such a relationship was not presentin age-, gender- and race-matched control sub-jects with osteoarthritis [61]. We then confirmedthese cross-sectional data in a longitudinal studyin which we re-assessed cardiovascular risk fac-tors 2–3 months subsequent to the initiation ofDMARDs in combination with pulsed gluco-corticoids that were employed only at the outsetand as bridge therapy to accelerate the DMARDresponse [62]. This intervention resulted inenhanced insulin sensitivity and a reduction inatherogenic dyslipidemia. Improved blood glu-cose and blood pressure control in patients withdiabetes and hypertension, respectively, was alsoobserved, although the small number of patientswith these metabolic risk factors precluded con-firmation by statistical analysis [62]. Thus, high-grade systemic inflammation in RA clearly clus-ters with insulin resistance, and its suppression isassociated with an improvement in this corepathophysiological mechanism in the metabolicsyndrome, as well as in each of its most recog-nized consequent CV risk components. Suppres-sion of RA disease activity is known to result inincreased cholesterol burden as assessed by totalor LDL cholesterol as well as HDL cholesterolconcentrations, thereby leaving the atherogenicindex (total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol) unal-tered [20]. In this regard, we noted that dietaryintervention aimed at reducing excess weightand its linked metabolic risk factors resulted in adecrease in cholesterol burden, as opposed to theexpected increase [62]. Although dietary interven-tion did not alter insulin sensitivity overall, itinduced a reduction in weight that was associ-ated with an increase in insulin sensitivity [62].These data support the adjunctive use of dietaryintervention in reducing cardiometabolic risk inRA. Subsequent to the above-mentioned investi-gation, RA disease activity suppression with theTNF-α antagonist infliximab [63–65], but notadalimumab [66], was shown to be associatedwith enhanced insulin sensitivity as well asincreases in the different circulating lipid con-centrations and in the absence of alterations incholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratios.

Glucocorticoids have long been documentedto adversely affect glucose metabolism with thedevelopment of insulin resistance, as well as thatof T2DM. An association between glucocorticoidtherapy and the incidence of diabetes wasreported in RA [67]. In a separate investigation, wefound that previous oral glucocorticoid exposureand the use of high doses of pulsed glucocorti-coids were associated with insulin resistance inde-pendent of adiposity, but not with othermetabolic syndrome features including obesity,hypertension and dyslipidemia [68]. In fact, otherinvestigators have shown that glucocorticoid ther-apy is associated with increased HDL cholesterolconcentrations [69]. On the other hand, withregard to hypertension, in a more recent investiga-tion by Panoulas et al. [70] in patients with RAwho were older and in whom oral prednisone wasused more frequently and at higher doses as com-pared with in participants in our studies, the useof prednisone at doses of 7.5 mg or over daily wasindependently associated with hypertension.

Another potential contributor to insulinresistance is subclinical hypothyroidism, an endo-crine disorder in which circulating thyroxine con-centrations are normal in the presence of raisedcirculating thyrotropin concentrations [71].Indeed, subclinical hypothyroidism is associatedwith the metabolic syndrome components ofhypertension, raised triglyceride and low HDLcholesterol concentrations and elevated choles-terol:HDL cholesterol ratios [71]. We found thatsubclinical hypothyroidism that was mostly asso-ciated with increased circulating concentrationsof thyroid antibodies was present in 11% of 126patients with RA and, in multivariable analysis,this endocrine disorder predicted insulin resist-ance independently of adiposity, physical activity,smoking, alcohol consumption, systemic inflam-mation and glucocorticoid therapy [71]. Molecu-lar mechanisms underlying these potentialinteractions await identification.

If RA characteristics and, in particular, high-grade systemic inflammation mediate impairedinsulin sensitivity, and a high BMI protectsagainst CV disease in RA, the question arises as towhether excess weight (the main determinant ofinsulin resistance in non-RA subjects) has anyimpact on insulin sensitivity in RA and, therefore,should be considered in the assessment of cardi-ometabolic risk in this disease. We therefore evalu-ated the relative impact of adiposity and othernon-RA characteristics versus disease-specific fea-tures on impaired insulin sensitivity [47]. Associa-tions of these different factors with impaired β-cell


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Future Rheumatol. (2008) 3(4) future science groupfuture science group

function (HOMA-B), an essential pathogeneticmechanism in the development of T2DM, werealso investigated [47]. This study revealed that cen-tral adiposity as assessed by waist circumferencewas more strongly related to insulin resistancethan disease activity. Age and disease activity wereassociated with reduced β-cell function, whereascumulative glucocorticoid doses and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensinreceptor blockers that were used to treat hyperten-sion, were associated with enhanced β-cell func-tion. With a mean disease duration of 5.8 years,the cumulative glucocorticoid dose was as low as0.5 g. Our findings indicate that the sparing useof glucocorticoid with tailoring towards diseaseactivity, as was applied in this cohort, mayimprove β-cell function through anti-inflamma-tory effects that outweigh their known adverseeffects on glucose metabolism. The previouslyreported negative association between excessivegeneralized adiposity and CV disease [55] andoverall mortality [56] seemingly contrast with ourfindings of an adverse effect of central obesity onglucose metabolism. These apparently discrepantresults can, we believe, illustrate an effect of thecurrent trend towards tighter disease activity con-trol and its expected consequent reduced diseaseseverity, as applied to our patients. Indeed, tightercontrol of high-grade systemic inflammationwould be expected to attenuate its effects on met-abolic risk factors in a disease like RA. This couldthereby result in a chain of events in the develop-ment of metabolic syndrome features that is moresimilar to that seen in non-RA subjects, and inwhich central obesity is now also playing a majorrole in impaired insulin sensitivity in RA. Therelationship between excess adiposity and CV dis-ease may therefore need to be readdressed in thecurrent era of tight disease activity control. How-ever, this study was cross-sectionally designed andcirculating cytokines that more directly reflectsystemic inflammation in RA were not evaluated.

In conclusion, in RA subjects, apart fromexcess adiposity, several RA characteristics,including high-grade inflammation, gluco-corticoid therapy and hypothyroidism, may fur-ther contribute to insulin resistance and itsassociated CV risk factors.

Nonclassical metabolic syndrome components in RAIn non-RA subjects, low-grade systemic inflam-mation that has been mostly estimated bycirculating hs-CRP concentrations is mainlydetermined by visceral adiposity [20]. Other factors

that contribute include age, male gender, smok-ing, chronic infections and estrogen use [72].Mutually reinforcing interactions between meta-bolic risk factors are characteristic in the meta-bolic syndrome, and this includes the relationshipbetween insulin resistance and inflammation [72].However, in RA, systemic inflammation asreflected by elevated CRP concentrations is gener-ally considered to result from the effect ofinflamed joint-derived IL-6 on the liver. Wefound that 44% of 94 RA patients had centralobesity as determined by the presence of anincreased NCEP-ATPIII defined waist circumfer-ence and, interestingly, in these patients, theHOMA-IR explained as much of the variability ofhs-CRP concentrations as did disease activity (dis-ease activity score 28) [72]. Furthermore, smokingwas also independently associated with systemicinflammation in these patients [72]. These findingssuggest that, in addition to RA disease activity,non-RA characteristics and, in particular, insulinresistance in patients with central obesity, shouldbe considered when evaluating the impact ofsystemic inflammation on CV disease in RA.

Apart from systemic inflammation, severalother nonclassical risk factors that are now knownto cluster with the most established metabolic syn-drome components as incorporated in the NCEP-ATPIII metabolic syndrome, have been reportedon in RA (Box 1). Pedersen et al. [73] documented anincreased urinary albumin:creatinine ratios in27.7% of 65 patients with RA; microalbuminuriawas further associated with CRP concentrations.McEntegart et al. [74] reported significant eleva-tions of the procoagulant factors of fibrinogen, vonWillebrand Factor and tissue plasminogen antigenand fibrin D-dimer concentrations, but not ofPAI-1 concentrations, and suggested that thesemolecules may contribute to the excess CV diseaseas experienced by patients with RA. Several studiesrevealed the presence of autonomic dysfunctionwith an increased sympathetic nervous systemtonus that may result from decreased hypotha-lamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activity and can bereduced by TNF-α blockade [75]. Uric acid concen-trations are not increased in patients with RA.However, Panoulas et al. [76,77] recently demon-strated a relationship of uric acid concentrationswith insulin resistance, as well as hypertension andatherogenic dyslipidemia in RA. Hyperuricemia isnow a documented modifiable risk factor forhypertension and CV disease in non-RAsubjects [78]. Boers et al. [79] reported increased cir-culating renin and prorenin in RA patients withvasculitis as compared with those without this


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extra-articular manifestation. Finally, we recentlyfound that in patients with RA who are investi-gated prior to taking methotrexate, serum ami-notransferase concentrations were associated withinsulin resistance independent of age, gender andadiposity; RA characteristics were not associatedwith aminotransferase concentrations [80]. Elevatedaminotransferases are surrogate markers of liver fatcontent, whereas nonalcoholic fatty liver diseasecontributes to insulin resistance independent ofvisceral adiposity, and thereby constitutes a noveletiopathogenetic mechanism in the metabolic syn-drome [80]. Future RA studies in which liver fatcontent is directly measured are warranted.

Although a systematic review of reports on adi-pokine metabolism in RA is beyond the scope ofthis review, importantly adiponectin was found tobe produced by human synovial fibroblast in thisdisease, and to enhance articular inflammation andmatrix degeneration [81]. Adiponectin, the produc-tion of which is reduced in subjects with visceralobesity, has both insulin-sensitizing and anti-inflammatory effects [14]. The findings by Ehlinget al. indicate that inhibition of the production orbiological effects of adiponectin may comprise apotential therapeutic strategy in RA [81]. However,whereas both increased and unaltered circulatingadiponectin concentrations were reported in thisdisease, we recently found that low circulating adi-ponectin concentrations were associated withatherogenic dyslipidemia and high fasting plasmaglucose concentrations as applies to non-RA sub-jects [82]. Thus, prior to the use of specific adi-ponectin inhibition, the biological effects ofcirculating adiponectin on the vascular system inRA are required. Furthermore, selective intra-artic-ular inhibition that does not affect the biological

effects of circulating adiponectin may need to beconsidered. Interestingly, we also found that circu-lating adiponectin concentrations were inverselyrelated to systemic inflammation as assessed byCRP concentrations, but not to the BMI or insulinsensitivity [82]. It follows that high-grade inflamma-tion could result in decreased circulating adipo-nectin concentrations in RA. Indeed, RA diseaseactivity suppression with TNF-α blockade consist-ing of infliximab and etanercept [83] (but not adali-mumab [84]) was now reported to increasecirculating adiponectin concentrations. Takentogether, whereas intra-articularly produced adi-ponectin is proinflammatory in RA, joint-derivedhigh-grade systemic inflammation may reduce therelease of adiponectin, probably by visceral adi-pocytes [85], in the circulation, and this may con-tribute to the enhanced CV event rates experiencedby patients with RA.

In conclusion, several nontraditional meta-bolic syndrome components may be more preva-lent in RA subjects as compared with non-RAsubjects, linked to other metabolic syndromefeatures and/or RA characteristics. The relativeimpact of insulin resistance versus disease charac-teristics on microalbuminuria, the prothrom-botic state, autonomic dysfunction andrenin–angiotensin activation requires furtherstudy in RA.

Metabolic syndrome components, current metabolic syndrome definitions & CV disease in RAAs previously discussed, the previously reportedinverse relationship between general adiposityand CV event rates and mortality in RA mayneed to be readdressed in the current era of tightdisease activity control. Furthermore, we [86] andothers [44] did not find a relationship betweenvisceral adiposity and ultrasonographically deter-mined carotid artery and electron beam com-puted tomography-detected coronary arteryatherosclerosis, respectively, in patients with RA.However, it is of interest that, in RA, the poten-tial determinants of insulin resistance other thanadiposity were each shown to be independentlyassociated with CV disease. Indeed, an associa-tion between systemic inflammation and CVdisease has now been amply documented inRA [39–41,87,88] and, as previously discussed, thisrelationship could be determined not only by RAdisease activity, but also by insulin resistance andsmoking [72]. In RA, glucocorticoid use is associ-ated with atherosclerosis [89]. Finally, hypothy-roidism is not only independently associated

Box 1. Cardiovascular risk factors that are associated with both insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis.

Etiological factors in the metabolic syndrome

• Systemic inflammation• Glucocorticoids• Hypothyroidism

Pathophysiological mechanism of the metabolic syndrome

• Insulin resistance

Metabolic risk factors of the metabolic syndrome

• Hypertension• Atherogenic dyslipidemia• Type 2 diabetes mellitus• Prothrombotic state• Hyperuricemia• High aminotransferase concentrations


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with ultrasonographically determined carotidartery atherosclerosis [39], but also with a fourfoldincrease risk of coronary, cerebral or peripheralartery arterial disease in female RA patients [90].

With regard to the core mechanism of insulinresistance and conventional components of themetabolic syndrome, again each of these is associ-ated with CV disease in RA. Indeed, insulin resist-ance, hypertension, atherogenic dyslipidemia andT2DM are each independently associated with thepresence of both carotid and coronary arteryatherosclerosis [39,40,44,86]. Additionally, the nontra-ditional procoagulant factors PAI-1 and TPA pre-dict CV event rates [91], serum uric acidconcentrations are associated with carotid athero-sclerosis [39], and CV events rates [76] and raisedserum aminotransferase concentrations prior tomethotrexate use are associated with carotidatherosclerosis [80] in RA.

The consistent associations of the different met-abolic syndrome components with CV disease cer-tainly support the notion that these risk factorsmay be valuable in the assessment and preventionof CV disease in RA. However, the controversy sur-rounding the application of currently recom-mended metabolic syndrome definitions in non-RA subjects and the potential contribution of sev-eral disease-specific characteristics to the metabolicsyndrome features in RA, indicate a need to addressthe clinical utility of the respective definitions indetermining CV risk in this chronic inflammatorydisorder. We have previously shown that, althoughthe NCEP-ATPIII metabolic syndrome has a spe-cificity of 100%, its sensitivity is as low as 23% indetecting the key metabolic syndrome mechanismof insulin resistance in RA [92]. Subsequently, weassessed the association of the NCEP-ATPIII meta-bolic syndrome and the WHO metabolic syn-drome with carotid artery intima-media thicknessand plaque [86]. In multivariable regression analysis,the NCEP metabolic syndrome was not associatedwith atherosclerosis. The WHO metabolic syn-drome was associated with carotid artery plaque,but not with intima-media thickness. In contrast tothese currently recommended metabolic syndromedefinitions, the individual metabolic syndromecomponents of hypertension, insulin resistance andhigh triglycerides were each independently associ-ated with both carotid artery intima-media thick-ness and plaque [86]. At approximately the sametime, Chung and colleagues [44] published theirfindings on the association of the NCEP-ATPIIImetabolic syndrome and the WHO metabolic syn-drome with coronary artery atherosclerosis. Ascompared with in our cohort, the NCEP-ATPIII

metabolic syndrome and the WHO metabolic syn-drome were found approximately twice as fre-quently. This is not surprising since the BMI was3–4 kg/m2 higher and prednisone was usedapproximately five-times as often in the patients ofChung and colleagues as compared with in ourcohort [44]. Despite these differences in baselinerecorded variables, their main findings wereremarkably similar to ours: the NCEP-ATPIIImetabolic syndrome and the WHO metabolic syn-drome were not associated with coronary arterycalcification scores once previously identified CVrisk factors in RA were controlled for. By contrast,hypertension, insulin resistance and dyslipidemiawere independently associated with coronary arteryatherosclerosis. The association of insulin resistancewith ultrasonographically determined carotidartery atherosclerosis was confirmed in two furtherstudies [93,94].

Chung et al. [44] and Karvounaris et al. [95]

compared the prevalence of the metabolic syn-drome in patients with RA to that in controlsubjects. In the Chung study, both the NCEP-ATPIII and the WHO-defined metabolic syn-drome were more prevalent in RA patients. Bycontrast, in the Karvounaris study, the preva-lence of the NCEP-ATPIII-defined metabolicsyndrome was not increased in RA. However,this discrepancy may be owing to the fact that inthe Karvounaris study, the waist circumferencewas atypically higher in controls than in RA sub-jects. Also, the WHO metabolic syndrome andinsulin sensitivity were not reported on in theKarvounaris study [95]. In keeping with our pre-viously reported findings on the interactionbetween inflammation and insulin resistance inRA [60–62], Karvounaris and colleagues [95] dem-onstrated a correlation between RA disease activ-ity and the metabolic syndrome, thereby furthersubstantiating the paradigm in which RA charac-teristics may enhance the risk for atheroscleroticCV disease through their adverse effects onmetabolic syndrome components.

Taken together, optimal CV risk reduction inRA is likely to comprise consideration of theimpact of the components of currently recom-mended metabolic syndrome definitions, as well asof the more recently uncovered components innon-RA subjects and several CV risk factors thatare RA characteristics.

ConclusionThe metabolic syndrome comprises of a cluster ofmultiple intricately interacting CV risk factors thatare of metabolic origin. In the population at large,


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identifying metabolic syndrome features translatesinto considering the effects mainly of the increas-ingly prevalent excess adiposity and often concur-rent inactivity on CV risk, as well as the necessityto perform a formal CV risk assessment andaddress adverse lifestyle factors and adjust drugtherapy in CV disease prevention. In patients withRA, disease-specific characteristics, particularlyhigh-grade inflammation, further aggravate meta-bolic syndrome features that, as in non-RA sub-jects, are associated with CV disease. We thereforepropose that metabolic syndrome features shouldbe addressed when assessing CV risk and designingstrategies aimed at preventing CV disease in RA.So far, reported evidence indicates that cardio-metabolic risk assessment in RA should focus onthe individual metabolic syndrome componentsrather than on determining whether patients meetthe metabolic syndrome criteria as currentlydefined by the WHO and the NCEP-ATPIII.

Future perspectiveCurrent metabolic syndrome definitions forapplication in CV risk assessment in the popula-tion at large are likely to be optimized, mostlythrough the incorporation of the more recentlyuncovered integral components of the metabolicsyndrome, in the years to come. Whether theseupdated metabolic syndrome definitions will beappropriate for application in patients with RAwill need further investigation. Alternatively,RA-specific metabolic syndrome definitions maybe required, and these may further have thepotential for application in other chronic high-grade inflammatory disorders. Much of the thusfar reported data on metabolic syndrome fea-tures in RA are derived from cross-sectionalstudies and need confirmation in longitudinalobservational and interventional studies. Themolecular mechanisms that account for theinteraction between RA characteristics and meta-

Executive summary

• The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of cardiovascular (CV) risk factors that are of metabolic origin.

The metabolic syndrome in the general population

• History: obesity is increasingly recognized as the main etiological factor in the metabolic syndrome.• Pathophysiology: resistance to insulin results in adverse fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as a proinflammatory

and prothrombotic state. Excess visceral fat mediates insulin resistance through the aberrant release of free fatty acids, adipokines and adipocytokines.

• Clinical utility: the consideration of the metabolic syndrome enhances CV risk assessment and reduction through addressing adverse lifestyle factors and adjusting drug therapy.

The metabolic syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis – interactions between rheumatoid arthritis characteristics & metabolic syndrome features

• Adiposity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA): RA patients experience high-grade inflammation-induced reduction in muscle mass together with excess fat accumulation. Generalized adiposity is, however, reportedly inversely associated with CV and overall mortality in RA.

• Insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia and hypertension in RA: high-grade inflammation, routine glucocorticoid therapy and subclinical hypothyroidism contribute to insulin resistance in RA. Central obesity is also strongly associated with insulin resistance in RA. The sparing use of glucocorticoid therapy tailored towards disease activity may enhance β-cell function.

• Nonclassical metabolic syndrome components in RA: apart from RA disease activity, metabolic syndrome features and smoking further contribute to high-sensitivity C-reactive protein concentrations in RA. The metabolic syndrome components of microalbuminuria, hypercoagulability, autonomic dysfunction, hyperuricemia, renin–angiotensin system activation, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and altered adiponectin production are more prevalent, linked to other metabolic syndrome components and/or related to RA characteristics.

• In RA, systemic inflammation, glucocorticoid use and hypothyroidism, which are potential determinants of insulin resistance, are also associated with CV disease.

• Insulin resistance, hypertension, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypercoagulability, hyperuricemia and raised aminotransferases prior to methotrexate use are associated with CV disease in RA.

• Individual metabolic syndrome components are more strongly associated with CV disease than the current National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III and WHO metabolic syndrome definitions.

Future perspective

• How to assess cardiometabolic risk in RA as compared with non-RA subjects requires further study.• The molecular mechanisms that account for the interaction between high-grade inflammation and metabolic syndrome features

should contribute to effective drug therapy discovery and development.• More aggressive disease activity suppression in patients with persistently active RA and improving adverse lifestyle factors in

patients with controlled disease are expected to constitute cornerstones of cardiometabolic risk reduction in RA.


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bolic syndrome features need elucidation andmay provide pivotal information for effectivedrug discovery and development. Last but notleast, optimal interventions aimed at reducingcardiometabolic risk in patients with tightly con-trolled disease is likely to differ from that inpatients with persistent high disease activity. Inthe former, addressing adverse lifestyle factorswould be expected to be most important, asapplies to non-RA subjects. In the latter, intensi-fication of disease activity suppressant therapymay constitute the cornerstone. Future studiesthat address these issues have the potential to

assist us in the curtailment of the excess in CVdisease burden as currently experienced bypatients with RA.

Financial & competing interests disclosureThe authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involve-ment with any organization or entity with a financial interestin or financial conflict with the subject matter or materialsdiscussed in the manuscript. This includes employment, con-sultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, experttestimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.

No writing assistance was utilized in the production ofthis manuscript.

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86. Dessein PH, Tobias M, Veller MG: Metabolic syndrome and subclinical atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis. J. Rheumatol. 33(12), 2425–2432 (2006).

• A cross-sectional study showing that individual metabolic syndrome components are more strongly associated with carotid artery atherosclerosis than are current metabolic syndrome definitions in rheumatoid arthritis.

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Affiliations• Patrick H Dessein,

Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Genomics Research Unit, School of Physiology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, PO Box 1012, Melville, Johannesburg 2109, South Africa

Tel.: +27 11 482 8546Fax: +27 11 726 [email protected], Rheumatology Unit, Milpark Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa

• Miguel A Gonzalez-GayDivision of Rheumatology, Hospital Xeral-Calde, Lugo, Spain

• Angela J WoodiwissCardiovascular Pathophysiology and Genomics Research Unit, School of Physiology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, PO Box 1012, Melville, Johannesburg 2109, South Africa

• Barry I JoffeCentre for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Houghton, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

• Gavin R NortonCardiovascular Pathophysiology and Genomics Research Unit, School of Physiology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, PO Box 1012, Melville, Johannesburg 2109, South Africa

• Ahmed SolomonDepartment of Rheumatology, Johannesburg Hospital, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
