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THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION AND AUTONOMOUS LEARNING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ WRITING SIMPLE SENTENCES (A Classroom Action Research for the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga in the Academic Year 2018/2019) A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) By: JA’FAR ABDU LATIEF NIM.11314052 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) SALATIGA 2019
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(A Classroom Action Research for the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Bhakti

Nusantara Salatiga in the Academic Year 2018/2019)


Submitted to Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)









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“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed

him for a lifetime”


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This graduating paper is dedicated to:

❖ Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW who always bless me and listen

to all my wishes.

❖ My beloved parents Sutardiyanto and Khusnul Khotimah, who always

love and support me. Thanks for becoming my inspiration and my heroes

in my life.

❖ My beloved big brother Rifqi Ghozali and my little sister Miladya Rahma,

thanks for all support.

❖ My beloved partner Erika Isnaini, who always supported and helped me to

reach successes. Thanks for becoming partner in my life.

❖ All of the people who always give me support and motivation, especially

my beloved friends of “PANDHAWA SQUAD” Mahardhika Bima Sakti,

Mulyono, M. Alif Imron Rosyadi, and Aris Jin.

❖ All my friends of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

especially English Education Department 2014.

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin, all praises are to Allah SWT the Most

Gracious and Most Merciful who always blesses and helps the researcher so the

researcher could finish the graduating paper. Bless and the mercies are upon great

Prophet Muhammad SAW for his guidance that leads the researcher to the truth.

However, this paper would not be achieved without support, guidance,

advice, help, and encouragement from several people and institution. Hence, the

researcher would like to express special thanks to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. the Rector of Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd. the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. the Head of English Education Department

of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Mr. Hammam, M.Pd., Ph.D. the counselor who always be patient,

supported, directed, educated, and given the researcher suggestion,

advice, and recommendation for this graduating paper from the

beginning until the end.

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Latief, Ja’far Abdu. 2019. The Implementation of Duolingo Android Application

and Autonomous Learning to Enhance the Students’ Writing Simple

Sentences (A Classroom Action Research for the Tenth Grade Students of

SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga in the Academic Year 2018/2019). A

Graduating Paper, English Education Department, Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Counselor: Hammam, M.Pd., Ph.D.

This research aims to find out whether the implementation of Duolingo

Android Application and Autonomous Learning can enhance the students’ writing

simple sentences. This research was conducted in SMK Bhakti Nusantara

Salatiga. The subjects of the research were 23 students of class X KP


This research was classroom action research that was conducted in two

cycles. Each cycles consisted of two meetings. This research used qualitative data

and was supported by quantitative data. The qualitative data were collected from

student’s and teacher’s observation checklist. Maenwhile, the qualitative data

were collected score from pre-test I, pre-test II, post-test I, and post-test II.

The implementation of Duolingo Android Application and Autonomous

Learning in teaching learning process could enhance the students’ writing simple

sentences. The students got more ideas to enrich their writing. On the other hand

they are interested about written text after used Duolingo Android Application and

motivated in the learning process by themselves.

The result of this research that implementing the Duolingo and

Autonomous Learning could enhance the students’ writing simple sentences. The

students’ score of writing by implementing Duolingo and Autonomous Learning

is better than not implementing Duolingo. The mean pre-test and post-test of cycle

I are 67.65 to 73.13. The mean of pre-test and post-test of cycle II are 71.04 to

73.78. The target of the passing grade is 80% of the students who pass the passing

grde. It shows that the students’ percentages who passed the passing grade of

post-test cycle II is higher than post-test cycle I. It means that the target is

successfully achieved. It could be concluded that implementing Duolingo and

Autonomous Learning could enhance the students’ writing simple sentences.

Keywords: writing simple sentences, autonomous learning, Duolingo Android


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TITLE ............................................................................................................. i

DECLARATION ............................................................................................ ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE ........................................................ iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ iv

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ix

LIST OF PICTURES ..................................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xiv


A. Background of the Research ................................................................ 1

B. Research Problems ............................................................................... 3

C. Objectivities of the Research ............................................................... 4

D. Significance of the Research ................................................................ 4

E. Limitation of the Research ................................................................... 5

F. Hypothesis and Success Indicator ........................................................ 6

G. Research Methodology......................................................................... 6

1. Research Design .............................................................................. 6

2. Subjects of the Research .................................................................. 11

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3. Steps of the Research ....................................................................... 12

4. Technique of Data Collection and Research Instrument ................. 13

5. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................ 19

H. Graduating Paper Outlines ................................................................... 20


A. Supporting Theories ............................................................................. 22

1. An Overview of Writing Simple Sentences ................................... 22

a. Definition of Writing Simple Sentences .................................. 22

b. Patterns of Simple Sentences ................................................... 23

2. An Overview of Autonomous Learning ......................................... 25

a. Definition of Autonomous Learning ........................................ 25

b. Considerations of Using Autonomous Learning ...................... 26

3. An Overview of Duolingo Android Applicatio .............................. 27

a. Definition of Duolingo Android Application ........................... 27

b. History of Duolingo ................................................................. 27

c. Principles Duolingo in Classroom ............................................ 28

d. Strengths and Weaknesses of Duolingo ................................... 33

B. Review of Previous Study .................................................................... 34


A. Procedure of the Research .................................................................... 37

1. Cycle I ............................................................................................. 37

a. Planning ...................................................................................... 37

b. Acting .......................................................................................... 38

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c. Observing .................................................................................... 39

d. Reflecting .................................................................................... 40

2. Cycle II ............................................................................................ 40

a. Planning ...................................................................................... 40

b. Acting .......................................................................................... 41

c. Observing .................................................................................... 42

d. Reflecting .................................................................................... 42

B. Minimal Standard of Passing Grade .................................................... 43


A. Result of the Research .......................................................................... 44

1. Research Findings ........................................................................... 44

a. Cycle I ....................................................................................... 44

b. Cycle II ...................................................................................... 56

2. Discussion ........................................................................................ 67


A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 68

B. Suggestions .......................................................................................... 69




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Picture 1.1 Cyclical Action Research Model ................................................... 8

Picture 2.1 Duolingo Accessed from Website ................................................. 28

Picture 2.2 Log in Page of Duolingo ................................................................ 30

Picture 2.3 Home Page of Duolingo Android Application .............................. 31

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Table 1.1 List of the Students’ of X class of SMK Bhakti Nusantara ............. 11

Table 1.2 Research Schedule ........................................................................... 12

Table 1.3 Form of Students’ Observation Checklist ........................................ 13

Table 1.4 Form of Teachers’ Observation Checklist ....................................... 14

Table 1.5 Scale Rubrics for Writing Paragraphs Simple Past Tense ............... 17

Table 4.1 Form of the Result of Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle I ...... 49

Table 4.2 Form of the Result Teachers’ Observation Checklist Cycle I ......... 49

Table 4.3 Student’s Score in the Pre-test of the Cycle I .................................. 51

Table 4.4 Count of Passing Grade of the Pre-test in the Cycle I ..................... 52

Table 4.5 Students’ Score of Post-test Cycle I ................................................. 52

Table 4.6 Count of Passing of the Post-test in the Cycle I ............................... 53

Table 4.7 Difference Students’ Score of Pre-test and Pos-test Cycle I ............ 54

Table 4.8 Form the Result of Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle II ......... 60

Table 4.9 Form of the Result Teacher’ Observation Checklist Cycle II .......... 61

Table 4.10 Students Score in the Pre-test of the Cycle II ................................ 62

Table 4.11 Count of passing Grade of the Pre-test in the Cycle II .................. 63

Table 4.12 Students’ Score of Post-test Cycle II ............................................. 63

Table 4.13 Count of Passing of the Post-test in the Cycle II ........................... 64

Table 4.14 Difference of Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle II ... 65

Table 4.15 Table of Data Analysis ................................................................... 67

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1. Syllabus of Tenth Grade Students of Vocational High School

2. Analytical Scoring Rubric

3. Lesson Plan Cycle I

4. Pre-test Cycle I

5. Post-test Cycle I

6. Lesson Plan Cycle II

7. Pre-test Cycle II

8. Post-test Cycle II

9. Photos Documentation

10. Certification For Graduating Paper Counselor

11. Letter For Research Permission

12. Consultation Sheet of Graduating Paper

13. Proof of Conducted Research

14. Letter Permission of Using Students’ Initial Name

15. Letter Permission of Using Smartphone Application

16. Satuan Kredit Kegiatan (SKK)

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In this chapter the researcher presents Background of the Research,

Research Problems, Objective of the Research, Significance of the Research,

Limitation of the Research, Hypothesis and Success Indicator, Research

Methodology and Graduating Paper Outlines.

A. Background of the Research

Language is a tool of communication. The aim of communication is to

send a message to the other. Spoken language and written language are

several forms for communication. In learning English, listening, speaking,

reading, and writing are important basic skills to learn. Reading and listening

are receptive skills. While, speaking and writing are productive skills.

Writing is the one language skills which challenging to learn. As the

human being, they certainly realize that they need to interact with another

human. People that cannot express their feeling in oral communication,

writing is the effective way to share their feeling in word, sentence, and so

forth. Writing, because it allows us to represent to ourselves our learning, or

ways of making meaning, teaches us the most profound lesson about how we

read, write, and use language, about what it means to know (Zamel, 1992:

481). But, sometimes students have problem with their writing when the

teacher ask them to write something.

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Based on the interview with English teacher when the researcher did

observation at SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga, the researcher found that

students were still lack in some areas of writing. They have difficulties where

to start their writing, how to arrange word to word, and difficulties to find the

ideas in written form. Perhaps, it happened when the students still think that

writing was difficult to learn and definitely impede their learning process.

Less vocabulary and motivation were the other problems for the students. To

solve the problems the teacher needed to use an effective media in teaching

and learning process which made in the students interest.

In this era, people are not separating with technology. Everyday,

people around the world use the thing related to technology. Smartphone is

the one of technology that support educational technologies. The exponential

rise of smartphone users has made it incontrovertible that people are getting

more dependent on this technology that potentially affecting their mannerism

in smartphone management especially for student (Razzaq, et al., 2018: 94).

Based on this situation, better if teacher use the creativity to exploit the

technology. People can replace the tedious thing and use the smartphone as

learning media. The internet can be used as a supporting process the students’

writing simple sentences. But the teacher must be active as facilitators when

the internet is used for language learning.

Thus, based on the explanation above, it is necessary to create a

strategy which can involve the teacher and the student to participate in the

teaching learning process. One of strategies which can be implement to help

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the students’ problem in enhancing their writing mastery is implementing

Duolingo Android Application. Duolingo is a media which is suitable for the

teacher and the student in the learning activities. It also can make the student

more motivated in writing simple sentence. Therefore, the researcher

conducts the title of this research by “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF




B. Research Problems

Based on the background of the research, the researcher formulates

the research questions as follows:

1. How is the implementation of Duolingo Android Application and

Autonomous Learning in enhancing the students’ writing simple sentences

of the tenth grade students of SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga in the

academic year 2018/2019?

2. What is the result of the implementation Duolingo Android Application

and Autonomous Learning in enhancing the students’ writing simple

sentences of the tenth grade students of SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga in

the academic year 2018/2019?

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C. Objectivities of the Research

Based on the Problem Research above the research has some propose:

1. To find out how far after the implementation of Duolingo Android

Application and Autonomous Learning enhance the students’ writing

simple sentences for the tenth grade students of SMK Bhakti Nusantara

Salatiga in the academic year 2018/2019.

2. To find out the result of the implementation Duolingo Android Application

and Autonomous Learning enhance the students’ writing simple sentences

for the tenth grade students of SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga in the

academic year 2018/2019.

D. Significance of the Research

This research hopefully would be useful for some points in teaching

and learning process of English. The significance of the research would be

useful for the teachers, the students, the researcher, and another researcher.

1. Theoretically benefit

Academically, the result of the study would help the English

teacher or the researcher to discover a new way to learn English and

consideration as reference about alternative media to enhance students’


2. Practically benefits

a. The students

By using Duolingo Application in learning process was able to

help the students to be active and enjoy in learning process. The result

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of the research can enhance their writing skill better and get more idea

and knowledge to enhance their writing skill.

b. The English teachers

This research can give additional contribution for English

teacher to improve their media in teaching English and the results of

this research can be used as a reference to improve the competence of

students’ writing mastery in learning English.

c. The school

The result of research can be use as a media to improve

students’ writing skill in the school.

d. The researcher

This research can be used to help researcher to know more about

the best media to teach writing in the future.

E. Limitation of the Research

Various aspect of writing will be successful in the learning process

especially in writing subject. Selecting appropriate media of learning is the

one of the supporting aspect that makes successful in learning process. This

research will be conducted to find out the effective way by implementing

attractive media also known as Duolingo and Autonomous Learning to

enhance the students’ writing simple sentences for the tenth grade students’ of

SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga in the academic year 2018/2019.

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A. Hypothesis And Success Indicator

Based on the interview with the tenth grade English teacher of SMK

Bhakti Nusantara term of difficulties in writing, the students had problems in

less vocabulary, motivation in learning English, especially in writing, and

difficult to found the ideas to enhance their writing skill. The researcher tried

to overcome those problems by implementing Duolingo Android Application

as media and Autonomous Learning that can be considered as an alternative

to solve the students’ problem. The researcher propose a hypothesis:

Implementing Duolingo Android Application and Autonomous Learning can

enhance the students’ writing simple sentences.

The success indicator of this research is taken from the students’ Basic

Competence shown in Lesson Plan (RPP). The students’ success and failure

in doing the activities in cycle I and II will be assessed by referring to the

criterion of the passing grade (KKM). The passing grade of the lesson simple

past tense in SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga is 70. The teacher and the

researcher targeted that there were at least 80% of the students who passed

the passing grade.

G. Research Methodology

1. Research Design

This research was the classroom action research. Action Research

is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education generally

for some time. It is related to the ideas of reflecting practice and the

teacher as researcher (Burns, 2010: 2).

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Classroom Action Research aims to increase the learning quality

and to help the teacher to solve the learning problem in the class. The

researcher used Classroom Action Research because the researcher wants

to know the improvement and the significant influence of implementing

Duolingo Android Application and Autonomous Learning in enhancing

students’ writing simple sentences. This research used model of Action

Research based on Kemmis and Taggant (in Burns, 2010: 8-9). The first

cycle may become a continuing or iterative, spiral of cycle which recurs

until the action researcher has achieved a satisfactory outcome and feels it

is time to stop. The researcher used classroom action research to enhance

the students’ writing simple sentences through cyclical of Classroom

Action Research.

There were four steps, namely, planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting. Improvement of the problem in this research was brought about

by a series of two cycles.

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Figure 1.1 Cyclical Action Research model based on Kemmis and McTaggant

Based on Kemmis and Mc Taggant in Burns (2010: 7-8), all

those steps can be explained as follows:

a. Planning

In this phase was to identify a problem or issue and develop a plan

of action in order to bring about improvements in a specific area of the

research context. In this step, the researcher formulated some procedural

acts how to enhance writing simple sentences by implementing Duolingo

Android Application and Autonomous learning. The procedures were put

in two lesson plans.

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b. Acting

The plan was a carefully considered one which involves some

deliberate interventions into teaching situation that put into action over an

agreed period of time. In this step, the researcher tried to implement some

procedural acts that have been formulated at planning.

c. Observing

This phase involved in observing systematically the effects of the

action and documenting the context, actions and opinions of those

involved. The researcher observed that was effects of action in every

cycle. The researcher observed the class condition during teaching and

learning process. In the step, the researcher was implemented some

procedural acts in enhancing writing mastery using Duolingo Android

Application, the researcher was also observing the teaching and learning

process. In this phase, the researcher prepared the observation checklist to

know the class condition when the action was done, then the researcher (as

the observer) and the English teacher (as the teacher in this research)

discussed about the result of the observation, what the problem faced

when teaching-learning process and look for good solution to solve the


d. Reflecting

At this point, the researcher reflected, evaluated and described the

effects of the action in order to make sense of what happened and to

understand the issue that had explored more clearly. In the reflection,

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the researcher described the strength, the weakness and the problem that

appeared in every cycle. Reflection meant to analyze the result based on

the data that have been collected to determine the next action in the next

cycle. After the observation process was done, the researcher made a

reflection to evaluate teaching-learning process to know the improvement

of students’ writing skills.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

Classroom Action Research was an action research in the classroom,

which could be done by the teacher and researcher that involved the

students to enhance teaching and learning process.

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2. Subjects of the Research

The subjects of this research were the Tenth grade students of SMK

Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga in the academic year 2018/2019. It consisted of

23 students.

Table 1.1 List of the Students’ of X KP Class of SMK Bhakti Nusantara

No. Name


2 AW





7 CP


9 EY

10 HRN

11 KM

12 LK

13 MEA

14 NDP

15 NNS

16 PAW

17 RKN

18 SSA


20 SHE

21 SNM

22 VAA


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3. Steps of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher carried out the steps

which summarized in the following research schedule. The research

schedule was shown in the table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Research Schedule

No Date and Time Activities Place

1 January 7th 2019 Observation and meet

the tenth grade English


SMK Bhakti


2 January 8th 2019 Preparing research


3 February 1st 2019 Giving the letter for

research permission at

SMK Bhakti Nusantara


Office staff SMK

Bhakti Nusantara


4 February 1st 2019 Meeting the tenth grade

English teacher to

consult the lesson plan

Teacher room

SMK Bhakti



5 February 8th 2019 Doing an action in the

class (cycle 1) Pre-test,


In the classroom

6 February 15th 2019 Doing an action in the

class (cycle 1)

Treatment, Post-test

In the classroom

7 February 22nd 2019 Doing an action in the

class (cycle 2) Pre-test,


In the classroom

8 March 1st 2019 Doing an action in the

class (cycle 2)

Treatment, Post-test

In the classroom

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4. Technique of Data Collection and Research Instrument

a. Observation

In this research, the researcher observed the learning process.

The learning process was taught by the teacher, while the researchers

just observed the learning process. The observation consisted of two

cycles. There were the cycle I and cycle II. The researcher used the

observation checklist to make it more systematic. Adapted from student

teacher observation checklist by Cox (2018), it consisted of students’

and teachers’ observation checklist. In filling the observation checklist,

the researcher used mark “√”. The student’s observation checklist was

written in the table 1.3:

Table 1.3 Form of Students’ Observation Checklist

No The Students’ Activity Yes No Description

1. Paying attention

2. Asking Question

3. Responding to Question

4. Accomplishing Task

5. Being enthusiastic in using Duolingo Android Application

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The next teachers’ observation checklist used to observed the

teacher activities in the learning process. The teacher’s observation

checklist was in the table 1.4:

Table 1.4 Form of Teachers’ Observation Checklist

No The Teachers’ Activity Yes No Description

1. Preparing the material well

2. Greeting the students before

the lesson begin

3. Invited students to pray

4. Checking students attendant

5. Controlling the class and

students already to take the


6. Reading the purpose of the


7. Reminding previous


8. Using Duolingo Android


9. Giving opportunity for

asking the question

10. Help the students

difficulties lesson

11. Giving feedback after the


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b. Test

In simple term, the test was a method measuring person’s

ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004: 3).

The researcher uses pre-test and post-test.

1) Pre-test

The pre-test was given to the students before the

teacher used her technique in the teaching-learning process. The

aim was to know about the students writing skills before treatment.

In the pre-test of the cycle I the teacher asked the students to write

simple past tense in paragraphs. Then the pre-test in cycle II, the

teacher asked the students to write simple past tense in paragraphs.

2) Post-test

Post-test was given to the students after implement the

treatment. The purposed of the post-test was to know the

improvements of writing simple past tense after they got a

treatment. In the post-test of the cycle I and cycle II, the teacher

asked the students to write simple past tense and arrranged it into

paragraphs about their last holiday after used Duolingo Android


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c. Documentation

Documentation is a way to get the data from the respondent

(Sukardi, 2003: 81). Documentation was done to get important data for

the researcher importance. The important data included school’s data

and students’ data. The researcher needed to know the documentation

of teaching-learning process in English subject, the list of students’

name, and other documented at SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga. In this

research, the researcher used photos as the documentation of the


d. Research instrument

The instrument used in this research was a test. There was a

written test to measure the students’ writing comprehend. In the written

test, the writer used rubric to evaluate the students’ writing

comprehension. Scale rubric for writing paragraphs in simple past tense

was adapted from iRubric by Cynthia.

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Table 1.5 Scale Rubric for Writing Paragraphs Simple Past Tense

Aspect of Writing

Quality Level Criteria Score

Paragraph format and organization How the paragraph was organized

Excellent 20-18

Student wrote 2 paragraphs with 4 or less grammar errors (articles, contractions, verb form and spelling). Followed all instructions.

Very Good 17-14

Student wrote 2 paragraphs with no more than 6 grammatical errors (articles, contructions, verb form, and spelling). Followed most of the directions.

Good 13-10

Student wrote 1 paragraph with many grammatical error (articles, constructions, verb form, and spelling).

Need Practice


Student wrote 1 paragraph with many grammatical error (articles, constructions, verb form, and spelling). Did no folow direction.

Grammar Sentence structure: Subject – Verb Excellent 20-18

Student has 3 or less grammatical errors or misakes in verbs shift to past tense.(the sentence has a subject and a verb. Right structure.)

Very Good 17-14

Student has 6 grammatical errors or mistakes in verbs shift to past tense (the sentence has a subject and a verb. Right structure. They are used and placed correctly)

Good 13-10

Student has 7-9 grammatical errors or mistakes in verbs shift to past tense which makes communication difficult for reader

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Need Practice


Student has 6 or more grammatical errors or mistakes in verbs shift to past tense. (The sentence does not have a subject and or verb, not a right structure)

Past Simple Uses the Past Simple Tense (and Past Continuous if possible)

Excellent 30-27

The past simple tense is 90% correct and students have managed to incorporate the past simle & past continuous to the 2 paragraphs in a very creative way.

Very Good 26-22

The past simple tense is 80% correct and students have managed to incorporate the past simple to 2 paragraphs in an understanable way.

Good 21-17

The past simple tense usage is managed to incorporate it to 1 paragraph however the ideas are no enough understandable

Need Practice


The past simple tese usage interferes with reader’s comprehension, lacks of use of regular or irregular verbs or uses only present tenses to communicate

Content Do the sentences in the paragraph express a complete thought?

Excellent 30-27

There was a connection between his/her choosen topic and the student’s ideas. There were clear ideas and descriptions of actions.

Very Good 26-27

Student has included detailed information about the topic selected. Using a good description of the facts in the story.

Good 21-17 Student has minimal details in the

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presentation of his/her paragraph. Lacks of description

Need Practice


There was no connection with the student’s ideas with his/her chosen topic. Content is not clear to read

Total Score

5. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher used mixes methods to analyze

the data. According to Fraenkel., et al (2012: 557), mix-methods are

collect and analyze by using qualitative and quantitative method in a

single research. When the teacher did the action, the researcher observed

and analyzed the process by using qualitative method. After the

scores were given to the students, the researcher analyzed it by using

quantitative method.

1. Qualitative Data

Lodico (2006:15) as cited by Lestari (2018: 17) stated that

“qualitative technique collect and summarize data using primary

narrative or verbal method: observation, interviews, and document

analysis.” The researcher used the qualitative technique to know

students behavior during the teaching learning process. Kothari (2004:

3) defined that qualitative research is very important to discover and

analyze the motives of behavioral science of human. Thus, the

researcher collected data using student’s and teacher’s observation

checklist to explain behaviour of subject in teaching learning process.

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2. Quantitative Data

Quantitative technique summarize data used numbers.

Hypothesis and methods of data collection were created before

the research begins. This technique is used to know the students’ score

of writing skill in each cycle (Lodico, 2006 in Lestari, 2018: 18).

This research used quantitative analysis to process the data

that included scored of the students' test, and calculated the result

of the test. Quantitative research is process based on the measurement

of quantity (Kothari, 2004: 3). The quantitative data were processed

by the teacher and the researcher gets the score of the students.

The maximum score was 100. In this research, the researcher used

SPSS to calculate the data.

H. Graduating Paper Outlines

Chapter I is Introduction. It consists of background of the research,

research problem, objective of the research, significances of the research,

limitation of the research, hypothesis and success indicator, research

methodology and graduating paper outlines.

Chapter II is Theoretical Framework. Supporting theories describe

about writing, autonomous learning, and Duolingo Android Application.

Chapter III is Implementation of the Research. It consists of the

procedure of the research; cycle I, cycle II, and the minimal standard of


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Chapter IV is Data Analysis. It contains the result and discussion of

the research. The researcher presents about result of pre and post-test, the

implementation of CAR and results of pre-test and post-test.

The chapter V states about closing of this research by presenting the

conclusions, and suggestions.

The last part is bibliography and appendices.

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In this chapter consisted of supporting theories and review of previous

research. Supporting theories describe some information involving: writing simple

sentences, autonomous learning, and Duolingo Android Application.

A. Supporting Theories

1. An Overview of Writing Simple Sentences

a. Definition of Writing Simple Sentences

Writing was the one of basic skills beside listening, reading, and

speaking. According to Oshima & Hogue (2006: 265) writing is a

process of creating, organizing, writing, and polishing. The first step is

about creating an idea as the base for making a written text. The second

step is organizing the idea to write a draft. Then, polishing by editing it

and make revision of the text.

From Reymond as quoted by Fajriyani (2011: 6-7) he defined

that writing is more than a medium of communication. It means that

writing is not just the way to communicate to each other but also as

means of ideas and emotional expression. Writing makes word

permanent, and thus expands the collective memory of human. Being

the relatively small store that we can remember and pass on orally to

the infinite capacity of a modern library.

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A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a

sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Oshima & Hogue

(1988: 12) stated that a simple sentence has one subject and one verb. It

also be reffered to as an independent clause. Therefore, writing simple

sentence can be defined as creating a simple composition of the

sentence into written form.

b. Patterns of Simple Sentence

Wishon & Burks in Sundari (2013: 4) noted five sentences

patterns: with intransitive verbs, transitive verbs, certain transitive verbs

(two objects and objective complements), and linking verbs.

1) Sentence patterns with intransitive verbs

Subject (noun), verb, or predicate in this and other

sentences patterns can be compounded. Then, adverbs usually

follow the verb and are of basic types: manner, time, place, reason,

and purpose. This sentence does not require and object.

S – V : The phone rang.

S – V – Adverb : The concert began at 8.00. (time)

The day passes peacefully. (manner)

The boat sailed away. (place)

2) Sentence patterns with transitive verbs

Some verbs have an object which is commonly noun or

pronoun. The object is the person/thing affected by the action

described in the verb.

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S – V – O : You need some food. (noun)

My father calls me. (pronoun)

3) Sentence patterns with certain transitive verbs: two objects

Some verbs do not have complete thought without asking to

whom? To what? Verbs need two objects: direct and indirect.

Direct object answers the questions “who” or “what” placed after

the verb; names the action of the predicate is directed. In contrast,

indirect one refers to a noun or its equivalent used as the modifier

of a verb or verbal to name the person or thing for whose benefit an

action is performed.

S – V – O – O : He gave me a gift.

We bought Melanie a present.

4) Sentence patterns with certain transitive verbs: objective


This pattern is considered as an important variation.

Objective complement refers to adjective or noun in the final

position. Only certain verbs can be used in this pattern included:

consider, find, believe, think, prove, call, name, elect, appoint,

nominate, make, suppose, and choose.

You consider yourself lucky.

The climate made the people easygoing.

His father thought Tim a genius.

Her action proved Selena a great actor.

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5) Sentence patterns with linking verbs

The verbs typically use linking verbs such as be (is, am, are),

become, seem, feel, look, grow, appear, taste, sound, and smell.

2. An Overview of Autonomous Learning

a. Definition of Autonomous Learning

Brindley in Masouleh (2012: 836) propose the autonomy is one

area of study, defined as the degree of responsibility studens take for

their own learning. Also Masouleh (2012) defined learner autonomy in

language education is interpreted in various ways, and various terms

such as ‘learner independence’, ‘self-direction’, and ‘independent

learning’ have been used to refer to similar concepts.

The idea of autonomy does not refer to conducting all activities

without any guidance. Dickinson in Rohmah (2009: 12) accepts the

definition of ‘autonomy’ as a situation in which the learner is totally for

all the decisions concerned with his or her learning and the

implementation of those decisions. The students should have a clear

view of the whole learning, the aim of learning, the way of learning,

and the choice of materials in learning. Thus, the learners must be an

independent learner under the teacher’s guidance.

From those definitions, we can point out that autonomous

learning as an individual’s ability to take responsibility for their own

learning under the guidance.

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b. Considerations of Using Autonomous Learning

The consideration of implementing autonomous learning is

that it provides an opportunity to make both the teachers’ and the

students’ role changes in a positive way.

1) Teachers’ Role

In old way of teaching method, teaching learning process

use the teacher-focused approach which is this approach

emphasizes transmission of knowledge from expert teacher to

inexpert learners (Rohmah, 2009: 13). But, in the autonomous

learning the teachers’ role quite different with the old way

teaching method.

The old figure of teacher as the authority and expert is

turned since the students can get more knowledge from variety of

sources through computer and reading relevant materials. In

autonomous learning, teacher should act as supervisors and guide

the students to seek the truth to practice.

2) Students’ Role

In autonomous learning, the students’ role also changed.

Students should be active learners rather than passive receivers.

Under guidance of the teacher, they must know what to do. Those

conditions will encourage the students to enhance their skill and it

also motivates them to perform better.

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3. An Overview of Duolingo Android Application

a. Definition of Duolingo Android Application

Duolingo is an online platform and mobile application that

offers users a free and innovative way to learn new languages while at

the same time unlocking online linguistic content through translation.

Duolingo is designed to feel like a game and scientifically

proven to be effective. Duolingo has developed a computer adaptive

test of English competency for non-native English learners. Duolingo

also developed in smartphone as an educational application. Duolingo

was launched their application in Android Operating System after

successes became top five most-used education apps in the App Store.

b. History of Duolingo

The end of 2009 the project of Duolingo was started in

Pittsburgh by Luis Von Ahn (creator of reCAPTHA). He is professor of

Carnegie Mellon University. Inspiration for Duolingo came from two

places. Luis Von Ahn wanted to create another program that served two

purposes in one, what he calls a “twofer”. Luis and his graduate student

Severin Hacker, co-founder of Duolingo, believe that “free education

will really change the world”. It is because in Guatemala (Luis Von

Ahn was born), he saw how expensive for people in his community to

learn English. Then Duolingo was developed along with Antonio

Navas, Vicki Cheung, Marcel Uekermann, Brendan Meeder, Hector

Villafuerte, and Jose Fuentes.

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c. Principle of Duolingo for Classroom

There were two basic features of Duolingo, role as a teacher

(Duolingo for classroom) and as a learner. As teacher, user should

access https://schools.duolingo.com to create a class. The researcher

tried to find out the teacher’s role of Duolingo application in mobile

device and there was nothing. This site just could accessed only from


Picture 2.1 Duolingo Accessed from Website

From this site, teacher can create a class and invite students with

link or share the classroom code. Once the teacher create a classroom

with Duolingo account, teacher will be able to track other Duolingo

accounts, following their language learning progress and assign tasks

for groups of Duolingo users (classroom). When a student joins and

gives permission for the teacher to track them, the teacher will be able

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to see all students side by side. The teacher can see activity details

(when student practiced, for how long, how many points they earned,

how long their practice streak), as long as their name and email address

associated with the account.

As the students, they can access Duolingo from website or

downloading this application in their mobile device. In this case the

researcher was installed the application in mobile device through Play

Store and there are some features everyone can access:

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1) First Page of Duolingo

Picture 2.2 Log in Page of Duolingo

Page 2.2 would appeared when user installed the application

from Play Store (Android platform) or App Store (iOS platform).

Users need to connecting the internet to run this application. Firstly,

user could signed up with Google account or Facebook to keep their

progress. After that users must choose their language to learn, then

Duolingo will gives them a choice to start their way, it is their first

time learn English or already start for the exam placement.

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2) Home Page of Duolingo

Picture 2.3 Home Page of Duolingo Android Application

According to picture 2.3 there are several menus that user

can be use:

a) Menu of languages

The user can add more than one languages to learn like

Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, etc. There is

eighty eight (88) kind of languages can be learn.

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b) Study

1. Daily target

Daily Target will help user to catch the target in their

learning process. User can change their daily target by

clicking setting menu in the daily target as slow (5 minutes

per-day), relax (10 minutes per-day), serious (15 minutes per-

day), or crazy (20 minutes per-day).

2. Crown

If user done with one of the exercise, they will get

crown for their achievement.

3. Setting menu

In this part, first, user can changes their profile; name,

photo, username, surel, keyword, etc. Second, share the

progress is the important part in this menu, because from this

link the student can join the class through class code that

shared by the teacher. Third menu is reaction, and the last is

log out button.

4. Exercises

Exercises contain themes that you have passed if user

want to continue into higher theme discussion.

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c) Profile

There is shown user’s achievement with several target to

catch in the platform. Score board placed under the achievement

line, in this feature user should added several friends as rival.

d) Club

Create a club or looking for club by using code to join. In

the club, user can practice with another members about what

they learn.

e) Shop

Every finished the exercises without loss any heart, the

user will receive like red diamond also known as lingot. In this

shop, users can spend their lingot to power-up or buy some

clothes for Duo (character in Duolingo shaped like owl).

d. Strengths and Weaknesses of Duolingo

1) Strengths of Duolingo

a) The application is user friendly, with free, simple, and

informative lessons.

b) Learning is based around subjects.

c) Teaches grammatical rules. E.g. masculine and feminime,


d) Tips and notes about grammar at bottom of each lesson.

e) Can be acessed on various electronic devices like mobile phone

or PC, so learners can keep a detailed record of progress.

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f) Can set daily goals for motivation.

g) Virtual shop with rewards for progress.

h) Courses offered and taught in multiple languages.

2) Weaknesses of Duolingo

a) Requires internet access.

b) Not much about culture is taught.

c) Duolingo’s class as a teacher only can accessed with web

address not available at menus’ in Duolingo application.

B. Review of Previous Research

To see whether there were relevant researches related to the title

discussed, there were several studies about the variables used in this study:

The first research taken from Candrasari (2015), conducted a research


WRITING SKILL”. She focused on the improving students’ writing skill

through Edmodo Website. Firstly, the questionnaire was given to the students

in X Multimedia 2 (TMM). Then she started with cycle I continued with

cycle II. The result of the research can be seen from the mean score of pre-

test and post-test. In the first cycle, the mean of post-test (58.20) is higher

than pre-test (29.29). In the second cycle, the mean of post-test (76.17) also

higher than pre-test (68.75). This is indicate that students writing ability can

improve with apply Edmodo website.

The second research taken from Bozkurt, Aydin, Tașkiran, & Koral

(2016). They were conducted a research on “IMPROVING CREATIVE

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MICROBLOGGING”. The purpose of this paper was to investigate Social

Network Sites (SNSs) in general and microblogging platforms in particular in

terms of improving creative writing skills of EFL learners. Research findings

revealed that microblogging services, namely Twitter in this context, support

creative writing activities can be used as a learning platform for EFL learners.

In this research, microblogging services, such as twitter, support creative

writing activities because the constraints in the length of the tweets force

learners to be more selective for word choice and to be more creative to

express themselves in a single tweet which requires more involvement during

the learning process. However, it is also found that while the consideration

improves creativity and vocabulary, use of proper grammar is usually ignored

by EFL learners.

The last research were from Aliyev & Ismaliyova (2017), conducted a




this study was to find out the effectiveness of integrating into teaching

English writing movies which supported by online technologies. The research

involved a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions with participation of 32

learners. The study is expected to be helpful for English teachers in terms of

employing movies and online technologies effectively in writing classes. The

majority of the students liked the approach, because they fund it innovative

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(3.13% + 93.75%), motivating (59.38%) and collaborative (62.50%). None of

them mentioned that the process was time-consuming or difficult due to their

lack of technical skills. During the study process, they mainly touched on the

effectiveness and enjoyable part of movies and online technologies. They also

accepted that compared to the old method, film + technologies approach is


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This chapter is the implementation of the research. It consist of the

procedure of the research; cycle I, cycle II, and the minimal standard of


A. The Procedures of the Research

The researcher used the Classroom Action Research principle in

collecting the data. There are four steps in one cycle for doing actions

research those are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. In this research

the researcher conducted the research into two cycles: cycle I, and cycle II.

The researcher collaborated with the English teacher who taught in the class

of X KP (Keperawatan). The activities in each cycle as follows:

1. Cycle I

The researcher implemented Duolingo Android Application and

Auotonomous Learning which could be enhanced the students’ ideas in

writing simple sentences, especially in simple past tense. The procedured

of the research as follows:

a. Planning

The activity in the planning was presented as below:

1) Selecting the materials with teacher’s annual program based on the


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2) Preparing material, making the lesson plan and designing the steps

in doing the action.

3) Preparing teaching aids.

4) Preparing students’ and teachers’ observation checklist of the cycle

I (to know the situation of the teaching-learning process is


5) Preparing the pre-test and post-test of the cycle I.

6) Preparing the list of students’ name and scoring of cycle I.

The preparation was designed in order to gain the purpose of

the teaching-learning process. Students were supposed to improve

their writing skills by the materials and media are given.

b. Acting

After the preparation finished, the researcher and the

teacher did teaching learning process. In this section, the learning

process is led by the teacher. In acting stage as the stage of

implementation the preparation, the researcher presented as below:

1) Giving pre-test for students. The students pre-test form was

shared in the beginning of the lesson.

2) Giving the example of simple sentences with the type of simple

sentence was past simple and analyzing the identification and

information of the text.

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3) Giving time for students to do the library research. The aim of

library research was to know about everything about simple

sentences, especially in writing simple past tense.

4) Giving the time for students to writing their first draft and doing

the self-evaluation.

5) Giving the chance to the students to ask any difficulties or


6) Implementing the Duolingo Android Application in practice

writing simple past tense.

7) Giving post-test for students.

c. Observing

The researcher observes the students and teacher activity by

using observation checklist. Observation is one of the methods of

collecting data with systematic supervision against researched

indication. The stage is done by observing and interpreting the

activity of Duolingo and autonomous laerning in the teaching

learning process and in writing learning outcomes that have been

conducted to obtain data. The researcher observed whether

implementing Duolingo android application could enhanced

students’ ability in writing especially in simple sentences. It is a step

to observe the effects of the critically informed action in the context

in which it occurs. The researcher observes the students’ activities

during the teaching and learning process. The result of the

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observation was taken on observation cheklist sheets as the data.

The data collected used as the basic to decide the activity would

involve in the next meetings.

d. Reflecting

In this stage, the data from observation was collected and

analyzed by researcher. If the problem was found, it will be moved

to the next cycle with the same concept as the first one, re-planning,

reacting, and re-observing. The result will be used as reference for

the next planning.

2. Cycle II

The second cycle does based on the result of reflection from the

cycle I. If the result from observation shows that the quality of the some

students was still low, it was needed another action in order to make

improvement of the quality for the next cycle. In the next cycle the

researcher still implemented Duolingo Android Application as teaching

media and Autonomous Learning which can be enhanced the students’

ideas in writing simple sentences. The procedures are as follow:

a. Planning

In the planning phase of the second cycle, the researcher would

do several activities that would be designed as below:

1) The researcher identifies the problem and makes the solution to the


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2) Preparing material, making the lesson plan and designing the steps in

doing the action.

3) Preparing teaching aids.

4) Preparing students’ and teachers’ observation checklist of the cycle

II (to know the situation of the teaching-learning process is applied).

5) Preparing the pre-test and post-test of cycle II.

6) Preparing the list of students’ name and scoring of cycle II.

The preparation was designed in order to gain the purpose of the

teaching-learning process. Students are supposed to improve their writing

skills by the materials and media are given.

b. Acting

In cycle II acting is quite similar to the cycle I acting. In this

section, the learning process is led by the teacher. The activities of the

cycle II acting included:

1) Giving pre- test for students. In the pre-test cycle II was same as the

pre-test in cycle I.

2) Giving the chance for students to conducted library research.

3) Giving the time for students to writing their first draft.

4) Giving the time for students to do the self evaluation.

5) Giving the chance to the students to ask any difficulties or problems.

6) Giving post-test for students.

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c. Observing

The researcher observes the students and teacher activity by using

observation checklist. Observation is one of the methods of collecting

data with systematic supervision against researched indication. The stage

is done by observing and interpreting the activity of Duolingo Android

Application in the teaching learning process and in writing learning

outcomes that have been conducted to obtain data. The researcher

observes whether implementing Duolingo and Autonomous Learning can

enhance the students’ ability in writing simple sentence. It is a step to

observe the effects of the critically informed action in the context in

which it occurs. The researcher observes the students’ activities during

the class. The result of the observation was taken on observation cheklist

sheets as the data. The data collected used as the basic to decide the

activity would involve in the next meetings.

d. Reflecting

Reflecting is a research finding analysis. At this point, the

researcher reflected on, evaluate, and described the effects of the action.

This is to see what happens in observation. Reflection seeks to make

sense of processes, problems and real issues in teaching learning.

Reflection is an evaluate aspect; it asks the researcher to weight the

experience, to judge whether or not the technique can be solving the

problem and to enhance students’ writing simple sentences.

1) The researcher evaluated the activities that have been done.

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2) The English teacher and the researcher discuss to make a reflection

what will they do to repair the problems.

3) Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and students’

score of the test in cycle II.

B. Minimal Standard of Passing Grade

The students’ success and failure in doing the activities plan above

will be assessed by referring to the criterion of the passing grade (KKM).

The passing grade of the lesson simple past tense in SMK Bhakti Nusantara

Salatiga is 70. The teacher and the researcher targeted that there were at least

80% of the students who passed the passing grade.

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This chapter focused on analyzed the collected data. The researcher

collected the data from the tenth grade students of SMK Bhakti Nusantara

Salatiga. The researcher was given the details of the findings. This chapter is

likely the main discussion of the research conducted. This research displayed the

finding of the collected data since the beginning until the end of the research. The

finding consisted of the result of the cycle I and cycle II. The two cycles were the

treatment of the implementation Duolingo Android Application and Autonomous

Learning in enhancing students’ writing simple sentences.

A. The Result of the Research

The research consisted of two cycles, each cycles consisted of

planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The whole steps of this research

would be explained in the description below:

1. Research Finding

a. Cycle I

1) Planning

The researcher prepared several instruments, they were as follows:

a) Lesson Plan

The lesson plan was used to control the teaching and

learning process in the class.

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b) Observation Checklist

Observation checklist was prepared in order to know the

students’ and teachers’ activities during the teaching and learning


c) Material

The researcher in this research chose the theme simple

past tense which related with writing skill. The material of simple

past tense consisted of the definition, generic structure, example,


d) Teaching Aid

The researcher prepared some instrument. They were

board-marker, Duolingo application, and students’ worksheets.

e) Pre-test and post-test

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in her action.

The pre-test was done before using Duolingo Android

Application to know the students’ ability in writing simple

sentences. Then, the researcher used post-test. Post-test was done

after implementing Duolingo Android Application to see the

result of the study before and after implementing Duolingo

Android Application.

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2) Acting

The action of the cycle I was done on February 8th, 2019 and

February 15th, 2019. The teacher was Mrs. Novita Maya Hapsari

and the researcher rolled as an observer.

On Friday, February 8th, 2019 before started the lesson, the

teacher informed the students that for a few days later the class

would be observed by the researcher. The teacher started the lesson

by greeted “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh” and

asked about the condition of the students by “How are you today?”

The students answered, “I’m fine thank you, and you?” The teacher

answered, “I’m fine, thank you”. The teacher opened the lesson,

conveyed the purpose of coming in the class, and checked the

students’ attendance list. After checked the attendance the teacher

asked about material that would like to discussed.

Before the next lesson, she told that students would did a pre-

test. The teacher gave little explanation how should they did in pre-

test cycle I. Then, the teacher gave 20 minutes to do the pre-test.

After pre-test, the teacher gave chance to students to conducted

library research. In this section, teacher told the students to find

about definition, generic structure, and the language feature of the

simple past tense. To make the students understood the materials, the

teacher taught in teaching learning process with bilingual language.

After, they conducted library research; read and analyzed everything

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about simple past tense, the teacher asked students to write down

their draft in the paragraphs of simple past tense. When students

doing the library research, the teacher gave chance to students to ask

about the material.

After the students wrote the draft, the students tried to doing

self-evaluation with the example of paragraph simple past in their

sheets. After students finished their works, teacher asked several

students to presented their own works in front of the class. Then the

teacher gave feedback to students. It was done the first meeting.

Before the class closed, the teacher asked the students to install

Duolingo Application in their smartphone and told to students that

next meeting. They would use the application. Then the teacher

closed the class and asked the students to pray appropriate their

religion together.

On Friday, February 15th the teacher entered the class, and

greeted the students, “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi

wabarakaatuh” and asking about the students’ condition, “how are

you today?” then the students answered, “I’m fine thank you, and

you?”, “I’m very well, thank you”. Then the teacher checked the

students attendance list. After that the teacher reviewed the last

meeting about simple past sentence. The teacher asked one of the

student to explain about the definition of simple past, and another

students explained about generic structure, and language features in

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simple past tense. After the students finished the session, the teacher

gave opportunity to the students to asked about difficulties in writing

simple past tense.

After answered the students questions, the teacher asked the

students to prepare Duolingo application in their own smartphone.

Then the teacher gave a keyword and asked the students to entered

the classroom in the Duolingo application. At same the time, teacher

gave a little explanation how to use the application. After all of the

students entered the Duolingo class trough their own smartphone, the

teacher gave assignment via teachers’ role and gave 50 minutes to

finish the assignment. Students carried out the assignment with

enthusiasm while the teacher helped the students who had trouble

with their assignment. After done the session, the teacher asked to

practice with made some simple past tense and arranged paragraphs.

After the students did the practice, the teacher told that they

would do a post-test, then the teacher gave 20 minutes to finish the

post-test. After finished the post-test, the students concluded the

material today and closed the class and asked the students to pray

appropriate their religion together.

3) Observing

The researcher observed students and teacher activity by

using the observation checklist in the learning process. This

observation checklist was purposed to know how far the situation

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and enthusiasm of the students’ and teachers’ activity during

teaching and learning process. The aim of this activity evaluated the

teaching and learning process, collected data and monitored the


Table 4.1 Form the Result of Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle I

No The Students’ Activity Yes No Description

1 Paying attention

The all students pay

attention to answer the


2 Asking question √

Some students asked the


3 Responding to question

There were students

answered teachers’


4 Accomplishing task √

The all students did the


5 Being enthusiastic in

using Duolingo android


They enjoyed in using

Duolingo android


Table 4.2 Form of the Result Teachers’ Observation Checklist Cycle I

No The teacher’ activity Yes No Description

1 Preparing the material

well √

The teacher

prepared/mastered the

material well

2 Greeting students

before the lesson begin √

The teacher greeted the

students and students

answered the greeting

3 Invited students to pray

The teacher invited the

students to pray after the

lesson finished

4 Checking students’

attendant √

The teacher called the

students one by one

5 Controlled the class and

students already to took

the study with


The teacher gave a short

game before lesson


6 Reading the purposes of √ The teacher read

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the study students indicators

competency achievement

7 Asking to the students

to install Duolingo

application for the next


The students installed

the application

8 Giving opportunity for

asking the questions √

The teacher gave time to

the students about

everything to asked the


9 Helping the students’

difficulties in learning

process √

The teacher helped the

students to solve the

difficulties in learning


10 Giving feedback after

the lesson √

The teacher gave

feedback to the result of

the learning and

conclusion the lesson

The teacher and the researcher got the data from the test of

the cycle I and analyzed the data of the pre-test and post-test based

on rubric writing assignment. There were four aspects in scoring

such as grammar, simple past tense, paragraphs format/organization,

and content. Each aspects of writing test had the point divided into

four; excellent, very good, good, and need practice.

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The researcher analyzed the data pre-test and post-test. The

calculation and result of both test were presented below:

a) Pre-test Cycle I

Table 4.3 Student’s Score in the Pre-test of the Cycle I

No Name Score

1 AMS 69

2 AW 67

3 ARAB 85

4 AAW 72

5 AZZ 59

6 CKS 65

7 CP 66

8 DKS 75

9 EY 70

10 HRN 66

11 KM 77

12 LK 67

13 MEA 65

14 NDP 65

15 NNS 57

16 PAW 58

17 RKN 66

18 SSA 69

19 SDAN 70

20 SHE 69

21 SNM 71

22 VVAA 66

23 YALI 62

From the students’ score in the pre-test of the cycle I, it

could be calculated as in the table 4.4 the number of students who

passed the passing grade were:

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Table 4.4 Count of Passing Grade of the Pre-test in the Cycle I

Criteria Number of Students Percentages

>70 5 21%

70 2 9%

<70 16 70%

Total 23 100%

From the data in the table 4.4 the researcher and the

teacher knew that there were only 30% of the students who got

score the passing grade. The passing grade of the lesson simple

past tense in SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga is 70. The teacher

and the researcher targeted that there were at least 80% students

who passed the passing grade. Therefore, the target of the passing

grade in the pre-test of the cycle I was not achieved.

b) Post-test Cycle I

Table 4.5 The Students’ Score of Post-test Cycle I

No Name Score

1 AMS 79

2 AW 72

3 ARAB 88

4 AAW 74

5 AZZ 63

6 CKS 77

7 CP 71

8 DKS 78

9 EY 71

10 HRN 70

11 KM 77

12 LK 78

13 MEA 68

14 NDP 76

15 NNS 65

16 PAW 68

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17 RKN 68

18 SSA 70

19 SDAN 72

20 SHE 71

21 SNM 79

22 VAA 82

23 YALI 65

From the students’ score in the post-test of the cycle I, the

researcher and the teacher calculated the number of students who

passed the passing grade.

Table 4.6 Counting of Passing in the Post-test Cycle I

Criteria Number of Students Percentages

>70 15 65%

70 2 9%

<70 6 26%

Total 23 100%

From the data in the table 4.6, it could be concluded that

there were an enhancement from pre-test. The students who

passed the passing grade in the pre-test of the cycle I were 30%.

In the post-test, 74% of the students passed the passing grade.

There were an enhancement as many as 44%. However, the

teacher and the researcher targeted that there were at least 80% of

the students passed the passing grade. Then, the teacher and the

researcher conducted the cycle II.

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c) Calculation of Mean

Table 4.7 Difference Students’ Score of Pre-test and Pos-test Cycle I

No Name Pre-test



(X2) D D2

1 AMS 69 79 10 100

2 AW 67 72 5 25

3 ARAB 85 88 3 9

4 AAW 72 74 2 4

5 AZZ 59 63 4 16

6 CKS 65 77 12 144

7 CP 66 71 5 25

8 DKS 75 78 3 9

9 EY 70 71 1 1

10 HRN 66 70 4 16

11 KM 77 77 0 0

12 LK 67 78 11 121

13 MEA 65 68 3 9

14 NDP 65 76 11 121

15 NNS 57 65 8 64

16 PAW 58 68 10 100

17 RKN 66 68 2 4

18 SSA 69 70 1 1

19 SDAN 70 72 2 4

20 SEH 69 71 2 4

21 SNM 71 79 8 64

22 VAA 66 82 16 256

23 YALI 62 65 3 9

Sum ∑X1 ∑X2 ∑D ∑D2

N = 23 1556 1682 126 1106

4) Reflecting

Along the teacher with the researcher reflected the lesson

plan and the action. The students’ score and the checklist were

used to make proper reflection. The passing grade (KKM) of the

lesson simple past tense was 70, but the students’ score of the

post-test showed that there were only 74% of the students who

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got score passing grade (KKM). In the pre-test, the student’s

scores showed that there were 30% of the students who got score

passing grade. It meant that although there was an improvement,

the researcher and the teacher had to conduct the next cycle

because they had to be at least 80% of the students who got score

passing grade.

At the first action in implementing Duolingo, the teacher

faced several problems. First, the students still confused to join in

Duolingo classroom, it was spend a lot of time. Second, the

internet access in the area of school was so bad, so there were

some students difficult to access the application. Third, in several

cases the students complained about assessment system in

Duolingo application, because they got wrong in their answer in

several similar words. Then, the teacher and the researcher tried

to overcome some problems with suggested the students to

practice with Duolingo by themselves after the class, the students’

internet access in the learning process supported with wifi and

hotspot selular, and suggested the students to use the familiar and

Indonesian standard words (KBBI) to solve the problems.

Beside the weaknesses about Duolingo in learning

process, there were some strengths of Duolingo and Autonomous

Learning that implemented in the cycle I. First, students got more

enthusiasm in the learning process. Second, they were

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comfortable with the learning method by themselves. Last, they

were more interested to use smartphone technology in their

learning process.

b. Cycle II

1) Planning

The researcher prepared several instruments, they were as follows:

a) Lesson Plan

The lesson plan was arranged based on the problem in

the result of the cycle I.

b) Observation

Observation checklist was prepared in order to know the

students’ and teachers’ activities during the teaching and

learning process.

c) Material

The material of simple past tense consisted of definition,

generic structure, language features, and example.

d) Teaching Aid

The researcher prepared some instruments. They were

board-marker, handout for students’, Duolingo application, and

students’ paper sheet. The researcher also provided the material

and tools to succeed the action.

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e) Pre-test and post-test

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in the action.

The pre-test was done before using Duolingo Android

Application to know the students’ ability in writing simple

sentences. Then, the researcher used post-test. Post-test was

done after using Duolingo Android Application to see the result

of the study before and after using Duolingo Android

Application and Autonomous Learning.

2) Acting

The action of the cycle II was done on February 22nd and

March 1st, 2019. The teacher was Mrs. Novita Maya Hapsari and the

researcher rolled as an observer.

On Friday, February 22nd, 2019 teacher entered the class by

greeted “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh” and

asking about the condition of the students by “How are you today?”

The students answered, “I’m fine thank you, and you?” The teacher

answered, “I’m fine too, thank you”. The teacher opened the lesson,

conveys the purposed of coming in the class, and checked the

students’ attendance list. After checked the attendance the teacher

told about material that would like to discussed. Then the teacher

asked the students to explained the definition of simple sentence.

Some of the students answered the question.

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Before next to the lesson, she told that students would did a

pre-test. The teacher gave little explanation how should they did in

pre-test cycle II. Then, the teacher gave 20 minutes to do the pre-

test. After did the pre-test the teacher gave chance to students to

conducted library research. In this section, teacher told the students

to find about definition, generic structure, and the language feature

of the simple past tense. To make the students understood the

material, the teacher taught in teaching learning process with

bilingual language. After that they conducted library research; read

and analyzed everything about simple past tense, the teacher asked

students to write down their draft in the paragraphs of simple past

tense. When students did the library research, the teacher gave

chance to students to asked about the material.

After wrote the draft, the students tried to do self-evaluation

with the example of paragraph simple past in their sheets. After

students done their work, teacher asked several students to presented

their own works in front of the class. Then the teacher gave feedback

to students. It was done for the meeting. Before the class closed, the

teacher remembered that next meeting they are going to use

Duolingo again. Then the teacher closed the class and asked the

students to pray appropriate their religion together.

On Friday, March 1st the teacher entered the class, and

greeted the students, “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi

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wabarakaatuh” and asked about the students’ condition, “how are

you today?” then the students answered, “I’m fine thank you, and

you?”, “I’m very well, thank you”. Then the teacher checked the

students attendance list. After that the teacher reviewed the last

meeting about simple past sentence.

After reviewed the last lesson, teacher asked the students to

prepared Duolingo application in their own smartphone and asked

the students to entered the classroom in the Duolingo application

again. At same the time, teacher gave chance to students if their

internet connection was so bad, they could connected to school’s Wi-

fi or Hotspot from the researcher. After all, the students entered the

Duolingo class trough their own smartphone, the teacher gave

assignment via teachers’ role and gave 50 minutes to finish the

assignment. Students carried out the assignment with enthusiasm

while the teacher helped the students who had trouble with their

assignment. After done the session, the teacher asked to practice

with made some simple past tense and arranged it into paragraphs.

After the students did the practice, the teacher told that they

would did a post-test, then the teacher gave 20 minutes to finish the

post-test. After finished the post-test, the students concluded the

material today and closed the class and asked the students to pray

appropriate their religion together.

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3) Observing

The researcher observed students and teacher activity by

using the observation checklist in the learning process. This

observation checklist was purposed to know how far the situation

and enthusiasm of the student’s and teacher’s activity during

teaching and learning process. The aimed of this activities were to

evaluate the teaching and learning process, collected data and

monitor the class.

Table 4.8 Form the Result of Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle II

No The Students’ Activity Yes No Description


Paying attention

The all students

pay attention

answered the


2 Asking question

√ Some of the

students who asked


Responding to question

There were

students answered

teacher question

4 Accomplishing task

√ All of the students

did the task


Being enthusiastic in

using Duolingo

Android Application

They enjoy in

using Duolingo

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Table 4.9 Form of the Result Teacher’ Observation Checklist Cycle II

No The Teachers’ Activity Yes No Description

1 Preparing material well

The teacher

prepared/mastered the

material well

2 Greeting students before

the lesson begin √

The teacher greeted

the students and

students answered the


3 Invited students to pray

The teacher invited

the students to pray

after the class was


4 Checking students’

attendant √

The teacher called the

students one by one

5 Controlled the class and

students to already to

took the study with


The teacher gave a

short game before

lesson begun

6 Reading the purpose of

the study √

The teacher read the

students’ indicators



7 Asking to the students

installed Duolingo

Android Application for

the next meeting

The students installed

Duolingo application

8 Giving opportunity for

asking the question √

The teacher gave time

to the students to ask

the material

9 Helping the students’

difficulties in learning

process √

The teacher helped

the students to solve

the difficulties in

learning process

10 Giving feedback after the


The teacher gave

feedback to the result

of the learning and

conclusion of the


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The teacher and researcher got the data from the test of the

cycle II and analyzed the data of the pre-test and post-test based on

rubric writing assessment. There were four aspects in scoring such as

content, grammar, simple past tense, and paragraph oranization.

Each aspect of writing test gave the point that divided into four;

excellent, very good, good, and need practice.

The researcher analyze the data of pre-test and post-test. The

calculation and result of both tests were presented below:

a) Pre-test Cycle II

Table 4.10 Students Score in the Pre-test of the Cycle II

No Name Score

1 AMS 76

2 AW 77

3 ARAB 70

4 AAW 69

5 AZZ 65

6 CKS 72

7 CP 76

8 DKS 80

9 EY 70

10 HRN 71

11 KM 74

12 LK 65

13 MEA 67

14 NDP 80

15 NNS 73

16 PAW 70

17 RKN 69

18 SSA 67

19 SDAN 72

20 SEH 70

21 SNM 68

22 VAA 73

23 YALI 60

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From the students’ score in the pre-test of the cycle II, the

researcher and the teacher calculated the number of students who

passing grade were:

Table 4.11 Count of passing Grade of the Pre-test in the Cycle II

Criteria Number of Students Percentages

>70 11 47%

70 4 18%

<70 8 35%

Total 23 100%

From the data in the table 4.11, the researcher and the

teacher knew that there were 65% of the students who got score

the passing grade. The passing grade of the lesson simple pas

tense in SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga was 70. The teacher and

researcher targeted that there were at least 80% the students who

passed the passing grade. Therefore, the presentation in the pre-

test of the cycle II was not achieved.

b) Post-test Cycle II

Table 4.12 The Students’ Score of Post-test Cycle II

No Name Score

1 AMS 78

2 AW 78

3 ARAB 75

4 AAW 70

5 AZZ 65

6 CKS 75

7 CP 78

8 DKS 82

9 EY 72

10 HRN 76

11 KM 80

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12 LK 69

13 MEA 73

14 NDP 83

15 NNS 75

16 PAW 71

17 RKN 70

18 SSA 71

19 SDAN 73

20 SEH 70

21 SNM 72

22 VAA 78

23 YALI 63

From the students’ score in the post-test of the cycle II, the

researcher and the teacher calculated the number of students who

passed the passing grade.

Table 4.13 Count of Passing of the Post-test in the Cycle II

Criteria Number of Students Percentages

>70 17 74%

70 3 13%

<70 3 13%

Total 23 100%

Before conducting the action for cycle II, the teacher and

the researcher targeted that 80% of the students could passed the

passing grade. From the data in the table 4.16, it could be

concluded that there were an enhancement from the pre-test and

post-test. The presentation for the pre-test of the cycle II were

65% and the presentation for the post-test of cycle II was 87%. It

meant that the expectation was successfully achieved. Therefore,

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the teacher and the researcher did not need conducted the next


c) Calculation of Mean

Table 4.14 Difference of Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle II

No Name Pre-test



(X4) D D2

1 AMS 76 78 2 4

2 AW 77 78 1 1

3 ARAB 70 75 5 25

4 AAW 69 70 1 1

5 AZZ 65 65 0 0

6 CKS 72 75 3 9

7 CP 76 78 2 4

8 DKS 80 82 2 4

9 EY 70 72 2 4

10 HRN 71 76 5 25

11 KM 74 80 6 36

12 LK 65 69 4 16

13 MEA 67 73 6 36

14 NDP 80 83 3 9

15 NNS 73 75 2 4

16 PAW 70 71 1 1

17 RKN 69 70 1 1

18 SSA 67 71 4 16

19 SDAN 72 73 1 1

20 SEH 70 70 0 0

21 SNM 68 72 4 16

22 VAA 73 78 5 25

23 YALI 60 63 3 9

Sum ∑X3 ∑X4 ∑D ∑D2

N = 23 1634 1697 63 247

4) Reflecting

Along the teacher with the researcher reflected the revised

lesson plan and the action of the cycle II.

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In this cycle II, the students did not expressed significant

problems like in cycle I. There were several students that expressed

typo in answering the questions, hence the Duolingo were not able

to read the students’ answers.

The students’ score and the checklist were used to make

proper reflection. The passing grade (KKM) of the lesson recount

text was 70. The students’ score in the post-test of the cycle II

showed that there were 87% of the students who got passing grade

(KKM). The result of the students’ text in the post test of cycle II

was better. The students could got idea, organized the idea, and

wrote better. In the pre-test cycle II, there were 65% of the students

who got the passing grade (KKM). It means that after reflection

from the cycle I was applied in action of the cycle II, the students’

score enhanced as many as 22% in the post-test of cycle II. The

teacher and the researcher stopped the cycle because the post-test

cycle II 87% of students already passed the passing grade. It means

the target of this research was achieved.

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2. Discussion

After analyzing the students’ score in the cycle I and cycle II, the

researcher concluded that there was significant enhancement of the

implementing Duolingo Android Application and Autonomous Learning

in writing simple sentence. The improvement can be seen as follows:

Table 4.15 Table of Data Analysis

No Analysis Cycle I Cycle II

1 Mean of Pre-test

Mean of Post-test 67.65





Total of the students who pass the

passing grade (70)










From the table 4.15, it showed that in the cycle I there was

enhancement 44% and 22% in the cycle II. Target of the standard of

passing grade in this research was reached in the post-test cyle II. There

were 87% students who pass the passing grade. The researcher concluded

that implementing Duolingo and auotonomous learning could enhance the

students’ writing simple past tense.

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This chapter consists of the conclusion and suggestion. After completing

this research, the research provides some conclusions and suggestions of the


A. Conclusion

After the research was done, the researcher concluded some

conclusions of the implementation of Duolingo Android Application and

Autonomous Learning to enhance the students’ writing simple sentences (a

classroom action research for the tenth grade students of SMK Bhakti

Nusantara Salatiga in academic year 2018/2019). They were:

1. The implementation of Duolingo Android Application and Autonomous

learning in teaching learning process could enhanced students’ writing

simple sentences. The students got more idea after did the exercises in

Duolingo. They also had repaired after using Duolingo. In learning by

own-self, they felt free and interested to know about the materials of

simple past tense. Duolingo was very useful because this application

contain much exercises which related with the part of simple sentences.

Students got more easier in arranged a sentence and every finished the

task, they are going to receive the reward. It made the students interest in

learning process.

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2. Based on the result of the research that had been done in two cycles (cycle

I and cycle II), it showed that implementing Duolingo and Autonomous

Learning could enhanced the students’ writing simple past tense. The

mean pre and post test cycle I were 67.6 to 73.1. The mean pre and post

test cycle II were 71 to 73.7. The targeted that there were at least 80% the

students who pass the passing grade. The percentages the students who

passed the passing grade were 30% in the pre-test Cycle I, and 74% in the

post-test cycle I. Whereas, 65% in the pre-test cycle II, and 87% in the

post-test cycle II. It could see that the students’ percentages who got score

the passing grade of post-test cycle II was higher than post-test cycle I. It

means that the targeted was successfully achieved.

Based on the result above, the researcher concluded that

implementing Duolingo Android Application and Autonomous Learning

was successfully enhancing writing simple sentences for tenth grade

students of SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga in the academic year


B. Suggestion

Based on data that have been found in this research, there were some

suggestion to describe as follows:

1. Writing is the most known as difficult skill, the implementation Duolingo

and autonomous lerning was an interesting idea because it attracted the

students’ interest, students got more idea to write, and got the correct

answer when the students gave the wrong answer, so in the future they

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could organized the idea easily. The students also comfortable in their

learning by themselves. The researcher suggested for the teacher to

implement Duolingo and autonomous learning to make students motivated

and interested in their learning activity.

2. Writing is the important skill that should be mastered and improved by

students. But, there were more difficulties in writing because they did not

had an idea to start writing. Thus, students could enhanced their writing

simple sentences by using interesting media like Duolingo and conducted

the autonomous learning, because both of Duolingo and autonomous

learning could attract the students’ interest to write something.

3. This research needed a further research to get a better result and

improvement in implementation to other school. The result of this study

can be used as the reference for the future research.

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Name : Ja’far Abdu Latief

Student Number : 113-14-052

Gender : Male

Address : Pringapus, Kab. Semarang

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Phone : 085740449060

Educational Background : Kindergarten (TK) Darul Ma’arif Pringapus

Elementary School (SD) N 03 Pringapus

Islamic Junior High School (SMPI) of Sunan

Gunung Jati Ngunut, Tulungagung

Islamic Senior High School (SMAI) of Sunan

Gunung jati Ngunut, Tulungagung

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMK/MAK

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris – Wajib

Kelas : X

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian


fungsi sosial,

struktur teks,

dan unsur







ian yang


di diwaktu


4.6.Menyusun teks

lisan dan

tertulis untuk






ian yang


di diwaktu




n fungsi sosial,

struktur teks,

dan unsur


yang benar

dan sesuai



n yang


diwaktu lampau

(Past Simple)

Fungsi sosial

Menyatakan dan






diwaktu lampau.

Struktur teks

I hollered farewells

to my friends and

poured myself into

the car

Unsur kebahasaan

(1) Past Simple Past simple

(2) Tata bahasa,

ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

tulisan tangan dan

cetak yang jelas

dan rapi.

Tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi.


Berbagai hal terkait

dengan interaksi

antara guru dan

siswa selama


pembelajaran, di


• Siswa

mendengarkan dan

membaca banyak

kalimat past simple

dalam berbagai


• Siswa berinteraksi


kalimat past simple

selama proses


dengan bimbingan

dari guru.

• Siswa menirukan


kalimat past simple.

• Dengan bimbingan

dan arahan dari

guru, siswa


ciri-ciri kalimat past

simple (fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur



Dengan bimbingan

dan arahan dari guru,



antara lain perbedaan

antar berbagai simple

past yang ada dalam

bahasa Inggris, dan

perbedaan ungkapan

dalam bahasa Inggris



• Pencapaian

fungsi sosial

• Ketepatan



tata bahasa,

kosa kata,


tekanan kata,


ejaan, dan



• Kelengkapan



struktur teks

• Kesesuaian




Kesesuaian format penulisan/ penyampaian









formal seperti

tes, tetapi

untuk tujuan



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dalam ruangan

maupun diluar


dengan yang ada

dalam bahasa



• Siswa menatakan

dan menanyakan




diwaktu lampau

dalam bahasa

Inggris dalam

simulasi, roleplay,

dan kegiatan lain

yang terstruktur.

• Siswa berusaha

menyatakan dan



yang dilakukan

diwaktu lampau

dalam bahasa

Inggris selama




• Siswa


kalimat simple past

yang telah dipelajari

dengan ungkapan-

ungkapan lainnya.

• Siswa


kalimat past simple

dalam bahasa

Inggris dengan

kalimat tentang


yang dilakukan

diwaktu lampau

yang merujuk pada

kesudahannya dalam

bahasa ibu atau



• Perilaku



percaya diri,



awab dalam




• Ketepatan





an dan

menulis teks

• Kesungguha

n siswa

dalam proses





• Kumpulan

karya siswa



n hasil atau



• Kumpulan

hasil test dan


• Catatan

penilaian diri

dan penilaian




atau cara


lainnya Catatan penilaian diri dan penilaian sejawat, berupa komentar atau cara penilaian lainnya

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bahasa Indonesia.


• Siswa menyatakan

dan menanyakan





diwaktu lampau

dengan bahasa

Inggris, didalam dan

luar kelas.

• Siswa menuliskan

dalam jurnal


permasalahan dalam


bahasa Inggris untuk

menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang




diwaktu lampau.

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kalimat Past Simple dan Present Perfect tense, (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaa Siswa berinteraksi menggunakan kalimat Past Simple selama proses pembelajaran, dengan bimbingan dari guru.

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Rubrik Penliaian Keterampilan

Scale rubric for writing paragraphs in simple past tense

Aspects of Writing

Quality Level Criteria Score


format and


How the

paragraph was


Excellent 20-18

Student wrote 2 paragraphs with 4 or less grammar errors (articles, contractions, verb form and spelling). Followed all instructions.

Very Good 17-14

Student wrote 2 paragraphs with no more than 6 grammatical errors (articles, contructions, verb form, and spelling). Followed most of the directions.

Good 13-10

Student wrote 1 paragraph with many grammatical error (articles, constructions, verb form, and spelling).

Need Practice


Student wrote 1 paragraph with many grammatical error (articles, constructions, verb form, and spelling). Did no follow direction.




Subject – Verb Excellent 20-18

Student has 3 or less grammatical errors or misakes in verbs shift to past tense.(the sentence has a subject and a verb. Right structure.)

Very Good 17-14

Student has 6 grammatical errors or mistakes in verbs shift to past tense (the sentence has a subject and a verb. Right structure. They are used and placed correctly)

Good 13-10

Student has 7-9 grammatical errors or mistakes in verbs shift to past tense which makes communication difficult for reader

Need Practice

9-7 Student has 6 or more grammatical errors or mistakes in verbs shift to

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past tense. (The sentence does not have a subject and or verb, not a right structure)

Past Simple

Uses the Past

Simple Tense

(and Past

Continuous if


Excellent 30-27

The past simple tense is 90% correct and students have managed to incorporate the past simle & past continuous to the 2 paragraphs in a very creative way.

Very Good 26-22

The past simple tense is 80% correct and students have managed to incorporate the past simple to 2 paragraphs in an understanable way.

Good 21-17

The past simple tense usage is managed to incorporate it to 1 paragraph however the ideas are no enough understandable

Need Practice


The past simple tese usage interferes with reader’s comprehension, lacks of use of regular or irregular verbs or uses only present tenses to communicate


Do the

sentences in

the paragraph

express a



Excellent 30-27

There was a connection between his/her choosen topic and the student’s ideas. There were clear ideas and descriptions of actions.

Very Good 26-22

Student has included detailed information about the topic selected. Using a good description of the facts in the story.

Good 21-17

Student has minimal details in the presentation of his/her paragraph. Lacks of description

Need Practice


There was no connection with the student’s ideas with his/her chosen topic. Content is not clear to read

Total Score

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Sekolah : SMK Bhakti Nusantara

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : X KP /Genap

Materi Pokok : Simple Past Tense

Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 45 menit (2 x pertemuan)

Keterampilan : Menulis

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI-1 (Sikap Religius) dan KI-2 (Sikap Sosial)

Mengahayati dan mengamalkan agama yang di anutnya.

Memiliki sikap jujur, disiplin, kerjasama, responsif, dan proaktif dalam mencari

solusi permasalahan, sehingga dapat menyadari dirinya sebagai makhluk ciptaan

yang Maha Kuasa serta menjalankan kewajibannya sesuai dengan agama yang di


KI-3 (Pengetahuan) KI-4 (Ketrampilan)

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual,

konseptual, prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak


Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajikan

dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai,merangkai, memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis,

membaca, menghitung, mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan

sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

pandang/ teori.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Dengan penerapan model pembelajaran Autonomous Learning siswa dapat

menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan pada tentang tindakan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu

lampau sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Serta siswa diharapkan akan

mampu menyusun teks tentang tindakan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di

waktu lampau sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

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C. Kompetensi Dasar (KD) dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.6. Menganalisis fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada pernyataan dan pertanyaan

tentang tindakan/ kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau

sesuai dengan konteks


3.6.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial dan

struktur teks pada tindakan/kejadian

yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu

lampau, sesuai dengan konteks


3.6.2 Mengidentifikasi unsur

kebahasaan dalam tindakan/ kejadian

yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu

lampau, sesuai dengan konteks


4.6. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis

untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,

yang benar dan sesuai konteks

4.6.1 Mengemukakan secara lisan

untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,

yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.6.2 Menyusun teks untuk

menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang

tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,

yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of simple past tense

2. Forming the simple past tense

3. Notes on affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms

4. Simple past, irregular verbs

E. Pendekatan/Metode/Model

1. Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

2. Metode : Autonomous Learning

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F. Media dan Alat Pembelajaran

1. Media : Smartphone

2. Alat : Whiteboard, board marker

G. Sumber Belajar

Buku “Bahasa Inggris” Kurikulum 2013 untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

Kelas X semester 2 oleh Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta,


H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

No Kegiatan Waktu


1. Memberi salam kepada siswa

2. Mengajak siswa berdoa

3. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

4. Mengkondisikan kelas dan siswa untuk siap mengikuti

pembelajaran dengan brainstorming

5. Membacakan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

6. Menyebutkan kegiatan belajar yang akan dilakukan



No Kegiatan Waktu

Pertemuan ke-1



1. Kegiatan Inti

a. Mengamati

- Guru meminta siswa untuk melakukan library research

dan menulis catatan-catatan kecil. Dalam library

research murid diharapkan dapat menemukan

definition, patterns of simple past tense, dan menulis

objek-objek dalam simple past.

- Siswa membaca contoh teks simple past tense

- Siswa menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dari teks simple

past tersebut

- Siswa belajar menentukan informasi rinci, dan

informasi tertentu dari teks simple past.

b. Menanya

- Guru membimbing siswa mempertanyakan informasi



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yang terdapat dalam teks simple past tense, mengenai

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.

c. Mengumpulkan Informasi/mencoba

- Guru memperlihatkan sebuah gambar mengenai

aktivitas seseorang kepada siswa

- Siswa diminta untuk mengungkapkan kata kerja pada

photo yang mereka lihat

- Siswa berlatih mengemukakan gagasan pokok,

informasi rinci, dan informasi tertentu dari teks simple

past tense.

- Siswa berlatih membuat kalimat terkait kegiatan siswa

dimasa lampau/ past tense dan merangkai menjadi

sebuah paragraf yang padu.

d. Mengasosiasi

- Siswa menganalisis teks simple past mereka dangan

fokus pada struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

- Guru mengamati aktivitas siswa dan memberikan


e. Mengkomunikasikan

- Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja didepan guru dan


- Siswa memperoleh feedback dari guru dan teman

tentang teks simple past yang telah disampaikan

Pertemuan Ke-2

1. Kegiatan Inti

a. Mengamati

- Guru me-review materi pelajaran yang sudah

dipelajari sebelumnya

b. Menanya

- Guru membimbing dan mengarahkan siswa untuk

bertanya mengenai materi teks yang sudah dipelajari

sebelumnya (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur


c. Mengumpulkan Informasi/Mencoba

- Siswa diminta untuk menyiapkan sebuah aplikasi

Duolingo dalam Smartphone masing-masing (

pertemuan sebelumnya sudah diberikan arahan )

- Guru meminta siswa untuk mendaftarkan akun mereka



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dalam aplikasi tersebut dan masuk kedalam kelas

Duolingo sesuai arahan dari guru.

- Dengan arahan dan bimbingan dari guru, siswa berlatih

menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur yang

berkaitan dengan teks simple past

- Siswa mengembangkan ide dengan latihan-latihan yang

terdapat dalam aplikasi smartphone yang mereka


- Siswa berlatih membuat simple past tense yang

dirangkai dalam sebuah paragraf berdasarkan hasil

dari pengembangan ide menggunakan aplikasi


d. Mengasosiasi

- Siswa menganalisis teks mereka masing-masing

berdasarkan pengembangan dari latihan dalam aplikasi

yang berfokus pada struktur teks dan unsur


- Guru mengamati aktivitas siswa

e. Mengkomunikasikan

- Siswa dapat mempresentasikan kepada teman dan guru

tentang teks simple past yang mereka buat

- Siswa mendapatkan feedback dari teman dan guru



2. Penutup

1. Siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran

2. Guru dapat meminta siswa untuk menyampaikan hal-hal

yang masih belum dipahami dari materi yang telah


3. Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran berikutnya

4. Guru bersama siswa berdoa untuk mengakhiri pertemuan



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Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of the simple past tense

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterit, is used to talk

about a completed action in a time before now. The simple past is the basic

form of past tense in English. the time of the action can be in the recent past

or the distant past and action duration is not important.

a. Frequency: often, sometimes, always

I sometimes walked home at lunchtime.

I often brought my lunch to school.

b. A definite point in time: last week, yesterday, six weeks ago

We saw a good film last week.

Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.

c. An indefinite point in time: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago

People lived in caves a long time ago

She played the piano when she was a child.

2. Forming the simple past tense

a. Patterns of simple past tense for regular verbs

Affirmative Subject + verb + ed I walked.

Negative Subject + did not + infinitive without to They didn’t go.

Interrogative Did + subject + infinitive without to Did she arrive?

b. Simple past tense of to be, to have, to do

Subject Verb




























c. Simple past tense for irregular verbs

Some verbs are irregular in the simple past. Here are the most common



• He went to a club last night.

• Did he go to the cinema last night?

• He didn’t go to bed early last night.


• We gave her a doll for her birthday.

• They didn’t give John their new address.

• Did Barry give you my passport?

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• My parents came to visit me last July.

• We didn’t come because it was raining.

• Did he come to your party last week?



Example paragraphs simple past tense

During my last holiday, I made a lot of handcrafts. At that time, I was

crazy about art and creativity. Many ideas had come to my mind three months

before. All of the ideas were written on my note book so I could read them

again. Also, I searched other ideas from internet. I watched tutorial videos and

read many art blogs.

My parents helped me to prepare the materials. They also gave me

money to but things I needed. On the first day, I painted on some rocks. People

call it rock art. It was so fun. My siblings joined me on the third day. Then, my

siblings and I made paper crafts from used newspapers and magazines. Papers

were rolled, shaped and glued together to create decorative designs. Many

beautiful crafts were created. I really enjoyed my last holiday.

Sumber: https://englishcoo.com/contoh-paragraf-simple-past-tense/

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Lampiran 2

Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan

Penilaian pengetahuan dilakukan dalam bentuk penugasan, peserta didik

diminta untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan paragraphs simple past tense lisan dan tertulis

dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan

peristiwa/pengalaman sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

2. Penilaian Keterampilan

Penilaian keterampilan dilakukan guru dengan meminta siswa untuk

berlatih membuat paragraphs simple past tense berdasarkan

pengembangan ide dalam latihan-latihan sebelumnya.

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Instrument Penilaian Keterampilan

Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes Tertulis

2. Bentuk : Menyusun teks simple past tense

3. Instrumen :


Read the following instruction and answer it!


Write at least 2 paragraphs of simple past tense about your last holiday.


Read the following instruction and answer it!


Write at least 2 paragraphs of simple past tense about your last holiday.

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Pre-Test Cycle I

Read the following instruction and answer it!


Write at least 2 paragraphs of simple past tense about your last holiday.

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Name :

Class :

Number :

Score :

Pre-test Cycle I



















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Post-test Cycle I

Read the following instruction and answer it!


Write at least 2 paragraphs of simple past tense about your last holiday.

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Name :

Class :

Number :

Score :

Pre-test Cycle I



















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Sekolah : SMK Bhakti Nusantara

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : X KP /Genap

Materi Pokok : Simple Past Tense

Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 45 menit (2 x pertemuan)

Keterampilan : Menulis

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI-1 (Sikap Religius) dan KI-2 (Sikap Sosial)

Mengahayati dan mengamalkan agama yang di anutnya.

Memiliki sikap jujur, disiplin, kerjasama, responsif, dan proaktif dalam

mencari solusi permasalahan, sehingga dapat menyadari dirinya sebagai

makhluk ciptaan yang Maha Kuasa serta menjalankan kewajibannya sesuai

dengan agama yang di anutnya.

KI-3 (Pengetahuan) KI-4 (Ketrampilan)

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual,

konseptual, prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajikan

dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai,merangkai, memodifikasi,

dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung,

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang

dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain

yang sama dalam sudut pandang/


B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Dengan penerapan model pembelajaran Autonomous Learning siswa dapat

menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan pada tentang tindakan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu

lampau sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Serta siswa diharapkan akan

mampu menyusun teks tentang tindakan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di

waktu lampau sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

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C. Kompetensi Dasar (KD) dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.6. Menganalisis fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada pernyataan dan pertanyaan

tentang tindakan/ kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau

sesuai dengan konteks


3.6.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial dan

struktur teks pada tindakan/ kejadian

yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu

lampau, sesuai dengan konteks


3.6.2 Mengidentifikasi unsur

kebahasaan dalam tindakan/ kejadian

yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu

lampau, sesuai dengan konteks


4.6. Menyusun teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang tindakan/

kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di

waktu lampau dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, yang benar dan sesuai


4.6.1 Mengemukakan secara lisan

untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/ kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,

yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.6.2 Menyusun teks untuk menyatakan

dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/

kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di

waktu lampau dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, yang benar dan sesuai


D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of simple past tense

2. Forming the simple past tense

3. Notes on affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms

4. Simple past, irregular verbs

E. Pendekatan/Metode/Model

1. Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

2. Metode : Autonomous Learning

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F. Media dan Alat Pembelajaran

1. Media : Smartphone

2. Alat : Whiteboard, board marker

G. Sumber Belajar

Buku “Bahasa Inggris” Kurikulum 2013 untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

X semester 2 oleh Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta, 2014.

H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

No Kegiatan Waktu


1. Memberi salam kepada siswa

2. Mengajak siswa berdoa

3. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

4. Mengkondisikan kelas dan siswa untuk siap mengikuti

pembelajaran dengan brainstorming

5. Membacakan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

6. Menyebutkan kegiatan belajar yang akan dilakukan

10 menit

No Kegiatan Waktu

Pertemuan ke-1

PRE-TEST 20 menit

1. Kegiatan Inti

a. Mengamati

- Guru meminta siswa untuk melakukan library research

dan menulis catatan-catatan kecil. Dalam library

research murid diharapkan dapat menemukan

definition, patterns of simple past tense, dan menulis

objek-objek dalam simple past.

- Siswa membaca contoh teks simple past tense

-Siswa menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dari teks simple past


-Siswa belajar menentukan informasi rinci, dan informasi

50 menit

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tertentu dari teks simple past.

b. Menanya

- Guru membimbing siswa mempertanyakan informasi

yang terdapat dalam teks simple past tense, mengenai

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.

c. Mengumpulkan Informasi/mencoba

- Guru memperlihatkan sebuah gambar mengenai

aktivitas seseorang kepada siswa

- Siswa diminta untuk mengungkapkan kata kerja pada

photo yang mereka lihat

- Siswa berlatih mengemukakan gagasan pokok,

informasi rinci, dan informasi tertentu dari teks simple

past tense.

- Siswa berlatih membuat kalimat terkait kegiatan siswa

dimasa lampau/ past tense dan merangkai menjadi

sebuah paragraf yang padu.

d. Mengasosiasi

-Siswa menganalisis teks simple past mereka dangan

fokus pada struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

-Guru mengamati aktivitas siswa dan memberikan arahan

e. Mengkomunikasikan

- Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja didepan guru dan


- Siswa memperoleh feedback dari guru dan teman

tentang teks simple past yang telah disampaikan

Pertemuan Ke-2

1. Kegiatan Inti

a. Mengamati

- Guru me-review materi pelajaran yang sudah

dipelajari sebelumnya

b. Menanya

- Guru membimbing dan mengarahkan siswa untuk

bertanya mengenai materi teks yang sudah dipelajari

sebelumnya (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur


50 menit

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c. Mengumpulkan Informasi/Mencoba

- Siswa diminta untuk menyiapkan sebuah aplikasi

Duolingo dalam Smartphone masing-masing (

pertemuan sebelumnya sudah diberikan arahan )

- Dengan arahan dan bimbingan dari guru, siswa

berlatih menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi unsur-

unsur yang berkaitan dengan teks simple past

- Siswa mengembangkan ide dengan latihan-latihan

yang terdapat dalam aplikasi smartphone yang mereka


- Siswa berlatih membuat simple past tense yang

dirangkai dalam sebuah paragraf berdasarkan hasil

dari pengembangan ide menggunakan aplikasi


d. Mengasosiasi

- Siswa menganalisis teks mereka masing-masing

berdasarkan pengembangan dari latihan dalam aplikasi

yang berfokus pada struktur teks dan unsur


- Guru mengamati aktivitas siswa

e. Mengkomunikasikan

- Siswa dapat mempresentasikan kepada teman dan

guru tentang teks simple past yang mereka buat

- Siswa mendapatkan feedback dari teman dan guru

POST-TEST 20 menit

2. Penutup

1. Siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran

2. Guru dapat meminta siswa untuk menyampaikan hal-hal

yang masih belum dipahami dari materi yang telah


3. Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran berikutnya

4. Guru bersama siswa berdoa untuk mengakhiri pertemuan

10 menit

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Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan

Penilaian pengetahuan dilakukan dalam bentuk penugasan, peserta didik

diminta untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan paragraphs simple past tense lisan dan tertulis dengan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan peristiwa/pengalaman sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya.

2. Penilaian Keterampilan

Penilaian keterampilan dilakukan guru dengan meminta siswa untuk berlatih

membuat paragraphs simple past tense berdasarkan pengembangan ide dalam

latihan-latihan sebelumnya.

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Instrument Penilaian Keterampilan

Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes Tertulis

2. Bentuk : Menyusun teks simple past tense

3. Instrumen :


Read the following instruction and answer it!


Write at least 2 paragraphs of simple past tense about your favorite

public figure.


Read the following instruction and answer it!


Write at least 2 paragraphs of simple past tense about your favorite

public figure.

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Pre-Test Cycle II

Read the following instruction and answer it!


Write at least 2 paragraphs of simple past tense about your favorite public


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Name :

Class :

Number :

Score :

Pre-test Cycle II



















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Post-Test Cycle II

Read the following instruction and answer it!


Write at least 2 paragraphs of simple past tense about your favorite public


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Name :

Class :

Number :

Score :

Post-test Cycle II



















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Page 131: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION


Page 132: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION


Page 133: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION


Page 134: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION


Page 135: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION


Page 136: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION


Page 137: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION


Page 138: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION


Page 139: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION …e-repository.perpus.iainsalatiga.ac.id/5546/1/Ja'far Skripsi-converted.pdf · THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DUOLINGO ANDROID APPLICATION

